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Guilds are a great way to connect to a community and make new friends. Each guild has its own chat channel and list of members to see who's available to play with. Members can cooperate to obtain a guild hall and purchase upgrades such as leveling bonuses, shared item vaults, and the ability to throw a party.

You can join a guild or start your own!

— Guild interface

Guilds are formal groupings of players that enable them to play together more effectively and reward them for doing so.


The benefits to joining an already established Guild include:


To create a guild, open the guild panel (G) and click on the "Create Guild" button. You will be asked to enter a guild name (up to 31 characters) and a tag of up to four characters. Guild tags are not unique, but guild names are. Alternatively, speak to a Guild Registrar in any of the major cities. It costs Gold coin to create a guild. You will be unable to create a guild while representing another, so you must "Stand Down" before creation. The guild emblem may be changed by speaking to a Guild Registrar.


The rank of Leader is automatically assigned to the creator with all guild privileges. The leader may invite additional members and promote them to any guild rank including that of leader. If there are no leaders in a guild then a member with the next highest rank is automatically promoted to leader.


If you are the last member to leave a guild then it will be immediately disbanded, deleted and unrecoverable, including all upgrades and anything in the vault. A guild with the same name can be created immediately afterwards. To prevent this, create a new account with the highest guild privileges then you can leave your guild and can still come back to it later.


Players are limited to creating two guilds per week. For instance, if you disband twice in the same week, you'll have to wait one week from the moment you disbanded before you can create another.


Guild membership is administered at the account level, and an account can hold membership in up to 5 guilds. Joining a guild requires an invitation sent from an existing member of the guild with "Admin Lower Ranks" privilege. Your open invitations can be found on the front tab of the guild panel, on the left, under "Invitations."

  • To accept an invitation to join a guild, select the guild in the "Invitations" list, then click the "Join Guild" button at the bottom of the window.
  • To leave a guild, select the guild from the "Account Guilds" list, then click the "Leave Guild" button at the bottom of the window. A player will need to stand down if they are representing the guild.

Guild membership is not limited to a single world. A guild can have members from any server, whether in the US or EU.

Initially, each guild is limited to 50 members. You can purchase the following capacity upgrades by speaking to a Guild Registrar in any of the major cities or WvW, only if the number of currently connected guild members is at least 80% of the current maximum size:

Tier Max Size Cost
1 50
2 100 Silver coin
3 200 10 Silver coin
4 300 Gold coin
5 400 Gold coin
6 500 Gold coin

You can only send as many invites as 50% [verification requested] of your current member limit. So initially you can only have 25 invites at a time and you need for those invites to be accepted to be able to invite more.

Message after reaching the invite limit


While guild membership is at the account level, guild representation is at the character level, providing access to the guild bank and any active guild upgrades.

To represent a guild, open the guild panel. On the sidebar, the "Account Guilds" tab list of all guilds your account is a member of. Select one and then click the "Represent" checkbox to the left of the guild name. You must do this individually for each character, since joining a guild does not automatically require you to represent it. Similarly, newly-created characters will not represent a guild until you select one for them.

To end a character's representation of a guild, uncheck the checkbox. The character will still belong to the guild, but not be able to use any of that guild's perks.

Member ranks[edit]

Customized Guild Ranks

Each guild can organize members into ranks. Three ranks are defined on guild creation. Their initial titles and permissions are given below. Up to 10 ranks can be created. Titles and permissions of lower ranks can be customized by any guild member with the "Edit Ranks" privilege.

To change an individual member's rank, open the guild roster and right-click their rank icon. Leaders can revoke leadership privileges from themselves, keep this in mind while editing ranks or promoting members.

Permission Leader Officer Member Description
Edit Ranks 1 1Yes 0No 0No Create, delete, and edit the properties of ranks lower than this one.
Edit Guild Emblem 1Yes 0No 0No Change the appearance of the guild emblem as it appears on all armor ,[sic] flags, banners, and objects.
Change Guild Hall Music 1Yes 0No 0No Change the guild hall's background music.
Change Guild Anthem 1Yes 0No 0No Change the guild's anthem.
Edit Message of the Day 1Yes 1Yes 0No Edit the message of the day which is broadcast to all guild members.
Monument Decorator 1Yes 0No 0No Ability to place and remove monuments in the guild hall.
Claim Objectives 1Yes 1Yes 1Yes Allowed to claim objectives.
Edit Claimable Options 1Yes 1Yes 1Yes Allowed to edit options at guild-owned claimables.
Activate Claimable Tactics 1Yes 1Yes 1Yes Allowed to activate upgrades at a claimable.
Spend Claimable Upgrades 1Yes 1Yes 1Yes Allowed to claim objectives. [sic]
Purchase Upgrades 1Yes 1Yes 0No Purchase upgrades for the guild.
Claim Guild Hall 1Yes 0No 0No Claim a new guild hall for your guild.
Edit Assembly Queue 1Yes 1Yes 0No Queue and reorder schematics in the workshop assembly.
Use Resonance 1Yes 1Yes 0No Instantly complete in-progress schematics by spending resonance.
Use Placeables 1Yes 1Yes 0No Utilize consumable placeables created via the workshop.
Guild World Events 1Yes 1Yes 0No Activate guild world events.
Mission Control 1Yes 0No 0No Activate guild missions.
Admin Lower Ranks 2 1Yes 1Yes 0No Invite new players to the guild. Promote, Demote, Kick current members only from lower ranks.
Team Administrator 1Yes 1Yes 0No Create or delete teams and add or remove team members.
Guild Stash - Deposit Items 1Yes 1Yes 1Yes Browse and deposit items into the small guild stash.
Guild Stash - Deposit Gold 1Yes 1Yes 1Yes Browse and deposit funds into the small guild stash.
Guild Stash - Withdraw Items 1Yes 1Yes 1Yes Withdraw items from the small guild stash.
Guild Stash - Withdraw Gold 1Yes 1Yes 1Yes Withdraw funds from the small guild stash.
Treasure Trove - Deposit Items 1Yes 1Yes 0No Browse and deposit items in the larger guild treasure trove.
Treasure Trove - Deposit Gold 1Yes 1Yes 0No Browse and deposit funds in the larger guild treasure trove.
Treasure Trove - Withdraw Items 1Yes 1Yes 0No Withdraw items from the larger guild treasure trove.
Treasure Trove - Withdraw Gold 1Yes 1Yes 0No Withdraw gold from the larger guild treasure trove.
Decorator 1Yes 0No 0No Player can place, move, and remove decorations in the guild hall.
Arena Decorator 1Yes 0No 0No Player can place, move, and remove decorations in the arena.
Open Guild Portal 1Yes 0No 0No Utilize the Guild Portal for group teleportation.
Remove All Decorations 1Yes 0No 0No Remove All Decorations.
New Members Here3 0No 0No 1Yes New members will start at this rank. This permission can only exist on one rank.
1 Be careful administering your own rank, since you can accidentally remove privileges preventing you from further administration.
2 This setting is required to invite new members. Leaders are able to demote others with the same rank.
3 Specifies the rank that new members are assigned when they join.

Treasure Trove Deposit / Withdraw: This pair of permissions also control access to the Deep Cave segment of the Guild vault.

Edit Ranks: this permission allows an administrator to grant or deny permissions:

  • that the administrator rank itself has access to1 and
  • to ranks lower than the administrator.

Admin Lower Ranks: this permission allows an administrator to:

  • promote members up to the administrator's own rank2 or
  • demote members of rank lower than the administrator down to any lower rank or
  • kick members of rank lower than administrator.
1 & 2 A guild member with either of these permissions has the ability to elevate every underling to their own level of authority.


Primary article: Guild upgrade

Guild level[edit]

The guild level is displayed in the guild panel. It increases from 0 (at creation) to 69, depending on the creation of a guild hall and the upgrades that are made to it. Each guild level requires N * 100 Guild Experience points (GXP), which has a progress bar in the guild panel under the guild level. 35 GXP are earned from the completion of each guild hall upgrade, except 100 GXP are earned for each building restoration. Guild level is a prerequisite for starting guild upgrades, currently guild level 40 is enough to build any upgrade (if all other requirements are met), and maximum guild level is 69 (6985 GXP).

Guild Vault[edit]

Primary article: Guild Vault

Guilds can create a Guild Vault, providing 50 storage slots shared by all members of the guild with sufficient privileges. Additional upgrades can be built that increase this space to 250 slots. The Guild Vault is accessed by speaking to a Guild Banker, located near Banks in major cities. It can also be accessed in World versus World by speaking with the NPC Guild Master.

World versus World[edit]

Guilds are strategically important in World versus World. They can build upgrades that provide enhancements to both players (Guild Enhancement: World Experience) and objectives (resource camp, tower, keep or castle). Only objectives that have been unlocked in a guild's War Room may be claimed by those with sufficient privilege. Thereafter, timer-unlocked enhancements that have been completed by the guild become automatically available much faster than automatic objective upgrades. Objective auras are immediately available to all allied players at the objective. The enhancements may significantly improve the defenses of any objective, enabling a team to control objectives longer and more rapidly increase their War Score.

Guild emblem[edit]

Designing an emblem

Guilds can build a "Guild Emblem Template" upgrade that allows members with the appropriate permission to create or modify an emblem for the guild by speaking to a Guild Registrar or clicking their emblem from the guild menu. Emblems consist of a two-color symbol overlaid on a single-color background pattern.

After an emblem is created, it will display in the guild panel and on any objective claimed by the guild in WvW. After building the Guild Armorer Contract or Guild Weapons Contract upgrades, members can purchase armor or weapons, respectively, that will also display the guild emblem.

  • The gallery of guild emblems shows all available symbols and backgrounds.
  • The emblem shown on guild armor or weapons is determined by the guild the character is currently representing. If you represent another guild, the new guild's emblem will be displayed. If you are not representing a guild, then no emblem will be shown.

The guild emblem is also displayed on banners:

  • Giving buffs to allies that touch them.
  • Denoting certain active guild missions (rush, challenge and puzzle).
  • At WvW fortifications claimed by the guild.

The following items and equipment can display the guild emblem:

Guild Missions[edit]

Primary article: Guild mission

Added in the Flame and Frost: The Gathering Storm update, these missions require co-operation of guild members to complete. They allow members to earn Guild Commendations and the guild itself to earn Favor.

Guild Teams[edit]

Guild teams are a feature that allows guilds to create teams that can participate in PvP.

  • Guild team functionality is located in a special tab on the Guild panel called the Teams tab.
  • Teams have unique names within the guild.
  • Up to 5 guild members can be added to a team by someone with the Team Administrator permission or by a team captain.
  • There can only be one team captain.
  • Teams have their own set of PvP statistics and matchmaking rating.
  • Parties with at least 3 people from the same guild team will be prompted when joining Unranked or Ranked Arena as to whether they'd like to represent that team.

Choosing a guild[edit]

There are many different types of guilds that are accepting new members. Rather than choosing at random, you may wish to find one that is closest to your personal preferences. Other players, recruiting for their guilds, may frequently post messages in map chat that are visible to all players in a zone. You may whisper (/w) chat such a guild recruiter questions to determine the best match for you (there are limitations on the whisper feature for Free accounts).

Guilds may be loosely split into 3 groups, PvX, "Preference" and "Hardcore". Many guilds try to be all things to all players. These PvX (Player versus Anything) guilds have members interested in all aspects of the game. They are best for newer players who do not yet know what aspect of the game interests them the most. "Preference" guilds focus on one major aspect of the game, while still supporting members pursuing other game aspects. Finally, "Hardcore" guilds ask all members to regularly participate in the aspect of the game which is their focus. If this is your main interest then "Hardcore" may be the place for you.

Some guilds have a focus that isn't related to the type of content they prefer:

  • RP, Role Playing focus guilds are popular among players who enjoy pretending to actually live in Tyria, but are not supported by the game. Ask how the guild supports role-playing members.
  • Language focused guilds are popular among communities of non-English speaking players, but are not supported by the game in North America. Their recruiting messages will often be in their language of preference.
  • Geographically focused guilds are popular among players living outside the standard North American time zones. Members want to be able to interact with many other players at the times that they are commonly online.

Remember, you may join up to 6 guilds per account and use the guild panel to switch representation between them as you choose. Determine the pros and cons of each guild and where you are most comfortable. If you are able to join guild missions at the time set by the guild then you will receive valuable rewards including coin, equipment and guild commendations that may be used to purchase beneficial items from the Guild commendation trader or the Guild Trader.


  • Some, but not all, services within the guild hall are restricted to representing members with the Heart of Thorns expansion.
  • There is no limit to the number of people assigned to each rank. You can have several people with all the privileges of leadership. Any of these players can demote any other.
  • New members cannot deposit to or withdraw from the Guild vault for 72 hours, regardless of how permissions are set.
  • Free Accounts receive identical benefits from Guild membership except they have no access to the Guild vault, regardless of how permissions are set.
  • The guild leader may request a name or [tag] change by creating a support ticket. [1]
  • If your guild leader has stopped playing the game, you have to wait 6 months before support will/can help you.
  • New guild emblems were added with the December 11, 2018 and August 27, 2019 update.
  • Originally, the player could only read and write into the guild chat of the one guild they were currently representing. Changes in or before January 2022 removed this restriction so that all the account's guilds' chat channels can be read and written to regardless of which is currently being represented.
  • With the May 21, 2024, update, the limit of guilds per character was raised by one for a total of 6 (previously 5)
