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Beni Safitra

0773/PEND BAHASA INGGRIS/STKIP.PAS/CMI/S1/2010 IMPROVING THE FIFTH GRADE PUPILS ENGLISH SPEAKING ABILITY USING WH – QUESTIONS WORDS THROUGH CONVERSATION True – Experimental Study done in the Fifth grade of SDN Sudajaya Hilir 3 Kota Sukabumi THE PAPER Presented to the study Program of Study Education of the Department and Art Education of STKIP Pasundan Cimahi in Partial fulfillment for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan by : BENI SAFITRA 06510221 SEKOLAH TINGGI KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN STKIP PASUNDAN CIMAHI 2010 i STATEMENT I hereby certify that this paper titled “ Improving the fifth year students English speaking ability using Wh- Question Words Through Conversation at the fifth grade students of SDN Sudajaya Hilir 3 Sukabumi “ is completed my own work. And I am fully aware that I have quoted some statements and ideas from many sources. All quotations are properly acknowledgement. Sukabumi, September 2010 Beni Safitra Title : Improving The Fifth Year Students English Speaking Ability Using Wh – Questions Words Through Conversation at The Fifth Grade Students Of SDN. Sudajaya Hilir Three Sukabumi Name : Beni Safitra NPM : 06510221 APPROVED BY The First Supervisor The Second Supervisor Dra. Ridha Mardiani, M. Pd. NIP : 132 058 794 Dra. Hj. Tien s Turna, M. Pd. NIP : 181 14180 Head of Department of Language and Art Education The Study Program Of English Education Novandi Aditya, M. Pd. NIK : 181 4026 Dean of STKIP Pasundan Cimahi Drs. H. Edi Komarudin. MM NIK : 181 4036 A wiseman said : English is the crown of schools and colleges and so far it has become a part of my life, it has showed my ways to walk well and I promise I’ll keep it move it and forward. Dedicated to : My beloved parents, wife, children, brothers, and sisters. PREFACE The praise be to allah lord of the world because by his Mercy and guidance, so that the writer has finished this paper as the last duty from English Department by title “ Improving the Fifth Year Students English Speaking Ability Using Wh – Question Words Through Conversation at the Fifth Grade Students of SDN Sudajaya Hilir 3 Sukabumi, and the writer also doesn’t forget Shalawat and Shalam may Allah always shower to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, and all followers in the world. This paper is submitted to English Department of Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan ( STKIP ) Pasundan Cimahi in partial fulfillment of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree. The writer also realize that this paper is so far from perfect and also full of inaccurate ideas and mistakes, so he wishes to hope some constructive suggestions and criticisms from all the readers to make this paper more perfect. Sukabumi, September 2010 The writer i ACKNOWLEDGMENT Assalaamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wa barokaatuh. Alhamdulillahirobil ‘alamin, Shubhanallah walhamdulillah, Wallahuakbar. The writer finally has made himself to walk through every possibility way for him to serve this paper which entitled : IMPROVING THE FIFTH YEAR STUDENTS ENGLISH SPEAKING ABILITY WITH Wh – QUESTIONS WORDS THROUGH CONVERSATION. This short and simple paper is submitted proudly to the English Department of STKIP Pasundan Cimahi as one of the partial fulfillment of the requirement for Sarjana Degree. The writer is greatly indebted and gratitude and deep appreciation to those several people who have helped and supported him a lot for writing this paper. Therefore firstly the writer wishes and needs to express his sincerity of the gratitude to : 1. Drs. H. Edi Komarudin. MM Dean of STKIP Pasundan Cimahi 2. Novandi Aditya, M. Pd. The Head of English Education Program of STKIP Pasundan Cimahi. 3. Dra. Ridha Mardiani, M. Pd. As my respected main supervisor for her Valuable guidance, advice, correction during the process of writing this paper. 4. Dra. Hj. Tien S Turna, M. Pd. As beloved co. supervisor for her wisdom, guidance, support, corrections and advice during the process of the paper’s writing. 5. Eko Mahmud as The headmaster of SDN. Sudajaya Hilir. 3 Sukabumi who has allowed the write to search at this school. 6. The all members of teachers and the fifth grade students of SDN. Sudajaya Hilir. 3 Sukabumi who have support and allowed the writer to search at this school. ii 7. Intan Permata Deli A.Md. the writer’s beloved wife. And also sons : Muhammad Jundy Rabbany Safitra, Muhammad Javier Ramadhan Safitra, Muhammad Jakeem Reshad Safitra who always keep supporting me. 8. All the lecturers of STKIP Pasundan Cimahi who can’t be mentioned one by one. 8. Great Friends : Nana, Lalan, Aam, Diki, Hendra, Edwin, Firman, and Ridwan The writer realizes, that his paper is still away from perfect although he has tied to do his best. And In this case the writer always expect constructive critics. Wishing and hope this paper should be both useful for himself and the readers. iii ABSTRACT The paper title is “ Improving The fifth year Students English Speaking Ability Using Wh – Questions Words Through Conversation at The Fifth Grade Students of SDN. Sudajaya Hilir 3 Sukabumi “, and it’s written by Beni Safira the student of STKIP Psundan Cimahi. There are many teaching techniques to improve students interest in studying English. The teacher should motivate and encourage the students with interesting activities. For example, they can improve students speaking ability by using Wh- Question Words through Conversation. The Population in this study was the grade five students of SDN Sudajaya Hilir 3 Sukabumi. The total number of students in the population was 40 students using a random sampling the instrument is speaking test. The problem discussed in this study is whether or not the Wh- Question Words are able to improve the students speaking ability through conversation to the fifth grade students of SDN Sudajaya Hilir 3 and how this method effective to improve the fifth year students speaking ability. Therefore the aim of the research is to measure whether teaching speaking using Wh- Question words through conversation effective to improve students English speaking ability than the conventional one. In solving the problem the writer uses the method in this research is TrueExperimental method. The research focuses on pretest- posttest control group design. Pretest firstly was given to the experimental group and the control group then followed by treatment to the experimental group and finally posttest was given to the experimental group and control group. The result of computation shows the average of the pretest is 6,1 and the posttest is 8,5 for experimental group, whereas the value of pretest is 5,4 and the posttest is 6,02 for control group. It mean that the value of pretest and posttest of experimental group is greater than the value of pretest and posttest from the control group. The teacher has to be able to use a method and teaching technique effectively. WhQuestion words through conversation can improve the students English speaking ability and help the teacher and learner in learning process. Finally, the computation shows us that Wh-Question Words through conversation can improve the fifth year students English speaking ability, and it is very effective. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface ……………………………………………………… i Acknowledge ……………………………………………………… ii Abstract ……………………………………………………… iv Table of Contents ……………………………………………………… v Chapter I Chapter II INTRODUCTION ……………… 1 1.1 The background of Study ……………… 1 1.2 The Statement of Problem ……………… 3 1.3 The Hypotheses ……………… 3 1.4 The Aim of Research ……………… 4 1.5 The Benefit of Research ……………… 4 1.6 The Problem of Limitation ……………… 5 1.7 The Clarification of Term ……………… 6 1.8 The Paper Organization of Research ……………… 7 THE THEORITICAL BACKGROUND ……………… 8 2.1 The Definition of Students ………………. 8 2.2. Speaking ………………. 9 The Definition of Speaking Ability ……………… 9 The Function of Speaking ………………. 10 The Kinds of Speaking ………………. 12 2.2.2 Teaching Speaking ………………. 16 2.2.3 The Characteristic of Successful Speaking Activities ……. 16 2.3 The Wh- Question Words ………………. 16 v 2.3.1 The Wh- Question Words Types of Question ………….. 19 2.3.2 The Detail of Question Words ……………. 19 2.4 Teaching Speaking Using Wh- Question Words …………….. 29 2.5 An Other Terms of Wh- Question Words Question in Speaking Ability Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V ……………. 29 THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ……………. 30 3.1 The Method of Research ……………. 30 3.2 The Subject of Research ……………. 30 3.3 The Population and Sample ……………. 30 3.4 The Object of Research ……………. 30 3.5 The Instrument ……………. 30 3.6 The Research Design ……………. 31 3.7 The Collecting of Data ……………. 32 THE ANALYSIS DATA ……………. 34 4.1 Collecting the Interval Data ……………. 37 4.2 The Calculating of Data ……………. 35 THE CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION …………… 46 5.1 The Conclusion …………… 46 5.2 The Suggestion …………… 47 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of Study Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols. Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching. However, the world requires that the goal of teaching speaking should improve students’ communicative skills because students can express themselves and learn how to use a language. And so in language teaching, learners are unique; they have their own competences or capacities of the mind, besides they have some other differences among them It can be inferred that the important learner’s differences are learner’s motivation, learner’s different ages, and heterogeneous classes. Motivation has strongly relationship to language learning. It is needed to exploit the capacity of the mind to make a sense of the environment. And for simple cases there are some reasons why speaking is felt difficult to be mastered by the students. First, the students begin to learn English by the way of reading. In fact, reading is different from listening, like writing is different from speech. The biggest difference is that speech consists of sounds. Speakers must know the sound system; otherwise, they cannot understand speech. Moreover, writing uses different language. According to Brown Harmer (2004: 4): Motivation includes the factors such as the need for exploration, activity, stimulation, new knowledge, and ego enhancement. Ego enhancement is defined for the self to be known and to be accepted and approved of by others. For example, the learners who started going to a learning a language, may hope that they are able to use in a new language fluency and accuracy, perhaps it will aid ego enhancement and be stimulated by the active nature of this new undertaking”. Brown Harmer (2001: 75) states “motivation is highest when one can make one’s own choices”. However, to make the learners’ motivation highest, they should be given a chance to make their own decision what to think, to feel, and to do. The teaching-learning process which provides the opportunities for learners to make their own choices is cooperative learning approach. According to Brown Harmer (2004: 117) states that groups work has some advantages, one of them is it promotes learner autonomy by allowing learners to make their own decision in the group without being told what to do by the teacher. They work together in groups work or pairs work for doing something to achieve the goals of language learning. Brown Joy L. M, (2001: 284) states: “Contemporary views (of language) hold that the sounds of language are less crucial for understanding than the way they are organized. The rhythm and intonation of English are two major organizing structures that native speakers rely on to process speech…. Because of their major roles in communication, rhythm, and intonation merit greater priority in the teaching program than attention to individual sound”. For this case, I myself as the English teacher of SDN Sudajaya Hilir. 3 Kota Sukabumi should apply above appropriate method and technique. The method used by the teacher is True – Experimental Study. 1.2 The Statement of Problem The writer states the main problem as follow : x Is Wh-questions words through conversation able to improve the students English speaking ability to the fifth grade students of SDN Sudajaya Hilir. 3. Sukabumi ? x How the Wh-questions words through conversation effective to improve the students English speaking ability to the fifth grade students of SDN Sudajaya Hilir. 3. Sukabumi ? 1.3 The Hypotheses By making main idea as clear as the deal, so the writer try to join the hypotheses based on the research problem. These are: 1. Null hypotheses ( Ho ) There is not significant difference in the result of using Wh- Question Words through Conversation in improving the students English speaking ability at the fifth grade students of SDN Sudajaya Hilir 3 Sukabumi. 2. Alternative Hypothesis ( Ha ) There is significant difference in the result of using Wh- Question Words through Conversation in improving the students English speaking ability at the fifth grade students of SDN Sudajaya Hilir 3 Sukabumi. 1.4 The Aim of Research 1. To help the students in improving their English speaking capability using ‘Wh Question Words though conversation. 2. To find out how important and effective the improvement of speaking using ‘Wh Question Words through conversation. 1.5 The Benefit of the Research The writer does really hopefully, this research can be useful to the learners, the other teachers, and to the other researchers. For the learners, this research finding will improve learners’ speaking skill. Moreover, the learners will improve on listening, cooperation, reflection, problem-solving, and social skills. The learner not only uses the skills in the classroom but also in the workplace and at home. The other teachers and the researchers can choose suitable technique or suitable method for teaching learning activities to learners who have high motivation and low motivation. The teacher can encourage the learners who have low motivation to speak the target language as well, besides encouraging the learners who have high motivation. Because the technique provides the learners to be able to achieve some skills in teaching learning process, by using this technique the teacher constructs the relationship of the learners to others. The other researchers can use the result of this research as consideration on their research. By considering the result they can also find the different results for using the technique and viewed from other learner’s differences, for example, different age, different styles of the learning, the view of the learner’s living, and their likes In this chapter, the writer hope it will help to solve their problem in practicing the speaking, and it can help the students in increasing their motivation in learning English speaking, and the writer is really do believe that the students will be creatively by learning English fun and happy using ‘Wh - Question Words though conversation. 1.6 The Problem Limitation Some of the learners probably have some differences in learning English; therefore English language teaching should consider the learners differences. The learners who have low motivation and high motivation are different. Additionally learner proficiency is different. In this case, the limitation of the writer in the paper is only pointed and focused as in the improving speaking through ‘Wh - Question Words through conversation such as telling the private identify, telling hobby or interest and family for The Fifth grade students of elementary school, SDN Sudajaya Hilir .3 Sukabumi. 1.7 The Clarification of the Terms These are several possible of Terms of improving, based on : http://www.merriam-webster.com and Retrieved on April 29th, 2010. from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/games 1. to enhance in value or quality: make better 2. to increase the value of (land or property) by making it more useful for Humans (as by cultivation or the erection of buildings) 3. to grade and drain (a road) and apply surfacing material other than Pavement The Other Terms improving of speaking : 1: That speaks 1: capable of speech 2: having a population that speaks a specified language – usually used in combination . 3: that involves talking or giving speeches . 2: Highly significant or expressive . 3: Resembling a living being or a real object. 1.8 Paper Organization of the Research In this research the researcher divides this research into five chapters as follow : Chapter I is Introduction, and it consists of the background of study, the statement of problem, the Hypotheses, the aim of research, the benefit of the research, the problem limitation, the clarification of term, the paper organization. Chapter II it shows with The Theoretical background, consisting of the definition of students, the theoretical framework, speaking, the definition of speaking, the function of speaking, the kinds of speaking, teaching speaking, the characteristic of successful speaking activities, the Wh-Question words, the detail of Wh-Question words, teaching speaking using Wh-Question Words, an other term of Wh-Question Words in speaking ability. Chapter III it expresses about Research methodology, which consists of the method of research, the subject of research, the population and sample of the research, the object of research, the instrument, the research design, the collecting data. Chapter IV it expresses about The Data Analysis and Finding, and it shows the collecting the interval data, the calculating of data. Chapter V it shows about conclusion and suggestion. CHAPTER II THE THEORITICAL BACKGROUND While confidence is needed by learners to present their English orally. This psychological factor influenced the learners’ ability in speaking. And Speaking is an important aspect in language learning. By speaking, we can convey information and ideas, and maintain social relationship by communicating with others. In addition, a large percentage of the world’s language learners study English in order to be able to communicate fluently. It is strengthened by British Council’s report (1998) which states that more than two billion people use English to communicate. Some people often think that the ability to speak a language is the product of language learning. They assumed that speaking is a crucial part of language learning process. 2.1 The Definition of Students These are several possible of Terms of improving, based on : http://www.thefreedictionary.com/studentstudent. A person who engaged in study; one who is devoted in learning; a learner; a pupil; a scholar; especially, one who attends a school, or who seeks knowledge from professional teachers or from books; as, the students of an academy, a college, or a university; a medical student; a hard student. And those are the similar meanings needed : A learned person (especially in the humanities); someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines. 1. An undergraduate or graduate studying for a degree at a university etc university students; a medical student; (also adjective ) She is a student nurse/teacher. 2. A boy or girl at school. 3. A person studying a particular thing a student of politics. 5. A person following a course of study, as in a school, college, University. 6. (Social Science / Education) a person who makes a thorough study of a subject 7. One who is enrolled or attends classes at a school, college, or university. 8. One who studies something: a student of contemporary dance. 9. An attentive observer: a student of world affairs. 2.2 Speaking The Definition of Speaking Ability : To most of the people, mastering the art of speaking is the single most important aspect of learning a second or foreign language, and success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language. Through speaking, one can express their minds, ideas and thought freely and spontaneously. Speaking is making use words in an ordinary voice, uttering words, knowing and being able to use language; expressing oneself in words, making speech. While skill is the ability to do something well. Therefore, the writer can infer that speaking is the ability to make use of words or a language to express oneself in an ordinary voice. In short, the speaking skill is the ability to perform the linguistics knowledge in actual communication. The ability functions to express our ideas, feeling, thoughts, and need orally Accoding to Hornby. ( 1995: 826). Speaking is also one of the language arts that is most frequently used by people all over the world. The art of speaking is very complex. It requires the simultaneous use of the number of abilities which often develop at different rates. Generally, there are at least four components of speaking skill concerned pronunciation, and fluency. with comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, Function of Speaking Several language experts have attempted to categorize the functions of speaking in human interaction. According to Brown Douglas (1994 : 2) “The functions of speaking are classified into three: they are talk as interaction, talk as transaction and talk as performance. Each of these speech activities is quite distinct in term of form and function and requires different teaching approaches.” Below are the explanations of the functions of speaking : a. Comprehension. For oral communication certainly requires a subject to respond to speech as well as to initiate it. b. Grammar It is needed for students to arrange a correct sentence in conversation. that student's ability to manipulate structure and to distinguish appropriate grammatical form in appropriate ones. The utility of grammar is also to learn the correct way to gain expertise in a language in oral and written form. c. Vocabulary One cannot communicative effectively or express their ideas both oral and written form if they do not have sufficient vocabulary. So, vocabulary means the appropriate diction which is used in communication. d. Pronunciation Pronunciation is the way for students' to produce clearer language when they speak. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the component of a grammar made up of the elements and principles that determine how sounds vary and pattern in a language. e. Fluency Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately. Fluency in speaking is the aim of many language learners. Signs of fluency include a reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small number of pauses and "urns" or "errs". These signs indicate that the speaker does not have spend a lot of time searching for the language items needed to express the message (Brown. 1997: 4). The Kinds of Speaking To help students develop communicative efficiency in speaking, there are some activities are used in the classroom to promote the development of speaking skills in our learners. The discussions below centers on the major types of speaking activities that can be implemented as follows: a. Discussion Common fact that discussion really useful activity for the teacher in order to activate and involve student in classroom teaching. Typically, student are introduced to a topic via reading, listening passage, or a video tape and are then asked to get into pairs or groups to discuss a related topic in order to come up with a solution, a response, or the like. Normally, people need time to assemble their thought before any discussion and that is something needs to consider. So, Teacher must take care in planning and setting up a discussion activity. The writer concludes that the steps above are really important to do because most teachers hope that they will be able to organize discussion session in their classroom, particularly if the exchanges of opinions provoke spontaneous fluent language use. b. Information gap/problem solving One type of speaking activity involves the so-called .information gap.-where two speakers have different parts of information making up a whole. Because they have different information, there is a “gap” between them according to Jeremy (1990:91). In this activity, students are supposed to be working in pairs. One student will have the information that other partner does not have and the partners will share their information. Information gap activities serve many purposes such as solving a problem or collecting information. c. Speeches Another common activity in the oral skills class is the prepared speech. Topics for speeches will vary depending on the level of the students and the focus of the class, but in any case, students should be given some leeway in determining the content of their talks. In order words, the teacher can provide the structure for the speech-its theoretical genre and its time restrictions. For example asking students to .tell us about an unforgettable experience you had.” Allow them to talk about something that is personally meaningful while at the same time encourages narration and description. Speeches can be frightening for the speaker and after while boring for the listeners, so it is a good idea to assign the listeners some responsibilities during the speeches. It is an excellent time to require peer evaluation of classmate’s speech. d. Role plays One way of getting student to speak in different social context and to assume varied social roles is to use role-play activities in the classroom. Role plays can be performed from prepared scripts, created from a set of prompt and expression or written using and consolidation knowledge gained from instruction or discussion of the speech act and its variations prior to the role plays themselves (Marianne CelceMurcia, 2001:107). Because social cultural are so crucial in the production of speech acts, it is suggested that discourse rating task, in which students rate dialogues or scenarios on various continua of formality and the like, can raise awareness about language and can help transfer this knowledge to production activities such as role plays. Besides, the social interaction activities, on the others hand, also requires the learner to pay more attention to the establishment and maintenance of social relationships. Meanwhile, two things can be added to this description. Firstly, the teacher could make the role-play a whole-class activity by having all the students act out a public meeting with many speakers. Secondly, not all roleplay a party situation, for example, all you might need to do is set the party scene and then tell student to go either as themselves or as a living or dead person they would like to be (Jeremy, 1990:91). Role play is more than just play-acting. It offers chances for rehearsal and engagement that some others activities fail to give. e. Conversations One of the recent trends in oral skills pedagogy is the emphasis on having students analyze and evaluate the language that they or others produce. In other word, it is not adequate to have students produce lots of language; they must become more met linguistically aware of many features of language in order to become competent speakers and interlocutors in English. One speaking activity which is particularly suited to this kind of analysis is conversation, the most fundamental form of oral communication . One way to approach this activity is to assign students to find a native speaker (or near-native speaker) they know and arrange to tape-record a 20-30 minutes interaction with this person. Of course, not all of the discourse that results from this encounter will be truly .natural conversation-the native may fall into the role of .interviewer and ask all questions while the non-native merely responds; therefore the instructor may want to encourage the learner beforehand to come up with a few questions to ask native speaker. In any case, the resulting interaction will provide a sample of spontaneous from (and for) the learner to analyze. In a variation of the conversation, learners are required to tape-record an interview with native speaker on a topic of their choices and then repot the result to the class. 2.2.2. Characteristics of Successful Speaking Activities Again, sometimes spoken language is easy to perform, but in some cases it is difficult Brown Douglas (1994: 270). . when people want to speak fluently, sometimes they get difficulties to do it. In order that they can carry out the successful speaking they have to fulfill some characteristics of successful speaking activity such as: 1). Learners talk a lot. As much as possible of the period of time allocated to the activity is in fact occupied by learners talk. This may be obvious, but often most time is taken up with teacher talk or pauses. 2). Participant is even. Classroom discussion is not dominated by a minority of talk active participants. All get a chance to speak and contributions are fairly evenly distributed. 3). Motivation is high, learners are eager to speak because they are interested in the topic and have something new to say about it, or they want to contribute to achieve a task objective. 2.3 Wh - Question Words. 2.3.1 ” Wh - Questions” Types of Question Before going on with how to teach using “Wh - Question”, the writer will give a description about question types, according to Doff ( 1990 : 21-22). They are three group of question as follows: a. Yes/No Question The first group of questions, establishes that: - They are yes! no questions - the reply can be’ yes or ‘no’ alone or with short form: yes, I do, ‘ no, I can’t, etc. Make sure that students understand how to form yes/no question. The auxiliary verb comes first present simple question use do/does, past simple question use did. If necessary, give students practice by asking a few yes/no question to which they can give true answer, e.g. Have you been to a training course before? Do you like living in ? Do you study? Can you speak English ? Asking the students to think of other yes/no question, which they could use in class. Discuss when yes/no question can be used in class. Establish that they are especially useful for checking comprehensions. They are easiest questions to answer, they do not require students to produce new language b. “ or “ Question e.g. Do you prefer tea or coffee? Are you brother or just a friend ? Will you walk or by bus? They are ‘ or ‘question (they are also sometimes called alternative question The reply is usually a word or phrase from the question ,e.g. friends ‘ or they ‘re friends’ Britain or in Britain How to form or question. They are formed in exactly the same way as “ yes - no Question” but the contains two final elements like tea or coffee Brother or friends ‘If necessary to give students practice by asking a few’ or’ question e. g. 1. Is it hot or cold in here? 2. Are you married or single? 3. Do you teach at a primary or a secondary school. c. Wh – question words. The third group of question, establish that? 1. The Wh- question (also called information question). 2. With most W- H- question , it is natural to give short answer. So the natural answer Where did study ? “ Is ‘in Britain not she studied In Britain ,“ (a few W- h- Questions require long answer). Make sure the students know how to form W- h —Questions. They are formed in the way as yes! no question, but they begin with a ‘ Wh - Question words ‘ , when, where, why, etc. who ‘,how long and how much / many’ are included as w - h — words. If necessary, give students practice by asking a few w - h — questions and getting them to give you short answers, e.g.: 1. Where do you come from? 2. How long have you been teaching? 3. How many students are there in your class? 4. Who’s your favorite film star? Point out that some W - h — questions with ‘ who’ or ’what’ have the same structure as normal sentences. These are called ‘ subject questions’, because they ask about the subject of the sentences. 2.3.2 The Detail of Question Words. The Question words needed are: 1. What 6. Who 2. Where 7. Whom 3. When 8. Whose 4. Why 9. How 5. Which Notes of the terms : 1. What Used for asking : a. Name d. Days b. Things e. c. Times f. Opinion Jobs Examples : a. Name what is your name ? my name is Ahmad what is her name ? her name is Sity b. Things what is this ? this is an apple. What is that ? that is a rubber c. Times what time is it ? it is thirty past seven a. m what time do you wake up ? I wake up at a quarter past four d. Days what day is today ? today is Monday. What day did you go to Bandung ? I went there on Saturday. e. Jobs what are you ? I am a dentist. What is father ? My father is a mechanic. e. Opinion what do you think about m y new dress ? It’s pretty good. What do you say about that new Movie ? Oh. I think, it’s just good. 2. Where Used for : asking the direction or places Examples : a. Address where do you live ? I live in Sukabumi Where does she live ? She lives on Baros street. Where do they live ? They live at Baros street number.05 sukabumi. b. Directions where will you go after the graduation ? I will go to Bandung for studying. Where are you going ? I am going to the library. 3. When Used for : asking times. Examples : When do you wake up ? I wake up at four o’clock early in the morning. When will go to Jakarta ? I will go at 07: 00 a. m. 4. Why Used for : Reasons and Causes Examples : Why do you cry ? I cry because I lose my pencil. Why does she come late ? Because She wakes up late. 5. Which. Used for : asking the options or choices Examples : Which one is your book ? The red one, please ! Which is the girl, you are talking about ? The girl in a black dress. Used for : asking the point of “ Subject “ pronoun, and here are the Pronoun : Subject Object p. adjective possessive pronoun Reflexive I me my mine myself You you your yours yourself/selves We us our ours ourselves They them their theirs themselves He him his his himself She her her hers herself It it its its itself 6. Who. Used for : asking the point of “ Subjects“ pronoun Examples : Who are you ? I am Budi, your brother. Who is that ? That is Mrs. Emma Watson. Our English teacher. 7. Whom. Used for : asking the point of “ Object “ pronoun Examples : Whom do you call ? I call him/ I call Deni Whom do you meet ? I meet her in front of the supermarket. 8. Whose. Used for : asking the point of “ possessive “ adjective and pronoun. Examples : Whose book is that ? It is my book. Whose car is that ? That’s mine. Whose shoes are they ? They are Budi’s shoes. 9. How. Used for asking : a. conditions b. distance c. ages d. quantity e. ways f. opinions Examples: a. conditions how are you today ? I’m fine, thanks. How are you doing ? I’m fine very well thank you. b. distance. How far is Jakarta from here ? It’s about 123. km. c. ages how old are you ? I am seventeen years old. How old is she ? She is eleven years old d. quantity countable noun : how many books do you have ? I have three books How many friends do you have ? I have one hundred friends. How many cars do you have ? I have one car. How many sisters does she have ? She has two elder sisters. Uncountable noun : how much coffee do you buy ? I buy only a quarter pound of coffee. How much rice do you eat ? I eat two plates of rice. e. ways. how do you go to Bandung ? I go there on bus. How do you get into my house ? I get into your house from the back yard. f. opinions How do you think about my new car ? O… it looks very luxurious, I like it. How do you say about it ? Well, it’s just awesome. 3. 4 Teaching Speaking Using Wh-Question The term of ‘Wh- questions’ cover all questions beginning with why, when, where, etc and how, they are sometimes called “ content questions “because they are require of some substances or content in reply. they query the truth of statement, but they ask for details about a part of it. The Wh-questions can be functioned as interrogative words, relative pronoun or clause connections, but here the writer discuss the Wh- questions are as interrogative words only. 1. Question Technique As well as knowing what question to ask the teacher also needs to know bow to organize questions and answer work in class. There are many different ways of asking questions, Doff States (1991:29) in his books, they are four questioning. Technique: 1. The teacher asks questions and simply lets the students call out answers. If students call out different answers at the same time the teacher chooses a student to give the answers again. 2. The teacher asks the questions, then pauses to give the whole class a chance to think of the answer, then the teacher chooses one student to answer. Students are not allowed to call out the answer or raise their hand. 3. The teacher first chooses a student ( by pointing or saying the students name) and then ask the student a question. If the student cannot answer it, the teacher passes it, the teacher passes it on to the text student. 4. The teacher asks a question and lets students raise their hands if they think they know the answers. The teacher chooses one of the students with their hand raise Based on the four questions technique above , try to bring out these points: a. with a large class, strategy, it can be effective for simple questions with yes/ no answers. Otherwise, it is likely to be too noisy and uncontrolled. It would, Ct’ course, be suitable for a small class where there are no discipline problems (e.g. a group of adult). b. Strategy (2) keeps the class involved but still under control. It enables the teacher to give a chance to weaker students as well as more confident one although if the questions are too difficult it may take students feel threatened in general, it is a good strategy for routine, fairly easy questions. c. Strategy (3) is highly controlled, but it is not a good way, it is better toask questions first and then choose who is to answer it. d. Strategy (4) encourages students and makes the class seem to be successful, because students are volunteering answers. But if it is the only strategy used, it allows the class to be dominated by the tested students while the weaker and the shy students tend to be excluded; ,it also makes it easy for students to avoid answering questions. Makes it easy for students to avoid answering questions. In general, it is a good strategy to use difficult questions because some students will be able to answer the questions. According to Doff (1990 24 ), W - h Questions are the formed in the same way as yes/no questions, but they begin with a W- h—word and how is included as w h—words W- h — questions are used to enlarge students vocabulary and to encourage them to communicate in English well. 3.5 Another Terms of Wh - Questions In Speaking ability. In speaking ability we divide it into three interrelated stages, namely reactivity, whilst activity and post activity from a communicative approach for valuable information (BPG 200 ). I. Pre Activity • Write unfamiliar words on the board • Speak the word, slowly and clearly • Use each word in a verbal sentence. 2. Whilst Activity • The students read the passage silently • They are asked to answer the questions, using w - h — questions. • The students discuss and write the answers with their friends • The writer checks the students’ answers after they finish answering the questions. 3. Post Activity At the end of the activity, the writer also gives questions or exercises. CHAPTER III THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 The Method of Research The researcher uses the pre-test, treatments and the post-test. The design used in one pre-test post –test design. In True-experimental design, pre-test and post-test is the same for both the experimental group and control group except that the control group does not receive the experimental treatment. 3.2 The Subject of Research The population of this research is the Fifth grade students of SDN Sudajaya Hilir 3 Sukabumi, and which consists of 40 Students. 3.3 Population and Samples of the research 1. Population of The Research According to Arikunto (1966: 115 ) defines “ A population is a set ( or collection ) of all elements processing one or more attributes of interest”. Based on the definition, this research took the Fifth grade of SDN Sudajaya Hilir 3 Sukabumi as population. There are two groups’ students; the number of population is 40 students. 2. The Sample of the research Burns (1993 63) says” A sample is any part of population regardless of whether it representative or not and research sample is part of population that become the object of the study “. The writer took 40 students from population for the samples. The sixth grade students of SDN Sudajaya Hilir 3 Sukabumi divided into two groups, group A and group B. Group A consist of 20 students, and group B consist of 20 students. The writer took the group A as an Experimental group, and group B as a Control group. The writer used random sampling technique means to get representation sample and avoid biases. 3.4 The Object of Research The Object of research being used in this paper are : 1. Language material is speaking 2. The Method and Technique is Conversation 3.5 The instruments The Questions of Conversation is being able to be seen in the Appendices. 3.6 The Treatment. In this research the writer divides into two groups: 1. Experimental group consist of 20 students. 2. Control group consist of 20 students. The steps in research design: 2.1Treatments The writer makes simple dialogue, and then shares to each student and the students can hold the shit of simple dialogue. The writer explains how to read, pronounce, and to express. Then the students follow what the teacher explain The writer asks the students to practice face by face 2.2Pretest In this pretest the writer makes questions to the students based on sample dialogue in teaching speaking, and the dialogue shows about personal identity, hobby, and favorite. Then the students answer what the writer ask. 2.3 Post test In this post test the writer make questions and shares to students Experimental group or control group. The questions are same between experimental group and control group. 3.7 The collecting of Data And the arrangement of Data Collecting Instrument as follows: 1. Collecting the Data, name. The number of population of study from the sixth grade of SDN Sudajaya Hilir 3 Sukahumi. 2. Distributing the questionnaire to experimental group. 3. Distributing the pretest to experimental group and control group. 4. Collecting the scores of the pretest from the two groups. 5. Contributing the teaching of speaking using dialogue for experimental group, the dialogue representation of personal identity. Hobby and favorite. During four time meeting. 6. Distributing the posttest to experimental group and control group. 7. Collecting the scores of posttest from two groups. 8. Analyzing scores of pretest and posttest from two groups. CHAPTER IV THE ANALYSIS DATA 4.1 Collecting the Interval Data After collecting the data through the pre-test and post-test, the writer to compute the mean scores from the pre- test and post-test and the writer used the formula as follow: X 6x n ( Hatch and Farhady. 1982:55) X = Refers to the means the sample. n = Refers to the total number of sample. 6x = Refers to the total number of all the individual sample. For computing the standard deviation, the formula used is: SD 6D 2  (1 / n)(6D) 2 n 1 ( Hatch and Farhady. 1982:116) SD : Refers to the standard deviation. D : Refers to the total difference between pre-test and post-test results. n Refers to number of fairs. : In computing the standard error of differences between two means, the writer used the formula: S S D n D (HatchandFarhady, 1982:118) SD : Refers to the standard error of differences between two means. SD : Refers to standard deviation. n : Refers to the total of observation. For the t - test the writer used the formula: t X1  X 2 SD (Hatch and Farhady. 1982: 116) X1 : The means of pre-test. X2 : The means of post-test. SD : Refers to the standard error of differences between two means. 4.2 The Calculating of Data After writing the comparison between the scores of experimental and the control class, the writer calculates the deviation and square deviation for two classes as follows: THE RESULT OF THE PRETEST AND VOSTTEST OF THE EXPERIMENTAL GROUPS NO Name of Subject 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Ardi S Asep S Budiman D. Aldi Fauzi M Gilang A Hilman Izzan NA Intan SW M Iksan IG Nurani M R e st i J Rangga HF Regina R Siti Aminah Shobrina S Sasi GR Silvia MS Wawat St.N Yoga P N = 20 Pre-Test X1 Post-Test X2 D score D2 4 5.5 6.5 8 7 6 6.5 6.5 6.5 7 5 4 5.5 6 5 6 6.5 6.5 7.5 6.5 8 6.5 9.5 10 4.5 9.5 8.5 10 9.5 10 8 3 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 5.5 4 1 3 2 -3 3.5 2 3.5 3 3 3 -1 4.5 4 4 3 3.5 3.5 2.5 -1 16 1 9 4 9 12.25 4 12.25 9 9 9 1 20.25 16 16 9 12.25 12.25 6.25 1 6X1= 122 6X2= 170.5 6D= 48 6D2= 188.5 The mean of Pre-Test : X1 6X = 12n 2 20 = 6.1 The mean of Post-Test : X2 6X n = 170.5 20 = 8.5 After getting the Pre-Test and the Post-Test of the first group, the writer computes the standard deviation, the formula is: SD 6D 2  (1 / n)(6D ) 2 n 1 188.5  (1 / 20)(48) 2 20  1 188.5  115.2 19 73.3 19 3.86 1.96 Standard Then the writer calculates the error of differences ( SD) the formula is: S S D n D 1.96 20 1.96 4.47 0.44 Finally, the applies the formula of t- test t X1  X 2 SD 6.1  8.5 0.44  2.4 0.44 5.45 The value of accounted — t is – 5.45 where as at the level of significance of 0, 5 the ‘value of the table - t is 2. 021, from the comparison between the two values, the value of accounted — t is greater than that of the table — t . It means there is significance between the two groups. THE RESULT OF THE PRETEST AND VOSTTEST OF THE CONTROL GROUP NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Name of Subject Alpi P Alivia DP Bahrul H Derry S.H Dicky S Fadlan RR Iwan R Ilham A Lutviani N Mustika P Mi a S Ramdan H R i sm a H Suci A Saidah H Tenta S Wiwi P.A Yosep S.A Ginastiandi CDR Syahnandika G N = 20 Pre-Test X1 6.5 1.5 5.5 2.5 7 6 6 6.5 5.5 5 2.5 2.5 6.5 6.5 6 7 7 6.5 6 5.5 6X1= 108 Post-Test X2 7. 5 4 6. 5 6 5. 5 7. 5 3. 5 6. 5 4. 5 4. 5 6 5 7 6. 5 7. 5 5 7. 5 7. 5 6 6. 5 6X2= 120.5 D D2 1 2.5 1 3.5 -1.5 1.5 2.5 0 -1 -0.5 3.5 2.5 0.5 0 1.5 -2 0.5 1 0 1 1 6.25 1 12.25 2.25 2.25 6.25 0 1 0.25 12.25 6.25 0.25 0 2.25 4 0.25 1 0 1 6D= 17.5 6D2= 59.75 The mean of Pre-Test : X1 6X n = 108 20 = 5.4 The mean of Post-Test : X2 6X n = 120.5 20 = 6.025 After getting the Pre-Test and the Post-Test of the first group, the writer computes the standard deviation, the formula is: SD 6D 2  (1 / n)(6D ) 2 n 1 59.75  (1 / 20)(17.5) 2 20  1 5 9 .7 5  1 5 .3 1 19 44.44 19 2.34 1.53 Standard Then the writer calculates the error of differences ( SD) the formula is: S S D n D 1.53 20 1.53 4.47 0.34 Finally, the applies the formula of t- test t X1  X 2 SD 5.4  6.0 0.34  2 .4 0.34 7.06 The value of accounted — t is – 7.06 where as at the level of significance of 0, 5 the ‘value of the table - t is 2. 021, from the comparison between the two values, the value of accounted t is greater than that of the t table. It means there is significance between the two groups. Each group has 20 samples, the each group has 19 has d.f as there are two groups. ‘the total of d.f = (n1 – 1 + n2 - 1) = (20 – 1 + 25 - 1) = 19 + 19 =38 The value of accounted -t is -3. 04 where as of the level of significance of 0.5 the value of the table —t is 2.021, from the comparison between the two value, the value of accounted —t is greater than that of the table —t. it means there is significant difference between the two groups. The result of pretest and posttest from the first group or the Experimental group is greater than the result of pretest and posttest the second group or Control group. After the first group or Experimental group get treatment. The researcher deals on the summaries of this, that there is a great tendency in teaching speaking using ‘W – H ‘Question Words though conversation is totally effective for students who are taught speaking using this methods and they get so much better score than those who were taught speaking without it. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion The writer uses Wh- Question Words through Conversation in this research to improve the students English speaking ability, and hopped that Wh- Question Words through Conversation is going to help the students master in speaking English. After analyzing and studying the data, the writer can conclude as follow : 1. The result of pretest and posttest based on analyzing above, the value of the Experimental group who get treatment get better score than the Control group, and it is be able to be seen in the result of compotation. The average of pretest is 6,1 and posttest is 8,5 for the Experimental group, whereas the average of pretest is 5,4 and the posttest is 6,02 for the Control group. 2. The hypotheses is expressed in chapter one is accepted, it means that is significant difference between teaching using Wh- Question Words through conversation and without one. So the students who are taought speaking by using Wh – Question Words through conversation get better score than who are taught without using WhQuestion words through conversation. 3. It can be concluded, that using Wh-Question Words through conversation can help the students in improving their English speaking ability, because by using WhQuestion Words through conversation is a good tool to improve their English speaking ability and they will understand. 5.2 Suggestion Below are some suggestion that can be used to be smart for students, English teacher, and other researcher in teaching and learning English process : 1. For the students They must pay attention to the lesson and teacher explanation related to the material, besides they have to active in the class very much. 2. For English teacher The teacher especially English teacher must creative to apply various of technique in teaching speaking in order to the students are interested in learning English speaking. 3. For the other researcher The writer hopes that this research can be useful as references for who want to make research about speaking. REFERENCES Arikunto, Suharsimi (1997). Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Brown in Harmer . 2004 Teaching by Principles : An attractive approach to language N. Mc Hill Book Company. Brown, Joy L. M. (2001). Rhymes, Stories and Songs in the ESL Classroom. The Internet TESL Journal. http://iteslj.org/Articles/Brown-Rhymes.html Brown, Douglas. 1994. Teaching by Principles An Alternative Approach to Language Pedagogy. New Jersey: Prentice Hall International. Harmer, Jeremy. 1991. The Practice of English Language Teaching. New Edition. London: Longman. Byrne. Don. 1984, Teaching Oral English, New Jersey. Longman LTD. Hatch, Evelyn & Farhady, Hossen, 1982. Research Design and Statistic For Applied Linguistic. Los Angeles. Newburry House Publishers Inc. APPENDIC THE LESSON PLAN (RPP) SD Mata Pelajaran Kelas/Semester Standar Kompetensi : SDN. Sudajaya Hili. III. Kota Sukabumi. : Bahasa Inggris : V/1 : 2. Mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah Kompetensi Dasar : 2.1 Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu, memberi aba-aba, dan memberi petunjuk Indikator : Mengungkapkan berbagai tindak tutur: 2.1.1 memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu 2.1.2 memberi aba-aba 2.1.3 memberi petunjuk Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 35 menit Tujuan Pembelajaran : 1. Siswa dapat bercakap-cakap untuk memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu 2. Siswa dapat bercakap-cakap untuk memberi aba-aba 3. Siswa dapat bercakap-cakap untuk memberi petunjuk Metode Pembelajaran : 1. Siswa melakukan tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi 2. Siswa meniru pertanyaan-pertanyaan dan respon pertanyaan 3. Siswa dan guru membahas kosakata dan struktur percakapan sesuai materi 4. Siswa melakukan latihan percakapan dalam bentuk dialog 5. Siswa menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan percakapan sesuai materi dalam situasi nyata Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran: 1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan x Guru mengawali pelajaran dengan membahas materi pokok dalam bab yang sedang dipelajari x Guru dapat meminta siswa untuk menyebutkan ujaran-ujaran yang biasa dipakai dalam situasi-situasi yang disajikan dalam buku. Sebagai contoh, jika bab yang sedang dibahas mengangkat topik tentang menyebutkan waktu, guru bertanya pada siswa bagaimana cara mereka menyebutkan waktu dalam bahasa Inggris. 2. Kegiatan Inti x Guru memberikan contoh dialog-dialog yang berkaitan dengan materi. x Siswa melengkapi dialog-dialog yang masih kosong dalam buku teks. x Siswa berlatih dialog-dialog tersebut dengan teman-temannya (latihan ini dapat dilakukan secara berpasangan ataupun berkelompok). x Selama siswa berlatih, guru mengitari siswa dan mencatat kesalahan-kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh siswa. 3. Kegiatan Penutup x Guru memperbaiki kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa (kesalahan meliputi pengucapan, penyebutan kosakata, dan tata bahasa yang pada saat itu menjadi fokus bahasan). x Guru menilai hasil kerja siswa dalam melengkapi dialog. x Guru meminta beberapa siswa maju ke depan kelas untuk mempraktikkan dialog yang baru saja dilatih. x Guru memberikan komentar dengan mengucapkan well done, good job, atau very good pada siswa yang berani maju ke depan agar mereka termotivasi. Alat/Sumber Belajar: 1. Buku teks Let’s Go with English, Tim Bahasa Inggris, 5, Yudistira. 2. New Concept. LG. Alexander. Revision Edition. 1984 3. Script percakapan yang terdapat dalam buku teks dan buku guru 4. Alat peraga yang berkaitan dengan materi ajar 5. Buku-buku lain yang relevan Penilaian: a. Teknik: Tes lisan b. Bentuk: Pertanyaan c. Contoh instrumen: Answer the questions orally! What time is it? What is the time? a. Teknik: Unjuk kerja b. Bentuk: Performance c. Contoh instrumen: Act out the dialogues in front of the class! “ Hi, nice to see you, let me introduce myself to you all. My name is …….“ Mengetahui, Kepala SDSudajaya Hilir. III Eko Mahmud NIP : 19581215 197803 1 004 Sukabumi, July, 2010 Guru Bahasa Inggris Beni Safitra THE LESSON PLAN (RPP) SD Mata Pelajaran Kelas/Semester Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Alokasi Waktu Tujuan Pembelajaran Metode Pembelajaran : SDN. Sudajaya Hili. III. Kota Sukabumi. : Bahasa Inggris : V/1 : 2. Mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah : 2.3 Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: mengenalkan diri, mengajak, meminta ijin, memberi ijn, menyetujui, tidak menyetujui, dan melarang : Mengungkapkan berbagai tindak tutur: 2.3.1 mengenalkan diri 2.3.2 mengajak 2.3.3 meminta ijin 2.3.4 memberi ijin 2.3.5 menyetujui 2.3.6 tidak menyetujui 2.3.7 melarang : 2 x 35 menit : 1. Siswa dapat bercakap-cakap untuk mengenalkan diri 2. Siswa dapat bercakap-cakap untuk mengajak 3. Siswa dapat bercakap-cakap untuk meminta ijin 4. Siswa dapat bercakap-cakap untuk memberi ijin 5. Siswa dapat bercakap-cakap untuk menyetujui 6. Siswa dapat bercakap-cakap untuk tidak menyetujui 7. Siswa dapat bercakap-cakap untuk melarang : 1. Siswa melakukan tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi 2. Siswa meniru pertanyaan-pertanyaan dan respon pertanyaan 3. Siswa dan guru membahas kosakata dan struktur percakapan sesuai materi 4. Siswa melakukan latihan percakapan dalam bentuk dialog 5. Siswa menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan percakapan sesuai materi dalam situasi nyata Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran: 1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan x Guru mengawali pelajaran dengan membahas materi pokok dalam bab yang sedang dipelajari x Guru dapat meminta siswa untuk menyebutkan ujaran-ujaran yang biasa dipakai dalam situasi-situasi yang disajikan dalam buku. Sebagai contoh, jika bab yang sedang dibahas mengangkat topik waktu, guru bertanya pada siswa bagaimana cara menyebutkan waktu dalam bahasa Inggris. 2. Kegiatan Inti x Guru memberikan contoh dialog-dialog yang berkaitan dengan materi. x Siswa melengkapi dialog-dialog yang masih kosong dalam buku teks. x Siswa berlatih dialog-dialog tersebut dengan teman-temannya (latihan ini dapat dilakukan secara berpasangan ataupun berkelompok). x Selama siswa berlatih, guru mengitari siswa dan mencatat kesalahan-kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh siswa. 3. Kegiatan Penutup x Guru memperbaiki kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa (kesalahan meliputi pengucapan, penyebutan kosakata, dan tata bahasa yang pada saat itu menjadi fokus bahasan). x Guru menilai hasil kerja siswa dalam melengkapi dialog. x Guru meminta beberapa siswa maju ke depan kelas untuk mempraktikkan dialog yang baru saja dilatih. x Guru memberikan komentar dengan mengucapkan well done, good job, atau very good pada siswa yang berani maju ke depan agar mereka termotivasi. Alat/Sumber Belajar: 1. Buku teks Let’s Go with English, Tim Bahasa Inggris, 5, Yudistira. 2. New Concept. LG. Alexander. Revision Edition. 1984 3. Script percakapan yang terdapat dalam buku teks dan buku guru 4. Alat peraga yang berkaitan dengan materi ajar 5. Buku-buku lain yang relevan Penilaian: a. Teknik: Tes lisan b. Bentuk: Performance c. Contoh instrumen: Act out the dialogues in front of the class! (siswa secara berpasangan atau berkelompok mempraktikkan dialog-dialog yang sudah dipelajari) Mengetahui, Kepala SDSudajaya Hilir. III Eko Mahmud NIP : 19581215 197803 1 004 Sukabumi, July, 2010 Guru Bahasa Inggris Beni Safitra THE PRETEST SHEET Hi, nice to see you, let me introduce myself to you all. My name is Muhammad Jakeem Reshad, and you can call me Jakeem, I was born eleven years ago. In Sukabumi On March thirtieth 1999, my address is at A. Yani Street. No. 11 Sukabumi. Now I am a student of a primary school, I study at SDN. Sudajaya Hilir. III Sukabumi. I go for studying at school from Monday to Saturday, it starts at 07: 00 a.m. till a midday at 13:00 p.m. And at school I learn many subjects and sciences and I love English Subject most, It is very cool. My hobby is listening to the music and watching a cartoon movies at home. And I promise one day I’ll be a dentist because that’s my dream. Fill it with the suitable Question Words. 1. ? : ……. Is you name ? + : My name is Muhammad Jakeem Reshad. 2. ? : ……. You nick name ? + : Well,. you can call me Jakeem. 3. ? : ……. Old are you ? + : I am eleven year old. 4. ? : ……. You born ? + : I was born in Sukabumi 5. ? : …….. you born ? + : On March thirtieth 1999. 6. ? : …….. do you live ? + : I live at A. Yani Street. No. 11 Sukabumi 7. ? : ……. Are you ? + : I am a student 8. ? : …… do you study ? + : I study at SDN. Sudajaya Hilir. III in town 9. ? : ……. Subjects do you like most ? + : I love English very much. 10. ? : ……. Is you hobbies ? + : My hobby is listening to the music and watching a cartoon movies at home. 11. ? : …… you dream ? + : Really, I want to be a dentist. . THE POSTTEST SHEET ANSWER THE FOR THE SUITABLE QUESTION WORDS BELLOW. 1 ? : ………… is your name ? + : My name is Kenny. 2 ? : ………… are you this morning ? + : I’m fine thanks. 3 ? :………… day is today ? + : Today is Friday. 4 ? : ………… are you ? + : I am a student. 5 ? : ………… does she live ? + : she lives at Jl. A. Yani 78 6 ? :………… are their name ? + : they are Alf, Tommy and Dj. 7 ? : ……….. is your father ? + : He is fine, thank you. 8 ? : ………… time do you go to the office ? + : I go to the office at 6 a.m. 9 ? : ………… does she go to her office ? + : she goes to her office by taxi. 10 ? : ………… do you think about this movies ? + : I think it’s great, very good. 11 ? : ……….. did you come in? + : I came into your house from the back door. 12 ? : ………….time do you wake up ? + : I wake up at 5 a.m. 13 ? :…………. is my father ? + : your father is in kitchen now. 14 ? : ………… many books do you buy ? + : I buy only five books. 15 ? : …………. will she go to New York ? + : She will go to New York next Monday. 16 ? : …………. did you drink a lot of water ? + : because I felt very thirsty. 17 ? : ………… far is her school from here ? + : it’s only 5 km from here. 18 ? : ………… did you find my lost bag ? + : I found it in the garage. 19 ? : ……….. is that ? + : that is my uncle . 20 ? : ……….. much sugar do you need ? + : I need a sugar about 4 kg. THE POST TEST 1 Budi : … ……… is your name ? Kenny : My name is Kenny. a. what 2 John b. where : … ……… c. when d . wh y are you this morning ? Robert : I’m fine thanks. a. what 3 Jim b. how : … ……… c. when d . wh y day is today ? Ricky : Today is Friday. 4 5 a. what b. where c. when Mr. Andrew : ………… are you ? Tom : I am a pilot. a. what b. where : ………… Jono : she lives at Jl. A. Yani 78 Sukabumi. does she live ? b. where c. when d . wh y Sity : ………… Anti : Their names are Alf, Tommy and Ahmad. a. what 7 d . wh y Anto a. what 6 c . wh o d . wh y Wati are their name ? b. where : ………. . c. when d . wh y is your father ? Rahmat : He is fine, thank you. a. where 8 Jason : Mike ……… … c . wh o d. how time do you go to the office ? : I go to the office at 6 a.m. a. what 9 b . wh y b. how c . wh o Anita : ………… Tini : she goes to her office by taxi. a. what b. how d . wh y does she go to her office ? c. when d . wh y 10 Niko : ………… Bi l l : I think it’s great, very good. a. who 11 do you think about this movies ? b. how Herry : ……….. c. when d . wh y is she happy? Rusty : because she loses her cat. a. what 12 b. how Billy : …………. c. when d . wh y do you wake up ? Roon : I wake up at 5 a.m. a. what 13 c. when Kim : ………… . Carol : your father is in kitchen now. a. where 14 b. how is my father ? b. how teacher : ………… d . wh y c. when many d . wh y books do you buy ? Student : I buy only five books. a. what 15 c. when d . wh y Al : … ………. Tom : She will go to New York next Monday. a. what 16 b. how will she go to New York ? b. how c. when Mrs. Shanty : …………. d . wh y do you drink a lot of water ? Mr. Harry : because I am thirsty. a. what 17 : ………… Nita : it’s only 5 km from here. far d . wh y is her school from here ? b. how Armand : ………… Sean c. when d . wh y is this ? : this is an expensive pen. a. what 19 c. when Rob a. what 18 b. how b. how c. when Ali : ………. . is that ? Bob : that is my uncle . d . wh y a. what 20 Jean b . wh o : ………. . c. when d . wh y much sugar do you need ? Agnes : I need a sugar about 4 kg. a. what b. how c. when d . wh y