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This article traces the historical background of the term 'belly dance', the English-language name for a complex of solo, improvised dance styles of Middle Eastern and North African origin whose movements are based on articulations of the... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationLanguages and LinguisticsLexicologyDance Studies
After a historical overview of migration within Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall (Minnucci), this collection of essays addresses Mediterranean issues: the case of Ceuta and Melilla (Sagnella), the relationship between Tunisia and... more
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      HistorySocial MovementsAfrican StudiesGender Studies
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      History of ScienceEighteenth Century HistoryBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )Social Trust
Forty years ago, Kaapa Tjampitjinpa, Tim Leura, Clifford Possum and Johnny Warangula were central to the constitution of contemporary desert art at Papunya. Standing out among an exceptional cohort, these four selected artists deployed... more
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      InterCultural StudiesAustralian Indigenous HistoryAustralian art historyPapunya Tula Art
Comme la majorité des sociétés industrielles, le Québec fait appel à l'immigration internationale pour combler son déficit démographique. Il doit donc gérer la diversité linguistique et franciser les nouveaux venus. Parallèlement à cet... more
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      InterCultural StudiesSociolinguistiqueSociologie de l'éducation
The Bible was almost entirely composed by Jewish writers. An examination of its Jewish or Hebraic roots provides considerable fresh insight into the Christian faith and worldview—particularly in respect of covenant, community and... more
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      ChristianityMissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyMission Studies
Call for Papers: Representation of race, ethnicity and culture in digital games Asia Pacific Media Educator (Volume 26:1, June 2016) will explore the issues of race, cultural diversity, cross-cultural representations and... more
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      Game TheoryGame studiesMulticulturalismMedia Studies
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      AnthropologyColonialismPost-ColonialismExhibition, Museum, Expositions and Worlds Fairs
Este trabalho visa a questionar a interculturalidade, com base no pensamento abissal e da colonialidade. Infelizmente, esse pensamento ainda está presente na Sociedade Brasileira não nos termos do acordo territorial, mas as negociações... more
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      Cultural StudiesEpistemologyMulticulturalismEducation
Ce bulletin présente les résultats d’une étude de nature qualitative où différents acteurs locaux de plusieurs arrondissements de Montréal ont été interviewés afin de cerner les enjeux et autres défis auxquels ils doivent faire face pour... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationDiversityImmigrationRecreation & Leisure Studies
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      Sociology of SportMulticulturalismFandomUrban Sociology
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      Theatre StudiesHungarian StudiesInterCultural Studies
ABSTRACT This paper analyzes intercultural issues in marriages between Japanese men and women from former Soviet Union countries. Focusing on the differences in meanings and assumptions that guide couples in their marriages and the... more
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      Cultural StudiesJapanese StudiesAnthropologyModern and Contemporary Japan
Resumen. El Jardín Japonés de Buenos Aires se ha convertido en uno de los paseos turísticos destacados de la ciudad. En él se concentran los principales monumentos de la historia de las relaciones entre ambos países. Por otra parte, su... more
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      GlobalizationCreolizationInterCultural StudiesCreolisation
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      Intercultural CommunicationInterCultural StudiesInterculturalidadJornalismo Digital
DE ALLÁ PARA ACÁ es una serie documental infantil ganadora del Concurso Nacional del INCAA “Series Documentales para ser emitidas por canal Paka Paka (2014)”. La serie forma parte de la grilla de contenidos del primer canal educativo y... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationSociology of Children and ChildhoodFilm StudiesDiversity
This revisionary view of identity politics, and the politics of inclusion, was published in the Los Angeles Times. It focuses on a surprising star of the Republican Party--abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Inclusion without racialism may... more
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      American LiteratureHistoryAmerican HistoryCultural History
In their works, Arthur Schopenhauer and the Japanese philosopher Kitarō Nishida combine Western attitudes with the Eastern traditions of Buddhism. While Schopenhauer, a Western thinker, loads his philosophy with sources from Indian... more
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      Japanese StudiesComparative LiteratureIntercultural CommunicationJapanese Literature
Il Mediterraneo, spazio entro cui si è dispiegata una parte importante della storia dell'umanità, è da sempre luogo di libera circolazione di uomini, beni, idee, tecniche, simboli, miti, religioni. Oggi è teatro d'un dramma umanitario... more
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      HistoryEuropean StudiesIntercultural CommunicationContemporary History
For artists, scholars, researchers, educators and students of arts theory interested in culture and the arts, a proper understanding of the questions surrounding ‘interculturality’ and the arts requires a full understanding of the... more
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      MusicEducationPerforming ArtsResearch Methodology
The legal constroversy, started in France, on the prohibition of the Islamic veil in school/universities, "neutral" places, shows interesting judcial profiles regarding the freedom of individual choises, even if considered conservative... more
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      International LawInterCultural StudiesDiritto InterculturaleDiritto Ecclesiastico
Este artículo es una refl exión sobre los estereotipos y la realidad intercultural sur/norte en esta era contemporánea. El propósito de este escrito es contribuir tanto a la demolición de los aparatos fabricadores de otredades... more
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      African StudiesIntercultural CommunicationWestern EuropeGlobalization
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      Early Modern (Japanese History)History of Medicine in JapanInterCultural StudiesIntercultural dialogue
Growing importance is being given to the political and ethical dimensions of language education, and in particular to the relationship between language learning and intercultural communicative competence. We examine in this paper the main... more
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      Intercultural EducationInterCultural StudiesCross-Cultural CommunicationTerminologie
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    • InterCultural Studies
Article examines perceptions of leadership of two different generations of Ukraine using Leadership Practice Inventory (LPI). Leadership practices accepted in certain societies correlate with the dominant culture and reflect its norms and... more
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      LeadershipInterCultural StudiesUkraineLeadership Studies
Language interpreting serves communicative purposes. Who does it serve, how and why? At the other end of interpreting service provision, contractors, public regulators and end users have a key role in the development of interpreting as a... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationTranslation StudiesCommunity InterpretingConference Interpreting
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      Tourism StudiesIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIntercultural Communication
Internationale Zusammenarbeit ist im Kulturbetrieb und in der Kulturpolitik selbstverständlich. Kultureller Austausch muss auf Augenhöhe geschehen, um wirklich fruchtbar zu sein. Doch geschieht das? Sind es „faire“ Kooperationen? Dr.... more
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      Cultural StudiesInternational RelationsIntercultural CommunicationPerforming Arts
In this path-breaking book, Rappaport describes and analyzes the work of “intellectuals” that have during recent decades informed and shaped the indigenous movement in the province of Cauca (Colombia). Based on her fieldwork and... more
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      IndigeneityInterCultural StudiesAndean studiesInterculturalidad
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      InterCultural StudiesLanguage Culture and Communication
Drawing on fieldwork carried out in 2012-2013, this article explores the dynamics of identity and otherness within selected women’s intercultural associations in Italy in the light of the following issue: how to acknowledge differences... more
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      MigrationGenderPostcolonial FeminismInterCultural Studies
This work analyzes the diffusion and appreciation of the Japanese dry garden, called karesansui, in the contemporary world. Este trabajo analiza la difusión y apreciación del jardín seco japonés, llamado karesansui, en el mundo... more
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      Japanese StudiesVisual StudiesArt HistoryContemporary Art
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      Cultural EncountersCircus StudesInterCultural StudiesCircus
The idea of social movements tends to be associated, in a reductionist manner, with protests in public spaces and negotiations in institutional spaces. Nevertheless, social movements are agents of change across a wide variety of social... more
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      Social MovementsLatin American StudiesIntercultural CommunicationSocial Sciences
This research focuses on Joan Miró's interest in Japanese Calligraphy and the works that belonged to his collection.
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      Abstract ArtCalligraphyInterCultural StudiesInterculturalidad
— Leslie Marmon Silko has distinguished herself among storytellers who communicate and celebrate many Native American traditions with readers across the globe. Silko has been and continues to be fascinated by the ideas and legends of... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePhotographyNative American Literature (Literature)InterCultural Studies
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    • InterCultural Studies
Waldorf Schools, in their history started out as schools, located in European countries with a strong Christian heritage. However, almost one hundred years later there are schools in every inhabited continent of the world. These schools... more
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      Intercultural EducationInterreligious DialogueInterCultural StudiesDiálogo interreligioso
This book sets out to explore the political and social potential of intercultural policy for cities by bringing together advances in the areas of urban planning and intercultural theory. In recent years, demographic changes in cities in... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationDiversityImmigrationIntercultural Education
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      Biblical StudiesMigration StudiesInterCultural Studies
Fruits of American Intercultural studies in abroad. Intercultural communication has evolved due to the activity of The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) in the United States, in a result of efforts to make more effective the FSI’s activity... more
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      ReligionHistoryInternational RelationsIntercultural Communication
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      MulticulturalismIntercultural EducationMigration StudiesInterCultural Studies
In this research, science and its political appearance are studied through an empirical exploration of their representations in narrative expressions. The field of investigation is allocated to formal and informal discourse on university,... more
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      Comparative PoliticsArtHigher EducationPhenomenology
This article provides a case study highlighting the challenges of assimilating Christian praxis into a multicultural context. Specifically, three issues are raised with regard to conflict resolution in the Chinese church in the North... more
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      Conflict ResolutionChristian SpiritualityConfucianismFace perception
Der Beitrag behandelt den von Jens Holger Schjørring u.a. herausgegebenen Band zur Geschichte des globalen Christentums Teil 3: 20. Jahrhundert, Die Religionen der Menschheit 34, Stuttgart 2018. Es handelt sich um eine ausführliche... more
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      Global HistoryChurch HistoryInterCultural StudiesKirchengeschichte
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      HistoryIntercultural CommunicationInterCultural StudiesIntercultural dialogue
In 1672, after the birth of her third child, Carlo, María left Rome with her sister Hortensia and looked for assistance in several courts of Europe. The Spanish Queen María Ana de Austria accepted her and she remained in Spain for several... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryWomen's StudiesFrench StudiesEarly Modern History
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      Cultural StudiesConstitutional LawInternational RelationsIntercultural Communication