Emotional branding is related to building a long-term relationship between a product and consumers. Emotional branding is related to someone's experience, about the design of a product that makes you interested in buying (Zyman, in Gobe... more
Emotional branding is related to building a long-term relationship between a product and consumers. Emotional branding is related to someone's experience, about the design of a product that makes you interested in buying (Zyman, in Gobe 2005). The emotional branding approach is a very important element that distinguishes success between the obscurity of brands on the market. Nowadays many companies have tried to understand the art of assessing ingenuity and sensitivity which is the true strength of human emotions (Gobe 2005). Emotional branding brings new brand credibility and personality by building strong relationships with the community in a personal and Holistic. It means based on unique beliefs built with the audience, emotional branding increases sales on the basis of the need to fulfill customer desires. A customer's commitment to a product or institution created from the experience they feel directly about a brand. For example, the pride of a customer when he gets a gift from a brand, or get a positive experience shopping in a pleasant situation such as known by the shopkeeper, or suddenly brought a cup of coffee while waiting that all pleasant feelings who consumer gets, its the core of emotional branding. Emotional branding is not just a research process or technique, it is based on relationships between people that are more than data and graphics. This is a culture and a way of life for the fundamental belief that human beings are the real power in commerce and that business and path cannot be separated. Branson say is that what we call "shareholder value" is best determined by how strongly the employee feels and the customer feels tied to your brand. All seems clearer to me that a product or service is only a brand when there are deep values that can be interpreted into the facts and feelings that employees can represent and customers get comfort. In-depth, his mean simple. Everyone values being treated well. Everyone respects honesty. Everyone craves excellence and value. Everyone likes excitement and feels a piece of something bigger than himself. the importance of this forms a rather simple view of his business, that's a number of factors supporting emotional branding (Branson in Travis 2000) Big question about "how does your customer feel about your brand?" not an ordinary question. This is a crucial question. this is not only important for the marketing and sales department. but all stakeholders must have a very important interest in understanding customer feelings. It is the hard task of a company related to the feelings that audiences feel so that the
Prevalensi masalah kejiwaan/gangguan jiwa menurut data global tahun 2017 diperkirakan meyentuh angka 792 juta orang hidup dengan gangguan jiwa (10.7%). Menurut Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) yang dilakukan Tahun 2018 di Indonesia di... more
Prevalensi masalah kejiwaan/gangguan jiwa menurut data global tahun 2017 diperkirakan meyentuh angka 792 juta orang hidup dengan gangguan jiwa (10.7%). Menurut Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) yang dilakukan Tahun 2018 di Indonesia di dapatkan data sekitar kurang lebih 20 juta orang mengalami gangguan mental emosional (9,8 %), kurang dari 12 juta orang menderita gangguan depresi (6,1%), dan 490 ribu orang menderita skizofrenia/psikosis (0,18%). Sedangkan untuk kasus pasung yang berhasil dibebaskan pada tahun 2020 sebanyak 6.452, tetapi terjadi pemasungan kembali pada 445 orang. Penanganan masalah-masalah kesehatan mental di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) yang tercatat pada Profil Kesehatan NTB, (2019), diperkirakan ODGJ berat pada tahun 2019 sebanyak 13.129 orang atau 0.3 % dari total jumlah penduduk. Jumlah ODGJ berat yang mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan sebesar 68,47 % (8.989 orang). Pelayanan kesehatan ODGJ berat tertinggi di temukan di Kabupaten Lombok Barat yaitu sebesar 109% (1.944 orang), dan pelayanan ODGJ berat terendah terdapat di Kabupaten Lombok Utara sebesar 41,36% (237 orang). Tercatat prevalensi gangguna jiwa skizofrenia/psikosis (9,6%) lebih tinggi dari rata-rata nasional yaitu (6,7 %). Beberapa program inovasi yang dapat dilakukan untuk kegiatan promosi dan pencegahan, seperti menambahkan dasar-dasar psikologi pada kurikulum siswa SMA/MA. Para pelajar diajarkan dasar-dasar ilmu psikologi dan penanganan permasalah psikologi, sehingga mereka memiliki ketahanan diri dalam menjalani kehidupan. Penempatan para Psikolog Klinis di setiap puskesmas minimal dua (2) orang, yang akan ditugaskan bergiliran (shift) untuk membantu puskesmas dalam kegiatan promotif dan preventif penanganan masalah kesehatan mental. Mendorong tersedianya Psikiater serta Perawat Jiwa melalui beasiswa pendidikan spesialis dan pengadaan pegawai. Hal ini dilakukan agar sumber daya manusia khusus layanan kejiwaan memiliki jumlah yang proporsional dalam menunjang penanganan masalah kesehatan mental. Menjadi impian kita bersama terciptanya sistem kesehatan mental yang setara di Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), dimana layanan yang diberikan mudah di akses, terjangkau dan professional.
This study aims to be able to see how the potential and competency assessment services affect the evaluation of ASN performance as a basis for objective and accurate selection, rotation and promotion for prospective administrator... more
This study aims to be able to see how the potential and competency assessment services affect the evaluation of ASN performance as a basis for objective and accurate selection, rotation and promotion for prospective administrator officials. In this study is quantitative with a descriptive analysis including data got from the field or sampling population to be analysed and presented a statistical interpretation in accordance with the method chosen. The conceptual framework of this research consists of independent variables, particularly: The first potential (intellectual potential, work attitude potential, personality potential, and leadership potential). The second competency (personal competence, work competence, interpersonal competence and managerial competence). For a dependent variable is an evaluation of the performance appraisal of echelon III officials (administrators) of West Nusa Tenggara province. In this study, several data sources are used as a strategy to increase the ...