3D SSD Tracking from Uncalibrated Video
Dana Cobzas and Martin Jagersand
Computer Science, University of Alberta, Canada
April 27, 2006
In registration-based motion tracking precise pose between a reference template and the current
images is determined by warping image patches into the template coordinates and matching pixelwise intensities. Efficient such algorithms are based on relating spatial and temporal derivatives using
numerical optimization algorithms. We extend this approach from planar patches into a formulation
where the 3D geometry of a scene is both estimated from uncalibrated video and used in the tracking
of the same video sequence. Our tracking algorithm is different than traditional SSD tracking as it
trackers a 3D pose global to all patches and not individual 2D image warps. Experimentally we compare
convergence and accuracy of our uncalibrated 3D tracking to previous approaches. Notably, the 3D
algorithm can successfully track over significantly larger pose changes than ones using only 2D planar
regions. It also allows for the detection of occlusions and removal/insertion of tracking regions as
appropriate in response.
Index Terms
visual tracking, image registration, 3D model
In visual tracking motion information from a video sequence is distilled and unifi ed to
determine pose parameters of a moving camera or object. One way of classifying tracking
methods is into feature based, segmentation based and registration based.
In feature based tracking a feature detector is used to locate the image projection of either
special markers or natural image features. Then a 3D pose computation can be done by relating
2D image feature positions with their 3D model. Many approaches use image contours (edges
or curves) that are matched with an a-priori given CAD model of the object [7], [15], [18]. Most
systems compute pose parameters by linearizing with respect to object motion. A characteristic of
these algorithms is that the feature detection is relatively decoupled from the pose computation,
other than sometimes past pose is used to limit search ranges, and the global model can be used
to exclude feature mismatches [2], [15].
In segmentation based tracking some pixel or area based property (e.g. color, texture) is used
to binarize an image. Then the centroid and possibly higher moments of connected regions are
computed. While the centroid and moments are suffi cient to measure 2D image properties, it
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is typically not used for precise 3D tracking alone, but can be used to initialize more precise
tracking modalities [22].
In registration-based tracking the pose computation is based on directly aligning a reference
intensity patch with the current image to match each pixel intensity as closely as possible.
Often a sum-of-squared differences (e.g. L2 norm) error is minimized, giving the technique its
popular name SSD tracking. Unlike the two previous approaches which builds the defi nition of
what is to be tracked into the low level routine (e.g. a line feature tracker tracks just lines),
in registration-based tracking any distinct pattern of intensity variation can be tracked. Since
the type of target (or feature) is not pre-defi ned, typically the user points to desired patches
in the fi rst frame. This technique can also be used in image alignment to create mosaics [21].
Early approaches used brute force search by correlating a reference image patch with the current
image. While this works reasonably well for 2D translational models, it would be unpractical for
planar affi ne and projective (homography) image transforms. Instead, modern methods are based
on numerical optimization, where a search direction is obtained from image derivatives. The fi rst
such methods required spatial image derivatives to be recomputed for each frame when “forward”
warping the reference patch to fi t the current image [16], while more recently, effi cient “inverse”
algorithms have been developed, which allow for real time tracking of the above mentioned 6D
affi ne [9] and 8D projective warp [3]. An appearance model can be used to compensate changes in
intensity [9] or can be learned as a mixture of stable image structure and motion information [5],
[12]. In a recent paper, Lee and Kriegman [14] extend Black and Jepson’s idea ’eigentracking’
by incrementally learning an appearance manifold that is approximated with a collection of
submanifolds and the connectivity between them. Benhimane and Malis [4] proposed a SSD
tracking algorithm based on a second order minimization method (the ESM method [17]) that
has a high converge rate like the Newton method but does not require the computation of the
Hessian. A related approach [8], [13], where instead of using spatial image derivatives, a linear
basis of test image movements are used to explain the current frame, has proven equally effi cient
as the inverse methods during the tracking, but suffer from much longer initialization times to
compute the basis, and a heuristic choice of the particular test movements.
The extension of 2D SSD tracking to 3D has been recently addressed. Baker et. al [25]
calculates a 3D model from a 2D active appearance model (AMM) and use it to improve the
tracking. The main difference in our approach is that we use an estimated rigid Euclidean model
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so we can track 3D camera position while their approach tracks a deformable model and does
not estimate the camera pose. Baker et al. [3] presented another related extension of the original
Lucas-Kanade tracking algorithm applied to either 3D volumetric data (e.g CT, MRI data) or
projection of 3D data in images. The difference compared to our approach is that they track
points on a 3D surface and therefore the 3D-2D inverse compositional algorithm is not valid. In
our case the tracking is performed in 2D but the warp is implicitly constrained by a 3D model
(using control points). So the inversion is valid as the warp is ultimately performed on 2D image
In this paper we extend the registration based technique by constraining the tracked regions
with a 3D rigid scene model, estimated from the same uncalibrated video. The algorithm is thus
able to track full 3D camera position like in the model-based approaches, but eliminates the
need for explicit feature matching. The update is based on the same SSD error as the classical
registration-based techniques with the difference that the update is done directly on the 3D
parameters and not on the 2D warp parameters.
Our method starts by tracking the image motion of several surface patches using conventional
SSD tracking. In this initialization phase the motion is relatively restrictive to ensure convergence
for the 2D trackers. After some time (typically ≈ 100 frames) a 3D model is computed using
uncalibrated structure-from-motion (SFM), and from this point the system switches to full 3D
tracking of camera rotation and translation using the estimated 3D model. The improved stability
of the 3D tracking allows larger motions to be performed for the rest of the sequence. The
algorithm does not require complete scene decomposition in planar facets, but works with few
planar patches identifi ed in the scene. Experiments prove furthermore that the algorithm is also
quite robust to patches not being perfectly planar. One advantage of using a global 3D model
imposed on local surface patches are that only surfaces with salient intensity variations need to
be processed, while the 3D model connects these together in a physically correct way. We show
experimentally that this approach yields more stable and robust tracking than traditional SSD
tracking, where each surface patch motion is computed individually.
To summarize, our main contributions presented in contrast with previous work are:
SSD tracking: We propose an image registration algorithm that track full 3D camera
position using an estimated 3D model, instead of tracking 2D warp parameters. In our
case the 2D warp parameters are defi ned as a function of control points on the model and
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the current camera pose. Hence the 2D warp parameters are no longer independent but
unifi ed by the same rigid motion through the model.
Model-based tracking: Compared to feature-based tracking approaches, our method computes an optimal 3D alignment with respect to the chosen measure (sum of square differences
SSD) in image space. This is not the case for feature-based methods (or in the so-called
structure from motion - SFM - algorithms) where the feature matching (tracking) is decoupled from the camera position estimation. Therefore, even though in feature-based methods
individual patches are tracked using traditional 2D SSD tracking, the locally estimated 2D
parameters are in general not the same as the ones giving one optimal global 3D alignment.
One other advantage of the global registration algorithm is that individual features don’t
loose track even if one image signature is weak. This happens because the restricted motions
of the 2D patches are constrained to motions that are consistent with the 3D model.
Structure-from-motion: The 3D model that constrains the tracking is estimating using SFM
from individually tracked features in a bootstrapping phase. For the rest of the sequence
the model is used to constrain the registration-based tracking but the 3D pose is computed
in one unifi ed step, optimal w.r. to the SSD error.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: we start with a presentation of the general tracking
algorithm in Section II, and then present the details for useful combinations of motions (3D
models and 2D planar image warps) in Section III. A complete model acquisition and tracking
system algorithm is describeed in Section IV. The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the
algorithm is presented in Section V followed by conclusions and a discussion in Section VI.
We consider the problem of determining the motion of a rigid structure in a video sequence using
image registration. We assume that an initial sparse 3D structure is calculated from images using
structure-from-motion (SFM) (see Section IV). A sparse 3D structure represented by a set of
3D points Y i , i = 1, N is calculated in a training stage using uncalibrated SFM techniques (see
Section IV). The structure points defi ne Q image regions that are tracked in the sequence. Each
region Rk is determined by a number of control points Ykj that defi ne its geometry. For example,
a planar surface region can be specifi ed by 4 corner points. The model points are projected onto
the image plane using a projective transformation. First we develop the general theory without
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committing to a particular projection model and denote the 3 × 4 projection matrix for image I t
by Pt . Hence, the model points are projected in image It using:
yti = Pt Yi , i = 1, N
where yti denotes the projection in image t of control point i. Throughout the paper we use i
as an index for the control points, t for indexing frames (time) and k for indexing regions. Let
xk = {x1 , x2 , . . . xKk } denote all the (interior) image pixels that defi ne the projection of region
Rk in image I. We refer to I0 = T as the reference image and to the union of the projections of
the model regions in T , k T (xk ) as the reference template. The goal of the tracking algorithm
is to fi nd the (camera) motion Pt that best aligns the image template with the current image It .
A more precise formulation follows next. Refer to Figure 1 for an illustration of the tracking
Pt = inv( ∆ P) P t−1
3D Model
W(xk ;µ(pt−1))
W(x k ;µ(p t ))
W(x k;µ(∆p))
Fig. 1.
Overview of the 2D-3D tracking system. In standard SSD tracking 2D surface patches are related through a warp W
between frames. In our system a 3D model is estimated (from video alone), and a global 3D pose change ∆P is computed,
and used to enforce a consistent update of all the surface warps.
A corresponding physically correct 2D-to-2D image warp is associated with a particular camera
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model. Assume that the image motion in frame t for each individual model region k can be
perfectly modeled by a parametric motion warp model W (xk ; µ(Pt , Yk )) where µ are 2D motion
parameters that are determined by the projection of the region control points y tkj = Pt Ykj . As
an example, for a planar region the corresponding 4 control points in the template image and
target image t defi ne a homography (2D projective transformation) that will correctly model all
the interior region points from the template image to the target image t. Note that the motion
of the 3D model is global but each individual local region has a different 2D motion warp W k .
The coupling of all the different 2D motion warps Wk through a single global motion model
P constrains the feasible parameters for each individual warp Wk such that its 2D motion is
consistent with the rigid 3D motion. This is unlike approaches where independent 2D trackers
[3], [9] or feature detectors [19], that can move arbitrarily in the image plane, are fi rst used to
determine corresponding 2D-3D points that are then used to compute the 3D camera pose [20].
For convenience, the 2D warp is denoted by W (xk ; µ(pt )) where pt are column vectors of the
3D motion parameters that defi ne the camera projection matrix Pt . Note that W (xk ; µ(pt )) refers
to the warped points so xw = W (x; µ(p)). Later in the paper we also denote by W (µ(p)) the
warp transformation (matrix) with the interpretation that xw = W (µ(p))x.
We next relate the above geometric description to image intensity variation. Under the common
image constancy assumption used in motion detection and tracking [11], the tracking problem
can be formulated as fi nding (tracking) the current state pt such that:
T (xk ) = It (W (xk ; µ(pt ))), k = 1 . . . Q
Note the difference from the traditional 2D SSD tracking algorithms [3], [16] where the goal is
to fi nd for each region the 2D warp parameters µkt such that the image constancy assumption
is valid:
T (xk ) = It (W (xk ; µkt))
Therefore the traditional algorithm estimates, at each time step t, K independent 2D motions
µkt while we estimate one set of global 3D motion parameters pt global for all Q regions.
The new aspect is that here the parameters are directly computed from the global motion and
conversely global motion is computed directly from image derivatives. The consequences of this
for different global models is further elaborated in Section III.
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The tracking problem is simplifi ed by expressing the current pose pt in terms of the previous
frame pose pt−1 subjected to a small change ∆p, and then linearized. Here the change is
modeled through function composition (“◦”) instead of simple addition to allow a more general
set of transforms. Mathematically pt = pt−1 ◦ ∆p can be obtained by minimizing the following
objective function with respect to ∆p:
[T (xk ) − It (W (xk ; µ(pt−1 ◦ ∆p)))]2
For effi ciency, we switch the role of the target and template image, to express the geometric
variation ∆p on the constant template image T instead of the current frame I t . In the terminology
of [3] this gives an inverse compositional algorithm. The goal then is to fi nd ∆p that minimizes:
[T (W (xk ; µ(∆p))) − It (W (xk ; µ(pt−1 )))]2
where in this case the 3D motion parameters are updated as:
Pt = inv(∆P ) ◦ Pt−1
The notation inv(∆P ) means inverting the 3D motion parameters in a geometrically valid way,
i.e. in the calibrated camera case when ∆P = K[R|t], the inverse motion is given by inv(∆P ) =
K[R′ | − R′ t] (see Section III). As a consequence, if the 2D warp W is invertible, the individual
warp update is (see Figure 1):
W (xk ; µ(pt )) = W (xk ; µ(∆p))−1 ◦ W (xk ; µ(pt−1 ))
Next we linearize Equation 5 through a Taylor expansion:
∆p − It (W (xk ; µ(pt−1 )))]2
[T (W (xk ; µ(0))) + ∇T
where ∇T represents the gradient of the template,
is the derivative of the warp
with respect to the 2D parameters µ at position 0 (template image motion is assumed 0) and
denotes the derivatives of the dependency between 2D and 3D motion parameters µ(p)
also evaluated at position 0. We assume that the 3D motion for the template image is zero
T = T (W (xk ; µ(0))). This assumption is not a limitation as the constraint can be easily achieved
by rotating the model in order to aligned it with the fi rst frame at the beginning of tracking.
(matrix notation) and the column vector
We denote the derivative images with M = ∇T ∂W
∂µ ∂p
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image error with et = T −It (W (xk ; µ(pt−1 ))). Under Gauss-Newton approximation the problem
is equivalent to solving the linear least square:
M∆p ≃ et
which can be solved for in the least square sense using the normal equations or better QR
factorization. The derivative images are evaluated on the constant template image and hence
they are constant across iterations and can be precomputed. (Unlike the case where variability
∆p is expressed on the time varying video images and hence derivatives have to be recomputed
at every frame [16].
This results in an effi cient tracking algorithm that can be implemented in real time (see Section
Computing derivatives images
We compute the derivative images from spatial derivatives of template intensities and the inner
derivatives Jacobian of the warp. In conventional 2D image-plane tracking this only involves
taking derivatives w.r.t. the six (affi ne [9]) or eight (projective [3]) warp parameters. But as
mentioned before, in our 3D tracking the 2D motion parameters µ for a region k are functions
of the 3D motion parameters p, the 3D control points Yj and the position of the control points
in the template image y0j . The warp W (µ(p)) maps the projected control points in the current
image yj = P Yj to the template image by:
y0j = W (µ(p))yj = W (µ(p))P Yj , j = 1, N
Note that here we used the notation W (µ(p)) for the warp as a 2D-2D homography transformation (3 × 3 matrix). Hence the warp W is a composed function, and its derivatives can be
calculated as:
∂W ∂µ
∂µ ∂p
First the warp derivatives with respect to the 2D motion parameters are directly computed
from the chosen warp expression (see Section III for some examples). However, the explicit
dependency between the 2D parameters µ and the 3D motion parameters p is not always
obtainable (see Section III-B), but Equation 10 represents their implicit dependency, so the
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terms are computed using the implicit function theorem. Assume that Equation 10 can be
written in the form:
A(p)µ(p) = B(p)
Taking the derivatives with respect to each component p of p we get:
Therefore, for a given p value, we can linearly compute µ from the Equation 11. Then
computed from Equation 12.
Different levels of 3D reconstruction - projective, affi ne, metric Euclidean - can be obtained
from an uncalibrated video sequence [10]. A projective reconstruction gives more degrees of
freedom (15 DOF) so it might fi t the data better under some conditions (e.g. poorly calibrated
camera). On the other hand, fi tting an Euclidean structure will result in a stronger constraint on
the 3D structure, and fewer parameters can represent the model motion (6DOF). For our tracking
algorithm we investigated two levels of geometric models reconstructed under perspective camera
assumption - projective and Euclidean.
As mentioned before, the 2D image warp motion is determined by the region control points.
Different motion approximations are common for the 2D-2D image warps. Warps with few
parameters (e.g 2D translation) are in general stable for small regions or simple motion. To
better capture the deformation of a region, more general warp should be considered. But, typically
tracking with these warps need a large planar surface area or, as we will explore here, stabilization
from a 3D model. A natural parametrization, which also correctly captures motion of planar
regions, would be a homography warp for a perspective camera model (projective or Euclidean)
and an affi ne warp for a linear camera model (orthographic, weak perspective, para-perspective).
The next subsections give concrete examples of how the tracking algorithm can be applied to
three types of useful combinations of motions: an Euclidean model with either small translational
patches, or larger homography patches, and a projective model with small translational patches.
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A. Euclidean model with translational warps
A perspective calibrated camera has the following form in Euclidean geometry:
P = K[R|t]
where K is the camera calibration matrix (internal parameters), R = Rx (αx )Ry (αy )Rz (αz )
represents the rotation matrix and t = [tx , ty , tz ]T is the translation vector. So the 3D motion
parameters are p = [αx , αy , αz , tx , ty , tz ]. A translational warp is controlled by one model point
for each region and has the form:
W (xk ; µ) = xk + µ
where µ = [µx , µy ]T is the 2D image translation vector and is computed from the motion of the
control point Yk using:
µ(p) = y0k − K[R|t]Yk
The inner derivatives
can be directly computed from Equation 14,15 without the
need of the implicit function formulation.
B. Euclidean model with homography warps
The image motion of a planar patch can be modeled projectively using a homography warp
that is determined by at least 4 control points Ykj . Denote the projection of the control points
in the current image by ytj . Note that k is dropped as here we show all the calculations for
only one region. With the Euclidean camera model, yj = K[R|t]Yj . A homography can be
represented using 8 independent parameters µ = [µ1 , µ2 , µ3 , µ4 , µ5 , µ6 , µ7, µ8 ]T 1 :
µ1 µ2 µ3
W (x; µ) = µ4 µ5 µ6 x = Hx
µ7 µ8 1
In the current parametrization of the homography warp we set the last value from the 3 × 3 matrix µ9 = 1 (fi xing the scale)
which does not allow this value to be 0. In the present case this is not a limitation since all points on the tracked patch remain
fi nite.
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The explicit dependency of the 2D warp parameters as function of 3D motion parameters is
diffi cult to obtain analytically in this case, but we can apply the method described in Section II
and compute the inner derivatives
using the implicit dependency from Equation 10:
y0j = Hyj j = 1, N (N ≥ 4)
which can be put in the form of Equation
y11 y12 1
0 0 0
A(p) =
y1 y2 1
0 0 0
11 A(p)µ = B(p) with
y12 1
−y11 y01
− y12 y01
−y11 y01
− y12 y01
1 1
2 1
0 −yN
y0N − yN
1 2
2 2
1 −yN y0N − yN y0N
2 T
B(p) = [y01
, y01
, . . . , y0N
, y0N
where [yj1 , yj2, 1]T are the normalized homogeneous coordinates for yj .
C. Projective model with translational warp
This fi nal example is very similar to the fi rst one except that the 3D motion is represented
by a projective 3 × 4 camera matrix P with 11 independent parameters p = [p 1 p2 . . . p11 ]T . The
2D warp parameters µ are related to p by:
µ(p) = y0k − P Yk
The translational warp is given by Equation 14.
This model presents diffi culties in calculating a unique and numerically stable inverse of the
3D motion, as required in Equation 6. To avoid this problem, while we still compute a global
motion update ∆p we instead update each warp independently as in Equation 7. This solution is
closer to the original SSD tracking algorithm [3], [9] and, as demonstrated by the experimental
results, performs worse than our new algorithm described in Section II, but still better than the
simple unconstrained image plane SSD tracker.
We incorporated the proposed 3D tracking method in a system that fi rst initializes the 3D
model from 2D image tracking over a limited motion in an initial video segment and then
switches to track and refi ne the model using 3D model based tracking.
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A. Bootstrapping phase
1) 2D SSD Tracking Several salient surface patches are manually selected in a non-planar
confi guration from a scene image and tracked in about 100 frames using standard (imageplane) SSD trackers as in [3], [9].
2) Model computation From the tracked points a 3D model is computed using structurefrom-motion and stratifi ed reconstruction [10] (projective reconstruction that is upgraded
to a Euclidean structure using automatic self-calibration). There are several well known
estimation algorithms to recover the projective structure and motion of a scene using the
fundamental matrix (2 views), the trilinear tensor (3 views) or multi-view tensors for
more than 3 views. In our system we used the method developed by Werner et al [24] that
estimates the trilinear tensors for triplets of views and then recovers epipoles from adjoining
tensors. The projection matrices are computed at once using the recovered epipoles. New
views are integrated through the trilinear tensor between the new and two previous views.
Assuming that the cameras have zero skew and aspect ratio (au = av and s = 0) and the
principal point (uc ,vc ) is approximately known, the Euclidean projection is recovered using
self-calibration [23]. There is still an absolute scale ambiguity that cannot be recovered
without additional metric scene measurements, but since this scale remains fi xed over a
video sequence, we can still use a 6DOF Euclidean motion model for tracking the motion
between frames.
In a previous paper [6] we compared the accuracy of the SFM algorithms for different
geometries (affi ne, projective, Euclidean) and we show that the model obtained from a
scene can be reprojected into new (different from the training) views with a reprojection
accuracy of about 1-3 pixels (if bundle adjusted). This accuracy is in the convergence
range for the tracking algorithm.
3) Initialize 3D tracking The 3D model is related to the start frame of 3D tracking using
the 2D tracked points yi . The camera matrix is computed using camera resection from
yi ↔ Yi 2D-3D correspondences (we used the non-linear algorithm for accuracy [10]).
Then the model based tracking algorithm is initialized by computing the gradient images
M at that position (Section II).
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B. Tracking phase
The tracking is now continued with the 2D surface patches integrated in the 3D model that
enforces a globally consistent motion for all surface patches.
1) Position update An incremental position update ∆p is computed based on image differences between the regions in the reference template and the warped regions from the
current images (Equation 9). The global camera pose Pt is updated using Equation 6.
2) Add new patches New patches visible can be added by fi rst tracking their image projection
using 2D tracking, then computing their 3D coordinates through camera intersection in
n ≥ 2 views. In the current implementation the user specifi es (clicks on) the image control
points yi that will characterize the new surfaces but in the future we plan to automatically
select salient regions.
3) Delete occluded patches During tracking, we calculate the visibility of each patch using
a Z-buffer algorithm. Patches that become occluded are eliminated and re-activated only
when they become visible.
Two important properties of tracking methods are convergence, stability and accuracy. Tracking algorithms based on optimization and spatio-temporal derivatives (Equation 8) can fail to
converge because the image difference between consecutive frames I t−1 , It is too large, and the
fi rst order Taylor expansion (Equation 8) around pt−1 is no longer valid, or some disturbance
causes the image constancy assumption to be invalid. In the numerical optimization step pose
updates ∆p are computed by solving an overdetermined equation system, Equation 9. Each pixel
in a tracking patch provides one equation and each model freedom (DOF) one variable. The
condition number of the linearized motion model M affects how measurement errors propagate
into ∆p, and ultimately if the computation converges or not. In general, it is more diffi cult to
track many DOF. In particular, warp models W which cause very apparent image change, such
as image plane translations are easy to track, while ones with less apparent image change such
as scaling and out-of-plane rotations are more diffi cult. A general plane-to-plane transform such
as the homography contains all of these and tends to have a relatively large condition number.
By tracking a 3D model, the convergence is no longer solely dependent on one surface patch
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alone, and the combination of differently located and oriented patches can give an accurate 3D
pose estimate even when each patch would be diffi cult to track individually.
One of the main advantages of the proposed method when using a 3D Euclidean models is
that actual 3D camera pose can be tracked. This is not the case with traditional SSD tracking
where image patches are tracked in a 2D image space. Therefore, one additional aspect that
characterize our model-based trackers is the recovered 3D position accuracy.
We have tested the three proposed trackers (described in Sections III-A,III-B and III-C) and
compare them with the corresponding 2D SSD trackers (translational and homography) and
described in [3] and mathematically equivalent with [9], [16]. Here are the notations that will
be used in the experiments section:
2D SSD translational (as in [3], [9], [16])
TE : 3D Euclid. model + translation (Section III-A)
TP : 3D projective model + translation (Section III-C)
2D SSD homography (as in [3], [9], [16])
HE : 3D Euclid. model + homohgraphy (Section III-B)
We divided the experimental results in four parts, the fi rst two are performed on artifi cial data
and the last two on real images. The fi rst experiment presented in Subsection V-A measures the
robustness and convergence of the trackers for different magnitude of motions (in image space).
The second experiment from Subsection V-B measures the sensitivity of the model-based trackers
(TE, TP, HE) to noise in the model. In Subsection V-C we test the stability of the trackers
in two real sequences with quite large motion, and the last experiment from Subsection V-D
measures the accuracy of the recovered 3D position for one of the model-based trackers (HE).
A. Convergence and stability: synthetic motion perturbations
We used a frame of the fi rst real sequence from the third experiment along with the 3D model
(estimated as described in Section IV). The used homography trackers are shown in Figure 2
left and the translational trackers in Figure 2 right. We perturbed the model 1000 times with 10
different magnitudes of 3D pose changes ∆p (corresponding to 0.1 . . . 10 pixels projected in the
image space), and render an image containing the trackers warped with the corresponding 2D
warp µ(p).
Figure 3 (a) plots the frequency of convergence for the 5 tested trackers (ratio over 100 tests
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Fig. 2. Templates used for homography trackers (left) and translational trackers (right). Test images are produced by perturbing
the 3D pose of the model and rendering templates with the corresponding 2D homography.
motion magnitude (0.1−10 pix)
(a) Frequency of convergence
final SSD residual
SSD residual
frequency of convergence
(b) Convergence rate
motion magnitude (0.1−10 pix)
(c) Average residuals
Fig. 3. Comparing the stability and convergence of different trackers. We tested 10 levels of motion magnitude. The SSD error
is in pixel intensity space [0,1]
in each motion level). For small ∆p there is not a huge difference in convergence rate among
different trackers but we notice a better convergence for the trackers that use the Euclidean
model (TE,HE). For large perturbations the model-based homography tracker HE fails only half
as often compared to the others. Figure 3 (b) shows the average convergence rate (mean over
the convergent tests). We notice again that the HE,TE and TP algorithms have somewhat a
better speed of convergence. The 2D translational tracker also converges quite well due to the
limited DOF (2) that it estimates. The last graph (Figure 3 (c)) shows average residuals over
all convergent tests depending on the motion magnitude. The HE and TE can tolerate larger
motions, while the 2D translational T gives the lowest residuals for low levels of motion. This
is again due to the reduced number of estimated parameters.
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B. Sensitivity to model accuracy : synthetic images
As our model-based tracking system uses a model estimated with structure-from-motion (SFM)
and therefore the model is not perfect, we tested the sensitivity of the model-based trackers
TE,TP,HE to model deviations. We introduced two types of deviations, fi rst we perturbed the
model control points (involved in the computation of the warps). In a second experiment we
tested the sensitivity of the homography based trackers to patch planarity.
model error (0−9 % model size)
noise 9%
noise 5%
noise 0%
noise 5%
noise 2%
noise 2%
noise 0%
noise 0%
(a) Frequency of convergence
Fig. 4.
noise 9%
noise 2%
(b) Convergence rate
final SSD residual
SSD residual
frequency of convergence
model error (0−9 % model size)
(c) Average residuals
Comparing the stability and convergence of different trackers when adding 10 levels of noise in the geometric model.
We performed the same experiment as in Section V-A with a mean perturbation (such as all
trackers have a high frequency of convergence) and added 10 levels of noise in the model points.
Note that this time the nature of the perturbation is different as in the fi rst case (Section V-A)
we had a motion that we expect to be corrected by the tracking while now we introduce noise
in the model that will be used in the mode-based tracking. The results are displayed in Figure 4.
The convergence for the trackers that use a projective model (TP) deteriorates rapidly and the
trackers stop converging for model noise bigger than 2% (see Figure 4 (a)). Among the trackers
that use the Euclidean model ((TE,HE), the translational one (TE) has better convergence but
bigger residual (see Figure 4 (b) (c)). Overall both TE and HE can tolerate quite a lot of noise
as they have a frequency of convergence close to 1 for noise level up to 6%. In practice, for
an estimated model (see Section IV) the average reprojection error is less then one pixel and
therefore does not cause any problem.
In a second type of experiment we tested the sensitivity of the homography trackers (H,
HE) to patch planarity. We generated an artifi cial model (see Figure 5 (a)) and we added
April 27, 2006
(a) Original model
(d) Noise 0.2
Fig. 5.
(b) Noise 0.05
(c) Noise 0.1
(e) Noise 0.4
(a) Synthesized model with four levels of plane perturbations. The numbers represent percentage of plane width.
four levels of perturbations to the planes (using displacement maps with different magnitudes
5%, 10%, 20%, 40% of planes width- see Figure 5 (b), (c), (d), (e)).
For each perturbed model we measured the convergence rate and fi nal residuals (see Figure 6
(a), (b)). The trackers did not get lost in any of the sequences, showing a good tolerance to
patch planarity. As expected, the residuals increase for higher levels of noise as the template
does not anymore quite fi t the current image (because of parallax and occlusions caused by the
displacement map).
For the model-based tracker (HE) we also measured the accuracy of the recovered position as
compared to the ground truth. Figure 6 (c), (d) plots the recovered trajectory (translations) and
rotations for each level of perturbations. We noticed that while the recovered trajectory with no
noise (Figure 5 (a)) is very close to the ground truth (original trajectory), the error increases
while adding noise. The mean error in translation at the last level of noise ((Figure 5 (e)) is
about 0.4 matching the magnitude of the perturbation while the rotation error is about 6 ◦ .
April 27, 2006
noise 0.4
final SSD residual
SSD residual
noise 0.2
noise 0.1
noise 0.05
noise 0
(a) Convergence rate
noise level
(b) Average residuals
ground truth
noise 0
noise 0.1
noise 0.4
noise 0
noise 0.1
noise 0.4
rot z
rot x
rot y
(d) Recovered position
Fig. 6.
(e) Recovered orientation
Sensitivity of homography based trackers patch planarity. We tested four levels of perturbations. (top) Measured
convergence (bottom) recovered position for tracker HE.
C. Convergence and stability: real sequence
We now tested the stability of the trackers for two real sequences.
In Figure 7 planar regions in the image sequence are tracked using an 8DOF homography.
When each patch is tracked individually as in [3] (top images) the fi rst region is lost already
after 77 frames and all lost after 390 frames. (See video1 left [1]). The condition numbers for
M varies between 5 ∗ 105 and 2 ∗ 107 , indicating a numerically ill conditioned situation. When
April 27, 2006
instead the regions are related by the global 3D model using our algorithm, pose is successfully
tracked through the whole sequence of 512 frames (video1 right [1]). Additionally the model
allows the detection and removal of the region on the left roof side when it becomes occluded
and the introduction of three new regions on the right roof side and the smaller outhouse when
they come into view. The condition number of the 6DOF (3 rot, 3 trans) using a rigid 3D model
is 900, which is signifi cantly better than that of the 8DOF planar 2D homography (above).
The next experiment uses a simpler 2DOF translation model to relate regions as described
in Sections III-A and III-C, through either an Euclidean or Projective global 3D model. In
Figure 8 three cases are compared. In the fi rst, (fi gure top and video2 left [1]) no model is
is used standard individual 2D trackers as in [9], [16]), and almost half of the region trackers
are lost starting already from frame 80. Because only 2D spatial x and y derivatives are used
in M the condition number is very low at an average 1.3. In the middle sequence, a projective
model is used to relate the regions. This stabilizes the tracking until about frame 400, where
one tracker is slightly off target and further at about frame 430 some are lost due to occlusion.
The projective model has 11 DOF and the condition number is quite high at 2 ∗ 10 4 . In the
fi nal (fi gure bottom) sequence a Euclidean model relates the trackers, and provides handling of
occlusions. The condition number is a reasonable 600, and the whole 512 frame sequence is
successfully tracked.
The second sequence has a much larger overall motion showing the ability to maintain track
without concurrent visibility. The results for four trackers are displayed in Figure V-C (see also
video6,7 [1]). Like in the previous experiment new patches are introduced as they become
visible and the ones that are occluded are deleted. We can automatically detect occlusions using
Z-buffering for the model based tracking but not for the simple SSD one. To be consistent we
manually add/delete patches in all four cases. We see that the SSD homography tracker (H) looses
track quite early in the sequence while the model-based homography tracker (HE) trackers all
patches until the end. The translational tackers (T,TE) perform similar in this case and are able
to track all patches for the whole sequence.
D. Recovered pose accuracy
One of the main advantages of the proposed method when using a 3D Euclidean model is
that actual 3D camera pose can be tracked (as opposed to traditional SSD tracking where image
April 27, 2006
Fig. 7.
Top Tracking individual patches using a homography based on conventional SSD tracking as in [3]. Not all regions
can be tracked through the whole sequence and occlusion is not handled. Bottom Through the 3D model each region motion is
rigidly related to the model, and tracking succeeds through the whole sequence. The model also allows detection and removal
of occluded regions and introduction of new regions. See video1 [1]
Fig. 8.
Top Translation tracking of individual regions based on conventional SSD tracking as in [9], [16]. Through the video
sequence many patches are lost. Middle A projective 3D model is used to relate the regions, and provide more stable tracking
through the whole sequence. Bottom An Euclidean model relates the regions, and also allows the deletion of occluded and
introduction of new regions. video2 [1]
April 27, 2006
Homography tracking of individual regions (H); Suffi cient number of tracked regions cannot be
maintained throughout the sequence; also video6 [1]
Homography tracking constrained with an Euclidean model (TE); also video7 [?]
Translational tracking of individual regions (T); also video7 [1]
Translational tracking constrained with an Euclidean model (HE); also video7 [1]
patches are tracked in a 2D image space and pose would have to be computed later). This is
useful for example in robotics or augmented reality applications. To test the accuracy of the
recovered camera position we tracked two trajectories composed from straight lines using the
homography model-based tracker (HE). Figure 9 shows two image frames of the scene that is
tracked, and video4 [1] shows a whole motion sequence.
The fi rst trajectory was a straight line in the horizontal plane of about 1m. Figure 10 (left)
illustrates the recovered trajectory. To measure the accuracy of the tracking algorithm we cali-
April 27, 2006
brated the 3D model for the planes assuming some given real dimensions (distance from camera
to one plane) so we could get the translation in meters. We found that the tracked trajectory
had about 0.95 cm mean deviation from a straight line and 5.1 cm mean deviation from the
horizontal plane. The recovered line length was about 1.08 m, resulting in an error of 8% with
respect to the measured ground truth. There was no camera rotation along the fi rst trajectory.
Corresponding measured rotation was less than 1 degree on average.
The motion in the second trajectory was along two perpendicular lines in the horizontal plane.
In this experiment, the real physical motion did not turn out particularly smooth and the recorded
data therefore also somewhat jumpy. We measured the angle between the two lines fi tted to the
recovered positions (see Figure 10) as 82◦ . Hence it had an error of about 8◦ with respect to the
ground truth.
The experiments show that the accuracy of the measurements connected to properties that are
not directly related to calibrated properties of the structure (e.g. deviation from lines, planes) is
higher that the accuracy in measured distances. This is due to the diffi culty in making calibrated
(Euclidean) measurements from an initially uncalibrated (projective) camera.
We have shown how conventional 2D SSD tracking can be extended to 3D using a scene
model estimated from images alone. The method makes tracking of a-priori unknown scenes
more stable and handles occlusions by removing and introducing tracking regions as appropriate
when new views become available. A main feature of our method is that 3D pose change ∆P
is computed directly from image intensity derivatives w.r.t. P . Note that this guarantees the best
3D pose update available from the linearized model (here using L2 norm, but other e.g. robust
norms are also possible [9]). This is unlike the more common approach of fi rst tracking 2D
image correspondences, and then computing a 3D pose from points, where fi rst each 2D point
location is committed to based on a locally optimal image fi t but without regards to the global
3D constraints.
In combining different types of 3D global models and 2D region warps we found that:
Tracking planar regions using an 8DOF homography without a 3D model is unstable due
to the many DOF estimated, but limited image signature available from geometric change
of only one planar patch.
April 27, 2006
Using the estimated 3D model we constrain multiple individual patches to move in a
consistent way and achieve very robust and stable tracking of full 3D pose over long
With some loss in generality and magnitude of maximum trackable pose change, the imageplane 8DOF homography can be replaced by simple and faster 2DOF translational trackers.
Each individual such tracker has to use only a small image region since it doesn’t deform
projectively, but instead many regions can be used. Using 2DOF regions with either an
Euclidean or projective 3D model this gives almost as good tracking as the homography +
3D model, and makes execution somewhat faster.
The model-based trackers that use an Euclidean model and recover full 3D camera pose
are tolerant to noise in the model that is larger than the usual noise resulting from a
SFM estimation. The homography-based tracker performs better and can also accommodate
patches that are not perfect planes. But the accuracy of the recovered position degrades
when the noise increases.
Convergence for the translational only warp over large angular changes in camera viewpoint can
be improved by using a few view-dependent templates each associated with a smaller angular
range, and switch these in and out depending on the current angular pose computed from the
3D model. While this introduces a risk for drifts and errors from the templates being slightly
offset, in practice we have found it works well using 5-10 different templates over the visible
range of a patch.
Visual tracking has many applications in e.g. robotics, HCI, surveillance and model building.
Tracking and modeling are interrelated in that (as we have shown) a model improves tracking,
and tracking can also be used to obtain the image correspondences needed for a model. In
unstructured environments this used to represent a chicken-and-egg like problem: Without a
model it was diffi cult to track, and without tracking one couldn’t obtain a model. Our method
integrates both into a system which begins by defi ning regions to track in only a 2D image. First
2D tracking is used over an initial video segment with moderate pose change to obtain point
correspondences and build a 3D model from image data. After the model is built, the system
switches to 3D tracking and is now ready to handle large pose changes and provide full 3D pose
(rotation, translation) tracking.
April 27, 2006
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April 27, 2006
Fig. 9.
Tracking 3D planes. Pose accuracy experiment. video4 [1]
Recovered positions
Fitted lines
Recovered position
Fitted line
Fig. 10.
Recovered positions for the straight line trajectory (left) and the 2 perpendicular lines trajectory (left). The red line
are the fi tted 3D lines to each line segment.
April 27, 2006