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Comparison of the process of creativity with the process of emergence of the teaching profession is analyzed in this presentation. As both physicist and educators, we apply the concepts of chaos theory and the idea of theory of positive disintegration to examine the professional development of an individual and compare it to creativity. Creativity and teaching profession could be referred to as "self-organizing dissipative structures" originating spontaneously in far-from-equilibrium conditions. Applying the concepts of Dabrowski's theory, the emergence of teaching profession goes through the process of self-awareness accompanied by strong emotional instabilities and self-reflection. Then, as a result of awareness connected with the third factor (will and choices), one reaches the state of self-affirmation, which brings one to self-education that is characterized by moments of withdrawal from the daily routine to re-charge oneself with new energy and new solutions.
EDUWEB, 2021
The purpose of this research is to analyze the development of the creative potential of future educators as a mandatory prerequisite for the realization of their future professional activity. For the determination of the level of development of the creative potential of students from this profile, studying in the Master's program "Preschool and Primary School Pedagogy" a Methodology is used to assess the level of creative potential of A. Sharov's personality. This methodology makes it necessary to determine by selfassessment the personal qualities and the frequency of their manifestations, characterizing the level of development of the creative and potential. Analysis of the data obtained shows that creative qualities such as "innovation", "heuristics" and "reformism" have relatively low values, related to qualities such as "purposefulness", "authoritarianism", "intelligence", "practicality". The highest value is the quality "purposefulness", which is a sign of high motivation for professional activity and is a good basis for subsequent development of creative potential. The results obtained in the course of the experimental study give reason to argue that the need for development and inclusion in the educational process with future educators of models for the development of their creative potential is up to date.
The problem of creativity formation in the process of student's professional training requires a theoretical reflection and scientific-methodical supply, new thinking with a regard of their peculiarities connected with our republic's entrance into the world's educational zone and the introduction of credit system of education, system of quality management. One of ways of these contradictions' solutions is a working out of conceptual and technological basis of future teacher's creativity formation in the system of university education. Taking into consideration a growing actuality of a problem and its insufficient study in the contemporary pedagogical science we have chosen the theme of the research: " Important priorities of formation of future teacher's creativity " .
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The modern world has changed dramatically: now it is the world of increasing volatility, heterogeneity, diversity, and rapid changes. It has become a self-organizing system that goes out of a human control and imposes its own laws. The state of a managed object has varied, whereas the methods of learning and management remain the same. The article argues that it is necessary to use new forms of training and management, based on non-linear thinking and creativity. The main purpose of the research was to investigate the attitudes towards the phenomenon of creativity in the educational environment. The article presents the results of a sociological survey of 350 teachers/professors, 680 students and 300 entrepreneurs about their attitudes to the possibility of teaching and using of creative technologies. The survey results show that the teachers/professors are rather conservative, while business people generally recognize the effectiveness of creativity in their work. The authors propose technology, techniques, software, and organizational forms of training students and schoolchildren in accordance with the requirements of the knowledge economy, which implies not only the possession of a set of necessary knowledge, but also the ability to generate and apply it in real life situations. An original intelligent IT-system for the formation and development of the individual creative thinking, as well as team skills of innovative project work of students and schoolchildren, is outlined in the paper.
Общество и инновации, 2021
The article is devoted to the consideration of the theoretical aspects of studying the psychologically creative readiness of teachers for innovative activities. Psychological and pedagogical studies devoted to the study of this phenomenon are analyzed. An attempt has been made to identify the structure of the teacher's psychological readiness for innovative activity, which will make it possible to determine and develop psychological and pedagogical technologies for its formation among teachers. The concept of the level of the pedagogical activity, which requires a restructuring of the motivational sphere of the teacher's personality, his value orientations, goals, attitudes, the hierarchy of external and internal stimuli, orientation, aspirations, interests, is also touched upon. Modern educational policy makes new demands not only on the content and technologies of teaching but also, first of all, on the personality of the teacher.
This article provides information that the proposed technology for developing the professional suitability of a future teacher is "implementing the curriculumin the process of teaching subjects, mainly in the specialty and pedagogical psychology category, training future teachers of sustainable activity in the profession, as well as about the existing state of the problem of working on such concepts as" resilience"," professional resilience", "professional resilience", "old age" and "professional endurance". Working on the concept for future teachers, conducting practical classes, recommendations for hanging a speech hero, independent use of mimic and pantomime movements, working with children, adapting them to school life in the process of educational and pedagogical practice, etc.
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Reforming higher education in Ukraine is part of the process of European integration, modernizing educational activities in the context of European requirements. These changes also apply to the professional training of future teachers of educational institutions, who will be able not only to adapt to modern realities, but also to act creatively and think, strive for self-development and self-improvement. The need for innovative approaches to the training of future teachers is determined by the renewal and creation of the content of the educational process in higher education institutions, taking into account the creative development of the individual. Unfortunately, the traditional methods and forms of teaching used in higher education do not provide full and continuous effectiveness of professional training of future teachers. While the specialists of the new formation are required to acquire thorough professional knowledge and skills, a high level of intellectual development and civic position, the ability to constant personal and professional self-improvement. The purpose of the study is to reveal the essence of the creative potential of future teachers as a mental basis for professional self-improvement of high school teachers and experimental analysis of the components of the creative potential of future teachers, the study of teachers' attitudes to professional development. Based on the results of the research, the criteria and indicators of the formation of the creative potential of future teachers were determined; developed diagnostic and methodological tools for certain criteria and indicators. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics were carried out to differentiate the levels of formation of the creative potential of students of pedagogical specialties.
PhD Dissertation, 2021
The dissertation includes both a philosophical and a scientific study of creativity in the phenomenon of “boundary situation”, as it is elaborated in the philosophy of Karl Jaspers. The work comprises three parts: 1) Introduction to the philosophy of Karl Jaspers and the conception of “boundary situation”, 2) Description of the functions of the psycho-somatic complex in norm and pathology, as well as their relation to philosophical consciousness and 3) Study of creativity before, during and after the experiences of boundary situations. The first part is historico-philosophical. The second – scientific, whereas the third represents a synthesis of the first two. The used methods include: historico-philosophical analysis, comparative analysis and conceptual analysis. The work comprises a multitude of starting points for a serious study of boundary situations and the role of creativity in relation to the methods of overcoming of such situations. There are included a series of studies related to the core topic, such as: the Notion “creativity”, Dostoevsky’s epilepsy, the Life of E. Swedenborg, Pharmacometaphysics, Depressive-pessimistic Realism, psychic defenses (A. and S. Freud), Logotherapy of V. Frankl, Psychotomimetic states and other. The focus is on the methods for overcoming of boundary situations, in particular the exact role of creativity. To the reader there is offered a rich compilation of perspectives for future studies of the elaborated problematics.
Revista Amazonia Investiga, 2021
The article outlines the essence of professional creativity in pedagogical activity. The teacher’s creativity is described as a complex of intellectual and personality characteristics of the individual, contributing to the independent generation of original ideas and their non-traditional solution. On the basis of comparative experimental research, the level of non-verbal creativity of future teachers of the bordering regions of Ukraine and Poland was revealed in the paper. According to the results of the diagnosis of non-verbal creativity (Torrens methods), the authors conclude that a significant proportion of Ukrainian and Polish students are not able to produce a sufficient number of original ideas in a minimal verbalization (for example, most of the future teachers had the average (47.3% in Ukraine, 45.8% in Poland) and low (respectively 18.7% and 25.8%) levels of non-verbal creativity based on the index of originality). It is emphasized on the need to focus the content of highe...
"A Critique of Creativity and Complexity. Deconstructing Cliches," Don Ambrose, Bharath Sriraman and Kathleen M. Pierce (Eds.), 2014
This chapter provides a new approach to the study of creativity of adolescents and young adults by combining the idea of self-organization with theories of emotions. To gather data for this qualitative research, hermeneutic phenomenology/ontology linked with the narrative/biography methods was chosen. As a process of interpretation of the data, pattern models of the process of creativity are designed. There are some unique differences between the models of different participants’ creativity, but in general they share common phases such as differentiation/chaos, integration/complexity, and dissipative structures/creativity (products of creativity in the forms of new movements, new writings, and new paintings). Creativity of young people is intertwined with strong emotions of interest, joy, acceptance, which enhance mental activity to global, open, and exploratory modes of attention, stimulate their thinking and enrich their imagination. These cognitive processes then deepen their emotions to complex emotions such as curiosity, enthusiasm, delight, passion, resourcefulness, and love, which, through a reciprocal reinforcement influence their selves. Creative people become more sensitive, more open, and receptive to the internal and external world. They develop into resourceful, imaginative, empathic, and spiritual human beings.
Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Creativity in Innovation - ECCI 2022 (9-10 November 2022) - In our analysis, we would like to expose some ideas on creativity, promotion of creativity and destruction of creativity. Our general intent is to show that creativity is not reserved for geniuses but, on the contrary, belongs to all individuals. Moreover, we aim to describe how creativity can be promoted in individuals in different ages of their life. Finally, we wish to expose that creativity is a disposition which always needs to be cultivated with all possible care: for creativity can be easily damaged or even destroyed because of a false education of the individuals or due to negatively organised work environments. For our investigation, we shall take elements from different sources: we shall analyse ideas expressed in the works of Teresa Amabile, we shall consider the criticism of traditional pedagogy exposed in the meditation of Paulo Freire, we shall propose some examples of the black – namely the poisonous – pedagogy contained in the work of Katharina Rutschky, we shall present Alice Miller’s criticism of determined models of education, and we shall the inquiry into the concept of innovation exposed in the research of Tina Seelig. The works of Teresa Amabile will show that creativity is a faculty which belongs to all individuals, not only to the most endowed ones. Amabile shows in her book different examples of the ways in which creativity and motivation are improved both in schools and in companies; she analyses how, on the contrary, creativity and motivation are damaged and destroyed in schools and in companies. With the help of Amabile’s inquiries, we shall show the importance of making progress in the work both in schools and in the work environments: people and their progress ought always to be supported in order that the disposition to creativity can function. People always need positive consideration in schools and in work environments. Rutschky’s analysis of the poisonous pedagogy will show us how certain methods of education lead to the destruction of any creativity whatsoever and of the whole personality of the individual. Alice Miller’s works will give further examples regarding the destruction of autonomy through traditional methods of education. Thanks to Paulo Freire’s meditation we shall see how creativity depends on the models of society: in particular, concepts like the bank account of education and internalisation can teach us how the individuals in the schools are transformed into a completely passive audience, thus losing any capacity whatsoever of proposing innovation in the work and in the society. The structure of society and the aims of society determine the models of schools operating in society. The works of Tina Seelig will finally give us the possibility of seeing the different components needed for the development of creativity: for instance, imagination, knowledge, resources, and culture will prove to be essential components of creativity. Bibliography Amabile, T., Growing Up Creative: Nurturing a Lifetime of Creativity, Crown Amabile, T.M. & Stubbs, M.L., 1989. Amabile, T., Creativity In Context: Update To The Social Psychology Of Creativity, Westview Press, Boulder, CO 1996. Amabile, T.M. & Kramer, S.J., The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work, Harvard Business Review Press, Boston 2011. Freire, P., Pedagogia do Oprimido, Paz e Terra, Rio de Janeiro 1974. Freire, P., Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Myra Bergman Ramos, Trad.). (Original work published in 1970), The Continuum Publishing Company, New York 1992. Miller, A., Am Anfang war Erziehung. Suhrkamp Taschenbuch, Frankfurt am Main 1980. Miller, A., Du sollst nicht merken. Variationen über das Paradies-Thema. 1. Auflage. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1981. Rutschky K. (ed.), Schwarze Pädagogik. Quellen zur Naturgeschichte der bürgerlichen Erziehung, Ullstein, Berlin 1977; Neuausgabe ebd. 1997. Seelig, T., inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity. HarperCollins, 2012.