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13th ISIEM – Bandung, 28 July 2021 Page – 1 13th ISIEM – Bandung, 28 July 2021 PREFACE Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullah Wabarrakatuh, First of all, we apologize for the inconvience in the 13th ISIEM 2021 event, due to current condition and situation of COVID 19. The situation made us has to make some critical modification in the event, including: online presentation of keynote speaker, online presentation for all candidates that cannot attend the seminar. but we hope we all remain excited to continue to contribute to research publications. Nonetheless, we are trying to prepare this seminar as best we can. This issue is published in line with the Thirteen International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management (13th ISIEM) 2021. The articles cover a broad spectrum of topics in Industrial Engineering and Management, which are Quality Engineering Management, Decision Support System and Artificial Intelligent, Ergonomics, Supply Chain Management, Production System, Operation Research, and Industrial Management. These articles provide an overview of critical research issues reflecting on past achievements and future challenges. Those papers were selected from 137 abstracts, and we send these papers to AIP to be published there as an Open Access Proceeding Scopus. This statistic shows the high competition to get published on this proceeding. This issue and seminar become special as more delegates come and join from various country as well as universities. We host 90 delegates both from abroad and local. The 13th ISIEM is hosted by eight universities, which are Universitas Pasundan, Universitas Esa Unggul, Universitas Trisakti, Universitas Tarumanagara, Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Universitas Pancasila and Universitas Mercubuana. This is the thirteenth years of the collaboration of those universities, and the first time we had MOU with AIP in America to publishing the papers that is indexed by Scopus. This is also the second years of our international partnership join committee with Chung Yuan Christian University – Taiwan, Yuan Ze University – Taiwan, Kasetsart University – Thailand and Bright Star University – Libya. In this occasion, let us give special thanks to Prof.Yung-Tsan Jou, PhD (Professor and Chair Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University – Taiwan), Prof. Yun-Chia Liang, PhD (Professor and Chair, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Yuan Ze University – Taiwan), Elisa Lumbantoruan (President Director & CEO at ISS Indonesia, Independent Commissioner at PT Indosat Tbk, and Independent Commissioner at Garuda Indonesia) and Naraphorn Paoprasert, Ph.D (Researcher, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University – Thailand), for their contribution as keynote speakers, to Prof. Abdelnaser Omran from Brightstar University, and supported by Indonesian Association of Industrial Engineering Higher Education (BKSTI) and the Institution of Engineer Indonesia – Industrial Engineering Chapter (BKTI-PII). We are also grateful to all reviewers and editors, for their commitment, effort and dedication in undertaking the task of reviewing all of the abstracts and full papers. Without their help and dedication, it would not be possible to produce this proceeding in such a short time frame. I highly appreciate all members of committees (advisory, steering, and organizing committees) for mutual efforts and invaluable contribution for the success of seminar. Wassalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullah Wabarrakatuh. Dr. Winnie Septiani, ST, MSi, CIQaR Chairman Page – 2 13th ISIEM – Bandung, 28 July 2021 Page – 3 13th ISIEM – Bandung, 28 July 2021 Page – 4 13th ISIEM – Bandung, 28 July 2021 JOIN 13th ISIEM ZOOM MEETING You can download Zoom at https://www.zoom.us/ Once the Zoom apps is being installed, you have to make a registration to have a Zoom account To join Zoom meeting, you can click on the Zoom link we gave, or in Zoom apps click on [Join], type in the meeting ID (as shown in the Zoom invitation we gave), type in your name with this format: session#_paper#_yourname. Example: S1.1_001_John Wick, click [Join], then type in the passcode (as shown in the Zoom invitation we gave), and Zoom meeting will begin. Make sure you have a stable internet connection If your PC/Laptop is able to put a background, please set your Zoom background to 13th ISIEM official background. You can download the background from this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ujOHaht9cvOKLXXNOvK7lsJAdWuzSpZZ?usp=sharing Remember to mute the microphone and webcam on for necessary speak. When you have a question, click on [Reactions] icon and choose [Raise Hand] icon and wait until the moderator let you to speak. The morning session is a Keynote Speeches session. During this session there will be no breakout room in Zoom platform. The noon session is a parallel session. Breakout room will be applied. The Author may enter the room as shown on the schedule of parallel session in the Program Book by click on [Breakout Rooms], then choose the room that you will make a presentation Page – 5 13th ISIEM – Bandung, 28 July 2021 THE COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE x Yung-Tsan Jou, Ph.D. (Chung Yuan Christian University-Taiwan) x Yun-Chia Liang, Ph.D. (Yuan Ze University-Taiwan) x Naraphorn Paoprasert, Ph.D. (Kasetsart University-Thailand) x Prof. Dr. Abdelnaser Omran (Bright Star University-Libya) x Dr. Rina Fitriana, S.T., M.M., IPM. (Universitas Trisakti-Indonesia) x Dr. Iphov Kumala Sriwana, S.T., M.Si. (Universitas Esa Unggul-Indonesia) x Feliks Prasepta S. Surbakti, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. (Universitas Atma Jaya-Indonesia) x 'UIr. M. Nurman Helmi, DEA (Universitas Pasundan-Indonesia) x Ahmad Chirzun, M.T. (Universitas Al Azhar-Indonesia) x Wilson Kosasih, S.T., M.T., IPM. (Universitas Tarumanagara-Indonesia) x Nur Yulianti Hidayah, S.T., M.T. (Universitas Pancasila-Indonesia) x Dr. Ir. Zulfa Fitri Ikatrinasari ( Universitas Mercubuana-Indonesia) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE x Dr. Winnie Septiani, ST, MSi, CIQaR (Conference Chair) (Universitas Trisakti-Indonesia) x Dr. Dino Rahmanto, S.T., M.T. (Conference Co-Chair) (Universitas Pancasila-Indonesia) x Dr. Iphov Kumala Sriwana, S.T., M.Si., IPM (Universitas Esa Unggul-Indonesia) x Nur Yulianti Hidayah, S.T, M.T. (Universitas Pancasila-Indonesia) x Emelia Sari, Ph.D. (Universitas Trisakti-Indonesia) x Riana Magdalena, SSi, M.M. (Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya-Indonesia) x Ir. Roesfiansjah Rasjidin, M.T, PhD (Universitas Esa Unggul-Indonesia) x Vivi Triyanti, S.T., M.Sc. (Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya-Indonesia) x Stefani Prima Dias Kristiana, S.T., M.Sc. (Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya-Indonesia) x Anggina Sandy Sundari, S.T., M.T. (Universitas Pancasila-Indonesia) x Aprilia Tri Purwandari, S.T., M.T. (Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia) x Silvi Ariyanti, ST. MSc. (Universitas Mercubuana-Indonesia) x Dr. Rina Fitriana, S.T., M.M., IPM (Universitas Trisakti-Indonesia) x Dr. Ir. Yogi Yogaswara, M.T. (Universitas Pasundan-Indonesia) x Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto, M.Sc. (Universitas Podomoro-Indonesia) x Wawan Tripiawan, S.T., M.T. (Universitas Telkom-Indonesia) x Ir. Wahyukaton, M.T. (Universitas Pasundan-Indonesia) x Dr. Lamto Widodo, S.T., M.T., IPM. (Universitas Tarumanagara-Indonesia) Page – 6 13th ISIEM – Bandung, 28 July 2021 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Chief Editor: Ir. Wahyukaton, M.T. (Universitas Pasundan-Indonesia) Member: o o o o Dr. Rahmi Maulidya, S.T., M.T. (Universitas Trisakti-Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Abdelnaser Omran (Bright Star University-Lybia) Christine Natalia, S.T., M.T. (Atma Jaya University-Indonesia) Desinta Rahayu Ningtyas, S.T., M.T. (Universitas Pancasila-Indonesia) Chief Reviewer: Nunung Nurhasanah, S.T., M.Si. (Al Azhar University, Indonesia-Indonesia) Member: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Abdoulmohammad Gholamzadeh Chofreh, Ph.D. (Brno University of Technology) Dr. Azanizawati Ma’aram (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia-Malaysia) Prof. Awaluddin Mohamed Shaharoun (Islamic University of Madinah-Saudi Arabia) Dr. Mohd Yazid Abu (Universiti Malaysia Pahang-Malaysia) Prof. Dr. Ir. Marimin, MSc. (Institut Pertanian Bogor-Indonesia) Prof. Parwadi Moengin, PhD (Universitas Trisakti-Indonesia) Dr. Martino Luis (University of Exeter-United Kingdom) Dr. Ir. Hj. Arumsari, MSc, IPU (Universitas Pasundan-Indonesia) Dr. Ir. Hj Tjutju Tarliah Dimyati, MSIE, IPM (Universitas Pasundan-Indonesia) Ir. Wahyu Katon, MT (Universitas Pasundan-Indonesia) Dr. Ir Yogi Yogaswara, MT (Universitas Pasundan-Indonesia) Dr. Ir. Syarif Hidayat, Meng.Sc, M.M (Universitas Al Azhar-Indonesia) Nunung Nurhasanah, ST, MSi (Universitas Al Azhar-Indonesia) Dr. Iphov Kumala Sriwana, ST, MSi. (Universitas Esa Unggul-Indonesia) Dr. Ir. Nofi Erni, MM, IPM (Universitas Esa Unggul-Indonesia) Dr. Winnie Septiani, ST, MSi, IPM (Universitas Trisakti-Indonesia) Ronald Sukwadi, ST, MM, Ph.D, IPM (Universitas Atma Jaya-Indonesia) Vivi Triyanti, ST, MSc (Universitas Atma Jaya-Indonesia) Dr. Lamto Widodo, S.T., M.T., IPM. (Universitas Tarumanagara-Indonesia) Dr. Ir. Zulfa Fitri Ikatrinasari ( Universitas Mercubuana-Indonesia) Dr. Ir. Sawarni Hasibuan, MT. IPU (Universitas Mercubuana-Indonesia) Dr. Dino Rahmanto, S.T., M.T (Universitas Pancasila-Indonesia) Page – 7 13th ISIEM – Bandung, 28 July 2021 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Prof. Yung-Tsan Jou, Ph.D., received his Ph.D. degree in Integrated (ME, ISE) engineering from Ohio University, Athens, OH, in 2003. He is the Chair and Associate Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan. His research has made contributions in green design, human–system interface design, senior assistive devices, and usability or quality evaluation by using virtual reality tools, smart manufacturing, machine learning, and data analysis. Naraphorn Paoprasert, Ph.D., is an associated professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Kasetsart University, Thailand. She received her Ph.D. from the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Currently, she is a director of the International Graduate Program under the Department of Industrial Engineering. Her past research studies have been focusing on decision analysis and game theory, risk analysis, system simulation, process improvement, and economics analysis. The first research exposures were focusing on decision making to protect the system against natural disasters and terrorism. Later on, the focuses were on decision making in various fields such as agriculture, research fund allocation, education, etc. Prof. Yun-Chia Liang, Ph.D., received his Ph.D. form Industrial and Systems Engineering, Auburn University – Alabama USA. He actives as Professor and Chair, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Yuan Ze University – Taiwan, Vice Director, the Smart Production and Innovation Management Research Center (SPIM), Yuan Ze University, Associate Editor, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering (JIPE), Planning Committee, IEM Division, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan, and many more academic activities. Elisa Lumbantoruan, received Bachelor degree in Institut Teknologi Bandung on Mathematics. He has skill in Business Strategy, Strategic Planning, Business Planning, Business Development, Business Analysis, Risk Management, Management Telecommunications, Business Intelligence, Negotiation. He experiences in many enterprises and until now is the President Director & CEO at ISS Indonesia, Independent Commissioner at PT Indosat Tbk, and Independent Commissioner at Garuda Indonesia Page – 8 13th ISIEM – Bandung, 28 July 2021 GLOSSARY QM SCM IECS EPD PS DAIS OR IS = Quality Management = Supply Chain Management = Industrial Engineering, Computer Science = Ergonomic, Product Design = Production System = Decision Analysis and Information System = Operation Research = Industrial System Page – 9 13th ISIEM – Bandung, 28 July 2021 Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 13th-ISIEM-Paper 002 – QM ................................................................................................................................. 34 Reducing Defect Products in Instant Noodles Production with Six Sigma 13th-ISIEM-Paper 006 – IECS ............................................................................................................................... 34 Structural Health Monitoring for Intelligence Structure: Damage Feature 13th-ISIEM-Paper 007 – PS .................................................................................................................................. 34 Inventory Level Improvement with a Forecasting Methods in the Taxi Transportation Industry 13th-ISIEM-Paper 008 – SCM ............................................................................................................................... 35 Bibliometric Mapping Of Biomass For Energy Supply Chain Model: Review and Future Research agenda 13th-ISIEM-Paper 009 – EPD ................................................................................................................................ 35 Finding a Research Gap on Service Quality and Safety Improvement in Public Transportation 13th-ISIEM-Paper 010 – DAIS ............................................................................................................................... 35 Decision Support System for Raw Material Supplier Selection by Using Fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS Method in PT Mulia Glass 13th-ISIEM-Paper 011 – SCM ............................................................................................................................... 36 Methods and Approaches Mapping for Supplier Selection: Literature Review 13th-ISIEM-Paper 012 – EPD ................................................................................................................................ 36 Redesign Plastic Waste Processing Machine by Using the Lean Product Development Method 13th-ISIEM-Paper 013 – EPD ................................................................................................................................ 37 Risk Analysis and Safety Improvement of Plastic Waste Processing Machine 13th-ISIEM-Paper 014 – DAIS ............................................................................................................................... 37 YBM University Tourism Building Location Selection With A Combination of Cut Off Point And AHP Topsis Method 13th-ISIEM-Paper 015 – DAIS ............................................................................................................................... 37 Evaluation of E- Learning Implementation Using Student Readiness Instrument 13th-ISIEM-Paper 016 – IS .................................................................................................................................... 38 Exploring Customer Sentiment Regarding Indonesian Online Transportation Services: Evidence from Twitter Social Media 13th-ISIEM-Paper 017 – DAIS ............................................................................................................................... 38 The Blue Print of Intelligent Decision Support System for Supply Chain Kenaf Agroindustry 13th-ISIEM-Paper 018 – IECS ............................................................................................................................... 38 Simulation Modelling of a Train Station Ticketing System: A Case Study of Zhongli Train Station in Taiwan 13th-ISIEM-Paper 019 – IECS ............................................................................................................................... 39 Design and Evaluation of LoRa-based Mesh Network for Water Metering Infrastructure 13th-ISIEM-Paper 020 – IS .................................................................................................................................... 39 A Maturity Model of I4.0 in Developing Country: Challenges and Enablers in Indonesia for Using INDI 4.0 as A Measuring Instrument of I4.0 Readiness 13th-ISIEM-Paper 021 – DAIS ............................................................................................................................... 40 Resilient and Sustainable Supplier Selection: Trends in Criteria and Methods 13th-ISIEM-Paper 022 – OR .................................................................................................................................. 40 Parameter Tuning for Combinatorial Bees Algorithm in Travelling Salesman Problems 13th-ISIEM-Paper 023 – SCM ............................................................................................................................... 40 Research Opportunities on Energy Supply Chain Management 13th-ISIEM-Paper 024 – QM ................................................................................................................................. 41 Analysis of Big Losses to Increase Productivity with SMED Method in Hand Sanitizer Products 13th-ISIEM-Paper 025 – IS .................................................................................................................................... 41 Analysis of Optimistic Bias and Pessimistic Bias in Preparation for The New Normal 13th-ISIEM-Paper 026 – EPD ................................................................................................................................ 41 Analysis of Work System to Productivity with Work Stress as Moderating Variable Page – 10 13th ISIEM – Bandung, 28 July 2021 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 13th-ISIEM-Paper 028 – DAIS ............................................................................................................................... 42 Design of Sales Information System Based on Website at Amonyu Shop 13th-ISIEM-Paper 029 – DAIS ............................................................................................................................... 42 Decision-Making for Conducting Seismic-Surveying Activities on Oil and Gas Exploration Using Decision Tree and Utility Functions 13th-ISIEM-Paper 030 – OR .................................................................................................................................. 42 Dynamic Programming for Shortest Path Problem in a Multi-modal Transportation Network Comprising Intermediate Sinks 13th-ISIEM-Paper 031 – SCM ............................................................................................................................... 43 Hybrid Simulation of Supply Chain : A Review 13th-ISIEM-Paper 032 – DAIS ............................................................................................................................... 43 A Conceptual Framework for An Adaptive Sustainability Assessment for Industry and Further Research Potential 13th-ISIEM-Paper 033 – QM ................................................................................................................................. 44 Improve The Quality of Korean Garlic Cheese Bread Using The Six Sigma Method 13th-ISIEM-Paper 034 – SCM ............................................................................................................................... 44 Analyzing the Gap in Supply Chain Business Process of National Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) Company Using Rapid Assessment Procedure 13th-ISIEM-Paper 035 – SCM ............................................................................................................................... 44 Impact of Supply Chain Practices on Customers’ Retention 13th-ISIEM-Paper 036 – OR .................................................................................................................................. 45 Application of Fourier Grey Model (FGM) For Demand Forecasting and Markov Chain Method for Inventory Planning 13th-ISIEM-Paper 037 – EPD ................................................................................................................................ 45 Usability Evaluation And Improvement Design Of Hospital Mobile Website 13th-ISIEM-Paper 038 – IS .................................................................................................................................... 45 Waste Reduction Strategy Design Based on Risk Assessment and Cost Benefit Approach 13th-ISIEM-Paper 040 – DAIS ............................................................................................................................... 46 E-Commerce Application of Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Bunches Supply Chain 13th-ISIEM-Paper 041 – PS .................................................................................................................................. 46 Design Model Forecasting and Delivery Requirement Planning for Fast Food Product 13th-ISIEM-Paper 042 – EPD ................................................................................................................................ 46 Comparative Analysis of Mental Workloads For Disruption Technicians And New Installation Technicians Using The NASA-TLX Method (Case Study: PT Telkom Akses Kandatel Sleman) 13th-ISIEM-Paper 043 – DAIS ............................................................................................................................... 47 Warehouse Management Analysis with Value Stream Mapping and 5S to Improve Efficiency Process Productivity 13th-ISIEM-Paper 044 – IS .................................................................................................................................... 47 Increasing Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty with Product Innovation, E-Commerce and Reward Factors 13th-ISIEM-Paper 045 – PS .................................................................................................................................. 48 The Smart Factory Model for Bogie Assembly Workshop in the Rolling Stock Industry 13th-ISIEM-Paper 046 – DAIS ............................................................................................................................... 48 Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Improving The Quality of Service System in Telecommunications Industry 13th-ISIEM-Paper 048 – QM ................................................................................................................................. 48 Production Quality Improvement Through Six Sigma: A Crude Palm Oil Industry Case Application 13th-ISIEM-Paper 049 – IS .................................................................................................................................... 49 Strategy Designed toward Performance Improvement of Asset Management System 13th-ISIEM-Paper 050 – PS .................................................................................................................................. 49 Development of Operation Scheduling Systems at Workstations with the Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing Systems (ADiMS) Concept Page – 11 13th ISIEM – Bandung, 28 July 2021 Session 2 ( 15.00 – 17.00 ) Track : Industrial System (IS) Session ID: Session Chair: Session Parallel: Paper Time ID S2.5 Dr. Dino Rimantho, ST., MT Nur Yulianti Hidayah, ST., MT Name Rifki Muhendra, Naufal Ismail Kreshnaviyanto, Aisyah Amin, Paduloh, Solihin and Achmad Muhazir 19 15.00 - 15.10 18 15.10 - 15.20 Rizky Muftygendhis, Wei-Jung Shiang, YungTsan Jou, Ya-Hsien Lin, Rohmat and Jun Sato 32 15.20 - 15.30 Muhammad Asrol, Haris Purna Widyatama and AAN Perwira Redi 38 25 15.30 - 15.40 Winda Nur Cahyo, Bayu Agung Swasono, Riza Said Isyak Raben, Riyan Tri Sutartono, Haryo Prawahandaru and Taufiq Immawan 15.40 - 16.00 Q&A 16.10 Atyanti Dyah Prabaswari and Bagus Wahyu Utomo 16.00 - 66 16.10 - 16.20 Amalia Yuli Astuti, Riri Dwi Adzaningtyas and Nurul Akbar 49 16.20 - 16.30 Winda Nur Cahyo, Nael Naufal Fiantama and Haris Hadiyanto 29 16.30 - 16.40 Heni Hindayanti and Winnie Septiani 16.40 - 17.00 Q&A Title University Design and Evaluation of LoRa-based Mesh Network for Water Metering Infrastructure Universitas Bayangkara Jakarta, ITB Simulation modelling of a train station ticketing system: a case study of Zhongli station in Taiwan A Conceptual Framework for An Adaptive Sustainability Assessment for Industry and Further Research Potential Chung Yuan Christian University Taiwan Bina Nusantara University Waste Reduction Strategy Design Based on Risk Assessment and Cost Benefit Approach Universitas Islam Indonesia Analysis of Optimistic Bias and Pessimistic Bias in Preparation for The New Normal Universitas Islam Indonesia, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto Clustering the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Yogyakarta City based on Technology Readiness Index 2.0 using K-Means Method Strategy Designed toward Performance Improvement of Asset Management System Decision-Making for Conducting Seismic-Surveying Activities on Oil and Gas Exploration Using Decision Tree and Utility Functions Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Universitas Islam Indonesia Universitas Trisakti Page – 30 13th ISIEM – Bandung, 28 July 2021 developed to open or close counters automatically based on the customer waiting numbers were evaluated by simulation methods. The output of customer waiting time was analyzed with statistical tests to verify significant differences between the original and alternative models. According to the statistical results, an alternative model with three counters remaining open and open or close counter numbers based on pre-set customer waiting numbers has larger counter utilization rate and less required counters, and the average of customer waiting time is acceptable in the rush hour. Keywords: simulation modelling, service improvement, simulation system, queuing simulation. 13th-ISIEM-Paper 019 – IECS Design and Evaluation of LoRa-based Mesh Network for Water Metering Infrastructure Rifki Muhendra 1,a), Naufal Ismail Kreshnaviyanto 2), Aisyah Amin 3), Paduloh Paduloh 1,b), Solihin Solihin 1), and Achmad Muhazir1) 1Industrial Engineering, Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University, Bekasi, Indonesia 2 Physics, Faculty of Mathematics 3 and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, Physics, Universitas Halim Sanusi, Bandung, Indonesia Abstract. The demand for water meter monitoring has become urgent nowadays. For this reason, this research aims to develop a LoRa network for water meter infrastructure applications. We have designed a low-power measurement node using an 8-bit microprocessor and LoRa transceiver by connecting software for monitoring water consumption and remote data transmission. In this study, several schemes were made to measure Lora data transmission performance for point to point and mesh networks. The results showed that the LoRa value and the TX power and spread factor (SF) value, which was higher, could increase the data transmission range for point-to-point network schemes. SF 8 provides the most optimal data transmission performance in a mesh network scheme, both in direct transmission and multiple hops. The packet delivery rate is measured at 100%, with an average ping time of 582 ms for each hop. This design increases the time interval and reduces transmission failures in times of data congestion. Implementing a LoRa-based mesh network in residential areas automatically builds data transmission lines and connects with surrounding nodes to build a mesh network. Percentage of PDR measured for each node in the network above 97%. Keywords: LoRa, Mesh, Packet delivery ratio, Spreading factor. 13th-ISIEM-Paper 020 – IS A Maturity Model of I4.0 in Developing Country: Challenges and Enablers in Indonesia for Using INDI 4.0 as A Measuring Instrument of I4.0 Readiness Hasbullah Hasbullah1a, Salleh Ahmad Bareduan2b, Sawarni Hasibuan3c 1,3Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jl. Meruya Selatan No. 1 Kembangan, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia, 2Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, UTHM - University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat, Johor Malaysia Abstract. Industry 4.0 (I4.0) Readiness Index Indonesia (INDI 4.0) is an approach to measure readiness to adopt I4.0 in Indonesia as a basis to develop a roadmap and strategy towards I4.0. In Southeast Asia, Indonesia seemly left behind in the policy launch timeline of I4.0 initiatives as a national plan to improve competitiveness. Indonesia's rank is lower than Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia. From the INDI 4.0 initial assessment in 2018, Indonesia got a low score at an average of 1.992 (scale 0 to 4). This paper aims to identify challenges and enablers by comprehensive review to enhance INDI I4.0 effectiveness, so contributing more accurate measuring I4.0 readiness and strategy for both government and industry of Indonesia. This research used a multi-methodological approach, exploring articles, a qualitative approach, and participating in group workshops. This study found no differences in the general approach and principle in INDI 4.0 and other primary indexes used in other countries. It is similar in defining a roadmap, the steps in developing the I4.0 index and dimensions, and determining technology as the basis of measurement. From this finding, this study identified challenges and enablers in implementing INDI 4.0. Keywords: Industry 4.0, INDI 4.0, readiness index, challenges, enablers Page – 39 13th ISIEM – Bandung, 28 July 2021 risk assessment and cost benefit analysis is discussed. Each waste has a root cause that has the impact and potential of events that vary and affect the goal so that it can be called as a risk. This study aims to get a strategy to reduce waste in order to get an effective and efficient production activity. The research begins by identifying waste in value stream mapping, followed by risk assessment and identification of the root cause of waste. There are 10 potential wastes are found with the wet material is root cause of the highest risk: the production stoppage. The proposed strategy from this research is a proposed design for the warehouse and develop a new standard operation procedure for burning raw materials and make a form for recording the submission of change of load and flow of the submission process. The outcome of this proposed strategy potentially can reduce the cost of loss approximately Rp 39.067.221,38. Keywords: Lean manufacturing, risk analysis, benefit cost analysis, asset management, waste, sugar factory 13th-ISIEM-Paper 040 – DAIS E-Commerce Application of Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Bunches Supply Chain Harison1.1.a), Marimin2.2.b), Sukardi3.2.c), Faqih Udin4.2.d) and Yani Nurhadryani5.3.e) 1Graduate Program of Agro-industrial Engineering, IPB University (Dramaga Highway, Bogor, Indonesia), 2Department of Agro-industrial Engineering, IPB University (Dramaga Highway, Bogor, Indonesia), 3Department of Computer Science, IPB University (Dramaga Highway, Bogor, Indonesia). Abstract. The use of smartphone technology for social activities has a good effect on e-commerce activities, and many Indonesians have taken advantage of this technology. With this opportunity, the authors designed an e-commerce application for buying and selling oil palm fresh fruit bunches used by independent smallholders, traders, factories, and transportation. This application is intended to use a unified modeling language and the programming language Javascript MySQLit database. This application can provide information on the availability of oil palm harvests advertised by farmers in this application. The application is also able to facilitate transactions, whether done by Cash Only Delivery or via transfer. This application is also enabled with the provider of selected or recommended palm fresh fruit bunches. There are recommendations for the availability of oil palm fresh fruit bunches by entering the value of needs for traders and mills. Then the system will display a map of the location points of the suppliers of oil palm fresh fruit bunches. Visual information on providers is also shown. The results of system testing have been able to carry out the design plan. Keywords: E-commerce 1, Application 2, Fresh Fruit bunches 3, Palm oil 4. 13th-ISIEM-Paper 041 – PS Design Model Forecasting and Delivery Requirement Planning for Fast Food Product Paduloh Paduloh 1,a), Nicky Yuhan 1, Achmad Muhazir1, Iskandar Zulkarnaen1, Murwan Widyantoro1, And Rifda Ilahy Rosihan1,b) 1Industrial Engineering, Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University, Bekasi, Indonesia Abstract. PT. IKI is a company engaged in the culinary field with its main product being fried chicken, has a problem in its logistics activities, the first problem is the overstock in the stock of its chicken products which causes large storage costs, and the second problem is scheduling the distribution of its products that are not orderly so as to cause the delivery process to be less effective. See the problems that have occured, this research was carried out to get the best forecasting model, then applied the Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) method to distribute chicken products as optimally as possible. The research was conducted by doing forecasting by combining Multiple Neural Networks (MNN), Seasonal Naive Bayes (SNB), and ARIMA to obtain a forecasting model that is close to actual conditions in the field. The forecast results are used to determine Safety Stock, ROP, and lot sizing with FOQ for the distribution schedule with the DRP method. The results showed determination of forecasting by combining MNN, SNB, and ARIMA can balance the level of product inventory at the optimal amount and DRP method positively impacted a 25% reduction in distribution costs. Keywords: Logistic, MNN, SNB, ARIMA, DRP 13th-ISIEM-Paper 042 – EPD Comparative Analysis of Mental Workloads For Disruption Technicians And New Installation Technicians Using The NASA-TLX Method (Case Study: PT Telkom Akses Kandatel Sleman) Atyanti Dyah Prabaswari1,a), Muhammad Ilham Mahfudhi2,b) 1,2Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang, DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia Page – 46