Books by Kenmada Widjajanto
On this chapter.:
Simpulan :
1. Strategi Perencanaan Iklan Politik Aburizal Bakrie & Partai Golka... more On this chapter.:
Simpulan :
1. Strategi Perencanaan Iklan Politik Aburizal Bakrie & Partai Golkar pada Pemilu
Legislatif 2014
2. Strategi Implementasi Iklan Politik Aburizal Bakrie & Partai Golkar pada
Pemilu Legislatif 2014.
3. Strategi Pengendalian Iklan Politik Aburizal Bakrie & Partai Golkar pada
Pemilu Legislatif 2014
On this chapter.
1. Strategi Perencanaan Iklan Politik Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie
... more On this chapter.
1. Strategi Perencanaan Iklan Politik Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie
pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014
2. Strategi Implementasi Iklan Politik Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie
pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014
3. Strategi Pengendalian Iklan Politik Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie
pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014
On this chapter.
1. Subyek Penelitian :
1.a. Profil Rizal Mallarangeng
1.b. Rizal Mallarangeng da... more On this chapter.
1. Subyek Penelitian :
1.a. Profil Rizal Mallarangeng
1.b. Rizal Mallarangeng dan Freedom Institute
1.c. Rizal Mallarangeng dan Fox Indonesia
2. Obyek Penelitian :
2.a. Obyek Primer
2.b. Obyek Sekunder
2.b.1. Profil Aburizal Bakrie
2.b.2. Profil Partai Golkar
On this chapter
Latar Belakang Penelitian
Rumusan Masalah Penelitian
Fokus Penelitian
Pertanya... more On this chapter
Latar Belakang Penelitian
Rumusan Masalah Penelitian
Fokus Penelitian
Pertanyaan Penelitian
Tujuan Penelitian
Kegunaan Penelitian
Kajian Pustaka
Kerangka Teoretis
Kerangka Pemikiran
Metodologi Penelitian
This book talks about Communication Planning, a study in communication science that is widely ada... more This book talks about Communication Planning, a study in communication science that is widely adapted from the study of the Communication Strategy. Planning is an important part or phase in various social actions, including communication. In the science of management for example, planning is the initial stage of a series of management processes, namely Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling, and Evaluating. Communication Planning is a written statement about a series of actions on how a communication activity will or should be done in order to achieve the behavioral changes in accordance with what we want (Bajari, 2007).
Communication Planning is widely used in organizational communication in the broad sense, both in the internal communication organization and communication outside the organization. As an illustration, a company leader who will give a speech in front of his employees, will certainly prepare his speech by making a small note so that his speech does not deviate from his goal. Or, a party politician who will be campaigning in the legislative elections will prepare in such a way that his communication planning is effective and communicative, in the hope that audiences are sympathetic to him. These two illustrations illustrate the importance of planning for communication success.
This Communication Planning Book contains various theoretical and practical studies compiled with a number of illustrations and case study notes from various events, from communication planning stages, audience targets, analysis Communication Planning situation, strategy and media planning, message planning and operational message planning, and evaluation of communication planning. This book was born from the collaboration of the thoughts of a group of graduate students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Padjadjaran University, which background of profession and experience diverse. Therefore, the authors recognize the presence of this book is still a lot of shortcomings. Nevertheless, the authors hope the presence of this book can also be useful for anyone interested in learning communication.
On this occasion, the team of authors express an infinite gratitude to Dr. Atwar Bajari, M.Si., as a guidance counselor, who always encourages and motivates the team of authors to produce this book and complete the study. Similarly, to all lecturers in the Unpad Fikom Postgraduate Program, which has opened the horizon of the author's team thinking. Of course, the author's team also expressed gratitude to all those who provide support and contribution to the publication of this book, family, friends and friends, both morally and materially. Hopefully this book can be a valuable book even if it is just a drop of dew. Regards.
Thesis Chapters by Kenmada Widjajanto
PalArch's Journal of Archeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 2020
The 2014 Legislative Election is a battleground for three major political parties which won the b... more The 2014 Legislative Election is a battleground for three major political parties which won the biggest votes and became the strength of the 2009 legislative elections, namely the Democratic Party (20.85% / 148 parliamentary seats), the Golkar Party (14.45% / 107 parliamentary seats) and the PDI Party. Struggle (14.03% / 93 parliamentary seats).
As a major party, Golkar, under its general chairman Aburizal Bakrie, has a target of winning in the 2014 legislative elections and passing Aburizal Bakrie to be a candidate for the 2014-2019 presidential. Golkar Party believes it has this opportunity, because the incumbent president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono from the Democratic Party won the 2009 election, could no longer run as a presidential candidate in the 2014 election, because he has served as president twice. To realize this ambition, the Golkar party assigned Rizal Mallarangeng, a Party functionary who is also the director of the strategic institute Freedom Institute, to be in charge of designing strategic campaign programs with the output of political advertisements in mass media, especially television stations.
This article is the essence of the results of qualitative research with a case study approach to find out how the strategy for planning, implementing and controlling political advertising by Golkar Party Chairperson Aburizal Bakrie in the 2014 Legislative Election, conducted by Rizal Mallarangeng and his team.
Keywords: Political Advertising Strategy, Aburizal Bakrie, Rizal Mallarangeng, 2014 Legislative Election
Strategi Iklan Politik Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie, 2014
This thesis title is: The Political Advertising Strategy of Presidential Candidate of Golkar Part... more This thesis title is: The Political Advertising Strategy of Presidential Candidate of Golkar Party Aburizal Bakrie. (Case Study on Legislative Election of 2014) This research is conducted by: Kenmada Wijayanto, Npm: 210120110512.
The study intends to find out how the strategy of planning, implementation, and controlling of political advertising presidential candidate of Golkar Party Aburizal Bakrie in Legislative Election of 2014 managed by Rizal Mallarangeng and the team engaged in ARB Team and Yellow Eagle Team. This research shows that political advertising strategy on television being a main strategy of political campaign of Aburizal Bakrie as the candidate of president from Golkar Party. The strategy by television becomes a part of integrated political marketing communication of Golkar Party announced since declaration of Aburizal Bakrie as the candidate of president in July 1st in 2012.
The political advertising planning strategy of Aburizal Bakrie in Legislative Election of 2014, arranged by using of structured methodology principles such as FGDs research, media planning strategies, involving experienced and professional resources.
In the implementation strategy, the political advertising of Aburizal Bakrie produced by integrative model between road show and production as well as arranged in small team with dual jobs. Moreover, in the implementation strategy of broadcasting, the political advertising carried out in effective principle by choice an appropriate media and program that synchronized to the audience target such as lower and middle class, as well as take the measure and strategy of campaign and broadcasting earlier. The implementation strategy of broadcasting also carried out by small team with professional and experienced staffs on their duty
The strategy of political advertising control of presidential candidat of Golkar Party Aburizal Bakrie in Legislative Election of 2014 arranged in efficiency—all political marketing communication of Aburizal Bakrie restricted by tight budgeting, including production and the broadcasting on television only.
In evaluation, it is considered that the strategy have successful ends the descending trend in vote of Legislative Election of 2009 (15.50%) or increase of 0.025% in 2014 (15.57%). In contrary, the achievement of election 2014 considered failure as there is out of target in reach the vote of 30%. Finally, the result of election 2014 be unsuccessful to bring Aburizal Bakrie as the candidate of president.
(Keywords: Political Advertising Strategy, Aburizal Bakrie, Legislative Election of 2014)
Papers by Kenmada Widjajanto
Jurnal Sense, 2023
“Bioskop Berbisik” adalah sebuah bioskop mini untuk penyandang disabilitas netra yang
dibangun p... more “Bioskop Berbisik” adalah sebuah bioskop mini untuk penyandang disabilitas netra yang
dibangun pada tahun 2015 oleh Sentra Abiyoso, sebuah Unit Pelayanan Teknis Kementerian
Sosial Republik Indonesia yang berlokasi di Cimahi, Jawa Barat. Seperti namanya, Bioskop
Berbisik mengacu pada sebuah aktivitas berbisik yang dilakukan oleh sejumlah orang kepada
para disabilitas netra ketika sedang menonton sebuah film. Pada tahun 2017, tekniknya
dikembangkan dengan perangkat sound system yang dikoneksikan dengan audio film sehingga
sejumlah pembisik digantikan oleh seorang narator yang menarasikan visual film. Bioskop
Berbisik merupakan manifestasi kehadiran negara dalam pelayanan sosial berupa hiburan
menonton film bagi orang-orang berkebutuhan khusus. Dalam hal ini adalah orang yang
memiliki kekurangan indra penglihatan. Demikian juga, sebagai perwujudan salah satu target
pencapaian SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goal’s), yakni mengurangi ketimpangan. Untuk
para penyandang disabilitas netra, menonton film bermakna hiburan dan literasi. Sebagai satusatunya fasilitas sejenis yang dimiliki oleh Departemen Sosial Republik Indonesia, Bioskop
Berbisik Sentra Abiyoso merupakan objek penelitian yang menarik, terutama untuk mengetahui
seberapa efektif pengaruhnya kepada perubahan perilaku audiens. Riset ini menggunakan
metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif evaluatif melalui aktivitas kuesioner kepada
para penonton setelah melaksanakan beberapa tahap aktivitas. Simpulan yang didapatkan dari
riset ini menunjukkan bahwa narasi visual yang dibacakan oleh seorang narator berfungsi
secara efektif dalam mengubah perilaku para penonton yang merupakan para penyandang
disabilitas netra.
Kata kunci: Bioskop Berbisik, narasi visual, SDGs, Sentra Abiyoso, disabilitas netra.
Jurnal Darma Agung, Mar 9, 2023
Perencanaan memainkan peranan penting dan strategis dalam berbagai aspek dan bidang kemasyarakata... more Perencanaan memainkan peranan penting dan strategis dalam berbagai aspek dan bidang kemasyarakatan, organisasi maupun perusahaan, bahkan negara. Sudah begitu banyak kisah sukses di dunia yang terjadi karena perencanaan yang sukses. Sebut saja salah satunya adalah keberhasilan seorang pria keturunan Afrika yang pernah tinggal di Indonesia, yang menjadi Presiden Amerika Serikat pada tahun 2008 lalu. Barack Obama merupakan Presiden Amerika yang meninggalkan kisah sukses tentang keberhasilan merancang dan menjalankan perencanaan strategis kampanye dengan media sosial. Di Indonesia hal serupa juga terjadi pada Jokowi – Ahok yang memenangkan Pilkada DKI Jakarta tahun 2013 karena keberhasilan mereka membuat perencanaan kampanye yang memikat jutaan penduduk DKI melalui media sosial dan media massa. Tidak ada keraguan lagi, perencanaan komunikasi menjadi langkah penting dan strategis untuk meraih tujuan yang sukses. Kajian tentang perencanaan komunikasi memiliki dimensi yang luas dan dapat d...
Review of International Geographical Education Online, Oct 3, 2021
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 2020
Film pendek merupakan sebuah fenomena budaya yang berkembang beberapa tahun belakangan ini, yang ... more Film pendek merupakan sebuah fenomena budaya yang berkembang beberapa tahun belakangan ini, yang merujuk pada kemunculan genre baru dalam industri film di Indonesia dan di dunia, yaitu film yang diproduksi oleh kelompok komunitas atau masyarakat atau sineas independen. Adapun ciri-ciri film pendek adalah film berbiaya kecil, peralatan sederhana, pemeran dari kalangan bukan aktris atau aktor profesional dan kru dari masyarakat umum, komunitas sineas tertentu. Bak jamur di musim hujan, produksi film pendek karya sineas independen meningkat tajam, seiring berkembangnya platform Youtube. Bukan hanya pemerintah, banyak pihak juga menaruh perhatian pada para pembuat film pendek, termasuk perusahaan stasiun televisi.Salah satunya adalah NET TV, sebuah stasiun televisi nasional yang memiliki slogan terbaru
New media is growing so rapidly and affects all aspects of life, from social life to political li... more New media is growing so rapidly and affects all aspects of life, from social life to political life, from household to state affairs, from minors to grandparents. This new media is claimed to be the determinant of Barack Obama's victory in the 2008 US presidential election. The new media in question is none other than Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and many more. This new media is known as Social Media. The presence of this new media certainly changes the fabric of people's lives. If at first Facebook was only used to build social networks of friendship, now many people and companies use Facebook to do business or campaign. Likewise, with YouTube, which always appears ads when we open a certain video screen. This very rapid development has encouraged researchers, academics and practitioners from various disciplines to make scientific studies on the phenomenon of social media. To be sure, researchers, academics and practitioners alike agree that the communication media has under...
Books by Kenmada Widjajanto
Simpulan :
1. Strategi Perencanaan Iklan Politik Aburizal Bakrie & Partai Golkar pada Pemilu
Legislatif 2014
2. Strategi Implementasi Iklan Politik Aburizal Bakrie & Partai Golkar pada
Pemilu Legislatif 2014.
3. Strategi Pengendalian Iklan Politik Aburizal Bakrie & Partai Golkar pada
Pemilu Legislatif 2014
1. Strategi Perencanaan Iklan Politik Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie
pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014
2. Strategi Implementasi Iklan Politik Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie
pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014
3. Strategi Pengendalian Iklan Politik Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie
pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014
1. Subyek Penelitian :
1.a. Profil Rizal Mallarangeng
1.b. Rizal Mallarangeng dan Freedom Institute
1.c. Rizal Mallarangeng dan Fox Indonesia
2. Obyek Penelitian :
2.a. Obyek Primer
2.b. Obyek Sekunder
2.b.1. Profil Aburizal Bakrie
2.b.2. Profil Partai Golkar
Latar Belakang Penelitian
Rumusan Masalah Penelitian
Fokus Penelitian
Pertanyaan Penelitian
Tujuan Penelitian
Kegunaan Penelitian
Kajian Pustaka
Kerangka Teoretis
Kerangka Pemikiran
Metodologi Penelitian
Communication Planning is widely used in organizational communication in the broad sense, both in the internal communication organization and communication outside the organization. As an illustration, a company leader who will give a speech in front of his employees, will certainly prepare his speech by making a small note so that his speech does not deviate from his goal. Or, a party politician who will be campaigning in the legislative elections will prepare in such a way that his communication planning is effective and communicative, in the hope that audiences are sympathetic to him. These two illustrations illustrate the importance of planning for communication success.
This Communication Planning Book contains various theoretical and practical studies compiled with a number of illustrations and case study notes from various events, from communication planning stages, audience targets, analysis Communication Planning situation, strategy and media planning, message planning and operational message planning, and evaluation of communication planning. This book was born from the collaboration of the thoughts of a group of graduate students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Padjadjaran University, which background of profession and experience diverse. Therefore, the authors recognize the presence of this book is still a lot of shortcomings. Nevertheless, the authors hope the presence of this book can also be useful for anyone interested in learning communication.
On this occasion, the team of authors express an infinite gratitude to Dr. Atwar Bajari, M.Si., as a guidance counselor, who always encourages and motivates the team of authors to produce this book and complete the study. Similarly, to all lecturers in the Unpad Fikom Postgraduate Program, which has opened the horizon of the author's team thinking. Of course, the author's team also expressed gratitude to all those who provide support and contribution to the publication of this book, family, friends and friends, both morally and materially. Hopefully this book can be a valuable book even if it is just a drop of dew. Regards.
Thesis Chapters by Kenmada Widjajanto
As a major party, Golkar, under its general chairman Aburizal Bakrie, has a target of winning in the 2014 legislative elections and passing Aburizal Bakrie to be a candidate for the 2014-2019 presidential. Golkar Party believes it has this opportunity, because the incumbent president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono from the Democratic Party won the 2009 election, could no longer run as a presidential candidate in the 2014 election, because he has served as president twice. To realize this ambition, the Golkar party assigned Rizal Mallarangeng, a Party functionary who is also the director of the strategic institute Freedom Institute, to be in charge of designing strategic campaign programs with the output of political advertisements in mass media, especially television stations.
This article is the essence of the results of qualitative research with a case study approach to find out how the strategy for planning, implementing and controlling political advertising by Golkar Party Chairperson Aburizal Bakrie in the 2014 Legislative Election, conducted by Rizal Mallarangeng and his team.
Keywords: Political Advertising Strategy, Aburizal Bakrie, Rizal Mallarangeng, 2014 Legislative Election
The study intends to find out how the strategy of planning, implementation, and controlling of political advertising presidential candidate of Golkar Party Aburizal Bakrie in Legislative Election of 2014 managed by Rizal Mallarangeng and the team engaged in ARB Team and Yellow Eagle Team. This research shows that political advertising strategy on television being a main strategy of political campaign of Aburizal Bakrie as the candidate of president from Golkar Party. The strategy by television becomes a part of integrated political marketing communication of Golkar Party announced since declaration of Aburizal Bakrie as the candidate of president in July 1st in 2012.
The political advertising planning strategy of Aburizal Bakrie in Legislative Election of 2014, arranged by using of structured methodology principles such as FGDs research, media planning strategies, involving experienced and professional resources.
In the implementation strategy, the political advertising of Aburizal Bakrie produced by integrative model between road show and production as well as arranged in small team with dual jobs. Moreover, in the implementation strategy of broadcasting, the political advertising carried out in effective principle by choice an appropriate media and program that synchronized to the audience target such as lower and middle class, as well as take the measure and strategy of campaign and broadcasting earlier. The implementation strategy of broadcasting also carried out by small team with professional and experienced staffs on their duty
The strategy of political advertising control of presidential candidat of Golkar Party Aburizal Bakrie in Legislative Election of 2014 arranged in efficiency—all political marketing communication of Aburizal Bakrie restricted by tight budgeting, including production and the broadcasting on television only.
In evaluation, it is considered that the strategy have successful ends the descending trend in vote of Legislative Election of 2009 (15.50%) or increase of 0.025% in 2014 (15.57%). In contrary, the achievement of election 2014 considered failure as there is out of target in reach the vote of 30%. Finally, the result of election 2014 be unsuccessful to bring Aburizal Bakrie as the candidate of president.
(Keywords: Political Advertising Strategy, Aburizal Bakrie, Legislative Election of 2014)
Papers by Kenmada Widjajanto
dibangun pada tahun 2015 oleh Sentra Abiyoso, sebuah Unit Pelayanan Teknis Kementerian
Sosial Republik Indonesia yang berlokasi di Cimahi, Jawa Barat. Seperti namanya, Bioskop
Berbisik mengacu pada sebuah aktivitas berbisik yang dilakukan oleh sejumlah orang kepada
para disabilitas netra ketika sedang menonton sebuah film. Pada tahun 2017, tekniknya
dikembangkan dengan perangkat sound system yang dikoneksikan dengan audio film sehingga
sejumlah pembisik digantikan oleh seorang narator yang menarasikan visual film. Bioskop
Berbisik merupakan manifestasi kehadiran negara dalam pelayanan sosial berupa hiburan
menonton film bagi orang-orang berkebutuhan khusus. Dalam hal ini adalah orang yang
memiliki kekurangan indra penglihatan. Demikian juga, sebagai perwujudan salah satu target
pencapaian SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goal’s), yakni mengurangi ketimpangan. Untuk
para penyandang disabilitas netra, menonton film bermakna hiburan dan literasi. Sebagai satusatunya fasilitas sejenis yang dimiliki oleh Departemen Sosial Republik Indonesia, Bioskop
Berbisik Sentra Abiyoso merupakan objek penelitian yang menarik, terutama untuk mengetahui
seberapa efektif pengaruhnya kepada perubahan perilaku audiens. Riset ini menggunakan
metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif evaluatif melalui aktivitas kuesioner kepada
para penonton setelah melaksanakan beberapa tahap aktivitas. Simpulan yang didapatkan dari
riset ini menunjukkan bahwa narasi visual yang dibacakan oleh seorang narator berfungsi
secara efektif dalam mengubah perilaku para penonton yang merupakan para penyandang
disabilitas netra.
Kata kunci: Bioskop Berbisik, narasi visual, SDGs, Sentra Abiyoso, disabilitas netra.
Simpulan :
1. Strategi Perencanaan Iklan Politik Aburizal Bakrie & Partai Golkar pada Pemilu
Legislatif 2014
2. Strategi Implementasi Iklan Politik Aburizal Bakrie & Partai Golkar pada
Pemilu Legislatif 2014.
3. Strategi Pengendalian Iklan Politik Aburizal Bakrie & Partai Golkar pada
Pemilu Legislatif 2014
1. Strategi Perencanaan Iklan Politik Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie
pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014
2. Strategi Implementasi Iklan Politik Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie
pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014
3. Strategi Pengendalian Iklan Politik Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie
pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014
1. Subyek Penelitian :
1.a. Profil Rizal Mallarangeng
1.b. Rizal Mallarangeng dan Freedom Institute
1.c. Rizal Mallarangeng dan Fox Indonesia
2. Obyek Penelitian :
2.a. Obyek Primer
2.b. Obyek Sekunder
2.b.1. Profil Aburizal Bakrie
2.b.2. Profil Partai Golkar
Latar Belakang Penelitian
Rumusan Masalah Penelitian
Fokus Penelitian
Pertanyaan Penelitian
Tujuan Penelitian
Kegunaan Penelitian
Kajian Pustaka
Kerangka Teoretis
Kerangka Pemikiran
Metodologi Penelitian
Communication Planning is widely used in organizational communication in the broad sense, both in the internal communication organization and communication outside the organization. As an illustration, a company leader who will give a speech in front of his employees, will certainly prepare his speech by making a small note so that his speech does not deviate from his goal. Or, a party politician who will be campaigning in the legislative elections will prepare in such a way that his communication planning is effective and communicative, in the hope that audiences are sympathetic to him. These two illustrations illustrate the importance of planning for communication success.
This Communication Planning Book contains various theoretical and practical studies compiled with a number of illustrations and case study notes from various events, from communication planning stages, audience targets, analysis Communication Planning situation, strategy and media planning, message planning and operational message planning, and evaluation of communication planning. This book was born from the collaboration of the thoughts of a group of graduate students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Padjadjaran University, which background of profession and experience diverse. Therefore, the authors recognize the presence of this book is still a lot of shortcomings. Nevertheless, the authors hope the presence of this book can also be useful for anyone interested in learning communication.
On this occasion, the team of authors express an infinite gratitude to Dr. Atwar Bajari, M.Si., as a guidance counselor, who always encourages and motivates the team of authors to produce this book and complete the study. Similarly, to all lecturers in the Unpad Fikom Postgraduate Program, which has opened the horizon of the author's team thinking. Of course, the author's team also expressed gratitude to all those who provide support and contribution to the publication of this book, family, friends and friends, both morally and materially. Hopefully this book can be a valuable book even if it is just a drop of dew. Regards.
As a major party, Golkar, under its general chairman Aburizal Bakrie, has a target of winning in the 2014 legislative elections and passing Aburizal Bakrie to be a candidate for the 2014-2019 presidential. Golkar Party believes it has this opportunity, because the incumbent president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono from the Democratic Party won the 2009 election, could no longer run as a presidential candidate in the 2014 election, because he has served as president twice. To realize this ambition, the Golkar party assigned Rizal Mallarangeng, a Party functionary who is also the director of the strategic institute Freedom Institute, to be in charge of designing strategic campaign programs with the output of political advertisements in mass media, especially television stations.
This article is the essence of the results of qualitative research with a case study approach to find out how the strategy for planning, implementing and controlling political advertising by Golkar Party Chairperson Aburizal Bakrie in the 2014 Legislative Election, conducted by Rizal Mallarangeng and his team.
Keywords: Political Advertising Strategy, Aburizal Bakrie, Rizal Mallarangeng, 2014 Legislative Election
The study intends to find out how the strategy of planning, implementation, and controlling of political advertising presidential candidate of Golkar Party Aburizal Bakrie in Legislative Election of 2014 managed by Rizal Mallarangeng and the team engaged in ARB Team and Yellow Eagle Team. This research shows that political advertising strategy on television being a main strategy of political campaign of Aburizal Bakrie as the candidate of president from Golkar Party. The strategy by television becomes a part of integrated political marketing communication of Golkar Party announced since declaration of Aburizal Bakrie as the candidate of president in July 1st in 2012.
The political advertising planning strategy of Aburizal Bakrie in Legislative Election of 2014, arranged by using of structured methodology principles such as FGDs research, media planning strategies, involving experienced and professional resources.
In the implementation strategy, the political advertising of Aburizal Bakrie produced by integrative model between road show and production as well as arranged in small team with dual jobs. Moreover, in the implementation strategy of broadcasting, the political advertising carried out in effective principle by choice an appropriate media and program that synchronized to the audience target such as lower and middle class, as well as take the measure and strategy of campaign and broadcasting earlier. The implementation strategy of broadcasting also carried out by small team with professional and experienced staffs on their duty
The strategy of political advertising control of presidential candidat of Golkar Party Aburizal Bakrie in Legislative Election of 2014 arranged in efficiency—all political marketing communication of Aburizal Bakrie restricted by tight budgeting, including production and the broadcasting on television only.
In evaluation, it is considered that the strategy have successful ends the descending trend in vote of Legislative Election of 2009 (15.50%) or increase of 0.025% in 2014 (15.57%). In contrary, the achievement of election 2014 considered failure as there is out of target in reach the vote of 30%. Finally, the result of election 2014 be unsuccessful to bring Aburizal Bakrie as the candidate of president.
(Keywords: Political Advertising Strategy, Aburizal Bakrie, Legislative Election of 2014)
dibangun pada tahun 2015 oleh Sentra Abiyoso, sebuah Unit Pelayanan Teknis Kementerian
Sosial Republik Indonesia yang berlokasi di Cimahi, Jawa Barat. Seperti namanya, Bioskop
Berbisik mengacu pada sebuah aktivitas berbisik yang dilakukan oleh sejumlah orang kepada
para disabilitas netra ketika sedang menonton sebuah film. Pada tahun 2017, tekniknya
dikembangkan dengan perangkat sound system yang dikoneksikan dengan audio film sehingga
sejumlah pembisik digantikan oleh seorang narator yang menarasikan visual film. Bioskop
Berbisik merupakan manifestasi kehadiran negara dalam pelayanan sosial berupa hiburan
menonton film bagi orang-orang berkebutuhan khusus. Dalam hal ini adalah orang yang
memiliki kekurangan indra penglihatan. Demikian juga, sebagai perwujudan salah satu target
pencapaian SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goal’s), yakni mengurangi ketimpangan. Untuk
para penyandang disabilitas netra, menonton film bermakna hiburan dan literasi. Sebagai satusatunya fasilitas sejenis yang dimiliki oleh Departemen Sosial Republik Indonesia, Bioskop
Berbisik Sentra Abiyoso merupakan objek penelitian yang menarik, terutama untuk mengetahui
seberapa efektif pengaruhnya kepada perubahan perilaku audiens. Riset ini menggunakan
metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif evaluatif melalui aktivitas kuesioner kepada
para penonton setelah melaksanakan beberapa tahap aktivitas. Simpulan yang didapatkan dari
riset ini menunjukkan bahwa narasi visual yang dibacakan oleh seorang narator berfungsi
secara efektif dalam mengubah perilaku para penonton yang merupakan para penyandang
disabilitas netra.
Kata kunci: Bioskop Berbisik, narasi visual, SDGs, Sentra Abiyoso, disabilitas netra.