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Revista Avaliação Psicológica, 2019
In recent decades Positive Psychology emerged as an area of scientific study that goes beyond multi-faceted approach focused on the problems and pathologies, to address theoretically and empirically to improve quality of life in organizations, individual and group. Although positive psychology has not totally ignored the workplace, only recently two developments have focused on the expression and enforcement to organizations and the human resources performance: POS (Positive Organizational Scholarship) and the POB (Positive Organizational Behaviour). It was developed in parallel within the social sciences
Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 2011
Um problema corrente na produção do conhecimento científico é o mito da racionalidade na prática da pesquisa, pois, ainda que adote uma concepção de homem concreto que age sobre o mundo, não podemos deixar de considerar a dimensão da emoção, cuja mediação é inevitável. Nesse sentido, é preciso considerar a ideia da indissociabilidade entre razão e emoção no processo de conhecer. O presente trabalho traz a contribuição da psicologia sociocultural e histórica para o debate metodológico dos estudos organizacionais, particularmente quanto ao problema das concepções de homem e da produção do conhecimento na pesquisa social. O principal argumento, neste artigo, é o da positividade da emoção na prática de pesquisa social. Após a discussão teórica e conceitual, apresentamos o relato da experiência de um dos autores, que desenvolveu uma pesquisa em um hospital psiquiátrico, revelando empiricamente a construção do saber científico pela implicação e emotividade do pesquisador.
Erudition and the Republic of Letters, 2024
This essay examines the relationship between war and European Qur’anic studies from the mediaeval period to the nineteenth century. It surveys manuscript sources that bear traces of wartime looting and the work of Muslim captives and converts. It argues that war played a recurring role in European oriental studies, helping to shape its practices, aims, and geography. In their early stages, war contributed to a broader shift in academic oriental studies toward the study of the Qur’an in its multilingual Islamic intellectual contexts. Later, as colonial expansion facilitated access to new sources, illicitly acquired manuscripts, especially early Qur’an fragments, were instrumental for historical scholarship on the Qur’an.
The entire Jewish people is living in a state of shock. How do you comprehend an event like this? As the numbers of dead, wounded, and captured continued rising all last week, I found myself asking where in our long-running storehouse of memories and associations we can turn to try to make sense of this moment? Among my first thoughts: "What did it feel like the day after Jews heard about Kishinev?" Kishinev? The watershed pogrom of 1903 in what was then Russian Empire that was the catalyst for many young Zionist Jews to immigrate to what was then Ottoman Palestine, marking the real beginning of the Zionist movement. It was also the inspiration for the poet Hayim Nahman Bialik's "In the City of Slaughter," the classic denunciation of Jewish helplessness in the diaspora. Who imagined 120 years there could be a Kishinev flashback in such very Israeli settings such as as the lush kibbutzim of Be'eri and Kfar Aza, or a rave concert in the desert? But, of course, this was not Kishinev. In response to that event and others like it, the Zionist movement has spent the last century building a fortress state. The powerlessness of the victims here was a result of surprise and unforgiveable military unpreparedness on a colossal scale but ultimately, temporary. Hopefully, this terrible government will pay the price, quickly and decisively, for those failures. They should issue a collective resignation once the war ends.
Musico Perfetto. Gioseffo Zarlino. 1517-1590. La teoria musicale a stampa nel Cinquecento. A cura di Luisa Zanoncelli., 2017
Proceedings of the Conference on the Archaeological Heritage and Rereading the Iranian. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies National Identity. , 2023
8 Mart vesilesiyle, Türk kadını boza içmekten kurtuldu mu? "Eril sarhoşluk tekeli" kırıldı mı?
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Cahiers d'études africaines, 1995
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012
Slavic and East European Journal, 2022
Revista Síntese Direito de Família, 2023
Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, 2015
Mukaddime, 2018