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International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S.), Vol. 11, N. 10 ISSN 1828-6003 October 2016 An Efficient DAGbM-KSJS Algorithm for Agile Software Testing V. Alamelu Mangayarkarasi1, M. V. Srinath2 Abstract – Agile software testing is a software testing practice that follows the principles of agile software development. In this paper, an optimal Agile software testing is performed using Directed Acyclic Graph-based Model (DAGbM). Initially, the suggested model pre-processes the test case dataset, then by deploying the Dependency Assessment for Use Case (DAUC) algorithm, the dependency between the uses of cases are determined. The K-Shingling based Jaccard Similarity (KSJS) algorithm estimates the similarity among every test cases and prioritizes the clustered test cases using Span Clustering based Prioritization (SCP) algorithm. After prioritizing the clustered test cases, the use cases are prioritized based on dependency. Finally, the minimum distance value is exploited for prioritizing the individual test cases. The performance of the suggested method is validated using parameters such as code average, failure rate, prioritization time, and percentage of defects detected. The validation results prove that when compared to the existing methods, the suggested method provides optimal results for all the parameters. Copyright © 2016 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved. Keywords: Agile Software Testing, Directed Acyclic Graph-Based Model (Dagbm), Dependency Assessment for Use Case (DAUC) Algorithm, K-Shingling Based Jaccard Similarity (KSJS) Algorithm, Span Clustering Based Prioritization (SCP) Algorithm developers cooperate with each other, and testing is initiated at the end of every logic release. Multiple software development industries have started using the agile methods for software development [2]. When compared to the traditional software development methods, the agile methods have the following advantages:  Accelerate time to market;  Increase the quality;  Increase the productivity;  Enhance the Information Technology (IT);  Enhance the flexibility. The existing techniques used for the Agile testing are Model View Controller (MVC) approach, JIC and JIT approach, DAGue framework, and CA-DAG model [3]. These techniques consider the methods through which the test cases are generated for Agile testing but they do not execute the test cases in a sequential manner. Thus, to address this issue, a DAG based model is proposed. Generally, the lack of time and resources in the companies prevent their ability to perform the testing. Thus, prioritizing the execution order of the test cases can enhance the software testing efficiency. Test case prioritization is the process of scheduling the order of test case execution such that the higher priority test cases are executed first. The merits of using the test case prioritization are as follows [4]:  Limited resource utilization;  Minimal time consumption;  Increased fault detection rate;  Enhanced system reliability; Nomenclature UC TC , c Z (, ) () () ( ℎ , ) Use case Test case Jaccard similarity between the test cases Empty set Integer Hash set Hash set for test case i Hash set for test case j Size of the hash set Distance between test case and Threshold value Dependency of test case i Prioritization of use cases I. Introduction Software testing is defined as the process of verifying and validating the correctness of the developed software product. As software testing is the last phase performed before delivering the product to the customer, it is considered as the final opportunity for validating the system functions [1]-[39]. The different types of software testing are represented in Fig. 1 [1]. Agile testing [27], [28] is a software testing method that provides a continuous iteration of development and testing throughout the software development life cycle. Some of the important properties of the agile testing are unstructured, faster implementation, testers, and Copyright © 2016 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved DOI: 10.15866/irecos.v11i10.10426 915 V. Alamelu Mangayarkarasi, M. V. Srinath  Increased function test coverage. provided faster fault detection and increased the regression fault detection rate. Huang, et al[7] suggested a historical record based cost-cognizant test case prioritization technique for performing the regression testing. Experimental results proved that the suggested technique enhanced the effectiveness of fault detection. Further, it increased the test effectiveness during testing. Hettiarachchi, et al [8] suggested an enhanced risk-based test case prioritization approach with fuzzy based expert system for determining the requirement risks in test case prioritization. Experimental results proved that the prioritized tests detected more faults than the other control techniques. Nejad, et al [9] suggested a model based testing method for prioritizing the test cases. Experimental analysis showed that the local search method with Genetic Algorithm (GA) ([29]-[34]) enhanced the efficiency of the test case prioritization process. Reddy and Reddy [10] proposed an optimal prioritization technique for enhancing the fault detection rate in regression testing. When compared to the randomly ordered test cases and prioritized test case, the suggested technique increased the fault detection rates. Eghbali and Tahvildari [11] suggested a novel lexicographical ordering based test case prioritization technique. The suggested technique efficiently addressed the ties and also increased the fault detection rate. Hema Srikanth [4] suggested the Prioritization of Requirements for Test (PORT) method for providing a system level test case prioritization. Experimental results proved that the suggested technique enhanced the failure detection rate and also estimated that the customer priority was the most significant contributor. Mei, et al [12] suggested a refinement-oriented level-exploration strategy and multilevel coverage model for prioritizing the test cases. Experimental analysis proved that the suggested technique increased the fault detection rate, and also maximized the cost effectiveness of the test case prioritization. Fig. 1. Types of software testing Objectives The key objectives of the proposed DAGbM are as follows:  To determine the dependency between use cases using DAUC algorithm.  To deploy the KSJS algorithm for determining the similarity of test cases.  To implement the SCP algorithm for clustering the prioritized test cases.  To prioritize the use cases based on dependency value and to prioritize the test cases using minimum distance value. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II illustrates the existing techniques used for prioritizing the test cases and clustering the test cases. Section III provides a detailed description of the proposed DAG based model for performing the Agile software testing. Section IV discusses the performance analysis of the suggested model and the paper is concluded in Section V. II. II.2. Agarwal [13] suggested a Fuzzy-C-Means (FCM) ([35]-[39]) clustering approach based test case prioritization technique. The suggested technique exploited the factors such as code coverage ratio, complexity, fault detection ratio and failure ratio for the prioritization process. Jastej Badwal and Himanshi Raperia Agarwal [14] suggested a clustering based test case prioritization for enhancing the efficiency of code average and functionality. The Average Percentage Fault Detection (APFD) was used for clustering the prioritized and non-prioritized cases. Though the prioritized test cases provided optimal results than the non-prioritized test cases, it did not enhance the efficiency of the clustering in time. Carlson, et al [15] suggested a clustering approach for enhancing the performance of test case prioritization. The suggested approach enhanced the fault detection rate of the test cases. Related Works This section discusses the merits and demerits of the existing techniques used for test case prioritization, and test case clustering. II.1. Test Case Clustering Test Case Prioritization Arafeen and Do [5] analyzed the capability of traditional code analysis in enhancing the performance of test case prioritization techniques. Experimental results proved that the requirementsbased clustering on integration with the traditional code analysis enhanced the prioritization techniques. Marijan, et al [6] suggested a test case prioritization technique named ROCKET for enhancing the efficiency of continuous regression testing. The suggested technique Copyright © 2016 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. 11, N. 10 916 V. Alamelu Mangayarkarasi, M. V. Srinath Further, it minimized the number of faults that slipped the testing. Zhao, et al [16] suggested a hybrid regression test case prioritization technique integrated with Bayesian Networks based Test Case Prioritization (BNTCP) approach for analyzing the fault detection capability. When compared to the existing Bayesian Network based approach (BNTCP), Bayesian Networks based approach with feedback (BNA) and code coverage based clustering approach, the suggested approach was optimal. Rogstad and Briand [17] analyzed the importance of clustering in grouping the regression test deviations. The suggested approach minimized the efforts spent by the testers for analyzing the regression test deviations. Further, it enhanced the level of confidence. Chaurasia, et al [18] suggested a clustering based test case prioritization technique for executing the test cases in a prioritized order. The suggested technique maximized the bug detection rate, and also identified the critical bugs as early as possible. Pang, et al [19] proposed a Hamming distance based K-Means clustering algorithm for classifying the test cases into effective and non-effective. Experimental results proved that the suggested technique provided higher recall ratio and higher accuracy percentage. Medhun [20] suggested a clustering based test case prioritization technique for enhancing the code coverage efficiency. The APFD analyzed the clustering of prioritized and non-prioritized test cases. Yamini Pathania [21] proposed a DBK Means clustering algorithm based test case prioritization technique for enhancing the efficiency and fault detection rate of the prioritization process. Aichernig and Lorber [22] proposed a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for model-based test case generation. The suggested model addressed the issues created by increased state space. Patnaik, et al [23] suggested an open structure algorithm for prioritizing the test cases in an automated manner. The test cases that were dependent on using the graph coverage values were provided higher priority. The advantages of the suggested approach were minimal speed for the testing process and increased fault detection rate. From the analysis of the existing techniques, it is clear that they do not provide an optimal execution sequence for the test cases. Further, the fault percentage in the testing process is higher. Thus, to address these issues, an efficient DAG based model is suggested for performing the software testing. III. DAGbM-KSJSF or Agile Software Testing The overall flow of the suggested DAGbM-KSJS is represented in Fig. 2. From the figure, it is clear that the key processes involved in the suggested model are as follows:  Test case pre-processing;  Use case dependency estimation;  Similarity estimation over the test cases;  Optimized test case execution. III.1. Test Case Pre-Processing The initial step involved in the suggested DAGbM – KSJS is test case pre-processing. The suggested model exploits a mobile dataset as input. A sample of the dataset is represented as follows: Sample of the input dataset Check for background music and sound effects# ON/OFF Sound and background music Check for background music and sound effects# Receive the call and check Check for background music and sound effects# verify if sound effects are in synchronization User Interface # Check in Landscape/Portrait mode User Interface #Check for animation, movement of characters, graphics User Interface #there should not be any clipping Fig. 2. Overall flow of the proposed DAGbM-KSJS for Agile software testing Copyright © 2016 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. 11, N. 10 917 V. Alamelu Mangayarkarasi, M. V. Srinath During the pre-processing step, the suggested model provides the use case ID and Test case ID for all entries in the dataset. An example of the pre-processing step is given in Table I. TABLE I EXAMPLE FOR DATASET PRE-PROCESSING U_ID Use case Test case 1 Check for background ON/OFF sound and music and sound effects background music 1 Check for background Receive the call and check music and sound effects 2 User Interface Check in Landscape and Portrait mode 2 User Interface Check for animation, movement of characters and graphics Algorithm II: KSJS algorithm Input: Let i=1,2,3… N be set of Let j=1, 2, 3…N be set of Output: Similarity & distance Measure of Test Cases Begin Set K=2, 3…Sizeof (Strings in ), flag=0 For each x For all ℎ = 1,2, … TListadd( ) For each J=i+1; Compute Similarity ( , ) ( , )Split( , ) H(i) Compute K(shing( )) H(j) Compute K(shing( )) Compare ( ( ) , ( ))) If (Similarity>0) Increment flag Continue until N= Compute ⁄∑ ( ( ) + ( )) = (2) Compute = 1( , ) (3) ( , ) DAG ( ) (4) ( , ) End for End Test ID TID_1 TID_2 TID_3 TID_4 III.2. Use Case Dependency Estimation After pre-processing the dataset, the dependency between the use cases is determined using DAUC algorithm. The suggested algorithm consumes a set of use case and a set of the test case as input. For every use case in the dataset, the dependency between them is estimated using Eq. (1). Based on the dependency values of the use cases, the test cases are grouped as represented in Table II. TID TID_1, TID_2, TID_3 TID_6, TID_7, TID_19 TID_29, TID_30 TABLE II GROUPING OF TEST CASES UID Use case 1 Check for background music and sound effects Dependency 0.2 2 User interface 0.08 8 Save settings 0.33 The proposed algorithm consumes the set of use cases and set of the test cases as input. At first, the algorithm initializes the Shingling size and flag variable, then for every test case, the similarity with the other test case is determined using Jaccard similarity represented as follows: The steps involved in the suggested algorithm are illustrated below: Algorithm I:DAUC algorithm Set of Use cases (UC) Set of Test cases (TC) Let i=1, 2, 3…. N be no. of Let j=1, 2, 3…N be the no. of Where m=1, 2, 3… N of UC Begin For each (c ), Compute Z=∑ Compute ( ) = 1⁄ Continue until i=N End for End , (1) = ∩ ∪ (5) The estimated similarity values are split and initialized to the hash set ( , ), then the resultant values obtained from the application of K-shingling algorithm is allocated to the hash sets such as H (i) and H (j). When the similarity between the test cases is greater than zero, the flag is incremented. The distance between two test cases is determined using Eq. (3). When the number of iteration reaches the use case size, a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is constructed as represented in Fig. 3. III.4. Optimized Test Case Execution An optimized test case execution is possible through test case clustering and prioritization. Hence, after the construction of DAG, the test cases are clustered and prioritized using SCP algorithm. The distance estimated by Eq. (2) and the use case dependency values are provided as input to the algorithm. For every use case in the dataset, the average distance between the test cases is estimated and initialized as the threshold value. III.3. Similarity Estimation over the Test Cases After grouping the test cases using DAUC algorithm, the similarity and distance for every test cases are determined using KSJS algorithm. The overall steps involved in the suggested KSJS algorithm are illustrated below: Copyright © 2016 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. 11, N. 10 918 V. Alamelu Mangayarkarasi, M. V. Srinath      Code coverage; Number of test cases Vs. Number of clusters; Failure rate; Prioritization time; Percentage of defects detected. IV.1. Code Coverage The code average is based on the number of statements that are traversed by a particular cluster. It is estimated for every test case executed in a test suite. The computation of the code coverage is based on the following equation: Fig. 3. Example for DAG representation = ℎ If the distance of a test case is less than or equal to the threshold ℎ , the corresponding test case is added to cluster 1, else the test case is added to cluster 2. After clustering the test cases, they are prioritized. Similarly, as represented in Eq. (7), the use cases are prioritized based on their dependency values. For every use case, the overall distance is computed such that the test cases that have minimum distance are prioritized thus resulting in an optimized test case execution. ( ( )) TABLE III COMPARISON OF CODE COVERAGE Category Code coverage Non-prioritized 0.61 Prioritized 0.69 a. Number of test cases Vs. Number of clusters The comparison of the number of test cases executed with respect to the number of clusters is validated for the prioritized and non-prioritized approaches. From the comparison results represented in Fig. 4, it is clear that the prioritized approach executes more number of test cases than the non-prioritized approaches. (6) If (dis ( < ℎ ) || dis ( = ℎ )) Add ( ) c1 ( ) Else Add ( ) c2 ( ) Continue until i= Order (C1) dis ( ) Order (C2) dis ( ) Apply (c1, c2) End for For each ( )List(TC) Compute ResultProduce (Pr( End for End IV. = (8) The comparison of code coverage for the prioritized and non-prioritized cases is represented in Table III. From the table, it is analyzed that the code coverage for the prioritized cases is more than the code coverage for the non-prioritized cases. Algorithm III: Span Clustering based Prioritization (SCP) Inputs: Computed Distance & Dependency values Output: Clustered & prioritized Test Cases Begin For each ℎ = 1,2, … ℎ = Compute × 100 b. Mean Average Percentage of Fault-Detection (APFD) The APFD estimates the rate of fault detection per percentage of test suite execution. It is estimated by considering a weighted average of the percentage of faults detected during the test suite execution. Generally, the values of the APFD varies from 0 to 100. Higher the value of APFD, better the fault detection rates. The comparison of APFD for the existing string-based technique with pre-processing, string based technique without pre-processing [24] and the proposed DAGbM algorithm is represented in Fig. 5. Four test case datasets such as Ant V6, Derby V1, Derby V2 and Derby V3 are used for the experimental analysis. From the figure, it is analyzed that the suggested DAGbM algorithm provides higher APFD than the existing algorithms. (7) )) c. Prioritization time The prioritization time is defined as the average time consumed for performing the test case prioritization process. The comparison of prioritization time for the existing Greedy, ART, Genetic Algorithm (GA) [25] Performance Analysis This section analyzes the performance results of the proposed DAGbM-KSJS model for the following metrics: Copyright © 2016 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. 11, N. 10 919 V. Alamelu Mangayarkarasi, M. V. Srinath algorithms and the proposed DAGbM is repres represented ented in Fig. 6. From the figure, it is clear that the suggested DAGbM algorithm consumes minimal prioritization time than the existing algorithms. NonNon-prioritzed prioritzed Prioritized Number of test cases executed 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 and weight factor based prioritization algorithm [26 26]. The validation validation result is represented in Fig. 7.. From the figure, it is analyzed that when compared to the existing algorithms, the suggested DAGbM algorithm detects higher number of defects in tthe he execution of the test cases. Random 100 % of defects detected 80 60 40 20 1 2 3 4 Number of clusters 5 0 10 Fig. 4. Comparison of number of test case casess executed Vs. number number of clusters String based technique with pre-processing pre processing String based technique without pre-processing pre processing DAGbM DAGbM-KSJS KSJS V. 80 APFD (%) 40 20 0 Derby V1 Derby V2 Test case dataset Derby V3 Fig. 55. Comparison of Mea Meann APFD for the existing and proposed algorithms Greedy ART 8 6 4 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 30 40 50 60 70 80 % of test cases executed 90 100 Conclusion and Future Work In this paper, an efficient DAGbM DAGbM-KSJS KSJS algorithm is proposed for performing the A Agile gile software software testing. The suggested algorithm initially pre pre--processes processes the test case dataset for providing the test case ID and use case ID. After pre pre--processing processing the dataset, the dependency between the use cases is estimated using DAUC algorithm. Based on the dependency values, the test cases are grouped, then for every test case in the use case the similarity and distance from other test cases are case, estimated using KSJS algorithm. With the estimated distance values, values, a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is cons ructed and the average distance between dependent constructed test cases are determined. For every use case, the test cases that has minimal distance are clustered. clustered. The The SC SCP P algorithm is executed for prioritizing the clustered test cases. After prioritizing the test cases, the use cases are prioritiz prioritized ed using the dependency values. From the overall distance value valuess estimated, estimated, the test cases that has minimal distance are provided higher priority for execution. To validate the performance of th thee suggested algorithm, the parameters such as code coverage, number of test cases vs. number of clusters, failure rate, prioritization time, and percentage of ddefects efects detected are considered. Experimental results prove that the suggested algorithm provides optimal results for all the metrics than the existing algorithms. As a future enhancement, the proposed DAGbM-KSJS DAGbM KSJS algorithm can be deployed in distributed environment for enhancing the efficiency of agile scalability ity agile software testing. Further, the speed and scalabil of the agile software development can be improved. 60 Ant V6 20 Fig. 7.. Comparison of % of def defected ected detected for the existing and the proposed methods 100 Prioritization time (seconds) Weigt factor based prioritization algorithm DAGbM-KSJS DAGbM KSJS 90 100 % of pools used Fig. 6.. Comparison of prioritization time for the existing and proposed algorithms d. 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Srinath is director department of MCA, Sengamala Thayaar Educational trust Women’s college, Sundarakkottai, Mannargudi. He has more than 16 years of experience in teaching and Research. He completed Ph.D. in the year 2005 at NITTTR, university of Madras. He published 30 research journals, attended 67 and more number of seminars, conferences and workshops both national and international. Copyright © 2016 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. 11, N. 10 922