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UKRAINE HISTORICAL MAPS FROM OTTOMAN RUSSIAN BORDERLANDS 228 pages full colour 30x30 cm for ordering and price contact: sotapublishing@gmail.com Mehmet Tütüncü (Ed.) 2020 UKRAINE HISTORICAL MAPS FROM OTTOMAN RUSSIAN BORDERLANDS Edited by / Yayına hazırlayan: Mehmet Tütüncü with contributions from: Mahir Aydin, Elżbieta Święcicka, Andrew B. Pernal Graphic Designer: Omer Erdem omerdem@me.com ISBN 978-90-6921-031-7 CORPUS OF TURKISH ISLAMIC INSCRIPTIONS nr. 27 TÜRK İSLAM KİTABELERİ DİZİSİ no: 27 © Copyright 2020, SOTA All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying and recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher and copyright holder. Publisher: SOTA / Research Centre for Tukish and Arabic World Brabantlaan 26 2101 SG Heemstede Netherlands Tel: + 31 23 5292883 Email: sotapublishing@gmail.com or m.tutuncu@gmail.com Web: www.turkistan.org 2 MAPPING THE WILD FRONTIERS OF OTTOMANS Maps represent one of the oldest forms of human communication. For centuries, scientists have been convinced of the expressive power of the map, which can speak beyond the barrier of the ordinary language. The significance of the map, especially in the past, stems from the fact that people were making them to tell other people about the places and places they experienced. The maps presented in this book are very important for studying the general and cultural history of the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the early modern period as well as the surrounding regions. The significance of their analysis and publishing is even greater because the cartographic representations of the early Bosnian-Ottoman production area of Ottoman production are extremely rare and less familiar to the academic and professional public. Based on certain characteristics it can be assumed that maps represented in this book were created during the 18th century. Some of them are work of professionally engaged and educated Ottoman officials, while for others we assume that they are works of amateurs, most likely domestic people. The professional maps that emerged during the negotiations on the Ottoman-Russian demarcation processses in the Northern Steppes forming the nowadays Ukraine are a testament to the intense work, collaboration and commitment of the Ottoman and Russian members of the demarcation commission. This is confirmed not only by the notes on the mentioned maps, but also by numerous other Ottoman documents from same period. At the same time, on the basis of a more detailed analysis, it can be concluded that the members of the demarcation commissions were educated and competent to carry out the mentioned process, and that they spent a long time on the field, establishing a borderline on the spot. As for the amateur maps presented in this book, we also consider that they represent a significant historical source and valuable contribution of local inhabitants to the cartography of Ukraine during the Ottoman period. The Ottoman maps of Southeast Europe, where the territory of Ottoman Provinces is shown, on the other hand, are examples of the maps created by the compilation, based on the insights into the early modern maps of Europe without a direct insight into the situation on the ground. Apart from the lines of demarcation and other textual parts on the maps, which place these maps among the primary historical sources for studying the proces . Content İçindekiler SOURCES 4 Chapter 1 First Maps of Ukraine Chapter 2 TURKISH RUSSIAN BORDER MAPS 8 Maps from 1700-1856 23 64 CHAPTER 3 GEOGRAPHICAL MAPS 154 CHAPTER 4 DNYEPER MAPS 194 CHAPTER 5 MODERN WAR MAPS 19TH CENTURY 210 CHAPTER 6 DONAU MAPS 220 3 SOURCES 1. FIRST MAPS of UKRAINE: Maps: 1. [p.8-9] Delineatio Generalis CAMPORUM DESERTORUM vulgo UKRAINA, Cum adjacentibus Provinciis Bono publico erectab per Guilhelmum le Vasseur de Beauplan S.R.M.tis Architectum militarem et Capitaneum ; S.R.M.tis Sculpt: Guilhelmus Hondius fecit, Gedani 1648 publisher: [Willem Hondius] 1648 Gdansk 1049B10_040 (kopergravure, kaart ), Atlas Van der Hagen, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 2. [p. 10-11] Delineatio generalis Camporum Desertorum vulgo Ukraina : cum adjacentibus provinciis Beauplan, Guillaume Le Vasseur, sieur de, approximately 1600- Hondius, Willem. Created / Published [Gedanum] : Beauplan, [1648] Library of Congress Geography and Map Division Washington, D.C. 20540-4650 USA dcu Digital Id http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g7100.ct000383 3. [p. 13] Magni Dvcatvs Lithvaniae, Caeterarvmqve Regionvm Illi Adiacentivm Exacta Descriptio Illss.mi. ac Excellss.mi. Pricipis et Dni. D. Nicolai Christophori Radziwil. D.G. Olijcæ ac in Nieswies Ducis, S. Rom. Imperii Principis in Szylowiec ac Mir Comitis et S. Sepulchri Hierosolimitani Militis &c. Opera cura et impensis facta ac in lucem edita / Sculptum apud Heselum Gerardum. Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638 Strubicz, Maciej, about 1530-1604 Gerritsz., Hessel, approximately 1581-1632 Date 1613 4 6. [p. 22-] Schreiber, Johann George, 1676-1750 Date 1740 Charte von der Walachey Moldau Podolien in Polen Publisher: Leipzig: Johann George Schreibern 7. [p. 28-29] Treaty map shewing the boundaries of Russia & the Eastern European states : & the proposed boundary between Russia & Turkey Wyld, James, 1812-1887, cartographer. Fillmore, Millard, 1800-1874 collector. Published London : Published by James Wyld, Geographer to the Queen & H.R.H. Prince Albert, February 25th 1856. Contents Russia & Ottoman empires, Sweden, Denmark, Prussia & Austria, shewing the Russian territorial enlargements by various treaties [scale approximately 1:8,000,000] -- Map of the proposed new boundary [with the Ottoman Empire, scale approximately 1:1,400,000] -- The extent of the Russian Empire, 1856. Digital Id http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g7001f.fi000094 Library of Congress Control Number 2015591079 8. [p. 32-33] Borderlines based on the on the map fragment Carte geographique representant le Théatre de la guerre entre les Russes, les Turcs, et les Polonois confédérés : c’est à dire : les provinces d’Ukraine, de Nouvelle Servie, de Moldavie, Valachie, Krimée , le gouvernement de Woronez et d’Astracan comme aussi la Tartarie de Kuban / par Tobie Conrad Lotter ; gravée par les G. F. et G. C. Lotter, les fils 2. TURKISH RUSSIAN BORDER MAPS [p. 23-155] Documents: 9. [p. 35-37] 1680 POLISH PROTOCOL OF DEMARCATION OF KAMANETSK PODOLSK (16 OCTOBER 1680) Kolodziejczy- ck Ottoman Polish Diplomatic Relations, p. 545-554, 4. [p. 14-19] Tshertosch ukrainskim i tsherkaskim gorodam ot Moskwij dokrijma.‘Sketch-map of Ukrainian and Cherkassian Cities from Moscow to Crimea’ [Chertezh Ukrainskim i cherkaskim gorodam ot Moskvy do Kryma], c.1667–1673, in Stockholm, Riksarkivet (National Archives), Author unknown. East is at the top. 93x78 cm. 10. [p. 34] Map of Border between Polan and Ottoman Empire (Kamenec Podolskeyale) layered on a modern google map. (Ömer Erdem} 5. [p.20-21] “Typus Generalis Ukrainae sive Palatinatuum Podoliae, Kioviensis et Braczlaviensis terras nova delineatione exhibens.” Contemp. handcol. engr. map w. 3 cartouches, 42,5x54 cm., verso blank, Amst., with the address of Janssonius van Waesbergen and M. Pitt, ±1680. 12. [p. 40] Polis Turkish Borders (Balta) detail: on the on the map fragment Carte geographique representant le Théatre de la guerre entre les Russes, les Turcs, et les Polonois confédérés : c’est à dire : les provinces d’Ukraine, de Nouvelle Servie, de Moldavie, Valachie, Krimée , le gouvernement de Woronez et d’Astracan comme aussi la Tartarie de Kuban / par Tobie Con- 11. [p. 39-43] OTTOMAN POLISH BORDER DEMARCATION PROTOCOL FROM THE YEAR 1703 (Ottoman Archives/ Osmanlı ArşiviPictre print of original Document Hat 1427/58428) rad Lotter ; gravée par les G. F. et G. C. Lotter, les fils 13. [pp. 44-50] Map from 1700 delienating Borders between Russia and Ottoam Empire. (Harburg Archives Fürstlıch Öttıngen-Wallersteinches Archiv Wallerstein, Perosnalakten Graf Wolfgang IV. nr. 84 14. [p. 58] Turkish Russian Bordermarkers in 1714. (based on Ottoman and Russian douments) 15. [p. 62-63] Carte geographique representant le Théatre de la guerre entre les Russes, les Turcs, et les Polonois confédérés : c’est à dire : les provinces d’Ukraine, de Nouvelle Servie, de Moldavie, Valachie, Krimée , le gouvernement de Woronez et d’Astracan comme aussi la Tartarie de Kuban / par Tobie Conrad Lotter ; gravée par les G. F. et G. C. Lotter, les fils 16. [pp. 64-65] Charte der Kriegsoperationen in Donn und Dnieper Ihro Russsich Keyserl. Maiest. glorieusen Armee 1736 gestochen bei der keyserl. Acad. der Wissenschaften in St. Petersburg zu haben bey Matthaesu Seutter der Röm. Kayserl. u. Köningl. Cathol. Majest. Georgius Augsburg 17. [pp. 66-67] Charte der Kriegsoperationen in Donn und Dnieper Ihro Russsich Keyserl. Maiest. glorieusen Armee 1736 gestochen bei der keyserl. Acad. der Wissenschaften in St. Petersburg 18. [p. 69} Turkish Russian borderlines on Azak. Detail from Charte der Kriegsoperationen in Donn und Dnieper Ihro Russsich Keyserl. Maiest. glorieusen Armee 1736 gestochen bei der keyserl. Acad. der Wissenschaften in St. Petersburg 19. [p. 74-75, 79] Turkish Russian Border deciphered based on the Map BOA HRT 0091 [pp. 84-86] 20. [pp. 84-86] BOA HRT 0091 Undated map delienating border of 1739 between Russia and Ottoman Empire. 21. [p. 88-95] Ricci Zanoni Karta granic Polski, zacząwszy od końca gór Karpackich w Siedmiogrodzie, aż do osady Tatarów Bessarabskich, Zawieraiąca Moldawią Pułnocną, stepy Tatarów Lipków, y wyciągnienie Dniestru od Chocima aż do Benderu. 22. [pp. 88-95] Ricci Zanoni A map of the borders of Poland, starting from the end of the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania till the living place of Bessarabian Tatars, which contains the north Moldavia, the steppes of Lipkowie Tatars and the course of Dniestr from Chocim till Bendery. 23. [pp. 88-95]Ricci Zanoni İşbu deruni Haritalar sınurlari Erdel vilayetindeki Karpak tağların ahırından Ta bucak Tatarlarinın Toprağina ç... olan Boğdabn Tarafı şimaliyesi ile Lipka Tataralari paban?? yerleri ve dnyester suyun köprüsü Hotin şehrinden Bender’e varınca meyan olunur 25. [p. 100 Plan Batalii pri Stavuchanakh v Moldavii Kayserl. Academie der Wissenschafften Location St. Petersburg Note Detail color map, showing the plan of battle near Stavuchanakh in Moldavia, between the Imperial Russian Grand Army under the commander General Field Marshal von Münich and the Turkish and Tartar Armies under the command of Serasker Trekh Bunchuzhnago, led by Wely Pasha and Saltan Islam Girei in 17/28 August 1739. Includes, military position and routes, and military fortifications. Elaborate title cartouche. Title and key in Russian and German. 26. [p. 106] Tabula Geographica Qua Pars Russiae Magnae Pontus euxinius seu Mare Nigrum et Tartaria Minor (Johannes Baptista Homan] 27. [p. 107] Carte der Kriegsoperationen von der Russisch Keyser 1736 St. petersburg 28. [p. 110-123] Kuzey-Batı Karadeniz Sahilleri, Moldova ve Ukrayna Kısımları Haritası (ВОА. Hrt. 0187. 70×52 cм). 29. [p. 124-125 Carte der Kriegsoperationen von der Russisch Keyser Kriegsoperationen. 1736 \ 30. [p. 126-127] Carte Geographique representant le theatre de la Gurre entre les Russe, et les Polonois, les Turcs 1769 by Tobia Conrad Lotte George Augsburg 1769. 31. [p. 130-131] Carte Curieuse des Nouvel Limites de la Pologne et de l’Empire Ottomane Paris 1776. 32. [p. 132-133] 1774 tarihli Küçük Kaynarca Antlaşması sonuçlarına dayanarak hazırlanan Kuzey Karadeniz Bölgesi Haritası (ВОА hrt. 0189). 33. [p. 134-134] Ottoman Russian Borders 1700-1856 ACCORDING TO TREATIES AND BORDER delinenating commissions reports form Rusya Ahkam Defteri with illustrated with Maps and schedules from Ottoman and Western Maps. 5 34. BORDERMARKING TREATIES 1. Bahcesaray Treaty Antlaşması 168 [p. 33] 2. Istanbul Treaty Antlasması 1700 [p. 51] 3. Prut Treaty Antlaşması (1714) [p. 54] 4. Belgrad Treaty Antlaşması (1739) [ p. 71] 5. Küçük Kaynarca Treaty Antlaşması (1784) [ p. 128] 6. Yaş Treaty Antlaşması (1792) [p. 136] 7. Bükreş Treaty Antlaşması (1806) [ p. 138] 8. Akkerman Treaty Antlaşması (1826) [p. 140] 9. Edirne Treaty Antlaşması (1830) [p. 1424] 10. Paris Treaty Antlaşması (1856) [ p. 150] 50. [p. 176-181] HRT 0092 51. [p. 182-184 TT 0808 52. [p. 186-187] Topkapi Sarayi A 3625 53. [p. 188-190] HRT 0038 54. [p. 191-193 HRT 0044 DNYEPR ÖZÜ MAPS 35. [p. 134-135] Survey of Ottoman Russia border between 1774 untol 1812 Nothern Black Sea Territories (Ömer Erdem-Mehmet Tütüncü) 36. [ p. 138-139] AoSE,by H.H.A. Hötte vol. 2 , p. 140 Bucaharets Treaty p. 84 37. [ p. 140] AoSE,by H.H.A. Hötte vol. 3 , p. 69 Akkerman Treaty PL. 2.24 38. [p. 141] AoSE by H.H.A. Hötte vol. 2 Edirne Treaty1812 39. [ p. 141] AoSE,by H.H.A. Hötte vol. 3 , p. 69 Akkerman Treaty 40. [p. 141] AoSE by H.H. Hötte vol. 3 p. 83 Pl. 4.32 41. [p. 141] AoSE by H.H.A. Hötte vol. 3, p. 88, Pl. 4.9 Paris Treaty. 42. [p. 142] AoSE by H.H. Hötte vol. 3 p. 83 Pl. 4.32 43. [p. 147] Charte des Kriegsschauplatzes von der niedern Donau bis Contantinople Berabeitet nach der Zusammentragung des K.P. Generalstabes 1828 (instes Dardanellen Festung, Map of Topkapi Serai, Burgas oder mesambri, Bosporus 44. [p. 149] Kuzey-Batı Karadeniz Bölgesinde Akkerman Sözleşmesi Temelinde Toprakların Sınırlandırılması Haritası 1826-1828 рр. (ВОА. Hrt. 0040). 45. [p. 151] Map shewing the Boundary between Russia & Turkey on the Bessarabian Frontier, as fixed by the treaties of 20th March 1856, 6th January 18567, 19 June 1857Annex no. 1 to the protocol of Paris. of 6th January 1857 46 MAP: [p. 161-167] Utlandska kartor, Ryssland 33.47 MAPS FROM OTTOMAN ARCHIVES 47. [p. 168-171] HRT 0037 48. [p. 172-173] Piri Reis Karadeniz Haritasi 49. [p. 174-175] HRT 0082 6 168-193 55. [ p. 195-196] map of the Dniepr River, by Willem & Joan Blaeu. Date of the first edition: 1631 Date of this map: 1643 Copper engraving, printed on paper. Size (not including margins): 75 x 32cm (29.3 x 12.5 inches) References: Van der Krogt 2, 1730/II:2A; Schilder 4, 29,3-5. From: Théâtre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas. Première partie. J. Blaeu, 1643. (Van der Krogt 2, 212) 56.[p. 197-199] Tractus Borysthenis Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673Tractvs Borysthenis Vulgo Dniepr et Niepr dicti, Bouzin ad Chortyca Ostrow from 1665. 57. [p. 202-203] Map of Dnieper River in thje area from Kiev to Zaporozho.Guillaume le Vasseur de Beauplan, 27x212 cm. map ca 1640 descriptions on the map ca 1649-1651. Perfecter und Eigenlischer Abris von den maechtigen Flus Borustenes oder Nieperstroms so aich beginnt von der grossen Stadt Kiow an bis Jasschort Ostrow zur da sich der Strom Wohl 2,5 meil Weith ausbreitet, Wie dan solches neben allen engelegenen fortressen runt Festung in dieser Caert Justh ist. Utlaendske Kartor Kartregister 0403:34B:033 58. [p. 206-207] Guillaume le Vasseur de Beauplain 114x52 cm Map of the region Lutsk-Kiiv-Vinnitsa-Bar Brody 1635 Krigsarkivet, Utlaåndska Kartor, 59. [p. 210-211] Des mouvements de lármée de Sa majesté Imperiale de toutes Russies dans la Moldavie contre les Turcs depuis le commencement de la guerre presente Campagne 1769 April 1769 No.1L’Armée part des on Rendeéz vous Général de Mikowza en Podo le 11. Avril sous les ordres du Feldmarechal Prince de Gallitzin pour aller occuper le camp de kaleus de 14 61. [p. 216-217] Karte von der Walachel Moldau und Bessarabien. Nach geometrischen Messungen und astronomischen Beobachtungen verfasst von Herrn I.F. Schmid neu herausgegeben von Herrn F.A. Schraembl. MDCCLXXXVIII Europ. Turkey II. Grassl, J. (Joseph) Date 1860 turowym Europy, 2012, 188. 62. [p. 218] Karte von Bessarabien unde Moldau ABBREVIATIONS 63. [p. 219] Full Title Neueste Special & Kriegs-Karte der europaischen Turkey in IV Blattern. Entw. u. gez. v. J. Grassl. (H. Schleifmann sc.). II. Section ... (Stich, Druck und Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts in Hildburghausen, 1860) Note Engraved map. Sheet 2 of 4. Boundaries boundaries hand col. Relief shown by hachures. Inset: Nordlicher Teil der Moldau. “J. Meyer’s Hand-Atlas No. 154.” Prime meridian: Ferro. BOA: Başbakan¬ik Osmanlı Arşivi {Turtkish Directorate General for Ottoman Archives] ASE: Atlas Southeastern Europe 3 Volumes By H.H. Hötte 64. [p. 220-221] Carte du Cours du Danube depuis Ulm jusq’ua son embouchure dans la Mer noire ou Guide de Voyage a Contsnatinople, sur le Danube avec indication de tous les points de la Navigation des Syrocpahes sur cette route. Arataria et Compagnoe, Vienna ca. 1837 65. [p. 222-223] Carte du Cours du Danube depuis Ulm jusq’ua son embouchure dans la Mer noire ou Guide de Voyage a Contsnatinople, sur le Danube avec indication de tous les points de la Navigation des Syrocpahes sur cette route. Arataria et Compagnoe, Vienna ca. 1860 76x54 cm. 66. [p. 224-225] Das Donau-Delta: reducirt auf des Längenmaßstabs nach der von der Britischen Marine unter Capt. T. Spratt 1856-57 aufgenommenen und 1865 berichtigten Karte (Delta of the Danube) Hygrographit Office of Admiralty No. 2835Kiepert, H. Erschienen in: Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin ; 4.1869 External contributions: 67. [p. 24--31] Introductory article: Mahir Aydın TÜRKIYE RUSYA SINIRI RUSYA-TÜRKIYE SINIR KAVRAMI (16961829) Güney-Doğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi = The Journal of South-Eastern European Studies.-- İstanbul : İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi, Istanbul 2019, pp. 11-21 68. [p. 150-1515] Kemal Beydilli Paris Antlaşmasi TDVIA 69. [p. 154-167] Elżbieta Święcicka Preliminary Notes About The Undated Map Named “Russia” From The Swedish Military Archives Or Cartographical Memorial Of The Tatars’ Raids On Muscovy And A Few Words Of Warning 70. [p. 201-209] Andrew B. Pernal “Two Newly-Discovered Seventeenth-Century Manuscript Maps of Ukraine”. Od Kijowa do Rzymu. Białystok : Instytut Badań nad Dziedzictwem Kul- 7 8 Chapter 1 FIRST MAPS OF UKRAINE Beauplan Chertosch Ukraine Beauplan, Guillaume Le Vasseur de The Ukraine was divided between Poland and Russia in the 17th century. In order to control this enormous area and to protect it against enemies the Polish king Ladislaus IV ordered the complete territory to be surveyed and mapped by the French military Guillaume le Vasseur de Beauplan (1595-1685). This survey plan of the Ukraine was composed in 1639 by De Beauplan, engraved and published by Willem Hondius in 1648 in Gdansk. Beauplan, Guillaume Le Vasseur de, b ca 1600 in Normandy, d 6 December 1673. French army engineer, architect, and cartographer. From 1630 to 1648 he was a captain in the artillery of the Polish army and was ordered to Ukraine. In 1637–8 he took part in Stanisław Koniecpolski’s campaign against Pavlo Pavliuk and Yakiv Ostrianyn; in 1639 he rebuilt the fortress Kodak, which had been destroyed by the Cossacks. He also built many castles and fortresses (including those at Bar, Brody, and Kremenchuk). Beauplan, one of the most famous 17th-century cartographers, drew the first descriptive map of Ukraine in 1639; in 1654 in Danzig he published a specialized (scale of 1:452,000) and a ‘general’ (scale of 1:1,800,000) map of Ukraine, both engraved by the famous Dutch engraver Willem Hondius (de Hondt). Following their publication in Rouen, France, in 1660, these maps were duplicated many times in various European countries (they were reproduced, moreover, by Veniiamyn Kordt in Materialy po istorii russkoi kartografii [Materials for the History of Russian Cartography, 1–2, 1899–1910]). In 1662 Beauplan anonymously published a map of the lower Dnipro River in Amsterdam. His book Description of Ukraine was wi- 9 45 Kuzey Karadeniz Sahilleri ve Kırım Adası Haritası (HFA. Kat. 4. 119) Northern Black Sea and Crimea Map (HFA. Ka.t 4. 119) Adı ve tarihi olmayan Harita Almanya’da Harburg kalesinde bulunan Fürstlıch Öttıngen-Wallersteinches Archiv Wallerstein, Perosnalakten Graf Wolfgang IV. nr. 84 kayıtlıdır. Bu harita kardeniz ve bölgesini yansıtan en eski ve orijinal Osmanlı haritalardandır. Bu konuda ilk yaynını Hans-Joachim Kissling1 yapmış fakat haritanın resmini vermemiştir. Harita el yapımı renklendirilmiştir. boyutları 84x45 cm. Karadenizin Kuzey kısmının detaylı bir şekilde yansıtılmıştır. Doğuda Tuna nehrinden başlayarak Moldavya Bucak ve Özü nehri ve Kırım Yarımadasından snra Batıya Don nehri Karadenizi kıyısndaki Kafkas dağlarına kadar bir alanda şehiler ve coğrafi özellikleri verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Nehir yatakları gümüş tabakalar kullanılarak gösterilir. Perekop kalesinin öğeleri altın (?) mürekkep kullanılarak çizilmiştir. Kalelerin ve şehir binalarının minyatür görüntüleri hayal gücü sonucudur. Alt Kısmında bir mikyas konulmuş ve şu açıklama yer almakatadır. Denizde olan millerin adedini Pergel hesabını beyan eder. Beher noktadan noktaya varınca mabeyn beşer mildir. Zamanın modern teknoljisine göre yapılan haritada yinede bazı yön ve şekil hataları mevcuttur. Haritada şehri ve yerler hem Osmnalıca hem Latin harfleriyle açıklanmıştır. Map from Fürstlıch Öttingen-Wallersteinches Archiv Wallerstein, Perosnalakten Graf Wolfgang IV in Harburg castle in Germany. no. This map, which has 84, is one of the oldest and original Ottoman maps reflecting the Black Sea and its region. Hans-Joachim Kissling made the first publication on this subject, but did not give a picture of the map2. Haritada Azak kalesi ve civarı Vilayet Moskov olarak yazılmış. Bu da Haritanın 1701 yılındaki İstanbul anlaşmasından hemen sonra yapıldığına işaret ediyor. Bilindiği gibi Ruslara ilk defa Azak Kalesini 1701 İstanbul anlaşmasıyla ele geçirmişler ve kale 1711 Prut anlaşmasından sonra tekrar Osmanlıya geri verilmiştir. Yine İstanbul anlaşmasından askerden arındırılmış bölge olarak bırakılan Azak Kalesinin batısı ıle kırım yarımadası arasındaki topraklar (Vilayet Çerkes Tabii Tatar Han)beyaz renkte bırakılmış. Vilayetleri ayırmak için pembe ve yeşil ton renkler kullanılmıştır. Nehirler ise gümüş bir boya ile renklendirilmiştir Haritada Bucak bölgesindeki karadenizin ortasında küçük bir ada olan Yılan adası olduğundan çok büyük ve dörtgen olrak resmedilmiş. Bunun karşısında ise Sac adıyla bir kale gösterilmekte. Bu Kozakların Siç adası olmalıdır Fakata Özü nehrinin ta yukarlarında haritanın en yukarısında bir yerlerde olmalıdır. yine buna benzer bir isimde Turlanın ağzındaki Ak Kerman kalesinin karşısında Secıeru adıyla bir kalede Kozakların olmalıdır. Haritanın en batısındaki Aksu boyunda Koca Yahya adıyla resmedilen kale Osmanlı literatüründe bilinmemektedir. onun biraz altındaki Hudri kaleside yine meçhuldür. Haritada Tuna nehri civarıdndada bir çok yanlışlık göze çarper. İbrail Tulçanın doğusunda gösterilmiş; Hacı oğlu Pazarcığıdda Tunanın Kuzeyinde gösterilmiştir. Bu şekliyle epey hatalar barındıran haritada Latince açıklamalar haritayı kullanan ve Karlofça antlaşmasında bulunan Prens Eugen tarafından yazıldığı tahmin edilir. Bütün hatalarına rağmen Osmanlıların sınırlarını çizerken bu haritadan faydalanmış oldukları tahmin edilir. 1 Hans Jocahim Kissling, Probleme der aelteren osmanischen Schwarzmeer-Kartographie, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Jahrgang 1978, Heft 4 München 1978 46 The map is hand painted. dimensions 84x45 cm. The northern part of the Black Sea is reflected in detail. Cities and their geographical features have been tried to be given in an area starting from the Danube river in the east, the Moldavian Bucak and Ozu rivers and the Crimean Peninsula, and then the Caucasus mountains on the Black Sea coast of the Don River in the west. In the lower part, a scale has been put and the following explanation is included. Compass calculates the number of miles at sea. From each point to point, is five miles. There are still some directional and shape errors on the map made according to the modern technology of the time. The city and places on the map are described in both Ottoman and Latin letters. On the map, the Azov fortress and its vicinity are written as Province Moskov. This indicates that the map was made right after the Istanbul agreement in 1701. As it is known, the Russians captured the Azov Castle for the first time with the 1701 Istanbul agreement and the castle was given back to the Ottomans after the 1711 Prut agreement. Again, the lands between the west of the Azov Castle, which was left as a demilitarized zone under the Istanbul agreement, and the Crimean peninsula (Province Circassian Natural Tatar Khan), were left in white. Pink and green tones were used to separate the provinces. Rivers are colored with a silver paint On the map, the Snake Island, which is a small island in the middle of the Black Sea in the Bucak region, is depicted as a very large and rectangular shape. Opposite it, a castle with the name Sac is shown. This must be the Sich island of the Cossacks, but it must be somewhere at the top of the map, far above the Essence river. Again, with a similar name, there should be Kozaks in a castle called Secieru, opposite the Ak Kerman castle at the mouth of Turla. The castle, which is depicted as Koca Yahya in Aksu in the westernmost part of the map, is not known in the Ottoman literature. Hudri Castle just below it is still unknown. There are many mistakes in the map around the Danube river. Ibrahim (Ibrail) is shown to the east of Tulca; Haci oglu Pazarcik is shown in the North of the Danube. It is estimated that the Latin explanations on the map, which contains quite a few mistakes in this way, were written by Prince Eugen, who used the map and was in the Karlowitz treaty. Despite all their mistakes, it is estimated that the Ottomans used this map while drawing their borders. 2 Hans Jocahim Kissling, Probleme der aelteren osmanischen Schwarzmeer-Kartographie, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Jahrgang 1978, Heft 4 München 1978 Vilayet Tatar Aslan Kermen (Aslan Kirman) Gazi Kermen (Gasy Kirman) Haci Kermen (Haggi Kirman) Islam Kermen (Islam Kirman) Nehri Özü (Fluvius Osu) Kale-i Özü (Propugnaculum Osu) Can Kerman (Can kirman) Kılburnu (Kiylburni) Aster Burnu (Aster burni) Siçru (Adası) (Secieru) Yilan adasi (insula Serpentum) Dask (Sac) Ak Kumlar (alba arena) Bucak Tatar (Tartarorum Buggak) Nehri Eneci Fluvius Enaggi) Nehri Tuna (Fluvius Danube) Kavsan (Kussuam) Koca Yahya (Cogga Iahia) Aksu (Aqua alta?) Mayak Geçidi (Miac Kecidi) Akkerman (Ak kyrman) Bender (Neler) Orahay (Urchy) Huury (Chudry) Kili (Kyli) Kocagöl (Kogagyol) Ismail (Esmail) Yaplu (Yaplu) Kaylubuga (Kailubuga) (Silistre Eyaleti) Ibrail (abrabnel) Tulça (Tulcje) Balçık Bagic) Varna (Varne) İshakça (Isakgge) Hacı Ali Pazarcığı (Haggi ogli Basarggigij) Baba (Papa) Prevadi (Brevradi) Misevre (messure) Ahyolu (Heuli) Kırım Vilayeti (Provincia Cremea) Bağçesaray Taht-i Tatar Han (Bahcie Seraij Sedes Chan Tartarorum) Sazlık (Sazluk) Tuz Limani (Duzle Limani) Pengepul (Penge Pul) Orboğazı (Angustus aqitus ad Ur) Akmescid (As Mesgit) Közeve (Goslewij) Alacahisar (Alagge Hisar) Balaklava (Balklava) Inkerma (Ak Kyrman) Menap (Menap) Kefe (Keffe) AlmaSaray (Alma Searij) Karasu (Fluvius Niger) Kadmine (Cadmine) Yaplu (Yaplu) Alyakilsi (Aliya Kelsi) Kerç (Kurgg) Surak (Surache) Taman (Taman Vilayet Çerkes Tabi Tatar Han Provincia Cjarkasia Chan Tartarorum subita) Kuman (Kuman) Salune (salune) Yasteru (Casteru) Assurca (Assurgga) Dats (Dats) Nabaru (Nabaru) Miyuse Suyu kenarında birkaç okunamyan köy ismi var Vilayet Moskov (Provincia Moscovie) Ten nehri (Fluvius Tyn) Kalei Polk (Fortalicium Valck) Kaniye (Canie) Balten (Balten) Binie (Biyaye) Firusi (Firusi) Yavan Bezi (Youan Bezi) Bazkulu (Baskulu) Barbaru (Barbaru) Sazlık (locus Poludis) Kamışlık (Cannetum) Kalei Azak (Propugnaculum Asac) Vilayet Megrel Kruş (Krusch) Narku (Narku) Mariu (Mariu) Kuyulu (Cuilu) Tuzla (Tuzle) Guzb (Cusb) Burun (Burun) Oşina (Oschina) Buhidu (buhidu) Vilayet Gürcü (Provincia Georgiana) Vilayet Abaza (Provincia Abasa) Kumadu (Kumadu) Kaje (Casche) Senune (Senune) Sun (Sun) Sbe (Sbe) Azan (Asan) 47 48 49 134 135