WISQARS National Violent Death Reporting System

NVDRS Violent Deaths Report

NVDRS Violent Deaths Report - Data Filters
Report Type:Rates and CountsData Years:2021Geography:All Funded AreasIntent or Manner:All IntentsCause or Mechanism:All InjuryAge:All AgesSex:All SexesRace:All RacesEthnicity:All EthnicitiesRelationship of Victim to Suspect:All RelationshipsPlace of Injury:AllPregnancy Status:AllHomeless Status:AllMilitary Status:All

WISQARS National Violent Death Reporting System Help

Reports for All Ages include those of unknown age. Manner of death reported here is assigned by the state abstractor based on all available standard NVDRS data sources.

Pregnancy Status is for females of reproductive age, 15 to 49.

- No population estimate/rate not applicable;
** indicates unstable value (<=20 deaths);
-- The number of deaths fewer than 10, the number has been suppressed to retain confidentiality;

Three states collected data on >=80% of violent deaths in state, in accordance with requirements under which the state was funded: WA (2015-2017), IL and PA (2015-2019). Denominators for the rates for these states represent only the populations of the counties from which the data were collected. Data for California (CA) are for violent deaths that occurred in four counties in 2017, 21 counties in 2018, 30 counties in 2019, and 35 counties in 2020. Data for Texas are for violent deaths that occurred in four counties in 2020. Denominators for the rates represent only the populations of the counties from which the data were collected.

  • Incident: One or more related deaths meeting NVDRS case definitions occurring within the same 24 hours.
  • Legal intervention death: ICD-10 term for death resulting from law enforcement actions; does not denote lawfulness.
  • Undetermined intent: Death for which evidence indicating one manner of death is no more compelling than evidence indicating another.
  • Crude rate: Total number of cases or deaths divided by the total population and multiplied by 100,000.
  • Age-adjusted rate: Population age distribution varies by time/geographic area. Age adjusting rates accounts for this using 2000 Census standard population, all races, both sexes.

Data sources:

Produced by: Data Analytics Branch, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC