UDC 615.47:616-085
DOI: 10.20535/1810-0546.2017.2.100011
O.V. Koval*, V.A. Kuzminykh, D.V. Khaustov
Igor Sikorsky KPI, Kyiv, Ukraine
Background. Development of methods and algorithms for efficient search of relevant information on demand. The article deals with the consolidation of data for subsequent use in the information and analytical systems.
Objective. The aim of the paper is to identify capabilities and build relevant information search algorithms from disparate sources by analyzing the probability information identifying the possible presence of relevant documents in
these sources.
Methods. To find the relevant information for search queries the approach based on the use of probability estimates
of relevant documents available in the sources of further increasing the number of selected documents from these
sources to analyze their relevance to the query is used.
Results. A stochastic programmable automaton structure to ensure selection of the most possible information sources by
relevance parameters and information retrieval algorithm based on the use of stochastic automaton were developed.
Conclusions. The described algorithm using stochastic automaton for data consolidation allows developing a set of
software tools, provides plenty full and holistic data consolidation problem-solving for diverse systems which search
for information from information sources different in composition and presentation type.
Keywords: open data sources; data consolidation; information-analytical systems; information retrieval systems; probabilistic models; relevance; big data tasks.
Directed information gathering based on open
sources is considered as one of the standard methods of information gathering in different spheres of
modern society. Traditionally, specialists collect and
analyze information from the media, public statements, official data, press conference materials,
public statements, professional and academic reports, conferences, reports, and articles. The transition to electronic media largely determines the directed search approaches and methods and the efficiency increase of both individual procedures and
information search in general.
The amount of information produced by humanity, which is constantly increasing and greatly
complicates the problem of storing large amounts
of data and extracting from them relevant and important information. Every day the problem of
processing such information assumes greater significance. A significant amount of electronic materials is going to make it difficult for users to find
the necessary information [1]. The information consolidation can help solving these problems [2, 3]. In
a broad sense the consolidation can be understood
as the process of searching, selecting, analyzing,
structuring, conversion, storage, cataloging, and
providing consumer information on a given topic.
The task of information consolidation is one of the
corresponding author: avkovalgm@gmail.com
most important problems of processing large amounts of data (big data) [4].
Consolidation is generally regarded as a set of
techniques and procedures to extract data from
various sources to ensure the necessary level of information content and quality conversion in a single format in which they can be loaded into the
data warehouse or analytical system.
In some cases data consolidation is the initial
stage of any analytical task or project [3]. The basis
of consolidation is the process of collecting and
storing data in a form optimal in terms of their
processing on the specific analytic platform or specific analytical problem solving. The associated
consolidation tasks are to assess the quality of data
and their enrichment, to reduce the amount of information that has to be processed by data retrieval
or information-analytical system.
The main results that data consolidation has to
ensure for further processing depth are as follows:
high access rate to large volumes of data;
compactness of large volume data storage;
support of a data structure integrity;
monitoring of data consistency and relevance.
The feature of information gathering based on
open sources is the instability of the informational
contents of these sources, the lack of reliable prior
information about their content and its relevance
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and typically low accuracy and efficiency of expert
assessments of state and compliance of the sources
with the topics and query parameters.
Therefore, to process data from open information sources it is necessary to conduct effective consolidation of data using specialized software tools
that will provide the following possibilities:
automatic selection of the information sources, most relevant in compliance with the request;
the possibility of accumulation of information on sources’ state in the course of the request;
consideration of the possibility of changing
sources’ state during the second request;
analysis of the most promising sources from
the point of view of the relevance as well as less
creation of information assessment of the
perspective sources in terms of relevance.
Problem statement
The purpose of the study is development of
model and algorithm for consolidation of information from a certain quantity of heterogeneous
sources with high content of documents. At the
same time, the task to select the maximum number
of documents relevant to the request is set in a case
of the minimum number of the processed (checked
for relevance to a request) documents by detection
and use of information sources the most appropriate
to the request.
Review of existing solutions
Today there are many information search models, that can form the basis for information consolidation system, that are based on various mathematical methods. Modern information-analytical
and information retrieval systems based on these
models and various modifications are built.
Among them are the following most common
types of models [2]:
Boolean model;
fuzzy set model;
vector model;
latent-semantic model;
probabilistic model.
Boolean model is based on the use of mathematical logic app and set theory [5]. The model
based on matrix, which is the ratio between the
document and the indexing terms [6].
The model advantages:
construction simplicity;
ease of program implementation.
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The model disadvantages:
difficulty of query building without knowledge of Boolean algebra;
the search results must contain all terms of
the user’s request;
virtually impossible to automatically rank
the received documents;
the search is badly scaled.
The fuzzy set model is based on fuzzy set theory, allowing the partial set element membership in
contrast to the traditional set theory, which does
not allow this [7, 8]. The whole array of documents is described as a set of fuzzy set terms in
this model.
The model advantages:
the ability to rank results;
indexing and determining the relevance of
the selected document by request requires less computing;
easy to implement;
no requirements for large volumes of memory.
The model disadvantages:
computing costs and storage costs higher
than Boolean model;
lack of accurate search result distinction.
Vector model [8, 9] represents the documents
and user queries as n-dimensional vectors in ndimensional vector space. The dimension of the
vector space n is the number of different terms in
all documents [10].
The model advantages:
construction simplicity;
the ability to rank results;
the model disadvantages;
requires large amounts of data processing;
requires exact word matching.
Latent semantic model is commonly referred to
as latent semantic indexing in the information retrieval theory [11]. Latent semantic analysis (LSA)
is a method of extracting and presenting context dependent word meanings by using statistical analysis
of large text document sets. LSA consists of two
stages — study and analysis of indexed data [12].
The model advantages:
a space of much smaller dimension is used
than the vector;
no need to match the exact words;
the model does not require a complicated
The model disadvantages:
complexity leads to a large number of calculations;
there are no rules for choosing the dimension on which the effectiveness of obtaining results
Probabilistic model. These search models are
based on the use of probability theory methods. They
used statistical indicators that determine the document relevance probability to the search query [13].
These models are based on the probabilistic ranking principle in descending probability of their
relevance to the user request. Probabilistic models
differ from each other in procedures for calculating
estimates of probabilities [14].
The model advantages:
the ability to adapt in the use;
there is no volume calculations dependence
on the number of terms, and other parameters;
high efficiency when working with dynamically updated data sources.
The model disadvantages:
the need for continuous learning of the
low efficiency at the initial stages of work.
Today there are no models that would possess
quantitative and qualitative advantages over the
other [15, 16]. Therefore, the development of new
algorithms and methods based on the combination
of the advantages of the different approaches in
building models is very relevant and requires new
solutions. This article describes the approach in the
implementation of a software system that is built
on the use of elements of the stochastic automata
theory in selecting information sources and fuzzy
sets in assessing the relevant information sources.
The mathematical formulation of the problem
The structure of the of the main information
element interaction, reflecting the consolidation of
documents (information units) is shown in Fig. 1.
It contains the following elements:
1. Information sources.
2. Query parameters.
3. Document packets.
The information sources are information resources that are important and considered in particular information system construction, or considered in a certain information search case.
Currently, there are following information resources:
1. The media which includes various kinds of
news sites (RSS feeds) and semantic sites (or electronic versions of media).
2. Digital libraries — distributed information
system that can reliably store and effectively use
electronic documents through a global network.
3. Electronic database — a collection of files
organized in a special way, documents, grouped by
topic and spreadsheets, which are combined into
4. Corporate and personal sites — online resources dedicated to any organization, company,
enterprise, a particular issue or person. They are
distinguished by the completeness of information
that covers all aspects of the activity.
5. Information portals — a group of sites
where you can use a variety of services. They can
contain various scientific, political, economic and
other information as well as electronic mailboxes,
blogs, catalogs, dictionaries, directories, weather
forecasting, television programs, exchange rates,
etc. Generally, their renewal happens in real time.
Query parameters Z
Sources D
Document packets S
Fig. 1. The basic elements of the information consolidation
The request content settings — are mostly
simple and complex terms (terms related by operators), the parameters that define the various features of the time, place (appearance, publication,
storage, etc.), and many other characteristics that
determine specific request characteristics.
The document packets — specific sets of information units (articles, records, tables, reports,
newspapers, magazines, books, abstracts, news, reviews, etc.), with similar presentation format.
Let’s consider the main information consolidation description characteristics in accordance with
the stochastic model of information source selection
based on the theory of stochastic automata [17].
To assess the relevance of the information
sources to queries the model based on the theory
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of fuzzy sets is used [7], which links the query parameters and information sources.
llows a partial matching between the request
and the information source is used. This matching
assesses values in the range [0, 1]. The value that estimates the correspondence between the request
and the information source is based on the
determination of coincidence between the query
parameters and characteristics of information units
included in a certain source of information in
Quantitative matching assessment of the l-th
document (for l 1,...,V) from the i-th information source to the j-th query parameter in single
sampling for relevant source relevance evaluation is
defined as
qijl 0 — when j-th parameter is not present
in the l-th document of i-th source, qijl 1 — when
j-th parameter is present in the l-th document of ith source.
Then this value after sampling and evaluation
of several pieces of information from certain information source is averaged according to the
number of selected items (documents).
Quantitative assessment of compliance of the
i-th source to the j-th query parameter determines
the partial match, it corresponds to the range [0, 1]
and can be defined as
l 1
where q ijl is a quantitative matching assessment of
the l-th document (for l 1,...,V ) from the i-th information source to the j-th query parameter in single sampling for source relevance evaluation; V —
the volume of a single sample from one document
source has to meet the following limitation:
where Si is a number of information pieces (documents) in each n source considered for this request.
Then the i-th information source relevance
evaluation will be defined as
1 m
k ij v j
m j 1
The consolidation algorithm based on the use
of stochastic automaton
To organize selection procedures for effective
information sources relevant for specific queries
can be used algorithms that are based on stochastic
automata. Such stochastic automaton is a Mealy
type automaton [17]. This is the automaton for
which the following conditions are satisfied for the
conditional probability density
p(u , y / u, x ) p(u / u, x ) p( y / u, x )
where x X is a stochastic automaton input values; y Y is a stochastic automaton output values; u, u U is a stochastic automaton possible
For such stochastic automaton the next state,
automatic automaton u' takes does not depend on
automaton y output, and automaton y output does
not depend on the state in which the automaton u'
moves for any possible input value of stochastic
automaton x and any possible condition of automaton u. So for stochastic Mealy type automaton
the automaton y output and automaton u state in
which it moves are independent of one another.
They depend only on the input value and the previous state.
If the stochastic Mealy type automaton runs
the relation type
p( y / u, x , u ) p( y / u),
always when
V Si for i 1,..., n
independently determined by information request
Thus evaluation of the i-th source relevance
to specific request will be determined in the range
[0, 1].
where 0 v i 1, vj is a weight coefficient of the jth topic query parameter determined by expert assessments or on the basis of priorities that can be
p(u / u, x ) 0,
then it is a Moore type automaton.
Stochastic Moore type automaton [17] is a
special case of the stochastic Mealy type automaton. For such stochastic automaton the output depends on its condition and does not depend on the
input, and the next state of the automaton is determined by its previous state and automaton input. So for stochastic Mealy type automaton can
be determined that
p(u , y / u, x ) p(u / u, x ) p( y / u).
Considering this automaton as automaton
with discrete time (discrete stochastic automaton)
where the transition points are defined as the
numbers of iterations of the information seeking
process under the final number of iterations, we
can write that
1. The stochastic automaton initial state u(t )
for as a vector of probabilities is determined:
P (t ) { p1 (t ), p 2 (t ), p 3 (t ),...,
p i (t ),..., p n 1 (t ), p n (t )},
p(u(t 1), y(t )/u(t ), x (t ))
p i (t ) 1.
i 1
p(u(t 1)/u(t )) p( y(t )/u(t )).
With the perspective of a search system that is
based on the principles described above, these values can be defined as:
u(t ) is a state of the system at the current time
(the current iteration), which determines the probability of selecting information sources (D1,...,Dn) in
the current iteration;
u(t 1) is a state of the system at the next time
period (the next iteration), which determines the
probability of selecting information sources (D1,...,Dn)
in the next iteration;
x (t ) is system input data on the current iteration, determining sampling estimation results with
size V from the selected information source on the
current iteration;
y (t ) is system output data on the current iteration, determining the selected information source (D1,...,Dn).
For greater clarity in some cases, stochastic
Moore type automaton can be described in the following canonical form
u(t 1) F (u(t ), x (t 1)),
2. Uniformly distributed random variable w
on the interval [0, 1] is generated.
3. Depending on the value of the random
value w the interval that corresponds one of the n
information sources is determined as follows.
We accept that p 0 0, then if
z 1
i 0
i 1
p i (t ) w p(t ),
the implementation of the automaton will correspond the information source by number z.
4. Sampling and processing of V information
units (Documents) from the information source by
number z is performed.
5. Assessment R i (1) of the relevance for V information units (documents) from information sources by number z is performed.
6. Recalculated probability values are performed by a particular algorithm.
The example is given in Table.
Table. Stochastic automaton probability vector conversion
y (t ) f (u(t ))
where t is the variable that determines the time, viz
the automaton response times. This time is defined
as the integer that is t 1,...,N, where N is the given
number of information search iterations, on each of
which V document choice from one of selected at
this information source iteration (D1,...,Dn) is performed.
Implementing the use of the automaton for
selecting information sources for consistent consolidation can be constructed in such a way that the
automaton u state change (t 1) is defined as a
regular constraint, and its output y(t) is determined
as a stochastic process.
The consolidation information algorithm based on the use of such automaton consists of the
following steps:
p z (t 1) p z (t )k R .
A calculation for the vector P (t 1) is made
in such a way that
D (t ) 1 p z (t ),
D(t 1) 1 p z (t 1),
p i (t 1)
p i D (t 1)
D (t )
for i 1,..., n and i z .
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Move to step 2 for further document (informative units) sampling of the information sources when
choosing a source of accumulated information about
their relevance of the request and its parameters that
has been obtained in the preceding steps of selection.
As a result of described algorithm’s action execution we get a sequence of probability vectors that
reflects a consistent process of identifying the most
relevant information sources for the request with the
acceptability parameters. When you do another
search for information on the same request we get
the existing probabilistic model of the most relevant
information source selection, which significantly reduces the search time, but does not preclude the
situation changes over time among information
sources and the possibility of other more relevant to
the request sources, among those that considered.
The algorithm testing was conducted in a specialized test software environment that was developed for the analysis and testing of capabilities of
relevant documents algorithm selection upon request. Test environment consists of ten formed in
accordance with the request information sources,
each of which contains one thousand generated
documents. Each source got from 1 to 10 % of
relevant documents, which allows evaluating the
finding of a certain number of relevant documents
by using different search algorithms.
Number of relevant documents
Number of processed documents
Fig. 2. An example of the results of testing an algorithm constructed on a stochastic (
) automaton in comparison with Boolean (
) and vector (
Sample test results are shown in Fig. 2. The
described stochastic algorithm when processing a
large number of documents (more than 500) showed
twice better performance on the number of selected
relevant documents than direct search algorithms
that are based on Boolean and vector models.
The use of stochastic automaton for data consolidation for further use in information-analytical
systems as one of the most important problems of
processing large amounts of data is presented. The
use of an integrated approach based on stochastic
information source selection model and fuzzy set
model for assessing the relevance of certain documents is proposed. The paper describes the information consolidation algorithm implementing the
possibility of using a stochastic automaton for
selecting relevant documents. The structure of the
interaction of open source information consolidation system basic elements is shown.
Described in the article algorithm of using the
stochastic automaton for data consolidation was
tested in the development of geocoding by information requests system pilot project [18, 19].
The developed algorithm of using the stochastic automaton for data consolidation allows developing a set of software tools that provides enough
complete and holistic data consolidation problem
solving for various systems searching for information from information sources different in composition and presentation type. One of the perspective directions of use of the consolidation algorithm,
based on use of stochastic automata, is the utilization of their capabilities for building systems of
search of scientific and technical information by one
request from different scientific bibliographic and
abstract bases and other open sources (SCOPUS,
RSCI, UKRINTEI, scientific RSS feeds, etc.). It
will give the chance to wide circles of scientists,
graduate students and students considerably reduce
the time and improve the quality of searching for
materials, necessary for your profile, for scientific
and educational activities.
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О.В. Коваль, В.О. Кузьміних, Д.В. Хаустов
Проблематика. Розробка методів і алгоритмів ефективного пошуку релевантної інформації за запитами. У статті розглядаються питання консолідації даних для подальшого їх використання в інформаційно-аналітичних системах.
Мета дослідження. Виявлення можливості та побудова алгоритмів пошуку релевантної інформації з різнорідних джерел
на основі аналізу ймовірнісної інформації, що визначає можливість наявності релевантних документів у цих джерелах.
Методика реалізації. Для пошуку релевантної інформації за пошуковими запитами використовується підхід, побудований
на використанні оцінок ймовірностей наявності релевантних документів у джерелах із подальшим збільшенням кількості вибраних із цих джерел документів для аналізу їх релевантності запиту.
Результати досліджень. Розроблено структуру програмованого стохастичного автомату для забезпечення вибору найбільш імовірних за параметрами релевантності джерел інформації та алгоритм пошуку інформації на основі використання стохастичного автомату.
Висновки. Наведений алгоритм використання стохастичного автомату для консолідації даних дає змогу розробити комплекс програмних засобів, що забезпечує достатньо повний і цілісний розв’язок задач консолідації даних для різноманітних систем, що здійснюють пошук інформації з різноманітних за складом і видом представлення джерел інформації.
Ключові слова: відкриті джерела даних; консолідація даних; інформаційно-аналітичні системи; інформаційно-пошукові
системи; ймовірнісні моделі; релевантні документи; задачі обробки великих обсягів даних.
А.В. Коваль, В.А. Кузьминых, Д.В. Хаустов
Проблематика. Разработка методов и алгоритмов эффективного поиска релевантной информации по запросам. В статье
рассматриваются вопросы консолидации данных для дальнейшего их использования в информационно-аналитических системах.
Цель исследования. Определение возможности и построение алгоритмов поиска релевантной информации из разнородных источников на основе анализа вероятностной информации, которая определяет возможность наличия релевантных документов в этих источниках.
Методика реализации. Для поиска релевантной информации по поисковым запросам используется подход, который построен на использовании оценок вероятностей наличии релевантных документов в источниках с последующим увеличением
числа выбираемых из этих источников документов для анализа их релевантности запросу.
Результаты исследований. Разработаны структура программируемого стохастического автомата для обеспечения выбора наиболее вероятных по параметрам релевантности источников информации и алгоритм поиска информации на основе
использования стохастического автомата.
Выводы. Приведенный алгоритм с использованием стохастического автомата для консолидации данных позволяет разработать комплекс программных средств, обеспечивает достаточно полное и целостное решение задач консолидации данных
для различных систем, которые осуществляют поиск информации из различных по составу и виду представления источников
Ключевые слова: открытые источники данных; консолидация данных; информационно-аналитические системы; информационно-поисковые системы; вероятностные модели; релевантность; задачи обработки больших объемов данных.
Рекомендована Радою Навчальнонаукового комплексу “Інститут
прикладного системного аналізу”
КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського
Надійшла до редакції
28 лютого 2017 року