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Inclusion Fusion: Supporting Diversity by Embedding Inclusive Pedagogies Prof. Nigel Healey, Vice President of Global and Community Engagement Darrell Healy, Teaching Assistant Michelle Daly, University Teacher Other UL Project Team members: Associate Professor Angela Farrell, Associate Professor Catherine Martin, Research Assistants Mark Ryan and James Coursey, Donal O’Leary, Coordinator of UL Access Campus 28 May 2024 Inclusion is core to the UL mission Human Rights Strategy University of Sanctuary • provides tuition fee waivers to first-time higher education applicants who identify as; refugee, asylum seeker, or a person in a refugee-like situation Scholars at Risk • advocates on behalf of academics who have been persecuted or otherwise threatened in their home country Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion EDI trainings (4 module course) 1.Introduction 2.Recruitment and Selection 3.Fostering equality in teaching and learning for diverse student pop. 4.Policy and Practice Internationalisation at Home (IaH) Integrated into UL Strategic Plan – Goal 3: Internationalisation Erasmus+K2 Projects Driven by Internationalisation at Home Committee Internationalisation at Home Committee IaH Committee Vice President, Global and Community Engagement, Chair UL Global Team Assistant Deans International Director of Centre for Transformational Learning Representatives from across the professional services and support staff How is IaH being developed at UL? • Engagement through intercultural events and training for staff and students • E.g. UL’s Global Accessibility Awareness Week • Supporting international students through social and cultural events • Centre for Transformative Learning offers CPD modules in; curriculum development, learning, teaching and assessment, technology enhanced learning, and UDL UL Global Centre for Transformative Learning Intercultural and culturally responsive pedagogical training being developed by members of IaH Committee for all teaching and support staff Access Campus • AccessCampus: immersive experiences for students in community setting, giving practical knowledge to support theory and enhance learning. Faculties involvement in Erasmus+K2 Projects ERASMUS+ K2 PROJECT TRIP Training and Realising Innovations in Internationalisation at Home Pedagogies Erasmus + K2 Project: o FULL PARTNERS • University of Limerick, Ireland (UL) – Project Lead • Europa-Universität Flensburg, Germany (EUF) • Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici, Slovakia (UMB) • Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain (UCM) • Université Rennes II, France (R2) o ASSOCIATE PARTNERS • University of Tclemcen, Algeria (leads external quality committee) • University of the Western Cape, South Africa TIMEFRAME 36 Months (January 2021 to December 2024) OVERVIEW OF TRIP PROJECT • IaH has become increasingly recognised as a key strategic priority for higher education across the globe - however there is no recognised strategy, formula or approach (Robson et al. 2017) • The need for an IaH approach that can support EU educational polices and goals around EDI and the UN SDGs (4) has also been highlighted in the literature (Healy 2023) • A lack of engagement by academics, in combination with a skills deficits has created obstacles to the advancement of internationalisation with universities at varying stages of development and implementation (see, for example, Egron-Polak and Hudson 2014) • TRIP seeks to address this gap by developing a tripartite action model (at the macro, meso, and micro levels) that can offer a comprehensive framework for HEIs with in-built transversal skills development, capacity building and quality assurance: Macro Meso Micro • Create robust and sustainable IaH policies and systems that support EDI and SDGs (4) • Internationalise the Curriculum and teaching and learning by developing inclusive culturally responsive pedagogies and communication across the campus • Ensure a high quality international educational experience for all students to foster globally engaged graduates • In these ways TRIP will support the advancement of the key EU educational policies and goals and UN SDGs (4) of equality and inclusion in education, upskill our campus community, address the needs of civil society, and provide a roadmap for inclusive internationalization at home in higher education more widely. Macro Level Outputs PR3 Framework for Inclusive Internationalisation at Home (in design for piloting June to September 2024) Macro Level Goal(s) • Create robust and sustainable IaH policies and systems that support EDI and SDGs (4) with embedded quality assurance • This framework; • Includes a transnationally accepted definition of a Responsible International University and Inclusive Internationalisation at Home – next slide • Offers an overarching road map and toolkit for self-evaluation and monitoring mechanisms for HEIs to develop and embed inclusive Internationalisation at Home to suit context Based on… • Mapping of best internationalisation at home practices across HE institutions • Review of literature in the area of IaH and responsible internationalisation Proposed TRIP developmental model; • Establishes Broad Criteria – example later in presentation • Links with other aspects of the project to establishes a toolkit for specific areas (e.g. guidelines and checklist on how to internationalise the curriculum) • Facilitates individuals to self-monitor their inclusive internationalisation at home knowledge, skills, and practices • Institutions will be able to monitor and quality assure the institutional development and progress of inclusive internationalisation at home in their own context Conceptualisation Stage Planning Stage Piloting Stage Partial Implementation Stage Full Implementation Stage Macro Level Output: Transnationally Accepted Definition of a Responsible International University and Inclusive Internationalisation at Home The TRIP project is based on the fundamental premise that internationalisation should not only take place with an outward focus, but should extend to all aspects of campus life, through the development of an Internationalisation at Home approach. Moreover, this approach should be driven by the core value of inclusion. An inclusive approach to Internationalisation at Home is one that purposefully integrates and embeds global and intercultural dimensions into the academic curriculum, teaching and learning activities, and adapts university supports and services to ensure they are culturally responsive and better able to address the diverse needs of all students and staff, both domestic and international. We believe that this approach can widen accessibility and inclusion in higher education to further these key EU and United Nations education and development goals and foster transversal skills and global citizenship. We are committed to advancing this approach by offering a comprehensive framework and training to enable universities to develop and implement inclusive Internationalisation at Home policies and practices. The TRIP approach provides the ethos and foundation for a Responsible International University (RIU) which has as its social mission the promotion of the common good for all, both in its outward global ambition and in its Internationalisation at Home policies and practices. Proposed developmental model e.g. Criteria Conceptualisation Stage Concept Planning Stage Planning Piloting Stage Piloting Institutional Level IaH Policy IaH Implementation Plan IaH Committee IaH Quality Assurance Mechanisms Services and Supports Language supports for international staff Language supports for international students Intercultural Supports for Students Culturally Responsive Disability Service Culturally Responsive Counselling Service Stakeholder Training CPD Training for Teaching Staff in internationalisation at home Module 1 CPD Training for Teaching Staff in Culturally Responsive Teaching & Learning and internationalisation of the curriculum Module 2 CPD Training for Teaching Staff in intercultural communication Module 3 CPD Training for Professional Support Staff in internationalisation at home Module 1 CPD Training for Professional Support Staff in intercultural communication Module 3 Partial Implementation Stage Partially Implemented Full Implementation Stage Fully Implemented Institutional Governance e.g., IaH Committee Institutional Monitoring / Audit of Progress Assess Institutional Infrastructure, Needs and Priorities (KPIs) TRIP Cyclical Model for Institutional Implementation This is an example of how an institution may operationalise the TRIP Framework. Institutions can adapt the model according to their needs and priorities. Self-Assess and Monitor Train and Build Community of Practice e.g., CoP Teaching Staff & CoP of Professional Support Staff Self-Assess and Monitoring Action for Change in Practices Meso Level Outputs Professional Development Course for Academics and Professional Support Staff (in final design for piloting from mid June to mid September) consisting of 3 modules; Meso Level Goal(s) • Internationalise the Curriculum and teaching and learning by developing inclusive culturally responsive pedagogies and communication skills 1. Introduction to Inclusive Internationalisation at Home • This module introduces key concepts related to IaH, and explains how inclusive IaH in HE can support the UN SDGs, EDI, and UDL, as well as highlighting the challenges involved and how they can be addressed. 2. Internationalising the Curriculum and Teaching and Learning • This module presents the TRIP framework for an inclusive, culturally responsive curriculum and teaching and learning in support of Inclusive Internationalisation at Home in HE. Based on… • Based on mapping of needs and practices in institution • Builds on related trainings and existing Erasmus+K2 projects • ATTIAH and EQUIIP 3. Intercultural Competence and Communication Skills for inclusive Internationalisation at Home in HE. • This module focuses on developing intercultural knowledge and communication skills to support inclusive IaH in HE. • • It will also create a good practice guide that will include a review of the literature, the findings from the mapping of institutional practices and authentic case studies reflecting how the TRIP CPD training is being implemented and recommendations for other HEIs. Training workshops for capacity building and train the trainer guide Micro Level Outputs Micro Level Goal(s) • Ensure a high quality international educational experience for all students to foster globally engaged graduates Based on… • Previous Erasmus+K2 projects, including FRAMES • Previous virtual exchange model e.g., Université Rennes 2 PR2 E-Module for Students (designed and final piloting in September/October 2024) 1. The Intercultural Virtual Exchange Model: • Focuses on exploring societal challenges in the areas of the environment, race, gender, and inclusion using a challenge-based approach with intercultural and digital upskilling embedded • Flexible model; can run as stand-alone version or 5-to-8-week iterations, and in different languages • Inter-institutional collaboration, including with Global South partners and with community groups • Can serve as an alternative to Erasmus module or be embedded into the curriculum to create opportunities for an international education experience for those unable to avail of in-person mobility 2. IVSC Training Guide: • A training guide setting out the underlying principles for the IVSC design and the methodology with case studies from the TRIP piloting and guidelines and recommendations for other HEIs 3. Training Workshops: • Training workshops for IVSC participants and facilitators • Train the trainer approach The Importance of the IVSC TRIP Project TRIP Skills training for teaching and support staff 1. 2. 3. Introduction to internationalization at home Internationalising the curriculum and inclusive pedagogies Internationalising communication skills for the culturally diverse campus The Challenge based learning model • The TRIP Intercultural Virtual Societal Challenge (IVSC) E-module uses a challenge-based learning approach to provide an international and intercultural exchange experience for all students. • The IVSC E-module provides an opportunity for students to work collaboratively in interinstitutional teams where they actively explore solutions to complex societal issues relating to the areas of environment, gender, race or inclusion. • To facilitate learners working in inter-institutional teams on collaborative tasks, the TRIP IVSC E-module will be coordinated, managed, and facilitated by three key roles namely, Institutional Partner Coordinator, Teamcher and Mentor Alternatives to ERASMUS Learning outcomes of the IVSC TRIP Project Specifically, by the end of the module, it is expected that students should be able to: ● Demonstrate a critical, cross-cultural and intercultural understanding of the theme; (RACE) ● Outline the values and principles that have shaped their approach and how it can support EDI and the UN’s SDGs ● Upskill digitally in the use of communication and media creation tools ● Demonstrating an understanding of community and societal challenges ● Evaluate their own contribution and that of team members to address the challenge they have identified and investigated Case Studies / Testimonials Sandra Bellver Morant UL Student “The online sessions we held allowed me to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs, which fostered mutual empathy and respect, leading us to challenge ethnocentrism and avoid stereotypes.” Widyarini Putri UL Student “The video motivates viewers to take action against racism and support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) number 10 to reduce the inequality and number 16, which advocates for a peaceful world.” Hadjer Hammadi UL Teamcher Hadjer Hammadi UL Teamcher TRIP Inclusive Pedagogy Publication Outputs 1. In draft: for Higher Education Journal • Perspectives and experiences of lecturers from different disciplines regarding internationalising the curriculum and culturally responsive teaching and learning • The International Virtual Societal Challenge Exchange: Language and Intercultural Learning • Comparative Case Study of Internationalising Institutions (Ireland and Slovakia): TRIP Proposed Institutional Framework and Operationalisation Model • Design of framework/operationalisation model and how it applies across different contexts 2. Other Planned Publications • Routledge Book • Additional Journal Articles • Applied Research Relating to TRIP Outputs ERASMUS + K2 PROJECT ESTA Erasmus+ Capacity Building Teaching & Learning Project ESTA-Educating Science Teachers for All February 2020 - January 2024 ESTA-Educating Science Teachers for All Programme Countries: Partner Countries: Illia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia Telavi State University, Telavi, Georgia University of Sarajevo University of Mostar, Bosnia & Bosnia & Herzegovina Herzegovina De La Salle University, Manila, The Philippines Philippine Normal University, The Philippines ESTA - Educating Science Teachers for All Project Goals ESTA Project OUTPUTS • To adapt science teacher education programmes to prepare pre-service teachers to teach in multilingual and multicultural classrooms • To develop competencies of pre- and in-service science teachers to integrate content, language and culture in increasingly diverse science classrooms • To share best practice and develop teaching materials and resources to support learners in linguistically and culturally diverse science classrooms. https://esta-project.eu Science Education Programme curriculum development: • Upskilling of Science Teacher educators in language & culture responsive pedagogies. • Adaptation of courses on science teacher education programmes to include language and culture responsive pedagogies. In-service science teacher training: • Development of workshops to upskill science teachers to teach in diverse classrooms. Development of teaching materials and open educational resources. ERASMUS + K2 PROJECT MaMLiSE The MaMLiSE Project 2020-2023 An international project funded by the National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme under Action 2 - Strategic Partnerships, School Education - KA201 • • 8 project partners across 4 EU countries: Poland: Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań and the Teacher Training Centre, Poznań Ø Germany: Bremen University, Paderborn University and Bielefeld University Ø Greece: The Computer Technology Institute and Press (Patra/Athens) and The Intercultural Middle School in Ioannina Ø Ireland: The University of Limerick Ø MaMLiSE Project Goals • initiate, strengthen and expand international cooperation in secondary teacher education with a focus on the challenges which migration and society posits; • expand and develop the existing practices of in-service teacher training; • support teachers in delivering effective culturally responsive and linguistically sensitive instruction in multilingual and multicultural classes. Teachers will learn: • (1) how to create and adapt subject specific and language-oriented teaching materials to the appropriate CEFR level; • (2) how to support students through scaffolding strategies (general language instruction is taken into account as well as subject-oriented language instruction and language-sensitive instruction across various subjects). MaMLiSE Project Outputs IO1: Handbook for Teachers, Schools and Parents: Promoting multilingual practices in the school and home environments: Perspectives from Germany, Greece, Ireland and Poland Promoting multilingual practices in school and home environments | V&R eLibrary (vr-elibrary.de) IO2: Workshops for Schools: Developing more inclusiveschool policies and practices and closer links with parents IO3: MaMLiSE e-learning Platform for Teacher Training IO4: MaMLiSE Guidelines for Parents: Home Languages and Multilingualism IO5: MaMLiSE Research Publications: 5 Journal Articles https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/gl Community-based Activities Inclusion, integration and interculturalism UL Access Campus – Immersive Student Experience; Come and Meet the World! Algerian tutors, US study Abroad TESOL students Ukrainian english languiage class members enjoying the long Irish Summer. Music Therapy student Sara from Galicia leading activities at a New Communities event Algerian tutors, Kenyan researcher and support from Cork & Kerry! Study Club for children from Regeneration Areas. 06.11.19 Integrating International PhD Students into UL and the Community • • • • International PhD Student Intercultural Advocate Intercultural Training and Resilience Building - Intercultural Summer School English Language Supports - Academic English Writing Workshops and Retreats Creation of LIAF – Limerick Irish Algerian Friendship Group Ø Culture Night Ireland; Africa Day; Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival, etc. EVA International Reflective Discussion Task 1. How is the international profile of your university changing? 2. What are your university’s strategic goals in this area? 3. Is your university developing an internationalisation at home agenda? What inclusive education initiatives are taking place in your universities? 4. What elements of the TRIP framework and training in the area of inclusive IaH would be useful for your university context? 5. Which aspects the TRIP framework and training in the area of inclusive IaH would you amend to suit your own institutional needs and priorities? 6. What new initiatives can we develop together as a partnership?