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Gebanibespik:IJzeren Jan

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Se Vükiped: sikloped libik

Very thx for article about Kurów. You are great. Pietras1988 15:21, 17 March 2006 (UTC)

Because you have worked on a lot of articles, I want to make sure you read my message about VisualEditor at Vükiped:Kafetar#VisualEditor_on_2013-09-24. Thank you for your work, Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk) 18:24, 2013 setul 10id (UTC)[gespikön]

Glidis! Mijn Volapük is zelf niet zo goed, daarom schrijf ik je maar in het Nederlands. Ik zie dat je de naam van het artikel Talossänapük hebt aangepast een paar maanden geleden. Voldoet dit woord wel aan de spellingsregels van het Volapük? Ik heb zelf het artikel op de Esperantotalige Wikipedia gemaakt over deze kunsttaal met de naam talosa lingvo, expres met maar 1 keer de letter s, omdat het vrij zeldzaam is dat een Esperantotalige wortel een dubbele medeklinker heeft, dit is in tegenstelling tot het Engels en het Nederlands. Zou Talosän geen betere landsnaam zijn? Russia > Rusän, Ossetia > Losetän. Een tijdje geleden heb ik ook een soortgelijke discussie gehad op de Catalaanstalige Wikipedia, waar gekozen is voor een dubbele medeklinker, omdat dit ook daadwerkelijk invloed heeft op de uitspraak. Robin van der Vliet (bespik) 17:45, 2018 prilul 13id (UTC)[gespikön]

Hoi Robin! Ja, eigenlijk heb je wel gelijk, Talosän(-apük) is inderdaad beter. Ik zal het zelf veranderen. Bedankt! IJzeren Jan (bespik) 12:09, 2018 prilul 14id (UTC)[gespikön]

Community Insights Survey

[redakön fonäti]

RMaung (WMF) 14:34, 2019 setul 9id (UTC)[gespikön]

Reminder: Community Insights Survey

[redakön fonäti]

RMaung (WMF) 19:14, 2019 setul 20id (UTC)[gespikön]

Reminder: Community Insights Survey

[redakön fonäti]

RMaung (WMF) 17:04, 2019 tobul 4id (UTC)[gespikön]

Amazing job!

[redakön fonäti]

Hey! Amazing job you did with the Volapük Wikipedia's main page. It looks very good. --Caro de Segeda (bespik) 08:57, 2022 mäzul 2id (UTC)[gespikön]

Thank you for the compliment. Yes, I've done my best to renew it a bit after fourteen years of stagnation, while maintaining the archaic character of Volapük. Cheers,  IJzeren Jan 23:53, 2022 mäzul 2id (UTC)[gespikön]

Hi, sorry to bother you, I would like to ask you whether you could please translate this to Interslavic?

Vicente Costalago is a writter, philologist and occidentalist. He was born in Spain. He studied modern languages and translation and interpreting at university. His first publication was La xerca per Pahoa, the first original story published in Lingua Franca Nova. Then, he started publishing in Occidental. He published Li sercha in li castelle Dewahl, an original book; followed by Antologie hispan, a compilation of excerpts from the most important texts taken from the Spanish literature. Later, he published Fabulas, racontas e mites and Li tresor de Fluvglant, an original story in Occidental. He also published La marcia nonconoseda, the second original text in Lingua Franca Nova.

Thanks in advance. --Caro de Segeda (bespik) 20:02, 2022 mäzul 2id (UTC)[gespikön]

Here you go:
Vicente Costalago jest pisatelj, filolog i koristnik jezyka Occidental. Urodil se v Išpaniji. Studioval na universitetu sovrěmenne jezyky i prěvodženje. Prva jegova publikacija byla «La xerca per Pahoa», ktora jest prva originalna pověst publikovana v jezyku Lingua franca nova. Potom načel publikovati v jezyku Occidental. Publikoval originalnu knigu pod zaglavjem «Li serca in li castelle Dewahl», a potom «Antologie hispan», sbornik s fragmentami iz najvažnějših tekstov išpanskoj literatury. Pozdněje publikoval «Fabulas, racontas e mites» i «Li tresor de Fluvglant», originalna pověst v jezyku Occidental. On takože publikoval «La marcia nonconoseda», vtory originalny tekst v jezyku Lingua franca nova.
BTW, would it be possible for me to order a copy of «Li serca in li castelle Dewahl» straight from you? The problem with ordering books from the USA is that there are lots of additional costs one has to pay. Cheers,  IJzeren Jan 23:53, 2022 mäzul 2id (UTC)[gespikön]
Oh, thanks for asking. Unfortunately, I don't have any copies as I just acquired one and then gave it to the CDELI. As far as I know, the books are all printed in Poland, not in the USA. You can see the link here. I also check Amazon.nl, just in case, which you can see here.
Do you know whether there are any books printed in Interslavic? It would be good to add them to the CDELI collection. Caro de Segeda (bespik) 07:21, 2022 mäzul 3id (UTC)[gespikön]

Sorry for bothering you again. Could you please translate this for the Interslavic wiki?

The early Slavs were a diverse group of tribal societies who lived during the Migration Period and the Early Middle Ages (approximately the 5th to the 10th centuries) in Central and Eastern Europe and established the foundations for the Slavic nations through the Slavic states of the High Middle Ages.

Thanks for your help. --Caro de Segeda (bespik) 11:41, 2022 mäzul 6id (UTC)[gespikön]

Here goes:
Davni Slovjani byli raznorodna grupa plemennyh spoločenstv, živučih v Srědnjej i Vozhodnoj Evropě vo vrěmeni Velikoj Migracije i v Rannym Srědnjevěčju (priblizno od 5-ogo do 10-ogo stolětja), ktore založili fundamenty dlja slovjanskyh narodov posrědstvom slovjanskyh držav Vysokogo Srědnjevěčja.
Cheers,  IJzeren Jan 06:59, 2022 mäzul 29id (UTC)[gespikön]
Thank you. Could you also please translate this?
  • Bitva medžu Slovjanami i Skitami (živopis Viktora Vasnecova, 1881 g.)
  • Slovjani / Slovjansky ljud (depending on context)
  • Historija Slovjanov
 IJzeren Jan 12:55, 2022 mäzul 29id (UTC)[gespikön]

Hi! Could you please help me translating these sentences to Volapük?

  • Verbs in Interlingue have three endings: -ar, -er, and -ir.
  • Conjugation is performed with a combination of endings and auxiliary verbs.

Thanks for your help. --Caro de Segeda (bespik) 07:55, 2022 mayul 22id (UTC)[gespikön]

Here goes:

Thank you so much. Could you also help me with these?

  • The verb esser (to be) is exceptional in being written es in the present tense, though the esse form is seen in the imperative.
  • Interlingue has primary adverbs and derived adverbs. Primary adverbs are adverbs without special endings: tre (very), sempre (always), etc.

Thanks. --Caro de Segeda (bespik) 17:40, 2022 mayul 23id (UTC)[gespikön]

Well then:
  • Värb ,esser’ (binön) binon pläot, bi papenon ,es’ in presenatim, do fom: ,esse’ paloegon in büdabidir.
  • El ,Interlingue’ labon ladvärbis balidgredik e ladvärbis koboädik. Ladvärbs balidgredik binon ladvärbs nen finots patik: ,tre’ (vemo), ,sempre’ (ai), e r.
By the way, may I give you one piece of advice? There's no need for a special article about Jenotem ela Interlingue. Instead, it would be better to keep the history part in the Interlingue article. We have way too much very short articles here, so a few longer ones wouldn't hurt. Cheers,  IJzeren Jan 21:05, 2022 mayul 23id (UTC)[gespikön]
I thought the Volapük Wikipedia community did that on purpose. I have redirected it to the main article.
Could you please translate this as well? Derived adverbs are adverbs made by putting -men at the end of an adjective (rapid = quick, rapidmen = quickly). The ending may be omitted when the meaning is clear: tu deve far it rapid(men) = you must do it quick(ly). Caro de Segeda (bespik) 09:46, 2022 mayul 24id (UTC)[gespikön]
Ladvärbs pedefomöl binon ladvärbs pefomöl medü lenyümam poyümota ,⸗men’ len fin ladyäka (,rapid’ = vifik, ,rapidmen’ = vifiko’). Mögos, das poyümot at pamoädoy, üf sinif klülon: ,tu deve far it rapid(men)’ = mutol dunön atosi vifiko.  IJzeren Jan 11:05, 2022 mayul 24id (UTC)[gespikön]
As for long vs. short articles, I don't think anyone ever decided that short articles are better than long articles. What I do know is that back in 2007 Smeira created over 100,000 articles about towns by means of a bot, so that the Volapük Wikipedia suddenly ended up in the Top-10 of largest Wikipedias. That publicity stunt generated quite a lot of attention for Volapük, which is a Good Thing, but also left us with a barely manageable wiki where 90% of all articles are mere clones of each other and 90% of the rest are oneliners. Since I became admin here, I've been trying my best to find reasonably presentable articles and write a few new ones, but we don't seem to have more than, say, 300–400 articles of more than four lines of text, written by people.  IJzeren Jan 11:27, 2022 mayul 24id (UTC)[gespikön]
Oh, I remember that. There some good ones like filosop but yes, most of them are just towns. I am trying to get the article about Interlingue translated bit by bit, so, if you don't mind, I can add a couple of phrases every day for you to translate as I don't speak Volapük and thus there will be another long article. Caro de Segeda (bespik) 13:59, 2022 mayul 24id (UTC)[gespikön]

Purging and improving this Wikipedia

[redakön fonäti]

Hello and congratulations for the work of improvement that you bring to this wikipedia. I see that you have undertaken to remove thousands of polluting articles on localities created a long time ago by a bot, articles without any interest neither encylopaedic nor linguistic. This will only make the really interesting articles more visible, in addition to the redesign of the homepage that you have done and which is much more attractive than before. Congratulations and good luck with this work. Nevatovol (bespik) 08:12, 2022 yulul 31id (UTC)[gespikön]

Thank you! Indeed, that's exactly what I think, too. Sergio Meira did a great job putting Volapük on the map, but the ultimate result is that we were stuck with about 100,000 articles that are mere clones of each other. By now, the information is outdated, quite a few of them have technical or other errors, and although linguistically there is nothing wrong with them, what's the value in having thousands of articles with almost literally the same text? There are of course several other botopedias, but the objective of this project is to use and showcase Volapük, not to serve as a source of information for Volapük speakers. The only thing that could justify their continued existence is that the interwiki links might attract some visitors and spark their interest, but after fifteen years we can safely say that this has not happened. Besides, you are right, the immense number of bot-generated articles makes it virtually impossible to detect the real, human-written articles in Volapük. It's quality that should count, not quantity. It would be undoable and also undesirable to deleted all bot-generated articles, so for now I am focusing on articles about villages and very small towns (unless they have been edited, and unless they are linked to from another article). Cheers,  IJzeren Jan 22:19, 2022 yulul 31id (UTC) And compliments for your work on the Kotava wiki. It looks wonderful![gespikön]
Just one small thing: "not to serve as a source of information for Volapük speakers"? Actually, that's exactly what the Volapük Wikipedia is supposed to be. (This should not be taken as a comment on anything else you said here.) - dcljr (bespik) 02:50, 2022 gustul 1id (UTC)[gespikön]
Wow, I'm impressed that there are people who actually read this! :) What I meant to say is that Volapük has no native speakers, let alone monolingual ones. If they need information about something, they will look for it elsewhere, not here. In the case of constructed languages, the value of a Wikipedia project is IMO mainly the language itself – its preservation and use. Same goes, in many cases at least, for classical languages, (nearly) extinct languages, revived languages, dialects and minority languages with little or no monolingual speakers. For example, a speaker of Zeelandic will probably peruse the Dutch or English edition for information, the Zeelandic edition out of interest for the language itself. On the other hand, sometimes these smaller projects may contain lots of information about local subjects that are not necessarily notable enough for the big ones. Same goes for Volapük, too: we have lots of information about the Volapük movement here that cannot be found anywhere else. Cheers,  IJzeren Jan 07:49, 2022 gustul 1id (UTC)[gespikön]
I see. Fair enough... - dcljr (bespik) 18:59, 2022 gustul 1id (UTC)[gespikön]
Hello. Thanks to your important cleaning work, this Wikipedia now seems much more in line with the encyclopaedic spirit that should prevail everywhere, as opposed to what is currently working as example in ia.wiki where a guy is striving to create skeletons for all the villages of Italy, again without any interest nor quality. Anyway, congratulations again to you. Nevatovol (bespik) 10:49, 2022 gustul 28id (UTC)[gespikön]
Thank you, I appreciate the compliment! And yes, I can see what you mean with thouse Italian villages. Here, it was not my intention to get rid of all bot-generated articles about towns and villages, since they are part of our heritage, too. But they shouldn't be allowed to overshadow the "real" articles in Volapük. That's why, as a rule, I have left articles about towns with at least 10,000 inhabitants, or 2,000 if someone added a picture in the meantime. At present, about one half of all our articles are about towns (not all of them generated by a bot, mind). I think that's a pretty decent result. So thanks again and good luck with the Kotava edition! Cheers,  IJzeren Jan 20:31, 2022 setul 1id (UTC)[gespikön]

Little Prince Interslavic - Occidental translation

[redakön fonäti]

Hi! I see you're pretty active here so thought I'd ask on this page. I'm putting together an interlinear Interslavic-Occidental translation of your book Maly Princ and since the copyright to the translation is yours I'm curious if you have any thoughts of what best to do with it once it's done. By interlinear I mean it's being translated in this way:




ne jesm|не јесм|yo ne

naučil se|научил се|aprendet









After that I'm thinking of making it into one interlinear book for each script and/or on a website in this sort of format: https://dhghomon.github.io/Demian/ (prettier though, ideally). Also, someone I know at the CDELI (the auxlinguistic library in Switzerland) would like to buy the books to place there when they are done. So if you have a Lulu account perhaps I could send it to you and you could publish it?

It might be done in about three weeks.


Mithridates (bespik) 13:28, 2022 tobul 14id (UTC)[gespikön]

Learning Volapük

[redakön fonäti]

Hi! How are you? I would like to ask you what would be the best way to learn Volapük from scratch. Which books/courses are there that I could use? --Caro de Segeda (bespik) 13:17, 2023 mäzul 13id (UTC)[gespikön]

Hiya! I saw your message earlier, but since you removed afterwards, I assumed that you had already found what you were looking for. Anyway, when it comes to learning from scratch, I recommend Volapük vifik by Ralph Midgley for a solid base. That's what I started with myself! But you know Catalan, right? In that case, you might also take a look at these two: Volapuk en deu lliçons and Gramàtica breu del Volapuk. Cheers,  IJzeren Jan 20:00, 2023 mäzul 18id (UTC)[gespikön]
Danö! I will take a look a look at them and try to get familiar with the language. Caro de Segeda (bespik) 20:33, 2023 mäzul 18id (UTC)[gespikön]
Good luck! If you have any questions, the best place to ask them is our group on Facebook, which you have found already! Cheers,  IJzeren Jan 20:40, 2023 mäzul 18id (UTC)[gespikön]
I am sorry for bothering you with this but, whenever you have time, could you please take a look at this article? I am practising Volapük by translating short phrases and I need somebody to revise the text. I have left the original in English under the text in Volapük. The words in black are the ones I couldn't find on the dictionary. --Caro de Segeda (bespik) 23:38, 2023 mäzul 18id (UTC)[gespikön]
That's no problem. I made a beginning yesterday evening, but in the meantime I saw that you submitted the whole thing for deletion.
Based on what I've seen, I would recommend you to carefully study the grammar first. Even though Volapük is completely regular, it is not an easy language to work with, because there are plenty of quirky rules to handle. For example, names and non-Volapük words are supposed to be written between quotes: ‚.....’. Adjectives, numerals etc. usually come after the noun, and are inflected only if they do NOT follow it directly.
Another difficulty is that words often have a very specific meaning that is not always conveyed in dictionaries. If you are looking for the word for "history", for example, you will find jenav, but that works only when it refers to history as a school subject or field of science (-av refers to sciences). But when referring to a description of historical events, you should use jenotem: jen means something like "the fact that things happen", jenot is an event, a thing that happened, -em is a collection and therefore jenotem is, literally, a "collection of events". That's why writing with just a dictionary is difficult, although Arie de Jong's dictionary is quite elaborate. Even so, sometimes one needs to look at existing texts to find out how a word should be used exactly.
I've made a beginning for a website that might be helpful: http://steen.free.fr/volapuk/suk_in_vodabuks.html. Cheers,  IJzeren Jan 16:34, 2023 mäzul 19id (UTC)[gespikön]
I have added it here. Wow, that website it is very useful. For now I am just starting the course and I will practice by translating little by little one article at a time. Caro de Segeda (bespik) 18:47, 2023 mäzul 19id (UTC)[gespikön]

Kanolös-li nosükön ati? (I hope is written correctly) --Caro de Segeda (bespik) 07:10, 2023 mäzul 20id (UTC)[gespikön]

Glidis. I would like to ask you what is this symbol ⸗ that appears in some articles like Badän⸗Vürtän? --Caro de Segeda (bespik) 07:23, 2023 mäzul 22id (UTC)[gespikön]

Ejabob yegedi is. Elüükon samafomoti ad jonön kel no paverätükon. Yeged rigik ko vödem Linglänapukik binon is. Begö, korekös oni. (I am trying to write in Volapük to practice it, but I am not sure whether it is correct, just in case I wrote something that doesn't make any sense, I am just saying that I moved the article to the page and I am asking whether you could, whenever you have time, please revise it.) Danö! Caro de Segeda (bespik) 08:22, 2023 mäzul 22id (UTC)[gespikön]
Sure, will do. And as for the symbol : see Teilamalül. Cheers,  IJzeren Jan 19:41, 2023 mäzul 22id (UTC)[gespikön]
I have seen that Filosop is a featured article here. I would suggest to give that category to Lukrayänapük as well. It is very well done. Caro de Segeda (bespik) 19:47, 2023 mäzul 22id (UTC)[gespikön]
Thank you! I would feel a bit funny about adding my own stuff to the yegeds gudik without asking, but I'll nominate a few articles in the Kafetar.  IJzeren Jan 22:54, 2023 mäzul 22id (UTC)[gespikön]

Kanolös-li revidön yegedi ati e nosükön ati? Danö! --Caro de Segeda (bespik) 07:40, 2023 mäzul 23id (UTC)[gespikön]

Here are two words in bold that I couldn't find on the dictionary. Shido Morozof gave several suggestions, what is your opinion?
Marketing - ? (selovav? selovipluükam? maketastadivätäl?)
Trends - ? (klienäts? vogäd lätik? tikamagots nulädik? volfamods?)

--Caro de Segeda (bespik) 17:30, 2023 mäzul 23id (UTC)[gespikön]

Well, I have nothing to add to the suggestions of our vicifal, whose knowledge of Volapük is more than excellent and definitely a lot better than mine. As for the two sentences in question, I've tried to correct them:

Yümät feilaprodama ko teors valemik tefü selovipluükam e büsid eprimon as studajäfüd finü tumyela 19id, ed eveütikumon dü tumyel 20id.
Combining agricultural production with general theories of marketing and business as a discipline of study began in the late 1800s, and grew through the 20th century.
Do stud feilakonömava äprimon tefädiko brefabüiko, klienäts veütik in feil vemiko eflunons konömis netik e bevünetiks da jenotem.
Although the study of agricultural economics is relatively recent, major trends in agriculture have significantly affected national and international economies throughout history.

But may I give you one little piece of advice? It is great that you are trying to use Volapük, and I definitely do not want to discourage you, but translating such complicated texts is not the best way to start. Thing is, Volapük is not a language that gives itself away easily. It is essentially an a priori language, and the fact that most of its vocabulary was based on words from other languages does not mean that they are used the same way. For example, the word "de" obviously comes from Latin or French, but it means something like "(away) from" and can never be used instead of the genitive. Same goes for grammar: even though it is perfectly regular, it has lots of quite specific and sometimes unusual rules. Therefore, word-for-word translating from another language won't work. If you are serious about learning Volapük, I would suggest you familiarise yourself with the grammar first, because knowing the endings is a only a small part of it. Fortunately, there are lots of texts in Volapük, and reading them is an excellent way to get the "feeling" of the language. That is my experience, anyway. Cheers!  IJzeren Jan 22:28, 2023 mäzul 23id (UTC)[gespikön]

Thank you for your help and pieces of advice.
I take most meanings for the main words from here, that is why I used DE in that way.
I think I will stop translating texts to Volapük and will try to read more. May I ask you which texts would you recommend me and where can I find them? Is there any course with exercises or something like that?
Also, and this will be the last things I ask you to do, could you please:
Also, is there anything I can help you with here?, maybe adding templates or something like that?
That's would be it, from now on I won't create new articles and just try to read and learn the language (unless you tell me anything that I can contribute here with).
Again, thank you so much for your help and patience :) Caro de Segeda (bespik) 07:26, 2023 mäzul 24id (UTC)[gespikön]
I am sorry, I thought the dots in the different sections of the article Lukrayänapük were errors. Caro de Segeda (bespik) 14:56, 2023 mäzul 25id (UTC)[gespikön]
Don't worry, it's a mistake I have often made myself, too. But in Volapük, it's customary to add a dot after titles and headings.  IJzeren Jan 14:57, 2023 mäzul 25id (UTC)[gespikön]

Translation to Interslavic

[redakön fonäti]

Hi IJzeren, how are you? I am sorry for bothering you with this but I would like to ask you whether you could possibly translate this text to Interslavic, so that we can add it here:

1. It has a limited number of phonemes. It sounds similar to Italian or Spanish.
2. It is phonetically spelled. No child should have to spend years learning irregularities.
3. It has a completely regular grammar, similar to the world’s creoles.
4. It has a limited and completely regular set of productive affixes for routine word derivation.
5. It has well-defined rules for word order, in keeping with many major languages.
6. Its vocabulary is strongly rooted in modern Romance languages. These languages are themselves widespread and influential, plus they have contributed the major part of English vocabulary.
7. It is designed to be naturally accepting of Latin and Greek technical neologisms, the de facto “world standard”.
8. It is designed to seem relatively “natural” to those who are familiar with Romance languages, without being any more difficult for others to learn.
We hope you like Elefen!

Thank you --Caro de Segeda (bespik) 09:16, 2023 gustul 1id (UTC)[gespikön]

Ah, I hadn't noticed this. Here goes:

1. Imaje ograničeno čislo glasok. Zvuči podobno italijanskomu ili španskomu.
2. Piše se fonetično. Nijedno děte ne povinno jest učiti se neregularnostij črěz lěta.
3. Imaje popolno regularnu gramatiku, podobnu kreolskym jezykam v světu.
4. Imaje ograničeny i sovsim regularny sustav afiksov do rutinnogo izvodženja slov.
5. Imaje točno oprěděljene pravila odnosno poredka slov sgodno s mnogymi važnymi jezykami.
6. Slovosbor jest silno zakoreněly v modernyh romanskyh jezykah, ktore same v sobě sut vlivne i široko razprostranjene, a dodatočno sut žrlo značnoj česti anglijskogo slovosbora.
7. Byl zaprojektovany tako, že prirodnym sposobom akceptuje latinske i grečske tehnične neologizmy, ktore faktično sut «světovy standard».
8. Byl zaprojektovany tako, da by izdaval se odnositeljno «prirodnym» tym, ktori sut znajemi s romanskymi jezykami, jednovrěmenno ne buduči težše do učenja za drugyh.
Imajemo naděju, že elefen spodobaje se vam!

Cheers,  IJzeren Jan 08:01, 2024 mayul 29id (UTC)[gespikön]

Thanks. Could you please translate this?
Lingua Franca Nova (“Elefen”) is a language designed to be particularly simple, consistent, and easy to learn for international communications. It has a number of positive qualities:
I will add it here Jon Gua (bespik) 13:59, 2024 mayul 29id (UTC)[gespikön]

Grammatical doubt

[redakön fonäti]

Hi, sorry to bother you with this but I have seen that you have written some long articles here so I understand that you speak Volapuk. I am trying to learn the language by using the resources here. I wanted to ask you how would you say "History of Iraq": Jenav Lirakäna or Lirakäna jenav? Or maybe both are right? My doubt is whether the genitive comes before or after the noun it accompanies. --Jon Gua (bespik) 10:06, 2024 mayul 28id (UTC)[gespikön]

Hi there! Adjectives, participles, numerals, demonstrative pronouns etc. always follow the noun. Volapük is very strict about that.
The material at the place you mentioned contains some useful stuff, but it's rather limited in scope. The only authoritative and elaborate Volapük grammar was written by Arie de Jong, but it has one disadvantage: it's written in Volapük, so not very helpful for beginners. I am not aware of an English translation, but there is one in Russian: [1]. I know Russian doesn't belong to your broad portfolio of languages, but at least it's Google Translateable. ;)
Aha, one thing you should know is that Volapük tends to be rather precise when it comes to meanings. Jenav means "history", but only as a science (-av is the suffix used for any science). History in the sense of "chain of past events" would be jenotem (from jen "the course of things" + -ot "an occurrence of something" + -em "collective"). I would recommend you to pay special attention to all prefixes and suffixes, because they are the real backbone of Volapük.
If it helps, on my own Volapük page (http://steen.free.fr/volapuk) you can find a searchable dictionary containing entries from all dictionaries of Volapük Nulik I've been able to find. You can also look for a word in existing Volapük texts and see how it is used.
Good luck!  IJzeren Jan 07:32, 2024 mayul 29id (UTC)[gespikön]
Danö! I will take a look at it. Jon Gua (bespik) 07:44, 2024 mayul 29id (UTC)[gespikön]