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UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI BARI ALDO MORO Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica XXIII Ciclo – A.A. 2010/2011 Settore Scientifico-Disciplinare: MAT/08 – Analisi Numerica Tesi di Dottorato High order finite difference schemes for the numerical solution of second order ordinary differential problems Candidato: Giuseppina SETTANNI Supervisori della tesi: Prof. P. AMODIO Coordinatore del Dottorato di Ricerca: Prof. L. LOPEZ iii Apriró anche nel deserto una strada, immetteró fiumi nella steppa. (Isaia 43) Contents 1 Second Order Differential Equations 1.1 Initial Value Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Linear Equation with constant coefficients . . . . . . 1.3 Two-Point Boundary Value Problems . . . . . . . . . Singular Perturbation Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Eigenvalue Problems and Sturm-Liouville Problems . Properties of Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions . . . . Singular Sturm-Liouville Systems . . . . . . . . . . . Initial Value Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boundary Value Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Boundary Value Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 High Order Generalized Difference Schemes 2.1 High order finite difference schemes . . . . . . 2.2 D2ECDF, D2GBDF and D2GFDF . . . . . . Time-reversal symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Conditioning analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 3 5 6 7 9 11 13 13 16 . . . . . 19 19 28 32 34 38 3 HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems 3.1 High Order Generalized Upwind Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 HOGUP on Variable Mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Deferred Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Error Equidistribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stepsize and order variation strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Numerical Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 42 50 51 55 57 59 76 vi 4 Second-Order Initial Value Problems 4.1 High order finite difference schemes . 4.2 Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Additional formulae . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Mesh Selection Strategy . . . . . . . 4.5 Numerical Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 82 85 88 93 95 100 5 Sturm-Liouville Problems 5.1 High order finite difference schemes . . . . . . . . 5.2 Additional Formulae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Initial Value Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Algebraic solution of Sturm-Liouville problems . 5.4 Stepsize and Order Variation Strategy . . . . . . 5.5 Test Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Singular Self-Adjoint Sturm–Liouville Problem 5.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 104 106 110 110 112 116 129 135 6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Acknowledgements Firstly I want to be grateful to my supervisor Prof. Pierluigi Amodio for the scientific cooperation of the last four years and for the worthwhile exchange of ideas which has allowed myself to evolve in the research. Moreover, I am also grateful to Prof. Ewa B. Weinmüller for my stay of research at Vienna University of Technology, for the scientific exchange and for the international cooperation she has involved me in. I say thank both of them for their willingness. viii Index Introduction The present work shoots for the presentation of a code able to solve secondorder ordinary differential equations that arise from different applications in physics, chemistry and engineering. Apart the restriction of the second order, we consider initial and boundary value problems, and also eigenvalue problems of differential equations, in particular we examine Sturm-Liouville problems. Chapter 1 begins with a theoretical description of second order differential equations and eigenvalue problems. Theorems of existence and uniqueness and some definitions are given. In the last section we introduce the Boundary Value Methods, whose idea is at the base of the methods introduced in the next chapters. Chapter 2 presents a class of methods based on generalized high order difference schemes (HOGD), which include D2ECDF, D2GFDF and D2GBDF methods which defer among them for the difference scheme chosen to discretize the first derivative. These methods are introduced for solving second order boundary value problems. Properties of the methods are also analyzed, moreover it has been realized an analysis of the conditioning which puts the basis for the generalized upwind method. Chapter 3 takes in consideration a particular class of BVPs named singular perturbation problems (SPPs). We analyze the application of HOGD schemes, introduced in Chapter 2, to SPPs and by the conditioning analysis we introduced the class of high order generalized upwind methods HOGUPs, which are very efficient and suitable. One section is dedicated to deferred method which permits to evaluate the estimation error considering the same numerical scheme. Moreover, a stepsize variation based on the error equidistribution is used in order to guarantee the accuracy with few points of discretization. In the last section some examples on test problems taken from [29] show the efficiency of the Matlab code HOFiD UP. Chapter 4 contemplates the solution of second order initial value problems. The high order difference schemes considered to find the solution follow x Introduction the idea at the base of HOGD methods introduced for the boundary value problems. An analysis of the conditioning is performed and seven classes of methods depending on the choice of the main difference scheme to approximate the second and the first derivatives. Even and odd methods are considered and three different approaches allow us to obtain the solution of the problem. The estimation error is obtained using the deferred correction and it is used in order to improve the distribution of the mesh points, suggesting a simple strategy of stepsize variation discussed in the Section 4.4. Some applications are shown, the most important one is the Flow in concrete problem. In Chapter 5 eigenvalue problems for second order differential equations are treated, in particular Sturm-Liouville problems. Generalized high order central difference schemes ECDFs, introduced in Chapter 2, are the main schemes applied to discretize the eigenvalue problems. Since the boundary conditions for Sturm-Liouville problems can be regular and singular, it is possible to introduce four approaches, differently among them which depend on the choice of initial and final methods. As a consequence an equivalent algebraic eigenvalue problem is obtained, following the idea of matrix methods. The technique of error equidistribution allows us to compute more accurately the eigenfunctions on a variable mesh. Some examples of regular and singular Sturm-Liouville problems show the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed approach. Chapter 1 Second Order Differential Equations 1.1 Initial Value Problems A second-order linear differential equation may be written in the form a0 (x)y ′′ + a1 (x)y ′ + a2 (x)y = g(x) (1.1.1) where a0 , a1 , a2 are real-valued continuous functions defined on some interval I. If a0 6= 0, ∀x ∈ I, then (1.1.1) may be written as y ′′ + c1 (x)y ′ + c0 (x)y = f (x) (1.1.2) where c1 = a1 /a0 , c0 = a2 /a0 and f = g/a0 . It is often convenient to refer to the linear ordinary differential equation (ODE) using a differential operator notation Ly(x) ≡ y ′′ (x) + c1 (x)y ′ (x) + c0 (x)y(x). (1.1.3) Then (1.1.2) may be read as Ly(x) = f (x). (1.1.4) If f (x) = 0 for all x ∈ I, the resulting equation Ly(x) = 0 is called a homogeneous equation. The equation (1.1.4) is called a nonhomogeneous equation. Definition 1.1.1. A solution φ(x) of Ly(x) = f (x) is a twice differentiable function which satisfies Lφ(x) = f (x). 2 Chapter 1. Second order differential equations Theorem 1.1.2 (Existence-uniqueness theorem). Let the functions c0 (x), c1 (x) and f (x) be continuous on an interval I. For any x0 ∈ I and constants y0 , y0′ a unique solution exists of the initial-value problem (IVP) Ly = y ′′ + c1 (x)y ′ + c0 (x)y = f (x), y(x0 ) = y0 , y ′ (x0 ) = y0′ . (1.1.5) In the following we consider some results for the second order linear homogeneous equation Ly = 0. Theorem 1.1.3. If φ1 and φ2 are solutions of Ly = 0, then a linear combination γ1 φ1 + γ2 φ2 (γ1 and γ2 given constants) is also a solution of Ly = 0. Definition 1.1.4. The functions f1 , f2 , . . . , fn are said to be linearly dependent on an interval I if there exist constants γ1 , γ2 , . . . , γn , not all zero, such that γ1 f1 (x) + γ2 f2 (x) + · · · + γn fn (x) ≡ 0, ∀ x ∈ I. (1.1.6) Functions that are not linearly dependent are called linearly independent. That is, the functions f1 , f2 , . . . , fn are linearly independent on I if the only constants satisfying (1.1.6) are γ1 = γ2 = · · · = γn = 0. The concept of linear independence is related to the determinant of a matrix known as the Wronskian. Definition 1.1.5. The Wronskian of two differentiable functions φ1 (x) and φ2 (x) on an interval I is defined by the determinant ¯ ¯ ¯ φ1 (x) φ2 (x) ¯ ¯ = φ1 (x)φ′2 (x) − φ′1 (x)φ2 (x). ¯ (1.1.7) W (φ1 , φ2 ; x) = ¯ ′ φ1 (x) φ′2 (x) ¯ Theorem 1.1.6. Let φ1 and φ2 be solutions of Ly = 0 on I. Then φ1 and φ2 are linearly independent on I if, and only if, W (φ1 , φ2 ; x) 6= 0 for all x ∈ I. (1.1.8) Corollary 1.1.7. Let φ1 and φ2 be any two solutions of Ly = 0 on I. Then their Wronskian either vanishes identically or it is never zero on I. Theorem 1.1.8. Let φ1 and φ2 be linearly independent solutions of Ly = 0 on an interval I. Then every solution of Ly = 0 can be uniquely expressed as φ(x) = γ1 φ1 (x) + γ2 φ2 (x), for γ1 and γ2 given constants. (1.1.9) 3 Now, let us consider a general IVP written in the form y ′′ (x) = f (x, y(x), y ′ (x)), y(x0 ) = y0 x ∈ [a, b], (1.1.10) y ′ (x0 ) = y0′ then from the theory of ordinary differential equations the standard theorems (see [24]) follow. Theorem 1.1.9 (Local Existence of Solutions of Initial Value Problems). If f (x, y, y ′ ) is continuous in an open and connected domain D, containing the point (x0 , y0 , y0′ ), then there exists at least one twice continuously differentiable function y(x), defined on some interval I containing x0 , which satisfies the initial value problem (1.1.10), (x, y(x), y ′ (x)) ∈ D for all x ∈ I. In other words the continuity of f (x, y, y ′ ) guarantees the existence of at least one solution of any initial value problem on sufficiently small intervals. Theorem 1.1.10 (Uniqueness and Continuity of Solutions of Initial Value Problems). If f (x, y, y ′ ) is continuous and satisfies the Lipschitz condition in a domain D which contains the point (x0 , y0 , y0′ ), this means that two non negative constants K and L exist such that, whenever (x, y, y ′ ) and (x, z, z ′ ) are in the domain D, it holds ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯f (x, y, y ′ ) − f (x, z, z ′ )¯ ≤ K |y − z| + L ¯y ′ − z ′ ¯ , (1.1.11) then there is only one solution of the initial value problem (1.1.10). Furthermore, this solution can be uniquely continued arbitrarily close to the boundary of D. If D contains [a, b] × (−∞, ∞) × (−∞, ∞), this solution exists finite for all x ∈ [a, b]. The additional assumption that f is Lipschitzian guarantees uniqueness and continuity. 1.2 Linear Equation with constant coefficients We consider the equation Ly = y ′′ + c1 y ′ + c0 y = 0, where c0 and c1 are constants. We observe that (1.2.1) 4 Chapter 1. Second order differential equations 1. eγx is a solution of the first order equation y ′ = γy. 2. The derivative of the exponential function is a multiple of the function itself. This suggests to consider φ(x) = eλx as a possible solution of Ly = 0 for an appropriate value of λ. Then, if we assume φ(x) = eλx , substituting it in (1.2.1) we obtain (λ2 + c1 λ + c0 )eλx = 0. Since eλx cannot vanishes, equation (1.2.1) has a solution if p(λ) = λ2 + c1 λ + c0 = 0. (1.2.2) p(λ) is called the characteristic polynomial and λ2 + c1 λ + c0 = 0 is called the characteristic equation of Ly = 0. The roots of the polynomial p(λ) are defined as p −c1 ± c21 − 4c0 λ1,2 = . 2 Then we can distinguish three cases. 1. c21 − 4c0 > 0: then λ1 and λ2 are real and distinct roots and the general solution of (1.2.1) is φ(x) = µ1 eλ1 x + µ2 eλ2 x . 2. c21 − 4c0 < 0: then λ1 and λ2 are complex conjugate roots, λ1,2 = α ± iβ, for α and β real, and the solution of (1.2.1) is φ(x) = µ1 e(α+iβ)x + µ2 e(α−iβ)x . Using the Euler form e±iθ = cos θ ± i sin θ, the solution can be also expressed as φ(x) = eαx (µ̃1 cos βx + µ̃2 sin βx). where µ̃1 = µ1 + µ2 and µ̃2 = i(µ1 − µ2 ) are two new constants. 3. c21 − 4c0 = 0: then λ1 = λ2 = λ̄. For Theorem 3.2.1 in [52] also xeλ̄x is a solution of (1.2.1) and the general solution is written as φ(x) = µ1 eλ̄x + µ2 xeλ̄x . We underline that the constants µ1 and µ2 are computed imposing the initial or boundary conditions to the equation (1.2.1). 5 1.3 Two-Point Boundary Value Problems We consider a two-point boundary value problem (BVP) defined as y ′′ (x) = f (x, y(x), y ′ (x)), y(a) = η1 , x ∈ [a, b] y(b) = η2 . (1.3.1) (1.3.2) If (1.3.1)-(1.3.2) has two solutions y1 (x) and y2 (x), then by the first mean value theorem of the differential calculus it exists c ∈ (a, b) such that y1′ (c) − y2′ (c) = 0, since the difference y1′ (x) − y2′ (x) vanishes at the endpoints of the interval. In this case, y1 (x) and y2 (x) are both solutions of (1.3.1) and y(a) = η1 , y ′ (c) = m, (1.3.3) y ′ (c) = m, y(b) = η2 , (1.3.4) and where m = y1′ (c) = y2′ (c). We can establish a relation between the uniqueness interval for the two-point boundary value problem (1.3.1)-(1.3.2) and the boundary value problems (1.3.1)-(1.3.3) and (1.3.1)-(1.3.4), as it is expressed in the following theorem [24]. Theorem 1.3.1. Let a < c < b be. If uniqueness holds for all second order differential equations (1.3.1), with boundary conditions y(a) = η1 , y ′ (c̄) = m (1.3.5) whenever c̄ ∈ (a, c], and if uniqueness holds for all second order differential equations (1.3.1), with boundary conditions y ′ (c̄) = m y(b) = η2 (1.3.6) whenever c̄ ∈ [c, b), then the uniqueness holds for all two-point boundary value problems (1.3.1)-(1.3.2). Theorem 1.3.1 shows that the interval uniqueness for the two-point boundary value problems is always at least as large as that for either of the two second boundary value problems (1.3.1)-(1.3.3) and (1.3.1)-(1.3.4). If the two boundary value problems can be solved uniquely on the interval [a, c] and [c, b], then the solution of (1.3.1)-(1.3.2) may be obtained on the interval [a, b] by joining together the solutions of suitable chosen problems on the subinterval. We can give a restrictive result about the existence and uniqueness as in [24]. 6 Chapter 1. Second order differential equations Theorem 1.3.2. Let us suppose f (x, y, y ′ ) be continuous on [a, b]×(−∞, ∞)× (−∞, ∞) and satisfy the Lipschitzian condition on [a, b], so that constants K and L exist such that for any (x, y, y ′ ) and (x, z, z ′ ) in [a, b], ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯f (x, y, y ′ ) − f (x, z, z ′ )¯ ≤ K |y − z| + L ¯y ′ − z ′ ¯ . If b−a<4  1 L  cos−1 √   1/2 2  (4K − L ) 2 K    L 1  −1  √ cosh   2 − 4K)1/2  (L 2 K    1     L        +∞ if 4K − L2 > 0 if 4K − L2 < 0, L > 0, K > 0 if (1.3.7) 4K − L2 = 0, L>0 otherwise then the problem (1.3.1)-(1.3.2) has one and only one solution. Proof. See [24] for the proof. ✷ Singular Perturbation Problems Many phenomena in biology, chemistry, engineering and physics can be described by boundary value problems. When a mathematical model is associated with a phenomenon, generally what is essential is captured, retaining the important quantities and omitting the negligible ones which involves small parameters. The model that would be obtained maintaining the small parameters is called perturbed model. Then, we consider the following equation ǫy ′′ = f (x, y, y ′ ), x ∈ [a, b], y ∈ R, (1.3.8) subject to separated boundary conditions y(a) = ηa , y(b) = ηb , (1.3.9) where ǫ is the perturbation parameter, 0 < ǫ ≪ 1, and f is a sufficiently smooth function. The problem defined in (1.3.8)-(1.3.9) is called singular perturbation problem (SPP). 7 Table 1.1: General solution behavior for p(x) 6= 0 p(x) < 0 p(x) > 0 q(x) > 0 p≡0 boundary layer at x = a boundary layer at x = b boundary layers at x = a and x = b rapidly oscillatory solution classic turning point no boundary layers, interior layer at x = 0 boundary layers at x = a and x = b, no boundary layer at x = 0 q(x) < 0 p′ 6= q, p(0) = 0, p(x) 6= 0 for x 6= 0 q(x) changes sign p′ (0) < 0 p′ (0) > 0 The perturbation parameter causes very fast variations of the solution, called layers, in narrow regions. If the problem (1.3.8)-(1.3.9) may be rewritten in explicit form as ǫy ′′ − p(x)y ′ − q(x)y = r(x), y(a) = η1 , y(b) = η2 , x ∈ [a, b] (1.3.10) where p(x), q(x) and r(x) are smooth, bounded functions, then we are able to state if the problem has boundary or internal layers. Distinguishing different cases depending on the properties of p(x) and separating the slow solution component and the fast solution component, see [18], we can summarize the different behaviors of the solution of (1.3.10) as described in Table 1.1. 1.4 Eigenvalue Problems and Sturm-Liouville Problems Eigenvalue problems associated with ordinary differential equations arise in considering physical problems, such as the displacement of a vibrating string or determining the temperature distribution of a heat-conducting rod. The typical equation that often occurs in eigenvalue problems is of the form a1 (x) d 2y dy + a2 (x) − [a3 (x) − λ] y = 0, 2 dx dx x ∈ [a, b] (1.4.1) 8 Chapter 1. Second order differential equations where a1 (x) 6= 0 in the interval [a, b]. Now, we consider ·Z x ¸ 1 a2 (t) a3 (x) p(x) p(x) = exp d t , q(x) = p(x), r(x) = . a1 (x) a1 (x) a1 (x) a a1 (t) (1.4.2) Multiplying by p(x), (1.4.1) is transformed into the self-adjoint form µ ¶ d dy p − (q − λr) y = 0, (1.4.3) dx dx which is known as a Sturm-Liouville equation. In terms of the self-adjoint operator µ ¶ d d p − q, L= dx dx the equation (1.4.3) can be written as Ly + λ r(x)y = 0, (1.4.4) where λ is a parameter independent of x, and p, q and r are real-valued functions of x. We require that p is continuously differentiable in a closed interval [a, b] and that q and r are continuous on the same interval. Definition 1.4.1. The Sturm-Liouville equation (1.4.3) is called regular in the interval [a, b] if the functions p(x) and r(x) are positive in the interval [a, b]. Definition 1.4.2. The Sturm-Liouville equation Ly + λr(x)y = 0, −∞ ≤ a ≤ x ≤ b ≤ ∞, with the separated boundary conditions α1 y(a) + α2 y ′ (a) = 0, β1 y(b) + β2 y ′ (b) = 0, (1.4.5) where the real constants α1 and α2 and also β1 and β2 are not both zero, is called Sturm-Liouville system. The values of λ for which the Sturm-Liouville system has a nontrivial solution are called eigenvalues, and the corresponding solutions are called eigenfunctions. 9 Properties of Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions Definition 1.4.3. Let φ(x) and ψ(x) be any real-valued integrable functions on an interval I. Then φ(x) and ψ(x) are said to be orthogonal on I with respect to a weight function r(x) > 0 if and only if Z (φ, ψ) = φ(x)ψ(x)r(x)d x = 0. (1.4.6) I The interval I may be of infinite extent, or it may be either open or closed at one or both ends of the finite interval. When φ = ψ in (1.4.6) we have the norm of φ kφk = ·Z I ¸1 2 φ (x)r(x)d x . 2 (1.4.7) Theorem 1.4.4. Let the coefficients p, q and r in the Sturm-Liouville system be continuous in [a, b]. Let the eigenfunctions φi and φk , corresponding to λi and λk , be continuously differentiable. Then φi and φk are orthogonal with respect to the weight function r in [a, b]. Proof. Since the eigenfunctions φi and φk corresponding to λi and λk satisfy the Sturm-Liouville equation, then and d ¡ ′¢ pφi − (q − λi r) φi = 0, dx (1.4.8) d ¡ ′¢ (1.4.9) pφk − (q − λk r) φk = 0. dx Multiplying (1.4.8) by φk and (1.4.9) by φi , and subtracting, it follows that d ¡ ′¢ d ¡ ′¢ pφk − φk pφi dx dx ¡ ¢ ¤ d £¡ ′ ¢ pφk φi − pφ′i φk . = dx (λi − λk ) rφi φk = φi The integration yields Z b ¢¤b £ ¡ rφi φk d x = p φ′k φi − φ′i φk a (λi − λk ) a £ ¤ = p(b) φ′k (b)φi (b) − φ′i (b)φk (b) ¤ £ − p(a) φ′k (a)φi (a) − φ′i (a)φk (a) . 10 Chapter 1. Second order differential equations The end conditions for the eigenfunctions φi and φk are in the form β1 φi (b) + β2 φ′i (b) = 0, β1 φk (b) + β2 φ′k (b) = 0. If β2 6= 0, multiplying the first condition by φk (b) and the second condition by φi (b), and subtracting to the second condition the first one, we obtain φ′k (b)φi (b) − φ′i (b)φk (b) = 0. (1.4.10) In the same way, if α2 6= 0, we obtain φ′k (a)φi (a) − φ′i (a)φk (a) = 0. As a consequence of (1.4.10) and (1.4.11) it follows that Z b (λi − λk ) rφi φk d x = 0. (1.4.11) (1.4.12) a Since λi and λk are distinct eigenvalues, then Z b rφi φk d x = 0. (1.4.13) a ✷ Theorem 1.4.5. For a Sturm-Liouville system (1.4.2) all the eigenvalues are real, and the eigenfunctions may be chosen real, in each of following cases: • r(x) is of constant sign on [a, b]; • r(x) changes sign on [a, b], while p(x) > 0 for x ∈ [a, b] and α1 β1 ≥ 0, α2 β2 ≥ 0. Theorem 1.4.6. An eigenfunction of a regular Sturm-Liouville system is unique except for a constant factor. Proof. See [52] for the proof. ✷ Theorem 1.4.7. Let us suppose the Sturm-Liouville system be regular, so that it satisfies the hypothesis p(x) > 0 and r(x) > 0 for x ∈ [a, b]. Then all the eigenvalues of this system are real and may be written as a sequence {λj }, where λ0 < λ1 < λ2 < . . . , {λj } → ∞ as j → ∞. For each j the corresponding eigenfunction φj (x), uniquely determined up to a constant factor, has exactly j zeros in the interval [a, b]. 11 Proof. See [59, 52] for the proof. ✷ Theorem 1.4.8. Let us suppose the Sturm-Liouville system satisfies the hypothesis p(x) > 0, the function r(x) 6= 0 changes sign, while q(x) > 0 for x ∈ [a, b] and α1 β1 > 0, α2 β2 > 0. Then all the eigenvalues of this system are real + + + − and may be written as a sequence {λ+ j }, {λj }, with 0 < λ0 < λ1 < λ2 < . . . , − + − − 0 > λ− 0 > λ1 > λ2 > . . . , {λj } → ∞ and {λj } → −∞ as j → ∞. For each − + − j the corresponding eigenfunctions φ+ j (x) and φj (x) associated to λj and λj , respectively, have exactly j = 1 zeros on the open interval (a, b). Proof. See [59]. ✷ Singular Sturm-Liouville Systems In the literature a Sturm-Liouville equation is called singular when it is defined on a semi-infinite or infinite interval, or when the coefficient p(x) or r(x) vanishes, or when one of the coefficients becomes infinite at one or both ends of a finite interval. Remark 1.4.9. In order to give some definitions we introduce some notations. Let I be an interval of R and r(x) > 0 for all x ∈ I, then R R • L(I) = {φ : I → C : I |φ| ≡ I |φ(x)|d x < ∞}; Rβ • Lloc (I) = {φ : I → C : α |φ(x)|d x < ∞ for all [α, β] ⊂ I}; R • L2r (I) = {φ : I → C : I r(x)|φ(x)|2 d x < ∞}, • ACloc (I) = {φ :→ C : φ is absolutely continuous on all [α; β] ⊆ I}. Let us consider I = (a, b), −∞ ≤ a < b ≤ ∞, and the equation −(py ′ )′ + qy = λry on I, λ ∈ C, (1.4.14) with the conditions p, q, r : I → C, 1/p, q, r ∈ Lloc (I). (1.4.15) Definition 1.4.10. The end-point a is said to be regular (R) if 1/p, q, r ∈ L(a, d), d ∈ I; (1.4.16) 12 Chapter 1. Second order differential equations otherwise it is called singular. Similarly, the end-point b is said to be regular (R) if 1/p, q, r ∈ L(d, b), d ∈ I; (1.4.17) otherwise it is called singular. In the case the endpoint is singular, there are two main classifications. Definition 1.4.11. The endpoint a is a limit-point (LP) if a is singular and for some λ ∈ C there exists at least one solution y of the equation (1.4.14) satisfying Z d r(x)|y(x)|2 d x = ∞ a for some d ∈ (a, b). The endpoint a is a limit-circle (LC) if a is singular and for some λ ∈ C any solution y of the equation (1.4.14) satisfies Z d r(x)|y(x)|2 d x < ∞ a for some d ∈ (a, b). Moreover, in the case of LC endpoints there are two sub-cases. The LC endpoint a is a limit-circle non-oscillatory (LCNO) if there exists a point d ∈ (a, c), a real value λ ∈ R and a solution y of (1.4.14) such that y(x) > 0 for all x ∈ (a, d). The LC endpoint a is a limit-circle oscillatory (LCO) if for any real value λ ∈ R, any non-null solution y of (1.4.14) and any d ∈ (a, c] there exists a point ξ ∈ (a, d] such that y(ξ) = 0. Similar definitions are made in b. Remark 1.4.12. We point out that the endpoints classification is independent of λ and depends only on the interval (a, b) and the set of coefficients {p, q, r}. Definition 1.4.13. Consider I = (a, b), −∞ ≤ a < b ≤ ∞, λ ∈ R, p, q, r : I → R, 1/p, q, r ∈ Lloc (I), p ≥ 0, r > 0 a.e. on I. The maximal domain ∆ is defined by ∆ = {f : I → C : f, pf ′ ∈ ACloc (I), f, w−1 (−(pf ′ )′ + qf ) ∈ L2r (I)}. Definition 1.4.14. Given y, z ∈ ∆ the Lagrange sesquilinear form is defined by [y, z](x) = y(x)(pz̄ ′ )(x) − (z̄)(x)(py ′ )(x), x ∈ (a, b). (1.4.18) 13 Initial Value Problems Theorem 1.4.15. Let (1.4.14) and (1.4.15) hold. Assume p, q, r are real valued, r > 0 a.e. and the left endpoint a is R or LC. Suppose u, v are real valued linearly independent solutions on some interval (a, d] for some fixed real λ0 . Given any λ ∈ R and any α1 , α2 ∈ R the singular initial value problem consisting of the equation −(py ′ )′ + qy = λry on I and the singular initial condition [y, u](a) = α1 , [y, v](a) = α2 has a unique solution y on I. Similarly at b. Proof. See in Hiton and Schaefer [41]. ✷ Boundary Value Problems Consider the equation −(py ′ )′ + qy = λry on I = (a, b), −∞ ≤ a < b ≤ ∞, λ ∈ R, where p, q, r : I → R, 1/p, q, r ∈ Lloc (I), p ≥ 0, r > 0 a.e on I, (1.4.19) and the separated boundary conditions α1 y(a) + α2 (py ′ )(a) = 0, (α1 , α2 ) 6= (0, 0), α1 , α2 ∈ R, β1 y(b) + β2 (py ′ )(b) = 0, (β1 , β2 ) 6= (0, 0), β1 , β2 ∈ R. (1.4.20) Definition 1.4.16. Let u, v be real solutions of (1.4.19). Then • u is called a principal solution at a if 1. u(t) 6= 0 for x ∈ (a, d] and some d ∈ I, 2. every solution y of (1.4.19) which is not multiple of u satisfies u(x) = o(y(x)) as x → a. • v is called a non-principal solution at a if 14 Chapter 1. Second order differential equations 1. v(t) 6= 0 for x ∈ (a, d] and some d ∈ I, 2. v is not a principal solution at a. Principal and non-principal solutions in b are defined similarly. We underline as boundary conditions of the form (1.4.20) do not make sense when one endpoint is singular, since if a is singular y(a) does not exist, in general. In the following there are some results for singular boundary conditions (see [41]). Remark 1.4.17. (See [41]) Let (1.4.19) hold. • Suppose each endpoint is LP. Then no boundary conditions are needed nor allowed in this case. • Suppose a is either R or LC and b is LP. Then no boundary condition is needed nor allowed at b and the self-adjoint boundary condition in a can be expressed as follow: let u, v ∈ ∆ be real-valued such that [u, v](a) 6= 0 and α1 [u, y](a) + α2 [v, y](a) = 0, α1 , α2 ∈ R, (α1 , α2 ) 6= (0, 0). (1.4.21) • Suppose a is LP and b is either R or LC. Then no boundary condition is needed or allowed at a and the self-adjoint boundary condition in b can be expressed as follow: let u, v ∈ ∆ be real-valued such that [u, v](b) 6= 0 and β1 [u, y](b) + β2 [v, y](b) = 0, β1 , β2 ∈ R, (β1 , β2 ) 6= (0, 0). (1.4.22) • Suppose a is R or LC and b is also R or LC. Then the boundary condition in a and b can be expressed as follow: let u, v ∈ ∆ be real-valued such that [u, v](a) 6= 0, [u, v](b) 6= 0 and α1 [u, y](a) + α2 [v, y](a) = 0, α1 , α2 ∈ R, (α1 , α2 ) 6= (0, 0), β1 [u, y](b) + β2 [v, y](b) = 0, β1 , β2 ∈ R, (β1 , β2 ) 6= (0, 0). (1.4.23) It is important to discuss on the properties of the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions when the endpoints are regular or singular. In the following we summarize the results in [22, 41]. 15 Remark 1.4.18. • Let both endpoints a and b be, independently, R or LC, then: 1. The spectrum is always discrete and bounded below. It consists of a countably infinite sequence {λn : n ∈ N0 } of real eigenvalues tending to +∞, which can be ordered to satisfy −∞ < λ0 ≤ λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ · · · → ∞ (1.4.24) The spectrum is simple, i.e. all eigenvalues have multiplicity one, in the case of separated boundary conditions; moreover the eigenfunction yn corresponding to λn has exactly n zeros in the open interval (a, b) for any n ∈ N0 . 2. If either a or b, or both, are LCO then the spectrum is unbounded by below, i.e. {λn : n ∈ Z}, limn→±∞ λn = ±∞ and −∞ < · · · ≤ λ−2 ≤ λ−1 ≤< 0 ≤ λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ · · · → ∞. (1.4.25) • Let one or both endpoints a, b be LP, then: 1. The spectrum is always simple but may or may not be discrete, and may or may not be bounded below. 2. If the spectrum is discrete and bounded by below then {λn : n ∈ N0 }, limn→+∞ λn = +∞ and −∞ < λ0 ≤ λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ · · · → ∞. (1.4.26) The eigenfunction yn has exactly n zeros in the open interval (a, b); 3. If the continuous spectrum is bounded by below by σ, then: (a) there may be no eigenvalues below σ; (b) there may be a finite number of eigenvalues below σ, then {λn : n = 0, . . . , N, N > 0} and λn < λn+1 ≤ σ for n = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1. Every eigenfunction corresponding to λn has exactly n zeros in the open interval (a,b); (c) there may be a countable infinity of eigenvalues below, then λn < λn+1 ≤ σ and limn→+∞ = σ. The eigenfunction corresponding to λn has exactly n zeros in the open interval (a,b); 4. There are examples when a is R and b is LP for which the spectrum is discrete but unbounded above and below,then {λn : n ∈ Z} with λn < λn+1 for all n ∈ Z and limn→±∞ λn = ±∞. In such cases all eigenfunctions have infinitely many zeros. 16 1.5 Chapter 1. Second order differential equations Boundary Value Methods Naturally, we are interested in approximating a continuous problem by means of a discrete one. In this section we present a particular class of methods called Boundary Value Methods BVMs developed by D. Trigiante, see[28], which are the basic idea of the methods employed in the codes we will show in the next chapters to solve all different classes of problems discussed previously. First of all we consider a scalar initial value problem y ′ = f (x, y), y(a) = y0 x ∈ [a, b] (1.5.1) where the function f (x, y) is continuous and satisfies the Lipschitz condition for the existence and uniqueness of the solution. Afterwards, in order to replace the continuous problem by a discrete one, we construct a mesh of equidistant points a = x0 < x1 < · · · < xn = b, with xi = a + ih, i = 0, . . . , n, and h = (b − a)/n, so that {yi }ni=0 is the numerical solution to seek. We suppose to consider numerical methods belonging to the class of Linear Multistep Formula LFM defined as k X j=0 αj yn+j − h k X βj fn+j = 0, (1.5.2) j=0 where fn + j denotes f (xn+j , yn+j ) and αk = 1. This means that the continuous initial value problem (1.5.1) is solved by means of a discrete initial value problem, that is k initial conditions y0 , y1 , . . . , yk−1 are associated to the formula (1.5.2). Since only y0 is known, the remaining values y1 , . . . , yk−1 are called additional conditions and they need to be found. Since a discrete initial value problem is generated, then these methods are simply called Initial Value Methods IVM. Alternatively, we can decide to impose k conditions for the equation (1.5.2) in a different set of the mesh points, that is if k1 and k2 are two integers such that k = k1 + k2 , then we can fix the value as it follows y0 , y1 , . . . , yk1 −1 , yn−k2 +1 , . . . , yn−1 , yn . Consequently, the continuous initial problem is approximated by a discrete boundary value problem, for this reason the obtained methods are called Boundary Value Methods (BVMs), with (k1 , k2 )-boundary conditions. Moreover, it is evident as k1 initial conditions and k2 final conditions are required 17 and as in the case k1 = k and k2 = 0 the class of BVMs contains the class of IVMs. The discrete problem generated by a k−step BVM con (k1 , k2 )−boundary conditions may be written in matrix form, hence considering the matrices   αk1 . . . αk   . .. ..   .. . .     .. ..   α0 . .  , An =    .. ..   . . α k    ..  .. ..  . . .  α0 . . . αk1 (n−k )×(n−k ) 1  βk1  .  ..    β0 Bn =       . . . βk .. . .. . .. . .. . ..  . .. .. . . βk .. . .. β0 1 . . . . βk1            (n−k1 )×(n−k1 ) and the vectors y = (yk1 , . . . , yn−1 )T and f = (fk1 , . . . , fn−1 ), we obtain the following system          An y − hBn f = −         Pk1 −1 i=0 (αi yi − hβi fi ) .. . α0 yk1 −1 − hβ0 fk1 −1 0 .. . Pk2 0 αk yn − hβk fn .. . i=1 (αk1 +i yn−1+i We give the following definition (see [28]). − hβk1 +i fn−1+i )          .        18 Chapter 1. Second order differential equations Definition 1.5.1. A Toeplitz band matrix, T-matrix hereafter, is a matrix whose entries {ti,j } satisfy ti,j = 0 for i − j > m or i − j > k. Then, the typical finite T-matrix will be of the form  a0 . . . ak  . .. ..  .. . .   .. ..  a−m . . Tn =   . . .. ..  ak   . .. ..  . . .. a−m . . . a0 (1.5.3)             , (1.5.4) n×n where we assume a−m ak 6= 0. As n varies, Tn will describe a family of Tmatrices sharing the same band structure. The infinite dimensional limit matrix, called infinite T-matrix, will be denoted by   a0 . . . ak  . .. ..   .. . .    (1.5.5) T = . ..  a−m  .   .. .. . . Then, we can observe as the coefficient matrices An and Bn are T -matrices having lower bandwidth k1 , like the number of initial conditions, and upper bandwidth k2 , like the number of final conditions. The favorable stability properties of BVMs [28] are an advantage for their employment. Chapter 2 High Order Generalized Difference Schemes In this chapter methods using a generalization of the high order finite difference schemes, developed by Amodio and Sgura in [14], are introduced and sometimes referred as High Order Generalized Difference (HOGD) schemes. Following the traditional schemes for second order BVPs, the first and the second derivatives are approximated by high order difference schemes and at the same time the framework of boundary value methods (BVMs) is considered. Three classes of methods named D2ECDF, D2GFDF and D2GBDF are introduced and the conditioning analysis is carried out showing at the end as a generalization of the upwind method can be considered as we will see in the Chapter 3. 2.1 High order finite difference schemes Let us consider a scalar two-point boundary value problem f (x, y, y ′ , y ′′ ) = 0, x ∈ [a, b] y(a) = η1 , y(b) = η2 , (2.1.1) where f is a sufficiently smooth function and let us assume that a unique smooth solution exists. Moreover, we choose a uniform mesh π : a = x0 < x1 < · · · < xn = b, with xi = x0 + ih, h = (b − a)/n and i = 1, . . . , n. Then, a mesh function yπ ≡ {yi }ni=0 such that yi ≈ y(xi ), i = 0, . . . , n is sought. Set k1 , k2 , k3 , k4 ≥ 1 we choose to approximate the second derivative by a finite 20 Chapter 2. High Order Generalized Upwind Methods difference scheme with k1 initial and k2 final conditions and in the same way the first derivative with k3 and k4 initial and final conditions as it follows y ′′ (xi ) ≈ and k2 1 X αk1 +j yi+j h2 j=−k1 k4 1 X y (xi ) ≈ βk3 +j yi+j h ′ j=−k3 i = k1 , . . . , n − k2 (2.1.2) i = k3 , . . . , n − k4 . (2.1.3) The coefficients αj and βj have to be calculated in order to achieve formulae of maximum order. Remark 2.1.1. If ks = 1, for s = 1, . . . , 4, then the equations (2.1.2) and (2.1.3) represent the classical finite differences for the second and the first derivatives respectively, that is y ′′ (xi ) ≈ yi+1 − 2yi + yi−1 , h2 y ′ (xi ) ≈ yi+1 − yi−1 , h that are formulae of order 2. Supposing to calculate formulae of order k1 + k2 > 2 and k3 + k4 > 2, it stands to reason to require further m = max (k1 + k2 − 2, k3 + k4 − 2) additional values of the solution other than the known boundary conditions. In order to supply to this lack, based on the idea developed for the Boundary Value Methods (BVM), see Section 1.5, additional schemes of the same order k1 + k2 for the second derivative and k3 + k4 for the first derivative are defined as y ′′ (xi ) ≈ 1 h2 1 y ′′ (xi ) ≈ 2 h k1 +k 2 +1 X j=0 k1 +k 2 +1 X (i) αj yj i = 1, . . . , k1 − 1, (i−m1 ) αj yj+m1 −1 j=0 with m1 = n − k1 − k2 and i = n − k2 + 1, . . . , n − 1, (2.1.4) 21 y ′ (xi ) ≈ y ′ (xi ) k3 +k4 1 X (i) βj yj h 1 ≈ h j=0 kX 3 +k4 i = 1, . . . , k3 − 1, (i−m3 ) βj yj+m3 j=0 (2.1.5) i = n − k4 + 1, . . . , n − 1, where m3 = n − k3 − k4 . It is outstanding to point out that the coefficients (i) (i) αj and βj are computed so that the schemes (2.1.4) and (2.1.5) have the same order of (2.1.2) and (2.1.3), respectively. Now, using the previous schemes we denote with yi′ ≈ y ′ (xi ) and yi′′ ≈ y ′′ (xi ) the first and the second derivative approximations in the points of the mesh π. It is obvious that the discretization of the boundary value problem (2.1.1) yields the system of equations f (xi , yi , yi′ , yi′′ ) = 0 for i = 1, . . . , n − 1. The following results (see [1, 14]) show how the coefficients of the formulae (2.1.2), (2.1.3), (2.1.4) and (2.1.5) may be computed. Proposition 2.1.2. For all ν ≤ p, the coefficients of p-steps formulae y (ν) p 1 X (l,ν) (xi+l ) ≈ ν cj yi+j , h (2.1.6) j=0 approximating the νth derivative of y(x) in xi+l , for l = 0, . . . , p, are the entries of the (l + 1)th column of the (p + 1) × (p + 1) matrix C (ν) = V −1 K ν V, where V is the Vandermonde matrix  1 1 1  0 1 2  2  V = 0 1 2  .. .. ..  . . . 0 1 2p  ... 1 ... p   . . . p2  , ..  .  . . . pp (2.1.7) (2.1.8) 22 Chapter 2. High Order Generalized Upwind Methods and   0  1 0   . 2 .. K=   ..  . .. . p 0    .    (2.1.9) Moreover, the formula (2.1.6) has order p − ν + 1 for ν = 1, 2. Proof. The conditions for the consistency are obtained by substituting the value of the solution y(x) at the grid points in (2.1.6), that is y (ν) p 1 X (l,ν) (xi+l ) − ν cj y(xi+j ) = τi+l , h (2.1.10) j=0 Now it is possible to impose that the truncation error τi+l is at least O(hp−ν+1 ) by expanding (2.1.10) at x = xi as follows y (ν) (xi+l ) − p p X (lh)s−ν (s) 1 X (l,ν) c y(x ) = y (xi )+ i+j j hν (s − ν)! s=ν j=0 p p 1 X (l,ν) X j s s (s) − ν cj h y (xi ) + O(hp−ν+1 ) h s! j=0 s=0 (2.1.11) Consequently the conditions required are p X j=0 p X (l,ν) j s cj = 0, (l,ν) j s cj s! = ls−ν , (s − ν)! j=0 0 ≤ s ≤ ν − 1, (2.1.12) ν ≤ s ≤ p. For each l = 0, . . . , p these relations in vector form show as the coefficients (l,ν) (l,ν) c0 , . . . , cp are computed by solving the linear system V c = (K ν V )el+1 , (l,ν) (l,ν) (2.1.13) where c = (c0 , . . . , cp ) and el is the lth unit vector in Rp+1 . The entries of the Vandermonde matrix are defined, for i, j = 0, . . . , p, as Vi,j = (j)i , 23 and from (2.1.9) Ki,j = n i i − j = 1, 0 otherwise. For induction it is possible to prove that n i(i − 1) . . . (i − ν + 1) ν Ki,j = 0 otherwise. (2.1.14) i − j = ν, (2.1.15) The relation (2.1.15) is trivial when ν = 1. Supposed true for ν − 1, check for a generic ν. Let us note that K ν = KK ν−1 , then using the definition (2.1.14) and the hypothesis of induction it follows that ( p X i(i − 1) . . . (i − ν + 1) i − j = ν, ν−1 ν Ki,s Ks,j = Ki,j = 0 otherwise. s=0 Then for s = 0, . . . , p we are able to compute the sth entries of the right-side of (2.1.13) ( s(s − 1) . . . (s − ν + 1)ls−ν ν ≤ s ≤ p, ((K ν V )el+1 )s = 0 0 ≤ s ≤ ν − 1. ( s(s − 1) . . . (s − ν + 1)(s − ν)! ls−ν ν ≤ s ≤ p, = (s − ν)! 0 0 ≤ s ≤ ν − 1. ( s! ls−ν ν ≤ s ≤ p, = (s − ν)! 30 0 ≤ s ≤ ν − 1. Hence (2.1.13) is checked and consequently it follows that the (l + 1)th column of the matrix C (ν) in (2.1.7) contains the coefficients of a scheme of order p − ν + 1 with l initial conditions. ✷ Proposition 2.1.3. Let C (ν) be the coefficient matrix defined in the Proposition 2.1.2, then C (ν) = C ν , for all ν ≤ p. (2.1.16) Moreover, let us consider the permutation matrix   1   1   ,  . Jp =     . 1 (2.1.17) 24 Chapter 2. High Order Generalized Upwind Methods then the matrix C (ν) satisfies Jp C (ν) Jp = (−1)ν C (ν) , (2.1.18) namely it is centro-symmetric for even derivatives and skew-centro-symmetric for odd derivatives. Therefore, the coefficients of the jth column are the same of those of the (p + 2 − j)th column, but in reverse order, and also changed in sign for the odd derivatives. Proof. Set C (1) = C and considered (2.1.7) it follows that −1 C (ν) = V −1 K ν V = |V −1 KV V −1 KV {z . . . . . . V KV} ν ν = CCC | {z. . . C} = C . ν It is known that the permutation matrices are orthogonal. Since the permutation matrix defined in (2.1.17) is symmetric, consequently it is clear that Jp Jp = Ip+1 . (2.1.19) Moreover Jp CJp = −C (see [1]), then using the (2.1.16) and (2.1.19) the (2.1.18) is checked as follows Jp C (ν) Jp = Jp C ν Jp = Jp CJp Jp CJp . . . . . . Jp CJp = (−1)ν C (ν) . | {z } ν ✷ Proposition 2.1.4. For ν = 2 the formula (2.1.6) has order p even when l = p/2. Proof. We consider the expansion of (2.1.6) at x = xi+p/2 , then the truncation error is defined as τi+p/2 = p X (p/2,2) (j cj j=0 − p/2)p+1 p−1 h (p + 1)! (2.1.20) As pointed out in the Proposition 2.1.3 for the even derivatives the coefficients are centro-symmetric, that is (p/2,2) cj (p/2,2) = cp−j j = 0, . . . , p/2 − 1. 25 Then, it follows that p X j=0 (p/2,2) (j cj p/2−1 X (p/2,2) (j − p/2)p+1 − p/2)p+1 cj = + (p + 1)! (p + 1)! j=0 p/2−1 = X (p/2,2) (j cj p/2−1 = (−1)p+1 − p/2)p+1 (p + 1)! p/2−1 X (p/2,2) (p/2 − j)p+1 − p/2)p+1 + cp−j (p + 1)! (p + 1)! X − j)p+1 (p + 1)! (p/2,2) (p/2 cj j=0 p/2−1 X j=p/2+1 (p/2,2) (j cj j=0 j=0 + p X − j)p+1 = 0. (p + 1)! (p/2,2) (p/2 cp−j j=0 (2.1.21) Hence, from (2.1.20) and (2.1.21) it achieves that τi+p/2 = O(hp ), when p is even. ✷ Example 2.1.5. For p = 4 and ν = 1, 2 the coefficients matrices in (2.1.7) are expressed as  C (1)        =       − 25 12 4 −3 4 3 1 − 4 1 4 5 − 6 3 2 1 − 2 1 12 − 1 12 2 − 3 0 2 3 1 − 12 1 12 1 2 3 − 2 5 6 1 4 − 1 4 4 − 3        3  ,   −4    25  12 26 Chapter 2. High Order Generalized Upwind Methods  C (2)        =       35 12 26 − 3 19 2 14 − 3 11 12 11 12 5 − 3 1 2 1 3 1 − 12 1 12 4 3 5 − 2 4 3 1 − 12 − 1 12 1 3 1 2 5 − 3 11 12 −  11 12 14 − 3 19 2 26 − 3 35 12        .       Proposition 2.1.2 affirms that the formulae using the coefficients matrix C (1) have order 4, while for the approximation of the second derivative only the formula using the entries of the 3rd column of C (2) has order 4. It points out as the coefficients of the 3rd column give back central differences formulae of order 4. Obviously, compute formulae of order 4 for the second derivative with zero and one initial or final condition means to consider the entries of the 1st and 2nd column of C (2) or the (p + 1)th and pth ones respectively, where p = 5 and the coefficients matrix is defined as   15 C (2) 5 4 6   77 5  − −  6 4   107 1   6 −3  = 7  −13  6   61 1   12 − 2   1 5 − 6 12 1 12 4 3 5 − 2 4 3 1 − 12 − 0 1 − 12 4 3 5 − 2 4 3 1 0 − 12 1 12 1 − 2 7 6 1 − 3 5 − 4 5 6 5 6 61 12 − −13 107 6 77 − 6 15 4          .         Since a BVP (2.1.1) has one initial and one final condition, it is not necessary to use the first and the last column of the matrix C ( ν) , differently an initial value problem (IVP), as we could see in Chapter 4, has an initial condition, consequently only the first column of the matrix C ( ν) is not considered. For the BVP the remaining p − 1 formulae enable to define several BVMs which are characterized by the choice to impose k conditions for the equation (2.1.1) on a different set of grid points. Now, we give a general definition for the approach introduced. 27 Definition 2.1.6. Given n + 1 equidistant points x0 , x1 , . . . , xn in the interval [a, b], a global approximation Y (ν) of order p for the ν-th derivative y (ν) (xi ), i + 1, . . . , n, using a main method with k initial conditions, is given by the vector 1 Y (ν) = ν A˜ν Ỹ , (2.1.22) h where Y = [y1 , . . . , yn−1 ]T is the unknown vector, Ỹ = [y0 , Y T , yn ], yi ≈ y(xi ) and  (1,ν) α0   .  ..    α(k−1,ν)  0    α(k,ν) 0          Ãν =                    (1,ν) α1 ... αp+ν−2 (1,ν) αp+ν−1 . .. . .. . .. (k−1,ν) ... (k,ν) ... α1 α1 (k,ν) α0 (k−1,ν) αp+ν−2 ..  (k−1,ν) αp+ν−1 (k,ν) αp (k,ν) α1 (1,ν) ... (k,ν) αp .. . .. . .. . .. .. . (k+1,ν) α0 (p−1,ν) . α0 (k,ν) ... αk−1 (k+1,ν) ... αp+ν−2 αp+ν−2 .. . .. . α1 .. . α0 . (k,ν) (k+1,ν) .. . (p−1,ν) α1 (p−1,ν) ... αp+ν−2 (k,ν) αp (k+1,ν) (p−1,ν) αp+ν−2 (2.1.23) is a (n − 1) × (n + 1) quasi-Toeplitz matrix whose coefficients are defined in (2.1.22) and given according to Proposition 2.1.2. In particular (ν) (ν) A˜ν = (a0 , Aν , ak ), where Aν is a n × n quasi-Toeplitz band matrix, and the first and the last (ν) (ν) columns a0 and ak are needed to deal with the (separated) boundary conditions. It may observe that in (2.1.22) and (2.1.23) the main scheme has the (k,ν) (k,ν) (k,ν) coefficients (α0 , α1 , . . . , αp ) and computes the approximations at the points xi , for i = k, . . . , n−k −p, while the approximations at the initial points (i,ν) (i,ν) (i,ν) xi , for i = 1, . . . , k − 1 are given by (α0 , α1 , . . . , αp+ν−1 ), coefficients of (i,ν) the initial methods. Final methods have coefficients (α0 (i,ν) , α1 (i,ν) , . . . , αp+ν−2 ),                                       28 Chapter 2. High Order Generalized Upwind Methods for i = k + 1, . . . , p − 1, and compute the approximations at the last points xn−p+i . 2.2 D2ECDF, D2GBDF and D2GFDF It is known that the second derivative represents the symmetric part of the convection-diffusion operator associated with the ODE-BVP (2.1.1), since the odd-order schemes lose the global symmetry by requiring a different number of initial methods from final ones, then they are not taken in consideration for the approximation of y ′′ (x). Consequently, it is chosen an even order p = 2k and a BVM main scheme with k initial conditions. The coefficients of the (k + 1)th column of C (2) are used, since it is known from the Proposition (k,2) (k,2) 2.1.3 to be centro-symmetric, this is αi = α2k−i . Obviously, in this case k1 = k2 = k and k − 1 initial and final schemes fulfill the property (j, 2) αi (2k+1−j, 2) = α2k+1−i , i = 0, . . . , 2k + 1, j = 1, . . . , k − 1. The method obtained is an even-order generalization of the central difference scheme, which have been introduced in [5] for solving the Hamiltonian problems. Definition 2.2.1. Let Y (2) be the global approximation of the second derivative y ′′ in Definition 2.1.6. The main scheme of order p (even) given by (2.1.22)-(2.1.23) with k = p/2 initial conditions, is called D2. In regard of the D2 schemes, BVMs of even-order p = 2k are considered to approximate the first derivative. This choice allows to identify three classes of methods according to the main scheme. The first class contains a generalization of the midpoint formula for IVPs introduced in [28] and it is defined for k3 = k4 = k , this means that the main BVM is obtained by choosing the (k + 1)th column of the matrix C (1) . It is known from the Proposition 2.1.3 that the matrix C (1) is skew-centro(k,1) (k,1) = −α2k−i . Moreover, the initial and final symmetric, consequently it is αi schemes have to satisfy the following property (j, 1) αi (2k−j, 1) = −α2k−i , i = 0, . . . , 2k, j = 1, . . . , k − 1. The method of even-order defined is an extension of classical central difference scheme [38] for the first derivative, called Extended Central Difference Formulae (ECDFs). 29 The second class of methods is defined for k3 = k2 + 2 = k + 1 and consequently the (k + 2)th column of the matrix C (1) is chosen to define the main BVM scheme. In this case, k initial schemes and k − 2 final ones are necessary and it can be noted as the first (k − 1) initial methods are the same of ECDF, while the kth is just the main method of ECDF. For this class of methods every symmetry is lost, moreover these schemes can be considered as an extension of the classical first-order backward difference scheme. The third class of formulae is defined for k4 = k3 + 2 = k + 1 and it is obtained by considering the kth column of the matrix C (1) as main scheme. It is plain that k − 2 initial schemes and k final ones are required to define the overall method and the first final method corresponds to the main scheme of ECDF, while the remaining k − 1 coincide with the final methods of ECDF. These schemes lose every symmetry, besides they can be considered as an evenorder extension of the classical first-order forward difference scheme. Hereafter it will be assumed the following definitions. Definition 2.2.2. Let Y (1) be the global approximation of the first derivative y ′ in Definition 2.1.6. The formula of order p (even) given by (2.1.22)-(2.1.23) is called • Extended Central Difference Formula (ECDF) if k = p/2; • Generalized Backward Difference Formula (GBDF) if k = p/2 + 1; • Generalized Forward Difference Formula (GFDF) if k = p/2 − 1; where k is the number of initial conditions of the main scheme. Definition 2.2.3. For the solution of second-order ODE (2.1.1), the combinations of the D2 scheme for y ′′ with the three classes of methods in Definition 2.2.2 for y ′ are called D2ECDF, D2GBF and D2GFDF, respectively. Moreover, hereafter the methods in Definition 2.2.3 will be named as High Order Generalized Difference (HOGD). In the tables Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 the coefficients of the even-order formulae used to approximate the second and the first derivative are shown, for p = 4, 6, 8, 10. Because of the symmetry, the formulae of order p with p − j initial conditions, j = 1, . . . , p/2 − 1, are omitted. 30 (j, 2) (i = 0, . . . , p + 1) to approximate the second derivative with j initial conditions Table 2.1: Coefficients αi (j = 1, . . . , p/2). The main BVM schemes are typed bold. j 1 4 1 4 2 6 1 6 2 6 3 8 1 8 2 8 3 8 4 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 α0 1 α1 -2 α2 1 α3 α4 α5 5 6 1 − 12 7 10 11 − 180 1 90 761 1260 223 − 5040 19 2520 1 − 560 671 1260 419 − 12600 31 6300 29 − 25200 1 3150 5 4 4 3 7 − 18 107 90 3 − 20 61 144 293 280 67 − 560 8 315 29513 25200 5869 6300 1163 − 12600 59 3150 5 − 1008 1 3 5 − 2 27 − 10 21 − 10 3 2 201 − 35 395 − 252 97 70 1 − 5 2341 − 252 737 − 720 1583 1260 53 − 315 5 126 7 6 4 3 19 4 13 18 49 − 18 341 30 13 − 30 89 − 36 8 5 3601 168 829 − 420 2123 − 1008 317 210 5 − 21 1 2 1 − 12 67 − 18 17 36 3 2 1163 − 90 83 40 23 20 205 − 72 4021 − 126 2089 420 97 210 6743 − 2520 5 3 1 12 − − − 9 5 3 − 10 3 − 20 411 40 319 − 180 7 40 8 5 4231 120 2509 − 450 323 300 103 75 5269 − 1800 α6 α7 1 2 4 45 1 90 17 − 3 59 60 17 − 90 1 − 5 4357 − 150 2719 600 463 − 450 1 75 5 3 11 180 1 − 90 − 1303 630 5 − 14 11 140 8 315 4441 252 569 − 210 533 840 37 − 315 5 − 21 α8 α9 9 20 389 5040 1 − 56 1 − 560 643 − 84 2929 2520 23 − 84 109 1680 5 126 223 5040 19 − 2520 1 560 − 2273 1008 61 − 180 67 840 13 − 630 5 − 1008 α10 α11 509 1260 1517 25200 89 − 6300 2 525 1 3150 419 12600 31 − 6300 29 25200 1 − 3150 − Chapter 2. High Order Generalized Upwind Methods p 2 (j, 1) Table 2.2: Coefficients αi 1, . . . , p/2). j 2 1 4 1 4 2 6 1 6 2 6 3 8 1 8 2 8 3 8 4 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 β0 1 2 1 − 4 1 12 1 − 6 1 30 1 − 60 1 − 8 1 56 1 − 168 1 280 1 − 10 1 90 1 − 360 1 840 1 − 1260 β1 0 − 5 6 2 − 3 77 − 60 2 − 5 3 20 223 − 140 2 − 7 1 14 4 − 105 4609 − 2520 2 − 9 1 24 1 − 63 5 504 − β2 1 2 3 2 β3 β4 1 2 2 3 5 − 3 4 3 1 12 1 − 12 5 6 1 − 2 3 4 35 12 5 − 4 5 4 β5 β6 1 4 2 15 3 − 20 7 − 4 2 3 1 − 2 4 5 21 5 28 15 21 − 20 6 5 1 30 1 − 60 1 60 7 10 1 − 4 1 6 1 − 5 β7 β8 β9 β10 1 6 2 35 1 − 28 4 105 9 14 8 15 1 − 4 4 21 5 − 21 1 56 1 − 168 1 280 1 − 280 1 − 8 1 − 6 3 40 3 − 56 5 84 1 90 2 63 1 − 72 1 105 5 − 504 1 360 1 840 1 − 1260 1 1260 − 0 5 2 7 − 12 3 − 4 7 2 19 − 20 1 − 2 1 5 9 2 341 − 280 3 − 8 3 28 5 − 84 − 0 − 7 2 2 9 20 4 − 5 6 − 7 8 3 319 − 420 4 − 7 5 21 − 0 63 10 7 − 3 7 4 11 − 30 5 − 6 − − 0 -2 7 6 7 12 1 − 2 5 6 − − − 31 p (i = 0, . . . , p) to approximate the first derivative with j initial conditions (j = 32 Chapter 2. High Order Generalized Upwind Methods Time-reversal symmetry Concerning the BVP there is an additional requirement that it is considered to be important. Numerical methods for BVPs essentially integrate the continuous problem forward and backward simultaneously but, since the continuous problem does not exhibit a preferential direction in time, it may be preferable that the numerical methods behave alike. Let us consider the following linear and homogenous scalar problem y ′′ − 2γy ′ + µy = 0 (2.2.1) with constant real coefficients γ and µ and with separated boundary conditions y(a) = η1 and y(b) = η2 . Supposed δ = γ 2 −µ > 0, the exact solution of (2.2.1) is given by y(x) = c1 eλ1 x + c2 eλ2 x , √ √ where λ1 = γ + δ, λ2 = γ − δ and the coefficients c1 and c2 depending on the boundary conditions are expressed by c1 = η1 eλ2 b − η2 eλ2 a , eλ1 a eλ2 b − eλ2 a eλ1 b c2 = η2 eλ1 a − η1 eλ1 b . eλ1 a eλ2 b − eλ2 a eλ1 b Let us suppose that the independent variable is changed for τ = a + b − x, then set y(x) = u(τ ) with τ ∈ [a, b], the equation (2.2.1) is transformed in u′′ + 2γu′ + µu = 0 (2.2.2) where u = u(τ ). Moreover, the boundary conditions, like so the interval of integration, are reversed and defined as u(a) = y(b) = η2 and u(b) = y(a) = η1 . The two parametric curves Cτ : {(τ, u(τ )), τ ∈ [a, b]} and Cx : {(x, y(x)), x ∈ [a, b]} coincide, this means that a point is getting ahead on Cx , it is moving back on Cτ and viceversa. Then we can affirm that the solution of the BVP (2.2.1) satisfies the property called time isotropy or time-reversal symmetry (see [28]). It would be important for the numerical methods as follows. Remark 2.2.4 (Time reversal symmetry condition). A numerical method must provide the same discrete approximation on the interval [a, b] when the independent variable x of the continuous problem is transformed into τ = a + b − x and the boundary conditions are changed accordingly. Now, we derive the conditions so that the coefficients of the BVMs (see section 2.2) preserve the time reversal symmetry. Considering the Definition 33 2.1.6, let Y = [y1 , y2 , . . . , yn−1 ]T be the unknown solution vector, then in the vector form the approximations of the derivatives by the BVMs introduced in the previous sections are given by Y ′′ (x) ≈ 1 Ã2 Ỹ , h2 Y ′ (x) ≈ 1 Ã1 Ỹ , h where Ỹ = [y0 , Y T , yn ]T and Ã2 and Ã1 are the (n − 1) × (n + 1) matrices containing the coefficients of the formulae (2.1.6) for ν = 1, 2. Then the equivalent discrete problem of (2.2.1) is ˜ Ỹ = 0, (Ã2 − 2γhÃ1 + µh2 I) (2.2.3) where I˜ = [0n−1 , In−1 , 0n−1 ], 0n−1 is a null vector of length n − 1 and In−1 is the (n − 1) × (n − 1) identity matrix. Similarly, set τi = τ0 − ih and ui ≈ u(τi ) for i = 0, . . . , n, let U = [u1 , u2 , . . . , un−1 ]T be the unknown solution vector of u(τ ) and Ũ = [u0 , U T , un ]T , then using in reverse order the same methods the numerical approximation of (2.2.2) is given by ˜ Ũ = 0, (Jn−1 Ã2 + 2γhJn−1 Ã1 + µh2 Jn−1 I) (2.2.4) where Jn−1 is a permutation matrix defined in (2.1.17). Now, we impose to the numerical method to satisfy the time reversal symmetry condition, this means that if y(xi ) = u(a + b − τi ) for i = 0, . . . , n, (2.2.5) since xi = a + b − τi = τ0 − (n − i)h = τn−i , the condition (2.2.5) is approximated by yi = un−i for i = 0, . . . , n. In vector form this is equivalent to require Ỹ = Jn+1 Ũ . Consequently, (2.2.3) can be written as ˜ n+1 )Ũ = 0 (Ã2 Jn+1 − 2γhÃ1 Jn+1 + µh2 IJ (2.2.6) 34 Chapter 2. High Order Generalized Upwind Methods and the comparison with (2.2.4) states that the matrices Ã2 and Ã1 have to fulfill Ã2 = Jn−1 Ã2 Jn+1 , Ã1 = −Jn−1 Ã1 Jn+1 . (2.2.7) Hence, in regard of the relations in (2.2.7), the numerical method is isotropic when the coefficients of the matrices Ã2 and Ã1 satisfy, for i = 1, . . . , n − 1 and j = 1, . . . , n + 1 the property: (2) (2) αi,j = αn−1−i,n+2−j (1) (1) αi,j = −αn−1−i,n+2−j . Consequently, it is clear that a numerical method preserve the time reversal symmetry when: • the BVM main scheme is symmetric for the approximation of the y ′′ and skew-symmetric for the y ′ ; • the number of initial and final methods is the same; • the coefficients of the ith initial scheme are these of the n − i final one in reverse order for y ′′ and also with changed sign for y ′ . Since D2ECDF satisfy the property (2.2.7), we can affirm that the scheme D2ECDF is time isotropic. As a consequence, we point out that also the midpoint rule, obtained for p = 2, is isotropic when is applied to second-order BVPs even if it is not isotropic for first-order BVPs (see [28]). 2.3 Conditioning analysis In this section the conditioning analysis of the discrete problem associated to the acquainted numerical methods is treated making use of the theoretical results for BVPs in [28]. Let us consider the BVP (2.2.1) and rewrite it in an equivalent problem of the first-order. By defining the vector [y1 , y2 ]T with y1 = y and y2 = y ′ the equivalent first-order system is µ ′ ¶ µ ¶ ¶ µ y1 y1 0 1 . = = −µ 2γ y2′ y2 The conditioning analysis depends on the eigenvalues of the coefficients matrix, for this reason we proceed with computing the eigenvalues λ1 and λ2 by means ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ −λ 1 2 ¯ ¯ (2.3.1) ¯ −µ 2γ − λ ¯ = λ − 2γλ + µ = 0. 35 The well-conditioning of the problem is preserved when it assigns initial values to the components of the solution generated by the eigenvalues with negative real parts (decaying modes) and final values to the components of the solution generated by the eigenvalues with positive real parts (increasing modes), this means that the dichotomy (see [18]) is maintained. In regard of the dichotomy, since from (2.3.1) λ1 λ2 = µ, the problem will be • well conditioned if and only if µ < 0; • moderately conditioned if µ = 0; • ill conditioned if µ > 0 (see p. 32 δ > 0). It points out that in this analysis the oscillating solutions obtained when δ < 0 are not contemplate. The results suggest us to consider the methods which yield a well conditioned discrete problem when µ < 0. It is important to clarify that, similarly the discrete problem (2.2.3) is well conditioned when the dichotomy is present with both the increasing and decreasing modes. Differently to the continuous problem, the decaying modes are generated by eigenvalues inside the unit disk of the complex plain and the increasing modes are generated by the eigenvalues outside the same disk. The known boundary conditions allow us to extract from (2.2.3) a linear system as following M · Y = d, (2.3.2) where M = (A2 − 2γhA1 + µh2 I), with A2 and A1 are the matrices obtained by deleting the first and the last column of the matrix Ã2 and Ã1 , and d is just the vector involving the known boundary conditions. As affirmed in Definition 2.1.6 the matrices A2 and A1 are quasi-Toeplitz matrices. When n is large enough, the contribution of the initial and final methods to the condition number is minor with respect to that of main method (see [43]). Moreover, it is known that the study of the conditioning of finite Toeplitz matrix brings back to the analysis of the conditioning of infinite matrices. In [4] it is proved as following Theorem 2.3.1. Let {Tn } be a family of nonsingular Toeplitz band matrices k X ai z m+i the associated characdefined as in Definition 1.5.1 and p(z) = i=−m teristic polynomial. Then, the family of matrices Tn is 36 Chapter 2. High Order Generalized Upwind Methods i) well conditioned if p(z) is of type (m, 0, k); ii) weakly well conditioned if p(z) is of type (m1 , m2 , k) or (m, k1 , k2 ), where m1 + m2 = m and k1 + k2 = k. In this case the conditioning number κ(Tn ) of the matrix Tn grows at most as O(nµ ), where µ is the highest multiplicity among the zeros of unit modulus; where the polynomial p(z) is the type (k1 , k2 , k3 ) if it has k1 zeros inside the unit circle in the complex plane, k2 zeros on the circle and k3 zeros outside it. Hence, the study of well conditioning of the discrete problem proceeds with the analysis of the roots of the characteristic polynomial associated to the main method (see [28]), defined as following π(z, µh2 , γh) = ρ(z) − 2γhσ(z) + µh2 z s , (2.3.3) where from the Eq. (2.1.2)-(2.1.3) s = max{k1 , k3 } and ρ(z) = k2 X αk1 +j z s+j , σ(z) = j=−k1 k4 X βk3 +j z s+j . j=−k3 Set r = max{k2 , k4 }, it follows that the characteristic polynomial in (2.3.3) has order s + r, where s corresponds to the number of lower diagonals of the coefficient matrix in (2.3.2) and r is the number of upper diagonals. The Theorem 2.3.1 states that the well conditioning of the matrix (2.3.2) is satisfied if the roots ξi = ξi (µh2 , γh) of the polynomial π(z, µh2 , γh) are such that |ξ1 | ≤ |ξ2 | ≤ · · · ≤ |ξs−1 | < |ξs | < 1 < |ξs+1 | ≤ · · · ≤ |ξs+r | . The zeros |ξs | and |ξs+1 | are said principal roots, since they generate the numerical solution, the remain roots have only a negligible contribution. Naturally we point out that if h → 0, the principal roots approximate the double zeros equal one of ρ(z). Now, the aim is to find the (µh2 , γh)-region of well conditioning of the discrete problem and firstly to draw the boundaries separating the well conditioning regions from the ill conditioning ones. As a consequence we solve π(z, γh, µh2 ) = 0 for |z| = 1. (2.3.4) The polynomial (2.3.3) is linear, then it can be proceed by considering three cases: 37 • z = 1: for the consistency of the schemes the polynomial ρ and σ check ρ(1) = σ(1) = 0, this means that the line µh2 = 0 have to be considered. • z = −1: the equation (2.3.4) to analyze becomes µh2 − 2γhσ̂ + ρ̂ = 0, (2.3.5) where ρ̂ = ρ(−1)/(−1)s and σ̂ = σ(−1)/(−1)s . Now, by means of simple calculations it is possible to try out that ρ̂ < 0 for all method and order, while σ̂ will be positive for D2GBDF, negative for D2GFDF and null for D2ECDF. Therefore, the line (2.3.5) intersects the µh2 -axis at −ρ̂ > 0, and in particular for D2ECDF the line µh2 = |ρ̂| is just parallel to the vertical axis γh. Since σ̂ 6= 0, for the GBDF and GFDF the intersection ρ̂ . of the line (2.3.5) with the vertical axis is at q = 2σ̂ • z is a complex roots and |z| = 1: by setting z = eiθ and considering the Euler formulae it is easy to check that ρ(z̄) − z̄ s ρ(z)/z s = 0. For D2ECDF the polynomial (2.3.4) reduces to µh2 = |ρ̂(z)|, then the region covers the segment between the points (0, 0) and (0, |ρ̂|). It is instant to observe that D2ECDF always generates well-conditioned matrices for µ < 0, this means that generalizations of the midpoint rule are stable when they are applied to second-order BVPs, but they remain unstable for IVPs (see [28]) and BVPs of first order. The situation changes for the D2GBDF and D2GFDF methods, since the conditioning regions do not cover the all left half-plain, indeed the discrete problem could be ill-conditioned for some values of (µh2 , γh) when µ < 0. The ill-conditioning can be avoided by imposing a restriction on the stepsize, which is obtained solving (2.3.5). If δ̂ = (γ σ̂)2 − ρ̂µ, then the roots of the equation (2.3.5) are p p γ σ̂ − δ̂ γ σ̂ + δ̂ h1 = , h2 = . µ µ Since ρ̂ and µ are both negative, it will be ρ̂µ > 0, therefore if δ̂ < 0 and γ σ̂ > 0 it does not exist any restriction of the stepsize. Real positive values of h1 and h2 , with h1 < h2 , are obtained when δ̂ > 0 and γ σ̂ < 0. The last condition suggests that γ < 0 needs to obtain a stepsize restriction (h < h1 ) for D2GBDF , while γ > 0 is required for D2GFDF. Moreover, if we suppose ρ̂µ ≪ (γ σ̂)2 , then the condition is reduced to h≤ ρ̂ q ≡ 2γ σ̂ γ 38 Chapter 2. High Order Generalized Upwind Methods This condition is enough to guarantee the well conditioned matrices for the both methods, moreover the value of q increases with the order, as shown in the Table 2.3, this means that the well conditioning regions become wider for the high order. Table 2.3: Maximum value of |γ| h required to reach well conditioning matrices for D2GBDF γ < 0 and for D2GFDF γ > 0 Order 4 6 8 10 |q| 1 17 12 16 9 21 10 The obtained results seem to highlight as the scheme D2GBDF is an highorder extension of the backward finite differences that can be used when the coefficient γ of the first derivative (velocity) is positive, while when γ is negative then it is better to consider the D2GFDF, which is an extension of the forward finite differences. This behavior calls to mind the upwind scheme of the first order which applies the backward differences when γ < 0 and the forward differences when γ > 0 and suggests the idea to build by a combination of D2GBDF with D2GFDF a well conditioned method which is an high order extension of the upwind method, as we will see in the Chapter 3. 2.4 Conclusion At the end we are able to underline the proprieties provided by the HOGD methods. • All the derivatives in ODE (2.1.1) can be approximated separately by formulae of the same high order; • the global numerical scheme provides the same high order of accuracy in each points of the interval; • the stability proprieties depend on the choice of the main scheme used for the approximation of the first derivative; • an high order extension of the upwind method can be applied to solve the ODE (2.1.1); • the size of the discrete problem is always equal to the mesh size; 39 • implicit equations can be solved as well as the explicit ones; • ODE of high order, this means of order greater than two, can be solved with same approaches and without increasing the size of the discrete problem. 40 Chapter 2. High Order Generalized Upwind Methods Chapter 3 HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems In this chapter we treat the solution of singular perturbation problems SPPs, which have been studied for many years in applied and numerical mathematics, due to their difficulty. A wide set of codes are been developed during the years, among them we found the fortran codes: COLSYS and COLNEW [17, 25] using polynomial collocation on Gauss points; COLMOD developed from COLNEW by adding a continuation strategy and a different error estimation which is more suitable for stiff problems; TWPBVP [33] based on deferred corrections and mono-implicit Runge-Kutta methods; ACDC [30] an improvement of TWPBVP using the more stable Lobatto Runge-Kutta formulae; MIRKDC and its new implementation BVP SOLVER [61] based on symmetric mono-implicit Runge-Kutta formulae and on the computation of a continuous solution using interpolation in order to control the defect. Moreover, matlab codes are: TOM [51] based on symmetric linear multistep formulae of high order, which are a generalization of the trapezoidal rule; BVP4c [60] and BVP5c exploiting collocation methods to compute an approximate solution which is C 1 piecewise cubic polynomial. In [15] Amodio and Sgura show as the application of high order generalized difference (HOGD) schemes to SPP do not yield an accurate solution, so they suggest to use a high order generalized upwind HOGUP method, on the basis of the conditioning analysis. Our intention it is to apply HOGUP methods on variable meshes [6]. Therefore, we consider a technique of error equidistribution and also a de- 42 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems ferred method to build a strategy of variation stepsize, so that an accurate solution is reached by using few mesh points. We have developed a matlab code HOFiD UP and some numerical tests, chosen in the web page of J. Cash [29], are taken in consideration. 3.1 High Order Generalized Upwind Methods We consider singular perturbation problems defined as ǫy ′′ = f (x, y, y ′ ), x ∈ [a, b], y ∈ R, (3.1.1) subject to separated boundary conditions y(a) = ηa , y(b) = ηb , (3.1.2) where f is a sufficiently smooth function and ǫ > 0 is a perturbation parameter which causes a very fast variation of the solution, called layers, in narrow regions, see Section 1.3. We are interested in investigating the solution of SPPs and it could seem immediately to propose the solution of (3.1.1) by means of the methods included in the high order generalized difference (HOGD) schemes, see Chapter 2. The literature shows as the application of the classical central schemes for solving SPPs can fail, indeed in [18] it is observed that the application of 3point central schemes with a uniform stepsize h ≫ ǫ causes oscillations in the solution throughout the interval. Then, firstly we are motivated to look the behavior of the solution when formulae D2ECDFs, see Definition 2.2.3, are considered for solving SPPs as in the following example. Example 3.1.1. Let us consider the well conditioned linear SPP, (Test Problem 4 in [29]), ǫy ′′ + y ′ − (1 + ǫ)y = 0, x ∈ [−1, 1], with boundary conditions y(−1) = 1 + exp (−2), y(1) = 1 + exp (−2(1 + ǫ)/ǫ). The exact solution ¶ µ 1+ǫ (1 + x) ye (x) = exp (x − 1) + exp − ǫ has a boundary layer of width O(ǫ) at x = −1. We solve this problem with D2ECDF of order 6 and with a stepsize h = 5 · 10−2 . For ǫ = 10−2 the gained solution is correct, see Figure 3.1, while it is completely wrong for ǫ = 10−5 (see Figure 3.2). 43 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Figure 3.1: Example 3.1.1 - Numerical solution with ǫ = 10−2 computed by D2ECDF of order 6 with 40 equidistant points (h = 5e − 2). Example 3.1.1 shows that the well conditioning of the linear system obtained by discretizing the problem is not sufficient to guarantee the effectiveness of the method D2ECDF for solving singular perturbation problems. The reasons of this behavior are to seek in the properties of the characteristic polynomial. Firstly we consider a uniform discretization of the interval [a, b] a ≤ x1 < x2 < · · · < xn ≤ b, (3.1.3) where xi = x0 + ih, h = (b − a)/n. Then, we approximate the second and the first derivatives in (3.1.1) by means of formulae defined in (2.1.6), that is (ν) y (ν) (xi ) ≃ yi = k−s 1 X (s,ν) αs+j yi+j , hν j=−s (s) s = 1, . . . , k − 1, (3.1.4) where the coefficients αs+j are computed imposing the maximum order p, see Proposition 2.1.2 and, moreover, s = 0, . . . , k is the number of initial conditions 44 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Figure 3.2: Example 3.1.1 - Numerical solution with ǫ = 10−5 computed by D2ECDF of order 6 with 40 equidistant points (h = 5e − 2). and k depends on the order p and ν. We suppose to apply a HOGD scheme to the linear test problem ǫy ′′ − γy ′ − µy = 0, µ ≥ 0, (3.1.5) with separated boundary conditions (3.1.2). Then, considering Definition 2.2.3, the equation (3.1.4) can be written in vector form as ´ ³ ǫ γ ˜ Ỹ = 0, (3.1.6) à − µ I à − 1 2 h2 h where I˜ = [0, I, 0] is the identity matrix of size (n − 1) × (n − 1) with two additional null vectors, on the left and on the right. From (3.1.6) we obtain the following linear system associated with (3.1.5) M · Y = d, (3.1.7) where M = ( hǫ2 A2 − hγ A1 − µI) is a (n − 1) × (n − 1) band matrix, which becomes quasi Toeplitz-matrix when n becomes large enough, and d is the 45 vector including the known boundary conditions. As shown in Section 2.3, the characteristic polynomial associated can be expressed as π(z, µh2 , γh) = ǫρ(z) − γhσ(z) − µh2 z s , (3.1.8) where s = max{k1 , k2 } and k1 and k2 represent the number of initial conditions of the main methods approximating the second and the first derivatives, and ρ(z) = k−k X1 j=−k1 (k ,2) αk11+j z s+j , σ(z) = k−k X2 (k ,1) αk22+j z s+j . j=−k2 Set r = min(k1 , k2 ), then the polynomial π(z, µh2 , γh) has degree k + s − r. If zi for i = 1, . . . , s + r are the roots of the characteristic polynomial, it is known from Section 2.3 that a well conditioned Toeplitz banded linear system (with s lower and r upper off-diagonals) have to satisfy the condition |z1 | ≤ |z2 | ≤ · · · ≤ |zs−1 | < |zs | < 1 < |zs+1 | ≤ · · · ≤ |zs+r | , (3.1.9) where zs and zs+1 are the principal roots. Then, we are able to give the following result (see [15]). Proposition 3.1.2. Let M be the coefficient matrix defined in (3.1.7). If all the roots (3.1.9) are real and positive, then M −1 has positive entries, that is M is an inverse-monotone matrix. Proof. From the hypothesis on the roots (3.1.9) we may approximate M by a Toeplitz band matrix which is factored as M ≈ (L1 . . . Ls )D(Us+1 . . . Us+r ) = LDU, (3.1.10) where D contains a positive diagonal scaling factor, Li , for i = 1, . . . , s, is unit lower bidiagonal matrix with −zi on the lower diagonal, and Uj , for j = s + 1, . . . , s + r, is unit upper bidiagonal matrix with −zj−1 on the upper diagonal. Since the matrices are (weakly) diagonally dominant, then all the matrices are (weakly) well conditioned. If the roots are also real and positive, −1 −1 is positive. then, L−1 i and Uj are positive, consequently also the product M ✷ The hypotheses of Proposition 3.1.2 are too restrictive for all the HOGD schemes, indeed it is possible to check that the polynomial ρ(z) in (3.1.8) satisfies it only for p = 2, 4. Numerically, for other orders, we have found 46 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems that the matrix A2 in (3.1.6) has positive inverse until order p = 14, while the matrix A1 never has positive inverse. Therefore for small value of γh/ǫ and µh2 /ǫ the matrix M in (3.1.7) is inverse monotone and the approximated solution is fine. Therefore, the property is satisfied only for some value of the stepsize h proportional to ǫ−1 . Even so, we consider less restrictive conditions which allow us to obtain a positive matrix M −1 by analyzing the principal roots of π(z, µh2 , γh). We can observe that the matrix L in (3.1.10) depends on the roots zi , for i = 1, . . . , s with |zi | < 1, consequently the decrease of the off-diagonal entries of L−1 is i as fast as |zi | is small. Hence if zs is positive and zs ≫ |zs−1 | ≥ |zi |, for i = 1, . . . , s − 2, then the contribution of the parasitic roots vanishes after few off-diagonals, so that L−1 is positive. Similarly, the matrix U depends on the −1 roots ¯i =¯ s +¯ 1, . . . , s + r, with |zi | > 1, then if zs is positive and ¯ −1 ¯ zi ¯, for ¯z ¯ ≫ ¯z −1 ¯ ≥ ¯z −1 ¯, i = s + 3, . . . , s + r, then the contribution of parasitic s+2 s+1 i −1 roots is negligible on ¯ off-diagonals and U −1is positive. Therefore if L is ¯ −1the ¯ ¯ positive and zs ≫ zs+1 or U is positive and zs+1 ≫ |zs |, then we can affirm that M has inverse essentially positive. This property is satisfied by the GBDFs if γ ≥ 0 and by GFDFs when γ ≤ 0. In fact, the polynomial σ(z) corresponding to GBDFs formulae has one principal root equal to 1 and the remaining ones are much lower than 1. Indeed, numerically for the same formulae we have also checked that until order 14 L−1 is positive, while U −1 is not positive, however it has off-diagonal elements going to zero quickly. On the other hand, for GFDFs, since the roots of σ(z) are one equal to 1, the principal root, and the others much greater than 1, it is possible to observe as U −1 is positive, while L−1 has the off-diagonal entries going to zero very fast. Hence, we can affirm that, even if h > ǫ/γ for γ > 0 and respectively γ < 0 the matrix M resulting from GBDFs and GFDFs has a LDU factorization in (3.1.10), with L−1 positive and U −1 with small off-diagonal elements for GBDFs, vice versa for GFDFs. These negative elements generate only few wriggles close to the boundary layer when γh ≈ ǫ is chosen . Differently the polynomial σ(z) associated to ECDFs has −1 and 1 as principal roots, consequently if h > ǫ/γ then high oscillations occur and the solution can be completely modified. Example 3.1.3. We solve the problem in Example 3.1.1 with ǫ = 10−5 by D2GFDF of order p = 6. Since h ≫ ǫ some oscillations appear near the layer as shown in Figure 3.3. When the stepsize h is halved, the error outside the layer decreases following the theoretical order, as shown in Figure 3.4 47 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Figure 3.3: Example 3.1.3 - Numerical solution for ǫ = 10−5 computed by D2GFDF of order 6 with 40 equidistant points (h = 5e − 2). The Examples 3.1.1-3.1.3 seem to confirm that only the use of ECDFs for the approximation of the first derivative raises high oscillation in the solution. This behavior, already existing for classical central differences, has been overcome in [18] replacing the symmetric scheme for the first derivative with a one-sided scheme, keeping everything else unchanged. This substitution assures the disappearance of the spurious oscillations and motivates the introduction of the so called upwind method (see [18]), which approximates the first derivative by a backward or forward difference scheme according to the sign of the coefficients of y ′ . Certainly the first order of the accuracy represents a disadvantage of the method, even if y ′′ is approximated by a second order scheme we have a reduction of the global error. Therefore in order to avoid the spurious oscillations, we decide to approximate the first derivative by GBDFs or GFDFs according to the sign of γ; this choice also preserves the well conditioning property as explain in Section 2.3. In general we can summarize this strategy in the following definition. Definition 3.1.4 (Generalized Upwind Methods). For the two-point BVP (3.1.1)-(3.1.2) we define High Order Generalized Upwind (HOGUP) method 48 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems 0 10 h=5e−2 h=2.5e−2 h=1.25e−2 h=6.25e−3 −5 10 −10 10 −15 10 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Figure 3.4: Example 3.1.3 - Absolute error for ǫ = 10−5 , computed by D2GFDF of order 6 halving the stepsize from h = 5e − 2 to h = 6.5e − 3. the global approximation of y ′′ by the ECDFs and y ′ (xi ), for i = s, n−p+s−1, by • GBDF when ∂f (xi ) > 0; ∂y ′ • GFDF when ∂f (xi ) < 0; ∂y ′ of the same order p, where s is the number of initial conditions. Example 3.1.5. Let us consider the Test Problem 10 in [29] ǫy ′′ + xy ′ = 0, x ∈ [−1, 1], with boundary conditions y(−1) = 0, y(1) = 2. The exact solution √ √ ye (x) = 1 + erf(x/ 2ǫ)/erf(1/ 2ǫ). √ has a turning point of width O( ǫ) at x = 0. We consider ǫ = 10−4 and h = 5e − 2 and solve the problem by D2ECDF and by the HOGUP method of 49 order 6. Since in the interval [−1, 1] the coefficient of y ′ changes sign, for the HOGUP we use GBDF when x < 0 and GFDF when x > 0. Even if h > ǫ, we observe as the oscillations appear only near the turning point, while the solution is completely wrong for D2ECDF, see Figure 3.5. Starting with 40 points and doubling the mesh we observe that the HOGUP check the order of convergence, see Figure 3.6. 2.5 HOGUP 2 1.5 D2ECDF 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Figure 3.5: Example 3.1.5 - Numerical solution for ǫ = 10−4 computed by D2GFDF and HOGUP of order 6 with 40 equidistant points (h = 5e − 2). Remark 3.1.6. We point out that inside the layer the error of the HOGUP method decreases with its order only when the stepsize is proportional to the √ size of the layer, for the Example 3.1.5 when h = O( ǫ), see Figure 3.6. Hence, the high order upwind method does not converge uniformly with respect to ǫ, in fact the error bound depends on ǫ. Consequently, a uniformly convergence may be reached only applying the HOGUP method on a variable mesh. 50 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems 0 10 h=5e−2 h=2.5e−2 h=1.25e−2 h=6.25e−3 −2 10 −4 10 −6 10 −8 10 −10 10 −12 10 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Figure 3.6: Example 3.1.5 - Absolute error for ǫ = 10−4 , computed by HOGUP of order 6 doubling the mesh points. 3.2 HOGUP on Variable Mesh The aim of this section is to apply the HOGUP method on grid points with variable stepsize [6]. On the other hand, we want to preserve the nice properties the method exhibits on a mesh of equidistant points. Therefore, we discretize the integration interval [a, b] by means of piecewise constant grids such that the stencil used for each formula changes stepsize at most once. Moreover, we underline that in the first and last points the initial and final methods are used with constant stepsize, while the main method may be also applied on a variable mesh, thus it is necessary to compute the variable-step coefficients of the main methods as follows k−s 1 X (s,2) y (xi+k/2−s ) ≃ 2 α̃ yi+j , hi j=−s j+s ′′ y ′ (xi+k/2−s+t ) ≃ k−s 1 X (t,s,1) α̃j+s yi+j , hi j=−s s = 1, . . . , k − 1, t = −1, 1, (3.2.1) s = 1, . . . , k − 1. (3.2.2) 51 (s,2) (s,2) (t,s,1) (t,s,1) The coefficients (α̃0 , . . . , α̃k ) and (α̃0 , . . . , α̃k ) are still computed as in Proposition 2.1.2 by solving Vandermonde linear systems with the matrix     V =   1 −s (−s)2 .. . 1 −s + 1 (−s + 1)2 .. . ... 1 1 ... ... 0 1 ... ... 0 1 ... .. .. . . 1 (k − s)v [(k − s)v]2 ... (−s)k+1 (−s + 1)k+1 . . . 0 1 . . . [(k − s)v]k+1     ,   (3.2.3) where s represents the number of steps equal to hi (the others are equal to hi+1 ) and v = hi /hi+1 . The coefficients are computed such that the formulae have order p = k − ν, with ν = 1, 2. Consequently a loss of the order occurs for the symmetric scheme involved into the approximation of y ′′ , so that we observe a order reduction in the global approximation. For all these choices the coefficients have been computed algebraically. Moreover, we observe that the coefficients magnitude depends on the values of v, for this reason we decided to change stepsize at least every k + 4 points, that is we use 3 constant steps methods before changing the stepsize, if necessary, and bound v according to the values in Table 3.1. Table 3.1: Maximum ratio between two successive steps order v 3.3 4 15 6 10 8 7 10 5 Deferred Correction The deferred correction method [18] is widely used in several numerical schemes and it may be viewed as a special case of defect correction method, where defect means that one is substituting the exact solution into the difference scheme. Starting point is the idea to approximate the local truncation error resulting from applying a basic scheme, after that it is possible to solve for a corrected approximation using the same discretization. We are interested to apply the deferred correction to high order finite difference schemes defined in Chapter 2 for the BVPs. It is known that we 52 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems approximate y ′′ (xi ) and y ′ (xi ), for i = 1 . . . , , n − 1, by means of high order finite difference schemes of the same even order p = 2s. As discussed in [7], we point out that the same results can be obtained by approximating y ′ (xi ) and y ′′ (xi ) with two different (i.e., based on different stencils) interpolation formulae. In particular, for the second derivative and i = s, . . . , n − s, we use the Lagrange polynomial of degree 2s (the same of the formula) interpolating y(x) at the points xi−s , . . . , xi+s , q2s (x) = i+s X yj Lj (x), where Lj (x) = j=i−s i+s Y x − xk . xj − xk (3.3.1) k=i−s k6=j Then ′′ y ′′ (xi ) ≈ q2s (xi ) = i+s X (s,i) αj+s yj , j=i−s (s,i) where αj+s = L′′j (xi ), j = i − s, . . . , i + s. Moreover, we underline that these coefficients depend on the stepsize hi , i = i − s, . . . , i + s only in case of variable mesh. For s > 1 this procedure requires some adjustment in order to approximate y ′′ (xi ), for i = 1, . . . , s − 1 and i = n − s + 1, . . . , n − 1. In fact, we remind that in the extreme points initial and final formulae are used, this means that for the first s − 1 points we always have to use the stencil x0 , . . . , x2s+1 while for the last points the stencil must be xn−2s , . . . , xn . Alike, for the first derivative we consider a polynomial of degree 2s interpolating y(x) in the points xi−s+t , . . . , xi+s+t , where t = −1, 0, 1 depends on the chosen formula among GBDF, ECDF or GFDF, respectively. In the same way, the coefficients of these formulae derive from the first derivative of the Lagrange polynomial computed at xi , while the approximation of y ′ (xi ) in the first and last points of the mesh requires ad-hoc formulae. In conclusion, the solution of (3.1.1)-(3.1.2) on the mesh (3.1.3) is obtained by ¶ µ ǫA2s − f (x, y, B2s y) = 0, (3.3.2) Φ2s (y) = g(y0 , yn ) where (x, y) denotes the discrete solution, and A2s and B2s contain the coefficients of the formulae of order 2s for the second and the first derivative. In the case of a IVPs we have g(y0 , y0′ ). To emphasize the relation between two methods of consecutive orders it is convenient to use the Newton-like polynomial rather than the Lagrange polynomial, defined as 53 p2s (x) = y [xi ] +  s X y [xi−j , . . . , xi+j−1 ] + j=1 i+j−1 Y k=i−j+1  i+j−1 Y x − xk  x − xk , + y [xi−j , . . . , xi+j ] xi−j − xk xi+j − xk k=i−j where, in case of constant stepsize, y[xj , . . . , xj+k ] = ∆k yj is the forward difference of order k. Then 2y[xi−1 , xi , xi+1 ] y ′′ (xi ) ≈ p′′2s (xi ) = + (xi+1 − xi )(xi+1 − xi−1 )   s X γj,1 y[xi−j , . . . , xi+j−1 ] + γj,2 y[xi−j , . . . , xi+j ] +2 (3.3.3) j=2 = p′′2s−2 (xi ) + 2 (γs,1 y[xi−s , . . . , xi+s−1 ] + γs,2 y[xi−s , . . . , xi+s ]) where γj,1 = and γj,2 1 xi−j − xi i+j−1 X k=i−j+1 k6=i 1 xi−j − xk i+j−1 X 1 1 = xi+j − xi xi+j − xk k=i−j k6=i i+j−1 Y r=i−j+1 r6=k,i i+j−1 Y r=i−j r6=k,i xi − xr xi−j − xr xi − xr . xi+j − xr The main advantage of this representation is the possibility to compute an approximation of the local truncation error with few operations. If constant stepsize is used, then the coefficients γj,1 = 0 due to symmetry while γj,2 = {−1/12, 1/90, −1/560, 1/3150} for the even orders form 4 to 10. With a similar reasoning, we can obtain an approximation of y ′ (xn ) in the form   s X δj,1 y[xi−j+t , . . . , xi+j−1+t ] + δj,2 y[xi−j+t , . . . , xi+j+t ] , y ′ (xi ) ≈ j=1 (3.3.4) where δj,1 = 1 xi−j+t − xi i+j−1 Y k=i−j+1 k6=i−t xi − xk+t xi−j+t − xk+t 54 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems and δj,2 = 1 xi+j+t − xi i+j−1 Y k=i−j k6=i−t xi − xk+t . xi+j+t − xk+t Supposed f sufficiently smooth, from (3.3.3)-(3.3.4) it follows for the basic scheme Φ2s (y) = Φ2s−2 (y) + τ2s . (3.3.5) If ŷ is the exact solution of (3.1.1) or (3.1.2), then the following statements are satisfied Φ2s (ŷ) = τ̂2s = o(h2s ), Φ2s−2 (ŷ) = τ̂2s−2 = o(h2s−2 ), (3.3.6) then from (3.3.5)-(3.3.6) it follows that for h → 0, τ2s is as an approximation of the local truncation error τ̂2s−2 , so that τ2s = τ̂2s−2 + o(h2s ). If ȳ is the numerical solution achieved using difference schemes of order 2s − 2, then Φ2s−2 (ȳ) = 0, consequently by substituting ȳ in (3.3.5) we have Φ2s (ȳ) = τ2s . (3.3.7) It is important to point out that for (3.3.7), an approximation of the truncation error for the method of order 2s is gained evaluating the formulae of order 2s at the points of the solution reached with the lower order scheme 2s − 2. ¯ is the numerical solution obtained applying the formulae of Similarly, if ȳ ¯ in (3.3.5) a corrected ¯ ) = 0 and, substituting ȳ order 2s, this means Φ2s (ȳ ¯ solution ȳ is computed by solving ¯ ) = −τ2s = −Φ2s (ȳ). Φ2s−2 (ȳ (3.3.8) We emphasize the significance of the result reached by the defect correction and underline that it is possible to evaluate an estimation of the truncation error concerning the difference scheme of a given order p and to compute a corrected solution yielding the same scheme, without increasing the size of the system required if a higher order is applied. In this way we are able to compute the estimation of the error without solving the problem with two consecutive orders and saving the computational cost. 55 3.4 Error Equidistribution We consider the SPP (3.1.1)-(3.1.2) and an error tolerance TOL, the aim is to find a mesh π : a = x1 < x2 < · · · < xn = b (3.4.1) with h = max hi and hi = xi − xi−1 , for i = 1, . . . , n, such that n is small and 0≤i≤n the error ei = |yi − y(xi )| , i = 0, . . . , n (3.4.2) is less than T OL, where yπ = {yi }ni=1 approximate solution of y(x). We underline that the error may be relative or absolute, or a combination of both. The approximation of (3.1.1)-(3.1.2) is computed by high order generalized upwind (HOGUP) schemes of order p, thus |yi − y(xi )| = Chpi |Ψ(xi )| + O(hp+1 ), (3.4.3) where Ψ(x) involves the derivatives of order higher than p. We follow the idea at the basis of the equidistribution in [18], whose principle is to minimize max |ei |. Considering Ti ≈ T (xi ) = C |Ψ(xi )|, we obtain an error measure 0≤i≤n 1/p φi ≈ hi Ti , which varies linearly with hi , therefore a simpler minmax problem min max |φi |, i h n X i=1 hi = b − a is involved. The solution of the optimization problem is obtained by assuming all φi equal to a constant λ, so that hi = λ 1/p Ti , i = 0, . . . , n, λ= n X b−a 1/p −1 (Ti ) i=1 Generalizing we consider a smooth function, therefore, as in [18], we take T (x)1/p as monitor function, then a mesh π is equidistributed with respect to the monitor function if for a constant λ Z xi+1 T (x)1/p d x ≡ λ, (3.4.4) xi where λ= θ n (3.4.5) 56 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems and θ= Z b T (x)1/p d x. (3.4.6) Z (3.4.7) a We note that 1 t(x) := θ x T (ξ)1/p d ξ a is piecewise linear, thus from (3.4.5)-(3.4.6) known xi we may finding xi+1 such that i (3.4.8) t(xi+1 ) = . n If π ∗ is the new mesh given by (3.4.7)-(3.4.8) then if yπ∗ is the new solution, considering (3.4.4)-(3.4.5), follows that hi T (xi )1/p = θ (1 + O(h)), n then (3.4.3) satisfies µ ¶p θ (1 + O(h)) + O(hp ). |yi − y(xi )| = n (3.4.9) The new mesh size n such that the solution is equidistributed has the uniform error less than T OL, then from (3.4.9) we can predict it by choosing n= θ TOL1/p . (3.4.10) We consider also the quantities r1 = max hi 0≤i≤n µ T (xi ) TOL ¶1/p r2 = n X i=0 hi µ T (xi ) TOL ¶1/p , r3 = r2 , n where the ratio rr13 gives some information about the equidistribution, in fact if the ratio is large the maximum error estimate is larger than the average one, this means that the mesh is not well equidistributed. Moreover we required to check that r1 < 1.2 (3.4.11) r3 (i) If (3.4.11) is satisfied, then the mesh is sufficiently equidistributed and the new mesh is obtained doubling the points, that is we have π ∗ = {x1 , x3/2 , x2 , . . . , xn−1 , x(n+1/2) , xn }. 57 (ii) If (3.4.11) is not checked, then r2 predicts the number of mesh points satisfying the tolerance TOL and (3.4.10). Then we consider to predict the number of mesh points n∗ = max{min(r2 , 1.2 n), n/1.2} in place of r2 , in order to avoid incorrect conclusion early. Then the new mesh π ∗ is computed by (3.4.7)-(3.4.8). We also underline that the mesh is doubled if n∗ has already been used for two consecutive times. Stepsize and order variation strategy The order variation strategy developed in the code for solving two-point linear singular perturbation problems (3.1.1)-(3.1.2) with very small perturbation parameters ǫ consists to combine one or more methods with piecewise constant stepsize of different order, chosen among 4, 6, 8 and 10. The choice of the order is strictly connected to the desired precision. Low orders allow us to determine the first variable meshes with a suggestion on the location of the layer and relatively few points. The computed mesh can then be used by higher orders to quickly obtain better accuracy. The following algorithm describe the variable order strategy: Algorithm 1. function [x, y] = HOFiD UP (‘problem’, tol) ord = 4; x e = a : (b − a)/10 : b; ye = ya : (yb − ya )/10 : yb ; ltol = max(1e-2, tol); while kerrk < tol [x, y, err] = genup (‘problem’, ord, ltol, x e, ye); if kerrk > tol ltol = max(kerrk/100, tol); ord = ord + 2; [e x, ye] = adjmesh (x, y, ord + 4); end end Hence, we consider as initial number of mesh points n = 10 and start with method of order 4. The starting mesh is updated until we obtain a solution with a computed absolute/relative error less than 10−2 . This essentially means that the stepsize used is smaller than the width of the layer. Then, the process is iterated by increasing the order of the method and decreasing the exit tolerance. 58 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems Since the piecewise constant mesh depends on the order used, it is necessary to modify the output mesh when we pass from one method of lower order to one of higher order. This is made in adjmesh by increasing the number of constant points in each sub-interval with less than ord + 4 constant steps, or bringing together two sub-intervals with almost the same stepsize. Moreover the number of points in each sub-interval is increased in order to satisfy the restriction in Table 3.1. The step variation technique, based on the equidistribution described in Section 3.4, is applied inside the genup function and allows us to compute, for fixed order ord and input tolerance TOL, a numerical solution with maximum error less than TOL. The error is approximated using the deferred correction in Section 3.3, that is considering the same scheme we compute the corrected solution which allow us to estimate the error. We pay particular attention to the function monitor which is inside the function genup and allows us to compute the new grid x starting from the old grid x e and the computed error err. It is described as follows Algorithm 2. function x = monitor (err, x e, ord, T OL) n = length(e x) − 1; h=x e(2 : n) − x e(1 : n − 1); t = max(err(2 : n + 1), err(1 : n))ˆ(1/ord); r1 = ktk∞ ; n∗ = ⌊ktk1 /T OLˆ(1/ord)⌋; r3 = ktk1 /n; if r1 /r3 ≤ 1.2 & n∗ ≥ 2 · n x is obtained halving the step-length vector h n∗ = 2 · n else n∗ = max(min(n∗ , ⌊1.2 · n⌋), ⌊n/1.2⌋); I = [0 cumsum(t)]/ktk1 ; z = 0 : 1/n∗ : 1; x b = linear_interp(I, x e, z); x = piecewise_grid(b x, ord + 4); end The function monitor is based on an equidistribution of the error and gives back the equidistributed mesh, which is modified next by piecewise_grid in order to have piecewise constant steps . The function piecewise_grid starts from the minimum step and determines ord + 4 consecutive constant steps which are able to overlay exactly some steps of the previous grid. This 59 procedure is iterated on the remaining part of the grid in order that the new steps are greater than or equal to those already computed and the ratio of two consecutive steps is bounded by the values in Table 3.1. 3.5 Numerical Test In this section we give some results on the convergence behavior of the matlab code HOFiD UP tested on four linear and two nonlinear singular perturbation problems contained in the “BVP software page” of J. Cash [29]. For our numerical experiments we have chosen to show as order 4, 6 and 8 works individually requiring three different exit tolerance, that is 10−4 ,10−6 and 10−8 . We start with a uniform initial mesh of 10 points with order 4 and 6, while the number of mesh points is 20 when order 8 is employed. Naturally, a variable stepsize is obtained using the equidistribution of the error described in in Section 3.4 and Section 3.4. The results highlight as for tolerance 10−4 and 10−6 a fine mesh is obtained with order 6, while order 8 is exploited to improve the number of mesh points when a tolerances 10−8 is required. Hence, order 4 seems working better with a great tolerance, as 10−2 . This analysis for each order helps us to set tolerances when we apply order variation strategy. Indeed, for a exit tolerance T OL = 10−4 we choose two different order between 4, 6 and 8 and an initial tolerance 10−2 , differently for T OL = 10−6 or T OL = 10−8 we can decide to employ two or three orders, in these case for orders 4-8 the initial tolerance is 10−2 , for orders 6-8 the initial tolerance is 10−4 and for orders 4-6-8 the initial tolerances are respectively 10−2 for order 4 and 10−5 for order 6. We point out as an order variation strategy improves the number of mesh points above all for both small values of perturbation ǫ and exit tolerance T OL. For nonlinear problems a continuation strategy sometimes needs, in such cases the solution is computed in sequence for each ǫi = 10−i , i = 1, 2, . . . , less than ǫ required using the method of order 4 and T OL = 10−2 . We point out that for the Example 3.5.5 no continuation is exploited, while for the last Example 3.5.6 we show both results with and without continuation. In the following tables we carry for each order from left to right the number of steps employed to reach the fine mesh, the total number of mesh points, the number of the final mesh and the error obtained by the relation |y(xi ) − yi | , 0≤i≤n 1 + |y(xi )| kek∞ = max when the exact solution is known, otherwise the unknown value y(xi ) is sub- 60 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems (p+2) stituted by yi obtained using the same method and order p + 2. Moreover, in bold we have highlighted the finer mesh for each value of ǫ. Example 3.5.1. Let us consider the linear test problem in Example 3.1.1, where the coefficient multiplying y ′ is positive in the x-domain. The Table 3.2 shows as for T OL = 10−4 order 6 gives a finer mesh, while the Table 3.3 highlights as order 4 and 6 are a good combination for an order variation. However, this strategy is convenient to employ when the perturbation ǫ becomes small. For T OL = 10−6 in the Table 3.4 order 6 is established to be a good choice for the small ǫ, moreover order 6 and 8 in the Table 3.5 work better for the order variation strategy. In the Table 3.6 is evident that order 8 have to be used for tolerance T OL = 10−8 , while the Table 3.7 shows as an order variation 4-6-8 allows us to considerably reduce the number of mesh points when ǫ becomes smaller. Table 3.2: Example 3.5.1 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−4 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 order 4 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 87 150 236 439 582 723 917 1083 1315 1498 36 58 84 116 140 143 172 203 229 234 order 6 8.04e-05 6.63e-05 8.78e-05 6.75e-06 7.49e-06 1.89e-05 7.06e-06 5.59e-06 1.07e-05 1.07e-05 3 5 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 60 152 284 376 585 712 1039 1219 1425 1683 30 50 70 83 111 127 160 182 207 241 order 8 6.08e-05 2.54e-05 7.67e-06 1.09e-04 8.75e-06 5.62e-05 3.71e-07 8.61e-07 4.10e-05 6.94e-05 2 5 8 12 14 16 17 18 20 21 48 190 347 723 952 1310 1515 1753 2282 2499 28 61 76 122 141 186 196 228 273 285 1.04e-05 1.62e-06 3.18e-05 3.70e-08 7.56e-07 9.01e-08 1.53e-06 8.64e-05 4.12e-08 4.47e-06 Example 3.5.2. Let us consider the linear test problem 6 in [29] ǫy ′′ + xy ′ = −ǫπ 2 cos (πx) − πx sin (πx), x ∈ [−1, 1], with boundary conditions y(−1) = −2, y(1) = 0. The exact solution √ erf(x/ 2ǫ) √ ye (x) = cos (πx) + erf(1/ 2ǫ) has a shock layer in the turning point region near x = 0. Here the coefficient of y ′ changes its sign in the x-domain and there is no y-term. The Table 3.8 underlines as order 6 reaches the exit tolerance T OL = 10−4 with the finer mesh, while from the Table 3.9 we note that the 61 Table 3.3: Example 3.5.1 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−4 and variable order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 orders 4-6 5 6 7 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 96 197 248 377 497 723 955 1146 1325 1463 31 56 69 81 101 131 173 193 208 210 orders 4-8 1.22e-05 5.46e-06 8.41e-05 1.55e-05 7.18e-05 1.57e-06 1.26e-06 3.11e-07 5.41e-07 2.86e-05 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 67 149 247 406 513 602 809 1218 1395 1489 24 57 68 99 117 122 173 234 246 236 orders 6-8 8.31e-05 6.47e-05 5.98e-06 5.12e-07 3.76e-06 2.43e-05 7.28e-05 4.31e-08 2.93e-08 1.20e-06 4 6 8 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 71 190 317 504 765 916 1100 1488 1700 2168 24 49 71 95 134 148 172 208 219 307 8.31e-05 3.14e-05 1.12e-04 2.49e-05 4.82e-07 2.24e-06 7.66e-06 3.91e-08 6.41e-07 4.01e-07 Table 3.4: Example 3.5.1 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−6 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 order 4 11 9 11 11 11 11 13 14 13 14 592 517 956 1035 1180 1232 1910 2351 1974 2513 100 116 184 197 246 259 342 405 368 442 order 6 9.25e-07 1.33e-06 6.41e-07 1.18e-06 4.77e-07 1.04e-06 4.29e-07 3.90e-07 1.15e-06 6.55e-07 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 152 248 377 491 664 941 1149 1432 1642 1939 52 82 105 113 135 170 183 221 232 267 order 8 2.79e-07 1.41e-07 1.61e-07 1.34e-06 5.22e-07 8.34e-08 1.38e-07 7.26e-08 1.90e-07 8.93e-08 3 5 8 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 84 179 415 640 1002 1177 1610 1862 2086 2371 36 54 99 117 172 185 233 261 269 285 2.44e-07 1.88e-06 2.36e-08 1.79e-08 1.77e-09 1.24e-08 7.00e-10 3.59e-09 7.13e-08 3.75e-07 Table 3.5: Example 3.5.1 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−6 and variable order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 order 4-8 5 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 104 214 344 406 649 748 1018 1218 1395 1489 37 65 97 99 136 146 209 234 246 236 order 6-8 8.76e-07 1.51e-07 3.09e-08 5.12e-07 9.44e-09 3.20e-08 1.53e-08 4.31e-08 2.93e-08 1.20e-06 5 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 17 18 129 275 369 563 707 1030 1226 1425 1915 2249 39 63 85 98 122 171 187 206 250 296 order 4-6-8 1.80e-07 3.28e-08 8.29e-07 7.81e-08 9.52e-07 1.19e-08 6.81e-09 2.95e-08 2.94e-08 3.34e-07 7 7 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 181 258 421 605 742 880 1160 1362 1560 1969 49 61 92 122 133 157 205 216 235 270 1.98e-08 5.56e-07 2.78e-08 1.79e-09 1.23e-08 7.51e-08 5.17e-08 5.33e-09 3.02e-08 3.13e-07 62 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems Table 3.6: Example 3.5.1 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−8 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 order 4 13 14 14 17 16 20 20 21 22 21 1192 2043 2412 3064 3150 5721 5903 6423 7405 7626 400 630 832 664 704 1126 1162 729 822 1476 order 6 5.22e-09 3.08e-09 1.60e-09 4.47e-09 7.87e-09 1.56e-09 2.36e-09 1.20e-08 4.95e-08 5.14e-07 8 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 385 465 559 754 1039 1357 1719 2068 2127 2505 91 116 144 186 242 308 330 365 345 330 order 8 7.43e-09 1.06e-08 1.37e-08 2.66e-09 1.97e-09 9.59e-10 1.00e-09 4.27e-09 3.43e-08 2.51e-07 4 6 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 134 298 525 737 1003 1442 1790 2119 2421 2758 50 91 118 149 196 228 248 293 294 320 2.18e-08 9.22e-10 8.89e-10 2.65e-09 4.22e-09 2.64e-10 5.10e-10 3.14e-09 2.88e-08 3.91e-07 Table 3.7: Example 3.5.1 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−8 and variable order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 order 4-8 6 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 15 17 153 315 474 544 649 924 1250 1476 1395 1762 49 92 129 128 136 175 232 258 246 273 order 6-8 1.27e-08 7.78e-10 9.60e-10 7.10e-10 9.44e-09 2.02e-10 3.47e-10 4.36e-09 2.93e-08 1.45e-07 6 8 9 11 12 14 14 16 17 18 180 379 468 702 844 1228 1226 1683 1915 2249 50 92 99 126 137 198 187 258 250 296 order 4-6-8 6.39e-09 8.66e-10 3.91e-09 1.25e-09 4.13e-09 1.53e-10 6.81e-09 3.74e-09 2.94e-08 3.34e-07 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 15 16 18 181 345 533 605 742 1054 1379 1362 1560 1969 49 87 112 122 133 174 219 216 235 270 1.98e-08 3.27e-09 6.38e-10 1.79e-09 1.23e-08 5.86e-10 8.17e-10 5.33e-09 3.02e-08 3.13e-07 best results for order variation are obtained with order 6 and 8, however they are worse than those obtained with order 6, this means that for great tolerance no order variation is necessary. Moreover, we observe that order 8 have to be used when T OL = 10−6 , as shown in the Table 3.10, while orders 6 and 8 are the better combination for order variation to reach the same accuracy, as we can see in the Table 3.11. Also for this problem order 8 is confirmed to be the best choice when we require tolerance 10−8 , see Table 3.12, however the results in the Table 3.13 show that the finer mesh, which preserve the same accuracy, is obtained with the order variation 4-6-8. Consequently, we can point out that the order variation strategy improves the efficiency of the code for number of mesh points and high precision. Example 3.5.3. Let us consider the linear test problem 7 in [29] ǫy ′′ + xy ′ − y = −(1 + ǫπ 2 ) cos (πx) − πx sin (πx), x ∈ [−1, 1], 63 Table 3.8: Example 3.5.2 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−4 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 10−17 order 4 4 6 7 8 8 11 10 10 12 11 12 12 13 15 16 15 16 76 218 345 453 561 1190 1045 1029 1779 1478 1933 1928 2395 4063 4093 3567 4380 30 68 94 119 155 248 246 243 354 339 411 406 468 1090 684 666 737 order 6 1.17e-4 5.31e-5 9.69e-5 1.32e-4 6.84e-5 7.77e-5 5.76e-5 1.04e-4 9.86e-5 5.76e-5 5.93e-5 9.54e-5 7.40e-5 9.55e-6 1.06e-4 1.17e-4 1.06e-4 2 3 5 6 8 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 30 70 200 314 555 581 799 1060 1219 1495 1556 1848 2052 2609 2938 2902 3377 20 40 77 99 136 131 172 224 214 247 270 275 274 386 422 345 403 order 8 6.65e-5 9.19e-5 8.83e-6 4.77e-5 4.29e-6 6.72e-5 1.71e-5 6.06e-6 2.03e-5 1.33e-5 4.78e-5 5.02e-5 3.35e-5 6.68e-6 2.02e-6 2.69e-5 2.12e-5 2 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 60 60 173 400 579 832 1095 1337 1581 1911 2176 2546 2922 3381 3782 3833 4307 40 40 63 94 121 171 204 233 244 282 297 317 353 395 413 440 465 1.72e-8 2.19e-5 7.76e-5 1.98e-5 8.34e-5 7.99e-6 4.30e-6 3.65e-6 5.94e-5 7.21e-6 1.56e-5 9.84e-6 1.25e-5 1.17e-6 2.00e-6 6.31e-5 1.31e-5 with boundary conditions y(−1) = −1, y(1) = 1. The exact solution p √ xerf(x/ 2ǫ) + 2ǫ/π exp (−x2 /2ǫ) p √ ye (x) = cos (πx) + x + erf(1/ 2ǫ) + 2ǫ/π exp (−1/2ǫ) has a corner layer in the turning point region near x = 0. We observe that the coefficient multiplying y ′ changes sign in the x-domain. As pointed out for the previous examples with tolerance 10−4 it is convenient to consider order 6, see Table 3.14, while for the same precision an order variation 4-6 seems not to offer any advantage, as we can see in the Table 3.15. Tolerances 10−6 and 10−8 are satisfied more easy using only order 6 and 8 respectively, see Table 3.16 and Table 3.18. However, some improvements in the reduction of the mesh points are gained with order variation, even if the choice of orders combination depends on ǫ, as shown in Table 3.17 and Table 3.19. Example 3.5.4. Let us consider the test problem 14 in [29] ¡ ¢ ǫy ′′ − y = − ǫπ 2 + 1 cos(πx), x ∈ [−1, 1], √ with boundary conditions y(−1) = y(1) = exp(−2/ ǫ). The exact solution √ √ ye (x) = cos (πx) + exp ((x − 1)/ ǫ) + exp (−(x + 1)/ ǫ) √ has boundary layers of width O( ǫ) near x = −1 e x = 1. 64 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems Table 3.9: Example 3.5.2 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−4 and variable order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 10−17 orders 4-6 4 5 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 52 128 275 329 507 725 896 899 1200 1455 1806 2134 2019 2429 2854 3266 3635 20 47 83 93 130 162 177 189 248 258 309 327 314 366 412 462 466 orders 4-8 6.65e-5 1.85e-5 4.28e-6 2.28e-5 8.73e-6 8.23e-6 6.95e-6 5.05e-5 1.78e-5 7.20e-6 2.18e-6 4.62e-6 2.58e-5 1.09e-5 2.03e-6 2.90e-6 4.23e-6 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 17 58 81 231 354 545 756 934 964 1249 1535 1893 2215 2132 2525 2958 3372 3224 24 34 72 109 148 179 212 219 272 312 362 382 377 418 470 515 515 orders 6-8 5.23e-6 7.21e-5 1.85e-5 5.56e-5 3.76e-6 8.00e-7 1.47e-6 4.10e-5 7.49e-6 6.81e-7 7.90e-8 7.41e-7 4.19e-5 5.34e-6 4.28e-7 1.85e-7 1.89e-4 4 4 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 16 17 17 18 19 20 81 81 322 465 659 805 1047 1203 1492 1666 1749 2266 2631 2636 3202 3389 3860 34 34 69 98 133 159 191 197 255 251 284 305 331 343 412 400 455 4.95e-8 7.21e-5 7.65e-6 1.18e-5 5.11e-6 8.70e-5 1.41e-6 1.33e-5 2.32e-5 2.15e-6 2.61e-4 3.01e-6 1.82e-6 3.41e-5 1.41e-5 4.54e-6 8.16e-7 Table 3.10: Example 3.5.2 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−6 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 10−17 order 4 11 12 12 14 12 19 13 16 14 14 15 19 17 16 20 22 21 509 985 1712 2018 1691 4664 2984 4945 3903 4208 5377 7224 7182 6243 8600 11939 14064 132 177 572 528 490 589 1108 1680 1416 1560 1748 1562 2432 2180 1908 2468 3656 order 6 3.79e-07 1.06e-06 1.71e-07 2.81e-07 9.83e-07 2.40e-06 1.77e-07 7.02e-08 3.60e-07 2.02e-07 2.43e-07 4.54e-07 1.43e-07 6.03e-07 5.08e-07 3.75e-07 2.37e-07 3 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 14 14 14 15 16 70 206 329 456 681 882 941 1277 1769 1735 2337 2308 3555 3598 3657 4745 4815 40 80 111 133 191 224 246 304 412 370 486 449 693 637 632 852 654 order 8 4.02e-07 5.83e-07 3.20e-07 6.46e-07 5.68e-07 1.85e-07 1.13e-06 1.58e-07 4.02e-08 1.36e-06 3.79e-07 1.76e-06 1.03e-07 3.51e-07 3.80e-07 1.06e-07 5.79e-07 2 4 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 60 182 373 481 673 943 1269 1397 1718 2114 2256 2617 3053 3674 4299 4853 4998 40 71 116 129 152 190 264 300 307 316 391 377 399 458 495 533 577 1.72e-08 2.02e-07 5.61e-08 9.96e-08 2.49e-07 1.06e-07 1.12e-07 8.02e-07 1.37e-06 2.64e-07 1.06e-06 5.64e-07 3.58e-07 2.24e-07 5.24e-08 6.03e-08 4.12e-07 65 Table 3.11: Example 3.5.2 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−6 and variable order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 10−17 order 4-8 5 6 7 8 9 9 11 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 106 189 335 483 720 756 1184 1200 1548 1535 1893 2215 2531 2934 2958 3372 3745 48 62 102 122 175 179 250 224 299 312 362 382 399 409 470 515 521 order 6-8 3.46e-09 4.72e-07 1.26e-07 1.19e-07 6.99e-08 8.00e-07 2.26e-08 8.76e-07 1.10e-07 6.81e-07 7.90e-08 7.41e-07 1.16e-07 9.75e-08 4.28e-07 1.85e-07 3.43e-08 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 81 212 388 553 699 909 1209 1637 1750 2096 2221 2510 2724 3568 3429 3757 4315 34 61 108 136 144 169 215 316 284 319 349 346 354 492 491 441 467 order 4-6-8 4.95e-08 4.78e-07 7.15e-08 3.33e-07 1.49e-06 4.72e-07 9.91e-08 6.65e-08 1.99e-07 2.53e-08 2.12e-07 4.42e-07 3.62e-07 2.52e-08 3.84e-07 1.23e-07 4.36e-07 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 16 16 17 17 18 19 127 256 365 575 828 1096 1328 1395 1820 2072 2149 2877 2852 3295 3327 3819 4166 35 64 90 127 173 197 231 267 325 333 343 365 446 441 473 553 531 4.05e-08 5.26e-07 6.96e-07 1.49e-07 4.90e-08 5.83e-08 4.95e-08 1.90e-07 2.01e-08 3.08e-08 4.48e-07 1.62e-08 6.95e-08 4.24e-08 3.53e-07 9.10e-07 1.06e-06 Table 3.12: Example 3.5.2 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−8 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 10−17 order 4 13 26 14 17 14 23 14 17 15 15 16 20 17 16 21 22 21 1301 6449 5144 6296 4631 10034 5200 8305 6735 7328 8873 10348 7182 6243 12416 11939 14064 528 613 2288 2148 1960 2704 2216 3360 2832 3120 3496 3124 2432 2180 3816 2468 3656 order 6 1.52e-09 1.44e-08 6.79e-10 1.75e-09 3.88e-09 3.57e-09 1.12e-08 4.45e-09 2.28e-08 1.30e-08 1.56e-08 2.85e-08 1.43e-07 6.03e-07 3.22e-08 3.75e-07 2.37e-07 5 8 10 14 10 12 11 12 13 13 15 14 15 15 19 16 17 202 577 990 2089 1395 2018 1666 2482 3137 2852 5297 3726 4353 4722 10304 6744 7792 88 147 200 323 468 584 371 764 906 576 1434 704 798 865 2298 1782 2000 order 8 1.91e-09 9.61e-09 1.36e-08 1.01e-08 1.01e-09 4.74e-10 1.62e-08 1.05e-09 7.44e-10 1.10e-08 4.59e-10 5.21e-09 1.50e-08 7.72e-09 2.10e-10 1.04e-09 4.43e-10 3 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 140 276 389 708 987 1364 1439 1915 2569 2566 3453 4061 4453 5071 5312 6321 6506 80 94 121 176 230 308 343 425 533 537 682 740 827 776 861 991 995 3.23e-11 1.42e-08 2.90e-08 3.73e-09 1.91e-09 9.86e-10 1.03e-08 6.32e-09 3.62e-09 1.51e-08 1.03e-09 1.01e-08 4.00e-09 2.26e-09 3.38e-09 3.14e-09 8.88e-09 66 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems Table 3.13: Example 3.5.2 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−8 and variable order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 10−17 order 4-8 5 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 106 372 508 734 995 1037 1265 1758 1675 1966 2351 2843 3277 3228 3571 4034 4401 48 104 140 206 235 239 305 378 382 406 447 548 554 600 574 652 656 order 6-8 3.46e-09 5.83e-09 1.30e-08 2.09e-09 5.11e-09 2.74e-09 5.60e-09 4.06e-09 1.70e-08 3.79e-09 1.67e-09 1.12e-09 5.88e-09 7.25e-09 7.13e-09 4.64e-09 2.65e-09 5 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 15 15 17 17 18 19 19 20 149 388 519 712 874 1206 1523 2018 2470 2548 2641 3702 3292 4194 4757 4399 5153 68 98 131 160 175 249 282 371 387 422 411 788 520 627 725 595 702 order 4-6-8 1.39e-10 6.66e-09 7.07e-09 1.22e-08 1.18e-08 1.70e-09 2.65e-09 9.43e-09 3.58e-09 4.74e-09 3.91e-09 1.59e-10 5.41e-09 3.83e-09 5.20e-09 3.37e-09 2.22e-08 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 17 17 18 18 19 20 197 442 621 729 1042 1400 1622 1677 2221 2480 2584 3292 3361 3871 3819 4371 4738 70 103 139 154 202 281 291 282 401 404 435 415 509 558 492 552 572 1.04e-10 3.28e-09 8.94e-09 8.24e-09 7.86e-09 8.63e-10 5.43e-09 5.05e-09 2.49e-09 2.96e-09 5.24e-09 8.77e-09 2.75e-09 5.37e-10 7.67e-09 6.41e-09 1.63e-08 Table 3.14: Example 3.5.3 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−4 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 order 4 3 5 9 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 70 122 204 211 252 364 362 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 358 40 37 47 59 74 106 104 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 order 6 1.78e-05 7.66e-05 1.03e-04 1.13e-04 9.70e-05 2.55e-04 1.58e-04 2.78e-04 2.81e-04 2.81e-04 2.81e-04 2.81e-04 2.81e-04 2.81e-04 2.81e-04 2.81e-04 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 30 121 128 213 215 209 216 216 204 216 208 204 209 209 204 20 20 51 58 83 87 80 88 88 75 88 80 75 80 80 75 order 8 7.22e-06 3.49e-04 4.26e-06 7.58e-04 1.94e-04 4.49e-04 7.57e-04 3.00e-04 5.78e-04 8.12e-04 3.01e-04 8.08e-04 8.12e-04 7.78e-04 7.78e-04 8.12e-04 2 2 2 4 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 60 60 60 167 317 317 427 427 427 427 427 427 427 427 427 426 40 40 40 61 88 88 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 109 3.17e-09 1.12e-06 6.87e-04 5.50e-04 3.51e-04 9.42e-04 4.85e-04 5.28e-04 5.32e-04 5.32e-04 5.32e-04 5.32e-04 5.32e-04 5.32e-04 5.32e-04 4.04e-04 67 Table 3.15: Example 3.5.3 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−4 and variable order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 orders 4-6 3 4 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 47 81 154 150 251 251 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 17 34 51 58 82 82 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 4.22e-05 1.21e-05 4.26e-06 5.61e-04 1.41e-04 3.74e-04 4.75e-04 4.95e-04 4.97e-04 4.97e-04 4.97e-04 4.97e-04 4.97e-04 4.97e-04 4.97e-04 4.97e-04 orders 4-8 3 4 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 47 81 117 167 252 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 17 34 48 61 84 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 orders 6-8 2.51e-05 4.46e-06 3.03e-04 9.51e-04 8.10e-04 5.96e-04 6.72e-04 6.76e-04 6.76e-04 6.76e-04 6.76e-04 6.76e-04 6.76e-04 6.76e-04 6.76e-04 6.76e-04 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 81 81 117 149 236 336 336 337 336 337 337 337 337 337 337 337 34 34 36 68 87 101 101 102 101 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 1.73e-08 4.46e-06 5.64e-04 1.42e-03 7.49e-04 4.05e-04 5.34e-04 7.27e-04 5.69e-04 7.29e-04 7.29e-04 7.29e-04 7.29e-04 7.29e-04 7.29e-04 7.29e-04 Table 3.16: Example 3.5.3 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−6 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 order 4 5 11 15 12 11 10 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 310 584 790 781 808 662 844 1070 1067 1338 1344 1344 1344 1344 1344 1344 160 110 137 156 181 165 195 237 235 272 278 278 278 278 278 278 order 6 7.56e-08 8.43e-07 9.56e-07 1.19e-06 8.24e-07 1.90e-06 9.29e-07 1.52e-06 2.95e-06 2.16e-06 2.51e-06 2.90e-06 2.93e-06 2.94e-06 2.94e-06 2.94e-06 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 10 10 11 10 10 70 121 184 288 447 562 766 759 962 1036 1194 961 1034 1199 1034 1034 40 51 63 90 126 140 176 176 213 236 235 207 234 230 234 234 order 8 1.12e-07 6.33e-07 9.79e-07 4.23e-07 1.28e-07 1.73e-07 1.26e-07 3.96e-06 4.68e-06 4.26e-06 1.93e-06 8.26e-06 5.37e-06 3.37e-06 5.37e-06 5.38e-06 2 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 60 60 178 334 547 808 1020 1174 1428 1355 1379 1385 1407 1368 1403 1365 40 40 67 87 119 141 170 179 213 187 196 195 206 185 195 185 3.17e-09 1.12e-06 4.01e-07 3.94e-06 3.40e-06 1.67e-07 1.56e-06 2.10e-06 3.32e-06 8.36e-06 8.33e-06 1.01e-05 6.61e-06 9.57e-06 7.49e-06 6.72e-06 68 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems Table 3.17: Example 3.5.3 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−6 and variable order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 order 4-8 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 14 14 15 15 14 81 125 177 336 586 748 894 1092 1247 1472 1262 1293 1299 1539 1465 1291 34 44 60 88 131 139 152 186 184 202 197 198 201 225 209 202 order 6-8 1.73e-08 3.98e-07 3.80e-06 7.32e-07 2.18e-07 3.47e-06 6.55e-06 7.47e-06 7.15e-06 5.09e-06 1.32e-05 1.06e-05 1.10e-05 5.90e-06 4.43e-06 1.40e-05 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 13 13 81 125 260 357 524 838 1019 1206 1162 1170 1404 1417 1402 1615 1414 1365 34 44 78 90 116 146 181 183 185 177 198 218 206 219 209 190 order 4-6-8 1.73e-08 3.98e-07 5.96e-08 5.39e-07 2.32e-06 2.08e-07 1.12e-06 1.18e-06 1.31e-05 1.67e-05 5.97e-06 8.80e-06 7.47e-06 3.60e-06 8.50e-06 9.13e-06 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 13 13 13 14 13 13 14 13 15 118 183 293 407 587 789 943 1188 1151 1168 1360 1162 1169 1368 1164 1604 34 40 78 92 121 159 170 199 187 192 195 188 195 199 183 234 1.73e-08 4.90e-07 5.96e-08 2.02e-07 1.06e-07 7.59e-08 1.75e-06 5.92e-07 7.29e-06 1.34e-05 4.66e-06 1.25e-05 1.34e-05 4.53e-06 1.26e-05 3.40e-06 Table 3.18: Example 3.5.3: numerical solution with T OL = 10−8 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 order 4 6 18 20 19 18 17 16 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 630 2840 2400 2708 3022 2900 2467 2486 2540 2482 2504 3039 3616 3612 4264 4266 320 654 379 376 430 447 413 423 449 437 445 518 581 582 655 653 order 6 4.76e-09 1.18e-09 1.93e-08 1.81e-08 1.11e-08 8.51e-09 1.01e-08 9.60e-09 9.48e-09 7.95e-09 2.67e-08 1.23e-08 6.67e-09 2.49e-08 1.01e-08 1.88e-08 4 7 8 8 8 8 9 11 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 150 365 501 534 620 662 916 1369 1415 1793 1920 2291 2501 2464 2828 2848 80 99 125 132 157 182 244 291 300 341 313 358 377 378 381 348 order 8 1.87e-09 7.45e-09 6.60e-09 9.10e-09 2.17e-08 1.92e-08 7.81e-09 1.83e-09 5.30e-09 2.45e-09 2.74e-08 1.80e-08 4.25e-08 9.25e-08 4.02e-08 1.86e-08 2 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 17 18 18 18 60 185 277 498 727 928 1160 1455 1678 2217 2559 2845 2831 3082 3222 3171 40 71 96 142 155 174 197 228 243 280 300 325 314 323 338 316 3.17e-09 8.08e-09 1.12e-08 4.36e-09 3.44e-09 5.49e-09 9.48e-09 8.10e-09 5.32e-08 5.39e-09 1.04e-08 5.22e-08 9.47e-08 7.04e-08 6.43e-08 4.22e-08 69 Table 3.19: Example 3.5.3 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−8 and variable order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 order 4-8 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 19 149 257 268 494 647 858 1093 1545 1785 2061 2446 2639 2777 3043 3293 2982 68 76 87 135 139 176 212 238 237 268 314 299 300 319 313 311 order 6-8 1.44e-11 4.28e-09 1.95e-08 2.40e-09 3.57e-09 9.21e-09 1.27e-08 5.75e-10 7.97e-09 7.71e-09 4.37e-08 7.26e-08 8.10e-08 7.15e-08 7.20e-08 9.63e-08 5 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 18 18 18 149 257 362 514 689 921 1147 1427 1593 2130 2485 2717 3162 3204 3195 3053 68 76 103 134 145 168 189 227 223 275 282 311 349 342 345 310 order 4-6-8 1.44e-11 4.28e-09 4.16e-09 2.01e-09 2.07e-09 1.34e-09 1.27e-08 5.46e-09 5.00e-08 3.67e-09 8.51e-09 7.23e-08 2.39e-08 3.89e-08 6.04e-08 6.80e-08 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 186 306 395 547 739 972 1217 1435 1994 2245 2465 2726 3216 3075 3069 3171 68 70 103 130 152 183 230 226 280 305 291 286 337 314 337 334 1.44e-11 6.38e-09 4.16e-09 1.29e-09 1.21e-09 7.11e-10 2.59e-09 2.68e-08 8.05e-10 5.42e-09 1.57e-08 4.17e-08 1.24e-08 5.19e-08 9.28e-08 9.64e-08 This is the only problem considered with two boundary layers and without As shown in Table 3.20 and Table 3.22 for tolerances T OL = 10−4 and T OL = 10−6 , respectively, order 4 allows us to obtain better results, moreover from the Table 3.21 and the Table 3.23 we note that an order variation seems not to be suitable for these precisions. For T OL = 10−8 both orders 6 and 8 reach the accuracy required, see Table 3.24, even if to reduce the number of mesh points it is convenient to apply an order variation strategy, as we can see in Table 3.25. y′. Example 3.5.5. The nonlinear problem ǫy ′′ − exp(y)y ′ − π/2 sin(πx/2) exp(2y) = 0, y(0) = y(1) = 0 is named Test Problem 19 in [29]. For ǫ → 0 the asymptotic solution y(x) = − ln((1 + cos(πx/2))(1 − exp(−x/(2ǫ))/2)) + o(ǫ). The solution has a boundary layer in x = 0. We point out that the continuation is not considered for this problem. For T OL = 10−4 , see Table 3.26, a good accuracy is obtained with order 4, while for T OL = 10−6 the order 6 gives the finer mesh, see Table 3.28. As suggested from the Table 3.27 and from the Table 3.29 we not have a great advantage to apply order variation strategy for large tolerance. For T OL = 10−8 orders 6 or 8 reach the best results, see Table 3.30, even if the finer mesh is obtained with order variation 4-6-8 for many values of the perturbation ǫ. 70 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems Table 3.20: Test Problem 3.5.4: numerical solution with tol = 10−4 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 order 4 2 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 30 83 145 236 223 319 466 472 498 653 643 942 864 895 1029 20 34 56 89 76 99 150 147 144 170 184 229 211 226 266 order 6 7.25e-05 1.26e-04 5.72e-05 9.28e-06 7.00e-05 6.85e-06 1.10e-06 2.13e-06 3.16e-05 8.13e-07 5.09e-05 3.41e-07 1.13e-06 7.10e-05 1.62e-04 2 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 11 11 12 11 30 74 142 201 300 303 440 627 652 653 863 1119 1142 1370 1299 20 30 56 65 90 92 131 182 189 188 226 279 277 314 290 order 8 1.09e-06 1.84e-04 2.44e-05 1.04e-04 8.65e-06 1.92e-04 3.63e-06 4.05e-08 3.67e-07 1.48e-04 7.35e-08 8.32e-10 9.23e-09 1.61e-09 9.46e-06 2 2 3 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 42 51 102 247 361 379 616 573 842 971 1139 1085 1527 1419 1824 22 31 46 85 114 116 181 166 235 258 284 275 347 322 392 1.38e-07 3.86e-05 2.80e-04 4.49e-06 3.91e-07 9.14e-06 6.26e-09 6.42e-06 1.53e-09 6.54e-10 1.48e-10 5.33e-06 6.45e-10 1.29e-04 1.43e-09 Table 3.21: Test Problem 3.5.4: numerical solution with tol = 10−4 and variable order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 orders 4-6 3 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 47 123 196 219 315 409 429 630 656 844 831 1239 1102 1141 1305 17 37 63 72 92 111 113 158 158 191 188 309 238 246 276 orders 4-8 2.97e-06 1.33e-05 7.40e-06 2.01e-04 2.26e-05 3.28e-06 1.45e-04 3.04e-07 7.44e-06 1.77e-08 1.53e-05 1.34e-09 1.28e-07 1.93e-05 6.99e-05 3 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 47 108 199 233 331 445 445 654 683 860 856 945 1119 1184 1326 17 34 62 86 108 134 129 182 185 207 213 232 255 289 297 orders 6-8 6.86e-07 2.04e-05 5.64e-06 5.00e-05 3.11e-06 2.27e-07 1.84e-05 6.67e-09 6.92e-07 3.80e-10 1.04e-06 5.27e-05 1.41e-09 1.78e-06 9.94e-06 3 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 47 107 175 275 405 412 599 791 870 859 1112 1085 1449 1328 1609 17 34 52 77 110 109 159 198 218 206 249 245 307 272 310 6.86e-07 2.04e-05 6.52e-05 2.44e-05 1.02e-06 1.43e-04 1.06e-06 3.81e-09 8.47e-08 7.89e-05 9.66e-09 2.45e-04 2.24e-10 2.44e-04 3.02e-06 71 Table 3.22: Test Problem 3.5.4: numerical solution with tol = 10−6 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 order 4 5 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 202 265 328 352 389 396 538 514 726 657 854 942 864 1162 1338 88 72 103 116 134 139 188 167 220 174 211 229 211 267 309 order 6 1.30e-07 1.49e-06 1.64e-06 1.36e-06 6.22e-07 9.66e-07 3.00e-07 8.01e-07 2.05e-07 7.19e-07 3.54e-07 3.41e-07 1.13e-06 1.78e-07 7.41e-08 2 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 30 164 222 382 324 427 617 627 652 893 863 1119 1142 1370 1698 20 51 77 134 108 124 177 182 189 240 226 279 277 314 399 order 8 1.09e-06 1.17e-06 3.62e-07 1.38e-08 1.31e-06 3.00e-07 6.61e-09 4.05e-08 3.67e-07 2.24e-09 7.35e-08 8.32e-10 9.23e-09 1.61e-09 4.82e-09 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 42 91 193 270 361 537 616 785 842 971 1139 1420 1527 1803 1824 22 40 76 85 114 158 181 212 235 258 284 335 347 384 392 1.38e-07 8.86e-07 2.32e-07 5.77e-07 3.91e-07 6.33e-09 6.26e-09 3.41e-10 1.53e-09 6.54e-10 1.48e-10 3.81e-11 6.45e-10 1.48e-09 1.43e-09 Table 3.23: Test Problem 3.5.4: numerical solution with tol = 10−6 and variable order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 order 4-8 3 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 47 153 282 329 465 445 620 654 683 860 856 1251 1119 1184 1717 17 45 85 96 134 134 175 182 185 207 213 306 255 289 391 order 6-8 6.86e-07 3.62e-07 5.59e-08 1.46e-07 1.13e-08 2.27e-07 2.19e-09 6.67e-09 6.92e-07 3.80e-10 1.04e-06 5.93e-11 1.41e-09 1.78e-06 3.60e-09 3 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 47 190 290 364 541 559 599 836 870 1116 1112 1423 1449 1721 2014 17 52 88 87 132 147 159 209 218 257 249 304 307 351 405 order 4-6-8 6.86e-07 7.85e-08 6.93e-08 3.97e-07 1.09e-08 2.25e-08 1.06e-06 5.79e-09 8.47e-08 7.74e-11 9.66e-09 1.49e-10 2.24e-10 1.56e-09 1.13e-09 4 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 62 207 345 420 584 531 745 813 840 1116 1332 1561 1437 1869 2128 15 48 85 111 143 122 170 183 184 272 290 322 335 379 422 4.80e-07 1.68e-07 2.50e-08 1.86e-07 1.00e-08 1.10e-06 8.73e-09 5.89e-08 1.89e-06 1.48e-09 8.49e-11 7.07e-11 1.13e-08 1.22e-09 2.60e-09 72 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems Table 3.24: Test Problem 3.5.4: numerical solution with tol = 10−8 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 order 4 10 15 13 12 11 10 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 11 931 1493 1606 1419 1308 1225 994 956 1310 1161 1390 1562 1301 1868 1507 270 344 436 284 288 324 305 313 411 365 409 449 381 519 438 order 6 1.03e-09 3.08e-09 2.53e-09 1.66e-08 1.48e-08 9.33e-09 1.32e-08 1.65e-08 4.36e-09 8.55e-09 5.25e-09 3.58e-09 1.08e-08 3.46e-09 1.08e-08 3 9 8 7 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 70 466 452 384 436 459 545 664 891 896 1176 1119 1142 1370 1698 40 158 125 135 159 178 195 206 236 240 311 279 277 314 398 order 8 1.77e-08 1.48e-10 9.59e-09 1.20e-08 5.54e-09 9.79e-09 8.22e-09 3.55e-09 9.73e-10 1.95e-09 2.60e-10 8.32e-10 8.04e-09 1.61e-09 4.47e-09 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 123 215 320 318 509 621 616 789 842 971 1139 1420 1527 1803 1824 30 68 118 108 160 170 181 217 235 258 284 335 347 384 392 1.08e-08 2.35e-09 1.23e-09 1.23e-08 5.32e-10 3.74e-10 6.26e-09 3.31e-10 1.53e-09 6.54e-10 1.48e-10 3.81e-11 6.45e-10 1.48e-09 1.43e-09 Table 3.25: Test Problem 3.5.4: numerical solution with tol = 10−8 and variable order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 order 4-8 9 9 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 188 288 304 506 465 617 620 654 926 860 1148 1251 1119 1570 1717 30 74 95 160 134 170 175 182 243 207 292 306 255 386 391 order 6-8 1.08e-08 8.50e-10 7.12e-09 2.08e-10 1.13e-08 4.92e-10 2.19e-09 6.67e-09 9.20e-11 3.80e-10 3.08e-11 5.93e-11 1.41e-09 1.48e-09 3.60e-09 9 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 188 253 405 556 541 754 803 836 1139 1116 1112 1423 1449 1721 2014 30 63 117 162 132 196 204 209 269 257 249 304 307 351 405 order 4-6-8 1.08e-08 5.62e-09 1.04e-09 1.27e-10 1.09e-08 8.32e-11 3.72e-10 5.79e-09 1.88e-11 7.74e-11 9.66e-09 1.49e-10 2.24e-10 1.56e-09 1.13e-09 12 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 236 268 455 555 584 685 745 1044 1074 1116 1332 1561 1437 1869 2128 30 61 110 135 143 154 170 231 234 272 290 322 335 379 422 1.08e-08 1.16e-08 1.29e-09 8.75e-10 1.00e-08 3.40e-09 8.73e-09 7.27e-11 1.28e-10 1.48e-09 8.49e-11 7.07e-11 1.13e-08 1.22e-09 2.60e-09 73 Table 3.26: Example 3.5.5 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−4 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 order 4 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 65 145 223 309 431 692 888 1116 1283 1469 1784 1950 2290 2585 2907 3219 25 52 75 93 110 153 169 208 223 217 262 279 299 327 321 363 order 6 7.24e-05 5.24e-05 6.66e-05 7.39e-05 8.01e-05 1.25e-05 2.19e-05 1.69e-05 8.40e-06 1.37e-05 2.16e-05 3.51e-05 2.05e-05 1.34e-05 9.67e-05 2.05e-05 4 6 7 9 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 60 175 274 471 564 880 1024 1362 1591 1915 2195 2867 3243 3535 3936 4394 21 62 72 99 98 152 164 192 213 258 275 329 362 376 372 436 order 8 3.18e-05 2.81e-05 3.93e-05 1.08e-05 8.45e-05 9.09e-06 2.76e-05 6.22e-06 1.70e-05 3.37e-05 8.21e-05 2.34e-06 3.05e-06 4.34e-06 1.20e-06 8.02e-05 2 5 8 11 14 17 19 21 22 25 26 28 29 31 33 34 45 171 345 580 949 1473 1687 2102 2488 3464 3871 4639 5147 6214 7367 7982 25 49 68 96 134 198 204 225 283 355 384 404 455 506 577 610 3.77e-06 2.47e-05 2.76e-05 9.05e-05 2.82e-05 1.23e-05 6.91e-05 9.73e-05 4.24e-05 3.44e-06 3.68e-05 7.77e-06 4.11e-05 1.38e-05 2.89e-06 2.74e-05 Example 3.5.6. The nonlinear problem y ′′ − ³y ´ 1 sinh = 0, ǫ ǫ y(0) = 0, y(1) = 1 is named Test Problem 23 in [29] and it has a boundary layer near x = 1. For this example we show the results with and without continuation. In the case without continuation, see Table 3.32, for T OL = 10−4 , differently from the other examples, order 8 works better than the others, while for T OL = 10−6 , see Table 3.34, it is suitable to use order 4 for many ǫ and again order 8 for smaller values of the perturbation. For T OL = 10−8 the Table 3.36 shows the best results using order 6. As we can check in Table 3.33, Table 3.35 and Table 3.37 the order variation improves the efficiency of the code by the reduction of the mesh points only when a small tolerance, as 10−8 , is required, in this case orders 4-6-8 allow us to reach a good accuracy with a less number of points. From Table 3.38 to Table 3.43 we can observe the results obtained with the continuation. We point out that the convergence behavior is exactly the same discussed in the case without the continuation, even if conversely to the first case the number of steps increases just for the continuation. However, we have observed as finer meshes for T OL = 10−8 are gained always by applying order variation 4-6-8, but with the continuation strategy, see Table 3.37 and Table 3.43. 74 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems Table 3.27: Example 3.5.5 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−4 and variable order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 orders 4-6 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 22 74 183 343 436 565 829 1012 1151 1454 1498 1867 2205 2652 2831 3316 3429 21 61 86 98 121 156 184 188 235 225 266 288 319 346 396 394 orders 4-8 3.18e-05 1.70e-05 5.08e-06 1.72e-05 2.71e-05 3.62e-06 4.14e-06 2.01e-05 1.26e-05 9.16e-05 4.28e-05 4.55e-06 1.03e-06 8.27e-06 2.36e-06 5.58e-05 4 6 7 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 17 19 20 21 22 23 50 174 274 454 582 876 1071 1196 1507 1846 1930 2279 2799 2941 3409 4010 14 49 74 99 124 171 199 200 257 281 293 316 369 393 445 482 orders 6-8 9.26e-05 3.28e-05 8.00e-05 2.47e-05 2.19e-05 5.09e-06 5.68e-06 1.62e-05 1.52e-05 2.78e-06 4.04e-05 5.09e-06 2.58e-06 5.23e-06 6.05e-06 3.85e-07 4 9 9 11 13 15 16 18 20 22 24 25 27 29 30 32 48 194 342 558 808 1200 1539 1996 2490 3086 3722 4111 4891 5873 6288 7303 14 45 61 95 124 170 221 257 280 332 366 388 439 517 515 580 9.26e-05 9.53e-05 3.17e-05 3.49e-05 3.45e-05 2.84e-05 7.80e-05 9.63e-05 3.87e-05 8.28e-06 7.64e-06 3.97e-05 1.27e-05 1.18e-06 8.67e-05 1.01e-06 Table 3.28: Example 3.5.5 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−6 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 order 4 10 10 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 17 17 19 378 629 1024 1261 1595 1651 1741 1933 2716 2320 2840 3517 4068 4162 4228 5654 71 180 174 221 280 291 308 347 738 425 467 553 628 635 644 745 order 6 6.09e-07 3.09e-07 9.11e-07 7.16e-07 3.62e-07 6.43e-07 6.64e-07 4.78e-07 8.80e-08 7.79e-07 7.69e-07 2.54e-07 6.47e-07 4.39e-07 9.77e-07 3.83e-07 6 7 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 18 20 20 21 22 130 263 338 598 757 973 1443 1610 1941 2176 2779 2907 3503 3564 4049 4553 39 81 93 124 154 169 243 240 277 283 355 339 391 363 419 438 order 8 8.49e-07 8.67e-07 9.37e-07 3.14e-07 4.18e-07 9.96e-07 3.97e-08 4.25e-08 4.68e-08 2.53e-07 1.19e-08 5.39e-07 1.33e-08 4.76e-07 7.00e-07 4.11e-07 3 6 8 11 12 15 16 17 19 20 22 23 24 25 27 28 83 297 427 747 975 1468 1769 2053 2571 2920 3806 4094 4538 5035 6124 6580 37 84 89 132 157 197 228 256 274 306 384 388 416 457 513 528 3.75e-07 6.97e-08 3.32e-07 2.37e-07 4.33e-07 5.24e-08 2.76e-07 6.96e-07 6.67e-08 9.67e-07 4.02e-08 7.05e-08 6.01e-07 4.32e-07 2.70e-08 2.90e-07 75 Table 3.29: Example 3.5.5 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−6 and variable order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 order 4-8 7 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 18 20 20 22 23 23 136 247 427 594 740 1071 1299 1441 1778 2155 2254 2647 2820 3380 3894 4015 37 62 93 121 147 193 222 231 269 305 322 354 379 425 474 477 order 6-8 3.21e-07 6.93e-07 2.46e-07 2.94e-07 2.23e-07 5.06e-08 4.41e-08 2.00e-07 8.91e-08 1.09e-07 7.30e-07 5.98e-08 9.00e-07 5.48e-08 2.53e-08 6.97e-07 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 24 26 144 314 553 712 944 1242 1431 1808 2130 2540 2889 3653 4077 4434 4355 5441 37 73 109 132 144 186 209 232 280 319 358 405 426 463 419 540 order 4-6-8 4.29e-07 9.54e-07 8.64e-08 3.95e-07 2.59e-07 2.79e-07 6.02e-07 1.16e-07 4.71e-07 7.25e-08 1.87e-07 4.09e-08 2.93e-08 1.25e-08 5.61e-07 1.06e-07 8 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 21 21 23 23 24 169 340 562 693 846 1003 1395 1615 2027 2032 2504 2855 3070 3655 3814 4331 37 77 125 138 152 172 207 248 298 293 341 341 395 417 481 490 4.85e-07 5.42e-07 1.07e-07 1.16e-07 1.08e-07 9.37e-07 4.56e-08 1.04e-07 7.37e-08 7.08e-07 1.54e-07 9.72e-08 4.18e-07 2.27e-07 8.11e-07 9.53e-08 Table 3.30: Example 3.5.5 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−8 and fixed order. ǫ 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 order 4 14 12 14 14 16 19 16 21 17 22 21 24 25 25 24 25 1096 1709 2042 2996 3765 4429 4678 8140 4757 7785 8413 10117 10913 11471 11771 12159 368 720 692 1232 1216 886 1572 987 970 1432 1684 1044 1051 1146 2134 1262 order 6 1.29e-09 1.51e-09 3.95e-09 7.11e-10 9.05e-10 5.74e-09 9.70e-10 9.85e-09 9.56e-09 1.94e-09 1.24e-09 9.97e-09 8.55e-09 9.35e-09 8.74e-10 9.23e-09 10 10 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 19 20 20 422 677 800 788 1008 1351 1647 1945 2499 2920 3483 3829 3901 4850 5435 5140 128 214 165 207 238 319 336 304 429 457 476 472 430 536 558 469 order 8 2.06e-10 1.08e-09 8.00e-09 5.56e-09 7.46e-09 2.61e-09 1.38e-09 1.14e-09 5.86e-10 4.66e-10 9.27e-10 7.92e-10 8.71e-09 4.48e-10 1.13e-09 2.53e-09 5 6 8 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 25 26 192 388 535 949 1460 1720 2184 2603 3036 3428 4279 4896 5564 6147 7217 8027 60 110 138 179 240 234 305 339 358 389 431 466 520 541 637 628 8.26e-10 2.23e-09 4.38e-09 1.15e-09 2.34e-10 1.28e-09 6.55e-10 6.04e-09 8.07e-09 4.44e-09 2.09e-10 2.59e-09 4.59e-09 6.74e-09 2.20e-10 1.09e-09 76 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems Table 3.31: Example 3.5.5 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−8 and variable order. ǫ order 4-8 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10 10−11 10−12 10−13 10−14 10−15 10−16 9 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 21 21 23 24 24 247 420 559 699 979 1169 1351 1756 2149 2240 2675 3068 3253 3883 4415 4546 61 111 135 171 204 235 243 284 339 348 393 419 417 499 522 513 order 6-8 7.14e-10 1.72e-09 2.77e-09 8.86e-09 5.95e-10 3.59e-09 9.85e-09 2.37e-09 5.60e-10 4.96e-09 3.08e-09 2.10e-09 8.99e-09 2.72e-09 3.35e-10 6.92e-09 9 10 10 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 249 573 609 899 1233 1503 1720 2082 2469 2926 3247 4074 4567 4957 5314 6001 58 134 138 172 223 241 261 273 322 373 370 425 491 518 531 561 order 4-6-8 9.43e-10 9.31e-10 8.60e-09 1.33e-09 4.69e-09 2.38e-09 2.04e-09 2.56e-09 1.40e-09 1.33e-09 3.33e-09 4.82e-10 5.59e-10 3.55e-10 8.74e-10 1.59e-09 10 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 20 20 22 22 24 24 25 275 550 694 847 1030 1432 1632 1896 2338 2684 2875 3249 3481 4143 4316 4841 58 111 135 154 184 235 236 281 317 346 371 393 411 465 502 510 1.11e-09 1.48e-09 2.35e-09 1.98e-09 3.18e-09 1.42e-09 1.40e-09 1.81e-09 7.90e-10 1.14e-09 2.89e-09 8.64e-10 9.69e-09 3.16e-09 4.63e-09 1.60e-09 Table 3.32: Example 3.5.6 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−4 and fixed order. ǫ .714e-01 .556e-01 .455e-01 .333e-01 .294e-01 .263e-01 .238e-01 .217e-01 3.6 order 4 9 12 13 15 16 18 19 22 531 1160 1590 2389 3011 4251 5162 7574 137 230 287 325 425 465 561 663 order 6 9.48e-05 1.81e-06 3.16e-05 1.31e-05 7.81e-05 2.48e-05 7.13e-05 9.93e-05 11 13 15 17 20 22 24 28 837 1540 2296 2915 3789 4641 5499 7165 184 301 385 395 434 456 481 495 order 8 5.89e-05 1.97e-05 1.96e-05 4.79e-05 2.28e-05 3.22e-05 4.66e-05 8.93e-05 11 14 18 21 23 27 30 36 928 1231 1870 2542 3271 4367 5776 8655 196 214 248 278 281 311 319 395 3.94e-05 9.72e-05 3.53e-05 4.99e-05 9.82e-05 8.47e-05 6.57e-05 6.77e-05 Conclusion The code HOFiD UP preserves all the advantages to discretize the second and the first derivatives in the equations separately, no transformation in an equivalent system of the first order is necessary, so that the number of mesh points represents the real dimension of the problem. The code is able to solve linear and nonlinear singular perturbation problems. For small tolerances and perturbations, on a large scale of problems, it is opportune to consider an order variation strategy, sometimes for easy problem only order 8 may be enough to reach a good accuracy and efficiency. For nonlinear problems the code uses the continuation if it needs, in fact all nonlinear problem in [29] are successfully solved. We have also observed that the results of HOFiD UP are 77 Table 3.33: Example 3.5.6 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−4 and variable order. ǫ .714e-01 .556e-01 .455e-01 .333e-01 .294e-01 .263e-01 .238e-01 .217e-01 orders 4-6 12 13 16 18 20 23 25 29 875 1352 2326 2974 3554 4811 5613 7287 188 277 387 403 412 467 469 494 orders 4-8 4.95e-05 8.31e-05 1.59e-05 3.16e-05 7.61e-05 1.91e-05 2.95e-05 7.21e-05 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 38 1022 1434 1764 2566 3518 4353 5764 8683 199 234 236 274 308 297 337 396 orders 6-8 2.38e-05 2.76e-05 6.99e-05 4.98e-05 4.59e-05 8.32e-05 6.53e-05 6.77e-05 14 18 21 24 26 30 31 38 881 1492 1801 2533 3280 4332 6130 8674 183 246 246 273 276 281 369 395 7.84e-05 2.77e-05 6.93e-05 4.94e-05 8.13e-05 8.58e-05 7.95e-05 7.48e-05 Table 3.34: Example 3.5.6 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−6 and fixed order. ǫ .714e-01 .556e-01 .455e-01 .333e-01 .294e-01 .263e-01 .238e-01 .217e-01 order 4 11 12 14 16 17 19 20 23 875 1176 2049 2925 3514 4771 5742 8596 185 246 372 457 427 532 568 706 order 6 5.32e-07 9.42e-07 2.25e-07 1.60e-07 5.82e-07 2.20e-07 7.00e-07 7.80e-07 13 15 16 18 19 21 23 26 1316 2183 3041 4361 4968 6498 7821 10745 255 365 493 608 608 680 713 794 order 8 3.49e-07 5.16e-08 1.51e-07 3.22e-08 4.88e-07 1.14e-07 4.52e-08 2.67e-08 12 13 16 18 21 24 26 32 1703 2063 3334 3949 5069 6456 7611 11608 335 387 472 472 494 532 513 563 5.40e-08 3.72e-07 4.22e-08 1.88e-07 2.27e-07 7.11e-08 3.45e-07 2.82e-07 Table 3.35: Example 3.5.6 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−6 and variable order. ǫ .714e-01 .556e-01 .455e-01 .333e-01 .294e-01 .263e-01 .238e-01 .217e-01 order 4-8 14 16 18 20 23 26 29 34 1455 2363 2989 3793 5069 6493 7979 11635 283 398 444 460 486 532 553 563 order 6-8 5.88e-07 1.23e-07 1.88e-07 3.04e-07 2.47e-07 1.20e-07 1.46e-07 2.82e-07 14 16 18 20 23 25 28 32 1537 2562 3554 4174 5205 6104 7631 9306 270 399 464 448 505 520 597 573 order 4-6-8 6.75e-07 9.55e-08 1.11e-07 6.89e-07 1.47e-07 3.97e-07 5.14e-08 7.04e-07 15 16 18 20 23 25 27 32 1564 2440 3332 4099 5454 6195 7158 9558 251 386 436 460 545 574 576 672 3.16e-07 3.65e-07 5.13e-07 8.85e-07 8.83e-08 1.80e-07 5.38e-07 1.31e-07 78 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems Table 3.36: Example 3.5.6 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−8 and fixed order. ǫ .714e-01 .556e-01 .455e-01 .333e-01 .294e-01 .263e-01 .238e-01 .217e-01 order 4 16 15 17 19 22 21 23 25 3162 2397 3686 5111 7261 7100 9446 10862 934 628 884 1136 831 1462 1784 1144 order 6 6.38e-10 8.62e-09 3.41e-09 1.61e-09 9.99e-09 1.75e-09 8.07e-10 8.98e-09 15 16 17 19 20 22 23 25 1954 2592 3685 5257 6030 8041 9067 12597 338 409 578 736 806 973 1072 1336 order 8 1.31e-09 3.51e-09 2.20e-09 4.29e-10 2.40e-09 7.84e-10 2.02e-09 4.07e-09 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 27 2081 2680 4330 5950 7957 10253 12738 18303 378 464 660 820 960 1112 1199 1377 1.59e-09 6.99e-09 5.75e-10 1.86e-10 2.04e-10 1.01e-10 1.75e-10 4.58e-09 Table 3.37: Example 3.5.6 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−8 and variable order. ǫ .714e-01 .556e-01 .455e-01 .333e-01 .294e-01 .263e-01 .238e-01 .217e-01 order 4-8 16 17 18 19 22 23 26 29 2156 3044 3992 5407 7945 9243 12780 18317 373 524 641 764 946 1060 1206 1363 order 6-8 9.91e-10 7.78e-10 3.35e-09 5.73e-09 2.37e-10 9.26e-09 1.63e-10 4.57e-09 16 17 19 21 24 26 28 33 2256 3029 4229 4942 6061 7063 8138 10765 378 462 585 608 680 738 805 923 order 4-6-8 9.42e-10 2.04e-09 1.00e-09 6.14e-09 1.05e-09 2.26e-09 4.88e-09 1.49e-09 17 17 19 22 24 26 28 33 2174 2871 3885 5398 6151 6973 7955 10384 323 433 526 663 660 722 726 802 7.22e-10 7.78e-09 8.42e-09 2.82e-10 1.16e-09 1.52e-09 4.97e-09 1.86e-09 Table 3.38: Example 3.5.6 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−4 and fixed order using continuation. ǫ .714e-01 .556e-01 .455e-01 .333e-01 .294e-01 .263e-01 .238e-01 .217e-01 order 4 9 12 15 18 20 23 26 30 531 1005 1611 2359 3081 4255 5432 7954 137 215 288 313 434 478 471 614 order 6 9.48e-05 7.18e-05 3.87e-05 1.19e-05 8.93e-05 4.34e-05 1.06e-05 2.30e-05 11 14 17 20 24 27 30 36 837 1461 2300 2756 3842 4644 5531 7682 184 290 381 367 420 455 463 532 order 8 5.89e-05 2.58e-05 2.26e-05 9.37e-05 2.66e-05 3.96e-05 5.36e-05 2.57e-05 11 15 19 24 27 32 36 43 928 1254 1782 2622 3434 4592 5878 8959 196 209 246 286 290 319 339 395 3.94e-05 8.31e-05 9.05e-05 4.42e-05 8.85e-05 7.15e-05 6.80e-05 5.59e-05 79 Table 3.39: Example 3.5.6 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−4 and variable order using continuation. ǫ .714e-01 .556e-01 .455e-01 .333e-01 .294e-01 .263e-01 .238e-01 .217e-01 orders 4-6 12 15 18 21 25 28 31 37 875 1572 2344 2979 3869 4737 5559 7787 188 301 385 395 434 456 462 531 orders 4-8 4.95e-05 1.97e-05 1.96e-05 4.79e-05 2.28e-05 3.22e-05 4.88e-05 2.60e-05 14 18 22 26 29 34 38 44 1022 1450 1768 2434 3425 4415 5854 9141 199 234 231 254 311 292 337 394 orders 6-8 2.38e-05 2.76e-05 8.03e-05 6.07e-05 9.75e-05 8.56e-05 6.71e-05 7.66e-05 14 19 23 27 30 35 39 47 881 1505 1828 2574 3335 4401 5895 8770 183 246 246 273 276 281 364 378 7.84e-05 2.77e-05 6.93e-05 4.94e-05 8.13e-05 8.58e-05 6.06e-05 5.04e-05 Table 3.40: Example 3.5.6 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−6 and fixed order using continuation. ǫ .714e-01 .556e-01 .455e-01 .333e-01 .294e-01 .263e-01 .238e-01 .217e-01 order 4 11 13 16 19 21 24 27 31 875 1256 2037 2876 3556 4852 6382 8725 185 251 368 445 410 525 630 771 order 6 5.32e-07 8.47e-07 2.58e-07 1.55e-07 4.69e-07 2.60e-07 1.40e-07 9.44e-08 13 16 18 21 24 26 29 33 1316 2245 2890 4415 5323 6441 8014 10520 255 390 486 595 664 675 715 752 order 8 3.49e-07 8.10e-08 3.24e-07 3.49e-08 3.30e-08 1.46e-07 4.51e-08 6.96e-08 12 15 18 22 25 29 33 39 1703 2447 2931 4131 4989 6370 7936 11691 335 410 426 489 491 474 530 578 5.40e-08 5.95e-08 3.65e-07 1.05e-07 2.52e-07 2.83e-07 2.72e-07 3.38e-07 Table 3.41: Example 3.5.6 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−6 and variable order using continuation. ǫ .714e-01 .556e-01 .455e-01 .333e-01 .294e-01 .263e-01 .238e-01 .217e-01 order 4-8 14 17 20 24 27 31 35 41 1455 2379 2916 4138 4774 6302 8250 11496 283 398 434 488 446 496 546 546 order 6-8 5.88e-07 1.23e-07 4.23e-07 1.57e-07 8.45e-07 2.88e-07 1.09e-07 7.42e-07 14 17 20 24 27 30 34 39 1537 2447 3555 4419 5231 6059 7592 9421 270 382 459 489 512 492 595 618 order 4-6-8 6.75e-07 1.74e-07 1.53e-07 1.47e-07 2.11e-07 6.48e-07 8.42e-08 3.51e-07 15 18 20 24 27 30 33 39 1564 2543 3257 4572 5187 6129 7005 9420 251 376 418 503 500 532 577 621 3.16e-07 3.73e-08 6.23e-07 4.20e-08 3.03e-07 5.68e-07 9.87e-07 6.01e-07 80 Chapter 3. HOGUP Method for Two-Point Singular Perturbation Problems Table 3.42: Example 3.5.6 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−8 and fixed order using continuation. ǫ .714e-01 .556e-01 .455e-01 .333e-01 .294e-01 .263e-01 .238e-01 .217e-01 order 4 16 16 19 22 25 27 30 33 3162 2488 3827 5379 7215 8535 10546 11441 934 632 916 1206 1488 1690 1922 1170 order 6 6.38e-10 7.29e-09 2.65e-09 1.29e-09 8.80e-10 7.69e-10 7.12e-10 8.12e-09 15 17 19 22 25 27 29 33 1954 2677 3453 5369 6437 8020 9324 13861 338 432 543 757 831 990 1102 1426 order 8 1.31e-09 4.60e-09 6.26e-09 4.22e-10 4.46e-10 5.91e-10 1.66e-09 2.74e-10 13 15 18 21 24 27 30 35 2081 2746 3695 5645 7529 9860 12693 18774 378 486 585 800 932 1026 1152 1341 1.59e-09 9.59e-09 8.32e-09 2.19e-09 9.99e-10 1.31e-09 1.31e-09 1.58e-09 Table 3.43: Example 3.5.6 - numerical solution with T OL = 10−8 and variable order using continuation. ǫ .714e-01 .556e-01 .455e-01 .333e-01 .294e-01 .263e-01 .238e-01 .217e-01 order 4-8 16 18 21 23 26 29 32 37 2156 3060 4312 5636 7422 9742 11828 17758 373 524 648 793 914 1019 1119 1326 order 6-8 9.91e-10 7.78e-10 2.26e-10 3.14e-09 1.20e-09 1.49e-09 2.64e-09 3.40e-09 16 18 21 25 28 31 34 40 2256 2936 4221 5323 6036 7052 7992 10566 378 457 578 653 674 738 748 902 order 4-6-8 9.42e-10 2.97e-09 1.23e-09 7.57e-10 1.86e-09 3.22e-09 9.12e-09 1.66e-09 17 19 22 25 28 31 35 40 2174 2958 4382 5146 5907 6907 8339 10297 323 415 579 574 648 694 715 785 7.22e-10 1.11e-09 2.57e-10 1.17e-09 3.33e-09 5.52e-09 1.32e-09 5.96e-09 comparable with those obtained by codes as ACDC and COLMOD. As regards small values of the perturbation ǫ HOFiD UP employs less points than ACDC, while it is comparable with COLMOD. It is not possible at the moment to compare these codes on the performance time, since HOFiD UP is a Matlab code, but this suggests a good motivation to implement a Fortran version of it. Chapter 4 Second-Order Initial Value Problems Most of the second order initial value problems (IVPs) arise from celestial mechanics and lack of the first derivative term, but for such problems (called conservative) ad hoc methods have been developed in order to preserve some properties of the continuous solution. Several codes exist to solve initial value problems, we remember some of them as VODE [26] using Adams and BDFs methods to handle both non stiff and stiff problems; BiMD [27] based on Blended Implicit Methods, a class of L-stable Block Implicit Methods; GAMD [42] exploting the Generalized Adams Methods in block form; RADAU and RADAU5 [39] based on implicit Runge-Kutta methods (Radau IIa), in particular RADAU5 is of order 5 and employs a stepsize control rendering a continuous solution. In this chapter second order IVPs with nonnull derivative terms are treated since they are not integrated with classical linear multistep formulae. Moreover, a wide class of such problems arises from singular problems, i.e. not defined at some points of the domain. The methods developed so far (see [8]) follow the idea of the HOGD methods introduced in Chapter 2, so that high order finite difference schemes are employed in the approximation of the first and second derivatives. The different available choices for the main scheme allows to define seven classes of methods. Some numerical tests show the efficiency of these methods especially in the case of very difficult problems, as for example ‘Flow in concrete’. 82 4.1 Chapter 4. Second-Order Initial Value Problems High order finite difference schemes Let us consider the following second-order initial value problem (IVP) f (x, y, y ′ , y ′′ ) = 0, y(a) = ya , y ′ (a) = ya′ , x ∈ [a, b] (4.1.1) where ya and ya′ are known initial values, f is a Lipschitz continuous function, so that for Theorem 1.1.10 a unique solution y(x) exists. Moreover, let I = {I1 , I2 , . . . , IN } be a subdivision of the interval [a, b] in N subintervals, where Ij = [aj , bj ] and a = a1 < a2 < · · · < an < b, a < b1 < b2 < · · · < bn = b, but Ij and Ij+1 have at most two elements into the intersection. The idea is to solve (4.1.1) iteratively starting from I1 and using on Ij+1 initial values obtained by Ij .The subdivision of the interval is performed considering constant stepsize inside Ij . The initial stepsize for the first interval I1 can be either preserved for the successive interval or changed as we will see in Section 4.4. Now our aim is to find the solution of (4.1.1) on all the interval [a, b] or on a part of it. For this reason, we consider a uniform discretization a1 = x0 < x1 < · · · < xn ≤ b1 , (4.1.2) with stepsize h = (xn − x0 )/n. Following the idea proposed in Section 2.1 for the solution of BVPs, the approximation of the second and the first derivatives at the mesh points is calculated by means of the high order difference formulae (2.1.6); this means that, for i = 0, . . . , n, (ν) y (ν) (xi ) ≈ yi (l,ν) = k−l 1 X (l,ν) αj+l yi+j , hν ν = 1, 2, (4.1.3) j=−l (l,ν) where the coefficients α0 , . . . , αk are computed such that the formulae have maximum order p, as in Theorem 2.1.2, and depend on the number of initial conditions l = 0, . . . , k and ν. In (4.1.3) the index k depends on ν and the order of the formula; in particular the approximation of order p for y (ν) (xi ) is in general defined on p + ν points, except for the case p even, ν = 2 and l = k/2 where a (p + ν − 1)-steps formula is required. It is important to point out that for IVPs (4.1.3) the values of the solution and the first derivative in the left-endpoint of the interval are known, but 83 while the first condition on y(x0 ) is involved in the formulae (4.1.3), the second condition on y ′ (x0 ) at the moment is not used; however in the next section 4.3 we will see as this condition is exploit to define different approaches. It should be recalled that the methods approximating the derivatives are based on the idea of Boundary Value Methods [28], as showed in Section 1.5. For each derivative we fix the order and derive the set of finite difference schemes (4.1.3) by changing conveniently the numbers l and k − l of initial and final conditions, respectively. Among these formulae, we emphasize the main scheme which will be used when possible on the internal points of the mesh (4.1.2). The other formulae (or some of them) will be used once in the extreme points of the mesh. As explained in Section 2.2, the choice of the extended central differences formulae (ECDFs) as main scheme requires to consider the same number of initial and final conditions. Moreover, in this case the coefficients of ECDFs are symmetric for the second derivative and skew-symmetric for the first derivative, as seen in Theorem 2.1.3. On the other hand, it is possible to consider as main scheme a generalization of backward (GB) or forward (GF) difference formulae , if l − 1 or l − 2 and l + 1 or l + 2 final conditions are considered, respectively, depending on the order of the method. The order of the main method is the same for the first and the second derivative approximations and it is also possible to choose between even or odd order. Consequently, for the approximation of the second derivative we can distinguish two classes depending on the order p. The first class includes the main scheme of even order, so defined k = p in the formula (4.1.3), needs to set l = k2 to obtain the symmetric scheme ECDF. The second class includes main formula of odd order, then set k = p+1, we have two choices: GF defined when l = k2 − 1 or GB defined for l = k2 + 1. For the first derivative, we have also to distinguish between even and odd order. For even order as in Definition 2.2.2, set k = p, formulae GFDF, ECDF and GBDF can be defined by choosing l among k2 − 1, k2 , k2 + 1, respectively. k+1 For odd order, set k = p, we can choose l = k−1 2 and l = 2 in order to define GFDF and GBDF. Definition 4.1.1. A global approximation of the second derivative y ′′ by means of formulae of order p is called • EC2 if l = p/2 and p is even; • GB2 if l = (p − 1)/2 + 1 and p is odd; 84 Chapter 4. Second-Order Initial Value Problems • GF2 if l = (p + 1)/2 − 1 and p is odd; where l is the number of initial conditions of the main scheme. Definition 4.1.2. A global approximation of the first derivative y ′ by means of formulae of order p is called • EC1 if l = p/2 and p is even; • GB1 if l = p/2 + 1 and p is even or if l = (p − 1)/2 + 1 and p is odd; • GF1 if l = p/2 − 1 and p is even od if l = (p + 1)/2 − 1 and p is odd; where l is the number of initial conditions of the main scheme. Definition 4.1.3. For the solution of second-order IVP (4.1.1), the combinations of the schemes for y ′′ and y ′ given in Definition 4.1.1-4.1.2 are called for p even order EC2 EC1 , EC2 GF1 and EC2 GB1 and for odd order GB2 GB1 , GB2 GF1 , GF2 GB1 and GF2 GF1 . In Section 4.4 devoted to the numerical tests, we only consider couple of methods with the same approximation for the derivatives, namely EC2 EC1 , GB2 GB1 , and GF2 GF1 . Example 4.1.4. In the following we consider the main schemes of order 5 and 6 for the approximation of y ′ and y ′′ . The coefficients of the GB2 (GB1 ) schemes are symmetric (skew-symmetric) with respect to those of the GF2 (GF1 ) schemes for this reason they are omitted. Order 5 GF2 : GF1 : 13 19 7 10 1 1 1 yi−2 + yi−1 − yi + yi+1 + yi+2 − yi+3 + yi+4 180 15 3 9 12 15 90 1 1 1 1 1 yi−2 − yi−1 − yi + yi+1 − yi+2 + yi+3 h y ′ (ti ) ≈ 20 2 3 4 30 h2 y ′′ (ti ) ≈ − Order 6 EC2 : EC1 : GF1 : 1 3 3 49 3 3 1 yi−3 − yi−2 + yi−1 − yi + yi+1 − yi+2 + yi+3 90 20 2 18 2 20 90 3 3 3 3 1 1 yi−2 − yi−1 + yi+1 − yi+2 + yi+3 h y ′ (ti ) ≈ − yi−3 + 60 20 4 4 20 60 1 2 7 4 1 2 1 h y ′ (ti ) ≈ yi−2 − yi−1 − yi + yi+1 − yi+2 + yi+3 − yi+4 30 5 12 3 2 15 60 h2 y ′′ (ti ) ≈ 85 4.2 Conditioning The goal of this section is to investigate the stability properties of the main schemes for the two derivatives; for this reason, let us analyze their behavior on a scalar linear problem of the form y ′′ + γy ′ + µy = 0, (4.2.1) where γ and µ are real numbers independent of x. The well conditioning of (4.2.1) depends on the eigenvalues λ1 and λ2 associated to the coefficients matrix of the equivalent first-order system, ¶′ µ µ ¶ ¶µ y 0 1 y = , y′ −µ −γ y′ that is on the roots of the characteristic polynomial ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ −λ 1 2 ¯ ¯ ¯ −µ −γ − λ ¯ = λ + γλ + µ = 0. √ √ If δ = γ 2 − 4µ > 0 then λ1 = −γ − δ and λ2 = −γ + δ are the eigenvalues and the exact solution is y(x) = c1 eλ1 x + c2 eλ2 x , (4.2.2) where c1 and c2 depend on the initial conditions. A well conditioned initial value problem (the solution goes to zero, see [28]) requires that λ1 and λ2 are non positive, that is γ and µ are non negative values. Consequently, the exact solution (4.2.2) is decreasing when γ > 0 and bounded for γ = 0. Depending on the initial conditions, y(x) may be strictly positive on all the interval. The results show as it is suitable to consider methods yielding well conditioned discrete problem when γ > 0 and µ > 0. Now, let us consider the discrete problem corresponding to (4.2.1). We point out that when the size n of the grid becomes large, then the effect of the additional methods on the solution may be considered negligible. In such a case the conditioning especially depends on the main methods, therefore it is sufficient to study the roots of the characteristic polynomial π(z, h2 µ, hγ) = ρ(z) + hγσ(z) + h2 µz s̄ , where ρ(z) = k−s X2 j=−s2 (s2 ,2) s2 +j αj+s z , 2 σ(z) = s̄ = max(s1 , s2 ) k−s X1 j=−s1 (s ,1) 1 αj+s z s1 +j 1 86 Chapter 4. Second-Order Initial Value Problems are the polynomials associated to the main schemes discretizing, respectively, the second and the first derivative term in (4.2.1), As a consequence of the Theorem 2.3.1, we require that the number of upper off-diagonals of the coefficient matrix of the discrete problem matches the number of roots of π outside the open unit disk [4, 28]. Since γ and µ are non negative real numbers, the boundary locus defined by π(z, µh2 , γh) = 0 for |z| = 1, (4.2.3) is drawn in the quarter of the plane with hγ ≥ 0 and h2 µ ≥ 0. The characteristic polynomial (4.2.3) is linear, then we distinguish three cases: (i) z = 1: for the consistency of the schemes both ρ(1) = σ(1) = 0, then boundary is represented by the abscissa h2 µ = 0; (ii) z = −1: the condition (4.2.3) can be written as σ̂hγ + h2 µ + ρ̂ = 0, (4.2.4) where ρ̂ = ρ(−1)/(−1)s̄ and σ̂ = σ(−1)/(−1)s̄ . Through simple calculations ρ̂ < 0 for all schemes, while σ̂ > 0 for GB1 , σ̂ < 0 for GF1 and σ̂ < 0 for EC1 . It is clear that the straight line described by (4.2.4) |ρ̂| . In Table 4.1 and intersects the h2 µ-axis at |ρ| and the hγ-axis at σ̂ Table 4.2 we have summarized the values of |ρ̂| and σ̂ for different methods and orders. Moreover, the straight lines corresponding to GB1 , GF1 and EC1 schemes are decreasing, increasing and parallel to the hγ-axis, respectively. Hence, the use of GF1 schemes give rise to the largest stability domain. (iii) |z| = 1 and Im(z) 6= 0: in this case we have ρ(z) + hγσ(z) + h2 µz s̄ = 0, ρ(z̄) + hγσ(z̄) + h2 µz̄ s̄ = 0, then it follows through some substitutions that ρ(z̄) − z̄ s̄ ρ(z)/z s̄ = 0. Moreover, the curve corresponding to the complex values of z of unitary modulus starts from the origin and it is quite near to the h2 µ-axis and, in the case of EC1 schemes, it coincides with the segment 0 ≤ h2 µ ≤ |ρ(z)| /z s̄ . Now, as in [28] we give some definitions on stability region. 87 Table 4.1: Coefficients σ̂ and ρ̂ of the straight line (4.2.4) corresponding to π(−1) = 0. Even order approximations. order 4 6 8 10 EC2 ρ1 16/3 272/45 2048/315 512/75 GF1 σ1 −8/3 −32/15 −64/35 −512/315 GB1 σ1 8/3 32/15 64/35 512/315 EC1 σ1 0 0 0 0 Table 4.2: Coefficients σ̂ and ρ̂ of the straight line (4.2.4) corresponding to π(−1) = 0. Odd order approximations. order 3 5 7 9 GF2 /GB2 ρ1 8/3 208/45 352/63 9278/1575 GF1 σ1 −4/3 −16/15 −32/35 −256/315 GB1 σ1 4/3 16/15 32/35 256/315 Definition 4.2.1. The region Dk1 ,k2 of the complex plane defined by Dk1 k2 = {(h2 µ, hγ) ∈ C : π(z, h2 µ, hγ) is the type (k1 , 0, k2 )} is called the region of (k1 , k2 )-Absolute stability Definition 4.2.2. A main method with (k1 , k2 )-boundary conditions is said to be Ak1 k2 -stable if C− ⊆ Dk1 k2 . Moreover, it is called to be perfectly Ak1 k2 stable if C− ≡ Dk1 k2 . As a consequence of Definition 4.2.2, we can underline that all methods in Definition 4.1.3 are not As,k−s -stable, since they do not give stable methods for every value of h. As an example, we plot the stability domains for the GF2 GF1 and GB2 GB1 schemes of order 5 and 7 respectively in Figure 4.1 and in Figure 4.2. Then, we observe that larger stability domain belongs to higher order methods. Remark 4.2.3. The case γ = 0 is not efficiently solved by this approach when the interval is very large, in fact, as it is known, ad hoc methods, as the symmetric linear multistep methods, are used to solve second order IVPs y ′′ = f (t, y). 88 Chapter 4. Second-Order Initial Value Problems GF GF schemes of order 5 and 7 2 12 1 2 h µ 10 order 7 8 order 5 6 4 2 0 hγ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 4.1: Stability regions for the GF2 GF1 scheme of order 5 and 7. 4.3 Additional formulae From the conditioning analysis of the main methods it is known that the number of roots outside the boundary locus represents the number of final conditions of the method, conversely the number of roots inside it is that corresponding to the initial conditions. Despite the continuous problem (4.1.1) has two initial conditions, its solution by means of the methods in Definition 4.1.3 should require l initial and k − l final formulae. In this section we have a stake in approximating y ′ and y ′′ at both the extreme points of (4.1.2) by using additional formulae, that for the initial value problem (4.1.1) still belong to the family (4.1.3). In fact, we follow the idea developed for the BVPs in Chapter 2 and approximate the first and the second derivatives in (4.1.1) by applying main schemes, seen in Definition 4.1.3, on the internal points xi of the mesh (4.1.2), for i = l, . . . , n − k + l, with l number of initial conditions. The approximation in the initial points xi , for i = 1, . . . , l − 1 is obtained using initial formulae once, while final schemes are applied once in the points xi , for i = n − k + l + 1, . . . , n − 1. Then the 89 GB GB schemes of order 5 and 7 2 10 1 2 h µ 9 8 7 6 5 4 order 7 3 order 5 2 1 0 hγ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 4.2: Stability regions for GB2 GB1 scheme of order 5 and 7. discrete problem of (4.1.1) can be written as f (xi , yi , yi′ , yi′′ ) = 0, i = 1, . . . , n − 1. (4.3.1) We point out that y0 = y(x0 ) is known, so we have all together l initial conditions, moreover (4.3.1) defines a nonlinear system of (n − 1) equations in n unknowns Y = [y1 , . . . , yn ]T . We need for another condition appending to (4.3.1) to find the solution Ỹ = [y0 , Y T ]T . Since the initial condition on y ′ (x0 ) in (4.1.1) has been not used, we use it to define two strategies and complete the system. The first one considers the formula with zero initial conditions, obtained in (4.1.3) setting l = 0 and ν = 1, to approximate the y ′ (x0 ) by means of an additional equation, obtaining in this way the system  y0 given,    k  1X (0,1) αj yj = y0′ , h     j=0 f (xi , yi , yi′ , yi′′ ) = 0, (4.3.2) for i = 1, . . . , n − 1. 90 Chapter 4. Second-Order Initial Value Problems which provides a unique solution Ỹ = (y0 , y1 , . . . , yn )T of the discrete problem. The second strategy considers y0′ = y ′ (x0 ) in Y and defines new initial formulae, using y0′ , as   k X 1 (ν,i) (ν,i) y (ν) (xi ) ≈ ν ᾱ0 hy0′ + ν = 1, 2, (4.3.3) αj yj−1  , h j=1 (ν,i) (ν,i) (ν,i) where the coefficients (ᾱ0 , α0 , . . . , αk ) are computed in order to reach the maximum order, for i = 0, . . . , l − 1 with l number of initial conditions. A global approximation of the initial value problem (4.1.1) is obtained applying a main method, chosen in (4.1.3), with l initial and k − l final conditions at all possible internal points of the grid (4.1.2), this is for i = l, . . . , n − k + l − 1 and using once at the initial extreme points the l formulae (4.3.3). Indeed, k − l − 1 formulae (4.1.3) are employed once in the extreme final points, this is for i = n − k + l, . . . , n − 1. Consequently, an extended vector of the solution Y = (y0′ , y0 , y1 , . . . , yn )T is computed by solving the system ½ y0 , y0′ given, (4.3.4) f (xi , yi , yi′ , yi′′ ) = 0, for i = 0, . . . , n − 1 Both the approaches can be applied to the whole interval [a, b] or to the first subinterval I1 . In this second case we could pass on the last two values of the solution in I1 to I2 where they could be used as the known initial values of the new interval I2 and formulae (4.3.1) would compute Y = (y−1 , y0 , y1 , . . . , yn )T uniquely by means of ½ y0 , y−1 given, (4.3.5) f (xi , yi , yi′ , yi′′ ) = 0, for i = 0, . . . , n − 1. Since partitioning the interval [a, b] we may use different stepsize in each subinterval, then if the stepsize in I2 is changed, the initial value y−1 is computed by means of interpolation techniques from the points in the previous interval. In this case the interpolation accuracy could represent the drawback to apply this approach with variable stepsize. The idea of neglecting the value of the derivative in the last point of the interval after the interval I1 seems to be more natural, but this approach requires interpolation formulae that could be ill-conditioned if the order is high, since the used stepsize inside each interval is constant. Probably, a variable stepsize inside each interval would improve the situation, but we shall not consider this issue here. 91 Another alternative is to define a formula analogous to (4.3.2) in order to compute the approximation of y ′ (xn ) as follows 0 1 X (n,1) αj yn+j = yn′ . h (4.3.6) j=−k Then, the values of yn and yn′ as initial condition and the same formulae (4.3.2) could be used also in the next. Moreover, symmetry reasons suggest to consider as unknown yn′ and to define an approach similar to (4.3.3), this means that we compute the final formulae by means of y (ν) (xn−i ) ≈ (−1)ν hν  −ᾱ0(i,ν) hyn′ + (i,ν) k X (i,ν) αj j=1 (i,ν)  yn−j+1  , ν = 1, 2, (4.3.7) (i,ν) where the coefficients (α1 , . . . , αk , ᾱ0 ) for i = 0, . . . , k − l − 1 are obtained imposing the maximum order. We observe that the coefficients in (4.3.7) for y (ν) (xn−i ) are just the same in reverse order of those in (4.3.3) for y (ν) (xi ), and also changed sign for ν = 2. Considering as initial formulae (4.3.3) and final ones (4.3.7), set Y = (y0′ , y0 , y1 , . . . , yn , yn′ )T , the solution vector is obtained solving the non linear system ½ y0 , y0′ given, f (xi , yi , yi′ , yi′′ ) = 0, for i = 0, . . . , n (4.3.8) From a numerical point of view, the last formula, even if it is described in compact form and it could be applied to the next intervals, contains values of y and y ′ that could be different in magnitude. Anyway, the numerical tests show that this approach gives the most accurate results. Example 4.3.1. We consider in the following the initial formulae (4.3.3) of order 5 and 6. We leave out the final formulae (4.3.7) involving yn′ since the coefficients are, in the reverse order, the same of the initial formulae and with changed sign for the second derivative. 92 Chapter 4. Second-Order Initial Value Problems Order 5 137 ′ 12019 20 5 2 hy0 − y0 + 10y1 − 5y2 + y3 − y4 + y5 30 1800 9 8 25 3281 41 11 5 1 1 13 ′ hy + y0 − y1 + y2 − y3 + y4 − y5 h2 y ′′ (x1 ) ≈ 30 0 1800 12 6 18 24 300 37 1 3 1 1 1 h y ′ (x1 ) ≈ − hy0′ − y0 + y1 + y2 − y3 + y4 4 48 6 4 6 48 h2 y ′′ (x0 ) ≈ − Order 6 49 ′ 13489 15 40 15 hy − y0 + 12y1 − y2 + y3 − y4 + 10 0 1800 2 9 8 2171 203 43 13 1 77 hy ′ + y0 − y1 + y2 − y3 + y4 + h2 y ′′ (x1 ) ≈ 180 0 1200 60 24 54 48 197 1 1 1 1 1 ′ ′ y0 − y1 + y2 − y3 + y4 − y5 h y (x1 ) ≈ − hy0 − 5 300 12 3 12 100 h2 y ′′ (x0 ) ≈ − 12 1 y5 − y6 25 18 1 1 y5 − y6 300 1080 The three approaches allow us to define an equivalent number of methods. Definition 4.3.2. Given an initial value problem (4.1.1) and considered a subdivision I of the interval [a, b], the method using in each interval of the subdivision the approach (4.3.2) in combination with the formula (4.3.6) is named D1HOGD. Remark 4.3.3. We point out that the D1HOGD method computes the solution applying the approach (4.3.2), after that the formula (4.3.6) is used to calculate an approximation of y ′ (xn ). However it is preferable to approximate y ′ (xn−1 ) by means of the formula 0 1 X (n−1,1) ′ yn+j = yn−1 , αj h j=−k since the error constant for this formula is much lower than the analogous at xn , for this reason the approximation yn at xn is discarded. Consequently, the successive interval has as left extreme point just xn . Definition 4.3.4. Given an initial value problem (4.1.1) and considered a subdivision I of the interval [a, b], the method using in the first interval of the subdivision or on the whole interval [a, b] the approach defined by (4.3.3) and (4.3.5) and keeping in the next interval applying the approach (4.3.2) is named ED1HOGD. 93 Definition 4.3.5. Given an initial value problem (4.1.1) and considered a subdivision I of the interval [a, b], the method using in each interval of the subdivision the approach (4.3.8) in combination with the formulae (4.3.3)(4.3.7) is named EDHOGD. 4.4 Mesh Selection Strategy We consider the initial value problem (4.1.1) and an initial mesh π defined as in (4.1.2) covering all the interval or the subinterval Ik for k = 1, . . . , N . The strategy uses constant stepsize inside each interval Ik but could change stepsize from Ik to Ik+1 . If yi and ŷi are, respectively, the approximation and exact solution of (4.1.1) at the ith point of the kth interval, we can define the pointwise error in Ik , for i = 0, . . . , n, as ei = |ŷi − yi | , (4.4.1) where e0 = 0 for the initial conditions in (4.1.1). We are interested in applying the methods of order p in Section 4.1; therefore, (4.4.1) can be expressed as ei = |ŷi − yi | = Chp |Ψ(xi )| + O(hp+1 ), i = 0, . . . , n, (4.4.2) where Ψ(x) is a function depending on the sth derivatives of y(x), s ≥ p+1 and h is the constant stepsize associated to the mesh π. Moreover, the maximum norm of (4.4.2) is defined as kek∞ = max |ei | ≤ C̃hp . i=0,...,n (4.4.3) Now, the intent is to choose a finer mesh in order to compute an accurate solution satisfying the condition kek∞ ≤ T OL, (4.4.4) for a given relative tolerance TOL. The relations (4.4.3)-(4.4.4) allow to compute the new mesh π ∗ choosing as a stepsize ∗ h = where α = 0.9. µ α · T OL kek∞ ¶1/p h, (4.4.5) 94 Chapter 4. Second-Order Initial Value Problems We emphasize as this stepsize selection strategy guarantees to gain the desired accuracy of the solution on every subinterval or the whole interval. In the case we work on a part of all interval I1 , after we have computed the solution on it, we proceed in approximating the solution in the next interval. Then, we have two possibility either to use the same stepsize of the interval I1 or a different one. This second choice consists in the stepsize estimation for the interval I2 by means of (4.4.5) when an accurate solution of the previous interval have been computed. Moreover, some restrictions are imposed to this estimation in order that the new stepsize is at most doubled or halved with respect to the stepsize of the previous interval. The strategy can be also summarized in the following algorithm. Algorithm 3. Input: Given an IVP (4.1.1), a mesh π and the stepsize h on the interval I1 ; 1. k = 1; 2. while bk < b where Ik = [ak , bk ]; 3. compute the solution y of (4.1.1) using the basic schemes in section 4.1 and an estimate err of the error; 4. 5. 6. while err > T OL ¡ OL ¢1/p h∗ = α·T h; err compute the new mesh π ∗ of equidistant points with stepsize h∗ ; 7. 8. compute y and err as in 3.; end Output: y and err on Ik . 9. k = k + 1; 10. update h = 11. compute h = min{max(h, h∗ ), 2h∗ }; 12. compute the mesh π on Ik using the stepsize h as defined in 11; 13. end ¡ α·T OL ¢1/p err h∗ ; 95 4.5 Numerical Tests In this section we show some numerical tests in order to compare the methods D1HOGD, ED1HOGD and EDHOGD of order p introduced in Definition 4.3.2-4.3.4-4.3.5. We point out that D1HOGD method computes an approximation for y ′ (xn−1 ) as specified in Remark 4.3.3 and ED1HOGD method uses the same constant stepsize in each interval. Moreover, in the numerical experiments we have used p + 4 equidistant points in each interval covering the whole interval, where the order p ranges from 3 to 10. For the first three examples we have firstly considered a constant stepsize implementation in order to estimate the order of convergence and to compare the methods. Then, we have solved each problem by means of a simple variable stepsize strategy with initial stepsize h0 = 8 · 10−2 and exit tolerance tol = 10−8 . Example 4.5.1. The first linear problem, y ′′ (x) + y ′ (x) = 0, x ∈ [0, 40], has been solved with initial conditions y(0) = 1 and y ′ (0) = −1 or y(0) = 2 and y ′ (0) = −1. The roots of z 2 + z = 0 are −1 and 0 and, therefore, the exact solution is ye (x) = e−x + c2 , where c2 = y(0) − 1. Even if the numerical solution is monotone decreasing, it might tend to a negative value when c2 = 0, this means to consider y(0) = 1. For this reason, in Table 4.3 we have also indicated when the numerical solution eventually becomes negative. With constant stepsize we have not observed differences between the two problems, for this reason we have discarded the table associated to the second choice of initial conditions. Vice versa, with variable stepsize, in Table 4.4 and Table 4.5 it is possible to observe that by using variable stepsize EDHOGD method requires a lower number of points than D1HOGD, moreover this number becomes much lower for the second choice of initial conditions. Example 4.5.2. The second linear problem, y ′′ (x) − cos x y ′ (x) + sin x y(x) = 0, x ∈ [0, 6π], has initial conditions y(0) = 1 and y ′ (0) = 1. The exact solution, ye (x) = esin x , 96 Chapter 4. Second-Order Initial Value Problems Main Scheme Order Error h = 8 · 10−2 , 500 points GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 4.65e-05 4.49e-05 3.31e-05 2.50e-08 6.65e-08 1.44e-07 1.23e-10 1.23e-10 7.05e-10 1.15e-12 6.31e-13 3.57e-12 h = 4 · 10−2 , 1000 points Table 4.3: Numerical results for Example 4.5.1 with y(0) = 1, constant stepsize. D1HOGD x : y(x) < 0 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 1.54e-05 1.51e-05 3.94e-06 5.36e-09 6.90e-09 4.36e-09 2.82e-12 3.02e-12 5.24e-12 1.90e-13 4.30e-13 2.30e-13 10.32 15.76 23.92 23.92 21.12 27.76 28.40 26.40 12.48 19.28 26.00 28.60 ED1HOGD Error x : y(x) < 0 3.90e-06 8.40e-06 1.89e-05 6.70e-08 2.35e-08 9.03e-08 2.68e-10 2.53e-10 4.80e-10 1.59e-12 1.37e-12 2.60e-12 1.73e-07 8.06e-07 1.72e-06 1.57e-09 3.31e-10 2.06e-09 1.40e-12 1.43e-12 2.71e-12 6.79e-14 3.75e-13 1.17e-13 12.96 11.76 10.88 16.56 17.60 16.24 22.08 22.16 21.52 27.20 27.36 26.72 14.04 13.28 20.28 21.96 20.04 27.32 27.28 26.64 30.20 Error EDHOGD x : y(x) < 0 3.40e-06 6.21e-06 2.88e-07 9.86e-09 1.65e-08 3.57e-09 1.88e-11 1.45e-11 9.04e-12 2.00e-14 5.28e-14 3.36e-14 5.13e-07 6.89e-07 1.78e-08 3.64e-10 4.69e-10 5.65e-11 1.62e-13 8.20e-14 6.20e-14 7.33e-15 1.48e-14 5.53e-14 12.00 16.24 18.48 24.96 32.56 14.20 18.96 21.76 30.16 30.56 Table 4.4: Numerical results for Example 4.5.1 with y(0) = 1, variable stepsize. Main Scheme GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 Order 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 D1HOGD Error Mesh 5.35e-06 751 3.92e-06 898 4.91e-07 1038 1.69e-08 407 2.94e-08 407 3.36e-08 434 1.11e-09 288 7.49e-10 288 3.20e-09 288 3.45e-10 223 2.74e-10 223 5.88e-10 223 EDHOGD Error Mesh 3.03e-07 593 1.88e-07 817 8.10e-09 809 1.61e-08 291 1.49e-08 331 4.40e-09 321 4.93e-10 217 1.54e-09 193 5.48e-10 217 5.39e-11 183 7.83e-11 183 8.99e-11 183 97 Table 4.5: Numerical results for Example 4.5.1 with y(0) = 2, variable stepsize. Main Scheme GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 Order 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 D1HOGD Error Mesh 9.36e-06 240 6.89e-06 275 1.38e-06 268 1.25e-08 137 5.35e-08 137 1.20e-07 146 1.04e-08 112 7.13e-09 112 1.47e-08 112 1.82e-09 106 1.38e-09 106 2.23e-09 106 EDHOGD Error Mesh 7.84e-07 169 5.62e-07 209 1.75e-08 177 3.93e-08 101 4.34e-08 121 1.64e-08 111 4.31e-09 97 6.83e-09 85 2.74e-09 97 1.66e-09 85 3.18e-09 85 2.32e-09 85 has an oscillating solution with period 2π. Comparing the results obtained with constant stepsize in Table 4.6 with those using variable stepsize in Table 4.7 we can confirm that for oscillating solution it is suitable to choice equidistant stepsize for a good and cheap accuracy. Example 4.5.3. The nonlinear problem (y(x) + 1) y ′′ (x) − 3(y ′ (x))2 = 0, x ∈ [1, 10], 1 has initial conditions y(1) = 0 and y ′ (1) = − . The exact solution is 2 1 ye (x) = √ − 1. x In table Table 4.8 we show the results obtained with constant stepsize, but looking at Table 4.9 it seems clear that the variable stepsize allows to gain the desired accuracy with much less points and the EDHOGD method seems more suitable than D1HOGD method. Example 4.5.4. As last example we consider an IVP which is named Flow in concrete problem, see [12], and defined as yy ′′ = −xy ′ , x ∈ [0, 10] with initial conditions y(0) = 1 and y ′ (0) = −γ, where γ > 2. The solution of the problem is obtained applying D1HOGD method with variable stepsize. 98 Chapter 4. Second-Order Initial Value Problems Main Scheme Order D1HOGD Error ED1HOGD EDHOGD h = 8 · 10−2 , 236 points GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 7.63e-03 7.31e-04 2.46e-03 1.34e-04 1.12e-04 7.66e-05 5.08e-06 5.04e-06 5.15e-06 1.57e-05 1.55e-05 1.62e-05 1.73e-03 6.64e-03 3.83e-03 3.05e-04 2.77e-04 3.35e-04 2.50e-05 2.52e-05 2.59e-05 1.17e-06 1.23e-06 9.85e-07 2.99e-03 3.30e-03 6.58e-05 3.27e-06 1.38e-05 8.27e-06 9.96e-07 9.32e-07 1.19e-06 3.03e-07 3.28e-07 3.28e-07 h = 4 · 10−2 , 471 points Table 4.6: Numerical results for Example 4.5.2, constant stepsize. GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 9.63e-04 1.32e-04 4.03e-04 4.86e-06 4.12e-06 1.34e-06 7.10e-08 6.95e-08 5.18e-08 8.22e-10 6.06e-10 6.62e-10 4.06e-04 6.11e-04 1.82e-04 4.11e-06 3.42e-06 4.30e-06 5.31e-08 5.43e-08 5.15e-08 9.95e-11 6.65e-11 4.85e-10 3.78e-04 4.00e-04 4.42e-06 1.20e-07 3.39e-07 1.10e-07 3.88e-10 5.25e-10 1.67e-10 7.58e-12 2.09e-11 1.10e-11 Table 4.7: Numerical results for Example 4.5.2, variable stepsize. Main Scheme GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 Order 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 D1HOGD Error Mesh 9.09e-05 1311 1.70e-04 1206 1.98e-05 1199 1.52e-06 542 1.29e-06 560 8.14e-07 542 1.08e-06 343 1.04e-06 343 7.58e-06 343 1.45e-07 275 1.56e-07 275 3.42e-07 275 EDHOGD Error Mesh 2.88e-05 1113 2.88e-05 1113 2.94e-06 761 4.27e-07 421 2.52e-06 351 5.56e-07 371 1.10e-07 253 9.34e-08 265 1.80e-07 253 1.22e-06 197 2.16e-06 197 1.09e-06 197 99 Main Scheme Order D1HOGD Error ED1HOGD EDHOGD h = 8 · 10−2 , 125 points GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 5.20e-05 3.23e-05 1.10e-04 7.00e-06 6.50e-06 9.29e-06 1.16e-06 1.11e-06 1.36e-06 2.39e-07 2.34e-07 2.68e-07 6.97e-05 3.63e-05 9.47e-05 7.29e-06 6.83e-06 8.91e-06 1.17e-06 1.12e-06 1.35e-06 2.40e-07 2.35e-07 2.68e-07 1.42e-05 6.13e-06 3.71e-06 7.35e-07 6.34e-07 7.17e-07 5.32e-08 5.57e-08 6.95e-08 1.11e-08 1.12e-08 1.24e-08 h = 4 · 10−2 , 250 points Table 4.8: Numerical results for Example 4.5.3, constant stepsize. GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 4.54e-06 3.23e-05 1.31e-05 1.92e-07 1.77e-07 3.31e-07 1.31e-08 1.25e-08 1.68e-08 1.10e-09 1.07e-09 1.29e-09 7.11e-06 2.57e-06 9.19e-06 2.27e-07 2.15e-07 2.85e-07 1.36e-08 1.30e-08 1.59e-08 1.12e-09 1.09e-09 1.26e-09 1.75e-06 1.23e-06 2.51e-07 1.80e-08 1.20e-08 1.58e-08 4.06e-10 4.62e-10 5.54e-10 3.52e-11 3.53e-11 3.96e-11 Table 4.9: Numerical results for Example 4.5.3, variable stepsize. Method GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 GF2 GF1 GB2 GB1 EC2 EC1 Order 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 D1HOGD Error Mesh 2.57e-06 233 2.68e-06 247 7.42e-07 240 2.65e-08 119 2.00e-08 119 6.55e-08 128 1.60e-08 90 1.43e-08 90 1.84e-08 101 1.18e-08 80 1.10e-08 80 1.32e-08 80 EDHOGD Error Mesh 2.25e-07 193 3.58e-07 153 1.72e-08 185 7.94e-09 101 5.62e-09 101 6.15e-09 101 1.74e-09 73 2.07e-09 73 2.13e-09 85 2.67e-09 71 2.77e-09 71 2.72e-09 71 100 Chapter 4. Second-Order Initial Value Problems Despite the previous examples highlight the better use of EDHOGD with variable stepsize, in this case since the behavior of the first derivative may be quite different from the solution one and affect the stepsize variation, the choice of the first method is preferable. In [12] the problem is solved for different values of γ from 2 to 18, since asymptotic theoretical results are confirmed numerically when γ increases. We are interested to evaluate the solution at the infinity, for this reason we compute the solution in [12] also on larger intervals than [0, 10], and we can uphold that y(10) ≈ y(∞). In example for γ = 10, it is y(10) ≈ 2.254440321030590e-044, while for γ = 18 we have y(10) ≈ 1.178498689884995e-141. In Figure 4.3-Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5Figure 4.6 we draw the solutions and the stepsize variations for γ = 10 and γ = 18, respectively. Very interesting is the stepsize selection, since it shows as the method works also when the stepsize becomes very small. 4.6 Conclusion The methods introduced in Section 4.1 have the advantage to be applied to a second order IVP (4.1.1) without requiring the transformation in an equivalent system of the first order. Second and first derivatives in ODE are approximated separately and the strategy variation turns out to be very simple. The numerical results show as the methods are not more competitive than the others for IVP, but the Example 4.5.4 shows that the class of the considered methods can be very efficient when we consider problems with decreasing positive solutions which have a fast variation going to a constant value in a narrow region of the interval. 101 10 10 0 10 −10 y(x) 10 −20 10 −30 10 −40 10 −50 10 −3 −2 10 10 −1 0 10 x 1 10 10 Figure 4.3: Solution for γ = 10 in logarithmic scale. 0 10 −10 10 Step size −20 10 −30 10 −40 10 −50 10 0 100 200 300 N 400 500 600 Figure 4.4: Stepsize Variation, γ = 10 and p = 8. 102 Chapter 4. Second-Order Initial Value Problems 0 10 −50 y(x) 10 −100 10 −150 10 −4 −3 10 10 −2 −1 10 10 0 1 10 10 x Figure 4.5: Solution for γ = 18 in logarithmic scale. 0 10 −50 Step size 10 −100 10 −150 10 0 200 400 600 800 N 1000 1200 1400 1600 Figure 4.6: Stepsize variation, γ = 18 and p = 8. Chapter 5 Sturm-Liouville Problems Many phenomena in engineering and physics related to signal/image processing, applications in photonics, atom optics and telecommunication, quantum mechanics and electrodynamics are described by Sturm-Liouville problems and their solution assumes a great interest in mathematics and mathematical physics, so that different codes able to solve regular and singular SturmLiouville problems have been developed over the years. The fortran code SLEIGN introduced in [23] computes the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions of a regular and singular Sturm-Liouville problem, and in the singular case the code automatically select a boundary condition. The code is based on the Prüfer transformation and on the knowledge of the number of zeros of the eigenfunctions. After SLEIGN, a new fortran code SLEIGN2 [20, 21, 22, 23] has been developed to compute only the eigenvalues of Sturm/Liouville problems, moreover on the contrary at the first code it requires to distinguish between regular and singular endpoints and in the singular case it is necessary to describe the boundary condition appropriately. The fortran code SLEDGE [55] computes eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of regular and singular SL problems is based on a step function approximation which use a midpoint interpolation. Another fortran code SL02FM [56] is based on coefficient approximation for the automatic solution of regular and singular Sturm/Liouville problems. An alternative matlab code is MATSLISE [47], based on CP methods [44], which solves regular Schrödinger equation, regular Sturm-Liouville problems and Schrödinger equation with distorted Coulomb potentials. Moreover, largely widespread are the application of matrix methods, which consist to apply finite differences to reduce the Sturm-Liouville problem to a matrix eigenvalue problem. For the last approach correction techniques have been 104 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems developed to improve the accuracy of the computed eigenvalues. In the last years competitive results, in comparison with corrected Numerov’s method, have been reached by applying symmetric BVMs [2, 3]. In this chapter, following the idea of the matrix methods for SLPs, we discretize the continuous problem by using ECDF as main schemes [9, 10], in order to obtain an equivalent algebraic eigenvalue problem. Regular and singular SLPs are solved by the same main schemes, but with different additional conditions which depend on the regularity or singularity of the endpoints. A stepsize variation strategy, based on the equidistribution of the error, is applied in order to gain a better accuracy on the eigenfunctions estimate [11]. In the last section known Sturm-Liouville problems are solved on equidistant and variable mesh. 5.1 High order finite difference schemes We consider a general Sturm-Liouville equation −(p(x)y ′ )′ + q(x)y = λr(x)y, x ∈ (a, b), y, λ ∈ R. (5.1.1) where −∞ ≤ a < b ≤ ∞. We assume that the set of Sturm-Liouville coefficients p, q, r : I → R satisfy p−1 , q, r ∈ Lloc (I), p > 0 and r > 0 in (a, b). The equation (5.1.1) is subjected to separated boundary conditions a1 [y, u](a) + a2 [y, v](a) = 0, (a1 , a2 ) 6= (0, 0), b1 [y, u](b) + b2 [y, v](b) = 0, (b1 , b2 ) 6= (0, 0), (5.1.2) where [f, g], see Section 1.4, is defined for two admissible functions as [f, g](x) = f (x)(pg ′ )(x) − (pf ′ )(x)g(x), and u and v are two linearly independent solutions of the Sturm-Liouville equation for some arbitrary λ, [u, v](a) 6= 0 and [u, v](b) 6= 0. From Section 1.4 we say that λ is the eigenvalue, whereas y is the eigenfunction associated with λ. We consider regular and singular Sturm-Liouville problems satisfying the property −∞ < λ0 < λ1 < λ2 < λ3 < . . . with lim λn = ∞; n→∞ (5.1.3) this means that the spectrum is discrete and bounded below and only singular problems with LCNO and/or LP endpoints are considered, see Section 105 1.4. In addition, from Theorem 1.4.4 the associated eigenfunctions Yn (x) are orthogonal to each other with respect to the weight function r(x), Z b r(x)Ym (x)Yn (x)dx = 0 a if m 6= n, and m, n = 1, 2, . . . . As suggested in Section 1.4, the eigenfunctions are uniquely computed according to a specified normalization function. Furthermore, we remind that for regular Sturm-Liouville problems (5.1.1) the regular associated boundary conditions are defined as a1 y(a) + a2 (py ′ )(a) = 0, (a1 , a2 ) 6= (0, 0), b1 y(b) + b2 (py ′ )(b) = 0, (b1 , b2 ) 6= (0, 0). (5.1.4) Matrix methods, which consist in applying finite differences to a Sturm-Liouville problem and reduce it to a matrix eigenvalue problem, are largely widespread [53]. However, for this approach correction techniques are required to improve the accuracy of the computed eigenvalues [16, 54]. In the last years competitive results, in comparison with corrected Numerov’s method [16], have been reached by applying symmetric BVMs [2, 3]. Then, following the idea of the matrix method, we use the approach for BVPs in Chapter 2 to find the solution of a Sturm-Liouville problem (5.1.1)-(5.1.4). Therefore, we consider a uniform discretization of the interval [a, b] a = x0 < x1 < · · · < xn = b, (5.1.5) where xi = x0 + ih, i = 0, . . . , n, and h = (b − a)/n. We approximate the second and the first derivatives in (5.1.1) by HOGD schemes, see Chapter 2. Thus, k-steps formulae are defined by (ν) y (ν) (xi ) ≈ yi = k−s 1 X (s,ν) αj+s yi+j , hν ν = 1, 2, (5.1.6) j=−s see Proposition 2.1.2, where s = 0, . . . , k is the number of initial conditions. (s,ν) (s,ν) (s,ν) As usual, we choose the coefficients (α0 , α1 , . . . , αk ) in order that the formula (5.1.6) have maximum order. We use schemes of even order p, that is k = p for the first derivative, while for the second derivative, k = p for the scheme with symmetric stencil and k = p + 1 odd for the others. A main scheme is applied in all possible internal points of the interval, while additional formulae are used once in the extreme points. 106 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems For the second derivative just the schemes with symmetric stencil have the best stability properties, as shown in Section 2.3. For the first derivative, in Chapter 3 it is suggested to use schemes with s = (k − 2)/2 or s = (k + 2)/2 depending on the sign of the coefficient multiplying the derivative (HOGUP method). For Sturm-Liouville problems, symmetry reasons suggest to use ECDFs schemes with symmetric stencil, s = k/2. Then, we approximate the second and the first derivatives at the point xi for i = k/2, . . . , n − k by k k 2 1 X (k/2,2) y ′′ (xi ) ≈ yi′′ = 2 αj+ k yi+j , h 2 k 2 1 X (k/2,1) y ′ (xi ) ≈ yi′ = αj+ k yi+j . h 2 k j=− 2 j=− 2 (5.1.7) Additional formulae approximate the solution at the remaining points at the beginning and at the end of the interval, but their choice depends on the problem regularity and singularity. 5.2 Additional Formulae If the regular boundary conditions (5.1.4) are simply given by y(a) = y(b) = 0, (5.2.1) then for the initial schemes the formulae (5.1.6), for s = 1, . . . , k/2 − 1, approximate the derivatives at the points xs , while for the final conditions the discretization of the problem at the points xn−k+s is obtained for s = k/2 + 1, . . . , k − 1. Therefore, we discretize the BVP using D2ECDF method as in Chapter 2. In vector form if Y = (y1 , . . . , yn−1 )T is the unknowns vector, Ỹ = (y0 , Y T , yn )T , and Âν , for ν = 1, 2, are the matrices for the global approximation of the derivatives, see Definition 2.1.6, then Y (ν) = Ãν Ỹ (5.2.2) where Ãν = Âν /hν , where Ãν is a (n − 1) × (n + 1) matrix. Example 5.2.1. For the order p = 4  1 5 3 1 1  − y0 − y1 + y2 − y3 + y4 ,   4 6 2 2 12  1 2 2 1 1 yi−2 − yi−1 + yi+1 − yi+2 y ′ (xi ) ≈ yi′ = 12 3 3 12 h  1 1 3 5   − y + y − y + y 12 n−4 2 n−3 2 n−2 i=1 , 1 n−1 + yn 6 4 i = 2, . . . , n − 2 , i=n−1 107 and y ′′ (xi ) ≈ yi′′ =      5 5 1 7 1 1 y0 − y1 − y2 + y3 − y4 + y5 , i=1 6 4 3 6 2 12 4 5 4 1 1 i = 2, . . . , n − 2. yi+2 , − yi−2 + yi−1 − yi + yi+1 − 12 3 2 3 12 1 7 1 5 5 1 yn−5 − yn−4 + yn−3 − yn−2 − yn−1 + yn , i = n − 1 12 2 6 3 4 6 1 h2     Then the matrices associated to the approximation of the first and second derivatives are      1 Ã1 =  h     − 41 1 12 − 56 3 2 − 23 .. . − 12 1 12 1 − 12 2 3 0 .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. 1 2            . .. . 0 − 32 1 12 1 − 12  . 2 3 5 6 − 32 1 − 12 1 4 . (5.2.3) . (5.2.4) (n−1)×(n+1) and      1  Ã2 = 2  h      5 6 1 − 12 − 54 4 3 .. . − 13 7 6 4 3 − 52 .. . .. .. .. . 1 12 . . 1 − 12 − 12 − 21 1 − 12 .. . .. . 4 3 7 6  1 12 .. . .. . − 25 − 31 .. . 4 3 − 54 1 − 12 5 6            (n−1)×(n+1) Remark 5.2.2. We point out that when the problem (5.1.1) is singular and one or both the endpoints are LP, see Section 1.4, then no boundary conditions are needed, see Section 1.4. In this case, we add to the system (5.2.2) one or two equations obtained by (5.1.6) for s = 0 if a is a LP point and for s = k if b is a LP point. Then Ãν could be a n × (n + 1) or (n + 1) × (n + 1) matrix, respectively. Example 5.2.3. For order p = 4, the additional formulae to consider in the case a and/or b are LP are given by y ′ (x0 ) ≈ y0′ ′ y ′ (xn ) ≈ yn 1 h 1 = h = 25 4 1 y0 + 4y1 − 3y2 + y3 − y4 , 12 3 4 1 4 25 yn−4 − yn−3 + 3yn−2 − 4yn−1 + yn 4 3 12 − , 108 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems y ′′ (x0 ) ≈ y0′′ ′′ y ′′ (xn ) ≈ yn 1 h2 1 = 2 h = 77 107 15 y0 − y1 + y2 − 13y3 + 4 6 6 61 5 yn−4 − 13yn−3 + − yn−5 + 6 12 61 5 y4 − y5 , 12 6 107 77 15 yn−2 − yn−1 + yn 6 6 4 . For the boundary conditions (5.1.2)-(5.1.4), since the first derivative in the extreme points is also involved, as in Section 4.3, the initial formulae consider the value of y ′ (a) = y0′ and the approximations for i = 0, . . . , k/2 − 1 are given by   k X 1 (ν,i) (ν,i) y (ν) (xi ) ≈ ν ᾱ0 hy0′ + ν = 1, 2. (5.2.5) αj yj−1  , h j=1 On the other hand, final formulae, for i = k/2 + 1, . . . , k, are also defined by means of the value of y ′ (b) = yn′ as y (ν) (xn+i−k ) ≈ (−1)ν hν  −ᾱ0(ν,i) hyn′ + k X j=1 (ν,i) αj  yn−j+1  , ν = 1, 2. (5.2.6) In vector form if Ỹ = (y0′ , y0 , y1 , . . . , yn , yn′ )T = (y0′ , Y T , yn′ )T and Ãν , ν = 1, 2 are the (n + 1) × (n + 2) matrices associated to the global approximation of the derivatives obtained with a combination of formulae (5.1.6)-(5.2.5)-(5.2.6), then we can write Y (ν) = Ãν Ỹ . (5.2.7) Example 5.2.4. In this case for order p = 4 we obtain  ′ hy ,   −0 h y′ − 17 y0 + 1 y1 + 1 y2 − 1 y3 , 1 0 3 18 2 2 18 y ′ (xi ) ≈ yi′ = 1 1 1 17 h ′ yn−3 − yn−2 − yn−1 + yn − yn h  18 2 2 18 3 ′ hyn , and y ′′ (xi ) ≈ yi′′ =      1 h2     i=0 i=1 , i=n−1 i=n 25h ′ 8 1 415 y0 − y0 + 8y1 − 3y2 + y3 − y4 , 6 72 9 8 257 10 7 2 1 5h ′ y0 + y0 − y1 + y2 − y3 + y4 , 12 144 3 4 9 48 1 2 7 10 257 5h ′ yn−4 − yn−3 + yn−2 − yn−1 + yn − yn , 48 9 4 3 144 12 8 415 25h ′ 1 yn + yn , − yn−4 + yn−3 − 3yn−2 + 8yn−1 − 8 9 72 6 − i=0 i=1 i=n−1 i=n 109 Then the matrices are defined as h  −h 3         1   Ã1 =  h                      1   Ã2 =  2 h           17 − 18 1 2 1 2 1 − 18 1 12 −2 3 0 2 3 . . .. . .. .. 1 − 12 . .. .. .  .. . 1 12 . .. .. .. . 2 −3 . 0 1 18 −1 2 .. . 2 3 1 − 12 1 −2 17 18 −h 3 h − 25h 6 − 415 72 8 −3 8 9 1 8 5h 12 257 144 − 10 3 7 4 −2 9 1 48 4 3 5 −2 4 3 1 − 12 1 − 12 .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . 1 − 12 . .. .. .                      , (5.2.8) (n+1)×(n+3)  . .. .. 4 3 . 5 −2 1 48 −2 9 −1 8 8 9 .. . 4 3 1 − 12 7 4 − 10 3 257 144 − 5h 12 −3 8 − 415 72 25h 6                        . (n+1)×(n+3) (5.2.9) Obviously, the absence of one of the first derivative term in the boundary conditions allows us to simplify initial and final schemes as said previously. We can distinguish two different cases. (i) If boundary conditions involve y ′ (a), then we consider Ỹ = [y0′ , y0 , y1 , y2 , . . . , yn−1 ]T . Formulae (5.2.5) are considered at the points xi , i = 0, . . . , k/2 − 1, while formulae (5.1.6) approximate the derivatives at the final points xi , i = n − k/2 + 1, . . . , n − 1, y0 y1 . . . y k −1 y k . . . yn− k yn− k +1 yn− k +2 . . . yn−1 . 2 {z 2 } 2 {z2 } | | 2 k 2 initial methods k −1 final 2 methods (ii) If boundary conditions involve y ′ (b), then we have Ỹ = [y0 , y1 , . . . , yn−1 , yn , yn′ ]T . Formulae (5.1.6) approximate the derivatives at the points xi , i = 1, . . . , k/2 − 1, while formulae (5.2.6) are considered at the final points xi , i = n − k/2 + 1, . . . , n, y1 . . . y k −1 | {z 2 } k −1 initial 2 methods y k . . . yn− k yn− k +1 yn− k +2 . . . yn−1 yn . 2 2 2 {z } | 2 k 2 final methods 110 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems Initial Value Problem For Theorem 1.4.15 the singular initial value problem defined by (5.1.1) with the singular initial conditions [y, u] (a) = γ1 , [y, v] (a) = γ2 , (5.2.10) has a unique solution on the interval [a, b]. As in [9], the numerical solution of (5.1.1)-(5.2.10) on the mesh (5.1.5) can be computed applying the main formula (5.1.6) at the points xi , for i = k/2, . . . , n − k, while additional formulae (5.2.5), involving y ′ (a), are taken in consideration for the approximations at the points xi , for i = 0, . . . , k/2. Final formulae are given by (5.1.6) for i = n − k + 1, . . . , n − 1. Therefore, in vector form the global approximation for the second and the first derivatives is given by Y (ν) = Ãν Ỹ (5.2.11) where Ỹ = (y0′ , y0 , . . . , yn )T and Ãν , for ν = 1, 2, are n × (n + 2) matrices. 5.3 Algebraic solution of Sturm-Liouville problems We apply high order finite difference schemes to Sturm-Liouville equations (5.1.1) rewritten as −p(x)y ′′ − p′ (x)y ′ + q(x)y = λr(x)y, x ∈ [a, b], y, λ ∈ R (5.3.1) subjected, for simplicity, to regular boundary conditions (5.2.1). Then the discrete problem associated with (5.1.1) can be written as R−1 (−P A2 − P1 A1 + Q) Y = λY (5.3.2) where R, P , P1 and Q are diagonal matrices of size n−1 containing r(xi ), p(xi ), p′ (xi ) and q(xi ), i = 1, . . . , n − 1, respectively. The square matrices A1 and A2 are extracted by Ã1 and Ã2 in (5.2.2) neglecting the first and the last column, which are multiplied by y0 = yn = 0 and we remind Y = (y1 , . . . , yn−1 )T . Then, seek eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of (5.1.1)-(5.2.1) is equivalent to solving the algebraic eigenvalue problem of the sparse matrix M = R−1 (−P A2 − P1 A1 + Q) Hence, algebraic methods may be used to compute the eigenvalues. For general regular boundary conditions (5.1.4), where a1 , a2 , b1 and b2 are nonnull, the idea is always to bring the computation of the eigenvalues and 111 eigenfunctions of the problem (5.1.1) back an equivalent algebraic problem. Then, from (5.2.7) the approximation of (5.3.1) is given by ³ ´ R̃−1 −P̃ Ã2 − P̃1 Ã1 + Q̃I Ỹ = λY, (5.3.3) where Ỹ = (y0′ , Y, yn′ )T , with Y = (y0 , y1 , . . . , yn )T , and Iˆ = [On+1 In+1 On+1 ] is a (n + 1) × (n + 3) matrix with In+1 the identity matrix of size n + 1 and On+1 the null vector. Moreover, R̃, P̃ , P̃1 and Q̃ are diagonal matrices of size n + 1 containing r(xi ), p(xi ), p′ (xi ) and q(xi ), i = 0, . . . , n. As a consequence of (5.1.4), we consider a matrix of transformation   a2 p(a) a1   1     .. D= .  .     1 b1 b2 p(b) (n+3)×(n+3) such that DỸ = (a1 y0 + a2 p(a)y0′ , y0 , . . . , yn , b1 yn + b2 p(b)yn′ )T contains the first and the last element which are zero. Then (5.3.3) is equivalent to ³ ´ ³ ´ R̃−1 −P̃ Ã2 − P̃1 Ã1 + Q̃I D−1 DỸ = R̃−1 −P̃ A2 − P̃1 A1 + Q̃ Y = λY, where A2 and A1 are again square matrices extracted by the rectangular matrices Ã2 D−1 and Ã1 D−1 , respectively, erasing the first and the last column. As in the previous case we obtain an algebraic eigenvalue problem, M Y = λY , whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors are approximations of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the original problem (5.3.1)-(5.1.2). We proceed in an analogous way for an eigenvalue problem with initial conditions defined in Section 5.2. We point also out that, if a and b are LP problem ³ points, then the algebraic ´ T −1 has Y = (y0 , y1 , . . . , yn ) and M = R̃ −P̃ Ã2 − P̃1 Ã1 + Q̃ , with R̃, P̃ , P̃1 and Q̃ are diagonal matrices of size n + 1 containing r(xi ), p(xi ), p′ (xi ) and q(xi ), i = 0, . . . , n. The square matrices Ã2 and Ã1 are straight obtained by applying the high order difference schemes. In general, considering a singular SLP (5.3.1) with boundary conditions (5.1.2) we can always obtain an equivalent algebraic problem of the form M · Y = λY. (5.3.4) 112 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems We can summarize that the numerical method applied to (5.1.1) yields a square matrix M , therefore the computation of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions is reduced to solve an algebraic problem (5.3.4) by means of an algebraic method. The eigenvalues of such matrix are in general good approximations of the first eigenvalues of (5.1.1)-(5.1.2). In the case of boundary conditions depending nonlinearly on the parameter λ, the algebraic method is not enough to guarantee a good accuracy for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions estimate. For this reason the approximations of the k-th eigenvalue λk and the corresponding eigenfunction are computed by the solution of a nonlinear problem with unknowns y1 , . . . , yn , λk :  ′′ ′  i = 1, . . . , n, p(ti )yi + q(ti )yi + r(ti )yi = λk yi , n X  yi2 = 1,  i=0 where the last row is a normalization condition for the eigenfunction. 5.4 Stepsize and Order Variation Strategy This section explains how to compute the kth eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenfunction. We observe that (see [3]) finite differences appear to maintain their accuracy only in the computation of the first eigenvalue, while a loss of order is observed for the kth, k > 1, eigenvalue; for example three-point scheme causes an error of O(k 4 h2 ) in the approximation of the kth eigenvalue. Our idea is to apply a strategy to compute a good estimation of the kth eigenvalue based on the Matlab function eigs, which computes smallest (largest) eigenvalues in absolute value. Firstly we consider an uniform mesh π as in (5.1.5) with n = 30 and start off computing the first eigenvalue λ0 by means of the matlab function eig in order that its numerical relative error satisfies a given tolerance 10−2 , this means ¯ ¯ ¯ (p) (p+2) ¯ ¯λ0 − λ0 ¯ ¯ ¯ < 10−2 , ¯ (p+2) ¯ ¯ ¯λ0 (p) (p+2) where λ0 and λ0 are approximations of the first eigenvalue obtained using two consecutive even orders p and p + 2. After that using the matlab function eigs, which calculate the first k largest in magnitude eigenvalues of a sparse matrix starting from λ0 , we estimate the 113 approximation of the kth eigenvalue in order to satisfy an error tolerance equal to 10−3 , that is ¯ ¯ ¯ (p) (p+2) ¯ λ − λ ¯ ¯ k k ¯ ¯ < 10−3 , (5.4.1) ¯ (p+2) ¯ ¯ ¯λk (p) (p+2) where λk and λk are approximations with two consecutive even orders p and p + 2. We point out that, as a consequence of (5.1.3), we calculate the smallest eigenvalues of M − λ0 I, so that the eigenvalues are computed in the correct order. This procedure guarantees us to have a good approximation of the desired eigenvalue λk . If n + 1 is the number of mesh points needed to calculate this first good approximation, then considering an uniform mesh with n equidistant intervals we compute the new approximation of λk on the uniform mesh; moreover, by means of the function eigs we evaluate only the kth eigenvalue, since we calculate the first eigenvalue close to the previous good approximation of λk . We can summarize this procedure in the following algorithm. Algorithm 4. Algorithm for the first estimation of λk and yk 1. n = 30; 2. x e = a : (b − a)/n : b; 3. itol = 10−2 ; (p) 4. λ0 (p+2) = eig(Mp ), λ0 5. while errk = (p) (λ0 − = eig(Mp+2 ); (p+2) (p+2) λ0 )/λ0 < itol & n < nmax; 6. n = n + 10, update Mp and Mp+2 ; 7. λ0 (p) (p+2) = eig(Mp ), λ0 = eig(Mp+2 ); 8. end; (p) (p) (p+2) 9. λk = eigs(Mp , k, λ0 ), λk (p) = eig(Mp+2 , k, λ0 ); 10. while errk < itol/10 & n < nmax; 11. n = 2n, update Mp and Mp+2 ; 12. λk = eigs(Mp , k, λ0 ) and λk (p) (p) (p+2) (p) = eigs(Mp+2 , k, λ0 ); 13. end; (p) 14. [yk , λk ] = eigs(Mp , k, λk ); For the largest eigenvalue a good accuracy of the corresponding eigenfunction on a uniform mesh requires a large number n of mesh points. In order to improve the precision of the eigenfunctions preserving a small number of mesh points, we consider a stepsize variation strategy based on the equidistribution of the error, seen in Section 3.4. 114 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems Given a mesh π as in (5.1.5) and an error tolerance T OL, our aim is to compute a variable mesh π ∗ with a small number of points n∗ such that the error ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ (k) (5.4.2) ei = ¯yi − y (k) (xi )¯ < T OL, i = 0, . . . , n∗ , (k) where yi is the numerical approximation of kth eigenfunction on the new mesh π ∗ . Estimation error is obtained considering the numerical error of two solutions computed with orders p and p + 2. When a good approximation of the eigenvalue λk has been estimated by using Algorithm 4, then if the relative error for the eigenvalue approximation and the absolute error for the eigenfunction approximation are not less than T OL, then we proceed applying a stepsize variation strategy based on the equidistribution. From Section 3.4, we know that if T (x) is the monitor function, then to predict the new mesh size we have to compute µ µ ¶ ¶ n X T (xi ) 1/p T (xi ) 1/p r2 r1 = max hi hi r2 = , r3 = , 0≤i≤n TOL TOL n i=0 where the ratio rr13 gives some information about the equidistribution; in fact, if the ratio is large, the maximum error estimate is larger than the average one, this means that the mesh is not well equidistributed. Moreover we require to check that r1 < 1.2 (5.4.3) r3 so that we can distinguish two cases. (i) If (5.4.3) is satisfied, then the mesh is sufficiently equidistributed and the new mesh is obtained doubling the points, that is, we have π ∗ = {x1 , x3/2 , x2 , . . . , xn−1 , x(n+1/2) , xn }. (ii) If (5.4.3) is not checked, then r2 predicts the number of mesh points satisfying the tolerance TOL. Then we predict the number of mesh points n∗ = max{min(n, 2.5n), n/2} in place of r2 , in order to avoid incorrect conclusions early. Then the new mesh π ∗ is computed by Z 1 x t(x) := T (ξ)1/p d ξ (5.4.4) θ a and known xi we may finding xi+1 such that t(xi+1 ) = i . n (5.4.5) 115 Since we want to preserve the properties of the methods on the equidistant points, we modify this value of n∗ in order to obtain a piecewise variable stepsize with blocks of p + 4 equidistant points. For this reason we consider ⌈n∗ /(k + 4)⌉ as the predict number of mesh points and compute the new mesh by (5.4.4)-(5.4.5), after that we put p + 4 equidistant points in each interval. We also underline that the mesh is doubled if n∗ has already been used for two consecutive times. Hence, we decide to change stepsize at least every k + 4 points, that is we use 3 constant steps methods before changing the stepsize, if necessary, and bound the ratio of two consecutive stepsizes v according to the values in Table 5.1. Table 5.1: Maximum ratio between two successive steps. order v 4 4 6 3 8 2 10 1.5 We can summarize the equidistribution algorithm as follows. Algorithm 5. function x = monitor (err, x e, ord, T OL) 1. n = length(e x) − 1; 2. h = x e(2 : n) − x e(1 : n − 1); 3. T = max(err(2 : n + 1), err(1 : n))ˆ(1/ord); 4. r1 = kT k∞ ; 5. n∗ = ⌊kT k1 /T OLˆ(1/ord)⌋; 6. r3 = kT k1 /n; 7. if r1 /r3 ≤ 1.2 & n∗ ≥ 2 · n 8. x is obtained halving the step-length vector h 9. n∗ = 2 · n 116 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems 10. else 11. n∗ = max(min(n∗ , ⌊2.5 · n⌋), ⌊n/2⌋); 12. n∗ = ⌈n∗ /(k + 4)⌉ 13. I = [0 cumsum(T )]/kT k1 ; 14. z = 0 : 1/n∗ : 1; 15. x b = linear_interp(I, x e, z); 16. x = piecewise_grid(b x, ord + 4); 17. end We also impose an order variation strategy which consists in requiring different error tolerances for each order; moreover, the solution obtained with each order is modified by the monitor function for preserving the required piecewise structure and it is used for the next order as initial mesh. The simple algorithm is the following. Algorithm 6. Order Variation Given p = [4, 6, 8, 10] and T OL = [T OL1 , T OL2 , T OL3 , T OL4 ] such that T OL1 > T OL2 > T OL3 > T OL4 . 1. s = length(p) ; 2. for i = 1 : s 3. Calculate yk , λk with the method of ° ° ° ° (p) (p+2) (x)° < T OL(i) & °yk − yk ∞ 4. end 5.5 order p(i) such that ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ (p) (p+2) ¯ ¯ (p+2) ¯ ¯ < T OL(i); ¯ / ¯λk ¯λk − λk Test Problems In this section we contemplate some examples on regular and singular SturmLiouville problems, defined on bounded or unbounded intervals. For the unbounded interval we transform it in a limited one. Constant stepsize allows us to estimate the numerical order of convergence, but, as we discuss in Section 5.4, for a better accuracy of the eigenfunctions associated with the larger eigenvalues, we consider variable stepsize too. We remind that the matlab 117 code uses the function eigs to compute the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the algebraic problem. Moreover, we also point out that for singular problems the coefficients of Sturm-Liouville problems could be not defined in the endpoints of the interval [a, b], so that we consider the truncated interval [α, β] with a < α < β < b, as in [50]. When a method of order p is used, the relative error for the kth eigenvalue is given by ¯ ¯ ¯ (p) (p+2) ¯ ¯λk − λk ¯ ¯ ¯ , (5.5.1) Er (λk ) = ¯ (p+2) ¯ ¯ ¯λk while the absolute error for the eigenfunction associated to λk is defined as ° ° ° (p) (p+2) ° (5.5.2) Ea (yk ) = °yk − yk ° . ∞ When the theoretical value of the eigenvalue is known we may calculate also the theoretical relative error as ¯ ¯ ¯ (p) ¯ ¯λk − λk ¯ Erteor (λk ) = . (5.5.3) |λk | Example 5.5.1. We consider the Klotter problem (see [58]) defined as −y ′′ (x) + 64π 2 3 y(x) = λ 6 y(x), 2 4x 9x x ∈ [8/7, 8], a = 8/7 regular, b = 8 regular, with boundary conditions y(8/7) = y(8) = 0. The eigenvalues are λk = (k + 1)2 , k = 0, 1, . . . The problem is regular and the classical D2ECDFs are applied as discussed in Section 5.2. Table 5.2 shows as the numerical order is preserved for each eigenvalue, with the exception of λ4 and order 6, since in this case the numerical order is not reliable for the number of mesh points chosen, even if the relative error decreases. It is unmistakable as greater eigenvalues require more equidistant points than the smaller ones in order to reach a good approximations. A better accuracy is gained with higher order methods. 118 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems For this reason in Table 5.3 we show the theoretical relative error for the eigenvalues and the numerical absolute error for the eigenfunctions, which are both obtained applying the same schemes and using the stepsize and order variation strategy in Section 5.4. We choose to start with order 4 and change order for T OL = 10−3 , 10−6 , 10−8 . The exit condition is T OL = 10−11 and it is reached with order 10, this means that we use all even order from 4 to 10. We underline as n0 is the initial number of mesh points in order to have a good initial estimation of the eigenvalue satisfying (5.4.1); n is the final number of mesh points. In Table 5.3 we compare the results obtained by this strategy with those using the minimum stepsize hmin of the variable mesh as a constant stepsize for [a, b]. It is clearly visible that the number of points is much reduced if the order and stepsize variation strategy is applied, and this behavior is more evident for the largest eigenvalues. In Figure 5.1 we draw the eigenfunction associated with λ4 on a variable mesh and exit condition T OL = 10−11 , while in the Figure 5.2 we plot the absolute error of the same eigenfunction and also the obtained stepsize variation. Example 5.5.2. The regular problem (see [58]) µ ¶′ 1 1 − √ y ′ (x) = λ √ y(x), 2 1−x 1 − x2 a = −1 regular, b = 1 regular x ∈ [−1, 1], has boundary conditions y(−1) = y(1) = 0. It is important to specify that, though being defined regular, it has the coefficients p(x) and r(x) not defined in the endpoints and hence it looks singular. This example is meaningful since it shows as this ‘singular’ behavior wreaks a loss of order. In fact the results in Table 5.4 bear out the slow convergence and the numerical order reaches the same constant value for every eigenvalue and order of the method. Here it is known from [58] that λ0 = 3.559279966, λ9 = 258.8005854 and λ24 = 1572.635284. Example 5.5.3. The Paine problem (see [44]) is defined as −((u + x)3 y ′ (x))′ + 4(u + x)y(x) = λ(u + x)5 y(x), √ √ 2 + 2π) = 0 and u = with boundary conditions y(0) = y(−u + u 2 x ∈ √ (0, −u + u2 + 2π). For this regular problem we apply the order and stepsize variation strategy starting with order 6 and changing order for T OL = 119 Table 5.2: Example 5.5.1 - Numerical order of convergence. p=4 λ0 λ4 λ24 Mesh 200 400 600 800 300 600 900 1.200 1.500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Error 1.01e-05 9.19e-07 1.90e-07 6.08e-08 2.88e-04 2.05e-06 9.42e-07 4.75e-07 2.31e-07 5.69e-05 2.79e-05 1.47e-05 8.30e-06 5.00e-06 p=6 Order 3.45 3.89 3.96 7.13 1.92 2.38 3.24 3.19 3.53 3.70 3.79 - p=8 Error Order Error Order 4.26e-07 5.97e-09 3.63e-10 4.38e-11 9.14e-05 1.92e-08 7.42e-09 8.39e-10 6.86e-11 5.53e-06 1.20e-06 3.40e-07 1.18e-07 4.81e-08 6.16 6.91 7.35 12.22 2.34 7.57 11.22 6.85 6.92 6.85 6.74 - 1.61e-07 4.01e-10 1.01e-11 1.55e-13 2.64e-05 9.95e-08 1.75e-09 7.82e-11 4.33e-12 3.33e-07 6.58e-08 1.31e-08 3.03e-09 8.05e-10 8.65 9.08 1.45 8.05 9.96 10.81 12.97 7.27 8.84 9.51 9.93 - Constant Variable Table 5.3: Example 5.5.1 - Numerical and theoretical relative error for the eigenvalue λk and absolute error for the corresponding eigenfunction obtained for variable order and stepsize strategy with exit tolerance T OL = 10−11 and compared with constant stepsize hmin . k n0 n hmin Er (λk ) Erteor (λk ) Ea (yk ) ñ = (b − a)/hmin Er (λk ) Erteor (λk ) Ea (yk ) 0 21 169 9.40e-03 2.67e-13 2.67e-13 2.89e-13 731 2.11e-13 6.17e-13 1.725e-13 4 41 379 3.36e-03 2.06e-13 2.06e-13 4.47e-13 2039 5.51e-12 1.72e-13 1.70e-11 24 501 2102 7.47e-04 4.07e-14 4.07e-14 3.69e-13 9177 7.02e-12 1.28e-12 1.21e-10 120 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 y4(x) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x Figure 5.1: Example 5.5.1 - Eigenfunction associated to λ4 computed with variable stepsize with exit tolerance T OL = 10−11 . −12 Absolute error 10 −13 10 −14 10 −15 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 Number of mesh points 300 350 400 −1 Stepsize 10 −2 10 −3 10 Figure 5.2: Example 5.5.1 - Absolute error for y4 (x) and stepsize variation with exit tolerance T OL = 10−11 . 121 Table 5.4: Example 5.5.2 - Numerical order of convergence. p=4 λ0 λ9 λ24 Mesh 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 9000 12000 15000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Error p=6 Order 1.57e-05 5.56e-06 3.03e-06 1.97e-06 2.93e-06 1.59e-06 1.04e-06 7.41e-07 2.13e-06 1.16e-06 7.53e-07 5.38e-07 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 - Error 1.41e-05 5.00e-06 2.72e-06 1.77e-06 2.63e-06 1.43e-06 9.31e-07 6.66e-07 1.91e-06 1.04e-06 6.76e-07 4.84e-07 p=8 Order 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 - Error 1.26e-05 4.44e-06 2.42e-06 1.57e-06 2.34e-06 1.27e-06 8.27e-07 5.92e-07 1.70e-06 9.25e-07 6.00e-07 4.30e-07 Order 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 - 10−3 , 10−6 . The exit condition is T OL = 10−9 and is reached with order 10. In this case we use only three consecutive even orders. The estimations obtained are comparable with those in MATSLISE [47]. In Table 5.5 we display the numerical relative and absolute errors for the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions, respectively. Moreover, we consider n0 to be the initial number of constant mesh points which guarantees a good initial approximation of the eigenvalue by (5.4.1) and n is the final number of points required for obtaining the exit tolerance T OL = 10−9 . In the same table we compare these results with those reached using the minimum stepsize of the variable mesh hmin as a constant stepsize for [a, b]. It is clearly visible that the order and stepsize variation strategy allows us to reach the precision required almost halving the number of the equidistant points ñ = (b − a)/hmin . We point out that, for variable stepsize, we have the same accuracy for the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions. On the contrary, with constant stepsize the first eigenvalues are better approximated than the larger ones, and the eigenvalues approximations are much more accurate than the eigenfunctions ones. Example 5.5.4. The truncated hydrogen equation (see [58]) is defined as, −y ′′ (x) + µ 1 2 − 2 x x a = 0 LP, b = 1000 regular. ¶ y(x) = λy(x), x ∈ [0, 1000], 122 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems Constant Variable Table 5.5: Example 5.5.3 - Numerical and theoretical relative error for the eigenvalue λk and absolute error for the corresponding eigenfunction obtained for variable order and stepsize strategy with exit tolerance T OL = 10−9 and compared with constant stepsize hmin . k n0 n hmin Er (λk ) Ea (yk ) ñ = (b − a) /hmin Er (λk ) Ea (yk ) 0 16 99 1.29e-02 3.89e-13 3.72e-11 245 8.30e-13 6.02e-13 4 21 183 9.89e-03 1.53e-12 8.29e-12 319 1.80e-13 3.22e-13 19 41 519 3.21e-03 1.08e-12 4.58e-12 979 9.31e-15 2.17e-13 24 51 603 2.57e-03 1.41e-12 6.72e-12 1224 1.20e-13 1.08e-12 The only condition is y(1000) = 0. The eigenvalues are λk = − 1 , k = 0, 1, . . . (2k + 4)2 Since a = 0 is LP, no boundary condition is required and an initial method approximates the problem in the left endpoint, see Remark 5.2.2. Since q(x) = 2/x2 − 1/x is not defined in a, we also truncate the interval (see [50]) and choose α > a close to zero. Moreover, the results in Table 5.6 show that the numerical order is gained, the convergence for order 8 shows results less reliable for the choice of the mesh points, even if the accuracy improves with the higher order. We emphasize that, on a truncated interval, a good eigenvalue estimation is reached until k = 9, since when k increases the eigenfunction is not zero in the right endpoint and oscillations range on a greater interval. In order to compare the results with the next problem, we have also drawn the eigenfunction associated to λ4 in Figure 5.3 (above). Example 5.5.5. The Hydrogen atom equation in Example 5.5.4 is integrated for x ∈ [0, ∞], where b = ∞ LP. With respect to the previous example, both endpoints are LP and no boundary conditions are given, so we consider one initial and final methods to approximate the problem in both endpoints. Moreover, the upper unbounded interval 123 Table 5.6: Example 5.5.4 - Numerical order of convergence. p=4 λ0 λ4 λ9 Mesh 500 1000 1500 2000 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Error 2.18e-03 1.16e-04 3.49e-05 1.23e-05 7.36e-04 2.95e-05 8.57e-06 2.97e-06 1.26e-06 1.44e-05 4.23e-06 1.47e-06 6.24e-07 p=6 Order 4.23 2.96 3.62 4.64 3.05 3.68 3.84 3.02 3.67 3.84 - Error 9.77e-04 8.22e-06 5.56e-07 8.91e-08 1.17e-04 5.98e-07 3.64e-08 5.68e-09 1.41e-09 2.35e-07 1.39e-08 2.15e-09 5.31e-10 p=8 Order 6.89 6.64 6.37 7.61 6.90 6.45 6.24 6.98 6.48 6.27 - Error Order 2.00e-04 2.92e-07 3.17e-09 1.61e-11 9.75e-06 8.38e-09 8.82e-11 1.45e-12 3.17e-13 2.54e-09 2.69e-11 1.15e-12 1.65e-13 9.42 11.15 18.34 10.18 11.23 14.28 6.81 11.22 10.95 8.72 - is transformed by means of the simple change of variable x̃i = 1 − √ 1 ∈ [0, 1]. 1 + xi Obviously a constant stepsize in [0, 1] gives a solution with variable stepsize in the original interval, as it is possible to see in Figure 5.3 (below), in fact we truncate the solution, obtained in the interval (0, ∞), in b = 1000, so that it is possible to compare the mesh selection with the solution of Example 5.5.4 plotted in Figure 5.3 (above). Conversely to Example 5.5.4 few points ensure a good approximation and numerical order is preserved. As noted in the other examples greatest accuracy is guaranteed by higher order methods. However, as shown in Table 5.7 the number of mesh points increases much more when the greatest eigenvalues are computed, for this reason we apply only the stepsize variation strategy for the smallest eigenvalues, see from Table 5.8 to Table 5.10. For the greatest eigenvalues we consider also the order variation strategy, as shown in Table 5.11 and Table 5.12. The results in Table 5.8 and Table 5.9 seem to confirm that the higher orders 8 and 10 give a better accuracy with few points for the first eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Moreover, comparing the results in Table 5.8 with those in Table 5.7 it is evident that we do not gain much on the number of points. In Table 5.10 we display the stepsize and order variation strategy for the computation of the eigenvalue λ4 and the eigenfunction y4 . We start with order 6 and T OL = 10−6 and we reach the solution with order 10 and exit 124 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems 1 0.8 0.6 y4(x) 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 0 200 400 600 800 1000 800 1000 x (a) Example 5.5.4. 1 0.8 0.6 y4(x) 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 0 200 400 600 x (b) Example 5.5.5. Figure 5.3: Eigenfunctions y4 (x) computed by the order 6 method with 300 points in the interval [0, 1000] (above) and in the interval (0, ∞) truncated at b = 1000 (below). 125 Table 5.7: Example 5.5.5 - Numerical order of convergence. p=4 λ0 λ4 λ9 λ24 Mesh 100 150 200 250 200 400 600 800 500 1000 1500 2000 2000 4000 6000 8000 Error 2.79e-06 5.53e-07 1.75e-07 7.19e-08 3.16e-04 2.03e-05 4.03e-06 1.28e-06 8.14e-04 5.25e-05 1.04e-05 3.31e-06 2.76e-03 1.81e-04 3.61e-05 1.15e-05 p=6 Order 3.99 3.99 4.00 3.96 3.99 3.99 3.95 3.98 3.99 3.93 3.97 3.99 - Error 4.62e-08 4.13e-09 7.40e-10 1.94e-10 2.14e-05 3.59e-07 3.19e-08 5.72e-09 6.87e-05 1.16e-06 1.03e-07 1.85e-08 3.73e-04 6.53e-06 5.85e-07 1.05e-07 p=8 Order 5.96 5.98 5.99 5.90 5.97 5.98 5.89 5.96 5.98 5.84 5.95 5.97 - Error Order 1.60e-09 6.51e-11 6.53e-12 1.21e-12 2.21e-06 9.88e-09 5.53e-10 1.52e-11 7.70e-06 3.46e-08 1.46e-09 8.89e-11 6.09e-05 2.85e-07 1.15e-08 1.10e-09 7.89 7.99 7.55 7.80 7.11 12.48 7.80 7.80 9.74 7.74 7.93 8.14 - condition T OL = 10−10 . The order and stepsize variation strategy give us a better accuracy with a small number of points, as a matter of fact in Table 5.7 more equidistant points are required for reaching the same precision for order 8. Moreover, if we use 350 equidistant points and order 10, then we obtain relative error Er (λ4 ) = 1.27e−09 for the eigenvalue and absolute error Ea (y4 ) = 2.72e−07 for the eigenfunction, the precision is worst and, also increasing the number of the equidistant points until 5000, it remains unchanged. In Figure 5.4 and Figure 5.5 we show the eigenfunction y4 (x) and the final stepsize variation obtained in Table 5.10. For the eigenvalues λ9 and λ24 we apply the order and stepsize variation strategy starting with order 8 and T OL = 10−6 and we proceed using order 10 and T OL = 10−10 . In both cases, Table 5.11 and Table 5.12 show that the results are more accurate and require a small number of mesh points with respect to of those in Table 5.7 for order 8. Moreover, for λ9 if we use 753 equidistant points, Er (λ9 ) = 1.88e−08 and Ea (y9 ) = 2.17e−06, while taking 3264 equidistant points for λ24 , Er (λ24 ) = 9.66e−08 and Ea (y24 ) = 1.89e−05. We point out also that with 5000 points we have still 9 digits correct for the eigenvalue and 7 for the eigenfunctions in the both cases. The order and variation strategy gives us a finer mesh. 126 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems 4 3 2 y4(x) 1 0 −1 −2 −3 0 200 400 600 800 1000 x Figure 5.4: Example 5.5.5 - Eigenfunction y4 (x) obtained with 341 mesh points, see Table 5.10, initial order 8 and exit condition T OL = 10−10 . The solution is truncated at x = 1000. −3 9 x 10 8 7 Stepsize 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 Number of mesh points 300 350 400 Figure 5.5: Example 5.5.5 - Stepsize variation for last step in Table 5.10 for λ4 , exit condition T OL = 10−10 . 127 Table 5.8: Example 5.5.5 - Mesh selection steps for the estimation of λ0 and y0 using the variable stepsize strategy, order p = 8 and exit condition T OL = 10−10 . Mesh Er (λ0 ) Erteor (λ0 ) Ea (y0 ) hmin hmax p=8 31 7.93e-06 1.23e-05 2.83e-04 3.33e-02 3.33e-02 T OL = 10−10 84 191 2.78e-09 4.72e-12 2.23e-09 4.73e-12 1.63e-07 1.86e-11 8.96e-03 2.71e-03 1.72e-02 1.25e-02 Table 5.9: Example 5.5.5 - Mesh selection steps for the estimation of λ0 and y0 using the variable stepsize strategy, order p = 10 and exit condition T OL = 10−10 . Mesh Er (λ0 ) Erteor (λ0 ) Ea (y0 ) hmin hmax p = 10 T OL = 10−10 31 82 135 1.90e-06 3.58e-10 1.71e-12 4.36e-06 5.24e-10 1.80e-12 1.61e-04 2.29e-08 5.24e-11 3.33e-02 9.15e-03 4.15e-03 3.33e-02 1.74e-02 1.51e-02 Example 5.5.6. The Legendre equation (see [37]) is defined as 1 −((1 − x2 )y ′ )′ (x) + y(x) = λy(x), 4 a = −1 LCNO, b = 1 LCNO. x ∈ [−1, 1], The boundary conditions [y, u] (−1) = − (py ′ ) (−1) = 0 [y, u] (1) = − (py ′ ) (1) = 0 are obtained from (5.1.2) setting a1 = b1 = 1, a2 = b2 = 0, u(x) = 1 and v(x) = ln ((1 + x)/(1 − x)). The eigenvalues are ¶ µ 1 2 , k = 0, 1, . . . , λk = k + 2 128 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems Table 5.10: Example 5.5.5 - Mesh selection steps for the estimation of λ4 and y4 using the order and stepsize variation strategy, we start with order p = 8 and exit condition T OL = 10−10 . Mesh Er (λ4 ) Erteor (λ4 ) Ea (y4 ) hmin hmax p = 8 T OL = 10−6 121 269 6.51e-05 1.30e-08 9.66e-05 1.55e-08 1.98e-03 5.83e-07 8.32e-03 2.40e-03 8.32e-03 6.49e-03 p = 10 T OL = 10−10 244 341 2.93e-11 4.37e-13 1.73e-11 4.82e-13 1.12e-08 2.73e-11 2.07e-03 9.70e-04 8.92e-03 7.93e-03 Table 5.11: Example 5.5.5 - Mesh selection steps for the estimation of λ9 and y9 using the order and stepsize variation strategy, we start with order p = 8 and exit condition T OL = 10−10 . Mesh Er (λ9 ) Erteor (λ9 ) Ea (y9 ) hmin hmax p = 8 T OL = 10−6 241 631 672 8.87e-04 3.48e-08 2.06e-09 1.61e-03 3.57e-08 2.11e-09 3.58e-02 3.81e-06 3.33e-07 4.16e-03 9.42e-04 6.29e-04 4.16e-03 3.22e-03 4.67e-03 p = 10 T OL = 10−10 621 753 1.13e-11 5.58e-13 1.19e-11 6.16e-13 1.72e-09 2.98e-11 5.52e-04 3.33e-04 5.48e-03 6.26e-03 while the kth Legendre polynomial is the corresponding eigenfunction. Since the function p is null in the endpoints, an initial and a final method approximate the solution in the both endpoints substituting the boundary conditions. The results obtained for small k show that 20 points are enough for a very good approximation, consequently the numerical order is estimated for k = 9, 24, 49. We underline that the numerical order is preserved and sometimes exceeds the order expected. Moreover, the number of points required to reach a prescribed accuracy is proportional to k and higher order methods guarantee a better accuracy. The constant stepsize gives a good accuracy for the smallest eigenvalues, for this reason in Table 5.14 and Table 5.15 we consider an order and stepsize variation only for the largest eigenvalues λ24 and λ49 . In both cases we start using order 6 and T OL = [10−3 , 10−6 ] and we satisfy the exit 129 Table 5.12: Example 5.5.5 - Mesh selection steps for the estimation of λ24 and y24 using the order and stepsize variation strategy, we start with order p = 8 and exit condition T OL = 10−10 . Mesh Er (λ24 ) Erteor (λ24 ) Ea (y24 ) hmin hmax p = 8 T OL = 10−6 961 2476 2522 4.70e-03 8.71e-08 2.44e-09 1.12e-02 9.05e-08 2.47e-09 6.54e-01 1.45e-05 4.36e-07 1.04e-03 1.93e-04 1.03e-04 1.04e-03 9.81e-04 1.99e-03 p = 10 T OL = 10−10 2133 3264 4.63e-11 1.34e-13 4.69e-11 4.34e-13 1.80e-08 3.87e-11 8.65e-05 3.92e-05 2.80e-03 3.16e-03 condition T OL = 10−8 with order 10, so that we use three consecutive orders 6, 8, 10. As we have noted in the other examples, the number of mesh points decreases with the order and stepsize variation strategy, on the other hand the accuracy is improved. If we consider 464 equidistant points for λ24 , then Er (λ24 ) = 2.61e−10 and Ea (y24 ) = 1.23e−08, while for the eigenvalue λ49 we have Er (λ49 ) = 1.13e−09 and Ea (y49 ) = 1.52e−07 with 1632 equidistant points. This means that the strategy in Section 5.3 allows us to gain a good accuracy with a finer mesh, since increase the number of the equidistant points is not enough to reach the desired precision. Therefore, in Figure 5.6 we plot the eigenfunction y4 (x) obtained with order 6 and 301 equidistant points and in Figure 5.7 we draw the eigenfunction λ24 on a variable mesh as already explained. A Singular Self-Adjoint Sturm–Liouville Problem In this section we consider the solution of a singular self-adjoint Sturm-Liouville problem associated to the computation of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a finite truncated Hankel transform, see[13], since in the recent years these computations have assumed a great importance in some applications. In a 2D-case, the eigenfunctions of the Fourier transform truncated to a circle can be expressed using the eigenfunctions of the finite truncated Hankel transform (FHT). FHT are used in signal/image processing, see [46, 48, 62], and they become a powerful tool in the numerical optical analysis, as well as in the spectral estimation of the 2D-processes. They are also employed for an optimal antenna synthesis and for resolution enhancing of an optical system. Moreover, FHT 130 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems Table 5.13: Example 5.5.6 - Numerical order of convergence. p=4 λ9 λ24 λ49 Mesh 20 40 60 80 100 100 200 300 400 500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Error p=6 Order 3.67e-02 3.00e-03 3.16e-04 4.52e-05 5.77e-06 1.13e-02 4.94e-03 7.96e-04 1.62e-04 3.88e-05 7.03e-03 1.08e-03 1.39e-04 2.44e-05 4.85e-06 3.61 5.55 6.76 9.22 1.19 4.50 5.53 6.40 2.70 5.06 6.05 7.23 - Error 5.69e-03 8.28e-05 5.27e-06 7.49e-07 1.66e-07 2.81e-03 4.75e-04 4.33e-05 6.94e-06 1.62e-06 1.72e-03 8.24e-05 6.87e-06 1.08e-06 2.54e-07 p=8 Order 6.10 6.80 6.78 6.74 2.56 5.90 6.37 6.52 4.38 6.13 6.42 6.51 - Error 2.14e-04 4.38e-07 1.03e-08 6.83e-10 8.13e-11 1.14e-03 3.65e-05 1.47e-06 1.24e-07 1.70e-08 4.02e-04 4.85e-06 1.73e-07 1.41e-08 1.90e-09 Order 8.93 9.25 9.43 9.54 4.97 7.93 8.59 8.91 6.37 8.22 8.73 8.97 - Table 5.14: Example 5.5.6 - Mesh selection steps for the estimation of λ24 and y24 using the order and stepsize variation strategy, we start with order p = 6 and exit condition T OL = 10−8 . Mesh Er (λ24 ) Erteor (λ24 ) Ea (y24 ) hmin hmax p = 6 T OL = 10−3 301 340 4.19e−05 3.11e−06 4.33e−05 3.15e−06 1.53e−03 1.40e−04 6.67e−03 4.43e−03 6.67e−03 8.41e−03 p = 8 T OL = 10−6 282 319 3.15e−08 6.77e−09 3.17e−08 6.84e−09 1.26e−06 1.83e−07 4.23e−03 3.21e−03 1.16e−02 1.29e−02 p = 10 T OL = 10−8 464 1.90e−13 1.83e−13 6.15e−11 1.85e−03 8.69e−03 Table 5.15: Example 5.5.6 - Mesh selection steps for the estimation of λ49 and y49 using the order and stepsize variation strategy, we start with order p = 8 and exit condition T OL = 10−8 . Mesh Er (λ24 ) Erteor (λ24 ) Ea (y24 ) hmin hmax p = 6 T OL = 10−3 601 1290 8.91e−04 3.42e−07 1.06e−03 3.54e−07 1.99e−01 9.85e−05 3.33e−03 9.44e−04 3.33e−03 2.03e−03 p = 8 T OL = 10−6 1290 1345 1.15e−08 4.84e−10 1.15e−08 4.87e−10 1.19e−06 9.78e−08 9.44e−04 6.86e−04 2.03e−03 2.40e−03 p = 10 T OL = 10−8 1632 8.85e−14 8.78e−14 4.47e−12 4.40e−04 2.36e−03 131 2.5 2 1.5 y4(x) 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −1 −0.5 0 x 0.5 1 Figure 5.6: Example 5.5.6 - Numerical solution for the eigenfunction y4 (x) obtained with 301 equidistant points and order p = 6. 5 4 y24(x) 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −1 −0.5 0 x 0.5 1 Figure 5.7: Example 5.5.6 - Eigenfunctions y24 (x) obtained with order and stepsize variation starting with order 6 and using T OL = 10−3 , 10−6 , 10−8 . The dot line is the numerical solution, the continuous line is the theoretical solution. 132 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems eigenfunctions serve in medicine and biology for tomographic image reconstruction. However, these functions having a great relevance in various fields are not often used in practice since they cannot be expressed in a closed form using polynomials and/or standard hypergeometric functions. Consequently, numerical techniques for FHT eigenfunctions evaluation assume great importance for the numerical analysis. The approach proposed in [13] compute the FHT eigenfunctions as eigenfunctions of a self-adjoint Sturm–Liouville problem. Since the Sturm–Liouville problem is singular, its numerical treatment requires additional attention, in fact the boundary conditions have to be formulated in a proper form to guarantee that the resulting eigenvalue problem is well-posed. The singular self-adjoint Sturm-Liouville problem in [13] is defined as ! à d m2 − 1/4 d , (5.5.4) (1 − x2 ) y(x) + Q(x) y(x) = 0, Q(x) = λ − c2 x2 − dx dx x2 for x ∈ I = (0, 1) and bounded at its ends |y(x)| < ∞, x → 0+ , |y(x)| < ∞, x → 1− . (5.5.5) Moreover, λm,l for non–trivial solutions ym,l (x) of (5.5.4)-(5.5.5) are the associated eigenvalues, where λm,0 < λm,1 < . . . and l is the number of zeros the eigenfunction ym,l (x) has inside I. We also normalize the eigenfunctions by Z 0 1 |ym,l (x)|2 d x = 1. (5.5.6) At both ends of the interval I the problem exhibits singularities of the first kind [19, 35, 40], indeed for the boundary conditions we can say that any solution of (5.5.4) which is bounded for x → +0 has the form y(x) = xm+1/2 W (x), (5.5.7) where W (x) is an analytic function and W (0) 6= 0 holds. Consequently y(0) = 0. (5.5.8) Equation (5.5.7) also describes the smoothness of the solution T (x) at x = 0 and it is clearly visible as the smoothness of T (x) depends on m. The lack of smoothness in the higher solution derivatives usually causes order reductions 133 in the numerical methods and consequently, the loss of their efficiency. In order to avoid this loss, one can alternatively transfer the boundary condition (5.5.8) to a nearby point, where the solution T (x) remains an analytic function, this means to consider an interval [ǫ, 1] with ǫ > 0. In order to compute the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the problem (5.5.4) we follow two approaches. The first one is used when m > 2 and no order reduction appears for the singularity in the left endpoint. In this cases the boundary conditions are given by (5.5.5) and the transformed condition is used at the right endpoint as follows 2y ′ (1) = β1 y(1) = Q(1) y(1). (5.5.9) For our methods, (5.5.9) coincides with applying formulae with zero final conditions to discretize the problem (5.5.4) at x = 1. The approach taking in consideration (5.5.8)-(5.5.9) and the formulae used for the regular problem in Section 5.2 gives back us an algebraic problem, therefore the first approach is a matrix method. We obtain very efficient results for m > 2, l > 1 and c < 200, and above all in the case c ≫ 1, e.g. c = 100 and l ∼ 1, see Figure 5.8 and Figure 5.9, where another approach based on the Prüfer angle in [13] seems to fail. When 0 < m < 3 the first approach shows an order reduction, since the initial formulae involve higher solution derivatives at zero. For this reason, a transfer boundary condition at zero is considered, so we compute the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of (5.5.4) in the interval [ǫ, 1], ǫ > 0. We apply the formulae used for the regular problems in Section 5.2 with the two transferred boundary condition, approximated by initial and final formulae with zero initial and final methods, respectively. We point out that the transferred boundary conditions depend nonlinearly on λm,l , then as specified in Section 5.2 we solve a nonlinear problem in which we consider also the normalization condition (5.5.6). The second approach is not a matrix method, but allows us to gain on the numerical order of convergence. In the Figure 5.10 we show the eigenfunction obtained with the second approach for m = 0, l = 3 and c = 100. We underline that the two approaches have been used on a uniform mesh. 134 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems 3 2 y50,52(x) 1 0 −1 −2 −3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x Figure 5.8: Eigenfunction y50,2 for c = 100 computed with the first approach, using order 6 and 201 equidistant mesh points. λ50,2 = 682.9516329. 3 2 y10,1(x) 1 0 −1 −2 −3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x Figure 5.9: Eigenfunction y10,1 for c = 100 computed with the first approach, using order 6 and 201 equidistant mesh points. λ10,2 = −7436.51762. 135 3 2.5 2 1.5 y0,3(x) 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x Figure 5.10: Eigenfunction y0,3 for c = 100 computed with the second approach, using order 6 and 5000 equidistant mesh points. λ10,2 = −8625.7278. 5.6 Conclusion The Matlab code developed allows us to solve regular and singular SturmLiouville problems on equidistant and variable mesh. The stepsize and order variation strategy renders the code more efficient. Since other codes Fortran are able to solve regular and singular SLPs, a comparison with these code seems to be interesting. The advantages of our code are above all connected to the solution of an algebraic problem, moreover the code works well also when a nonlinear system have to be computed. 136 Chapter 5. Sturm-Liouville Problems Chapter 6 Conclusion The methods HOGD and HOGUP introduced respectively in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are the starting point for the Matlab code HOFiD UP developed to solve singular perturbation problems. We point out that the error equidistribution technique and the deferred correction allow us to obtain a variable mesh. Moreover, the stepsize and order variation strategy, together to the continuation required only for some nonlinear problems, have improved the performance of HOFiD UP. From the comparison with other code as ACDC and COLMOD the code seems to be competitive, but a Fortran version needs for the comparison and this is the aim for the future. The methods HOGD have permitted to introduce different classes of methods able to solve initial value problems. These methods are not comparable with the most important codes for easy problems, since the stability region are not so large. However, they are very suitable in the solution of problems which have a decreasing solution which changes rapidly in a narrow region, as in the example Flow in Concrete. For this example numerical results have confirmed some asymptotic properties of the solution, moreover we underline as other codes are not able to solve this problem. At the end we have on the base of HOGD methods developed a Matlab code which solves regular and singular Sturm-Liouville problems. Stepsize and order variation strategies consent to reduce the number of mesh points and improve the computation of the eigenfunction, above all for the largest eigenvalues, since in this case the eigenfunctions associated have more oscillations. The advantage of this code is in the solution of an algebraic problem, even if this is not a restriction, since the code is able to obtain the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions associated solving also a nonlinear problem, when it 138 Chapter 6. Conclusion is necessary. We point out that the comparison of this code with others solving regular and singular SLPs may be very interesting, but again it needs to implement a Fortran version. Bibliography [1] L. Aceto and D. Trigiante, On the A-stable methods in the GBDF class, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 3 (1) (2002), 9-23. [2] L. Aceto, P. Ghelardoni and C. Magherini, Boundary value methods as an extension of Numerov’s method for Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue estimates, Appl. Numer. Math. 59 (2009), 1644–1656. [3] L. Aceto, P. Ghelardoni and C. Magherini, BVMs for Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue estimates with general boundary conditions, JNAIAM J. Numer. Anal. Ind. Appl. Math. 4 (2009), 113–12. [4] P. Amodio and L. 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