Wireless Engineering and Technology, 2017, 8, 71-86
ISSN Online: 2152-2308
ISSN Print: 2152-2294
Design of a Li-Fi Transceiver
Pavas Goswami, Manoj Kumar Shukla#
Department of Electronics, School of Engineering, HBTU, Kanpur, India
How to cite this paper: Goswami, P. and
Shukla, M.K. (2017) Design of a Li-Fi Transceiver. Wireless Engineering and Technology, 8, 71-86.
The latest uproar in this era is about a technology termed as Light Fidelity or
more commonly known as Li-Fi. There are currently two trends being seen:
First, the extension or enrichment of wireless services and other being increased in user demand for these services, but the available RF spectrum for
usage is very limited. So the new technology of Li-Fi came into picture, which
uses visible light as a source of communication. Li-Fi is the most recent development which is resourceful. In this technology, LEDs are used to transmit
data in the visible light spectrum. This technology can be compared with that
of Wi-Fi and offers advantages like increased accessible spectrum, efficiency,
security, low latency and much higher speed. This research paper aims at designing a Li-Fi transceiver using Arduino that is able to transmit digital data.
The hardware has been designed using Eagle CAD (version 7.1.0) tool and
Proteus design tool (version 8). The software coding is done by using Java
(version 8). Successful transmission and reception of text, image and video
signals is carried out on the transceiver. Hence this research work gives an
innovative way of designing a transceiver which works by using off the shelf
low cost components and using visible light spectrum.
Received: September 16, 2017
Accepted: October 28, 2017
Published: October 31, 2017
Copyright © 2017 by authors and
Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International
License (CC BY 4.0).
Open Access
Light Fidelity (Li-Fi), Visible Light Communication (VLC), Arduino,
Light Emitting Diode (LED), Optical Wireless Communication (OWC)
1. Introduction
Visible light communication (VLC) is the term given to an optical wireless communication system that conveys information by modulating light that is visible
to the human eye. Communication is achieved by switching LED lights on and
off at a speed higher than what is perceptible to the human eye. Eyes can detect
Manoj Kumar Shukla is a Professor in HBTU Kanpur.
DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006 Oct. 31, 2017
Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
changes in light brightness and power, but they cannot perceive light that is
switched on and off rapidly. A photodiode, on the other hand, can easily recognize the rapid on-off modulation. A photodiode is a photodetector that produces
an electrical current that is proportional to the optical power that is incident on
the photodetector surface. This simple principle makes possible visible-light communication technology that supports both illumination and wireless communication using an LED. Unlike RF wireless communication, where specialized tools
are needed to find a service area, the presence of a VLC service area will be easily
detected. The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
having wavelengths from about 380 nm to 780 nm and in terms of frequency;
this corresponds to a band of 385 - 789 THz [1].
1.1. VLC Principle
In Figure 1, the VLC radio transmitter and receiver modules based on intensity
modulation/direct detection is shown, which consists of digital to analog convertor, transconductance amplifier, low pass filters and high speed LEDs in the
transmitter section and photodiode, transimpedance amplifier, analog to digital
convertor in the receiver section.
The LED converts an electrical signal to optical energy that provides illumination as well as communication. Information is line-encoded and modulated by
the DAC, and then conveyed on the optical signal by modulating the amplitude
or some other feature of the LED light. At the receiver, the Photodiode converts
the received optical power to an electrical signal, which is then amplified, demodulated and decoded by the TIA Amp, LPF and ADC to recover the user message bits [2].
1.2. VLC vs Li-Fi System
VLC has been conceived as a point-to-point data communication technique—
essentially as a cable replacement. This has led to early VLC standardisation activities as part of IEEE 802.15.7 [3]. This standard, however, is currently being
revised to include Li-Fi. Li-Fi in contrast describes a complete wireless networking system. This includes bi-directional multiuser communication, i.e. point-tomultipoint and multipoint-to-point communication. Li-Fi also involves multiple
access points forming a wireless network of very small optical attocells with
seamless handover. This means that Li-Fi enables full user mobility, and therefore forms a new layer within the existing heterogeneous wireless networks. The
Figure 1. Block diagram of a VLC system [2].
DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006
Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
fact that LEDs are natural beamformers enables local containment of Li-Fi signals, and because of the blockage of the signals by opaque walls, Co-channel Interference can effectively be managed and physical layer security can be enhanced.
Figure 2 illustrates the principal techniques that are needed to create optical attocell Li-Fi networks [4].
1.3. Difference between Li-Fi and Wi-Fi
Li-Fi uses light for data transmission while Wi-Fi uses electro-magnetic waves at
radio frequencies for data transmission. Due to less interference incurred by
light compare to radio frequency waves, it is used in more dense environments.
In Figure 3 the basic differences between Li-Fi and Wi-Fi technologies are explained.
1.4. Paper Organization
This research paper is organized into the following sections—Section 1 gives the
introduction of visible light communication and Li-Fi technology and compares
commonly used RF technology Wi-Fi with indoor VLC technology Li-Fi. Section 2 describes about the working and components used in the Li-Fi system. In
Section 3 the design and schematics of Li-Fi transceiver developed has been explained. Section 4 discusses the result of the hardware and its performance is
shown on interface coded using JAVA. Finally Section 5 gives the conclusion of
the paper, followed by Acknowledgment and References.
2. Working Principle of a Li-Fi System
In this section, the block diagram of Li-Fi system is described. In Figure 4 there
Figure 2. The key elements of Li-Fi and its application areas [4].
DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006
Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
Full Form
Light Fidelity
Wireless Fidelity
Li-Fi transmits data using light with the help of LED bulbs.
Wi-Fi transmits data using radio waves with the help of
Wi-Fi router.
Do not have any interference issues similar to radio frequency
Will have interference issues from nearby access
Present IrDA compliant devices
WLAN 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ad standard compliant devices
Used in airlines, undersea explorations, operation theatres in the Used for internet browsing with the help of Wi-Fi hotspots
hospitals, office and home premises for data transfer and
internet browsing
Interference is less, can pass through salty sea water, works in
dense region
Interference is more, cannot pass through sea water, works
in less dense region
In Li-Fi, light is blocked by the walls and hence will provide
more secure data transfer
In Wi-Fi, RF signal cannot be blocked by the walls and
hence need to employ techniques to achieve secure data
Data transfer
About 1 Gbps
WLAN-11n offers 150 Mbps, About 1 - 2 Gbps can be
achieved using Wi-Gig/Giga-IR
Frequency of
10 thousand times frequency spectrum of the radio
2.4 GHz, 4.9 GHz and 5 GHz
Data density
Works in high dense environment
Works in less dense environment due to interference related
About 10 meters
About 32 meters (WLAN 802.11b/11g), vary based on
transmit power and antenna type
Lamp driver, LED bulb (lamp) and photo detector will make up
complete Li-Fi system
Requires routers to be installed, subscriber devices(laptops,
PDAs, desktops) are referred as stations
Figure 3. Comparison between Li-Fi and Wi-Fi [5].
Figure 4. Basic block diagram of Li-Fi system [6].
DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006
Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
are two sections: transmitter and receiver. In the transmitter side, the data is first
converted to binary through an ADC and then fed into a LED driver circuit
which is controlled by a signal processor. The LED driver works on the On-Off
Keying modulation [6]. After this the high illumination LED blinks at high speed
and transmits the data as optical pulses through the wireless channel. On the receiver side, these optical pulses are interpreted by a photodetector into an electrical signal which is amplified by a transimpedance amplifier and then converted
back to binary data using a comparator. The LED lights will be networked, so
multiple users can access data using a single LED light or move from one LED
light to another without affecting their access.
2.1. Components Used in the Prototype Li-Fi System
The key components are an Arduino Uno board, wavelength specific LED and
photodiode. Besides the component responsible of generating and capturing the
light signals, additional hardware is needed to filter and interpret these signals.
For example, a suitable band pass filter can be used to filter out incoming signals
with frequencies other than those desired; an optical filter can be a good way to
filter out light of other wavelengths; a lens to focus incoming light can be suitable if the light intensity is low. In the case of digital data transmissions, a digital
signal processor at both ends of the system is required to process incoming and
outgoing data [6].
2.2. Light Emitting Diode
LED is a semiconductor that produces light. When electrons enter the semiconductor they bond with holes in the substrate and energy is released in the form
of photons. There are several variables that need to be considered when choosing
an LED and these variables have to be weighed against each other. The maximum intensity of the LED affects the rise time. A low intensity makes it possible
to have a short rise time and increasing the intensity increases the rise time. The
more intensity a LED generates, the more power it needs, and the more heat it
produces. The Arduino [7] has a maximum voltage output of 5 V, maximum
current output of 1 A and can send a square wave with the maximum frequency
of 50 kHz. To meet these criteria the OSRAM [8] LED was chosen.
2.3. Photodiode
The photodiode is a semiconductor converting light into an electrical current.
Most of the photodiodes in the market are produced for the purpose of fibre optics. In applications concerning fibre optics, the radiant sensitive area of the
photodiode is small and the rise/fall time is short. With increased radiant sensitive area, the response time will be slower. Without fibre optics a larger radiant
sensitive area allows for more light to be captured by the receiver. Therefore, the
choice of photodiode is limited. The requirements of the photodiode are quick
response time, spectral sensitivity in the visible spectrum and large radiant sensiDOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006
Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
tive area. The size of the radiant sensitive area is crucial and therefore the photodiode used is VISHAY BPW21R [9]. It has suitable wavelength peak sensitivity
at 565 nm. The spectral bandwidth is from 420 nm to 675 nm and gives a perfect
range for the intended application. It has a linear light intensity to current ratio
and the radiant sensitive area is 7.5 mm2, which was larger than most photodiodes found. It has a rise and fall time of 3 μs each, which provides a switching
frequency of 166 kHz.
3. Design of a Li-Fi System
Main objective is to build a prototype using off the shelf electronic devices, establish a successful link for the transmission of digital data and provide a working Li-Fi system. To achieve this goal, open source Arduino development board
is used, as shown in Figure 5. Arduino is a small microcontroller board with a
USB plug to connect to your computer and a number of connection sockets that
can be wired up to external electronics, such as motors, relays, light sensors, laser diodes, loudspeakers, microphones, etc. They can either be powered through
the USB connection from the computer or from a 9 V battery. Arduino can be
controlled by the computer or programmed to work independently.
3.1. Encoding Style (On-Off Keying)
This section describes the most commonly used encoding method that was used
during this project. On-off keying (OOK) is the simplest method to represent
data. The logic value zero corresponds to LOW and the logic value one to HIGH.
In the VLC case, this means the LED is turned off to transmit a zero and turned
on to transmit a one.
Let PeS and PeM are the error probability of a high bit being received as a low
bit and a low bit being received as a high bit, respectively, then for a coherent
receiver we have [10] [11].
Figure 5. Arduino Uno development board [7].
DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006
Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
Eb 4 N o
where Eb N o is the energy-to-noise spectral density ratio and erfc (.) is the
complementary error function.
3.2. Transmitter Hardware Design
The task of transmitter is to convert digital data into visible light. An LED was a
suitable component because of its relatively linear relation between current and
light intensity [10]. The general idea is to modulate the light intensity of the LED
i.e., the intensity of the light corresponds to the symbol transmitted. The Arduino ports are not capable of delivering the right amount of current to make the
light intensity strong and fast enough. To get around this problem a transistor is
used as a switch, which made it possible to switch a larger current faster. In Figure 6, schematic is shown to give an overview of the transmitter. The PCB for
transmitter is designed using the following steps:
1) The transmitter PCB design was done by converting the circuit’s schematic
diagram into a PCB layout. The software used for PCB layout is Cadsoft Eagle.
2) After designing the PCB layout, the printout of circuit board is taken out on
glossy paper.
3) Then the copper plate is cut for the circuit board. Also the top oxide layer is
rubbed away.
4) After this, the PCB print is transferred onto the copper plate.
5) Next the circuit from the paper is ironed onto the PCB plate.
6) Next step is to etch the plate.
Figure 6. Schematics of Li-Fi transmitter.
DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006
Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
7) Then the etching solution is carefully disposed off and the board is cleaned
8) Lastly, the final touches are given to the circuit board in Figure 7(a), Figure 7(b).
3.3. Receiver Hardware Design
The receiver converts the incoming light into current using a photodiode. For a
digital signal, the Arduino cannot receive a voltage above 5 V. Therefore, the
electrical circuit between the photodiode and the Arduino needs to process the
electrical signal so it can be interpreted correctly. The receiver’s electronics need
to convert the current to voltage in order to amplify and compare it. Distance
between the transmitter and the receiver can be varied, but in order to avoid too
small or too high signal, an automatic gain controller (AGC) can be designed,
instead a variable resistor is used here. This component amplifies or reduces the
input voltage to a selected output voltage. To make sure the signal is digital and
stable before the Arduino, an Op-Amp comparator is used here. The schematics
are shown in Figure 8 and receiver PCB layout is shown in Figure 9 with soldered components shown in Figure 10.
Figure 7. (a) PCB layout; (b) Components soldered.
Figure 8. Schematics of Li-Fi receiver.
DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006
Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
Figure 9. Receiver PCB layout.
Figure 10. Components soldered on receiver PCB.
3.4. Software
The software implementation of the project consists of the following separate
1) Data packaging;
2) Hardware control;
3) Transmission synchronization;
4) Transmission encoding and decoding;
5) Error handling.
Whenever a user wants to send data to another user, the following steps will
take place by using JAVA codes:
1) The application used by the user will notify the Operating System (OS) that
it wants to send data, what the data is, and where it should be sent.
2) The kernel will take the data and hand it to the network module.
3) The network module will buffer it and start transmitting it over the channel.
4) The network module on the receiving computer will collect the packet from
the channel, and hand it to the kernel of the receiving computer.
5) If the data is intended for an application, such as a web browser, the data
will be handed to that application.
DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006
Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
3.5. Design Verification
Tests were conducted to verify the design and see if the right properties were
achieved. These tests were mainly done using Java and MATLAB. The prototype
is calibrated by sending text as a test signal so as to adjust the proper resistance
values for amplification. The final design verification was done using the complete system; transmitter, receiver and software, and the results are shown in
Section 4.
4. Results
In this section, a summary of the design choices made during the research work
and the achieved results are described.
4.1. Hardware
The transmitter and receiver results of Arduino based Li-Fi system is described
in the sections below. Figure 11 displays the signal from the Arduino when it is
propagated through the transmitter and receiver. The resulting propagated signal is nearly identical to the transmitted signal. There is small phase difference
and difference in duty cycle between the received and the transmitted signal. This
is due to noise in wireless channel and capacitive effects. The transmission efficiency of the prototype designed in the research work can be measured in terms
of power. The transmitted power is 0.5 W and received power is 0.01 W at the
photodiode. Hence efficiency is the ratio of received power to the input power.
Hence the transmission efficiency is 0.02% or 2%.
Figure 11. Example of a signal propagated from the transmitter to the receiver.
DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006
Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
4.2. Transmitter
The transmitter receives a signal from the PC using USB Cable then from GPIO
pins on the Arduino, this signal controls the transistor which open and close the
power supply to the LED. The LED voltage levels are shown in Figure 12, here it
can be noted that both 12 v and 5 v supply can be used in the transmitter for
powering the LED but for simplicity 5 v supply is preferred for low power operation.
4.3. Receiver
The receiver converts the incoming light into an electrical signal and feeds it into
the microcontroller. The receiver filters and amplifies the signal. After amplification, the signal is in analog form; hence ADC operation is performed, before
providing it to the Arduino. Figure 13 shows the measured signal at the output
of the amplifier. The current which is generated by the photodiode is of very low
value; hence a high value resistor is used to convert it to voltage. Now this voltage is further amplified for the comparator to give proper transmitted bits. Amplitude of amplified voltage which is the output of the 741 op-amp is shown in
Figure 13. The signal value can be further increased by using higher DC voltage.
4.4. Proposed Prototype of Li-Fi Transceiver
In Figure 14 the proposed schematic of Li-Fi transceiver has been illustrated.
This schematic was designed using Proteus Design tool (version 8), Figure 15
Figure 12. Signal measured over the LED.
Figure 13. Signal measured at the output of the amplifier.
DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006
Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
Figure 14. Schematics of transceiver using Proteus design tool.
Figure 15. BER vs SNR plot for OOK encoding.
shows the BER plot of OOK encoding which is simulated using MATLAB. Figure 16 shows the digital data which is transmitted using one of the USB ports
and Figure 17 shows the received data displayed using serial port monitor software.
DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006
Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
Figure 16. Data string which is transmitted from the pc on serial ports.
Figure 17. Received data string shown on to other pc.
DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006
Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
In Figure 15 the bit error rate compared with signal to noise ratio (dB). The x
axis range from 0 to 12 dB and the BER starts from close to 100 and begins to
decrease as the SNR values start increasing. At 2 dB the value of BER falls to 10−1
and keeps falling as the SNR values increase further. At about 12 dB the BER
falls down below 10−4. So there is stringent improvement in bit error rate as the
value of signal to noise ratio increases for the on-off keying encoding. The parameters used for MATLAB simulation are as follows:
1) Charge of electron (q) = 1.6 × 10−6 C;
2) Background current noise and interference-2.02 × 10−4 A;
3) Noise Spectral Density (NO)-6.46 × 10−23 W/Hz;
4) Photodetector Responsivity (R) = 1;
5) Bit Rate (Rb) = 106;
6) Number of bits-105;
7) Samples per symbols-10;
8) Eb/NO = 1/12.
In Figure 16 and Figure 17, it is shown that the data string of “hi” is transmitted from “COM port 6” at 115,200 bps and received onto “COM port 100” at
115,200 bps. The program used is serial port monitor; it is an open source software for visualizing serial data communication.
Figure 18 depicts the transmitted video and received frames are shown in
Figure 19. This interface has been designed in JAVA applet. This video transmission will work smoothly only when the light from LED is interpreted properly by photodiode. In case of any inconsistency in video transmission, the frames
can be synchronized by using a buffer.
Figure 18. Transmitted video from pc to the Li-Fi transmitter [12].
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Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
Figure 19. Received frames from the transmitted video files as displayed using JAVA
5. Conclusion
In this paper the working model of Li-Fi is successfully completed. The Li-Fi
transceiver using Arduino is designed that is able to transmit digital data. The
PCB layout and schematics are sketched using Eagle CAD (version 7.1.0) tool
and Proteus design tool (version 8). The software used is MATLAB, Java (version 8), and serial port monitor. The results show the transmission of data string
on the serial port monitor. After ensuring the successful transmission of data
string, video frames were transmitted and received successfully. This video transmission was seen on JAVA interface. Therefore a Li-Fi prototype has been designed which demonstrates the basic principle and also supports the claim of the
advantages of Li-Fi over Wi-Fi. The research work presented in this work has
some limitations also. The Li-Fi prototype designed does not support multi user
access. The speed achieved with this prototype is 115,200 bps only. It is not of
high order of Gbps. Also this prototype is not bidirectional. Hence it is only used
for broadcast purposes. The limitations of this work can be removed by using higher
end devices.
Special thanks to Dr. Manoj K. Shukla and faculty members of HBTU Kanpur
for their guidance and support.
DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006
Wireless Engineering and Technology
P. Goswami, M. K. Shukla
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DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006
Wireless Engineering and Technology