Cancer Causes and Control 11: 25±30, 2000.
Ó 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Vitamin D receptor genotype and breast cancer in Latinas (United States)
Sue Ann Ingles1,*, Diana G. Garcia1, Wei Wang1, Alexandra Nieters1, Brian E. Henderson1,
Laurence N. Kolonel3, Robert W. Haile1 & Gerhard A. Coetzee2
Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Southern California/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, 1441
Eastlake Ave, MS 44, Room 6419, Los Angeles, CA 90033. Ph: (323) 865-0498; Fax: (323) 865-0473; E-mail:; 2Department of Urology, University of Southern California/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Los Angeles, CA; 3Cancer Research Center, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI (*Author for correspondence)
Received 5 November 1998; accepted in revised form 6 August 1999
Key words: breast neoplasms calcitriol, cohort studies, polymorphism (genetics), receptors.
Objective: Polymorphism in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene has been associated with variation in bone mineral
density and with prostate cancer risk. The purpose of this study was to determine whether polymorphism in the
VDR gene may also in¯uence breast cancer risk.
Methods: Polymorphisms in the 5¢ and 3¢ ends of the VDR gene were genotyped for 143 Latina women with breast
cancer and 300 cohort controls.
Results: Both the BsmI and poly-A polymorphisms in the 3¢ end of the VDR gene were associated with breast cancer
risk, with a trend for increasing risk with increasing number of BsmI B alleles or short (S) poly-A alleles. Compared
to subjects having two long poly-A alleles (genotype LL), odds ratios (and 95% con®dence intervals) were 1.5 (1.0±
2.3) and 3.2 (1.5±6.9) for subjects having genotypes SL and SS, respectively. Compared to BsmI genotype bb, odds
ratios (and 95% con®dence intervals) were 1.6 (1.1±2.5) and 2.2 (1.0±4.7) for genotypes Bb and BB respectively. The
start codon polymorphism, FokI, was not associated with breast cancer risk.
Conclusion: These results suggest that polymorphic variation in or near the 3¢ end of the VDR gene in¯uences breast
cancer risk in Latina women.
Vitamin D plays an important role in modulating
transcription of genes involved both in calcium and
phosphorus homeostasis and in cellular dierentiation
and proliferation (reviewed in refs. 1±3). An obligatory
mediator of these eects is the vitamin D receptor
(VDR). Both the 5¢ and 3¢ ends of the VDR gene are
polymorphic. Polymorphism in the ®rst of two possible
translation start codons [4] produces receptor variants
diering in size and activity [5]. Allelic variation in the 3¢
end of the VDR gene, although less clearly related to
function, appears to have phenotypic consequences for
calcium metabolism [6, 7], vitamin D metabolism [8, 9],
bone density (reviewed in ref. 10) and prostate cancer
risk [9, 11±13]. The observation that normal human
breast epithelial cells [14] and most breast cancers [15,
16] express VDR raise the possibility that polymorphism
in the VDR gene may also in¯uence breast cancer risk.
To test this hypothesis we genotyped polymorphisms in
the 5¢ and 3¢ ends of the VDR gene for 143 Latina
women with breast cancer and 300 cohort controls.
Materials and methods
The Hawaii±Los Angeles Multiethnic Cohort Study is
an ongoing epidemiological study of Japanese-Americans and whites residing in Hawaii, and AfricanAmericans and Latinos residing in California. For a
study of vitamin D receptor genotypes and breast cancer
we obtained DNA samples on female subjects from the
two Los Angeles-based (i.e., African-American and
Latino) sub-cohorts. In this ®rst report we focus on
Latinas, a population with strong linkage disequilibrium
in the genomic region of interest, which allows BsmI and
poly-A genotypes to be interpreted as markers of the
VDR 3¢UTR allelotypes [17]. African-Americans have
not been included in this report because characterization
of allelotypes and validation of markers in the AfricanAmerican population is still in progress.
The Latina sub-cohort includes more than 12,000
Latina women, age 45±75 at recruitment, residing in Los
Angeles County, who were recruited by sampling Los
Angeles County residents from drivers' license ®les as
previously described [18, 19]. Newly diagnosed cases of
breast cancer among Latinas were ascertained through
linkage of the cohort to the Los Angeles County
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER)
cancer registry, which is estimated to be 99% complete.
Blood samples were obtained from incident breast
cancer cases and from approximately a 1% random
sample of the cohort members to serve as a control
group. The participation rate for sample collection was
in excess of 70% among both cases and controls. All
subjects signed informed consents and the study was
approved by the University of Southern California
Institutional Review Board, which oversees studies
involving human subjects.
S.A. Ingles et al.
were performed using a likelihood ratio test for significance of a genotype variable coded as 0, 1, or 2.
Expected genotype frequencies under Hardy±Weinberg equilibrium and under the hypothesis of no linkage
disequilibrium were calculated from observed genotype
frequencies among controls, using standard methods
[22]. Testing for departure from the hypothesis of no
linkage disequilibrium was performed by comparing
observed and expected joint genotypic distributions
using a chi-square test.
Of the 300 control women, 55 were included in our
previous report describing linkage disequilibrium in the
3¢UTR of the VDR gene [17]. Among 55 female and 43
male Latino cohort members, we had observed 81%
agreement between BsmI and poly-A genotypes. With
300 control women now available from the same cohort,
agreement between the BsmI and poly-A genotypes is
now estimated to be 88% (Table 1).
Table 1. Joint distribution of 3¢VDR marker genotypes (BsmI and
Poly-A) among Latina controls
An 825 bp region of genomic DNA containing the BsmI
polymorphic site in intron 8 was ampli®ed and analyzed
as previously described [12]. The existence of the cut
allele, b, is indicated by the formation of a 625 base-pair
A region surrounding the poly-A polymorphism was
ampli®ed as previously described [13]. Products were
separated on polyacrylamide sequencing gels and autoradiographed. Alleles were sized and categorized as
short (S) or long (L) as previously described [12].
A region of approximately 280 bp of genomic DNA
containing the FokI polymorphic site was ampli®ed and
analyzed as previously described [20]. The presence of
the cut allele, f, is indicated by a band at approximately
200 bp.
Agreement = (12 + 94 + 157)/300 = 88%.
Table 2. Age-adjusted odds ratios and 95% con®dence intervals for
breast cancer by 3¢VDR genotype in Latinas
Controls n (%)
Cases n (%)
(95% con®dence interval)
169 (56.4)
112 (37.3)
19 (6.3)
61 (42.7)
68 (47.5)
14 (9.8)
1.6 (1.1±2.5)
2.2 (1.0±4.7)
p-trend = 0.01
LL 171 (57.0)
SL 113 (37.7)
16 (5.3)
62 (43.4)
65 (45.4)
16 (11.2)
1.5 (1.0±2.3)
3.2 (1.5±6.9)
p-trend < 0.01
Statistical methods
FokI, BsmI and poly-A odds ratios were estimated by
®tting standard unconditional logistic regression models
[21], using two indicator variables to encode the three
FokI, BsmI or poly-A genotypes, and two indicator
variables to adjust for tertiles of age. Tests for trend
300 (100)
143 (100)
VDR genotype and breast cancer
Both BsmI and poly-A genotype frequencies were in
Hardy±Weinberg equilibrium among the cohort controls, with observed genotype frequencies (Table 2)
being nearly identical to the expected Hardy±Weinberg
frequencies of 57%, 37%, and 6% for genotypes bb or
LL, Bb or SL, and BB or SS, respectively. Cases, on the
other hand, had a lower than expected frequency of bb
or LL and higher than expected frequencies of Bb or SL
and BB or SS genotypes. Thus 3¢VDR genotype, as
measured by either the BsmI or the poly-A marker, was
associated with breast cancer risk (Table 2). Compared
to subjects having the BsmI bb genotype, risk was
increased by approximately 60% in heterozygotes (Bb)
and more than two-fold in BB homozygotes. Similar
results were obtained using poly-A as a marker of
3¢VDR genotype.
The start codon polymorphism, FokI, was not in
linkage disequilibrium with the BsmI and poly-A
polymorphisms in the 3¢ end of the gene. The observed
joint distribution of FokI and BsmI genotypes did not
dier signi®cantly from the expected distribution under
the hypothesis of no linkage disequilibrium (Table 3),
indicating that the two ends of the VDR gene segregate
independently, or nearly so in this population. Moreover, the FokI polymorphism was not associated with
breast cancer risk (Table 4). Genotype frequencies were
similar for cases and controls, and odds ratios comparing genotypes Ff and to FF were not signi®cantly
dierent from the null hypothesis value of 1.
Table 3. Joint distribution of 5¢VDR (FokI) and 3¢VDR (BsmI)
genotypes among Latina controls: observed frequencies (and expected
frequencies under the assumption of no linkage disequilibrium)
51 (61)
89 (81)
29 (27)
45 (40)
50 (54)
17 (18)
11 (7)
8 (9)
0 (3)
Test for departure from hypothesis of no linkage disequilibrium:
p = 0.21.
Table 4. Age-adjusted odds ratios and 95% con®dence intervals for
breast cancer by 5¢VDR genotype in Latinas
n (%)
n (%)
107 (35.7)
147 (49.0)
46 (15.3)
53 (37.1)
65 (45.5)
25 (17.5)
300 (100)
143 (100)
(95% con®dence interval)
0.9 (0.6±1.4)
1.1 (0.6±2.9)
Of the 143 cases, 22 (15%) were diagnosed with in-situ
disease, 86 (60%) with stage 1 disease, and 35 (25%)
with higher-stage disease. Results did not appear to
dier by stage; however, power to detect heterogeneity
was low. The average age was 65.5 (s.d. = 8.3) years for
cases and 62.7 (s.d. = 7.9) years for controls.
In this cohort of Latina women, the frequency of the
BsmI b allele, at 75%, is higher than frequencies
typically reported for non-Latino white populations
(e.g., 59% among 591 control subjects in the Physician's
Health Study [9]; 57% among 169 non-Latino white
control subjects residing in Los Angeles County [17]).
However, the BsmI b allele frequency among our Latina
control subjects is similar to the frequency of 71%
observed among 103 Mexican-American women in an
observational study of fracture risk in Northern California [23]. Although the Northern California study was
not population-based, any bias due to selection of
women at increased fracture risk would be expected to
produce downward bias in the frequency of the BsmI b
allele, which is associated with lower fracture risk. The
BsmI b allele frequency among Latinos, at 71±75%, is
lower than frequencies typically reported in Asian
populations (e.g., 88% among 488 healthy premenopausal Japanese women [24]; 95% among 96 members
of a Singapore cohort [17]). The observation of BsmI
allele frequencies in Latinos that are intermediate
between non-Latino whites and Asians is consistent
with the known ethnic make-up (part European, part
native-American) of this population.
In this cohort of Latina women, breast cancer risk was
associated with polymorphic variation in the 3¢ end of
the VDR gene. The VDR, a transcription factor which
regulates a number of genes involved in cell proliferation
and dierentiation (reviewed in refs 1±3), was ®rst
observed in human breast cancer cells nearly 20 years
ago [25]. Since that time, numerous studies have
demonstrated that vitamin D and deltanoids (vitamin
D analogues) inhibit proliferation of breast cancer cells
both in vitro [25±33] and in vivo [15, 30±32, 34±36]. The
anti-proliferative eect is con®ned to those cells possessing VDRs [28, 37], and is roughly proportional to
VDR number [37].
The simplest hypothesis that might explain an association between breast cancer risk and 3¢VDR genotype
is that two allelic variants encode receptors diering in
steady-state expression or functional activity. Tests of
this hypothesis, however, have yielded con¯icting results, with VDR gene expression having been reported
as: higher for BsmI B compared to b alleles [8, 38];
higher for b compared to B alleles [39]; and indistinguishable for B and b alleles [40, 41]. Contributing to
these contradictory results may be the use of markers,
such as BsmI, which do not lie in the 3¢UTR itself, to
classify a relatively small number of cell lines in all of
these studies. Although BsmI can be used as a marker of
3¢UTR polymorphisms in most populations [17], it
cannot be presumed that the B allele, for example, is in
cis with the functional allele of interest in any single cell
line. Potentially functional polymorphisms in the 3¢UTR
itself have not yet been tested in in vitro systems. Based
on in vitro studies reported to date, the VDR 3¢UTR
cannot be ruled out as a functional locus contributing to
breast cancer risk.
At the 5¢ end of the VDR gene, the start codon
polymorphism, FokI, was not associated with breast
cancer risk. Thus, the association between breast cancer
and the 3¢VDR genotype is not due to linkage disequilibrium between the 3¢ end of the gene and the start
codon polymorphism. Sequences upstream of the start
codon are also unlikely candidates for the functional
locus, since the start codon polymorphism lies outside
the region of tight linkage disequilibrium surrounding
the BsmI polymorphism. The region of disequilibrium
extends at least 3 kb downstream from BsmI to the
poly-A microsatellite approximately 1 kb from the end
of the VDR 3¢UTR [17], and may extend further
downstream to include other genes. Thus, we cannot
rule out the possibility that BsmI and poly-A are
markers for a nearby downstream gene.
The association of 3¢VDR genotype with variation in
traits that are clearly dependent on vitamin D status, such
as calcium metabolism and bone mineral density, lends
support to the hypothesis that polymorphism within the
VDR gene itself is functionally signi®cant. The BsmI BB
genotype, which we found to be associated with increased
risk of breast cancer, has been associated with decreased
bone density in most studies [42]. It can be hypothesized
that variation in the VDR gene marked by the BsmI B
allele, either by aecting VDR activity or VDR number,
leads to decreased trans-activation of VDR target genes
that in¯uence calcium metabolism or cellular growth or
proliferation. Likely target genes include genes for
insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins, which
in addition to regulating bone formation, may mediate
growth inhibitory eects of vitamin D in breast cancer
cell lines [43, 44]. Although breast cancer and osteoporosis have been found to be inversely correlated at the
population level [45, 46], this may be explained by the role
of estrogen both in maintaining bone mineral density and
in driving cellular proliferation in the breast. The relative
contributions of estrogen and vitamin D status to risk of
S.A. Ingles et al.
breast cancer and osteoporosis, as well as possible
interactions among estrogen, vitamin D, and the IGF
system, need to be further studied.
Finally, we note that the BsmI b and poly-A L alleles
that were associated with protection against breast
cancer were previously found to be associated with
increased risk of prostate cancer [9, 12]. While the
reason for this ®nding is not yet clear, it is not surprising
that a steroid hormone such as 1,25(OH)2D3 may have
dierent eects in dierent tissues. The VDR can act
both as an activator and as a repressor of transcription,
depending on the nature of the target gene promoter and
on tissue-speci®c VDR interacting proteins [47]. The
speci®c target genes and regulatory factors involved in
breast- and prostate-speci®c VDR responses have not
been identi®ed; nevertheless, even in the absence of
mechanistic explanations, the ®nding of an association
between VDR genotype and breast cancer risk supports
the hypothesis that vitamin D may in¯uence breast
cancer etiology. However, because the sequence variants
de®ning the functional 3¢VDR genotype have not yet
been identi®ed, it is especially important that this
epidemiologic ®nding is replicated in other populations
and in other ethnic groups. If con®rmed, these ®ndings
suggest that vitamin D and/or vitamin D analogues may
be useful for breast cancer prevention and/or treatment,
and that assessment of VDR polymorphisms might
someday be useful to identify individuals most at risk
and/or most responsive to intervention.
We thank Wu Zhang for laboratory assistance and
Hank Hwang for programming assistance. This study
was supported by funds from the California Breast
Cancer Research Program of the University of California, Grants number 1IB-0353 and 3IB-0089 and by
NIH/NCI grant R01 CA54281. Dr Ingles was supported
by the STOP Cancer Foundation.
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