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2010, The Diagrams of Architecture
A compilation created by Mark Garcia of some of my texts and interviews on the topic of diagrams for his book "The Diagrams of Architecture", published in 2010 with Wigley.
espanolEste texto aborda el uso de diagramas analiticos como procedimiento didactico para el conocimiento y difusion de la arquitectura. Se estudian sus caracteristicas, cualidades, e incluso sus relaciones con los incipientes estudios diagramaticos de principios del siglo xx, entendidos como un cierto lenguaje visual universal. Consideramos el diagrama analitico, frente al diagrama generativo, como propio y especifico de la ensenanza grafica de la arquitectura, y se tiene en cuenta su gran desarrollo y con ello su aplicacion en la actual sociedad de la informacion y la comunicacion. EnglishThis text addresses the use of analytical diagrams as a didactic method for the knowledge and diffusion of architecture. The characteristics and qualities of these diagrams will be studied, and also their relationships with the emerging diagrammatic studies of the early twentieth century, being them understood as a certain universal visual language. The analytical diagram, opposed to the generati...
Thinking with Diagrams, 2001
Archtheo Conference 2014: Architecture and Writing.
This research aims to understand the methodology of diagrams, as a design process strategy in architecture which redefines the relationship between form and space. Through a review of the concept of this device, the diagram process will be explored not only as a simply pedagogical representation method, but a systematic design process for researching, communicating and validating ideas in architectural projects, related to a postmodern and contemporary architectural modus operandi. Several prominent architect practices are based on diagrams, but this study is focus especially in the work of Peter Eisenman and Rem Koolhaas, as both use this method as a language, a grammar for generating the architectural form.
Journal of Space Syntax, 2014
Complex buildings frequently present a challenge to users' understanding, which may affect wayfinding as well as appreciation of the building's structure. In this paper we focus on the building's diagram, a representation by the building's architect that captures its main 'idea'. Motivated by the intuition that a building may be easier to understand if its conceptual diagram can be clearly and easily described, we explored perceivers' descriptions of such diagrams' features. We asked students of Language and students of Architecture to write about the buildings represented in a variety of diagrams, and then repeated the task for photographs of the actual buildings. Using Cognitive Discourse Analysis, we aimed to create a first qualitative exploration of the linguistic and conceptual patterns that are associated with the perception of diagrams and images of complex buildings. Among other factors, results show how perception of the diagram's meaning...
Diagrams have an extraordinary potential as a tool for the analysis of architectural and urban problems.They can also be considered a design strategy in themselves according to Eisenman's understanding of this graphic notation system. Diagrams have proved to be a valid design tool for architecture beyond the professional practice within the design studio. Students were given a design tool which was alien to their previous practices and it worked well as a propositional graphic device for the design of an architectural artefact. As a graphic tool that may be embodied in grids the possibility to enrich the design by superimposition techniques may well serve as a trigger for collaborative work, embedding in the design different layers of meaning and design solutions proposed by various students enhancing a level of complexity which the proposal of a single student may not achieve. From a didactic point of view, the use of these design strategy among the class, enabled to tackle dif...
Philosophica, 2002
SAJ call []
Diagrammatics represents a key term coined to cover a broad array of skills, approaches, methods or complete methodologies, and sciences dealing with the intellectually loaded use of graphics ('diagramming') as the main tools of explanation and support in knowledge acquisition, production, and transmission, development of critical thinking, and action in practical situations. Assuming that visual scriptures contain a distinctive 'intelligence' – some kind of an internal logic hidden in the background of the visible traces - it may be said that diagrammatic work reveals its structures; it displays cognitive patterns in thinking and making while one is engaged in design problem-solving and processing (design reflection and production). [...]. *** This project represents the continuation and development of the themes investigated in the Doctoral Thesis "Scripts and Codes of Architectural Design Process: Disciplinary Borders and Transfers" (Dragana Ciric, 2017) and all the research conducted and published during this period. Issue 01: Spatial Scripts (History of Diagrammatics and Diagrammatology, Diagrammatic Literacy, Semiotics, Knowledge and World Construction) Issue 02 Diagrammatic Intelligence (Diagrammatic Thinking Strategies and Imagination: Intellectual and Intuitive/Counterintuitive Practice of Reasoning, Representation, and Fabrication) Issue 03 Datascapes: Diagram, Code, Algorithm, and Archive (Digital Literacy, Syntax, and Aesthetics of Hybrid Architectural Media) Issue 04 Dynamics and Complexity: Diagrammatic Fields (Tracing Nonlinearity and Emergence)
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Humanities and Arts
Early Modern European Diplomacy A Handbook, 2024
Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στην Πελοπόννησο (ΑΕΠΕΛ1). Πρακτικά του Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου, Τρίπολη 7-11 Νοεμβρίου 2012, 2018
The Military Orders, vol. 6.2: Culture and Conflict in Western and Northern Europe, ed. Jochen Schenk and Mike Carr (London: Routledge: ISBN: 978-1-47-247638-8 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-31-546625-5 (ebk)),, 2016
Journal of construction engineering, management & innovation, 2022
Gender and Research 20 (2): 26-46,, 2019
Αρβανίτη Τριανταφυλλία, Βακφάρης Αναστάσιος, Κανονίδου Βαρβάρα, Λιβιτσάνου Σταυρούλα, Μάλλιου Χρυσαυγή, Μπουλμέτη Γεωργία, Μπριτζολάκη Θεανώ, Προφύρη Παναγιώτα, Σταθά Βασιλική, Τζωρτζάτου Άννα, Φρέιχα Θηρεσία, 2022
sarbinidamai, 2019
Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2006
Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie, 2014
Acta Médica Costarricense, 2009
Power engineering: research, equipment, technology
Гуманітариний вісник ЧДТУ, 2023
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2014