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Editing the Greek Psalter, 2024
This study suggests a new textual model for understanding the well-known crux regarding the relationship between Psalm 113 and 1Sam 2:1-10, which share common language and themes. Both of these poetic units will appear in the new Göttingen edition of Psalms, which will also include the Odes. The analysis presented here to answer this question is not dependent on the Septuagint alone, but will integrate its textual data within a broader literary and philological investigation. The current study continues the discussion from a Hebrew article on the Song of Hannah that I published almost two decades ago. 1 The arguments and conclusions there are fundamental to the model of textual development which will be posited below, and therefore I will first review them in detail.
Until a few years ago, most historians and archaeologists treated Israelite identity as embracing both Israel and Judah, and while still used in this way by most scholars today, more and more doubts are cast over this overarching identification. Did Israel and Judah have more in common than other ancient peoples? Or is it a later perspective supplied by the authors and editors of significant portions of the biblical texts, who strived to legitimate later territorial, religious and political claims by Judahite/Jewish rulers and authors by asserting an "Israelite" identity for themselves? As the reliability (and dating) of the textual sources is being questioned, it is the aim of this article to reexamine the question of an "all Israelite" identity on the basis of the available, contemporaneous, Iron Age evidence.
Dans le cadre des séminaires de recherche de Cécile Caby, Xavier Hélary et Frédérique Lachaud (Sorbonne Université): Cent ans après les Rois thaumaturges de Marc Bloch (1924-2024) Mercredi 13 mars, 14h-18h Sorbonne, salle des Actes: Julien Théry, Des rois thaumaturges au roi Salomon; Nicholas Vincent, Ce que Marc Bloch n’a jamais vu : reliques, pèlerinage et aumône dans la maison royale anglaise, 1199-1306 Jeudi 14 mars, 15h-17h Sorbonne, Bibliothèque Boutruche: Jean-Philippe Genet, Marc Bloch a-t-il véritablement comparé les monarchies française et anglaise?
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 15 (2015) Article 3.
The figure of Śākyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, has held profound significance across South and East Asian – and more recently also Western – cultures and societies. Despite his central role, there is no single authoritative biographical account universally accepted by the diverse Buddhist traditions. Instead, the stories of Śākyamuni’s life are as varied as the doctrinal and ritual systems that exist across the different regions and schools of Asian Buddhism. In the absence of cross-regionally and inter-sectarian accepted textual and visual sources, even the key events of the Buddha’s life have been subject to numerous interpretations across both textual and visual media throughout Buddhism’s geographic spread and doctrinal evolution. The aim of this conference is to explore unusual variations and interpretations of the Buddha’s life stories as found in diverse textual and visual materials. We will approach these narratives from an interdisciplinary perspective, encompassing fields such as religious studies, philology, literary studies, archaeology, and art history, among others. This event, held at the Royal Museum of Mariemont in Belgium, is organized in collaboration with the Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies of Ghent University, in conjunction with the exhibition “Sensing the Buddha” (September 21st, 2024 - April 20th, 2025).
Dementia occurs when there is a build-up of proteins in the brain and the cell structure becomes compromised and damaged. The signs and symptoms of dementia will differ with each person, what type of dementia you are suffering from and which part of the brain is affected. As with most medical conditions there will be a general deterioration in the person as the build-up of proteins will start to slowly block the brain cells resulting in the death of the cells. 1.2-Describe the types of memory impairment commonly experienced by individuals with dementia Dementia is a condition of the brain which causes a gradual loss of mental ability including problems with memory, understanding, judgement, language and thinking, other problems commonly developed like changes in personality and changes in the way the person interacts with others in a social setting. As dementia progresses, the person's ability to look after themselves from day-today may also become affected. The memory disorientation forgets direction, time and dates. 1.3-Explain the way that individuals process information with reference to the abilities and limitations of individuals with dementia People with dementia often confuse the generations, mistaking their wife for their mother, for example. The person with dementia may be trying to interpret a world that no longer makes sense to them because their brain is processing information incorrectly. There are areas where people with memory loss have difficulty such as remembering events, taking in new information, recognizing people and places and separating facts from fiction. As dementia progresses it can become more distinct and severe like when someone with dementia seems to live in the past and can not remember recent events. 1.4-Explain how other factors can cause changes in an individual's condition that may not be attributable to dementia Many people believe that it is dementia causing a reduction or loss in memory, but it is not necessarily the case. In fact many things can cause this, and the part of the brain that is damaged will determine how the person will be affected. Other factors may be age-related degeneration such as cataracts affecting vision, loss of hearing, reducing metabolism causing poor appetite and osteoporosis, fear of falling. Certains factors can cause changes in the individual's condition that should not be attributed to dementia, such as taking into account any side effects of medication as the body of an older person can not tolerate high dosages. Depression is often dismissed as an inevitable consequence o dementia, but depression not dementia can cause deterioration in the person's wellbeing, so by treating the depression may be the best option in the first instance.
Les objets de culte dans la religion romaine, 2023
Fasti : s'adonner à la religion urbaine en dehors de la métropole 15h-15h30 : Francesca Prescendi, EPHE-PSL : Les livres comme instruments de culte 15h30-16.00h : Sarah Rey, Université́Polytechnique Hauts-de-France : Les ablutions rituelles et leurs objets 16h00-16h15 Pause 16h15-16h45 : Achille Bertrand, doctorant EPHE-PSL : Autels votifs : écriture, espace et gestes. Quelques éléments d'une recherche en cours 16h45-17h15 : Sandra Jaeggi, Institut Catholique de Paris : Rôles et fonctions des femmes dans l'espace militaire : premières réflexions à partir des tablettes de Vindolanda 17h15 : discussion Les objets de culte dans la religion romaine : premières explorations mardi 23.05 14h18h INHA, 2 rue Vivienne, salle EPHE
Journal of the American Oriental Society, 2010
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A cura di G. Passagnoli, F. Addis, G. Capaldo, A. Rizzi, S. Orlando. Comitato editoriale: F. Fantechi, D. Imbruglia, M. Mauro, E. Messineo, F. Pistelli, T. Polvani, M. Rodovero, 2022
The Oxford Handbook of American and British Women Philosophers in the Nineteenth Century
Vigiliae Christianae, 2021
Educacion Handbook T Iv Congreso Interdisciplinario De Cuerpos Academicos 2014 Isbn 978 607 8324 22 4 Pags 24 34, 2014
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Trabalho
Revista Española de Cardiología, 1998
European Journal of Internal Medicine, 2009
AMA Journal of Ethics, 2019
Journal of Population Economics, 2008