Papers by La Ode Machdani Afala
Jurnal Transformative, Nov 22, 2017
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora (JISH), Nov 30, 2022
Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication
Political leaders worldwide used a diverse model of communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. R... more Political leaders worldwide used a diverse model of communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rhetoric becomes an important aspect to comprehend the particular elite communication model. This article discusses Anies Baswedan’s political rhetoric in COVID-19 handling wherein some cases contradict central government policies. Given the increasing political polarisation in Jakarta, Baswedan has become one of the most controversial actors in the national political arena. We use a political rhetorical analysis approach to understand Baswedan’s political actions and rhetoric. Furthermore, we determine that Baswedan’s model of rhetoric political communication is consistent and different from most political elites whose deliberative style is more dominant. Baswedan appears to employ a different type of rhetoric when countering the central government’s opinion and gaining public support. In the former, Baswedan primarily applies the type of bureaucratic rhetoric, which tends to be more tec...
Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2022
Political leaders worldwide used a diverse model of communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. R... more Political leaders worldwide used a diverse model of communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rhetoric becomes an important aspect to comprehend the particular elite communication model. This article discusses Anies Baswedan's political rhetoric in COVID-19 handling wherein some cases contradict central government policies. Given the increasing political polarisation in Jakarta, Baswedan has become one of the most controversial actors in the national political arena. We use a political rhetorical analysis approach to understand Baswedan's political actions and rhetoric. Furthermore, we determine that Baswedan's model of rhetoric political communication is consistent and different from most political elites whose deliberative style is more dominant. Baswedan appears to employ a different type of rhetoric when countering the central government's opinion and gaining public support. In the former, Baswedan primarily applies the type of bureaucratic rhetoric, which tends to be more technical. Conversely, Baswedan tends to choose the rhetorical style of advice when narrating the idea of handling the COVID-19 outbreak. Moreover, the COVID-19 outbreak provides important momentum for Baswedan to improve his image as an elite political personality and as the governor of Jakarta. Our study significantly contributes to understanding rhetoric as an important model for elite political communication in the face of crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and comprehending rhetoric's impact on the elite and society.
Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication
Political leaders worldwide used a diverse model of communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. R... more Political leaders worldwide used a diverse model of communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rhetoric becomes an important aspect to comprehend the particular elite communication model. This article discusses Anies Baswedan’s political rhetoric in COVID-19 handling wherein some cases contradict central government policies. Given the increasing political polarisation in Jakarta, Baswedan has become one of the most controversial actors in the national political arena. We use a political rhetorical analysis approach to understand Baswedan’s political actions and rhetoric. Furthermore, we determine that Baswedan’s model of rhetoric political communication is consistent and different from most political elites whose deliberative style is more dominant. Baswedan appears to employ a different type of rhetoric when countering the central government’s opinion and gaining public support. In the former, Baswedan primarily applies the type of bureaucratic rhetoric, which tends to be more tec...
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the First Brawijaya International Conference on Social and Political Sciences, BSPACE, 26-28 November, 2019, Malang, East Java, Indonesia, 2020
Buku ini mendeskripsikan keterkaitan yang intim antara media dan demokrasi dalam bingkai politik ... more Buku ini mendeskripsikan keterkaitan yang intim antara media dan demokrasi dalam bingkai politik kepemiluan. Dalam politik kepemiluan, partai politik dan kandidat sama-sama menggunakan media massa, baik cetak maupun elektronik dengan sejumlah variannya dalam menyampaikan pesan-pesan politik kepada masyarakat pemilih. Tujuannya adalah agar masyarakat memberikan dukungan politik dalam pemilu. Sejalan dengan itu, media dan demokrasi menjadi satu kesatuan dalam sistem politik modern. Peran media massa sangat penting dalam mempermudah persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan pemilu. Pemilu merupakan bentuk dari pelaksanaan demokrasi prosedural. Agar demokrasi prosedural ini bisa berjalan secara adil, bebas, dan rahasia, maka komunikasi politik di antara peserta pemilu, penyelenggara pemilu, dan media massa perlu ditumbuhkembangkan. Mengingat media massa memiliki peran penting dalam mengawal dan menyukseskan pagelaran demokrasi, maka sistem media dan infrastrukturnya perlu diperkuat sehingga demokrasi tidak "kebablasan". Melalui buku ini, kami ikut berkontribusi dalam memikirkan perkembangan kajian komunikasi politik dalam kaitannya dengan praktik demokrasi yang sedang dirayakan.xxii, 164 hal.; 20.5 c
The article intends to explain about corruption and its relation with public accountability in vi... more The article intends to explain about corruption and its relation with public accountability in village governance of Semare. The corruption is an extraordinary crime ruining government institution like village and impacting huge risk for villagers. The article was conducted with using qualitative method in collecting the data and borrowing public accountability concept as an approach in analyzing the corruption of Semare Village. As a result, the presence of corruption represents a failure of institution in implementing good governance like accountability. The problem of public accountability in the case of Semare village was rooted not only from problem of institution, but also a strong familial bond replacing formal procedures in village budgeting management.
Efektivitas diperlukan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh target yang telah dicapai. BNPB mencanangka... more Efektivitas diperlukan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh target yang telah dicapai. BNPB mencanangkan program desa tangguh bencana tahun 2012 yang harus dijalankan oleh desa-desa yang memiliki ancaman bencana. Desa Sirnoboyo merupakan salah satu desa yang menjalankan program desa tangguh bencana sejak tahun 2012. Untuk mengetahui efektivitas program Desa Tangguh Bencana Di Desa Sirnoboyo pada tahun 2017 dianalisis menggunakan teori efektivitas milik Lubis dan Huseini serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas miliki Richard M. Steers. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni kualitatif. Indikator efektivitas Lubis dan Huseini terdiri dari pendektan sumber, pendektan proses, dan pendekatan sasaran. Berdasarkan ketiga pendekatan tersebut pelaksanaan program desa tangguh bencana di Desa Sirnoboyo belum efektif. Sedangkan untuk faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas program desa tangguh bencana sendiri terdiri dari empat karakteristik yaitu karakteristik organisasi...
Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang pentingnya power sharing dalam meraih kekuasaan jabatan gubernur ... more Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang pentingnya power sharing dalam meraih kekuasaan jabatan gubernur Sulawesi Selatan. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan teknik pengumpulan data berdasarkan pembacaan atas sejumlah literatur yang berkaitan dengan pembagian kekuasaan. P ower sharing dalam konteks ini dibentuk melalui koalisi antara bangsawan Bugis dan Makassar. Bangsawan merupakan kelas sosial teratas dalam pelapisan sosial masyarakat. Dalam masyarakat majemuk seperti Sulawesi Selatan, berbagi kekuasaan antar kelompok etnis merupakan keharusan dalam politik. Itu tidak hanya dimaksudkan untuk menciptakan harmoni dan keteraturan, tetapi juga sebagai strategi dalam mendapatkan kekuasaan gubernur. Ini dibuktikan dengan kemenangan Nurdin Abdullah-Andi Sudirman Sulaiman dalam pemilihan gubernur 2018. Mereka mewakili kemenangan Makassar dan Bugis di satu sisi, sementara di sisi lain mereka telah mengembalikan kaum bangsawan dalam pusaran kekuasaan. Politik pembagia...
This paper explains about the poverty experienced by women who become the backbone of the family.... more This paper explains about the poverty experienced by women who become the backbone of the family. They are known as the Head of Female Household (KRTP). The research is located in Tulusbesar Village, Tumpang Sub-district, Malang Regency. KRTP is caused by husband died, divorced, husband sick, abandoned husband, and husband with disable. The feminization of poverty is seen from how the source of income KRTP and how the allowance system or social aids have not overcome the KRTP’s poverty yet. In this paper, the source of income of KRTP is viewed from income public transfers and income private transfers. The income private transfers are obtained from ex-husband or family, while the income public transfers are non-occupational income, derived from the government consisting of Jalin Matra, BLT, BPJS, and PKH programs as social aids. All KRTPs in Tulusbesar Village have received social aid, but the four existing social aids have not been accepted by the KRTP overall. In private transfer, ...
Study on village governance and economic development increases in many countries. This article ex... more Study on village governance and economic development increases in many countries. This article explores village economic development in contemporary Indonesia, which includes one of the national development's priority agendas. Despite several challenges in terms of governance, some villages have proved successful in driving economic development. This article mainly discusses rural governability in enhancing successful economic development in Sanankerto Village, Malang Regency. The research uses a qualitative method with an approach of governability to understand the village's success. The findings show that the more successful a village is, the greater the village's challenge. The successful governance in economic development is significantly relied on the village governance's capability, which consists of environmental and social system supports, a sound governance system, and a participatory, open, and transparent governing relationship between stakeholders. Moreov...
Books by La Ode Machdani Afala
Intrans Publishing, 2020
Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak baik sebagian ataupu... more Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak baik sebagian ataupun keseluruhan isi buku dengan cara apapun tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit.
Intrans Publishing, 2021
Artikel ini menjelaskan sejumlah permasalahan pembangunan desa-desa di Kabupaten Muna Barat, teru... more Artikel ini menjelaskan sejumlah permasalahan pembangunan desa-desa di Kabupaten Muna Barat, terutama paska diterbitkannya UU Nomor 6 tahun 2014 tentang Desa.
Papers by La Ode Machdani Afala
Books by La Ode Machdani Afala