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Masters Thesis Written Report: Mechanical Engineering Conference and Bennett Competition April 15, 2005, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA A PIEZOELECTRIC UNIMORPH ACTUATOR BASED PRECISION POSITIONING MINIATURE WALKING ROBOT Kwon Joong Son Masters Candidate NanoRobotics Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Email: iammrson@cmu.edu Venkataraman Kartik Ph.D. Candidate Dynamic Systems Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Email: vkartik@andrew.cmu.edu Jonathan A. Wickert Professor Dynamic Systems Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Email: wickert@andrew.cmu.edu Metin Sitti Assistant Professor NanoRobotics Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Email: sitti@cmu.edu ABSTRACT This paper proposes a precision positioning miniature walking robot using piezoelectric unimorph actuators. The theoretical working equations of a uniform piezoelectric unimorph beam are derived based on the linear piezoelectric relations, Hamilton’s principle, and Euler-Bernoulli beam equation. The modal superposition method is used to determine the response of the forced transverse vibration of the beam under the effect of electrical signal inputs to the patterned piezoelectric element. Two standing waves corresponding to the third and fourth bending vibration modes are utilized to achieve the bi-directional walking mechanism for a miniature positioning robot. Design strategies and the fabrication method for the proposed walking robot are introduced. Preliminary performance tests of the robot prototype are carried successfully, and the robot can move forward with the speed of 5.86 cm/sec velocity and backward with 3.37 cm/sec. INTRODUCTION Recent advances in micro/nanorobotic technology have necessitated the development of novel actuation mechanisms and highly precise measurement systems with submicron and nanometer resolution. Miniature walking robots with highprecision positioning capability have applications as transportation/positioning platforms for nano-tools such as probes for Atomic Force Microscopy, or for manipulation mechanisms [1, 2]. The concept of a mobile micro robot which can serve as a platform for interchangeable tools would be extremely useful in a number of applications. A significant advantage of such a suitably small-sized tool carrier robot would be the possibility of being able to employ multiple such robots as a team to simultaneously work on a material sample [3]. Many designs and mechanisms for precision positioning walking robots have been developed [4 - 12]. In this research, inspired by conventional ultrasonic motors (USM) [13, 14] and their excellent performance in applications for positioning stages, a prototype of the mobile frame was constructed that uses standing waves induced by the bending vibration of a piezoelectric (PZT in this research) unimorph actuator to propel the robot by means of suitably attached legs. The vibration analysis of the piezo-metal structure is, thus, necessary to predict the dynamic behavior of the robot, and to evolve an effective design. The coupled nature of piezo-electricity also needs to be considered. We derive an analytical working equation for the piezo-metal composite actuator and employ it as a theoretical basis to design the robot. Predictions of optimal configurations and suitable operating conditions for the robot are obtained. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION The proposed design uses high frequency standing waves generated through the piezoelectric effect. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of a standing wave in a beam with two fixed ends. Three projections (legs) are attached to the beam at the points A, B, and C. These points are located toward the right of the anti-nodes of the respective waves. If the projections are assumed to be sufficiently stiff, they will always be perpendicular to the shape of the standing wave at the points of attachment. When a standing wave is induced in the beam as shown, the tips of the projections undergo linear diagonal motions. For the configuration shown in the figure, the effect of the standing wave is to produce motion that moves the beam toward the left. On the down-stroke, the friction between the leg tip and the surface propels the robot forward. However, there is no such force on the up-stroke, thus ensuring that the robot does not return to the position from where it started. 1 Copyright © 2005 by ASME Equation of Motion and Boundary Conditions For a system such as the one depicted in Fig. 3, Hamilton’s principle [16] yields t t2 1 Fig.1. Locomotion principle of a walking robot using a standing wave induced in a beam with fixed ends The shortcoming of this design is the fact that only onedirectional motion is possible using a given standing wave pattern. A modified design has been proposed to achieve bidirectional motion using two different bending modes [15]. Here, we select the third and fourth bending modes of the beams transverse vibration (henceforth, denoted as B3 and B4, respectively). Bi-directional motion can be achieved if the legs are located toward the right of the anti-node of one mode and simultaneously towards left of the anti-node of another mode. Two possible combinations of such regions where legs can be attached are depicted in Fig. 2 as regions A and B. Thus, exciting one of the modes would lead to motion in one direction, while exciting the other mode would result in motion in the opposite direction. The desired direction of motion can be achieved by modulating the operating frequency to the appropriate resonance frequency of the beam. Fig.2. Two permissible combinations of regions for attachment of three legs to achieve bi-directional motion (L Wd  W p )dt  0 (1) where u(x,t), δL, δWd, and δWp are respectively the vertical deflection field of the beam, the variation of the Lagrangian, the virtual work due to the external disturbance fd(x,t), and the virtual work due to the applied voltage Vi on the patterned electrodes of the piezoelectric layer. In this research, fd(x,t) is assumed to be negligible. The variation of u(x,t) at each known instant is zero. Thus, (2) u ( x, t1 )  u ( x, t 2 )  0 Fig.4. (a) Corss-section of the piezo-metal composite beam structure (b) equivalent crosssection of the beam The location of the neutral axis of the piezo-metal composite beam is obtained using the equivalent cross-section method. From Fig. 4(b), the position of the neutral axis, denoted by its distance form the bottom surface y , satisfies the relation, tp t (3) y ( Abt s  bt p )  s ( Abt s )  (t s  )bt p 2 2 where ts, tp and b are the height of the PZT layer, the height of the metal layer and the width of the beam, respectively. From the above equation, y can be alternatively expressed as MODEL OF A PIEZO-METAL COMPOSITE BEAM ACTUATOR The vibration analysis of a composite layer consisting of a piezoelectric material and a metal plate is essential for a proper design of the USM based walking robot. Figure 3 depicts such a composite plate in schematic form. The plate is supported at opposite ends by hinges and torsional springs. 1 AB 2  2 B  1 (4) tp 2 AB  1 The position y is chosen so that the maximum transduction from electrical energy to mechanical energy can occur [17]. The maximum energy transduction condition is achieved when the following condition is satisfied. tp Es (5) or AB 2  1  ts Ep Fig.3. Schematic diagram of a piezo-metal composite structure supported with torsional springs at the ends where Es and Ep are the Young’s moduli of the steel and PZT ceramic. The two dimensionless numbers in the above equation are defined as A=Es/Ep and B= ts / tp. Geometrically, if B is chosen such that AB 2  1 , the neutral axis would become coincident with the interface of the PZT and metal layers, i.e., y  ts (6) If materials with specific mechanical properties are selected, it follows from equation (3) that y depends only on the thickness of each layer. Therefore, the thickness ratio y 2 Copyright © 2005 by ASME between the PZT and the metal substrate layers can be determined by equation (6). The total kinetic energy of the composite beam is L1 (  p t p   s t s )bu,t 2 dt T  Ts  T p   0 2 (7) L 1 2 T   p t p b( BR  1)  u,t dt 0 2 where ρp and ρs are the densities of the PZT ceramic and the metal substrate respectively, and R=ρp/ρs..   Fig.5. (a) Linear strain profile, and (b) piecewise linear stress profile in the cross-section of a beam The total strain energy in the beam can be expressed if the strain and stress distributions are known through the whole domain. The Euler-Bernoulli beam theory is adopted in this derivation procedure. The beam theory makes the basic assumption that a normal strain, at a certain position, is linearly proportional to the distance from the neutral axis (Fig. 5). Taking the total strain energy in the integral form  U strain  dV , the total strain energy for the composite beam   can be written in the following form. L  tp 1 0 1 E s yu,xx yu,xx dy bdx U    E p yu, xx  yu, xx dy   t s 2 0  0 2  L 1 (8) U  E p t p 3b( AB 3  1) u, xx 2 dx 0 6 Comparing equations (7) and (8) with the expressions for the total kinetic energy and the total strain energy for a single-layer L1 uniform beam, i.e. and T Au,t 2 dx 0 2 L1 U EIu, xx 2 dx , we find the equivalent constants (ρA)eq and 0 2 (EI)eq for the given piezo-metal composite beam. (9) ( A) eq   p t p b( BR  1)    1 (10) E p t p 3b( AB 3  1) 3 The above quantities are associated with the equivalent mass and the equivalent stiffness for the transverse vibration of a beam, and they are useful in describing the beam dynamics succinctly. For example, the Lagrangian of the system can be expressed as L L 1 1 (11) L  T  U  ( A) eq u,t 2 dx  ( EI ) eq u, xx 2 dx 0 0 2 2 The corresponding variation of the Lagrangian is Fig.6. (a) Linear strain profile (b) stress profile generated by the applied voltage Va on the PZT layer The work due to a voltage applied on the patterned electrodes on the PZT layer (Fig. 3) results from the energy transduction which occurs in the piezoelectric material. The piezoelectric constant d31, which is defined as the ratio of the resultant strain in the x-direction to the electric field intensity in the y-direction, enables the quantitative estimation of the work done in this case. Figure 6 shows the stress profile generated in the beam due to the applied voltage Va. The stress in the PZT layer σp is derived using Hooke’s law and the linear relation between the applied electric field intensity and the induced strain profile which is assumed to be unidirectional. N separated electrodes on the upper piezo layer are considered here. If a sequential voltage Vk (k=1, 2, ··· N) is applied to each electrode (Fig. 3), Va can be expressed as the following summation Va  Vk H ( x  xk )  H ( x  xk 1 ) N k 1 (14) where N is the number of electrodes and H(x) is the Heaviside step function. The work done by the applied voltage, therefore, is L 1 (15) W p   p dV  E p t p bd 31 Va u, xx dx 0 2 Hence, the virtual work due to the applied voltage Va is L 1 (16) W p  E p t p bd 31 Va (u, xx )dx 0 2    ( EI ) eq    L  ( A) eq  u,t  (u,t )dx  ( EI ) eq  u, xx (u, xx )dx L L 0 0 (12) After successively integrating twice by parts, equation (12) can be rewritten with respect to the variation of u(x,t) as, L    ( A) eq u,tt  ( EI ) eq u, xxxx udx L 0 (13) Fig.7. External disturbance function fd(x,t) Substituting equations (13) and (16) into equation (1), the equation of motion is obtained by applying the variational principle:  2V 1 (17) ( A) eq u,tt  ( EI ) eq u, xxxx  E p t p bd 31 2a 2 x In addition to the above field equation of motion, boundary conditions are required to fully characterize the dynamic behavior of the system. Besides the vanishing displacement conditions at x=0 and L, the other two required boundary conditions can be obtained by balancing a bending moment at each end. The four boundary conditions for the given configuration are summarized below: 3 Copyright © 2005 by ASME u  0, ( EI ) eq u, xx  kT u, x  0 at x  0 (18) u  0, ( EI ) eq u, xx  kT u, x  0 at x  L (19) Natural Frequencies and Mode Sahpes From equation (17), we may write the homogenous equation as (20) ( A) eq u,tt  ( EI ) eq u, xxxx  0 Considering a variable-separable form of the solution with a harmonic time variation, u ( x , t )   ( x ) e i t (21) Equation (20) may be re-written as,  ''''  4  0 (22) where, 4  ( A) eq ( EI ) eq 2 . The general solution of equation (22) has the following form:  ( x)  a1 cos(x)  a2 sin(x)  a3 cosh(x)  a4 sinh(x) (23) Applying boundary conditions (18) and (19), we get the system of simultaneous equations in a1, a2, a3 and a4: (24) a1  a3  0  ( EI ) eq 2 a1  kT a 2  ( EI ) eq 2 a3  kT a 4  0 (25) a1 cos(L)  a2 sin(L)  a3 cosh(L)  a 4 sinh(L)  0 (26)  ( EI )  cos(L)  k  sin(L)a   ( EI )  sin(L)  k  cos(L)a  ( EI )  cosh(L)  k  sinh(L)a  ( EI )  sinh(L)  k  cosh(L)a 2 sinh    (cosh   cos  ) Cn  (sinh   sin  ) a2n   a3n  C n (31) (32) 2 sin    (cosh   cos  ) Cn (33)  (sinh   sin  ) Hence, the eigen-function, or mode shape, corresponding to the solution of the characteristic equation can be written as     n ( x)  C n cos( n x)  Dn sin( n x) L L  (34) n n   cosh( x)  En sinh( x) L L  where 2 sinh    (cosh   cos  ) (35) Dn    (sinh   sin  ) 2 sin    (cosh   cos  ) En  (36)  (sinh   sin  ) The normalization condition is, 1 2 (37) Cn  L 2 x dx ( )     n a4n  0 where  n ( x)   ( x) Cn . 2 eq 1 T 2 eq T 2 (27) 2 eq T 3 T 4 2 eq 0 Equations (24)-(27) can be represented as the matrix equation. [Q]{a}  0 (28) where, {a}=[a1 a2 a3 a4]T. The characteristic equation which guarantees a nontrivial set of the vector {a}, i.e. det[Q]=0 can be expressed as below with kT and respect to two dimensionless parameters   ( EI ) eq / L   L : 2  2 sin  sinh   2 sin  cosh  fn  t p n2 E p ( AB 3 1) u ( x, t )  n ( x) n (t )  (38) n 1 For the modal analysis to obtain the forced response, the generalized force in the η coordinate system is expressed by using the virtual work principle: W p   Qn n  (39) n1  From equation (17), the generalized forces are  2 cos  sinh    cos  cosh     0 Let βn and Cn be the positive nth solution of the characteristic equation and the corresponding coefficient a1 respectively. From the computed values of βn , the natural frequencies can be derived as follows. t  2 E ( AB 3 1)  2 ( EI ) n  n2 ( A)eq  p 2n 3p ( BR 1) eq p L L or 2 Forced Vibration Response The steady-state response of the piezo-metal composite beam can be represented by the generalized coordinate ηn in the eigen-function space. 3 (29) (30) 2L2 3  p ( BR 1) In addition, the coefficients a2, a3, and a4 associated with the index n can be represented with respect to Cn as follows. Qn (t )  N 1 E p t p bd 31 Vk (t ) n ' ( xk 1 )   n ' ( xk ) 2 k 1 (40) Therefore, the transformed equation of motion in the generalized coordinate η can be written in the following form: (41) n   n 2 n  Qn (t ) Consider a sinusoidal electrical input with identical amplitude, but with different polarity, for each electrode of the form ~ Vk (t )  Vk sin(t ). Defining n (t )  ~n sin(t ) and assuming zero initial conditions u(x,0)=u,t=0 (or equivalently  n (0)  n (0)  0 ), the amplitude of ηn can be obtained from equation (41) as, N ~ V  ' ( xk 1 )   n ' ( xk ) 1 ~ k 1 k n (42)  n (t )  E p t p bd 31 2 n 2   2  4 Copyright © 2005 by ASME Finally, we obtain the steady-state response of the beam under a sinusoidal electrical input as, u ( x, t )    n ( x) n (t )  n 1  N ~   1  Vk n ' ( xk 1 )  n ' ( xk ) ( x) sin(t ) E p t p bd 31   k 1 n   2 n 2   2 n 1   (43) Fig.8. Analytical frequency response of the composite beam under a uniform sinusoidal input with an amplitude of 10 Volts on the PZT layer DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF THE ROBOT Design If the material properties and geometric features of the PZT and metal layers are well defined, equation (43) enables us to analytically predict the dynamics of the given system (Fig. 3). The design process, aided by this theoretical analysis, is described below. TABLE 1 PROPERTIES FOR THE PZT-5A AND STAINLESS STEEL LAYERS Stainless PZT-5A Steel (Type 304) Young’s modulus E (GPa) 66 200 7800 7800 Density ρ (Kg/m3) -12 Piezoelectric Constant d31 (m/V) -190 × 10 Length × Width × Thickness (mm3) 30 × 6 × 30 × 5 × 0.508 0.300 In this research, industry type piezo-layer (PZT-5A, T110A4E-602 ceramic single sheet, Piezo Systems, Inc.) with 300nm thick vacuum sputtered nickel electrodes on both sides, and Type 304 stainless with a high quality factor were chosen as the components of the actuating parts. Table 1 shows their material specifications and dimensions. From equation (5), the desirable thickness of the steel layer is found to be 0.3048 mm for the selected PZT-5A. However, we used 0.3 mmthick stainless steel sheet because of its commercial availability. An important parameter required in design process is the torsional spring constant kT. This parameter has a significant effect on the beam’s dynamics, i.e. its natural frequencies and mode shapes, because the solutions of equation (29) strongly The value of kT was determined depend on kT. experimentally by adjusting two resonance frequencies for the fourth mode vibration, one from the experiment and the other from equation (30). The measured resonance frequencies were 14.76 kHz for the third mode and 24.80 kHz for the fourth mode. These values were obtained by sweeping the input frequency from 10 to 30 kHz and simultaneously monitoring the amplitude of one specific position (x=4.83 mm) where one of the leg will be placed. The reason for using the fourth mode used instead of the third mode for the frequency measurement is that the fourth mode shows more distinct resonance behavior in the neighborhood of the corresponding natural frequency than the third mode, where the peak has a wider base, as shown in Fig. 8. The above frequency responses were computed from equation (43) using the same operating conditions as with the experiment in which a sinusoidal electric signal with 10V amplitude was uniformly applied to the entire electrode on top of the PZT layer. Thus, kT was set to be 6.623×10-3 Nm so that the analytical fourth natural frequency equal the experimental result, i.e. 24.80 kHz. Theoretical resonance frequencies using this value of kT were 14.37 kHz for the third mode and 24.80 kHz for the fourth mode. (a) (b) Fig.9. Patterned electrode and operation schemes (a) for exciting the B3 vibration mode and (b) for exciting the B4 vibration mode For the proposed application, it is desired that the same piezo-metal plate be used for producing both forward and reverse locomotion. To achieve this, the electrodes are polarized such that with one polarization scheme, one bending mode is induced, while the second scheme yields a different bending mode. Five insulation gaps for the six electrodes of different sizes are etched on to the piezo layer to realize the alternative excitation schemes. Figure 9 shows the relative polarities of the electrodes that are required to excite the B3 and B4 modes, respectively. To excite the B3 mode, electrodes 3 and 4 need to be opposite in polarity to the other four electrodes. On the other hand, in order to obtain the B4 mode, electrodes 2, 3, and 6 need to be opposite in polarity to the other three electrodes. The application of a sinusoidallyvarying voltage gives rise to the two forcing functions. 5 Copyright © 2005 by ASME Fig.10. Analytical B3 and B4 mode shapes and the corresponding positions of the three legs, when kT=6.623×10-3 Nm The positions of the insulation gaps are the same as those of the five nodal points for the B3 and B4 mode shapes. The locations of the insulation gaps, computed with the expansion of the first 10 eigenfunctions, are found to be 8.03 mm, 10.72 mm, 15.40 mm, 20.40 mm, and 22.80 mm (Fig. 10). contaminants which might act as defects in the bonded region. The width of the piezo-element is made 1 mm longer than that of the metal substrate in order to provide a space to apply the ground voltage to the bottom side of the PZT. The ratio of layer thicknesses, calculated from equation (5), results in the neutral axis being located at the interface between the two layers. Because maximum shear stresses are induced in that region, strong bonding between the surfaces is essential to the fabrication of the piezo-metal composite actuator. To accomplish this, epoxy adhesive (Super Instant Epoxy 90, Pacer Technology, Inc.) was applied at each interface and then cured for 90 sec at room temperature. Two such piezo-metal composite beams are placed opposite to each other to form a pair. For each pair of beams, there is a 180◦ phase difference between the voltage inputs to the individual beams such that, at any given instant, a total of three feet (one from one beam, and two from the other) are always in contact with the ground, thus ensuring stability. This locomotive principle is bio-mimetic of six-legged insect walking [7]. A signal distributing circuit was mounted on top of the main frame, and six ball-shaped legs (Soda-Lime ball with 1.5875 mm diameter) were bonded onto the appropriate positions of the beams. In order to minimize any interruption of the robot’s motion, thin and light Teflon coated silver wires with 0.14 mm diameter (A-M Systems, Inc.) were connected to the circuit board to feed electric signals to the robot. The complete structure after wiring is shown in Fig. 12. The overall size and weight of the prototype are 53 x 45 x 19 mm3 and 23.25g respectively. (a) (b) Fig.11. Predicted frequency responses of the three leg positions (a) under B3 electrical input and (b) under B4 electrical input configuration To realize bi-directional locomotion, three legs are placed at the intersection points of two modes shapes (Fig. 10). Each leg has a different tip trajectory because of the different displacement amplitude, as shown in Fig. 11. This inconsistency of tip trajectories will be discussed later. Fabrication Two piezoelectric layers with the dimensions given in Table 1 were sliced manually from a large single sheet. Insulation gaps were etched by means of a laser cutting system (New Wave Research, Inc.). The thin stainless steel plates were machined by wire EDM (electrical discharge machining). Each surface was cleaned with acetone removing organic Fig.12. Photograph of the fabricated prototype of the miniature walking robot EXPERIMENT Experiments were carried out on a 6" (100) silicon wafer. Two out-of-phase 10V sinusoidal signals obtained from two synchronized function generators were applied to the patterned electrodes according to the operational scheme stated above. To excite two different bending modes for the bi-directional locomotion, input frequencies were specified as 14.2 kHz for B3 mode and 24.7 kHz for B4 mode. The displacement for each direction was measured by means of a laser measurement system (LS-3034, Keyence, Inc.). Figure 13 shows the experimental measurements of the robot’s motion and the corresponding results from linear curve fitting. The slopes of the fitted curves, i.e. the velocities, are determined to be 5.86 cm/sec and 3.37 cm/sec for forward motion and reverse motion, respectively, under the specified input conditions. The results 6 Copyright © 2005 by ASME reveal that the single step displacements for motion in each direction are 4.13 μm/step for forward motion (B3 mode excitation) and 1.36 μm/step for reverse motion (B4 mode excitation). robot equipped with two pairs of piezo-metal composite actuators. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Professor Adnan Akay and Zhaoshun Xu for their valuable support and assistance with the modal experiments, and Thomas Cimprich and Mustafa Emre Karagozler for their help with the performance tests. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] Fig.13. Measured displacement of the robot in the two directions and the associated linear fitting curves We will continue this research in order to build a walking robot with sub-micron step resolution. The primary advantages of our design arise from the fact that equations (30) and (43) indicate the possibility of achieving this by reducing the speed of the robot or increasing the operating frequencies. The speed can be slowed down by reducing the vibration amplitude of the piezoelectric unimorph actuator, or by feeding input voltages with lower amplitudes. Because there is some threshold voltage, and, hence, a threshold amplitude of the vibration, below which the robot cannot move due to the static friction between the leg and surface [18], the amplitude modulation strategy is limited to some degree. In addition, a further miniaturized robot is also expected to achieve finer motion since the natural frequencies of the actuators can be made higher. CONCLUSION This paper has presented the analytical working equation for a piezo-metal composite beam actuator with generalized torsional springs at the ends. The theoretical results which can predict kinematics of the standing wave patterns generated in the beam structure, especially the B3 and B4 modes of vibration for bi-directional locomotion, were directly used in the design of the walking robot prototype. The torsional spring constant was determined experimentally and the positions of the legs and insulation gaps on the piezoelectric layer were determined based on the predicted mode shapes. The fabrication process for the robot has also been introduced. The feasibility of the proposed design was shown by the demonstration of the prototype on a smooth silicon wafer surface. Even if each leg has slightly different dynamic characteristic (Fig. 11) which might cause oblique walking, cyclic and out-of-phase operation of two parallel actuators turns out to compensate probable oblique walking at each period in the long run if the surface condition is perfectly uniform. Future work will target the collection of experimental data to enable a more thorough understanding of the system dynamics, the development of on-board driving circuitry, and the construction of a three degree-of-freedom (X-Y-) walking [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] 7 H. 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