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Academia Letters, 2021
Dokumen Adiwiyata SD, 2022
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Psychology of Religion and Spirituality , 2021
When someone says she believes that God exists, is she expressing the same kind of mental state as when she says she thinks that a lake bigger than Lake Michigan exists⎯i.e., does she refer to the same kind of cognitive attitude in both cases? Using evidence from linguistic corpora (Study 1) and behavioral experiments (Studies 2-4), the current work provides evidence that individuals typically use the word “believe” more in conjunction with statements about religious credences and “think” more in conjunction with factual statements, pointing to two different understandings of claims made with these two terms. These patterns do not appear to reflect low-level differences based on the amount of consensus surrounding a particular claim, the extent to which the truth of a particular claim is known to the participant, or linguistic differences between religious and factual statements. We discuss implications of these findings for religious cognition (e.g., as supporting the theory that religious credences are qualitatively distinct from factual beliefs) as well as cognitive processes more broadly. Finally, we relate the present findings to prior theoretical work on differences between factual belief and religious credence.
בלשנות עברית — Hebrew linguistics, 2023
This paper tries to reevaluate the notion of linguistic error in the light of modern research on standard language, linguistic variation and the history of contemporary Hebrew since its emergence as a vernacular at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. I ask why Israelis perceive their Hebrew speech as faulty or bad and whether this perception is appropriate. I then discuss linguistic variation—synchronic and diachronic—and how acknowledging it as an inherent characteristic of language should affect our view of language and language education. Finally, I try to see how we can overcome preconceptions and do research not only on written Hebrew but also on its spoken varieties, so that they receive their proper place in our life and culture.
Despite the growing concern of researchers in the field of business ethics, cases of unethical practices have continue to manifest in corporate organisations. Corporate leaders engage in decisions that have resulted to lack of trust in the organisations leadership; and lack of commitment to organisation's goals. This paper tries to examine the concept of ethical leadership, the characteristics of an ethical leader, ethical leadership and its impact on employee job performance and how organisations can develop leaders that are not only sound in character but sound in action. Corporate business leaders are expected to be persons of " strong characters " and serve as role models to their employees; which without, the organisation's goals may be undermined. Two important variables; trust and commitment were discussed for better understanding of ethical leadership and employee job performance. The study concludes with some suggestions from the literature.
Le monde industriel actuel connait des changements frequents et parfois brutaux suite aux progres que connaissent la science et les technologies et aux besoins des clients, qui sont de plus en plus exigeants. Par consequent, pour faire face a ces perturbations et assurer leur competitivite, les industriels developpent des methodes pour maitriser et ameliorer leur processus pour plus de performance. Le Lean management est une de ces methodes qui a pu faire ses preuves dans le pilotage et l’amelioration des processus (en particulier de production).Neanmoins, le Processus de Developpement de Produit (PDP) reste le socle des enjeux industriels car c’est a ce stade que les grandes decisions liees a la strategie, l’organisation, les delais et les couts de conception et de fabrication sont prises, d’ou l’interet de developper des methodes pour piloter et ameliorer ce processus. Or, la complexite du PDP rend difficile l’application directe des methodes Lean deja existantes.De ce fait, notre...
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Слова, конструкции и тексты в истории русской письменности: сборник статей к 70-летию академика А.М. Молдована. Санкт-Петербург – Москва: "Нестор-История", 2021
Precarious Journeys, 2019
Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2016
Scientia Horticulturae, 2019
Icoana Credintei, 2017
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2016
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Feb, 2015
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2016
Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, 2013
Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 2005