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A detailed study of the historical, archaeological, literary and linguistic evidence for a post-Roman British kingdom having been based at the former Late Roman provincial capital of Lincoln through the fifth century and into the sixth. It is argued that there is now a significant quantity of evidence that points to the existence of such a polity, and that this polity was probably able to control Anglo-Saxon activity in the surrounding region for several generations. This study also looks at its lasting historical significance of such a British territory in this region.
Journal for the study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman period, 2008
Талачынскі край: гісторыка-культурная спадчына рэгіёна, 2024
Дзярновіч А. Балты і іх нашчадкі ў Абольцах: этнаканфесійныя характарыстыкі мястэчка ў Сярэднявеччы і Новым часе // Талачынскі край: гісторыка-культурная спадчына рэгіёна : зб. навук. арт. / Нац. акад. навук Беларусі, Ін-т гісторыі; уклад.: А.В. Бараноўскі, Д.А. Крэнт; рэдкал.: В.Л. Лакіза [і інш.]. Мінск : Беларуская навука, 2024. 491 с. (Беларусь праз прызму рэгіянальнай гісторыі). С. 94—111. On the basis of written historical sources, data of toponymy, revealed dynamics of historical anthroponymy, it can be stated that Abolcy and its surroundings for a long period (from the Middle Ages to the 19th century) were a region of permanent Baltic-Slavic contacts. The fate of the Baltic community of Abocy and their descendants illustrates the processes of Baltic-Slavic interaction in Belarus during the 2nd millennium AD, the specifics of the ethnogenesis of Belarusians and the uprising at the end of the 19th and 20th centuries modern Belarusian nation on secular foundations.
The article presents the characteristics of the urban and posad fortifications of Tobolsk of the XVII century on the basis of a comparative study of historical, cartographic and archaeological sources. According to the available data, it has been established that the stages and nature of the development of the first province city of Siberia in the early stages of its history depended on the localization and features of the defensive lines construction. The analysis of Siberian chronicles, late historical texts, urban plans and archaeological research materials allowed to determine the development direction of Tobolsk and change of its borders over time, as well as to clarify the localization of fortifications, to reveal their true size and the construction of wooden structures. A detailed description is given of all revealed excavations, laid in the historical part of the city, fortifications, represented by ditches of different sizes from palings, with additional structures.
Madrider Mitteilungen, 2023
This paper brings together the results achieved during the excavation campaigns carried out at the Tartessian building of Casas del Turuñuelo (Guareña, Badajoz, Spain) between 2015 and 2022. Along with the presentation of the documented spaces, some results from the study and analysis of objects discovered during the excavation are presented. The article delves into two main aspects of the study of the site: the analysis of its architecture and the study of the imported materials documented through the archaeological work. All this documentation updates the readings and interpretations that, to date, have been made of the Casas del Turuñuelo building and the final stage of Tartessus in the Central Guadiana Valley.
J.Rad.Pro, 2024
Recent analyses of environmental samples from Gaza revealed the presence of Enriched Uranium with 24 soil and sand samples having U238/U235 mean isotope ratios of 84.6+-17.9. This value is highly significant given that the natural ratio is 137.88. As a comparison, analysis of 448 environmental samples from Newbury and surrounding areas examined by the University of Southampton in 1997 found no enriched signature ratios below a 3-σ cutoff of 137.4. Earlier reports revealed enriched Uranium signature ratios in Lebanon (2006) and Gaza (2008). It is suggested that these findings point to the existence of some new weapon which employs Uranium in some way. It is suggested that this may be of radiological significance for public health.