Determination and Evaluation of Web Accessibility
Cornelia Boldyreff
Research Institute for Software Evolution, University of Durham, UK
The Web is the most pervasive collaborative
technology in widespread use today; however,
access to the web and its many applications cannot
be taken for granted. Web accessibility encompasses
a variety of concerns ranging from societal,
political, and economic to individual, physical, and
intellectual through to the purely technical. Thus,
there are many perspectives from which web
accessibility can be understood and evaluated. In
order to discuss these concerns and to gain a better
understanding of web accessibility, an accessibility
framework is proposed using as its base a layered
evaluation framework from Computer Supported
Co-operative Work research and the ISO standard,
ISO/IEC 9126 on software quality. The former is
employed in recognition of the collaborative nature
of the web and its importance in facilitating
communication. The latter is employed to refine and
extend the technical issues and to highlight the need
for considering accessibility from the viewpoint of
the web developer and maintainer as well as the web
user. A technically inaccessible web is unlikely to be
evolved over time. A final goal of the accessibility
framework is to provide web developers and
maintainers with a practical basis for considering
web accessibility through the development of a set of
accessibility factors associated with each identified
Keywords: Accessibility; evaluation framework;
accessibility legislation, standards, and guidelines.
1. Background
The development of computers and their
application in information systems in the middle of
the 20th century brought novel developments in the
representation of information such as Bush’s Memex
[1], an early pre-cursor of hypertext. Later the
concept of hypertext was more fully developed by
Nelson and others, see Conklin [2].
From the initial concepts of the Memex and
hypertext, support for collaboration as well as
universal accessibility have been key design
objectives. Bush distinguished between material
accessibility and intellectual accessibility [1]. He
recognised that current mechanisms for recording
and accessing information were largely physical
depending upon our senses of touch, speech, hearing
and vision without precluding the possibility of a
more direct means of communication and access in
the future. More importantly, he recognised the need
for humans not only to add to the record of human
knowledge, but also to make the basis of their
reasoning explicit. Without any indication of
rationale and explicit linking of recorded knowledge,
intellectual progress is held back. While material
accessibility is obviously necessary to support
collaboration, true collaboration requires intellectual
accessibility as well. Therefore, designers of
collaborative technology should give consideration
to both.
Nelson’s Xanadu project of the 1960s sought to
establish a universal, democratic hypertext library
that would help human life evolve into an entirely
new form [3]. It cannot be denied that developments
such as hypertext have bought more flexibility to the
representation of information, but that they fell short
in achieving universality, particularly in terms of
More recently with the development of the World
Wide Web, Bush’s vision of a medium whereby
bodies of human knowledge could be explicitly
linked to reflect their foundations has become a
reality. One of the key design concepts underpinning
the web is that it is a “space” in which information
exists and can be collectively extended and shared
[4]. Viewed as a large shared information space, the
web is the most pervasive collaboration technology
in the world today. Technically in the development
of the web, Berners-Lee sought to overcome the
practical communication barriers to information
exchange in the form of incompatibilities between
different computer systems through the development
of a common hypertext representation, html, a
common communication protocol, http, and a means
of uniquely identifying information resources, the url
His solutions whilst overcoming technical
barriers to computer to computer communication
have left open the problem of overcoming the human
to human communication barriers resulting from
limits to physical and intellectual access. It is clear
that these too have been an overriding concern to
Berners-Lee as the following quote indicates: “The
power of the Web is in its universality. Access by
everyone regardless of disability is an essential
aspect." [Tim Berners-Lee, opening quote on].
The extent of the accessibility problem can be
gauged from the W3C estimate that more than 90%
of sites on the WWW today are inaccessible to
disabled users [5]. As the web becomes more and
more intertwined within the fabric of our society and
the support for collaboration originally envisaged by
its pioneering developers is evolved, the need for
consideration to be given to web accessibility is
crucial if it is to be truly universally accessible.
In the remainder of this paper, the discussion will
focus on the determination and evaluation of web
accessibility within the broad perspective that views
the web and its associated applications as exemplars
of collaborative technology.
2. Aspects of Accessibility and
Evaluation Layers
Given the collaborative nature of many webbased systems, and the role that the web plays in
providing a world-wide shared information space,
accessibility is a key design issue. A layered
framework can provide a way of understanding
accessibility from many perspectives and for
evaluating web-based systems as CSCW systems
with respect to their accessibility. The framework
presented here originally derives from Ramage[6]
where it is described as a first step towards a
heuristic method for CSCW evaluation [7]. It is
presented in two ways, as a diagram which shows the
inter-dependency of the issues involved, specifically
that (after the style of the ‘systems hierarchies’
discussed by Checkland [8]) the ‘higher’ evaluation
criteria are dependent for their effectiveness on the
‘lower’ ones, and as set of questions. The diagram is
expressed in a series of concentric circles, which
gives the framework its informal name, Ramagian
Onion (see Figure 1).
Societal Effects
Organisational Effects
Group Effects
Individual Effects
Figure 1: The layered model of CSCW
evaluation (taken from Ramage [6])
The eight layers here can be expressed as a set of
questions (going from the inner layer out), which can
be asked about a CSCW system. Ramage’s
associated questions are as follows:
Does it work? (functionality)
Does it work well enough? (efficacy)
Is it workable with? (usability)
Does it follow the standards laid down by
various bodies?
5. What does it do to those who work with it?
(individual effects)
6. What does it do to their work? (group
7. What does it do to those they work with and
for? (organisational effects)
8. What does it do to the world beyond work?
(societal effects)
The four inner layers of the framework are
concerned with technical issues while the four outer
layers are more concerned with social issues. From
the technical standpoint, the framework can usefully
be broadened to encompass the following quality
characteristics taken from the ISO/IEC Product
Quality Standard [9]: Reliability, Efficiency, and
Maintainability. These can be layered as follows in
Figure 2 with the four outer layers as before.
Figure 2: Extended Inner Layers
If a system is neither reliable nor efficient, it will
be difficult to determine its functionality. There must
be a sound engineering basis at the heart of any
collaboration technology to ensure its continuing
accessibility over time. Following the standard, these
quality characteristics can be broken down into more
measurable factors. In the case of reliability, the
factors identified are maturity, fault tolerance, and
recoverability. In the case of efficiency, they are time
behaviour and resource behaviour.
The factors associated with functionality in the
standard are suitability, accuracy, inter-operability,
compliance, and security. For the purposes of
evaluation in this context, it seems useful to focus on
accuracy and seek to determine whether or not the
system functions as specified, leaving considerations
of suitability to be considered under the heading of
efficacy. Efficacy can only be determined by
dynamic analysis of use and is closely linked with
usability. The standard associates three factors with
usability: understandability, learnability and
operability. All of which would also entail studies of
users. Evaluation here thus requires the co-operation
of users; it will in part be subjective in nature.
Nevertheless, there are aspects of physical
accessibility, which can be considered here that
admit to objective measurement. For example, the
range of colours used in an application that are
outside those recommended as web safe can be
determined automatically.
The sixth technical layer, maintainability,
addresses accessibility over time as a technically
inaccessible system is likely to prove difficult to
maintain and evolve throughout its lifetime. Factors
associated with maintainability are analysability,
changability, stability, and testability. Those
associated in the standard with portatbility are also
relevant here: adaptability, installability, and
replaceability. The conformance factor concerned
with the adherence of the system to standards is
more relevant at the next layer, as are the compliance
and interoperability factors listed in the standard
under the functionality characteristic.
Under the standards layer, various standards as
well as legislation and guidelines are relevant.
Recent legislation relevant to the accessibility
includes the USA Rehabilitation Act’s Section 508,
1194.22 – also known as the American Disabilities
Act [10], covering federal workplaces and Web sites,
and various other national initiatives such as the UK
Disability Discrimination Act [11]. A number of
guidelines and standards are relevant to accessibility.
Two most notable are World Wide Web
Consortium's (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative
(WAI) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines [12]
and the IEEE Std 2001–1999 [13]. Both of these
have been subject to recent work. The W3C WAI
guidelines have also have been developed and a new
draft version of these, 2.0 [14], was released in 2001.
The IEEE 2001 Web Site Engineering
Recommended Practices [15] expected to be
approved in 2002 is a revision of the 1999 standard
with updates to align it with the recent USA section
508 legislation. Other guidelines focus on specific
aspects of accessibility such as the UK Mencap’s
guidelines [16].
Ensuring compliance with these various
standards and guidelines is likely to involve remedial
maintenance work on many systems; and therefore
maintainability is an important characteristic.
Evaluating maintainability has been addressed with
work on hypertext [17] as well as through specific
studies of web evolution [18].
World-Wide Web maintenance is of increasing
importance [19]. The WWW is growing rapidly and
is being used more and more as an important
medium for communicating information and as the
basis for providing communication and information
based services. Unfortunately so far people have
attached far more importance to developing
technology to add more and more novel features
within Web sites rather than developing and
maintaining sites of quality. There is currently very
little work being done to systematically address the
growing maintenance required for ensuring the Web
continues to provide useful information and
communication based services in a timely fashion.
Without the disciplined application of change
management and other maintenance practices well
established in software engineering, this problem is
likely to remain. Thus, evaluation of this
characteristic involves examination of the
maintenance processes as well as the system itself
One aspect of this identified by Lowe is the need
for more accessible web development processes
[21]. Given the collaborative nature of much web
development, having a defined and well understood
development process is likely to bring all the
associated benefits of software process improvement
as advocated in traditional software engineering.
However, it must be recognised that web
development processes do not necessarily follow the
same patterns as those of traditional software
On a micro level, Kaplan has argued that web
technologies themselves, particularly mark-up
languages and their underlying interpretation or
execution models, must be made more accessible to
developers and maintainers as well as users [22].
While accessibility is relevant at every layer, it is
the technical layers that admit to more rigorous
quantitative evaluation. For example, with respect to
reliability, it is possible to determine the availability
of a web-based application over any given period of
time through straightforward measurement. The
outer four layers largely must be determined
qualitatively and often involve legal and political
issues. Nevertheless, they must not be ignored in any
accessibility evaluation.
When developing and enhancing web-based
applications, there is often a primary emphasis on
determining the technical feasibility. While this is
understandable when working with new technologies
in innovative applications, without consideration
being given to the higher layers, it is likely that these
novel applications will fail to support the
collaboration needs that gave rise to their
development in the first place. There is, of course, a
tension here as novel CSCW systems are typical of
Lehman’s classic e-type, evolutionary systems,
which once installed in their environment are bound
to cause changes to way people do things [23]. So it
is difficult to determine these broader social aspects
except by reflection and envisioning possible future
worlds before building the system and deploying it,
but this is a key aspect of engineering – top down, to
consider the social implications of new
developments. However, given the evolutionary
nature of these systems, evaluation must extend
through to the system in use and over time,
particularly with respect to its impact at the outer
four layers, as well as standards, maintainability,
efficacy, and usability. It is here that evaluation
during use within specific contexts is essential.
Usability is a key aspect within the evaluation
framework. A system may meet all its technical
requirements. It may appear to fit within the
individual, group, organisational, and societal needs,
but unless it is usable in practice by its intended
users, be they, individuals, groups, organisations, or
society in general, it will fail. Nor can the effects of a
system be determined at the higher layers without
examining the system in various contexts of use over
time. Bevan has argued with respect to measuring
software quality that it is necessary to distinguish
three types of measures: internal measures and
external measures of software quality, basically
related to static and dynamic properties of software,
and measures related to the effects of the software
product in various contexts of usage [24]. He argues
that measurement at all three levels is required, and
that internal quality influences external quality which
in turn influences quality in use while quality in use
depends on external quality which depends on
internal quality. Higher layer evaluation is possible
within a specific collaborative enterprise through
considering usability with respect to a specific user
population’s characteristics and contextualising the
higher layers’ effects that the enterprise may seek to
achieve in usage.
Usability in general is a topic that has recently
received much attention, particularly with respect to
web-based applications [25]. Usability in this
context includes physical accessibility. Recently the
usability needs of disabled users have been
addressed directly, e.g. see [26, 27]. Coming to
usability/accessibility in the wider context discussed
here may prove most appropriate for web based
collaborative applications, particularly those
information systems focused on delivery of services
and information to society as a whole.
Given the link between usability and
maintainability found in Lehman’s first law of
software evolution [28], it is obvious that an
unmaintainable system will become progressively
less useful over time. Hence, the importance of
maintainability in this context must also be
3. The Role of Tools in Evaluation,
Repair, and Evolution
Various tools exist to determine whether or not a
web site adheres to various accessibility and
usability standards. Such tools can provide useful
feedback to Web developers and maintainers, and
many assist with the repair of the site. The best
known of these tools, the Center for Applied Special
Technology’s Bobby [29], will analyse a site for
conformance to the World Wide Web Consortium's
(W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines. Other publicly
available tools providing a similar service include
A(ccessibility)-Prompt [30], the result of a joint
project between the Adaptive Technology Resource
Centre at the University of Toronto and the Trace
Center at the university of Wisconsin and NIST’s
WebSAT. The WebSAT tool set [31] checks
conformance to usability guidelines found in the
IEEE Std 2001–1999.
A growing number of commercially available
tools and services have also come onto the market in
part driven by the recent 508 legislation. These
include the following: HiSoft’s Acc{Repair, Verify,
and Monitor} [32], PageScreamer [33], {Site, Page,
Link, Form} Valet [34], UsableNet’s Lift Online and
Onsite [35], and SSB Technology’s InFocus [36]. By
integration with web development tools, these tools
have been made more accessible to web developers.
HiSoft’s AccRepair/Verify/Monitor are integrated
with the popular web development tool, Front Page.
The Lift tools have been integrated within
Dreamweaver, another popular web development
system allowing users to check accessibility in much
the same way as using a spell checker within a word
processor. The checker covers Section 508 and level
1 W3C guidelines.
The effect of legislation on the development of
these evaluation tools and accessibility initiatives is
noteworthy. In practical terms, it is also the case that
having a means of automatically checking
conformance to legislation, standards, and
guidelines, is bound to be a factor in their successful
adoption and implementation.
Furthermore, accessibility evaluation can be a
driver of evolution. Where accessibility has not be
designed in from the start, re-engineering will be
required to achieve a more accessible web site; and
as noted below, this is likely to result in a more
efficient and maintainable site in the future.
It has been argued that there is strong business
case for re-engineering web applications to achieve
accessibility. For example, one W3C working group
has stated that
“ Conformance with the WCAG 1.0 (and other
W3C) guidelines will enhance the market share and
audience reach of your Web site by increasing its
general usability. Adoption of WCAG 1.0
commitment to social responsibility and equity of
access to information and services. In addition,
many of the WCAG 1.0 checkpoints will directly
improve the performance of your Web services and
reduce the maintenance effort required.” [37].
The first step to re-engineering web pages and
applications for accessibility is to apply the classic
techniques of program comprehension, static and
dynamic analysis [19]. Considerable redevelopment
of existing pages may be necessary; some tools can
help [38], and services are on offer [39]. It is also
important to ensure conformance with the relevant
standards, guidelines, legislation, and tools covering
these aspects have been noted in Section 3.
4. The Future
Accessibility is a pre-condition that must be
satisfied before any technology can be deemed truly
to support collaboration without any barriers.
Universal accessibility remains a dream; and may not
be achievable within the limitations of our current
collaboration technology employed over the web. By
attempting to determine the basis for evaluating
accessibility and recognising both the technical and
social challenges, the foundation for more focused
work to ensure that in the future collaborative
technology will more accessible in every sense of the
word has been laid. The dimensions of accessibility
go far beyond the simplistic design goal of “userfriendliness” and extend to web developers and
maintainers as well as users. Not only does the web
communication and collaboration amongst its users,
its development and maintenance is usually
undertaken as a collaborative activity involving
teams distributed over a number of sites, so this
means that accessibility is relevant with respect to
web maintainability as well. A final goal of the
accessibility framework developed here is to provide
such teams with a practical basis for considering web
accessibility throughout the lifetime of any evolving
There is a wealth of accessibility resources, but
there is a long way to go before accessibility
becomes a non-issue and is taken for granted by
users and developers of collaborative technology.
Accessibility is as much as technical issue as a social
Without attention to accessibility, the
evolution of the web-based collaboration technology
will fail to gain the necessary popular support
needed to underwrite further research in this area.
The framework presented here has been developed
to provide a starting point for evaluation in this
[1] Vannevar Bush, “As We May Think”, The Atlantic
Monthly, Volume 176, No. 1, pages 101-108, July 1945.
[2] J. Conklin, Hypertext: An Introduction and Survey ,
IEEE Computer, 20(9), pp. 17-41 , September 1987.
[3] Gary Wolf, The Curse of Xanadu, Wired, 3.06 - 1995,
features, 1995.
[4] Tim Berners-Lee with Mark Fischetti, Weaving the
Web, Orion Books, 1999.
[5] Web Accessibility Initiative,
[6] Magnus Ramage, The Learning Way: Evaluating Cooperative Systems, PhD, Lancaster, University of
Lancaster, UK. 1999.
[7] J. Nielsen, Usability Engineering, A P Professional,
[8] P. Checkland , Systems Thinking, Systems Practice,
Chichester, UK, John Wiley, 1981.
[9] ISO/IEC 9126: 1991(E) Software Product Quality
[10] USA Rehibiliatation Act, Section 803, see:
[11] UK Disability Discrimination Act,
[12] Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, 1.0
[13] IEEE Std 2001-1999, Recommended Practice for
Internet Practice – Web page Engineering.
[14] Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, 2.0
[15] IEEE 2001 Web Site Engineering Recommended
Practices, IEEE draft.
[16] Mencap, Making your website accessible for people
with a learning disability,
[17] A.E. Hatzimanikatis, C.T. Tsalidis, and D.
Christodoulakis, Measuring the Readability and
Maintainability of Hyperdocuments, Software
Maintenance: Research and Practice, vol.7, 77-90, 1995.
[18] Paul Warren, Cornelia Boldyreff, and Malcolm
Munro, The Evolution of Websites, Proceedings of
International Workshop on Program Comprehension,
Procedings of IWPC 99, IEEE Computer Press, pp. 178185, 1999.
[19] Cornelia Boldyreff and Richard Kewish, Reverse
Engineering to Achieve Maintainable WWW Sites, IEEE
Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, October
[20] Cornelia Boldyreff, Elizabeth Burd, and Janet
Lavery, Towards the Engineering of Commercial WebBased Applications, SSGRR-2001: International
Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic
Business, Science, and Education on the Internet, August
[21] David Lowe and Brian Henderson-Sellers,
Characteristics of Web Development Processes,
SSGRR-2001: International Conference on Advances in
Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and
Education on the Internet, August 2001.
[22] Nancy Kaplan, Knowing Practice: A More Complex
View of New Media Literacy, SSGRR-2001: International
Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic
Business, Science, and Education on the Internet, August
[23] M.M. Lehman and L.A. Belady, Chapter 20, Program
Evolution: Processes of Software Change, Academic
Press, 1985.
[24] Nigel Bevan, Quality in Use: meeting User Needs for
Quality, Journal of Software and Systems, 1999 (in press).
25] Jakob Nielsen, Designing web usability, New Riders,
[26] Michael Paciello, WEB Accessibility for People with
Disabilities, CMP Books, 2000.
[27] Michael Paciello, People with Disabilities Can't
Access the Web! - and
other articles on Blindness and other disabilities at
[28] M.M. Lehman and L.A. Belady, Chapter 12, Program
Evolution: Processes of Software Change, Academic
Press, 1985.
[29] CAST, Bobby,
[30] A-Prompt -
[31] NIST’s WebSAT tool,
[32] HiSoft’s Acc{Verify, Repair, Monitor} tools
[33] Crunchy Technolgies Web Accessibility checker,
PageScreamer ,
[34] Valet products,
[35] UsableNet Lift products,
[36] SSB Technologies, providers of web-related 508
compliance and web accessibility solutions
[37] W3C/WAI Education and Outreach Working Group’s
draft: Business Benefits of Web Accessibility, 2001.
[38] Accessibility Auditing Tools
[39] WebABLE, provider of Web accessibility
technology, consulting, and training -