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Ad ines imperii Romani Studia Thaddaeo Sarnowski septuagenario ab amicis, collegis discipulisque dedicata varsaviae 2015 published by Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa www.archeo.uw.edu.pl editor Agnieszka Tomas assistant editors Miłosława Stępień Tomasz Dziurdzik graphic design Piotr Berezowski cover design Agnieszka Tomas cover photo Michał Pisz Copyright by Instytut Archeologii UW ISBN 978-83-61376-46-0 Contents 9 21 23 Tadeusz Sarnowski. Curriculum vitae Jerzy Kolendo†, Tadeusz Sarnowski. Quatuordecim lustra optime peracta Agnieszka Tomas, Tadeusz Sarnowski in universitatem studiorum et studentium Roman army 27 39 47 59 Yann Le Bohec, La logistique de l’armée romaine sous le Principat Michel Reddé, he Layout of a Military Shrine in Egypt’s Eastern Desert Tomasz Derda, Adam Łajtar, Tomasz Płóciennik, hree Lists of Soldiers on Papyrus Found in Qasr Ibrim Edward Dąbrowa, he Roman Army in Action in Judea (4 BCE – 66 CE) Middle and Lower Danubian Provinces 71 81 93 105 111 117 135 141 147 151 173 Zsolt Visy, Ripa Pannonica – eine römische Flussgrenze Ioan Piso, Les listes de centurions de Potaissa et la participation des légions daciques à la guerre parthique de Caracalla Doina Benea, Militärische und politische Massnahmen während der Herrschat des Kaisers Hadrian im Südwesten der Provinz Dakien Calin Timoc, A Fragmentary Inscription Bearing the Name Gordiana Discovered in Tibiscum (Dacia superior) Livio Zerbini, Les cités grecques du Pont Gauche sous Auguste Emil Jęczmienowski, he Fortiications of the Upper Moesian Limes on the Eve of the Trajan’s Dacian Wars Mateusz Żmudziński, he Production of terra sigillata Potery (Local Samian Ware) in the Middle-Danube Roman Provinces Lucretiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Prosopographic Remarks on the Population of Troesmis (Lower Moesia) Rumen Ivanov, Valeri Stoičkov, Bricks with Stamps Discovered in the Defensive Walls of Almus (Lower Moesia) Michail Zahariade, he Scythian Section of Notitia Dignitatum. A Structural and Chronological Analysis Martin Lemke, Marsigli’s Moesia: he Limes Sites in Bulgaria as Seen in the 18th Century Novae 195 Evgeni Paunov, he Portrait Glass phalera rom Novae Reconsidered 201 Piotr Zakrzewski, Architectural Order of the Portico in the Courtyard of the Legionary Headquarters at Novae (Lower Moesia), in Light of Recent Discoveries 209 Pavlina Vladkova, New Data on the Cult of Iuppiter in Novae (Lower Moesia) 219 Tomasz Dziurdzik, Sacerdos legionis? Roman Army Priests in Light of a Fragmentary Inscription rom Novae (ILNov 32 = IGLNov 51) 227 Agnieszka Tomas, Martin Lemke, he Mithraeum at Novae Revisited 249 Jerzy Żelazowski, New Examples of the Name Stamp (Sarnowski Type XXV) rom the Legionary Fortress at Novae (Lower Moesia) 257 Agnieszka Tomas, Liber Pater or Dionysus? he Evidence of the Bacchic Cult at Novae (castra et canabae legionis) and in its Hinterland 277 Adam Łajtar, Another Greek Inscription rom Novae (Lower Moesia) Associated with pastus militum 289 Jerzy Kolendo†, Tomasz Kowal, Iron Components of Agricultural Tools Discovered During Excavations at Novae: Are hey Always Ancient or Early Medieval in Date? TAURICA 303 Bartosz Kontny, Maria Novičenkova, Spurs rom the Sanctuary at the Gurzufskoe Sedlo in Crimea. On the Problem of Hook Spurs 325 Radosław Gawroński, Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski, he Role of Early Empire Roman Cavalry in the Defence of Tauric Chersonesos 341 Ludmiła Kovalevskaja, he Farmhouse at Plot 363 in the Chora of Tauric Chersonesos 353 Michał Pisz, Non-destructive Archaeological Survey in the Rural Territory of Tauric Chersonesos 359 Elena Klenina, Ceramic Production of Tauric Chersonesos in the Roman Period 375 Viktoria Nessel, On Some Categories of Ceramic Tableware rom the Kadikovka-Kadikoi Setlement (Crimea) 381 Wojciech Nowakowski, Brooches rom Balaklava-Kadykovka on Crimea (Ukraine). Season 2010 391 Danił A. Kostromičev, A Brooch rom Tauric Chersonesos with a Dedication to Sabazius 405 Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski, Adam Łukaszewicz, Language in the Private Life of Roman Soldiers in Taurica Varia 417 Andrzej Biernacki, Valeri Yotov, Aleksander Minčev, he Origin of the Marble of the Architectural Elements and Details rom the Early-Christian Church at Cape Sveti Atanas near Bjala (Bulgaria) 437 Elżbieta Jastrzębowska, Remarks on Pseudo-opus reticulatum in Warsaw 449 Marek Olszewski, Les Cadrans solaires dans les mosaïqes romaines et byzantines (Ier siècle ap. J.-C. – IXe siècle ap. J.-C) 469 Krzysztof Jakubiak, he Last Days of Hatra: he Story Behind the City’s Downfall Dear Professor Dear Readers P rofessor Sarnowski’s interests are focused primarily on the Roman army and the archaeology of the Roman borderlands, especially the defence systems near the lower Danube and the Roman army presence in southern Crimea. he idea behind this volume was to bring together texts on various topics of interest for the Jubilant, writen by his friends and colleagues — all academics equally fascinated by such subject mater, as well as by his alumni and current students, as a means to celebrate and honour this birthday anniversary. his scientiic interest resulted in broad contacts among various scholars from Eastern and Western Europe. Our intention was to arrange this book in such a way that it would express this diversity, but also create a forum for a meeting between the East and the West in a literal sense: the bibliography, provided both in Cyrillic and transliterated, is a nod to the readers, who — we hope — will ind this useful. It was not possible to invite all those who would like to express their esteem and gratitude to Professor Sarnowski. We were overwhelmed by the amount of papers sent to us and this in itself shows how much we all owe to Him. While we apologize to those who were not invited, at the same time we would like share the hope that the next anniversary will be honoured with yet another such book. We would like to thank all those who participated in preparing the book and the Jubilee. We would like to express our gratitude to the Directors of the Institute of Archaeology, who supported the Editors and organized the Jubilee. We should also thank Konrad Uhma, who arranged Tabula Gratulatoria website, as well as those who helped to prepare the Jubilee celebration: Emil Jęczmienowski, Michał Pisz, Tomasz Dziurdzik, Anna Mech, and Piotr Zakrzewski. Special thanks from the main editor should go to Miłosława Stępień and Tomasz Dziurdzik, who did a large part of the translations and editorial work, but also to Tomasz Derda, for his advice in typeseting and editorial consultancy, as well as Tomasz Płóciennik and Adam Łajtar who made valuable suggestions. A great part of the texts were also translated or proofed by Martin Lemke, Mariya Avramova, Lyudmila Kovalevskaja, and Tabea Meurer. A great efort was made by Piotr Berezowski who prepared the typeseting of the text and the graphic design. However, most of all, we would like to thank the Authors for their participation and patience. his book also contains a very special text by the late Professor Jerzy Kolendo dedicated to Tadeusz Sarnowski (Tadeusz Sarnowski. Quatuordecim lustra optime peracta). It was dictated very shortly before his death, as a special contribution and expression of his admiration and respect for the Jubilant’s academic achievements. We hope that this volume will constitute a git which will not receive negative reviews from You, Dear Jubilant, but rather will serve as an expression of our gratitude and afection. he Editors tabula gratulatoria Wojciech Andrzejewski Doina Benea Piotr Berezowski Marzena Berutowicz Dorota Bielińska Piotr Bieliński Andrzej Biernacki Mirosław Blicharski Yann Le Bohec Karolina Bugajska Andrzej Buko Gerda von Bülow Roksana Chowaniec Adam Cieśliński Renata Ciołek Maciej Czapski Patrycja Czarnocka-Dzun Edward Dąbrowa Michał Dąbski Tomasz Derda Marta Domańska Krzysztof Domżalski Michał Duch Piotr Dyczek Dorota Dzierzbicka Tomasz Dziurdzik Mikołaj Gałązkiewicz Radosław Gawroński Ewgenia Genčeva Witold Gumiński Marcin Iwankiewicz Rumen T. Ivanov Krzysztof Jakubiak Paweł Janik Elżbieta Jastrzębowska Piotr Jaworski Emil Jęczmienowski Barbara Kaim Joanna Kalaga Jakub Kaniszewski Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski Paweł Karbarz Elena Klenina Bartosz Kontny Danil A. Kostromičev Ludmila Kovalevska Tomasz Kowal Oskar Kubrak Martin Lemke Kazimierz Lewartowski Adam Łajtar Dorota Ławecka Marcin Łukaniewicz Adam Łukaszewicz Marzena Łuszczewska Wiesław Małkowski Florian Matei-Popescu Bartosz Matuszewski Ryszard F. Mazurowski Lucretiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba Aleksander Minčev Krzysztof Misiewicz Jerzy Miziołek Jolanta Młynarczyk Iwona Modrzewska-Pianeti Monika Muszyńska Karol Myśliwiec Eduard Nemeth Vika Nessel Andrzej Niwiński Maria Novičenkova Tomasz Nowakiewicz Magdalena Nowakowska Wojciech Nowakowski Andrzej Olsienkiewicz Marek T. Olszewski Radu Oţa Krzysztof Pakuła Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka Evgeni I. Paunov Ioan Piso Michał Pisz Joanna Pisz Tomasz Płóciennik Andrew G. Poulter Michel Reddé Monika Rekowska Andrzej Rokoszewski Witor Rutkowski Teodozja Rzeuska Ivo Sabljak Michael Sailer Marjeta Šašel-Kos Tomasz Scholl Siegmar von Schnurbein Małgorzata Siennicka Małgorzata Sołek Arkadiusz Sołtysiak Michał Starski Zbigniew Stasiak Teresa Stawiarska Franciszek M. Stępniowski Valeri Stoičkov Karl Strobel Paulina Szulist Călin Timoc Barbara Tkaczow Agnieszka Tomas Konrad Uhma Agata Ulanowska Lyudmil Vagalinski Zsolt Visy Pavlina Vladkova Magdalena Warowna Monika Wesołowska Tomasz Więcek Wiesław Więckowski Ewa Wipszycka George Yacoub Valeri Yotov Mihail Zahariade Piotr Zakrzewski Livio Zerbini Dobrochna Zielińska Jerzy Żelazowski Mateusz Żmudziński Marta Żuchowska a portrait glass phalera from novae reconsidered A Portrait Glass phalera from Novae Reconsidered*  .  B esides the conclusive evidence of early Roman coin inds from Novae discussed elsewhere,1 another single ind of the Julio-Claudian period atracts particular atention and consideration. his particular piece is a fragment of a military medallion (phalera) cast in blue glass, with preserved dimensions 2.5 × 2.5 cm, thickness 0.7 cm (original diameter 3.9 cm),2 kept in the Municipal Historical Museum of Svištov, inventory number I-1974 (Fig. 1). he phalera from Novae depicts a male cuirassed bust in high relief, together with small busts of three small children set on the shoul- Fig. 1. Glass phalera of Claudius from Novae, a fragment. Historical Museum of Svištov, inv. no. I-1974 (phot. by D. Dragoev, ders and in front of the male’s chest. Two of the Regional Historical Museum Russe) babies are missing in the Svištov piece because Обр. 1. Стъклена фалера от Нове, фрагмент. ГИМ–Свищов, инв. № I-1974 (фот. Д. Драгоев, РИМ–Русе) of a modern fracture.3 It was published long ago by Alexandra Dimitrova-Milčeva,4 who identiied the bust as Drusus Minor (†33) and his children.5 Respectively, Milčeva dated the phalera to AD 19–23 under Tiberius.6 he same interpretation * his modest text is dedicated to Professor Dr. Tadeusz was repeated by Evgenija Genčeva in her book on Sarnowski for his 70th anniversary. I am very grateful to early Novae7 and again most recently, in the exhiDr. Agnieszka Tomas for her kind invitation to contribute bition catalogue for the Limes Congress at Rousto this volume. My thanks are due also to Marin Marinov (Svištov) and Dejan Dragoev (Russe) for their assistance. se.8 In turn, Professor Sarnowski assumed that the 1 Paunov 2013; 2015. Novae phalera was “given to a soldier of the legio 2 Found by chance in the mid-1970s while digging a vineyard some 150–200 m west of Novae, see Dimitrova 1979: VIII Augusta when Drusus visited Pannonia”.9 17, note 1. he glass medallion from Novae actually 3 he piece was obviously broken during the discovery, if belongs to a relatively large group (at least 43 4 5 not before. Dimitrova 1979: 17–21 = Dimitrova 1982: 97–100, ig. 1a–b. his historical identiication is preferred in the older German-language (Alföldi 1951 and 1957) and in the Englishlanguage literature: Toynbee, Richmond 1954: 40–48; Henig 1974: 82; accepted in Rose 1997: 18–24; see also Boschung 1987: 193–194, table 1. 6 7 8 9 Dimitrova 1979: 17–19; (1982): 98–99. Genčeva 2002: 67. Genčeva 2012: 86, no. 224. Sarnowski 1988: 26. 195 evgeni i. paunov Fig. 2. Glass phalera of Claudius from Rheingönheim. A. Front side; b. Back side. Historisches Museum der Pfalz, Speyer, no. 3985 (phot. by Peter Haag-Kirchner) Обр. 2. Стъклена фалера на Клавдий от Rheingönheim, Германия; А – лице; Б – задна страна. Исторически музей на Пфалц, Шпайер, инв. № 3985 (фот. Peter Haag-Kirchner) pieces known by 1987)10 of similar phalerae from the Early Principate with numerous specimens published throughout Europe. hey are mainly found in or around legionary camps, with most inds concentrated along the Rhine border of Germania: at Vindonissa (3 specimens),11 Rheingönheim near Speyer12 (Fig. 2), Novaesium, Vechten, Cologne (2 specimens), Xanten,13 and Nymwegen; from Dalmatia / Pannonia: Poetovio,14 Emona,15 and Burnum; from Italia: Aquileia16 and Rome (2 specimens: from the villa of Livia at 10 Divided into seven types — Boschung 1987 (with a complete catalogue); about the extant provenances; ibidem: 198–199, Abb. 5. 11 Boschung 1987: 252, cat. nos. 2, 40, 48, 54. 12 Claudian-Neronian occupation — Alföldi 1951: 70, Taf. 2.1–2 = Boschung 1987: 250–251, cat. no. 36, Abb. 8, 11. 13 Boschung 1987: 254, cat. nos. 43, Abb. 92. 14 Kept at KHM Vienna, AS-XI.B.8 — Alföldi 1951: 70, no. III 2, Taf. 2.5 = Jucker 1975: 52 = Boschung 1987: 250, cat. no. 35, Abb. 83–84. 15 Noll 1968: 82. 16 Jucker 1975: 50–51, ig. 1a–b. 196 Prima Porta17 and Esquiline); as well as a couple from Britannia: Colchester18 (Fig. 3), Leicester19 and Carlisle.20 here are also other specimens, all of uncertain provenance: one in the Metropolitan Museum in New York,21 one in the Corning Museum of Glass,22 one in the State Hermitage,23 etc. hese insignia (once mounted in a metal holder with a round frame)24 were intended to evoke personal loyalty to the Emperor and members of his family. It is assumed the medallions were produced at Rome and were distributed to the major military camps in Pannonia, Noricum, Germania, and Britannia. hese phalerae were usually worn as military decorations on the 17 Boschung 1987: 198, cat. no. 20. 18 Harden et al. 1987: 22, no. 2 = Boschung 1987: 252, cat. no. 37, Abb. 7, 86. 19 Harden 1972: 350–352, pl. 76a = Henig 1974: 283, pl. 70 = Boschung 1987: 252, cat. no. 40, Abb. 89–90. 20 Toynbee, Richmond 1954: 40–48, pl. 1, 1.3 = Henig 1974: 275, no. 747, pl. 54 = Boschung 1987: 247, cat. no. 32, Abb. 80. 21 MMA 17.194.18. 22 Whitehouse 1997: 26, no. 21. 23 Neverov 1971: 91, pl. 83 — inv. no. Ж272, from the Casanova collection, acquired in 1792. 24 he manner of mounting in a metal holder is best described in Boschung 1987: 201–203, Abb. 10. a portrait glass phalera from novae reconsidered Fig. 3. Glass phalera of Claudius from Colchester. London, British Museum, no. 1870, 0224.2. Обр. 3. Стъклена фалера на Клавдий от Колчестър. Британски музей, Лондон, инв. № 1870, 0224.2. ©Trustees of the British Museum Fig. 4b. Tombstone of Marcus Caelius, centurio of the legio XVIII (CIL XIII 8648, from Birten/Xanten), Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn. (photo ater Wikipedia, htp:// de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Caelius#mediaviewer/ Datei:Epitaph_des_Marcus_Caelius.JPG) Обр. 4b. Надгробна плоча на Marcus Caelius, центурион на legio XVIII (CIL XIII 8648, от Birten/Xanten), Областен музей, Бон. (фот. за htp://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_ Caelius#mediaviewer/Datei:Epitaph_des_Marcus_Caelius.JPG) Fig. 4a. Tombstone of Q. Sertorius Festus, centurio of legio XI Claudia pia idelis, from Cisolino, ca. AD 42–50. Verona Museum, Lapidarium of Mafei, inv. no. 28160. (photo ater htp://ancientrome.ru/art/artworken/img.htm?id=4146) Обр. 4a. Надгробна плоча на Q. Sertorius Festus, центурион на legio XI Claudia pia idelis, от Cisolino, ок. 42–50 г. сл. Хр. Lapidarium Mafei, музей на Верона, инв. № 28160 (фот. htp://ancientrome.ru/art/artworken/img.htm?id=4146) oicer’s armour as shown on a number of 1st-century. AD tombstones (Fig. 4a–b).25 As a mater of fact, the phalera from Novae (Type III ater Alföldi)26 features a frontal bust of another member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty — Emperor Claudius himself with his three children: Antonia, Octavia and Britannicus.27 Based on the iconography and the extant specimens (ive specimens cast in the same die named by 25 Maxfield 1981: 187–188, pl. 2b. 26 Alföldi 1951: 75 f. 27 Boschung 1987: Type III, die 6a, 213–217, Abb. 23–24, cat. nos. 35–39. 197 evgeni i. paunov Boschung as 6a were known by 1987), this series herefore, the glass medallion from Novae of phalerae with the portrait of Claudius is now must be re-assigned to Emperor Claudius and redated to around AD 43, probably related to Clau- dated to the period ater AD 41–43. How exactly dius’ campaign in Britain28 or the reorganisation and from where this military phalera arrived in of the provincial armies. Actually, this interpreta- Moesia is hard to establish. But one can specution perfectly its the historical context of Novae. late it came to Novae ater AD 45/6 as a personal A brief discussion on the provenance of the award of a high-ranking oicer of the legio VIII Novae piece is also worthwhile. Since it was Augusta when he was relocated from Poetovio31 reported to be found by chance some 150–200 m in Pannonia to the Lower Danube.32 west of Novae’s city-walls,29 a logical question he Claudian glass phalera discussed above would be what precisely was located in this zone provides further insight into the earliest history of the site? As pointed out by Boschung, all other and archaeology of Novae and Roman Moesia, such inds came either from graves or from rub- a research ield to which the respected Professor bish pits in legionary camps.30 Sarnowski made so many valuable contributions. Една портретна стъклена фалера от Нове в нова светлина (pезюме) Т ази кратка статия предлага напълно нова идентификация и датиране на един фрагментиран медальон от синьо стъкло (фот. 1), намерен случайно още през 1970-те години в лозята край Свищов, на 150–200 м западно от руините на римския град Нове. Въпреки че е публикуван отдавна (Dimitrova 1979; 1982), той представлява значителен интерес за ранната история и археология на Нове. Наличието на серия от подобни находки в Средна и Западна Европа (фот. 2, 3) и новата хронология на тези фалери с образи на членове на Юлиево-клавдиевата династия (Boschung 1987), налага и пре-разглеждането на находката от Нове. Всъщност, образът на фалерата не принадлежи на Друз Млади (починал в 33 г.), както е интерпретирана и датирана досега съгласно по-старата литература (последно у Genčeva 2012: 86, no. 224), а е на император Клавдий I (Boschung 1987: 213–217, Abb. 23-24, cat. nos. 35–39). Императорът е представен в идеализиран, почти младежки образ, с броня насреща, главата му е в профил ¾ наляво. В лявото поле, точно над дясното рамо, преди счупването, е запазен частично образът на малко дете, а другите части от композицията липсват (фот. 1). 28 Boschung 1987: 218. 29 Dimitrova 1982: 97, n.1; and note 3 above. Further information from Mr. Marin Marinov (Svištov Museum), to whom I am most grateful. 30 Boschung 1987: 199, Anm. 31–32. 198 Аналогични по-добре запазени екземпляри показват, че това са трите деца на Клавдий – Антония, Октавия и Британик Цезар. От точно същата матрица за медальони (6а по типологията на Boschung 1987) са известни още шест фалери, намерени все в легионни лагери в Панония, в Германия, и две от Британия. Прието е, че тези инсигнии са произвеждани в Рим и са връчвани като военни награди (phalerae) на висшестоящи офицери и командири на легиони – в знак на вярност към императора и цялата Юлиево-Клавдиева династия (фот. 4a, b). Следователно, медальонът открит западно от Нове трябва да бъде свързан с император Клавдий I и пре-датиран в периода след 41–43 г. от Христа. Може само да се предполага, че фалерата е донесена в Нове от собственика си, когато legio VIII Augusta е бил прехвърлен от Poetovio (дн. Ptuj в Словения) на лагер по Долния Дунав. Evgeni Paunov Independent scholar, Vienna epaunov@gmail.com 31 he presence of exactly this type of glass phalerae is already conirmed by the Vienna KHM piece found at Petau / Poetovio in 1826, see Boschung 1987: 250, cat. no. 35, and note 12 supra. 32 Riterling 1925: 1647–1649; Reddé 2000: 120–121; Ferjančić 2002: 166. a portrait glass phalera from novae reconsidered Abbreviations ANRW BABesch RE Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt, H. Temporini [ed.], Berlin – New York 1972–1998. Bulletin van de Vereeniging tot Bevordering der Kennis van de Antieke Beschaving Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschat, A.F. von Pauly, G. Wissowa et al. [eds.], Stutgart 1894–1980. Literature Alföldi, A. 1951. Römische Porträtmedaillons aus Glas, Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Schweiz 15, 66–79. — 1957. Zu den Glasmedaillions der militärischen Auszeichungen aus der Zeit des Tiberius, Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Schweiz 21, 80–96. 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