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Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. A compendium of studies on South Asian culture, philosophy, and religion dedicated to Dominik Wujastyk, 2024
Quaderni di Gestalt, XXXVII, 2024
This article draws on the various Gestalt studies on supervision, highlighting how each apply the principles of Gestalt psychotherapy. However, the humanistic turn that places the patient/therapist relationship in existential equality does not find clear application in the examples of Gestalt supervision, in the background of which the gap between those who know more and those who know less remains as the epistemological definition of the supervisory relationship. The author therefore proposes to revise the concept of supervision in Gestalt psychotherapy as a recognition of the therapeutic intentionality of the supervisee, within the phenomenological field co-created by supervisor and supervisee. In practice, the supervisor will apply this concept by shedding light on what the supervisee already knows about the patient, diagnostically, anamnesthetically, aesthetically, and relationally, and by supporting the intentionalities of both therapist and patient, which form the phenomenological field or supervisory situation. The author proposes at this point guidelines for how supervisors can actualise this perspective in clinical practice., 2022
El presente trabajo se inscribe dentro de la línea de investigación Didáctica de la música a través de la audición, que el área de Didáctica de la Música propone a través del programa de doctorado en Didácticas Específicas, vinculado al Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal de la Universitat de València. Las razones que han motivado el desarrollo de esta investigación responden a la combinación entre música y educación que han acompañado toda la trayectoria académica de quien escribe. Desde mis inicios en el conservatorio de música, la educación musical ha estado presente en todos los estadios de mi vida, llevándome finalmente a estudiar la Diplomatura de Magisterio Musical en la Universitat de València al tiempo que realizaba los estudios superiores en flauta travesera en el Conservatori Superior de Música Joaquín Rodrigo de València.
Η λέξη μουσείο ειπώθηκε για πρώτη φορά στην αρχαία Ελλάδα και σήμαινε το ναό που ήταν αφιερωμένος στις εννέα Μούσες, τις αρχαίες ελληνικές θεότητες, προστάτιδες των Τεχνών και των Γραμμάτων (Lewis, 1984)
OBJECTIVES The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the tools and techniques of managerial economics that are helpful to them in taking business decisions. Further, the course also intents at making them familiar with the real business practices adopted by corporate sector.
این نرم افزار که به طور مجانی در اختیار شما قرار می گیرد از ابزار مطالعه شبکه های اجتماعی است.
La conservación-Restauración de la Custodia de la Catedral de Toledo, 2023
Análisis de las dos custodias eucarísticas (siglos XV-XVI) reunidas en un único conjunto de la catedral de Toledo, desde el punto de vista técnico, de materiales, estético e iconográfico, además de las intervenciones y modificaciones posteriores realizadas en ellas.
European Economic and Social Committee , 2019
This report analyses trade union strategies to address trade union members’ and workers’ growing likelihood to vote for Populism Radical Right (PRR) parties. The study focuses on four countries where PRR parties have different political stances and have achieved different levels of political support, namely Germany, Denmark, Spain and Hungary. These countries also have different patterns in their industrial relations and highlight distinctive features of national trade union movement. The report has been compiled based on desk research and individual national reports from national experts, involving semi-structured interviews with trade unions. The study shows that trade unions’ discourses and views on PRR parties differ in the countries studied. Overall, trade unions tend to be critical with PRR parties’ agenda. However, in some countries, notably Denmark, trade unions’ appeal to political neutrality means that critics are only focused on certain policy proposals or areas such as migration policies, and explicit critics toward PRR parties are not formulated. The study also identifies several trade unions’ direct and indirect actions against PRR parties, particularly in Germany, where the trade union movement has developed a comprehensive set of actions to counteract the rise of PRR parties and extremist movements.
SFRH/BPD/100597/2014 UID/HIS/04666/2013Este texto resulta de um exercício elaborado em Julho de 2015 que visava, a um tempo, elencar a cultura material e visual asiática e, a outro, reflectir sobre as circunstâncias e razões que levaram a Infanta D. Maria a utilizar esses objectos e imaginário. Para tal seleccionei o único objecto de origem asiática que se sabe ter sido usado pela Infanta (um leque) e alguns mais exemplos de cultura visual (pintura e tapeçarias) que ajudaram à construção da imagem de D. Maria de Portugal como uma das mais ricas e núbeis princesas europeias do século xvi. Os exemplos selecionados inscrevem‑se numa dinâmica processual que se poderia designar de “re‑apresentação”, isto é, mera demonstração discursiva invés de representação de algum outro, uma vez que recorre aos mecanismos de identificação dos próprios (europeus), sem preocupação pelo conhecimento, ou sequer reconhecimento, de qualquer das realidades asiáticas que se evocavam. O leque e a visualidade d...
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Philosophical Forum, 2023
Academia Biology, 2023
Iraqi journal of oil and gas researches, 2023
Veterinary Parasitology, 2019
Veterinary pathology, 2018
Journal of Management Education, 2017
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2011
Austin journal of veterinary science & animal husbandry, 2023