Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
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Can imitation explain dialect origins?
Nikolay Strigul ∗
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Stevens Institute of Technology, Castle Point on Hudson, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 15 January 2009
Received in revised form 3 July 2009
Accepted 7 July 2009
Available online 6 August 2009
Dialect origin
Homophilous imitations
Imitation behavior
Individual-based model
Population-level model
a b s t r a c t
Imitation is one of the central processes underlying learning. Although the mechanisms of imitation at the
individual level have received considerable attention, the population effects of imitative behavior have
scarcely been investigated. In this paper I address the problem of self-organization at the population level
emerging from imitative behavior between individuals. The model considered is a modification of that
developed by Durrett and Levin [Durrett, R., Levin, S.A., 2005. Can stable social groups be maintained by
homophilous imitation alone? J. Econ. Behav. Organ. 57, 267–286] in investigation of the coexistence of
social groups. I modified the previous model in order to approach it in describing not only human societies
but also animal populations with simpler cultures. In contrast with the other studies, I do not assume
any payoffs related to imitation behavior and the existence of social rank. Individuals are assumed to be
of equal rank and to accept opinions of others in proportion to their similarity (homophilous imitation).
The symmetrical structure of interactions induces random drift and development of stable self-organized
social groups in both homogeneous and spatially distributed societies. This type of self-organization may
be widely distributed in natural systems, where imitative behavior takes place. In particular, it can be
involved in origins of dialects and ring species.
© 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Imitation is one of the most basic types of behavior in vertebrates (including humans). In general, imitation can be defined
as reproduction of an act after perception of a similar act by
another individual. Historically, imitation has been considered a
driving force for social evolution (Jahoda, 2002). According to recent
studies, imitation plays a crucial role in learning and cultural
evolution (Miklosi, 1999; Heyes, 2001; Castro and Toro, 2004). Imitative behavior has been intensely investigated for several decades,
mostly on the individual level and from the perspective of the cognitive sciences (Adolphs, 2003; Heyes, 2003; Jarvis, 2004).
The consequences of individual imitation at the population
(society) level are not well understood. Imitation is often associated
with payoffs that the imitator expects to gain after copying someone’s behavior (Smith, 1982; Axelrod, 1997; Laland, 2004; Galef
and Laland, 2005). In this case, a game theoretical framework is the
most suitable tool for investigating the outcome of individual imitation at the societal level (Conlisk et al., 2000; Sigmund et al., 2001;
Offerman et al., 2002). However, imitative behavior need not be
associated with payoffs in human societies (Heyes, 2001) and animal populations (Whitehead et al., 2004; Jarvis, 2004; Nowicki and
Searcy, 2004). An imitator often neither understands the objective
∗ Tel.: +1 201 952 4260; fax: +1 201 216 8321.
E-mail address:
0304-3800/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
of accepted behavior (Heyes, 2001, 2003), nor expects any advantages from copying behavior. At the same time, behavior is usually
motivated explicitly or implicitly and an imitator can obtain a payoff
even without expecting it. Despite the fact that imitative behavior
without tradeoffs is probably common in nature, population models of imitation without rewards and punishments have received
limited attention (see Durrett and Levin, 2005).
This study addresses the consequences of individual imitation
at the population level. In particular, the problem of dialect origin is considered. Dialect can be defined as a variety of signals
such as birdsongs (Thorpe, 1961), the dance language of bees (von
Frisch, 1962) or human languages (Francis, 1983) used by a group of
individuals that is smaller than the whole population. Dialects can
be considered as population-level patterns emerging as the result
of interactions between individuals. Questions addressed include:
What are dialect origins? What kind of self-organization pattern, at
the population level, can emerge from individual imitations? Can
self-organization emerging from imitations explain the origin of
I begin from the simple individual-based model operating in
discrete time and assuming no spatial structure (homogeneously
mixed population) and no group structure (Section 2.1). I only
assume that individuals more easily imitate the behavior of the
individuals who are similar to them (homophilous imitation), but
there are no payoffs. In Section 2.2, I introduce into the model two
distinct social groups (parties): individuals adopt opinions of others
with a probability equal to their similarity if they belong to the same
N. Strigul / Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
party, or with the same probability, but reduced by a factor, if individuals are from opposite parties. This model, operating in discrete
time and without spatial structure, already demonstrates some
self-organization patterns which can be associated with the dialect
origin. For these individual-based models I derive continuous-time
mean-field approximations, which are analytically tractable systems of ordinary differential equations (Appendix C). Finally I study
a spatially distributed individual-based model (Section 3.2), in
which individuals can interact only with their immediate neighbors. The discussion considers possible roles of self-organization
patterns emerging from imitation behavior in origins of birdsong
and human language dialects.
see also discussion in Section 4.2) is similar to one of the assumptions of the model of the dissemination of culture (Axelrod, 1997,
p. 155).
I also keep the original terms of the Durrett–Levin’s model. I
consider two focal individuals with human names (Fred and Ethel),
and two distinct social groups present in the population I will call
parties. Opinions represent different variations of certain signals.
In particular, “opinion” is similar to “isogloss” with respect to the
human language dialects. While these words are not the best terms
for description of the dialects, they seem to be general enough to
avoid confusions.
2.1. One party model
1.1. List of symbols
N- population size.
k- number of opinions.
P- probability of opinion change.
˛- a real number from [0,1] indicating in how many times probability of opinion change of individuals from the different parties is
smaller than this probability when individuals are from the same
• a- an indicator whether the focal individuals are from the same
of different parties.
• i- number of similar opinions between two focal individuals.
• p- number of opinions of the focal individual that are similar to
its party line.
2. Model development
The model presented below is based on the two-party model
developed by Durrett and Levin (2005) in addressing the problem
of understanding cooperation. Conditions leading to the coexistence of two social groups were established by considering
a family of homogeneous and spatially distributed individualbased models. A stable two-party society structure arose even
from relatively simple interaction rules, but only with significant
polarization of social groups. Only the addition of introspective
changes in the model provided the development of a stable twoparty structure without significant polarization (Durrett and Levin,
The assumptions in this paper are significantly modified from
this initial model (Durrett and Levin, 2005) in order to address the
problem of dialect origin and to describe not only human societies,
but also animal populations. In particular, in the initial model individuals can evaluate their opinions about different issues as “right”
or “wrong” depending on their party affiliation. The probability of
accepting a new opinion “to” the party line is always higher than
the probability of accepting the opinion “from” the party line. Such
an assumption mainly characterizes human societies with explicit
social structures (McPherson et al., 2001). This assumption is omitted in the model presented. Instead, I assume that probabilities to
accept opinions are independent of the party line.
In the initial model (Durrett and Levin, 2005), individuals of the
same party are not distinct in terms of interactions. Any individual
accepts a new opinion from any other individual of his party with
the same probability and there is only one probability of accepting
an opinion of the individuals of the opposite party. In the model presented, I assume that any individual accepts another opinion with
a probability equal to his similarity with the selected individual.
Therefore, in this model, individual variations of opinions within
each party are important.
It should be noted that some of the assumptions introduced
are inspired by the research of Axelrod (1997). In particular, the
rule of opinion change in the model with variable ˛ (Section 2.2.2;
Following Durrett and Levin (2005), I consider an individual as a
string of k binary bits and a homogeneously mixed population with
N individuals in discrete time. At each time step, individuals make
consecutive actions to reconsider one of their binary bits. Unlike
the initial model (Durrett and Levin, 2005), I introduce another
probability for the opinion change (Appendix A). To describe the
algorithm, let us take a look at a random focal individual (call him
Fred). When Fred decides to update his jth opinion, he randomly
chooses an individual from the population-call her Ethel. If Ethel’s
jth bit agrees with Fred’s, nothing happens. If Ethel’s jth bit is different from Fred’s and i of her k bits agree with Fred’s, then Fred
adopts her opinion with probability P = (i + 1)/k designated as the
probabilistic criterion of opinion change for the one party model.
This probability is determined by how many of Fred’s opinions will
be the same as Ethel’s opinions if Fred will adopt her jth opinion. In
other words, when Fred decides to update his jth opinion, he considers not his current similarity with Ethel but his future similarity
with her (Appendix A).
2.2. Bipartisan model
2.2.1. Description of the model
As in the previous model (Durrett and Levin, 2005), I represent
individuals as strings with k + 1 binary bits, where 0 th bits identify party affiliation and the other k bits are independent opinions.
Party affiliations are denoted as 1 and 0. However, interaction rules
are significantly different compared to the initial model. Again, let
us take one random individual, Fred, and describe rules of that individual’s behavior. At each time step, Fred makes three consecutive
1. Select an opinion to reconsider. Fred decides to update his beliefs
and picks one of the opinion bits at random; let it be the jth bit.
He never chooses to update the 0 th bit representing the party
2. Reconsider the opinion in interaction with another individual. Fred
randomly chooses an individual from the population (Ethel). If
their jth opinions are the same, no change occurs. If their jth
opinions are different, then the probability of Fred changing his
opinion is (see also Appendix A):
P = a(1 − ˛)
where ˛ is a number from the interval [0,1], i is the number of similar opinions between Fred and Ethel, and a =
1, if Fred and Ethel are from the same party;
0, if Fred and Ethel are from different parties.
3. Reconsider his party affiliation. This is an optional operation. In
particular, if “party” denotes different sexes or species, then
change of party affiliation is impossible. In other cases, Fred
reconsiders his party affiliation after each attempt to reconsider
N. Strigul / Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
an opinion, regardless of the result. Probabilistic and deterministic rules for the party change are based on the conformity of
the individual to his party, p/k (where p is the number of Fred’s
opinions that are similar to the party line), describing how much
Fred agrees with his party. The probabilistic rule is considered
as a basic rule since it reflects natural stochastisity of behavioral actions. Simulations with the deterministic rule are also
discussed as it gives some useful insights into the model outcomes.
Probabilistic rule for a party affiliation change. Fred changes
his party affiliation with a probability equal to his disagreement with the party, 1 − p/k, after any attempt to update his
Deterministic rule for a party affiliation change. Fred changes
party affiliation if he disagrees with his party on more than some
fixed number of opinions. A threshold level for party change b is
a number from the [0,1] interval. The rule for change of the party
affiliation is: if (1 − p/k) ≥ b then Fred changes his party affiliation and if (1 − p/k) < b then Fred does not change his party
In particular, if ˛ = 1 − p/k, then the probability to change opinion,
if Fred and Ethel are from different parties, becomes:
P =
How much Fred disagrees
with his party
How much Fred’ s and Ethel’ s opinions will be
similar if Fred changes hisjth opinion
This probability has some intuitive properties. The probability
of adopting an opinion from an opposite party individual is proportional to the degree of Fred’s disagreement with his party. The
probability to change Fred’s jth opinion is always higher if Fred and
Ethel belong to the same party. If Fred completely agrees with his
party, then 1 − p/k = 0, hence P = 0 and, therefore, nobody from
the opposite party can convince Fred to change his opinion. Alternatively, if an individual from the opposite party agrees with Fred
in a significant fraction of opinions, it will increase the probability
that Fred adopts the selected opinion.
3. Results
2.2.2. Modification of the model with variable ˛
This model modification is to consider the assumption that ˛ is
a variable depending on the current status of the focal individual.
For the non-spatial models the results of simulation are
presented in Section 3.1, their continuous-time mean-field approx-
Fig. 1. Simulation of the bipartisan model with the probabilistic rule for party change (20,000 individuals, 200000 time steps, ˛ = 0.5). Dynamics of different groups a)
{0, x, x, x} and b) {1, x, x, x}. c) Dynamics of the diversity criterion.
N. Strigul / Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
Fig. 1. (Continued ).
imations are considered in Appendix C. The spatially distributed
model is considered in Section 3.2.
In the simulations, the number of opinions is fixed, k = 3.
Therefore, each party consists of eight different social groups.
The common notation for an individual is {x, x, x, x}, where
x can be 0 or 1 and the first element denotes the party
No polarization of society is observed in the simulations of the
one-party model. This is consistent with the analytical results (see
Appendix C). Also, it is similar to the one-party model with different probability of opinion change studied by Durrett and Levin
Simulations of homogeneously mixed populations were conducted using an original program in C++. Spatially distributed
N. Strigul / Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
models were simulated using Mathematica software (Wolfram
Research Inc.).
3.1. Bipartisan model: homogeneously mixed populations
A bipartisan model can be considered as a Markov stochastic
process, where the transition function defined at the individual
level includes two independent components, opinion and party
affiliation changes. Simulations of the models with different rules
have been similarly organized. At the initial stage, a population consisting of 20,000 individuals is homogeneously distributed among
eight existing groups. This homogeneous distribution of individuals
is considered as having the highest level of disorder. In non-spatial
simulations the “diversity” criterion (see Appendix B) is employed
to characterize the emergence of the self-organized patterns, where
individuals accumulate in several groups.
3.1.1. Models with constant ˛ Probabilistic rule of party change. In this model, the initial
homogeneous distribution of individuals is unstable (Figs. 1 and 2).
An immediate observation is that two groups {1, 0, 0, 0} and
{0, 1, 1, 1}, are minute because an individual with {1, 0, 0, 0} or
{0, 1, 1, 1} changes his party affiliation with probability 1 (Fig. 1a
and b). Through iterations individuals accumulate in several groups
and then other groups are diminished (Fig. 1a and b). One possible
stable group structure develops and remains following numerous
iterations, though the number of individuals in the surviving groups
fluctuates. A necessary condition for a stable structure is that at least
one opinion (and, typically, two opinions) should be the same for
all individuals. For example, in Fig. 1 two opinions are similar for all
individuals: the first opinion is 1 and the third opinion is 0. There
are many possible stationary group structures, but they are similar
due to symmetry:
Table 1
Average distribution of individuals after 20,000 time steps in the homogeneous
model with probabilistic rule for party change (10,000 runs, 20,000 individuals,
˛ = 0.5).
Average number
of individuals
Min number of
O ...
I ...
Max number of
1. There is only one surviving group {1, 1, 1, 1} or {0, 0, 0, 0} (in fact,
this structure would be similar to the second type, if the groups
{1, 0, 0, 0} and {0, 1, 1, 1} were not exceptional).
2. Individuals constantly move between two groups. For example
{0, 0, 1, 1} and {1, 0, 1, 1} is a stable structure, where individuals
can change only their party affiliation.
3. Stable structures consisting of four or more groups. For example,
the population presented in Fig. 1 consists of only four groups
of individuals: {0, 1, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 1, 0}, and {1, 1, 1, 0}
after 200,000 time steps.
The second component of the random process, the change of
party affiliation, connects groups of individuals (from both parties)
with similar opinion combinations. The probabilistic rule for party
change in the model with 2 parties and 3 opinions reveals 4 possible
cases for party change with the probabilities 0, 1/3, 2/3, and 1,
when an individual has 0, 1, 2, and 3 different opinions form his
party’s line, respectively.
Social groups can be apportioned by pairs demonstrating similar dynamics (Fig. 1): {0, 1, 0, 0} and {1, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0} and
{1, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 1, 0} and {1, 1, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1} and {1, 0, 0, 1},
{0, 1, 0, 1} and {1, 1, 0, 1}, and {0, 0, 1, 1} and {1, 0, 1, 1}. The correlation coefficient between groups in each pair is close to 1 in
any particular realization of the random process. When numerous process simulations are averaged, similar correlations are
also observed, and individuals in the coupled pairs are distributed proportionately to the probability of party affiliation
change (Table 1). For example, individuals from {1, 0, 1, 1} and
{0, 0, 1, 1} groups can change their party affiliations with probabilities 1/3 and 2/3, respectively, and the average numbers of
individuals in these groups are 1639.62 and 819.59 (Table 1), close
to the predicted 2:1 ratio. Cluster analysis (Fig. 3) of the mul-
Fig. 2. Dynamics of the average diversity depending on ˛ and its approximation by
the first order exponential decay function y = y0 + ae−bt (average over 100 runs of the
model, simulation parameters as in Fig. 1, ˛ and corresponding b values are 0.0001
(b = 82 × 10−7 ), 0.5 (b = 13 × 10−6 ) and 1 (b = 18 × 10−6 ), for all fits r 2 > 0.98 and
y0 = 0.2).
Fig. 3. Cluster analysis of different groups of individuals. A distant measure is 1 − r,
where r is the Pearson correlation coefficient and analysis of variance is used to
evaluate the linkage distances between clusters. The data consists of 10,000 runs of
the individual-based model with parameters as in Fig. 1.
N. Strigul / Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
tiple run data show that statistical linkages exist only between
the groups of individuals connected by party affiliation changes.
While, the homogeneous distribution of individuals is unstable in a single run of the model and aggregation of individuals
occurs relatively quickly (Fig. 1), on average different groups are
equally presented (Table 1). Therefore, in every particular realization of the random process individuals accumulate in some
survival groups, which are taken at random; and the process
can equally likely converge to any of the possible stationary
The diversity criterion (Figs. 1c and 2), which characterizes
the dynamics of aggregating individuals, decays exponentially on
average (Fig. 2). Parameter ˛, which determines outcomes of interactions of individuals from opposite parties, affects the average
dynamics (Fig. 2). When ˛ is approximately larger than 1/2, the
process of aggregation is faster than in cases where ˛ is smaller
than 1/2 (Fig. 2). When the number of iterations is large enough, the
random process is close to an asymptotical state. Computer simulations showed that 200,000 iterations of the random process provide
a good approximation of the stationary state including the value of
the diversity criterion. The average diversity at 200,000 time steps
is approximately equal to 0.3 when ˛ is relatively small (the following values were tested: 1/3, 1/5, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001) and is about 0.2 if
˛ ≥ 1/2 (1/2, 2/3, 1, 20, 1000).
2629 Deterministic rules of party change. In this model modification individuals follow the deterministic rules in updating their
party affiliation, where the threshold level for party change determines the change of party affiliation by an individual. When three
distinct opinions are considered, k = 3, there are three threshold
levels (1/3, 2/3, 1); and an individual changes his party affiliation when he has 1, 2, and 3 opinions different from his party line,
respectively. Deterministic rules restrict possible diversity of opinion combinations in society. In simulations of the model with the
threshold level equal to 1, individuals change party if and only if
all 3 of their opinions are different from their parties. This rule
automatically excluded two groups of individuals {1, 0, 0, 0} and
{0, 1, 1, 1}. Similarly, these two groups have been excluded when
the probabilistic rule is employed (Fig. 1a and b).
Individuals with 2 and 3 opinions different from their parties have not been presented in the society in simulations with
the threshold level 2/3. There exist only 4 groups for each
party ({1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 0} and {0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}) and a random drift occurs among
these groups.
The very intensive exchange of individuals between parties
occurs when the threshold level is equal to 1/3. An individual
moves into another party if he disagrees with his party on any
point, but then he has 2 different opinions from the new party line
Fig. 4. Simulation of the bipartisan model with the probabilistic rule for party change and variable ˛ (20,000 individuals, 1000 time steps). Dynamics of different groups of
(a) {0, x, x, x} and (b) {1, x, x, x}.
N. Strigul / Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
Fig. 4. (Continued ).
and he returns back to his initial party on the next time step. Only
individuals from {0, 0, 0, 0} and {1, 1, 1, 1} groups do not change
their party affiliation. Despite the differences between the models with the deterministic and probabilistic rules, the emerging
self-organization patterns and stationary states are similar. Model with no party change. In many real-life situations
individuals cannot change their party affiliation, and the only
changes that occur are the opinion changes. For example, in bird
populations, parties can be males or females, or males of two
sympatric species (see Section 4). This model modification where
the two parties exist, but individuals do not change their party
affiliations, reveals substantially the same self-organization patterns as the model with the probabilistic rule for party change. In
particular, similar stable group structures emerge in simulations.
However, some minor differences occur. For instance, there were
stable structures consisting of coupled groups {1, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 1, 1}
and {1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}. Therefore, the mere existence of the second party leads to the polarization of society.
3.1.2. Model with variable ˛
Individual-based models with variable ˛ predict significantly
different society-level patterns. In the model with variable ˛ there
exist two groups {0, 0, 0, 0} and {1, 1, 1, 1}, where individuals cannot be convinced to change their opinions by any individual from
the opposite party. This causes asymmetric structure of transition probabilities for opinion change for individuals from different
groups. While individuals from all other groups have 8 opportunities to change their given opinion, the individuals from {0, 0, 0, 0}
and {1, 1, 1, 1} groups have only 4 opportunities. As a result, individuals are accumulated in {0, 0, 0, 0} and {1, 1, 1, 1} groups. The
random process converges faster to a stationary state where individuals belong only to {0, 0, 0, 0} or {1, 1, 1, 1} (Fig. 4). Therefore,
the assumptions that (1) ˛ is a variable and (2) the probability
to change opinion in interactions with individuals from the opposite party is proportional to the similarity of an individual to his
own party, lead to the development of a stable society consisting
of two distinct groups. Individuals from these two groups have no
interactions with individuals from another group.
Similarly, the spatially distributed version of the model with
variable ˛ has a stable stationary state with only two types of spatial
clusters. The first cluster consists of {1, 1, 1, 1} individuals and the
second of {0, 0, 0, 0} individuals. These patterns of spatial organization are different from spatial structures emerging in simulations
of the model with constant ˛ described below.
3.2. Spatially distributed model
In this section, interactions of individuals on a rectangular lattice
on a torus are examined for a model with the probabilistic rule of
N. Strigul / Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
Fig. 5. Simulation of the spatially distributed bipartisan model with the probabilistic rule for party change (2304 individuals, 8000 time steps, the Moore neighborhood,
˛ = 0.5). (a) Changes in society during the simulations (1, 2000, 3000, 5000, 7000, 8000 time steps). 16 groups of individuals have different colors. (b) Dynamics of different
groups of individuals. (c) Cluster structure of the society (8000 time steps). (d) Dynamics of the diversity criterion.
N. Strigul / Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
Fig. 5. (Continued ).
party change and constant ˛. Individuals are located on the lattice
sites. Each individual has 8 neighbors (The Moore neighborhood)
and at each time step an individual selects at random one of his 8
neighbors to reconsider his opinion.
In simulations, the initial distribution of social groups on the
lattice is taken at random. This random spatial distribution provides
practically the same number of individuals in all 16 groups with
the diversity criterion close to 1. At the initial stage there are no
organized spatial structures of individuals, such as clusters (Fig. 5a).
Individuals with similar opinion combinations tend to aggregate
in spatial clusters in the course of this random process (Fig. 5a).
The behavior of social groups with the same opinion combinations,
but with different party affiliations, is correlated and these groups
demonstrate similar dynamics (Fig. 5b). This behavior is analogous
to the homogeneous mixed society (Fig. 1). These coupled groups
(see Section are also located closely on the lattice (Fig. 5c). In
general, spatial clusters consist of individuals with similar opinion
combinations and from both parties (Fig. 5c). One of the coupled
groups is dominant in each cluster and the second group is less
numerous. On average, the numbers of the coupled social groups
are determined by the ratio 2/3:1/3 of probabilities for party affiliation changes, similar to the model with the homogeneously mixed
The opinion change process concentrates on the cluster borders
with the cluster system development. Only individuals located on
the cluster borders can change their opinions. Inside of each cluster
individuals can change only their party affiliations that are governed by the probabilistic rule. In the simulations, both parties
fluctuate, but coexist (Fig. 5b), and the diversity criterion slightly
decreases (Fig. 5d). Although individuals are aggregated in spatial clusters, they are not concentrated in one or several groups of
opinion combinations (Fig. 5), in contrast with the homogeneously
mixed population.
Select clusters are presented by stable group combinations similar to stable group structures of the first and second types that
are described in Section ( Therefore, spatial structures are
locally similar to the homogeneously mixed model. The lattice size
should play a significant role in the society dynamics. If the population size is too small then all individuals can eventually belong to
one cluster and the diversity criterion should be small. This conclusion is confirmed in simulations (Fig. 6), and the diversity criterion,
on average, depends on the population size as a logarithm.
Average dynamics of the random process are approximated by
the exponential functions (Fig. 7). On average, cluster size grows
exponentially (Fig. 7a) and at the same time diversity decreases
Fig. 6. Average diversity depending on the population size in the spatially distributed model of two parties (100 runs of the model for each population size, 10,000
time steps, ˛ = 0.5).
exponentially (Fig. 7b), similar to the average dynamics observed
in the homogeneous model (Fig. 2). The average cluster size linearly
increases (Fig. 8a) and the diversity decreases (Fig. 8b) as a function
of ˛. Therefore, individuals from one party change their opinions
more easily when in contact with individuals from the opposite
party and when ˛ is large.
Therefore, the model predicts rapid development of cluster
structures in a spatially distributed society. Each local spatial cluster is similar, in a certain sense, to the mean-field model. Cluster
boundaries continuously fluctuate because of inter-group interactions. However, in general all possible social groups coexist in the
society on condition that the lattice site is large enough, so random
fluctuations of the cluster sizes do not cause cluster extinctions.
4. Discussion
This model, as well as the Durret-Levin model, shows that a
society or a population, governed by the homophilous imitation
rules, demonstrates self-organization patterns. Self-organization
emerges when there are two different social groups. Individuals
from one group are more likely to imitate behavior of individuals
from the same group than individuals from the opposite group. It
is easy to find examples in animal populations, in particular, resident and non-resident individuals, males, females, etc. In human
societies any distinct social, national and family groups can be
considered as “parties”. The model predicts that there are sev-
N. Strigul / Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
Fig. 7. Average dynamics of the spatially distributed model (100 runs, 1024 individuals, ˛ = 0.5). (a) Average cluster size and (b) average diversity.
eral equally possible social structures emerging in the random
process initially starting from disorder. A spontaneous order of selforganized systems is considered to be one of the most important
additions to natural selection in the development of evolutionary
patterns (Kauffman, 1993, 1995). Also related ideas of random drifts
are also widely employed in neutral theories (Millstein, 2002; Leigh,
2007). In general, self-organization interacts with selection in a
complex way (Kauffman, 1995). This model has been constricted
to be general and simple, but it can be, quite obviously, modified to
take into account demographic processes inside of the population,
natural selection and different social norms. The following examples demonstrate that certain social structures may evolve similarly
to what the model predicts. The discussion focuses on two better
investigated examples of dialects, birdsong and human language
It can be pointed out that degrees of proximity between the
individuals may also influence other types of population ecology
models operating with averaged population-level parameters, such
as intrinsic growth rate or environment carrying capacity. Some of
the mathematical population evolution models can be adapted to
better take into account possible effects of individual proximity.
For instance, using the famous Beverton–Holt model of population dynamics (McCarthy, 1997; Hui, 2006; De la Sen, 2007), it has
been recently shown see (De la Sen, 2007) that the intrinsic growth
rate of a species, associated with its reproduction capability, cannot
be independent of the “environment carrying capacity” (associated
with how in favor the habitat is related to the species). The assumption that those parameters are mutually independent leads to a
bad model description of real process in some circumstances, for
instance, if there are very few individuals inside a habitat (De la
Sen, 2007).
4.1. Birdsong dialects
Fig. 8. Average characteristics of the spatially distributed model depending on ˛
(1024 individuals, 10,000 time steps, 100 replications). (a) Average cluster size
depending on ˛ value. (b) Average diversity depending on ˛ value.
Birdsongs have been studied for several centuries. Development of song at the individual level is one of the major topics
of interest and it is quite amazing that many critical facts in this
area have been discovered more than 200 years ago (Barrington,
1773; Wickler, 1982). The studying of birdsong variations at the
population level and their ecological and evolutionary significance is another research direction initiated in the 17th century
(Thielcke, 1988). Nowadays we better understand how individual birds develop their songs from the perspective of cognitive
sciences (Baker and Cunningham, 1985; Jarvis, 2004; Nowicki
and Searcy, 2004; Podos and Warren, 2007), as well as what
birdsong patterns exist at the population level (Catchpole and
Slater, 2008; Slater, 2003). There exists an immense number of
experimental and empirical studies on these topics. However, the
connections between the individual and the population levels
are not yet well established. In particular, the origins of microgeographic song variations, such as local song dialects, are not
well understood, unlike macrogeographic song variations emerging on the macroscopic spatial scale (Baker and Cunningham,
The males and, more rarely, females of most passerine birds
actively perform songs. Songs maintain different functions, for
example to attract or stimulate a female or to establish and defend
individual territory (Malchevsky, 1959). Another crucial song function is to prevent interspecific hybridization (Grant and Grant, 1996,
1997a). Possible song variations are restricted by syrinx characteristics. However, males of many related songbird species can
reproduce similar sounds (Thorpe, 1961). At the same time, morphologically and genetically many bird species can hybridize (Grant
and Grant, 1996). Therefore, every female identifies a song type of
its own species and the male clearly performs such a song to prevent
interspecific hybridization. These tasks are critical for the mainte-
N. Strigul / Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
nance of species identity and are executed by cultural inheritance
through imitative vocal learning (Marler, 1997; Nelson et al., 2001;
Jarvis, 2004).
Usually nestlings imprint the species-specific song patterns in a
short critical period while they stay in the nest (Grant and Grant,
1996). However, in many cases this initial song imprinting does not
lead to a fully developed song. For example, in numerous experiments where young birds were isolated after the nestling period,
they could perform only a subsong that was not a fully developed species song (Barrington, 1773; Marler, 1997). Junior birds
can perform a full song only on the next spring after the dispersion (Thielcke and Krome, 1989). The crucial process in the final
stage of song development is the imitation of a mature bird of the
same species living in a neighborhood (Nelson et al., 2001; Ellers
and Slabbekoorn, 2003). Adult birds are often conservative and
they breed in the same local areas for many years (Zimin, 1988;
Artemyev, 2008). Therefore some individual song variations of the
adult birdsong can be imitated by junior birds and are transmitted by imitation from one generation to the next generation in a
local area (Lemon, 1975). This imitation is a homophilous imitation
because junior birds tend to copy mature birds of their own species.
Local dialects are very well known in most of the songbird
species from all geographical regions and can be preserved for
many years in local areas (Krebs and Kroodsma, 1980; Catchpole
and Slater, 2008). Their areas are not separated from the bird population and dialects often gradually change each other (Mundinger,
1982; Briskie, 1999; Slabbekoorn and Smith, 2002; Baker and
Cunningham, 1985). In the earlier studies the variations of the birdsong were recorded by using alphabets or music notes (Barrington,
1773; Lucanus, 1907; Thielcke, 1988; Malchevsky, 1958, 1959) and
after introducing the sound spectrograph it became possible to rigorously analyze birdsong patterns (Thorpe, 1954; Thielcke, 1960).
Typically song variations can be described by means of discrete
variables, which can be considered as “opinions” in the model
presented. For instance, for song variation characterization of Darwin’s finches, five discrete variables were selected (Grant and Grant,
1996): the duration and the maximum frequency of the first and the
second units and the interval between them. Several Palaearctic,
North American and tropical birds were found to be convenient
models for the song variation studies as they have, respectively
simple song and occupy large areas. For example, vocalizations
of the Chaffinch (Fringila coelebs), Cardinas (Cardinales cardinales)
and the two treecreepers (Certhia brachydactyla and Certhia familiaris) have been intensively studied (Thorpe, 1954; Lemon, 1975;
Thielcke and Wüstenberg, 1985; Baker and Jenkins, 1987; Martens
and Geduldig, 1988; Thielcke and Krome, 1989). The Common
Treecreper is remarkable by splitting parental responsibilities so
it can produce two broods per summer in northern areas (Strigul,
2001), and by its sympatric zone with the Short-toed Treecreeper
(Thielcke, 1960, 1986).
To summarize, some important patterns of songbird dialects in
relation to the model presented are:
1. Geographical areas that maintain local song dialect should not
be isolated from the main population area,
2. Dialects are transmitted from one generation to the next generation by learning mechanisms close to homophilous imitations,
3. Birds that perform dialect song variations are not close relatives;
they could be born in different parts of the species area.
In field studies it was observed that birds performing a particular song dialect usually occupy some area that can be considered
as a spatial cluster (Malchevsky and Pukinsky, 1983; Catchpole and
Slater, 2008). Apparently, there is a significant similarity between
the predictions of the spatially distributed model and spatial distributions of bird dialects. In both cases spatial clusters have no
fixed boundaries and change randomly in the course of time. In
the model the population is assumed to have a constant size that
can be attributed to the number of individual territories suitable
for reproduction. Similar assumptions are also often employed
in population genetics. Birdsong dialects may exist much longer
than an average life span of small passerine birds (Thielcke, 1992)
and, to implicitly include demographic processes, an “individual”
in the model can be thought of as a sequence of individual birds
which replace each other in a simple replacement process. The
theory presented does not involve selection or geographical isolation. However, an initial disorder is assumed. This could be the
case, for instance, when a territory inside of the species area is
being recolonized after a major disturbance. Major disturbances
such as forest cuts or hurricanes are traditional starting point for
forest succession models (Strigul et al., 2008). During forest development such an area is colonized by particular bird species only on
certain succession stages (Malchevsky and Pukinsky, 1983; Zimin,
1988). Settlers come from various places and carry numerous song
variations providing an initial disorder similar to the one required
in the model. Some local song dialects likely emerge by the fixation of song copying mistakes (which can be considered as new
opinions in the model) in a local neighborhood (Thielcke, 1992),
however most local song dialects are new combinations of already
existing song variations (Lemon, 1975). On the contrary, macrogeographic song variations, where geographical isolation is involved,
sometimes are also called dialects, but they can be developed in
substantially different ways (Mayr, 1963; Baker and Cunningham,
1985; Podos and Warren, 2007). For example, a founder effect may
play an important role in the development of the dialects in geographically isolated areas (Mayr, 1963; Thielcke and Wüstenberg,
1985; Baker and Jenkins, 1987). In conclusion, local song dialects
can emerge from self-organization caused by individual imitations
Song dialect origins may be connected to the mechanisms of
ring species emergence. Ring species emerge as a result of gradual
differentiation in a circular population distribution. When the limit
borders overlap, two coexisting and reproductively isolated species
emerge (Mayr, 1963; Irwin, 2000; Irwin et al., 2001a,b; Slabbekoorn
and Smith, 2002). It is accepted that mating signals play the crucial
role in reproductive isolation and speciation (Grant and Grant, 1996,
In a recently investigated Siberian ring species, the Greenish Warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides), reproductive isolation is
closely associated with song variations (Irwin, 2000; Irwin et
al., 2001a,b). The greenish warbler song variations were characterized by five parameters: song length, maximum frequency,
minimum frequency, number of song units, and number of song
types. Some ecological parameters (such as forest density and population density) as well as song patterns demonstrated latitude
changes. Irwin (2000, p. 999) suggested four alternative hypotheses of what can cause signal divergence leading to reproductive
isolation: (1) ecological differences, (2) sexual selection without
ecological differences, (3) ecological differences which affect the
balance between sexual and natural selection, and (4) selection
for species recognition. Statistical analysis of the data supported
hypotheses 1 and 3, and the last hypothesis was selected as the more
logical proposal (Irwin, 2000). These two hypotheses assume that
ecological factors can affect song variation directly (through the
acoustic environment, the first hypothesis) or indirectly (through
sexual selection, the third hypothesis). However, mechanisms for
such effects are not really understood, and no direct evidence was
found (Irwin, 2000). Selection may probably affect development of
the local dialects through the restriction of some combinations of
song parameters that are not efficient in the given ecological conditions. If this is the case, then the reproductive isolation in the ring
species may be the result of interplay between gradual changes of
N. Strigul / Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
adaptive landscape and self-organization. Therefore, hypothesis 3
can be modified in order to take into account the self-organization
mechanism of dialect development predicted by the model. In this
case, natural selection, according to the ecological latitude gradient,
modifies the structure of song variables (or equally opinions) and
self-organization patterns at the ends of the population ring are
qualitatively different. Therefore, individuals in the overlap zone
from different ends of the ring are not likely to imitate each other,
which leads to reproductive isolation.
4.2. Human language dialects
Dialect patterns observed in human languages are very similar
to those in birdsongs. Copying and imitative learning are the main
mechanisms for individual language development. At the same
time, at the population level, language is not a fixed and homogeneous structure but rather a dynamic system changing in both
time and space. Different kinds of language variations are widely
distributed in human societies. Language variations may involve all
parts of the language: the definitions of words, phonology, grammar, and also semantics (Hock and Joseph, 1996; Bichakjian, 2002;
Cangelosi and Parisi, 2002). Such complex differentiation makes it
very difficult to describe either the actual dialects or the differences
between them, their borders, and dynamical patterns. Further difficulties emerge when scholars attempt to rank dialects according to
their similarity and to establish rigorous distance between them.
Even when the differences among dialects are well described, as
for example in isoglosses, the results of dialect distribution analysis are not similar because there usually are no distinct borders and
different isogloss changes are not correlated (Kretzschmar, 1992;
Livingstone, 2002). This also makes it difficult to explicitly apply the
developed model to any specific case study. Therefore, I will consider only qualitative similarities between the simulated patterns
and observed dialect patterns in different societies.
Language variations are observed on different levels (Francis,
1983, p. 42): (1) within the performance of an individual speaker
(stylistic variations), (2) between individuals (idiolectal variations),
and (3) between groups of individuals (dialectal variations). This
classification can be used to model the origin of dialectal language
variations as a result of self-organization of idiodialectal variations based on stylistic variations. The prevailing view on dialects is
summarized by W.N. Francis: “Any language spoken by more than
a handful of people exhibits this tendency to split into dialects,
which may differ from one another along many dimensions of language content, structure, and function: vocabulary, pronunciation,
grammar, usage, social function, artistic and literary expression.”
(Francis, 1983, p. 1). This observation is in agreement with my study:
Dialects should emerge in any society that is large enough.
Dialectal variations might be separated into several general
cases (Francis, 1983): (1) geographic, (2) social, (3) ethnic, (4) sexual, and (5) age variations.
Geographic variations are very common among language patterns. Geographical variations may be observed in practically any
language. There are well investigated examples of geographical
dialects in Britain (Petyt, 1980, ch. 3), the United States (Kurath,
1998), France, Belgium, Germany (Francis, 1983), and other countries. Detailed case analysis shows that dialects usually change
gradually and do not have strict borders; however, in some cases
explicit borders arise as a result of geographical or political separations (Francis, 1983). The geographical type of language variation is
well described by the spatially distributed model I have considered.
The model predicts the existence of spatial clusters in which all
individuals have similar opinions having variable boundaries along
which interactions and changes occur. This scheme is highly suitable for observed spatial dialect patterns, which can involve (as
opinions) any structural elements of the language.
Social, ethnic, sexual, and age variations account for typical language variations among people that live in the same area and,
therefore, a mean-field model should be applied. Where language
variations involve at least two different social groups, in which people are more likely to be influenced by individuals from their own
group than by individuals from the opposite group, the resulting
patterns are examples of the outcomes of homophilous imitations.
Social dialects present language differences among different social
classes. Even in a society that officially prohibits social inequalities and restricts the development of classes, such structures
usually emerge as a result of natural associations as individuals
gather to share similar duties, responsibilities, privileges, and constraints (Francis, 1983; McPherson et al., 2001). Racial or ethnic
dialects result from the gathering together of individuals according
to religious or national similarities. Similarly, sex- and age-related
dialects emerge as people aggregate according to those types of
classifications. I can suggest that in many cases, such dialects
emerged in a homogeneous local community as a result of selforganization according to the model with variable ˛ (Section 3.1.2.
In such cases, individuals aggregate in strictly distinct groups and
no individual can be convinced by someone from the opposite party
to accept his opinion. Only according to such a strong rule can completely different dialects be presented in a homogeneous society
in which interactions are random and unlimited. However, sometimes language variations may also be related to local geographical
isolation. For example, it is possible to consider ethnic enclaves
in the United States: many local communities are heavily populated by different ethnicites (African-Americans, Italian, Chinese,
Russian, etc.). Nevertheless, ethnic language variations are usually considered to occur in a homogeneous community, when a
local geographical aggregation is actually being observed. Therefore, such cases should be simulated with the spatially distributed
models using a constant or variable ˛ depending on the level of
social separation.
Another spatially distributed model was employed by Robert
Axelrod in order to explain the dissemination of culture and, in particular, the origins of dialect (Axelrod, 1997. pp. 149–177). In this
model individuals change their opinions (features) with a probability equal to their cultural similarity, much as in the model
with variable ˛. However, unlike that model, individual interactions in the Axelrod model also involve associated traits. Although
the model structure, interaction rules, and population spatial distribution of the Axelrod model and of the spatially distributed
model with variable ˛ (Section 3.1.2 are different, general predictions are similar in both models. Both models predict the complete
polarization of society into groups of individuals that have nothing in common and therefore cannot interact. Such social groups
can occupy a region and stay there forever because individuals
cannot be influenced to change their opinions by the completely different individuals in their neighborhood. Obviously, these models
cannot comprehensively describe the development of geographical
dialects because they do not predict gradual changes or the stable
spatial coexistence of different dialects. Still, these spatial models
can be useful in some cases when a strong disruptive selection is
involved. For example, when extreme social or ethnic dialects have
a spatial distribution. By contrast, the model with the constant ˛
predicts spatial patterns that are similar to those of geographical
dialects. One of the most significant differences between dialects
in human societies and those in bird populations is the existence
of official policies. In most human societies, one dialect is designated as a standard dialect or standard language. Usually, the people
using this dialect will tend to belong to the higher social classes
and live in the country’s capital (Petyt, 1980). This kind of organization immediately leads to social inequality, as individuals of
lower social rank or individuals who live in peripheral areas of the
country can be immediately recognized by their dialect; moreover,
N. Strigul / Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
this recognition is often associated with a social disadvantage for
It is sometimes difficult to separate different dialects from different languages (Petyt, 1980). This is a common problem with both
birdsong and human dialects and it is closely related to the problem
of both the ring speciation and speciation in general. The general criterion is mutual intelligibility. However, many practical difficulties
may arise because geographical dialects often adhere to no explicit
borders (Francis, 1983; Irwin et al., 2001a,b; Livingstone, 2002).
Therefore, self-organization can play a significant role in dialect
development. It appears that the spatially distributed model with
constant ˛ predicts patterns very similar to the geographical
birdsong and language dialect patterns. I suggest that such selforganization may be a possible mechanism for dialect origin and
that this process interplays in a complex way with selection and
official policies. In particular, in some cases when the disruptive or
divergence selection is involved, such as a case of some extreme ethnic or social dialects, the model with variable ˛ is justified and two
distinct social groups are developed with very limited interactions
between individuals.
5. Conclusions
Imitation is one of the basic types of behavior and it is widely
employed in learning and cultural transmission. In this paper I considered how social patterns at the population level can emerge from
individual-level patterns via imitative behavior. The respectively
simple model demonstrates that self-organization patterns similar to the dialects can emerge from individual imitations via drifts.
The minimal condition is the existence of two distinct social groups
(parties). Also the process should start from a high level of disorder, which means that there are numerous variations of selected
patterns at the individual level. These conditions apparently are
not restrictive, and therefore this self-organization mechanism
could be widely distributed in both human societies and animal
populations. The model does not involve any payoffs related to
the imitative behavior and does not include selection. Therefore,
population-level patterns may result only from individual imitations, with no selection involved. However, more complicated
models can be considered to further investigate how selection and
social norms can interplay with this mechanism of the dialect origin. The examples considered demonstrate that this mechanism
probably evolves in the development of birdsong and language
dialects. Also, it appears that the self-organization involved in
speciation mechanisms is related to that which occurs in dialect
development, which can lead to the reproductive isolation of bird
species and, likewise, to the origin of new human languages.
I am grateful to Simon Levin for his advice and critical comments,
and to Catherine Galdun David Vaccari and Timothy Ryan for useful
suggestions. I also would like to acknowledge anonymous reviewers
who made very useful comments.
Appendix A. Probabilities of opinion change
opinions are already similar given that jth opinion is different. A
difference between P and P ′ is: (P − P ′ ) = (k − 1 − i)/(k(k − 1)) =
1/k − i/(k(k − 1))
The following simple observations explain why P is chosen in
the model introduced in (Section (2.1)):
Observation A.1.
(1) if i = k − 1 then (P − P ′ ) = 0 and P = P ′ = 1. This means that when
all of Ethel’s other k − 1 opinions are similar with Fred’s opinion,
Fred will change his opinion with probability 1 in both cases. In
this case both criteria are equal.
(2) (P − P ′ ) are from the interval [0, 1/k]. Let us consider (P − P ′ ) as a
function of i (i changes from 0 to k − 1) when k is a constant. It is
a linear function, which is decreased when i increases. This function (P − P ′ )(i) has a maximum of 1/k when i = 0 and a minimum
of 0 when i = k − 1. This means that the difference between two
criteria is greatest when Fred and Ethel have a small number of
similar opinions. In the case where they do not have any similar
opinions P1 = 0 and Fred has no chance to be convinced, but he
still has a chance to adopt Ethel’s opinion if P = 1/k. This is the
main difference between criteria and the reason to use P.
(3) If i is a constant then limk→∞ (P − P ′ ) = 0. This means that the
difference between the two criteria is decreasing (with the rate
1/k) when the number of opinions is increasing. When k is large
enough, Fred’s decisions will be very similar if he will use any of
those criteria. His decisions can be qualitatively different only in a
case where i = 0.
The following proposition outlines some obvious properties of
Proposition A.1.
1. P is a rational number from the interval (0,1].
2. P is equal to 0 only in a limit case limk→∞ P = 0 for a constant i. This
means that Fred always has a chance to adopt Ethel’s opinion, even
if Ethel completely disagrees with him on all opinions (in this case
P = 1/k).
3. P is equal to 1 if and only if Fred and Ethel have only one j th opinion
different, and all other k − 1 opinions are the same.
A.2. Bipartisan model
Observation A.2. Probabilistic criterion to change opinion in the
two-party model, P = a(1 − ˛)(i + 1/k) + ˛(i + 1/k), introduced in
Section 2.2.1 depends on the party affiliation of the individuals. There
are two cases:
1. If both individuals (Fred and Ethel) belong to the same party, then
a = 1 and
ability of adopting Ethel’s opinion. P = (i + 1)/k is determined by
how many of Fred’s and Ethel’s opinions will be similar if Fred will
change his jth opinion (this probability is adopted in this paper).
P ′ = i/(k − 1) means that Fred will adopt Ethel’s opinion with probability, which is determined by how many of Fred’s and Ethel’s
This probability is the same as the probability that is used in the
one-party model.
2. If Fred and Ethel are from different parties, then a = 0 and the probability that Fred changes his j th opinion is
A.1. One party model
Fred can use two simple criteria, P and P ′ , to determine the prob-
P = (i + 1)/k has the following properties:
The probability to change opinion if individuals are from different parties is ˛ times less than the probability to change opinion if
individuals are from the same party.
3. The values of P always belong to the interval [0,1] for realistic values
of i, i.e. when i ≤ k − 1.
N. Strigul / Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
Then the normalized Shannon entropy is
Appendix B. The “Diversity” criterion
The presented two-party model describes how individuals are
distributed in several groups that represent different combinations
of opinions. At the initial state, all possible groups have practically
the same number of individuals (homogeneous distribution). This
homogeneous distribution represents the maximally disordered
state of the system, where all other states are equally possible.
Therefore entropy at this state is at a maximum (Landsberg, 2002;
Davison and Shiner, 2003).
One of the most typical outcomes of considered processes in
the mean-field model is the concentration of individuals in some
groups and the disappearance of the other groups. This process
leads to one of the possible stationary states of the system. Therefore, disorder and entropy decrease and self-organization emerges
(Shiner, 1996). If all individuals are concentrated in one group, then
entropy has its minimum and the system is completely ordered.
This state can be considered as the opposite extreme state to the
homogeneous distribution in a sense of order of the system.
It is convenient to characterize this process with one parameter which decreases monotonically from 1 to 0 when distribution
changes from the homogeneous to an opposite extreme state. The
considered population is of finite size, and to construct such a
parameter it is possible to normalize a central moment of the distribution, or to apply some non-linear transformation such as the
Shannon entropy. These criteria are introduced as follows.
1. Normalized square root difference between homogeneous distribution and the given distribution, i.e., the second moment of
the given distribution.
The square root difference between the distributions is determined by the formula:
xi −
where N is the number of individuals in population, q is the
number of groups of individuals and {x1 , . . . , xq } is the given
distribution of individual between groups.
If the given distribution is the same as the homogeneous distribution, this parameter is equal to 0. In the extreme case, when all
individuals are concentrated in one group, this parameter equals:
d1 =
xi ln xi
(qN − 1/q) ln(qN − 1/q) + (q − 1)(N/q) ln(N/q)
Criteria d and d1 are closely correlated (r = 0.93, p = 0.04) in
course of the random process and, therefore, either one of them
can be used to characterize the disorder of the given random
process. However, the criterion d is computationally more simple. d is called the “diversity criterion” or “diversity” and is used
throughout the paper to characterize the considered random
The diversity criterion can be used as a measure of entropy
and disorder only for the mean-field model (Section 3.1. Selforganization in the spatially distributed model is a local spatial
process that involves some number of individuals in a neighborhood. Therefore, a distribution of individuals among different
groups and the relateds diversity criteria are not comprehensive
characteristics of disorder and self-organization for the spatialdistributed model (see Section 3.2).
Appendix C. Continuous approximations of the
individual-based models
The individual-based model developed in Section 2 is a discrete stochastic process, namely a discrete Markov chain. Under
the following assumptions this model can be approximated by an
analytically tractable system of ordinary differential equations:
1. Number of individuals is sufficiently large (can be considered,
2. Individuals interact in continuous time.
3. Interactions among individuals lead to immediate results.
Such an approximation can be used to investigate structure of
stationary states in terms of densities of social groups and their
stability. It is common in studying non-linear dynamical systems to
use linearizations and to obtain qualitative results of local meaning
(for example, local stability of stationary states). In this case, however, the global behavior of the model was completely investigated
when time tends to go to infinity.
C.1. One-party model
qN − 1 2
N 2
+ (q − 1)
The normalized square root difference is subtracted from 1 to
obtain the criterion d, having the maximum if a given distribution
is the homogeneous distribution:
(xi − (N/q))
x = {0, 0}, y = {0, 1}, z = {1, 0}, v = {1, 1}.
(qN − 1/q) + (q − 1)(N/q)
In the model of one party proposed in Section 2.1 individuals are
represented as strings of two elements, 0 or 1. For simplicity the case
of two distinct independent opinions is considered. In this case the
society consists of 4 different social groups, which are represented
by their densities:
2. Normalized Shannon entropy
The Shannon entropy was suggested as a measure of entropy
and the normalized Shannon entropy was used as a direct measure of disorder in similar problems (Landsberg, 2002; Davison
and Shiner, 2003). The Shannon entropy is determined by the
Individuals from each group have the same number of opportunities to change their opinions and therefore move into another
group with probability P. The model describing the dynamics of
social groups is represented by the following system of ordinary
differential equations:
x′ (t) = y(t)z(t) − x(t)v(t),
y′ (t) = −y(t)z(t) + x(t)v(t),
z ′ (t) = −y(t)z(t) + x(t)v(t),
v′ (t) = y(t)z(t) − x(t)v(t).
xi ln xi .
Proposition C.1. All stationary states of system (C.1) located on a
line in the {x, y, z, v} space.
N. Strigul / Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 2624–2639
To address the global behavior of system (C.1), consider a new
variable U(t) = y(t)z(t) − x(t)v(t). The differential equation for U(t)
x(t) + v(t) + y(t) + z(t) + x1 (t) + y1 (t) + z1 (t) + v1 (t) ≤ C,
U (t) = −SU(t),
where S is a constant equal to the total number of individuals x(t) +
y(t) + z(t) + v(t) > 0.
It is clear that U(t) decays exponentially to 0 as time increases.
Also, the solution must be constrained to a line, which is an intersection of the three hyperplanes
x(t) + z(t) = C1 , x(t) + y(t) = C2 , x(t) − v(t) = C3 ,
where the constants, C1 , C2 and C3 are determined by the initial conditions. Therefore U(t) must converge to the intersection of these
hyperplanes and U = 0.
These analytical results are in agreement with computer simulations of the individual-based model having finite number of
individuals. All possible groups of individuals are presented in the
long-term simulations of the one-party society, in which no significant polarization occurs. Only stochastic oscillations around
stationary states determined by the relations (C.2) are observed.
where C is a constant determined by the initial conditions. Assume
C = 1, then
x(t), v(t), y(t), z(t), x1 (t), y1 (t), z1 (t), v1 (t) ≤ 1
Now subtract (C.6) from (C.3):
x (t) − v′ (t) = x1 (t) + v(t)
The right hand side of (C.13) is non-negative and bounded. Now
I will show that limt→∞ x1 (t) + v(t) = 0. First assume the contrary
limt→∞ (x1 (t) + v(t)) >
= 0 then
(x(t) − v(t)) = lim
(x1 (t) + v(t))dt → ∞
that is contradictory with the fact that x(t) is bounded. Therefore
limt→∞ x1 (t) = 0, limt→∞ v(t) = 0
Now it follows from (C.6), (C.7), and (C.14) that
C.2. Bipartisan model
In this case each individual is represented by a string of three
elements, each of them is 1 or 0. The first element determines the
party affiliation and two other determine opinions. Therefore, there
exist 8 different groups of individuals:
x = {0, 0, 0}, y = {0, 0, 1}, z = {0, 1, 0}, v = {0, 1, 1},
limt→∞ y(t)z(t) = 0, limt→∞ y1 (t)z1 (t) = 0
Let us consider (C.4), the first two members of the right hand side
are vanishing when time tends to go to infinity.
The other two members should tend to be equal as limt→∞ y′ (t) =
0 and, also, because y(t) is bounded:
limt→∞ y1 (t) = limt→∞ y(t)
x1 = {1, 0, 0}, y1 = {1, 0, 1}, z1 = {1, 1, 0}, v1 = {1, 1, 1}.
Interactions between individuals are determined by the model
described in the Section 2.2.1. In the limit case the model can be
presented as a system of ordinary equations.
The general system has a quite complex structure and cannot
be solved algebraically. A more simple special case is considered
below, where individuals can change their party affiliation but cannot change their opinions in contacts with individuals from the
opposite party. The system of ordinary differential equations for
this model is:
x′ (t) = y(t)z(t) − x(t)v(t) + x1 (t),
y′ (t) = −y(t)z(t) + x(t)v(t) + y1 (t)/2 − y(t)/2,
z ′ (t) = −y(t)z(t) + x(t)v(t) + z1 (t)/2 − z(t)/2,
x(t) ≥ 0, v(t) ≥ 0, y(t) ≥ 0, z(t) ≥ 0,
x1 (t) ≥ 0, y1 (t) ≥ 0, z1 (t) ≥ 0, v1 (t) ≥ 0,
v (t) = y(t)z(t) − x(t)v(t) − v(t),
x1′ (t)
= y1 (t)z1 (t) − x1 (t)v1 (t) − x1 (t),
y1′ (t)
= −y1 (t)z1 (t) + x1 (t)v1 (t) + y(t)/2 − y1 (t)/2,
z1′ (t)
= −y1 (t)z1 (t) + x1 (t)v1 (t) − z1 (t)/2 + z(t)/2,
v′1 (t)
= y1 (t)z1 (t) − x1 (t)v1 (t) + v(t).
Proposition C.2. The system (C.3)–(C.10)approaches one of two possible stationary states as time tends to go to infinity:
y(t) = y1 (t) ≥ 0, v1 (t) ≥ 0, x(t) ≥ 0, v(t) = z(t) = z1 (t) = x1 (t) = 0
z(t) = z1 (t) ≥ 0, v1 (t) ≥ 0, x(t) ≥ 0, v(t) = y(t) = y1 (t) = x1 (t) = 0
All variables in this system (C.3)–(C.10) are non-negative and
Similarly from (C.5) it follows that
limt→∞ z1 (t) = limt→∞ z(t)
These two states (C.11) and (C.12) determine all possible stationary points of the system (C.3)–(C.10), and the systems globally
converge to these stationary states. The structure of these stationary states is similar to the structure of the stationary states that
were observed in computer simulations (see Section 3.1.1).
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