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An offprint from
including the Proceedings of the International Conference with the same title, organised in
the framework of the Research Project ‘INTERREG IIIA: Greece–Cyprus 2000–2006,
Joint Educational and Research Programmes in the History and Archaeology
of Medicine, Palaeopathology and Palaeoradiation’
the 1st International CAPP Symposium
‘New Approaches to Archaeological Human remains in Cyprus’
Hardcover Edition: ISBN 978-1-78297-235-8
Digital Edition: ISBN 978-1-78297-236-5
Edited by
Demetrios Michaelides
© Oxbow Books 2014
Oxford & Philadelphia
Published in the United Kingdom in 2014 by
10 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford OX1 2EW
and in the United States by
908 Darby Road, Havertown, PA 19083
© Oxbow Books and the individual authors 2014
Hardcover Edition: ISBN 978-1-78297-235-8
Digital Edition: ISBN 978-1-78297-236-5
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Medicine in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Conference) (2008 : Nicosia, Cyprus), author.
Medicine and healing in the ancient Mediterranean world : including the proceedings of the international conference with the same title, organised in
the framework of the Research Project INTERREG IIIA : Greece/Cyprus 2000/2006, Joint Educational and Research Programmes in the History and
Archaeology of Medicine, Palaeopathology, and Palaeoradiation, and the 1st International CAPP Symposium “New Approaches to Archaeological Human Remains in Cyprus” / edited by Demetrios Michaelides.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-1-78297-235-8
I. Michaelides, Demetres, editor. II. International CAPP Symposium “New Approaches to Archaeological Human Remains in Cyprus” (1st : 2008 :
Nicosia, Cyprus), author. III. Biomedical Sciences in Archaeology (Conference) (1st : 2008 : Erakleion, Greece), author. IV. Title.
[DNLM: 1. History of Medicine--Mediterranean Region--Congresses. 2. Archaeology--Mediterranean Region--Congresses. 3. History, Ancient-Mediterranean Region--Congresses. 4. History, Medieval--Mediterranean Region--Congresses. WZ 70 GM35]
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Front cover: Mosaic of Saint Demetrios and an angel (before the 7th century AD). Basilica of Saint Demetrios, Thessaloniki (photo:
9th Ephoreia of Byzantine Antiquities).
Marble tombstone of the Athenian physician Jason (2nd century AD), Athens (photo: British Museum)
Back cover: Rodon (rose), illumination from mid-14th century manuscript (Padua, Biblioteca del Seminario, 194, f.134 r)
Roman limestone ex-voto of pair of eyes, of unknown origin, in the Cyprus Museum, Nicosia (photo: A. Koutas)
Wearing the plantago as a necklace to cure the headache (Codex Vindobonensis 93, f. 10 v).
Preface .................................................................................................................................................................................. ix
Conference Programme ........................................................................................................................................................ xi
Contributors to this Volume ................................................................................................................................................. xv
Medicine and Archaeology ............................................................................................................................................. 1
Athanasios A. Diamandopoulos
Η Ιατρική στην Αιανή και την Άνω Μακεδονία κατά την Αρχαιότητα......................................................................... 8
Γεωργία Καραμήτρου-Μεντεσίδη και Κώστας Μοσχάκης
Medicine in Aiane and Upper Macedonia during Antiquity
Georgia Karamitrou-Menesidi and Kostas Moschakis
Ancient Greek Votives, Vases and Stelae Depicting Medical Diseases....................................................................... 24
Stefanos Geroulanos
The Anatomical Ex-votos of Hellenistic and Roman Cyprus ...................................................................................... 30
Demetrios Michaelides
Providing Online Access to Graeco-Roman Medicine: BIUM’s Electronic Corpus of
Ancient Physicians........................................................................................................................................................ 40
Guy Cobolet
Healers and Medicines in the Mycenaean Greek Texts ............................................................................................... 44
Robert Arnott
Health and Healing on Cretan Bronze Age Peak Sanctuaries ..................................................................................... 54
Christine Morris and Alan Peatfield
Medical Knowledge on the Evidence of the Iliad ....................................................................................................... 64
Tamar Sukhishvili
Αναζητώντας Ίχνη του Ιπποκρατικού Όρκου ............................................................................................................... 70
Δημήτριος Λυπουρλής
Searching for Traces of the Hippocratic Oath
Demetrios Lypourlis
10. Echoing Hippocrates: Aspects of Genre Intertextuality in the 5th Century BC.......................................................... 73
Athina Papachrysostomou and Georgios Gazis
11. Ancient Medicine and Philosophy: a Philosopher’s Perspective ................................................................................. 79
Eleni M. Kalokairinou
12. The Threshold of Pain: the Literary Embodiment of Pain and its Cognates in the
Hippocratic Corpus ....................................................................................................................................................... 84
Nicholas A. E. Kalospyros
13. Le Traité de Galien De pulsibus ad tirones : Pratique Médicale et Représentation
du Corps Humain .......................................................................................................................................................... 92
Dina Bacalexi
14. Γαληνού της Περγάμου «Τέχνη Ἰατρική»: Επιτομή της Ιατρικής και των Τομέων της ............................................ 105
Δημήτριος Χρ. Κουτρούμπας και Γιώργος Παπαδόπουλος
The ‘Art of Medicine’ of Galen of Pergamon: Epitome of Medicine and its different Fields
Dimitrios Chr. Koutroumpas and Giorgos Papadopoulos
15. An Episode in the Historiography of Malaria in the Ancient World ..........................................................................112
Philip van der Eijk
16. Medical Dialogue in the Books on Dietetics in the De medicina: Celsus Τaking Αccount of the
Patient as a Friend and Individual ...............................................................................................................................118
Aurélien Gautherie
17. The Contribution of the 4th Century North African Physician, Helvius Vindicianus ............................................... 122
Louise Cilliers
18. Back to Basics: Surgeons’ Knives in the Roman World ............................................................................................ 130
Ralph Jackson
19. Alexander’s Wounds as a Paradigm for War Surgery ................................................................................................ 145
Alfredo Musajo Somma
20. Surgery in Byzantium ................................................................................................................................................. 149
Stefanos Geroulanos, Charalambos V. Panaretos and Efterpi Lyberopoulou
21. Plastic Surgery of the Face in Byzantine Times ........................................................................................................ 155
Marios Papadakis, Evangelos Sfakiotakis, Marios Fragakis, Constantinos
Trompoukis, Maria Fragaki, Moschoula Leivadara and Andreas Manios
22. The Headache Remedies of the Pseudo-Apuleius. A Modern Reappraisal ............................................................... 164
Giorgio Zanchin
23. Compound Medicines in Antiquity: a First Approach ............................................................................................... 167
Alain Touwaide
24. Lemnian Earth, Alum and Astringency: a Field-based Approach ............................................................................. 183
Effie Photos-Jones and Allan J. Hall
25. Ancient Desires to Shape Progeny: the Role of Vision and Soul in Greek and Jewish Sources
of Late Antiquity......................................................................................................................................................... 190
Ohr Y. Margalit and Chariklia Tziraki-Segal
26. Medicine and Spas in the Roman Period: the Role of Doctors in Εstablishments with MineralMedicinal Waters ........................................................................................................................................................ 206
Silvia González Soutelo
27. Health Care and Survival of a Child with Cranial Trauma at Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain) ............................ 218
Filipa Cortesᾶo Silva, Juana Mᾶrquez Pérez, Joᾶo Rosa and Ana Luisa Santos
28. A Multidisciplinary Approach for the Study of the 11th–15th century AD Human Skeletal
Remains from Palaion Demarheion, Nicosia, Cyprus ............................................................................................... 223
Popi Chrysostomou and Yiannis Violaris
1st International CAPP Symposium ‘New Approaches to Archaeological Human
remains in Cyprus’
29. Introduction to the Cyprus Ancient Population Project (CAPP) and the First CAPP Symposium........................... 233
Kirsi O. Lorentz
30. My Side of the Mountain: Initial Colonisation and Biological Regionalism on Cyprus through
the Neolithic and Chalcolithic .................................................................................................................................... 240
Zissis Parras
31. Ante-mortem Tooth Loss in Chalcolithic Populations of Cyprus: Comparisons between Cemetery
and Settlement ............................................................................................................................................................ 252
Kirsi O. Lorentz
32. A Preliminary Look at the Health Status of Chalcolithic Populations: Inferences from Linear
Enamel Hypoplasias ................................................................................................................................................... 265
Michelle Gamble and Kirsi O. Lorentz
33. A Preliminary Analysis of Trauma Patterns in Early Christian Cyprus .................................................................... 274
Sherry C. Fox, Ioanna Moutafi, Eleanna Prevedorou and Despina Pilides
34. The Development of the Practice of Incubation in the Ancient World ..................................................................... 284
Juliette Harrisson
35. The Authority of Physicians as Dream Interpreters in the Pergamene Asclepieion .................................................. 291
Ido Israelowich
36. Asclepius the Divine Healer, Asclepius the Divine Physician: Epiphanies as Diagnostic and
Therapeutic Tools ....................................................................................................................................................... 297
Georgia Petridou
37. Ὁ Ξενὼν τοῦ Ἁγίου Δημητρίου: Εἰκονογραφικὰ Ζητήματα .................................................................................... 308
Χαραλάμπος Μπακιρτζῆς
The Hostel of Saint Demetrios: Iconographic Issues
Charalambos Bakirtzis
38. Πληροφορίες Ιατρικού Ενδιαφέροντος σε Πηγές του Κανονικού Δικαίου ............................................................... 320
Πρωτoπρεσβύτερος Βασίλειος Χρ. Τρομπούκης
Information of Medical Interest in Sources of Common Law
Father Vasileios Chr. Trompoukis
39. Ασθένειες όπως Περιγράφονται σε Βίους Ιαματικών Αγίων και Τρόποι Θεραπείας αυτών .................................... 325
Δήμητρα Παπαϊωάννου
Diseases as described in the Lives of Healing Saints and the Means of their Treatment
Demetra Papaioannou
40. The Role of the Egyptian Sea and Land Routes in the Justinian Plague: the Case of Pelusium ............................. 334
Costas Tsiamis, Effie Poulakou-Rebelakou and George Androutsos
41. Du Diagnostic différential aux Thérapies prudentes : Le traité de la rougeole et de la variole
de Râzî ........................................................................................................................................................................ 338
Mehrnaz Katouzian-Safadi and Jean-Marc Bonmatin
42. The Ancient Background of Witelo’s Theory of Vision ............................................................................................ 350
Maria-Magdalena Weker
Contributors to this volume
GeorGe Androutsos
History of Medicine
Athens Medical School
University of Athens
louise cilliers
Department of Classics
University of the Free State
P.O. Box 339
Bloemfontein 9301
South Africa
robert Arnott
Green Templeton College
University of Oxford
Guy cobolet
Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de Santé
12 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine
75006 Paris
dinA bAcAlexi
CNRS Centre Jean-Pépin (UPR_76)
L’Année Philologique
7 rue Guy-Môquet
F-94801 Villejuif Cedex
chArAlAmbos bAkirtzis
Anastasios G. Leventis Foundation
P.O. Box 2543
40, Gladstonos Street
1095 Nicosia
JeAn-mArc bonmAtin
Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire – CNRS
Rue Charles Sadron
45 071 Orléans Cedex 02
PoPi chrysostomou
Cyprus Missing Persons Forensic Laboratory
FiliPA cortesão silvA
Department of Life Sciences and CIAS
University of Coimbra
Apartado 3046
P-3001-401 Coimbra
AthAnAsios diAmAndoPoulos
St Andrew’s State Hospital
1, Tertsidou Street
sherry c. Fox
Wiener Laboratory
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
54, Souidias Street
Athens GR106-76
mAriA FrAGAki
Department of Surgical Oncology
University General Hospital
mArios FrAGAkis
Department of Dentistry
University General Hospital
michelle GAmble
School of Historical Studies
Armstrong Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 7RU
Aurélien GAutherie
23 rue de Kembs
67100 – Strasbourg
GeorGios GAzis
27, Matrozou Street
141 21 Neo Irakleio
steFAnos GeroulAnos
University of Zurich
President, International Hippocratic Foundation
4, Papastratou Street
Athens 145 62
silviA Gonzáles soutelo
Universidade di Santiago de Compostela
Facultade de Xeografía e Historia
Universidade de Vigo
Campus Universitario As Lagoas, s/n
32004 Ourense
Contributors to this Volume
AllAn J. hAll
Department of Archaeology
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 QQ
Juliette hArrisson
Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity
University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TT
ido isrAelowich
Department of Classics and History
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv
rAlPh JAckson
Curator of Romano-British Collections
Department of Prehistory and Europe
British Museum
Great Russell Street
London WC1B 3DG
eleni m. kAlokAirinou
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Department of Philosophy and Education
University Campus
541 24 Thessaloniki
nicholAs A. e. kAlosPyros
Department of Philosophy and History of Science
The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Contributors to this Volume
GeorGiA kArAmitrou-mendesidi
30th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities
Archaeological Museum of Aiani
P.O. Box 500 04
Aiani Kozanis
mehrnAz kAtouziAn-sAFAdi
CNRS- Laboratoire SPHERE - CHSPAM - UMR 7219
Université Denis Diderot
75205 CEDEX 13 Paris
demetrios c. koutroumPAs
Post-Doctoral Researcher
School of DentistryNational Kapodistrian University of
Dem. Liouni 8
Keratea 19001
moschoulA leivAdArA
Department of Surgical Oncology
University General Hospital
demetrios lyPourlis
Arch. Oikonomide 1
54636 Thessaloniki
kirsi o. lorentz
Science and Technology in Archaeology Research Centre
The Cyprus Institute
Guy Ourisson Bldg. Athalassa Campus
P.O. Box 27456
1645 Nicosia
eFterPi lyberoPoulou
Intensive Care Unit
Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center
Syngrou 354
Athens 176-74
AndreAs mAnios
Department of Surgical Oncology
Univertsity General Hospital
ohr y. mArGAlit
Levinsky College of Education
Tel Aviv
JuAnA márquez Pérez
Consorcio Ciudad Histórico-Artística y Arqueológica de
C/ Reyes Huertas, 4
Mérida-Badajoz 06800
demetrios michAelides
Archaeological Research Unit
University of Cyprus
Kallipoleos 75
Nicosia 1678
christine morris
Department of Classics and Centre for Mediterranean and
Near Eastern Studies
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2
kostAs moschAkis
30th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities
Archaeological Museum of Aiani
P.O.B. 500 04
Aiani Kozanis
ioAnnA moutAFi
Department of Archaeology
University of Sheffield
Contributors to this Volume
AlFredo musAJo sommA
Departimento ACTI
Università degli Studi di Bari
Via Calefati, 190
70122 Bari
chArAlAmbos v. PAnAretos
204-206, Corinthou Street
Patras 26221
AthinA PAPAchrysostomou
Open University of Greece
3, Valtetsiou Street
152 31 Kato Chalandri
mArios PAPAdAkis
Department of Surgical Oncology
University General Hospital
Heraklion, Voutes 71110
GiorGos PAPAdoPoulos
School of Medicine
National Capodistrian University of Athens
dimitrA PAPAioAnnou
8th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities
Gorgopotamou 18
45221 Ioannina
zissis PArAs
2528 Kingsberry Cres.
Ontario L5B 2K5
AlAn PeAtField
School of Archaeology
University College Dublin
Dublin 4
GeorGiA Petridou
Department of Classics and Ancient History
University of Exeter
Amory Building
Rennes Drive
EX4 4RJ Exeter
euPhemiA Photos-Jones
Analytical Services for Art and Archaeology (Ltd)
Department of Archaeology
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 QQ
desPinA Pilides
Department of Antiquities
Ministry of Communications and Works
eFFie PoulAkou-rebelAkou
History of Medicine
Athens Medical School
University of Athens
eleni AnnA Prevedorou
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona
João rosA
Department of Pediatrics
Hospital de Faro – E.P.E.
Rua Leão Penedo
8000-386 Faro
AnA luisA sAntos
Department of Life Sciences and CIAS
University of Coimbra
Apartado 3046
P-3001-401 Coimbra
Contributors to this Volume
evAnGelos sFAkiotAkis
Department of Plastic Surgery
Thriassio General Hospital
tAmAr sukhishvili
Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Ilia Chavchavadze State University
0186 Tbilisi
AlAin touwAide
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC
constAntinos tromPoukis
Department of History of Medicine and Medical Ethics
University of Crete
FAther vAsileios chr. tromPoukis
40, Krystalli Street
Arta 47100
costAs tsiAmis
History of Medicine
Medical School
University of Athens
chArikliA tzirAki-seGAl
Hebrew University
Ein Kerem
PhiliP vAn der eiJk
Humbolt University
yiAnnis violAris
Department of Antiquities
Ministry of Communications and Works
mAriA-mAGdAlenA weker
Institute of Philosophy
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University
GiorGio zAnchin
Headache Centre
Department of Neurosciences
Padua University Medical School
Via Giustiniani 5
I 35128 Padova
24. Lemnian Earth, Alum and Astringency:
a Field-based Approach
Effie Photos-Jones and Allan J. Hall
Based on Galen’s account that Lemnian Earth (Λημνία γῆ; Λημνία σφραγίς; Terra Lemnia, ayiochoma)
was an astringent medicine because of the occurrence, within, of a ‘bit of alum’, we present here our
evidence to that effect. This evidence is supported by: a) the scrutiny of the classical texts; b) the
geological prospection around the area of the alleged location of extraction of the Earth on the island
of Lemnos, in the N. Aegean; c) our interpretation of the ritual of its extraction; and, lastly, d) the
elucidation of its mineral composition. Lemnian Earth is a complex material consisting of clay minerals
and inorganic salts like aluminium sulphate and iron oxide. Its composition may be affected by its
possible association with the water from local natural springs. Astringency is the main property of
alum and is still relatively little understood. Alum is also a bactericide; we argue that it was perhaps
the combination of both properties of alum as an astringent and a bactericide that contributed to the
celebrated medicinal attributes of Lemnian Earth. We also present here a brief description of the work
undertaken by other researchers, as well as our impending new work on the nature of this intriguing
Our research on the earths of the Aegean, mainly clay-based
substances which were well-documented by the classical
authors (Pliny Naturalis Historia, Dioscorides De Materia
Medica, Galen De Simplicium Medicamentorum
Temperamentis ac Facultatibus), has led us to believe that
they were very versatile materials used for a variety of
applications including paints, detergents and medicines
(Photos-Jones and Hall 2011); and, furthermore, that the
medicinal properties claimed for some earths were likely to
be genuine.
Lemnian, Samian and Eretrian Earths were thought to
have been particularly useful respectively as antidotes to
snake bites (Philumenus De Venenatis Animalibus eorumqve
Remediis) (On poisonous animals and their remedies),
inflammation of the eye, and ulcers (Dioscorides De Materia
Medica); furthermore, belief in the efficacy of the Lemnian
Earth, in particular, was sustained from Antiquity into the
early 20th century. Deducing exactly what the classical
authors understood to be the nature of these substances is
certainly problematic, but it is not difficult to appreciate
why belief in their efficacy as medicines has gradually faded
and eventually totally disappeared. Recently, however, there
has been a resurgence in interest in medicinal clays and the
field of medical geology in general (Gomes and Silva 2007;
Gomes 2013). In attempting to elucidate the nature of the
earths we recognised two major problems: first, how and
where does one start looking for them in the field, and
second, what was/were the active ingredient/s which
bestowed the medicinal properties on these clay-based
It was primarily as a medicine that Lemnian Earth
acquired its widespread reputation and in particular as an
efficient antidote against poisons and snakebites. Pliny
describes Lemnian Earth as being an antidote to poisons
when poison was already swallowed and even against snake
bites (Naturalis Historia [henceforth N.H.], XXIX.33 and
XXXV.14); also, ‘in medicine it was used as an ointment
around the eyes to relieve pain and inflammation’ (Pliny
N.H. XXXV.14), and as a treatment for dysentery (N.H.
XXVIII.24, XXIX.33.104, and XXXV.14). Given the
richness of the record surrounding the nature, properties and
the ritual of extraction of Lemnian Earth we believe we
were justified in suggesting that the latter may provide an
Effie Photos-Jones and Allan J. Hall
environmental ‘framework’ on which geological and
anthropogenic events can be pegged and which could
underpin our understanding of the healing properties of this
Since the time of the conference in 2008 we have had
the opportunity to publish a number of papers on the topic
of alum (Hall and Photos-Jones, 2009; Photos-Jones and
Hall 2010) and Lemnian Earth (Hall and Photos-Jones 2008;
Photos-Jones et al. 2012) as well as one book (Photos-Jones
and Hall 2011). This paper shifts attention from the local
clay deposits and the local natural springs and the potential
association between them and the pit from where the earth
was extracted. We, therefore, summarise our attempts to
establish the nature, composition, method of processing,
and location of extraction, of Lemnian Earth. We have argued
that Lemnian Earth the medicine and Lemnian Earth the
raw material were two different products; the former
resulting from the processing of the latter via a proposed
ingenious enhancement of the natural geochemistry of the
area, under the cover of a ritual, blessed by both ancient
gods and Christian clergy. The elucidation of this
enhancement led us to provide a theoretical composition for
Lemnian Earth consisting of various components each
bringing its own properties, e.g. kaolin and montmorillonite
its absorbancy, iron oxide its red colour and alum its
astringency (Hall and Photos-Jones 2008; Photos-Jones and
Hall 2011).
Lemnian Earth – the sources
The earliest reference to the healing properties of Lemnian
Earth is firmly embedded within the cycle of poetry
associated with the Homeric poems, the Trojan War and its
main participants, and in particular the hero Philoctetes who
although setting off with the rest of the Greek army to fight
at Troy, was left behind on account of having been bitten
by a water snake, his wound festering and emanating a
malodorous smell (Homer Iliad 2, 718–25).
Philostratus Flavius, a Lemnian sophist who lived in the
2nd century AD, in his chapter on Philoctetes (Heroica VI,
2), mentions that the priests of Hephaistos cured his wounds
with Lemnian bole (βώλου τῆς Λημνίας). However, in the
Sophocles version of the Philoctetes myth, the long-suffering
hero had used a herb, rather than an earth, only available
on the island of Lemnos (Sophocles Philoctetes, 659).
Furtherme, Philoctetes’ wound did not heal until he finally
arrived in Troy. Eustathius, Bishop of Thessaloniki, writing
in the 12th century AD, in his comments on the Iliad,
confirms that the priests of Hephaistos were in the habit of
healing those who had been bitten by snakes (οἱ τοῦ
Ἡφαίστου ἱερεῖς ἐθεράπευον τοὺς ὀφεοδήκτους) with
Lemnian Earth (Tourptsoglou-Stephanidou 1986, 84, n. 46).
Up to the middle of the 18th century there appear to have
been very few, if any, doubts regarding the curative
properties of Lemnian Earth. However, in the late 18th
century questions were raised as to whether these attributes
may not have rested simply on the belief that it ‘does’ cure.
John Sibthorp, an English doctor and botanist visiting
Lemnos in the late 18th century, having been present at the
site on the day of its extraction, wrote:
‘on the 23rd of September … we saw the hole partly filled up
and its soil which was a light colored clay … It could not
possibly have a therapeutic value. Furthermore in the case of
fever, when the stomach is weak, it would aggravate the illness
which caused it (the fever) in the first place … this is an example
of how superstition and ritual give credit to something which
may have little or no value’ (Sibthorp in TourptsoglouStephanidou 1986, 292) (all translations from the Greek are by
the author).
Earlier travellers, most of them educated men of means,
were equally puzzled, but, in their own accounts, each
balanced the pros and cons differently. For example, Belon
(in Tourptsoglou-Stephanidou 1986, 80) was convinced that
it was the ritual that gave the Lemnian Earth its value, rather
than the properties of the material itself.
Although there was essentially no scientific evidence
regarding the source and nature of Lemnian Earth until the
middle of the 19th century, the first contemporary chemical
analyses indicated the presence of an aluminum-silicate clay,
possibly with sodium and calcium, which would point to
the montmorillonite group. It is unfortunate that potash was
not mentioned in these early analyses (de Launay in
Tourptsoglou-Stephanidou 1986, 505, n. 33), because
confirmation of a lack of potash which is present in the
common clay illite would be a further indication of
montmorillonite. The high iron content reported suggests
the presence of a red iron oxide/oxyhydroxide component
in keeping with Lemnian Earth often being reported as a
red substance. Therefore, at the time, it was concluded that
Lemnian Earth was simply a clay. Hence, Louis de Launay’s
statement below registering his frustration at not being able
to pinpoint the active ingredient:
‘Perhaps the negative results derived from my analyses
are one more proof of the risks posed by the application
of chemistry to myths, particularly those that are among
the oldest or the most vivid’ (de Launay in TourptsoglouStephanidou 1986, 505).
There is little doubt that Lemnian Earth of the medicinal
variety was fine-grained; the texture was certainly greasy/
fatty and it appears to have ‘dissolved’ in the mouth (Belon
in Tourptsoglou-Stephanidou 1986, 57).
Most medicinal Earths are discussed in association with
astringency. Galen recognises the astringency in Lemnian
Earth (τούτων δ’απασῶν ἡ Λημνία δύναμιν ἰσχυροτέραν
ἔχει, προσέστι γαρ αὐτή τι καὶ στύψεως – of all the above
24. Lemnian Earth, Alum and Astringency: a Field-based Approach
(earths), Lemnian Earth is the most potent, because in it
there is a bit of alum) (Galen De Simplicium Medicamentorum
Temperamentis ac Facultatibus Liber IX (Chartier edition
XIII, 252; authors’ translation). The astringent nature of
Lemnian Earth is also mentioned by Pierre Pomet in his
Histoire général de Drogues of 1694, and by Moses Charas,
another French author of the late 17th century, in his Royal
Pharmacopoeia, Galenical and Chymical of 1678 (Thompson
1914, 440).
The ritual of extraction
The ritual of the extraction of Lemnian Earth has fascinated
many travellers since Galen’s visit to the island because it
addresses many issues, practical, technical and religious,
such as the exact location of the pit, the actual digging of
it, the religious pageantry in the presence of state officials,
the industrial process of earth enrichment, the sealing and
distribution of the material, to select a few. All of these
events are described as having taken place in the space of
less than 12 hours and the totality and speed of their
execution must have been so well rehearsed as to elude even
the most astute of observers.
Regarding the ritual of the extraction we focus on two
eyewitness accounts, which provide us with ample detail
for the day’s activities, that of Galen in the 2nd century AD
and that of Belon in the 16th century, who visited the site
but not on the day of the extraction. Galen during his visit
to the town of Hephaestias, in the north-eastern part of the
island, was evidently shown the location of the extraction
of Lemnian Earth, and was made aware of its association
with the hill on which, according to mythology, Hephaistos
fell after having been hurled from Mount Olympus by his
own father Zeus.
‘... as to what the poet said about Hephaistos, that he fell in
Lemnos, it seems to me that the fable refers to the nature of
the hill, which has every appearance of having been burned,
both on account of its colour, and from the fact that nothing
grows on it. This then was the hill to which at the time I
disembarked the priestess came’ (Galen in Brock 1929, 193).
The ritual of the preparation of the Lemnian Earth is
described by Galen as follows:
‘The priestess collects this, to the accompaniment of some local
ceremony, no animals being sacrificed, but wheat and barley
being given back to the land in exchange. She then takes it to
the city, mixes it with water so as to make moist mud, shakes
this violently and then allows it to stand. Thereafter she removes
first the superficial water, and next the greasy part of the earth
below this, leaving only the stony and sandy part at the bottom,
which is useless. She now dries the greasy mud until it reaches
the consistency of soft wax. Of this she takes small portions
and imprints upon them the seal of Artemis namely the goat,
then again she dries these in the shade till they are absolutely
free from moisture’ (Galen in Brock 1929, 192).
Galen continues that the priestess, after filling a ‘whole
wagon with earth, this she took into the town, as I have
said, and from it prepared the far-famed Lemnian sphragis
(seal)’ (Galen in Brock 1929, 192).
Belon who visited the same area nearly fourteen centuries
later but not necessarily on the day of its collection gives
directions to the site of its extraction:
‘From the corner of the castle [the ruined Byzantine castle of
Kotsinas] towards the left, we walked towards the hill which
is not more than four arrow-shots away. Between the port and
the hill there is a small chapel called St Saviour’s, where the
monks gather on the 6th of August, the date set for the extraction
of the earth from its vein. After leaving the chapel and walking
towards the hillock we found two paths, one to the left and one
to the right leading to two springs, one about one arrow-shot
away from the other’ (Belon in Tourptsoglou-Stephanidou 1986,
Later on he adds:
‘they (priests and monks) walk towards and climb the hill which
is not more than two arrow-shots away from the chapel … the
one on our right (the Phthelidia) does not dry up in the summer,
however, the one on the left does so completely … with horses
we continued towards the right, towards a place where no trees
grow, except of a carob tree, … and a willow which shadow
the spring and where there are stone steps so that one can access
the place where they extract the “sealed earth”. One climbs
uphill and further up towards one’s left one can see the place
where they extract the earth on the 6th of August. Because they
extract it after opening a vein, nothing other than a long trench
covered with earth can be seen’ (Belon in TourptsoglouStephanidou 1986, 79).
The day’s events were preceded by a religious service at
the chapel of St Sotiras (St Saviour). The Turkish governor
of the island, Turkish and Greek notables, as well as some
priests and monks took part in the ceremony. The digging
began at or before sunrise and continued for six hours, after
which the pit was closed and left undisturbed until the next
year. Some Lemnian Earth was given to the officers present
and other bystanders, but the bulk of it was sent to the Sultan
in Constantinople. A certain amount was sold on the spot
by the local magistrate to local merchants.
Two varieties of Lemnian Earth were produced. Belon
mentions that the Turks clearly differentiated between two
types of earth, thin – i makhtoum-i ahmer, i.e. the red earth,
and the thin – i makhtoum-i ebiez, the white earth
(Tourptsoglou-Stephanidou 1986, 111, n. 4), the latter
considered of lower quality. It is, therefore, clear, from the
accounts of both Galen and Belon, that colour reflected the
grade, quality and use of the material. The weight of the
sealed earth was c. 4 drams (i.e. c. 8 gr.).
Effie Photos-Jones and Allan J. Hall
Is the ritual of the extraction a covert
geochemical process?
It is very likely that the extraction of Lemnian Earth
witnessed by both Galen and Belon took place in the area
of the Phthelidia spring about 1km south of the ruins of the
castle of Kotsinas. The spring is now tapped and lies about
150 m. east of the small chapel of St Sotiras. Although most
accounts talk about a pit, there are some accounts which
discuss a pit in association with either one or two or even
three springs; however, what is made clear in these different
accounts is that the springs are not linked in any way with
the pit (Tourptsoglou-Stephanidou 1986, 161). They merely
help locate the pit. There are, however, other accounts,
mostly dated to the 16th century, which describe the pit in
direct association with a spring. Carlier de Pinon writing in
the 1550s and quoted by Tourptsoglou-Stephanidou (1986,
111, n. 4) mentions a spring integrally associated with the
‘This earth they collect from the mud of a spring which is
fenced with a wall and is always guarded by a group of soldiers.
There is the custom every year on a particular day for the
commander to take a few camel-loads of this earth following
a ritual and to stamp it with the seal of the sultan’.
Tourptsoglou-Stephanidou, (1986, 504, n. 32) also refers to
de la Vigne and a letter of his dated to February 22nd 1558,
with the following information:
‘They prefer the white (earth) because it is the first one which
comes out of the spring when they stir it… They collect it and
they stamp it in Lemnos. The red (earth) is the one they prefer
in France but it is the one that stays at the opening (mouth) of
the spring after they have stirred it.’
In 1581, Jacopo Soranzo, emissary of Venice to the Sultan,
gave the following account of the extraction activities:
‘On a hillock there is a spring; its water is directed through a
channel to a pit which has formed naturally (by the accumulating
water) … the pit is covered with planks cut and joined together
like the cover for a box which they lock with a key. On the
prescribed day (6th of August), they change the course of the
water, so that it does not run towards the pit. They lift the cover
and remove very carefully all the overlying water (in the pit),
which they collect in buckets and (eventually) with sponges.
Then they dig the mud and sort the best quality of earth out,
first. Then they dig another type of earth, not as good, and then
a third. With these three varieties of earth they make three
different types of pellets as well as cups for drinking water;
they seal them with the stamp of the Grand Efendi, and they
fire them all to become hard’ (Soranzo in TourptsoglouStephanidou 1986, 119, n. 7).
Finally, another detailed account of the extraction and
processing of Lemnian Earth was given by John Covel based
on his visit to Lemnos about 1677 (Covel in TourptsoglouStephanidou 1986, 159). He does not specifically talk about
a stream but gives a vivid description of the texture of the
earth. He writes:
‘They extract the earth in the following way. Before sunrise
they start digging a pit about 1.5 yards wide and a little above
a man’s height in depth. Then they remove the earth which is
soft as butter. The Greeks believe, and I think that the Turks
believe it too, that it is the power of the holy liturgy that
converted the hard rock to a soft clay; then they remove about
20–30 quintals of this earth, (one quintal being c.100kg), they
fill up the pit again and leave it like this without any further
guarding’ (Covel in Tourptsoglou-Stephanidou 1986, 161).
Covel also witnessed the processing of the Lemnian Earth
at a large fountain in Hagiapate. Hagiapate or Aghios Ypatios
was a Turkish village where the authorities had the right to
take some Lemnian Earth and give it to local potters to
make pots:
‘They first dissolve it in water, well working it with their hands;
then let the water pass through a sieve and what remains they
throw away. They let the water stand till settled, then take of
the clear, and when dry enough, they mould in their hands; and
most of this we have is shaped from thence. It is all here white,
yet I had some given me flesh-coloured. I enquired diligently
about it, and they all told me it came out of the same pit; but
I expect some of these fellows have found some other place
which they conceal’ (Covel in Tourptsoglou-Stephanidou 1986,
Based on the above descriptions we suggest that there was
a spring in the immediate vicinity of the pit from which the
Earth was extracted. The water ‘passed over’ the pit in the
course of a whole year. Sediments within the pit were
allowed to settle and clay, silt and sand to separate. It is the
fine naturally levigated clay that made up the medicinal
Earth and which, when removed at source, required no
further treatment. In support of this view, we quote Galen
(De Simplicium Medicamentorum Temperamentis ac
Facultatibus Liber IX (Chartier edition XIII, 249)) who
makes it clear that Lemnian Earth should not be washed
more than once:
‘... τινὲς δὲ δὶς ἤ τρὶς δέονται πλυθῆναι. τὴν μὲν οὖν Λημνίαν
ἕτοιμην λαμβάνεις ἅπαξ πεπλυμένην ὑπὸ τῆς ἱερίας, ἐκ
δευτέρου δε πλυθῆναι μὴ δεομένην’
‘Some (earths) are washed twice or three times; but the Lemnian
Earth you receive ready washed only once by the priestess; it
is not advisable to wash it a second time’ (authors’ translation).
This comment suggests that the medicinal Lemnian Earth
contained a soluble component which was the main
ingredient for its efficacy. Further washing would dilute the
strength of Lemnian Earth. It is also possible that this soluble
component was never associated with the pit but rather was
introduced into the pit by the stream itself, in the course of
the year. We suggest that the stream, which travelled over
the volcanic rock of the area, may have carried a soluble
component which may have been dissolved alum.
24. Lemnian Earth, Alum and Astringency: a Field-based Approach
Field evidence for alum
We did not encounter alum in samples recovered from the
Phthelidia spring area but there were several clues that alum
could have been produced in this area, given the geological
setting. The main clue is that some altered rocks from the
Phthelidia spring area which were sampled contain alunite.
Rock samples collected from the area are brown to brownish
yellow or red with white parts. Petrographic and powder
X-ray diffraction analyses indicated that the white parts
contain alunite as the main component, with kaolin and
cristobalite, whereas the red ochreous material contains
alunite and kaolin, with hematite, iron oxyhydroxides and
quartz (Hall and Photos-Jones 2008; Photos-Jones et al.
2012). Alunite is an insoluble potassium aluminium sulphate
mineral similar in composition to alum. It is quite rare and
is formed in relatively high temperature hydrothermal acid
sulphate alteration of volcanic rocks. Alunite is often found
associated with alum group minerals and native sulphur, as
on Melos (Hall et al. 2003). Its presence in rocks at the
Phthelidia spring therefore indicates that the hydrothermal
processes in this area had the potential to produce alumgroup minerals. This alteration process is explained in detail
in relation to the origin of Melian alumen (Hall et al. 2003;
Hall and Photos-Jones 2005). Even if it had been produced
hydrothermally in abundance, alum is unlikely to be found
in surface outcrops near the Phthelidia spring because the
geothermal process is no longer active and, being very
soluble, alum would have long ago been washed out of
surface rocks by rainwater. The samples recovered show
pronounced alteration. We infer that the different ‘varieties’
of Lemnian Earths with various textures (sticky, greasy and
granular) and colours (white, yellow and red) that are
referred to in the early texts are products of hydrothermal
alteration, with various proportions of the alteration
products. This is not unexpected in the proximity of a
geological fault in a former volcanic area. This fault is
inferred from the linear outcrop of crags of volcanic rock
at Phthelidia and presumably also constituted the main focus
for the former hydrothermal solutions. The existence of
alunite in the rock samples collected is therefore only an
indicator of the former potential presence of alum, but does
provide corroborative evidence in the search for the active
ingredient within the Lemnian Earth.
The deposits of altered rock could have been worked as
described by Belon in ‘vein-like’ features, presumably
located at geological faults and fracture zones. Over time,
soluble sulphates such as alum would have been ‘washed’
by rain out of the high ground of altered volcanic rocks,
into the alluvial sediment of the area of the currently
surrounding fields. They could therefore have found their
way into man-made traps (pits) set in place and worked by
ritual as in the accounts given above. Alum could therefore
have been concentrated by absorption by clay minerals as
they settled out of the spring water over the period of a year.
Altered volcanic rocks would be both exposed and under
the spring water. Pivotal to the investigation is the nature
of the bedrock over which water flowed. It is possible that
more than one pit was used as a trap in any given year.
Deciding which pit to excavate at any given time must have
been the result of deliberation on the part of the foreman in
charge but also of the authorities.
It should be emphasised that although a case is made
here for the possible presence of dissolved alum in the spring
waters, we cannot exclude the possibility that aluminium
may exist in solution as a cation and, as such, be exchanged
with the clay minerals that form the main constituents of
the earth.
The nature and properties of alum
Alum is currently a mineral group name for a large number
of highly soluble hydrated sulphates (usually aluminium-rich
sulphates), such as alunogen, Al 2(SO 4) 3.17H 2O, and
potassium-alum, (K-alum), KAl(SO4)2.12H2O. We therefore
use the name ‘alum’ here for alum that is predominantly
aluminium sulphate hydrate with or without potassium.
Alum was of such commercial importance (as a mordant)
in the 19th century that alum nomenclature was the subject
of a book (Richardson 1927); it was argued that the word
alum should be used only for potassium alum. The main
concern seemed to be that K-alum was the standard material
in use at that time, and its commercial status was being
undermined by calling other minerals alum, in particular
alunogen. In any case, alum (Latin: alumen; Greek:
στυπτηρία, stypteria) has long been known for its astringency
or styptic/haemostatic property. Although the word
‘astringency’ is probably best known for meaning a ‘sharp’
taste sensation, it also implies a ‘drawing together’,
‘shrinkage’ and ‘drying’ of soft body tissues. Astringency,
in the latter sense, is a significant property of alum in relation
to its medicinal and pharmaceutical uses.
Astringents known as styptics are employed to dry up
excessive secretions and to stop oozing of blood. This
astringency is a biochemical property, a physical effect
involving the shrinking mucous membranes and the drying
up of secretions. Astringency is also used to refer to a bitter
taste sensation (Lawless et al. 1994). The reason for the
taste relates to the biochemical properties of the astringents.
The ‘taste’ aspect of ‘astringency’ is therefore not as
‘fundamental’ as the biochemical impact but it is
understandable that that the word ‘astringent’ has become
associated with the ‘quality of taste’ of fruit for example
(Lawless et al. 1994; Eaks 1967).
An investigation of the use of alum as a mouth rinse
(Mourughan and Suryakanth 2004) led these authors to
consider that the alum acted as a bactericide reducing levels
Effie Photos-Jones and Allan J. Hall
of Streptococcus mutans hence decreasing the risk of dental
caries. The authors made it clear that the safety of the
prolonged use of alum would need to be established before
it could be used routinely. An early note by Young (1884)
had warned that excessive use of alum can cause
disintegration of teeth. Nevertheless, the study by Mourughan
and Suryakanth (2004) provides good evidence of the
antibacterial properties of alum.
Alum has long been used for large-scale water purification
and acts as a flocculating agent, clearing water of microbes,
clays as well as phosphorus and heavy metals (Linstedt et
al. 1974). Martell et al. (1996) explain that the purification
involves the precipitation of gelatinous aluminium hydroxide
around any solid particles present, including bacteria. There
is no antibacterial role envisaged in water purification. Yet
a special use of alum for purification of contaminated water
has been advocated, and in this case the alum is considered
to be a bactericide (Ahmad, Jahan and Huq 1984); this study
demonstrated that potassium aluminium sulphate (or potash
alum) had an antibacterial effect in oral rehydration solution
made with waters with a high bacterial count (gram-negative
bacteria, Vibrio cholerae and Escherichia coli). Concentrations of only 500 mg/ml of potash alum per litre were
effective within a few hours. The results of this study by
Ahmed et al. (1984) clearly indicate the efficacy of alum
as a bactericide.
In a recently published paper we have argued that
minerals like alunite, montmorillonite and colemanite (the
suggested active ingredient for the medicinal Samian earth
being boron) but also zeolites are active in a biological
environment with positive results (Photos-Jones et al. 2012,
636). This activity is related to their cation exchange
properties. The antibacterial action of these minerals is a
complex phenomenon and cannot be predicted on the basis
of their mineral structure alone.
In parallel to our own work and that of our colleagues,
there have been two separate sets of investigations on the
nature of Lemnian Earth (Katsaros 2009, 365; Papoulis et
al. 2011). These investigators ascribe the medicinal properties
of Lemnian earth to the presence of As (and Pb) detected
by chemical analysis in the rock/soils extracted at depth
from the Kotsinas locality. However, they have also
emphasised that in some samples the elevated amount of
arsenic may not be beneficial but toxic, particularly under
prolonged exposure (Papoulis et al. 2011). What is for certain
is that the medicinal properties of the Lemnian Earth can
not be defined in terms of composition and structure of the
constituent parts alone. Studies of Egyptian bentonite for
pharmaceutical use have shown that microbial tests are
needed to establish the absence of pathogens and that the
viable aerobic microorganisms need to be kept within
allowed limits. (Abdel-Motelib et al. 2011). Although, in
Antiquity, Lemnian Earth would not have undergone any
quality control tests, it is expected that would have been
largely relatively free of pathogens.
It is easy to pose the question ‘What was Lemnian Earth?’,
and from our account so far it should be evident that this
is not an easy question to answer. We have argued that the
raw material was in itself the product of a man-induced
enrichment process on an existing clay deposit. This
information derives from documentary evidence, but it is
not clear in its details. Yet we argue that it is consistent with
many accounts that the earth was ‘wet’ or ‘moist’ when it
was dug out. We suggest that the clay deposit (a mixture
primarily of montmorillonite and kaolin) was being enriched
over the course of the year by the waters of streams directed
over it. The stream water may have been rich in alum or in
aluminium deriving from a number of sources since it passed
through what appears to be volcanically, hydrothermally
altered rock; we have offered a tentative composition for
Lemnian Earth consisting essentially of a clay with
approximately 40% montmorillonite, 35% kaolin, 20% alum
and 5% hematite (Hall and Photos-Jones 2008). We suggest
that Lemnian Earth had alum as its active ingredient and
one that might have worked as both an astringent and a
bactericide when applied externally and when taken
internally. The montmorillonitic clay not only provided the
substrate but also could have acted as a poultice to reduce
swelling. Its cation exchange capacities would have ensured
the efficacy of the alum bearing minerals. One question that
needs to be addressed pertains to the analysis of water
samples for aluminium content from the surrounding
springs. This is an ongoing project supported by field-based
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