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The paper discusses the role of Mass Communication education at Lagos State University School of Communication, emphasizing the institution's goal to produce graduates equipped with relevant skills for the media industry. It outlines the admission requirements for prospective students and highlights the curriculum, which includes training in current technologies and strategic communication practices. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for various roles in media, public relations, and advertising, with a comprehensive understanding of policies and ethical considerations in the field.
Diversidad Boletin Informativo de IDESMAC, 2018
Análisis geográfico histórico de la construcción de la Ciudad de México como la suma de dos concepciones urbanísticas una prehispánica y otra europea medieval.
This publication based dissertation offers a comparative examination of the making and contestation of the Namibia-Zambia and Uganda-South Sudan borders in everyday relations between state and non-state actors. While events in the former borderland were strongly determined by the annual floods of the Zambezi, the movements of massive numbers of people fleeing from past and fearing future conflict characterized the latter. Past and present events in both borderlands, despite their peripheral location, are shown to be an integrate and crucial part of state formation in both countries. The key question guiding the analysis is: How are competing claims of territory, authority and citizenship negotiated between state representatives and residents in these borderlands, and what kinds of governance regimes emerge as a result of these negotiations? This is the synthesis of two lines of investigation pursued by the author. The first seeks to clarify how pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial governments’ power is broadcast from the centre to the territorial and social margins in African borderlands. The second seeks to clarify in what ways those who inhabit these borderlands exercise their own power. With the answers to these questions the author contributes to the ethnographic and historiographic study of borderlands worldwide and in Africa, as well as the literature that examines state formation as a continuous processes constituted in everyday-encounters between representatives of the state and its citizens. The author conceptualizes borderlands as dynamic sites where the actual meanings and practices of state-society relations are contested and forged on a daily and continuous basis in the relationships between borderland inhabitants with each other across the border, and with those who represent central state authority. The central argument of this dissertation is that this lived quality is what makes the border ‘real’: The border does not only exist as an abstract construct separate from or ‘above’ the people and territories it is supposed to separate. Borderland actors actively engage, challenge and thereby reshape the state, over time and repeatedly. They contribute to fine-tuning the state in ways that do not necessarily undermine or hollow it out. This working practice of the border is what brings it to life in the sense in which a relationship between people is only alive - and therefore real - if it is filled by meaningful and ongoing exchange and interaction.
Cahiers d'Histoire du Temps Present, 2001
Proof, Language, and Interaction, 2000
These notes are part of a preliminary attempt at developing abstract algebra in constructive type theory. The developments that follow are inspired from a previous axiomatization by P. Aczel in LEGO in Jan. 1993, as an initial step to a program of formal development of Galois Theory 1]. Our version of type theory is the Calculus of Inductive Constructions, as implemented in Coq V5.10. This paper give the full transcript of the Coq axiomatisation. In this note we develop one possible axiomatisation of the notion of category by modeling objects as types and Hom-sets as Hom-setoids of arrows parameterized by their domain and codomain types. Thus we may quotient arrows, but not objects. We develop in this setting functors, as functions on objects, and extentional maps on arrows. We show that CAT is a category, and we do not need to distinguish to this e ect \small" and \big" categories. We rather have implicitly categories as relatively small structures indexed by a universe. Thus we just need two instances of the same notion of category in order to de ne CAT. We then construct the Functor Category, with the natural de nition of natural transformations. We then show the Interchange Law, which exhibits the 2-categorical structure of the Functor Category. We end this paper by giving a corollary to Yoneda's lemma. This incursion in Constructive Category Theory shows that Type Theory is adequate to represent faithfully categorical reasoning. Three ingredients are essential:-types, to represents structures, dependent types, so that arrows are indexed with their domains and codomains, and a hierarchy of universes, in order to escape the foundational di culties. Some amount of type reconstruction is necessary, in order to write equations between arrows without having to indicate their type other than at their binder, and notational abbreviations, allowing e.g. in x notation, are necessary to o er the formal mathematician a language close to the ordinary informal categorical notation. 2 Relations We assume a number of basic constructions, which de ne quanti ers and equality at the level of sort Type. These de nitions are included in the prelude module Logic_Type of the Coq system. We start with a few standard de nitions pertaining to binary relations. Require Logic_Type. Section Orderings.
El proceso penal será acusatorio y oral, en él se observarán los principios de PUBLICIDAD, CONTRADICCIÓN, CONCENTRACIÓN, CONTINUIDAD E INMEDIACIÓN y aquellos previstos en la Constitución, Tratados y demás leyes.
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RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2008
WIREs Forensic Science, 2021
Family Court Review, 2005
مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية كلية التربية جامعة المنوفية، المجلد 25 العدد 1 يناير 2010،
Sud. Altri studi assiriologici messinesi, 2019
COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, 2006
Birat Journal of Health Sciences, 2018
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