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Seasonal Cruise Q3

2022, The Nansen Legacy Report Series

The Nansen Legacy Q3 cruise, 5-27 August 2019, initiated the seasonal investigations of the Nansen Legacy transect. The transect represent an environmental gradient going through the northern Barents Sea, and included 7 process stations (P1-P7) lasting 6-53 hrs. CTD stations were taken to increase the hydrographic resolution on the transect. The program included measurements and sampling from the atmosphere, sea ice, ocean and sea floor. Data collected ranged from physical observations, chemical, biological and geological data collection, and the aim was to link observations and measurements to improve our understanding of the systems involving both climate, human impacts and the ecosystems. Deployment of moorings and gliders extended the observational capacity in time and space, outside the cruise period.

Seasonal cruise Q3 Cruise Report The Nansen Legacy Report Series 27/2022 Seasonal cruise Q3 2019 Cruise 2019706 RV Kronprins Haakon Longyearbyen - Longyearbyen August 5 - August 27, 2019 Authors: Marit Reigstad Tove Gabrielsen Marti Amargant Rita Amundsen Bodil Bluhm Yasemin Bodur Jan Bremnes Nadja Brun Padmini Dalpadado Kasia Dmoc Bente Edvardsen Jack Garnett Christine Gawinski Julia Giebichenstein Ane Haarr Siv Hoff Eric Jorda Konrad Karlsson Stephen Kohler Jon Leithe Miriam Marquardt Christian Morel Oliver Müller Håvard N. Liholt Jan Vidar Nordstrand Robynne Nowicki Lasse Olsen Griselda Anglada Ortiz Ronald Pedersen Nicolas Sanchez Karoline Saubrekka Arunima Sen Leif Christian Stige Angela Stippkugel Anna Vader Anette Wold Fekadu Yadetie To be cited as: Marit Reigstad, Tove Gabrielsen, Marti Amargant, Rita Amundsen, Bodil Bluhm, Yasemin Bodur, Jan Bremnes, Nadja Brun, Padmini Dalpadado, Kasia Dmoc, Bente Edvardsen, Jack Garnett, Christine Gawinski, Julia Giebichenstein, Ane Haarr, Siv Hoff, Eric Jorda, Konrad Karlsson, Stephen Kohler, Jon Leithe, Miriam Marquardt, Christian Morel, Oliver Müller, Håvard N. Liholt, Jan Vidar Nordstrand, Robynne Nowicki, Lasse Olsen, Griselda Anglada Ortiz, Ronald Pedersen, Nicolas Sanchez, Karoline Saubrekka, Arunima Sen, Leif Christian Stige, Angela Stippkugel, Anna Vader, Anette Wold, Fekadu Yadetie 2019: Seasonal cruise Q3 2019: Cruise Report. The Nansen Legacy Report Series, 27/2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7557/nlrs.6407 © The authors. This report is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license ISSN 2703-7525 Publisher: Septentrio Academic Publishing, Tromsø, Norway Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 4 SCIENTIFIC GOALS AND ACHIEVEMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 4 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITY............................................................................................................................ 4 Along track measurements carried out during the cruise ........................................................................ 6 METEOROLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS FROM VAISALA AWS430 WEATHER STATION ............................................................... 6 THERMOSALINOGRAPH ............................................................................................................................................. 6 OCEAN CURRENT MEASUREMENTS FROM ADCP 150 KHZ............................................................................................... 6 PCO2 MEASUREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 6 ACOUSTICS MEASUREMENTS OF ZOOPLANKTON AND FISH WITH THE VESSEL´S EK80 ............................................................. 7 ACOUSTIC REGISTRATION OF FISH AND PLANKTON USING TS PROBE ................................................................................... 8 Glider deployments.................................................................................................................................. 8 Mooring deployments .............................................................................................................................. 8 Station-based work .................................................................................................................................. 9 NLEG stations ......................................................................................................................................... 9 T1-1.2 Hydrographic characterisation ........................................................................................................... 9 T1-2.2 Sea ice ............................................................................................................................................... 11 T2-1.1 Nutrients and DIC ............................................................................................................................. 11 T3-1.1 Characterisation of microbial communities...................................................................................... 11 Process stations .................................................................................................................................... 11 RESEARCH FOCI 1: PHYSICAL DRIVERS ........................................................................................................................ 11 RESEARCH FOCI 2: HUMAN DRIVERS ......................................................................................................................... 12 T2-1.1; 1.4. Current variability and drivers of ocean acidification (T2-1-1) and Ocean acidification effects on planktonic calcifiers and biological pump efficiency (T2-1-4) ...................................................................... 12 T2-1.2. Ocean acidification effects on the mobility of particulate and dissolved organic carbon (POC, DOC), essential trace elements (micro nutrients) and heavy metals ..................................................................... 13 T2-2.1. Effects of changes in species composition and distribution on contaminant in food web accumulation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14 T2-2.3. Effects of oil and contaminants on northern Barents Sea ecosystem health. ................................. 16 T2-2.4. Using genomic and proteomic tools to identify responses to effects of pollutants on zooplankton and fish. ....................................................................................................................................................... 17 T2-2.5. Critical seasonal windows of responses to multiple stressors on key organisms in a pelagic food chain ..................................................................................................................................................................... 20 T2-3.1. Climate change and fisheries: Spatial environmental variables and genomics ............................... 20 RESEARCH FOCI 3 – THE LIVING BARENTS SEA ............................................................................................................ 22 T3.1 and T3.4 Microbes: biodiversity, abundance, biomass, distribution and activity. ............................... 22 T3-1.1. Characterize biological phytoplankton/ protist communities and seasonality in terms of biodiversity, abundance, biomass and distribution patterns ........................................................................................... 26 T3-1.1; 2.1. Mesozooplankton taxonomy, abundance, biomass and genomics .......................................... 27 T3-1.1; 2.1; 2.2; 4.2; 4.4. Characterize biological mesozooplankton communities and seasonality in terms of biodiversity, abundance, biomass and distribution patterns (1.1), secondary production (2.1), trophic ecology (4.2) and sympagic-pelagic-benthic coupling (4.4) ........................................................................ 29 T3-1.1; 2.1. Macrozooplankton ................................................................................................................... 29 T3-1.1; 1.2; 4.3; 4.4. Characterize and quantify biota in the seasonal ice zone (1.1), relate environmental conditions to biological communities (1.2), and explore the sympagic-pelagic-benthic coupling and trophic ecology of benthos (4.4) .............................................................................................................................. 31 T3-1.3 Stable isotopes, fatty acids & HBIs of POM, zooplankton & fish ...................................................... 38 T3-2.2. Measure how current environmental settings drive the phenology of primary and secondary production, and test how changing conditions may affect these seasonal patterns .................................. 40 T3-3.1; 4.2. Estimate ranges of annual production along environmental and latitudinal gradients (3.1) and Trophic ecology of key zooplankton (4.2) .................................................................................................... 42 2 T3-2.2; 4.4. Measure how current environmental settings drive the phenology of primary and secondary production, and test how changing conditions may affect these seasonal patterns (2.2) and Sympagicpelagic-benthic coupling (4.4) ..................................................................................................................... 43 Sea ice work .......................................................................................................................................... 45 T1-2.2 Physical sea ice conditions ................................................................................................................ 47 T3-1; T3-4 Sea ice microbes: biodiversity, abundance, biomass, distribution and activity. ......................... 47 Transport and biogeochemical cycling of PFAS ........................................................................................... 49 Logistics ................................................................................................................................................. 50 TRANSPORT OF EQUIPMENT AND SAMPLES ................................................................................................................. 50 ON BOARD COMMUNICATION .................................................................................................................................. 51 STATION PROGRAMS .............................................................................................................................................. 51 WATER BUDGETS .................................................................................................................................................. 52 SAMPLE AND DATA MANAGEMENT FOR LEGACY ........................................................................................................... 52 COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH ........................................................................................................................... 53 Appendix 1: Tables ................................................................................................................................ 54 TABLE A1.1 FULL STATION LIST WITH LOCATIONS AND SAMPLING GEAR (MODIFIED FROM CRUISE LOG) .................................. 54 TABLE A1.2. NANSEN LEGACY TRANSECT. FULL STATION LIST INCLUDING PROCESS STATIONS (P) AND TRANSECT CTD STATIONS (NLEG)............................................................................................................................................................... 62 TABLE A1.3. CRUISE PARTICIPANTS (TEAM LEADERS IN BOLD) ........................................................................................ 63 TABLE A1.4. INTERNSHIP ON SEA ICE......................................................................................................................... 65 TABLE A1.5. WORKING HOURS AND CABIN DISTRIBUTIONS............................................................................................ 66 TABLE A1.6. LAB-USE DURING THE NANSEN LEGACY Q3 CRUISE .................................................................................... 67 Appendix 2: Blogs.................................................................................................................................. 69 Appendix 3 Datasets ............................................................................................................................. 70 SHIPMOUNTED DATASETS........................................................................................................................................ 70 DATASETS ............................................................................................................................................................ 71 GEAR ID WITH METADATA ...................................................................................................................................... 72 3 Summary The Nansen Legacy Q3 cruise, 5-27 August 2019, initiated the seasonal investigations of the Nansen Legacy transect. The transect represent an environmental gradient going through the northern Barents Sea, and included 7 process stations (P1-P7) lasting 6-53 hrs. CTD stations were taken to increase the hydrographic resolution on the transect. The work started at 76°N at the open Atlantic Water dominated station P1, was sea ice covered from station P4 at 79°N, and included deep water stations at 82°N at P7 in the Nansen Basin. The program included measurements and sampling from the atmosphere, sea ice, ocean and sea floor. Data collected ranged from physical observations, chemical, biological and geological data collection, and the aim was to link observations and measurements to improve our understanding of the systems involving both climate, human impacts and the ecosystems. An important task was to understand interactions both within the ecosystem, but also linked to the environment. Environmental descriptions linked to the Atlantic and Arctic shelf regimes and the deep Arctic Basin, and how the environmental conditions relate to both present days and potential future communities of organisms from virus and bacteria to fish, and their interactions and production, was therefore a core activity. Deployment of moorings and gliders extended the observational capacity in time and space, outside the cruise period. Introduction Scientific goals and achievements The RV Kronprins Haakon cruise Nansen Legacy seasonal Q3 (Q3= 3rd quarter of the year), initiated the seasonal investigation of the northern Barents Sea and adjacent Arctic Basin. This activity is a key milestone planned for the project.. The cruise addressed objectives of the research foci in RF1 on Physical drivers, RF2 on Human drivers and RF3 on the living Barents Sea, and collected necessary data along the Nansen Legacy transect in open waters and within the ice. Experiments were an important component of the research to quantify processes, rates and interactions that will also feed modeling work and projections in RF4. The ongoing establishment of routines for sampling, data management and data storing continued as part of the practical work onboard. The observational capacity was increased also outside the cruise periods, through deployment of 2 gliders for RF1, and 3 moorings in collaboration with RF1/2/3. Many of the cruise participants were new PhD and post docs, and represent a new generation Arctic scientists. To document the research activity for a broader communication of the research and results, a professional photographer has produced pictures and videos during the cruise. Brief description of the activity RV Kronprins Haakon left Longyearbyen on 5 August, 2019, in the afternoon, with a science team of 35 persons. The departure was delayed by ~1 day compared to the original plan due to a leakage around one propeller causing an unplanned stay in dock. Cruise participants without survival suit training carried out the necessary exercise close to the vessel in the harbor of Longyearbyen while the vessel was loaded. A monitoring station outside Longyearbyen, IsA, was sampled with one CTD to facilitate reference measurements prior to planned experiments onboard, and also served two collaboration projects. West of Sørkapp, Glider 1 was deployed to monitor the hydrographic structures in the Fram Strait across the AW inflow. Glider 2 was deployed close to our first Process station, P1 (Figure 1), in the Hopen deep south of the Polar Front at 76°N, on 7 August. This glider will patrol across the Polar Front between the Hopen 4 depth and the basin north west of Storbanken. Seven Process stations (P1-P7, Figure 1) was planned investigated along the Nansen Legacy transect established in 2018. The first process station (P1) was successfully finished on 9 August including experiments, after 37 hrs, as planned. Between the P stations, smaller CTD stations (NLEG 1-25) was distributed to get a higher resolution on hydrographical and biogeochemical parameters along the transect. The sampling program was set on hold on 9-10 of August due to an unforeseen need for spare parts necessary to go into the sea ice. These were brought to Hopen by helicopter and had to be picked up there. The incident made it possible to supply a researcher with lost filters. The window to get helicopter transport followed CTD problems caused by the combination of large waves and a light Kevlar line that was damaged, and NLEG 2-3 could not be sampled. CTD cable were fixed during transit to Hopen, but we had to proceed to P2 on Storbanken to catch up timewise. Figure 1. Station map for the Nansen Legacy seasonal Q3 cruise. Process stations P1-P7, intermediate CTD stations (NLEG), and mooring sites M1-M6 is shown. Moorings at M5 and M6 were deployed during the cruise. The P2 station was sampled successfully on 11-12 August. A double mooring (M5) for physics and bioacoustics were deployed east of the P2 station prior to the station work. Another physical mooring (M6) was deployed further north, southeast of NLEG 6 to measure AW inflow to Storbanken. Due to time lost with late departure and the detour to Hopen, the sampling program at P3 was reduced to a 6 hrs biomass/ community sampling (including trawling), biogeochemistry and hydrography station. No experiments or process measurements were carried out. At Station P4 south of Kvitøya, we met the sea ice, but floes were relatively small, and the station was sampled with the full open water sampling program including experiments, on 13-15 August (30 hrs station). Trawling was carried out a few nautical miles south of the station in more open waters. Transit time between stations increased with the sea ice, but we kept about 5 knots and reached P5 north of Kvitøya on August 15. Ice floes were larger here, but due to time constrains and expected better ice conditions on the two northernmost stations no ice station was carried out here. Station P6 on the shelf break towards the Polar basin started on 17 August. A sea ice training course was held on our way to the P6 station, to prepare all participants for the work on and associated to the sea ice with respect to both sampling and safety. Ice floes were 100 m to > km in size, 1 to 1.5 m thick, and suitable for sea ice work. We completed a full ice station and open water program (except trawling). A sea 5 ice sampling program including ice cores, meltwater ponds and under-ice water was carried out during the first evening, to utilize good weather conditions. Teams of experienced and unexperienced scientists were composed to train a new generation of scientists in sea ice work (Table A1.4). The ice station was followed by a full ocean sampling program on August 18-19. A relatively soft sea ice cover of 1-1.5 m allowed efficient transit to the last process station P7, including all NLEG stations. A similar program to P6 was carried out at P7. To increase the number of observational sites and improve the datasets on sea ice and sea floor observations, one additional ice floe (SICE4, Table A1.1) was selected for a reduced coring program, including a deep CTD with water for standard parameters on 23 August, and 3 more box core samples were taken. The SICE4 station was located at 82°N, 24.34 E, with a depth of 3600 m (sea ice thickness ~1.5 m), to compensate for the slightly shallower box core sampling site at P7 caused by drift from 3280 m to 2500 m during the station period. The CTD cable turned out to be damaged around 3200 m (not known), so the CTD could not go to the sea floor. During transect back, a mulitbeam survey was carried out in the slope region (80°N, 12°E). Glider 1 was recovered again by KPH outside Isfjorden up-on return, due to poor data quality. Along track measurements carried out during the cruise RV Kronprins Haakon is equipped with several underway measurement systems to provide data along the cruise track. Meteorological measurements from Vaisala AWS430 weather station Air and sea temperature (8 m depth), air pressure, wind speed and direction, relative humidity and solar radiation is measured continuously by a Vaisala AWS430 weather station. Thermosalinograph Temperature, salinity, density and fluorescence is measured from the clean water intake at 4 m depth, and continuously logged from departure Longyearbyen. The clean water intake is sensitive to ice (filter get clogged) or water at freezing temperature (-1.7), so pumps shut down in shorter periods (station NLEG 12, P5, …) for ice removal. The alternative inlet at 9 m depth, is located in the sinking keel, that cannot be used in ice covered waters. Ocean current measurements from ADCP 150 kHz Currents in the upper ~500 m of the water column were continuously measured during the cruise using a 150 kHz ADCP (RDI Instruments) mounted on the drop keel. The setup followed the setup in the test cruise. The instrument was synchronized with the EK80 using K-sync. The 38 kHz ADCP was not used due to interference with the 38 kHz of the EK80. The ADCP data was not processed during the cruise due to time constraints. pCO2 measurements Using the 4 m sea water inlet, a pCO2 underway system for autonomous high frequency surface water measurements provide data on pCO2 in sea water and air, dissolved O2 and O2 saturation and sea water temperature during the entire cruise (Figure 2). Same water-intake as thermosalinograph – and similar problems with ice at low temperatures. 6 Figure 2. The pCO2 underway measurements measures relevant parameters on CO2, temperature and O2 from the 4 m sea water intake. Acoustics measurements of zooplankton and fish with the vessel´s EK80 Acoustic surveying of fish and zooplankton was conducted using the six scientific Simrad EK80 echo sounders (18 kHz, 38 kHz, 70 kHz, 120 kHz, 200 kHz, 333 kHz split beam systems), all mounted on the drop keel. When going in sea ice the keel was retracted and the data collection were conducted with similar systems mounted in the Arctic tanks. The EK80 was operated in CW modus. Data were stored down to 1000 m depth, although electrical noise during transit prevented high-quality data below about 600 m depth. Multi-frequency scrutinization and target strength analysis was conducted for the 38kHz data using Korona allocating NASC into the category’s capelin, plankton, cod, herring, and others. The map below shows where scrutinized data were obtained (Figure 3). Figure 3. Cruise track illustrating where density estimation of several fish species and plankton has been obtained based on scrutinized 38 kHz data from EK80 and target strength analysis during the Q3 cruise 6-26 August 2019. 7 Acoustic registration of fish and plankton using TS probe Detailed inspections at short range of interesting acoustic layers were made with an acoustic probe lowered in the water column. The specially designed probe has full wideband capacity and carries 4 EK80 echo sounders with 5 selectable transducers at 38,70, 120, 200 and 333 kHz. The probe was used in vertical mode, for target strength measurements of specific organisms. Target strength values are needed for several of the Arctic fish and zooplankton species to allow for accurate density estimation from the vessels-based systems. The probe was lowered from surface to the bottom (max 1000 m depth) at about 1 ms-1. Full multifrequency echograms were recorded during the profile. The TS probe was run on five stations. Glider deployments During the transit from Longyearbyen to the Nansen Legacy transect (Figure 1), 2 gliders was deployed for RF1 and Ilker Fer (UiB) to measure the hydrographic characteristics across the Atlantic Water inflow in the west Spitsbergen current, and across the Polar front, west of the Nansen Legacy transect. Glider 1 (SG560) was deployed west of Sørkapp on 6 August 2019 (Table 1). Glider 2 (SGF561) was deployed close to station P1, on 7 August, 2019. Table 1. Overview of Glider deployments during Nansen Legacy Q3 seasonal cruise, August 2019. Date 06.08.2019 Time (UTC) 09:54 Glider ID SG560 Glider name Glider 1 07.08.2019 13:42 SGF561 Glider 2 Latitude Longitude 76° 24.994263 N 76° 00.310775 N 13° 54.281974 E 31° 02.073206 E Depth (m) 1050 327 Both Gliders were successfully deployed, with reports of successful dives in the days after deployment. After a couple of weeks, Glider 1 failed, with poor data quality, and some days later also Glider 2 failed, due to problems of performance. Glider 2 was collected by KV Andenes, and Glider 1 was retrieved outside Isfjorden at the end of the cruise by KPH. Mooring deployments Three moorings were deployed during the survey. To study seasonal variability in temperature, salinity, currents and pH under Arctic conditions, one mooring containing a Signature 250 i 135 m depth, a Seabird SBE 37-SM Microcat in 133 m depth, a Signature 250 in 92 m, a Seabird SBE 37- SMP SeaPHox in 72 m depth, and with top buoy in 70 m depth, were deployed at 77° 04.516N, 35° 02.168E (southern part of Great Bank). To also study seasonal variations in zooplankton and fish appearance, another mooring containing a Signature 100 in 136 m depth were deployed close to the first mooring (at 77° 04.947, 35° 03.487 E). Both mooring locations are within a region closed for fishery. A third mooring were deployed in the northern part of the Great Bank to study inflow of Atlantic Water on the bank. The location (78o20.868N, 34o45.744E) were chosen based on maps on fishery activity. The mooring contains a Nortek Continental in 230 m depth, a Seabird SBE 37SM Microcat in 177 m depth, a Nortek Continental in 128 m depth, and have a top buoy in 76 m depth. 8 Station-based work The Nansen Legacy transect (Fig. 1) provides a climatic gradient from the southern Atlantic influenced region of the Barents Sea (P1) across the more Arctic influenced northern shelf (P2P5), and into the Arctic Basin (P7). The northern branch of the Atlantic Water Current into the Arctic Basin along the shelf break, is covered by the shelf break station (P6). This transect may also represent a space-for-time gradient. On a seasonal time-scale, ice-free waters in the south can reflect a later seasonal stage compared to the ice-covered regions in the north were sea-ice cover may delay the productive onset in the water column. At the same time, this may be compensated by an early ice algal production. On a longer timescale, the climatic conditions in the Barents Sea is strongly impacted by the warm and saline Atlantic Water inflow. With increased and extended Atlantic impact further north, an “atlantification”, characteristics of the southern end of the transect may represent elements of future conditions in the north. NLEG stations T1-1.2 Hydrographic characterisation Tove Gabrielsen (UNIS/UiA), Marit Reigstad (UiT), PIs: Randi Ingvaldsen (IMR), Arild Sundfjord (NPI) To increase the observational resolution along the transect, 18 additional CTD stations (NLEG1-25) reduce the gaps between the process stations (P1-P7). The overview of NLEG and P-stations are given in Table A1.2. A reduced biogeochemical sampling program was carried out on the NLEG stations. All NLEG stations, with the exception of NLEG 2 and NLEG3 across the Polar Front, were covered in full depth with CTD, with T, S, O2, fluorescence and LADCP. The hydrographic characterization along the transect with respect to temperature, salinity and fluorescence, is shown in Figure 4. The watermass characteristics for the different P-stations, are illustrated in Figure 5. 9 ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ Figure 4. Temperature, salinity and fluorescence along the Nansen Legacy transect from 76 to 82°N in August 2019. The process stations P1-P7 (P1 to the south and right) are marked with black triangles on the upper figure. Data from 0-500 m is plotted here, but the full water column down to > 3000 m was sampled north of the shelf break. P1 P P P P P P Figure 5. Temperature-salinity plot (TS diagram) illustrating the difference in water masses on the different process stations P1-P7, with reduced salinity and temperature moving northwards. Station P6 10 is located on the shelf break where the AW branch north of Svalbard goes. Colors correspond to station colors on the map (left). Sensor deviations during the survey: Primary temperature sensor serial number 5647 was occasionally spiking from Local station 189, and got worse. Changed to sensor s/n 6298 from Local station 192. These correspond to 2-4 of in total 4 CTD casts at P7. Too high values from O2 sensors on some of the stations. T1-2.2 Sea ice Jon Leite (NPI), Leif Christian Stige (UiO), Tove M. Gabrielsen (UNIS/UiA), Marit Reigstad (UiT), Padmini Dalpadado (IMR), Anna Vader (UNIS), PI: Sebastian Gerland (NPI) Sea ice observations were carried out according to the recommendations from the Ice Watch Program. The sea ice conditions, characteristics and weather were registered every 6th hour from the bridge accompanied with photos. Data are uploaded and available at https://icewatch.met.no. T2-1.1 Nutrients and DIC Griselda Ortiz (CAGE-UiT), PI: Melissa Chierici, (IMR) Nutrients and DIC was sampled at all NLEG stations. A total number of 225 water samples from the Niskin bottles have been collected in order to study each chemical parameter at 20 different stations at all standard depths. The sampling and chemical treatment (60 µm of mercuric chloride at the DIC/Alk samples and 200 µm of chloroform at the nutrients samples) were done following the protocol from the Nansen Legacy v4. All the samples were stored in the dark at 4-6° and sent to Institute of Marine Research (Melissa Chierici) and Norwegian Polar Institute (Agneta Fransson) for further analysis. T3-1.1 Characterisation of microbial communities Oliver Müller and Lasse Olsen, (UiB), PI: Bente Edvardsen (UiO) Flow Cytometry samples were taken for the standard depths at ten of the NLEG stations (in addition to the P-stations) to quantify the abundance of bacteria, virus, pico- and nanoplankton by flow cytometry. The NLEG stations sampled were NLEG5, NLEG6, NLEG8, NLEG9, NLEG10, NLEG12, NLEG14, NLEG15, NLEG19, NLEG23, NLEG24. Process stations Research foci 1: Physical drivers Atmospheric data were collected launching a radiosonde balloon at noon at all P stations. Ocean currents in the upper ~500 m of the water column were continuously measured, also during the P stations, using a 150 kHz ADCP (RDI Instruments) mounted on the drop keel. The setup followed the setup in the test cruise. The instrument was synchronized with the EK80 using K-sync. The 38 kHz ADCP was not used due to interference with the 38 kHz of the EK80. The ADCP data was not processed during the cruise due to time constraints. An LADCP mounted on rosette were run on some selected stations. Problems with logging and downloading of data on P3 to P4 (Local stations 161-169), but worked again from NLEG12 (Local station 170) (Table A1.1). Problems were caused by a defect cable. CTD were operated from the side of the vessel from the start and including P1 (Local station 151). The remaining cruise from P2 (Local station 154) we had to operate the CTD rosette from the moonpool, 11 missing the upper 10 m. Compensating CTD casts using an SAIV sonde from UNIS from the side provided surface measurements. Technical problems with the main hydrography winch with wire (W03) required use of an alternative winch (W04) with Kevlar Cable from the side. This light weighted cable was damaged during use in waves, and we were forced to use the moonpool as a suboptimal but functional solution. Sea ice observations supporting research in RF1, is included in a separate section on Sea Ice together with the chemical and biological parameters. Research Foci 2: Human drivers T2-1.1; 1.4. Current variability and drivers of ocean acidification (T2-1-1) and Ocean acidification effects on planktonic calcifiers and biological pump efficiency (T2-1-4) Griselda Anglada-Ortiz (CAGE-UiT), PIs: Melissa Chierici (IMR), Tine Rasmussen (UiT) To better understand the effects of ocean acidification on the Barents Sea, the abundance and carbonate contribution of different planktonic marine calcifiers (foraminifera, pteropods and coccolithophores) will be studied from 64 um multinet samples (foraminifera and pteropods) and water samples (coccolithophores) regarding the water chemistry (nutrients, δ18O and DIC/Alkalinity) from the sampling zone. A total number of 108 samples have been retrieved on 6 of the P stations to study these marine calcifiers (Table 2). On one hand, 52 samples have been collected using the 64 um multinet on the P stations at the standard depths 300-200m, 200-150m, 150-100m, 100-50m and 500m. Once on deck, a maximum of 120 specimens (60 foraminifera and 60 pteropods) have been picked from the 3 shallowest depths every 3 stations and freeze them individually at -80° C for protein extraction analysis. The rest of the samples have been stored on plastic bags and preserved at -20° C for further analysis on shore. On the other hand, 28 samples coming from the P stations and different depths have been collected from the Niskin bottles. A total volume of 5 L was sampled at the different depths (200 m, 120 m, 50 m, chl max depth and 10 m) and filtered through a 0,45 um Acetate cellulose filter (volume= 2L) and 0,4 um Polycarbonate filter (volume= 3L). Once the samples have been filtered, the filters have been rinsed with distilled water buffered with ammonia and oven dried on the petridish at 60° C for at least 1 hour. Once we are back, these samples will be analysed at CAGE-UiT (Tromsø) through [1] comparing the living species distribution with the pre-industrial distribution (from core samples retrieved during the Nansen Legacy cruise last September); [2] investigating the state of the shell of the living organisms regarding the carbonate chemistry of the water; [3] determining the dissolution index and [4] assessing the carbon fluxes generated by these living planktic marine calcifiers. 12 Table 2. Station overview of the water chemistry samples, and calcifying organisms collected. Station name IsA st P1 P2 NLEG5 NLEG6 P3 NLEG8 NLEG9 P4 NLEG12 P5 NLEG14 NLEG15 NLEG19 P6 NLEG23 NLEG24 P7 Niskin DIC/ALK Niskin δ18O Niskin Nutrients Niskin Coccolitophores Multinet 64 um Foraminifera and pteropods * picking * picking *failed picking specimens) (too few SICE4 T2-1.2. Ocean acidification effects on the mobility of particulate and dissolved organic carbon (POC, DOC), essential trace elements (micro nutrients) and heavy metals Stephen Kohler and Nicolas Sanchez (NTNU), PI: Murat V. Ardelan (NTNU) Objective: The purpose of this task is to understand the impact of ocean acidification on the biogeochemistry (cycling and mobility) of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and trace elements in the water column of the Northern Barents Sea. To best explore this topic, a complete survey of trace elements and heavy metals needs to be sampled along the entire transect and at various depths under clean sampling and handling conditions. In addition, the characterization of dissolved organic matter (DOM, DOC), at each station at select depths will aid in understanding the different forms and distributions of DOM and how they may interact with trace elements. As the solubility of trace metals, both essential and toxic, are dependent on its interaction with DOM, the distribution and type of both trace metals and DOM was surveyed. Trace elements (micronutrients): Both total (n= 56) and dissolved (n= 56) trace elements, were successfully sampled at all process stations (P1-P7) at eight depths up to 15 m above the seabed or up to 500m with GO FLO bottles with clean sampling and handling techniques. Replicate samples were collected at certain stations Heavy metals (Hg): Separately, samples for both total mercury (n=56) and methylmercury (n=56) were also collected at all process stations (P1-P7) at eight sampling depths up to 500m with GO FLO bottles using clean sampling and handling techniques. At stations P6 and P7, samples for total mercury and methylmercury were also collected from the deeper depths (>500m) from the CTD rosette with bottles to complete the profile. Replicate samples were collected at P1, P4, and P7. To compare the clean sampling technique to the CTD, samples were collected from the CTD at P7 at the same depth as one of the GO FLO depths. We hope to share mercury data with RF2, T2-2, and RF3, T3-4.1. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) characterization: Samples were collected for depths labeled surface (10 m), middle, and deep, dependent on local station bottom depth. All process stations (P1-P7) were sampled and collected from GO FLO bottles, with the exception of P6 and P7 deep samples collected from the CTD rosette. TOC, and ancillary POC measurements were collected from all samples, and DOC quantitation samples were taken at P1, P4, and P7. Two additional casts were made at P1 and P4 to serve as replicates for surface and deep 13 samples. P7 replicates were sampled simultaneously for surface (two GO FLOs attached together) and deep (two CTD bottles). All samples were subsequently collected, filtered, and extracted for DOM. Ice work: Two ice cores were collected for trace elements at P6 ICE and P7 ICE. Cores were collected whole, and then cut and processed onboard according to AeN protocol. Two ice cores were collected for Hg at P6 ICE and P7 ICE. Cores were collected whole, and then cut and processed onboard. At P6 ICE, 1 meltpond was sampled for total mercury, and at P7 ICE, 3 meltponds were sampled for total mercury. 1 ice core was collected for DOM at P6 ICE and kept frozen onboard. The core will be transported frozen back to NTNU for processing. At P6 ICE, 1 meltpond was sampled for DOM, filtered, and extracted. Sediment sampling: At all process stations (P1-P7), with the exception of P3, samples of surface sediments were collected by the benthos group (UiT – Nord) for trace element analysis by sequential sediment extraction. T2-2.1. Effects of changes in species composition and distribution on contaminant in food web accumulation Julia Giebichenstein (UiO), Rita Amundsen (UiO), Ane Haarr (UiO), Håvard Nilsen Liholt (UiO), Robynne Nowicki (UNIS), PI: Katrine Borgå (UiO) Purpose: As changes in temperature and sea ice distribution and thickness are expected in the Barents Sea, the energy transfer processes in the food web are expected to change. The present study aims at identifying and comparing bioaccumulation and biomagnification processes of legacy and emerging contaminants (e.g. persistent organic pollutants and mercury) related to energy use and availability between an Atlantic-influenced and an Arctic marine pelagic food web in the Barents Sea throughout the year. Zooplankton and fish samples will be collected during the process study cruises. From these, chemicals representing lipid soluble and protein associated contaminants will be analyzed, in addition to dietary descriptors to trace energy source (stable isotopes and lipid analyses). Model predictions of climate change effect on food web accumulation of contaminants include reduced accumulation due to predicted reduction in lipid storage. Bioaccumulation changes due to altered dietary composition is predicted to have less influence than the predicted lower lipid content. These predictions will be tested in the present task. Approach: During this cruise we have collected water, zooplankton and fish samples for legacy and emerging contaminants, mercury, stable isotope and fatty acid analyses. Doreen Kohlbach (NPI) will analyze the fatty acid samples and the stable isotope samples will be analyzed at UiO. We hope to share mercury data with T2-1.2 and PFAS data with Jack Garnett from Lancaster University. Water samples for legacy persistent organic pollutant (POP) analyses were collected with an in-situ filtration pump (see Figure 6) at the process stations P2, P4, P6 and P7. To compare the 14 influence of warmer, more saline Atlantic water on contaminant levels with the cold, fresher Arctic water we tried to target both water masses, if applicable. In addition, we took water samples from the CTD rosette in triplicates for PFAS analyses at P1-2, 5-7. Figure 6. In-situ filtration pump Meso- and macrozooplankton samples of key food web species were collected at each process station, except P3. Mesozooplankton (primarily Copepod stages CIV and CV) were sampled with either WP3 or Bongo Nets. Macrozooplankton (mainly euphasiids, amphipods and chaetognaths) samples were collected from the MIK net or from the macrozooplankton trawl (see Figure 7 for an example from the MIK net). Deep and shallow nets were taken at P6 and P7 to target species from both water masses (see Macrozooplankton part – RF3 in this report for further information on species composition at the different process stations). All zooplankton samples were sorted and grouped by family and by species if possible. Samples for contaminants were handled as little as possible to avoid cross-contamination. We sampled for POPs, mercury, stable isotope and fatty acid analyses. Figure 7. Zooplankton sample from P7 (left), and Polar cod (Boroegadus saida) caught at P4 (right). Fish tissue and whole fish were sampled for POPs, mercury, stable isotope and fatty acid analyses at P1-P4. The stomach was frozen for microplastic analyses and otoliths for age determination were dissected. The target species relevant to the pelagic Barents Sea food web included Polar cod (Boreogadus saida), Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and Capelin (Mallotus villosus) and were below 25 cm in total length (see Table 3). Other dominant fish species (like Sebastes spp. at P1) were sampled opportunistically and frozen whole. (see part T2-3-1 in this report for detailed information on the trawls). Table 3. Overview of the number of sampled fishes at the process stations. 15 Process station P1 P1 vicinity P2 P3 P4 Total Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) 9 - - - - 9 Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) 11 - 15 10 17 5 Capelin (Mallotus villosus) 10 55 - - - 65 Part of the sampled fishes were shared with subtasks 2-3.1, 2-2.3, 2-2.4 and 2-2.5 for genomic and further ecotoxicological analyses. T2-2.3. Effects of oil and contaminants on northern Barents Sea ecosystem health. Ane Haarr and Håvard Liland (UiO), PI: Ketil Hylland (UiO) The purpose of this work is to quantify levels of DNA damage (measured in fresh blood) and concentration of PAH metabolites (measured in bile) in individual fish from different species residing in the northern Barents Sea. The Atlantic cod Gadus morhua, atlantic capelin Mallotus villosus, polar cod Boreogadus saida, and American plaice Hippoglossoides platessoides, are abundant fish species in the northern Barents Sea, representing different ecological niches and trophic levels and are important both ecologically and commercially. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are organic contaminants of petrogenic or pyrogenic origin, meaning that they are associated with petroleum products or formed by incomplete combustion of organic material. Some PAHs are well known carcinogens, such as benzo(a)pyrene, while some are less well known. Most vertebrates are quite efficient in metabolizing and detoxifying PAHs, so its metabolites are therefore often measured in the bile and used as an indicator of PAH exposure. Laboratory experiments have shown the association between PAH exposure and DNA damage, and various methods can be used to quantify damage to the genome. The Comet assay is a relatively quick, easy and inexpensive method to assess single or double stranded breaks in the DNA, which can result from exposure to contaminants and other types of stressors. Even though causal relationships are difficult to assess from field studies, it is still important to monitor contaminant concentrations and levels of DNA damage to assess species-specific differences in exposure, baseline activity and sensitivity, especially in a rapidly changing Arctic environment. During this cruise, 30 individuals of each fish species were collected across stations P1-P4 using pelagic and benthic (with and without fish lift) trawls. No trawls were conducted north of P4 due to the ice conditions. Opportunistic sampling of the Arctic amphipod Themisto sp. for quantification of DNA strand breaks was also a part of the initial plan, but this species was only caught in abundance at P2, and was not available for this purpose. For all sampled fish, biometric data were recorded, and some individuals were shared between the other groups. For shared fish, different types of tissues were taken for various purposes: stomach for the analysis of microplastics, muscle samples for POPs, mercury, fatty acids, and stable isotopes (Julia Giebichenstein, T2-2.1); spleen and fin clip for genomic analysis as well as assessments of age and maturation stage (Siv Hoff and Leif Christian Stige, T2-3.1); and liver slices for experimental exposure studies (Nadja Brun and Fecadu Yadtetie, T2-2.4). At P1, Atlantic cod were abundant in the first benthic trawl. 29 individuals of various size classes (approximately one third small, medium, and large individuals) were sampled. Eight individuals of polar cod were sampled, but the fish were in bad condition after the trawling (without fish lift), and blood samples may be affected by this. As there was an echosignal between P1 and P2, a pelagic trawl was conducted, and 30 individuals of capelin were sampled for blood and bile. Bile samples are not complete for all individuals, as the gall bladder sometimes was empty or difficult to locate in the small capelin. Additional polar cod were caught with benthic trawls (with fish lift) at the rest of the stations (up to station P4) and the fish could be kept alive in the fish tanks prior to sampling. After the sample size was complete (30 individuals), an additional 20 16 individuals were sampled to assess different methods for preservation of blood. The cryopreservation method in the protocol include gradual freezing of blood samples mixed with a cryosolution, and thus, 10 blood samples were frozen directly at -80°C without cryosolution, and 10 blood samples were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C. T2-2.4. Using genomic and proteomic tools to identify responses to effects of pollutants on zooplankton and fish. Fekadu Yadetie (UiB) and Nadja Brun (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA), PI: Anders Goksøyr (UiB). The Arctic region is susceptible to pollution from expanding petroleum related activities as well as from long range transport of pollutants deposited in the polar region. Seasonal and climate changes may dictate high lipid content and its mobilization which can influence pollutant bioaccumulation, bioavailability, and effects in Arctic organisms. Despite the unique energy and pollutant dynamics, toxicological data on the arctic species is sparse. The aim of this subtask is to map toxicogenomic responses in arctic fish and zooplankton (Calanus). Fish: The focus on this cruise was to sample key Arctic fish species, and culture liver slices to perform exposure studies to the oil related PAH compound benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). Four species, Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), capelin (Mallotus villosus), Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) and American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) were sampled from the process stations P1, P2 and P3 and seven exposure experiments (each with 6 replicates per group, with 4 exposure groups) were performed. Samples collected and frozen were: liver or whole fish for possible chemical analysis (Table 4), liver slices for RNA (transcriptomics) and proteomics and/or enzyme assay (e.g. EROD) (Table 5). Slices were also collected for viability and possible vitellogenin assays for each species. Media samples from each liver slice experiments were collected for viability assay and frozen. All tissue samples were snap-frozen in liquid N2 and stored at –80 °C. Although further chemical exposure experiments were planned after station P4 with polar cod kept alive in fish tanker, this could not be performed because the fish were accidentally exposed warmer water in the tanker and died. Biometric data (total length, fish weight, liver weight, sex) on most of the fish we sampled were shared with other sub-tasks in RF2: T2-2.1, T2-2.2, and T2-2.3. Calanus: In process stations P6 and P7, key copepod species Calanus finnmarchicus, C. hyperboreus and C. glacialis were sampled and exposed to the PAH compounds Phenanthrene (Phe) and BaP. These experiments were planned and performed in collaboration with the Ecotox groups (sub-tasks T2-2.2 and 2-2.3) at UiO (Julia Giebichenstein) and Kasia Dmoch. After a range finding experiment with increasing doses of Phe and BaP (using Calanus finnmarchicus), a single dose was selected, and exposure experiments were performed for each of the three Calanus species (Table 6). The animals were collected and snap-frozen in liquid N2 and stored at –80 °C. RNA will be extracted and extracted and toxicogenomic responses will be studied and compared using RNA-seq at UiB. In both fish and Calanus experiments, we expect to characterize global gene expression fingerprints in response to the PAHs in these species which may give us information on mechanisms, comparative susceptibilities, and possible future expression biomarkers. Table 4. Fish tissue sampled at different stations. Process station P1 Trawl type Species sampled Bottom Atlantic cod Number of fish 6 Sex Processing Male PCLS culture and BaP exposure Samples collected Slices for RNA and protein extraction Comments 4 concentration groups (6 fish replicates (paired design). 17 72h exposure, 10 °C. P1 vicinity P2 P2 P3 P3 (from tank) P3 (from tank) Pelagic Capelin Bottom American plaice Pelagic Bottom Bottom Bottom Capelin Polar cod Polar cod Polar cod 24 6 25 6 6 6 Male and female Manual slicing and culture, 1 liver/well. BaP exposure Female PCLS culture and BaP exposure Male and female Manual slicing of pooled livers, BaP exposure Male PCLS culture and BaP exposure Female PCLS culture and BaP exposure Female PCLS culture and BaP+ EE2 exposure Slices for RNA, protein extraction and viability (ATP) assay. Slices for RNA, protein extraction and viability (ATP) assay. Slices for RNA, protein extraction Slices for RNA, protein extraction and viability (ATP) assay Slices for RNA, protein extraction Slices for RNA or protein extraction and viability (ATP) assay Manually sliced, 6 replicates/per group, 1 fish liver per well. 72 h exposure at 10 °C. 72 h exposure at 10 °C. Manually sliced, 6 replicates wells per group. 48h exposure at 6 °C. 72 h exposure at 6 °C. 72 h exposure at 6 °C. To test mixture (BaP and EE2). Test for antiestrogenic effects of BaP. 72 h exposure at 6 °C. 18 Table 5. Summary of liver slice exposure experiments Process station Trawl type Species sampled Number of fish Sex P1 Bottom Atlantic cod 7 Male and female P1 Bottom American plaice (AP) P1 vicinity Pelagic capelin P2 P3 4 10 Samples collected Piece of liver (ca. 1g and 5g) frozen Comments All cod have intestinal parasites Female Piece of liver (ca. 5g) frozen All AP have intestinal parasites, and all appear females. Most have discolored, neoplastic like liver Male and female 10 whole capelin frozen For possible chemical analysis Bottom American plaice 13 Female Piece of liver (ca. 5g) frozen Most of the AP livers have discoloration (at least partly) and many seem to have neoplasms/cancer (pictures taken). All AP have intestinal parasites. AP seem all female Bottom Polar cod 20 Male and female Whole livers frozen For possible chemical analysis Table 6. Calanus samples and PAH exposure experiments. Statio n Gear type P6 MIK Species sampled Number of animals 300-350 Stag e Processing Samples collected Comments CV Live animals collected and frozen for RNA extraction. 72h exposure at 3.5 °C. 120-150 CV Live animals collected and frozen for RNA extraction. 72h exposure at 0.5 °C. 200-250 CV Exposure DMSO control, 0.1uM Phe, 0.1uM BaP 5 replicates of 0.5L (20 animals/bottle) Extra bottles for seawater only control. Exposure DMSO control, 0.1uM Phe, 0.1uM BaP 4 replicates of 0.5L (10 animals/bottle). Extra bottles for seawater only control. Exposure DMSO control, 0.1uM Phe, 0.1uM BaP 5 replicates of 0.5L (10 animals/bottle). Extra bottles for seawater only control. Live animals collected and frozen for RNA extraction. 72h exposure at 3.5 °C. C. finmarchicu s P6 P7 Bongo net 180 um C. glacialis MIK C. hyperboreu s 19 T2-2.5. Critical seasonal windows of responses to multiple stressors on key organisms in a pelagic food chain Robynne Nowicki, PhD student (UNIS/UiO), PI: Geir Wing Gabrielsen (NPI) Purpose The samples taken on this cruise will be used in T2-2.5. This cruise is the first of 4 seasonal cruises in which macrozooplankton and fish samples will be taken for bioenergetics, protein, lipid and pollutant remobilization analysis. The samples taken will be used to assess seasonal fluctuations in energy content of key organisms in the pelagic food web of the Barents Sea. This data will be used to expose the annual critical windows in which organisms may be of weakened body condition and predators may have a low-quality food supply. Thus these organisms may be more susceptible to stressors such as persistent organic pollutants and climate change parameters, during this critical period. I also took samples of macrozooplankton to assess sexual maturity and life history stages, in order to allow for a more trait-based approach to seasonal energy variation. As well as this, polar cod brains were collected (to be used in conjunction with brains collected from Brunnich guillemots and kittiwakes from Svalbard in future) for organ specific analysis of seasonal pollutant remobilization. Samples were taken at each process station (excluding P3), allowing for additional comparison of southern (Atlantic) and northern (Arctic) species, as well as regional differences in individuals of the same species. Sampling approach Macrozooplankton: Macrozooplankton were sampled using MIK-net 1500um V-hauls, and macrozooplankton trawls, at stations P1-5, with P6 and P7 only having MIK-net 1500um vertical hauls due to ice conditions. The bulk samples were sorted into major zooplankton groups, with this work focusing on krill, amphipods and pteropods, with 2-3 species selected for each. Individuals were selected and measured, with an aim to collect a range of size classes, in order to assess the relationship between body size and energy content. For each sample, organisms were wrapped in aluminium foil, placed in a labelled Ziploc bag and frozen at -20°C. Large organisms were stored individually, whilst smaller organisms were pooled per sample, with the aim of each sample weighing between 0.5-1g. Samples were taken opportunistically, with not all species being collected from each station. Where abundance allowed, I also took samples to be later assessed for sexual maturity and life history stage. I stored these individuals in 5% formalin seawater solution. Themisto libellula was the most consistent species, being collected from every process station. Fish: Fish were collected using campelen and Harstad fish trawls at station P1, P2 and P4. Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), capelin (Mallotus villosus) and polar cod (Boreogadus saida) were the target species collected. However Atlantic cod were only available from P1 and capelin from P1 and P2, whilst polar cod were taken from all sampled stations. The fish were taken whole from the trawl (roughly 10-25 individuals per species per station where abundance allowed), weighed and measured for total length. Individuals were then wrapped in aluminium foil and frozen at -20°C. Polar cod were present at every process station. Polar cod that were dissected for other simultaneous sampling onboard had their brains removed for remobilization studies, with weight and total length of the sample fish being noted. T2-3.1. Climate change and fisheries: Spatial environmental variables and genomics Siv Hoff and Leif Christian Stige (UiO), PI: Sissel Jentoft (UiO) The aim of this task is to investigate the roles of spatiotemporal population structure and possible local adaptations in three key fish species in the northern Barents Sea ecosystem: The Northeast Arctic population of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), capelin (Mallotus villosus) and polar cod (Boreogadus saida). If local adaptations are important for population dynamics and responses to climate change, it may be necessary to revisit the management of fisheries in order to maintain intact spatial and genetic structure. For this purpose, individual samples 20 of these species will be collected at transect cruises in summer (2 years) and winter (1 year) for whole-genome sequencing. We will also include samples of the same species collected in associated projects at other locations, such as at their spawning grounds. From these data we aim to characterize the population sub-structure(s) for each of the species, as well as identify signatures of directional selection, for instance as a result of temperature adaptations. In addition to spatial structure, we will assess possible temporal structure, linked to seasonal partitioning of habitat use. During this cruise we have been collecting tissue samples of the Northeast Arctic cod, polar cod and capelin from the different process stations: P1, P2, P3, and P4 vicinity (Table 7). At all stations, one demersal (Campelen) fish trawl was taken. Pelagic trawling was planned to be done “opportunistically” if signal on the echo sounder indicated presence of fish schools, resulting in one pelagic (Harstad) trawl that was taken between P1 and P2 (P1 vicinity). At station P3 and P4 a fishlift was attached to the trawl, and fish from these catches were kept alive in fishtanks. Table 7. Number of fish sampled at each of the stations during SSQ3. All trawls taken was demersal except P1 vicinity, which was a pelagic trawl. Station/ Species P1 P1 (vicinity) P2 P3 P4 (vicinity) P5 Northeast Arctic cod 32 - 5 - - - Capelin 24 36 26 6 - - Polar cod 17 - 40 40 43 - In concordance to last year sampling (JC1/2: 6-23 Aug. 2018), the Northeast Arctic cod was observed at the first two stations P1 and P2, where P1 trawl catch contained a mix of smaller individuals and larger individuals and P2 station contained a few smaller individuals (<20 cm). Capelin was caught both in pelagic and bottom trawls. Interestingly, in comparison to last year’s sampling, adult polar cod was this year caught in all demersal trawls taken, from P1 through P4, whereas they were first time observed at P3 last year. P5 was not trawled this year due to ice. For all sampled fish, a total of three tissue samples were taken, two for whole-genome DNA sequencing (approx. 20x coverage), and one for RNA sequencing. Additionally, otoliths were collected for all fish sampled, in order to determine age. Metadata was recorded for all fishes sampled, and includes the following parameters: fork length, total length, total weight, sex, maturation stage and presence of ecto/endoparasites. In addition, for the Northeast Arctic cod and a subset of the sampled polar cod at each station liver, gonad and somatic weight was also recorded. A subset of the sampled fish was shared with subtasks 2-2.1, 2-2.3, 2-2.4 and 2-2.5 for ecotoxicological analysis. 21 Research Foci 3 – The living Barents Sea T3.1 and T3.4 Microbes: biodiversity, abundance, biomass, distribution and activity. Oliver Müller (UiB), Lasse Olsen (UiB), Miriam Marquardt (UiT), Martí Amargant (UiT), Bente Edvardsen (UiO), Karoline Saubrekka (UiO), Anna Vader (UNIS), PIs: Bente Edvardsen (UiO), Gunnar Bratbak (UiB) The activity contributes to tasks T3-1 and T3-2 and links to T3-3 and T3-4. Samples for microbial (viruses, prokaryotes and protists) community composition, abundance and activity were collected from two open water stations (P1 and P2) and four ice covered stations (P4, P5, P6 and P7). A reduced sampling effort was conducted at the open water station P3 and ice covered station SICE4. Pelagic samples were collected at all stations, while stations P6, P7 and SICE4 also included ice samples (ice-cores, under ice water and melt ponds, see more detailed description of sea ice work below). In addition, Flow Cytometry samples were taken for the standard depths at several NLEG stations (NLEG5, NLEG6, NLEG8, NLEG9, NLEG10, NLEG12, NLEG14, NLEG15, NLEG19, NLEG23, NLEG24). Sampling also included phytoplankton nets. Chl a and live protist samples were analysed on board, while all other samples were preserved or frozen for later analyses. An overview of parameters and samples (also including samples from sea ice cores, is given in Table 8. List of parameters sampled: Biodiversity • Genetic identification of community composition of protists and prokaryotes (Metabarcoding) • Genetic identification of (free) virus diversity (Virus diversity) • Qualitative analyses of protists >10 µm from net hauls (Net) • Qualitative analyses of small protists for cultures and electron microscopy from water (Vivaflow) • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of plankton including coccolithophores by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) • Algal diversity by culturing (Cultures) Abundance and biomass • Algal biomass (total and >10 µm chlorophyll a concentration Chl a) • Abundance of bacteria, virus, pico and nano-plankton by flow cytometry (FCM) • Quantitative analyses of protists from water samples by light microscopy (Microscopy) • Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen (POC/PON) • Elemental composition of seston (XRF, particulate C:N:Si:Ca:P:Mg:S:K:Fe)(XRF) Activity • Genetic identification of protist activities (Metatranscriptome) • Bacterial production • Primary production • Nitrogen uptake by primary producers • Primary producer’s response to light intensity 22 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Nutrients POC/PON x x x x x P vs. I curves Microscopy x x x x x Bacterial d ti Primary d ti Nitrogen uptake FCM x x x x x x x x x x x x Metatranscriptom Chl. a x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x XRF Cultures SEM Phytoplankton net Vivaflow Depth (m) Virus diversity Stn Metabarcoding Table 8. water column and ice sampling for microbes (see text above for abbreviations). For nutrients, see also overview in Table 2. x x x x x x x x x x x x x P1 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 90 120 200 bottom Chl a=45 0-50 x 10 20 30 40 50=Chl a 60 90 120 150 bottom 0-100 x 10 20 30 40 50 60 90 120 200 bottom Chl a=75 0-100 x 10 20 30=Chl a 40 x x x x x/ x x x /X x/ x/X x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x P2 x x x x/ x x x/X x x x/X x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x P3 x/ x x x x x/X x/X x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x P4 x x x x/ x x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 23 50 60 90 120 150 200 bottom 0-100 x x x x x x X x/ x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x P5 10 20=Chl a 30 40 50 60 90 120 150 bottom 0-100 x x 10 20 30 40 50 60 90 120 200 500 bottom Chl a=15 0-100 x 10 20 30 40 50 60 90 120 200 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 bottom Chl a=15 0-100 x 0-3 x x x x/ x/X x x X x x x/ x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x P6 x/ x x x x/X x x x x/X x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x P7 x/ x x x x x x x x/ x x x x x x x x x x/ x x/X x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x P6ic e x x 24 3-10 10-20 20-30 30-50 50-70 70-90 90-110 110-130 130-top 0-10 UIW 0.5 MP1 MP2 MP3 MPM x x x x x x x x x 0-3 3-10 10-20 20-30 30-50 50-70 70-90 90-110 110-130 0-10 UIW 0.5 MP1 MP2 MP3 MPM x x x x x x x x x 0-3 3-10 10-20 20-30 30-50 50-70 70-90 90-110 110-130 130-150 150-top 0-10 UIW 0.5 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x/X x/X x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x P7ic e x x x x x x x x x x x x x x/X x/X x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x SICE 4 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x/X x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x SICE 4 10 20=Chl a 30 40 50 60 90 120 x x x x x/X X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 25 150 200 500 1000 1500 2000 bottom 0-100 x x x x x x x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x On board experiments: On board experiments included a grazer exclusion experiment, which was done at stations P1, P4 and P6, prepared by gentle reverse filtration of surface water from the Chl a max to retain organisms of different size fractions (<0.8µm; <3µm; <90µm) and were incubated each for six days at close to in situ light and temperature. Subsamples for abundance, activity and diversity analysis were taken at different frequencies throughout the incubation period. Several functional aspects of pelagic and sympagic primary producers were studied during the Nansen Legacy Q3 cruise. In open water stations (P1, P4, P5), water was sampled from the standard depths 10, 20, 40, 60, 90 and Chl a max. Water from these depths was spiked with radioactively labelled carbon in order to determine the Carbon fixation rate (i.e. the Primary Production rate) of phototrophic organisms throughout the water column and latitudinal gradient. Additionally, water from 10m and Chl a max was spiked with stable isotopes of Carbon (13C) and Nitrogen (15N) to estimate the F-ratio (which fraction of the primary production is new production). One incubation bottle was also treated to assess the nitrification activity of microbes. These incubations were deployed attached to the sediment trap moorings and exposed to in situ light and temperature conditions for 24 hours. In parallel, water from the Chl a max was used to study the photosynthetic response of the community to light intensity (P vs I curves). At the ice-covered stations (P6 and P7), the aforementioned water sampling and experimental work was carried out as described, and additionally the bottom 3cm of 4 ice cores were sampled and pooled for similar in situ incubations: Under-ice Primary production, Nitrogen uptake and P vs I curve. Water from a melt pond was sampled, spiked and incubated in situ for Primary Production and Nitrogen uptake. A reciprocal transplant experiment was conducted with surface water from stations P1 and P6 and will be analyzed for abundance and community shifts due to changes in environmental factors. T3-1.1. Characterize biological phytoplankton/ protist communities and seasonality in terms of biodiversity, abundance, biomass and distribution patterns Karoline Saubrekka and Bente Edvardsen (University of Oslo/ IBV), Anna Vader (UNIS), PI: Bente Edvardsen (UiO) The main aim of our sampling during the cruise was to collect material which will be used to study diversity, distribution and ecology of microalgae and other protists along the Barents Sea to Arctic Ocean transect. Our sampling also focused on Sea ice communities, and we collected material from melt ponds, ice cores and under-ice. For the molecular analysis of diversity (metabarcoding) and function (metatranscriptomics) of phytoplankton and protist communities along the transect. We took part in collection and filtration of the molecular samples as well as sampling and processing of ice-cores and sea water on ice. A complete list of which microbial parameters were collected at which depth and stations is presented elsewhere in the report. For the analysis of phytoplankton abundance, we collected samples from CTD Niskin bottles at all planned depths at station P1. At station P2-P7 and SICE4 sample depth 5m was changed to 10m, due to sampling through the moonpool. Samples where fixed in formalin and Lugol´s 26 solution for further light microscopy analysis in the lab. They will provide quantitative and qualitative information about phytoplankton abundance and diversity along the transect. Morphological analysis of phytoplankton diversity and isolation of cultures of Arctic microalgae. We also collected samples for the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of small phytoplankton and groups which are not well preserved in quantitative samples fixed in Lugol’s solution. This includes primarily calcifying microalgae (coccolithophores) which are an important part of the Barents Sea phytoplankton. The samples for quantitative and qualitative SEM analysis were taken at each station at four depths which corresponded to depths sampled for molecular metabarcoding and metatranscriptomics. A plankton net (mesh size 10µm) was deployed at each station to obtain a concentrated phytoplankton vertical sample. The collected material was divided in five parts. One part was fixed in 2% formalin and one in 1% Lugol’s for light microscopy to be used together with the quantitative samples above. Another part was fixed in 1% Lugol’s and one in 1% glutaraldehyde and these will be used for studying diversity of protists using scanning and transmission electron microscopy at UiO. One part was kept alive in a cool room with light. This material was analysed onboard by microscopy, preliminary species lists were made and micrographs taken. It was also used to establish mono-algal cultures by dilutions on board. Finally, the last part of the net sample was mixed with algal growth medium (IMR1/2) and kept alive in the cool room with light (“raw cultures”). These dilutions and raw cultures will be taken to UiO where more cultures will be isolated. At the process stations and all ice stations, we used Vivaflow filtration system to concentrate cells that are so small that they are not collected with the plankton net. This was always done from the Niskin bottles from depths with chlorophyll maximum. On ice stations, Vivaflow filtration was also done using Melt pond water samples and under-ice samples. After isolation, the same procedure was applied as with net samples. First part was fixed, second part was kept alive third part was enriched with growth medium and kept alive. To establish cultures of small microalgae, we made dilution cultures at each station using the Viva flow concentrated samples. These dilution cultures as well as raw cultures from Vivaflow material will be taken to UiO for further analysis. At sea ice stations, we sampled water from melt ponds, 0.5m below ice and 5m below ice and concentrated it using both 10µm bottle-net and viva flow system. Part of material was fixed for SEM, TEM and LM and another part kept as raw cultures for later analysis. Also, the bottom 10cm from ice-cores was sampled, part fixed for microscopy and the rest taken to UiO as a raw culture. The protocol has been revised from the Nansen Legacy Protocol Version 4, and a complete list of samples is given in Table 8, above. T3-1.1; 2.1. Mesozooplankton taxonomy, abundance, biomass and genomics Anette Wold (NPI), Kasia Dmoch (IOPAS) and Konrad Karlsson (UNIS), PI: Tove M. Gabrielsen (UNIS/ UiA) Purpose The main objective was to describe the mesozooplankton taxonomic composition, abundance and biomass along the transect going from open Atlantic water (P1) to ice covered Arctic water (P7). We expect to see a gradient in the presence of Atlantic and Arctic species. The transect also represent a gradient from a late summer condition at the southernmost stations to a spring situation in the northernmost ice-covered stations, allowing for a space for time approach along the transect. The data obtained during this cruise are part of the seasonal investigations of zooplankton communities and will be continued on AeN seasonal cruises in Nov/Dec 2019 & spring 2020. 27 Description of work We have sampled with Multinets and Bongonets of both 180 µm and 64 µm in order to cover all size groups and we refer to the samples from the two mesh sizes as “mesozooplankton” and “small mesozooplankton” respectively (Table 9). Samples for taxonomy and abundance was sampled using the Multinet at 5 standard depths (Table 10). The standard sampling depths were from the bottom-200, 200-100, 100-50, 50-20 and 20-0 m. At the deep stations, the sampling depths were from 1000-600, 600-200, 200-50, 50-20 and 20-0 m. All samples were preserved in 4 % formaldehyde free from acid. (final concentration) free from acid. Samples for total biomass as dry weight and metabarcoding was sampled using Bongonets from the bottom-surface and from 1000 m to surface at the deep stations. The biomass samples were dried and measured onboard. Genetic samples for metabarcoding was preserved in ice cold 96 % ethanol. Gelatinous zooplankton were picked out from MIK net & Bongonet samples at station P2, P4, P5 & P7. Pictures were taken of all individuals of each taxa. And individuals in good conditions were stored individually with ice cold 96 % ethanol. It would improve the sampling of gelatinous zooplankton to use a light-board and have a dedicated camera and a better system for naming and storing pictures immediately after sampling. Due to time constraint, pictures were not taken of the taxa from the Bongonets only from the MIK nets. We should improve the effort to also pick out smaller individuals of gelatinous zooplankton in the future. Table 9. Overview of mesozooplankton sampling Purpose Mesozooplankton taxonomy Small mesozooplankton taxonomy Mesozooplankton biomass Small mesozooplankton biomass Mesozooplankton metabarcoding Small mesozooplankton metabarcoding Gelatinous zooplankton Gear Multinet 180 µm Station P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 N samples 35 Task T3-1.1 & 1.2 T3-2.1 & 2.2 T3-1.1 & 1.2 T3-2.1 & 2.2 Multinet 64 µm P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 35 Bongonet 180 µm P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, P7 6 Bongonet 64 µm P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, P7 6 Bongonet 180 µm P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, P7 6 T3-1.1 Bongonet 64 µm P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, P7 6 T3-1.1 MIK net 1500 µm & Bongonet 180 µm P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, P7 105 (individuals) T3-1.1 & 1.2 T3-2.1 & 2.2 T3-1.1 & 1.2 T3-2.1 & 2.2 T3-1.1 & 1.2 T3-2.1 & 2.2 Table 10. Overview of gear deployment Gear Sampling depth Shallow Bot-200-100-50-20-0m Bot-200-100-50-20-0m Bottom-0m Bottom-0m Bottom-0m Deep Bot-600-50-20-0m* Bot-600-50-20-0m* 1000-0m 1000-0m Bottom-0m Hauling speed (m/s) lowering heaving 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3** 0.6 Multinet 180 µm Multinet 64 µm Bongonet 180 µm Bongonet 64 µm MIK 1500 µm Macrozooplankton trawl *At the deepest station (P7) time only allowed to sample down to 1000m **If lowering to fast the net-bucket might flip into the net since the ring is much heavier than the bucket even when added weight to the bucket. 28 T3-1.1; 2.1; 2.2; 4.2; 4.4. Characterize biological mesozooplankton communities and seasonality in terms of biodiversity, abundance, biomass and distribution patterns (1.1), secondary production (2.1), trophic ecology (4.2) and sympagic-pelagic-benthic coupling (4.4) Konrad Karlsson (post doc, UNIS), PI: Janne Søreide The RF3 work package aims to describe zooplankton dynamics over season (summer, winter, and spring) and space (Atlantic, shelf, and Arctic). A further aim was to estimate grazing, egg production and hatching success of dominant zooplankton species. I participated on the cruise to conduct experiments on mesozooplankton at the three process stations: P1, P4, and P7. In addition, I took samples of zooplankton biomass and metabarcoding at six stations: P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, and P7. Three different experiments were planned prior to the cruise: (i) an experiment to estimate the grazing on phytoplankton and microzooplankton by the most dominant zooplankton, (ii) experiments to estimate the egg production and the hatching of eggs from Calanus glacialis, Calanus finmarchicus, and the egg production of Pseudocalanus sp., (iii) an experiment to estimate respiration of the most dominant zooplankton species, and link the respiration to lipid storage and carbon nitrogen ration (C:N) of the animals. Results: Biomass and metagenomics samples were taken at the six stations. The grazing experiments were conducted at the three stations, samples of chlorophyll-a, particulate organic carbon, and community composition (phytoplankton and microzooplankton) were taken to be analyzed later on. Egg production and hatching were estimated on board the ship. However, very few animals produced eggs, and none hatched. Experiments on respiration were unsuccessful because the Loligo sensor could not be calibrated. However, measurements of lipid storage and C:N ratio were taken. T3-1.1; 2.1. Macrozooplankton Padmini Dalpadado (IMR), PIs: Bodil Bluhm (UiT), Tove M. Gabrielsen (UNIS/ UiA) Macrozooplankton consists of larger organisms such as euphausiids (krill), amphipods, arrowworms, jellyfish and larval fish. The biomass of these organisms is usually underestimated as they avoid smaller gears as well as can pass through the larger nets. In this project, we aim to combine acoustics with net catches to map distributions patterns and obtain biomass estimates/indices of key macroplankton such as euphausiids and amphipods. These organisms are key prey of many economically and ecologically important fish species in the Barents Sea. We use two types of nets, namely MIK (ring net 2m in diameter, 500µm at the cod end) and a specially designed macroplankton trawl (6*6m, 3mm mesh all throughout) to catch these organisms. As echosounders onboard operate with several frequencies we aim to use acoustic information (e.g. frequency response) together with net catches to recognize and quantify the organisms. The main aim of the August 2019 cruise was to identify key acoustic backscatters as we move from Atlantic (P1) passing through arctic waters (P2, P3 &P5) towards the mixed waters in the North (P5& P6). Preliminary results show that at station P1 with Atlantic waters was dominated by large and small jellyfish (Cyanea capillata, Mertensia ovum and Sarsia spp.), euphausiids (Meganyctiphanes norvegica, Thysanoessa inermis) and some larval fish (Figure 8, Table 11). As we move towards artic waters, the species composition and diversity changed. The more Atlantic dominated species decreased already when reaching the P2 station. Especially in P3 and P4 stations, the larger arctic water associated amphipod, T. libellula was the most abundant in the macroplankton trawl. Echogram with plankton from P2 is shown in Figure 9. In the shallow arctic layer (50-100m) in P6 & P7, adult Calanus hyperboreus (CV-CVI) dominated. In the deeper waters (1000-2000m), we caught bright red colored organisms such as shrimp, Hymenodora and copepod, Pareuchaeta spp. In addition, large numbers of chaetognaths were present. It is noteworthy that some individuals from most of these groups were carrying eggs. The presence of young Themisto libellula (3-5mm-just released from adult 29 marsupium) also seem to indicate suitable growth conditions in these waters. In the shallow arctic hauls, we caught a lot of green material (likely from algal blooms higher up in the water column), indicating good feeding conditions for the young in these waters (P6 & P7). Figure 8. Images of organisms at different stations from a survey with R/V Kronprins Haakon, 5-27 August 2019 Table 11. Sampling description of Macrozooplankton & preliminary observations of taxa. Sampled from maximum depth to surface, V-haul P1-P4, vertical P5 and P6. Max. Station lat lon Net Depth (m) Dominant organisms Jellyfish, C. finmarchicus, C. glacialis, P1 76.0196 31.2897 MIK 320 M. norvegica, T. inermis, larval fish 76.0361 31.0716 Macroplankton Trawl 300 Jellyfish, larval fish 77.4990 33.9955 T. libellula, Clione limacina C. glacialis, Limancina spp. P2 MIK 160 77.5163 34.0057 Macroplankton Trawl 160 T. libellula, Clione limacina, jellyfish C. glacialis, Jellyfish, T. P3 78.75 34.0004 MIK 300 libellula(smaller) P4 79.7077 34.2833 MIK 320 C. glacialis, T. libellula, C. limacina. 79.4983 34.6344 Macroplankton 300 T. libellula, Sagitta spp., C-limacina Trawl P5 80.5092 33.8602 MIK 140 C. glacialis, T.libellula (small) P6 50 C. hyperborus, T. longicoudata shallow 81.5514 31.1684 MIK P6 C. hyperborus , krill, Hymenodora deep spp, Pareuchaeta spp. 81.5765 31.3874 MIK 1000 P7 shallow 81.9283 29.1460 MIK 100 C. hyperborus, T.libellua (small) P7 C. hyperborus, Hymenodora spp., T. deep longicaudata. 81.9811 29.7287 MIK 2000 30 Figure 9. Echogram showing plankton registrations near P2 station. T3-1.1; 1.2; 4.3; 4.4. Characterize and quantify biota in the seasonal ice zone (1.1), relate environmental conditions to biological communities (1.2), and explore the sympagicpelagic-benthic coupling and trophic ecology of benthos (4.4) Bodil Bluhm (UiT, PI), Arunima Sen (Nord University), Eric Jorda Molina (Nord University), with assistance by Yasemin Bodur (UiT), Karoline Saubrekka (UiO) and Jack Garnett (Lancaster University) During Q3, our team contributed primarily to the Nansen Legacy RF3 tasks T3-1 and T3-4, specifically T3-1-1, T3-1-2, T3-4-3 and T3-4-4. The gear used to collect samples included a demersal Campelen trawl and a box corer. Aims of the group were to (linked to PIs not onboard): 1. T3-1-1: Characterize and quantify biota in the seasonal ice zone by sampling sediment communities for biodiversity and abundance/biomass assessments, specifically microbes (PI Lise Øverås, UiB), benthic Foraminifera (PI Elisabeth Alve, UiO), multicellular meiofauna (PI Bodil Bluhm) and macro-infauna (PIs Paul Renaud, APN and Henning Reiss via PhD student Eric Jorda Molina, Nord University). Note that mega-epifauna sampling was conducted at the Nansen Legacy transect during JC1-2 in August 2018, but was moved to IMR’s ecosystem cruise in 2019 where it is routinely done on a larger spatial scale. 2. T3-1-1: Characterize biota in the seasonal ice zone by collecting voucher material of benthic macro- and megafauna to be archived at the UiT Museum for a legacy of physical material of the project (PIs Bodil Bluhm, Andreas Altenburger UiT) 3. T3-1-2: Relate environmental conditions to biological communities by sampling for sediment properties (grain size), indicators of food availability (total organic carbon and nitrogen, sediment pigment amount) and food sources (∂13C/∂15N, pigment composition) 4. T3-4-4: Sympagic-pelagic-benthic coupling by sampling representative benthic invertebrate taxa and demersal fishes for stable carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis (PIs Bodil Bluhm, UiT and Lis Jørgensen, IMR, for shared PD to be hired) 5. T3-4-4: Sympagic-pelagic-benthic coupling by conducting sediment community respiration incubation experiments onboard (PI Paul Renaud, APN, with PD Arunima Sen and PhD student Eric Jorda, Nord Univ.) 31 6. T3-4-4: Sympagic-pelagic-benthic coupling by sampling sediment for IP25 analysis as an indicator of ice algal food available to the sediment communities (PI Marit Reigstad with PhD student Yasemin Bodur, UiT). 7. T3-4-4: Trophic ecology of benthos by sampling benthic meiofauna for molecular characterization of diets of small benthic invertebrates (PI Anna Vader, with PhD student to be hired, UNIS/ UiT). 8. RF4 T4-4: To contribute to the energy flow ECOPATH model by sampling benthic invertebrates for which wet weight-to-carbon conversion will be established (PI Torstein Pedersen, Bodil Bluhm, UiT) Description of activities, samples collected Sampling largely followed the Nansen Legacy sampling protocol version 4. We sampled demersal fish and epibenthos at P1, P2, P3 and near P4 from a single ~15 min Campelen 1800 trawl haul each (Table 13, Figure 10, top; 45 min at P1). Details on the trawling procedure are described in the fish section. Organisms were picked from the trawl haul both on deck and in the fish lab, identified to the highest practical taxonomic resolution, and either frozen (for later stable isotope analysis and wet weight-to-carbon analysis), or fixed in formalin or 70% ethanol (for the museum collection, depending on taxon), or 96% ethanol (to allow later molecular analysis of museum archived specimens). Wet weight-to-carbon conversions will feed into the ECOPATH energy flow model in RF4. Figure 10. Sampling tools used for benthic sampling during Q3: Top: Campelen 1800 shrimp trawl. Bottom: giant box corer. Photo B. Bluhm. Sampling for sediment parameters, organismal abundance and diversity as well as respiration experiments was done at stations P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, P7 and SICE4 using a 50x50 cm giant box core (owned by APN) (Figure 10, bottom). Three box core replicates were taken at each of those stations except station P5, where only one replicate was taken because rocks prevented the closing of the box core during three additional attempts. Given one of the core boxes became damaged we refrained from additional attempts. At station P6, one deployment did not reach the seafloor after drifting to >1000 m and was repeated at the target station depth (~ 850 m). At P6, P7 and SICE4, 4, 5 and 4 deployments were done, respectively, to retrieve 3 replicate samples. Microbes were sampled in replicates of three (one per box core) with a 4.7 cm diameter core and sectioned into 1 cm layers up to 6 cm. The center of each section was taken out with a 60 ml syringe and the sediment placed into a sterile whirlpack bag and frozen at -80°C. Foraminifera and multicellular meiofauna were sampled in replicates of three with a 5.5 cm 32 diameter core, sectioned into the same layers, placed into Joni containers and preserved with 70% Bengal rose stained ethanol and stored at room temperature. Macrofauna samples were taken with 11.7 cm inner diameter cores and either sieved directly through a 0.5 mm sieve and preserved in 4% formaldehyde seawater solution, or sieved and preserved after incubation experiments. Given macrofauna samples matched incubation treatments, a total of 20 replicate cores were taken per experimental station, and for consistency also at non-experimental stations. Sediment grain size, TOC, TON and ∆13C/∆15N samples were sampled in bulk using a 4.7 cm diameter core sectioned, again, into 1 cm layers to 6 cm as above in each of the three replicated cores. Sediment pigment (chlorophyll a, phaeopigments) samples were taken with the same size corer, but layers also included 6-8 cm and 8-10 cm. To assess pigment composition using HPLC analysis, a single sample per core was taken from the 0-2 cm layer using a 60 ml syringe and stored at -80°C as part of a collaboration with the CHAOS project in the UK’s Changing Arctic Ocean program. The top 1 cm was sampled for IP25 analysis (parallel to sediment trap sampling) with a 60 ml syringe and stored at -20°C. One surface scrape each was taken for molecular analysis of diets of select meiofauna taxa (stored in 96% ethanol at 20°C), and for trace metal analysis from each box core. The remaining surface area was sieved through 0.5 or 1 mm mesh and organisms retrieved (mostly polychaetes) were identified to family level where possible and frozen at -20°C for later stable isotope analysis. Sediment incubations for measuring bulk respiration rates were conducted with sediment retrieved from stations P1 (320 m depth), P4 (330 m depth), P6 (850 m depth) and P7 (3000 m depth). Therefor rates were measured at two shelf stations, one slope station and one deep water, basin station. All stations except P1 had some amount of ice at the water surface, although the ice was very patchy at P4. At each station where incubations were conducted, about 100L of CTD water was collected early during activities at the station from the bottom and kept in the cold rooms in the dark to keep them at the temperature at which the incubations were conducted. The CTD data from both this year and the year prior were used for determining the temperatures at which incubations would be conducted. Negative temperatures were not possible to achieve in the designated cold rooms, therefore experimental temperatures did not completely match in situ conditions, however, we attempted to mimic seafloor conditions as much as possible while also maintaining observed inter-station variability. Two treatments were maintained at ambient water conditions: Treatment 1 (T1), with no added factors, and Treatment 2 (T2), where 30 g of isotopically enriched dried and resuspended algal powder was added to the sediment of the cores. Additionally, two treatments were maintained at temperatures about 4°C above ambient conditions, to simulate expected warming conditions. Treatment 3 (T3) paralleled T1 (no added factors, just warmer temperature) and Treatment 4 (T4) had algae added, similar to T2. For each treatment, 5 replicate cores were maintained. Due to time constraints and narrow sieving windows (sieving could only be conducted when no other activities were taking place), only T1 and T2 were conducted for P6 and P7. Table 12 lists the treatments and temperatures that were conducted at the various stations. Table 12. Treatments and temperatures at which benthic community oxygen consumption experiments were conducted at the various stations. Station P1 P4 P6 Treatment 1 (ambient temp) 5 replicates 2°C 5 replicates 0°C 5 replicates 0°C Treatment 2 (ambient temp + algae) 5 replicates 2°C 5 replicates 0°C 5 replicates 0°C Treatment 3 (ambient temp +4°C) 5 replicates 6°C 5 replicates 4°C none Treatment 4 (ambient temp +4°C + algae) 5 replicates 6°C 5 replicates 4°C none 33 P7 5 replicates 0°C 5 replicates 0°C none none At P1 and P4, 20 sub-cores and at P6 and P7 10 sub-cores (sub-cores were 11.7 cm in inner diameter) were inserted into the sediment of the three box cores, filled with bottom water from the CTD and kept in the appropriate cold rooms. Cores were bubbled for 12 hours to saturate with oxygen following which 15-20 ml of overlying water was taken for quantifying nutrients. Algae was added to treatment 2 and 4 as close to the sediment as possible. Core tops with magnetic stir bars were fixed on, removing air bubbles, and connected to electric transformers to keep the bars stirring, in order to avoid stratification of the water in the cores. Oxygen measurements were taken every 6 hours via the PreSens Fibox 4 optical sensor system. Experiments were terminated when oxygen concentrations reached 15-30% of saturation levels (70% for P6 and P7), upon which, nutrient samples were taken once more from the overlying water. Cores were sieved on a 0.5 mm sieve and all macrofauna retained were fixed in 4% formaldehyde and rose Bengal. In treatments 2 and 4, prior to sieving for macrofauna, sub-sections of the first 2 cm of the sediment were taken with a cut off 60 ml syringe and frozen, to assess algal uptake by foraminiferans. For each sample type, a separate metadata excel sheet was created using the SIOS excel template generator. UUIDs were assigned to each sample following the Nansen Legacy guidelines. Sediment cores for respiration incubations were given a UUID through the system, but no labels were generated since these cores did not have a physical form after incubations were terminated. However, macrofauna samples, nutrient samples and meiofauna samples (post-incubations) were taken from these cores and all these samples had UUIDs and appropriate labels, with the parent UUID being the generated, but label-less UUIDs for the incubation cores. 34 Table 13. Overview over stations sampled for each of the different activities. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of sediment layers. 35 Field observations Epifauna Although trawls were not quantitatively analyzed during Q3, we note that - as last year - the most frequent epifaunal invertebrates across most trawl stations included the shrimp Sabinea septemcarinata, the sea cucumber Molpadia borealis, soft corals from the family Nephtheidae (Gersemia sp. likely) and the sea star Ctenodiscus crispatus. P2 was the most taxon rich of the four trawl stations. The harvested shrimp Pandalus borealis was abundant and dominant at Stations P1 and P4; Pycnogonids and Polymastia sponges were also common at these two stations (Figure 11, top). In contrast to last year, the brittle star Ophiura sarsii was not particularly abundant or frequent. Sediment Sediment texture and color varied both between sites and particularly down core. In all cores, surface sediments were brownish in coloration, with variations from creamy to chocolatey (Figure 11, bottom). Under the soft layer was a clay layer that was very dense in some cases. Station P4 had particularly soft sediment and stripes of different sediment colors. Station P5 had much gravel and boulders providing a substrate for limpids, Lepeta caeca to attached; coarse sediment was incorporated into tubes of, for example, the polychaete Nothria conchilega. Macroinfauna In most cores, polychaete tubes were visible on the surface, and – in the case of Spiochaetopterus - extended into the clay layer. At shelf stations (P1, P2, P4 and P5) representatives of the polychaete families Lumbrineridae, Maldanidae, Nepthydae and Spiochaetopteridae were quite abundant. Different types of Bryozoans were also present at some cores along the shelf. Figure 11. Example of trawl catch and sediment sample. Photo B. Bluhm. At the slope at P6, the sediment surface contained clumps of sponge spicules. Isopods, amphipods, and cnidarians Umbellula and Pennatulacea were visible. Spionid polychaetes were also 36 present together with Maldanidae, Ampharetidae and Trichobranchidae individuals. At the deep, P7 station, frenulate siboglinid worms were recovered and extraction from the tubes revealed the genus to be Siboglinum (Figure 12). These are polychaetes with obligate internal chemosynthetic bacterial symbionts. Figure 12. Siboglinum sp. found at basin station P7. Photo A. Stippkugel Black sediment was observed in parts of the box cores from this station, which could be indicative of reducing conditions, which would align with the presence of siboglinid worms that require access to reduced chemicals in sediment porewater for nutrition. At P7, one core contained an empty shell of the irregular sea urchin Pourtalesia geoffreyi. At both P7 and SICE4 foraminifera appeared to be numerically abundant. At SICE4 some individuals of Lumbrineridae, Trichobranchidae and Sabellidae were retrieved, although abundances appeared to be even lower than at P7. Respiration experiments Differences in respiration rates were observed between the cold, ambient treatments, and the warmer treatments (example in Figure 13). 700 oxygen concentration (umol/L) Oxygen consumption P4 cores 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 hours since start T1R1 T1R2 T1R3 T1R4 T1R5 T2R1 T2R2 T2R3 T2R4 T2R5 T3R1 T3R2 T3R3 T3R4 T3R5 T4R1 T4R2 T4R3 T4R4 T4R5 Figure 11. Example of respiration results for whole community sediment cores (from P4). T = treatments. T1 (black circles) is at ambient temperature, T2 (green circles) is at ambient temperature with the addition of isotopically enriched algal food, T3 (red circles) is at ambient temperature + 4 degrees C, and T4 (blue circles) is at + 4 degrees C and with isotopically enriched algae added. Algal treatments at some stations appeared to experience higher respiration rates than the non-algal treatments at the same temperature. Detailed analyses need to be carried out to determine whether the differences were significant or not. It should be noted that upon termination of the experiments, it was observed that the added algae were still highly visible 37 and present in the sediment. Further work will determine whether and to what extent both the macrofaunal and meiofaunal components of the community incorporated the added algae. Cores where relatively large animals were clearly visible appeared to have relatively high respiration rates (e.g., cores in which Gersemia was clearly present). Links to other tasks / RFs / RAs / projects The field activities contribute to most other work packages in the Nansen Legacy. The Foraminifera objective extends to RF1, because both recent and palaeo analyses are performed on the cores. The trace metal sediment samples contribute to RF2. The wet weightto-carbon conversions and biotic biomasses will serve as input data to the food web and energy flow models in RF4. Our data and sample archival is a component of RA-B, and our blogs and the museum voucher collection contribute to outreach objectives in RA-D. Sediment pigment analysis via HPCL is a collaboration with the UK CHAOS project. T3-1.3 Stable isotopes, fatty acids & HBIs of POM, zooplankton & fish Anette Wold, NPI, Kaisa Dmoch, IOPAS, PI: Philipp Assmy (NPI) Purpose Stable isotopes, fatty acids & HBIs of POM, main zooplankton taxa will be used to study coupling/de-coupling of sympagic and pelagic primary and secondary producers. In addition fatty acids (together with C/N ratios) will be used as a measure of food quality for the planktonic grazer communities and will be linked to on board grazing experiment. Description of work Stable isotopes, fatty acid and HBI samples have been taken for POM from the Chl max from stations P1, P2, P4, P5, P6 & P7 and from the bottom 10 cm of the ice core at two ice stations (P6 ice & P7 ice). We filtered between 1.2-2.8L from Chl max in order to get enough material, three replicates were taken for each sample type. For the ice core we were restricted to one replicate due to very little biological material. Samples for all three parameters were also sampled from the main mesozooplankton & microzooplankton taxa (Table 14). This work was done in collaboration with the Ecotox group (Julia Giebichenstein and Robynne Nowicki). Stable isotopes will be analysed at UiO. while fatty acids will be analysed by Doreen Kohlbach, NPI. In the southernmost stations the water mass was quite homogenous, and samples were taken from the entire water column, while at the two off shelf stations (P6 & P7) samples were taken from the surface arctic layer and from the deeper Atlantic layer. 38 Table 14. Overview of fatty acid and HBI samples (overview of the stable isotope samples is given in the Ecotox section). Gear Type MIK-net 1500 µm WP2 90 µm Station P1 Depth 300-0m Taxon Calanus glacialis, C. hyperboreus Sagiitta spp. Mertensia ovum Beroe cucumis Sarsia sp. Catablema visicarium Aglanta digitale Sagitta elegans Meganyctiphanes norvegica Thysanoess spp. MIK-net 1500 µm WP2 90 µm P1 70-0m Oithona similis Pseudocalanus spp. Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis, C. hyperboreus Beroe cucumis Mertensia ovum Meganyctiphanes norvegica MIK-net 1500 µm WP3 1000 µm P2 150-0m Metridia longa Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis, C. hyperboreus Limacina helicina Clione limacina Sagitta elegans Themisto libelulla Thysanoess spp. Bougenvilla supercillaris Macroplankton trawl MIK-net 1500 µm Bongonet 180 µm P4 320-0m Oithona similis Metridia longa Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis, C. hyperboreus Limacina helicina Clione limacina Sagitta elegans Apherusa glacialis Themisto libelulla Thysanoessa inermis Meganyctiphanes norvegica Oikopleura vanhoffeni Bongonet 180 µm P5 140-0m Oithona similis Microcalanus spp. Pseudocalanus spp. Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis, C. hyperboreus Metridia longa MIK-net 1500 µm P6 50-0m Arctic Calanus hyperboreus Euchaeta glacialis Oikopleura vanhoffeni Eukhronia hamata Themisto abyssorum Thysanoessa longicaudata MIK-net 1500 µm Bongonet 180 µm P6 400-0m Atlantic Calanus finmarchicus Ostracodes Themisto abyssorum Triconia borealis Aglantha digitale 39 MIK-net 1500 µm Multinet 180 µm P7 1000-0m Atlantic Bongonet 180 µm P7 100-0m Arctic Pseudocalanus spp. Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis, C. hyperboreus Eukrohnia hamata Sagitta maxima Ostracodes Themisto abyssorum Thysanoessa longicaudata Meganytiphanes norvegica Hymenodora glacialis Oithona similis Microcalanus spp. Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis, C. hyperboreus Onceidae Ostracodes Cyclocaris guilelmi Thysanoessa longicaudata Themisto abyssorum T3-2.2. Measure how current environmental settings drive the phenology of primary and secondary production, and test how changing conditions may affect these seasonal patterns Christine Gawinski (UiT), PI: Camilla Svensen (UiT) The goal of this task is to identify and quantify how environmental conditions influence the phenology of production cycles both on the community and species levels. During the cruise in August 2019 the focus was on the small planktonic copepod Oithona similis which is often underrepresented in traditional zooplankton surveys due to the use of coarse plankton nets, which Oithona can easily pass through. To assess the relative importance of this copepod species in the ecosystem of the Barents Sea and Arctic Ocean, the production of this species was experimentally determined through egg incubation experiments. Assuming that female copepods allocate their ingested carbon into egg production rather than into growth, the specific egg production rate can be used as an estimate of the production of the population. To assess how population dynamics vary across space, egg incubation experiments were set up at three stations, namely P1, representing Atlantic conditions, P4, based on the shelf and P7, representing Arctic conditions. According to protocol, 30 females of Oithona similis should be incubated per station at the in situ water temperature in the surface layer. The incubation temperatures were as follows: 3 °C (P1), -1.5 °C (P4) and -1.5 °C (P7). At stations P1 and P4 very few Oithona with eggs were found. Therefore, the incubation was set up with only 19 instead of 30 individuals at station P1. At station P4 the incubation was started with an initial number of 22 individuals and another 8 females were added after 12 h, as the picking of copepods with egg sacks took some hours. At station P7 females with eggs occurred in abundance, therefore 30 individuals could be used for the incubation from the beginning. At each station the experimental animals were photographed in the first 48 h, to determine the prosome length and clutch size of each female. The incubation chambers were checked every 12 h for newly hatched nauplii. In case of a hatching event the exact hatching time and number of hatchlings was noted and the nauplii were removed from the incubation chambers. The duration of the experiment at P1 was 408 h, at P4 276 h and at P7 108 h. At station P1 a total of 219 nauplii hatched from 17 of the 19 females (89 % hatching rate). The maximum number of nauplii per hatching event was 21 nauplii and the maximum number of nauplii hatched per female was 23. The earliest hatching event occurred after 36 h and the last hatching event after 408 h. One copepod died after 252 h and another one after 408 h. At station P4 209 nauplii hatched from 13 of the 30 females (43 % hatching rate). The maximum number of nauplii per hatching event was 27 nauplii and the maximum number of nauplii 40 hatched per female was 29. The earliest hatching event occurred after 24 h and the last hatching event after 276 h. None of the copepods died, however one was lost during sampling. At station P7 18 nauplii hatched from 1 of the 30 females (3 % hatching rate). The hatching event occurred after 48 h. None of the copepods died, however one was lost during sampling. The timing of the reproductive cycle will be determined across the annual cycle based on the set of four seasonal cruises, with three yet to come. To investigate Oithona’s position in the food web, samples for carbon, stable isotope and fatty acid analyses were taken at each of the three process stations. According to protocol, 100 female Oithona should be picked for Carbon analysis after their egg sacks have been removed. Because of the low abundance of females with eggs at stations P1 and P4, two times 100 Oithona were randomly picked from the sample (all without egg sacks) and 30 individuals were photographed to determine their size and developmental stage. At station P7 two times 50 females and in addition two times 50 egg sacks were sampled for Carbon analysis. At each station three times 50 Oithona were picked for stable isotopes and fatty acid analyses. To investigate a possible top-down control of Oithona on the microbial food web, a grazing experiment was conducted in collaboration with Oliver Müller and Lasse Olsen. In addition to their incubations of 0.8 µm, 3 µm and 90 µm filtered sea water, 20 Oithona were added in three replicates to 1 l of 90 µm filtered sea water. To compare the feeding strategies of Oithona with that of larger copepods, a treatment with three Calanus sp. was added in three replicates. Samples were incubated for 6 days, after which each copepod was removed from the sample to be photographed (size and developmental stage determination, dead/alive). The grazing experiment was performed at three stations, namely P1, P4 and P6, at the same temperatures as the egg incubation experiments (3 °C P1, -1.5 °C P4 and -1.5 °C P7). 41 T3-3.1; 4.2. Estimate ranges of annual production along environmental and latitudinal gradients (3.1) and Trophic ecology of key zooplankton (4.2) Angela Stippkugel (NTNU), PI: Rolf Gradinger (UiT), Janne Søreide (UNIS) Experiments for selective grazing of micro- and mesozooplankton were conducted on board RV Kronsprins Haakon along a south-north gradient in the Barents Sea at three process stations (P1, P4 and P7) that were assigned as experimental stations. To set up experiments, two CTD casts were taken from the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM): i) 20 litres of seawater were collected to prepare 0.2 µm filtered seawater for the dilution and ii) up to 50 litres of seawater were collected and immediately pre-screened through a 180 micrometer sieve to exclude random mesozooplankton in the incubations. To prevent delicate organisms from damages seawater was sampled from the CTD by means of the funneltransfer technique (Loeder et al., 2010). Filtered and unfiltered seawater was stored cool until use. In addition, a WP2 net with a 90 µm mesh size was taken to sample mesozooplankton from the integrated water body (0-70 m). Cyclopoid copepods Oithona spp. (mixture of O. similis and O. atlantica) and calanoid copepods Calanus spp. (mixture of C. glacialis and C. finmarchicus) were selected using a dissecting microscope (Leica M205C) in the chilled room 301 and stored in seawater of ambient temperature thereafter. Two-point dilution experiments (Morison and Menden-Deuer, 2017) modified after Landry and Hassett (1982) were set-up using the collected seawater from the CTD casts. By means of dilution experiments the phytoplankton net growth rate µ and the instantaneous growth rate µ0 excluding the grazing impact of micro- and mesozooplankton can be calculated. As microzooplankton grazing pressure can have a strong influence on the phytoplankton standing stocks (Irigoien et al., 2005), effects obscured by grazing pressure are likely to become visible in µ0. Dilutions of 10 and 100% were set-up in 2.5 litre carboys. 10% dilutions contained a mixture of unfiltered to sterile filtered seawater in a 1:9 ratio. 100% dilutions contained undiluted seawater with natural phyto- and microzooplankton communities. In addition, two treatments using 100% unfiltered seawater with i) around 100 Oithona spp. and ii) 5 Calanus spp. were added as mesozooplankton grazer treatments. The 10% dilution served as a control for phytoplankton growth since the number of grazers is considered as neglectable in the 10% dilutions. A control treatment was added with extra nutrients (f2 medium) to account for nutrient depletion in natural seawater in different seasons. Incubation bottles were set up in triplicates and placed in a cool room adjusted to the in-situ seawater temperatures at sampling depth (between -1.5 to 2 °C). Squared, transparent 2.5 litre plastic bottles were used for the incubations. At P1, a plankton wheel with a jet pump was used to rotate bottles and to keep the incubated water inside the bottles in motion to prevent organisms from settling. Unfortunately, the water that circulated through the jet pump was heated up to 25 degrees and ruined the experiments at the first station. To prevent this mistake from happening again, bottles were placed horizontally in a shelf at P4 and P7 and manually rotated every 5 to 8 hours. Bottles were incubated in a 24 hours light cycle to simulate natural summer conditions. The grazing experiments were terminated after 24 to 48 hours. Different incubation times were chosen to account for temperature-dependent metabolism of grazers. Growth rates of phytoplankton will be obtained using pigment measurements and phytoplankton counts. Phytoplankton net growth rate µ will be calculated using an exponential growth model (Landry and Hassett, 1982). To account for total grazing and selective grazing patterns of micro- and mesozooplankton, pigment samples before and after the incubations will be compared and phytoplankton and microzooplankton cell counts obtained using Uthermoehl sedimentation and inverted microscope techniques. Nutrient concentrations before and after incubations will be measured. In addition to the quantification of prey items and biomass, stoichiometry (C:N:P) will be measured. 42 T3-2.2; 4.4. Measure how current environmental settings drive the phenology of primary and secondary production, and test how changing conditions may affect these seasonal patterns (2.2) and Sympagic-pelagic-benthic coupling (4.4) Yasemin Bodur, Miriam Marquardt, Martí Arumi-Amargant, Marit Reigstad, PIs: Camilla Svensen (UiT), Lis Lindahl Jørgensen (IMR) Sediment trap deployment and sampling: To assess the vertical flux at the P-stations along the cruise transect, short-term sediment traps (KC-Denmark) were deployed at 5 locations up to 25 h (Table 15). At all stations except for P5, 4 trap cylinders (1.8l volume) were deployed at 30, 60 and 200m and 2 cylinders at 40, 90 and 120m, respectively (Figure 14). At 5, 20, 40, 60, 90m and Chl a max, bottles for the assessment of primary production were deployed (see report from M. Amargant-Arumi). Due to the shallow depth of P5, no cylinders were deployed at 200m and 4 traps were deployed at 120m. Prior to the deployment, the cylinders were filled with filtered deep water (below 200m) from the corresponding station or from a prior station to make sure that the water within the cylinders had a higher density than at the sampling depths. An anchor of 35kg was fixed to the bottom of the mooring to keep it upright in the water column. To keep the traps neutrally buoyant in the water, 3 large buoys were attached at 10 and 5m (Figure 14). A flagged pole equipped with an AIS beacon was used to mark the location of the mooring and to relocate its position for recovery. A small buoy with a long rope was attached to the pole for the recovery of the mooring. At the ice-covered stations (P4, P5, P6, P7) a chain was added between 10 and 5m to protect the rig from sea ice, while at P5, P6 and P7 the mooring was deployed on an ice floe where it was attached by an additional chain on two metal poles that were hammered into the ice (Figure 15). Table 15. Overview of sediment trap stations during AeN Seasonal Q3 with deployment and recovery time, and the total time of deployment. Station P1 P4 P5 P6 P7 Deployment time (UTC) 08.08.2019 22:15 13.08.2019 21:45 Recovery time 08.08.2019 23:48 14.08.2019 17:51 Total time deployment 25 h 33 min 15.08.2019 20:00 18.08.2019 11:30 21.08.2019 01:00 16.08.2019 16:40 19.08.2019 06:39 22.08.2019 23:45 20h 40min 20 h 6 min 19 h 9 min 22 h 45 min Deployment conditions In open water Under ice conditions, in the water On an ice floe On an ice floe On an ice floe 43 Figure 14. Scheme illustrating the structure of the mooring and the sampling depths of the sediment traps at open water conditions. At 30m, incubation bottles for primary production were deployed when the Chl a max was already covered at another depth. Figure 15. Deployed sediment trap under ice conditions (left) and on an ice floe (right). 44 Sampling largely followed the Nansen Legacy sampling protocol version 4. Upon recovery of the sediment traps, the cylinder content of each depth was pooled and partitioned. From each depth, water was filtered for triplicate POC/PON analyses on pre-combusted GF/F filters and for size fractionated algal pigments (total Chl a (in triplicates on GF/F filters) and Chl a >10µm; on Polycarbonate filters) and water samples were taken for microscopic counts of fecal pellets and phytoplankton communities. Filters for algal pigments were immediately stored in Ethanol at 4C and measured with a fluorometer on board ideally after 12-24 h. Fecal pellets were preserved in a hexamine-buffered 4% Formaldehyde solution and phytoplankton communities in GA-Lugol. At 30, 60 and 200m depth additional triplicate samples were filtered for stable isotopes (pre-combusted GF/F), HPLC and IP25 analyses (GF/F). Approx. 1l was filtered for DNA analyses. through sterivex filters. DNA and HPLC samples were stored at -80C. POC/PON, stable isotopes and IP25 samples were stored at -20C. Sea ice work Organized by Anna Vader (UNIS), Miriam Marquardt (UiT) Sea ice work were organized to optimize sampling efficiency, and the entire group helped out. Two sea ice coring teams, 1 team making hole for under-ice sampling and 1 melt pond team were supported by a team transporting cores to the ship, two teams handling cores in the lab preparing for the different analysis, 2 polar bear guards on the ice and 3 watches on bridge. The chief scientists coordinated the sea ice work with the crew and safety personnel, and the sea ice safety responsible checked the ice floe prior to the sea ice work. Description of the sea ice work: Ice cores were collected within a 10x10m grid by two or three teams of 3-4 people each, equipped with 9 cm Kovacs ice corers. Bio-bulk, meiofauna and one temperature/salinity and one nutrient ice core were sectioned every 10 cm (additionally, the lowest 10 cm of the biobulk and meiofauna cores were cut into 0-3 and 3-10 cm sections). Both the bio-bulk and meiofauna cores were cut under low light exposure inside a tent and sections stored in round plastic containers protected from the light. The temperature of the ice core was measured directly on the ice, before the core was sectioned for salinity measurements. Two cores (Stratigraphy and Back-up) were bagged in long plastic sleeves and taken back as entire cores. For all cores that were taken, snow depths, ice thickness free board and core length were measured. Coring work took 6 hours at P6_ice 4.5 hours at P7_ice and 4 hours at SICE4. At all times two polar bear guards were on the ice. In addition, there were three polar bear guards on the bridge. Simultaneously, a team of 2-3 people made a hole in the ice large enough to deploy a GoFlow bottle to collect water from under the ice at 0.5m depth. A third team of 2-3 people collected water from melt ponds using a bucket. Three separate melt ponds were sampled at both P6_ice and P7_ice. No melt ponds were sampled at SICE4. All water samples were protected from the light by covering the canisters using black garbage bags. Ice core sections from bio-bulk and meiofauna cores were mixed with sterile filtered sea water (0.22µm) in a ration of 100ml per one cm core and slowly thawed in the dark in a moderately warm room (ca. 10°C, fish lab). 45 Nutrients x x x x x x x x x P vs. I curves POC/PON x x x x x x x x x x Bacterial d ti Primary d ti Nitrogen uptake Microscopy x x x x x x x x x x Metatranscriptom FCM x x x x x x x x x x XRF Chl. a Cultures SEM Vivaflow Phytoplankton net Depth (m) Virus diversity Stn Metabarcoding Table 17. Sea ice sampling for microbes from sea ice cores (see text for abbreviations) P6ice 0-3 3-10 10-20 20-30 30-50 50-70 70-90 90-110 110-130 130-top 0-10 UIW 0.5 MP1 MP2 MP3 MPM x x x x x x x x x x 0-3 3-10 10-20 20-30 30-50 50-70 70-90 90-110 110-130 0-10 UIW 0.5 MP1 MP2 MP3 MPM x x x x x x x x x 0-3 3-10 10-20 20-30 30-50 50-70 70-90 90-110 110-130 130-150 150-top 0-10 UIW 0.5 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x/X x/X x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x P7ice x x x x x x x x x x x x x x/X x/X x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x SICE4 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x/X x/X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 46 List of parameters (and abbreviations used in Table 17) sampled from sea ice cores at the Q3 sea ice stations. For PI´s for the different datasets, see data report. Biodiversity • Genetic identification of community composition of protists and prokaryotes (Metabarcoding) • Genetic identification of (free) virus diversity (Virus diversity) • Qualitative analyses of protists >10 µm from net hauls (Net) • Qualitative analyses of small protists for cultures and electron microscopy from water (Vivaflow) • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of plankton including coccolithophores by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) • Algal diversity by culturing (Cultures) Abundance and biomass • Algal biomass (total and >10 µm chlorophyll a concentration Chl a) • Abundance of bacteria, virus, pico and nano-plankton by flow cytometry (FCM) • Quantitative analyses of protists from water samples by light microscopy (Microscopy) • Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen (POC/PON) • Elemental composition of seston (XRF, particulate C:N:Si:Ca:P:Mg:S:K:Fe)(XRF) Activity • Genetic identification of protist activities (Metatranscriptome) • Bacterial production • Primary production • Nitrogen uptake by primary producers • Primary producer’s response to light intensity T1-2.2 Physical sea ice conditions PI: Sebastian Gerland (NPI) For each core, snow depth, core length and freeboard were measured. Two cores were taken for physical properties: 1) physical parameters including temperature and salinity measured on ice, and 2) stratigraphy (core described by layering, and packed for later analysis). T3-1; T3-4 Sea ice microbes: biodiversity, abundance, biomass, distribution and activity. Oliver Müller (UiB), Lasse Olsen (UiB), Miriam Marquardt (UiT), Martí Amargant (UiT), Bente Edvardsen (UiO), Karoline Saubrekka (UiO), Anna Vader (UNIS), PIs: Bodil Bluhm (UiT), Gunnar Bratbak (UiB) Sea ice samples were collected at three stations; P6, P7 and SICE4. Sea ice thickness at the three stations varied between 130 and 160cm (Figure 16). Only core parameters were collected at SICE4, while P6_ice and P7_ice were full stations. Sampling included ice-cores (Figure 16) and water from under the ice (0.5m depth, sampled through a hole in the ice) as well as melt-ponds. In addition, a handheld phytoplankton net was used to collect samples from under ice (5-0m depth) and melt-ponds (only P6_ice and P7_ice). Table 16 shows an overview of which samples were collected (number of ice cores). Bio bulk samples were cut into sections which were pooled, and divided into sub-samples for metabarcoding, flow cytometry, chlorophyll a, POC/PON and bacterial production. All ice core samples were cut on the ice and processed on board, except "backup core" and "physics (stratigraphy)" which were stored whole and frozen for later analyses. A CTD profile was obtained from under the ice using a handheld SAIV204 CTD equipped with fluorescence sensor. Light was measured using a LiCOR light-profiler. 47 Figure 16. More than 30 sea ice cores were drilled to provide enough material for all the parameters. Photo: Christian Morel (christianmorel.net). Table 16. Overview of ice cores collected for sampling of the different parameters at the sea ice stations. Ice-cores P versus I Primary production Bio bulk Phytoplankton experiment Ice-algae taxonomy Meiofauna/algae SEM backup core XRF Virus nutrients physics (temperature/salinity) physics (stratigraphy) HBI fatty acids stable isotopes DOM/trace metals PFAS Under ice water (0.5m depth) nutrients bio bulk primary production phytoplankton taxonomy XRF SEM PFAS DOM/trace metals coccolithophore diversity phytoplankton net (5-0m) Meltponds (3 ponds) nutrients bio bulk primary production phytoplankton taxonomy XRF SEM PFAS P6_ice P7_ice 2 2 5 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 5 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x SICE4 5 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 x x x x x x x x x x x 48 DOM/trace metals coccolithophore diversity Vivaflow/cultures phytoplankton net x x x x x x x Transport and biogeochemical cycling of PFAS Jack Garnett, Lancaster University, UK, EISPAC, CAO project The aim of my research is to better understand the transport and biogeochemical cycling of perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS) to and within the Arctic environment. My sampling program focused on sea ice, but also consisted of surrounding material such as snow, melt ponds and under-ice seawater. These were collected at two sites with different ice thicknesses with potentially contrasting ice types. Data will be able to improve our knowledge on the importance of snow and ice as temporary storage of pollutants whilst also indicating the significance of pollutants derived from the atmosphere and ocean. Moreover, this data will yield valuable information on the exposure to sympagic organisms located at the base of the marine food web. Tasks and responsibilities During my time on board the KPH, I maintained a list of the chemical inventory and ensured items were fastened securely (see also list on upgrades). In the beginning of the expedition, I shared the large workload of the benthos team to sieve samples and prepare experiments. I also contributed a short blog highlighting the importance of studying contaminants in the Arctic and performed cleaning duties in communal areas. At the ice stations (P6 and P7), I worked with the sea ice team to collect core samples for myself and other scientists (Table 18). I was also responsible for taking melt pond samples for all cruise participants at the two stations. Ice samples were melted on board at room temperature and subject to an established chemical extraction procedure for analysis of trace level PFASs. The results will yield salinity and total PFAS (dissolved and particulate fraction) profiles in the ice. 49 Table 18. Samples collected for PFAS analysis Sample type Station Sample processing Sea ice (4 cores) P6, P7 Pooled 2 cores x2 Under-ice seawater (0.5 & 5m) P6, P7 melt ponds Snow P6, P7 P6, P7 Surface sediment P7 unknown Planned analysis PFASs (dissolved + Particulate), Salinity, Stable isotopes for ice origin PFASs Possible PFASs (dissolved + Particulate), Preliminary screening KPH improvement suggestions: In order to secure chemical containers with different sizes, several 4mm holes were needed to be drilled on each shelf in the chemical cabinet to fit bungee cords. However, the chemical store would benefit from having additional holes being drilled. Cruise improvements suggestions: Future melt pond sampling teams would benefit from taking a hammer with them to break through the thick 6cm ice cap. Waterproof notepads and pencils are recommended for work in the field. Future work/collaborations: Future work should include more ice types located at different vicinities. In addition, measurements of PFASs in fresh snow and ice at various stages of ice growth and melt would provide valuable information on contaminant mobilization which could also to understand seasonal fluxes of contaminants into the different environmental compartments. I have taken a small sample of surface sediment from 3000m at P7 to screen for PFASs. If successful, results will be presented to cruise leaders to discuss the possibility of future collaborations which will investigate the fate of PFAS in the Arctic Ocean. This would also be useful to combine results from fluxes of organic matter to deep ocean sediments (Yasmine) and PFAS transport via Atlantic water (Julia). Logistics Transport of equipment and samples The logistic team of the Nansen Legacy project, Håvard Hansen and Simon Bjørvig, provided a guideline well ahead of the first cruise with information and deadlines for sending equipment to cruises, and for return of equipment, cooled samples (+4°C) and frozen samples (-20°C and -80°C). Pre-arranged transportation helps on both efficiency and costs prior to and after each cruise. Equipment was shipped to Longyearbyen with Bring, and loading the ship in Longyearbyen went smooth and efficient resulting from well-planned work, and good collaboration between the logistics team, the crew and the scientists in Longyearbyen. The Nansen Legacy seasonal Q3 team leaders (Table A1.3) helped on deck to direct the pallets to the right deck, and cruise participants carried the boxes to the designated labs. Shipping of samples that required cooled or frozen transport was ordered in advance, including dry ice for transport of frozen samples (-80°C). To be picked up at arrival in Longyearbyen. 50 A few pallets were left in Longyearbyen for the Nansen Legacy Q4-cruise, and is stored in the UNIS rubbhall, sjø. On board communication Based on the experience from last year cruises, a key task was to address challenges in keeping people updated on ongoing and planned activities, and to keep the station activity plan updated with respect to timing and progress. The vessel is large and the distance from the instrument room at Deck 7 to Deck 3 is long. • Cruise leader and co-lead had 6 hrs shifts to always be present, and to meet often enough to discuss program and respond to any issues regarding practical or overarching character. They planned the overall timing of cruise activities, station work, posted programs and adjusted activities when needed, and had close communication with the bridge, instrument personnel, crew and scientists. • Station programs were posted and available on all screens in due time, updated continuously, and facilitated good preparations from crew and scientists, and efficient sampling on each station. • Two radios were provided from the vessel, set on Channel 4, to facilitate communication between cruise leader and the responsible scientists during sampling. One radio was placed on Deck 7 with the cruise leader on duty, and the other in the Dry lab, for common access. The use varied between the groups, but was important to inform on status and depth of zooplankton sampling with the different nets and during trawling (respond to adjustments needed based on catch). • Daily meetings were held after dinner for short science presentations of ongoing work from scientists and cruise leaders, and to share practical information regarding science work, social life and routines onboard. Station programs A station program was prepared in Excel, published as a web page on the khfelles-server and updated continuously (Table 19). This program was available on HDMI13 on the TV screens in all common rooms, on the bridge, labs and cabins. Each screen had to be updated manually (remote control) during the August 2019 cruise. Adjustments to the program were done in Excel and published as a web page which was updated every 30 sec. To facilitate the links, automated updating and publishing, the instrument chief (Jan Bremnes) made a small script. Activities were marked green when finished, or red if cancelled or postponed to a later time slot in the program due to technical problems. The availability of plans ~24 hrs ahead and regular updates, resulted in efficient sampling and work during the cruise, as both crew and scientists could plan and prepare for sampling activities, handling of sampling and rest. Helping hands were also provided from those knowing they had some available time in the program. The ability to plan the work was well received on the bridge, among the crew and the scientists. 51 Table 19. Example from station program set up, posted prior to each transit and station work Day Date Time Station Activity Friday 23 Aug 10:00 SICE4 Sea ice work Friday 23 Aug 12:15 SICE4 Box core # 3 Personnel Comment Ice core team, under-ice water team, core-handle team, filtration team, polar bear guard and watch Ice cores and under-ice water (sampling done prior to first box core in surface) 3600 m Bodil, Eric Arunima, Duration (hrs) 5:00 11:00 The overarching structure of the station programs was planned to get experiments and incubation work started, as they needed time to set up (sorting and preparations) and/ or deployment time (PP and sediment traps) during the station. Water column work was carried out first, and benthic sampling “contaminating” the water column, started only after all pelagic samples including vertical flux were done. Water budgets Water budgets were planned in advance to optimize the utilization of the bottles on the rosette. Parameters were distributed on the different CTD casts to optimize co-sampling for related parameters, and early sampling for water needed for experiments. On deep water stations (>3000 m), all deep-water requests were given priority on one CTD cast to avoid repeated CTD to the sea floor. Excel sheets with water budgets for the NLEG and P-station CTD sampling programs are available. Sample and data management for legacy Routines for labelling and logging of samples and metadata for Nansen Legacy were developed prior to and established during the Nansen Legacy Joint Cruise 1-2 of 2018. The essential part of this system is that all samples and datasets are labelled with a UUID, and all information about each sample is logged in an excel sheet containing all relevant metadata and standardized parameters. The UUIDs are printed on stickers that can be attached to the samples. The stickers are available in different sizes. Two label printers were set up with a virtual server on the network onboard, so that they could be accessed from both stationary and personal computers. The excel sheet used for logging of sample information is generated using an excel template generator which was made available on the same virtual server along with an excel file checker, UUID generator and relevant documentation (the labelling manual, sampling protocol v4, and lists over the gear and sample types used in the project). Universally unique IDs (UUIDs) for the individual gear used was assigned by one scientist. Metadata about the gear cast was copied from the cruise logger (Toktlogger v.1.1.2; download function did not work), UUIDs were generated and given, and additional relevant metadata was added (e.g., sample depths, data file names, serial number of instruments). This information was combined in an Excel file and shared in the cruise folder so that the scientists could grab the Parent IDs for their samples and also did not individually have to acquire metadata about the gear casts. Around 215 gear casts were registered (Appendix 1), and almost 13000 entries were uploaded to SIOS from the cruise. Sample and metadata information are accessible and searchable through the SIOS webpage. In addition to logging 52 information about collected samples, information about planned datasets based on data collected from the cruise was collected (Appendix 3). In general, the system for labelling and logging of samples worked well, although several scientists had problems accessing the ship network. This may be related to the fact that the ship computer system is divided into different networks, and that although we should have all relevant access through the network assigned to scientists, this is not always the case. Since our labelling system is placed on a virtual server on the ship network, it is essential that all scientists have easy access. The download function of the cruise logger (v1.2.2) does not work, so information has to be copied into our gear cast log sheet. Until relevant metadata are included in the cruise logger (including generation of UUIDs for each gear cast) and the download function works, it is necessary to assign one scientist to gather the relevant metadata for each gear cast, assign parent ID and to distribute this information to cruise participants during the cruise. Communication and outreach The locations and activities during research cruises are well suited to visualize the Arctic environment as well as the research activities in the project. Christian Morel (www.christianmorel.net) is a professional photographer with long time experience and competence on communicating Arctic landscapes, science activities and people of the north. He was hired by the Nansen Legacy project to take pictures and make movies that shows the scientific activities, the researchers, the Arctic landscape and the vessel. The products will be used for illustrations, science communications and in a future exhibition (Figure 17). Pictures and movies of work (under-ice water, time laps videos etc.) is also provided by students, researchers, and crew for use in a project context. Figure 17. Preparing for under-ice sampling. Photo: Christian Morel (christianmorel.net). Blog texts from the cruise activities were produced during the cruise, and by the end of the cruise, 12 were published on Forskning.no (Appendix 2). 53 Appendix 1: Tables Table A1.1 Full station list with locations and sampling gear (modified from cruise log) 157 Gear Type CTD w/bottles Date 2019-0805 158 CTD w/bottles 2019-0806 159 Glider 1 160 Glider 2 CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles WP3 1000 um WP3 1000 um WP3 1000 um WP2 90 um WP2 90 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 180 um Sediment trap (short term) ID 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 182 GO-FLO CTD w/bottles MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um Campele n trawl Phytopla nkton net 10 um Phytopla nkton net 10 um CTD w/bottles Multinet 64 um 2019-0806 2019-0807 2019-0807 2019-0807 2019-0807 2019-0807 2019-0807 2019-0807 2019-0807 2019-0807 2019-0807 2019-0807 2019-0807 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0808 Local St. ID Sampl e Depth (m) 86.5 145 75 13.904 7 1050.2 8 146 500 76.416 5 76.005 1 76.006 8 76.000 0 76.000 0 76.000 0 76.000 0 76.000 0 76.000 0 76.000 0 76.000 0 13.904 6 31.034 5 31.031 3 31.219 8 31.219 9 31.219 8 31.219 8 31.219 8 31.219 8 31.219 8 31.219 8 1050.2 8 327.52 P1 76.000 0 76.000 0 76.000 0 76.019 6 76.005 7 75.991 5 76.047 9 31.219 8 31.219 4 31.219 4 31.289 7 31.239 6 31.189 4 31.098 7 08:48 P1 76.003 3 31.213 7 09:01 P1 09:21 P1 11:35 P1 76.003 3 76.003 1 76.000 0 31.213 7 31.214 1 31.220 1 Time (UTC) Station Name 16:13 14:04 IsA W of Sørkap p W of Sørkap p P1 vicinity P1 vicinity 16:58 P1 17:48 P1 18:24 P1 19:17 P1 19:32 P1 19:51 P1 20:31 P1 21:06 P1 22:19 P1 23:20 P1 00:46 P1 03:24 P1 04:09 P1 04:57 P1 06:48 07:34 09:53 13:40 Latitude 78.260 9 Longitude 15.535 3 76.416 5 Bottom Depth (m) Max depth (m) Min depth (m) 42 43 328.17 147 320 325.59 148 325.62 12 70 0 325.69 13 315 0 325.73 14 315 0 325.58 15 70 0 325.73 16 315 0 325.41 17 315 0 325.52 18 315 0 324.99 44 325.31 45 325.44 149 330.8 20 320 0 325.41 21 320 0 323.19 22 320 0 333.37 101 326.21 23 50 0 326.14 24 50 0 325.86 150 325.53 25 290 0 54 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 Multinet 64 um Multinet 180 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 180 um Macropla nkton trawl Harstad trawl CTD w/bottles 191 192 193 194 195 GO-FLO Box core Box core Box core Harstad trawl 199 Mooring 200 Mooring 201 202 203 204 205 207 208 209 210 211 212 CTD CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles Phytopla nkton net 10 um Phytopla nkton net 10 um WP3 1000 um WP3 1000 um WP3 1000 um Campele n trawl MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um 213 214 GO-FLO Active water sampler 215 216 TS probe CTD w/bottles 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0808 2019-0809 2019-0809 2019-0809 2019-0809 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0811 2019-0812 2019-0812 12:17 P1 12:55 P1 13:24 P1 13:55 15:45 P1 P1 17:21 P1 19:34 P1 20:50 P1 22:14 P1 01:27 P1 03:46 P1 06:00 P1 P1 to NLEG2 09:46 05:38 08:21 M5 M5 bioac M5 to P2 10:56 P2 11:59 P2 05:46 12:43 13:02 14:09 14:42 15:00 P2 P2 P2 16:42 P2 19:10 76.035 5 75.998 6 75.998 6 75.999 7 75.999 8 75.999 7 76.209 5 77.080 3 77.082 5 77.325 2 77.498 6 77.498 7 77.498 6 322.75 26 290 0 325.37 321.15 27 28 290 0 300 0 324.16 29 300 0 322.25 30 300 0 332.48 102 31.087 6 31.226 5 31.226 5 31.215 3 31.215 4 31.215 4 31.231 6 35.038 1 35.057 8 34.450 2 34.001 1 34.001 2 34.001 2 337.22 103 325.61 151 325.11 47 100 0 77.498 5 100 0 150 0 150 0 150 0 160 0 160 0 170 0 9 326.11 10 325.9 11 324.81 104 315.83 145.56 48 147.18 49 158.54 154 188.66 155 188.87 156 188.84 31 34.000 5 187.97 32 77.498 6 77.498 6 77.498 6 77.515 6 77.501 0 77.499 0 77.508 5 77.500 6 77.500 6 34.000 8 34.000 7 34.000 7 33.934 3 33.950 2 33.995 5 33.966 1 33.986 5 33.986 4 188.57 34 188.34 35 77.500 6 77.500 6 33.986 4 33.986 5 178 P2 P2 18:03 31.220 1 31.220 0 31.220 0 31.220 0 31.220 1 31.071 6 P2 15:18 17:30 76.000 0 76.000 0 76.000 0 76.000 0 76.000 0 76.036 1 P2 P2 P2 20:47 P2 01:14 P2 02:11 P2 188.34 186.95 105 186.73 36 188.18 37 190.79 38 186.15 50 186.08 51 186.33 1 186.3 157 175 55 217 218 219 221 Multinet 180 um Multinet 64 um Multinet 64 um Macropla nkton trawl 224 Box core 225 Box core 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 Box core Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 64 um CTD w/bottles Mooring CTD CTD w/bottles Campele n trawl CTD w/bottles 236 237 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 GO-FLO MIK-net 1500 um Multinet 180 um Multinet 64 um Phytoplankton net 10 um CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles Bongonet 180 um WP2 90 um WP2 90 um Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 180 um WP3 1000 um 2019-0812 2019-0812 2019-0812 2019-0812 2019-0812 2019-0812 2019-0812 2019-0812 2019-0812 2019-0812 2019-0812 2019-0812 2019-0812 2019-0812 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 03:19 03:53 04:43 P2 P2 P2 06:56 P2 08:38 P2 11:01 P2 12:57 P2 13:28 P2 13:56 14:19 18:11 P2 P2 NLEG 05 21:22 M5 21:30 M5 NLEG 06 23:41 02:11 P3 03:27 P3 04:12 P3 05:10 P3 06:20 P3 06:58 07:29 09:40 12:12 14:26 17:46 18:31 18:49 19:01 19:12 19:33 20:14 P3 P3 NLEG 08 NLEG 09 NLEG 10 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 77.500 6 77.500 6 77.500 6 77.516 3 33.986 5 33.986 4 33.986 5 34.005 7 186.36 39 186.38 40 186.47 41 193.53 106 77.499 4 77.499 4 77.499 5 77.499 5 77.499 5 77.499 5 77.998 9 78.347 8 78.349 8 78.500 0 78.731 8 78.749 8 78.749 8 78.750 2 78.750 0 78.750 0 78.750 0 34.000 8 34.000 8 34.000 7 34.000 7 34.000 7 34.000 7 33.999 8 34.762 4 34.775 1 34.000 4 34.009 8 34.000 8 34.000 6 34.000 4 34.000 0 34.000 0 34.000 0 188.46 12 188.6 13 188.78 14 188.87 45 188.95 46 188.88 47 196.18 158 241.23 52 246.96 159 179.89 160 307.25 107 306.99 161 306.98 53 307.11 48 306.8 50 306.77 51 306.71 52 79.000 3 79.249 2 79.500 2 79.749 4 79.747 5 79.747 6 79.747 7 79.747 8 79.748 5 79.751 7 33.999 7 34.001 8 33.996 6 33.997 1 33.988 0 33.985 3 33.982 7 33.980 1 33.973 7 33.958 8 269.57 162 215.73 163 300.18 164 338.39 165 338.83 53 338.43 54 338.11 55 337.72 56 337.7 57 336.24 58 170 0 170 0 150 0 170 0 170 0 280 0 280 0 100 0 100 0 70 0 70 0 300 0 300 0 300 0 181 170 300 260 205 290 325 56 252 253 254 Sediment trap (short term) Phytopla nkton net 10 um Active water sampler 255 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 266 267 268 269 270 GO-FLO MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um CTD w/bottles Multinet 180 um Multinet 64 um Multinet 64 um CTD w/bottles Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 64 um CTD w/bottles 271 CTD 272 GO-FLO 273 274 275 TS probe Campele n trawl Macropla nkton trawl 276 Box core 277 Box core 278 279 280 281 282 283 Box core CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles CTD Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 180 um 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0813 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0814 2019-0815 2019-0815 2019-0815 2019-0815 2019-0815 2019-0815 2019-0815 2019-0815 21:40 21:51 02:19 P4 04:26 P4 05:03 P4 07:24 08:33 09:13 10:10 11:06 11:43 12:12 12:41 13:15 13:52 329.89 54 79.758 4 33.973 3 330.05 59 79.758 4 34.076 6 326.97 55 79.734 3 79.707 7 79.702 6 79.694 1 79.693 1 79.693 2 79.696 4 79.700 2 79.707 3 79.714 0 79.717 9 79.720 3 79.721 1 79.722 6 79.723 3 79.723 0 79.711 1 79.551 8 79.498 3 34.237 2 34.283 3 34.281 5 34.268 3 34.252 0 34.230 0 34.224 5 34.223 7 34.228 1 34.266 4 34.290 9 34.306 5 34.318 2 34.331 1 34.344 2 34.353 0 34.377 2 34.568 6 34.634 4 344.53 56 351.99 60 354.2 61 356.7 62 355.31 63 352.99 166 345.53 64 341.7 65 342.63 66 341.28 167 343.08 67 343.78 68 341.63 69 338.9 168 337.3 169 336.49 58 338.16 3 79.745 7 79.743 4 79.751 8 79.998 2 80.496 6 80.495 1 80.494 9 80.495 1 34.016 9 33.996 1 34.028 2 33.996 1 33.989 8 33.967 8 33.962 0 33.950 2 P4 P4 06:43 33.965 7 P4 23:35 05:51 79.757 8 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 14:11 P4 16:13 P4 19:50 P4 20:56 P4 01:37 P4 03:10 P4 04:51 08:22 P4 NLEG 12 17:03 P5 17:44 P5 17:55 P5 18:16 P5 100 0 320 0 320 0 320 0 325 0 280 0 340 325 330 330 0 330 0 330 0 50 0 329 328.4 108 304.77 109 333.83 15 332.7 16 331.05 17 211.8 170 204 162.71 171 150 159.36 172 159.3 70 140 0 154.82 71 140 0 57 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 Phytopla nkton net 10 um Phytopla nkton net 10 um Sediment trap (short term) MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um GO-FLO CTD w/bottles TS probe Multinet 180 um Multinet 64 um Multinet 64 um Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 64 um CTD w/bottles Sampling from small boat Li-Cor CTD 303 306 307 Box core CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles 308 CTD 309 CTD 310 311 CTD CTD w/bottles 313 314 CTD Sea ice work Active water sampler 2019-0815 18:31 P5 80.495 4 33.942 4 159.12 72 140 0 2019-0815 18:47 P5 80.495 7 33.935 3 160.85 73 100 0 20:32 P5 59 100 0 P5 162.19 74 21:16 P5 168.54 75 140 0 21:35 P5 169.2 76 140 0 22:41 P5 171.81 60 140 0 00:23 P5 169.77 173 00:55 P5 174.35 4 04:12 P5 162.0 77 140 0 04:49 P5 159.99 78 140 0 06:16 P5 157.25 79 150 0 06:39 P5 155.24 80 07:09 P5 154.77 81 07:30 P5 152.96 82 09:03 P5 33.881 0 33.860 2 33.854 5 33.855 1 33.892 8 33.960 2 33.984 4 34.086 0 34.083 5 34.066 9 34.064 1 34.062 0 34.057 9 34.051 4 157.14 21:05 80.500 6 80.509 2 80.511 7 80.516 3 80.524 5 80.528 9 80.527 3 80.495 2 80.488 4 80.477 1 80.474 9 80.473 7 80.473 6 80.477 2 154.64 174 10:08 P5 61 P5 20 0 10:30 P5 11:57 11:52 P5 NLEG 14 NLEG 15 NLEG 16 NLEG 17 NLEG 18 NLEG 19 NLEG 20 16:30 P6_Ice 34.067 7 34.057 5 34.057 5 34.017 3 33.999 6 31.350 3 31.289 8 31.245 5 31.144 8 31.077 8 30.958 8 30.968 4 30.955 5 159.33 10:15 80.484 3 80.484 6 80.484 6 80.502 1 81.001 8 81.311 8 81.382 2 81.411 0 81.431 0 81.459 3 81.502 5 81.532 7 81.529 7 2019-0815 2019-0815 2019-0815 2019-0815 2019-0815 2019-0816 2019-0816 2019-0816 2019-0816 2019-0816 2019-0816 2019-0816 2019-0816 2019-0816 2019-0816 2019-0816 2019-0816 2019-0816 2019-0816 2019-0817 2019-0817 2019-0817 2019-0817 2019-0817 2019-0817 2019-0817 2019-0817 23:06 05:56 07:29 08:15 09:13 10:04 18:17 152 162.0 162.0 160.68 19 219.56 188.46 175 176 219 175 177 186.42 205.56 178 256.17 179 496.41 180 693.98 181 500 797.07 789.23 64 P6 58 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 TS probe CTD w/bottles MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um Multinet 180 um Sediment trap (short term) CTD w/bottles 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 GO-FLO Phytopla nkton net 10 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um Multinet 180 um Multinet 64 um Multinet 64 um Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 64 um CTD w/bottles Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 180 um 338 TS probe 339 Box core 341 Box core 342 Box core 343 344 345 346 Box core CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles 2019-0817 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0818 2019-0819 2019-0819 2019-0819 2019-0819 2019-0819 2019-0819 2019-0819 2019-0819 2019-0819 2019-0819 2019-0819 2019-0819 23:02 P6 06:33 P6 07:52 08:07 08:20 08:34 08:48 09:04 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 11:30 P6 11:49 P6 12:30 P6 13:53 P6 14:47 P6 17:47 18:33 19:32 20:26 21:48 22:51 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 00:08 P6 01:07 P6 02:27 P6 02:47 P6 03:56 P6 09:01 P6 11:22 P6 13:01 P6 15:02 P6 NLEG 22 NLEG 23 NLEG 24 16:53 18:57 22:24 81.549 8 81.549 5 81.551 4 81.552 1 81.552 8 81.553 7 81.554 8 81.556 2 81.570 5 30.958 8 31.160 5 31.168 4 31.170 0 31.170 9 31.171 6 31.171 4 31.169 7 31.218 5 865.44 5 834.68 182 839.88 83 841.87 84 844.43 85 848.7 86 853.44 87 860.71 88 860.71 65 81.572 0 81.574 8 81.576 2 31.212 8 31.245 1 31.325 9 1155.7 5 1224.9 1 1026.4 6 183 81.576 5 81.563 8 81.561 2 81.559 5 81.560 4 81.566 5 81.573 3 81.580 8 81.585 0 81.586 5 81.586 2 81.584 2 81.545 2 81.563 2 81.540 0 81.534 6 81.590 5 81.616 5 81.683 0 31.387 4 31.518 5 31.526 0 31.518 8 31.499 3 31.472 4 31.468 6 31.487 2 31.519 5 31.570 7 31.582 7 31.621 2 30.847 5 30.887 0 30.875 9 30.957 0 30.740 9 30.652 9 30.522 5 1036.9 1 856.29 90 843.73 92 841.06 93 848.67 94 894.92 95 989.02 96 1111.6 5 1099.7 8 97 831 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 600 0 1000 0 400 0 750 0 300 0 750 0 750 0 750 0 650 0 200 66 89 91 184 1099.2 1089.0 7 98 979.27 6 856.66 1036.7 6 22 829.08 24 806.3 1545.5 7 25 185 1950.0 186 2812.6 187 200 99 23 1950 59 347 348 349 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 368 369 370 371 372 Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 180 um Active water sampler Sea ice work MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um CTD w/bottles WP2 90 um WP2 90 um Bongonet 180 um MIK-net 1500 um Sediment trap (short term) MIK-net 1500 um CTD w/bottles Phytopla nkton net 10 um Multinet 180 um Multinet 180 um Multinet 64 um Multinet 64 um CTD w/bottles Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 64 um CTD w/bottles 373 TS probe Sediment trap (short term) 374 GO-FLO 375 Box core 376 Box core 378 Box core 2019-0820 2019-0820 2019-0820 2019-0820 2019-0820 2019-0820 2019-0820 2019-0820 2019-0820 2019-0820 2019-0821 2019-0821 2019-0821 2019-0821 2019-0821 2019-0821 2019-0821 2019-0821 2019-0821 2019-0821 2019-0821 2019-0821 2019-0821 2019-0821 2019-0821 08:03 P7 08:41 P7 09:25 P7 07:30 P7_Ice 12:54 P7 14:58 P7 18:08 P7 23:16 P7 23:39 P7 23:54 P7 00:15 P7 03:03 P7 03:30 P7 03:43 P7 04:28 P7 04:56 P7 06:34 07:49 09:52 11:11 P7 P7 P7 P7 11:51 P7 13:06 P7 14:40 P7 17:33 P7 19:55 P7 81.984 8 81.983 6 29.987 0 29.969 5 3272.9 7 3269.4 7 81.982 7 81.986 1 81.981 9 81.981 1 81.969 3 81.950 9 81.950 0 81.949 4 81.948 3 29.943 7 29.997 5 29.794 2 29.728 7 29.621 7 29.307 4 29.285 8 29.272 9 29.254 8 3274.0 7 3272.8 2 3290.8 7 3290.8 7 3293.2 5 81.932 2 81.928 3 81.926 2 29.157 3 29.146 0 29.139 6 3312.0 4 3301.7 7 81.918 4 81.913 3 81.894 8 81.882 6 81.865 4 81.857 6 81.854 2 81.846 2 81.829 1 81.788 2 81.759 1 29.115 1 29.097 5 29.029 1 28.968 2 28.857 7 28.806 5 28.792 7 28.785 6 28.801 7 28.784 0 28.703 7 3289.4 8 3288.5 3 3254.0 8 3233.4 6 3306.9 3313.3 4 3315.2 1 3317.3 9 3299.7 100 101 68 102 1250 0 103 2000 0 104 70 0 105 70 0 106 100 0 107 100 0 100 0 1000 0 1000 0 1000 0 300 0 188 70 3280 3312 109 189 110 3300 111 112 113 114 3136.7 190 3120.7 3120 115 3116.7 3068.8 7 2993.8 2 2897.9 5 2767.6 8 116 117 191 2830 7 70 2019-0822 2019-0822 2019-0822 2019-0822 2019-0822 00:40 P7 00:48 P7 02:12 P7 08:34 P7 12:49 P7 81.737 5 81.737 1 81.727 6 81.670 7 81.668 3 28.648 8 28.636 7 28.671 2 28.789 0 28.811 8 2712.9 7 2725.7 8 2648.9 1 2349.3 1 2329.0 2 2713 72 26 27 28 60 379 380 TS probe Sea ice work 381 Box core 384 Box core 385 386 Box core CTD w/bottles 2019-0823 2019-0823 2019-0823 2019-0823 2019-0823 2019-0824 01:07 SICE4 08:10 SICE4 10:18 SICE4 16:55 SICE4 20:12 SICE4 03:02 SICE4 NW Spitsbergen NW Spitsbergen NW Spitsbergen 387 EM302 2019-0825 CTD w/bottles 2019-0825 EM302 2019-0825 11:30 388 13:52 389 14:45 81.980 9 81.978 4 81.985 1 81.988 8 81.985 8 81.995 7 80.380 6 24.293 8 24.473 2 24.530 1 24.735 8 24.804 5 24.995 2 12.167 4 3603.3 3 3599.7 6 3603.7 5 3603.7 5 3604.0 8 3657.1 9 NaN 8 80.589 0 12.054 5 19.57 193 80.594 4 12.052 6 NaN 77 74 29 31 32 192 3195 76 61 Table A1.2. Nansen Legacy transect. Full station list including Process stations (P) and transect CTD stations (NLEG). Nansen Legacy transect stations Station name Longitude (decimal) Latitude (decimal) Longitude (degrees) Latitude (degrees) Depth (m) Type of station Comment P7/ NLEG25 NLEG24 30,0000 82,0000 82 00.00 N 3000 30,5258 81,6828 81 40.97 N 2807 A-TWAIN NLEG23 30,6647 81,6165 81 36.99 N 1913 A-TWAIN NLEG22 30,7667 81,5895 81 35.37 N 1551 A-TWAIN P6/ NLEG21 NLEG20 30,8548 81,5463 81 32.78 N 865 30,9618 81,5025 81 30.15 N 698 A-TWAIN, shelfbreak A-TWAIN, shelf-break NLEG19 31,0775 81,4580 81 27.48 N 486 A-TWAIN, shelf-break NLEG18 31,1448 81,4318 81 25.91 N 264 A-TWAIN, shelf-break NLEG17 31,2468 81,4107 81 24.64 N 204 A-TWAIN, shelf-break NLEG16 31,2933 81,3822 81 22.93 N 189 A-TWAIN, shelf-break NLEG15 31,3487 81,3098 81 18.59 N 195 NLEG14 34,0000 81,0000 81 00.00 N 216 P5/ NLEG13 NLEG12 34,0000 80,5000 80 30.00 N 167 34,0000 80,0000 80 00.00 N 209 P4/ NLEG11 NLEG10 34,0000 79,7500 79 45.00 N 332 34,0000 79,5000 79 30.00 N 293 NLEG09 34,0000 79,2500 79 15.00 N 215 NLEG08 34,0000 79,0000 79 00.00 N 266 P3/ NLEG07 NLEG06 34,0000 78,7500 78 45.00 N 301 34,0000 78,5000 78 30.00 N 180 Arctic Price nearshelf-station Vardø-N, Kvitøybanken Vardø-N, Kvitøybanken Vardø-N, Kvitøybanken Vardø-N, trench east of Kong Karl Vardø-N, trench east of Kong Karl Vardø-N, trench east of Kong Karl Vardø-N, trench east of Kong Karl Vardø-N, trench east of Kong Karl Vardø-N, Storbanken NLEG05 34,0000 78,0000 78 00.00 N 193 Vardø-N, Storbanken P2/ NLEG04 NLEG03 34,0000 77,5000 77 30.00 N 190 34,0000 77,0000 77 00.00 N 154 Vardø-N, Storbanken Vardø-N, Storbanken NLEG02 31,2200 76,5000 76 30.00 N 308 Vardø-N, Storbanken P1/ NLEG01 31,2200 76,0000 030 00.00 E 030 31.55 E 030 39.88 E 030 46.00 E 030 51.29 E 030 57.71 E 031 04.65 E 031 08.69 E 031 14.81 E 031 17.60 E 031 20.92 E 034 00.00 E 034 00.00 E 034 00.00 E 034 00.00 E 034 00.00 E 034 00.00 E 034 00.00 E 034 00.00 E 034 00.00 E 034 00.00 E 034 00.00 E 034 00.00 E 031 13.20 E 031 13.20 E 76 00.00 N 322 Process study station P7 Process study station P6 Process study station P5 Process study station P4 Process study station P3 Process study station P2 Process study station P1 Vardø-N, Hopendjupet 62 Table A1.3. Cruise participants (team leaders in bold) Name, institution Inst. Nansen Legacy tasks 1 2 3 Marit Reigstad Tove Gabrielsen Miriam Marquardt UiT UNIS UiT 4 Marti Amargant, PhD UiT 5 Oliver Müller, PD UiB 6 Lasse Olsen, PD UiB 7 Bente Edvardsen UiO 8 Karoline Saubrekka, PhD Anna Vader UiO 10 Griselda Anglada Ortiz, PhD UiT 11 Anette Wold NPI 12 Christine Gawinski, PhD UiT 13 Konrad Karlsson, PD UNIS 14 15 Padmini Dalpadado Angela Stippkugel, PhD Kasia Dmoc IMR NTNU Cruise leader, sediment traps Cruise leader, sample labeling Water budget, sea ice work planning, filtration (Chl a, POC), sed traps, sea ice meiofauna Prim prod, 14C incubations. In-situ, P vs I and P vs T curves, phytoplankton Microbiology/ BP, flow cytometry, grazing exclusion exp Abundance of phytoplankton, heterotrophic flagellates, bacteria and virus, bacterial production DNA/RNA filtrations, sampling for microscopy etc DNA/RNA filtrations, sampling for microscopy etc Metabarcoding, metatranscriptomics, filtration chl a, Planning sea ice work Ocean acidification, zooplankton (foraminifera, pteropods), sediment surface Mesozooplankton sampling, biomass, POM for CSIA of FA Zooplankton sampling, small zooplankton secondary production (grazing, egg production) Mesozooplankton, grazing experiments, respiration measurements Macrozooplankton Mesozooplankton grazing experiments (dilution experiments). Mesozooplankton zooplankton 9 16 17 UNIS NPI/IOPAS Poland UNIS 18 Robynne Nowicki, PhD Yasemin Bodur, PhD 19 Bodil Bluhm UiT 20 Eric Jorda, PhD Nord 21 Arunima Sen, PD Nord 22 Fekadu Yadetie, PD UiB UiT Sea ice work Weapon training Work package x x x RF3 RF3 RF3 x (x) RF3 x x RF3 x x RF3 x RF3 x x RF3 RF1/RF2 x x RF3 RF3 RF3 RF3 RF3 x RF3 Ecotox, Zooplankton and fish Sediment traps, filtration, sediment surface sampling Benthic sampling. Stable isotope sampling (for PD UiT/HI), NL museum voucher collection, benthic meiofauna (UiT/UNIS PhD), invertebr. for OC content (Ecopath need), ice meiofauna processing (with Miriam) Living benthic forams and benthic meiofauna, experiments with Arunima benthic respiration, experiments with Eric Fish sampling from trawling, liver slice culture and tissue sampling, helping out inzoo/fish/benthic labs RF3 x (x) RF2 RF3 (x) RF3 RF2/RF3 RF3 RF2 63 23 Nadja Brun, PD Woods Hole, USA 24 Siv Hoff, PhD UiO 25 Leif Christian Stige UiO 26 Ane Haarr, PhD UiO 27 UiO 28 29 Julia Giebichenstein, PhD Rita Amundsen Håvard N. Liholt 30 Jack Garnett, PhD Lancaster, UK 31 Nicolas Sanchez, PD Stephen Kohler, PhD Ronald Pedersen Jon Leithe NTNU Christian Morel Jan Vidar Nordstrand Jan Bremnes France IMR Trace metals and perhaps DOC characterization Trace metals and perhaps DOC characterization Acoustics, TS-probe, moorings Safety, sea ice work training, Sea ice observations, polar bear watch on ice, glider Photographer (photo, video, drone) Instrument chief KPH IMR Instrument technician KPH 32 33 34 35 UiO UiO NTNU IMR NPI Fish sampling from trawling, liver slice culture and tissue sampling, helping out in zoo/fish/benthic labs Ecotox sampling (zooplankton /fish) and helping out in zoo/fish/benthic labs Ecotox sampling (zooplankton /fish) and helping out in zoo/fish/benthic labs Ecotox sampling (zooplankton /fish) and helping out in zoo/fish/benthic labs in situ sampling of water filtering, ecotox zooplankton and fish Ecotox zooplankton and fish Ecotox sampling (zooplankton /fish) and helping out in zoo/fish/benthic labs PFOS in ice cores RF2 RF2 RF2 RF2 x RF2 x x RF2 RF2 x EISPAC, CAO project RF2 x RF2 x x x RF3 RA-A RA-D 64 Table A1.4. Internship on sea ice. List of non- or less experienced PhDs and post docs that took part in sea ice-based sampling, handling, data collection and safety duties and achieved competence on methodologies and practical work. Name Sea ice work practice Ane Haarr (UiO) Core handling, filtered sea water addition on board, polar bear watch Angela Stippkugel (NTNU) Drilling hole for under ice sampling, under ice water sampling, polar bear watch Christine Gawinski (UiT) Ice core note keeper, polar bear watch Eric Jorda (Nord) Drilling hole for under ice sampling, under ice water sampling, polar bear watch Håvard N. Liholt (UiO) Polar bear guard, drilling hole for under ice sampling, polar bear watch Jack Garnett (Lancaster Sea ice coring, Melt pond and under ice water sampling, polar bear Univ.) watch Julia Giebichenstein (UiO) Ice core note keeper, sea ice coring, core cutting, polar bear watch Karoline Saubrekka (UiO) Sea ice coring, core handling, polar bear watch, logistics team onboard, filtration team Konrad Karlsson (UNIS) Sea ice coring, polar bear watch Márti Amargant (UiT) Sea ice coring, Melt pond and under ice water sampling, polar bear watch Oliver Müller (UiB) Sea ice coring, core cutting, polar bear watch Robynne Nowicki (UNIS) Polar bear guard, drilling hole for under ice sampling, under ice CTD and light, polar bear watch Siv Hoff (UiO) Core handling, filtered sea water addition on board, logistics team onboard, polar bear watch Stephen Kohler (NTNU) Sea ice coring, Melt pond and under ice water sampling Yasemin Bodur (UiT) Ice core note keeper, sea ice coring 65 Table A1.5. Working hours and cabin distributions Working hours 0400-1200, 1600-2000 Marit Reigstad Lasse Olsen Leif Chr. Stige Ronald Pedersen Padmini Dalpadado Christian Morel Robynne Nowicki Anna Vader Eric Jorda Christine Gawinski Karoline Saubrekka Fekadu Yadetie Anette Wold Siv Hoff Nicholas Sanchez Bente Edvardsen Yasemin Bodur Nadia Brun Working hours 2000-0400, 1200-1600 Oliver Müller Jon Leithe Tove Gabrielsen Jack Garnett Márti Amargant Kasia Dmoc Miriam Marquardt Konrad Karlsson Angela Stippkugel Griselda Anglada Ortiz Håvard N. Liholt Bodil Bluhm Julia Giebichenstein Stephen Kohler Rita Amundsen Arunima Sen Ane Haarr Cabin 605 419 421 468 456 458 327 329 330 332 333 335 377 379 380 382 383 385 386 66 Table A1.6. Lab-use during the Nansen Legacy Q3 cruise Lab no. 102 202 301 Name of laboratory Clean seawater sample room Gravity meter room Chilled lab 302 Dry lab common 303 Wet lab common 307 Isotopic lab 308/309 310 Wet lab biology Catch sample room 311 Environmental toxicology lab Filtration lab Education lab 316 317 319 320 322 312 313 314 315 323 325 701 703 KPH Thermax Fridge 1 General description Use on this cruise Underway survey Instrument crew measurements Not in use Mesozooplankton, microbial Angela, Christine, exp. preparation lab Oliver, Konrad Sea water filtration, POC, Miriam, Yasemin, Chl a, virus, bacteria, Oliver, Lasse fluorometer Meso and Anette, Padmini, Kasia D, Rita, Robynne, macrozooplankton Griselda Production biology Marti (PP), Lasse, Oliver (BP) Fish ecotox sampling Fekadu, Nadja Fish and benthos sampling/ Leif Chr., Siv, Ane, sea ice equipment Håvard, Robynne Trace metal clean lab Nicolas, Stephen DNA, RNA filtration Common use computer work, Microscopes, microtome, sample labeling Geology Benthos Anna, Bente, Karoline Bente, Karoline, Miriam, Anna, all Wet Lab /Benthos Microbiology lab Ice Lab Cooler room Bodil, Arunima, Eric, Jack, Yasemin, Ecotox filtration Julia, Rita Common use (°C) Ice core handling Plankton experiments, Angela, Konrad Plankton wheels (°C) Freezer room Frozen samples storage Frozen biological material Cooler room Benthos exp (Temp+)(°C) Bodil, Arunima, Eric Cooler room Benthos exp. (Temp. in Bodil, Arunima, Eric, situ), storage samples Yasemin, Fekadu, (<4°C) Nadja Cooler room P-I experiments, ice core Marti, Oliver, ice work melting (°C) Freezer Ice Samples For ice samples Frozen material (nonbio) Observation Central Common Instrument engineers, CTD operator, chief scientists Large conference Common Everyone for computer room work Small conference Common Everyone for computer room work 303 Wet lab Zooplankton, temporary Christine storage of fresh samples 67 KPH Thermax Fridge 2 UiT Thermax Fridge 3 UiT Thermax Fridge 4 UiT Thermax Fridge 5 303 Wet lab Zooplankton, temporary Christine storage of fresh samples CTD Hangar Microbial experiments CTD Hangar Zooplankton production exp. Christine CTD Hangar Zooplankton production exp. Christine Lasse and Oli 68 Appendix 2: Blogs Blogs written by cruise participants in collaboration with the project office and published on the Nansen Legacy Blog at Forskning.no during the Nansen Legacy seasonal Q3 cruise 2019. Published on Forskning.no/blogg-Arven etter Nansen, August 2019 No Title Author(s) 1 Året rundt i Barentshavet – on the Marit Reigstad & Lena background for the cruise and seasonal Seuthe studies 2 En båt lastet med morgendagens forskere Lena Seuthe – why we train a new generation Arctic scientists 3 Ingen mann over bord – on safety issues Jon Leithe in the Arctic 4 Når alle er i samme båt – on how a vessel Marit Reigstad promotes science collaboration 5 Men jeg venter på is Jon Leithe 6 Lærlinger på isflak (Internship på havisen) Marit Reigstad 7 Risikerer vi å kvele havets bunndyr? (A Arunima Sen breath of air…..20,000 leagues under the sea) 8 Så hvitt og pent, men ikke rent (Why it’s Jack Garnett important to study contaminants in the Arctic) 9 Å jobbe med det usynlige – eller hvorfor Oliver Müller and Lasse fotografen ikke tar bildet av arbeidet vårt Olsen 10 Stressmestring – Om kofferter og Nadja Brun miljøgifter på avveie. Dealing with stress On lost luggage and found contaminants 11 På isen i Nansenbassenget Tove M. Gabrielsen 12 Isarbeid på trygg grunn Jon Leithe Status Publ. 5/8 Publ. 13/8 Publ. 14/8 Publ. 30/8.  Publ. 19/8  Publ. 20/8  Publ. 21/8  Publ. 15/8  Publ. 23/8 Publ. 28/8 Publ. 27/8 Publ. 29/8 69 Appendix 3 Datasets Shipmounted datasets 70 Who Cruise participant KHP instrumentation KHP instrumentation KHP instrumentation KHP instrumentation KHP instrumentation KHP instrumentation KHP instrumentation Sample info PI Sample type Randi Ingvaldsen Tom Arne Rydningen Øystein Godøy Helge Sagen Randi Ingvaldsen Agneta Fransson Marit Reigstad Intended method Analyses Relevance to Nansen Legacy Data Where will When are Ask for Analysis analyses be analyses Sharing within Publishing embargo of Parameter protocol Dataset done planned for RF Task/Subtask project data data? If yes, why? Acoustic data surveying fish and xooplankton, logged continuously 2019, NIRD 2020 Multibeam mapping post cruise on NIRD 2020 no Air and sea temperature (8 m depth), air pressure, wind speed and direction, rpost cruise on NIRD 2020 Temperature, salinity, density and fluorescence at 4m, logged continuously post cruise on NIRD 2020 Currents in the upper ~500 m legged continuously post cruise on NIRD 2020 pCO2 measured from the underway system, 4 m intake during the open waterpost cruise on NIRD 2020 Temperature, salinity, density fluorescence, oxygen profiles from NLEG station post cruise on NIRD 2020 no Comments EK80 EM302 Weather station Thermosalinograph ADCP 150 kHz pCO2 underway CTD Datasets 71 Who Cruise participant Sample info Anna Vader Anna Vader Chlorophyll a Parameter Chl a total and > 10um biomass Anna Vader Anna Vader/Tove M. Gabrielsen Microbial diversity (DNA and RNA) rRNA Protist diversity Microbial activity (RNA) Protist activity Anna Vader Anna Vader Bodil Bluhm PI Anna Vader/Tove M. Gabrielsen Anna Vader/Bodil Bluhm/Camilla Svensen/Kim Præbel Anna Vader/Bodil Bluhm/Camilla Svensen/Kim Præbel Ane Haarr Ketil Hylland Ane Haarr Ketil Hylland Siv Hoff, Leif Chr. Stige Sissel Jentoft Siv Hoff, Leif Chr. Stige Sissel Jentoft Siv Hoff, Leif Chr. Stige Sissel Jentoft Bodil Bluhm, Arunima Sen, Eric Jorda Paul Renaud Bodil Bluhm, Arunima Elisabeth Alve & PhD student Sen, Eric Jorda to be hired Elisabeth Alve & PhD student to be hired (Foraminifera), Bodil Bluhm, Arunima Bodil Bluhm (metazoan Sen, Eric Jorda meiofauna) Bodil Bluhm, Arunima Sen, Eric Jorda Paul Renaud Eric Jorda, Arunima Sen, Bodil Bluhm Padmini Dalpadado Eric Jorda, Arunima Sen, Henning Reiss, Paul Renaud Espen Bagøien, Post Doc Bodil Bluhm, Arunima Sen, Eric Jorda Lise Øvreås Robynne Nowicki Anette Wold; Kasia Dmoch Anette Wold; Konrad Karlsoon Øystein Varpe, Katrine borga, Geir Wing Gabrielsen Janne Søreide & Camilla Svensen Janne Søreide Sample type Plankton sample Bile (of polar cod, capelin, atlantic cod and american plaice) Blood (of polar cod, capelin, atlantic cod and american plaice) Tissue (of capelin, polar cod and cod) Intended method mRNA 64 um plankton sample for DNA analysis of diet of small mesozooplankton Benthos sample from box core for DNA analysis of benthic diets and prey based on DNA quantification of PAH metabolites quantification of DNA strand breaks Genomic analysis (individual level) Relevance to Nansen Legacy implementation plan Analyses Zooplankton diet/prey diversity Benthos diet/prey diversity concentration of PAH metabolites from individual fish Analysis protocol Dataset Where will analyses be done NL v4 7.11.1 Chl a total and > 10um biomass Onboard KPH Microbial eukaryote diversity across season based on rRNA metabarcoding UNIS Metatranscriptomics and quantification of gene expression of select genes across season UNIS Diversity of small zooplankton prey, possibly also zooplankton genetic identification UNIS/UiT Diversity of zoobenthos prey, possibly also genetic identification of benthis species UNIS/UiT percent DNA damage in individual fish De novo genome assembly Population-genetic data Tissue (of capelin, polar cod Genomic analysis (population (diversity) along climate and cod) level) gradient in two seasons Data When are analyses planned for RF Task/Subtask Sharing within project Publishing data Ask for embargo of data? During cruise RF3 T3-1.1 Sep-19 Oct-19 No 2019-20 RF3 T3-1.1/T3-1.2/T31.3/T3.2.1/ 2020 2020 No 2020 RF3 T3-2.2 2021 2021 No 2019-21 RF3 T4-4.1 2021 2021 Yes, possibly 2019-21 RF3 T4-4.1 2021 2021 Yes, possibly UiO/NIVA 2019-2022 RF2 T2-2.3 2020-2022 2020-2022 will be analysed by PostDoc to be hired percent DNA damage in individual fish UiO 2019-2022 RF2 T2-2.3 2020-2022 2020-2022 will be analysed by PostDoc to be hired Whole-genome sequences UiO 2019-2022 RF2 T2-3.1 2020-2022 2020-2022 Yes, possibly PhD project Whole-genome sequences UiO 2019-2022 RF2 T2-3.1 2020-2022 2020-2022 Yes, possibly PhD project Population-genomic statistics UiO 2019-2022 RF2 T2-3.1 2020-2022 2020-2022 Yes, possibly PhD project Sediment pigments APN 2019-2021 RF3 T3-1.2 RF1, RF3 RF1?, RF3 T3-1.2 2021-2023 2021-2023 possibly Sediment pigment Fluorometric analysis Grain size Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer (grain size); combustion in muffle furnace (TOC, TN), IRMS (d13C/d15N) sediment grain size fractions, sediment total organic carbon (TOC, %), sediment total nitrogen (TN, %), d13C (per mil), d15N (per mil) (10.3.3) sediment grain size fractions, sediment total organic carbon (TOC, %), sediment total nitrogen (TN, %), d13C (per mil), d15N (per mil) UiO / UK 2020-2022 UiO (Foraminifera), UiT / IOPAS (metazoan meiofauna) 2020-2022 RF1, RF3 2021-2023 2021-2023 possibly ? RF3, CAO ? ? yes 2019-2020 RF3 2019-2021 RF3 T3-1.1; T3-2.1 2019-2021 RF3 T3-1.1, T3-1.2, T31.3, T3-4.1 2020-2021 RF2 T2-2.5 2020 RF3 T3-1.1 & 2.1 T3-2.1 & 2.2 2021-2022 2021-2022 RF3 T3-1.1 & 2.1 T3-2.1 & 2.2 2021-2022 2021-2022 (10.3.18) Meiofauna abundance Sorting and morphological identification number of (taxon) / cm2 (10.3.5) Foraminifera abundance, diversity and composition; metazoan meiofauna abundance, diversisty and composition Sediment pigments HPLC mg pigment type / m2 (10.3.1) sediment pigments HPLC UK (?) Sorting and morphological identification number of (taxon) / cm2, diversity indexes, community 10.3.6 analysis /10.3.7 Macrofauna abundance, diversity and composition; metazoan macrofauna abundance, diversisty and composition, community analysis Nord/IOPAN Macrofauna diversity and abundance Macrozooplankton Microbial diversity (sediment) Macrozooplankton and fish Mesozooplankton taxonomy; Small mesozooplankton taxonomy Mesozooplankton biomass; Small mesozooplankton biomass Sorting and morphological identification, isotopic analysis taxonomic composition, biomass Metabarcoding taxonomic composition, abundance and distribution NL v4 7.12.19 Will be analysed partly by PostDoc to be hired august 2020 Will be analysed by PostDoc to be hired august 2020 Will be analysed by PhD student to be hired fall PhD project 2019 Sample type not found in log sheet, should be PhD project added concentration of PAH metabolites from individual fish Population-genetic data (linked to function) along climate gradient in two seasons mg Chl a / m2, mg phaeopigment / m2 Tissue (of capelin, polar cod Investigation of candidate and cod) genes If yes, why? Comments Key organims, e.g. Euphausiids and amphipods, Map spatial distribution, taxonomic compostion and biomass indices, temporal and spatial variation in abundance, biomass, diveristy IMR Microbial eukaryote diversity in sediment across season based on metabarcoding UiB Energetics analysis using bomb Energy content; pollutant calorimetry and pollutant concentration of polar cod remobilization analysis brain Seasonal variation in macrozooplankton and fish energy content; Seasonal remobilization of pollutants in polar cod UiT/UNIS/UiO Species identification & counts using a stereomicroscope. ind/m3 & mg dry mass/m3 using species-specific dry mass values from published sources Mesozooplankton abundance (ind/m3), biomass (mg dry mass/m3) and species composition (species list) IOPAS Dry total sample at 60 C & weight Total biomass (mg dry weight/m3) Total biomass of mesozoopankton UNIS 2019 2020 2020-2022 T3-1.1, T3-1.2, T31.3 2021-2023 No PhD project (foraminifera ) PhD project PhD project (vert flux) 2021-2023 2019-2022 2020-2022 No 2021 ? Unsure 2021 2021-2022 Unsure PhD project Anette Wold; Kasia Dmoch Anette Wold; Kasia Dmoch; Julia Giebichenstein Anette Wold; Kasia Dmoch Anette Wold; Kasia Dmoch Anette Wold Camilla Svensen Philipp Assmy; Doreen Kohlbach Philipp Assmy; Doreen Kohlbach Philipp Assmy; Doreen Kohlbach Philipp Assmy; Pedro Duarte Fekadu Yadetie, Nadja Brun Anders Goksoyr Gelatinous zooplankton Species identification & counts Stable isotopes Fatty acids d13C; d14N (species specific?) Fatty acid of total lipid (or specific lipid classes?) Bente Edvardsen, Karoline Saubrekka Karoline Saubrekka, Bente Edvardsen Karoline Saubrekka, Bente Edvardsen, Anette Wold Bente Edvardsen, Karoline Edvardsen, Luka Supraha Bente Edvardsen, Karoline Saubrekka Luka Supraha, Karoline Saubrekka Liver tissue (of capelin, polar cod and cod, long rough dab) Calanus spp (C. finmarchicus, C. hyperboreus, C. glacialis) Protist diversity (net hauls and Vivaflow) Microalgal diversity by cultures Coccolithophores on PC filters Fixed water samples from Philipp Assmy, Rolf Gradinger, Niskin bottles 6 depths and Bente Edvardsen ice stations Martí Amargant-Arumí Rolf Gradinger Martí Amargant-Arumí Rolf Gradinger Martí Amargant-Arumí Rolf Gradinger Relative amount of fatty acid HBIs Particulate absorbtion Gene experession analysis (RNA-seq, qPCR), proteomics, EROD assay, vitellogenin assay, viability, possibly chemical analysis Gene expression Fekadu Yadetie, Nadja Gene experession analysis Brun Anders Goksoyr (RNA-seq, qPCR) Bente Edvardsen; Karoline Saubrekka, Bente Edvardsen; Anna Vader; Microbial diversity (DNA and Anna Vader Tove M. Gabrielsen RNA) metabarcoding using rDNA Bente Edvardsen; Karoline Saubrekka ind/m3; ml/m3 Radioactively labelled algae on GF/F filters Radioactively labelled algae on GF/F filters Isotopically labelled algae on GF/F filters Microscopy Culture isolation and charcterisation Scanning electron microscoppy (SEM) Counts and volume measurments done onboard; Species Gelatinous zooplankton abundance identification (ind/m3), volume & species NTNU (Sanna composition (species list) Majaneva) Stable isotopes of POM, main zooplankton taxa & fish UiO AWI (in collaboration with Martin Graeve) Fatty acids of POM, main zooplankton taxa & fish HBI of POM, main zooplankton taxa & fish ? T3-1.3 2021-2022 2021-2022 2021-2022 2021-2022 Stable isotopes & fatty acid samples have been taken of the same taxa of mesozooplankton, macrozooplankton & fish. These two datasets will be shared between Julia Giebichenstein, Robynne Nowicki & Doreen Kohlbach. Stable isotopes have been sampled by Julia Giebichenstein and will be analysed at UiO. Fatty acids will be analysed by NPI (Doreen Kohlbach) Dataset shared with Ecotox group (see comment for Stable istope)to be finalised by Philipp Assmy & Doreen Kohlbach RF3 T3-1.3 2021-2022 2021-2022 RF3 T3-1.3 2021-2022 2021-2022 UiB 2019-2020 RF2 T2-2.4 2020 2020 No UiB 2019-2020 RF2 T2-2.4 2020 2020 No 2020 2020-2021 Taxonomy and phylogeny, improved rDNA reference sequence database of protists in the Arctic taxonomic composition, abundance and distribution Microalgal strains, morphologcal and genetic (rDNA operon) descriptions, phylogenetic and physiological characterisation. Contribution to reference sequence databases. UiO Coccolithophore diversity, dynamics and distribution UiO UiO and UNIS 2019-2021 RF3 T3.1.1, T3.1.2, T3.2.1 UiO 2019-2020 RF3 T3.1.1, T3.1.2, T3.2.1 2019-2020 RF3 2019-2020 RF3 Utermöhl cell counts under the microscope Cell abundances of protists > 10 µm Primary production in situ incubations Light intensity vs. Photosynthesis curves Primary production rate (14C uptake) Primary production rate (14C uptake) Phytoplankton/protist abundance IOPAS Vertical profiles of primary production across latitude and seasons UiT Primary production response to various light intensitites UiT d13C, d15N Ratios of Carbon and Nitrogen stable isotopes before and after incubations, F-ratios of primary production Nitrogen uptake in situ incubations RF3 T3-1.1 & 2.1 T3-2.1 & 2.2 2020 taxonomic composition and distribution Protist diversity 2020 RF3 2020 Transcriptomics and quantification of selected genes and proteins across species Transcriptomics and quantification of selected genes and proteins across species Protist diversity, proportional abundance, seasonal dynamics and distribution LM (live), SEM, TEM (fixed) micrographs of protists. Taxonomic descriptions Gene expression 2020 Gelatinous zooplankton were picked out from the standard MIK net, each taxa was counted, weighted (wet weight) and measured volume. A picture was tken of each taxa. Individuals were picked out and stored on ethanol when time permit. Sample type not found in log sheet, should be added. ? T3.1.1, T3.1.2, T3.2.1 T3.1.1, T3.1.2, T3.2.1 2019-2020 RF3 2019-2020 RF3 2019-2020 RF3 T3-1.1/T3-1.2/T31.3/T3.2.1/ T3-1.1/T3-1.2/T31.3/T3.2.1/ 2019-2020 RF3 T3-1.1/T3-1.2/T31.3/T3.2.1/ Yes Part of Karoline PhD-project Saubrekkas thesis 2021-2022 Yes, possibly Part of Karoline PhD-project Saubrekkas thesis 2021-2022 Yes, possibly 2021 Yes, possibly T3.1.1 Part of Karoline PhD-project Saubrekkas thesis Part of Karoline PhD-project Saubrekkas thesis We would like to compare metabarcoding results with micoscopical cell counts in Karoline Saubrekkas PhD-project 2022 2020 2021 Yes PhD-project 2020 2021 Yes PhD-project 2020 2021 Yes PhD-project Megafauna, macrofauna Reciprocal transplant experiments on the primary producers community of Atlantic and Arctic waters Sediment community oxygen uptake experiments determined carbon content using combustion Bodil Bluhm, Arunima Bodil Bluhm, Andreas Sen, Eric Jorda Altenburger Megafauna taxonomy Museum archival Bodil Bluhm, Arunima Sen, Eric Jorda Bodil Bluhm, Lis Jørgensen d13C / d15N organisms (mostly benthic) IRMS coupled to C/N analyser Arunima Sen, Eric Jorda, Bodil Bluhm Elisabeth Alve, Paul Renaud, Henning Reiss d13C / d15N IRMS coupled to C/N analyser d13C, d15N Uptake of isotopically enriched algae in respiration incubation experiment Arunima Sen, Eric Jorda, Bodil Bluhm Paul Renaud, Henning Reiss Nutrient concentrations in incubations nutrient analyzer Macronutrient concentrations in bottom water before and after incubation Martí Amargant-Arumí Rolf Gradinger Arunima Sen, Eric Jorda, Bodil Bluhm Paul Renaud Bodil Bluhm, Arunima Sen, Eric Jorda Torstein Pedersen Stephen Kohler, Nicolas Sanchez Murat V. Ardelan, Stephen Kohler Griselda Anglada-Ortiz Tine L. Rasmussen Melissa Chierici and Agneta Griselda Anglada-Ortiz Fransson Miriam Marquardt Miriam Marquardt Miriam Marquardt Oliver Müller, Lasse Mørk Olsen Oliver Müller, Lasse Mørk Olsen Oliver Müller, Lasse Mørk Olsen Marit Reigstad, Gunnar Bratbak Fixed water samples and Sterivex filters from experimental bottles Sediment community incubations Total mercury and methylmercury Cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CVAFS) for THg and MeHg, or GC-SF-IR-ICPMS for MeHg Nutrient analyzer µg/L Microscopy Gunnar Bratbak Bacterial production of carbon biomass Ind/m3; ml/m3 Bacterial production rate ([2,3,4-3H] leucine) in µgC L-1d-1 Gunnar Bratbak, Aud Larsen Microbial abundance Gunnar Bratbak SEM filter Flow cytometry Scanning electron microscoppy (SEM) Planktonic cell per ml Qualitative analysis of small plankton Gunnar Bratbak, Jorun K. Egge, Tatiana Tsagaraki XRF filter Oliver Müller, Lasse Mørk Olsen Gunnar Bratbak, Ruth-Anne Sandaa Oliver Müller, Lasse Mørk Olsen Nicolas Sanchez, Stephen Kohler Bacterial production, Flow Cytometry, microbial Gunnar Bratbak, Oliver Müller, diversity, nutrient analysis, Lasse Mørk Olsen Grazer exclusion experiment microzooplankton diversity Total trace elements and Preconcentration via SeaFAST Murat V. Ardelan dissolved trace elements and ICP-MS Virus diversity Dissolved organic matter characterization, TOC X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Recover viruses from natural waters via iron chloride precipitation Nicolas Sanchez, Stephen Kohler Murat V. Ardelan Yasemin Bodur, Miriam Marquardt Marit Reigstad, Yasemin Bodur Chlorophyll a HPLC-MS and TOC-L fractionated algal pigments, filtered through GF/F filters from sediment trap samples Marit Reigstad, Yasemin Bodur Chlorophyll a >10µm fractionated algal pigments, filtered through Polycarbonate filters from sediment trap samples RF3 T3-1.1/T3-1.2/T31.3/T3.2.1/ onboard 2019-2020 RF3 T3-4.3 UiT 2019-2020 RF4 RF4 T4-4 2020-2023 RF3 T3-3.1 n/a 2021-2023 RF3 T3-3.4 2022-2023 Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope composition after incubation ? 2021-2023 RF3 T3-3.4 2021-2023 2021-2023 possibly Macronutrient concentrations in bottom water before and after incubation APN 2019-2020 RF3 T3-3.4 2021-2023 2021-2023 no Total mercury and methylmercury transect profile Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MiO) in Marseille, France 2019 RF2 T2-2.2 2020-2021 Relative and absolute abundance of marine calcifiers on the water column and their contribution to the carbonate pump CAGE-UiT (Tromsø), ICTAUAB (Barcelona) 2020 RF2 T2-1.4 RF2 T2-1.1 T3 1.2 UiT Museum UiO (Nansen Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope Legacy composition agreement?) Carbonate contribution (from the abundances of marine calcifiers) mg CaCO3/m3, (% and #/m3) Carbonate chemistry and Water samples from the CTD chemical parameters µg/L 2019-2020 Taxonomic voucher inventory of Nansen Legacy fauna collected THg, MeHg in pM CN analyses UiT oxygen uptake carbon content of benthic invertebrates Plankton sample Oliver Müller, Lasse Mørk Olsen Yasemin Bodur, Miriam Marquardt oxygen uptake mmol / h carbon content of benthic invertebrates Taxonomic voucher inventory of Nansen Legacy fauna collected POC/PON Nutrients from sea ice cores/meltponds/under ice water Ice meiofauna abundance/taxonomy Bacterial activity (Radioactively labelled bacteria) Miriam Marquardt, Rolf Gradinger Miriam Marquardt, Rolf Gradinger, Bodil Bluhm Protist DNA sequences, phylogenetic positions and corresponding abundances linked to environmental conditions Community composition, cell abundances DIC/Alkalinity, d18O and nutrients IMR and NPI Version 4 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocol, chapter 7.4 needs updates!!! POC/PON 2020 2019-2020 2021 Yes 2020-2021 2020 2022? UiT/UiB 2020-2023 RF3 2020-2023 Nutrients Ice meiofauna abundance/taxonomy UiT 2020-2023 RF3 2020-2023 UiT 2020-2023 RF3 2020-2023 Bacterial production rate UiB 2019-2020 RF3 UiB 2019-2020 RF3 UiB 2019-2020 RF3 T3-2.3/T3-3.1/ T3.1.1, T3.1.2, T3.2.1 T3.1.1, T3.1.2, T3.2.1 Concentration of total particulate elements in μM Abundance tables Plankton diversity, dynamics and distribution Concentration of total particulate O, P, Na, Mg, Si, S, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn (μM) UiB 2019-2020 RF3 Virus diversity Virus diversity across season based on metabarcoding 2019-2020 Bacterial production, Flow Cytometry, microbial diversity, nutrient analysis, microzooplankton diversity Concentration of elements in nM Dynamics of lower trophic level food web structure UiB Total and dissolved trace elements transect profile NTNU Type and composition of DOM, TOC Nansen Legacy v4 7.5 &7.6 Variation, composition, and distribution of DOM and TOC, with ancillary POC and DOC measurements Chl a total NL v4 chapter 8 Chl a >10µm NL v4 chapter 8 To be confirmed by Torstein Pedersen Museum archival timeline tbd by new collection employee No n/a 2021 PhD-project no No 2023 possibly Post doc project PhD-project 2021 yes Stephen Kohler PhD PhD project project 2021 yes PhD project 2021-23 yes PhD-project 2020 2021 No Confirm with the PI 2020 2021 No Confirm with the PI 2020 2021 No Confirm with the PI T3.1.1, T3.1.2, T3.2.1 2020 2021 No Confirm with the PI RF3 T3.1.1, T3.1.2, T3.2.1 2020 2021 No Confirm with the PI 2019-2020 RF3 T3-4.1 2020 2021 No Confirm with the PI 2019-2020 RF2 T2-2.2 2020 2021 Need to ask PI Confirm with the PI NTNU (DOM characterizatio n) and UCSB (TOC) 2019-2020 RF2 T2-2.2 2020 2021 yes phd project Chlorophyll a Onboard KPH During cruise RF3 T3 4.4 2020 2021 yes PhD-project Chlorophyll a >10µm Onboard KPH 2019-21 RF3 T3 4.4 2020 2021 yes PhD-project UiB Maria Digernes PhD project Yasemin Bodur, Miriam Marquardt Yasemin Bodur, Miriam Marquardt Yasemin Bodur, Miriam Marquardt Yasemin Bodur, Miriam Marquardt Yasemin Bodur, Miriam Marquardt Yasemin Bodur, Miriam Marquardt Yasemin Bodur, Miriam Marquardt Yasemin Bodur Angela Stippkugel Christine Gawinski Marit Reigstad, Yasemin Bodur POC/PON Julia Giebichenstein Stephen Kohler, Nicolas Sanchez from sediment trap samples HPLC from sediment trap samples IP25 from sediment trap and boxcore samples from sediment trap samples mg pigment type / m2 community composition and counts Marit Reigstad, Yasemin Bodur fecal pellets Marit Reigstad, Yasemin Bodur Metatranscriptomics from sediment trap samples DNA/RNA from sediment trap samples fecal pellet types and counts biological diversity & activity on particles Paul Renaud, Yasemin Bodur Nicole Aberle-Malzahn indidivuals stored at -20C or in formaldehyde from Campelen trawl Flow Cytometry, nutrient whole animals for stable isotopes, fatty acids extraction and gut content analyses Flow Cytometry, nutrient egg production rate, weight specific egg production rate Camilla Svensen Productivity of Oithona frozen (-20C) whole and dissected fishes: muscle, otoliths, stomach Egg hatching experiment Meso- and Macrozooplankton Katrine Borgå In-situ filtration pump Katrine Borgå PFAS water samples PFAS analyses Murat V. Ardelan Christine Gawinski Camilla Svensen Camilla Svensen Doreen Kohlbach d13C; d14N mg pigment type / m2 stable isotopes, mercury, persistent organic pollutants, emerging contaminants, fatty food web contaminant acid analyses biomagnification Katrine Borgå Camilla Svensen Christine Gawinski Pandalus borealis Two point dilution stable isotopes, mercury, persistent organic pollutants analyses, emerging contaminants, fatty acid analyses persistent organic pollutant analyses Christine Gawinski, Oliver Müller, Lasse Mørk Olsen Julia Giebichenstein, Christine Gawinski µg/L Marit Reigstad, Yasemin Bodur stable isotopes Marit Reigstad, Paul Renaud, Yasemin Bodur water column pigments Marit Reigstad, Paul Renaud, Yasemin Bodur sea ice algae proxy phytoplankton Marit Reigstad, Yasemin Bodur communities Håvard N. Liholt, Ane Haarr, Julia Giebichensten Katrine Borgå Julia Giebichenstein, Rita Amundsen Julia Giebichenstein, Rita Amundsen CN analyses from sediment trap samples food web contaminant biomagnification food web contaminant biomagnification food web contaminant biomagnification NL v4 chapter 8 NL v4 chapter 8 NL v4 chapter 8 NL v4 chapter 8 NL v4 chapter 8 NL v4 chapter 8 not established not established not established NL V4 NL V4 NL V4 POC/PON UiT 2019-21 RF3 T3 4.4 2020 2021 yes PhD-project stable isotopes UiT? 2019-21 RF3 T3 4.4 2020 2021 yes PhD-project HPLC APN? 2019-21 RF3 T3 4.4 2020 2021 yes PhD-project IP25 not clear 2019-21 RF3 T3 4.4 2020 2021 yes PhD-project phytoplankton communities UiT 2019-21 RF3 T3 4.4 2020 2021 yes PhD-project fecal pellets UiT 2019-21 RF3 T3 4.4 2020 2021 yes PhD-project Metatranscriptomics UiT? 2019-21 RF3 T3 4.4 2020 2021 yes PhD-project APN? NTNU 2019-21 2018 - 2021 RF3 RF3 T3-3.1, T3-4.2 UiT 2019 - 2021 RF3 T3-2.2 fatty acids, stable isotoes, gut content Dynamics of lower trophic level specific egg production rate as estimate for copepod production food web contaminant biomagnification food web contaminant biomagnification food web contaminant biomagnification food web contaminant biomagnification Sediment samples NL V4 Nansen Sequential extraction for trace Legacy v4 elements Trace element concentrations 10.4 Grazing experiment of Oithona and Calanus Carbon samples of Oithona females and egg sacks Bacterial production, Flow Cytometry, microbial diversity, microzooplankton diversity Determine weight specific egg production rate Bacterial production, Flow Cytometry, microbial diversity, microzooplankton diversity weight specific egg production rate from Oithona samples will be analysed by Julia Determine trophic position of d13C; d14N (species specific?) Giebichstein Oithona stable isotopes fatty acids Christine Gawinski, Anna Vader, Bodil Bluhm Anna Vader Jack Garnett Jack Garnett Experimental animals of Oithona and calanus grazing experiment Sea ice cores/meltponds/under ice water Jon Leithe Marit Reigstad Sea ice observations from Oithona metabarcoding of prey items Analysis of PFAS (dissolved & particulate, salinity, stable isotopes Relative amount of fatty acid Distribution of trace elements in sediments Influence of Oithona and Calanus on the microbial food web (top Samples will down control?), comparison be analyzed between the two different feeding at UiB strategies not Estimation of the copepod established production during August 2019 UiO / NP / NILU 2019-2021 RF2 T2-2.1 2020 2021 2020 2021 2021 yes? 2021 Yes, possibly PhD-project PhD project PhD position was now 2021 yes PhD project 2022 yes Hg and SI analyses will be done at UiO, fatty acid analyses by postdoc at NP, if she needs this data. Organic pollutants will be PhD project anbalysed at NILU UiO /NILU/NP 2019-2021 RF2 T2-2.1 2021 2022 yes Hg and SI analyses will be done at UiO, fatty acid analyses by postdoc at NP, if she needs this data. Organic pollutants will be PhD project anbalysed at NILU UiO/NILU 2019-2021 RF2 T2-2.1 2021 2022 yes PhD project UiO 2019-2022 RF2 T2-2.1 2022 2022 yes PhD project 2019-2020 RF2 T2-2.2 2021 maybe, check 2021 with PI UiB 2019-2020 RF3 T3-4.1 2020 2021 yes PhD project UiT 2019 - 2021 RF3 T3-2.2 2020 2021 yes PhD project NTNU UiO 2019 - 2021 RF3 2020 2021 yes PhD project samples will be analysed by Doreen determine the quality of food of Kohlbach Oithona in different seasons NPI 2019 - 2021 RF3 2020 2021 yes PhD project Genetically determine prey of Oithona and Calanus from feeding experiment and compare to flow cytometry results Diet of Calanus and Oithona UiT and UNIS 2020-2021 RF3 2020 2021 yes Analyses to be done by Snorre Flo as part of PhD PhD project project 2019-20 RF2 2021 RF1 2019 PFAS in the sea ice ecosystem Sea ice type, extension, etc UK Project outside Nansen PhD project Legacy Published at icewatch.met.no Gear ID with metadata 72 Gear Type ID Date Event ID ef09b3b3-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b3b4-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b3b5-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b3b6-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b3b7-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b3b8-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 157 8135fec6-b7fe-11e9-8f48-000c29fb4a96 158 2158eef8-b8f5-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 Time (UTC) EK80 EM302 Weather station Thermosalinograph ADCP 150 kHz pCO2 underway CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles Cruise number Station Name Latitude Longitude Sample Depth (m) Bottom Local Depth (m) Station ID 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019-08-05 16:13 2019706 IsA 78.2609 15.5353 86.5 145 2019-08-06 07:34 2019706 W of Sørkapp 76.4165 13.9047 1050.28 146 2019-08-06 09:53 2019706 W of Sørkapp 76.4165 76.0051 13.9046 31.0345 1050.28 327.52 42 160 23b9599c-b91f-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 2019-08-07 13:40 2019706 P1 vicinity 162 163 164 165 166 167 ef09b276-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b277-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b278-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b279-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b27a-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b27b-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 2019-08-07 14:04 2019706 31.0313 147 marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no Water for benthic experiments 320 168 ef09b27c-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 Bongonet 64 um 2019-08-07 20:31 2019706 P1 76.0000 31.2198 325.41 17 315 0 169 ef09b27d-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 Bongonet 180 um 2019-08-07 21:06 2019706 P1 76.0000 31.2198 325.52 18 315 0 170 ef09b27e-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 171 ef09b27f-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 172 9acda646-b9dd-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 Sediment trap (short term) GO-FLO CTD w/bottles 2019-08-07 2019-08-07 2019-08-08 22:19 23:20 00:46 2019706 2019706 2019706 P1 P1 P1 76.0000 76.0000 76.0000 31.2198 31.2194 31.2194 324.99 325.31 325.44 44 45 149 176 9acda648-b9dd-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 177 b5c4ffa9-b9dd-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 178 9acda649-b9dd-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 179 a82ebb72-b9dd-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 180 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 b5c4ffaa-b9dd-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 b5c4ffab-b9dd-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 a82ebb74-b9dd-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 c82a2d3a-b9dd-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 7063be80-ba42-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 7d56ebe4-ba42-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 7063be81-ba42-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 7d56ebe6-ba42-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 7063be82-ba42-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 190 8d667d06-ba42-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 MIK-net 1500 um Campelen trawl Phytoplankton net 10 um Phytoplankton net 10 um CTD w/bottles Multinet 64 um Multinet 64 um Multinet 180 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 180 um Macroplankton trawl Harstad trawl CTD w/bottles 2019-08-08 2019-08-08 2019-08-08 2019-08-08 2019-08-08 2019-08-08 2019-08-08 2019-08-08 2019-08-08 2019-08-08 2019-08-08 2019-08-08 2019-08-08 2019-08-08 2019-08-08 04:09 04:57 06:48 08:48 09:01 09:21 11:35 12:17 12:55 13:24 13:55 15:45 17:21 19:34 20:50 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 76.0057 75.9915 76.0479 76.0033 76.0033 76.0031 76.0000 76.0000 76.0000 76.0000 76.0000 76.0000 76.0361 76.0355 75.9986 31.2396 31.1894 31.0987 31.2137 31.2137 31.2141 31.2201 31.2201 31.2200 31.2200 31.2200 31.2201 31.0716 31.0876 31.2265 325.41 323.19 333.37 326.21 326.14 325.86 325.53 322.75 325.37 321.15 324.16 322.25 332.48 337.22 325.61 21 22 320 320 320 Both 64 um and 180 um mounted Both 64 um and 180 um mounted Retrieved 23:48 (Cruise 2019-08-07 2019-08-08 logger) With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0147 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0148 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 0 Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019, 9.3.5 MIK V-haul; heaving speed acc net manual; heaving to protocol found too fast, speed similar to adjusted deploying Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 0 Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019, 9.3.5 MIK V-haul; heaving speed acc net manual; heaving to protocol found too fast, speed similar to adjusted deploying Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 0 Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019, 9.3.5 MIK V-haul; heaving speed acc net manual; heaving to protocol found too fast, speed similar to adjusted deploying Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 1724 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 0 0 Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019 9.1 Phytoplankton net-haul sampling; adjusted sampling depth to 500m 151 290 290 290 300 300 300 of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad 23 150 25 26 27 28 29 30 102 103 University University University University University University marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019 9.1 Phytoplankton net-haul sampling; adjusted sampling depth to 500m 50 UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad 101 50 Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019, 10.2.3; bottom time 45 min 24 of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 0 0 0 0 0 MIK-net 1500 um University University University University University University Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad/Ilker Fer 70 315 315 70 315 175 b5c4ffa8-b9dd-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 148 12 13 14 15 16 20 marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad/Ilker Fer 325.59 325.62 325.69 325.73 325.58 325.73 330.8 Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Water for preparation of sediment traps Glider 1, to be picked up outside Isfjorden Glider 2, picked up by KV 2019-08-07 2019-08-23 Andenæs 2019-08-06 31.2198 31.2199 31.2198 31.2198 31.2198 31.2198 31.2897 PI institution 500 76.0000 76.0000 76.0000 76.0000 76.0000 76.0000 76.0196 Tove M. Gabrielsen 105 Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen PI email marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 328.17 P1 vicinity P1 AWS430__SMSAWS__Date.txt Date-number-4m.cnv KHDateFL_number_0000.* pco2_data_ext_Date.* Principal investigator (PI) Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 2019706 KHFL2019706-D2019MMDD-THHMMSS.*; KHDK2018710-D2019MMDD-THHMMSS.* Recorded By See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 03:24 KHFL2019706-D2019MMDD-THHMMSS.raw, 2019MMDDHHMMSS.idx Serial Number Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0146 16:58 17:48 18:24 19:17 19:32 19:51 2019-08-08 Data filename 75 2019-08-07 2019-08-07 2019-08-07 2019-08-07 2019-08-07 2019-08-07 MIK-net 1500 um Sampling protocol See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. CTD w/bottles WP3 1000 um WP3 1000 um WP3 1000 um WP2 90 um WP2 90 um 174 9acda647-b9dd-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 Event Remarks Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 Samples collected as part July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; of other projects, not AeN One salinity sample Sta0145 43 76.0068 CTD w/bottles End Date 2019-08-05 27/08/2019 2019-08-05 Multibeam mapping NW 2019-08-05 Vaisala AWS430. Data 2019-08-05 2019-08-14 2019-08-05 2019-08-05 159 2158eef9-b8f5-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 161 23b9599d-b91f-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 Maximum Minimum Start Date depth(m) depth (m) Sta0149 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0150 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0151 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. 0 0 0 0 0 0 With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen 1723 Tove M. Gabrielsen 1720 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University University University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 191 7063be83-ba42-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 GO-FLO Box core 192 8ef92198-bbe9-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 2019-08-08 2019-08-09 22:14 01:27 2019706 2019706 P1 P1 75.9986 75.9997 31.2265 31.2153 325.11 326.11 47 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 9 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 10 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 1720 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Box core 193 8ef92199-bbe9-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 2019-08-09 03:46 2019706 P1 75.9998 31.2154 325.9 Box core 194 8ef9219a-bbe9-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 195 8ef9219b-bbe9-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 Harstad trawl 2019-08-09 2019-08-09 06:00 09:46 199 caf30396-bc46-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 Mooring 2019-08-11 05:38 200 caf30397-bc46-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 Mooring 2019-08-11 05:46 201 caf30398-bc46-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 202 caf30399-bc46-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 203 dd2da098-bc46-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 204 dd2da099-bc46-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 205 dd2da09a-bc46-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 207 dd2da09b-bc46-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 208 2f3eab06-bcbb-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 2f3eab07-bcbb-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 209 2f3eab08-bcbb-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 210 2f3eab09-bcbb-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 221 4449d11a-bcbb-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 4449d11b-bcbb-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 4449d11c-bcbb-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 4449d11d-bcbb-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 5ec60626-bcbb-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 5ec60629-bcbb-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 5ec60627-bcbb-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 5ec60628-bcbb-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 00fe1b14-bd6a-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 0c747bdf-bd6a-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 224 00fe1b15-bd6a-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 225 0c747bde-bd6a-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 226 227 228 229 00fe1b16-bd6a-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 20db6caf-bd6a-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 00fe1b17-bd6a-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 0c747bdc-bd6a-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 230 20db6cae-bd6a-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 CTD CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles Phytoplankton net 10 um 2019-08-11 2019-08-11 2019-08-11 2019-08-11 Phytoplankton net 10 um WP3 1000 um WP3 1000 um 2019-08-11 2019-08-11 2019-08-11 WP3 1000 um 2019-08-11 Campelen trawl MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um GO-FLO Active water sampler TS probe CTD w/bottles Multinet 180 um Multinet 64 um Multinet 64 um Macroplankton trawl Box core Box core Box core Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 64 um CTD w/bottles 2019-08-11 2019-08-11 2019-08-11 2019-08-11 2019-08-11 2019-08-11 2019-08-12 2019-08-12 2019-08-12 2019-08-12 2019-08-12 2019-08-12 2019-08-12 2019-08-12 2019-08-12 2019-08-12 2019-08-12 2019-08-12 2019-08-12 08:21 10:56 11:59 12:43 13:02 14:09 14:42:00 15:18:00 16:42:00 17:30:00 18:03:00 19:10:00 20:47:00 01:14:00 02:11:00 03:19:00 03:53:00 04:43:00 06:56:00 08:38:00 11:01:00 12:57:00 13:28:00 13:56:00 14:19:00 18:11:00 2019706 P1 75.9997 2019706 Betw P1 and NLEG2 76.2095 77.0803 2019706 M5 77.0825 2019706 M5 bioac 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 Betw M5 and P2 P2 P2 P2 77.3252 77.4986 77.4987 77.4986 31.2154 31.2316 35.0381 324.81 315.83 145.56 11 104 48 35.0578 147.18 49 34.4502 34.0011 34.0012 34.0012 158.54 188.66 188.87 188.84 2019706 2019706 2019706 P2 P2 P2 77.4985 77.4986 77.4986 34.0005 34.0008 34.0007 187.97 188.57 188.34 2019706 P2 77.4986 34.0007 188.34 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 77.5156 77.5010 77.4990 77.5085 77.5006 77.5006 77.5006 77.5006 77.5006 77.5006 77.5006 77.5163 77.4994 33.9343 33.9502 33.9955 33.9661 33.9865 33.9864 33.9864 33.9865 33.9865 33.9864 33.9865 34.0057 34.0008 186.95 186.73 188.18 190.79 186.15 186.08 186.33 186.3 186.36 186.38 186.47 193.53 188.46 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer 154 Mooring M5 N 77 04,516 E 35 02,168 Mooring M5 bioac 77 04.947n 035 03.487e Test MoonPool betw M5 & P2 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0154 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 155 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0155 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 156 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0156 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 1724 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen 1723 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 178 31 100 32 34 35 Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019 9.1 Phytoplankton net-haul sampling; adjusted sampling depth to 1000m 0 100 150 150 0 0 0 150 0 Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019 9.1 Phytoplankton net-haul sampling; adjusted sampling depth to 1000m Missing from cruise logger; Position and depth taken from ID208 Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019, 10.2.3; bottom time 30 min 105 36 160 37 38 50 51 1 157 39 40 41 106 12 160 170 0 Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019, 9.3.5 MIK V-haul; heaving speed acc net manual; heaving to protocol found too fast, speed similar to adjusted deploying 0 0 Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019, 9.3.5 MIK V-haul; heaving speed acc net manual; heaving to protocol found too fast, speed similar to adjusted deploying Vertical haul Filtration pump TS probe With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 175 170 170 150 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0157 0 0 0 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. P2 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway P2 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no P2 P2 P2 P2 NLEG5 77.4994 77.4995 77.4995 77.4995 77.4995 77.9989 34.0008 34.0007 34.0007 34.0007 34.0007 33.9998 188.6 188.78 188.87 188.95 188.88 196.18 13 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer 14 45 46 47 158 170 170 181 0 0 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0158 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 231 0c747bdd-bd6a-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 232 20db6cac-bd6a-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 233 20db6cad-bd6a-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 234 ef09b280-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 235 ef09b281-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 236 ef09b282-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 237 ef09b283-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 239 ef09b284-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 240 ef09b285-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 241 ef09b286-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 242 ef09b287-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 243 ef09b288-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 244 ef09b289-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 ef09b28a-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b28b-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b28c-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b28d-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b28e-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b28f-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b290-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b291-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 Mooring CTD CTD w/bottles Campelen trawl CTD w/bottles GO-FLO MIK-net 1500 um Multinet 180 um Multinet 64 um Phytoplankton net 10 um CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles Bongonet 180 um WP2 90 um WP2 90 um Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 180 um WP3 1000 um Sediment trap (short term) 2019-08-12 2019-08-12 2019-08-12 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 21:22:00 21:30:00 23:41:00 02:11 03:27 04:12 05:10 06:20 06:58 07:29 09:40 12:12 14:26 17:46 18:31 18:49 19:01 19:12 19:33 20:14 21:40 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 M5 M5 NLEG6 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 NLEG08 NLEG09 NLEG10 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 253 ef09b292-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 254 ef09b293-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 255 ef09b294-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 Phytoplankton net 10 um Active water sampler GO-FLO 2019-08-13 2019-08-13 2019-08-14 21:51 23:35 02:19 2019706 2019706 2019706 P4 P4 P4 257 ef09b295-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 MIK-net 1500 um 2019-08-14 04:26 2019706 P4 258 ef09b296-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 259 ef09b297-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 260 ef09b298-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 261 ef09b299-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 262 ef09b29a-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um CTD w/bottles Multinet 180 um 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 05:03 05:51 06:43 07:24 08:33 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 78.3478 78.3498 78.5000 78.7318 78.7498 78.7498 78.7502 78.7500 78.7500 78.7500 79.0003 79.2492 79.5002 79.7494 79.7475 79.7476 79.7477 79.7478 79.7485 79.7517 79.7578 79.7584 79.7584 79.7343 79.7077 79.7026 79.6941 79.6931 79.6932 79.6964 34.7624 34.7751 34.0004 34.0098 34.0008 34.0006 34.0004 34.0000 34.0000 34.0000 33.9997 34.0018 33.9966 33.9971 33.9880 33.9853 33.9827 33.9801 33.9737 33.9588 33.9657 33.9733 34.0766 34.2372 34.2833 34.2815 34.2683 34.2520 34.2300 34.2245 241.23 246.96 179.89 307.25 306.99 306.98 307.11 306.8 306.77 306.71 269.57 215.73 300.18 338.39 338.83 338.43 338.11 337.72 337.7 336.24 329.89 330.05 326.97 344.53 351.99 354.2 356.7 355.31 352.99 345.53 52 Rigg M6 - N 78 20 869 E At mooring site; With LADCP; Model WHS300-IUG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 159 160 170 V-haul 280 280 52 163 164 165 53 54 55 56 57 58 54 100 marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 1723 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Sta0161 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019, 9.3.5 MIK net manual; heaving speed similar to deploying 0 0 Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019 9.1 Phytoplankton net-haul sampling; adjusted sampling depth to 1000m marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 260 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 205 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0163 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 290 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0164 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 325 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0165 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no 100 70 70 300 300 300 0 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0162 0 0 0 0 0 0 2019-08-13 2019-08-14 59 55 56 60 100 61 320 62 320 63 166 64 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0160 With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 300 48 50 51 162 marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019, 10.2.3; bottom time 15 min, with fish lift 107 161 53 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0159 320 In situ filtration pump Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019 9.1 Phytoplankton net-haul sampling; adjusted sampling depth to 1000m To be included in v5 Vertical haul 0 0 0 0 325 0 UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Nansen Legacu Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019 9.3.5. Mik net manual; Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Vertical haul Nansen Legacu Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019 9.3.5. Mik net manual; adjusted haul speed to ca 0.25 m/s because no weight Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Vertical haul Nansen Legacu Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019 9.3.5. Mik net manual; adjusted haul speed to ca 0.25 m/s because no weight Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Vertical haul Nansen Legacu Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019 9.3.5. Mik net manual; adjusted haul speed to ca 0.25 m/s because no weight Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 340 Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Sta0166 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. 263 ef09b29b-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 264 ef09b29c-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 ef09b29e-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b29f-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2a0-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2a1-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2a2-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2a3-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2a4-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2a5-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 274 ef09b2a6-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 275 ef09b2a7-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 276 ef09b2a8-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 277 ef09b2a9-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 278 ef09b2ce-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 279 ef09b2cf-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 280 281 282 283 ef09b2d0-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2d1-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2d2-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2d3-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 284 ef09b2d4-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 285 286 287 288 289 290 ef09b2d5-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2d6-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2d7-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2d8-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2d9-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2da-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 291 ef09b2db-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 292 ef09b2dc-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 293 294 295 296 297 298 ef09b2dd-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2de-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2df-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2e0-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2e1-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2e2-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 299 ef09b2e3-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 Multinet 64 um Multinet 64 um CTD w/bottles Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 64 um CTD w/bottles CTD GO-FLO TS probe Campelen trawl Macroplankton trawl Box core Box core Box core CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles CTD Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 180 um Phytoplankton net 10 um Phytoplankton net 10 um Sediment trap (short term) MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um GO-FLO CTD w/bottles TS probe Multinet 180 um Multinet 64 um Multinet 64 um Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 64 um CTD w/bottles 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 2019-08-14 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 2019-08-15 2019-08-16 2019-08-16 2019-08-16 2019-08-16 2019-08-16 2019-08-16 2019-08-16 2019-08-16 2019-08-16 09:13 10:10 11:06 11:43 12:12 12:41 13:15 13:52 14:11 16:13 19:50 20:56 01:37 03:10 04:51 08:22 17:03 17:44 17:55 18:16 18:31 18:47 20:32 21:05 21:16 21:35 22:41 00:23 00:55 04:12 04:49 06:16 06:39 07:09 07:30 09:03 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 NLEG12 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 79.7002 79.7073 79.7140 79.7179 79.7203 79.7211 79.7226 79.7233 79.7230 79.7111 79.5518 79.4983 79.7457 79.7434 79.7518 79.9982 80.4966 80.4951 80.4949 80.4951 80.4954 80.4957 80.5006 80.5092 80.5117 80.5163 80.5245 80.5289 80.5273 80.4952 80.4884 80.4771 80.4749 80.4737 80.4736 80.4772 34.2237 34.2281 34.2664 34.2909 34.3065 34.3182 34.3311 34.3442 34.3530 34.3772 34.5686 34.6344 34.0169 33.9961 34.0282 33.9961 33.9898 33.9678 33.9620 33.9502 33.9424 33.9353 33.8810 33.8602 33.8545 33.8551 33.8928 33.9602 33.9844 34.0860 34.0835 34.0669 34.0641 34.0620 34.0579 34.0514 341.7 342.63 341.28 343.08 343.78 341.63 338.9 337.3 336.49 338.16 328.4 304.77 333.83 332.7 331.05 211.8 162.71 159.36 159.3 154.82 159.12 160.85 157.14 162.19 168.54 169.2 171.81 169.77 174.35 162.0 159.99 157.25 155.24 154.77 152.96 154.64 300 ef09b2e4-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 2019-08-16 10:08 2019706 P5 80.4843 34.0677 159.33 b2d90c55-c02b-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 2019-08-16 10:15 2019706 P5 80.4846 34.0575 162.0 2019-08-16 2019-08-16 10:30 11:57 2019706 2019706 P5 P5 80.4846 80.5021 34.0575 34.0173 162.0 160.68 b2d90c54-c02b-11e9-8f49-000c29fb4a96 303 ef09b2e6-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 306 ef09b2e7-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 CTD Box core CTD w/bottles 2019-08-16 23:06 2019706 NLEG14 81.0018 33.9996 219.56 65 66 167 67 68 69 168 169 58 3 280 325 0 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0167 330 330 330 330 marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen 612 Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway 0 0 0 329 50 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. 0 SAIV CTD Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0168 Sta0169 Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019, 10.2.3; bottom time 15 min, with fish lift 108 109 1724 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad 1723 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 15 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 16 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 17 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 170 171 172 70 71 204 150 140 140 72 140 73 59 74 75 76 60 With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0170 With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 SAIV CTD Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0171 Sta0172 0 0 0 0 140 140 140 0 0 0 Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019 9.1 Phytoplankton net-haul sampling; adjusted sampling depth to 1000m 2019-08-15 2019-08-16 Vertical haul Vertical haul Vertical haul Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0173 173 4 77 78 79 80 81 82 174 140 140 150 0 0 0 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Scanmar did not work, bottom depth ca 162m 1 With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 152 61 20 0 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0174 Event 300 i toktlogger dekker Li-Cor og CTD i registreringen under Li-Cor (UNIS) lysmålinger (Miriam, Jon) SAIV UNIS 612 fra småbåt (Miriam, Jon) 19 175 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen 612 Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019 9.1 Phytoplankton net-haul sampling; adjusted sampling depth to 1000m 0 100 100 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. 219 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0175 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 612 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 307 ef09b2e8-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 308 ef09b2e9-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 309 ef09b2ea-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 310 ef09b2eb-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 311 ef09b2ec-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 313 ef09b2ee-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2f0-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 314 ef09b2ef-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 315 ef09b2ed-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 ef09b2c6-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2c7-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2c8-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2c9-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2ca-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2cb-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2cc-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 323 ef09b2cd-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 ef09b2f1-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2f2-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2f3-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2f4-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2f5-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2f6-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2f7-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2f8-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2f9-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2fa-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2fb-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2fd-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2fe-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b2ff-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b300-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 339 ef09b301-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 341 ef09b303-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 342 ef09b304-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 343 ef09b305-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 344 ef09b306-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 345 ef09b307-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 346 ef09b308-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 347 ef09b309-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 CTD w/bottles CTD CTD CTD CTD w/bottles CTD Active water sampler TS probe 2019-08-17 2019-08-17 2019-08-17 2019-08-17 2019-08-17 2019-08-17 2019-08-17 2019-08-17 2019-08-17 05:56 07:29 08:15 09:13 10:04 11:52 16:30 18:17 23:02 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 NLEG15 NLEG16 NLEG17 NLEG18 NLEG19 NLEG20 P6_Ice P6 P6 CTD w/bottles MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um Multinet 180 um 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 06:33 07:52 08:07 08:20 08:34 08:48 09:04 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 Sediment trap (short term) 2019-08-18 11:30 2019706 P6 CTD w/bottles GO-FLO Phytoplankton net 10 um MIK-net 1500 um MIK-net 1500 um Multinet 180 um Multinet 64 um Multinet 64 um Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 64 um 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 2019-08-18 2019-08-19 11:49 12:30 13:53 14:47 17:47 18:33 19:32 20:26 21:48 22:51 00:08 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 81.3118 81.3822 81.4110 81.4310 81.4593 81.5025 81.5327 81.5297 81.5498 81.5495 81.5514 81.5521 81.5528 81.5537 81.5548 81.5562 81.5705 81.5720 81.5748 81.5762 81.5765 81.5638 81.5612 81.5595 81.5604 81.5665 81.5733 81.5808 31.3503 31.2898 31.2455 31.1448 31.0778 30.9588 30.9684 30.9555 30.9588 31.1605 31.1684 31.1700 31.1709 31.1716 31.1714 31.1697 31.2185 31.2128 31.2451 31.3259 31.3874 31.5185 31.5260 31.5188 31.4993 31.4724 31.4686 31.4872 188.46 186.42 205.56 256.17 496.41 693.98 797.07 789.23 865.44 834.68 839.88 841.87 844.43 848.7 853.44 860.71 860.71 1155.75 1224.91 1026.46 1036.91 856.29 843.73 841.06 848.67 894.92 989.02 1111.65 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0176 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 177 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0177 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 178 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0178 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 179 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0179 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 180 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0180 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0181 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway 176 175 500 181 P6_Ice station, Ice work In situ filtration pump 64 5 182 83 84 85 86 87 88 65 183 66 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 831 50 50 50 50 50 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 To be included in v5 Sta0182 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0183 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0184 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 Vertical haul Vertical haul Vertical haul Vertical haul Vertical haul Used bottom depth from 2019-08-18 2019-08-19 ID322 200 1000 400 750 300 750 750 750 650 Vertical haul Vertical haul With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University University University University University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway CTD w/bottles Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 180 um TS probe 2019-08-19 2019-08-19 2019-08-19 2019-08-19 01:07 02:27 02:47 03:56 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 P6 P6 P6 P6 81.5850 81.5865 81.5862 81.5842 31.5195 31.5707 31.5827 31.6212 1099.78 1099.2 1089.07 979.27 184 98 99 6 Box core 2019-08-19 09:01 2019706 P6 81.5452 30.8475 856.66 22 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 23 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 24 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 25 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Box core Box core Box core CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles CTD w/bottles Bongonet 180 um 2019-08-19 2019-08-19 2019-08-19 2019-08-19 2019-08-19 2019-08-19 2019-08-20 11:22 13:01 15:02 16:53 18:57 22:24 08:03 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 P6 P6 P6 NLEG22 NLEG23 NLEG24 P7 81.5632 81.5400 81.5346 81.5905 81.6165 81.6830 81.9848 30.8870 30.8759 30.9570 30.7409 30.6529 30.5225 29.9870 1036.76 829.08 806.3 1545.57 1950.0 2812.6 3272.97 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 185 With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0185 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 186 With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0186 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0187 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 187 100 1950 348 ef09b30a-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 349 ef09b30b-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b30c-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 351 ef09b30d-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 Bongonet 180 um Active water sampler 352 ef09b30e-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 353 354 355 356 357 359 360 ef09b30f-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b310-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b311-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b312-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b313-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b314-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b315-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 361 ef09b316-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 362 363 364 365 366 368 369 370 371 ef09b317-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b318-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b319-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b31a-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b31b-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b31d-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b31e-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b31f-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 ef09b320-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 08:41 09:25 07:30 12:54 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 P7 P7 P7_Ice P7 81.9836 81.9827 81.9861 81.9819 29.9695 29.9437 29.9975 29.7942 3269.47 3274.07 3272.82 3290.87 101 68 MIK-net 1500 um 2019-08-20 2019-08-20 2019-08-20 2019-08-20 102 1250 0 MIK-net 1500 um 2019-08-20 14:58 2019706 P7 81.9811 29.7287 3290.87 103 2000 0 CTD w/bottles WP2 90 um WP2 90 um Bongonet 180 um MIK-net 1500 um Sediment trap (short term) MIK-net 1500 um CTD w/bottles Phytoplankton net 10 um Multinet 180 um Multinet 180 um Multinet 64 um Multinet 64 um CTD w/bottles Bongonet 180 um Bongonet 64 um Bongonet 64 um 2019-08-20 2019-08-20 2019-08-20 2019-08-20 2019-08-21 2019-08-21 2019-08-21 2019-08-21 2019-08-21 2019-08-21 2019-08-21 2019-08-21 2019-08-21 2019-08-21 2019-08-21 2019-08-21 2019-08-21 18:08 23:16 23:39 23:54 00:15 03:03 03:30 03:43 04:28 04:56 06:34 07:49 09:52 11:11 11:51 13:06 14:40 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 2019706 P7 P7 P7 P7 P7 P7 P7 P7 P7 P7 P7 P7 P7 P7 P7 P7 P7 81.9693 81.9509 81.9500 81.9494 81.9483 81.9322 81.9283 81.9262 81.9184 81.9133 81.8948 81.8826 81.8654 81.8576 81.8542 81.8462 81.8291 29.6217 29.3074 29.2858 29.2729 29.2548 29.1573 29.1460 29.1396 29.1151 29.0975 29.0291 28.9682 28.8577 28.8065 28.7927 28.7856 28.8017 3293.25 3306.9 3313.34 3315.21 3317.39 3312.04 3301.77 3299.7 3289.48 3288.53 3254.08 3233.46 3136.7 3120.7 3116.7 3068.87 2993.82 372 ef09b321-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 373 ef09b322-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 374 ef09b323-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 CTD w/bottles TS probe GO-FLO 2019-08-21 2019-08-21 2019-08-22 17:33 19:55 00:48 2019706 2019706 2019706 P7 P7 P7 81.7882 81.7591 81.7371 28.7840 28.7037 28.6367 2897.95 2767.68 2725.78 375 ef09b324-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 Box core 2019-08-22 02:12 2019706 P7 81.7276 28.6712 2648.91 376 ef09b325-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 378 ef09b327-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 379 ef09b328-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 Box core Box core TS probe 380 ef09b329-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 381 ef09b32a-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 384 ef09b32d-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 385 ef09b331-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 386 ef09b332-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 Box core Box core Box core CTD w/bottles 387 ef09b350-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 388 ef09b351-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 389 ef09b352-b5ec-11e9-acd1-a0481c9e7d26 CTD w/bottles 2019-08-22 08:34 2019706 P7 81.6707 28.7890 12:49 01:07 2019706 2019706 P7 SICE4 81.6683 81.9809 28.8118 24.2938 2329.02 3603.33 2019-08-23 08:10 2019706 SICE4 81.9784 24.4732 3599.76 2019-08-23 2019-08-23 10:18 16:55 20:12 2019706 2019706 2019706 SICE4 SICE4 81.9851 24.5301 189 110 With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 3280 70 70 100 100 0 0 0 0 100 0 03:02 2019706 2019-08-25 11:30 2019706 NW of Spitsbergen 13:52 2019706 NW of Spitsbergen 2019-08-25 14:45 2019706 NW of Spitsbergen Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0189 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note issues with one of the Temp sensors. Vertical haul 3300 Nansen Legacy Sampling protocols v4 July 12 2019 9.1 Phytoplankton net-haul sampling; adjusted sampling depth to 1000m 111 112 113 114 190 1000 1000 1000 300 3120 0 0 0 0 With LADCP; Model WHS300-I-UG502; SN 24474 & SN 24472 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0190 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note issues with one of the Temp sensors. Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0191 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note issues with one of the Temp sensors. 115 116 117 191 2830 Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic UiT The Arctic University University University University of Norway of Norway of Norway of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 27 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 28 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 7 72 26 8 74 Ice work (coring, underice sampling etc) 29 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 31 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tove M. Gabrielsen Marit Reigstad marit.reigstad@uit.no UiT The Arctic University of Norway 3603.75 bottom depth taken from ID381 81.9888 81.9858 24.7358 24.8045 3603.75 3604.08 32 81.9957 24.9952 3657.19 192 80.3806 12.1674 NaN SICE4 2019-08-25 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note change og temperature sensor before cast 192. Vertical haul Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 10.2.2 Box corer SICE4 2019-08-24 Nansen Legacy Sampling Protocols v4 July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; One salinity sample Sta0188 2019-08-21 2019-08-22 2349.31 2019-08-22 2019-08-23 2019-08-23 188 104 105 106 107 70 109 Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen Tove M. Gabrielsen In situ filtration pump To be included in v5 Ice station Vertical haul Vertical haul; Bottom depth taken from ID351 3195 76 80.5890 12.0545 19.57 193 80.5944 12.0526 NaN 77 Nansen Legacy With LADCP; Model Sampling Protocols v4 WHS300-I-UG502; SN July 12 2019; 6.2 CTD; 24474 & SN 24472 One salinity sample Sta0192 Multibeam Survey EM302 line 18-20 LYDPROFIL Sta0193 Multibeam Survey EM302 line 22-40 See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note Temp sensor changed. See data file for instrument serial numbers. Note Temp sensor changed. 6 years 280 people The Nansen Legacy is a six-year project, running from 2018 to 2023. There are about 230 researchers working with the Nansen Legacy, of which 73 are early career scientists. In addition, 50 persons are involved as technicians, project coordinators, communication advisers and board members. 1 400 000 km² of sea The Nansen Legacy investigates the physical and biological environment of the northern Barents Sea and adjacent Arctic Ocean. 10 institutions The Nansen Legacy unites the complimentary scientific expertise of ten Norwegian institutions dedicated to Arctic research. Arctic Ocean SURVEY RV AR AREA Greenland Barents Sea Scandina candina candinavia >10 fields 50/50 financing The Nansen Legacy includes scientists from the fields of biology, chemistry, climate research, ecosystem modelling, ecotoxicology, geology, ice physics, meteorology, observational technology, and physical oceanography. The Nansen Legacy has a total budget of 740 million NOK. Half the budget comes from the consortiums’ own funding, while the other half is provided by the Research Council of Norway and the Ministry of Education and Research. >350 days at sea The Nansen Legacy will conduct 15 scientific cruises and spend more than 350 days in the northern Barents Sea and adjacent Arctic Ocean between 2018 and 2022. Most of these cruises are conducted on the new Norwegian research icebreaker RV Kronprins Haakon. nansenlegacy.org nansenlegacy nansenlegacy@uit.no Photo cover: Christian Morel / www.christianmorel.net The Nansen Legacy in numbers