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Publications of items written by Joey R. Peyton, PhD

A list of journal articles, magazine articles, conference papers, and books written by Joey R. Peyton, DMin, PhD

Peyton, Joey R. (1995). “The Battle for AI.” Canadian Pentecostal Herald. UPCIC Peyton, Joey R. (2004). “The Second Commandment” UGST Symposium. Peyton, Joey R. (2005). “Was the Last Supper Celebrated on the Passover?” UGST Symposium. Peyton, Joey R. (2006). “The Influence of the Second Commandment on Early Pentecostal Movements.” UGST Symposium. Peyton, Joey R. (2006). The Second Commandment. Master’s Thesis – UGST, MDiv. Peyton, Joey R. (2009). “The Ministry of Presence.” UGST Symposium. Peyton, Joey R. (2013). “Chaplaincy from the view of… Association of Clinical Pastoral Education, St. Louis Cluster Board Member.” UGST Symposium. Peyton, Joey R. (2013). “Finding a Place of Beauty: Providing Pastoral Care at the Time of Death.” Dissertation published by MOBIUS - Webster University - Eden Theological Seminar https://encore.searchmobius.org/iii/encore/record/CRb28558643 Peyton, Joey R. (2014). “Ministering to People @ the Time of Death: Finding One’s Way Forward With a Look at How the Jesus Movement May Have Utilized the Hellenistic Mediterranean Meal Tradition to Provide Succor at the Time of Death” UGST Symposium. Peyton, Joey R. (2014). The Second Commandment. Pentecostal Herald of the United Pentecostal Church. Peyton, Joey R. (2016). A Definition of Beauty: A Call to Christian Community to Find Beauty. Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting Papers. Peyton, Joey R. (2017). “‘The Symbiotic Relationship Possibilities Between the Joint Phenomenons of the Modern Pentecostal Movement and the Modern Worldwide Diaspora.’” Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting Papers, January (Oral Roberts University: Digital Showcase). https://0-search-ebscohost-com.swan.searchmobius.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.529EE7F&site=eds-live. Peyton, Joey R. (2017). “Considering a Biblical Mandate for Providing Holistic Pastoral Care to Diaspora Populations.” Global Missiology, Oct. 2017. http://ojs.globalmissiology.org/index.php/english/article/view/2028/4546 Peyton, Joey R. (2017). “The Symbiotic Relationship Possibilities Between the Joint Phenomenons of the Modern Pentecostal Movement and the Modern Worldwide Diaspora.” Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting Papers. Peyton, Joey R. (2018). First Century Social Ministry Demands an Early Christological Understanding – a Christological Defense of Social Ministry. Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting Papers Peyton, Joey R. (2019). The Second Commandment – Lessons Learned from the Varied Understandings of the Lord’s Command to Love One’s Neighbor in North and South America. Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting Papers. Peyton, Joey R. (2020). “Historic Pastoral Care Principles for Developing a Holistic Pastoral Care Model for Diaspora Pastoral Care” The Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting Papers. Peyton, Joey R. (2021). “When ‘Go’ Becomes ‘Stay’, One Is Left to Ask, ‘Where Do We ‘Go’ from Here?’ Viewing the ‘Go’ of the Great Commission as a Command to Contextualize the Gospel to the Nations! Global Missiology, Vol. 18, No. 1, Jan. 2021. http://ojs.globalmissiology.org/index.php/english/article/view/2417 Peyton, Joey R. (2021). “Reimagining the Pastoral Care of Immigrants.” The Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting Papers. Peyton, J. R. (2022). A Modern Exodus in Need of Care: Holistic Pastoral Care to Diaspora Populations in the St. Louis, Missouri, Area (Order No. 29399900). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2729107848). https://0-www-proquest-com.swan.searchmobius.org/dissertations-theses/modern-exodus-need-care-holistic-pastoral/docview/2729107848/se-2 Peyton, Joey R. (2022). Reimagining the Pastoral Care of Immigrants Based Upon the Results of My PhD Dissertation Research. The Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting Papers. Peyton, Joey R. (2023). Listening’s Role in Intercultural Settings—The Empathetic Act of Listening Gives Voice to Marginalized People Groups. The Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting Papers. Peyton, Joey R. (2023). “Not The Baker, Just The Bread Man!” The Maine Focus: The Maine District of the United Pentecostal Church, Int., Vol. XVI, No. 1, Summer 2023. https://maineupc.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/MFJune-2023.pdf Peyton, Joey R. (2023). “The Role of Listening in Intercultural Settings: The Empathetic Act of Listening Gives Voice to Marginalized People Groups” Global Missiology, Vol. 20, No. 3, July 2023. http://ojs.globalmissiology.org/index.php/english/article/view/2777 Peyton, Joey R. (2024). The Second Commandment: Loving Your Neighbor in Today’s World. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publisher. Peyton, Joey R. (2024). “Let the Spirit Speak: A Pentecostal Contribution at the American Border. The Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting Papers. Peyton, Joey R. (2023). “Don’t Lick the Knife!” The Maine Focus: The Maine District of the United Pentecostal Church, Int., Vol. XVII, No. 2, Summer 2024. https://maineupc.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/maine-focus-june.pdf