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1995, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan
Acme International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2017
A large number of folklore related to religious groups, cults, personality based cults, exists these days in every region of the Indian sub continent. In India religious diversity is respected and encouraged. People from diverse cultures and backgrounds have always accommodated and amalgamated in Indian society. The growth of the folklore provides an interesting window to study the mixing of the legends, oral traditions, religious beliefs, culture and the actual history of the region. For instance in Eastern India there exists variety of folklore , folk literature, Mangal-Kavyas (Panchali) that deals generally with the religious cults, sects, traditions and stories of gods and goddesses , various forms of worship, it's beliefs, rituals and variety of practices etc. The folklore also shows how and why we worship Trees, Sacred Animals, Birds, Emblems, Pictures, Signs, and Motifs etc. The main reason to worship these manifestations is to show devotions to god and goddesses. It symbolizes the religious and cultural practices of both Aryan and non-Aryan traditions. It shows cultural synthesis and ongoing process of socio-anthropological development of the society. Therefore an assessment of Indian culture is possible through a careful study of the religion and folklore .
Congreso organizado por la Cátedra Paz y Justicia de la Universidad de Alicante
This survey course explores the diverse histories of the region known as the Balkans. What makes the Balkans distinctive from, and similar to, other parts of the world? What insights can we glean by delving into the diverse historical experiences in this region? Covering southeast European areas once ruled by the Habsburg, Venetian, and Ottoman Empires, the course explores the following themes: the rise and fall of empires; nationalism and nation-formation; Communism and post-socialist transformations; and legacies of war and organized violence. Since it covers histories of several states (e.g. the Yugoslav states, Bulgaria, Albania, etc), the course complements student interests in international relations, anthropology, sociology, political science, and related disciplines. We will pursue the above themes through different sources, which include films, fictional stories, and primary documents that remind us of critical questions: Of what use is the past? What pasts are thrust into the spotlight and what remain in the shadows?
El proposito del trabajo fue realizar una revision que refleje el estado del conocimiento en el estudio del clima aulico, conceptualizando y desarrollando su importancia en los procesos de ensenanza y de aprendizaje. La misma reune investigaciones realizadas en diferentes contextos para demostrar la importancia del clima aulico en los procesos de ensenanza y de aprendizaje representando una prioridad de accion para los profesionales de la educacion. Se analizaron las variables que influyen en el clima aulico, las cuales fueron agrupadas en variables sociales, emocionales y fisicas. Los antecedentes senalan la inexistencia de un clima ideal, validando la importancia de armonizar el clima aulico a las necesidades de los estudiantes, segun estilos individuales y grupales.
Studia Patavina, 2024
Studia patavina 3/2023 pubblica il focus dal titolo Coscienza e umanità. Fondamenti teorici, fonti antiche, riflessioni moderne e contemporanee, a cura di Andrea Toniolo (Facoltà teologica del Triveneto) e Franco Buzzi (Accademia di studi luterani in Italia). Otto articoli rileggono il tema della coscienza sotto differenti punti di vista, nell’ascolto di voci di diversa confessione, cattolica e protestante, e nel tentativo di una sintesi ecumenica, con apporti anche delle ricerche in atto nella psicodinamica e nelle neuroscienze. Contributi di Ernesto Borghi, Franco Buzzi, Pierluigi Imperatore, Markus Krienke, Johannes Schilling, Dietrich Korsch, Lorenzo Raniero e Sergio Gaburro. Introduzione di Lubomir Žak. Oltre al Focus, la rivista propone la ricerca del teologo Giuseppe Trentin su Il mistero di Maria, figura e simbolo della creazione; la lectio magistralis dal titolo Blaise Pascal fra libertini e post-modernità: sono le Pensées ancora attuali per l’odierna teologia fondamentale? di Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti; gli articoli di Rolando Covi (Come parlare di risurrezione oggi? Spunti di teologia pastorale) e Alessandro Scardoni (L’esistenza umana e credente nel globalismo informazionale). Il fascicolo può essere richiesto a ed è in vendita su
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Taller de Letras, 2024
Medieval Coins and Seals , 2015
XX Encuentro Nacional Y XII internacional de Educación Matemática en Carreras de Ingeniería (EMCI). , 2017
Srpsko arheološko društvo, 2023
International Journal of Early Childhood
Journal of IT in Asia
Revista Científica do CRO-RJ, 2018
Ekspose: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum dan Pendidikan, 2019
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 1997
Journal de Physique II, 1995
Proceedings of the 2017 7th International Conference on Social Network, Communication and Education (SNCE 2017), 2017