AGING, February 2015, Vol. 7 No 2
Research Paper
A meta‐analysis on age‐associated changes in blood DNA
methylation: results from an original analysis pipeline for Infinium
450k data
Maria Giulia Bacalini1,2,3,*, Alessio Boattini4,*, Davide Gentilini5, Enrico Giampieri6, Chiara
Pirazzini1,2, Cristina Giuliani4, Elisa Fontanesi1,2, Daniel Remondini6, Miriam Capri1,2, Alberto Del
Rio1,7, Donata Luiselli4, Giovanni Vitale5,8, Daniela Mari8,9, Gastone Castellani6, Anna Maria Di
Blasio5, Stefano Salvioli1,2, Claudio Franceschi1,2,10, and Paolo Garagnani1,2,11
Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine, University of Bologna, Bologna 40138, Italy;
Interdepartmental Center "L. Galvani", University of Bologna, Bologna 40126, Italy;
Personal Genomics S.r.l., Verona 37134, Italy;
Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna 40126, Italy;
Centro di Ricerche e Tecnologie Biomediche, Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS, Cusano Milanino 20095, Italy;
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna, Bologna 40126, Italy;
Institute of Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF) National Research Council (CNR), Bologna 40126, Italy;
Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, University of Milan, Milan, Italy;
Geriatric Unit, IRCCS Ca’ Granda Foundation Maggiore Policlinico Hospital, Milan, Italy;
IRCCS Institute of Neurological Sciences, Bologna, Italy;
Applied Biomedical Research Center, S. Orsola‐Malpighi Polyclinic, Bologna 40138, Italy.
*Equal contribution
Key words: DNA methylation, Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip, Epigenetics, aging
Received: 12/23/14; Accepted: 01/09/15; Published: 01/11/15
Correspondence to: Claudio Franceschi, PhD; E‐mail: claudio.franceschi@unibo.it
Copyright: Bacalini et al. This is an open‐access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Abstract: Aging is characterized by a profound remodeling of the epigenetic architecture in terms of DNA methylation
patterns. To date the most effective tool to study genome wide DNA methylation changes is Infinium
HumanMethylation450 BeadChip (Infinium 450k). Despite the wealth of tools for Infinium 450k analysis, the identification
of the most biologically relevant DNA methylation changes is still challenging. Here we propose an analytical pipeline to
select differentially methylated regions (DMRs), tailored on microarray architecture, which is highly effective in
highlighting biologically relevant results. The pipeline groups microarray probes on the basis of their localization respect to
CpG islands and genic sequences and, depending on probes density, identifies DMRs through a single‐probe or a region‐
centric approach that considers the concomitant variation of multiple adjacent CpG probes. We successfully applied this
analytical pipeline on 3 independent Infinium 450k datasets that investigated age‐associated changes in blood DNA
methylation. We provide a consensus list of genes that systematically vary in DNA methylation levels from 0 to 100 years
and that have a potentially relevant role in the aging process.
used to investigate age-associated changes in DNA
methylation profile of the human genome [2–9]. The
Infinium 450k contains 485577 probes, 64% of them
mapping to CpG islands and CpG islands surrounding
In the last two years the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip (Infinium 450k) [1] has been largely
AGING, February 2015, Vol. 7 No.2
regions (shores and shelves), while the remaining
mapping to dispersed CpG sites in the genome [10]. The
array is highly informative, as it covers 96% of the CpG
islands of the genome and 99% of RefSeq genes.
weakened by the lower density of analysed CpG sites in
comparison to CHARM array.
The main point is that the Infinium 450k probes are not
evenly distributed across the genome, but they are
enriched in specific regions while others are
underrepresented. To deal with this issue, a methodology
in which differentially methylated regions (DMRs) are
defined as regions in which at least two contiguous
probes within 1-kb distance have a significant differential
statistic was recently proposed [18] and used in a metaanalysis to identify age associated DMRs. A tool for
DMRs identification at a region level was implemented
also in the RnBeads package, where regions were defined
based on the microarray annotation and ranked based on
3 criteria (mean of the differences between average
methylation levels of the probes in a region in the two
groups under investigation, mean of quotients and a
combined p-value calculated from the single p-values of
the probes in the region).
Using the Infinium 450k, researchers have identified
several CpG sites that either get hypermethylated or
hypomethylated during aging in different tissues [11],
and a subset of these CpG sites has been successfully
combined in predictors of chronological age [12,13].
Although defining a list of CpG sites whose methylation
status is age-dependent is an essential step in aging
research, the real challenge is to identify biologically
relevant DNA methylation changes and their relative
contribution to the aging process.
The difficult task of extracting relevant information
from microarray data can be made easier if the number
of microarray features is reduced on the basis of a
biologically meaningful criterion. In this way the top
ranking groups of features are more likely to be
functionally linked to the phenotype under study than
the single features. For expression microarrays this task
has been successfully addressed by grouping genes that
share common biological functions [14], but this
approach is less suitable for methylation microarrays, as
the relationship between DNA methylation and
biological function is complex. An alternative solution
is to adopt a region-centric approach in which the
methylation value not of the single CpG probes, but of a
group of adjacent CpG probes is considered. This
approach is particularly interesting as changes in DNA
methylation, especially in the CpG islands, usually
involve groups of adjacent CpG sites whose
methylation levels are correlated, thus potentially
affecting chromatin structure. On the contrary the
biological relevance of alterations at individual CpGs,
although potentially interesting at specific genomic
regions, is less characterized [15].
Here we implemented an alternative pipeline for the
analysis of Infinium 450k data that is based on a careful
description of CpG probes distribution within the array.
The proposed methodology: 1) classifies CpG probes
based on their genomic localization 2) defines groups of
adjacent CpG probes based on their density in the
region 3) depending on the previous classifications,
applies a single-probe or a region centric analysis which
considers the concomitant variation of a group of
adjacent CpG probes.
As a proof of principle, we used our approach to
conduct a meta-analysis on 3 independent datasets in
which the Infinium 450k was used to investigate ageassociated variations in blood DNA methylation
profiles. From this meta-analysis, we extracted a short
list of genes that potentially have a biologically relevant
role in the aging process.
At present, different region-centric approaches have
been proposed. Illumina Methylation Analyzer (IMA)
defines for each gene 11 region categories (TSS1500,
TSS200, 5’ UTR, 1st EXON, GENE BODY, 3’ UTR,
and calculates their mean or median methylation values,
which are then compared between the samples under
analysis [16]. As an alternative approach, Numerical
Identification of Methylation Biomarker Lists (NIMBL)
reports the number of differentially methylated probes
within the different annotated regions of each gene [15].
A more sophisticated approach is based on the “bump
hunting” method developed for the analysis of CHARM
data [17], but its applicability to Infinium 450k data is
Grouping Infinium 450k probes in biologically
meaningful clusters
The method we propose focuses on grouping CpG
probes into clusters, hereafter referred as “blocks of
probes” (BOPs). CpG probes were grouped taking into
consideration not only their contiguity in DNA
sequence, but also their genomic localization, which
represents a critical aspect for data interpretation [19].
Using Illumina probe annotation, we first divided the
probes included in the array in four classes (Fig. 1A; see
Materials and Methods section): i) Class A, including
probes in CpG islands and CpG islands-surrounding
AGING, February 2015, Vol. 7 No.2
Figure 1. Infinium 450k probes classification and BOPs definition. (A) The 485577 probes included in the
Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip were divided in 4 classes on the basis of their genomic localization. (B)
Graphic representation of how probes were grouped in BOPs. Probes mapping in the island and in the surrounding
regions of the same CpG island were grouped in 5 functional units: probes in the N‐Shelf of the island, probes in the
N‐Shore of the island, probes in the island, probes in the S‐Shore of the island, probes in the S‐Shelf of the island.
Probes mapping in gene bodies were grouped on the basis of the gene in which they are located.
sequences (shores and shelves) that map in genic
regions; ii) Class B, including probes in CpG islands
and CpG islands-surrounding regions (shores and
shelves) which do not map in genic regions; iii) Class
C, including probes in genic regions which are not CpG
rich; iv) Class D, including probes in non-genic regions
which are not CpG rich. These four classes have
different epigenetic functions, as their methylation
status can affect gene function and chromatin structure
in different ways [20]. Class A, B, C and D included
247394, 62071, 118206 and 57906 CpG probes
median of 13 and a maximum of 506 (Fig. 2A, right
A region-centric approach is meaningful only if CpG
probes are sufficiently close along the DNA sequence
under investigation. Indeed, experimental evidences
indicate that DNA methylation of nearby CpG sites is
correlated within a tract of 250-500 bp [21]. We
therefore calculated the mean distance between the
probes in each BOP for Class A, Class B and Class C
probes (Fig. 2B). Probes in BOPs belonging to Class A
and Class B were generally close, with a mean distance
of 183.5 and 259.4 bp respectively (Fig. 2B, left and
middle panels) and a mode of 73 and 130 bp
respectively (Fig. 2C, left and middle panels). In both
the cases, as expected, mean distance was lower in
islands than in shores and shelves. On the contrary,
BOPs belonging to Class C included probes that were
scattered across the length of gene sequences and, on
average, that were too distant to be analysed together
(mean distance 10230 bp, mode 1935 bp; Fig. 2B and
2C, right panels).
Then, we defined BOPs as follows (Fig. 1B): for probes
mapping in CpG islands and in CpG islands
surrounding regions (Class A and Class B), we grouped
the CpG probes localized in the same island, in the
same shore or in the same shelf; for probes mapping in
not CpG rich genic regions (Class C), we grouped the
CpG probes mapping to the same gene. Class D probes
were not grouped because they were highly interspersed
across the genome.
Class A, B and C included 77202, 34448 and 20273
BOPs respectively (Fig. 2). Class A BOPs mapped
mainly to CpG islands and shores, but CpG islands
BOPs were definitely richer in CpG probes (Fig. 2A,
left panel). Class B BOPs mapped to shelves with
higher frequency than Class A BOPs, but also in this
case CpG probes mapped mostly to CpG islands (Fig.
2A, middle panel). As expected Class C BOPs
contained a very high number of CpG probes, with a
DMR identification by multivariate analysis of
variance (MANOVA)
Based on the previous observations we propose an
analysis pipeline for Infinium 450k “customized” on the
characteristics of the different classes of probes (Fig.
3A). BOPs belonging to Class A and Class B are suitable
for a region-centric analysis, while for Class C and Class
D probes a single-probe analysis is more advisable.
AGING, February 2015, Vol. 7 No.2
Figure 2. Characteristics of the BOPs belonging to different probe classes. (A) Numbers of BOPs and CpG probes in Class
A, Class B and Class C. For Class A and Class B, subdivision in CpG islands, N‐Shores, S‐Shores, N‐Shelves and S‐Shelves is reported.
In the lower part of the tables, descriptive statistics for the distribution of number of probes/BOP in the 3 Classes are reported.
(B) Descriptive statistics for the distribution of mean bp distance between probes /BOP in the 3 Classes are reported.(C) Density
distributions (upper panel) and frequency histograms (lower panels) of the mean bp distance between the probes/BOP.
For the region-centric analysis we propose the use of
multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) to test for
general changes in methylation of a genomic region.
However, as described above, Class A and Class B
BOPs contain a largely variable number of CpGs,
spanning from 1 to 75 for Class A BOPs and from 1 to
41 for Class B BOPs. We considered BOPs containing 1
or 2 CpG probes not informative enough for a regioncentric approach but more suitable for a single-probe
approach. On the contrary, the remaining BOPs (32356
BOPs including 192465 probes in Class A; 7253 BOPs
including 31077 probes in Class B) are analysed by ap-
plying a sliding-window MANOVA (Fig. 3B). Indeed,
the non-homogeneous distribution in BOP probe
content could lead to overrepresentation of short BOPs
among the top significant BOPs, because when the
number of probes in a BOPs is high, it is likely that only
a subgroup of them is differentially methylated in the
phenotype under study (see the example reported in Fig.
3C). In the sliding window approach we calculated
MANOVA for each subgroup of 3 consecutive CpG
within the same BOP and we kept the lowest p-value
among those calculated, actually normalizing the
analysis for the varying number of probes per BOP.
AGING, February 2015, Vol. 7 No.2
Figure 3. Proposed analytical pipeline for Infinium 450k data. (A) Workflow for the use of single‐probe or region‐
centric approaches on Infinium 450k data. (B) Graphical representation of the sliding window MANOVA used to normalize
for BOPs lengths. CpG probes are represented as circles. The CpG probes considered in each round of MANOVA are
highlighted in yellow. (C) Example of methylation values of CpG probes within a BOP. The BOP includes 22 CpG probes, 5
of which define a “bubble” of differential methylation between Group A and Group B. The p‐value derived from MANOVA
on this BOP is 2.70*10e‐11. We hypothesized to have a shorter BOP including only the 5 CpG probes differentially
methylated between Group A and Group B, plus a probe on both the sites whose methylation level is comparable
between the two samples. In this case, although the extent of the bubble of differentially methylation is the same of the
longer BOP, the p‐value derived from MANOVA is lower, equal to 8.64*10e‐14. This simple example shows that if we do
not normalize for the length of the BOP, short BOPs tend to rank at higher positions than long BOPs.
We implemented the proposed pipeline in R software
environment. Starting from a table containing the betavalues of interest (1 row per CpG site, 1 column per
individual), the script annotates the probes and divides
them in Class A, Class B, Class B and Class D. Class A
and Class B probes are grouped in BOPs and BOPs
containing 3 or more probes are analysed by the regionapproach (MANOVA on sliding windows of 3 CpG
probes within the same BOP). The remaining CpG
probes are analysed by ANOVA. Both categorical and
continuous covariates can be used. A list of significant
CpG probes is outputted from the single-probe analysis.
For the region-centric approach, a list of BOPs ranked
by nominal or FDR-corrected p-values and, if present,
associated genes, is provided as output. Then, authors
can choose to select significant BOPs containing at least
2 adjacent CpG sites for which the DNA methylation
difference between the considered groups (in the case of
a categorical variable) or two selected ranges of values
of the continuous variable is higher than a set threshold.
Significant BOPs can be ranked according to this
criterion allowing authors to identify “bubbles” of
different methylation between the conditions under
study, which are likely to be biologically meaningful.
The pipeline provides as outputs several useful plots,
including schematic diagrams in which the
chromosomal position of the probes within the selected
BOPs is plotted against the methylation level of each
probe (see the examples reported in Fig. 6 and in
Supplementary Fig. 1). These plots provide a easy-tointerpret visualization of relevant results, that in one
shot gives information about probes density within the
region and about the changes in DNA methylation
between the groups under study.
Identification of age-associated DMR through the
region-centric approach
We validated our pipeline on three independent agerelated Infinium 450k experiments performed on whole
AGING, February 2015, Vol. 7 No.2
blood. The first dataset (referred hereafter as D1)
includes data from 656 subjects ranging from 19 to 101
years (average 64 ± 15 years) [3]. The second dataset
(referred hereafter as D2) includes data from 38 subjects,
19 newborns and 19 nonagenarians [2]. The third
dataset (referred hereafter as D3) includes data from 58
subjects ranging from 9 to 83 years (average 44 ± 18
years) [4].
The considerably lower number of BOPs identified in
D2 is ascribable to the effect of blood cell types
correction, as cord blood and whole blood significantly
differ for this parameter.
To validate our approach, we compared the results of
the region-centric approach with the results of a singleprobe approach by analysis of variance (ANOVA). As
shown in Figure 4, the number of significant CpG
probes per BOP tended to be higher in the top ranking
BOPs identified by the region-centric analysis. In most
the cases, significant CpG probes within the same BOP
concordantly moved towards hypermethylation or
hypomethylation in younger compared to older subjects.
Notably a small number of the selected BOPs in the
three datasets included slightly differentially methylated
CpG probes that did not reach the significance threshold
by themselves, but whose concomitant variation with
adjacent probes within the same BOP resulted
significant when analysed by a multivariate approach.
These results indicate that our approach was successful
in identifying chromosomal regions, rather than single
CpG sites, whose methylation status is affected by
In each dataset, probes containing missing values in at
least one sample and probes on X and Y chromosome
were removed. Age-associated DMR were identified in
D1 and D3 using the age as a continuous variable and in
D2 the group (newborns or nonagenarians) as a
categorical variable. Ethnicity (Caucasian-European or
Hispanic-Mexican) was used as covariate in the D1
analysis. As the relative proportions of the different
types of blood cells can vary significantly with age, we
inferred blood cell counts from methylation data and
use them as covariates in the analysis.
Here we present results only for the region-centric
analysis performed on Class A BOPs containing at least
3 CpG probes. MANOVA results were corrected for
multiple comparisons through Benjamini-Hochberg
False Discovery Rate correction; 0.05 was used as
significant threshold for q-values. Based on these
criteria 21083, 517 and 2736 BOPs were identified as
age-associated DMRs in D1, D2 and D3 respectively.
To confirm that our region-centric approach reduces
spurious results and is more likely to identify
biologically relevant regions, we compared the results
from the three datasets.
Figure 4. Number of significant CpG probes per significant BOP. For each dataset, the boxplot reports
the –log10(q‐value) of each significant Class A BOP (MANOVA analysis) against the number of significant CpG
probes (q‐value < 0.05, ANOVA analysis) included in each BOP.
AGING, February 2015, Vol. 7 No.2
Figure 5. The region‐centric approach increases the common findings between the
3 datasets. (A) Intersection between the results provided by Hannum et al. and Heyn et al.
(left panel) and between the results of the region‐centric approach on the two datasets. (B)
Intersection between a progressively increasing number of top ranking features (BOPs for the
region‐centric analysis, CpG probes for the single‐probe analysis) in the three datasets.
First, we compared the DMRs identified in Hannum et
al. and in Heyn et al. with those identified by our
approach. Hannum et al. used a multivariate linear
model approach based on the Elastic Net algorithm and
identified a nucleus of 89 CpG probes whose
methylation is associated to age, while Heyn et al
selected 3205 age-associated CpG probes that resulted
significant after ANOVA test (q-value < 0.01) and that
showed a difference in average beta-values between
newborns and nonagenarians greater than 0.20. We
considered only the CpG probes belonging to Class A
probes, that is 45 and 800 probes in D1 and D2
respectively, and we matched them with the
corresponding BOPs. In this way, we achieved a list of
34 and 472 BOPs identified by Hannum et al. and by
Heyn et al.. Only one BOP was shared by the two lists
(Fig 5A, left panel). On the contrary, when we
considered the first 34 and the first 472 BOPs identified
by our approach respectively in D1 and D2, we
observed an overlap of 15 BOPs (Fig 5A, right panel).
three datasets. As shown in Figure 5B, the extent of
overlap was higher for the region- centric approach
compared to the single-probe approach.
Finally, we provided a short list of genomic regions
whose methylation levels vary according to age in D1,
D2 and D3 (Table 1). We considered the overlap
between the first 500 ranked BOPs identified by our
region-centric approach in the 3 datasets, resulting in 42
BOPs (44 genes, because some BOPs mapped to
multiple genes which share the same CpG island). 11
and 2 of the selected BOPs included at least one CpG
probe that was provided also in Hannum’s and Heyn’s
results respectively. Moreover, 4 of the selected BOPs
contained at least one CpG probe that was included also
in Horvath’s epigenetic clock. Two genes (HOXC4 and
SST) were included in the GenAge database as related
to aging in model systems and/or humans [22]. To have
a general view of age-associated changes of the selected
BOPs, we joined their beta-values from D1, D2 and D3
and we divided samples in 10 age ranges from 0 to 100
years. The plots reported in Fig 6 and in Supplementary
Figure 1 confirm that the 42 genomic regions encounter
a systematic hypermethylation (20 BOPs) or hypomethylation (22 BOPs) with age.
Secondly, we considered a progressively increasing
number of significant BOPs (region-centric analysis)
and CpG probes (single-probe analysis) and we
calculated the number of common DMRs between the
AGING, February 2015, Vol. 7 No.2
Figure 6. Examples of DNA methylation profiles of selected age‐associated BOPs. 6 of the 42
selected BOPs are reported as an example. Mean methylation values in 10 age classes are reported for each
CpG probe within the selected BOPs. For each BOP, beta‐values from D1, D2 and D3 were joined together.
AGING, February 2015, Vol. 7 No.2
Gene Name
ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 4
abhydrolase domain containing 14A
abhydrolase domain containing 14B
A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 8-like
aldolase A, fructose-bisphosphate
APC membrane recruitment protein 3
ATPase type 13A2
AXL receptor tyrosine kinase
calcium channel, voltage-dependent, T type, alpha 1G subunit
collagen, type I, alpha 1
cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 1
casein kinase 1, delta
EDAR-associated death domain
eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1
ELOVL fatty acid elongase 2
four and a half LIM domains 2
G protein-coupled receptor kinase interacting ArfGAP 1
glycine receptor, alpha 1
G protein-coupled receptor 78
glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 2C
glucuronidase, beta
heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like 1
homeobox C4
iroquois homeobox 5
lymphocyte-activation gene 3
MLX interacting protein-like
neudesin neurotrophic factor
nuclear factor I/A
OTU deubiquitinase 7A
phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, catalytic, beta
prolactin releasing hormone receptor
proline-rich transmembrane protein 4
prostaglandin D2 synthase 21kDa (brain)
RCSD domain containing 1
solute carrier family 12 (potassium/chloride transporter), member 5
solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier: glutamate), member 22
SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 1
transcription factor AP-2 beta (activating enhancer binding protein 2 beta)
valyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial
zygote arrest 1
zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 2
zyg-11 family member A, cell cycle regulator
Table 1. Candidate age‐associated genomic regions
AGING, February 2015, Vol. 7 No.2
single-probe or a region-centric analysis. Noteworthy,
the proposed probes classification does not have only a
mere methodological value, but it has important
biological implications. First of all, the region-centric
approach is selectively applied to short regions (most
CpG islands are within 3000 bp, while shores and
shelves are by definition 2000 bp long), in which the
methylation level of CpG probes is more likely to be
correlated. Moreover, a growing body of evidences
indicates that the function of DNA methylation greatly
varies with genomic context [28]. This means for
example that methylation of CpG islands, of shores or
of gene bodies can differently affect gene expression
and that it can be differently affected by the condition
under study. Also, the methylation status of non-genic
regions can have important consequences, for example
by influencing chromatin architecture and stability, and
it is likely that the effect of methylation at non-genic
CpG islands or at open-sea CpG sites can be different.
Analyzing separately these regions that have different
functional meaning can therefore facilitate the
identification of informative variations in methylation
profiles in the model under consideration. Moreover,
this approach provides shorter ranked lists of results that
can be more easily examined by the researcher.
In this paper we present an original pipeline for the
analysis of Infinium 450k data, in which different
genomic regions are analyzed either by a single-probe
or a region-centric approach depending on their context
and probe content/density.
The Infinium 450k is currently the most used
technology for EWAS studies. The reasons for the
success of this microarray are to be found in its
affordability and simplicity, in addition to a reasonable
informativeness on genome-wide DNA methylation
profiles. Alternative techniques such as sequencing of
immunoprecipitated methylated DNA (MeDIP-seq) or
of bisulfite-treated genomic DNA (BS-seq) provide a
more comprehensive picture of DNA methylome [23]
but, despite the recent introduction of pipelines for their
automatization and analysis [24–27], are still more
laborious and expensive.
A recent comprehensive review has collected the
bioinformatic tools developed to specifically analyze
Infinium 450k data [27]. Apart from methods to
normalize data and adjust them for technical bias, several
algorithms to identify differentially methylated regions
(DMRs) between groups of interest have been developed.
A growing body of literature suggests to analyze
Infinium 450k data by a region-centric approach, with
several advantages respect to single-probe analysis
[15,18]. First of all, it better resembles the biological
basis of the process, as concordant changes in a group of
adjacent CpG sites are more likely to affect the
phenotype compared to alterations of single CpG sites.
Moreover, a region-centric approach simplifies the
identification of genomic regions of interest as provides a
shorter list of ranked results and is less prone to provide
spurious results due for example to the presence of SNPs
in the probes included in the array [18].
We used multivariate ANOVA (MANOVA) to test for
general changes in methylation in the region-centric
analysis. This approach has been previously adopted for
the analysis of methylation data [29,30] as it allows to
explore simultaneously the relationship between several
dependent variables (in our case, 3 adjacent CpG probes
within a BOP) and the independent variables under
study. Notably, most of the other algorithms for DMRs
identification is not based on a multivariate approach,
but combines the results from univariate analyses on
adjacent CpG probes [27]. As shown in the metaanalysis, MANOVA can identify not only regions in
which multiple adjacent probes are significantly
different between the samples, but also regions in which
there are concomitant little variations of adjacent
probes, none of which would reach the significance
threshold by itself in a univariate test. This could be
particularly valuable when small differences exist
between the samples under study.
Here we reasoned that the statistical analysis of the
Infinium 450k microarray should take into account the
specific architecture of the microarray. Indeed, we
clearly showed that different genomic regions present
different level of coverage in terms of probes
distribution. We grouped probes in blocks (BOPs) based
on microarray annotations and verified that only in CpG
islands and in the surrounding regions (shores and
shelves) the mean distance between probes in a BOP
was within 500 bp, a range in which the methylation
values of CpG sites are usually correlated [21]. On the
contrary, the density of probes mapping in not CpG-rich
regions (not CpG-rich promoters, gene bodies,
intergenic regions) was strikingly lower. This means
that different regions of the array are more suitable to a
Overall the strength of our approach is that not only
microarray features are grouped in biologically
meaningful groups, but also that the ranking criterion is
based on a multivariate approach. Additionally,
significant BOPs can be ranked also on the basis of the
“bubble” of differential methylation, defined as at least
two adjacent probes whose mean methylation in the
groups under investigation differs of at least a minimum
value. As a confirm of the validity of the approach we
AGING, February 2015, Vol. 7 No.2
demonstrated that, when considering the top ranking
BOPs, our method increased the number of common
genes identified in all three studies compared to a
single-probe analysis, indicating that it is likely to
provide a more informative overview of biologically
relevant results.
Collectively the above observations indicate that this
short list of genes, selected by means of an analytical
pipeline that is tailored on the architecture of the
microarray and that is more likely to provide
biologically relevant findings, can be used as the basis
for deeper investigations to shed light on the molecular
basis of the aging process.
The analysis pipeline we propose is implemented in R
software environment and is therefore freely available.
Researchers just need to define the analysis parameters,
such as the covariates to be used in the
ANOVA/MANOVA, the FDR correction method, the
significance threshold and the minimum difference
between mean methylation values between the groups
under investigation.
Datasets. D1 and D2 are publicly available at NCBI
Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) (http://www.ncbi.
nlm.nih.gov/geo/) under accession numbers GSE40279
and GSE30870 respectively. D3 includes 32 mother–
offspring couples and is part of a larger datasets
submitted to GEO with accession number GSE52588.
We used our analysis pipeline to perform a metaanalysis on 3 Infinium 450k datasets that investigated
age-associated changes in DNA methylation. The 3
datasets are considerably different in terms of both
samples number and age range. Nevertheless, we were
able to identify a core of genomic regions whose
methylation profiles systematically vary with aging,
from newborns to nonagenarians. To our knowledge,
this is the first report describing a relatively large
number of genomic regions with such characteristics.
Only a subset of these genes was identified by Hannum
et al. and by Heyn et al. or was included in Horvath’s
epigenetic clock. Inferring how the methylation of these
regions can contribute to the aging process is out of the
scope of this paper, although the life-long variations in
DNA methylation that we described are suggestive of a
profound link between development and aging [31].
Many genes showed marked differences between cord
blood and the other age ranges. Although these
differences could in principle be ascribed to differences
in blood cells composition, it is tempting to suggest that
during the first phases of growth a profound epigenetic
remodeling occurs. It is interesting to note that 2 genes
from our list (SST and HOXC4) are enclosed as agerelated genes in the GenAge database [22]. Moreover, a
Pubmed search using the query “gene name AND aging
[title/abstract]” gave some interesting hints, as the
expression of CACNA1G, COL1A1, LAG3, PTGDS and
ZEB2 genes resulted modulated by age in several models
[32–38]. COL1A1 and PTGDS emerged from the same
study [32] in which hippocampal gene expression in
senescent female mice was assessed after long-term
exercise. The observation that age-dependent expression
of the above mentioned genes was detected in tissues
other than blood prompts further studies to evaluate
general rearrangements in epigenetic landscapes of
different cell types. Finally, the methylation status of
ELOVL2, FHL2 and EDARADD genomic regions was
previously described as associated to aging [4,39].
Estimation of cell counts. Abundance measures of blood
cell types were estimated using the appropriate option
of the DNA Methylation Age Calculator, freely
available at https://dnamage.genetics.ucla.edu/ [12],
which is in part based on a previously published
algorithm [40]. As suggested by authors, methylation
measures were corrected for “CD8.naive” (Naive CD8
T cells), “CD8pCD28nCD45RAn” (memory and
effector T cells), “PlasmaBlast” (plasmablasts), CD4 T
cells, monocytes, granulocytes and natural killer cells.
BOPs definition and DMR identification. The
analytical pipeline is implemented as an R script freely
available at https://immunologyomics.unibo.it/labkey/450K_pipeline.url. For ease of use, the pipeline is split
in 3 step: 1) Definition of Classes and BOPs; 2) DMRs
identification 3) FDR correction, selection of
significant DMRs/probes, sorting of probes and plots.
Step 2 and step 3 are separately provided for Class A
BOPs containing 3 or more probes, Class A BOPs
containing 1 or 2 probes, Class B BOPs containing 3
or more probes, Class B BOPs containing 1 or 2
probes , Class C probes and Class D probes. Detailed
explanations of input and output files are provided. A
general description of the 3 analytical steps is provided
Step 1: Probes containing missing values and probes
with a detection p-value greater than 0.05 in more than
75% samples were removed, together with those
localized on sexual chromosomes. Probes that
contained SNPs were annotated as previously
described [21]. For probes classification and BOPs
and the UCSC_REFGEN_NAME columns in the
Illumina Infinium 450k annotation were used to subset
the array probes in four classes and to group probes in
AGING, February 2015, Vol. 7 No.2
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Step 2: DMRs identification is based on MANOVA and
ANOVA functions from the R package car. For sliding
windows MANOVA, the function is applied on sliding
windows of 3 consecutive CpGs within the same BOP.
For each BOP, the lowest p-value among those
calculated for the different sliding windows is kept.
Both MANOVA and ANOVA analysis support the use
of both categorical and continuous covariates. Parallel
processing can be used if the computational
environment supports it.
Step 3: The analytic pipeline allows to correct
MANOVA/ANOVA p-values for multiple testing using
the correction methods implemented in the R package
multtest. BOPs/probes can be selected on the basis of a
significance threshold on either nominal or FDRcorrected p-values. In the case of BOP analysis, BOPs
can be ranked on the basis of a user-defined minimum
mean methylation difference between adjacent CpG
probes. MDS plots, heatmap plots and line plots are
generated as outputs.
This work was supported by the European Union’s
Seventh Framework Programme (grant agreement no.
259679 “IDEAL”, grant agreement no. 266486 “NUAGE”, grant agreement no. 305280), by CARISBO
foundation and by the Italian Ministry of Health,
Progetto Ricerca Finalizzata 2008, convenzione 35: “An
integrated approach to identify functional, biochemical
and genetic markers for diagnostic and prognostic
purposes in the elderly, in the centenarians and in
people with dementia, Alzheimer's disease, mild
cognitive impairment”.
Conflict of interest statement
The authors of this manuscript have no conflict of
interests to declare.
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AGING, February 2015, Vol. 7 No.2