Work 41 (2012) 1118-1123
DOI: 10.3233/WOR-2012-0291-1118
IOS Press
A mind in a disk: the attribution of mental
states to technological systems
Oronzo Parlangeli*, Tommaso Chiantini and Stefano Guidi
Communication Sciences Department, University of Siena, P.zzo San Niccolò 56, 53100, Siena, Italy
Abstract. This paper reports a study about the role of different variables in the process of attributing mental states to technological systems, variables such as the number of figural elements displayed in the system and the personality traits of the subjects interacting with the systems. In an experiment, participants were interacting with a computer on whose screen several
disks of various sizes and colours were blinking at different rates. Each time a disk reappeared on the screen its position was
randomly varied. As in a videogame, participants had to click on the disks to increase their score. The results showed that, even
in the case of such a simple system, subjects believed that the figural elements they were interacting with had some form of
mental states, although their confidence in these beliefs varied in the different experimental conditions. The confidence level of
the attributions, in fact, was not the same for all the different mental states considered, and it varied also both with the number
of elements being displayed as well as with some personality traits of the subjects.
Keywords: mental states attribution, theory of mind, design of technological systems
1. Introduction
Seeing someone swearing at his or her computer
is quite frequent. And we all have sometimes considered our computer with a suspicious mind, thinking
of it as if it were aware of our intentions, and it willing to either meet or thwart them. Probably, in those
moments, we have smiled or looked unkindly at the
screen in front of us.
It is clear that all these behaviors cannot be considered properly rational. Human beings commonly
interact with inanimate systems making use of an
implicit knowledge of proper physical laws, and, in
some cases that have been extensively investigated,
through the consideration of rules that may be qualified as part of a naïve physics [3, 10].
The interaction with many mechanical systems,
however, and particularly with information and
communication technology, often seems to be based
on other interpretative rules. It is well known that
people tend to consider as human agents those systems that move and/or show some changes in even
simple characteristics, such as shape, color, and size.
This bias, that is the liability to consider human-made
systems as if they were human beings, seems to depend on conceptualizing these systems as if they
were gifted with some self-generated and selfcontrolled cognitive ability.
It seems quite clear that this phenomenon involves one of the human tendencies that is probably
amongst the most surprising and advantageous from
an evolutionary point of view, namely the bias that
brings us to attribute mental states, to elaborate a
theory of mind [14, 4], to and for nearly all the entities with which we engage in some kind of interaction.
In the last years, the human tendency to anthropomorphize - in this context it could be said “mentalize” - nearly everything, has gained increasing attention. For what concerns the hypotheses put forward
to account for the way in which a theory of mind is
developed since our birth, it is possible to identify
two opposite positions, the one seeing this tendency
as innate [1, 13, 12] and the one framing it as a competence that is structured mainly through actual experiences [9, 16].
In a comprehensive review of several studies,
Kelemen and Carey [8] have highlighted that with
respect to this tendency it is possible to trace some
developmental stages starting from the early infancy
and bringing the child, in the second year of his life,
to attribute to the objects just one possible use, i.e.
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O. Parlangeli et al. / A Mind in a Disk
the one demonstrated by an adult. The development
of this kind of competence goes on until the child is
six-years old, a period in which children show themselves able to attribute to objects the intentions and
the ideas of their designer [8]. This ability, however,
does not seem able to completely overcome the bias
to consider those systems that have a certain degree
of complexity, and that are characterized by some
particular features, as gifted with their own mind.
Dennett [4] has put forward a theoretical frame in
which three kinds of stances are identified to describe
the way in which the interaction with any complex
system may take place. The first is essentially based
on physical laws, the second on the conceptualization
of the system through the intentions of its designer,
and the third is mediated by the attribution of intentional mental states.
There are several cues that can foster the attribution of mental states to non-human entities. Among
these, the evident capacity of self-propulsion [2], the
perception of a determined trajectory that, speaking
of moving object, is the more effective the more it
seems direct and pointing to a given target [5].
Morewedge et al. [11], in addition, showed that in
order to see objects and animals as human beings,
gifted with some mental states, these entities must
preferably move at a speed that is similar to that generally exhibited by humans. Epley et al. [6] have also
maintained that there are psychological determinants
to the occurrence of anthropomorphism, i.e. the accessibility and applicability of anthropocentric knowledge, the motivation to understand the behavior of
other agents, and the desire for social contact.
In the field of human-computer interaction, however, this issue has never received much attention.
This in spite of the fact that understanding the way in
which users elaborate a theory of mind for what concerns computer behaviors could be clearly very useful to design and implement more user-friendly technological systems.
Some studies have been conducted in order to investigate which determinants can induce the adoption
of a theory of mind in relation to the behavior of
some robots, technological systems that often, even
in their appearance, can closely resemble human beings. In these cases too, the studies have generally
supported the hypothesis that considers human beings more prone to the attribution of mental states if
the interactive systems exhibit actions that are reactive to user behavior, and if their affordances can be
more easily detected [17, 15].
Overall, however, there is still a surprising lack of
knowledge about the phenomenon of mental states
attribution to artificial complex systems. So far, for
instance, we do not know whether the attribution of
mental states is an all-or-nothing process, or whether
different mental states, such as intentionality and
awareness, are seen linked together in the process of
attribution of a mental entity. It is also actually unclear if some contextual variables, that are neither
inherent to the user nor to the system, may affect the
occurrence of such a phenomenon.
The study reported here is a first attempt aimed at
finding some plausible answers to questions so relevant and complex like those ones.
2. The study
2.1. Method
2.1.1. The sample
An experiment has been conducted in which 136
subjects played a videogame specifically designed.
They were 60 female and 76 male (mean age= 22,7
(sd=3,2)). About 16% of participants had a middle
school diploma, 60.3% a high-school diploma,
17.6 % had a Bachelor degree and 5.9% a MS or MA
degree. Most of the participants were currently students (70.6%), or worker-students (4.4%). About 2%
(2.2%) were unemployed and the remaining 22.8%
had a job.
Participants were all unaware of the real aims of
the study.
2.1.2. Procedure and materials
Subjects were first asked to fill in a questionnaire
in order to gather information on their sex, age, education, and employment. In addition, in this pre-test
phase they were also asked to fill in a short questionnaire in order to assess their scores on five personality traits: agreeableness, openness to experience,
extraversion, conscientiousness and emotional stability. We used an Italian translation 1 of the TIPI
questionnaire - Ten Item Personality Inventory [7] -,
which is a short, 10-item tool developed to measure
the Big Five dimensions.
In the game specifically designed for this experiment some little disks of different colors and sizes
were displayed on the computer screen. Disks remained visible for more or less short intervals: the
smaller one for the shorter time and the larger one for
the longer time, gradually.
O. Parlangeli et al. / A Mind in a Disk
The position of the disks on the screen was randomly determined each time they were displayed.
Subjects had to click on the disks in order to gain
scores. Higher scores were associated to clicks on
smaller, and faster, disks.
Subjects participated in the experiment individually, and they were randomly allotted to one of
four different conditions (34 subjects per condition).
In the first condition only two disks - that is the smallest one and the largest one - were, at a different
pace, blinking on the screen. Increasing in steps of
two, eight disks were present in the fourth condition
(Figure 1).
In each condition the game lasted 80 sec.
Figure 1
The four experimental conditions
screen, the differences in the scores gaining, the
game duration, and so on - and then the game started.
When the game was over, subjects had to fill in a
questionnaire in which they had to report, on a sevenpoint scale, if they had thought the disks “had their
own strategy”, “were aware of what was happening”,
“had their own intentions”, and “had their own mind”.
In addition, they were asked to express their degree
of agreement (again on a seven-point scale) with the
following control statements: “the movements of the
disks were random”, “the game was regular”, and
“some disks had more intentions than others”.
2.2. Results
In Figure 2 and 3 are displayed the mean ratings
for each of the variables considered, averaged across
experimental conditions.
As it can be seen, results show that, generally,
even very simple objects like disks blinking on a
screen, just changing their position, are seen as gifted
with some mental states. In fact, the average ratings
for all the variables relative to mental states were
significantly higher than 1, the bottom value of the
scale, corresponding to judgments of complete lack
of mental states in the disks. However, it is also clear
that different kinds of mental states were judged to
differently belong to the disks. These were believed
to have a strategy more than to have awareness or
intentions, and the lowest ratings were relative to the
disks having a mind.
In the first condition only two disks - that is the smallest one (2.5
mm) and the largest one (20.0 mm) - were, at a different pace
blinking on the screen. The smallest was displayed for 0.8 sec, the
largest for 2.2 sec. Increasing in steps of two, eight disks were
present in the fourth condition. The size of the disks was increased
in steps of 2,5 mm, and the time of permanence on the screen was
respectively increasing of 0.2 sec.
The game started with a training phase during
which subjects were told that their task was to click
on the figures that were displayed on the screen. In
the course of this training, subjects were in front of a
white screen on which a black square was displayed
for a lapse of time that was not longer than 3 sec. As
a consequence of the click of the subject on the
square, this figure was displayed in a different position.
This training phase lasted until the subject was
fully acquainted with this simple task. Subjects were
then informed about the actual rules of the game i.e., the number of disks they would have seen on the
Figure 2
Average ratings for the different kind of mental states
We then looked at group differences in the ratings,
conducting an ANOVA for each of the different dependent variables, using the experimental condition
(number of disks: 2, 4, 6, or 8) as factor. The analyses found significant differences between the group
means for two kind of mental states judgments:
“Awareness” (F(3,132)= 3,065; p<.05), “Intentionali-
O. Parlangeli et al. / A Mind in a Disk
ty” (F(3,132)= 2,871; p<.05). Significant differences
between the group means were found also for the
judgments relative to the disks having a “Random
movement” (F(3,132)= 3,129; p<.05). In Figures 4, 5,
and 6 are plotted the average ratings for these variables as function of the number of disks on the
screen. As it can be seen, the condition with 6 disks
was always the one with lowest ratings for both intentionality and awareness. Pairwise comparisons
revealed that the judgments of awareness in this intermediate condition were significantly lower than in
the condition with only 4 disks (average difference= 1.35; p<.05), and that judgments of intentionality in
the 6 disks condition were significantly lower than in
the condition with 8 disks (average difference= -1.26;
p<.05). As for the judgments of “Random movement”, the average ratings in the 6 disks condition
were instead significantly higher than in the 8 disks
condition (average difference= 1.38; p<.05).
while for males we found significant differences only
between the 2 disks and the 8 disks conditions, with
participants giving higher rating of random movement to the 2 disks than to the 8 disks condition (average difference= 1.7; p<.05).
Figure 3
Average ratings for control variables.
Figure 5
Average ratings of Intentionality as function of Number of
Disks blinking on the screen. Error Bars are 95% CI.
We also found that for judgments of both “Awareness” and “Random Movement” of the disks, there
was a significant interaction between the experimental condition and the sex of the participants (respectively F(3,128)= 2,958; p<.05 and F(3,128)= 2,813;
p<.05). Follow-up tests of the simple effects of the
number of disks revealed that for females, judgments
of awareness in the 6 disks condition were significantly lower than in both the 2 disks condition (average difference= -2.1; p <.01) and in the 8 disks condition (average difference= -1.3; p <.05). On the contrary, for males, the judgments of “Awareness” of the
disks in the 4 disks conditions were significantly
higher than both in the 2 disks (average difference=
1.6; p<.01) and in the 6 disks condition (average difference= 1.3; p <.05). As for the judgments of disk
moving randomly, we found that for female, the
judgments for the 6 disks condition were significantly higher (p<.01) than in all the other conditions,
. Figure 4
Average ratings of Awareness as function of Number of Disks
blinking on the screen Error Bars are 95% CI.
Follow-up tests of the simple effects of the number
of disks revealed that in the 2 disks condition, judgments of awareness of the disks were higher for females than for males (average difference= 2.3; t(32)=
4.297; p<.0001), while in the other conditions their
judgments were not different. Consistently with this
finding, in the 2 disks condition the judgments about
Random Movement were instead higher for males
than for females (average difference= 1.6; t(32)=
2.426; p<.05). Judgments of random movement,
moreover, in the 6 disks condition were higher for
females than for males (average difference= 1.3;
t(32)= 2.097; p<.05).
Finally, we found that overall females tended to
give higher ratings for “Mindfulness” of the disks
than males (average difference= .6; F(1,128)= 4,005;
O. Parlangeli et al. / A Mind in a Disk
We also looked at the correlations between the different mental state judgments, and found that all the
bivariate correlations were highly significant, with
the value of the Pearson’s coefficients ranging
from .37 to .54. Significant negative correlations
were found between each of the judgments relative to
the different kind of mental states and the judgments
relative to the random movement of the disks (with
coefficients ranging from -.26 to -.29).
Figure 6
Average ratings of Random Movement as function of Number
of Disks blinking on the screen. Error Bars are 95% CI.
Finally, we analyzed the correlations between the
scores of the subject on the five personality traits
(TIPI) and their judgments relative to the mental
states of the disks. We found that the judgments relative to the disks having a mind tended to be lower the
more the subjects were “Extravert” (r= -.17; p<.05),
and higher the more they were “Agreeable” (r= .18;
We also found a significant negative correlation
between “Agreeableness” and the ratings relative to
the disk moving randomly (r= -.21; p<.05). We also
checked whether females and males differed in the
scores of the five personality traits. Significant differences were found only for “Emotional stability”,
which was higher for males than for females (average
difference= .99; t(134)= 4.166; p<.0001).
3. Discussion
The attribution of mental states does not seem to
be an all-or-nothing judgment. Participants in our
experiment showed themselves to be prone to suspect
that the disks blinking on the screen had some kind
of mind, with a degree of confidence that varied between the different kinds of mental states. And, on
average, they never completely denied the existence
of these mental states in the disks. But if participants
were quite uncertain of whether the disks had strategies (perhaps inherited from the intentions of the
designer of the system), they were even less certain
that disks had some kind of awareness or intentionality of their own. The strongest doubts were expressed about the disks having a full and proper
mind, a complex and articulated entity comprising
different mental states with a coordinated expression.
The intentional stance and the design stance [4], thus,
seem to be able to fade into each other: it looks like it
is possible to believe that figural elements showing
an autonomous behavior are more likely to move
according to what their designer established, leaving
at the same time open the possibility that the disks
can have their own intentions and awareness. The
strength of the doubts of the subjects seemed to vary
with the kind of mental state considered, being milder for the ones that can be considered more simple,
such as awareness, increasing in strength for mental
states that require more articulated functions and
processes, and being strongest of all about the existence of such a complex entity as a full-fledged mind.
Both personal level and contextual level variables
seem to play a role in the attributions process, and
perhaps also the interaction of these variables. This,
for instance, is suggested by the findings relative to
the third condition, the one in which the disks on the
screen had intermediate speed and size, as often reported by the subjects themselves. In these cases, in
fact, participants tended to judge with less confidence
the disks as having awareness and intentionality.
Judgments about awareness, then, seemed also to
depend on personality traits such as extraversion. At
the same time, the number of the disks present on the
screen seems to affect females and males in a different way, especially in the first condition, the one with
only two disks. In these cases, in fact, females
seemed to judge the disks as having awareness to a
greater degree than males.
At the light of our data, it seems quite hard to understand and disentangle the complex interactions
between these variables. But even from the preliminary results here reported it seems possible to maintain that several different factors influence the
process of attributing mental states, even in this case
in which the target of the attributions are extremely
simple elements such as colored disks blinking on a
In certain cases, it is likely that those variables are
interacting to induce the subjects to formulate an
articulated theory of mind with respect to system he
or she is interacting with. In other cases, the opposite
seems to happen. But all of the variables here consi-
O. Parlangeli et al. / A Mind in a Disk
dered, i.e. the number of the elements displayed (and
thus the complexity of the system), the personality
traits of the observers, and the physical features of
the elements, seem to influence the tendency to
attribute mental states to the system. This tendency,
as this study seems to confirm, seems to be a ubiquitous and unavoidable feature of human beings, and
possibly one even more complex than what it is generally believed to be, which it is differently expressed
for different mental states, and with respect to systems that does not have anything in common with
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