then to devise a realistic plan for telling
how and when the remainder could
become free-standing entities. Although
CSIRO's presence in about 50 of the
existing partnerships (at a total cost over
the planned lifetime of about A$350 million) may be taken as a substitute for continuing government support, it is mostly
in kind, not cash, and in any case is only
half as much as Canberra spends on the
On the principle that the best investments are in success, it would be a great
misfortune if the government were now
to turn its back on CRCs, existing or still
gleams in people's eyes. Whatever
happens to this brave experiment in
Australia, there is every likelihood that it
will be widely copied elsewhere. Or it
should be.
Another, and the most important, influence nudging Australian research into
what the British would call 'wealth creation' is Australia's largest single research
organization. Times have changed, at
least since CSIRO enjoyed a virtual
monopoly of research in Australia say a
quarter of a century ago. (Many universities were naturally already active in
research, but were often dependent on
CSIRO or some other government
department for all but routine research
expenses.) CSIRO's researchers were
then organized into laboratories called
'divisions', too many to be managed
coherently. One consequence was that
some divisions, notably the Radiophysics
Division at Epping, outside Sydney,
became too powerful for the good of the
organization as a whole. And others
(including some of the same) grew
Something of the old structure
remains; the divisions continue. But since
a bout of introspection a decade ago, divisions with similar interests have been
grouped together into 'institutes' comprising between four and eight divisions
each. Until, it seems, just now; last
month, CSIRO announced the results of
an internal management review whose
chief recommendation is that the institute
structure should be abolished to remove a
whole layer of management. A final
decision will await the recruitment of a
new chief executive of CSIRO.
The organization's old and avuncularly
exercised role as the chief provider of
academic research funds too big to be
accommodated by university budgets has
now been taken over by the Australia
Research Council (ARC), which has
almost ten times as much to spend each
year (about A$300 million) than its predecessor, the Commonwealth Research
Grants Council. But CSIRO is still
responsible for managing as national
( and international) facilities instruments
NATURE · VOL 375 · 18 MAY 1995
An exception that proves the rule
IN the land of Ms Germaine Greer, which is
not much admired by feminists, the
is a woman. Dr
is professor of
botany and head
of the School of
Botany at the University of Melbourne. She is Clarke: chairman
one of a handful twice over.
of Australian scientists to have been the recipient of funds
for a Special Research Centre from the
Australian Research Council, which is
worth just under A$1 million a year.
She has been chairman of CSIRO's
board for just under three years, is a nonexecutive director of two start-up biotechnology companies, of Alcoa Australia and
of a large international insurance company
based in Australia. As well as that, she
belongs to two Collaborative Research
Centres in Melbourne, acting as chairman
of that for Industrial Plant Biopolymers, as
well as being a member of the absorbing
Commission on the Constitutional Centenary which is due to recommend options
for constitutional change in good time for
2002. (Arrangements for the Republic of
Australia are in the front of many members' minds.)
How does one person manage all that?
She says she has one unchangeable rule:
never miss a pre-arranged lab meeting
such as the Australia Telescope (see
below), a newly completed linear array of
radiotelescopes that is the only radiointerferometer in the Southern Hemisphere whose performance is comparable
with that of the Very Large Array (VLA)
in the United States. It also has Australia's ocean-going research vessel on its
Meanwhile, CSIRO has also been constrained by the federal government's
requirement that it must raise 30 per cent
of its budget from sources other than the
parliamentary subvention, as well as by
the more pragmatic decision that the
government subvention will remain
roughly constant from year to year ( at
A$460 million a year in round numbers).
By a blend of user fees (which some academic researchers say are too high for
them to be able to afford) and research
contracts ( often with other government
departments) industrial income is rising.
The result is that CSIRO has become
an entrepreneurial organization willing
to put a commercial price on the practical knowledge and insight at its disposal,
about research. But she saves time by
being quickly decisive, concealing the
assertiveness that might suggest by a
show of feminine diffidence. Tycoons are
all alike, whatever their sex. But Clarke
appears to have won the respect of her colleagues everywhere by being right most of
the time, and sympathetic to the difficulties decisions always cause.
Her special centre (not to be confused
with a collaborative centre, which is not
nearly as grand) deals with the molecular
basis of self-incompatibility in plants that
will not allow their ova to be fertilized by
their own pollen (thus undermining much
of the advantage of sexual over vegetative
propagation). Clar1<e and her lab-ful of
postdocs are looking now for further
identification of the RNase gene usually
found in the region of the genome coding
for the molecular constituents of the stylus. Quite why (and how) the presence of
a presumably specific RNase in the stylus
of a flower should determine compatibility
is an open question, but has provoked a
hunt to characterize the constituents of
the stylus.
The postdocs are an interesting tale in
themselves. In the roster given in the centre's annual report for 1993, nine out of
13 postdocs were from overseas, mostly
from Germany, Switzerland and Japan. All
five visiting scientists listed were from
either the United States or Japan. There
could hardly be more vivid proof that the
world knows about the Melbourne compatiD
bility lab.
but whose interest in basic research, represented by the research interests of
those who work for it, are as strong as
ever, if more tightly, even carefully, limited. For practical purposes, CSIRO has
been operating in this way for only three
or four years. There is every reason why
it should be given a chance to prove that
its new marching orders will accomplish
what the government intended by them.
New policies and also the succession
of the generations have brought a profound cultural change. As recently as the
1970s, the organization's culture was a
product of a least three distinct influences. There was CSIRO's commitment
to traditional industries, notably in agriculture and mining. Sheep-farmers, for
example, paid a levy on the wool they
sold to the Wool Board, in return for
which CSIRO did remarkable work on
improving the genetics of the Merino
sheep. The culture of a high-level agricultural extension service was almost palpable.
Another striking influence was that of
the handful of British people who had