US Biomedical Research
Basic, Translational, and Clinical Sciences
Elias A. Zerhouni, MD
Health (NIH), a component of
the US Department of Health
and Human Services, supports more biomedical research than
any other single entity in the world and
plays a key role in shaping future research directions and in advancing the
health of the biomedical research enterprise. The scope, depth, and momentum of the NIH research portfolio
provides me, as director of the agency,
with a unique view of the ways in which
science is poised to radically transform the practice of medicine. Perhaps the most compelling prospect is
the potential to practice preemptive
medicine—by making use of precise
molecular knowledge to detect disease before symptoms are manifest, and
intervening before disease can strike.
National Institutes of Health programs both stimulate and complement private-sector medical research
and development. In fiscal year (FY)
2004, the $28 billion NIH budget comprised about one third of national biomedical research spending, with pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry
support accounting for $49 billion in
20041 and other federal and private sector entities making up the remainder.
The NIH spends approximately 36% of
its budget on clinical research, while the
remainder supports long-term investments in fundamental biomedical research. The NIH is often the only source
of funds for those studies considered too
risky or lacking sufficient financial incentives to attract private capital, in
areas such as vaccine development, or
in the staging of large population studHE
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the world’s largest biomedical research agency, with a 75-year record of responding to the nation’s key medical challenges. Today, medical science is entering a revolutionary period marked
by a shift in focus from acute to chronic diseases, rapidly escalating health
care costs, a torrent of biological data generated by the sequencing of the
human genome, and the development of advanced high-throughput technologies that allow for the study of vast molecular networks in health and
disease. This unique period offers the unprecedented opportunity to identify individuals at risk of disease based on precise molecular knowledge, and
the chance to intervene to preempt disease before it strikes. Conceptually,
this represents the core scientific challenge of the coming century. The NIH
is committed to the discoveries that will change the practice of medicine as
we know it in order to meet this challenge. The NIH Roadmap constitutes
an important vehicle for generating change—a most critical element of this
plan is the reengineering of the national clinical research enterprise. This
reinvention will call for the transformation of translational clinical science
and for novel interdisciplinary approaches that will advance science and enhance the health of the nation.
JAMA. 2005;294:1352-1358
ies designed to identify optimal strategies for the prevention of highprevalence disorders. The training of
future scientists represents a core responsibility of the agency. Supporting
research to address the special needs of
vulnerable populations and to study
rare diseases represents additional areas
in which public investment is considered essential.
Managing a $28 billion budget and
a research portfolio that integrates
public health needs and optimizes scientific opportunities constitutes a complex task. In carrying out this challenging responsibility, the NIH seeks input
annually from more than 30 000 scientists and members of the public who
serve on NIH advisory bodies, review
groups, and expert panels.
1352 JAMA, September 21, 2005—Vol 294, No. 11 (Reprinted)
The NIH awards resources based on
a highly competitive, 2-tiered review
process that serves to ensure that only
the best ideas and scientists receive taxpayer dollars. In FY 2004, more than
64 000 research, fellowship, and training applications went through this rigorous review process, representing an
increase of almost 50% over FY 2001.
More than 80% of NIH funding is targeted to extramural research, which involves more than 200 000 scientists and
other research personnel affiliated with
more than 3100 organizations nationally and internationally. The NIH InAuthor Affiliation: National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Md.
Corresponding Author: Elias A. Zerhouni, MD, National Institutes of Health, 1 Center Dr, Bldg 1, Room
126, Bethesda, MD 20892 (zerhoune@od.nih.gov).
©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
tramural Research Program (IRP) is
composed of approximately 1250 principal investigators and accounts for almost 10% of the NIH budget. The IRP
sponsors research that would be exceedingly difficult to conduct elsewhere given its public health importance and its need for long-term
support. The NIH Clinical Center, situated on the Bethesda, Md, campus, is
the world’s largest clinical research hospital complex and serves internationally as a model facility for translational research and training.2 The NIH
strives to channel as much of its budget as possible directly into research; as
a result, only 3.7% of NIH’s FY 2004
budget, for example, was used to cover
administrative expenses.
NIH: The Crown Jewel
of Biomedical Research
Given the collaborative nature of this
issue of JAMA in conjunction with the
Lasker Foundation, it is noteworthy to
report that NIH-supported scientists
have been recognized with a total of 114
Lasker Awards out of the 186 awarded
in the past 4 decades. The cumulative
achievements of NIH scientists are difficult to overstate. For example, since
the 1970s, death rates from coronary
heart disease and stroke have decreased substantially,3,4 partly as the result of innovative NIH research that
yielded drugs to control high blood
pressure, medications to reduce blood
cholesterol levels, and surgical interventions to enhance heart function (eg,
angioplasty, coronary artery bypass
grafting), and that identified behavioral risk factors (eg, smoking, diet, exercise) associated with morbidity and
mortality.5 The National Cancer Institute has overseen a paradigm shift in
cancer therapy associated with a significant increase in survival rates for certain cancers and the emergence of rationally targeted therapies. Recent
advances in distinguishing molecular
features of certain lung and breast cancers have led to the identification of subgroups of patients more likely to benefit from specific chemotherapies. For
example, new research revealed a pow-
erful prognostic indicator for breast cancer recurrence in patients with estrogen receptor–positive, lymph node–
negative cancer.6
Similarly, the breakthrough success
of highly active antiretroviral therapies relied on the insights of a large
cadre of NIH-supported scientists who
determined how human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infects cells, driven
by technological advances in molecular biology such as polymerase chain
reaction. The recognition by NIHsupported researchers and drug companies that a “cocktail” of inhibitors—
namely a combination of drugs from at
least 2 classes of inhibitors—was most
efficacious in blocking HIV transformed AIDS in the United States from
an acute to a chronic disease, thereby
preventing hundreds of thousands of
hospitalizations and numerous premature deaths.7
National Institutes of Health researchers have also pioneered powerful new research tools such as highthroughput DNA sequencing, protein
identification, expression arrays, and
imaging technologies. These tools have
greatly accelerated the research process, spurred progress, and spawned
new hypotheses and discoveries in all
areas of biomedical research. Perhaps
nowhere else have the technological advances in imaging and genotyping elicited more excitement than in mental
and behavioral health, for which NIHsupported investigators have recently
elucidated genes linked to schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, and
anxiety.8 In combination with functional brain imaging, researchers can
now evaluate the brain circuitry involved in thinking, affective expression, and a broad range of behaviors.9
The NIH research community rapidly incorporates basic research findings, such as the discovery of a new
regulatory pathway involving interfering RNA (RNAi) that turns off or “silences” genes,10 and transforms these
insights into powerful new research
tools and potential new treatment strategies. The RNAi mechanism has already shown promise in treating many
©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
disorders. It has been successfully used
in rodent models to inactivate a harmful gene in the neurodegenerative disease spinocerebellar ataxia type 111 and
has been used to silence specific genes
responsible for proliferation of tumor
In addition, NIH has a legacy of cultivating state-of-the-art information
technology for use by biomedical researchers and physicians worldwide.
For example, few biomedical scientists would consider beginning a project
without first consulting the suite of
powerful informational research tools
available through PubMed, a growing
digital archive of peer-reviewed research articles and scientific databases
developed by NIH’s National Library of
Medicine (TABLE). More than 670 million searches are conducted annually
through this freely available service.13
The Web-based ClinicalTrials.gov represents a landmark effort to provide information on NIH-funded clinical trials
to patients and physicians across the
country and the world.
The Changing Landscape
of Health and Disease
In part because of research advances,
the burden of disease is now shifting
from more acute and lethal forms of disease to more long-term and debilitating chronic illness. Paradoxically,
success in treating conditions like myocardial infarction and many infectious
diseases is allowing people to live
longer. In addition, advancing chronological age is associated with risks of additional long-term and chronic diseases, such as congestive heart failure,
cancer, Alzheimer disease, Parkinson
disease, and diabetes. More individuals are living with cancer, as new therapies transform some acutely fatal malignancies into chronic and manageable
conditions. Furthermore, rapid changes
in environment and lifestyle create a
disequilibrium between an individual’s genetic constitution and the ability to adapt to these changes. A dramatic recent example is reflected in the
increased incidence of obesity, due in
part to the greatly increased availabil-
(Reprinted) JAMA, September 21, 2005—Vol 294, No. 11 1353
Table. Sampling of National Institutes of Health Information Resources
References, including abstracts, from
thousands of biomedical journals
Web Site
PubMed Central
Free digital archive of biomedical and life
sciences journal literature
Patient studies for drugs and treatment
Health information for patients, families, and
health care practitioners
Network of databases on toxicology, hazardous
chemicals, and environmental health
Unified Medical Language System
Electronic “knowledge sources” and associated
lexical programs including SNOMED CT
National Center for Biotechnology
Databases and tools for data mining, including
BLAST and the Molecular Modeling
An annotated collection of all publicly available
DNA sequences
Catalog of human genes and genetic disorders
Online Mendelian Inheritance
in Man
Cancer Genome Anatomy Project
Generates the information and technological
tools needed to decipher the molecular
anatomy of the cancer cell
ity of food and reduced opportunities
for daily physical energy expenditure.
In all, chronic conditions disproportionately affect the nation’s older citizenry: currently, 13% of the US population is older than 65 years, a figure
that is expected to increase to 20% in
the next 25 years.14
Infectious diseases remain the leading cause of death worldwide. Due in
part to the ease of global travel, new
pathogens emerge and familiar ones frequently reemerge with new properties. In the United States, the West Nile
and monkeypox viruses recently surfaced. In Asia, avian influenza jumped
to humans, and a new infectious disease, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), arose. As basic knowledge accumulates and research tools
become more sophisticated, the capacity for rapid response to these challenges is improving and will continue
to do so. Within weeks of the first SARS
reports, NIH-funded researchers helped
identify its coronavirus etiology and
develop diagnostic tests.15 An NIHdeveloped candidate vaccine is now in
human clinical trials.16 The new recombinant DNA approach to vaccine production also yielded a candidate vaccine against the avian influenza H5N1
virus. Preliminary data from an NIH-
industry partnership indicate that the
vaccine is safe and immunogenic, and
analysis of the full cohort is under way
(John Jay Treanor, MD, et al, unpublished data, March-July 2005).
The intentional release of anthrax in
2001 underscored the reality of a bioterrorism threat posed by category A
agents, including smallpox, plague, tularemia, hemorrhagic fevers, and botulinum toxin. The NIH has responded
swiftly to the threat, developing promising vaccine candidates for Ebola and
smallpox, both currently in clinical
trials.17-20 Identification of the 3-dimensional structure of the anthrax toxin
complex21 is fueling the search for compounds capable of blocking the toxin’s effects; the discovery of the key
mechanism of Ebola virus cell entry22,23 included experiments demonstrating that Ebola infection could be
blocked in laboratory tests.24 The NIH
has moved to quickly implement new
Project BioShield grants and contracts
to support the development of new and
improved medical products to identify and treat infection with category A
Despite these signs of tremendous
medical progress, minority racial and
ethnic groups continue to sustain an
unequal burden of serious illness, pre-
1354 JAMA, September 21, 2005—Vol 294, No. 11 (Reprinted)
mature death, and disability in the
United States, and the NIH must work
hard to change this reality. American
Indians and Alaska Natives are more
than twice as likely to develop diabetes than adult non-Hispanic whites of
similar age.25 African Americans have
the highest incidence and death rates
from all cancers combined.26 Under the
umbrella of the NIH Strategic Plan to
Reduce Health Disparities,27 the NIH
sponsors research on the biological, social, and environmental factors contributing to health disparities and investigates whether key treatments are
as effective for disparity subgroups as
they are for the general population.28,29 Efforts to increase the number of minority scientists in biomedical research are a significant element of
NIH’s efforts in this area.
Major Trends in
the Biomedical Sciences
The life sciences are now entering a
revolutionary period. Major trends in
science, society, and economic forces
will usher in an era of exceptionally
rapid change in the way biomedical research is conceived and performed. The
rapidly escalating costs of health care
characterized by the shift from acute to
chronic conditions, aging of the popu-
©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
lation, persistence of health disparities, and new public health challenges
such as obesity and emerging infectious diseases call for the acceleration
of our basic understanding of the complexity of biological systems and increase the need for more effective strategies for pursuing translational and
clinical science. In this genomic age, the
rapid development of genome-related
technologies and the massive increase
in research data have begun to enable
multidimensional studies of complex
but common diseases and are forcing
scientists to reevaluate current strategies for staging biomedical research.
Using these advanced technologies,
detailed mechanistic studies can now be
performed not only on a single molecule but on the interactions of thousands of molecules,30 and, at the same
time, it is possible to attempt to identify critical nodes of function. Applied
clinically, these approaches offer an unprecedented opportunity for development of new disease classifications based
on genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic profiles. The reclassification of disease based on specific molecular signatures is likely to be one of the most
original contributions to clinical science in the 21st century. This revolution in approach to disease, based on the
identification of at-risk individuals, using knowledge of precise molecular interactions, has the potential to enable
presymptomatic detection and, ultimately, prevention of disease. The prospect of being able to preempt disease by
intervening before it strikes, rather than
after it damages the human body, represents the core scientific challenge of
the century and, for many, constitutes
the optimal pathway for attaining singular gains in human health.
The current practice of medicine
needs to change radically over the next
few decades. This will require continuing focus on and investment in basic
discoveries, given that many of the fundamental features of control and regulation of normal and disease states are
not yet understood. Biological research data will need to encompass
more quantitative, spatial, and tempo-
ral elements, in addition to variables at
the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ levels, if scientists are to understand the complex interactions that
drive biological systems toward health
or disease.
To move this new era forward, the
NIH must explore a multiplicity of approaches designed to facilitate the ability of scientists to rapidly enter new fields
of research. This entails encouraging unconventional forms of collaboration
across disciplines and within and across
scientific teams to include, to a far greater
extent, the physical and quantitative sciences. Effective scientific teams of the
future will require closer working relationships among basic, translational, and
clinical scientists. Traditional disciplinary, departmental, and other artificial organizational barriers will have to be
breeched in an era of scientific convergence in which basic life processes have
been shown to be common across disease conditions, chronic multisystemic
diseases are the norm rather than the exception, and research tactics and strategies have become very similar across
Response to a Changing World:
the NIH Roadmap
The NIH is committed to funding the
highest-quality science and preserving the extraordinarily productive intellectual engine of investigatorinitiated research, introduced initially
by Vannevar Bush.31 At the same time,
in the face of the rapidly evolving scientific landscape and challenging new
public health concerns, the agency’s institutes and centers also are working cooperatively to jointly pursue a new vision for biomedical and behavioral
research. In 2003, the NIH embarked
on an unprecedented, trans-NIH endeavor, the NIH Roadmap for Medical
Research.32,33 This effort grew out of extensive consultation with more than
300 nationally recognized leaders in
academia, industry, government, and
the public. As a conceptual framework, the Roadmap aims to identify and
support cross-cutting research needs
that are beyond the scope of any single
©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
NIH component and that would significantly enhance the individual mission of every institute and center. Current Roadmap initiatives aim to bolster
the development and availability of
modern scientific tools and information resources, foster novel methods of
research collaboration, and markedly
enhance the nation’s clinical research
To develop the preemptive, predictive medicine of the 21st century, capitalize on the sequencing of the human
genome, and take full advantage of recent advances in molecular and cell biology, the research community will require wide access to technologies,
databases, and other scientific resources that are more sensitive, more
robust, and more easily adaptable to researchers’ individual needs. Such capabilities will accelerate progress and
catalyze the formulation of research hypotheses heretofore unattainable by
NIH investigators. The NIH aims to develop resources for investigators by focusing on building blocks, biological
pathways, and networks; molecular libraries and molecular imaging; structural biology; bioinformatics and computational biology; and nanomedicine.
Specific programs and resources under the “New Pathways to Discovery”
theme are described on the Roadmap
Web site.34
The NIH Roadmap also aims to reconfigure the scientific workforce by encouraging novel forms of collaboration. The scale and complexity of
today’s biomedical research problems
demand that scientists move beyond the
confines of their individual disciplines and explore new organizational
models for team science. Advances in
molecular imaging, for example, require collaborations among diverse
groups—radiologists, cell biologists,
physicists, and computer programmers, among others. Although researchers within the life and physical sciences have traditionally had limited
interaction, it is only by forging these
critical connections that the current
gaps in terminology, methods, and
approach that so seriously impede
(Reprinted) JAMA, September 21, 2005—Vol 294, No. 11 1355
progress can be eliminated. On another front, the NIH is actively fostering a novel mechanism to support
uniquely gifted individuals through the
Director’s Pioneer Award program. This
program provides 5 years of support
and the intellectual freedom for highly
creative thinkers to pursue high-risk efforts with the potential to solve some
of the most difficult problems in biomedical and behavioral research. While
some of these efforts may fail, the potential for reward may be considerable. Specific programs and resources
under the “Research Teams of the Future” theme are described on the Roadmap Web site.35
Clinical Research:
A New Discipline
Reengineering the national clinical research enterprise represents the most
challenging but critical element of the
NIH Roadmap effort. Major concerns
have been repeatedly expressed at the
perceived loss of talent in translational and clinical sciences over the past
25 years. Leaders in basic science are
concerned at the increasing difficulty
of finding talented, high-quality scientific collaborators who understand human disease and can both translate and
clinically apply insights from basic science. The opportunities have never
been greater to use modern research
methods such as genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, high-sensitivity biochemical methods, and other novel
strategies to bring new insights to the
study of human populations.
Unfortunately, the exploding clinical services demands and shrinking financial margins at academic health centers have limited protected research time
and curtailed the mentoring of young
investigators. Young faculty members interested in the clinical and translational sciences have difficulty finding a
real intellectual home for their career aspirations. In the meantime, translational and clinical sciences have greatly
increased in sophistication and complexity, such that the development of talent takes many years. Moreover, given
the regulatory barriers, the difficulty in
designing and executing high-quality
translational and clinical research
projects, and the long lead times required to generate significant results,
these investigators face substantial barriers to promotion, tenure, and capacity to secure a viable career track.
Institutions need to be organized to
provide access to multidisciplinary
teams composed of MDs, PhDs, nurses,
laboratory scientists, and pharmacologists, not only as a service but also as a
crucible of talented faculty members
and trainees dedicated to the growth of
translational and clinical science as a
new and emerging discipline. Over the
years, the NIH has endeavored to address these perceived shortcomings
with the development of loan repayment programs and a variety of training and career awards. However, rapid
scientific developments in this arena
suggest that the issue is more fundamental and requires a new vision to
move the nation’s clinical research enterprise forward.
Stimulated by Roadmap efforts, the
NIH is taking bold steps to transform
the academic standing of translational
and clinical science as a discipline. The
NIH recently introduced the Institutional Clinical and Translational Science Award, a program that aims to
shape and catalyze the development of
an intellectual academic home for clinical and translational sciences. This initiative will foster the development of
programs that are uniquely and flexibly tailored to match the strengths of
individual institutions and to ensure
provision of integrated support for research design and methods; biostatistics; biomedical informatics; regulatory affairs; inpatient, ambulatory, and
community research facilities; and core
laboratories. Education cores will include integrated curricula, degreegranting programs, and support for
faculty positions to ensure career development and progression.
In the context of the NIH Roadmap
initiatives to “Re-engineer the Clinical Research Enterprise,” the NIH aims
to develop a national system of interconnected clinical research networks
1356 JAMA, September 21, 2005—Vol 294, No. 11 (Reprinted)
capable of more quickly and efficiently mounting large-scale clinical
studies. As currently conceived, this system of networks will integrate and expand extant research networks using
common or interoperable infrastructure, including harmonized informatics, governance, terminology, and training. Future efforts will help define
exportable practices for use in NIH’s
National Electronic Clinical Trials and
Research Network (NECTAR), which
will provide software application tools
and a national informatics backbone for
support of the clinical research enterprise. Collectively, these efforts will
hinge on widespread deployment of
health information technology and
maximal interoperability of health care
information systems, a major initiative in development by the US Department of Health and Human Services.
To better evaluate the totality of
disease risk and create the capacity to
survey disease across diverse populations, the NIH seeks broader involvement of communities and communitybased care settings in conjunction with
academic health centers. The NIH is
currently investigating the feasibility of
creating a National Clinical Research
Associates Program—a proposed cadre
of 50 000 trained and certified community-based health care practitioners (eg,
physicians, dentists, and nurses) who
will participate in clinical studies, enroll and follow their own patients in research, and be among the first to integrate new research findings into routine
health care delivery. This initiative will
offer a more efficient means to accrue
the large groups of well-characterized
participants necessary to enhance current understanding of gene-environment interactions.
As part of Roadmap efforts to enhance clinical research, the NIH has integrated the strengths of modern measurement theory, embarking on the
development of a validated, dynamic
system to empirically measure selfreported health symptoms (eg, pain, fatigue) and health-related quality-oflife domains (eg, emotional distress,
social well-being, physical function)
©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
common to a variety of chronic diseases. When operational, the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) will
deliver individually tailored health outcomes questionnaires, facilitate comparisons among research studies, and
enhance measurement precision of
treatment outcomes.
On another front, there is great need
to harmonize the complex, often overlapping, and confusing profusion of
regulatory and reporting requirements that affect clinical investigators. In partnership with other federal
agencies, industry, and the public, the
NIH is leading an effort to harmonize
and simplify regulations that protect human research participants, with a critical eye toward sustaining the public’s
trust in clinical research. As a start, the
NIH recently developed the Genetic
Modification Clinical Research Information System, a Web-based adverse
event reporting system that allows investigators to simultaneously report adverse events involving gene therapy to
both the FDA and NIH.36 Additional information about the initiatives under
the “Re-engineering the Clinical Research Enterprise” theme is available on
the Roadmap Web site.37
Strategic NIH Research Plans
As the world’s largest biomedical research agency, to keep pace with the
dramatic evolution taking place in today’s health landscape, the NIH must
engage in a more proactive and coordinated approach to its research activities. The NIH Roadmap, which serves
an incubator function for enabling highrisk science, represents only one way
to tackle major health challenges. In
some cases, more targeted approaches
are in order. For instance, the NIH has
embarked on trans-NIH efforts to address specific yet highly multidimensional problems such as obesity and
neurological diseases and new opportunities such as stem cell research, all
of which involve the participation of
multiple NIH institutes and centers.
The NIH leads the national research effort to combat obesity through
the Strategic Plan for NIH Obesity Research, a plan that stimulates partnerships across federal agencies and disparate communities.38 Reflecting the
complexity of the obesity problem, this
coordinated guide for obesity research activities links researchers with
expertise in numerous disciplines—
such as genetics, biochemistry, behavioral sciences, and environmental sciences—to perform basic, clinical, and
population-based obesity research.
Progress in the neurosciences has revealed unforeseen connections among
nervous system disorders and heralded therapeutic and prevention strategies potentially applicable to many
problems. Fifteen NIH institutes and
centers are currently engaged in the
NIH Neuroscience Blueprint, which is
focused on developing tools, resources, and training in the neurosciences.39 In addition to establishing neuroscience core facility grants that
promote interdisciplinary collaboration and cooperation among scientists, the Blueprint will create new interinstitute programs that provide
interdisciplinary training in crosscutting areas such as neuroimaging and
computational neurobiology.
The NIH is establishing Centers of
Excellence in Translational Human
Stem Cell Research40 to accelerate preclinical studies using human stem cells
in animal models of disease. These centers will bring together basic stem cell
biologists, researchers, and clinicians
with disease-specific expertise; physicians and surgeons skilled in novel
modes of cell delivery; and investigators experienced in developing and assessing animal models of human diseases. The NIH envisions that this
investment will target critical gaps in
research that currently delay the conversion of stem cell research discoveries into new therapies, with the goal of
moving this emerging science toward
the clinic.
NIH: the Engine for
the Biomedical Future
It is evident that the US investment in
biomedical research has dramatically
©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
improved health outcomes. The
achievements of the past century were
driven by both technological breakthroughs and fundamental insights into
biological systems. Current basic research continues to blaze a pathway toward illuminating the almost unfathomable complexity shared by all life
forms. Unraveling this complexity of interwoven pathways will herald a sea
change in the practice of medicine. The
integration of insights from imaging, together with molecular details—which
may include a patient’s genome, transcriptome, proteome, and/or metabolome—will revolutionize disease classification. This detailed knowledge of
human biology, along with the ability
to detect even small perturbations in
biologic networks, will signal an era in
which potential therapies can be rigorously tested and tailored to the unique
Admittedly, the goal of learning how
to preempt disease within the span of
this century remains a major challenge. But gains in more precise diagnosis and targeted treatment will provide the necessary leverage and insight
to make this challenge a reality. Biomedicine will successfully reach the finish line only by funding the best science, whether it is “big science,”
“discovery science,” or the traditional
hypothesis-driven research. Above all,
the NIH recognizes that a diversity of
experimental approaches is absolutely
essential to moving ahead. Research
questions and strategies must encompass a wide range of alternatives, and
it is critical that researchers learn to
work productively and collaboratively
across traditional disciplinary boundaries. The NIH, along with medical scientists, must strive to reinvent the clinical research enterprise and continue to
seek and sustain the public’s trust,
steadfast in the commitment to protecting and improving the health of every American.
Financial Disclosures: None reported.
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