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  • Qinghe XIAO(肖清和), now an associate Professor with tenured in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Pe... moreedit
This paper aims to illustrate the dialogues on the issue of theodicy in late Ming Fujian. The Catholicism that entered China in the late Ming dynasty had a competitive relationship with indigenous religions in terms of their meaning... more
This paper aims to illustrate the dialogues on the issue of theodicy in late Ming Fujian.
The Catholicism that entered China in the late Ming dynasty had a competitive relationship with indigenous religions in terms of their meaning systems. Catholicism emphasized the omniscience, omnibenevolence, and omnipotence of God, which created tensions and contradictions with the reality of phenomena such as the suffering of good people and the existence of evil. In the late Ming period, scholars, believers, and missionaries in the Fujian region engaged in deep exchanges and dialogues on theodicy, reflecting the significant attention and consideration given to the problem of evil. This paper first analyzes the dialogues on theodicy between the Fujian scholar Ye Xianggao (1559–1627) and the missionary Giulio Aleni (1582–1649). Next, it explores the discussions on the problem of evil between ordinary believers in the Fujian region and Giulio Aleni in their daily lives. Finally, it examines how anti‑Catholics used the problem of evil to criticize Catholicism, and it also identifies the characteristics and impacts of Catholic theodicy in the late Ming and early Qing periods.
国学与西学:国际学刊 (中英双语半年刊)

International Journal of Sino-Western Studies

(Chinese-English Bilingual Semi-annual)

No. 26, 2024 (2024年第二十六期)

(June 2024, 2024年6月)
Research Interests:
Research on religion in China is of critical importance due to its impact on society, culture, and politics within the country and in an increasingly interconnected global context. There is a pressing need in academic and scientific... more
Research on religion in China is of critical importance due to its impact on society, culture, and politics within the country and in an increasingly interconnected global context. There is a pressing need in academic and scientific realms to understand and analyze the core research themes conducted in this field over the past decade. The relevance of such research lies in their ability to establish a common framework that facilitates collaboration among researchers and consolidates existing knowledge. By identifying major research and areas of academic activity, this common framework opens the door to greater integration and synergy among academics in this field. Furthermore, this framework benefits researchers in the field of religion in China and offers opportunities to expand and deepen understanding of related topics such as sociology, anthropology, and cultural studies. To do that, a comprehensive analysis has been developed using bibliometric techniques and methodologies to identify and evaluate the most significant research on religion in China over the last ten years. This approach enables the visualization of emerging trends, areas of interest, and significant contributions in the field, providing a comprehensive overview of current research. This analysis addresses this demand using bibliometric tools, techniques, and methodologies. Finally, it underscores the importance of understanding recent research on religion in China and how bibliometric analysis can significantly contribute to academic and scientific collaboration and identify new avenues of inquiry in this dynamic and complex field.
Research Interests:
IJSWS # 26,pp. 186-201,BI Congcong, Belief as Trust A Study Based on Religious Philosophy
Research Interests:
IJSWS # 26,pp. 179-185,WANG Zhijun, Form is the Essence The Characteristics of Russian Orthodoxy in the Light of its Liturgy
Research Interests:
IJSWS # 26,pp. 164-176, HU Xiaoli, Modern Enlightenment in China from the Chinese-Western Rites Controversy
Research Interests:
The theory of reward for the good and retribution for the evil (善恶报应) was one of the key issues in the dialogue between Catholicism and indigenous religions in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Under the monotheistic framework,... more
The theory of reward for the good and retribution for the evil (善恶报应) was one of the key issues in the dialogue between Catholicism and indigenous religions in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Under the monotheistic framework, Catholicism advocates supernatural God for rewarding good and punishing evil, thus it had a more logical and rigorous theological arguments. It had exchanges and dialogues with Chinese native religions on the standards of good and evil, who has the rights to reward and punish, and the results of reward and retribution and so on. This article firstly analyzes the Confucian theory of stimulus-response between the heaven and human beings (天人感应). It secondly illustrates the view of the theories of reward for the good and retribution for the evil in Buddhism and Taoism. Then it discusses the Catholic views on rewarding good and punishing evil during late Ming and early Qing, and it also reviews the responses of the native religions in China to Catholic view of rewarding good and punishing evil. Finally, it summarizes the sameness and differences of the theories of reward for the good and retribution for the evil between Catholicism and Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. As to the intentional to do goods, there were some commonalities between Catholicism and Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in the movement of promoting good deeds during late Ming and early Qing. However, there were distinct in the perspective of the standards of good and evil, the subjects of retribution and the roles of individuals in retribution, which caused the conflicts between Catholicism and its opponents in China. The introduction of Catholic theory of reward for the good and retribution for the evil undoubtedly further enriched Chinese religious thoughts since the late Ming dynasty.
Research Interests:
IJSWS # 26,pp. 114-130,MENG Yang, “The Unity of Knowledge and Action” and “Act in accordance with Faith”——A Comparative Study Between Wang Yangming’s and Martin Luther’s thoughts about the Practice of Human Self-transformation
Research Interests:
The paper, starting from the perspective of philosophical exploration of life, combines historical literature with ontology and dualism as the focal points, integrating features from various fields such as psychology, traditional Chinese... more
The paper, starting from the perspective of philosophical exploration of life, combines historical literature with ontology and dualism as the focal points, integrating features from various fields such as psychology, traditional Chinese medicine, and phenomenology. It conducts a comparative study on the similarities and differences between Western ontology and Taoist dualism of form and spirit. The article elucidates how the 'outward-extending material world and inward-purifying spiritual world' are unified in the principle of the amalgamation of 'human body.' It also provides specific methods and theoretical explanations for the discovery of the spiritual world in the East and West. The external world is defined as the material realm discovered by science, while the internal world is the spiritual realm revealed after the purification of the mind. Both idealism and materialism have tended toward extremes in two directions. Both Western ontology and Eastern Taoist dualism of form and spirit have discovered the phenomenon that 'the spirit can exist independently in this time and space through specific exercises such as meditation.' Taoism, with its unique medical foundation in the study of 'form,' recognizes the interaction of form and spirit, leading to the development of their respective religious, philosophical, and theological traditions. Interdisciplinary and cross-regional studies in religion, particularly in the field of mental and physical health, are expected to become significant trends in the future."
Research Interests:
IJSWS # 26,pp. 83-94,QIAO Fei, Confucian principles, Reason and Conscience Three “Imitating the Heaven” Judicial Paths of Ancient Confucian Judge
IJSWS # 26,pp. 75-82,WANG Weiping, Reflections on the Research of Chinese Christian’s View of Suffering Based upon Fusion of Horizons Understanding and Reviewing “Research on Christian’s View of Suffering”
The True Jesus Church has been regarded as a Chinese Indigenous/Independent Pentecostal denomination by scholarship specifically in the area of Global Pentecostal/Charismatic Studies and World Christianity irrespective of those scholar's... more
The True Jesus Church has been regarded as a Chinese Indigenous/Independent Pentecostal denomination by scholarship specifically in the area of Global Pentecostal/Charismatic Studies and World Christianity irrespective of those scholar's definitions-inclusive or exclusive. This paper argues that it might be inappropriate for scholarship to define the True Jesus Church as Pentecostals at least for three factors: 1. The refusal from the True Jesus Church to be regarded as Pentecostalism due to its' providential and exclusive self-identity; 2. The primary intent of the establishment of the True Jesus Church was to seek church independence and religious reformation rather than promote Pentecostal spirituality; 3. There is a lack of synchronous network between the True Jesus Church and Pentecostalism both at global and local levels. Also, this paper indicates a latent Orientalism among Western scholars of Pentecostalism based on an exotic imagination and representation of Non-Western Christianity enhanced by the complicity of Orients and native informants.
Research Interests:
IJSWS # 26,pp. 37-47, TAN Zemin, The Localization of Integration of Harmony Category and Person Category
IJSWS # 26,pp. 22-34,LI Fangzhou, Inescapable “absurdity” Rethinking Luther and Calvin’s view of “presence of the body of Christ” in the Lord’s Supper
The behavior of isolating others is the alienation of life self-organization of exclusion mechanism. Isolation in modern society has evolved into a daily political game pattern, and isolation, more generally, is a hidden psychological... more
The behavior of isolating others is the alienation of life self-organization of exclusion mechanism. Isolation in modern society has evolved into a daily political game pattern, and isolation, more generally, is a hidden psychological activity. This deep field of social philosophy has yet to be revealed and reflected so far. At the core of isolation is personality denigration, thus indicating the deep origin of the core concept of contemporary social science, "social exclusion". The group custom of isolating dissidents suppresses the personality and innovation of free individuals and leads to gangs and closed rigidity of the community. Reflecting on and revealing the anti-modernization nature associated with isolation, while simultaneously indicating the institutional and mechanistic construction of China's modernized harmonious society goal. The division of labor and market exchange in modern society contains ethical implications neglected by popular understandings that emphasize individual competition: the differences formed based on functional differentiation and individual liberation in modern society not only stimulate competition, but also create an inherent need for solidarity among individuals in terms of complementary dependence and mutual attraction. The contemporary society centered on information exchange promotes this direction to a universal dependence mechanism. The modern concept of free personality is not individualism but the internal mechanism of collective social cohesion and innovative life. Exclusive isolation and its closed community no longer have the basis of a modern system.
Research Interests:
Based on professor Tian Wei's masterpiece, Christianity and Confucianism: Two Models of Religious Existential Ethics, five issues on Confucian-Dialogue are especially discussed in this article: "Christian concept of God and Confucian... more
Based on professor Tian Wei's masterpiece, Christianity and Confucianism: Two Models of Religious Existential Ethics, five issues on Confucian-Dialogue are especially discussed in this article: "Christian concept of God and Confucian concept of Heaven's Mandate" involves discussions on theology and anthropology, "Christian doctrine of original sin and Confucian doctrine of innate goodness, "Christian doctrine of salvation through God's grace and Confucian doctrine of self-cultivation through human effort" involves discussions on soteriology and ethics, "Christian concept of divine love and Confucian concept of benevolence" still fundamentally involves soteriology and ethics, and "Christian hope of eternal life and Confucian pursuit of immortality" fundamentally involves eschatology.
Research Interests:
Journal of Research for Christianity in China (Semi-Annual, ISSN: 2325-9914)
No. 22, June 2024


Research Interests:
天主教传华日常经文的形成——以“圣号经”、“天主经”、“圣母经”为例 古伟瀛https://orcid.org/0009-0004-6188-4791 台湾大学历史学系 摘要:近代东西文化交流中,宗教是重要的部分,而宗教的交流又以经文的翻译为初期重要的工作。本文就天主教在明末传华时最早译成的三种信众日常使用的经文:“圣号经”、“天主经”及“圣母经”作为分析的对象,这些经文的翻译... more



摘要:近代东西文化交流中,宗教是重要的部分,而宗教的交流又以经文的翻译为初期重要的工作。本文就天主教在明末传华时最早译成的三种信众日常使用的经文:“圣号经”、“天主经”及“圣母经”作为分析的对象,这些经文的翻译 有两个来源,一是由入华耶稣会士罗明坚以及后来的利玛窦等先后译出;罗明坚使用白话文,利氏使用文言文;另一是 由在菲律宾马尼拉的道明会西班牙传教士高母羡等人为当地华侨翻译而成的,高氏使用的语言是闽南方言。从这三种经文的译文分析中,可以见到东西宗教思想的差异、耶稣会及道明会传教策略的不同,地域的因素造成译文的特色以及这些经文最终的定型以及影响。
旅途中的教会:圣经、神学与历史透视(李雋)... 265

The Pilgrim Church: Biblical, Theological and Historical Perspectives (Chun LI). 276
Research Interests:
清末民初来川传教士著述中的成都城市形象(唐冬梅、刘虹余)... 373

Missionary Writings on City Image of Chengdu in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republican Days (Dongmei TANG, Hongyu LIU). 386
Research Interests:
教会医院与近代江西地方社会(丰慧萍)... 341

Nanchang General Hospital and Social Changes in Modern Jiangxi (1897–1937)  (Huiping FENG). 372
Research Interests:
对基督教周刊《天风》编辑人员的考证和考察(1945–1949)(李文力)... 319

An Investigation on the Editorial Staff of Christian Weekly Tien Feng (1945–1949) (Wenli LI). 340
当代基督教合一运动“利马文件”初探(孟祥交)... 299

A Study of the Lima Document in the Christian Unity (Xiangjiao MENG). 318
Research Interests:
议程设置视角下的十字军东征缘起:以教皇乌尔班二世的演说辞为中心(张诗尧)... 277

On the Origin of the Crusade Army from the Perspective of Agenda-setting Theory:A Case Study of UrbanⅡ’s Sermon (Shiyao ZHANG). 298
天道人生:论耶稣与孔子的人生观的相通性(汤士文)... 245

Heaven’s Way and Life: On the Commonalities between Jesus and Confucius's Outlook on Life (Shiwen TANG). 264
基督圣徒及其悖论性(唐洪林)... 223

Christian Saints and Their Paradoxical Nature (Paul Honglin TANG). 244
Research Interests:
叙利亚教父塞鲁格的雅各人论探究(段文郡熠)(Wenjunyi DUAN)............. 197

Study on the Anthropology of Syriac Church Father Mar Jacob of Sarug. 222
Research Interests:
“道”入《圣经》(一):重探新教中文《圣经》“道”译Logos的历史起点(周歌珊)... 173

Taou, its paths into the Bible (I): Revisiting the Inception of the Taou-Logos Translation in Protestant Chinese Bible (Elsie Ge-shan ZHOU). 196
Research Interests:
生死与超越:“永生”的多维分析及其在约翰福音中的神学意涵(江耀国)... 152

Life, Death, and Beyond: Multidimensional Analysis of ζωὴ αἰώνιος and Its Theological Implications in the Fourth Gospel (Yao-kuo Eric CHIANG). 172
Research Interests:
This essay examines how ‫א‬ ‫נ‬ ָׂ‫"(ש‬to hate"), ‫ַב‬ ‫ָׂז‬ ‫"(ע‬to abandon"), ‫ׁש‬ ‫ָׂרַ‬ ‫ג‬ ("to cast out"), and ‫ַח‬ ‫ל‬ ‫ׁשָׂ‬ ("to send away") are employed in the Hebrew Bible to denote and connote "divorce." While the patriarchal... more
This essay examines how ‫א‬ ‫נ‬ ָׂ‫"(ש‬to hate"), ‫ַב‬ ‫ָׂז‬ ‫"(ע‬to abandon"), ‫ׁש‬ ‫ָׂרַ‬ ‫ג‬ ("to cast out"), and ‫ַח‬ ‫ל‬ ‫ׁשָׂ‬ ("to send away") are employed in the Hebrew Bible to denote and connote "divorce." While the patriarchal values and practices are hard to miss, this essay finds the usages of ‫ַח‬ ‫ל‬ ‫ׁשָׂ‬ outside of Pentateuch, in particular in Isaiah 50, Jeremiah 3 and Malachi 2, subversive with respect to the typically negative representation of women. The metaphoric feature and signification of ‫ַח‬ ‫ל‬ ‫ׁשָׂ‬ should not be overlooked and reduced. As such this essay urges caution in citing the "divorce" imagery in the Hebrew Bible as the support and rationale for one's agenda.
Research Interests:
《以西结书》枯骨谷异象的隐藏文本(卢家辉)... 99

“Hidden Transcript” of the Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel (Ka Fei LO). 123
Research Interests:
创造与救赎:诺斯替派与爱任纽对《创世记》2:7阐释的对比研究(徐俊)... 76

Creation and Redemption: A Comparative Study of Gnostic and Irenaes Interpretation of Genesis 2:7 (Jun XU). 98
Research Interests:
《希腊文亚当与夏娃生平》的思想世界及其社会处境(李丞欣)... 32

The Thought World and the Social Life Setting of Greek Life of Adam and Eve (Chenxin LI).  75
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And 209 more