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Applied Geography 31 (2011) 1166e1172 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Applied Geography journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/apgeog Historical spatiotemporal analysis of land-use/land-cover changes and carbon budget in a temperate peatland (Turkey) using remotely sensed data Fatih Evrendilek a, *, Suha Berberoglu b, Nusret Karakaya a, Ahmet Cilek b, Guler Aslan a, Kerem Gungor a a b Department of Environmental Engineering, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Golkoy Campus, Bolu, 14280, Turkey Department of Landscape Architecture, Cukurova University, Balcalı-Adana, Turkey a b s t r a c t Keywords: Carbon cycle Change detection Environmental monitoring Peatlands Risk assessment Rate and amount of carbon (C) storage in peatlands play a vital role in global biogeochemical cycles despite their globally small spatial extent. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from drained peatlands is a function of drainage intensity and extent of peatlands, peat thickness, land use and land cover (LULC) type to which peatlands are converted, and management practices. Historical LULC change-detection of Yenicaga peatlands and wet flats yielded an estimated conservative decrease in C pool from 2.43  0.15 million metric tons (Mt) in 1944 to 0.65  0.04 Mt in 2009 due mostly to drainage by agricultural and afforestation activities. Drainage-induced C emission rate was estimated to range from 12.5 to 32.5 t C ha 1 yr 1. Our extrapolation of the C emission rate to the entire peatland area of 240 km2 in Turkey resulted in CO2 emissions of 0.30e0.78 Mt in 2009, equivalent to 0.01%e0.02% of the global LULC-related CO2 emissions of 3230 Mt in 2009. Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction Local land use/land cover (LULC) changes alter global biogeochemical cycles and include quantitative and qualitative changes such as the rate, amount, and direction of land conversions, land fragmentation, land degradation, and loss of habitats and biodiversity (Baldocchi, 2008; Wali et al., 1999). Cumulative changes in LULC are one of the most important human-induced processes that alter global environment and climate (Dickinson, 1995; Hall, Tian, Qi, Pontius, & Cornell, 1995). Peatlands are one of the most significant hotspots subjected to intensive anthropogenic alterations across the world and in Turkey such as peat mining, drainage and clearance for agriculture, overgrazing, and afforestation. Though spatially small (3% of the global land surface), peatlands play a globally vital role in global climate change as a sink of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and a source of methane (CH4) to the atmosphere (Limpens et al., 2008; Tomlinson, 2010; Wilson et al., 2009). A variety of change detection techniques have been developed and implemented to quantify the extent to which LULC changes affect ecosystem structure and function at multiple spatiotemporal scales (e.g., local-to-global and intra-annual-to-interannual scales) (Mouat, Mahin, & Lancaster, 1993; Coppin & Bauer, 1996; Serpico & * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ90 374 254 1000; fax: þ90 374 253 4558. E-mail address: fevrendilek@ibu.edu.tr (F. Evrendilek). 0143-6228/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2011.03.007 Bruzzone, 1999; Singh, 1989). Airborne remote sensing has the ability to provide high spectral and spatial resolution imagery as well as to monitor near-surface soil water content across peatland land cover, while spaceborne remote sensing provides more temporally and spatially continuous and rapid coverage at relatively low cost (Yu, Zang, Wu, Liu, & Na, 2011). Integrated use of aerial photographs and high spatial resolution satellite sensors (e.g., GeoEye, IKONOS and Quickbird) can bridge the gap between what is observed in situ and what is recorded by remote sensing, thus overcoming the limitations of medium-resolution sensors (e.g., Landsat, SPOT, and SAR systems) due to the heterogeneous nature of peatland vegetation communities. In Turkey, peatlands are rare ecosystems with their current estimated area of 240 km2 (Dengiz, Ozaytekin, Cayci, & Baran, 2009) and the only habitats where very uncommon plant species, and important migratory waterfowl and shorebirds exist. Despite the globally and locally important role and ability of peatlands in biodiversity, and CO2 and CH4 exchanges along the soil-vegetationatmosphere continuum, to the authors’ knowledge, there have been no studies quantifying LULC changes in a peatland ecosystem and their associated carbon (C) fluxes in Turkey based on remotely sensed data. The objective of this study was to (1) quantify LULC changes in the Yenicaga peatland of northwestern Turkey between 1944 and 2009 using GeoEye-1 and aerial photograph and (2) explore implications of environmental monitoring and risk assessment for LULC change- and drainage-induced C fluxes. F. Evrendilek et al. / Applied Geography 31 (2011) 1166e1172 Materials and methods Study area The Yenicaga peatland is located about 38 km east of the city of Bolu (40 47N0 , 321’E) in the northwestern Black Sea region of Turkey (Fig. 1). The climate in the Yenicaga region is classified as a cool temperate zone, with mean annual temperature and precipitation values of 10.2  C and 538 mm, respectively, and with a prevailing wind direction from north (Dengiz et al., 2009; Evrendilek, Karakaya, Aslan, & Ertekin, 2011). About 60% of the mean annual precipitation falls during the winter and spring (TSMS, 2005). The Yenicaga basin as a part of the Alpine-Himalayan belt is a strike-slip fault wedge basin covered by Quaternary accumulated and water-saturated sediments upon which Yenicaga peatlands developed (Arca, 2004). Main dominant natural vegetation of Yenicaga peatlands and wet flats is in the Euro-Siberian origin phytogeographically and includes Phragmites australis and 1167 Carex pseudocyperus in reedbed; Alopecurus arundinaceus, Juncus compressus, Bidens tripartite, Chenopodium album, and Equisetum palustre on overgrazed lands; and Cirsium canum, Orchis laxiflora, Euphorbia palustris, Senecio paludosus, and Teucrium scordium as fen vegetation on peatlands and wet flats drained for agriculture and grasslands (Sumer, 2002). Processing of remotely sensed data The remotely sensed data used for this study consist of aerial photography at the scale of 1. 35,000 in 1944 and GeoEye-1 image acquired on 1 October 2009. The GeoEye-1 image consists of four spectral bands: three bands in the visible part of the spectrum located at blue (450e520 nm), green (520e600 nm) and red (625e695 nm), and one band in near infrared (760e900 nm), with a spatial resolution of 0.41 m and 1.65 m for panchromatic and multispectral images, respectively. In accordance with the use of pan-sharpened multispectral GeoEye-1 imagery at a 1-m spatial Fig. 1. Location map of Yenicaga peatlands. 1168 F. Evrendilek et al. / Applied Geography 31 (2011) 1166e1172 resolution, panchromatic aerial photograph was also resampled to a 1-m resolution. In combination with the remotely sensed data and field observations, ancillary data including topographic and agricultural maps at the scale of 1:25000 were used to improve classification and mapping of LULC. However, high spatial resolution remotely sensed data have high within-field spatial variation which in turn may lead to an inaccurate per-pixel classification (Berberoglu, Lloyd, Atkinson, & Curran, 2000). In this study, the object-oriented classification approach involved the performance of image segmentations and classifications based on multiresolution segmentation algorithm and standard nearest neighbor classifier, implemented in Definiens Developer. Multiresolution segmentation is a region growing method for repetitive segmentations using randomly selected seed pixels across a scene to create image objects (Definiens, 2004). The segmentation was operated as a heuristic optimization procedure which minimized the average heterogeneity of image objects at a given spatial resolution for the whole scene (Bian & Walsh, 1992). The entire process can be described sequentially as follows: (1) The image was segmented into pattern cells (one or more pixels); (2) each segment was compared with its neighbors to determine similarity, and values of spectral (or color) and shape heterogeneities were computed and utilized to determine whether to merge the segment pairs. The spectral heterogeneity was measured by standard deviation of spectral values in each layer for the image segments, while the shape heterogeneity referred to the compactness and smoothness of the boundary of the merged pair of adjacent image segments; (3) the segment continued to grow as compared with all the neighbors until there is no remaining joinable region at which point the segment was labeled as a completed region; (4) this process was repeated for next uncompleted cells until all the cells were labeled. A pair of image segments was merged when the spectral and shape heterogeneities did not exceed a user-defined scale parameter. The scale parameter plays a major role in terminating, and thus, controlling the size of image objects (Definiens, 2004); (5) a supervised classification method with the nearest neighbor algorithm was carried out using the segments instead of the traditional pixels. Three wavebands for GeoEye-1, and one waveband for aerial photograph were utilized during the image segmentation; and (6) finally, classification results were crosstabulated in order to derive the ‘frometo’ change detection needed to estimate ‘class-by-class’ changes. Estimation of SOC pools and CO2 emissions A total of 26 disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were randomly taken from peatlands for a depth of 0e30 cm in order to estimate bulk density (BD, g cm 3 or t m 3), soil organic carbon Fig. 2. Object-oriented supervised classification of air photo for Yenicaga peatlands in 1944. F. Evrendilek et al. / Applied Geography 31 (2011) 1166e1172 (SOC, %), soil nitrogen (SN, %), and soil C/N ratios. Soil samples were dried at 65 C for 48 h and weighed (1.5e2.0 mg) into tin capsules for analysis of C and N contents with an elemental CHN analyzer (Euro EA3000, EuroVector, Milano, Italy). Soil organic carbon stock was estimated for peatlands and wet flats using the following equation (Evrendilek & Wali, 2001):  SOC stock t C ha 1   ¼ peatland thickness ðmÞ * BD t m   * SOC ðC%Þ * 10; 000 m2 ha 1 3  The amount of change in SOC storage was estimated as a product of changes in peatland and wet flat area (ha) and SOC stock determined in this study. Mean annual rate of drainageinduced CO2 emissions in Yenicaga was quantified using a linear relationship between CO2 emissions and groundwater depth found across Southeast Asia peatlands by Wosten and Ritzema (2001), and Hooijer et al. (2010). Results and discussion Quantification of LULC changes The images were geometrically corrected and geocoded to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system using 1169 a reference image and regularly distributed ground control points (GCPs) selected from the remotely sensed image and air photo. The images were enhanced using linear contrast stretching and histogram equalization to improve the image quality to help identify GCPs in rectification. Second order polynomial function with a cubic convolution algorithm was used for the air photo. The transformation had root mean square errors (RMSE) ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 which indicated that the images were accurate being well within one pixel. Mapping LULC was carried out using object-oriented supervised classification of the air photo and the GeoEye-1 image, via Definiens software (Definiens Imaging GmbH, München, Germany). Utilizing ground truth information from field survey records, topographic maps, and detailed field reports coincided with the image acquisition date, LULC classification map of the study area was corrected manually. In addition, expert knowledge was also utilized for the 1944 air photo classification. Objectoriented supervised classification discriminated among 11 classes: (1) peatlands, (2) settlements, (3 and 4) agricultural areas with and without crops, (5) shadows of trees and buildings, (6) water bodies, (7) bareground, (8) wet flats, (9) ditches, (10) woodland, and (11) roads. The detailed LULC classes were aggregated into eight categories: (1) peatlands, (2) agriculture, (3) roads, (4) woodland, (5) water bodies, (6) settlements, (7) bareground, and (8) wet flats (Figs. 2 and 3). Fig. 3. Object-oriented supervised classification of GeoEye-1 image for Yenicaga peatlands in 2009. 1170 F. Evrendilek et al. / Applied Geography 31 (2011) 1166e1172 Table 1 Cross-tabulation of land-use/land-cover (LULC) changes (ha) in Yenicaga peatlands between 1944 and 2009. LULC in 2009 (ha) Peatland Agriculture Road Woodland Water body Settlement Bareground Total Amount of change (ha) Percent change (%) Rate of change (ha yr-1) Peatland 221.4 202.5 1.7 58.3 20.8 0.1 1.3 506.1 185.8 37 2.9 Agriculture Road in 1944 (ha) Woodland Water body 0.7 704.5 47.7 89.0 0 11.0 267.7 1121.0 552.8 49 8.5 1.6 23.3 5.1 4.4 0 1.4 5.1 40.9 74.1 181 1.1 0.1 20.7 1.0 58.1 0 0.6 25.8 106.4 243.9 229 3.8 Water bodies and ditches were difficult to separate spectrally and grouped into the water bodies class in order to prevent the issue of seasonality effect during the change detection process. Croplands planted to crops and fallow areas had different spectral characteristics, but were merged into a single class of agriculture. The settlement class also included bareground associated with villages, while the woodland class included solitaire and clustered trees and shrubs. Conversion to agriculture, or agricultural encroachment towards peatlands and wet flats as clearly evident in its spatiotemporal distribution (Figs. 2 and 3) appeared to be the most remarkable driving force behind LULC changes in the Yenicaga peatland over the period of 66 years. 55.4 1.4 1.4 17.5 220.2 0.1 0 296.0 52.2 18 0.8 Settlement 0.1 13.0 7.4 12.1 0 5.8 0.5 38.9 13.6 35 0.2 Bareground 0.3 211.9 26.2 50.7 0.5 1.9 160.0 451.4 63.8 14 1.0 Wet flats 40.7 496.1 24.5 60.1 2.3 4.2 54.7 682.9 682.9 100 10.5 Total 320.3 1673.8 115.0 350.3 243.8 25.3 515.2 4191.1 According to our cross-tabulation results for the period of 1944e2009, in decreasing order of areal extent (ha), Yenicaga peatland ecosystem underwent increases in agriculture, woodland, roads, and bareground, but reductions in wet flats, peatlands, water body, and settlement (Table 1) (Fig. 4). The percent increase detected for the study period ranged from 14% in bareground to 229 in woodland, while the percent decrease ranged from 18% in water body to a complete loss of wet flats. Net annual rates of increase ranged from 1.0 ha yr 1 for bareground to 8.5 ha yr 1 for agriculture, while net annual rates of decrease ranged from 0.2 ha yr 1 for settlement to 10.5 ha yr 1 for wet flats. The 13.6-ha decrease in the settlement is most likely to result from population dynamics for the study period Fig. 4. Detection of land-use/land-cover (LULC) changes in Yenicaga peatlands between 1944 and 2009. 1171 F. Evrendilek et al. / Applied Geography 31 (2011) 1166e1172 during which the census data of 1935e2009 for Yenicaga town showed that population increased from 701 in 1935 to 6364 in 2000 and decreased to 5175 in 2009 (Dogan & Kizilkaya, 2010; TSI, 2011). Also, urbanization and subsequent concentration of the population in concrete apartment buildings in Yenicaga town may have contributed to the decrease in the settlement area. Yenicaga peatlands decreased by 37% at a rate of 2.9 ha yr 1 with a total degradation of 185.8 ha (Table 1). When taken into account together, the degradation of the peatlands and wet flats occurred at an annual rate of 13.4 ha yr 1. Spatial distribution of LULC changes (Fig. 4) reveals that peatlands and wet flats were degraded in the total amount of 828 ha mostly to agriculture and woodland after taking into account the conversion of the 40.7-ha wet flats to peatlands (Table 1). Agricultural and afforestation activities appear to be the main drivers for the historical degradation of 37% of the original peatland area between 1944 and 2009. The root causes behind the adoption of intensive agriculture and afforestation on Yenicaga peatlands and wet flats can be attributed to low environmental awareness and short-term profit maximization by cropland production, overgrazing, peat extraction, and tourism and recreational activities. Another striking change revealed by the LULC change detection was an 18% decline in the total area of water bodies at a rate of 0.8 ha yr 1. The surface area of Lake Yenicaga declined from 280.4 ha in 1944 to 219.5 ha in 2009 by 22% at an annual rate of 0.94 ha yr 1. The decline in the surface area of the lake may be attributed to two main drivers: (1) the attempt made in 1955 and ceased in 1990 to drain the lake as a precaution to the 1955 malaria outbreak in Bolu and environs (Dogan & Kizilkaya, 2010; SaygiBasbug & Demirkalp, 2004), and (2) increased temperature and evapotranspiration due to climate change. Mean annual air temperature in Bolu was 9.73 C between 1941 and 1945 and 11.03 C between 2001 and 2005, with a long-term mean of 10.28  0.26 C for the period of 1931e2005 (TSMS, 2005). Fitting a linear regression line to air temperature time-series data smoothed by a 5-year moving average revealed a temperature increase for Bolu at annual rates of 0.008 C yr 1 between 1931 and 2005 and 0.012 C yr 1 between 1941 and 2005. Quantification of SOC pools and CO2 emissions In situ measurements in Yenicaga peatlands showed that peat thickness ranged from 0.5 m to 12 m, with mean minimum and maximum values of 1.7  0.9 m and 4.6  1.7 m, respectively (n ¼ 37) (GTZ, 2010). A mean peat thickness reported for various countries such as Malaysia, Brunei, Papua New Guinea, and Europe varied between 1.5 m and 3 m in the related literature (Bradley et al., 2005; Byrne et al., 2004; Gorham, 1991; Hooijer et al., 2010; Hoper, 2002). Our in situ soil samples to a depth of 0.3 m indicated mean SOC, SN, BD and C/N values of 24  7%, 2  0.3%, 0.5  0.2 t m 3, and 14  2, respectively, thus leading to a mean SOC density of 120 kg m-3 for Yenicaga peatlands (n ¼ 18). Peatland C densities were reported to range from 24 kg Cm 3e95 kg Cm 3 (Shimada, Takahashi, Haraguchi, & Kaneko, 2001; Page et al., 2002; Wetlands International, 2003, 2004; Wosten & Ritzema, 2001). Also, BD values were reported to range from 0.09 t m 3 to 0.2 t m 3 for peatlands across the world (Byrne et al., 2004; Bradley et al., 2005; Gorham, 1991; Hoper, 2002) and ranged from 0.09 t m 3 to 0.78 t m 3 for Yenicaga peatlands and wet flats (Dengiz et al., 2009). Our estimate of unit area SOC stock in the Yenicaga peatlands and wet flats ranged from 2040  126 t C ha 1 to 5520  238 t C ha 1 depending on the mean minimum and maximum values of peat thickness (worst- and best-case scenarios), respectively. When the SOC stock was extrapolated to Yenicaga peatlands and wet flats given the LULC changes between 1944 and 2009, a total historical degradation of SOC pool was estimated to vary between 0.15  0.08 million metric tons (Mt) C (at an annual rate of 3 t C ha 1 yr 1) in the best-case scenario and 10.43  3.85 Mt C (at an annual rate of 194 t C ha 1 yr 1) in the worst-case scenario (Table 2). The range of estimated C storage in Yenicaga peatlands and wet flats was between 2.43  0.15 and 6.56  0.28 Mt C in 1944 and between 0.65  0.04 and 1.77  0.08 Mt C in 2009. Drainage of Yenicaga peatlands and wet flats for agriculture and afforestation dominated the human-induced disturbances of the peatland C budget in the region. Present and future C emissions from drained peatlands and wet flats were quantified using data concerning LULC changes, peat thickness, and groundwater depthinduced C emissions (Table 2). The range of groundwater depth of 0.5 me1.3 m was assumed to represent the most common water table depths below the peatlands and wet flats of the study region (Dengiz et al., 2009). Wosten and Ritzema (2001), and Hooijer et al. (2010) found a linear relationship between C emissions and groundwater depth at a mean annual C emission rate of 2.5 t C ha-1 yr-1 (9.1 t CO2 ha 1 yr 1) with every 10 cm water table drawdown across Southeast Asia peatlands (R2 ¼ 0.71; n ¼ 8). Based on the range values of water table in this study, net annual rate of C emissions was estimated at a minimum of 12.5 t C ha 1 yr 1 and a maximum of 32.5 t C ha-1 yr 1. Byrne et al. (2004) reported median values of C emissions from ombrotrophic and minerotrophic peatlands drained across Europe as 2.3 and 4.1 t C ha 1 yr 1 for grasslands and 4.4 and 4.1 t C ha 1 yr 1 Table 2 Site specific and literature-related values used to estimate C and N fluxes for Yenicaga peatlands. Yenicaga peat thicknessb Bulk density in Yenicaga peatlands and wet flats Soil organic carbon in Yenicaga peatlands and wet flatsb Soil nitrogen in Yenicaga peatlands and wet flatsb C/N ratio in Yenicaga peatlands and wet flatsb Groundwater depth below Yenicaga peatlands and wet flats Emission factor Peatland SOC contentd SOC content in Yenicaga peatlands and wet flats Total SOC degradation of Yenicaga peatlandsb Total SOC degradation of Yenicaga wet flatsb Net annual degradation rate of Yenicaga peatlands and wet flatsb Water table change-induced net annual C emission rate from drainage of Yenicaga peatlands and wet flatsc Water table change-induced total CO2 emissions to atmosphere from Yenicaga peatlands and wet flatsc Water table change-induced total CO2 emissions to atmosphere from Turkish peatlandsa,c Unit Min m tm 1.7 0.09a 3 Max 4.6 0.78a 3.0 0.5b % 12.1 % 1.0 2.2 2.0 8.6 21.1 14.0 m 0.5a 1.3a 0.9b t C ha-1 yr-1 kg C m-3 kg C m-3 1.6c 24 11a 27.2c 95 274a 120b Mt C 0.03 2.34 0.67 0.12 8.09 2.31 3 194 55 12.5 32.5 22.5 Mt C t C ha -1 yr -1 t C ha-1 yr-1 35.1 Mean 24.0 Mt CO2 yr 1 0.010 0.026 0.018 Mt CO2 yr 1 0.30 0.78 0.54 Multiply numbers above by 3.67 for conversion of C to CO2 emissions. C: carbon; N: nitrogen; SOC: soil organic carbon. a according to Dengiz et al. (2009). b according to this study. c according to Hooijer et al. (2010). d according to Shimada et al. (2001); Wosten and Ritzema (2001); Page et al. (2002); Wetlands International (2003, 2004). 1172 F. Evrendilek et al. / Applied Geography 31 (2011) 1166e1172 for croplands, respectively (multiply by 3.67 for conversion of C to CO2). The range of unit area C emissions calculated for Southeast Asia peatlands was between 1.6 and 27.2 t C ha 1 yr 1 (Hooijer et al., 2010). IPCC (2006) reported mean annual emissions from cultivated organic soils as 5 t C ha 1 yr 1 for boreal/cool temperate, 10 t C ha 1 yr 1 for warm temperate, and 20 t C ha 1 yr 1 for tropical/ sub-tropical climate regimes. Total CO2 emissions to the atmosphere from Yenicaga peatlands and wet flats in 2009 were in the range of 0.010e0.026 Mt CO2 yr 1 (Table 2). If the historical rate of peatland and wet flat degradation continues at the estimated rate of 13.4 ha yr 1, the remaining 320.3-ha peatland is expected to be completely degraded by 2033. A steady decline in the degradation rates is most likely to occur by virtue of increases in environmental awareness, and preventive and mitigative measures being taken as the remaining peatlands become increasingly scarce. The extrapolation of net annual C emission rates to the entire peatland area of 240 km2 across Turkey leads to a national estimation range of 0.3e0.78 Mt CO2 yr 1. The national estimate of CO2 emissions from peatlands accounts for 0.01e0.02% of the global CO2 emissions of 3230 Mt CO2 in 2009 caused by LULC changes (Friedlingstein et al., 2010). Conclusions Environmental monitoring of LULC changes may serve as an early warning signal and a risk assessment tool for the loss and depreciation of natural capital. In this way, preventive and mitigative feedbacks can be tailored in a timely fashion to secure ecosystem and human well-being and minimize adverse environmental impacts. Integration of field observations, and high-resolution airborne and spaceborne remote sensing is a promising approach for spatiotemporal analysis of LULC change-induced C fluxes. Proximal sensing and sampling of spectral information in combination with flux towers, and remote sensing is in need of future research in order to better differentiate among contributions of peatland plant species or plant functional types to biogeochemical cycles, a capability that remote sensing techniques may lack, thus assisting in a spatiotemporal scaling of ecosystem processes and rehabilitation of damaged peatland ecosystems. Acknowledgments The research project (COST-CAYDAG-109Y186) was funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. 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