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International Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics IJLLL Vol. 2(2), pp. 080-125, June, 2015. © www.premierpublishers.org, ISSN: 1036-4568x ShortJamil Communication Prof. Y. Al-Asmar The Handrail of Life- an Eastern Approach Prof. Jamil Al-asmar Professor at the English Department, Al-Azhar University, Gaza, Palestine. Email: jamilpoetry@hotmail.com DEDICATION To the souls of those who went for the sake of Palestine INTRODUCTION This kind of new approach in English poetry throws lights and impregnates the air of the global readers, particularly, the western audience with such a sober and salutiferous steams as very much comforts the heads and refreshes the senses of all that breathes it over this world. A moping lover would grow a pleasant fellow by entangling to the many philosophical lines that overflow with life as it is- its bitterness and joys alike. If the reader fairly considers the strength of what I have advanced in this collection, I am convinced then that my poems will produce a wonderful revolution in his notions and opinions concerning the East and the dwellers of the East, and he will be abundantly better prepared to receive and to relish the concluding ideas and the shiny humble philosophy of the neighbor East through this miraculous treaties. The quality of poems I offer here cannot wholly be strangers to my readers- for they (the poems) touch the core of man’s heart showing and reflecting the real routes he is obliged to select as man is choice-less in the matter of his age, livelihood and his final destination. This is clear among the golden lines inscribed in this book. I easily foresee that as soon as I lay down my pen to write my humble meaningful poems, I will have acquired a position and find a room in my readers’ mind. I therefore, fly for justice and relief into the hands of that great philosophical saddles as stores for the lovers of mankind. The pleasure is that when I see that my readers will immediately be pleased embracing, under the shadow of my speech, my poems which lightens me of the burden of liking or disliking. Since my eyes are once opened, I am content to convey my running lessons for the peculiar advantage of my dear readers, and for the universal benefit of mankind. Therefore I hospitably consider the number of my guest-readers as welcomed into the core of my heart, the heart of the whole universe. Al-asmar 080 The handrail of life Life is just like ascending dangerous high stairs But without a strong handrail, nobody dares! For falling from life stairs leads to misfortune In life and the hereafter, go play well yourtune. 9/1/2015 ________________________________________ The east, a continuous fountain! It is the ancient land that overflows with wisdom On man, since ever he is created in his kingdom It is the fountain of knowledge that never drought Where Adam and Eve for punishment were brought 5/1/2015 _________________________________________ Look at him as he resigns! Look at his frown, nervous from head to the heel! This, I and the sage, due to the lack of faith, we feel The brightness of his face has gone, with no return! He does not have good faith nor the wide lesson learn 11/1/2015 ____________________________________________ When you stand meticulously When you stand meticulously, it means life is gone! At this stage nothing belittles thy tension nor the son Ay! We compulsorily go through it: cannot be shun! Think not that you are created man just for fun to run. 4/1/2015 ___________________________________________________ O dear I love my car that, slightly, hits thy son, I love thy son who made you to me run, I love the time that arranges a face to face Meeting with thee, to enjoy thy soft grace O time! Allow us an hour to see thy best For nothing in life, but around you to rest! 10/1/2015 ___________________________________ A new contract Every day at dawn Moslems sign a celestial contract Which will put them straight before a speakable fact The contract is that of the Azan for the dawn prayer That will accompany them in the hereafter, no gayer! 7/11/2004 Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. When you wobble around When you wobble around and in your life you wobble! Your stick can not carry you as your back is bent double Then you cleave hard your way: on a sliding hay a way Having wobbled then with thy body, wait thy grey day Which will not be far away, away from your rusty door! You were once beloved; and now rejected by thy floor! 7/1/2015 _____________________________________________ Good Tidings (1) We are under the shadow of God‟s absolute bower From inside compassion and mercy from outside For those who admit His Oneness, and on it died Therefore worry not man being under His shower. 17/10/2014 ___________________________________________ Wisdom Wisdom is the light through which you see your way Without which you cannot cleave your way, so astray! It paves life‟s routes to the naïve, simple and the wise Like the sun, from the middle of dark oceans, you rise. 11/4/2014 _____________________________________________ The almond eastern eyes The eastern almond eye has magic as she smiles And what adds more to her beauty: when she shies Here, a lover sees himself towering his counterpart For he keeps his beloved and never from her depart 3/6/2014 _____________________________________________ The fruit of man is woman The fruit of man in this gloomy world is woman For they, both, form the crown of being human Without her, life is thorny, dull and dry a dale! With her life is but a life, hail her dear man, hail. 1/4/2014 _________________________________________ Beware the end Man, you are created and given everything free You pay nothing for the many blesses you enjoy Beware an inevitable end, for it, your life employ Don‟t be in deception, soon life goes, this you see 18/5/2014 ___________________________________________________ 081 Al-asmar 082 Faithfulness Nothing is more beautiful than your friend be a faithful And on the interests of your next of kin be very careful Your life is then like a tree trimmed of its old branches Ready for new fruit to everyone and every bird parches 26/5/2014 ____________________________________________________ You Arabs! If you are asked about Gaza say: it has a martyr Say too: aided by a martyr, pictured by a martyr Farewelled by a martyr and prayed on by a martyr Get honor if you want to be among many a martyr Register now in the school of men and of a martyr 31/8/2014 _____________________________________________ Black grudge When hatred prevails among people and black grudge, Life is thus vain when you find that a jackal is the judge! So, rectify and refined yourself before calamity is there And oppression bestrides over your shoulders, not fair. 25/5/2014 _______________________________________________ Do not despair of His mercy Go man wherever you like, know whatever you know You won‟t find a deity so kind, merciful and gracious As Him, whose hell and paradise are both so spacious! Go to the second by worshipping Him, to Him you bow. 17/5/2014 ___________________________________________________ The beauty of life You cannot imagine how beautiful your life man, here, is! On condition that you know what is yours and what is his, Nothing is more beautiful than this life except His paradise To which you aren‟t allowed in without paying a good price. 22/5/2014 Life’s teeth Poverty has teeth, meant for the misfortune! Those who are on Earth fail to play life‟s tune It could be for those who decided to be straight But I should content them: they are the great! 17/5/2014 _______________________________________ Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. What is left……? It slips down as a tiny handkerchief from your holed pocket Life does smoothly slip your body and soul, and that is all! You get of it as a hungry traveler gets just a leaf of a rocket Hark, not only you, but human race and all are going to fall. 19/5/2014 _____________________________________________ Beauty Beauty is the dream of you since you are alive Beauty is the pool into which man likes to dive Beauty dominates men‟s hearts, them decorates For its need we ever offer our ever empty plates. 11/4/2014 ___________________________________________ He does not want atheism to His slaves Allah does not want atheism to prevail among His slaves He wants you to be pure in hearts, to avoid dusty graves For atheism leads to hell fire of eternal stay and in abide Soon it comes, faster than taking a horse for a short ride! 27/5/2014 ________________________________________________ You are travelling in chain In this life, man is travelling to his destination in chain Shouldering his awe and shouldering his pleasure in pain For life does not disembosoming its secret to you silly man Who spent his life under a shadow of ray, this what he can. 13/7/2014 __________________________________________________ Millions of light years Millions of light years are to go for light, us here to reach Us on Earth, what power, what lesson you try to preach? Glorify Him, a sole dominator over His whole universe Your Earth is a pen‟s dot in size, step to the Koranic verse. 19/5/2014 Condole me Let the world condole me of our leaders, the many! Who died since they were created, a creation funny! Condole me of them, for they are all timid to offer Anything for the Gazians war, Gaza is the rougher! Rougher in war, resisting the Israelis‟ grudge raids Upon us civilians. Our leaders relish among maids. 13/7/2014 (on the war on Gaza) ______________________________________________ 083 Al-asmar 084 If you possess the whole If you possess what is on Earth to redeem a day‟s torture You will redeem, and another equal, you too will redeem A worst day for your nasty deeds you did once in rapture So avoid that day easily now by glorifying Him in esteem. 27/5/2014 _________________________________________________ The Palestinian prisoners Our prisoners are a whole pride in a time of humiliation Where people wherever they are devoid of any sensation The living martyrs are there, sniffing the freedom‟s air! All are turning back to them, but only they need the Fair. 20/5/2014 --------------------------------------------------------------------You are dead and they are too Through revelation God said to Mohammed: „you are dead‟ „And they are dead too‟. In His name things should be read So man, you are soon to travel and taking nothing with you Therefore, worship Him only, a thing God wants you to do. 18/5/2014 ____________________________________________________ To Tracy (2) All Sweetness derives its sweetness from you, sweet The air is scented perfumed by the touch of your feet 3/2/2014 _______________________________________________ The Alms-giving Before Alms goes to the poor, it goes into His hands and it pours It goes into your tissues; it goes into your blood, for it goes to scan It clears your blood from dirt and germs and from disease, it can It is your balance into His eternal bank, your clearness itensures. 19/5/2014 _______________________________________________ My balance My balance with His bank guarantees my steps towards Heaven It is an asylum forsafety of soul; it is paradise the eternal haven The charity and money you give to the poor is your only credit On a day you are in need for a look of sympathy you do predict! 20/5/2014 ____________________________________________________ A Solemn parade Let us solemnly parade Gaza‟s solid fighter men Let us moan, let us mourn the rest of the nation Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. For the nation is cripple to offer any aid in our war Let‟s solemnly bow before Gaza fighters‟ hard shore. 13/7/2014 Seventh day of the Israeli‟s war on Gaza ____________________________________________________ Neither He begets nor begotten God is higher than being a father; it is an abuse in His part He is above this quality, neither He begets nor is begotten!! If you seek any other way to Him, you are then forgotten He is the end without an end, and a start without a start! 2/5/2014 _________________________________________________ We are deceived We are all deceived working in this tiresome field As we signed this contract that is already sealed! The life contract in which we are already deceived Knowing that only a handful of days we received! 11/3/2014 _______________________________________ Salvation (1) If you seek salvation man, seek it here Among the verses of eternity my dear It is salvation through Him, not others Mind His demands, you are all brothers. 22/5/2014 ______________________________________ He who demolishes to build! Still there are those who demolish your home In this civilized world, upon you fret and foam Demolish yours, to build their repugnant house Hiding behind their guns, waiting as a field-mouse 23/5/2014 The stone will utter (1) Readers, why does the stone will one day utter? Of what it will utter? It will utter of the better! The stone will lead you, righteous, and the trees To cut the nick of the tyrant, no ways for „please‟ 22/5/2014 ________________________________________ If you pay for what you got free If you pay for the blessings you have, you‟ll wish death For free everything is given to you, the best is the health Imagine you have to pay for every blessing in your body! You won‟t spare a penny to get rid of your life, the muddy. 6/5/2014 085 Al-asmar 086 I love Lahore I loved Lahore for its streets were trodden and the shore By her feet, this is why I loved you my city, city of Lahore I loved you my Lahore, for she breathed once from thy air I loved you Lahore for once you contained the young fair! 14/3/2015 __________________________________ You thanked me! I am still recollecting the tune of thy voice, thanking me! For what? For that poem in your praise, my old memory Thy memory overwhelms every memory: modern and old I am going to write on you forever, thy image I ever hold *** For if I use the world ink, and pens, and rivers be all ink Will not suffice my words to you my….. a sea, in to sink! So if you allow that Dr. Shahera, I‟ll write on thy praise I am still remembering thy image in Lahore, me to amaze! *** Oh my garden, oh my meadow full of fruit: my field flower If I possess to turn time, I‟ll enjoy thy shade, in thy bower. 31/1/2015 ________________________________ If you ring If you ring my bell, ring my bell And your goods me to sell, me sell And my love story only you to tell On the banks of that beautiful rill There we shall shade under a shell The cup of each other we may fill Ah, facing the beautiful grassy hill Chasing each other around the mill Will you, do not you, I love you still Will you, do not you, you are my gill I sip the honey on your lips, I spill The spell you hide is only the spell I am going to ring your bell, I will. 2/9/2004 _______________________________ A conference in the east! Hark! There is a conference there and humming! Hark! Dumb stones, thy lord is surely coming! Can you empty water from the Caspian shore? Much tears! For tears shudders are at the door! Hark! Hark; there is a conference in the East Worry not our nation, it is merely a feast! Their conference is a conference of affiliation Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. Fear them not as they sold their sensation Hark Sir, hark leader, they are but gasping Be calm, cool down, they are a vixen offspring We know of their conferences, they are many Unable to have their food offered in honey. Unless we, we allow them their food to eat Ever standing unless we allow them a seat! So fear them not Sir, madam and everyone For they gather when we want and they run! For that enjoy yourselves, in their depth strike Strike, bomb, raid and destroy their every bike Leave them, scattered, and unburied everywhere For none of the rest could move or could dare! 12\10\2001 ________________________________________ White plate So hungry I am to the white plate It contains pomegranate and date I will empty the plate when I eat In the presence of your tender feet As the tree trunk that but softly rise What a job then to do with no cries **** Then swallow everything around And stay listening- a nice sound! The sound of the warm mission in To enjoy the smell of thy tiny den Ah, to inhale from thy soft breath That keeps behind a lovely health And this rose to be forever mine And on this rose I everyday dine. 3/2/2005 A mass of hatred An empty human body but from malice An empty bone of skull, with no sense A mass of hatred walks on the ground Like fate‟s attack you do not know whence === Rotten from within, thinking of otherwise Lurking for you, for him, and for others Cannibal, hater of life, hater of himself Lurking for man, for his own brothers! === Boastfully walks, walks in an empty pride Complaining of his trousers and of his skin Annoyed at air, nothing in his eyes is fair Betraying this and that, decorating his sin === A rotten company he's, beautifies his ways Cannibal, eating joyfully his rotten flesh Dotard, unable to see his approaching grave Cannibal devouring everything in his dish! 13/5/2004 087 Al-asmar 088 A New-born king!! King! Why not, you are the king! Why not, they sing as beetles sing! For this occasion, national occasion! You protect all, defend any invasion Congratulation Arabs, a king is born! For we lack his advent and the horn! A baby-king! Nay, born already grown! Born already sick, beneath heels groan Born, but new born handicapped king! How for a handicapped, can a bell ring? Hail thee king, but naked of any honor! Hail thee king, holder not of victory banner A play, silly actors- light minded and bold Bold like others, a pair of horns you hold Hail thee, king of humiliation and defeat Congratulation:all are under the world‟s feet. 14\2\2002 ____________________________ A poor lady’s funeral Are you all watching these burial steps? Don‟t you know your souls are at thy lips? You scattered on this stony fence or grass Every moment the Angel of death is to pass! Therefore, tighten your relation with Him For you are going to drink it all to the brim! 18\3 \2000 Ah, to watch Bathan Valley!* From my window I overlook the endless ridges That sharpen my thoughts, they are my bridges Into the realm of poesy, the rhymed poesy Into an endless land, it is a land but not noisy. *** Ah, to bicker down to the Bathan Valley And jump from paddock to paddock, Sally. It is life, to peg your bower as your last lee In the vicinity of this canyon where many a bee. *** Ah, to watch this canyon, in summer, shivers But in winter, it is alike the brimming rivers Only to stand by its tiny bubbling soft banks As if among pebbles, it gives its creator thanks. *** To watch, among them, farmers of the fields: Fallows there and other lands of grassy shields Mallows, artichokes, scenes of brambly hills Never be thirsty, you are among farmers' wells. *** To ascend these hills, to slide its ancient dens Watch the sky jammed with swarms of herons Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. Never ever fret among the farmers' dry faggots For causes of happiness, among them, are lots. 29th August 2004 *It is a valley lies in the northern city of Nablus in Palestine. ______________________________________ Braggart death! Do not you know, you haughty braggart death That, to us, you will have to be a mere myth?! For you snatch our souls- easy for your hand And send us to decay, into the depth of sand. *** We obey compulsory your call, with no choice For your days abound with skulls with no voice. Ay, braggart death, our right religiosity intercedes At the cauldron of torture, at its mouth that bleeds *** Then, the righteous, will stand watching your end By His might that, to smooth eternity us will send Then the order of to be is done, everyone is gone Either to torture is dragged, or to heaven is to run. 16/5/2007 ___________________________________________ Baghdad is the last front! Baghdad, to you Arabs, was the last front You couldn't realize it, I think you do not Because of your haughtiness you went on You stripped us of our dignity, it is done. **** Baghdad, the dwarfs drawl with nationality Big liars and hypocrites making great calamity You are left alone in the gloom of this huge sea They sold you cheaply and stand merely to plea. **** Baghdad, you were the last to face the flood They damaged thy gate, the flood runs blood They bargain, they chaffer for your silly price They plant over you, couch-grass and cast dice. **** Lackey men, footmen decorating their nice role Take off your feet; it's not your stirrup, fool They, kicked you, shaded by women's bustles In this ground they grew, listen to the rustles. Wednesday, 9/4/2003 ________________________________________ Chivalry in the age of computer! Oh Amir! Find out what is lost How sensitive you are my host. You inaugurate a chivalry course Thinking that you possess the force! Amir, collect the scattered fragments Of your own, in cloak, in their garment 089 Al-asmar 090 *** Will you Amir mount these waves? Or lurk there Amir in empty caves! Will you Amir cross on their horse? Will you conquer without any force!? *** The islands of the sunny dripping sea The islands that you always long to see, They call you Amir, but with no female! Sail to them Amir, but how will you sail? With a mule might and a giraffe‟s vision! Bow before Cyrus, you are a tender pigeon. 7/4/2000 ______________________________________ Crash them if you can! You proud people, you are so naked! Crash these photographs be awakened, Remove these photos from every corner Everyone of you is but a silly mourner! ******* The jungle is attacked despite your noses And you dash here and there for no causes If you do not smell, we are able, you, to sniff You are nothing, a bundle thrown above cliff ******* Wading into the foamy waves of the angry sea You beggars, for the western pockets you plea! 6/3/2000 ______________________________ Does fate’s hand work on you? For A Should I doubt the fate‟s able hands on you? For you advance by days, a flourishing grow! I see that women come conjuring your beauty Coming from all over the world to your city Helen of Troy comes surrounding your fence To ladle from your beauty, to show her prince. **** So, be generous as I know you, satisfy them Distribute portions, show them no face, dim They‟ll go supplicants to His might to keep Thy visible beauty, Him is your source, deep. **** Having pleased them, turn to me, a new born Who stands singing of thy name, of a heart, torn? Overflow love upon him, maker of your rhyme Immortalizing you into pushing streams of time Hail, to my little bower erected away from man Lest others should envy me, for my wife is Anne. 26/4/2007 Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. Enjoyment is the styleIf you focus Man on yourself in this large vast universe You will find that you have nothing here called a place, For you are not seen as compared to this huge creation And even the globe where you live has unseen location! So, do not you contemplate once into the power that lies? Behind this unimaginable universe before death‟s cries! For nothing you are, swimming into this endless space, An atom or less, but less, valueless but from His grace! Be sure for your birth or your death never a single leaf Trembles on a neglected tree, away among rocks, deaf, So, put the first step towards glorifying Him as your God Never affiliate a creature to Him or assimilate Him as dad The time has come to select His route to real happiness. For believing in Him or not, never decreases His kindness He is so kind and happy upon your return to His worship You could win a blow of His satisfaction if you work a lip Mentioning His name, realizing and glorifying His name, And when you realize the purpose to this life you came Then His Providence takes you from a trifle life the futile Into paradise, no death, but ever enjoyment is the style. 1/1/2012 ________________________________________________ A puff of wind Ah, for a puff of wind to blow off thy thin gown And find no place except on my bed the brown, There, I'll guard thee as the best among my guests Among thy crystal branches my thirsty trunk rests Ever green as if years do not advance thy borders, The branches are with no leaves awaiting thy orders. Ever a bride, a beautiful, time stops before thy sword, I'll shake the chain, I'll go in, I'll be your loving lord. 22/1/2005 ______________________________ Leave all to cry If I mount that peak, I will make that gully go wet, I'll make water go through that canyon to the best, The canyon will irrigate your all branches the dry! I'll have them around me then I'll leave all to cry. 22/1/2005 091 Al-asmar 092 A pregnant shell! Oh my hill, oh my land, oh my soft shell The shell is pregnant with a new tiny hill Is the hill going to dwindle my hot shrill? No my shell, who filled thy roomy well? Give me the club; I am going him to kill I am going to sell him, cheaply I will sell For he is trying to end and to quiet my bell I am afraid to come out from this trade, nil. Shell, despite this rampart, I love you well I will take you out, but my heart left a will It says: sling up Hareer, stay around the rill. 22/1/2005 ______________________________________ Stumble The color of your shirt is purple That makes us go, and stumble For the beauty of what is inside That causes one loses his mind. 27/1/2005 ________________________________ Be a suitor Find beauty nowhere, find it in her grey Garment, to be yours, for Him you pray She'd lead your horse, at her feet stumble Particularly, when in her suit the purple A childish face among human daughters Find beauty black, be one of her suitors. 29/1/2005 -----------------------------------------------------What I said On my food she is only fed Tears of joy Bothyna shed In hope, I may, her I wed Of a cheek-rose but in red What do you think I did? Except loving her as a kid To my path, true, her I led The affluence in her I read In her person and the head, Blame me not, what I said. 1/2/2005 _______________________ A mass of beauty The yellowish thin gown you wear lady And the purple shirt that lies beneath Serves man best as a good figure shady Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. A man's crown she is and man's wreath *** The white ankles flicker above thy shoes Over the rosy light velvet-made heels I need you only, in this life, my goose O mass of beauty, every one of us feels. 3/2/2005 ______________________________ In my loft A place of worshipping and watch, my room Where from I easily watch that tender bloom Without whom I may not write a single line With whom the whole world to me is so fine Without whom life is droughty and life is dry Without whom I may easily say to life bye. *** It is this room which enables me to restore life It is life without Hareer, sharper than a knife! To divide that cake that I always like to bake One part is here, the other part is nice to shake The branches are dandling around her, so soft To be surrounded by these branches in my loft. 12/4/2005 ______________________________________ Here to hammer I will hammer my tent here, here to hammer For into my tent I am going to receive Sumer She is to fill my world with an utmost pleasure The pleasure that surpasses any rich treasure 28/5/2005 __________________________________________ If the world dies! If the world be empty or at least dies Then the place is free where she lies Free only for me Adam and, she, Eve And a new family we begin to weave Then life is life but with love Ghadeer Although we are alone, there is no fear For beside me she lies when she dies! From me, her a new off-springs rise Oh, lady of a silky grassy-colored shirt Spit on earth lady to clean it from dirt! Stay Adam beside this mass of beauty For we need nobody except God's pity. 3/6/2005 For your sake! I would destroy the whole world For your sake, for your sake 093 Al-asmar 094 For your sake I would forsake The world, you can‟t be sold. ______ Tyranny is never a righteous attitude Oh tyranny, oh you tyrannous skin Who voluptuously wade into a sin Who could divert them, who could? ______ I would not forsake you, valiant Though we watch from far away We are unable to offer a single hay We watch you and keep silent! ______ You the fighters of this great camp We are responsible for your disaster But the Arabs around were the faster! To root you up; to put out your lamp 9/4/2002 -----------------------------------------------From the family of Imran (Koranic verses) Behold ye man, in the creation of heaven And earth, and the alternation of the nights And days, there are His signs, all in lights Only these are, for men of minds, given. *** Those who celebrate His praise, His praise Standing, sitting or lying down on every side And contemplate in His creations and not hide The creation of heaven and earth, all their days *** Say: Our Lord! Not for naught you the higher You have created all of these not for nothing Glory be to You, to You creator of everything Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire. *** Our Lord! Whom You admit to the fire hell Truly and surely You cover them with shame Truly, they will never enjoy any kind of fame Never will wrong-doers find helpers, never will. *** Our Lord Allah, we, surely, heard the very call To Faith: believe in the Lord! And we believed! Forgive our sins; blot out our iniquities, received To You take our souls and the righteous thing all. *** Our Lord grant us what did you promise to do Unto us through your Apostles, noble of the days Save us from the shame of the Day and its ways You who never breaks His promise, only You! th Tues. 8 of Oct. 2002 Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. From the top of that hill (a narrative poem) From the top of that hill, a valley so deep I overlooked a large flock of grayish sheep I urged my strong horse to advance down The horse hesitated, for it saw a nice fawn. ** He gave an icy gaze, and refused to move For he stunned before an olive green grove Then I urged my horse by my heel, to go on As if he is saying: „the fawn has gone, gone‟ ** We resumed a rapid walk on a grassy way All that happened at the break of a wet day. Again the horse stood lifeless, stepped non I saw a creature to which hearts have to run. ** I rode and the fawn behind me, on my saddle It rapidly went away with our hunt I huddle To a far land, where we both had alighted To an oak tree, where good fire we lighted ** This fawn that made my horse madly goes The fawn smiled and presented me a rose The fawn was she, and she was life‟s Abeer* We were planted there but nothing we hear. ** We pitched a tent, we enjoyed nature‟s sound The land was scented by her and the ground Our tent we sat up underneatha turpentine I built a fence of bramble, thorny, ay! Not fine! ** I lit fire, and I took a silver tea-kettle to settle To boil on a Palestinian wood, beset by nettle Out of my nicely embroider saddle I took meat That I hunted to roast on ambers of cozy heat. ** The sun had to sit beyond an orange twilight Then I took the ambers in, and the dove white Darkness has jumped announcing its advent As if urging us to sleep and inhale her scent. ** We stayed the whole night on a rough bed But cozy soft. Ay, what a nice head to wed! In the morning, we both awakened with life Both were announced as husband and wife. 16/7/2006 *Abeer in Arabic a name of a girl, and means the scent of a flower From the same funnel Drudge much not, for from very same funnel You cleave your way into a non-return tunnel Good waiter you are, professional goer you are You are to pass from here, stay here or go far You roam the land; reach the end of the Earth 095 Al-asmar 096 Searching tiredly for a morsel since your birth, And finally you stand on the edge of this funnel And your life-file is taken out of a rusty channel. You have to know, man, that your value is less Than waste, your life either in egress or regress, Wrap up the habit of wrangling, swap it with joy Extol God, for between His hands you will enjoy 15/2/2007 _________________________________________ Globalization or enslavement of a nation! A passive obedience seems glimmering from there Where Middle-Eastern countries have a great share Every one of these squats has fealty to his master A dominating feeling, everyone feels the faster. *** You are fawning in humiliation, routing as cows Everyone huddles dignity fragments and bows Humiliated having no taste of glory in your life But lions against your own people and their strife. *** O history, jump over these corpses, keep scented Write on them as vanquished, we are so contented He bridled you and accepted his very globalization And he bestrides on you up to his far ugly station! 5\10\2001 From Bit-Foureek* to Till* From Gerizim* the fragrance of blood Is filling the sky, it is going as flood, It spreads from Till to Beit-Foureek Spreads for those who would but seek! ** Gerizim‟s peak witnessed a nightly battle The fighters were guarding a large cattle Lest the butchers should enjoy a selection Anan and Ahmed did fight, it is not fiction. ** A hail of bullets was heard from Rujeep* They penetrated into their camp the deep, But Epal* mount stood rejoicing his friend Gerizim that hosted the battle and send The success to the villages of all Palestine Where the debris of the houses felt but fine! ** To you both Hamad* and Hanani* heroes! We won‟t allow tears to make deep furrows Over our cheeks, that refreshes our very life We tear for the folk‟s humiliation, tears in rife. Thursday, 6/2/2003 Bit-Foureek*--Till* both are Palestinian villages witnessed a battle of honor Rujeeb*: is a village lies at the south-East of Nablus Gerizim*and Epal*are two mountains around Nablus city Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. Get in your dungs! Take home all these pains, knaves Get out! It is the circle of braves You are just to complete an old role You are wading in the world‟s fool From bowing ancestors to lying posterity They haughtily divorce you, sincerity. *** We are the ones who are ever plighted We are the ones focused and sighted. You rulers who always like to prostrate Get in your dungs, wait for your fate! 5\2\2002 Tuesday _________________________________ I can imagine! I can imagine the hurly-burly move On shores- hooting and carts‟ rove Rain in wind, heavy rain in wind Waves and foam, joy the skies send Happy for the scene, for fair is done The oppressors get penalty and run. *** I can imagine cries, all are wet as rats All are hobbling, holding things and mats I can imagine the days, in autumn the fair! Fair autumn fair, its days are fair, Sir! I can imagine the sallow faces and pale Accumulated in ships, waiting for sail! *** Hail that day hail, come then to my grave And say: “that day has come we are brave” Let me relax then, relaxation till the end Come every year and your prayers send. Thursday, 7\2\2002 __________________________________ Into thy farm When the world landscape is but your eyes And when its plains, valleys and hills arise The whole scene is completed, it is so a nice! A person meant is in his eternal paradise! As he ladles from thy affluence, the many Ascending thy hills, tasting thy pure honey Then descends thy valleys: shady and warm Tired by that, he settles down into thy farm. 30/8/2010 ________________________________ My mistress Nothing is more beautiful than your eyes And at the foot of your hills a person lies 097 Al-asmar 098 Attainment is the meaning of your name Thy fruit is ripe, thy fruit has the fame. So let me pluck them, I am the harvester My mistress, let me be thy ever love-master. 28-8-2010 ___________________________________ If it is a conspiracy!! Imagine my reader if this is a conspiracy! In which ditch, where to throw supremacy! If the American soothsayer willbe as sooth Who will (among the world) look at us in ruth? Wish death my dear; wish its advent, you wish Before we all go to drink shame from this dish The poisonous dish of Hamlet, a trick of a kin Who will irrigate us then, but the maker of sin? Except that dotard, coloring a house of hollow For those who accept him as a Duke to follow Who twisty stands at the brink of his grave? Guarding the looters at the gate of his cave. 11/4/2002 _______________________________________ In my meadow(a narrative poem) I, today, saw a very beautiful young widow Who was plucking flowers from my meadow? I said to her: 'lady, who allows you here?' She said: 'you allow me, for you are dear' *** You know young lady this meadow is mine And nobody goes in without paying fine What makes you enter my premises, green? By me and by my men you have been seen. *** Ay master, I know that this is your own field For that I came in, came with a heavy shield My shield is my beauty, it can defeat anyone He who tries to battle me, surely he is to run! *** Ay lady, you are right and logic is your speech How courageous you are to land on my beach! I usually fine those who intrude into my place, But I find that your being gives me much grace. *** Will you marry me lady if I ask for your hand? Okay, but my dowry is valuable and the demand I will marry you if you shed my enemy's blood Who killed my husband and swam into his flood. *** Ay lady, I will do that for your sake very now Hold this sword and here I am for you to bow For it was I who killed your husband the man For he killed my wife, to irritate me was his plan! *** Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. He killed her for she was my wife, it was a cause He killed her for he loved her, it was against laws Take the sword my lady, take it, avenge my head But if you spare me lady, I‟ll marry you and wed. *** Ay man, I am ready to be your wife, for sincerity I find no man better than you, on me you took pity Erect a small house in this field, this green meadow Be my only shadow, you will see who is this widow? 27/6/2005 _________________________________________ In the memory of my father To Zerka* the city, one day, we all went For a noble purpose, our duty has sent Us there, to buy the gold for my fiancé A critical day, a happy day I could see. I do remember you, father, on that day My engagement day and the loved way You solved money predicament situation When we took my fiancé house a station, Money was needed urgently for the gold 'Your gold is yours, you keep and hold' We all were very happy of his generosity We were all very stunned at his sagacity So, a father should be, but like my own Who, for my happiness went far at dawn, May the mercy of God perch on your grave May His forgiveness come: wave after wave! 24/7/2004 *Zerka is a city in Jordan If you scrutinize life Useless you find it if, life, you just scrutinize For you cannot live long or prolong your size The thing is done my dear since your hailed birth! You scudded away from it leaving behind the Earth. 21/3/2014 ____________________________________________ Into the hollowness of life Nothing on this Earth is equal to that face No tranquility, no warmth but in her place It was only few seconds as she held her kid And kissed it before me, what is to be said? **** What I need except you to wed this moment And be your husband, drink thy tea with mint Into a simple life to wade, into its hollowness For in being two pleases Him, so his holiness! **** A child is holding a child, what do you hide? For what you hide lady did sparkle my mind. 21/3/ 2007 099 Al-asmar 100 How innocent we were! (Huda) Where is my first shadow, in innocence, has gone now? Has she bowed to time, as everybody, as she has to bow! For my first relation was, Huda, where I opened my eyes To find no gloom in this world since there was a sun-rise *** Where has my H settled now after Nablus eastern mouth? Where I used to settle around, but a little bit to the south, Then through my green intelligence I made our two fathers To become friends, but good ones, oh a nest of feathers!! *** More than forty years have passed now, and time is young! I think now, my dear old young, that our song has been sung So, if you are still alive: scented wishes to you I ever present For even in the hereafter I‟ll ask about you, you I never resent 2/2/2015 _________________________________________________ Let us go Let us go, you and I where a strange familiar land Where our eyes can be filled with inevitable sand For there is the final destination where can be His face Where a prize can be won, in His presence full of grace So let us leave this aching place and join His loved ones, Let us go, for a seat to which everyone, one day, runs The seat where all are standing, but I and you sitting! The seat is measured for me and you, it is so fitting! Let us go, I and you, let us quit this misty life to dewSweeter than lavender but than lemon‟s flowers new! Let us go, you and I, it is difficult for His Eden to apply Let us go, I and you, for our application is above all high. 23/4/2013 _____________________________________________ Life is …. Life is but a dimly shadow Life is but a dry meadow Life is but a rolling ball Life is empty without goal Life is not smooth but dry Life is full of tension, cry Life is silly, and life is bad Life is a shelter of the mad Life is empty of any taste Life is full of useless waste Life lacks a whole sincerity Life doesn't deserve thy pity Life is but a thorny plain Life is but a narrow lane Life is life but to the insane! Life is nothing to the sane: It is when connected to Him When His love is to the brim Tuesday, 6/1/2004 Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. Men or shadows of men! Men or shadows, all are awaiting The advent of him, Antony Zenny Who is coming with hook and net To men, worth what, but a penny! ** Hospitalized men but in great plight Waiting for him, Zenny, to reconcile These shadows with their opponents Thrust them into a loophole in a pile. ** You men in pile, you men in sacks! Lurching men, each with a big belly Dumb stones, waiting for the vision! A vision, who waits for but the silly! ** Men or shadows of men in their dens All dipped in voluptuous joy and sins. Friday, 15\3\2002 _______________________________ Oh Piper! Oh Piper! What epitaph do you read? On what food do you like to feed? What is written? What is an epitaph! On their graves, each one of a calf ** Oh Piper! Play not beside their graves Oh sea! Swallow them by your waves, Hawthorn, what graves under thy shade? This is why your leaves are getting fade! ** Oh Piper! Play not to revive them Play not, keep motionless in dim Play not Piper for their dirty souls They reject history- standing walls! ** What epitaph do you read Piper? An epitaph of shame; be its wiper! Thursday, 21\3\2002 ____________________________________ On Odwan’s Well* It is here that we once slaughtered a kid Here on this land where our flocks we fed Besets by the Odwan‟s well were our sheep Where we did pail water from the well deep, We cut the meat with our knives, the sharp. We roasted the kid by the way called Zarp* We splashed and sprinkled water everywhere, We enjoyed nature‟s beauty which was fair. Then, we led our sheep away into the field 101 Al-asmar 102 To the summer blessing we had to yield We, shepherds, everyone knew his own role We did mattress the ground till a morning new Had risen kissing the flowers, sipping the dew. 24\7\ 2001 Odwan’s well: is a well of water lies in the eastern side of Nablus ‘Zarp’is an Arabic word means roasting meat on buried ambers ______________________________________ On the border What are you doing there on the border? For whom you are waiting, on whose order? To mattress the land, and the cover is sky! To moist the lips, but the throat, too, is dry *** Thrown all alone, neglected in this universe None can solve your problem nor can my verse Neither Pharaohs nor the authority of thy Amir The Israelis do, they are whom you have to fear! *** This is so miserable, this is so funny as this age goes What is silliest- that you are the Amir‟s citizens‟ shoes Therefore, wait hither and thither, you are unknown Wait for Godot; for it will come to you, each alone. *** What is your sin to be prevented from coming in? Except being from Palestine, where you live in, You are deprived of coming back, nationality is your sin! But the fox, and the hyena has the freedom to his den! 18\9\2001 _________________________________________________ On the Wall of Jerusalem It is not the borders of the sixty seven We believe in the borders of the heaven For the holy land was between the hands Of the these cowards, moles of the sands Look at them in Beirut, they are shivering Look at them everywhere they are quivering. *** Look at them, the time of the humiliation Look at them these who divide the nation Weep at them moaners of this huge world The curved horn of each other they hold! *** Get thee down soldiers of a cold attrition Get thee down from the wall‟s mission For the thundering flood is coming soon You will have no shade under the moon *** It will wrap you under the hoof in the dune It will wrap you all, and your broken bone. 31\1\2002 Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. 103 Once upon a time Once upon a time it was said by the others that The Americans had invaded Baghdad, and once The Arabs of millions, everyone became a bat! And once, the Jews took, from Arabs, Palestine *** And it was said that the Arab could not speak, This official Arab proved to be an Arab, dumb This Arab, in hypocrisy, has reached to the peak Worst of it was that: the Arabs panted for peace! *** Once upon a time those Arabs were all stunned For a little band destroyed Arabs remained dignity And after every slap the Arabs collected the fund Thinking that, money produces manhood or power! *** Once upon a time Arabs did show their shylessness* From others, from themselves, even from monkeys! And once they openly show their timid carelessness, You hyenazed* Arabs: are you waiting for nakedness? 27/ 3/2010 *I used this word intending to take it as noun from the word „shy‟ for only a rhyme purpose *Hyenazed is a person who is being dominated by a hyena Occasion of the poem: it was on the day of the Arab summit conference in Sert- Libya --------------------------------------Our children and The Eid!* You stop playing with our children‟s fate Stop being at the rear and being the late! Stop humiliation and the open hypocrisy Stop this cowardice, do not work in secrecy Our children do not know the taste of Eid* Because of enemies‟ steps, don‟t you heed? Your children wade into countless pleasure! The plastic guns are our children‟s treasure! We do not find the Eid, don‟t find its taste For death may come, but crowned with fate. Hide yours under many a stained silver plate Lest they should not smell freedom, the great! Our children possess not the taste of the Eid As fathers and brothers‟ wounds are in bleed. In which circumstance Eid did you come back? What we need? Freedom is only what we lack. 22\2\2002 This poem is written on the Eid‟s day, Eid El-Adha, the Eid of sacrifices, the sacrifices offered in this blessed Intifada, in which more than 2060 martyrs have passed away for the sake of a respectful life in a respectful country. ________________________________________ Our Heroine Tell me, what sound is that, is that loud? It is that sound, but not like any sound, Al-asmar 104 Tell me you, what group is this, who toots? It's a rejoice of her mission, it's no hoots Is it the drum of wedding or of a grave? Nay, it is the drum of grave, of the brave Tell me please, who is the dweller then? The dweller of it is a mother of children: The star of the martyrs, she is lady Reem The lady of action and deed, not in dream! Let the world hear that we are all still here R. says where are the rest of the folk, dear? They are there dear, corpses and skeletons Scattered here and there in world's Hiltons. The world comes to kneel before your feet Let others know that we are here to defeat The usurpers of our land and of our right Your blood Reem is a step toward the light Farewell not thee Reem, we are following To sip the ecstasy of joy and keep filling. 14/1/2004 Wednesday _____________________________________ Quit when you like I have not noticed any movement A, did you quit? If so, the enmeshed blames you much but not a bit For a lover notifies his beloved days before he moves You have left nothing, not even fragments of loaves! *** However, I have no grudge or hatred towards you Because you have been my ideal, and now you do I have no malice towards you, you taught me love You taught me how a woman can be a man‟s dove. So quit A. when you like, settle wherever you wish It suffices me to munch your memories as my dish. 28/12/2011 ___________________________________________ Rummaging in the rubbish-bin I cannot say ill of your dignity Since you are, surely, all dignified But I think the lack of sincerity Makes your position so horrified **** You man, honor is running to you Although in the rubbish you rummage As if it is your job, as if it is due The lack of sincerity of your image. **** The image of the Flimnap‟s followers Who cemented the ill-project of richness Whose being is to make us borrowers! Even borrowers of honor and kindness! **** Who makes you rummage the rubbish-bins? Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. Except these entrepreneurs who save guard A ceiling where all are busy committing sins The snakes you keep in, is soft but so hard. 27\7\2001 Secluded sucking their milk! There is a president on a distant mile We see at a distance, even at the Nile! The President of a great pile of stone We saw you in distress- left us alone! The president of the two tearing banks You embrace our enemy with thanks! President of treachery and sick mind, You were silly with us, but very kind Kind with them! Ay traitor of the soil You soak our case, you put it to boil Oh, yes president of the air, of the air! You swallowed all, you left no share You President of this time- hard time Refuses my feeling, revives my rhyme Secluding yourself there, but with silk! Sucking Zionist cheer, and their milk! The time, current and the agitated mob Are creeping: no use tearing! Or to sob! Sunday, 14/4/ 2002 __________________________________ You, president of the Nile Twelve years have passed since your retreat Twelve years were apt to humiliate your feet Now you are behind bars, scanning every sincere Fearing yourself, for much the bulk of your fear Mature enough but dollars blinded you, poor! Stay there then, till I come and be very sure Stay old ram, what an ugly seeing you in tears! Every oppressed Palestinian come, no fears! 11/7/2014 _______________________________________ Seek magnanimity even in China! Seek magnanimity even in China, Sir, Seek it there, do not be stunned as a hare! Seek it, for we are now unable to cut a hair Seek magnanimity even in China, Sir, Heave not a sigh, none of them may dare Seek magnanimity even in China, Sir, They are culminating in voluptuousness Sir Seek magnanimity even in China, Sir, For they diverted from the route of fair, Seek magnanimity even in China, Sir, Every one of them is a heavy guest as a bear Seek magnanimity even in China, Sir. 105 Al-asmar 106 They devour us and have the lion‟s share Seek magnanimity even in China, Sir. They dwell in spiders‟ houses and not lair Seek magnanimity even in China, Sir. They are lascivious, they breathe polluted air Seek magnanimity even in China, Sir. They have no molecule of shamefulness Sir Seek magnanimity even in China, Sir. Leaderships only enjoy their American fare Seek magnanimity even in China, Sir. Seek it even in China and everywhere Seek it not among these Arab leaders Sir. 25\8\2001 ___________________________________ Shake foot! Stretch your hand and shake his foot! Lower your head and don‟t, but hoot For the comer is your master‟s son He only treads on necks, you can‟t run Prostrate fully and better you kneel; His is so heavy a heel, do you feel? For the new comer is him George Tenet Prostrate fully, relax not for a minute! Hey! Tenet! Raise your iron feet a little Let them get air, there they like to settle: “Hey you! Swallow this pile of dry hay” “Straw after straw with nothing to say!” “If we strike Iraq, pass it without row” “We want every one of you just to bow.” Ay master, we are so obedient and faster Than any slave you know, our able master. Strike them, with their skulls drink wine! Do whatever you do, it is fine; it is so fine! 16\2\2002 The language of the poem is that of a yielding flock to its master! The speaker is G. Tenet The speech is directed to his eastern slaves in the Middle-East. ------------------------------------------------------Should a neighbor be so?! A neighbor should ever be but a neighbor! He should sacrifice for others and labor But now our neighbors are so humiliated Trodden are and tied to the head and hated. Millions and millions but as a rivulet‟s foam As come in Tradition that came into home Weightless as feathers, winged seeds roam For we rose in the face of the great Rome Those were days, days were those and days! When all stood amazed watching those plays. *** These millions stand watching us being eaten And all stood, too, watching us being beaten! As does the timid gnu watching her calf‟s end Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. Unable to horn the hyena, or away could send For the gnu has the whole power and might!! But dignity is overcome by cowardice to fight! Register history for the generations of today: Who fear the wind, and the statue of the day? Register history for the generations to come That our neighbors fear the sound of a drum 6/12/2002 ______________________________________ Signs of God Uncle friend, where is your pearl now? Is it inside its shell, let me come to bow, Its price is valuable and very precious, Its shape is beautiful, it tastes delicious. ** Friend, keep it away from hand‟s reach! Until I take an asylum into your beach, And announce to all: the pearl is mine, She is God‟s signs, she is all very fine. 24/4/2008 ______________________________________ A night guard If you point me, princess, your night guard I will resist your enemy and strike him hard, I will charge you a tiny kiss for every night For I am going to scarify my blood in a fight. **** Therefore, point me as your guard, a knight My heart encompasses you, it is very white! Therefore, connect yourself with me, a brave! Who is ever holding your name even to grave! 25/4/2008 ______________________________________ Stop her soldiers! Stop her, she is going to give birth! Don‟t you hear her cry! Ay her cry! Stop her! She is ploughing the earth! Stop her for we have no tears to dry! *** The woman cries, my officer, she cries! She is from Housan*, a village nearby She is there in her ambulance, she lies Stop her soldiers, let us enjoy her cry! *** Stop her for she is going to deliver a child Stop her we are not distributing humanity Lest her child should become a tiger, or wild Thus, in haughtiness treat her and brutality. *** Stop her! Let not her wild child see the light! What frighten us but a Palestinian pregnant! 107 Al-asmar 108 Lest her child should become ferocious in fight! Lest it should smell victory or and its fragrant! 21\10\2001 *Housans is a village near the city of Bethlehem in Palestine where a Palestinian Pregnant lady was prevented to pass an Israeli chick point to deliver her child ______________________________________ Swap it for a leg! If I possess the world to swap it for a leg Before you, and others, my grave may dig If I possess another world for another leg, I‟ll Swap it, for it does fit more a turtle, its shell. **** I see you man walking normally and I am not I will swap everything if I imitate you, but I can‟t, See how precious any limb you may once loose Know you, if it is done, life then: values your shoes. 8/3/2007 __________________________________________ Sweet Melody Melodious is the sweet sounding gun When the finger-tip of the right is done Busy pressing and tickling the trigger Then the foe's might is a dashing figure! *** No sweet music could imitate its tone; For it's the oppressed air that is shown It is the piece which decorates dignity, It is the friend who pours but sincerity. *** The best to carry in this wild hard life Among the world of bears….of strife. A beautiful muzzle a gun has and red When, its lavas, fighters hurry to wed. *** To my green love, I present these lines To be read when, surely, her sun shines, To you zealous men of the heavenly faith 'Welcome' everyone, to you fighters, sayth* March, 1992 *the word „sayth‟ is meant here to mean „says‟ and to suit the rhyme of the poem Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. That mount counts Only to mount that mount, will count The white smooth hills and the valley It is the place to dwell in with no doubt It is the shrine for man to visit daily! *** A piece of beauty that decorates the city It is a field of kindness, of cotton seeds A genius intruder to this field is the witty He is envied for a shield everyone needs. *** Whichever side you turn this tender piece There is beauty of lavender's breath, nice The breaths that give life, the life of peace I wish that field could be mine once or twice. 18/1/2005 ____________________________________ The parliament and the scarf You are unable to adjust your shoe-lace And you say “we have the whole grace!” Shame on you, for you are in real plight? You, Parliament idols are launching a fight Against lady M* who came in with her scarf, With a Western bridle each comes like a calf Dirtiness in cleanness, and men with no men! You, valueless men, are decorating your sin. Where do you stand in grey-colored world? You stained your belief, what do you hold? Sarcasticyou were thus, what a silly deal! Camels loaded against your wish, so we feel. For M. is your crown and M. is your honor That has been sold in a cheap Western market Where from you returned with an empty basket. You, members, are digging for your dead pride Bury it deeply, it has, before a long time, died! Your place could be, but, in the nation‟s rear, You are then, merely gazers, stunned with fear! 20/5/1999 *M stands for Marwa, a Turkish Parliament member who enters the Parliament house with her scarf. ________________________________________ The tent prison of Al-Khayyam* Oh! Soad, Rawda, Oh Abeer, Odah, Oh Hiyam! Thy sons are free from the prison of Al-Khayyam The bars they knew are, now, no more bars And the battle they knew are, now, the wars The soldiers, the hard guards, and all are gone They all, under your comrades‟ fire have run. Freedom has come, and decorated with honor And the traitors have to fly stealthily in an hour For the last hundred years we haven‟t tasted 109 Al-asmar 110 Freedom. Ay and since the land was wasted, Make haste ladies, embrace thy fighters now For the way is long and the enemy has to bow. 24\5\2000 *Al-Khayyam is the name of the prison on the southern Lebanon which was liberated by the Lebanese fighters. _________________________________________ The American vat or hive The American vat will wither You will be astray then Hither and thither. It will become dry, The wind is not your wind It will not assist or send You any sail, any hail! The sun rises everyday But a bewailing rise As if it dies. It refuses you Enjoying its beams Because you are criminals Because you are slaughters Because you are plunderers It sets on with hope Not to find you next Because who enjoy its beams Are not human beings. *** Register history, please The American vat Will become dry You‟ll scatter and cry. Its young will suffer famine Will die will vanish Will end to decay One day, one day. 24/4/2002 ________________ The barge is large (2) The barge is large but empty! Is it full of them, it is pity! The barge is large but dry Except for stains of tears, From the very naked fears Everyone is fraudulent, But tell me who hears? **** The barge is full of shameless ones Who have been selling their sons It is full oftraitors, it is the barge, The barge is up full, it is so large Everyone is fraudulent, who hears? 11/7/2000 Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. The Battle of Gaza Shame and the whole shame on you Arabs You run away from the battle: flock of deer! Run away from hungry vixen, but full of fear Shame on you Arabs: you leave us alone here. _____ You only watch TVs, so professional in that So rich, so weak, so timid to be in the battle So strong to run away, so terrified like cattle Shame on you, hide for it is an age of shame. _____ Here, in Gaza, few hundred fighters only fight Here, I am writing hearing bombing and fire So tender Arabs that you are tied witha wire Shame on you Arabs: leaders rolled in suites. ____ I am writing hearing machine guns and jets' buzz That filling the sky of Gaza, the Arabs are agape Looking around themselves, heeding not the rape Shame on you Arabs: watching the rape of dignity! _____ I am writing now and killing is going on among us Write then history at the start of this New Year That the Arabs are looking, terrified by their fear Shame on you Arabs: we are alone in the battle. _____ So, write history, we request you write the right That we are fighting alone in this hot battle-field And the Arabs do not know how to wear a shield Shame on you Arabs: what kind of human are you?! From 27/12/2008 to 14/1/ 2009 ________________________________________ The bulky man Surely he will consume you into his belly And will swallow you one by one, silly! He will jump shortly upon you white ox He will leave nothing even to any fox And decorate his supper with your flesh Will eat you up and haughtily turn the dish Oh red ox! You will gurgle, for he will Thrust into your throat bones from the hell, The bones of your comrade, the ox, black And store the rest of your flesh in a sack For worms, and with worms he will feed Your off-springs who don‟t, carelessly, heed Eating your rotten flesh with rotten worms, You‟ll be stunned at the fact of many forms. Get ready leaders, each with a duck head 111 Al-asmar 112 His sword is sharp for your blood to shed. 19\4\2001Thursday ______________________________ The camp of honor Camp, are you? And which camp? Are you in Jenin? Camp are you? Or a dignity store? A store of reverence! Delegations are in queue To sip a sip of honor, A sip of dignity. Let them sip, camp But chide those Who stand watching! Who fall short of support! Who support with crusts! Who follow their lusts! Who were able to do Prevent them any sip Of dignity, let them dip Themselves into humiliation For which they are panting! Dipping themselves in futile Futility in new white Kaaba! A new white house! Neglecting their old one. Oh camp of dignity! Tread on their bodies, then Throw your shoes off, For once they touched their bodies! That rotten, smelly in life! Stay in your reverential fear Stay distributor of dignity To those who deserve! Only to those who deserve! 10/4/2002 ________________________ The children procession The children procession passed from here Seven children all and the parents, my dear Children seven were killed by an army savage Killed in a callous, brutal way and in ravage At two, a courageous pilot bombed their place A savage pilot was he, Israeli pilots have no grace They are stripped of a human skin and of morality Barbarous they are, away from human community Who sent you to kill, to erase our children from life? The blood of the children is a curse-sharpens a knife The knife is to end the illegality of your strange neck It will on a dark day cut your neck and you, thick sick Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. It is the way you pilots, you paved a way for you and all It is the only way we select to achieve an approaching goal. 12/7/2006 ___________________________________ The slaves conference If the conference is of slaves! It is then never of the braves! The squire blows in his bugle As the cocks, to hens, chuckle They are all forced to be all in! To decorate the size of their sin. ******** Pigeon! On whom do you coo? Coo on all- show them what to do Peace is their strategic selection! Sarcastic they are, what a fiction! Brittle decisions they took, not dear Stunned by all, by Palestinians, here. ******** Spread there, but for your red night! Spread there but you have no might! Let people of the world condole me Leaders like hens, if you like to see! 27-28\3\ 2002 ________________________________ The cooing pigeon (Free Verses) Do you weep your dear hatches? Into the air flew and perished? Or weeping new hatches to Decay have already set out? *** For the world‟s chickens are going To the Dear, their end has possessed And all on it have to be rowing Has nothing to own in this world. *** You all, have a compulsory come! Everyone, into life‟s plight, is entangled Some of you, in life, are careless And others mount its waves in worry. *** All are come here with a sign And all are racing for its leave This life is mere moving souls Moving to their able Creator. 18/5/2007 ______________________________ 113 Al-asmar 114 The end has no cure The disease of the end has no cure The cure is only your being pure, Pure of any sin, pure among men This is the way to escape and win. *** The disease by which all are infected Sooner or later, on us it is reflected. Wound no one in the tumult, large Life, evacuate it, this mortal barge! 8/9/2004 ________________________________ Fate works (a story) The sick man completed his sickness report In London and asked his physician permission To leave for home, to cement, there, his fort, To finalize his affairs before he goes his mission. *** It is a sensitive surgical operation in the heart In which he could live, or into other way to pass However, the sick man was so blind of this art Knowing nothing of his destiny- what a big mass! *** There in Egypt, he had to stop for two days Before he proceeds to Peninsula home place Stood before a butcher's shop, giving a gaze At a poor lady, trying to dive into hard grace. *** Trying to collect flying fragments of meat Into her sack- to cook them for her children To cook but the fragments of meat on heat He wanted to seize this chance, the golden *** He approached the butcher in her presence Ordering him to supply her twice a week With meat she needed- an eternal fence! Such a benevolent man if you want to seek. *** A deal was made between the two men He paid the butcher for two years ahead For the sake of that poor lady, of children The man has a living heart and not dead. *** A deal was sealed, the man is gone home Among his family who hailed him much He settled his business, and had to roam About his place, relatives- a smooth touch *** The man spent few days in his home land Fare-welled everyone, as if not coming back Fare-welled not only man but also the sand Distributing fairly his wealth, emptied his sack. *** Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. He flew back for an operation, perhaps the last. The operation in his diseased un-pumping heart His physician made his usual check very fast His physician was amazed: a turnover in his art. *** The physician was amazed to find the changes That the heart was working as usual and more In accuracy: it flows blood as flows the Ganges* The physician wrapped up his file, what is more? *** The man was completely cured, with a heart strong! The other wondered: 'how everything could come!' How that could happened, what is right or wrong? It is no strange, it is fate reward and more to come. 21st Ramadan 1424-15/11 2003 *Ganges: is a wide holy river in India ___________________________________________________ The flood is flooding I pray thee, tell me how they would evade The flood and the victorious cavalcade? The inevitability of the so-called 'stagnate' Who is now advancing, won't now be late. But I doubt not the eruption, it's inevitable Lava that will settle, in there, in a suitable Bowl of earth, in Palestine, the birth-place Of the dragons; advancing breathing grace. I pray thee, tell me what they are going to do To do, when request and bowing do not do, I can imagine their departure on a misty day I can visualize the movement on a muddy hay. His punishment is severe, with a rough fist He doesn't like the wrong: people of the list, The land will burst springs from the north The springs will go in streams, they go forth. The sea will boil, and will protect its shore The land will erupt, the east closes its door The giants will advance from west and south Everyone of them comes with a gaped mouth! 27/2/2004 __________________________________ The game of life We join it, go through it In a moment we quit it, That is the tremendous life It sits on an edge of a knife It attracts us, as if it is honey However, it is still so funny. **** We quit it unwillingly once No return to it, no chance! We take it off as a shirt 115 Al-asmar 116 We grasp it despite its dirt. We know not the alternative Everyone is an eternal native. **** It has only two lines of pleasure The rest of the tome is no treasure. Is life then a volume of happiness? Nay, it is at the verge of loneliness Loneliness there in a dark abyss At a verge of a hell or of a bliss! 22\8\2001 ______________________________ The God Host Since my departure is to the God host And since His service is ever the most, Why then should I worry as to depart? And leave this weary life and to part?! 4/3/2014 _______________________________ The heavy guest O heavy, imposed, repulsive and a nasty guest Better for you it is, to see another hut that is best, You‟re unwanted making us gleaners in your field You possess the season, the harvest and the shield. **** It is only dripping from the flaunts of this land Lest we should die over that vast tonsured sand Your wing is wide, we are with a featherless wing And on that terrified stage you stay and sing. **** You possess the sky and the land and the river! You make us in rags begging, you are not clever, O guest of the time, we are unable, you, to host We are going to find out our entity, the long lost. **** For this, get your last sip of air and piece of bread Comb your hair, get your bags, steer out your head Time now serves you better to mount the high waves For the road now is straight, tomorrow full of curves. **** Again, get everything you possess except the soil The road is solid now beneath, although with oil The oily road now leads to safety, mount it now Before time slips away and you‟re unable to bow. 25/5/2007 __________________________________________ The martyr of the Church Khalid Siam the first martyr of the church The church where His glory you‟re to search Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. Khalid and fellow-fighters were besieged In the Nativity Church, here they pledged To rebel against the besiegers, the savage! Savager* than savage they pledged to ravage The church of nativity, ay church of nativity Embrace the nearby Omar Mosque, nativity From your minaret raise the cry of freedom Show the world, the unity of your kingdom. 9/4/2002 *Savager is not the right word, but I kept it for poetical necessity _____________________________________ The Mount Carmel* What is loftier, what is haughtier than you? Mount Carmel? If it is found tell me who? You ever stand overlooking the signs of God, He who does not believe my speech is a mad. **** You ever stand embracing the shore of life, You ever watch the states which were in rife, Your summit shakes hand with that of the sky You ever witness those who beneath thy feet lie. **** You ever blow the trumpet of a forgotten time Stand on the western gate of Palestine, a prime Of those who stood, and those who now stand, Stand, as the celestial fixer on our bleeding land. **** Stand Carmel, ignore those of the wolfish eye You will be as high as we know you, so high! Stay high but unaffected by the silence drear Do not shake by the gang tumult, do not fear. **** Stand embracing Hyfa,* rub the dusty shore; Rub the key, we are coming to open the door. 13/8/2004 *Mount Carmel is the name of a Palestinian mountain overlooks the Mediterranean *Hyfa is a Palestinian city lies at the foot of this great mount ---------------------------------------------------------The nightly gown You could see her beautiful, glides as a fish Into her nightly-gown that hides her flesh It reflects the beauty of black and white For which you are choiceless but to fight For her who, the whole world, beautifies Where life is worthless if mylady love dies 23/4/2002 ____________________________________ The ninetieth anniversary of A. Balfour A ninety-year period has sadly passed now 117 Al-asmar 118 And the Arab nation is in a complete bow! To the world beetles are spreading on Earth To watch the oppressed, even to limit his birth. **** Ninety years have passed and gnus in watch The gnus are cornered in unwheeled coach. On a dirty paper, they constructed their state! Into thousands volumes, Arabs search a fate. **** The cursed Balfour robbed Palestine to others You could hear them- the screech of brothers! The called United Nations shared the robbery These unjust nations erase a nation but burry! **** It is rightly said that when a mad drop a stone Into a well, hundred sages have to enjoy its tone So Balfour: drag your flocks from our meadow For they will never enjoy an imported shadow. Jamil 2/11/2007 _________________________________ To Edward Said Say Edward Said died or not died As the sun's beam, you can't hide For Said hasn't died in our hearts He is celebrated in hearts and arts. *** Tutors, universities and every institutes Have all to kneel, but beneath his boots Patriots, nationalists and freedom fighter All before Said are sparks, he is the lighter. *** Mourn him Palestinians, ay him you mourn Proudly talk of his name, a Palestinian born! But mourn not his absence, for he is ever here Among us in his books and production, dear. *** A great servant for our just Palestinian case He is the store of nationalism and right base For this, mourn him not, speak of his name Which resounds everywhere to echo his fame 16th of October 2003 ________________________________________ To M. Daughter On the top of that hill lies Rujeeb* There lies great beauty, but a heap She is the daughter of a friend old Who lives in that house full of gold Waiting for a hero who first engages Her, he is the master of those pages. 31/1/ 2006 *Rujeeb the poet‟s town near Nablus Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. To the lighthouse, Hasan Your departure, Dr. Hasan shows the fleetingness of human life! Is shows the infinity and vastness of time against which we strife Your departure reflects our inability before time formidable force And that we are only puppets in the hand of fate, our falling horse. ** The news were thundering, and the day was Tuesday When we found ourselves submitting to the life's play You have left us a wound, the wound is great and deep The wound you left, Dr. Hasan, made us sincerely weep ** Our main condolence is that you left us a memory great By which we gain pride, by which we learn not to hate, You left us, beloved brother, in the realm of this silly life The hearts all are is tears, and the tears of eyes are in rife. ** We feel, after you, throttled in this wounded department You were, to us, a lighthouse of knowledge, an enlightenment You were our reference, an ideal guide, consultant and sage Through which we got the glamour of our gloomy life's page The openness lucidity of your mind led us to new orientation Through which we go in solidarity towards our last station And now, may Allah rest your soul in paradise, in heaven We are drinking from the same cup, to you we are driven. th 5 of Feb. 2008 _________________________________________________ An unforgettable guests Great, heavenly and smooth love I receive Here in this house, only hospitality I believe Thomas and Phyllis Purple they are called The story of love and kindness they told Two days I spent here but as if two hours! Where time goes out as water of showers. **** I'll remember you dear, all my life to come How can I forget you beloved of this kingdom? Although I will be so far from your place But will guide me the delight of your grace, So, I'll not say bye, for it is difficult to say I'll say: 'see you if does allow us life's play.' 5/11/ 2008 Written in Free Port in USA ___________________________________ We saw them off today We saw them off today! It was a completed play By the men of hay. Our hearts were off too They were off because Each held a rifle! Were considered trifle! 119 Al-asmar 120 For the rifle of honor Has become of ill-manner! We saw them off today It was a completed play By the men of hay. Criminal each was considered And the divider monkey was A nationalist- a patriot! The drawer of his own lot And our lot too! Giving us to the foe! And still we hang a shoe Round his neck for envy! We saw them off today It was a completed play By the men of hay. The ghastly smile remains Here, in this very place Distributing lies in grace! The whole band is in In full bloom, it is a sin Is it a sin, but how? To win is to kick you Out! As a terrible foe! You can‟t wear us stupidity It is an everlasting calamity How silly those who Embrace it in sincerity We saw them off today It was a completed play By our men of hay. Wednesday, 22/5/2002 __________________________ What a legislator you are! Is it the inevitability that brought you, or fates? Is it you who opened the doors and the gates? Is it you who legislates poorly for this nation? It is you, is the lowest among all His creation? ** It is he, who blindly legislates on the daytime And who capsizes, as his brothers of the time, And who confiscates the scanty wealth away It is he who paves others' lanes, and the way! ** Who also sucks the wealth of the needy poor It is he who behaves rudely, who is not sure Of what he is doing! Relax now jackal an old Let other tigers the fort lead and the fort hold. ** It is you who confiscates the bleeding crowd It is you, and you who should not be allowed. Stop dotard, stop dotage, for we've wide eyes, We see, we hear, and understand all your lies. 7/3/2004 Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. What is your destination? What is your destination? The delegation of light The way is so gloomy, And you are with no light! ** You are all with an open eye But you have no least sight! Pushed reluctantly to the stones Pushed to the East, the bright! To stop demolishing these idols Lurking there under the sun-light ** Oh, a delegation after a delegation Waging a war and seriously fight! The whole hypocritical world moves Along with the United Nations‟ might All move to protect the Afghani stones All are busy humming day and night! But we Palestinians are being killed And none is looking at our hot plight! ** Delegation of men, and of red turban With their whole strength and height Supported by all the world hypocrisy Don‟t distinguish black from white! Better for you delegation stay at home If you have nothing to do, do fly kite!!! 12\3\ 2001 _______________________________ What kind of men you are? Leaders are with dry lips, know only funs Leaders are rolled in cloth, log-like ones Leaders are so timid running terrified mice Leaders are so shameless, stones for dice! Leaders, coward, with a tiny thread powered! Leaders, naïve, they forgot being honored Leaders are fragile, so weak tooth-picks like Leaders inefficient, speaking behind mike Leaders weightless, neglected like a shell Leaders are thrown, like a stone from hell. 13\10\2000 __________________________________ Where your feet take you? Do you realize Man where do your feet take you? And do you know your target and what do you do? I do not think that you know or aware of the thing For I see you wading in life and unknowingly sing! 121 Al-asmar 122 **** For a time must come when you are detested by all Sitting on a worn chair, stunned, agape with no goal Your day starts and night prevails both are the same! Since you lost all around you, none is left for the fame. **** You are reluctantly repeated until the moment comes Then you are removed, perhaps happily with no drums. Then your seat, clothes and the rest of your remains: Are given out lest they should, for others, cause pains! **** The floor is washed to remove the phantom of death, Man! Your days are recycled- the story of your myth. 10/6/2012 ____________________________________________ Who told you to build here? Who told you to build here, to build here? Who told you to light fire, a fearful fire!? The devastating beam will not let you Stay on this land, the beam cannot do. **** But the devastating beam of the believers Will erase the darkness of the disbelievers, Carry out your belongings, not afterwards When neither appeal can do nor the words. **** Get ready now, although I know you won't Ay, because of your killing pride, you don't But I gave the word, the word I gave, I gave Be timid or courageous or be one of the brave **** This is the way you go as I predict, I predict It is the way, I predict for you, for all the sect. For you are cannibals more than a cannibal! For your deeds, shivers the mountain Ebal!* **** You quit the place for it is sure does not fit Quit the ground, for it is stony rough to sit Here are my words, you are free to behave Here is my bower, here yourselves, o save! **** Otherwise if dead, the tumult of the waves Will disturb you, it will knock your graves. If you don't quit it alive, you'll quit it dead It is up to you, to follow what I have said. 15/8/2004 ____________________________________ Your child Your child is crying, it is the childhood Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. It cries for milk, and I am for your food Do suckle it now, please, do it in haste, Then turn to me, a moment do not waste. *** Place it then in its place, let it go in sleep Then turn to me in haste, let me but reap The fruit of pleasure, the fruit of the land Let me sow the seeds, a job of my hand. *** In one hour the fagots of pleasure were Lain in a harvested field, a season fair! In which the tree lost its green leaves, A pleasure under my tree she weaves. 12/10/2005 ___________________________________ You possess nothing man! Man, you are but a shading sitter Who soon moves for the better You are but a passenger in a train You soon leave the world of pain You own nothing or possess, man. It is life, find it eternally if you can This is not yours and that is not his You know, your life here is a quiz. *** They possessed nothing those who were, They only, from man‟s food, had a share Then, empty handed they had to depart You could leave now, no share, no part. So, your life here is but a passing place Into eternity in damnation or in grace! 12\10\1999 ________________________ Your heavy hoof The liars of the south, the liars of the north All enjoy the little Oliver's scanty broth They stand obstacles before our happiness, They openly exaggerate their carelessness. *** You liars of the north, you liars of the south What will fill, but soil, your envious mouth? You've deprived us the view of our home, You stole it from me and clinked into foam *** You know a lot about my degree, hounds You lied, lied until it became huge mounds. The hot searing wind blows from your side Tonsured minds, wading sluggishly so wide *** Into an utter meanness, devoid of any life, 123 Al-asmar 124 These liars are holding, to me, a sharp knife You deprived us the sight of our nice village, Our olive meadows, and the sight of a partridge *** Who deprived us our nightly vigil on roof? Who have kicked us by a heavy sharp hoof? I will not allow you turning up my table feast Nor will accept you as my sage or my priest. *** We hate you all ferocious departmental gang You're deeply asleep despite the bell that rang Rang to wake you up from your envious steps Coming a day, you to kneel with shivering lips 9/4/2004 ____________________________________ You drag your death! O man, here you spend all your life But dragging your death behind you, When you fail, and you stop to do; It drags you towards its sharp knife. ___ Then you find yourself here all alone And tricked to continue your way, For your way is covered with hay, You disappear and others sit to moan ___ It is a life of big trick, after and before It is a play only acted before the fool Acted behind doors, is it hot or cool? You leave it now, others come ashore. 4/7/2010 __________________________________ When the udder milks no more You tell me, when the rich udder milks no more On what will you feed when nothing is ashore? Tell me then, what to do when the udder is dried The world won't carry those whose heart has died What will you find in your empty manger then? What will you do when there is no cow in the den? The udder you suck milk from won't remain forever, The sky will not be ready to shelter you as a cover, The land will not remain forever a source of grass For your cow, the udder will get away or and pass. Since nothing remains as it is, thus, judges‟ eternity Find no other field, for it is ours now, be in perplexity. 25/7/2004 Int. J. Lit., Lang. Ling. I feel I feel as if I carry you and the whole As if I carry something, it is the soul I feel every moment the owner may come He will restore His trust with no drum His Angels will take it in an order of to be He will only command! Glorious be He. Hail Thee owner, hail Thee always merciful Take care of my soul, on my soul be careful, I promise slavery in the scope of Your worship I will remain hopeful to sail safely in Your ship. 29/7/2010 __________________________________________ Thank you readers Finally, my dear readers I have nothing to say Except thanking you from the core of my heart For bearing reading my lines and patient you stay If still anxious to read! I have much arts in my cart. 1/11/2014 125