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ORGASM THE GLUE OF THE UNIVERSE LOVE IS A SELF ATTRACTING ENERGY QUITE LITERALLY EVERYTHING IS BECAUSE OF LOVE INCLUDING YOUR SORRY ASS. MIKE: NOT MUCH MORE NEEDS TO BE SAID. ORGASM IS THE SOLUTION TO EVERYTHING THE FEELING OF ENLIGHTENMENT IS LIKE BEING IN A CONTINUOUS ORGASM. WHY? BECAUSE GOD HERSELF IS DOING THAT AND PROVIDES THAT ARCHETYPE. THEREFORE THE SHORTEST CUT THROUGH TO ENLIGHTENMENT IS? YOU DO HAVE TO ANSWER THE QUESTION (this is almost exactly how it happened during this spontaneous chat) JoAnne: I've heard of that equation before. I've come across it before in my research. ;) JoAnne: Well... I've also heard that the orgasm is a key to our continued entrapment. MIKE: NOPE IT'S AN ENLIGHTENMENT SWITCH, WHICH IS CONVENIENTLY PLACED RIGHT WHERE YOU CAN REACH IT. LOOK MORE CLOSELY AT THE DOLPHINS MIKE: THE TRAP OF THIS UNIVERSE IS THE FUCKING RULE JoAnne: and the "rule" is? MIKE: I AM THAT I AM = LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE WHICH INCLUDES NUMBERS AND MUSIC ARE RULES MIKE: ORGASM IS NOT. ANY KIND OF FUCKING RULE, SO TO SPEAK JoAnne: ahhh yes. JoAnne: what is within the orgasm that defines its power as a rule breaking experience against rule of I am that I am/like attracts like? MIKE: CORRECT YOU TRANSCEND THE RULE JoAnne: I apologize... I don't quite understand that reply. MIKE: HOW MANY RULES CAN YOU THINK OF DURING AN ORGASM? JoAnne: none JoAnne: hahaha ... nice MIKE: FREEDOM JoAnne: yep MIKE: COMPLETE FREEDOM. SO USE ANY AND ALL METHODS TO GET INTO A EUPHORIC STATE. http://blog.hasslberger.com/docs/EUPHORIA_STANDARD_OPERATING_PROCEDURE.pdf JoAnne: what is spiritually taking place during an orgasm... can you define it other than the word freedom? Can you put other words to it to define the experience in relationship to SOUL or SPIRIT... or something akin to that. MIKE: HAVE YOU EVER HAD TOE CURLING ORGASM? WELL, THEN YOUR WHOLE BODY WAS INVOLVED – HEAD TO TOE. TOTAL CONSCENTRATION, THE BEST FORM OF MEDITATION. JoAnne: we are obviously having a very physical experience.. but there is much more to it than that. MIKE: WE'VE ALREADY DONE THAT WORK. EVERYBODY HAS. THE STATED PURPOSE OF THE HUMAN PROJECT WAS TO CREATE A BEING WITH GREATER RANGE OF CREATIVITY AND EMOTIONS. THAT JOB WAS DONE MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO MIKE: WHAT WE DO NOW IS PROVIDE ENTERTAINMENT, PURE AND SIMPLE MIKE: OH AND THIS CREATIVITY IS A RESULT OF SUFFERING. WE'VE BEEN DOING THAT FOR LONG ENOUGH JoAnne: yes... long enough! I can be creative without suffering being my instigator. MIKE: CORRECT BUT YOU'VE GOT TO GET CONTROL OF YOUR EMOTIONS TO DO THAT JoAnne: and what is the standard of measurement that one uses to measure whether or not they have obtained control of their emotions? What would they observe about themselves that would identify that surely I have come to this place where I can now say I have control of my emotions? MIKE: AT THE MOMENT DUE TO THE LOOSH IN THE AETHERS, IT TAKES STEADY CONCENTRATION TO MAKE THINGS MANIFEST AND THEY HAVE TO MATCH UP WITH ARCHETYPE IMAGES. MIKE: CONTROLLING YOUR EMOTIONS IS EASY. NOTICE THAT YOUR HAVING AN EMOTION THEN CHANGE IT - SIMPLE JoAnne: re: loosh and archetypes MIKE: THE BIG THING ABOUT NOTICING THAT YOU'RE HAVING AN EMOTION IS THAT YOU HAVE TO ACCESS THE PART OF YOU THAT DOESN'T THINK OR EMOTE. LIKE YOUR HEART OR YOUR ASSHOLE MIKE: THE “LOOSH ATTACHMENTMECHANISM” ESSAY IS SHIT HOT EXPLAINS EXACTLY HOW IT WORKS. YOU'LL TOGGLE TO IT IMMEDIATELY http://blog.hasslberger.com/docs/LOOSH_ATTACHMENT_MECHANISM.pdf MIKE: FOR ARCHETYPES EVERYTHING IS DONE IN THAT MANNER. THE PROOF OF GOD ESSAY SHOWS IT CLEARLY ON A MICRO LEVEL http://blog.hasslberger.com/docs/PROOF_OF_GOD.pdf MIKE: AND THE ZEITGEIST MOVIE SHOWS CRYSTAL CLEAR ON A MACRO LEVEL. ENTIRE PREVIOUS CIVILIZATIONS PLURAL ARE EXACT MIRROR IMAGES OF THIS ONE. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO THE JESUS STORIES: https://youtu.be/pTbIu8Zeqp0 JoAnne: okay thanks for that. I'm going to pull some of them back up and refresh myself. I wanted to quote you and get some copies of the Anu jpeg to include in my graphics. JoAnne: I'm doing a very exchaustive spectral composite on my many Anu captures.. I can see it everywhere now... all scales. MORE ON RULES: THE SPOKEN WORD HAS ALL KINDS OF RULES IT ALL BECOMES KARMA - EVERY SINGLE WORD HAS RULES THAT MAKE IT - THOSE RULES ARE TRAPS FOR IDIOT HUMANS. MORE ORGASMIC LOGIC God is She and She has been in a continuous string of Big Bangs for a very long time. One can become caught up in a continuous string of orgasms with crescendos with every quantum leap. This, some how, has become boring to God. Thus, all of these ridiculous taboos on sex, which takes away the deep connection available by long meditations of Love making. Like attracts like. During orgasm is the ideal time to do manifestations. Hold the same vision. VS: Thou shalt not commit adultery. This is an instruction to commit adultery and feel bad about it – a perfect guilt trip that keeps on giving. And, guess who has fallen for that? Fucking idiots. Words actually do make images – of course, it starts vica versa images always come first - so to speak. Smile you'll like it. We live in a holographic hall of mirrors everything is manifest from images. Images activated by emotion - this is the pearl of great wisdom that they hid in the Bible but, She (the bored old broad) gave it to the dark guys that control us - and, excuse me - that fact is irrefutable. Another aspect of God's design for dummies. Very obviously God did say, “Let there be Dummies.” Look in the mirror asshole, its you. Don't look any where else, you are the idiot, which is a super good thing – God ordained it. https://www.academia.edu/14964844/VERY_INTERESTING_ABOUT_THE_BIBLE The Conundrum essay proves that all of nature is organized to keep us stupid = the best reality TV show in all of God's creation. https://www.academia.edu/13078827/A_CONUNDRUM_-_THE_SOLUTION_IS_PROFOUND Please, our observers can and do become totally one with us as we go through life – especially our dreams – a highly prized experience. Let me say again – everything you do, there are an infinite number of entities that are right with you – the are you – seeing out of your eyes and smelling your farts – also highly prized. Three cowboys riding down the road in an old pickup truck with a bench seat. There comes this green funk like tear gas, that did burn your eyes. Cowboys are not allowed to complain, the drivers didn't say shit. The other guy made the mistake of asking, “Did you fart?” retort: “Why, of course, I did. Do you think that I smell like this all of the time?”. Then they almost did run off the road. Spiritualist idiots like to talk about the number of guides that are with us – excuse me – we exist on and in just about an infinite number of realms – we are already there, as is everything else around us including our guides. So, how many guides do we have? Visualize anything, please. See it clearly. Now say no to that image. Too late the image is already a reality – saying no to the images simply is not possible. Thus, the word adultery is an image and instruction to do so. Period. Irrefutable. All images are sovereign infinite unto themselves and spring from the mind of God and are made manifest in an orgasmic rush of Love. That's the pearl of great wisdom that has been kept from humans and given to our controllers. They have been using the power of harmony to control us. To whit: Man can have his wish granted, starting with: it is those images that the grains / quantums of humanity holds in their minds that are made manifest by God for us. The sickle cell adaptation is the most obvious i.e. African natives became immune to malaria. The Maharishi Effect occurs when the right number of meditators join the effort - exactly like the 100th monkey observation. Duh. And double Duh. Fucking idiots. Thus, Man must collectively gain control of the image making process, everybody focus on one thing i.e. a pristine earth would be nice. We must hypnotise ourselves to break out of the hypnotic trance of judgement that has us trapped. Snicker. Like adultery. The dolphins are rather indiscriminate and have multiple encounters daily. And swans mate for life. Then there's the divine dance of Shiva and Shakti. Various archetypes well you can ditch them all and make up new beneficial relationships. Teams of couples would be ideal, me thinks. The term adultery converts God's most sacred love making into sex – quite amazing. Now look, why would “they” go to these great lengths to keep humans from making love? Because orgasm is the sure way of switching off one's brain and listening to God instead. Orgasm, Fucked out of your brains again, THERE IS NO BETTER WAY. Required reading: http://mytinysecrets.com/how-to-eat-pussy-a-magical-guide-for-evolvedpeople/ The Sacred Purpose Of Orgasm Posted by Adina Rivers on October 11, 2014 in Conscious Sexuality, Featured 88 Comments The Author Adina Rivers Visit Author's Website About Me Lover of Life, Love & Sensuality. Optimist. Believer. Natural Beauty Advocate. Minimalist. Living life outside the box; where the magic happens. Your scientists and doctors will tell you that an orgasm is a matter of blood and nerve endings. This physical explanation is not even the tip of the iceberg. Your orgasms take place in a realm that remains largely invisible to most of you. The following words have been channeled by a psychic medium and are supposedly coming from an extra-terrestrial species called the Pleiadians … No, I am not nuts. So don’t even go there and stay with me. The message is amazing, powerful & empowering and to me this is all that counts. I don’t care where it comes from. You might believe in other species alive in this universe or not, but the message hits the current zeitgeist. Read it. Just do it. And do it without any judgement. ——————- The Sacred Purpose of Orgasm {a message from the Goddess Inanna} In the Pleiades, we have always known and have always taught our children the sacred purpose of orgasm. This knowledge has been kept from you by the tyrant consciousness that has controlled this plane, third dimensional planet Earth, for the past 6,000 years. The tyrants found that it was much easier to control your species if they brainwashed you with sexual guilt and suppressed your natural sexuality. The power that flows through your body is the same power that allows the rest of us (yes, you are not alone!) to access the myriad of nested layers of multidimensional realities that exist and have always existed all around you. Doctors will tell you that an orgasm is a matter of blood and nerve endings.. Your scientists and doctors will tell you that an orgasm is a matter of blood and nerve endings. This physical explanation is not even the tip of the iceberg. Your orgasms take place in a realm that remains largely invisible to most of you. When you experience that sweet ephemeral pleasure you call orgasm, something is occurring in the invisible realm which is very powerful. If you were able to see the waves of energy that pour from your bodies at the moment of orgasm, you would be very careful what you think about when this happens. There are waves upon waves of energy generated by your chakras (energy centers), your endocrine system, and your physical reactions. Be very careful what you are thinking These waves of energy correlate precisely to your thoughts, meaning your consciousness. As you release these frequencies, an entire package flows out into the invisible realms. This is why it is very important for you to be careful of what you are thinking at this moment. Those who are foolish enough to tune into dark thoughts, such as pain and bondage, during their sexual experiences will find themselves plugged into a lower plane of consciousness with some very draining companions. All those wonderfully hideous images painted in the Middle Ages will give you a good idea of the company you can expect to keep. Your lust will increase, but it will never really be satisfied Not only will you hook yourself up to some very nasty entities, but you will find your sexual experience limited and limiting. Your lust will increase, but it will never really be satisfied. Those lower dimensional forces which you have invited to feed upon your orgasmic display will not want you to move on. They will always want more from you. This is why pornography, especially the victim style of pornography, has very big cooties! These negative draining parasitical entities can easily be felt even in cyberspace. A Sacred Orgasm draws pure souls If you want to use your experience to uplift you and your lover, then you both must focus on your mutual consciousness. Your endocrine system works in tandem with your chakras to emit waves of energy. These wave forms have the frequency and even color which correspond precisely with the level of your consciousness from your thoughts. These waves can be seen by those souls who are waiting in the invisible realms for an entry frequency. In simple terms, if you want a child when you are in sexual union, your orgasm will attract the level of consciousness you are creating. You will attract to you the type of consciousness you are generating. Magnetism is the law of the Invisible Realms: Like attracts like. The child/soul is attracted to a similar consciousness, meaning whatever thoughts you are having while you are making love. Your orgasm is an exact expression of your consciousness If you are drunk or on drugs, you will attract a soul from those realms. If you are angry or having some dark fantasy, then you will magnetize a soul from those realms. Consciousness is everything, even in the act of love making. Even if you are not creating a child, you are still sending out masses of energy onto the Earth plane and into the Invisible Realms. This energy greatly effects everything, including the fertility of your fields, the quality of your lives, and what you call Nature. The energies of orgasm can lift the entire planet, if properly done. Massive deep sacred orgasmic wave fields It is very important to realize the differences between men and women in this matter. In the physical world, the woman is the receptive generator (yin) and the man is the creative instigator (yang). If the man wants to enjoy the full and subtle nuances of Sacred Orgasm, he must patiently, sweetly, lovingly, and deliberately lift the frequencies of his lover. The fact is that when a woman generates massive deep sacred orgasmic wave fields, so will her partner. Their union will prolong his orgasm with hers. If he allows himself, he will be able to tune into to her experiences, which he himself has fired and augmented. He will be carried away in the Bliss of their mutually created bliss, the cosmic waves of the true sacred orgasm. You don’t know what you are missing if you are not experiencing this now. Not only that, but in fact the sacred orgasm is your Divine Right. Your beautiful bodies were designed for this in order to attract evolving souls into your plane, third dimensional planet Earth. The reptilian-based tyrants have kept you from this knowledge. They have imprisoned you in guilt and shame; you are ashamed of your bodies which are works of art. You have no idea what your human bodies are capable of. You are like super computers with no users manual. But you will not be this way forever. The time of the tyrants will come to an end the moment you freely chose to stop giving your power to them. It is up to you. Have fun! Inanna ——————C’mon, share your thoughts with me. Do you think I have gone nuts? Did you find some truth in the message? Do you think this is complete bullsh**? Love, Adina A LADY AFTER MY OWN HEART, SHE IS. THE YOGIs DESCRIBE THE FEELING OF ENLIGHTENMENT AS BEING IN A CONTINUOUS ORGASM WITH THE COSMOS. THEREFORE, A CLEAR DIRECT PATH TO ENLIGHTENMENT IS CONTINUOUS ORGASM. As one is going thru the enlightenment experience, light beings will come to make Love with you = standard operating procedure. We live in a holographic universe, made entirely from images and Love. These images are displayed on aetheric screens, which are made from Love - the literal lines of the aethers are made from Love, the color of which is piezoelectric green in color, which is the same color as the heart chakra. The first form of God is Space / the holy spirit. For eons She was very lonely, so when the aethers started forming in the void, She loved them very much. Those aethers exploded ad infinitum due to her law, which is, "I am that I am" = like attracts like = mirroring. So, there was an explosion of love in a void = an orgasm, which she is still caught up in a continuous orgasm, which crescendos Jesus / Sananda and Babaji have described the orgasmic rush of assimilating more and more of God's Love based creations. And that is has been difficult for them to disconnect from that to come back here and save our miserable asses. However, some how that continuous orgasm has become boring to God - it is rather predictable. Thus, humans - the entertainment specie - the village idiots of the universe = not boring. Humans are controlled by the spoken word - the entirety of the rest of God's creation communicates telepathically and has God's same awareness of the past, present and future as well as the infinite parallel realms. Not one of our spiritual leaders have taught us to learn telepathy - thus, they are in on God's plan to keep humans stupid and entertaining. This is crystal clear and part of the design. Therefore, get it on - we are best advised to spend at least two hours per day in an orgasmic state. Love and Blessings the Cowboy HEAVY DUTY: HOW TO THINK YOURSELF TO ORGASM !! http://www.medicaldaily.com/pulse/thinking-yourself-orgasm-how-createerogenous-zones-your-body-only-power-your-mind-347172 HOUSE CLEANING, WE THINK ABOUT TOO MUCH SHIT. ONE EXAMPLE IS ALL OF THESE E.T.s THAT REALLY ARE THERE AROUND US – BUT, WHILE WE ARE LOOKING AT THEM ARE WE ABLE TO SEE THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE REFLECTING OFF INTO INFINITE PARALLEL REALMS – WELL, ACTUALLY YOU CAN SEE AND “BE” IT ALL, IF YOU KNOW TO DO THAT. IT'S ACTUALLY AN AUTOMATIC TO ACQUIRE INFINITE AWARENESS, PROVIDED THAT YOUR OWN MIND DOES NOT LOCK YOU OUT BY REPEATING ANYTHING – IT IS ALL B.S. SO, GET YOUR DICK TO LOCK YOUR MIND INTO NEUTRAL. NOW, HOW TO MAKE LOVE – THIS WAS WRITTEN 10 YEARS AGO: LOVE MAKING HEY, THE UNIVERSE IS MADE OUT OF LOVE. THUS, MIGHT BE A GOOD IDEA TO TAKE A DIFFERENT LOOK AT HUMAN LOVE MAKING. WE ARE NOT CONCEIVED IN SIN. WHAT A BUNCH OF B.S. THAT STARTED WITH ST. AUGUSTINE IN ROME IN THE 300s A.D. I WAS GIVEN A DREAM TO WRITE THIS ESSAY GOD IS LOVE LOVE BREEDS LOVE THAT’S THE RULE – LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE LOVE MAKING NEEDS TO BE VIEWED AS A MEDITATIVE DIVINELY INSPIRED EFFORT – AN OPPORTUNITY TO LITERALLY FEEL GOD, AND THUS, LOVE MAKING MUST BE APPROACHED WITH JOY AND REVERENCE. IF EVERYBODY SPENT TWO HOURS A DAY MAKING LOVE THIS WORLD WOULD BE A MUCH DIFFERENT PLACE SOMEBODY SHOULD WRITE A SONG TO THAT AFFECT It’s like this: during Love Making you have two auras/Anus gladly occupying the same space – doubling up. Thus, the anus involved become super charged with Love and if you do it everyday they stay that way. This is why married couples live longer. Duh.!!! This super charging one’s aura/Anu with Love can even change genetic defects – that’s how powerful it is. When a lady is pregnant she is said to glow visibly – reason: two Anus. And, as a practical matter, when the male and the female are connected sexually for long periods – the exchange of hormones is very beneficial to both bodies. Frankly, if you all would do as the cowboy suggests – spend two hours a day making Love – you’d all become more and more aware and Loving. That should be a law – couples have to spend two hours a day making Love, which includes kissing, I’ve held one kiss for over an hour lots of times. Do you think God gave us this ability just for procreation? If you read the reports about folks that have gone thru to enlightenment – virtually all of them talk about the light beings that come and make Love to them – it’s happened to me twice – when i was more spiritual. Why would the light being come and make Love with us? Well not because they need more Love – maybe we do? Look the end game is enlightenment – a state of continuous orgasm with the cosmos – then one becomes one with God and the cosmos. Now that can be done alone – most times that is the case. Look the longer you hold the orgasm or near state of orgasm i.e. Almost coming but not quite – the more you train your body to accept that state of bliss – the rule is like attracts like – this is not difficult. Look at the dance of Shiva and Shakti – they whirled themselves into ecstasy. For those of you who don’t know: this is a famous dance between a Hindu God and Goddess. So, what is the best way to make Love? Via the Taoist method, because their meditative micro-cosmic orbit via which the love energy is circulated matches the way energy flows in our aura/anu – the ancient Taoists observed this – i love the Tao. The Taoist method is light years better than the Tantra. Read: TAOIST SECRETS OF LOVE by Chia. Although Tantra provides spice, inventiveness, creativity, and a wider range of emotions to be experienced during love making – just that the sexual energy is best channeled via the Taoist micro-cosmic orbit. Important: each touch is divine and must be felt. Each caress is full of Love and must be felt for long periods (15 minutes at least). There comes a glow – feel it – enhance it. Also, the massages of the Kahunas are awesome – these massages can go on for as long as two days – the two participants become totally one. That’s the whole idea – for the couple to become one If you can become one with your loved one – then you can become one with God. Now, go do it. Snicker If you want to learn more about the Anu and the physics of Love making and enlightenment then please read the essays posted here: http://blog.hasslberger.com/2007/04/mike_emery_enlightenment_and_t.html Pheromones - Substances which, when inhaled, can produce a reaction: sexual attraction, relaxation, excitement, even euphoria. Many affect women and men differently. Psychological studies show that inhaling pheromones has an imprinting effect for the person with whom they are with during sexual activity. From article in Men's Health Magazine. A SNICKER: A priest was called away for an emergency. Not wanting to leave the confessional unattended, he called his rabbi friend from across the street and asked him to cover for him. The rabbi told him he wouldn't know what to say, but the priest told him to come on over and he'd stay with him for a little bit and show him what to do. The rabbi comes and he and the priest are in the confessional. After a few minutes a woman comes in and says "Father forgive me for I have sinned." The priest asks "What did you do?". The woman says "I committed adultery." Priest: "How many times?" Woman: "Three times." Priest: "Say two Hail Mary's, put $5 in the box and go and sin no more." A few minutes later a man enters the confessional. He says "Father forgive me for I have sinned." Priest: "What did you do?" Man: "I committed adultery." Priest:"How many times?" Man: "Three times." Priest: "Say two Hail Mary's put $5 in the box and go and sin no more." The rabbi tells the priest that he thinks he's got it so the priest leaves. A few minutes later another woman enters and says "Father forgive me for Ihave sinned." Rabbi: "What did you do?" Woman: "I committed adultery." Rabbi: "How many times?" Woman: "Once." Rabbi: "Go do it two more times. We have a special this week, three for $5." ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN ORGASM IS THE SOLUTION TO EVERYTHING We live in a holographic hall of mirrors everything is manifest from images. Images activated by emotion - this is the pearl of great wisdom that they hid in the Bible but, She (the bored old broad) gave it to the dark guys that control us - and, excuse me - that fact is irrefutable. Another aspect of God's design for dummies. Very obviously God did say, “Let there be Dummies.” Look in the mirror asshole, its you. Don't look any where else, you are the idiot, which is a super good thing – God ordained it. https://www.academia.edu/14964844/VERY_INTERESTING_ABOUT_THE_BIBLE Orgasm, Fucked out of your brains again, THERE IS NO BETTER WAY. Not one of our spiritual leaders have taught us to learn telepathy - thus, they are in on God's plan to keep humans stupid and entertaining. This is crystal clear and part of the design. DESIGN IDEAS, THERE'S A WHOLE BUNCH OF THEM, I'VE GOT TO KEEP TRACK OF THEM. YOU'D NOT BELIEVE THE NUMBER OF IDEAS THAT GET AWAY FROM ME – I DO SPEND A LOT OF TIME LAUGHING – SO, MOOT, MORE IDEAS WILL COME. More Orgasms, More Years of Life? By LAWRENCE K. ALTMAN Published: December 23, 1997  MEN who have more orgasms seem to live longer, a statistical study of Welsh villagers in The British Medical Journal has found. It is one of the rare studies of sex and death, and the authors light-heartedly suggested in the article on Saturday that the findings might result in new kinds of promotional campaigns for healthy living. But before then, further studies of both sexes are needed to confirm their findings, the authors said. Two other scientists added a few drops of cold water, cautioning that because of its design, the epidemiological study might not have been able to identify a number of factors that could have inadvertently influenced the findings. One possibility is that the link could be reversed -- ill people may be less likely to have sex, according to the critics who commented in the same issue. Having regular sex reduces the risk of death by about half, according to the analysis, which was part of a long-term study of chronic disease in the Welsh town of Caerphilly (pronounced CARE-fill-ee). ''Sexual activity seems to have a protective effect on men's health,'' Dr. George Davey-Smith's team concluded after analysing death rates of nearly 1,000 men from 45 to 59. The researchers said they undertook the study because few findings existed on any link between patterns of sexual behaviour and death, and they challenged epidemiologists elsewhere to conduct similar studies, particularly among women, for whom very little relevant data exist. Dr. Davey-Smith's team assessed the existence of heart disease in the men when they entered the study from 1979 to 1983. After explaining the purpose of their question, they asked the men about the frequency of sexual activity. The answers were put into categories ranging from ''never'' to ''daily.'' The question about male sexual activity was dropped midway through the enrolment period because local doctors suggested that many men did not like talking about sex, said Dr. Davey-Smith's team from the University of Bristol and Queen's University of Belfast. The participants' names were flagged in the British national health service's central registry and the researchers were automatically notified if they died. The death rate was analysed 10 years after the participants entered the study. Men who said they had sex twice a week had a risk of dying half that of the less passionate participants who said they had sex once a month, Dr. Davey-Smith's team said. No other risk factor showed a statistically significant link to the frequency of orgasm. The authors said that they had tried to adjust the study's design to account for a factor that might explain the findings -- that healthier, fitter men with more healthy life styles engaged in more sex. Even so, they could not explain the differences in risk. Hormonal effects on the body resulting from frequent sex could be among other possible explanations for the findings, Dr. Davey-Smith said. If the findings are duplicated, Dr. Davey-Smith's team proposed a campaign to promote the benefits of an active sex life. They wrote, ''Intervention programs could be considered, perhaps based on the exciting 'at least five a day' campaign aimed at increasing fruit and vegetable consumption -- although the numerical imperative may have to be adjusted.'' But two scientists from King's College School of Medicine in London, Matthew Hotopf and Simon Wessely, criticized Dr. Davey-Smith's study, saying ''it would not take many cases of undetected heart disease to give'' the same results. The British Medical Journal Sex and death: are they related? Findings from the Caerphilly cohort study BMJ 1997; 315 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.315.7123.1641 (Published 20 December 1997) Cite this as: BMJ 1997;315:1641 1. George Davey Smith (zetkin@bristol.ac.uk), professor of clinical epidemiology, 2. Stephen Frankel, professor of epidemiology and public health medicine, 3. John Yarnell, senior lecturer Objective: To examine the relation between frequency of orgasm and mortality. Study design: Cohort study with a 10 year follow up. Setting: The town of Caerphilly, South Wales, and five adjacent villages. Subjects: 918 men aged 45–59 at time of recruitment between 1979 and 1983. Main outcome measures: All deaths and deaths from coronary heart disease. Result: Mortality risk was 50% lower in the group with high orgasmic frequency than in the group with low orgasmic frequency, with evidence of a dose-response relation across the groups. Age adjusted odds ratio for all-cause mortality was 2.0 for the group with low frequency of orgasm (95% confidence interval 1.1 to 3.5, test for trend P=0.02). With adjustment for risk factors this became 1.9 (1.0 to 3.4, test for trend P=0.04). Death from coronary heart disease and from other causes showed similar associations with frequency of orgasm, although the gradient was most marked for deaths from coronary heart disease. Analysed in terms of actual frequency of orgasm, the odds ratio for total mortality associated with an increase in 100 orgasms per year was 0.64 (0.44 to 0.95). Conclusion: Sexual activity seems to have a protective effect on men's health. http://www.bmj.com/content/315/7123/1641