Scalable crisis relief: Crowdsourced SMS translation and
categorization with Mission 4636
Vaughn Hester
Aaron Shaw
Lukas Biewald
455 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
UC Berkeley
Department of Sociology
410 Barrows Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-1980
455 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Crowdsourced crisis response harnesses distributed human networks
in combination with information and communication technology
(ICT) to create scalable, flexible and rapid communication systems
that promote well-being, survival, and recovery during the acute
phase of an emergency. In this paper, we analyze a recent experience in which CrowdFlower conducted crowdsourced translation,
categorization and geo-tagging for SMS-based reporting as part of
Mission 4636 after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, 2010. We discuss CrowdFlower’s approach to this task,
lessons learned from the experience, and opportunities to generalize the techniques and technologies involved for other ICT for development (ICTD) applications. We find that CrowdFlower’s most
significant contribution to Mission 4636 and to the broader field of
crowdsourced crisis relief lies in the flexible, scalable nature of the
pool of earthquake survivors, volunteers, workers, and machines
that the organization engaged during the emergency response efforts.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.4.3 [Information Systems Applications]: Communications Applications; J.m [Computer Applications]: Miscellaneous; K.4.2
[Computers and Society]: Social Issues
General Terms
Human Factors, Design, Management, Languages
Human Computation, Crowdsourcing, Crisis Response, Haiti, Translation, Geolocation, ICTD, Development
Crowdsourced crisis response harnesses distributed human networks in combination with information and communication technology (ICT) to create scalable, rapid communication systems that
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ACM DEV’10, December 17–18, 2010, London, United Kingdom.
Copyright 2010 ACM 978-1-4503-0473-3 ...$10.00.
promote well-being, survival, and recovery during the acute phase
of an emergency. In this paper, we analyze a recent experience
in which CrowdFlower conducted crowdsourced translation and
geo-tagging for SMS-based emergency reporting as part of Mission 4636 in response to the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck
Haiti on January 12, 2010.
Distributed, SMS-based systems for information sharing can facilitate effective responses to humanitarian crises worldwide. During the violence that followed the disputed 2007 presidential elections in Kenya, Ushahidi pioneered the use of FrontlineSMS for
crisis mapping and response. Since then, Ushahidi and others have
deployed FrontlineSMS and similar reporting systems in a variety
of settings. One constraint of such systems emerges when linguistic and other factors prevent a scalable means of filtering, verifying, translating, and geo-tagging all the incoming SMS reports.
Crowdsourcing, or the act of engaging distributed groups of people to complete microtasks or generate information, offers unique
advantages in such situations when combined with (a) willing communities of volunteers and (b) a highly elastic “on-demand” labor
Mission 4636 was a collaboration among technology companies,
international non-governmental organizations and emergency relief
agencies in the aftermath of the 2010 Haitian earthquakes. Mission 4636 combined an SMS-based reporting system with crowdsourced translation and geolocation to collect, categorize and map
reports of emergency data from a distributed human network in
Haiti. Many organizations and steps were involved in this process.
CrowdFlower, a technology company based in San Francisco, provides a crowdsourcing plaform with rigorous quality control tools.
The platform enables access to labor on demand, or to pools of
distributed human judges around the world. Users of the platform
create online projects, or microtasks, which are completed by multiple workers working in parallel. CrowdFlower facilitates qualitycontrolled completion of microtasks such as text or image moderation, sentiment analysis, and business listing verification. CrowdFlower’s participation in Mission 4636 was one of the first times
this crowdsourcing platform had been applied to emergency relief
This paper focuses on CrowdFlower’s approach to the crowdsourcing translation and geolocation components of the broader
Mission 4636 effort. In particular, we describe the system design
and performance as well as lessons learned from the experience.
The contributions of other organizations and the details of other
parts of this group effort are, for the most part, beyond the scope of
this article.
While our ability to evaluate the project was severely limited for
many reasons, we find that Mission 4636’s unusual capacity to engage survivors both at the stage of information collection and at the
stage of information processing (the latter in exchange for money)
has the potential to produce a triple impact by (a) alleviating emergency conditions, (b) expanding employment opportunities in the
midst of a crisis, and (c) contributing to individuals’ overall sense
of participation in the recovery process.
Finally, we explore several ways in which the crowdsourced translation and geolocation might be improved, as well as opportunities
to generalize these techniques and technologies for application in
other emergency responses.
Crowdsourcing: Definition, Origins and
We define crowdsourcing as “the act of engaging distributed groups
of people to complete microtasks or generate information.”1 The
new term conceals a rich history of “human computing,” which
David Alan Grier has traced back to early applications of calculus, including 18th century astronomy and World War I era national statistics offices whose responsibilities included the creation
of ballistics tables for combat use [11]. In light of this history,
we view the recent introduction of digital, networked ICTs into
circuits of human computation as a catalyst for a sort of computing renaissance. With the global spread of the Internet and cellular telecommunications, the opportunities to harness the potential
of distributed human intelligence and cognition have never been
The increase in the number of applications of crowdsourcing follows the broader expansion of digital ICTs. The proliferation of
wireless, cellular and satellite networks as well as the diffusion
of devices connected through these networks facilitates the transmission of many different kinds of digital information and creates
opportunities to collect, process, and analyze data on a scale previously unavailable.
In this regard, the spread of networked, digital ICTs has facilitated a rapid expansion in the tools, techniques and applications for
crowdsourcing and human computation. Several online labor markets and commercial crowdsourcing service providers, including
(among the U.S. based firms) LiveOps,’s Mechanical Turk, Casting Words, and CrowdFlower (a) contribute to the
growth of the tools, techniques, and applications for crowdsourcing and (b) constitute an emergent sector within the ICT industry.
The analysis and application of crowdsourcing has grown in a
similar manner. Among many noteworthy examples in the computational and social sciences, Von Ahn and collaborators have developed widely adopted image labeling, text transcription, and music
tagging tools that harness distributed human intelligence [27, 19,
26]. Also, a range of research applications involving the use of
crowdsourcing to conduct behavioral and labor experiments [16,
15, 6, 5], filter inexpert judgments [24], conduct user studies [18]
and analyze large bodies of textual content [13] have introduced
crowdsourcing into diverse disciplinary contexts.
The rise of crowdsourcing applications has elicited divided opinions among researchers about the ethical, economic and political
implications of these phenomena. Some scholars have emphasized
the potential for crowdsourcing and related practices to bring about
social welfare gains by facilitating (a) innovation, (b) distributed
problem solving and (c) access to information resources[2]. Others
have made the case that crowdsourcing (as an example of human
This definition builds on the original usage by Jeff Howe, who
coined the term[17].
computing) also makes it easier to exploit workers, conduct malicious tasks, or generally devalue human intelligence[28].
We contend that crowdsourcing can and will produce positive social welfare benefits in a variety of contexts, but that nothing in the
technologies or techniques makes this inherently true. We support
this position through our analysis of Mission 4636, which entailed
the confluence of several different actors, technological platforms,
networks, and circumstances following the 2010 earthquakes in
Relevance to ICTD
Mission 4636 exemplifies the growing number of projects that
incorporate crowdsourcing and SMS networks to advance the social welfare aims at the core of ICT for development (ICTD) research.2 In this sense, Mission 4636 extends many existing tools
and approaches while also contributing several unique innovations
into the fields of ICTD and emergency response. We review a few
salient examples of ICTD and emergency response projects that
use crowdsourcing before turning to our analysis of Mission 4636
Efforts to incorporate crowdsourcing technologies and practices
into ICTD projects build on existing work with networks of various
kinds. For example, the use of sensor networks to monitor water
quality or irrigation levels also harnesses distributed, large-scale
information gathering to comparable effects, but it involves a less
continuous flow of human participation than most crowdsourcing
work[22, 23].
Crowdsourcing has begun to play a more prominent role in development initiatives and emergency response efforts. An ideal example of this trend, the San Francisco nonprofit Samasource facilitates digital work opportunities for underserved groups such as
women, children, and refugees around the world. As part of a
well-publicized 2007 search and rescue effort, emergency workers
collaborated with users of Google Earth and Amazon Mechanical
Turk to look for Steve Fossett, a pilot whose plane had disappeared
over the Nevada desert.3 While the crowdsourced search ultimately
failed, we find no reason to believe that the failure will prevent similar attempts in the future and find the effort to achieve a large-scale
search and rescue operation using a combination of paid and unpaid
volunteers especially relevant to the case of Mission 4636.
Similarly, SMS-based crowdsourcing projects represent a relatively new addition to the existing repertoire of ICTD applications for mobile phones. SMS offers numerous practical advantages in regions with high cell phone diffusion rates and GSM network coverage such as many parts of the Caribbean[7, 14]. The
txteagle project represents the most innovative effort to use SMSbased crowdsourcing to enable cell phones subscribers in Kenya
and Rwanda to earn income in exchange for completing microtasks[8].
Rapid emergency response adds an additional layer of complexity and difficulty to ICTD projects and research[20]. Ken Banks
and the creators of FrontlineSMS first applied an SMS-based reporting system to crowdsource election monitoring in Nigeria in
2007[1]. Subsequently, the FrontlineSMS system was extended
Brewer et al. provide an early, synthetic overview of ICTD[3].
Following recent work by Burrell and Toyama, we refrain from
attempting to narrowly define ICTD or development, but use the
terms here to refer to the scholarly community that (a) identifies
itself with similar terms and (b) focuses its research on the social
impact and implications of ICTs in geographic regions historically
considered to be “developing” or “underdeveloped”[4].
More information about the search and links to news stories can
be found at:
by Ushahidi to help map post-election violence in Kenya later that
year. FrontlineSMS itself incorporated this system into the FrontlineSMS:Medic project to promote health care through effective data
collection and patient-physician interactions.4
Building on previous ICTD, crowdsourcing, emergency response,
and SMS-reporting projects, the key innovations of Mission 4636
consist of several distinct components. First, the project expands
on the efforts of FrontlineSMS, Ushahidi and related groups to integrate both the survivors of emergencies as well as the promoters of ongoing community development into the recovery process.
Second, Mission 4636 also takes advantage of the distributed effort
of volunteers and paid workers to achieve a response of sufficient
scale and speed in the wake of an unexpected event. Finally, and
perhaps most uniquely, Mission 4636 represents an attempt to bypass the dual barriers of scale and language through a complex,
multi-step workflow that incorporated a number of organizational
actors around the world. Such an adoption of multiple tools as well
as collaborative strategies in response to a sudden crisis are becoming a viable and valuable resource for emergency responders[10].
Each worker was shown an SMS message from Haiti. The worker
was asked whether he or she could understand and translate the
message. If not, the worker had the option of moving onto another
message. A second question allowed the worker to flag a particular message if it was indecipherable or if it did not contain any
The worker then completed as many fields as possible in response to questions about the SMS message.5
Once the messages had been processed and categorized using
this framework, CrowdFlower posted feeds of translated and tagged
January 2010 Earthquakes
On January 12, 2010, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti 25
miles west of Port-au-Prince. In the 12 days following this quake,
52 aftershocks of magnitude 4.5 or higher were recorded.
Despite massive devastation of basic infrastructure in Port-auPrince as well as complete or periodic disruption of many essential
services, most of Haiti’s cell tower infrastructure remained intact.
Over 20 countries sent military personnel to contribute to relief
efforts on the ground. Dozens of international NGOs and agencies deployed staff and resources to Haiti as well. Communication,
coordination and oversight were chaotic in the first few days after
January 12.
Mission 4636
Within 48 hours of the first earthquake, Josh Nesbit of FrontlineSMS:Medic and Katie Stanton of the U.S. State Department convinced DigiCel, the largest telco in Haiti, to set up a short code –
“4636” – that any individual could text for free to request help.
Robert Munro of Energy for Opportunity and Brian Herbert of
Ushahidi set up a workflow where Kreyol-speaking volunteers could
translate the messages into English and classify them. The translated messages were then routed to aid agencies and workers who
could send relief. Once the system was working, InSTEDD (in collaboration with Thompson Reuters) worked on the ground to broadcast the existence of the “4636” short code to as many Haitians as
possible using radio and other accessible forms of communication.
Distributed Tagging and Translation with
People throughout Haiti used this short code system to send very
urgent messages and pleas for help. As the volume of messages
grew, so did the need for a more robust workflow platform. CrowdFlower began receiving feeds of SMS messages via Ushahidi (and
its Haitian telco partners) and facilitating their review. Volunteers
on the CrowdFlower platform provided translation, categorization
and geo-tagging.
A case study by Goldstein and Rotich situates Ushahidi’s early
work within the broader context of the Kenyan elections[9].
• Sender’s first and last name (free text entry)
• Sender’s gender (radio button)
• Sender’s status: missing, survived, wounded, deceased or
• Category of the aid request. The seven main categories were
Emergency, Threats, Vital Logistics, Response, Other, Persons News and Child Alone.
• Zone or neighborhood of the request/report
Worker Population
Kreyol speakers around the world were asked to contribute to the
translation and tagging efforts. Through word of mouth and a small
amount of viral online marketing about Mission 4636, the pool of
volunteer translators grew throughout the Haitian diaspora. Mission 4636 also created a short viral video to publicize its efforts.6
The Kreyol SMS translation and classification work was completed with contributions from a large number of volunteers around
the world. In Haiti, residents also played an integral role in the
SMS-based relief efforts. Before the first earthquake, Samasource
launched a new work center in Haiti, which now made it possible
to hire earthquake survivors to contribute to crowdsourced relief efforts. This Samasource service partner assumed a large amount of
the earthquake relief responsibilities, not only providing labor for
the emergency message routing, but also creating jobs for the local
We report geocoded IP information on the locations of the workers who translated and tagged SMS messages via CrowdFlower in
Table 1.
The distribution of workers’ IP addresses provides an approximate sense of the geographic distribution of the workers themselves. The vast proportion of U.S. addresses illustrates that these
crowdsourcing efforts were dominated by volunteers and workers
living outside the earthquake affected region.
System Throughput
The combined effort of the workers, volunteers and various partner organizations involved produced low latency and accessible results. CrowdFlower processed approximately 100,000 SMS messages in total and collected over 16,000 judgments (translations)
on the messages that were decipherable and legible. At peak volume, CrowdFlower workers and volunteers filtered over 5,000 SMS
Available at
Figure 1: Traffic per day (workers)
Table 1: Worker Location by Country (geocoded IP address)
Great Britain
No IP information was
available for 9289 workers or
41.7% of the aggregate workforce.
messages in one hour. The average response time to filter, translate, map/geocode and categorize a message did not exceed two
minutes. Parts of the emergency SMS message feeds – and the
maps generated by Ushahidi – are now used by a growing number
of organizations, including the Red Cross, Plan International, charity:water, the U.S. State Department, International Medical Corps,
AIDG, USAID, FEMA, the U.S. Coast Guard Task Force, World
Food Program, SOUTHCOM, OFDA and UNDP.
Figure 1 illustrates the overall throughput of the system as the
number of individual workers participating in Mission 4636 through
the Crowdflower platform per day during the months immediately
following the earthquakes. The graph begins January 28, 2010 and
ends May 12, 2010.
Figure 1 also conveys the uneven spikes typical of many crowdsourcing jobs. We are not sure what caused the unlikely spike
around mid April. To reiterate, the ability to accomodate unpredictable contractions and expansions in work volume and the related volume of workers needed to complete this work is a tremendous advantage of dedicated, crowdsourcing systems.
A key component of the task consisted in categorizing the messages that came through. Table 2 provides summary information
about the intelligible aid request messages that were categorized
by workers and volunteers through the CrowdFlower platform. The
categories are sorted by prevalence.
Note the prevalence of the “Other” and “Blank” categories, which
made up over 80% of the total. Also note that despite the high number of blanks, “the crowd” applied a total of 12,364 “non-blank”
categories, or 55.52% of the total.
Quality Control
The urgent nature of Mission 4636 did not allow for the application of redundancy that is a traditional step in CrowdFlower quality
control. In other crowdsourcing projects, multiple workers respond
to the same question, and an aggregation method (such as majority voting) then produces a robust estimate of the single accurate
response. In the Mission 4636 efforts, the majority of the SMS
messages were reviewed by a single judge only. Accordingly, it
was not possible to calculate precision or accuracy by measuring
agreement across multiple workers on a single SMS message.
Despite the absence of multiple judgments on each incoming
SMS, CrowdFlower employed several strategies for quality control.
A tactic for maximizing the skills of Kreyol speakers was to filter
out illegible, indecipherable or nonsense messages. By allowing
workers to flag and remove these SMS data units, overall latency
was streamlined and translators remained focused on substantive
messages to translate and categorize.
Mission 4636 also established a chat room for the online workers to facilitate collaboration and clarification. This parallel stream
of communication allowed workers to confirm and share additional
details on exact locations and addresses in Haiti. We believe this
communication contributed to heightened accuracy and more efficient throughput.7
Once an SMS message was processed, translated and categorized
by CrowdFlower volunteers, it was immediately pushed to an outbound feed to Ushahidi. During the project, a CrowdFlower effort
was made to improve the quality of the processed SMS messages
by improving the speed and accessibility of the outbound feed of
the translated and categorized messages. CrowdFlower and Mission 4636 published the feed with the aim of making the messages
available to as many relief agencies and actors as possible.
One challenge of operating in an acutely affected environment
after a major emergency is the difficulty of accurately assessing the
impact of many emergency response efforts. This was complicated
by the fact that the CrowdFlower SMS translation and categorization effort employed workers from all over the world and served
primarily to distribute information across dozens of separate organizations and agencies operating in Haiti. We were unable to collect
A brief report by Robert Munro posted on the Ushahidi blog supports this claim[21].
Table 2: Summary of SMS Categorization Results
systematic data to evaluate CrowdFlower’s role in Mission 4636 in
a rigorous way. In the absence of such data, we discuss the impact of the project in this section with the caveat that our findings
are not conclusive and may diverge from the observations of other
individuals and organizations involved in the relief effort.
As described in the previous section, overall system performance
scaled well to match the flow of incoming messages. The massive
number of volunteers worldwide in combination with the Haitibased workforce brought online by Samasource meant that the system processed most emergency messages with extremely low latency. For messages like “Non mwen se lucaint lucoit madanm
mwen ansent li rive le poul akouche nou nan delma 31 ri maryen
n 21 nan lakou legliz apostolik anfas site jeremi, mpa” (“condition bloody about. undergoing children delivery corner of delmas
31 and rue marine”) it was crucial not just to be fast, but to have
local knowledge to get the exact longitude and latitude from an ambiguous 140 character message as well as an accurate classification
so that the right aid agency can be deployed. In the case of this
particular SMS, USGS responded “just got emergency SMS, child
delivery, USCG are acting, and, the GPS coordinates of the location
we got from someone of your team were 100% accurate”[12].
The organizations receiving and using Mission 4636 information
to direct relief services provided strong, positive feedback. Craig
Clark of the U.S. Marine Corps commented on the text message
project: “I wish I had time to document to you every example, but
there are too many and our operation is moving too fast ... I say
with confidence that there are hundreds of these kinds of [success]
stories. The Marine Corps is using your project every second of the
day to get aid and assistance to the people that need it most.” Many
other relief actors, including the State Department, shared similar
comments on the utility of Mission 4636 and the unprecedented
efficiency it added to relief efforts[12].
Another consideration with respect to the overall project impact
was the speed with which it was deployed. The SMS translation
project was developed and launched extremely quickly, and there
were numerous challenges throughout this process. Publishing an
RSS feed of the translated SMS that was accessible to many different groups was key in allowing aid agencies to start downloading
the particular categories of messages that were important to their
work. Ushahidi’s maps of the reported incidents and the requests
for help made an important delineation of the overall trends separate from the individual needs.
After evaluating the lessons learned from CrowdFlower’s experience with Mission 4636, we found a few key limitations and recommendations.
The biggest technical constraint had to do with the various SMS
providers changing the formats of their feeds during the aftermath.
Such changes imposed major obstacles for SMS message processing, as CrowdFlower engineers had to alter the underlying structure
of the message-processing system in a hurry after each change. We
recommend that telecommunications providers do everything in
their power to maintain consistent data formats during emergency
As described above, CrowdFlower was constrained in its ability
to implement a more robust set of quality control tools in this case.
Previous research has demonstrated the significant gains in judgment accuracy and precision that can result from even relatively
simple quality measurement techniques[25, 24]. CrowdFlower deploys many of these same techniques with its clients through its
online platform; however, the Mission 4636 tasks did not incorporate many of these tools as a result of the urgency and speed with
which the response system was deployed.
This experience reflects the fact that in crowdsourcing, as in
many computational endeavors, we often encounter the tension between precision and recall. In the case of Mission 4636, the crowdsourcing system was optimized for recall, perhaps at the expense
of precision.
In future iterations of crowdsourced microtasks to support disaster relief, it would also be advantageous to add flexible functionality to the CrowdFlower platform. Specifically, certain categories or
types of SMS messages may warrant review by more than one human judge. This dynamic or variable redundancy on highly urgent
messages could reveal more details about the actual location of the
message and prevent any mistakes that a single translator may have
Another lesson learned concerns the design and presentation of
the SMS data itself through the CrowdFlower worker interface. The
task display included information about the number of SMS messages awaiting judgment. If this number was too big, volunteers
reported that they felt hopeless, yet others reported that the transparency surrounding the pending workload provided a great motivator for the people churning through the tasks. We draw two
conclusions from these reports. First, we might make the display
of the queue an optional feature, allowing workers and volunteers
the latitude to hide it if they wish. Another possible improvement
would be to pre-populate the task with a Google translation of the
SMS text to ease the workload of the translators, thereby enhancing
the speed of the system and reducing frustration simultaneously.
Workers could simply correct or verify the machine translations,
pointing out any specific or missing details that need enhancement.
A final concern regards the overall quality of the information
flowing through the system. Volunteered information and crowdsourced analysis may produce results of questionable precision and
accuracy. At the same time, the effective integration of such “imperfect signals” can complement existing emergency response systems. In other words, emergency information that may be imperfect is better than an absence of any information in the context of
the acute phase of an emergency cycle. An evaluation of this claim
should be left to future work. As in all crowdsourcing endeavors,
the incentives of the participants will affect the end result of the
project. Disaster victims in dire situations are, in our opinion, less
likely to attempt to scam a lifesaving system than unethical online
workers in an enterprise crowdsourcing task may be.
Response request
Vital logistics
Persons news
Child alone
These messages were analyzed, but
category information was left blank.
Limitations and Recommendations
In future crowdsourced emergency response efforts, we propose
adding layers of quality control along the lines laid out in previous research[25, 24]. Given the success of this project in KreyolEnglish translation, we also can engage Kreyol speakers to verify
the quality of translations. This creates a multi-step workflow to
validate results, which would increase completion time and reduce
throughput. Our hypothesis is that this would generate substantial
improvements in quality.
In future applications of crowdsourcing in disaster relief, more
nuanced results could be available through more use of the CrowdFlower platform. Specifically, having more people review or verify certain SMS messages (i.e., the more urgent ones) could allow
workers to extract more details about the actual location of the message. Multiple judgments per message would prevent any mistakes
that a particular single translator may have made. 8
It is clear that new technology and cross-platform collaboration
stand to make significant contributions to future disaster preparedness and relief efforts. Crowdsourcing has a role within these efforts and should be considered a highly flexible, highly responsive
tool for any and all actors. As mobile phone penetration grows
around the world, we can anticipate growth in the coverage of
SMS-based relief efforts in the event of an emergency. As Internet penetration grows, we anticipate an increase in the available
worker pools to assist with crowdsourced translation, categorization and tagging efforts to support on-the-ground relief efforts. Finally, as governments, nonprofits and humanitarian relief agencies
learn more about the possibilities that lie in this new tool for emergency relief, we are confident that greater numbers of lives will not
only be changed but may very well be saved.
Ongoing efforts by CrowdFlower and others are focused on establishing a more permanent version of this short code system and
SMS-based reporting for hurricane season in Haiti. International
relief agencies and researchers should examine the feasibility of
integrating crowdsourcing into crisis response assessment methods
and toolkits. Crowdsourcing can complement existing emergency
response systems and networks, but greater information and education on crowdsourced options and approaches will need to be circulated among the international relief community. Local authorities
around the world should also look to their version of 911 systems
to see whether parts of the response cycle could be crowdsourced
efficiently. Situations that are less urgent than natural disasters can
create spikes in the volume of digital information that enters these
automated systems. Crowdsourcing can facilitate processing such
unexpected spikes.
A major danger of expanding crowdsourced emergency response
stems from the potential for poor integration with existing systems.
In the aforementioned example of the search and rescue efforts to
find Steve Fossett, Mechanical Turk workers produced a vast number of false-positives, straining emergency agencies’ resources and
willingness to collaborate.
Future projects should evaluate the effectiveness of these kinds
of solutions as well as a more comprehensive evaluation of their integration and utility in acute emergency repsonse. Future research
should also assess SMS-reporting system performance as well as
short and long-term impacts on survivor populations and future
As of the time of publication of this paper, CrowdFlower was
involved with the Pakreport project, a similar SMS-based relief collaboration with Ushahidi and other agencies. In this
instance, there was an opportunity to draw upon the lessons
learned with Mission 4636 and to structure the SMS processing such that each message was moderated by three volunteers.
More details on the broader Pakreport effort can be found at
emergency preparedness and response efforts.
We have presented an overview of CrowdFlower’s efforts to maximize the quality of the crowdsourced information geolocation and
categorization as part of Mission 4636. Our focus in this analysis on evaluating tools and techniques rather than project participants’ interpretations therefore positions these findings closer to the
“problem solving” pole of the pragmatist-interpretivist spectrum of
ICTD research laid out in a recent essay by Burrell and Toyama[4].
We find that CrowdFlower’s most significant contribution to Mission 4636 and to the broader field of crowdsourced crisis relief
stems from the scalability of the pool of earthquake survivors, volunteers, workers, and machines that the organization engaged at
an acute stage of the emergency response effort. This collaboration generated a high volume of filtered, categorized, and geocoded
messages that were used by relief workers and agencies to direct
assistance where it was needed most.
While we are unable to conduct a more thorough review of the
project impact in Haiti among earthquake survivors and their families, our analysis offers several significant take-away points:
• The importance of task design.
• The importance of effective collaboration with other organizations and actors involved.
• The opportunities made possible by efficient, large -scale information processing.
• The opportunities to improve system throughput and quality
Mission 4636 came to life because multiple organizations were
able to work together quickly and effectively. It illustrated the advantages of a flexible, crowdsourced workflow for disaster relief
management. Businesses use crowdsourcing because it eliminates
the need to forecast or anticipate work capacity in advance. Disaster relief is simply an extreme extension of this same situation.
Traditionally, harnessing thousands of volunteers would represent
a logistical quagmire, but crowdsourcing platforms are specifically
suited for these types of amorphous, virtual labor forces. Through
viral channels and a microtask framework, it was possible (and will
be possible in the future) to have thousands of people around the
world doing mission-critical work within hours or days.
The authors are grateful for the support and collaboration of everyone at CrowdFlower and the participating organizations in Mission 4636. We especially thank Anisha Sekar and Diyang Tang
(CrowdFlower interns) for their invaluable assistance with the preparation of this manuscript.
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