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Proceedings of ICTACEM 2014 International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics December 29-31, 2014, IIT Kharagpur, India ICTACEM-2014/109 Progressive failure analysis of lamianted composite under biaxial loading Appaso M Gadadea* Achchhe Lalb and B. N. Singhc a* Research Scholar, MED,S. V. National Institute of Technology, Ichchhanath, Surat,Gujrat-395 007,India. Asst. Professor, MED,S. V. National Institute of Technology, Ichchhanath, Surat,Gujrat-395 007,India. c Professor and Head, AED, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal-721302, India. b ABSTRACT This paper presents progressive failure analysis of laminated composite plate under biaxial loading using advanced Puck failure criterion. A highly efficient Reddy‟ higher order shear deformation theory (HSDT) with seven degrees of freedom and C0 continuity used for computing accurate ply by ply stresses. A progressive degradation model used for degradation of material properties. The results obtained are compared with Tsai-Wu theory and literatures. The first-ply failure and last ply failure envelopes are obtained for various lamination scheme, thickness ratio and aspect ratio. Keywords: laminate. Progressive failure analysis, Reddy‟s higher order theory, Puck failure criterion, Composite 1. INTRODUCTION The increasing demand of laminated composite materials in structural applications necessitates a thorough understanding of their behaviour under various loading conditions. In particular the trend towards higher design levels has led to the need to understand failure initiation and to predict strength. Composite materials are key element to improve energy efficiency of future planes, trains, ships and automobiles. In stiffness critical applications composites have delivered their promised weight savings, but this is not a case in strength critical applications and needs more attention in this area. The development of more accurate models and accurate quantification of material parameters used for failure prediction required for attaining higher efficiency in strength critical applications. Due to orthotropic nature of composite laminate failure prediction of composite laminate is a complex phenomenon. The detailed literature review of failure prediction models show that the model formulated by Puck et al [1] to be the most accurate, but Tsai-Wu [2] and Hashin [3] model developed in 1960 and 70s become popular and used in industrial applications widely. The Tsai-Wu and Hashin model used widely because only six material parameters are required for failure prediction, whereas Pucks model requires at least eleven material parameters. Over the last three decades numerous failure theories or models have been proposed by many researchers to cater this need. A considerable amount of strength remains unutilised even after first ply failure of composite. Therefore the prime objective of the present study is to predict last ply 1 failure load by using more accurate stiffness degradation model and Puck failure criterion so as to utilize complete available strength of structure. 2. HIGHER ORDER SHEAR DEFORMATION THEORY(HSDT) Higher-order theories can represent the kinematics better, may not require shear correction factors, and can yield more accurate interlaminar stress distributions. However, they involve higher-order stress resultants that are difficult to interpret physically and require considerably more computational effort. In the C0-HSDT type, two additional variables have been included in the displacement field, and hence only the first derivative of transverse displacement is needed. 2.1 Displacement Field The origin of the material coordinates is at the middle of the laminate as shown in the figure 1. The present theory uses a displacement approach, much like in the Reissner-Mindlin type theories. However, the displacement field chosen is of a special form. The form is directed by the satisfaction of the conditions that the transverse shear stresses vanish on the plate surfaces and be nonzero elsewhere. This requires the use of a displacement field in which the in-plane displacements are expanded as cubic functions of the thickness coordinate and the transverse deflection is constant through the plate thickness. 1 h 1= - h/2 h2 x k hk h k+1 N hN h N+1 = h/2 z Figure 1. Geometry of the laminated composite plate. We begin with the displacement field [5], u  u  f1 ( z )1  f 2 ( z )1 v  v  f 2 ( z )2  f 2 ( z ) 2 ww (1) 2 Where u , v and w denote the displacements of a point along the x y z  coordinate axis u, v, and w are the corresponding displacements of a point on the mid plane, 1 and 2 are the rotations at z = 0 of normal to the mid-surface with respect to y and x, axes, respectively. 1 ( w, x ) and 2 ( w, y ) is the slope along x, y respectively. The function f1 ( z ) and f 2 ( z ) given in eq. (1) can be written as f1 ( z )  C1 z  C2 z 3 and f 2 ( z )  C4 z 3 (2) Where C1  1; C2  C4  4 3h2 The displacement vector for the modified C0 continuous model can be written as   u v w 2 1 2 1  (3) where, (,) denotes the partial differential. 2.2 Strain Displacement Relations The strain displacement relations are obtained by using Von-Karman theory. The strain vectors corresponding to displacement fields are x  u v u v u w v w  ,  xz   ,  y  ,  xy  ,  yz   , x y x y z x z y The linear strain vectors corresponding to displacement fields are,  l   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6  T with , 1  1o  z  k1o  z 2 k12  ,  2   2o  z  k2o  z 2 k22  ,  3  0,  4   4o  z 2 k42 ,  5   5o  z 2 k52 ,  6   6o  z  k6o  z 2 k62  , (4) (5) where 10 = u / x , k10 =  x / x , k12 = - 4/3h2(  x / x +  2 w / x 2 ),  20 = u / y , k20 =  y / y , k22 =-4/3h2(  y / y +  2 w / y 2 ),  60  u / y  v / x , k60   x / y   y / x , k62  4 / 3h2 ( x / y   y / x  2 2 w / xy) ,  40   y  w / y, k42  4 / h2 ( y  w / y) ,  50   x  w / x, k52  4 / h2 ( x  w / x) . 2.3 Constitutive Equation (stress-strain relation) Stress is related to strain by following relation    Q    (6) 3  x   1   Q11     Q 12 2 y           xy    6   Q16       yz   4   0   xz     5    0 Q12 Q16 0 Q 22 Q 26 0 Q 26 Q 66 0 0 0 Q 44 0 0 Q 45 0     x  0  y     0   xy  ,   Q 45   yz    xz   Q 55   (7) where Qij are elastic material constants. 2.4 Potential Energy of the Laminate The potential energy of a laminated composite plate undergoing deformation is given as [4] U 1 T     dV ,  2V (8) where   is stress vector,    1  2  6  4  5  T  (8)  Further the linear potential energy of the laminate is given by using equation (7) and (8) as U  1  l T Q l  dV .  2v 1  0 here  l      l , and    0  0 0   and     l (9) 0 0 z 0 0 z3 1 0 0 z 0 0 1 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 z 0 0 z 0 0 1 0 z 0 1 0  20  60 k10 k20 k60 k12 k22 k62  40  50 k42 k52  , 0 1   2 0  0 0 ,  0 z 2  (10) (11) Linear potential energy becomes, Ul  T 1  l T T QT  l dV ,  2V   (12) This can further be written as, UL  Where, T 1  L D L dA,  2A D  T  NL zk k 1 zk 1 T  A1     B Q  T  dz    E      0  0  (13)  B  E  C1   F1   F1   H  0 0 0 0 0 0 0  A2  C2  4 0   0  0    C2    F2   (14) with A 2ij ,  A1ij , Bij ,  C1ij , F2ij   C2ij , Eij ,  Q 1 NL zk (k ) k 1 zk 1  H ij   F1ij , (k ) k 1 zk 1 z 4  dz, z,2 , ij  Q 1 NL zk ij , z, z,2 z,3 z,4 z 6  dz , For i,j=1,2,6, For i,j=4,5,     L , (15) The equation (11) can be rewritten as (16) L where L is differential operator. UL  The linear potential energy becomes 1 T LT DL dA.   2A (17) 3. FINIE ELEMENT MOEL For the finite element analysis the (17) equation can be written as 1  ( e )T LT DL ( e ) dA.   e 1 2 A( e ) Ul   NE (18) here NE is number of elements used for messing the plate. Displacement vector  in equation (3) can be written in terms of shape functions as     Ni i  , NN (19) i 1 here i represent node number. And Ni is shape function at ith node.   N q For an element, it can be written as (e) (e) (e) , putting above values of  in equation (18) we get (20) (e) 1 q ( e )T N ( e )T LT DLN ( e ) q ( e ) dA   2 e 1 A( e ) Ul   NE (21) 1 q ( e)T B( e)T DB( e) q ( e) dA,   2 A( e ) Elemental potential energy can be written as Ul (e)  where  B (e) here  B (e) (22)   L N  , (23) B2 (24)   B1 (e) B3    BNN  , with [Bi] = [L]Ni. i=1, 2, 3,……, NN 5 (25) Thus finally elemental potential energy can be written as 1 U l ( e )  q ( e )T K ( e ) q ( e ) 2  (26) Where Element bending stiffness matrix K (e)  B ( e )T DB( e ) dA, (27) (e) A Here K(e) are computed numerically by transforming existing coordinate system to natural coordinate system  and  , the equations (27) can be represented as    BiT DB j det Jd d , 1 1 K (e) ij (28) 1 1  x /  x2 /   Here J   1 , x1 /  x2 /   is Jacobian. When numerical integration is adopted, the elemental matrices in equations (28) becomes Kij( e )  1 2 WpWq BiT DB j det J , N N p 1 p 1 (29) Here Wp and Wq are weights used in Gaussian quadrature. Thus total linear potential energy of system becomes, 1 U L   q ( e )T K ( e ) q ( e ) , e 1 2 NE (30) The governing equation for computing deflection of a composite laminated plate under biaxial loading is given by  Kij  qi   Fi  (31) Where  Kij    Kije is global stiffness matrix and Fi   Fx Fy 0 0 0 0 is a force NE e 1 vector and qi  deflection vector of a composite laminated plate. 4. PUCK FAILURE CRITERION The new criterin developed by Puck et al [1], is based on physical foundations as proposed by Hashin et al [6]. The criterion is essentially based on the hypothesis of Coulomb [7] and Mohr [8] and modified by Paul [14]. It is therefore formulated for a rotatable coordinate system, which is referred to as the failure plane, the plane where the brittle failure occurs. The summarized Puck failure criterion is shown in Table 1 below. 6 Table 1. Summarized Puck failure criterion Type of Failure Failure Mode Fibre Failure Tension Fibre   f 12 1  2 m f  2   10 6   1  1   1C  Ef1   6    YT    2   2 1    1  PP     PP S12   YT  S12  S12   Mode A 2   2 2    p P 2   1  2     2  Y  6    2  C 1  2 1  p  S    YC     2   21    Mode C R  2 1    2   6  pP  2 S12  Mode B Parameter Relationships Condition of validity   f 12 1  m f  2   1  1   1T  Ef1  Compression Inter Failure ....  0 Failure Condition 2 1  P YC     S12  2 P ....  0 2  0 2  0 0  2 R    6  6c 2  0 0   6  6c  2 R    R  YC   1 ; P  PP  ;  6c  S12 1  2P  1  2 P  S12 S12   5. DEGRADATION MODEL Puck and Schürmann [1] account for material property degradation for IFF in Modes A, B and C in plane stress by introducing a dimensionless degradation factor denoted by η. For no degradation η= 1, and values of η less than one correspond to degraded material property values. The Mode A degradation factor is denoted by ηa and for Mode B and C degradation factor is denoted by η(-). Hence, the range of the matrix degradation factors is 0  a  1 and 0      1 (32) The onset of a matrix crack in Mode A (transverse tension) occurs when the failure index FIM = 1, and at the crack location the moduli drop to zero. The gradual decrease in Mode A is represented by reduced moduli ηaE2 and ηaG12 and a reduced Poisson‟s ratio ηaν12. The average stresses in the failed ply are functions of η, that is σ22 (ηa) and σ12 (ηa) , and they are computed from the laminate strains using the reduced moduli ηaE2 and ηaG12, and a reduced Poissons ratio ηaν12. The value of ηa is computed by enforcing failure index FIM= 1 after the onset of the Mode A failure. Modes B and C are shear failures impeded by a compressive normal stress and the cracks do not open. So there is no degradation to the modulus E2 and the Poisson‟s ratio ν12, but the modulus G12 is degraded by the factor η(-). After computing the shear stress σ12(η(-)) from the laminate strains for the reduced shear modulus η(-)G12, the failure index for Mode B is kept equal to one to find the value of η(-). For increasing load the 7 failure mode can change from B to C, and at the point of transition the magnitude of the shear stress is a maximum. For further increasing load in Mode C the failure index for Mode C is kept equal to one to find the value of η(-). The value modulus G12 is then reduced till the value of σ22 becomes equal to YC. 5. PROGRESSIVE FAILURE ANALYSIS Define Initial State Degrade properties using η1 putting in the laminate elastic stiffness in matrix fiber failure Establish linear static equation [Kij]{qi}={Fi} Compute stresses in terms of η1 for unit load Obtain Ply by Ply stresses and strains for unit load varying action plane from 0 to 360 Assuming FI as 1 find out value of η1 Obtain FI and LF by Puck Failure Criterion Again putting the value of η1 in the laminate elastic stiffness matrix Minimum of load factor will be FPF Compute Load Factor by using Failure criterion Degrade properties of materials via degradation model Minimum of Load factor will be LPF Figure 1. Progressive failure analysis floe chart. 6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A finite element code is developed in MATLAB for solving displacement field, by using a nine noded isoparametric element with seven degrees of freedom. 6.1 Problem Description The laminates considered for failure analysis are made of AS-4 graphite/epoxy material. Properties of this material are listed in Table2. The dimensions of plate considered are unit 8 dimensions. Stresses and strains are determined by HSDT and validated against literatures. A different in plane loading conditions is considered and response of plate is obtained. Table 2. Material properties of AS-4 graphite/epoxy pre-peg [1] Properties Value Properties Value E1 126 Gpa Xt 1950 MPa E2 11 Gpa Xc 1480 MPa E3 10.8 Gpa Yt =Zt 48 MPa G12=G13 6.6 Gpa Yc=Zc 200 MPa G23 3.4 Gpa R 79 MPa Table 3. Mechanical Properties of composite laminate [9] Property Longitudinal tensile failure strain, T Value 1.38 (%) Longitudinal compressive failure strain  C (%) 1.175 Major Poisson's ratio v12 0.28 Through thickness Poisson's ratio v23 0.4 Transverse tensile failure strain 0.436  2T (%) Transverse compressive failure strain In-plane shear failure strain  12u (%)  2C (%) 2 2 6.2 Convergence Study The convergence study shows that 4x4 mesh will be sufficient for further analysis. Also present results matches closely with Tolson et al [10], Reddy et al [12, 4], Ocha et al [11] and 3D elasticity solution [15]. Table 4. Convergence study and comparison of central deflection of square laminated [0/90] s cross ply plate subjected to non dimensionalised sinusoidal load with simply supported boundary conditions with different aspect ratios(aspect ratio s=a/h=10, E1/E2=25.0, G12/G23=2.5, υ12= υ23=0.25) Aspect Ratio (a/h) Mesh density 10 Central deflection Present Tolson et al[10] Ocha et al [11] Reddy et al [12] Reddy et al [4] 3D Elasticity Solution [16] 2×2 1.6919 1.693 -------- 1.534 1.643 1.709 3×3 1.6816 -------- -------- -------- 4×4 1.6733 1.671 -------- -------- 5×5 1.6733 -------- -------- -------- 6×6 1.6733 -------- 1.790 -------- 9 20 2×2 1.1911 1.188 -------- 1.136 3×3 1.1826 -------- -------- -------- 4×4 1.1798 1.177 -------- -------- 5×5 1.1734 -------- -------- -------- 6×6 1.1730 -------- 1.216 -------- 1.163 1.189 6.3 Validation Study The results for in plane loading conditions are validated with Reddy and Reddy [14] and deflections for transverse loading conditions are validated with Kam et al.[10]. Table 5.Validation of non-dimensionalised first-ply failure load for different symmetric and antisymmetric laminates with clamped end boundary conditions under in plane tensile loading Lamination scheme First ply failure load Difference (I) Present (II) Reddy and Reddy [14] (I) –(II)/ (I) % [45/-45/90/0/45/90/-45/0]s 1.1896e+006 1.167367e+006 1.87 [45/-45/0/90/45/0/-45/90]s 1.1874e+006 1.167367e+006 1.68 [45/0/-45/0/-45/90/0/45]s 1.4734e+006 1.455385e+006 1.22 [45/0/-45/0/-45/0/45/0]s 2.1555e+006 2.123379e+006 1.49 [45/-45/45]t 9.6114e+007 9.2514644e+007 3.74 [-45/45/-45/45]t 4.4309e+007 4.3535484+007 1.75 Table 6. Validation of deflection of laminated plate subjected to uniform load with simply supported (SS1) and clamped (CC1) boundary conditions. BC SS1 CC1 Lamination Scheme Normalized Load (P/E2)(a/h)^4 Normalized central deflections (w/h) Present Kam et al [10] Reddy & Reddy[14] [45/-45/90/0/45/90/-45/0]s 9689.1 1.9603 1.950 1.956 [45/-45/0/90/45/0/-45/90]s 9030.1 2.1282 1.913 1.919 [45/0/-45/0/-45/90/0/45]s 6177.7 1.8150 1.842 1.845 [45/0/-45/0/-45/0/45/0]s 4517.8 1.4510 1.838 1.840 [45/-45/90/0/45/90/-45/0]s 5144.9 1.0408 1.282 1.283 [45/-45/0/90/45/0/-45/90]s 3833.8 0.9034 1.163 1.164 [45/0/-45/0/-45/90/0/45]s 2442.6 0.7175 1.055 1.053 [45/0/-45/0/-45/0/45/0]s 2083.6 0.6603 1.066 1.064 A failure envelope of the composite laminate plate subjected to unit biaxial load is shown in figure 2. 10 LPF Present 1500 LPF Puck et al [5] FPF Present 1000 FPF Puck et al [5] MPa 500  y 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -1500 -1000 -500  . x 0 MPa 500 1000 1500 Figure 2. Validation of present first ply and last ply failure envelope for [0/45/-45/90]s made up of CFRP material subjected to bi-axial loading with Puck et al [5]. 6.4 Biaxial failure envelopes for various loading conditions 2 x 10 7 Puck Failure Envelopes-Load Space a/h=50.Nx/Ny=1/2,Ny 1 FPF LPF 1.5 x 10 7 Puck Failure Envelopes-Load Space,a/h=100,Nx/Ny=1/2, Ny 0.8 0.6 1 0.4 y 0.2 0 0   y 0.5 -0.2 -0.5 -0.4 -1 -0.6 -1.5 FPF LPF -0.8 -2 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 x -1 -5 1 x 10 0 5 Nx 7 (a) x 10 6 (b) Figure 3. Biaxial failure envelope for [0/+45/-45/90]s laminate under Nx/Ny=1/2 with (a) a/h=50 and (b) a/h=100 1 x 10 7 Puck Failure Envelopes-Load Space,a/h=100,Nx/Ny=1/-1, Nx 2 FPF LPF 0.8 x 10 7 Puck Failure Envelopes-Load Space,a/h=50,Nx/Ny=1/-1, Ny FPF LPF 1.5 0.6 1 0.4 0.5 y 0  y 0.2 -0.2 0 -0.5 -0.4 -1 -0.6 -1.5 -0.8 -1 -1 -0.5 0  x 0.5 -2 -2 1 x 10 -1.5 -1  -0.5 0 7 (a) x 0.5 1 1.5 2 x 10 7 (b) Figure 4. Biaxial failure envelope for [0/+45/-45/90]s laminate under Nx/Ny=1/-1 with (a) a/h=50 and (b) a/h=100 11 1 x 10 7 Puck Failure Envelopes-Load Space[0/15]2s a/h=40 0.5 0 x 10 7 Puck Failure Envelopes-Load Space[0/30]2s, Nx/Ny=1/1, Nx 0 -1 -0.5 -2 y   y -1 -3 -1.5 -4 -2 -5 LPF FPF -6 -7 -4 -3 -2 -1 0  1 2 3 FPF LPF -3 -3 4 x 10 x -2.5 -2 -1 0  7 (a) 0.5 x 10 7 1 2 Puck Failure Envelopes-Load Space[0/45]2s,Nx/Ny=1/1,Nx x 10 7 Puck Failure Envelopes-Load Space[0/90]2s, Nx/Ny=1/1, Nx 2 0 FPF LPF 1.5 -0.5 1 0.5 FPF LPF y y 7 (b) 2.5 -1 3 x 10 x 0 -0.5 -1.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -3 -2.5 -3 -2 -2 -1 0  x 1 2 3 x 10 -2 -1 0  7 (c) 1 2 x 3 x 10 7 (d) Figure 5. Biaxial failure envelope for (a) [0/15]2s ,(b) [0/15]2s ,(c) [0/15]2s (d) [0/15]2s laminate with a/h=40 under Nx/Ny=1/1 A figure 3 shows biaxial failure envelope for [0/+45/-45/90]s laminate under Nx/Ny=1/2 with (a) a/h=50 and (b) a/h=100. A figure 4 shows biaxial failure envelope for [0/+45/-45/90]s laminate under Nx/Ny=1/-1 with (a) a/h=50 and (b) a/h=100. A figure 5 Biaxial failure envelope for (a) [0/15]2s ,(b) [0/15]2s ,(c) [0/15]2s (d) [0/15]2s (a/h=40 and Nx/Ny=1/1). 7. CONCLUSIONS The response of composite laminated plate for under different biaxial loading is obtained. The result shows considerable difference between first-ply and last-ply failure load. The failure load increases with increase in thickness of plate and decrease in ply angle. REFERENCES 1. Puck, A., and Schurmann, H.,Failure Analysis of FRP Laminates by Means of Physically Based Phenomenological Models, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 58, 1998, pp 1045–1067. 2. Stephen W. Tsai and Edward M. Wu, A General Theory of Strength for Anisotropic Materials, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 5, (January 1971), pp. 58-80. 12 3. 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