Pain 71 (1997) 279–284
Enhancing sensitivity to facial expression of pain
Patricia E. Solomon a ,*, Kenneth M. Prkachin b, Vern Farewell c
School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University, 1280 Main St. W. Bldg. T-16, Hamilton, ON, L8N 4K1 Canada
University of Northern British Columbia, Psychology Program, P.O. Bag 1950, Prince George, BC, V21 5P2 Canada
Department of Statistical Science, University College, London, Gower Street, London, WCLE 6BT, UK
Received 4 March 1996; revised version received 26 August 1996; accepted 6 February 1997
Clinicians have long appreciated the information communicated by a patient’s facial expression. Advances in the measurement of facial
movements, using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) have allowed for identification of a universal expression of pain, which is
primarily encoded in four facial movements. While the FACS provides a rigorous assessment of facial expression, the time required to learn
the system and to analyze the facial expression by use of slow motion video recording, makes its use impractical in the clinical setting. The
purpose of this research was to examine whether exposure to a brief training procedure, based on orienting subjects to the four facial
movements, would increase sensitivity to pain communicated by facial expression. Seventy-five occupational and physical therapy student
volunteers were randomly assigned to training or control groups. The trained group was exposed to a 30-min training session. Both groups
were then asked to rate a videotape of patients undergoing assessment of a painful shoulder and rate the amount of discomfort the patients
appeared to be experiencing. Analyses indicated that the trained group was significantly more sensitive to subtle facial movements
associated with low levels of pain. Relative to the patients’ ratings, there was a tendency for raters to underestimate pain particularly
when these were at a high level. The findings lend hope to the feasibility of developing a tool which would be clinically useful though this
may be more difficult for observers judging more complex facial expressions associated with high levels of pain. 1997 International
Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Keywords: Facial expression; FACS; Facial movements
1. Introduction
Clinicians have long appreciated the importance of observing a patient’s facial expression to gain insight into the
pain experience. Typically clinicians use behavioral indicators of pain to augment self-report measures. However,
there are certain populations for whom self-report is not
possible where facial expression of pain becomes the primary means of communicating distress.
The development of the Facial Action Coding System
(FACS; Ekman and Friesen, 1978) a fine-grained measure
of facial expression, which is anatomically based, allowed
researchers to identify specific facial movements associated
with pain. Studies using the FACS have demonstrated that
useful information about a pain state can be obtained by
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 905 5259140, ext. 27820; fax: +1 905
observation of the face. Observers are able to distinguish
facial expressions of pain from expressions associated with
other emotions (LeResche and Dworkin, 1984) and can discriminate between varying degrees of facial expression of
pain (Prkachin and Craig, 1985; Patrick et al., 1986; Craig et
al., 1988). Observers also appear to be sensitive to differences between true and faked pain expressions (Prkachin,
1992a). Measures of facial expression are only modestly
correlated with other measures of pain suggesting that
expressive behavior probably carries unique information.
A potentially distressing finding is that observers tend to
markedly underestimate pain when forced to make judgments based solely on facial expression. Prkachin et al.
(1994) examined the degree to which untrained observers’
ratings of shoulder pain corresponded to FACS measurements. Results showed that observers were sensitive to
gross variations in pain states. However, there was a tendency to underestimate the patients’ pain on a systematic
basis anywhere from 50% to 80%.
0304-3959/97/$17.00 1997 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
PII S0304-3959 (97 )0 3377-0
P.E. Solomon et al. / Pain 71 (1997) 279–284
Other work also suggests that clinicians are not particularly sensitive to pain in others. Zalon (1993) found that
the accuracy of nurses’ assessment of the pain experienced
by abdominal surgery patients post-operatively was related
to the degree of pain experienced by the patients. Relative
to the patient’s rating the nurses underestimated the higher
levels of pain and overestimated the lower levels of pain
using a visual analogue scale (VAS). Choiniere et al. (1990)
compared nurses’ VAS ratings with those of burn patients
and found that 43% of the nurses underestimated the
patients’ pain and 27% overestimated the patients’ pain.
When a physical cause of pain is less apparent there may
be an increased likelihood that the patient’s pain will be
underestimated. For example, Teske et al. (1983) asked
nurses to rate patients experiencing both acute and chronic
pain. There was a tendency for the nurses to underestimate pain in both samples but the discrepancy between
patient and nurse ratings was greater for the chronic pain
Behavioral measures of pain are often more complex than
self-report measures and may focus on gross indicators of
pain. The FACS represents an attempt to provide more
accurate and finer measures. However, what may be feasible
in an experimental setting may be impractical in a clinical
environment. Extensive training in identification of 44
facial movements is required to gain competence in using
the FACS. Typically the facial movements are identified
and analyzed on slow motion video recordings. The time
taken to analyze the videotapes would be excessive in a
clinical environment. To have clinical utility an assessment
procedure must be easy to use, relatively inexpensive and
While FACS may have dubious clinical practicality its
use has been instrumental in the identification of a facial
expression of pain. A number of studies (e.g., LeResche,
1982; Craig et al., 1991; Prkachin, 1992b) have attempted
to use the FACS to identify whether there is a consistent
facial expression associated with pain. The ability to identify a general facial expression of pain and to isolate specific
facial movements could lead to the development of an
abbreviated tool that could be used clinically. Early studies
focused on facial movements associated with acute episodic
pain. Prkachin (1992b) was able to identify a general facial
expression of pain that was consistent across four pain inducing modalities. While a variety of movements occurred it
appeared that there were four movements that were consistently associated with pain. Would increased awareness of
the four movements improve the accuracy of judgments of
pain by observation of facial expression? Is it possible,
given the speed of occurrence and the complexity of facial
movements, to improve an individual’s accuracy of assessment of facial expression of pain? The main purpose of this
study was to examine whether exposure to a brief training
procedure, designed to orient subjects to facial movements
which are indicative of pain, would improve the sensitivity
of their judgment of a patients’ pain.
2. Methods
Seventy-five physiotherapy and occupational therapy student volunteers from McMaster University participated in
this study. Students were randomly assigned to either a
training or control group. There were 31 females and
seven males in the training group and 31 females and six
males in the control group. The mean age of the trained
group was 27.15 years (SD = 3.43) while the mean age of
the control group was 26.89 years (SD = 2.93).
The training procedure was based on the research findings
that indicate pain is encoded in four main facial movements
(Prkachin, 1992b). The goal was to provide a brief training
procedure which would focus on increasing the awareness
of the four FACS movements in an easily understood and
efficient manner. The training made use of an acronym,
FENS (Frown, Eyes close, Nose wrinkle and Squint),
which represented simple descriptions of facial movements
adapted from criteria in the FACS manual (Ekman and
Friesen, 1978). It was anticipated that the use of an acronym
would assist in recall of the salient movements. To be clinically useful and feasible the training procedure needed to be
delivered in a short time frame and simulate the rapidity
with which the facial expressions would occur in a true
clinical environment. The sequence of the training proceeded as follows: (i) the subjects were given written materials introducing the four movements and the FENS
acronym; (ii) still slides depicting the individual movements
were shown; (iii) these were followed by videotapes which
isolated each of the four movements; and (iv) finally the
subjects were exposed to brief facial expression scenarios
depicting a variety of more complex movements.
The task for all subjects was to view a videotape showing
the facial displays of patients undergoing range of motion
testing of a painful shoulder. There were 10 patients undergoing a total of 88 tests, for each subject to rate. All patients
were volunteers who attended physiotherapy at the Waterloo Sports Medicine Centre for assessment and treatment of
unilateral glenohumeral joint pain. Facial behavior was
recorded as patients underwent a standardized procedure
to assess active and passive range of motion of a painful
glenohumeral joint (see Prkachin and Mercer, 1989, for
details). Active movements were actions performed by the
patient without assistance. Passive movements were actions
in which the therapist guided the limb through its range of
motion. Each test was followed by an interval of 5 s during
which the subject was asked to make his or her judgment of
the amount of pain the patients were experiencing. The
subjects were asked to make their rating of pain using an
affective pain descriptor scale developed by Gracely
(Gracely et al., 1978; Heft et al., 1980). The patients had
provided their rating of pain using the same scale. The
videotape was constructed from a subset of 24 patients
used in a previous study (Prkachin and Mercer, 1989).
The selection of the patients was based on prior analyses
of their self-report and facial expressions (Prkachin et al.,
P.E. Solomon et al. / Pain 71 (1997) 279–284
1994). Factor analyses had revealed that the facial expressions contain two dimensions: one that reflects the intensity
of pain experienced on active movements and one that
reflects the intensity of pain experienced on passive movements. Three criteria were used to select the patients for
the final videotape. First the full range of tests including
patient’s reactions to four active and five passive tests
were included. Second, patients were selected if their selfreport of pain was consistent with their facial expressions
as measured by the FACS. Third, the patients chosen
must have demonstrated a range of facial expressions
varying in intensity and duration. This resulted in four
patients who were defined as expressive in that their
self-report and facial expressions indicated high levels
of pain. Six patients were defined as unexpressive in
that their self-report and facial expressions indicated
they were experiencing low levels of pain (Prkachin et al.,
The facial expressions of each subject were measured
using a composite FACS score consisting of the intensity × duration of brow lowering, orbital tightening and
upper lip raise/nose wrinkling, summed and added to
the duration of the eye closure. This index which has been
reported in prior studies (Prkachin, 1992b, 1994) appears
to provide a valid quantification of pain expression.
3. Results
Initially the estimation accuracy of all raters was examined to determine the extent to which raters underestimated
and overestimated pain. Fig. 1 illustrates the percentage of
raters who underestimated pain for both active and passive
movements in expressive and unexpressive patients. Estimates where the rater and patient scores were equal are
provided for comparison. Underestimation of pain was
most evident for the expressive patients particularly for
the passive movements where 75% of the ratings were
less than those of the patient.
Increased sensitivity to pain was defined as being comparatively closer to the patient’s scores regardless of
Table 1
Absolute mean difference scores
due to training
Entries represent the absolute value of the difference between the patient’s
rating and the observer’s rating averaged for expressive and unexpressive
patients and active and passive trials.
whether this was due to an overestimation or underestimation of the patient’s pain. Therefore, the primary analysis
was performed using the absolute value of the mean difference between the patient’s score and the rater’s scores as the
response variable. To examine the influence of training on
sensitivity to facial expression of pain the absolute mean
difference scores on the affect scale were averaged separately by rater group for expressive and unexpressive
patients and active and passive movements.
These averages were entered into a 2 (expressive/unexpressive) × 2 (trained/untrained) × 2 (active/passive movements) split plot analysis of variance (ANOVA). The main
effect of movement was significant, F(1,746) = 1508.33,
P = 0.0001, as was the main effect of expressiveness,
F(1,8) = 12.15, P = 0.008. The main effect of primary
interest, training, was also significant, F(1,584) = 12.92,
P = 0.006. Two-way interactions with training were significant; expressiveness × training F(1,584) = 8.69, P = 0.003
and movement × training F(1,746) = 7.37, P = 0.006. The
3-way interaction of expressiveness × rater group × movement type was also significant (F(1,746) = 8.51;P = 0.003).
Table 1 helps to clarify the effects found in the ANOVA.
In this table values that are closer to zero represent a more
sensitive rating. In all conditions the trained raters’ scores
are closer to zero. Although there was little training effect
on the active movements of the expressive patients, there
was a training effect in the other conditions. The improvement due to training is reflected by the difference between
the groups given on the right of the table. The greatest effect
of training is seen on the active movements of unexpressive
4. The relationship between patient’s pain scores and
Fig. 1. Estimation accuracy
To further investigate the relationship between the
patient’s pain score and training a series of hierarchical
regressions were performed using the patient’s pain rating
on the affect scale for each of the 88 tests as the response
variable. The average pain rating across trained and
untrained raters for each test was the predictor variable.
P.E. Solomon et al. / Pain 71 (1997) 279–284
Table 2
Hierarchical regression analyses of the relationship between trained and
untrained observers’ ratings of pain and the patients’ rating of pain
r2 change
Condition 1, expressive patients and active movements
Trained scores
Untrained scores
Condition 2, expressive patients and passive movements
Trained scores
Untrained scores
Condition 3, unexpressive patients and active movements
Trained scores
Untrained scores
Condition 4, unexpressive patients and passive movements
Trained scores
Untrained scores
The strategy for the analysis was to run two regressions, one
using the trained raters’ scores as the predictor variable and
one using the untrained raters’ scores as the predictor variable. A simple comparison of the r2 values for the observer
variable in each model would then indicate which explained
more of the variation in patient scores. To allow for the
correlation between observations on the same patient variable, indicator variables for each patient were introduced
into the equation first. Separate analyses were performed
for four conditions: (i) expressive patients, active movements; (ii) expressive patients, passive movements; (iii)
unexpressive patients, active movements; and (iv) unexpressive patients, passive movements. Results of the analyses are summarized in Table 2.
Though it is not possible to perform a test of statistical
significance comparing the two values of r2 for trained and
untrained raters, one can directly compare the values to
assess which analysis explains more of the variation in
patient pain ratings. In all conditions the r2 value for the
trained group exceeds that for the untrained group though
only an additional 1% of the variance was explained by
training in both expressive conditions. The overall model
for the expressive, active condition did not reach statistical
significance for either trained or untrained groups. Consistent with the findings in the ANOVA, the largest difference
between the r2 values was for the unexpressive patients on
active movements where 18% of the variation in patient
scores was accounted for by training compared with 8%
in the untrained group.
5. The relationship between the FACS scores and
As the training procedure was based on a modification
of the FACS training protocol one would expect the relationship of the raters’ scores with the FACS scores to be
stronger in the trained group. To examine this relationship
hierarchical regressions of a similar format to those
described above were performed substituting the FACS
scores for the patients’ ratings as the response variable.
As in the previous analyses a series of hierarchical regressions were performed using the FACS score for each of
the 88 tests as the response variable and the average pain
rating across raters for each test as the predictor variable.
Analyses were performed for the same four conditions
noted above. Results of these analyses are summarized in
Table 3.
In comparing the r2 values, the largest difference between
trained and untrained values is with the unexpressive
patients on the active movements followed by the unexpressive patients on passive movements. For the unexpressive
active condition, 13% of the variance in FACS scores was
explained by the scores of the trained raters compared to
only 2% of the variation explained by the untrained raters’
scores. There was a difference in r2 values of 0.05 in favor of
the untrained group when judging expressive patients in the
active condition. There was essentially no difference
between trained and untrained raters judging the expressive
patients in the passive condition.
Table 3
Hierarchical regression analyses of the relationship between trained and
untrained observers’ ratings of pain and the composite index of pain expression
r2 change
Condition 1, expressive patients and active movements
Trained scores
Untrained scores
Condition 2, expressive patients and passive movements
Trained scores
Untrained scores
Condition 3, unexpressive patients and active movements
Trained scores
Untrained scores
Condition 4, unexpressive patients and passive movements
Trained scores
Untrained scores
P.E. Solomon et al. / Pain 71 (1997) 279–284
6. Discussion
The present findings provide modest support for the
hypothesis that a brief training program can improve observers’ sensitivity to facial evidence of pain. The effect was
dependent on patient expressiveness and type of movement,
both of which are related to the level of pain experienced by
the sufferer. The greatest effect of training occurred when
the observers were judging the active movements of unexpressive patients, conditions associated with the patients’
lowest pain reports.
It appears that in both rater groups, the more painful the
movement, the less sensitive were the raters to the patient’s
pain. However, across all conditions the trained raters’
scores represented a more sensitive rating than those of
the untrained scores in the sense that the differences
between the ratings of the patients and those of the trained
observers were smaller than those between the untrained
observers and the patients. Though this might also seem
paradoxical, it may also be the outcome one would seek
in training observers.
The results suggest that training is more effective for
subtle facial expressions which indicate low levels of
pain. The unexpressive active condition was associated
with the least painful movements (Prkachin and Mercer,
1989). It is also the condition where the greatest training
effect occurred. Regression analyses did not find a significant relationship between the patient and rater scores in the
untrained group in this condition, whereas in the trained
group 18% of the variation in the patient scores was
explained by the judges’ ratings. A comparison of the
regression analyses examining the relationship between
the FACS scores and the rater’s scores, also showed the
greatest difference between trained and untrained observers
in the amount of variation explained in the FACS scores to
be in the unexpressive active condition. This convergence of
findings suggests that, in this condition, the trained observers were using the training information to make their judgments.
Training alone appears to be insufficient to overcome the
underestimation bias which occurred when observers rated
the expressive patients. Other literature has shown that the
tendency to underestimate pain is greater at higher levels of
pain (Zalon, 1993). If this is true then it may be more difficult to remediate this problem than by exposure to a simple
training procedure.
A previous study, using methodology similar to the present research, found that observers were more sensitive to
gross variations in facial expression of pain and missed
more subtle indicators of pain (Prkachin et al., 1994). As
a consequence, the training protocol of the present study
encouraged the raters to identify small movements that
could be easily missed or interpreted as signaling a state
other than pain. This could account for the fact that the
training had a greater effect with the unexpressive patients
on the active, less painful shoulder movements, where the
facial expressions were more likely to demonstrate simple
movements or less complex facial configurations.
There are several other explanations for the findings of
this study. The use of the FACS allows one to repeatedly
analyze videotape in slow motion, a task that would be
impractical in the clinical setting. The task that the raters
were asked to perform is in some ways more complex than
use of the FACS. The raters have to make decisions quickly
and in rapid succession. The possibility exists that in some
of the patients the movements occurred too rapidly for the
raters to perform this multi-step rating procedure. There
may be other elements related to facial expression such as
the temporal relationship of the movements, the number of
movements that occurred or observer variations in the
weighting of facial information that swayed observers’
judgments but were not addressed in training.
The effects of training found in this study were small. At
the outset this study did not attempt to define what would
constitute a clinically important difference in training. Clinical decision making is a complicated process which is
dependent on many interacting variables. To be clinically
important the difference must be of such magnitude that
clinical decisions surrounding the diagnosis or treatment
are affected. From an ethical viewpoint one could argue
that even a very small change in practice would be important if the end result was less needless suffering. Ultimately
one has to weigh the cost of training large groups of clinicians against the benefits of small changes in clinical practice.
There are several limitation to the generalizability of the
findings of this study. One cannot assume that findings from
one health professional group are applicable to another. The
sample chosen was representative of relatively inexperienced clinicians who have had previous opportunities to
assess pain. The majority of the volunteers for this study
were female. Future work needs to include greater numbers
of males as there are differences between men and women
in their sensitivity to non-verbal communication (Hall,
Given that the findings of this study suggest that it may be
more difficult for observers to judge complex facial movements, is it possible to train individuals to be more sensitive
to the movements associated with higher levels of pain? It is
not clear from the findings of this research whether the
complexity of the movements associated with high levels
of pain makes the task too difficult to assess in real time. The
possibility exists that the complexity of the movements at
high levels of pain may limit the improvement one is able to
attain with a brief training procedure.
Enhancements to the training protocol will be necessary
to determine whether further improvements in sensitivity
could result from additional training. Clearly the 100 h
required to learn the FACS is not conducive to clinical
practice. However, it also appears that the 30 min of training
that occurred in this study allowed for only small improvements. Enhancements to the training procedure could poten-
P.E. Solomon et al. / Pain 71 (1997) 279–284
tially affect the clinical utility that was a consideration in
development of the current training procedure. The original
intent was to design a brief training procedure that would
have wide appeal. A lengthy training procedure is unlikely
to have broad based clinical utility. Further work will need
to carefully consider the balance between comprehensiveness and precision and clinical utility.
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