old -- カンファランス日程
日程 | 論文 | 梗概 | 会議 | 場所 | ||
2009/08/11-14 | 01/19 | 01/12 | LICS 2009 | Logic In Computer Science | Los Angeles | (A+) |
2009/07/19-24 | 01/20 | CiE 09 | Computability in Europe | |||
2009/06/26-02 | 01/25 | 01/18 | CAV 2009 | Computer Aided Verification | Grenoble | (A+) |
2009/06/09-11 | 02/01 | 01/28 | FORTE 2009 | Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems | Lisbon | |
2009/07/05-12 | 02/10 | ICALP 2009 | International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming | Rhodes, Greece | (A) | |
2009/08/09-11 | 02/17 | SAS 2009 | Static Analysis Symposium | Los Angeles | (A+) | |
2009/08/02-07 | 02/23 | 02/16 | CADE-22 | Conference on Automated Deduction | Montreal, Canada | |
2009/06/30-03 | 02/27 | 02/20 | SAT 2009 | Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing | (A) | |
2009/07/29-31 | 02/27 | 02/20 | TASE 2009 | Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering | -- | |
2009/06/21-24 | 03/08 | 02/28 | WoLLIC'2009 | Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation | NII(東京) | (B) |
2009/06/26-28 | 03/08 | 03/01 | RV 2990 | Runtime Verification | Grenoble | |
2009/08/17-20 | 03/08 | TPHOLs 2009 | Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics | Munchen | ||
2009/07/23-25 | 04/09 | 04/06 | TIME 2009 | Temporal Representation and Reasoning | (A) | |
2009/10/30-07 | 05/04 | FM 2009 | International Symposium on Formal Methods | (A) | ||
2009/12/09-12 | 07/20 | 07/13 | ICFEM 09 | International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods | Rio de Janeiro | |
M4M 6 | Method for Modalities あるらしい |
日程 | 論文 | 梗概 | 会議 | |||
2007/12/09-11 | 08/10 | 08/03 | ASIAN'07 | Asian Computing Science Conference | Doha, Qatar | (B) |
2008/03 | (see right) | Workshop on Modal Fixpoint Logics | -- | |||
2008/04/07-11 | 08/31 | RelMiCS/AKA 2008 | Relational Methods/Applications of Kleene Algebra | |||
2008/04/30-02 | 11/10 | SAGT/08 | Algorithmic Game Theory | -- | ||
2008/07/02-04 | 06/18 | 05/30 | DSW'08 | ディペンダブルソフトウェアワークショップ | 函館 | |
2008/07/07-08 | 04/30 | SMT 2008 | Satisfiability Modulo Theories | Princeton | ||
2008/07/12-13 | 04/21 | SCSS 2008 | Symbolic Computation in Software Science Austrian-Japanese Workshop | Hagenberg, Austria | --- | |
2008/07/14 | 05/25 | AFM08 | Automated Formal Methods | Princeton | ||
2008/07/14-17 | 02/20 | SSIRI 2008 | Secure System Integration and Reliability Improvement | 横浜 | ||
2008/07/14-17 | 03/23 | FCS'08 | Foundations of Computer Science | -- | ||
2008/07/15-17 | 04/10 | PPDP 2008 | Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming | Valencia, Spain | (B) | |
2008/07/17-18 | 05/07 | LOPSTR 2008 | Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation | Valencia, Spain | ||
2008/07/21-22 | 04/10 | MoChArt-2008 | Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence | Patras, Greece | ||
2008/07/30-31 | 06/13 | ARW2008 | Automated Reasoning Workshop | Birmingham | -- | |
2008/08/10-15 | 03/03 | 02/22 | IJCAR 2008 | International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning | Sydney | (A+) |
2008/08/10-11 | 06/05 | 05/29 | VERIFY 08 | International Verification Workshop | Sydney | |
2008/08/10-11 | 05/27 | PAAR-2008 | Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning | Sydney | ||
2008/08/10-11 | 06/02 | CEDAR'08 | Complexity, Expressibility, and Decidability in Automated Reasoning | Sydney | ||
2008/08/10-12 | 04/02 | SPIN 2008 | SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software | Los Angeles | -- | |
2008/08/25-29 | 03/31 | MFCS 2008 | Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science | Torun, Poland | (B) | |
2008/09/08-10 | 02/15 | 02/08 | TCS 2008 | Theoretical Computer Science | --- | |
2008/09/22-25 | 02/29 | 02/01 | SAFECOMP 2008 | Computer Safety, Reliability and Security | (B) | |
2008/09/01-03 | 04/11 | ICTAC 2008 | International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing | Instanbul | ||
2008/09/09-12 | 03/31 | AiML-2008 | Advances in Modal Logic | Nancy, France | (A) | |
2008/09/15-19 | 04/04 | 03/28 | ASE2008 | Automated Software Engineering | L'Aquila, Italy | (A) |
2008/09/15-20 | 04/07 | 03/28 | CSL 2008 | Computer Science Logic | Bertinoro, Italy | (B) |
2008/09/15-16 | 06/22 | 06/15 | FMICS 2008 | Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems | L'Aquila, Italy | (C) |
2008/09/19 | 07/22 | AVOCS | Automated Verification of Critical Systems | -- | ||
2008/09/28-29 | 04/28 | 04/21 | SCAM 2008 | Source Code Analysis and Manipulation | 北京 | --- |
2008/10/06-09 | 05/14 | VSTTE 2008 | Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments | Toronto | -- | |
2008/10/13-15 | 05/04 | ISoLA | Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation | Porto Sani, Greece | -- | |
2008/10/15-17 | 05/01 | SoMeT_08 | Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques | Sharjah, UAE | (B) | |
2008/10/20-23 | 05/05 | ATVA 2008 | Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis | Seoul | ||
2008/10/26-28 | 04/11 | FOCS 2008 | Foundations of Computer Science | Philadelphia | ||
2008/10/27 | 05/16 | FMSE 2008 | Formal Methods in Security Engineering | Virginia, US | -- | |
2008/11/10-14 | 05/31 | 05/22 | SEFM 2008 | Software Engineering and Formal Methods | Cape Town | (B) |
2008/11/17-20 | 05/19 | FMCAD 2008 | Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design | Portland, USA | -- | |
2008/11/22-27 | 06/16 | 06/06 | LPAR 2008 | Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning | Doha, Qatar | |
2008/11/25-26 | (Oct) | TPP 2008 | Theorem Proving and Provers | |||
2008/12/03-05 | 06/24 | 06/17 | APSEC 2008 | Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference | 北京 | -- |
2008/12/09-11 | 06/27 | APLAS 2008 | ASIAN Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems | Bangalore, India | ||
2008/12/09-11 | 07/07 | FSTTCS 2008 | Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science | Bangalore, India | ||
2008/12/15-17 | 06/02 | PRDC'08 | Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing | 台北 | ||
2009/01/03-06 | 09/14 | LFCS 2009 | Logical Foundations of Computer Science | 10年ぶりくらい | (B) | |
2009/01/18-20 | 09/12 | VMCAI 2009 | Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation | Savannah, GA, USA | --- | |
2009/01/20 | 10/08 | PLPV 2009 | Programming Languages meets Program Verification | |||
2009/01/21-23 | 07/15 | 07/08 | POPL 2009 | Principles of Programming Languages | Savannah, Georgia, USA | (A+) |
2009/02/16-19 | 09/12 | 09/05 | iFM 2009 | integrated Formal Methods | Düsseldorf | (B) |
2009/02/26-28 | 09/15 | STACS 2008 | Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science | Freiburg, Germany | ||
2009/03/22-29 | 10/09 | 10/02 | ETAPS | CC, ESOP, FASE, FOSSACS, TACAS | (A) | |
2007/11 | M4M | Methods for Modalities | -- | |||
2007/11 | SEEFM | South-East European Workshop on Formal Methods | 次回は09か | -- |
- static analysis
- program analysis
- modal logic
- verification
- formal method
- computation, logic
- logic, programming, computer science
- reliability, safety, dependable, ...
- model checking
http://www.cs.famaf.unc.edu.ar/~mpagano/cfp.html のリストが役に立ちそうなのだが,見えない ので,googleのキャッシュ
そこからリンクされている formal methods の会議リスト http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/archive/formal-methods/meetings.html
Formal method 会議のリスト: http://user.it.uu.se/~bengt/Info/conferences.shtml