Journal of Geochemical Exploration 102 (2009) 167–174
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Journal of Geochemical Exploration
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / j g e o ex p
A feather hydrogen isoscape for Mexico
Keith A. Hobson a,⁎, Steven L. Van Wilgenburg b, Keith Larson c, Leonard I. Wassenaar a
Environment Canada, 11 Innovation Blvd., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 3H5
Environment Canada, 115 Perimeter Road, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 0X4
Department of Biology, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 13 June 2008
Accepted 3 February 2009
Available online 10 July 2009
House Sparrow
a b s t r a c t
Developing useful biological isoscapes for areas of the world is a priority. This is the case for Mexico that
hosts a large percentage of North America's Neotropical migrant birds. Here we investigated the use of House
Sparrow (Passer domesticus) feathers to create a spatially explicit feather deuterium isoscape for that country
using samples (n = 461) that were collected across Mexico. Considerable and useful spatial hydrogen isotopic
structure was observed, suggesting that isotopes may be a potential forensic tool for evaluating origins of
Mexican derived fauna and flora. The most positive feather δD values occurred in the northeast and most
negative in the south-central part of the country, roughly matching δD patterns observed in groundwater. A
weak negative isotopic relationship was found with altitude in both the Pacific and Atlantic drainage systems.
The most parsimonious model describing isotopic spatial variation in feathers between 300 and 3000 m a.s.l.
included groundwater δD (δDgw; precipitation proxy), sex, amount of precipitation, and the coefficient of
variation in amount of precipitation. Overall, δDgw was a poor predictor of sparrow δDf values for all of
Mexico. However, this relationship was considerably strengthened when we considered sex separately,
removed the Baja peninsula from our sample, and considered the Atlantic and Pacific drainage basins
separately. The strongest relationship between δDgw and δDf was found for female sparrows in the Atlantic
drainage basin (r2 = 0.464). We recommend that researchers interested in inferring origins of migratory
birds and other animals in Mexico create species specific isotopic basemaps that may be guided by the
isotopic patterns we have observed for House Sparrows and groundwater.
© 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. Introduction
Fundamental to the practical application of “isoscapes” for tracking
migrant organisms over large geospatial scales is that fixed tissue
stable isotope values can be directly linked to geographical regions of
known origin (Hobson and Wassenaar, 2008). For Neotropical migrant
birds, these tissues are often feathers formed in the northern summer
breeding or southern wintering sites. The isotopic composition (e.g.
C, 15N, 2H) of tissue is linked to discrete and continuous underlying
spatial geological or hydrological isotopic patterns through local diet
and foodwebs. To date, the long-term growing-season average
patterns in the hydrogen isotopic composition of rainfall (δDp) at
continental scales have proven to provide the most useful predictable
spatial foundation for biological samples (Bowen et al., 2005; Hobson
2008). For example, in North America the strong latitudinal gradient
in δDp across much of the USA and Canada is directly reflected in
feathers (δDf) grown by birds prior to migration. This hydrosphere–
biosphere isotopic linkage provides a powerful means of inferring
DOI of original article: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2009.02.002.
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 306 975 4102; fax: +1 306 975 5143.
E-mail address: (K.A. Hobson).
0375-6742/$ – see front matter © 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
origins of individuals captured elsewhere (Kelly et al. 2002;
Rubenstein et al. 2002; Hobson et al. 2006, 2007).
Currently, the strength of the relationship between δDp and δDf has
defined the utility of the isotope approach for tracking migrant birds. It is
clear that such relationships will be influenced initially by our ability to
accurately predict δDp for a given year and region, by the degree to which
δDp reflects the δD value of local waters most relevant during the time of
feather or tissue growth, and by ecological and physiological processes
that may alter the relationship between these two parameters for the
focal species. Despite several examples showing excellent and robust
correlations between δDp and δDf in temperate regions of North America,
much more research is required to elucidate the nature of the variance
associated with such regressions (Hobson 2008; Wunder and Norris
2008). In addition, while some regions (e.g. central Europe) have
reasonably good isotopic coverage of rainfall, other areas (Africa, Asia,
high-latitude regions) have relatively poor data coverage.
In North America, Mexico is represented by only two IAEA Global
Network for Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) stations, and the complex
terrain of that country makes an interpolated δDp basemap as a starting
point problematic. This is unfortunate because Mexico hosts one of the
greatest proportions of all Neotropical migrant songbirds that annually
migrate there from temperate areas in the USA and Canada to winter
(Petit et al. 1995). Knowledge of the patterns of δD/δ18O in rain and
K.A. Hobson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 102 (2009) 167–174
surface waters of Mexico and how those ultimately relate to tissue values
in fauna would greatly assist inferring origins of animals wintering there
or for resident species moving within Mexico.
In this paper, we present the first avian feather-based deuterium
isoscape for Mexico created from spatially extensive collections of
sparrow feathers. We further explored the utility of using isotope
proxies as an alternative to the long-term GNIP database to create a
usable isoscape for inferring origins of birds growing tissues in Mexico.
We chose the groundwater δD patterns (δDgw) described in a companion
paper (Wassenaar et al., this volume) since groundwater was demonstrated to be a good proxy for annual precipitation in Mexico (Clark and
Fritz 1997). At many of the same locations where groundwater samples
were collected in Wassenaar et al. (this volume), we also captured House
Sparrows (Passer domesticus) and sampled their feathers. Since House
Sparrows are non-migratory, experience limited dispersal, and are
extensively distributed throughout Mexico below 3000 m elevation, we
reasoned that their feathers would reflect local baseline foodweb water
δD values during growth. If precipitation and/or shallow groundwater
drives the foundation of local foodweb δD values, then we would expect
a strong relationship between House Sparrow δDf and δDgw. Besides the
pattern observed in the feather basemaps, we hoped to ascertain a
useable relationship between shallow ground water and feathers since a
good relationship with ground water would provide a spatially explicit
proxy for a GNIP-like database for Mexico, which could be used to aid in
inferring the origins of birds and other wildlife.
2. Methods
2.1. Field sampling
House Sparrows were selected as the target species due to their
broad distribution across Mexico and their affinity to both populated
and agricultural areas. Birds were captured using mist nets during
February to March, 2007 primarily along roadways and conveniently
accessible areas (Fig. 1). We collected several feather types from each
individual but used the inner (P1) primary for isotope analysis since
this is one of the first to be molted and so had the highest probability
of being related to the location of capture. Field sampling locations
were coordinated with groundwater sampling locations described in
Wassenaar et al. (this volume).
2.2. Stable isotope methods
All feathers were cleaned of surface oils in a 2:1 chloroform:
methanol solvent rinse and prepared for stable-hydrogen isotope
analysis at the Stable Isotope Hydrology and Ecology Laboratory of
Environment Canada in Saskatoon, Canada. Stable-hydrogen isotope
analyses of feathers were conducted using the comparative equilibration method described by Wassenaar and Hobson (2003) through the
use of calibrated keratin hydrogen-isotope reference materials. Stablehydrogen isotope measurements were performed on H2 derived from
high-temperature (1400 °C) flash pyrolysis of 350 ± 10 μg feather
subsamples using continuous-flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometry.
All results are for non-exchangeable δD expressed in the typical delta
notation, in units of per mil (‰), and normalized on the Vienna
Standard Mean Ocean Water — Standard Light Antarctic Precipitation
(VSMOW-SLAP) standard scale. Measurement of three keratin
laboratory reference materials (CFS, CHS, BWB) (corrected for linear
instrumental drift) were both accurate and precise with typical mean
δD ± SD values of −147.4 ± 0.79 (n = 5), − 187 ± 0.56‰ (n = 5) and
−108 ±0.33‰ (n = 5) per autorun, respectively. A control keratin
reference yielded a 6-month SD of ± 3.3‰ (n = 76). All results are for
non-exchangeable δD expressed in the typical delta notation, in units
of per mil (‰), and normalized on the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean
Fig. 1. Location of House Sparrow feather sampling sites in Mexico, January–March 2007, in relation to drainage basin.
K.A. Hobson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 102 (2009) 167–174
Water — Standard Light Antarctic Precipitation (VSMOW-SLAP)
standard scale. Corresponding ground water samples used here are
reported in Wassenaar et al. (this volume).
2.3. Statistical analysis
We tested for spatial autocorrelation in δDf using a permutationbased test of Moran's I index of autocorrelation. Spatial structure in
δDf was then modeled using semivariance analysis and kriging
interpolation. Numerous models were considered, and we attempted
to optimize the interpolation by minimizing the cross-validated Root
Mean Square (RMS) error and optimizing the cross-validated
regression between observed and predicted δDf.
We considered only second-year (SY) and after-second year (ASY)
sparrows in our analyses. The country-wide sample consisted of 461
individuals from 54 locations (Fig. 1). Elevation is known to influence
precipitation and groundwater δD (Clark and Fritz 1997) and has also
been shown to correlate with δDf (Hobson et al., 2003). We examined
the relationship between δDf and elevation using linear regression.
Linear regression was also used to examine the relationship between
δDf and the predicted δDgw from the General Linear Model (GLM)
derived in Wassenaar et al. (this volume). We considered groundwater
to be a proxy for weighted-average annual precipitation δD and so
influence δDf through foodweb processes (Bowen et al., 2005). These
analyses suggested that δDgw was a better predictor of δDf than
elevation. Since we had multiple measurements for each site, we
Fig. 2. Kriged surface of δDf values from all House Sparrow feathers (n = 461) and sampling sites. Sample δDf values were averaged for each site.
K.A. Hobson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 102 (2009) 167–174
2006). Amount of precipitation was used since this factor is known to
influence precipitation δD values (Clark and Fritz 1997).
Scatterplots suggested that δDf was non-linearly related to CVprecip,
therefore we included models with a quadratic relationship between
δDf and CVprecip. The most parsimonious models were selected based
on quasi-likelihood under the independence model criterion (QIC) to
select the working correlation matrix (Pan, 2001) and QICc and model
weights to select amongst model subsets (Burnham and Anderson
1998). We only considered models within four QIC units of the top
model as potentially useful models (Burnham and Anderson, 1998).
We also considered other plausible variables (e.g. evapotranspiration,
mean monthly temperature) but they were highly correlated (r N 0.5)
with other variables (e.g. mean annual precipitation) and thus were
not included to avoid multicollinearity. Moreover, the modeled δDgw
values used were based on a parameter set that included additional
meteorological data. Prior to analysis, total mean annual precipitation
was log(10) transformed to achieve normality. In addition to modeling
δDf, we also examined correlations between δDf and precipitationweighted mean annual and monthly predictions of δD in precipitation
from a precipitation layer for Mexico and the GIS-based models of δDp
(; Bowen et al., 2005).
3. Results
Fig. 3. Relationship between elevation (m) and δD in House Sparrow feathers (n = 280)
from Mexico in the Atlantic and Pacific drainage basins. Only birds above 300 m included.
modeled δDf using 14 a priori and 19 a posteriori candidate Generalized
Estimating Equation (GEE) models, each including δDgw as a proxy for
precipitation. We chose GEEs to model δDf since multiple measurements
at a site could reasonably be expected to be correlated, and GEEs can
account for this correlation by treating site as a subject and each bird as a
repeated measurement, and provides robust standard errors (SE) that
are appropriate when data are correlated. A posteriori models were fit
after discovering δDf followed different patterns in the drainage basins
on either side of the continental divide. The models included sex of the
bird, total mean annual precipitation, total precipitation in July–
September (rainy season), the coefficient of variation of precipitation
(hereafter CVprecip), drainage basin (east vs. west of continental divide),
and interactions up to the third order. We did not simultaneously
consider models with elevation and groundwater δD, because groundwater δD was largely a function of elevation (Wassenaar et al., this
volume). Precipitation during July–September was used since the
majority of precipitation occurs in this period and this also overlaps
with the expected molt period for House Sparrows (Lowther and Cink
There was considerable variation in δDf for House Sparrows across
Mexico. δDf varied − 14 to −95‰ (mean −61.4‰, SD = 13.0‰,
variance = 168.2‰). We found considerable spatial hydrogen isotopic
structure in the feathers of sparrows (Moran's I = 0.08, Z = 15.35,
p b 0.01). Spatial structure in δDf was subsequently modeled by
Universal kriging with 1st order detrending of the data. An anisotropic
(direction = 330.4°) spherical semivariogram was fit to the data
(cross-validated RMS = 7.8). The model-estimated parameters were a
range of 568.9 km, a lag distance of 77.5 km, a sill of 70.0, and nugget
variance of 34.8. Our feather isoscape basemap for Mexican House
Sparrows is presented in Fig. 2A. In general, there was a northeast to
southwest trend from more positive to more negative δDf values. In
addition, the Sierra Madre had a large area of negative values,
corresponding to high elevations in that region (Fig. 2A). The Baja
peninsula was more positive in δD relative to the rest of the western
coast, but negative relative to the Atlantic/Gulf coast (Fig. 2A). Despite
the strong spatial isotopic structure, there was significant uncertainty
associated with these estimates, as standard error of the predictions
varied from 6.9–17.4 (Fig. 2B); however, the greatest uncertainty was
Table 1
Parameter estimates and robust standard errors (SE) for the QICc selected Generalized
Estimating Equation for feather δD for House Sparrows (n = 280) in Mexico.
Robust SE
δDgw ⁎ Sex
Precipitation coefficient of variation
Precipitation coefficient of variation squared
− 0.430
− 1.774
1 = Male, 0 = Female.
1 = Atlantic, 0 = Pacific.
Fig. 4. Relationship between δD in House Sparrow feathers (δDf) and the coefficient of
variation (CV) in precipitation. Displayed values are residuals from a Generalized
Estimating Equation (GEE) controlling for sex, drainage basin, δD in ground water
(δDgw), and the interaction between δDgw and sex. Parameter estimates are given for GEE
analysis of the residuals; however, see Table 1 for parameter estimates for all parameters.
K.A. Hobson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 102 (2009) 167–174
associated with those areas lacking samples (Fig. 2B). The interpolation explained 41% of the variance in the data (observed δDf = 1.16
predicted δDf + 10.01‰).
We found no relationship between δDf and elevation below 300 m
and variance for those low elevation data was extremely high. So
analyses of the effect of altitude on δDf were restricted to the
elevational gradient between 300 and 3000 m (n = 280 individuals).
There was an expected but weak negative relationship between δDf
and elevation for both the Atlantic and Pacific drainages. Elevation
explained 17% and 10% of the variance in δDf in the Atlantic and Pacific
drainages, respectively (Fig. 3). We also restricted our GEE model
analysis to this subset of 280 individuals. Based on models with the
lowest QIC, modeling repeated measures was most parsimoniously
accounted for by using independent correlation matrix, and all
subsequent GEE models used this form of model. Of the GEE models
we explored to explain variance in δDf, one model received 100% of the
support based on model weight, and was separated from the next best
model by N400 QICc units. The top model included δDgw, sex, drainage
basin, interaction between δDgw and sex, and a quadratic relationship
with CVprecip. The top model explained 41.6% of the variance in the
Fig. 5. Relationship between δDf and A) ground water (δDgw), B) growing season δDp
and C) mean annual δDp for House Sparrow in Mexico (n = 461).
Table 2
Regressions between feather δD (for House Sparrows in Mexico) and predicted δDf from
the top QICc selected Generalized Estimating Equation (see Table 1 for model details).
Observed vs. predicted
All without Baja
All malesa
All femalesa
Atlantic males
Atlantic females
Pacific malesa
Pacific femalesa
δDf = − 11.820 + 0.750x
δDf = − 2.444 + 0.907x
δDf = − 8.377 + 0.805x
δDf = 4.049 + 1.031x
δDf = 5.357 + 1.045x
δDf = 11.086 + 1.131x
δDf = 4.512 + 1.036x
δDf = − 154.155 + 0.714x
δDf = 53.537 + 1.630x
δDf = − 2.145 + 0.942x
Excluding Baja samples.
feather data (Table 1). Parameter estimates suggest that δDf was
positively correlated with δDgw, males were more isotopically negative
compared to females, the Atlantic drainage basin was more positive in
δD than the Pacific drainage, and males were not as well correlated
with δDgw as females (Table 1). The parameter estimates also
suggested that δDf is most negative in areas with intermediate
variance in precipitation amount, but was more positive in areas with
lowest and highest variance (Table 1). To display the relationship
between δDf and CVprecip, we ran a GEE using all of the same
parameters as the top model except for the quadratic relationship
with CVprecip, and show the residuals of this regression in Fig. 4.
The relationship between δDf and δDgw was positive for the
complete dataset (n = 461), with δDgw (hence weighted precipitation) explaining 23.4% of the variance in δDf, when drainage and the
interaction between drainage and δDgw were included (Fig. 5A).
However, variance explained within drainages separately indicated
that the QICc selected GEE performed better when considering
regional populations and sex (Table 2). Removal of Baja samples
from the analysis resulted in the model explaining 34.1% of the
variance. The Atlantic drainage showed a better overall regression
than the Pacific excluding Baja (40.5% vs. 10.6% of variance explained).
The greatest variance in δDf explained by δDgw was for females from
the Atlantic drainage (46.4% of variance explained). Generally,
regression of the observed values of δDf against predictions from our
top GEE suggested that for most combinations of drainage and sex, our
predictions showed little bias toward either high or low predictions
(i.e. slopes 1, however see Table 2 for exceptions). However, there
remained substantial unexplained isotopic variance that may be
related to other factors (see below). Residuals from predictions for the
samples (n = 491) showed positive spatial autocorrelation (Moran's
I = 0.03, Z = 12.26, p b 0.01). Poor model fit in some regions such as
Baja was reflected in the interpolated model residuals (Fig. 6), which
suggested poor fit in the Baja and Yucatan regions.
The relationship between δDf and growing-season δDp (www. was similar to that with δDgw, and explained 24.6%
of the variance when drainage and the interaction between drainage
and δDp was included (Fig. 5B). In contrast, a similar model using
mean annual δDp explained only 19.6% of the variance in the data
(Fig. 5C). The poor relationship between δDf and either δDgw, growingseason δDp, or mean-annual δDp was due to high within-site isotopic
variance, which ranged from a standard deviation of 3.7 to 16‰
(Fig. 7). Although the strength of the relationships between δDf and
δDp were generally weak overall, δDf for all Mexican birds was best
correlated with predicted weighted-monthly δD in precipitation for
the months of June through August (Table 3). Values of δDf were also
correlated with mean annual δDp but more weakly than for individual
months during which House Sparrows molt (Table 3). We also
examined these monthly and annual relationships for females from
the Atlantic since that subgroup showed the best correlation with
K.A. Hobson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 102 (2009) 167–174
Fig. 6. Interpolated residuals from the top Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) predicting House Sparrow δDf (n = 491). Residual were interpolated using an anisotropic
(direction = 347.5 degrees) spherical semivariogram (cross-validated RMS = 8.8), with a range of 796.6 km, a lag distance of 95.3 km, a sill of 57.0, and nugget variance of 33.4.
δDgw. That analysis showed a broader range of months with significant
but weak relationships between δDf and monthly δDp and also showed
a stronger relationship between δDf and mean annual δDp (Table 3).
4. Discussion
Here we have presented the first species-specific feather hydrogen
isoscape basemap for Mexico. Overall this δDf surface shows
considerable and easily detectable geospatial structure that generally
agrees with our previous findings on ground water (Wassenaar et al.,
this volume). The steepest gradient in δDf values was from the
northeast through the west-central portion of the country. Although
the Yucatan peninsula was not sampled for birds, based on the
groundwater patterns, we would anticipate that the Yucatan will
show comparatively positive δDf values compared to the rest of the
country. In general, we found there was significant potential to use
feather δD measurements in Mexico to infer origins of birds and other
migrant organisms (Perez and Hobson 2007). Certainly, inferring east
and west provenance seems to be the most promising outcome.
In general, we found a poor causal relationship between δDgw and
δDf for House Sparrows in Mexico. This suggests that while both
groundwater and feathers show strong and similar broad spatial
isotopic structure in Mexico (Wassenaar et al., this volume), that
pattern is likely more complicated than a direct linear correlation, and
is not transferred to local foodwebs or to House Sparrows during their
period of molt. Our findings for Mexico contrast with other studies
that have shown very strong correlations between δD in drinking
water and human hair across the USA (Ehleringer et al., 2008) and the
strong relationships found between mean annual growing season δD
based largely on the GNIP data base and δDf values for forest
insectivorous birds in the USA and Canada (Hobson 2008).
There are several possible reasons for this poorer causal outcome,
ranging from the appropriateness of using House Sparrows to the fact
that few studies of hydrogen flow from water through food webs have
been conducted at large spatial scales (Wassenaar and Hobson, 2003).
Agriculture is widespread throughout Mexico and local diet used by
sparrows may have been differentially driven by irrigation using
groundwater or from rivers draining large watersheds. Such practices
Table 3
Correlation (Pearson's r) between precipitation weighted monthly and annual δD in
precipitation (from models of Bowen et al. 2005) and δD of feathers from House Sparrows
(n = 461) in Mexico.
All birds
Fig. 7. Histogram of within-site standard deviation in δDf between individual House
Mean annual
Atlantic females
Bolded values indicate pb 0.05.
K.A. Hobson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 102 (2009) 167–174
can certainly contribute to departures from local groundwater and
foodweb δD. Unfortunately, we currently do not have detailed landuse or crop statistics for our collection sites and so cannot test for such
effects. The use of other isotopes (e.g. 13C, C3 vs. C4) may reveal
insights into this possibility. It is possible that the use of a different
species may reveal better linkages.
Rainfall in Mexico is highly seasonal with most precipitation
occurring between June and October. Indeed, δDf values showed the
highest correlations with monthly estimated precipitation δD for
those months. However, these precipitation δD estimates were based
on an algorithm from only two GNIP stations in Mexico and both of
these are located on the Atlantic drainage (Bowen et al., 2005). Thus,
our estimated δDp values for those months may not match very well
with actual values. Precipitation δD values for these months are
expected to contribute the most to the groundwater δD signal but the
strength of this linkage may vary spatially depending on when and
how water is utilized by plants and animals on the landscape.
Our analyses suggest that it was also appropriate to consider
isotopic sub-regions of Mexico when delineating correlates of feather
δD values. At elevations below 300 m, corresponding largely to the
coastal plain areas, we observed the most scatter in our data. This
likely was associated with more complex and variable patterns of δD
in precipitation and water available to terrestrial foodwebs near
oceanic coastlines (Dutton et al., 2005). Similarly, we found better
overall regression results between δDf and δDgw when we removed
Baja samples from our analyses, again suggesting potential isotopic
variance associated with coastal regions. Variance in rainfall amount
was also identified as a factor in our top models explaining variance in
δDf , although this may be partially related to convective water
recycling particularly in the coastal lowland regions (Wassenaar et al.,
this volume). The lack of clear trend in δDf on the west coast follows
that found for δDgw and is likely due to the complicating effect of
extreme differences in rainfall amounts with latitude that range from
b100 mm/yr (Baja) in the north to N2500 mm/yr in the south
(Wassenaar et al., this volume).
We selected House Sparrows as our test species simply because
they were readily available and easily caught, especially around sites
of human habitation where groundwater samples were also available.
This close connection with human habitation, however, also provided
opportunity for these birds to consume imported human foodstuffs. If
foods were not 100% locally derived, then this could add to the isotopic
variance in the relationship between δDf and δDgw. There was no way
to estimate this effect, and in much of rural Mexico we expected
human foods to be primarily locally produced. Again, we were
encouraged by isotopic studies in the USA showing a very strong
correlation between human hair δD and drinking water which
suggested strong local water signals are transferred to human tissues
despite the complicating factor of a “global supermarket”. Use of more
specialist avian feeders like foliage insect gleaners may indeed reduce
the inter-individual variance in δDf we found in this species and the
chance of non-local foods entering the foodweb. Specialist avian
feeders would be considerably more difficult to catch across all of
Mexico given the diverse ecosystems ranging from desert to tropical
habitat. In addition, tissues from species that represent more longterm average diet, such as bone collagen, may provide a stronger
connection between their δD values and those in groundwater
(Hobson and Clark 1992).
We found that sex was a significant factor appearing in the top
model explaining isotopic variance among House Sparrows, with
females tending to show stronger correlations between δDf and
δDgw. It was not clear why this was the case. Possibly, physiological
differences between the sexes resulted in differences in feather isotope
values linked in turn to workload and heat balance (McKechnie et al.,
2004). Alternatively, if females showed greater site philopatry than
males, then we would expect them to better reflect local δDgw values.
Clearly, factors contributing to within-site variance in δDf values
remain poorly understood and beyond explanation here. In addition
to potential physiological and ecological differences among individuals, there is a possibility that some birds sampled were non-local
Our analysis suggested that the groundwater δD isoscape (precipitation proxy) for Mexico may not be useful to generate a useable
predicted feather isoscape. Further studies designed to evaluate which
hydrogen flow contributes to foodwebs of interest in Mexico is now
required (e.g. Dugger et al., 2004). Our study further emphasizes that
it may be unrealistic to expect a single model to predict δDf for
countries like Mexico whose topography involves a continental divide
separating markedly different drainages. Similarly, in their description
of δDf values of raptors in Canada and the United States, Lott and Smith
(2006) found different relationships between δDf and predicted
growing season δDp for various regions. However, ultimately we are
most interested in describing tissue-specific δD isoscapes that can be
used to infer origins of unknown individuals and here we simply
require our best estimate of such isoscapes. In that sense, our feather
isoscape map for Mexico stands for House Sparrows. Differences in
explained isotopic variance between drainages suggest that attempts
to assign individuals of unknown origin in isotopically complex
situations (such as Mexico) may require novel approaches. In
particular, stochastic likelihood-based assignments tests (e.g. Wunder
and Norris 2008) using different error variance for each drainage may
be useful. However, we first need to determine how this isoscape and
the derived δDgw isoscape (Wassenaar et al., this volume) relates to
δDf isoscapes for other species.
This project was funded by Environment Canada operating grants
to KAH and LIW. Field sampling was conducted by KL with the
assistance of J. E. Martinez-Leyva, A. Schiller, and L. Cruz-Paredes. We
are especially grateful to N. Ferriz and staff of Pronatura (Vera Cruz)
for their logistical support in Mexico. We thank G. Bowen and three
anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this
Bowen, G.J., Wassenaar, L.I., Hobson, K.A., 2005. Application of stable hydrogen and
oxygen isotopes to wildlife forensic investigations at global scales. Oecologia 143,
Burnham, K.P., Anderson, D.R., 1998. Model Selection and Inference: A Practical
Information-theoretic Approach. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Clark, I.D., Fritz, P., 1997. Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology. Lewis Publishers,
New York, p. 328 pp.
Dugger, K.M., Faaborg, J., Arendt, W.J., Hobson, K.A., 2004. Understanding survival and
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