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Prose-to-P4: Leveraging High Level Languages Mihai-Valentin Dumitru, Vlad-Andrei Bădoiu, Costin Raiciu arXiv:2406.13679v1 [cs.NI] 19 Jun 2024 University Politehnica of Bucharest {mihai.dumitru2201, vlad_andrei.badoiu, costin.raiciu}@upb.ro Abstract—Languages such as P4 and NPL have enabled a wide and diverse range of networking applications that take advantage of programmable dataplanes. However, software development in these languages is difficult. To address this issue, high-level languages have been designed to offer programmers powerful abstractions that reduce the time, effort and domain-knowledge required for developing networking applications. These languages are then translated by a compiler into P4/NPL code. Inspired by the recent success of Large Language Models (LLMs) in the task of code generation, we propose to raise the level of abstraction even higher, employing LLMs to translate prose into high-level networking code. We analyze the problem, focusing on the motivation and opportunities, as well as the challenges involved and sketch out a roadmap for the development of a system that can generate high-level dataplane code from natural language instructions. We present some promising preliminary results on generating Lucid code from natural language. Index Terms—P4, programmable dataplanes, LLM, code generation I. I NTRODUCTION The introduction of programmable dataplanes and associated languages, such as P4 [1] and NPL [2], has opened the door for a broad range of networking applications [3]. Software development in these languages has proven to be difficult [4], [5]. For example, limited hardware resources require programmers to be familiar with the target and customize programs for it, reducing portability; adding or removing support for a protocol requires changes in multiple parts of the program (parser, deparser, control), making it hard to compose programs or to compartmentalize functionality into separate libraries. One strategy to address these problems is the development of high-level dataplane programming languages (HLDPLs) that compile to P4/NPL code for one or more switches, enabling programmers themselves to not focus on low-level details. Over the years, quite a few such languages have been designed, including Graph-to-P4 [6], Lucid [5], [7], Lucid 2.0 [8], Lyra [4], O4 [9], P4All [10], P4rrot [11], pcube [12]. These are much closer to natural language, provide less burden on the developer and in many cases have a less complex grammar. The field remains volatile: new languages appear periodically and none of the existing ones has been widely adopted and given the opportunity to mature. Inspired by the recent success of Large Language Models (LLMs) in the task of code generation [13]–[18], we wish to push the move towards higher-level network programming languages even further, by employing natural language as the top layer for the development of dataplanes. Ideally, the network programmer should be able to express desired functionalities in the form of a natural language prompt that is then progressively transformed into code that runs on actual devices (Figure 1). The user of such a system can not only ignore platform-specific details, but can do away with learning to program in a language that may easily be abandoned or superseded. All that is needed is a rudimentary knowledge of basic networking architectures and protocols. One of the main obstacles in developing such a system is the low amount of data. The authors of The Stack v2 [16], one of the largest publicly available coding datasets, refer to Perl as a “low-resource language” – with over a million documents available, totalling 7.82 GB. We wish to address “no-resource” languages, for which only several programs are available. Our focus is not code-generation for a particular, already existing dataplane language, but rather code-generation for recently published, non-mature HLDPLs, for which there is no existing program dataset or active community. One may ask what makes dataplane networking a good candidate for code generation under the no-resources constraints. Computations intended to be run in the dataplane are linear in nature; each program can be modeled as a chain of simple instructions, with occasional branching for conditional blocks, but no loops. Due to the nature of the applications themselves, as well as the constraints ultimately mandated by the target switches, programs are also quite limited in length. We believe these features make HLDPLs ideal candidates for using LLMs to generate “no-resource languages”. The aim of this work is to leverage code-generating LLMs and conventional transpilers to transform natural languages prompts into concrete code that can run on a programmable switch. The opportunity to do so is enabled by the simple nature of HLDPLs and the relatively short program length. The main challenge stems from the lack of a dataset of programs written in these languages: code-generating LLMs are usually trained or fine-tuned on gigabytes, or even terabytes of data; we only assume the existence of a handful of examples. We make the following key contributions: • • • identify a series of characteristics that make HLDPLs good candidates for no-resource code generation analyze the challenges and opportunities of utilizing LLMs to generate no-resource languages evaluate the plausibility of our methodology using the Lucid language [7] as a target Fig. 1: Proposed pipeline of going from prose to concrete dataplane applications on actual switches. Some languages may require network configurations or other extra information, grouped here under “input artifacts”. Compilation produces one or more dataplane programs, perhaps together with program-to-device mappings or other information, grouped here as “output artifacts”. II. H IGH - LEVEL DATAPLANE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES The difficult nature of software development in P4 has lead to research into new dataplane programming languages which abstract away target-specific details, offering programmers high-level constructs to aid with portability, composability etc. These language differ in the level of abstraction, scope and motivation but in general they aim to reduce time, effort and domain-knowledge needed to develop new dataplane applications. We briefly survey existing languages, focusing on features relevant to our goal of LLM-assisted code generation and present our rationale for singling out Lucid [7] for our preliminary experiments. O4 [9], pcube [12], P4All [10] add to P4 several syntactical constructs such as fixed-size loops and arrays (O4, pcube) and elastic structures (P4All). This results in languages syntactically similar to P4 itself. Graph-to-P4 [6] can translate state diagrams (designed visually and represented as an XML) into parser graphs. Its scope is limited to P4 parsers and does not address other components of dataplane programming, such as control blocks. P4rrot [11] aims to ease the implementation of “application-layer tasks” in the dataplane. It is designed as a Python library, which has interesting implications, as Python seems to be at the center of LLM-based code generation efforts. For the purposes of this work, we choose to focus on a language with a standalone syntax, as this is more common among the languages considered. Lyra [4] addresses the issues of portability, extensibility and composition. The Lyra compiler takes as input code in the Lyra language, an algorithm scope describing the placement of various and a description of the network’s topology and configuration; from these it first produces a “contextaware intermediate representation” that can be then turned by the backend into P4 or NPL code. Unfortunately neither a complete grammar, a compiler implementation, detailed documentation or complete examples are publicly available. Lucid [7]’s goal is “putting control functionality into the data plane.” Lucid introduces events (such as an arriving packet) and event handlers – procedures that describe stateful computation to be executed when an event occurs, as well as a novel type system and memory operations. We consider Lucid the most mature HLDPL currently available. It has been followed by Lucid 2.0 [8], which introduces new constructs to aid with modular programming, such as polymorphism and type inference. The presentation has also been extended to a PhD thesis [5] that provides additional detail on the language design and motivation. Both the compiler and example programs are openly available 1 ; this makes Lucid an ideal candidate for our experiments, because it offers all the resources that we may expect. At the time of writing, none of these languages has been standardised or widely-adopted; they are research projects in various degrees of active development. We expect this volatility to continue in the near future, with existing languages being improved or modified and new languages being designed. The lack of stability in the field makes it difficult for novices (and perhaps experienced programmers alike) to enjoy the benefits of these languages, since the learning effort can be considered wasted if a language is soon abandoned by the community or superseded by a new one. We wish to offer potential network programmers the possibility of rapid prototyping with low effort and little domainknowledge, harnessing the power of HLDPLs without requiring the commitment to familiarize oneself with a particular language: its syntax, semantics and idiosyncrasies. To this end, we propose using LLMs to translate natural language specifications into code. III. G ENERATING NO - RESOURCE LANGUAGES Our goal is to use LLMs to translate natural language specifications into HLDPL code. Due to their maturity and impressive results on a wide range of applications, we target ChatGPT 4 and Gemini Ultra. While LLMs have, in recent times, shown very good results in the task of prose-to-code, they usually generate code in popular programming languages for which a large number of programs written by human developers is available; models are fine-tuned or trained on these large code datasets. For a newly published programming language with no active community, such a wide range of 1 https://github.com/PrincetonUniversity/lucid examples is not available, making fine-tuning or training nonviable strategies. We assume the resources available are a subset of the following: • the contents of the scientific paper that introduces the language • additional documentation • description of the formal grammar • several code examples • a compiler implementation The documentation, grammar and examples could be available as appendices to the original paper, or as part of a public repository; a compiler could be useful for the possibility of extracting a formal grammar description from its parser, as well as for offering a better understanding of the semantics of the language. Lacking a dataset of programs to retrain the LLM, we have to rely on prompt engineering techniques, which involve carefully constructing the inputs to the LLM, guiding it to produce high-quality answers. Prompt engineering has already developed into a wide and diverse field [19] with techniques such as Chain-of-Thought [20] and Tree-of-thoughts [21] achieving impressive results on tasks such as arithmetic reasoning, symbolic reasoning, creative writing etc. The technique of “grammar prompting” developed by Wang et al. [22] is most relevant to our goals. The authors tackle the problem of generating programs in a Domain Specific Language (DSL) that is absent (or present in small quantities) in the LLM’s training set. To this end, a few-shot approach is employed, attaching to each example a small subset of the DSL grammar, “minimally sufficient” for generating that particular example. The model is then required to first produce a specialized grammar for the requested program, then generate the code conditioned on this grammar. That same paper presents state-of-the-art results on five DSLs for the tasks of semantic parsing, AI planning and molecule generation. Jain et al. [23] experiment with grammar prompting, as well as other techniques, for the task of proseto-diagram: translating a natural language description into the syntax used by the Penrose framework, which produces visual diagrams. Because our goal is to develop a system for generating newly published languages, it is relevant to know whether data associated with the tested language (Lucid), such as the text of the original paper or the public repository code, are part of these LLMs’ training sets. Unfortunately, for ChatGPT 4 and Gemini Ultra, this information is not publicly available; basic interrogation of the two LLMs reveal that they have at least some knowledge of Lucid. This is a limitation of our experiments and results, because the language information does not come solely from the contents of the prompt, which may cast doubt on whether the results could transfer to completely new programming languages, completely absent from the training dataset. However, we illustrate that this is not a critical limitation, by building a baseline of results that show how, without ad- vanced prompt-engineering techniques, neither ChatGPT 4 nor Gemini Ultra can generate code in the considered languages. IV. P RELIMINARY RESULTS We evaluate the grammar prompting technique [22] for few-shot HLDPL code generation in Lucid, because of its standalone syntax and public availability of all the resources mentioned in §III. To this end, we leverage the Gemini and ChatGPT models due to their overall performance on a wide variety of tasks, including natural language understanding, symbolic reasoning and code generation, which we believe are useful skills for the task at hand. One important constraint for prompt engineering is the context length of the LLM – the number of tokens that the LLM can effectively consider when producing the answer. A naive prompt for Lucid, consisting of task-specific instructions, the contents of the original paper [7], a complete grammar in Backus-Naur form (extracted from the publicly available parser) and the full code of the ten applications presented in the paper has a length of 35K tokens; this is more than the web interfaces of both ChatGPT 4 and Gemini Ultra can handle. However, state of the art models have context lengths in the hundreds of thousands, even millions of tokens; Google’s Gemini 1.5 [24] boasts of a context length of ten million tokens. We ran only a few simple tests using OpenAI’s API to query GPT 4. The results seem syntactically coherent but more testing is needed. For the rest of our experiments, we used the web interface of ChatGPT and Gemini (to avoid API costs) and employed grammar prompting. To integrate Lucid into the framework, we wrote a grammar for it in Lark 2 and designed 20 samples for few-shot learning. The samples vary from basic concepts (e.g. defining the type for IPv4 packets), to more complex prompts (i.e. MAC address learning). Lastly, we modify the base prompt to introduce a high level description of the HLDPL. Besides the program written in the Lucid language, a P4 template is also required, containing basic elements such as parsers and deparser, as well as annotations for where the highlevel bits should fit. For the purposes of this paper, we do not require the LLM to generate it. The resulting grammar-learning prompts are structured as shown in Figure 2. They sum up to around 5.5K tokens; the responses are just several hundred tokens in length. The model is provided with the full Lucid grammar and several example queries consisting of a specialized grammar (subset of the complete grammar) and the resulting code that implements the query. Lastly, the model is asked to predict a grammar for a given query and generate the program that implements a query conforming to it (Figure 3). We have tested simple queries, requiring one-line responses and three complex ones: writing a firewall that can drop packets based on the connection 5-tuple (partial answer in Figure 3), a stateful NAT and a 6to4 tunnel. 2 https://github.com/lark-parser/lark Prompt to LLM You are an expert dataplane programmer, and you need to write a program for the given language query. A complete grammar of the language is presented below. First, you should write grammar rules by choosing from the following BNF rules. Then, you should write programs that conform to your predicted rules. [BEGIN RULES] // Full definition of the Lucid grammar [END RULES] query: generate a global array "nat_to_port" with NUM_PORTS values BNF grammar rules: prog ::= decls decls ::= decl decl ::= GLOBAL cid poly ID ASSIGN cid paren_args SEMI GLOBAL ::= "global" cid ::= ID "." cid | ID ID ::= "Array" | "t" | "nat_to_port" | "create" | "NUM_PORTS" poly ::= LLEFT polys RRIGHT LLEFT ::= "<<" polys ::= size size ::= NUM NUM ::= "32" RRIGHT ::= ">>" ASSIGN ::= "=" paren_args ::= LPAREN args RPAREN LPAREN ::= "(" args ::= exp exp ::= cid RPAREN ::= ")" SEMI ::= ";" program based on the BNF grammar rules: global Array.t<<32>> nat_to_port = Array.create (NUM_PORTS); // other examples query: <the desired query> Fig. 2: Sample of prompt engineering for Lucid From our experiments, we noticed that Gemini sometimes fails to conform to the requirements and does not produce a grammar subset to drive the generated code, resulting in incorrect syntax even for simple examples. ChatGPT 4 is able to follow the guidance of grammar prompting and always produces a grammar for its output; however, this grammar is not always correct, so neither is the accompanying program. Figure 3 shows a fragment of ChatGPT 4’s answer for a firewall query. Table I summarizes ChatGPT’s performance on the three complex tasks; for each task, it lists the number of rules in the output grammar (“A ::= B | C” counts as two rules), the number of lines of code in the output Lucid program and BNF grammar rules: prog ::= decls decls ::= decl decls | decl decl ::= "const" ty ID ASSIGN exp SEMI | GLOBAL cid poly ID ASSIGN cid paren_args SEMI | event_decl SEMI | HANDLE ID paramsdef "{" statement "}" | FUN ty ID paramsdef "{" statement "}" ty ::= TINT | TINT single_poly | TBOOL [...] FUN ::= "fun" RETURN ::= "return" program based on the BNF grammar rules: const int HASH_SEED = 1234; const int NUM_PORTS = 6; global Array.t<<32>> nat_to_ip = Array.create( NUM_PORTS); global Array.t<<32>> nat_to_port = Array.create( NUM_PORTS); [...] handle outside_packet(int<<32>> dst_port) { int ip = Array.get(nat_to_ip, dst_port); int<<32>> port = Array.get(nat_to_port, dst_port); generate outside_continue(ip, port); } Fig. 3: ChatGPT response for the query: “a stateful NAT”. Task Firewall NAT 6to4 tunnel # of rules 91 97 74 LoC 17 39 15 LoC to fix 2 0 4 TABLE I: Summary of the results on the three complex tasks the number of lines that need to be fixed for the program to compile. The task prompts are admittedly vague, so it is hard to assess the “correctness” of the implementation, which is why we focus on whether programs compile. The generated code is aligned with the input query and could serve well as a starting point for a more particular implementation. While always generating a grammar fragment, ChatGPT doesn’t always respect it. For the tunnel implementation, it uses hexadecimal constants with the “0x” prefix, which are invalid both in the fragment generated and in the Lucid grammar; it also uses a bitwise “&” without generating rules for it. Conversely, it includes rules that it does not use; for example it allows the equality operator “==” then generates a program that does not perform any equality check. V. D ISCUSSION AND F UTURE W ORK The results presented in §IV are just a initial move towards the task of translating natural language instructions into HLDPLs. An immediate next step is mostly quantitative in nature: increasing the number of example programs included in the prompt and running additional tests to generate snippets and programs of increasing complexity. We would like to do further experiments both with the baseline prompt (a large dump of all available resources) and with grammar prompting, so that we can have evaluation metrics that allow us to numerically compare the efficacy of the two methods. The issues mentioned at the end of §IV, concerning constructs that are not valid for the grammar fragment and grammar rules that are unneeded, warrant additional attention. We believe they can be addressed effectively through a loop of additional queries that point out the errors in the output. Lucid requires a P4 harness with the basic structure of the dataplane, together with annotations for where the functionality described in the high-level language should fit. In our tests, we only focused on the Lucid language itself; in the future, we would like the LLM to also generate the P4 template. We also wish to explore code generation in P4rrot, whose very different structure can cast light on whether our technique generalizes to other languages. Information about Lucid, as well as about all the languages presented in §II, is very likely part of the dataset on which ChatGPT 4 and Gemini were trained. Our experiments show that grammar prompting yields better results than the naive baseline of relying solely on the LLM’s existing knowledge, but such improvements may be possible solely due to the latent knowledge of the LLM. To explore this issue, we must experiment with new languages that are not part of the training dataset. We plan to design a minimalistic HLDPL, producing all the relevant artifacts (description of the language, formal grammar, code examples) and apply the techniques presented here to evaluate code generation for this new language. VI. C ONCLUSION In order to address the difficulties of programming in P4 or NPL, several high-level dataplane programming languages have been proposed. As this is an active, ever-changing field, neither of these have been standardized or widely-adopted. Thanks to the simple structure, narrow scope and short program length, we believe these languages are good candidates for the task of employing LLMs to generate languages for which virtually no dataset is available. In §IV we presented preliminary results of using ChatGPT 4 and Gemini in order to generate code for the Lucid language. R EFERENCES [1] P. Bosshart, D. Daly, G. Gibb, M. Izzard, N. McKeown, J. Rexford, C. Schlesinger, D. Talayco, A. Vahdat, G. 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