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Pronunciation tip: my last name is pronounced like "books" with an F.

But (secondary pronunciation alert!) in english, I and most people I talk to say it Foo-gs. Either works! Whichever is easier.

I won't be mad (but correct you) if you say it like "fucks" either, I honestly find it kinda amusing.

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A subtle sick burn: Prepend "reputable" to a person's name.

Cursed technology thought 

AI-integrated ping(1) program, happily hallucinating ICMP ECHO replies from nothing

Group messenger griping 

Slack: you have an unread message
Me: the one I’m looking at right now?
Slack: yes, it is unread over there in the Threads view, see?
Me: …
Me: [sees message come in on that thread]
Slack: you have an unread message

Yes, absolutely use Passkeys (passwordless auth via a physically-backed cryptographic identity). But ideally use the kind that is better integrated with your digital experience.

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TIL that FIDO2 (the "webauthn" protocol spoken by yubikey 5 series) isn't necessarily superior for second factors... if you add a yubikey 5 to a microsoft or apple or facebook account, they'll prompt you for a PIN that you're likely gonna forget... leading to the bottom 50%+ of the following page: support.yubico.com/hc/en-us/ar

Anyway, read The Dawn Of Everything, it’s real good and worth it

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Me? Oh, I’m a paleoconservative ultraliberal. I want everyone to have the freedoms our ancestors had, as documented in the historical record:
1 - the freedom to defy authority
2 - the freedom to change their society
3 - the freedom to leave

Did you hear about the hockey player who went into the livestock business? 

He used to be a goaltender, now he’s a goat lender

Business that specializes in reconstructed penises for neutral-gendered people 

We Can Re-Member It for You Wholesale

Another perfect sentence (cops, machine learning) 

“Melancholy that only the machine can perceive.”

From lav.io/notes/exploring-cop-dat @ingrid

The sex meme that is weirdly beloved by reactionaries, but it’s a global climate catastrophe 

Gotta give ‘em that Kraka Toa, spit ash on that thang

A: are you still listening to that bizarre medieval band?
B: absurd-lutely

History of legal slavery in America 

A pal made this site, listing the many historical laws governing chattel slavery across the americas: slavecodes.org/blog/welcome/

I appreciate that these documents are available translated to the main languages of the Atlantic slave trade (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese). If you (like me) had heard of the brutal restrictions the French code noir placed on enslaved people, this is your chance to read the text (and surprise, it’s even worse than summaries make it out to be).

Remember that game where you try to group two languages together that share superficial syntax characteristics but where users of either language get super upset at being grouped together with the other language? Like Lisp/Scheme, C/C++

I have a new contender for the best one: move over, Python/Makefile. It’s time for nixlang/TeX

First stage of 3d printing is the honeymoon phase: it feels great to be able to create physical objects with just some computering.

Second stage of 3d printing is waging psychological warfare on inanimate objects, and the objects are winning.

Being rude to the Japanese language and the US midwest simultaneously 

Ohio? Doesn’t sound very gozaimas to me.

Looking at German character collation rules, I really appreciate how unhinged the characters get as you go down the list:

Sure, there’s the U, there are umlauts, accents, then their sidewalls bend. Those get accent marks. All these are reasonable. And then suddenly, hovering businessman U! Sideways U! Hovering businessman sideways U!

Nobody tell the manosphere about the existence of the Greek final sigma character

OH: “yeah I run a hyperconverged NAS/SAN compute grid. Or as we used to call them, a server that has disks and daemons on it.”

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Hometown is adapted from Mastodon, a decentralized social network with no ads, no corporate surveillance, and ethical design.