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In dit rapport wordt antwoord gegeven op de vraag: Op welke manier geven de scholen voor het voortgezet onderwijs vorm aan hun internationaliseringsbeleid en wat wordt door de coördinatoren, docenten internationalisering of het management... more
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    • Internationalisation of the curriculum
This study analyses Internationalisation at Home (IaH) courses across a wide range of bachelor's degrees, from humanities to hard sciences, in public universities in Catalonia, as an in-depth analysis of a South European context. IaH... more
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      English for Specific PurposesInternationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation of Higher EducationEnglish as a medium of instruction
Comment intériorise-t-on des normes et des valeurs qui nous sont extérieures ? Comment des processus sociohistoriques sont-ils incar-nés par des individus et des institutions ? Posant ces questions fonda-mentales de la sociologie à un... more
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      Field TheoryInternationalisation of the curriculumHistory of EducationInternational Education
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      Teacher EducationInternationalisation of the curriculumPolitical ScienceInternational Education
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumHigher EducationPublic RelationsInternational and Global Strategic Communication, Global Media and Public Relations Ethics, and Public Affairs and Issues Management in Countries with Transitional Economies
"This paper considers the contested notion of creativity, both in general and as it pertains to design, and a synopsis is offered of a longitudinal study being carried out by the Centre of Excellence for Product and Automotive Design... more
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      CreativityInternational StudiesThreshold conceptsInternationalisation of the curriculum
Practical guide to implementing Internationalisation at Home
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation at Home
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)InternationalizationInternationalisation of Higher Education
In this article, the principle of educational internationalization is described as a major strategy of the Education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The ways in which national education systems can meet the challenges of our time... more
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      EducationInternationalisation of the curriculumHigher EducationInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)
"Universities today must reach across national boundaries beyond traditional approaches to the dissemination of knowledge and ideas. Globalization, intensifying competition in international education, mobile students, institutional... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalizationStaff DevelopmentInternationalisation of Higher Education
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation at Home
Newspapers frequently report employer complaints that university graduates are not equipped with the ‘soft’, employability skills required for today’s global workforce. Yet increasing evidence suggests that education abroad can develop... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)InternationalizationInternationalisation of Higher Education
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation at Home
The internationalisation of higher education is a key priority for the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Its aim is that all students in the Netherlands have obtained international and intercultural competences upon... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)Internationalisation of Higher EducationEuropeanisation and Internationalisation of Higher Education
Borghetti, C. & Zanoni, G. (2020) “Student and staff perspectives on Internationalisation at Home: a local investigation”. In Lundgren, U., Castro, P., & Woodin, J. (a cura di), Educational approaches to internationalization through... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumMultilingualismInternationalisation of Higher EducationInterculturality
Presents a new definition of Internationalisation at Home
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalization of higher education
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    • Internationalisation of the curriculum
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation at Home
Increasing globalisation and the interconnectedness of multinational work environments have intensified the demand for graduates capable of operating in culturally diverse contexts. Some of the skills required to function effectively in... more
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      EmployabilityInternationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)Internationalization
Bu tez eğitim programlarını değerlendirmede özgün bir yaklaşım olan ICODE modelini geliştirmek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Modelin temel özellikleri, tasarım süreci, uygulama ilkeleri, uygulanabilirliği ve işlevselliği üzerine araştırma... more
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      Program EvaluationCurriculum DesignAcademic curriculumInternationalisation of the curriculum
Internationalisation and employability development are important themes for UK higher education (HE) and the Higher Education Academy (HEA). One aspect of many UK HE institutions’ internationalisation strategies has been to increase the... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)InternationalizationTransnational Education
Esta comunicação visa apresentar as principais tendências que caracterizam o campo dos estudos curriculares na Guiné-Bissau partindo da revisão de estudos publicados no período de 1974 a 2013. Foi realizada pesquisa documental em Portugal... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumCurriculum StudiesGuinea-Bissau
EDITORIAL Andrew Wilkins: Shades of Freire: Exorcising the Spectre Haunting Pedagogy ARTICLES Kyle Wanberg: Pedagogy Against the State: The Ban on Ethnic Studies in Arizona Zachary A. Casey, Brian D. Lozenski, Shannon K.... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesSociology of EducationGlobalization
There has been much debate recently about the nature and purpose of internationalisation along with the drivers for change. For some universities, success is viewed primarily in terms of institutional performance through global rankings,... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalizationInternationalisation of Higher EducationInternationalization of higher education
Aufbauend auf Leasks Verständnis der Internationalisierung des Curriculums stellt dieser Beitrag drei unterschiedliche Ansätze vor, die Internationalisierungsmaßnahmen leiten können. Anhand eines Beispiels aus der Theologischen Fakultät... more
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      TheologyCurriculum DesignInternationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)
Abstract: The Open Educational Resources (OER) movement has great potential to allow the development of knowledge across borders, thus becoming an important vehicle for collaborative learning. OER can be a great contribution to train... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumOpen EducationOpen Educational Resources (Education)Internationalisation of Higher Education
In taking a strategic approach to Internationalisation at Home (IaH) and implementing it in a comprehensive way, Arcada University of Applied Sciences could turn the challenges we face in a global reality into opportunities, and further... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumStudent supportGraduate employabilityInternationalisation of Higher Education
This catalogue is the result of an 18-month study carried out between January 2013 and July 2014 for the EU Delegation to Russia. The study, devel- oped within the project “Completing the analysis and developing a catalogue of joint... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumHigher EducationInternational EducationTransformation of University Systems
This reader is designed to give you some background information before embarking on the learning track for internationalisation of associate degree programs. It provides an overview of recent trends in Internationalisation of Higher... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumHigher EducationInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)Learning And Teaching In Higher Education
In recent times, the theme of interdisciplinarity has gained popularity in policy, practice, teaching and research circles. Even as scepticism for the concept exists, it has nowgained moral overtones with arguments for why... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInterdisciplinarityInterdisciplinary Higher EducationLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
Forms part of the report for the European Parliament on internationalisation in 17 countries. Full report is linked here http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2015/540370/IPOL_STU%282015%29540370_EN.pdf
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)Academic MobilityInternationalization
(Deutsch) Für beruflichen Erfolg in Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik sowie für ein Leben in unserer durch Migration nachhaltig geprägten Gesellschaft sind internationale und interkulturelle Kompetenzen von zentraler Bedeutung. Da nur... more
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      E-learningInternationalisation of the curriculumMobility/MobilitiesDiversity
This article presents a model for Intercultural Teaching Competence (ITC) that instructors may use as a tool for reflection as they prepare to facilitate learning across cultures. Building on previous research on intercultural competence,... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationCurriculum DesignAcademic DevelopmentInternationalisation of the curriculum
Internationalization continues to be a priority within many Canadian universities. While it is imperative to attend to the ethical dilemmas that accompany the intensification of internationalization, different ethical frameworks operate... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumHigher EducationInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)Comparative & International Education
Taşçı-Kaya, G. (2016). Internationalizing the Curriculum, By Betty Leask, Book review, EIJEAS (Electronic International Journal of Education, Arts, and Science),Volume:2 Issue: 1, 1-3, Ohio, USA.
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    • Internationalisation of the curriculum
Retrospective of 15 years of IaH in EAIE Winter Forum, 2015
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation at Home
In E. Jones, R. Coelen, J. Beelen & H. de Wit (Eds.), Local and global internationalization, (pp. 55-65). Rotterdam: Sense.
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisatie at Home
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation at Home
Internationalization of the curriculum attracts considerable interest, yet often remains in the hands of enthusiasts or is relegated to the periphery of personal skills modules. While academics may be “happy to ‘tinker around the edges’... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyInternational RelationsPhilosophy
The term “Internationalization at Home” and its definition were first introduced in 2001 (Crowther et al 2001). Since then, strongly related and overlapping concepts and definitions have emerged, notably Internationalization of the... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)InternationalizationInternationalisation of Higher Education
Many educational institutions have tried to bridge the gap between the socio-cultural and curriculum content the learners are exposed to by engaging in exchange programmes with similar institution in oversea countries. Others employ the... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumCurriculum StudiesGlobalisation of CurriculumLocalisation of Curriculum
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)Internationalisation of Higher Education
This paper examines the how the challenges of the pandemic were overcome within Japan’s first ever joint undergraduate degree: The American University - Ritsumeikan University Bachelor of Arts in Global International Relations. The joint... more
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      EducationInternationalisation of the curriculumEducational ResearchInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationPeer observation of teaching
As universities continue to internationalize their curricula and recruit a growing number of international students, instructors facilitate learning in increasingly diverse classrooms. This chapter explores the application of... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationAcademic DevelopmentInternationalisation of the curriculumHigher Education
This thought piece contributes to the discussion about the value of international student mobility and how it can be enhanced within Business Schools through long term benefits of cross-cultural learning, given the increased pressure to... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation of Higher EducationInternational student mobility
Meaningful partnerships at programme level that benefit home curricula for all students, assign an important role to academics
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    • Internationalisation of the curriculum
This resource sets out to help staff supporting learning to develop inclusive learning activities, environments and programmes to support the development of a global outlook. A global outlook is broadly defined as the capabilities for... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationInternationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)Internationalization of higher education
This chapter considers interpretations of curriculum, and presents a brief review of both rationale and features of internationalised curricula with reference to literature and university position statements. This provides the context... more
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      Internationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)InternationalizationInternationalisation of Higher Education
Ausgehend von der internationalen Ausrichtung der Universität Göttingen und dem Branding „Education for a Global World – At Home and Abroad“ beleuchtet der Beitrag die Internationalisierung der Curricula als strategischen Prozess. Es... more
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      Organizational ChangeInternationalisation of the curriculumInternationalisation (Learning and Teaching)Change Management