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Tobey (2012) NBISE Technical Report: Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Performance Model

The U.S. Department of Energy has taken the initiative to establish a cybersecurity smart grid workforce project to identify a measurement method of the identified job skills for the purpose of developing a certification. A smart grid cybersecurity certification will greatly help employers identify qualified cybersecurity professionals to protect and secure the national electric smart grid infrastructure. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, in partnership with the National Board of Information Security Examiners (NBISE), is leading this three-phase project. Phase I of the project was completed in June 2012. This report provides a brief review of Phase I activities and documents the results to date.

SMART GRID CYBERSECURITY: JOB PERFORMANCE MODEL REPORT NBISE TECHNICAL REPORT SGC WORKING GROUP 12-01 DRAFT DAVID H. TOBEY, PH.D. DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH MAY, 2012 Copyright © 2011, 2012 National Board of Information Security Examiners. The work reported herein was supported under contract to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in support of the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability division of the U.S. Department of Energy. The findings and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory or the U.S. Department of Energy. To cite this report, please use the following as your APA reference: Tobey, D. (2012). Smart Grid Cybersecurity: Job Performance Model Report (NBISE SGC Working Group Report 12-01). Idaho Falls, ID: National Board of Information Security Examiners. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5 Impetus for the Study ...................................................................................................... 5 Job Analysis: Early Attempts at Performance Modeling .................................................... 9 From Job Analysis to Competency Modeling .................................................................. 11 Adapting JTCA Models to Understand Cybersecurity Jobs ............................................. 13 Developing a Job Performance Model .............................................................................. 16 Panel Composition ............................................................................................................ 22 Elicitation Methodology ................................................................................................... 24 Job Description Report ..................................................................................................... 27 Job Classification .......................................................................................................... 27 Job Roles and Responsibilities ..................................................................................... 28 Goals and Objectives .................................................................................................... 29 Task Analysis .................................................................................................................... 30 Definitions .................................................................................................................... 31 Role and Vignette Selection ......................................................................................... 32 Goal Selection ............................................................................................................... 33 Elicitation of Responsibilities for the Selected Roles and Goals.................................. 33 Task Creation ................................................................................................................ 34 Job Analysis Questionnaire............................................................................................... 37 The Competency Grid ....................................................................................................... 39 Deriving a measurable definition of intelligence and competence ............................... 40 Criticality-Differentiation Matrix ................................................................................. 44 Literature Review.............................................................................................................. 48 Preliminary list of job roles .......................................................................................... 50 Integrating the job roles and classification with the NICE IA Framework .................. 50 Vignettes ........................................................................................................................... 57 Process Steps Defining Functional Responsibilities ......................................................... 66 Job Role Involvement in Master Vignettes ....................................................................... 70 Goals and Objectives for Assessing Performance ............................................................ 73 Task Analysis .................................................................................................................... 77 Participants and Respondents ....................................................................................... 77 Demographic Survey Responses .................................................................................. 78 Ratings of Frequency and Importance by Level of Expertise ...................................... 81 Page 1 Differentiating Performance on Critical Tasks ................................................................. 84 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................. 93 Implications for Workforce Development ........................................................................ 96 Implications for Future Research ...................................................................................... 98 Limitations of the Study.................................................................................................. 101 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 103 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................ 108 Page 2 LIST of FIGURES Figure 1: Best Practices in Competency Modeling........................................................... 12 Figure 2: Example Job Performance Model ..................................................................... 16 Figure 3: The Competency Box ........................................................................................ 18 Figure 4: Potential Performance Analysis (PPA) SOURCE: Trafimow & Rice (2009) .. 20 Figure 5: O*NET Methodology Timeline ........................................................................ 25 Figure 6: JPM Process Methodology Timeline ................................................................ 25 Figure 7: VivoInsight help video showing how to select an action verb .......................... 35 Figure 8: VivoInsight help system showing how to add a new task................................. 35 Figure 9: Completed task entry awaiting role assignment ................................................ 36 Figure 10: Criticality-Differentiation Matrix .................................................................... 47 Figure 11: Histogram of Frequency Ratings. The y-axis is the number of items rated in the range listed on the x-axis ............................................................................................ 83 Figure 12: Figure 12: Future Research Program............................................................... 99 Page 3 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Changes in panel composition ............................................................................ 23 Table 2: Initial Bibliography............................................................................................. 48 Table 3: Preliminary list of job roles ................................................................................ 51 Table 4: Mapping SGC Job Roles to the NICE IA Framework ....................................... 55 Table 5: Operational Excellence Vignettes....................................................................... 59 Table 6: Threat or Vulnerability Response Vignettes....................................................... 60 Table 7: Master Vignettes (continued) ............................................................................. 63 Table 8: Master Vignette Process Stages .......................................................................... 67 Table 9: Nominal number of job roles per master vignette .............................................. 71 Table 10: Percentage of role involvement in each master vignette .................................. 72 Table 11: Primary Goals ................................................................................................... 74 Table 12: Important Goals ................................................................................................ 75 Table 13: PRISM Definition for Important Goals ............................................................ 76 Table 14: Distribution of Respondents ............................................................................. 79 Table 15: Size of Respondent Organization ..................................................................... 79 Table 16: Job Titles of Respondents ................................................................................. 80 Table 17: Levels of Experience ........................................................................................ 81 Table 18: Overall Trends .................................................................................................. 82 Table 19: Summary of Preliminary JAQ Results by Level of Expertise .......................... 83 Table 20: Criticality and Differentiation Scores by Decile .............................................. 84 Table 21: Preliminary Fundamental Tasks (Ordered by Task ID) ................................... 85 Table 22: Preliminary Differentiating Tasks (ordered by Task ID) ................................. 91 Page 4 INTRODUCTION Impetus for the Study Faced with an aging, out-of-date power infrastructure, the U.S has embarked on an epic journey of grid modernization and expansion that will result in a fully digital, highly adaptable and demand-driven smart grid. But grid modernization and smart grid initiatives could be greatly hampered by the current lack of a viable workforce development framework for cyber security and infrastructure risk management personnel. Grid modernization efforts require very advanced and continually maturing cyber security capabilities or the power system will not be resilient or reliable. With thousands of generation plants and many thousands of miles of delivery lines, the North American power grid presents a vast and ever growing cyber-attack surface that may never be fully mapped and documented from a vulnerability, asset and risk management standpoint. The mapping of assets, vulnerabilities and dependencies will continue indefinitely, but meanwhile the grid is increasingly vulnerable. So, in the meantime, it’s up to the human cyber-security experts and operational staff to take up the slack while we wait (indefinitely) for the perfect security automation model and the ideal threat-response reference library. The protection of the smart grid network and core SCADA control systems requires a very challenging blend of control engineering and security - which can only be executed by senior security engineers who have a very special mix of general abilities, acquired skills and learned knowledge. Government and industry executives now largely agree that the deficit of cybersecurity human resources is approaching a crisis point as grid complexity increases and generation of grid security expertise inevitably retires. Traditionally it takes many years to mature a cybersecurity worker's knowledge, skills and performance. Senior cybersecurity professionals possess a special mix of information security (InfoSec), technology infrastructure, risk, operations, social, analytical and organizational skills. To reach peak performance, senior security engineers had to first become highly proficient IT professionals. Years of accumulation of IT knowledge are then enhanced with years of additional security experiences, which eventually allows mastery of Page 5 forensics, risk management and business impact principles. This path ultimately allows a seasoned InfoSec expert to perform highly skilled actions that protect grid control systems on infrastructure in a way that is aligned with organizational and regulatory policies and goals. Recently, NERC’s Long-Term Reliability Assessment Report noted that the potential loss of this expertise as industry’s workforce ages poses a long-term threat to bulk system reliability. There is a growing need to not only replace large numbers of departing cybersecurity workers, but must also greatly augment the workforce with new skills and advanced capabilities. Thus, the Energy Industry needs a large scale transfer of expertise plus increased agility and productivity of the cybersecurity workforce, to bridge generation gap. The U.S. Department of Energy recognized that the electric industry needs a workforce development program that can make up for the accelerating loss of security workforce professionals, while at the same time building substantial new cyber security expertise capabilities that protect the expanded attack surface of the modernized smart grid. Accordingly, in Spring, 2001 a contract was awarded to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to develop a set of guidelines for the development of certification program for smart grid cybersecurity specialists. The initial scope was defined as the operational security functions for day-to-day operations, but not engineering and architecture, and smart grid environments. The project would examine the technical, problem solving, social and analytical skills used by senior cyber security staff in the daily execution of their responsibilities. The primary purpose is to develop a measurement model for assessing technical and operational cybersecurity knowledge, skills, and abilities. A workforce development program must be holistic in the way it measures, develops and supports cybersecurity expertise (Assante & Tobey, 2011). Holistic in this context means: ● Addressing all human factors of accelerated expertise development (book-knowledge, hands-on skills, innate abilities, cognitive/behavioral influences) ● Including all phases of the workforce development cycle (assessment, training, certification, re-testing, professional development, communities of practice, etc.) Page 6 Existing cyber-security training and certification programs focus on the job of testing the book-learning of security engineers who often study preparation guides before taking the certification tests. Certification bodies (ISACA, CompTIA, ISC/2 and many others) provide a gauge of intellectual knowledge in specific cyber security areas. However, existing certification solutions do not measure or certify the real world where multi-discipline problem solving and social and intuitive analytical skills are used by senior security engineers in the daily battle to protect the grid. Even the most advanced "performance based" certifications (e.g., GIAC/GSE) have not kept up with the latest research advances in the cognitive science of human expertise development. Traditional security certification organizations cannot create an adequate cyber-security workforce protection of the modernized smart grid. In addition to the lack of comprehensive assessment and testing, current approaches do not provide a blueprint or roadmap for a lifecycle program of workforce expertise management. Current assessment and evaluation services have these deficiencies: ● Competency measurement gap (what competencies do we need to test for?) ● Assessment gap (how should we conduct tests so they are holistic and accurate, differentiating between simple understanding of concepts and skilled performance of actions that effectively resolve problems quickly and despite distractions or the stress surrounding an attack?) ● Training gap (how do we prepare professionals for the tests and the real world?) ● Certification gap (what is the best framework for security certifications that integrate both knowledge and skill while predicting constraints of innate abilities on performance) ● Support gap (how do we support the certified cyber-security elite with advanced problem solving tools, communities of practice, canonical knowledge bases, and other performance support tools?) NBISE was formed to leverage the latest advances in performance assessment and learning science toward the solution of one of the United States’ most critical workforce shortages: cybersecurity professionals. NBISE’s mission, working with program participants, is to analyze and design assessment instruments and practical challenges that are both fair and valid and to enhance the confidence of skill measurement instruments as predictors of actual job Page 7 performance. In fulfilling this mission, NBISE is developing methodologies for defining and measuring the factors that determine successful job performance. Because this project required the use of new techniques to support workforce development that imparts the knowledge and includes the practice exercises that foster skill development, NBISE was selected to partner with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to conduct a three phase study for the Department of Energy. This report will consist of a cumulative analysis and report of the multi-phase study to produce a comprehensive Job Performance Model of Smart Grid Cybersecurity. The first phase will produce an exploratory job performance model based on a factor analysis of responses to a Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ), culminating in the Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Analysis Report. During this phase, critical incidents (Flanagan, 1954; Klein, Calderwood, & MacGregor, 1989) captured as a series of vignettes, or deconstructed stories (Boje, 2001; Tobey, 2007), of a significant or potentially significant event will be transformed into a detailed list of goals, objectives, responsibilities, and tasks for the functional and job roles involved in smart grid cyber security. The second phase will seek to validate the exploratory model in laboratory simulation studies of these critical incidents. Protocol analysis (Ericsson, 2006; Ericsson & Simon, 1980, 1993) and confirmatory factor analysis (T. A. Brown, 2006; Long, 1983) will be used to validate the exploratory job performance model. The third phase will involve analyzing data as it is generated in the previous phase to produce and validate a measurement model for calculating potential performance on the job (Tobey, Reiter-Palmon, & Callens, forthcoming). Based on all three phases a final report will provide guidance on the development of assessment instruments, training modules, and simulation practice environments that may be used to accelerate proficiency in smart grid cyber security jobs. The sections below will discuss the science behind the development of job performance models, the method to be used to develop a job description report and task analysis, and provide the preliminary results for the definition of functional and job roles based on a job classification analysis. Page 8 JOB ANALYSIS: EARLY ATTEMPTS AT PERFORMANCE MODELING Job analysis is a method by which we understand the nature of work activities by breaking them down into smaller components (Brannick, Levine, & Morgeson, 2007; McCormick, 1979). As the name implies, many job analyses focus primarily on the attributes of work itself, and then link these work attributes to job-relevant knowledge, skills, abilities, and other work-related characteristics including attitudes and motivation (KSAOs). Collectively, the KSAOs represent the competencies required for a job. An individual employee would need to possess these competencies to successfully perform the work (Shippmann et al., 2000). The purpose of the job analysis is to provide detailed information about the job that will guide various aspects related to managing performance such as the development of training materials, testing for selection and competency evaluation, and developmental plans. Information about the job may be gained from focus groups, surveys, and interviews of job incumbents, supervisors, and others that are familiar with the day-to-day task requirements of the job. Sampling subject matter experts (SMEs) with different levels of expertise and who work in different organizational settings allows for increased generalizability across domains (Morgeson & Dierdorff, 2011). Historically, work-oriented job analyses began by using general work activities (GWAs) as a framework to capture position-specific job tasks. These GWAs are broad collections of similar work activities such as “interacting with computers” or “getting information” (Jeanneret, Borman, Kubisiak, & Hanson, 1999). GWAs were designed to be applicable to all work domains and allow for comparisons across dissimilar jobs (Reiter-Palmon, Brown, Sandall, Buboltz, & Nimps, 2006). Work tasks, on the other hand, are more specific to a given occupation than are GWAs. For instance, most occupations share the GWA of “interact with computers;” an associated task of “analyze output of port scanners” would only be required of a rather limited subset of jobs. Typical job analyses yield between 30 and 250 work tasks that are somewhat unique to a specific industry (Brannick & Levine, 2002). After describing and evaluating work tasks, the focus of many job analyses then shift to the KSAOs that are needed to complete job Page 9 tasks. Like GWAs, KSAOs are standardized to facilitate generalizability across job domains. As such, KSAOs may be appropriate when comparing across jobs, but more specific work goals may be necessary to adequately capture worker requirements within a given occupation. It is important to note that in many cases only one component (tasks or KSAOs) may be the focus of the job analysis. However, obtaining both types of information is critical for some uses of job analysis and for the flexibility of use. Page 10 FROM JOB ANALYSIS TO COMPETENCY MODELING Compared to the “historical snapshot of work” produced by a job analysis, by actively linking employee behaviors to business goals, competency modeling is considered a more employee-focused examination of working conditions (Sanchez & Levine, 2009). Competency models “typically include(s) a fairly substantial effort to understand an organization's business context and competitive strategy and to establish some direct line-of-sight between individual competency requirements and the broader goals of the organization” (Shippmann et al., 2000, p. 725). By focusing on clearly defined business goals, managers are then in a position to distinguish between levels of performance in goal attainment (Campion et al., 2011; Parry, 1996). In practice, there can be significant overlap between job analysis and competency modeling. For example, Campion and his associates (2011) suggest that competencies be developed using job analysis procedures such as observations, interviewing, and focus groups. Similarly, applied research by Lievens, Sanchez, and De Corte (2004) showed that providing subject matter experts (SMEs) with the tasks derived from a job analysis enhanced the quality of the competencies they generated. Despite this progress in the development of job analysis and competency modeling techniques, concerns continue to arise about their ability to capture the relevant requirements of a job necessary to accurately predict performance. These concerns are especially pronounced in highly technical jobs involving hands-on skills (Arvey, Landon, Nutting, & Maxwell, 1992). Current methodologies have frequently failed to capture dynamic aspects of a job, especially those involving integration across job roles and the interpersonal processes involved in such collaborative work (Sanchez & Levine, 2001; Schmidt, 1993; Schuler, 1989). Since existing methods focus primarily on GWAs rather than the goals and objectives of a job, they may fail to identify the practices that differentiate levels of expertise and performance (Offermann & Gowing, 1993). In summary, research suggests that innovations are necessary to increase the depth and complexity of these models to match the increasing complexity of today’s jobs (Smit-Voskuijl, 2005). In a recent summary of best practices in competency modeling, Campion, Page 11 et al. (2011) identified 20 critical innovations that would address deficiencies in identifying, organizing, presenting, and using competency information (see Figure 1). Figure 1: Best Practices in Competency Modeling Page 12 ADAPTING JTCA MODELS TO UNDERSTAND CYBERSECURITY JOBS There is perhaps no more complex and dynamic work environment than cybersecurity. Further exacerbating the challenge of defining such a dynamic job is that little is known about the competencies required to meet the new vulnerabilities introduced with the advent of the smart grid. Extant research has focused mainly on cybersecurity policy or the technological manifestations of these threats, rather than the individual competencies necessary to identify, diagnose, and effectively respond to such threats. In a recent essay recounting the past thirty years of cybersecurity, Ryan (2011, p. 8) argues that the thinking about computer security needs to change. She says “it is critical that the security community embrace non-technical aspects as part of the whole problem space… A focus on enterprise security goals rather than security technologies would be a good start – when security is an architectural goal, there is less temptation to try to bolt on exotic solutions focusing on tiny slivers of the technological challenge. Instead, holistic and synergistic solutions must be developed. It is increasingly important that we architect solutions that incorporate human brains, taking into account intellectual property and human inadvertent activity.” MITRE Corporation has developed a framework intended to improve the preparedness of organizations to meet the challenges of the cybersecurity threat. In their description of this framework, Bodeau, Graubart, & Greene (2010) propose a five-level model delineating the strategies and objectives comprising effective cyber preparedness. The levels correspond to “distinct break points in adversary capabilities, intent, and technical sophistication, as well as in the operational complexity involved in an attack” (p. 2). This model suggests that developing a secure cybersecurity posture requires development of capabilities in foundational defense, critical information protection, responsive awareness, architectural resilience, and pervasive agility. Organizations may experience increasing cost and coordination to raise organizational preparedness to match the level of threat. According to Bodeau et al. (2010, Table 2), based on the level of adversary capabilities, organizations must: 1. Prepare for known external attacks and minor internal incidents; 2. Prevent unauthorized access to critical or sensitive information; Page 13 3. Deter adversaries from gaining a foothold in the organization’s information infrastructure; 4. Constrain exfiltrations of critical data, continue critical operations, minimize damage despite successful attacks from adversaries who have established a foothold; and 5. Maintain operations on a continuing basis and adapt to current and future coordinated, successful attacks, regardless of their origin. However, typical of the few studies in this area, the model concludes with a listing of technologies that can safeguard critical assets, rather than a specification of the competencies needed by the cybersecurity workforce to address the growing threats to critical infrastructure. In a study of the recent RSA attack, Binde, McRee, & O’Connor (2011) suggested that a complex set of competencies are required. According to their findings, an effective threat response must include the ability to identify phishing campaigns, recognize and block malicious traffic, and monitor operating systems for attack signatures. However, they offered no guidance as to the specific KSAOs that may support development of these abilities. Frincke & Ford (2010) indicate why the development of a competency map for cybersecurity professionals has been so difficult. Even the development of a simple depiction of knowledge requirements is challenging. First, it is difficult or impossible to define a typical practitioner. Second, it is not known how practitioners derive their knowledge -- from books or on the internet through tweets or RSS feeds? Finally, it is unclear what differentiates foundational knowledge from specialized knowledge. They conclude that a competency framework must determine whether the knowledge needed is universal or changes based on role and responsibility. For instance, a researcher trying to design a lab test of an advanced persistent threat would need past knowledge of attacks in order to design a test that could accurately respond to an attack. On the other hand, a security expert would not only need the basic knowledge of past attacks but also the knowledge of how to detect an attack and produce the right defenses in real-time. Therefore traditional job analysis or competency modeling based on surveys of job incumbents may fail to fully capture the job of a smart grid cybersecurity specialist. As Campion Page 14 et al. (2011) have suggested, competency models in such a dynamic and ill-defined domain must employ unique methods for eliciting job context, goals, objectives, tasks, and KSAOs across different roles and proficiency levels. Accordingly, to fully understand and model success in these jobs, NBISE is innovating many of the 20 areas shown in Figure 1. In this section, we will describe some of these innovations used to develop the beginning of a Job Performance Model. The JPM seeks to predict performance and assess aptitude necessary to not only understand past performance, but also develop a profile of future abilities. Accordingly, the Job Performance Model that will evolve from this Job, Task and Competency analysis will include: ● Context elicitation through vignettes and responsibilities ● PRISM method for eliciting goals and objectives (Tobey, 2007) ● Models that include both technical, operational, and interpersonal skills ● Functional responsibility analysis that recognizes the collaboration that occurs among roles, and the consequent overlap in task performance ● Competencies defined at novice, apprentice, journeyman, and expert levels for multiple roles based on industry vernacular ● Exploratory factor analysis to develop a causal model of performance that can be subsequently validated and used to support design of instructional modules, proficiency and performance assessments, and lab exercises that facilitate converting knowledge into skill Page 15 DEVELOPING A JOB PERFORMANCE MODEL Developing a list of tasks or competencies necessary to perform a job requires a greater depth of analysis than that identified as the current state-of-the-art in Figure 1. First, and perhaps most important, is the transitioning from descriptive models of job performance to prescriptive or predictive models. The traditional approaches tend to produce lists of job duties and KSAOs that are sufficiently general to apply broadly but lack the detail necessary to predict, based on an assessment instrument, how an individual will actually perform on the job. These techniques tend towards a focus on frequent and important tasks, obtained through a factor analysis, as a descriptive model of the responsibilities which must be executed by a job incumbent. An exception is models that combine factor analyses with logistic or structural regression analysis. While inductive in nature, this approach may identify and subsequently confirm a model of job performance over two or more studies. Thus, one step towards moving from competency to job performance modeling is to create a nomological network of factor relationships that fits the patterns derived from a statistically valid sample of incumbents on the job. Figure 2 shows an example of such a model for Operational Security Testing prepared recently by NBISE. Figure 2: Example Job Performance Model Page 16 For example, Dainty, Cheng & Moore (2005) use this approach to develop a predictive model of the construction project management job. Their study demonstrates that an important benefit of such an approach is the creation of a parsimonious model of job performance. By identifying the critical factors, a job performance model is able to focus training, skill development, and assessment on the few variables which explain the most variance in job performance. Consequently, investment in workforce development can become more targeted, efficient, and effective in accelerating proficiency (Hoffman & Feltovich, 2010). The transition from competency to job performance models is also facilitated by a more detailed understanding of the building blocks of competence: knowledge, skill, and ability. Le Deist and Winterton (2005) reviewed definitions of competence from around the world. While the U.S. and the U.K. have primarily focused on functional or occupational definitions of competence, which tend to conflate the definition of the KSA elements, other European countries have moved towards a multi-dimensional conception of competency. For instance, France has created the triptyque: a three-dimensional view separating knowledge (savoir), experience (savoir faire), and behavior (savior être). This multi-dimensional view is consistent with recent development of an engineering model of learning (Hoffmann, 2011, p. 270) that defines: knowledge as “retrievable information” created through learning; skill as “courses of action” (or habituated behavior) created as a result of practice in applying knowledge; and ability as the application of knowledge and skill to “novel and unusual situations” (thereby showing the benefit of experience in adapting to unforeseen circumstances). Similarly, Trafimow and Rice (2008, 2009) recently proposed Potential Performance Theory to explain and provide independent measures of knowledge (strategy), skill (consistency), and ability (potential). Based on these, and other findings from study of expertise (Chi, Glaser, & Farr, 1988; Ericsson, 2004; Ericsson & Charness, 1994; Ericsson, Charness, Feltovich, & Hoffman, 2006; Hoffman, 1992), we have developed a tripartite competency framework in which knowledge, skill, and ability provide distinct contributions to the development of mastery over time. As shown in Figure 3 a job performance model using this framework may extend job task and competency analysis by differentiating the expected performance of novices, apprentices, journeymen, and masters through the values of three distinct but interacting variables: knowledge defined and measured as a depth of understanding, skill defined and measured by the consistency by which Page 17 knowledge is applied, and ability defined and measured by the adaptation of skill to address novel or unusual situations. As expertise progresses from a novice through a master the relative contribution of knowledge, skill, and ability to performance changes. Also, the progression may take any of several trajectories inside the “competency box” – a specialist may be positioned more towards the upper front of the box, demonstrating deep understanding, consistently applied across many projects. However, specialists are limited in the application of this knowledge and skill to a narrow domain. A master may not have substantially greater knowledge than a journeyman, and perhaps less than a specialist, but demonstrates skilled application of expertise across a broad set of domains. Figure 3: The Competency Box Figure 4 below shows an example of using this framework to perform a Potential Performance Analysis (PPA) adapted from the study conducted by Trafimow and Rice (2009). In PPA, potential performance is assumed to be a function of the knowledge (strategy employed), skill (consistency of knowledge application), and ability to adapt to new situations. Each of the three dimensions is separately measured: knowledge is measured by the observed scores; skill is Page 18 measured by the consistency coefficient; and ability is measured by the rate of change (slope of the line) in the True Score, or potential, over time. This study showed that knowledge, skill, and ability are not simply separate components of competence. Each dimension provides a unique and differential impact on the overall potential for an individual to perform the job over time. Somewhat surprisingly, Trafimow and Rice found that an individual who has become skilled in using a less effective strategy may underperform a less skillful person who can more easily adapt to novel conditions. This can be seen by comparing the scores over time of Participant 17 to Participant 10 as shown in the diagram in Figure 4. Even though Participant 17 employed a less effective strategy at the outset, the lack of skill and a greater ability to adapt to the new job over time enabled this individual to outperform a worker who had a reasonably effective strategy which was skillfully applied, but who lacked an ability to adopt a more effective strategy. Thus, we propose that when defining a job performance model it is essential to identify those tasks in which performance greatly differs among those with varying knowledge, skill and ability. The traditional focus on importance and frequency of tasks is necessary but insufficient to develop a predictive model of job performance. Each of the detailed analyses presented above increases our understanding of the antecedents to job performance, the factors which define the job and the dimensions which affect behavior, but to predict performance we also need to understand how variance in performance is evaluated. Some advanced job task and competency models (for example, Dainty et al., 2005) have incorporated better factor analysis to improve their prescriptive value. We have yet to see one which combines advanced factor analysis with multiple methods for assessing the differential impact of knowledge, skill and ability. However, even doing so would only improve the definition and measurement of the independent variables comprising a performance model. To determine aptitude and proficiency to perform a job, we must accurately measure variance in the dependent variable – job performance – as well. Page 19 Figure 4: Potential Performance Analysis (PPA) SOURCE: Trafimow & Rice (2009) Robert Mislevy and his colleagues have been studying methods for assessing and tutoring technical workers for more than thirty years (for examples, see Behrens, Collison, & DeMark, 2006; Mislevy, 1994, 2006; Mislevy & Bock, 1983; Mislevy, Steinberg, & Almond, 1999; Williamson et al., 2004). This work has culminated in the development of an evidence-centered design approach to the development of training and assessment systems that has recently been adopted by Cisco Systems to increase the predictive and prescriptive value of their Cisco Networking Academy program (Behrens, Mislevy, DiCerbo, & Levy, 2010). Central to the success of this program, deployed in over 160 countries, is the clear understanding and modeling of the context of the job: “the ways people use [their competencies] and the kinds of situations they use [them] in” (Behrens et al., 2010, p. 11). These and other studies increasingly show the context-sensitive nature of expertise. Consequently, we propose that a job performance model must explicitly explore how tasks and KSAO usage differs by scenario, what job roles perform these functions, and how they interact. Finally, we seek to extend traditional job task and Page 20 competency analysis by defining the set of goals, objective metrics, and performance against these metrics that typify workers at different competency levels. The next section will report our application of these new methods. We will begin with a review of the composition of the SME panel, attendance and constituencies represented in each focus group session, and changes made to the panel roster to improve participation or representativeness of panel members. We will then describe the methods to be used during the elicitation phases. This will be followed by a review the four steps of job and task definition: context definition; role definition; mission definition; and process definition, collectively which form the basis for the Job Description Report. This report will be appended during the next phase of the project during which the SME panel will elaborate the process definition to produce a detailed list of tasks, methods, and tools. During the final phase of the exploratory Job Performance Model development, the panel will define a set of knowledge, skills, and abilities that are expected to determine performance on the job. Page 21 PANEL COMPOSITION The initial Smart Grid Cybersecurity (SGC) panel included 28 subject matter experts (SMEs), a panel chair, and a panel vice-chair. The panel (28 male; 2 female) is advised by the NBISE and PNNL project team (3 male, 2 female) and five outside advisors (all male) representing industry, government, and academic perspectives. The initial panel was formed with nine members (32.1%) from the energy industry; eight members (28.6%) from the professional services sector; seven members (25%) from technology vendors; three members (10.7%) from academic or corporate research organizations; and one representative (3.6%) from government. The selection of panelists was based on their expertise in the relevant fields, availability of sufficient time to commit to the project, and maintaining a diverse representation of the interested stakeholders. The panelists are also widely distributed geographically. Since panelists are volunteers it is expected that their involvement may change over time. The cybersecurity profession is in high demand and the need for cybersecurity skills is unpredictable. Previous SME panels have seen participation rates drop dramatically after the first focus sessions, often with more than 50% attrition as the volunteers find that their primary work activities will no longer permit continual attendance on weekly panel calls or making contributions between calls necessary to complete assigned activities. Accordingly, NBISE maintains a list of alternates who may be added to the panel if participation rates fall significantly. Over the first four sessions five panel members withdrew from the panel, and two alternates were added, bringing active roster to 25 panel members. The greatest change occurred in industry representation as year-end business planning and plant maintenance reduced time available to participate in panel activities. Table 1 shows the changes in panel composition over the first four sessions, and that at the conclusion of this period the panel composition had become six members (24%) from the energy industry; seven members (28 %) from the professional services sector; seven members (28%) from technology vendors; three members (12%) from academic or corporate research organizations; and two representatives (8%) from government. Page 22 Table 1: Changes in panel composition Page 23 ELICITATION METHODOLOGY Throughout the process, a collection of collaboration tools is used to facilitate the thinking and contributions of the SME panel. The online collaboration environment has been designed and configured based on dozens of years of research on Group Decision Support Systems (Nunamaker, Briggs, Mittleman, Vogel, & Balthazard, 1997). GDSS has been found to dramatically increase the productivity and scale of processes similar to job performance modeling which involves complex intellective tasks requiring collective intelligence (Briggs, Vreede, & Nunamaker, 2003; Briggs, Vreede, Nunamaker, & Tobey, 2001). The GDSS tools are embedded in a web portal that also includes a clear statement of the SME panel's purpose, the steps in the Job Performance Model process, and links to the activities the panel is to complete each week. Typical of cycle-time reductions found in other uses of collaboration engineering environments (Tobey, 2001), the process for eliciting job performance constructs can be dramatically reduced from months to weeks. Figure 5 below shows the time line for the preparation of a job, task and competency analysis using the traditional techniques developed for the Office of Personnel Management (Reiter-Palmon et al., 2006). This process uses General Work Activities to provide the context for task definitions which are analyzed using frequency and criticality ratings. When used to develop the Job Description Report for Operational Security Testing (Tobey et al., forthcoming) this approach required six months to produce a task list suitable for including in a Job Analysis Questionnaire. While this is much too long for a dynamic profession such as cybersecurity, traditional approaches using face-to-face interviews by industrial psychologists, rather than focus groups supported by a GDSS, have often taken years to accomplish the same results. Page 24 Figure 5: O*NET Methodology Timeline The elicitation method used in this study, and piloted during the development of a Job Competency Model for Advanced Threat Response (Tobey, forthcoming) is shown in Figure 6. The traditional elicitation process was altered by adding vignettes and more detailed mission definition to provide scaffolding that could help spur the generation of task descriptors by panel participants. The provision of increased structure in conjunction with revisions to the collaboration infrastructure reported elsewhere (Tobey et al., forthcoming) appeared to support a further acceleration of the process. In just six weeks a comprehensive task list was developed suitable for surveying the profession. Moreover, while the modified O*NET process produced approximately 120 tasks across two job roles, the JPM Process approach to be used for developing the Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Performance Model produced a list of 706 tasks across four functional roles. Figure 6: JPM Process Methodology Timeline Appendix B lists the session objectives and participation of panel members for each of sessions conducted through the date of this report. In the next section we will present and discuss the results of the first four sessions. The overall goal of these sessions was to produce a Job Description Report that would identify the context, mission, roles, and processes involved in Page 25 smart grid cybersecurity. This job definition was then used to develop a Job Analysis Questionnaire by elaborating and evaluating the most critical job responsibilities and tasks. Page 26 JOB DESCRIPTION REPORT Job Classification The iterative process described above begins at the abstract level typical of job descriptions and individual development plans. Traditional job task analysis starts with a taxonomy of general work activities (GWAs) but such high level descriptors have found to be poor discriminators of jobs (Gibson, Harvey, & Harris, 2007). The result is a job description that is frequently used to develop employment inventories and recruiting advertisements. Competency modeling may extend these lists to produce guides for training and testing or certification underlying individual/personal development plans. Existing job or functional role taxonomies and definitions are consulted to identify areas of alignment or misalignment in current conceptions of a job. Recruitment advertisements and performance evaluations are evaluated for role definitions, responsibilities and capabilities expected to be determinants of performance. Finally, stories of critical incidents demonstrating either exemplary performance (use cases) or errors and omissions (mis-use cases) are collected. Collectively, the job descriptions, development plans, performance evaluations, and critical incident descriptions establish the job context. The word incident in job task analysis is not simply an event requiring a response, as is frequently the case in the cybersecurity domain. Instead, it represents a defining moment in which the differences in skill level are notable in clearly identifiable outcomes of action taken. This may be an actual or a potential event, and includes not only sense-and-respond situations but also proactive or sustaining events critical to achievement of goals and objectives. Hence, the word incident here is more broadly defined. Accordingly, John Flanagan, the inventor of the critical incident technique, defined an incident as: any observable human activity that is sufficiently complete in itself to permit inferences and predictions to be made about the person performing the act. To be critical, an incident must occur in a situation where the purpose or intent of the act seems fairly clear to the observer and where its consequences are sufficiently definite to leave little doubt concerning its effects (Flanagan, 1954, p. 327). Page 27 We define a vignette as the collection of: a critical incident title or description; when the incident occurs (frequency and/or action sequence); what happens during the incident (problem or situation); who is involved (entities or roles); and where the incident might happen, now or in the future (systems or setting). Further definition of a vignette might include why it is important (severity or priority of response) and how the critical incident is addressed (method or tools that might be used). A collection of vignettes and the associated job context forms the basis for developing a Job Classification Report that may be used for comparison with other jobs or to identify when an individual is performing the job as classified. Job Roles and Responsibilities The roles identified during the Job Classification step are categorized into functional roles. The list of functional roles are discussed with, or ranked by, the panel of subject matter experts (SMEs) who then select one or more functional roles to focus on for the remainder of the modeling process. This selection of functional roles establishes an important boundary condition for the Job Performance Model. A guide to the selection process may be the roles targeted by a sponsoring organization or roles identified in an existing competency model, such as the NICE Information Assurance Framework ("NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework," 2011) in the cybersecurity profession. During the next step, the SME panel is asked to develop a list of responsibilities for the selected functional role(s) for each vignette. These responsibilities may bear more resemblance to the tasks defined during a job task analysis or competency model, but in job performance models they represent the starting point for decomposing a job into finer levels of detail. In effect, the responsibilities align with job duties often listed in job descriptions or performance evaluations. One fundamental difference between job performance modeling and previous approaches is the use of multiple roles at this step in the process. Guided by the vignette description, the panel defines responsibilities across the entire group of functional roles determined by the panel to provide the role boundary for the job performance model process. This approach enables elicitation of job overlap and the establishment of collaborative requirements of the job where responsibilities are duplicated across functional roles. Page 28 During the final step for eliciting roles and responsibilities the SME panel collaborates on developing a list of expected outcomes, both positive (best practices) and negative (errors and omissions) for each role involved in each vignette. These outcomes can serve both to establish learning objectives for training programs or situational judgment outcomes for assessment instruments. In the former case, the mis-use cases (errors and omissions) are especially important. By identifying likely errors a training program may be developed that enables "failing forward" where common mistakes are addressed by appropriate remedial instruction modules and practice exercises that guide the learner through a problem-based approach to deliberate practice. Research has shown that deliberate practice is necessary to accelerate proficiency. In the case of situational judgment test development, the mis-use cases can form a set of distractor choices to ensure that the test taker has developed sufficient understanding, or is able to demonstrate skilled performance during the Potential Performance Analysis described above. Goals and Objectives Measurement of job performance requires the establishment of a criterion which determines the level of success achieved (Berk, 1980). Each job has a mission -- a primary set of actions that are expected to produce valued results. These primary goals are often accomplished through the pursuit of secondary goals, and secondary goals through other subsidiary goals, collectively forming a goal hierarchy (Cropanzano, James, & Citera, 1993; Miller, Galanter, & Pribram, 1960; Powers, 1973; Wicker, Lambert, Richardson, & Kahler, 1984). Consequently, to establish a performance model it is important to elicit multiple levels of goals to be accomplished in a job. Further, research has shown that each goal definition should specify clear measures of performance across a broad range of varying degrees of effort and difficulty (Locke, Shaw, Saari, & Latham, 1981). Accordingly, the SME panel is asked to contribute goal definitions that indicate whether a goal is primary, secondary, or tertiary. For each goal an objective measure is provided as the criterion by which performance will be assessed. Finally, specific criterion-based outcomes are specified at five levels of performance based on the PRISM method of goal setting (Tobey, Wanasika, & Chavez, 2007): Premier, Robust, Improved, Satisfactory, and Moot. Responsibilities are then sorted into these goal categories to prepare for the next stage of the Job Performance Modeling process. Page 29 TASK ANALYSIS Task analysis in the development of a job performance model marks an important departure from traditional approaches discussed above. Our method is based on recent advances in cognitive task analysis methodology (Crandall, Klein, & Hoffman, 2006) which expand the depth of incident descriptions that are critical to understanding and predicting job performance. While improving the elicitation of critical knowledge and skills, this process usually requires dozens of hours of interviewing and transcribing to develop a rich description. Thus, we need to adapt this approach to the conditions facing smart grid cybersecurity professionals where the context, challenges, and required responses change rapidly. Accordingly, we developed and tested a new approach with the Smart Grid Cybersecurity panel based on group decision support techniques that have been found to repeatedly and predictively produce substantial increases in the quality and quantity of creative productivity in brainstorming groups with cycle time reductions of 80% or more (Briggs et al., 2001; Nunamaker et al., 1997). During the facilitated elicitation sessions, panel members begin by documenting recollections of events or hypothetical situations facing smart grid cybersecurity professionals. They elaborate these brief descriptions by identifying the goals that must be accomplished to address each of these situations. Next, they develop a matrix of responsibilities and roles needed to accomplish each goal. Following that the tasks that form the steps for fulfilling the responsibility are enumerated for each functional role. Optionally, published methods or software tools may be identified for each task. Consequently, the job performance model represents the documentation of how the job is performed, rather than simply a description of job responsibilities. The detailed list of tasks are then assembled into a survey to determine the relative frequency and importance for individuals at entry, intermediate, and master levels of performance in the Job Analysis Questionnaire. This section will describe the facilitation techniques used to support the SME panel virtual sessions and weekly assignments. We will begin by reviewing definitions of key terms and then outline the elicitation and analytical procedures for selecting goals, roles, and responsibilities, and tasks. The next section will provide a brief overview of how this information Page 30 will be used to develop and administer a Job Analysis Questionnaire that will provide the data for an exploratory factor model of job performance in the targeted job roles. Definitions In a review of task analysis methods, Schraagen (2006 p. 185) defines the word task as "what a person is required to do, in terms of actions and/or cognitive processes, to achieve a system goal." This definition implies several important constructs which need to be elicited from subject matter experts to fully understand the factors impacting performance on the job. A complete task definition would include detailed goals, objectives, and job responsibilities. Finally, these statements, and those describing tasks, must be written specifically to highlight the action verb that indicates the execution of the task. It is often the case, though not a requirement of task analysis, that the action verbs used to describe goals and tasks align with Bloom's taxonomy of action verbs (Anderson, Krathwohl, & Bloom, 2001; Bloom, 1956). We define a goal as a statement that expresses an action that must be successfully completed to accomplish the job mission, or to facilitate the accomplishment of another goal. The goal objective is defined as the measurable outcome that establishes the criteria by which the degree of success or effectiveness may be assessed. Job responsibilities are defined as action statements which result in outcome states that may be monitored or assessed to determine if an objective has been accomplished. Accordingly, responsibility statements use passive verbs, such as "ensure", "follow", or "obtain" that are not included in Bloom's taxonomy. For example, the SME panel identified the goal "Analyze log files for signs of an attack or compromise" with the objectives (criterion) of "Percentage of logs that are reviewed" and the "Time required to review each source." Goal accomplishment could be monitored or assessed by the job responsibility "Ensure incident response and recovery procedures are tested regularly." The targeted outcome of this monitoring action would be the percentage of logs being reviewed by these procedures, and the time required to conduct each review. Page 31 Finally, following the suggestion of Crandall, Klein and Hoffman (2006), we apply methods for capturing the SME panelists' stories of cybersecurity events (e.g., Boje, 1991, 2001; Tobey, 2008) to facilitate a deconstruction of the tacit understanding that experts have of the relationships between goals, objectives, responsibilities and tasks. These methods, and the studies upon which they are based, recognize that expert stories are living, dynamic interactive constructions between the storytellers and their audience in which the latter do not understand the terse descriptions by which experts communicate with each other (Boje, 1991, 1995). They are not simply holistic constructions requiring interpretation or translation (Czarniawska, 1997), but are instead interconnecting fragments that are woven together into a complete perspective only when in the presence of an interlocutor (Boje, 2008; Tobey, 2007). Consequently, in addition to their definition as a classification of who, what, when, where, how or why events occur (see Job Classification section above), vignettes are also a collection of story fragments which SMEs construct collaboratively into a multifaceted depiction of an event or scenario requiring skilled performance. These fragments then may be categorized into collections, or master vignettes, which experts frequently label using terse phrases such as a "Network Attack" or a "Data Leakage." Role and Vignette Selection The first critical decisions that the SME panel must make is which job roles and which master vignettes will become the focus of the Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Performance Model Panel. During the sessions in which the vignettes were identified and elaborated the panel indicated which job roles are involved at each stage and step of the situational response process. A frequency distribution of roles across vignettes can therefore assist in determining which job roles are the most critical and consequently which vignettes (that heavily involve these job roles) are most relevant for further analysis. Accordingly, we calculate the percentage of steps in which a job role is involved for each of the master vignettes. Those roles which have the broadest involvement across the vignettes will be candidates for selection. This information is presented to the SME panel and they are asked to select, by a consensus of at least two-thirds of panel members, the most critical roles which they believe should be the focus of the initial Job Performance Model. Once the panel has made its selection, the master vignettes in which the Page 32 selected roles collective have substantial involvement will be selected for further analysis. Substantial involvement will be defined as a simple majority (equal to or greater than 50%, rounded to the nearest decile) of steps in which the selected job roles are involved. Goal Selection In the Job Description Report section above we briefly described the panel process for developing a list of goal definitions that guide the elicitation of responsibilities for each job role. A complete detailing of the responsibilities and tasks necessary to accomplish the goals of all smart grid cybersecurity functions would be far beyond the scope and resources of this project. Therefore, although a broad list of goals will facilitate establishing clear boundaries for the smart grid cybersecurity profession, we need to focus on a few select critical goals to guide the modeling of job performance. In order for this initial job performance model to have the greatest impact it is desirable for the selected goals necessary to effectively address the largest number of master vignettes identified by the panel. Consequently, the SME panel individually assigns the goals elicited during a previous session to the list of master vignettes which involve the selected job roles. We select for further analysis those goals which the panelists rank as important. The importance ranking is based on a majority percentage of panelists (rounded to the nearest decile) indicating that the goal was related to successful performance in at least three master vignettes. Elicitation of Responsibilities for the Selected Roles and Goals The selected roles and the vignette steps in which they are involved can now be used to assist the SME panel members in brainstorming a list of responsibilities associated with the each goal using the VivoWorks VivoInsight1 idea generation tool. The VivoInsight collaboration tool includes a feature called Follow Me which enables a facilitator to synchronize participant displays in a virtual session. Moving down the goal list one at a time, the facilitator presents an entry screen to each participant to elicit a list of responsibilities. The goal statement is displayed at the top of the screen. The selected job roles and the vignette steps are shown on the left to prompt idea generation. A real-time feed is shown below an entry box where the participant may 1 VivoInsight and SiteSpace are Software-as-a-Service programs which are the intellectual property of VivoWorks, Inc. who has approved reference to their copyrighted and trademarked products in this report. Page 33 type a new responsibility statement associated with the focal goal while easily viewing the contributions of others. Task Creation The creation of a list of tasks necessary to fill each responsibility is facilitated by the VivoInsight Task Creation tool. The facilitator uses the Follow Me function to present the same responsibility to all panelists at the top of their respective screens. In addition to facilitator instructions at the start of the activity, a help video is provided to guide the panelists through the creation of tasks associated with each responsibility. Figure 7 shows an example slide from this video. The task elicitation activity begins with the selection of an action verb from the Bloom taxonomy (Anderson et al., 2001; Bloom, 1956) that matches an idea for a task that needs to be performed to fulfill this responsibility. After selecting an action verb a list of current tasks using that verb or its synonyms are shown on the left hand pane. If the task is already listed, simply clicking on the box next to the task description will add it to the live feed section below the entry box. If the task is not listed, the remaining portion of the description after the leading action verb may be typed into the entry box and the add button clicked to add it to the live feed (see Figure 8). Once all the tasks necessary to fulfill this responsibility has been added to the live feed, the panelists may assign each task to any job role or roles they believe should be involved in executing this task. Clicking the submit circle at the end of the row records their role assignments. An example of the screen filled with existing tasks awaiting role assignments is shown in Figure 9. Page 34 Figure 7: VivoInsight help video showing how to select an action verb Figure 8: VivoInsight help system showing how to add a new task Page 35 Figure 9: Completed task entry awaiting role assignment Page 36 JOB ANALYSIS QUESTIONNAIRE The Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ) is the primary data collection method for developing a theoretical model of job performance in three smart grid cybersecurity roles: Security Operations, Incident Response, and Intrusion Analysis. Our review of both the smart grid and job analysis literature suggests this is the first comprehensive analysis of smart grid cyber security tasks. The task statements contained in the JAQ will be evaluated by nominated subject matter experts to determine those tasks that are most critical to perform and those tasks which best differentiate between the performance of individuals possessing basic, intermediate, and advanced skills. The results of the JAQ will be used in several ways. First, by identifying the most critical and differentiating tasks we can better target workforce development programs and investments to accelerate the proficiency of cyber security professionals working on the smart grid. Second, the results will be provided to organizations distributing the survey to its members and affiliates enabling them to compare the responses of their community of practitioners to the overall population – highlighting areas where differences may indicate unique requirements or emphasis for effective job performance. Third, survey results will be published to the entire community of smart grid cyber security practitioners to guide individual development plans and self-assessment of skill areas. Fourth, human resource managers in organizations employing smart grid cyber security professionals can utilize the results to prepare competency maps for purposes of recruitment, workforce planning and development, and performance evaluation. Fifth, the results will support the development of simulation systems to facilitate the transfer of knowledge into skill by practicing the most critical and differentiating tasks. Sixth, the results will inform the development of new technology tools that may lower the skill requirement to perform certain critical tasks that lend themselves to automation. By guiding the skilled performance of novice or apprentice practitioners, these technologies would free up valuable expert resources to focus on the more difficult or novel problems. Finally, and perhaps most important, the results will inform development of formative assessments which can be used to identify aptitude, skill profiles, and potential performance of individuals for specific jobs. These assessments will enable improved Page 37 career paths, team composition, and targeting of learning and practice interventions necessary to secure and defend the smart grid. A three-phase purposive sampling strategy combined with random selection of survey groups is used to improve the likelihood of achieving a representative sample of subject matter experts with experience in one or more of the targeted job roles. Phase one is respondents obtained through organizations related to smart grid cybersecurity. Phase two will send reminders through these organizational channels but also add individuals who can complete the entire JAQ (i.e., all 37 survey groups) to ensure adequate sample size and to address grossly unequal distribution of responses across the three job roles. Phase three will identify other channels through which the JAQ can be distributed to address any remaining concerns regarding sample size or representation. During each phase a respondent begins by choosing from the list of the targeted job roles (i.e., security operations, incident response, and intrusion analysis) the one that most closely relates to their current position or experience. Upon selecting a role, they are taken to a demographic survey of ten questions (see Appendix for a listing of these questions). The respondent next receives sequential access to a random selection of three survey pages containing 14 task statements. The respondent may pause the survey at any time and an email will be sent to them allowing them to continue the survey where they left off. Once they have completed the three required task statement survey pages, they have the option to continue answering more of the 37 survey pages or exiting the JAQ. A pilot test of this process using both full and partial responses to survey pages was conducted prior to the beginning of the first phase. The purpose of the pilot JAQ is to review and verify the survey administration process and to evaluate the instructions, task statements, and other survey text. SME panel members and select individuals at Pacific Northwest National Lab and Sandia National Lab were recruited to participate in the pilot JAQ. Results of their analysis are provided in the Appendix along with the list of finalized task statements and a sample section of the survey showing the rating system used to evaluate the task statements. Page 38 THE COMPETENCY GRID In the Developing a Job Performance Model section above, we outlined a multidimensional framework for understanding an individual’s development and position along a learning trajectory from novice to master. This framework, which we called The Competency Box, was summarized in Figure 3 (reproduced below). The purpose of this section is to propose a new method for analyzing job analysis data that will facilitate mapping of an individual’s competency development, as well as the tasks that best demonstrate such development, to positions within the Competency Box. Figure 3: The Competency Box We will begin by reviewing a brief history of the development of competence and intelligence theory and resulting testing protocols. This review will demonstrate how the Competency Box may resolve long-standing disputes over the identification and development of expertise. Our goal is to develop a technique that can address three important constraints to determining the capabilities of the smart grid cybersecurity workforce: Page 39 6. Job performance has not been highly correlated with existing industry measures of competence (Center for Strategic and International Studies, A Human Capital Crisis in Cybersecurity: Technical Proficiency Matters.) 7. Cyber threats are constantly changing and the practice of cybersecurity is still emerging (Assante & Tobey, 2011). Thus, measures of past performance are not good indicators of future potential to perform. 8. Given the emergent nature of the workforce, development is of greater importance than selection. We therefore need formative measures that can help to identify those with the aptitude to excel, and can also be used to validate the interventions that shorten learning curves and help individuals reach their maximum potential as quickly as possible. Deriving a measurable definition of intelligence and competence Since the development of intelligence testing at the turn of the 19th century, there has been a continual debate in the literature over the level of test specificity required to adequately predict job performance. On the one side are those who believe a single general measure of intelligence, labeled “g” by Spearman (1904), is all that is necessary to predict performance (e.g., Ree & Earles, 1991, 1993; Ree, Earles & Teachout, 1994). The other side argues that g is an inaccurate or insufficient measure (e.g., Sternberg & Wagner, 1993; Carroll, 1993; Ackerman, 1996). Recently, Scherbaum, Goldstein, Yusko, Ryan & Hanges (2012) published a review of the applicability of this research to aptitude and performance assessment. They concluded that nearly a century of research had: 1) failed to produce a clear definition of intelligence and where it applies, 2) produced theoretical and measurement models that are inconsistent with recent findings from cognitive psychology and neuroscience; and 3) limited their application to esoteric domains of verbal or quantitative work that do not reflect the need for adaptive, integrative and analytical reasoning required by today’s workplace environment. Scherbaum et al (2012) suggest a redirection of the debate is needed. We must understand not only the factors that enable intelligent decision-making, but how to develop discrete skills in environments characterized by high volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA; Johansen, 2007). The smart grid cybersecurity domain is an excellent Page 40 example of a VUCA environment. According to Senge (1990) the skills most needed in VUCA settings are: critical thinking, metacognition, balanced inquiry and advocacy, and double-loop learning. In conclusion, Scherbaum et al. (2012: 139) argued: "we need to have a clear understanding of what intelligence is in terms of a definition and [improved] delineation of the domain” in which intelligence tests can be fruitfully applied. In a rebuttal to the Scherbaum et al article, Lievens and Reeve (2012) argue that the authors misunderstood the purpose of a general intelligence measure. It was not intended to be a specific measure. In our terms, intelligence is synonymous with the entire Competency Box. In this light, Spearman’s g can be viewed as a reliable, aggregate measure of the overall state of competence. Spearman’s g is not intended to indicate how, why, or for how long someone will be positioned at a specific point within the Competency Box. It is not a measure of development; it is a measure of achievement at a point in time. Accordingly since g is a blunt measure, it may be a poor predictor of future performance that explains little variance in job success (Sternberg, 1996). To gain further explanatory power, we must develop indicators of discrete levels of knowledge, skill or ability. Therefore, Lievens and Reeve (2012) note that resolution to the intelligence debate requires that we understand that intelligence is multidimensional. It is best viewed not as a construct but rather as a causal network in which knowledge, skill and ability interact in varying ways to produce a result under specific conditions. Lievens and Reeve conclude that we must begin by understanding the subcomponents of general intelligence: fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. Cattell (1963, 1971, 1987) was the first to decompose general intelligence into these two subcomponents. He defined fluid intelligence as the ability to learn and encode historical events or information. The key term here is “ability” as fluid intelligence is meant to be a fundamental component that is necessary to excel in many domains. Fluid intelligence is what makes a person able to perform a task. Crystallized intelligence develops from the base of fluid intelligence as habits are formed through repeated operations. These habits eliminate the need for “insightful perception” (Cattell, 1943) that are the hallmark of fluid intelligence. Accordingly, crystallized Page 41 intelligence relates to the skill with which actions are performed, rather than the ability that enables that skill to be applied in a new domain. Carroll (1993) and Ackerman (1996) expanded upon Cattell’s decomposition to suggest additional factors that could be components of overall intelligence. Carroll presented a taxonomy of abilities based on an extensive factor analysis. His work demonstrated the need for a more differentiated analysis and corresponding definition of ability and skill. Ackerman combined Cattell and Carroll’s work to produce a four factor model that differentiated between: processing, personality, interests, and knowledge (PPIK). Similar to Cattell, we can adapt Ackerman’s model to better understand the Competency Box structure and how it may help resolve the ongoing debate about what is intelligence (or competence) and how to measure it. Knowledge in Ackerman’s PPIK theory clearly maps to the knowledge dimension of the Competency Box - measuring the degree of understanding one has gained about a specific domain. Processing relates to abilities as they facilitate perceptual speed, memory-span, spatial rotation and other generalizable capabilities that enable transfer of knowledge and skill to an unknown or novel situation. The skill dimension of the Competency Box is most aligned with personality in Ackerman’s theory. In this dimension, habituated activities generate consistent behavior underlying characteristic performance by which others ascribe a personality profile to someone. Finally, the role of interest is one area in which the Competency Box differs somewhat with Ackerman’s model. Based on recent evidence from cognitive neuroscience studies (discussed below), we propose that interest isn’t actually a dimension of intelligence. Instead, interest represents the state of arousal that underlies the activation of all three dimensions of the Competency Box -- determining whether ability, knowledge, or skill are enacted in a particular situation (Tobey, 2007, 2010; Tobey & Benson, 2009; Tobey & Manning, 2009; Tobey, Manning & Nash, 2010). The Competency Box model is aligned with cognitive psychology research on skill acquisition and competent performance. Around the same time as Ackerman was composing his theory, Anderson (1993) theorized that two components of competence, declarative knowledge and procedural skill, involve different cognitive functions and therefore should be measured Page 42 independently. Proctor and Vu (2006) reviewed evidence from laboratory studies related to this theory. They reported that during skill acquisition a “hierarchy of habits” forms resulting in consistent performance as a result of practice. These skills are differentiated from the algorithmic approach taken in performing tasks on the basis of what we might call mere knowledge. With sufficient and deliberate practice (Ericsson, 1996), knowledge is converted into “holistic representations” (Proctor & Vu: 269) that become automatically retrieved when needed. The Competency Box model suggests that these patterns of memory formations are the instantiation of a skill in neural form, and their automatic execution ensures consistent performance that can be measured. Cognitive neuroscience studies show support for the Competency Box dimensions and separate measurement of knowledge, skill, and ability, as well as the activating mechanism of arousal. For instance, Markowitsch (2000) found that the location of activity in the brain shifts with time and practice. During this shift neural networks form which connect the diverse regions of the brain involved in the task. Other studies have found that these networks are restructured over time to maximize flexibility while minimizing the distance and energy required for neuronal communication (Bassett & Bullmore, 2006). As the neural network coalesces, links form between higher and lower brain centers (Joel, 1999) which may trigger behavior outside conscious awareness. In the end, these networks may become so highly optimized that a behavioral sequence, the stepwise activation of the entire neural network, may be triggered by a single neuron based on release of a “command” hormone (Kim, Zitman, Galizia, Cho, & Adams, 2006). In turn, these command hormones are controlled by a part of the brain usually associated with motor or “non-cognitive” functions, but which was found to be activated during conditioned and intuitive responses (Lieberman, 2000). In a previous study, the author of this report discovered that unconscious, instantaneous execution of neural patterns -- called a thinkLet (Tobey, 2001) -- could be identified with behavioral and physiological methods. In summary, skilled performance is distinguishable from mere knowledge of a task and the ability to adapt knowledge or skill to address a novel domain. The Competency Box model assumes fluid intelligence tests measure abilities, and while crystallized intelligence tests must be devised to separately measure declarative knowledge and procedural skills. The former may Page 43 be measured using tradition proficiency tests, but the latter requires a test of judgment, decision-making, and action choices typical of situational judgment tests (McDaniel, Morgeson, Finnegan, Campion & Braverman, 2001; McDaniel & Whetzel, 2005) and performance-based tests. Thus, in answer to the call made by Scherbaum et al. (2012), the Competency Box: 1) provides a clear and measurable differentiation between the three proposed dimensions of knowledge, skill, and ability as well as when they will become activated; 2) these constructs and their measures are consistent with recent discoveries in cognitive science; and 3) the model can be applied to the practical pursuit of developing talent by distinguishing the role of knowledge, skill, ability, and motivation as factors in predicting performance. Next, we will discuss how this model can be used to analyze the Job Analysis Questionnaire data to facilitate categorization of tasks to produce a Criticality-Differentiation Matrix that can identify the indicators of fundamental and differential competence. Criticality‐Differentiation Matrix The primary lesson learned from intelligence studies is that competency is multidimensional. Competency is more than just ability, which is adequately measured by intelligence tests. Competency is more than mere knowledge, which is adequately measured by proficiency tests, such as many of the current cybersecurity certification exams. To the complete the picture, competency measurement requires the identification of fundamental and differentiating skills -- those activities which determine the threshold of performance that all must pass, and those activities that are performed differently with substantively different outcomes if performed by someone with more expertise instead of someone with less skill. This section will describe our approach to determining which tasks may be assessed to best identify these critical and differentiating skills. Early development of competency studies recognized the importance of identifying threshold and differentiating tasks. In Boyatzis’ (1982) landmark study of managerial competence, he discovered clusters of behaviors that were expected of anyone entering the field Page 44 (i.e., threshold performance) and other clusters of behaviors that differentiated excellent managers from those with less managerial expertise. Similar to the conclusions of Scherbaum et al (2012) and Senge (1990) discussed above, Boyatzis found that master managers had developed skill in systems thinking and pattern recognition. However, Boyatzis’s study showed that master managers have more than cognitive skills. His data suggested two additional forms of competence: emotional intelligence and social intelligence (see also Goleman, 1995, 2006). In his most recent review of this work, Boyatzis (2008: 8) summarized the characteristics of behaviors that might be monitored or assessed to indicate development of these threshold and differentiating skills. These tasks should be: ● Behaviorally observable ● Differentially supported by neural circuits (i.e., it should be possible to measure knowledge and skill separately) ● Related to specific job outcomes (or goals) ● Sufficiently different from other constructs or indicators ● Demonstrate convergent and discriminant validity as indicators of a skill Spencer and Spencer (1993: 15) summarized and extended the work of Boyatzis and created clearer definitions for threshold and differentiating competencies: ● Threshold Competencies. These are the essential characteristics (usually knowledge or basic skills, such as the ability to read) that everyone in a job needs to be minimally effective but that do not distinguish superior from average performers. ● Differentiating Competencies. These factors distinguish superior from average performers. We constructed the Job Analysis Questionnaire to meet all five of these criteria, though further research is required before asserting predictive and construct validity (see Implications for Future Research section below for a discussion of this issue). Following the guidance of Mansfield (1996) on the development of multiple-job competency models, we obtained ratings for each task at three levels of proficiency: novice, intermediate, and expert. The collected ratings of frequency and importance at each of these three levels of expertise enable the creation Page 45 of two measures, criticality and differentiation. These measures may be combined to categorize tasks that should be strongly related to job performance, reflect current ground truth (Assante and Tobey, 2011), and can be assessed to determine the position and development path within the Competency Box for individuals or teams. The criticality of a task is defined as the product of arithmetic means of frequency and importance across all levels of expertise. The differentiation of a task is determined by the slope of criticality scores, signifying the frequency that a person with a given skill level must be involved, and the importance of that task for determining the performer’s skill level. We define fundamental tasks as those that are rated as highly critical but show little differentiation across these three levels. Performance on these tasks is essential and should be considered minimal entrance requirements for the field. We define differentiating tasks as those that exhibit both high criticality and high differentiation scores. The result of this analysis is a 2 x 2 matrix that we call the Criticality-Differentiation Matrix (CDM) shown in Figure 10. Quadrant 1 shown in black contains those tasks that have low criticality and low differentiation. These tasks might be labeled “inhibitors” because they actually inhibit determination of the competence. Measuring performance on these tasks would likely attenuate difference scores between individuals as they would constrain variance in test scores. This is not to suggest that these tasks should not be performed, simply that they are not good candidates for development of assessment instruments. Quadrant 2 shown in blue contains those tasks that are low in criticality but high in differentiation. These tasks might be labeled “esoterica” because while the methods used or results gained by experts differ significantly from novices, they are likely to make trivial difference in overall job performance. The final two quadrants are the most relevant for our further analysis. Quadrant 3 shown in green would list the Fundamental Tasks. Quadrant 4 shown in red would list the Differentiating Tasks. Page 46 Figure 10: Criticality‐Differentiation Matrix The CDM guides development of a theoretical Job Performance Model by suggesting those tasks which are best performed by individuals who are novices (Quadrant 1), proficient (Quadrant 2), competent (Quadrant 3), and expert (Quadrant 4). This, of course, would be a very crude depiction of the work of smart grid cybersecurity practitioners across the three target job roles. Accordingly, once a sufficient sample has provided input through the Job Analysis Questionnaire an exploratory factor analysis of the tasks will be conducted to identify the task clusters which are predicted by the respondents to explain the performance of those at varying levels of expertise. The next section reviews the results of our research to date. We begin with the results of the literature review followed by the outcomes of the SME panel discussions on vignettes, process, goals, and tasks involved in smart grid cybersecurity work. We conclude the results section with the status of our analysis of the Job Analysis Questionnaire responses and the plans to create a Criticality-Differentiation Matrix and Job Performance Model for the three smart grid cybersecurity job roles. Page 47 LITERATURE REVIEW The NBISE and PNNL research teams with help from the panel advisors and panel members assembled the preliminary list of documents shown in Table 2. These documents will be consulted by the panel members to support their collaboration during the elicitation sessions. Links to URLs or copies of files are made available through the panel portal site in a public Evernote notebook entitled SGC Panel Literature. The initial bibliography will be expanded during the term of the project. Table 2: Initial Bibliography Anderson, R., & Fuloria, S. (2010). Who Controls the off Switch? Paper presented at the 2010 1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Gaithersburg, MD. Bartels, G. (2011). Combating smart grid vulnerabilities. Journal of Energy Security. Baumeister, T. (December 2010). Literature Review on Smart Grid Cyber Security, from http://csdl.ics.hawaii.edu/techreports/10-11/10-11.pdf Boyer, W. F., & McBride, S. A. (2009). Study of Security Attributes of Smart Grid Systems- Current Cyber Security Issues (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, Trans.). Idaho Falls, ID: Idaho National Laboratory Critical Infrastructure Protection/Resilience Center. Cavoukian, A., Jules, P., & Christopher, W. (2009). SmartPrivacy for the smart grid: embedding privacy into the design of electricity conservation. Toronto, Ontario: Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, Canada. Cyber Security Coordination Task Group. (2009). Smart grid cyber security strategy and requirements (Draft. ed.). Gaithersburg, MD: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Dagle, J. (2009). Summary of Cyber Security Issues in the Electric Power Sector. Ft. Belvoir: Defense Technical Information Center. Dan, G., & Sandberg, H. (2010). Stealth Attacks and Protection Schemes for State Estimators in Power Systems. Paper presented at the 2010 1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Gaithersburg, MD. Davis, C. M., Tate, J. E., Okhravi, H., Grier, C., Overbye, T. J., & Nicol, D. (2006, 17-19 Sept. 2006). SCADA Cyber Security Testbed Development. Paper presented at the 38th North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2006) Carbondale, IL. Depuru, S. S. S. R., Wang, L., & Devabhaktuni, V. (2011). Smart meters for power grid: Challenges, issues, advantages and status. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(6), 2736-2742. doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2011.02.039 Dong, W., Yan, L., Jafari, M., Skare, P., & Rohde, K. (2010). An Integrated Security System of Protecting Smart Grid against Cyber Attacks. Paper presented at the 2010 Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), Gaithersburg, MD. Fadlullah, Z. M., Fouda, M. M., Kato, N., Xuemin, S., & Nozaki, Y. (2011). An early warning system against malicious activities for smart grid communications. Network, IEEE, 25(5), 50-55. doi: 10.1109/MNET.2011.6033036 Fouda, M. M., Fadlullah, Z. M., Kato, N., Rongxing, L., & Xuemin, S. (2011). Towards a light-weight message authentication mechanism tailored for Smart Grid communications. Paper presented at the IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, Shanghai, China. Gustavsson, R., & Stahl, B. (2010). The empowered user-The critical interface to critical infrastructures. Paper presented at the 2010 5th International Conference on Critical Infrastructure (CRIS), Beijing, China. Hamlyn, A., Cheung, H., Mander, T., Wang, L., Yang, C., & Cheung, R. (2008). Computer Network Security Management and Authentication of Smart Grids Operations. Paper presented at the 2008 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. http://b-dig.iie.org.mx/BibDig/P09-0134/PESGM2008-001547.PDF http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ielx5/4584435/4595968/04596900.pdf?tp=&arnumber=4596900&isnumber=4595968 Hiskens, I. A., & Akke, M. (1999). Analysis of the Nordel power grid disturbance of January 1, 1997 using trajectory sensitivities. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 14(3), 987-994. Holmgren, A. J., Jenelius, E., & Westin, J. (2007). Evaluating Strategies for Defending Electric Power Networks Against Antagonistic Attacks. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 22(1), 76-84. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2006.889080 Idaho National Laboratory. (2011). Vulnerability analysis of energy delivery control systems. Idaho Falls, ID: U.S. Department of Energy. Inc., K. (2010). The U.S. Smart Grid Revolution: Smart Grid Workforce Trends 2011 (pp. 37): The GridWise Alliance. Iyer, S. (2011). Cyber Security for Smart Grid, Cryptography, and Privacy. International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, 2011. doi: 10.1155/2011/372020 Page 48 Kim, T. T., & Poor, H. V. (2011). Strategic Protection Against Data Injection Attacks on Power Grids. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2(2), 326-333. doi: 10.1109/TSG.2011.2119336 Kosut, O., Liyan, J., Thomas, R. J., & Lang, T. (2010). On Malicious Data Attacks on Power System State Estimation. Paper presented at the 2010 45th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2010), Cardiff, Wales. Ling, A. P. A., & Masao, M. (2011). Selection of Model in Developing Information Security Criteria on Smart Grid Security System. Paper presented at the 2011 IEEE 9th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications Workshops (ISPAW), Los Alamitos, CA. Naone, E. (2010, August 2). Hacking the Smart Grid. Technology Review. National SCADA Test Bed. (2009). Study of security attributes of smart grid systems: Current cyber security issues. Idaho Falls, ID: INL Critical Infrastructure Protection/Resilience Center. Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Hydro One, GE, IBM, & TELVENT. (2011). Operationalizing privacy by design the Ontario smart grid case study. Toronto, Ontario: Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. Pearson, I. L. G. (2011). Smart grid cyber security for Europe. Energy Policy, 39(9), 5211-5218. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2011.05.043 Qian, H., & Blum, R. S. (2011). New hypothesis testing-based methods for fault detection for smart grid systems. Paper presented at the 2011 45th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS 2011), Baltimore, MD. Reddi, R. M. (2010). Real time test bed development for power system operation, control and cybersecurity. Master's thesis, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS Retrieved from http://library.msstate.edu/etd/show.asp?etd=etd-11112010-175544 Available from OCLC WorldCat database. Robles, R. J., & Tai-hoon, K. (2010). Communication Security for SCADA in Smart Grid Environment. Paper presented at the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Data Networks, Communications, Computers (DNCOCO 2010), Athens, Greece. Salmeron, J., Wood, K., & Baldick, R. (2004). Analysis of electric grid security under terrorist threat. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 19(2), 905-912. Scarfone, K., Grance, T., & Masone, K. (2008). Computer security incident handling guide: Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. (800-61 Revision 1). Gaithersburg, MD: Computer Security Division, Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology Retrieved from http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-61-rev1/SP800-61rev1.pdf. Sheldon, F. T., & Okhravi, H. (2010). Data Diodes in Support of Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure. Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Simmhan, Y., Kumbhare, A. G., Baohua, C., & Prasanna, V. (2011). An Analysis of Security and Privacy Issues in Smart Grid Software Architectures on Clouds. Paper presented at the 2011 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2011), Los Alamitos, CA. Smart Grid Information Clearinghouse. (2011). Deployment Experience, from http://www.sgiclearinghouse.org/Deployment So, H. K. H., Kwok, S. H. M., Lam, E. Y., & King-Shan, L. (2010). Zero-configuration Identity-based Signcryption Scheme for Smart Grid. Paper presented at the 2010 1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Gaithersburg, MD. Sugwon, H., & Myongho, L. (2010). Challenges and Direction toward Secure Communication in the SCADA System. Paper presented at the 2010 8th Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR), 11-14 May 2010, Los Alamitos, CA, USA. Ten, C.-W., Liu, C.-C., & Govindarasu, M. (2008). Cyber-vulnerability of power grid monitoring and control systems. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Workshop on Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research, Oak Ridge, TN. http://powercyber.ece.iastate.edu/publications/CSIIR-extended.pdf http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/1420000/1413190/a43-ten.pdf?ip= =50077011&CFTOKEN=81965875&__acm__=1319245062_c9850234e99b8595994a53eabc08dd48 The Energy Sector Control Systems Working Group. (2011). Roadmap to Achieve Energy Delivery Systems Cybersecurity (pp. 80). The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel – Cyber Security Working Group. (August 2010). Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security:Vol. 1, Smart Grid Cyber Security Strategy, Architecture, and High-Level Requirements. (NISTIR 7628). Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology Retrieved from https://www.evernote.com/shard/s66/res/307ff759-2782-4e63-990a-2b438a01574b/nistir-7628_vol1.pdf. The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel – Cyber Security Working Group. (August 2010). Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security:Vol. 2, Privacy adn the Smart Grid. (NISTIR 7628). Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology Retrieved from https://www.evernote.com/shard/s66/res/307ff759-2782-4e63-990a-2b438a01574b/nistir-7628_vol1.pdf. The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel – Cyber Security Working Group. (August 2010). Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security:Vol. 3, Supportive Analyses and References. (NISTIR 7628). Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology Retrieved from http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistir/ir7628/nistir-7628_vol3.pdf. Page 49 United States Government Accountability Office. (2011). Electricity Grid Modernization: Progress Being Made on Cybersecurity Guidelines, but Key Challenges Remain to be Addressed. (GAO-11-117). Retrieved from http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-11-117. Wang, T.-K., & Chang, F.-R. (2011, 26-28 May 2011). Network Time Protocol Based Time-Varying Encryption System for Smart Grid Meter. Paper presented at the 2011 Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications Workshops (ISPAW), Busan, South Korea. Wang, Y. (2011). sSCADA: securing SCADA infrastructure communications. International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, 6(1), 59-78. doi: 10.1504/ijcnds.2011.037328 Wang, Y., Ruan, D., Xu, J., Wen, M., & Deng, L. (2010). Computational Intelligence Algorithms Analysis for Smart Grid Cyber Security. In Y. Tan, S. Y. H. & T. K. C. (Eds.), Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Pt 2, Proceedings (Vol. 6146, pp. 77-84). Zhuo, L., Xiang, L., Wenye, W., & Wang, C. (2010, Oct. 31 2010-Nov. 3 2010). Review and evaluation of security threats on the communication networks in the smart grid. Paper presented at the Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2010), San Jose, CA. Preliminary list of job roles In addition to the literature above, PNNL researchers assembled a library of job requisition and recruitment advertisements for roles expected to play a part in smart grid cybersecurity. The job roles listed in Table 3 include a broad range of levels and departmental affiliations, such as analyst, consultant, engineer, researcher, supervisor, and manager. The appendix includes copies of the job descriptions listed below. Integrating the job roles and classification with the NICE IA Framework The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) lead by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is working to establish an operational, sustainable, and continually improving cybersecurity education program for the nation to use sound cyber practices that will enhance the nation’s security. The initiative is comprised of over twenty federal departments and agencies and its work products are to serve as a resource to both the public and private sector. Page 50 Table 3: Preliminary list of job roles Job Title Classification Manager of Technology Manager IT Development Supervisor Supervisor Information Security Risk Analyst III Analyst Network Security Analyst Analyst Senior Software Security Analyst Analyst Smart Grid Senior Manager – Professional Services Consultant Smart Grid Consultant Consultant Protection Emphasis Engineer Engineer Substation SCADA Integration Engineer Engineer SCADA Protocol Engineer Engineer Smart Grid Security Engineer Engineer Integrative Security Assessment Researcher Researcher There are four components under the NICE initiative, but the work of the Smart Grid Cybersecurity (SGC) panel is relevant to component three, titled “Cybersecurity Workforce Structure”. The lead agency for component three is DHS, which is coordinating its efforts through the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD). The goal is to define cybersecurity jobs, attraction, recruitment, retention, career path strategies. The component contains the following Sub-Component Areas (SCAs): ● SCA1 – Federal Workforce (Lead by the Office of Personnel Management) ● SCA2 – Government Workforce (non-Federal, led by DHS) ● SCA3 – Private Sector Worforce (lead by Small Business Administration, Department of Labor, and NIST) Page 51 The initial work product under this initiative includes a DRAFT framework document that enumerates cybersecurity functional roles across the government and extending into the private sector. This document leveraged work performed by OPM and others to identify cybersecurity roles and responsibilities across the federal government. OPM surveyed approximately 50,000 federal employees and their supervisors to establish a high-level view of cyber responsibilities and to construct a cybersecurity specific competency model. The development of an overarching framework has been difficult as cybersecurity encompasses a breadth of disciplines to involve law enforcement investigations, intelligence community analysis, IT design, engineering, and operations and cyber defense. The NICE effort will serve as a focal point for existing and future cybersecurity workforce development initiatives. The program outputs will certainly drive future development efforts and will likely shape cybersecurity roles over time. The SGC project team has been monitoring and engaging with NICE program leadership and activities to align our work and help build upon this nation-wide effort. The SGC project has partnered with the NICE organizers to improve capabilities and effectiveness of cybersecurity professionals and specifically to align the needs of smart grid cybersecurity roles and responsibilities with this evolving standard competency framework. The starting point for the alignment begins by evaluating the current draft of the NICE Cybersecurity Specialties Framework. The framework captures 31 high-level cybersecurity specialties across seven categories. The categories include: ● Securely Provision ● Operate and Maintain ● Support ● Protect and Defend ● Investigate ● Operate and Collect ● Analyze Page 52 The scope of the SGC project places a focus on operational cybersecurity job roles employed by utilities. This focus draws cybersecurity specialties that fall primarily under the ‘Operate and Maintain’ and ‘Protect and Defend’ categories. The structure of the Framework document identifies and describes a specialty and provides sample job titles. The document further describes applicable job tasks and lists high-level competencies and KSAs. It is important to note that job roles shown in Table 3 do not necessarily equate to job titles or functional roles defined in the NICE Framework, and several roles may be represented by one specific employee/job position. In addition to the job roles identified in the literature review, panel leadership has suggested that the following roles may also be associated with smart grid operational cybersecurity: ● Advanced Meter Security Specialist (Platform Specialist) ● Security Administrator (certificate management, etc.) ● Security Architect (many architects are involved and consulted in new technology deployments on operational matters) ● Network Security Specialists ● Security Operations Specialists ● Incident Response Specialist/Analyst ● Intrusion Analyst ● Penetration Tester/Red Team Technician ● Risk/Vulnerability Analyst ● Telecommunications Engineer ● Reverse Engineer ● Meter or Field Device Technician The project team reviewed cybersecurity specialties in the following NICE Framework categories: Securely Provision; Operate and Maintain; Protect and Defend; and Investigate. The review compared Job Performance Panel member input and literature review results against the Page 53 current description of the cybersecurity specialties to include the corresponding task, competencies, and KSA fields. The review included a broader list of utility smart grid related job roles knowing that the panel will select three to four operational job roles to focus its work. The greatest alignment appears to be with the cybersecurity specialties by category shown in Table 4. SGC Panel Members extended the NICE Framework by adding roles and responsibilities that must work closely with cybersecurity specialties to address cybersecurity issues within the context of an organization. Panel members identified job roles within legal and public relations that consistently interface with cybersecurity functional roles to manage security. The SGC project team will provide that feedback to NICE representatives and share the overall alignment review. It is also important to note that SGC Project team members have joined the Industrial Control Systems Joint Working Group (ICSJWG) Workforce Development Subgroup to help align the current framework with the broader ICS community and continue to provide relevant input and monitor the progression of the framework. Page 54 Table 4: Mapping SGC Job Roles to the NICE IA Framework Securely Provision – Specialty areas concerned with conceptualizing, designing, and building secure IT systems, with responsibility for some aspect of the system’s development. Operate and Maintain – Specialty areas responsible for providing the support, administration, and maintenance necessary to ensure effective and efficient IT system performance and security. Page 55 Protect and Defend – Specialty areas responsible for the identification, analysis, and mitigation of threats to internal IT systems or networks. Page 56 VIGNETTES The SME Panel developed a list of vignettes using VivoInsight which supports anonymity for participants, parallel input by participants, and shifting perspectives of the participants through display of others’ insights. These features of Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) are frequently shown to be critical for maximizing the productivity and creativity of problem-solving and brainstorming groups (Nunamaker et al., 1997). In the current study, the panel had identified a total of 109 vignettes in twenty minutes, though a few had been created prior to the session by the panel leadership. This represents an idea generation rate of over 5 vignettes per participant. A previous study (Tobey, forthcoming) using the Groupmind IdeaSet online collaboration system which also supports anonymity and parallel input, but where perspective-shifting was constrained by the display design, had shown idea generation rates of 2.5 vignettes per participant during a 20-minute brainstorming session. The user interface of VivoInsight tool selected for this panel was specifically designed to draw attention to new contributions through highlighting the contributions by other panel members within the focal frame of each panel participant. This may explain the significant increase in creative production which occurred. These vignettes were then categorized by the type of response required and analyzed to determine those most critical to determining smart grid cybersecurity job performance. Table 5 lists those vignettes which are related to maintaining a secure posture through operational excellence. Table 6 lists those vignettes which related to effective response to a threat or vulnerability. These vignette listings were included in a survey to determine the criticality of the vignette. Criticality was defined by how frequently the issue arose (5-point Likert scale ranging from Never to Constantly) and/or how severe a problem it posed or how high a priority it was that the issue was resolved (5-point Likert scale ranging from Not a Problem to Critical Problem). Items were determined to be frequent or severe if they had an average rating greater than 3.5. These highly critical vignettes were used to develop a job description by defining the Page 57 roles, mission, responsibilities, and processes necessary effectively perform in these critical situations. Twenty-six of the thirty panel members responded to the survey providing a response rate of 86.6%. However, seven of these responses were incomplete and had to be removed from the results, resulting in 19 survey responses. Interrater agreement was calculated using the aWG index (R. D. Brown & Hauenstein, 2005). The panel responses were found to exhibit a moderate level of agreement (aWG = 0.556) according to LeBreton and Senter (2008, Table 3). Overall frequency estimates showed slightly higher levels of interrater agreement (FREQaWG = 0.582) than estimates of severity (SEVaWG = 0.53). There was slightly greater agreement on non-critical vignettes (FREQaWG = 0.604; SEVaWG = 0.552) than critical vignettes (FREQaWG = 0.574; SEVaWG = 0.5211), but this difference was not significant (p > .4 in both cases). Page 58 Table 5: Operational Excellence Vignettes Page 59 Table 6: Threat or Vulnerability Response Vignettes Page 60 The survey results indicated that 30 vignettes should be archived as they were not critical to maintaining an effective smart grid security posture. The results were reviewed with the panel during the next step in the job performance modeling process to define the context for developing a Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Description. During this review it was determined that an additional 10 vignettes should be included in the critical list. This final list of critical vignettes was sorted by the program manager, the panel chairperson, and the panel vice-chairperson, into 13 master vignettes (see Table 7). While on average there were 6.85 vignettes that served as examples of each master vignette, the number of these example scenarios per master vignette ranged from a low of 3 to a high of 15. The master vignette Network Attacks had the largest number of example vignettes. This was followed by Threat and Vulnerability Management with 11 example vignettes. The master vignettes with the least number of example scenarios were Access Control Maintenance, Phishing Incidents, and Security Testing; each of these had only three examples. Each of these thirteen master vignettes were loaded into a knowledge exchange (KE) tool that is available at all times through the VivoWorks SiteSpace portal system. The panelists were asked to: 1) Discuss whether the examples listed shared a common set of roles and methods (steps); 2) Describe any notable differences; and 3) Suggest additional examples necessary to fully define this class of situations or indicate whether an example should not be included in this classification. The unstated purpose of these discussions is to help the panel evolve a common understanding regarding the scope of the job description and exploratory performance model they would be developing. Panelists clearly picked up on the need for setting these boundaries as can be seen in the anonymous posts below provided in the discussion of the Phishing Incidents and Data Leakage and Theft vignettes: PHISHING INCIDENTS While this is a real threat and occuring [sic] all the time and with greater frequency - is this too far off the main topic for defining key roles for Smart Grid? This is a much larger issue and relates to much more than just Smart Grid. DATA LEAKAGE AND THEFT Similar to the phishing vignette, how far removed from direct Smart Grid experience are some of these items? These are all significant issues, but some of them need to be dealt with at different levels and/or more holistically and not just as it relates to Smart Grid. Loss of PII is a much larger problem. I am only making the comment to fully understand the actual scope of defining these roles. Page 61 Similarly, a dialogue regarding Substation/SCADA Attacks vignettes questioned whether some of the examples were too broad and if additional examples were necessary to address smart-grid specific components, such as substation controls: These vignettes appear to be specifically targetted [sic] at malware or improper physical controls. What about substation specific concerns; e.g. how does a vulnerability or intrusion into a substation control affect that substation, or how does it affect networked substations, etc. Important question as system health or status will ultimately impact grid operation decisions and supporting technology decisions. Real time response decisions are very difficult in operational systems. The coordination, planning, and communication is essential when considering actions that may impact operational systems. Page 62 Table 7: Master Vignettes (continued) The examples given don't really fit the main topic here.  Poisoned Timing Data Input to Disrupt Synchronization: This example can happen at multiple places.  False data input into power system state estimation model: Usually, we run the state estimation at the utility control center. Page 63     Rogue devices with wireless communications enabled are being place in multiple substations and accessed remotely by attacker to probe the substation infrastructure and communications links back to the Utility. It is unknown how many substations are affected: It is unclear whether this example is referring to AMI, or wireless SCADA? Compromised device has maliciously embedded hardware or chipset. Can apply to any equipment placed in the power system. zero day attack - new malware detected on control system components. This is too broad and can apply to any equipment controlling the power system. Physical security vulnerability: LAN ports in common areas in Office premises/ Sub-stations/ Datacenter allow access to anyone connecting to that port. Also applies to different domains. Each Job Performance Panel must achieve a working consensus on the degree of specificity and scope that is necessary to fully articulate the critical performance factors that will determine success on the job. While the examples above suggest the panel is concerned about too broad a scope, other discussions focused on whether some vignettes had been too narrowly defined by merging together under one master vignette important events that may need to be separately analyzed. The vignettes therefore appear to serve as important artifacts which may help the panel to develop a richer and more robust articulation of the practices through which expertise and skill development affect security posture and effective response. While the ultimate test of this will come in future JPM steps where the panel develops the list of tasks, methods, and tools, a good example of how vignettes serve as an impetus to a richer understanding is shown in the dialogue around one of the examples categorized into Encryption Attacks. The discussion ranges from whether examples are appropriately categorized to whether the scope needs to go beyond internal staff to include vendors and other external parties: This vignette seems out of place: Running security tests on equipment and software that might brick [sic], reset, or crash a system [188]. Rather than an encryption attack, I think this is a vulnerability-management vignette. Different vendor networks probably have very different models for handling encryption keys and the PKI in general. These differences will result in very different understandings of what is possible and what is not, and how damaging a key compromise may be… If a vendor has no way of revoking keys the loss of keys is a major problem. If a vendor has well exercised tools for key revocation, then loss of keys is a simple matter of executing the key replacement procedure and carrying out the revocation procedure… I suspect there is a great deal of vendor specific details here. Some of the current solutions have components that are managed by third-party organizations. Understanding how to manage these situations is going to be critical. Implementors [sic] need to understand how third-party services impact their deployed encryption technologies. They also need to be training on how to interact with these third-party organizations so that these concerns are outlined during acquisition. Page 64 The next sections will discuss further elaboration of these master vignettes by the panel. They began by defining a list of process stages in addition to three common stages that all vignettes share: preconditions, onset, and conclusion. They reviewed and expanded the list of job roles and assigned these to each process stage. Finally, they defined a set of goals and objectives which may be used to assess performance in the thirteen master vignettes. Collectively, these definitions form the job description for smart grid cybersecurity. Further elaboration of the master vignettes will occur over the remainder of the first phase of the project. For each stage of the master vignette process the panel will detail the plot and storyline of the vignette. This will include: ● What may happen: The situational conditions (tools, systems, software, data asset, identities, products, monitoring, alerting and response systems) and key concepts (what prior knowledge is required) ● Where it may happen: The physical location (e.g., office, virtual, plant floor, data center), virtual location (layer of the stack, e.g., network, OS, application) and organizational level or area (e.g., department, division, workgroup, center) ● Why it may happen: Breakdown of root cause (specific events) or why actions are taken. ● How it may happen: The decisions, procedures, options, common errors or best practices. Page 65 PROCESS STEPS DEFINING FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES The panel began elaborating the master vignettes by listing the stages in which the vignette would likely progress along with the roles that would need to be involved at each stage (see Table 8). Each vignette includes three stages by default: preconditions, onset, and conclusion. The precondition stage occurs just prior to the organization becoming aware that the vignette had begun to play out and describes monitoring or other situation awareness functions intended to identify when a vignette has become active. The onset stage begins upon the occurrence of the critical event that signals the vignette has begun. The conclusion stage occurs upon resolution of the vignette and describes ongoing maintenance of post-vignette conditions. Page 66 Table 8: Master Vignette Process Stages Page 67 Page 68 Page 69 JOB ROLE INVOLVEMENT IN MASTER VIGNETTES Each of the above stages was analyzed by the panel members and they assigned roles to each stage. An analysis was performed to determine the nominal (total assignments) and relative (percent of all assignments) that were made for each job role. Table 9 lists each of the job roles and the number of stages within each vignette assigned to this job role. The list is sorted by the total number of stages in which each job role appeared. The top ten roles by a nominal count of assignments collectively represent nearly half of all role assignments. Table 10 lists the relative involvement of roles in the vignettes. This analysis suggests which roles may be the most critical to analyze further as they may have greater responsibility for the overall effectiveness of cybersecurity operations. The SME panel reviewed these analyses and unanimously agreed that further development of the performance model should focus on the three job roles of Security Operations, Incident Response, and Intrusion Analysis. Once the focal job roles were identified, an analysis was performed to determine the master vignettes in which the selected roles collective have substantial involvement. Based on the majority involvement rule described in the method section above, the decision was made to eliminate 5 of the 13 master vignettes from further consideration. The remaining master vignettes in which the three job roles have significant involvement are: AMI Attacks; Client Side Attacks; Encryption Attacks; Network Attacks; Substation/SCADA Attacks; Network Separation and Attack Paths; Phishing Incidents; and Incident Response and Log Management. Page 70 Table 9: Nominal number of job roles per master vignette Page 71 Table 10: Percentage of role involvement in each master vignette Page 72 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR ASSESSING PERFORMANCE The final component of a Job Description is a list of goals that the panel believes must be accomplished for effective performance, and the criterion, i.e., objective measure, that will be used to assess such performance. The panel identified a total of 108 goals and sorted them into categories: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary goals must be accomplished to achieve the organizational mission. Secondary and tertiary goals must be accomplished to successfully achieve a higher level goal. This resulted in a list of 27 primary goals (see Table 11). Each goal description was elaborated using the PRISM method for goal setting (Tobey et al., 2007) to produce a set of outcome indicators that may later be used in assessments and certification exams to determine the relative level of performance. The SME panel ranked the importance of each goal to achieving an effective response during each of eight selected master vignettes. Table 12 lists the seven goals determined to be most important. Table 13 shows the PRISM definitions for these goals which were edited to be consistent with the Bloom taxonomy of action verbs. Page 73 Table 11: Primary Goals Page 74 Table 12: Important Goals Page 75 Table 13: PRISM Definition for Important Goals Page 76 TASK ANALYSIS Data collection from the Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ) will continue into the second phase of the project. This report provides the preliminary results from data collected through May 22, 2012. In this section we will review information collected about those expressing interest and responding to the JAQ. This will be followed by a brief summary of the trends that appear to be developing through these responses. In the next section we will report a very preliminary set of findings regarding the development of the Criticality-Differentiation Matrix (CDM) that as discussed above will be the primary analytical tool along with an exploratory factor analysis of the JAQ responses in developing the Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Performance Model. Participants and Respondents As of the closing date for this report, 129 people had responded to the JAQ (100 male; 23 female; and 6 not reported). Response rates are difficult to measure for internet surveys, but the design of the VivoSurveyTM system did enable us to track the number of people who expressed interest in the JAQ by clicking on the link in their email and accessing the introductory landing page on the survey system website. From this landing page the interested participant could elect to participate by clicking on a link to access the demographic survey page. We created two response rate statistics based on this information. First, we calculated the number of people expressing interest as a percentage of the total number of invites sent through the various channels distributing the JAQ. However, there was much duplication in these lists, so we include in the calculation of interest only those channels that had at least one respondent access the survey site. We refer to the resulting statistic as the Participation Rate, which was 7% of May 22, 2012. Second, we calculated the number completing the JAQ demographic page as a percentage of the total number expressing interest in participating. We refer to this statistic as the Response Rate. The response rate as of May 22, 2012 was 43.6%. The participation rate and the response rate were monitored throughout the administration of the JAQ and continue to be an important source for targeting groups most likely to participate. Page 77 Based on this data, we conducted three waves of survey administration. The first wave was broadly disseminated to approximately 18 trade associations and organizations representing a large number of potential respondents. However, the participation rate from this group was only 3.2%. Consequently, during Wave 2 and 3 of the survey administration our efforts were concentrated on utilities and related organizations that sent far fewer invites but seemed to be receiving much higher rates of expressed interest and response. This second group represents only 741 of the approximately 4,300 invitees, but had a participation rate to date of 25%. Furthermore, the response rate from this group has been fantastic with over 62% of participants becoming respondents to the JAQ. We have begun to further our focus with this group, with webinars planned for select utilities that have committed to have their staff complete the entire JAQ in one or more sittings. Demographic Survey Responses The demographic survey collected basic information about the respondents that will be useful for post-hoc comparative analyses of the JAQ data. Table 14 shows that the respondents were well distributed across age groups. Similarly, the respondents come from organizations of various sizes; though most work at large organizations with 10,000 or more employees (see Table 15). The most common job title is Cyber security analyst, but that represents only 28% of the respondents as shown in Table 16. Respondents indicated that they have held their position an average of 4.84 years (s.d. = 4.68). Finally, Table 17 indicates that our objective to reach those with a broad range of experience was achieved with nearly equal representation from the Competent, Proficient, and Expert categories in cyber security. Of note is a similar structure but skewed towards the early stages of development in smart grid operations, reflecting the emergent nature of this field. Page 78 Table 14: Distribution of Respondents Age Group Percentage of Respondents 21-30 9% 31-40 27% 41-50 28% 51-60 22% Over 60 4% Not reported 10% Table 15: Size of Respondent Organization Number of Employees Percentage of Respondents Less than 10 2% 10-99 11% 100-999 15% 1,000-4,999 16% 5,000-9,999 5% 10,000+ 43% Unreported 8% Page 79 Table 16: Job Titles of Respondents Job Title Percentage of Respondents Control systems engineer (CT01) 5.84% Control systems operator (CT02) 0.73% Control systems manager (CT03) 1.46% Training specialist (CT04) 2.19% IT Executive (CT18) 2.19% IT manager (CT05) 4.38% IT professional (CT06) 16.06% IT systems administrator (CT07) 3.65% Network engineer (CT08) 9.49% Intrusion analysis staff (CT11) 5.84% Intrusion analysis manager (CT12) 2.19% Incident handling staff (CT13) 5.11% Incident handling manager (CT14) 2.92% Cyber security analyst (CT15) 28.47% Cyber security operations staff (CT09) 10.22% Cyber security operations manager (CT10) 5.11% Cyber security manager (CT16) 10.95% Cyber security executive (CT17) 6.57% Other 20.44% Page 80 Table 17: Levels of Experience How would you classify your level of expertise in the cyber security field? Percentage Novice: minimal knowledge, no connection to practice (LE1) 2.92% Beginner, working knowledge of key aspects of practice (LE2) 14.60% Competent: good working and background knowledge of the area (LE3) 24.09% Proficient: depth of understanding of discipline and area of practice (LE4) 24.82% Expert: authoritative knowledge of discipline and deep tacit understanding across 23.36% area of practice (LE5) No answer 10.22% What level of familiarity do you have with smart grid operations? Percentage Novice: minimal knowledge, no connection to practice (LE1) 19.71% Beginner, working knowledge of key aspects of practice (LE2) 26.28% Competent: good working and background knowledge of the area (LE3) 26.28% Proficient: depth of understanding of discipline and area of practice (LE4) 10.22% Expert: authoritative knowledge of discipline and deep tacit understanding across 8.03% area of practice (LE5) No answer 9.49% Ratings of Frequency and Importance by Level of Expertise The main body of the JAQ is the task statement ratings. As explained in the Competency Grid method review section our goal is to collect sufficient ratings to support inferences regarding the criticality and differentiation of each task in determining the need for and factors impacting performance of individuals with varying levels of expertise. As explained in the method section above, a number of survey pages must be submitted to obtain a complete JAQ submission. As of the closing date of this report, between 10 and 17 responses were received for Page 81 each task in the JAQ. While this number of responses is far below that needed to effectively analyze and make inferences from the data, we will report some trends that will be interesting to monitor as data collection continues during the second phase of the project. Table 18 provides a brief overview of the responses collected through the closing date of this report. It is important to emphasize that the sample size is currently far too low to conclude anything from these statistics, so they are provided simply to suggest trends that may be worth monitoring as further data is collected. The variance in the current data set is quite broad as demonstrated by the low average agreement using the AWG index (Brown & Hauenstein, 2005). Currently, when combining ratings across all expertise levels only 3 items show sufficient agreement in frequency ratings to suggest that a consensus is emerging. Further, though it may be premature, it does appear that we can conclude that the panel did an excellent job of identifying tasks that are essential to job performance. As shown in Figure 11 the ratings are highly skewed but resemble a normal distribution within the upper bounds of the rating scale. Table 18: Overall Trends An analysis of the ratings by expertise level shown in Table 19 suggests further interesting trends are developing. First, it appears that the instructions for rating items are effective as the ratings are increasing as the level of expertise rises. This should be expected because individuals with lower level skills should not be as frequently involved and the tasks they perform should be less important in determining the overall skill level of the performer. Also interesting is that the agreement indices vary substantially across the levels of expertise. As reported above, overall levels of consensus on ratings are very low. However, the frequency ratings on novice and intermediate levels of expertise are much higher. This may reflect the ease Page 82 with which people understand the limitations of early development of expertise, but not be as clear about when experts are required. Alternatively, this artifact might have arisen because the participant pool are themselves in the early stage of expertise development in smart grid operations, and hence may be more familiar with the roles played by those with developing expertise. Finally, it is also important to note that criticality scores are trending in the expected direction, with the criticality of tasks performed by novices rated much lower than the criticality of those performed by individuals with higher levels of expertise. Figure 11: Histogram of Frequency Ratings. The y‐axis is the number of items rated in the range listed on the x‐axis Table 19: Summary of Preliminary JAQ Results by Level of Expertise Page 83 DIFFERENTIATING PERFORMANCE ON CRITICAL TASKS Based on the responses received to date we can begin to suggest what might be some tasks that should become the focus for Phase II activities and further analysis by the SME panel. While additional data collection is necessary to fully analyze the results, the distribution of responses has been sufficient to develop an initial Critical-Differentiation Matrix of tasks. In the method section above we defined criticality as the product of arithmetic means of frequency and importance across all levels of expertise. We also defined differentiation as the slope of criticality scores, signifying the frequency that a person with a given skill level must be involved, and the importance of that task for determining the performer’s skill level. Fundamental tasks were defined as those that are rated as highly critical but show little differentiation across these three levels. Performance on these tasks is essential and should be considered minimal entrance requirements for the field. Finally, differentiating tasks are those that exhibit both high criticality and high differentiation scores. Table 20 lists the scores for criticality and differentiation by decile. The range of scores is encouraging and permits experimentation with cutoff scores for development of the quadrant analysis. Currently, especially due to the small sample size, we have elected to focus on those tasks which are found in the top three deciles. The preliminary list of Fundamental Tasks is shown in Table 21 and the Differentiating Tasks are listed in Table 22. We expect that these lists will change as data is collected, but will provide a good starting point for the initial panel discussions to take place during the first step of Phase II of this project. The lists below are ordered by task id because insufficient data is available to prepare reliable weights for these tasks at this time. Table 20: Criticality and Differentiation Scores by Decile Page 84 Table 21: Preliminary Fundamental Tasks (Ordered by Task ID) Task ID Task Description 9103 Analyze available logs and note gaps and time periods. 9111 Verify that all systems are logging to a central location. Understand incident response process and initiate incident handling according to 9116 documented policies and procedures. Identify and filter out false positives; if determined to be an incident, assign to incident 9117 handler. 9137 Analyze individual threat activity by correlating with other sources to identify trends. 9149 Implement intrusion prevention/detection solution. 9150 Understand the selected Security Event and Information Management tool. 9183 Understand the company's incident response process and procedures . 9191 Understand incident response, notification, and log handling requirements of business. 9200 9201 9244 9254 9259 Identify repeat incidents involving the same person or persons, systems, or adversaries. Prioritize systems within your network to determine which ones are of the High, Moderate, or Low impact value. Report vulnerabilities to staff and stakeholders. Configure vulnerability scanners to operate safely and effectively in the targeted environment. Assess whether network scan results are real or false positives. Page 85 9262 Review vulnerability scan results. Test all vulnerability scanners for modes or configurations that would be disruptive to 9263 the communication paths and networks being tested and host communication processing looking for possible conflicts that may result in negative operational impacts. 9265 Analyze vulnerability reports. 9268 Coordinate assessment of any target systems with System Owners ahead of time. 9270 Develop a scanning plan and make sure all network operations staff and key stakeholders are consulted and notified about the timing of test initiation. 9276 Review assessment results in accordance with defined risk categorization model. 9295 Communicate timing and schedule of scans. 9298 9304 9314 9318 9319 Coordinate efforts with the vendor to develop an understanding of the component and security implications. Understand how phishing attacks can adversely impact web-based management applications. Alert end users of potential risks and vulnerabilities that they may be able to mitigate. Understand environment (culture, staff) to create a better relationship for transmitting delicate and sometimes poorly understood information. Monitor industry groups and forums to stay up to date on the latest security vulnerabilities related to smart grid components. 9331 Identify threat actors. 9342 Identify sources of targets to scan. 9361 Review log files for signs of intrusions and security events. Page 86 9363 9399 9406 9430 Develop and/or procure a data logging and storage architecture that scales and is fast enough to be useful for analysis. Coordinate with other departments to ensure that routine business operations are not affected during testing. Identify all systems that may be affected by testing. Verify all devices are being submitted to Security Information and Event Management for full network visibility. Communicate changes to user security tools and information regarding identified 9538 events and incidents. 9544 Monitor for new systems installed on the network. 9556 Communicate with the vendor to ensure you are registered to receive updates. 9572 Implement solution to identify new devices connecting to the network(s). 9575 Understand the data classification strategies that are in place. 9595 Maintain a prioritized list of critical resources. 9597 Maintain or be able to access a list of assigned system owners. 9604 9606 9610 Maintain incident data repository and analyze data and metrics regarding types of incidents, frequency, and systems impacted. Review past incidents to determine if host security solutions and logs are providing data that can identify an event. Report the attack Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (used in the last 6 months against the organization). Review tool configurations and target configurations to reduce false positives based on 9611 historic information. Page 87 Develop a periodic verification process to ensure that the assets are logging in 9619 alignment with the intended operational architecture. Scan all affected systems to ensure the patch or mitigations are present and the risk 9628 associated with the vulnerability has been reduced as expected. Test all identified mitigations or patches to make sure they remove or mitigate the 9629 vulnerability as expected with no negative impacts. Identify security incidents that require training or awareness for users and security 9632 9633 9640 9641 9674 9690 9701 9703 9708 9709 staff. Develop mitigations based on incidents analyzed and recommend improvements in security capabilities or tools as appropriate. Analyze the intrusion by looking for the initial activity and all follow-on actions of the attacker. Collect images of affected system for further analysis before returning the system to an acceptable operational state. Document all actions taken to contain systems. Assess what configuration settings result in capturing the required information for monitoring. Monitor all systems that were suspected or confirmed as being compromised during an intrusion/incident. Review running processes to determine if incident response successfully removed malware. Develop and publicize ways to distinguish between routine system errors and malicious activities. Protect classified or proprietary information related to the event, but release general Page 88 incident information to stakeholders. 9710 9711 9717 9718 9720 9722 Review incident response actions to ensure actions were taken properly. Monitor systems that were affected and the entire sub-network for activity associated with the attack. Monitor security news and intelligence sources to include vendor web pages for vulnerability disclosures, incident announcements, and knowledge briefs. Communicate with vendors about a vulnerability or incident in order to understand risk and devise a mitigation strategy. Decide what mitigations should be implemented on remote connections. Understand company policies and procedures for downloading and installing third-party software. 9725 Access company policies to verify that the software being downloaded is allowed. 9729 Scan systems in an attempt to detect the use of unacceptable software. 9750 Define reports on the current patch and update status of all security tools and identify any variances against vendor releases. 9751 Establish a systems and tools patching program and schedule. 9755 Document current patch levels and updates before use in critical situations. 9781 Sign up for vendor notifications and alerts 9785 Maintain a current list of stakeholders' contact information and link this information to notification requirements. 9791 Monitor for unauthorized access to tools and data. 9802 Define security events and incidents with evaluation criteria. Page 89 9807 9808 Develop Security Event and Information Management rule sets to detect documented event classes for each monitored system. Communicate warning signs of security events to internal stakeholders. Collect observed attacker Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures from available sources 9809 to include Information Sharing and Awareness Councils, peer utilities, government sources. 9819 9831 9849 9850 9859 9860 9861 9878 Analyze the security incident and identify defining attributes. Escalate findings to appropriate personnel to review event and ensure accuracy of false-positive findings. Report the time of discovery for all reportable events and incidents and the time of notification. Verify that all reported events and incidents were handled in compliance with the reporting requirements. Understand desired outcome as well as purpose of assessment so that the solution can be configured appropriately. Test the vulnerability assessment solution in a development environment to see if desired results are achieved. Implement monitoring system that meets design criteria. Minimize spread of the incident by ensuring contaminated systems cannot communicate to systems outside of the network boundary. Page 90 Table 22: Preliminary Differentiating Tasks (ordered by Task ID) Task ID Task Description Review known intrusion Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures and observables to 9129 assist in profiling log events and capture event information that may relate to known signatures. 9192 Understand the basic components of an incident response process (Prepare, Identify, Contain, Eradicate, Recover, Lessons Learned). 9267 Develop a prioritized list of critical resources. 9338 Understand NERC CIP and audit requirements. 9348 Understand how to run wireshark and tcpdump. Review all internal incidents for the purposes of staying current in threats and how to 9414 to stay up to date on current threats and determine the best way to analyze them, review all internal incidents. 9491 Monitor vulnerability reports. 9527 Update database of device configurations upon changes to configurations. 9577 Understand data classification levels and how to identify such levels with assets. 9605 9625 9627 Review incidents over time to determine lessons learned or how to better align security tools. Assess the risk ratings of the vulnerability based on the technical information and how the technology is deployed and the importance of the systems. Implement vulnerability mitigations in accordance with the plan to include patches or additional security controls. Page 91 9634 Define how systems were initially compromised and how the attack progressed and what observables were available for detection and response. 9649 Monitor security tool providers for updates and patches for tools that are in use. 9712 Report closing of the incident and all incident response processes that were followed. 9719 Monitor all logs associated with third party accessing your systems; this may require a manual review against historic use profiles. 9749 Maintain a list of approved security tools and their approved patch levels. 9783 Maintain knowledge of reporting requirements associated with systems. 9857 9877 Develop a standardized process to ensure appropriate steps are taken during and after an event occurs. Minimize spread of the incident by ensuring contaminated systems are monitored. Page 92 CONCLUSION The National Board of Information Security Examiners has developed a new approach to job task and competency analysis that is intended to identify the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) necessary to successfully perform the responsibilities of three smart grid cybersecurity job roles: security operations, intrusion analysis, and incident response. The overall goal of this first phase of the project was to develop the frameworks and models necessary to promote advances in workforce development to better prepare entry-level candidates for new jobs in the field. The report will contribute to the development of valid curricula and assessments that markedly improve the knowledge, skill and ability of all practitioners involved in smart grid cybersecurity job functions, across the continuum from novice to expert. The results of the preliminary analysis of job description data has demonstrated the value of shifting away from traditional job analysis and competency models that tend to define jobs at a high level suitable only for descriptive modeling of a job. We proposed a new approach based on an integrative, multidimensional theory of human performance, called The Competency Box. This theory proposes that discrete definition and measurement of knowledge, skill, and ability enables better understanding of learning curves and individual or team positioning within the competency development space. Accordingly, a new approach was developed to elicit the tasks that serve as indicators of progression within the Competency Box. This project seeks to make important contributions to the science of competency modeling and to the practice of smart grid cybersecurity competence assessment and development: 1. Develop innovations in modeling techniques that may predict the potential of individuals or teams to meet the future demands of a dynamic threat landscape 2. Develop innovations in the elicitation and definition of tasks that can dramatically shorten the time required to create and maintain detailed competency models to facilitate the inclusion of ground truth regarding vulnerabilities, adversary strategy and tactics, and best practices for detection and defense Page 93 3. Develop a method to produce multiple role competency models that facilitate the creation of interrelated competency profiles to support the maturation of organizational competence in smart grid cybersecurity teams The primary objective of the initial project phase was to use this theory to derive a job performance model (JPM). Unlike prior descriptive models, JPMs are intended to support predictive inferences through the development of a factor model. A second objective of this initial effort was to develop competency models that could extend these inferences to predict future performance, rather than simply providing an assessment of prior accomplishments or producing normative lists of what a job should entail. Accordingly, we developed innovations in both the evaluation and analysis of tasks, and a method for determining whether a task is fundamental or differentiating based on the results of a detailed Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ) in which practitioners of varying backgrounds and experience rate the frequency and importance of tasks performed by individuals with varying levels of expertise. The tasks listed in the JAQ were identified through a series of brainstorming sessions with a group of 30 subject matter experts with broad representation across industry, academia and government. The development of a structured elicitation protocol enabled the SME panel to generate increasing layers of detail in just a few weeks, resulting in detailed lists of job behaviors, processes, and goals supporting effective response in real-world scenarios, or vignettes. Moreover, the process substantially reduced the cycle time for competency modeling, while grounding the process in the current truths regarding vulnerability, adversary tactics and effective defense techniques. Consequently, we expect the resulting job performance model to achieve higher fidelity than previous approaches. Finally, we argue that this ground truth approach to expertise development may help to ensure education, training, practice, and assessments are aligned with the current threat landscape and current best practices for detection and mitigation techniques. Throughout this process, cybersecurity in the smart grid environment was presumed to involve several functional and job roles. The panel of subject matter experts (SMEs) identified over 100 situations in which such roles may be involved and how their individual responsibilities related to each other throughout the work practice. A rich description of the three targeted job Page 94 roles emerged from this preliminary work, based on an innovative process of job model elicitation using vignettes to captured exemplary performance or mis-use cases involving errors or omissions. Thus, another important contribution of job performance models may be the development of team assessments. These models may also foster better understanding of the role of soft skills necessary to initiate, manage, and excel in collaborative problem solving activities typical of smart grid cybersecurity. Finally, the catalog of the fundamental and differentiating job tasks across multiple job roles may foster the creation of shared libraries for curricula, assessments, and lab exercises that will help develop an adaptive and versatile workforce and identify career path options for individuals based on their competency profile. The next step will be to conduct a practice analysis in Phase II of the project to guide selection from the list of fundamental and differentiating tasks. These tasks will then be further elaborated using cognitive task and protocol analysis. The primary outcome from this effort should be the development and validation of a set of proficiency and situational judgment item pools, as well as simulation configurations that may be used to validate the construct and predictive validity of these items. The confirmatory analysis performed during this phase will prepare the material necessary to develop a potential performance analysis that can distinguish the contribution of knowledge, skill, and ability factors in producing effective smart grid cybersecurity job performance. Page 95 IMPLICATIONS FOR WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT The preliminary results of the Job Analysis Questionnaire suggest that the design of smart grid cybersecurity development interventions would benefit from a focus on critical incidents (Flanagan, 1954). Unlike the traditional definition of incidents in the cybersecurity domain, critical incidents are a defining moment in which the differences in skill level are notable in clearly identifiable outcomes of action taken. By integrating assessments, further defined below, which capture the progress against the job mission, modules can be designed which produce development that uniquely assesses the discrete contribution of knowledge, skill and ability in producing performance outcomes. Our results suggest that in developing smart grid cybersecurity education and training courses or cyber competition content the focus should be directed towards the methods or behavioral sequences explicit or implicit in the responsibilities and tasks to be performed. Moreover, an important outcome that emerged from this study is the importance of focusing on the right tasks and the right learning objectives -- those that are fundamental or differentiating -based on assessment data that indicates the positioning of an individual along the progression from novice to master. Our SME panels informed us that while a single task may occur across multiple vignettes and multiple job roles, the sequence and method of task execution may be substantially altered by context. Thus, an important implication of our initial study for workforce development is the need for situational judgment tests that may assess if an individual has selected the right task, using the right method, at the right time. During the next phase of the project we will elaborate on the normative models developed in the current study. We will ask the SME panels to also identify the mis-use cases that can form a set of distractor choices to ensure that the test taker has developed sufficient understanding, or is able to demonstrate skilled performance when faced with the distraction or distress that accompanies simulated or real-world smart grid cybersecurity activities. Perhaps most important, the research on developing job performance models has shown the value of deliberate practice for accelerating proficiency. Thus, training or future development of assessment instruments should be designed as small, interchangeable modules that increase Page 96 understanding in performing a single task, allowing modules to be combined in varying ways to target specific areas of responsibility associated with each job role. Practice exercises and assessment instruments should be aligned with each training module to facilitate deliberate practice, shown to accelerate proficiency across a broad range of expertise domains. Finally, both proficiency (knowledge) and performance (skill) tests should be included that test not only for understand but the ability to apply the new knowledge in familiar and unfamiliar settings. In so doing, the course will support the progression of competency from novice to master in the least time possible. Page 97 IMPLICATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH This has been a preliminary study intended to describe the tasks that indicate performance in three job roles involved in smart grid cybersecurity. Our intent was to establish the foundation for expanding research into developing a holistic approach to cybersecurity workforce development. We have previously proposed a model for accelerating expertise development described as Ground Truth Expertise Development (GTED; Assante and Tobey, 2011). Future research is needed to develop a more complete and predictive model of both potential performance and competence development. This will require factor analysis of the data collected through the Job Analysis Questionnaire to produce a construct and measurement model that demonstrates convergent and discriminant validity. The resulting factor model will then need to be confirmed through critical incident studies. The results of these studies should inform the development of new proficiency and performance assessments aligned with the tasks found to be strong indicators of job performance. Finally these assessments should be validated as predictors of scores in cyber challenges, competitions, and simulations in which the indicator tasks are being performed. Figure 12 summarizes these steps and suggests both individual and organizational benefits that may be derived from completion of this framework. Page 98 Figure 12: Figure 12: Future Research Program Future research is also needed regarding how Job Performance Models can be maintained over time, incorporating changes in ground truth on a recurring basis. We need to better understand the dynamics of cybersecurity and its implications for smart grid deployment and operation. Future research should study the diffusion of knowledge related to new threats, vulnerabilities, and best practices. We need to better understand the factors that facilitate broad dissemination, reduce sharing of ineffective practices that may lead to maladaptive skill development, and encourage adoption across the affected organizations. Perhaps most important is the need to better understand the dynamics of movement within the Competency Box. Future research should include experimental and field studies to identify benchmarks and factors influencing the shape, slope, and length of learning curves. We need better understanding of how learning curves might differ between and among fundamental and differentiating tasks, and therefore across job roles. We need better understanding of team competence. Future research might therefore seek to answer questions such as: How do the factors that influence team competence differ from Page 99 those that influence development of individual competence? How do varying competence profile configurations of team members affect team performance? How does variance in knowledge, skill, and ability of team members collaborating in accomplishing a task affect team performance? Finally, future research may want to explore the role of motivation, arousal, and the configuration of skills that are labeled as traits in producing individual performance and affecting team outcomes. These, and many more questions, become possible to answer with discrete measurement of the three core dimensions of competence. Page 100 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Due to the preliminary nature of the study findings, there are many limitations which could be addressed by future phases of the project or through other research. We cannot possibly review in the space provided a comprehensive list of limitations. However, three limitations are notable involving cautions on making inferences from our small sample to date, lessons learned from SME panel participation, and coordination requirements for obtaining broader industry support. First, and perhaps most important, a sufficient sample to support inferential analysis has yet to be obtained. Therefore, no conclusions should be drawn regarding the definition of fundamental or differentiating tasks, job performance model factors, or ratings of specific task statements. Lacking an evidence-based list of fundamental and differentiating tasks, future panel activity will need to consider a broader list of tasks in determining the focal areas for conducting a critical incident analysis. Therefore, to make these panel sessions most effective we strongly encourage continued diligence in obtaining responses to the JAQ, and production of incremental updates to the CDM analysis as the panel progresses. Finally, it may prove valuable to have other cybersecurity experts who may not have extensive control systems experience respond to the JAQ as many of the tasks are not specific to smart grid deployments and therefore an adequate sample may be obtained quickly. Second, SME panel participation as discussed in several progress reports (see Appendix) has not met our expectations. Consequently, the elicitation of information on the job context, description, and development of the Job Analysis Questionnaire may have been biased by an insufficiently representative group of SMEs. During the next phase of the project it is imperative that we create a longer list of prospective panel members so that replacements can be readily made for panel members who cannot fulfill their participation commitments. We should consider assigning a person with strong connections to the participant pool the specific role of recruitment coordinator, with a quota established for obtaining and maintaining SME participation rates in panel sessions and activities. Further, while anonymity is essential for public surveys, future Page 101 panel activities, where appropriate, should be attributed to facilitate tracking progress and sending reminders to members who have not completed their assignments. Third, the experience in gathering data from the Job Analysis Questionnaire suggests that unless more resource and time is allocated to coordination, results may be biased by skewed participation rates across industry groups. The initial wave of JAQ invitations was appropriately broad and comprehensive but produced an insufficient participation rate. Accordingly, two additional waves were initiated that targeted invitations to utility organizations which had provided much higher participation and response rates. However, this purposive sampling approach may bias the results by overweighting responses obtained through disproportionate participation from a few organizations in the sample. 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Further information on the selection of these descriptions may be obtained from Pacific Northwest National Lab. APPENDIX B: PANEL OBJECTIVES AND ATTENDANCE Session 1 (Oct 25/27): Objectives:    Discussions of best practices and job roles Vignette Title Definition: Brainstorming situations that require cybersecurity skills Vignette Synopsis Description For session 1, panel attendance was at 86% of total panel membership. The majority of attendees were members representing the industry sector at 33% and service representatives at 29%. PANEL ATTENDANCE: 24 Service 7 29.17% Government 1 4.17% Industry 8 33.33% Vendor 5 20.83% Research 3 12.50% Session 2 (Nov 1/3): Objectives:   Review results to date (Progress Report)  Vignette survey (Q&A Mode)  Knowledge exchange posts on roles (Conversation mode) Vignette Detail Elaboration (Conversation mode)  Define actions steps and roles involved for each vignette Session two reflects a drop in participation from the previous week with 61% of members attending. Industry representatives are still the highest segment of participants with a sharp decline in participation by our panel’s service representatives. PANEL ATTENDANCE: 17 Service 2 11.76% Government 1 5.88% Industry 8 47.06% Vendor 4 23.53% Research 2 11.76% Session 3 (Nov 8/10): Objectives:  Functional Role Validation    Role Categorization (Vote) Goal Generation (Brainstorming) Goal Sorting (Vote) Session three experienced a significant drop to 50% of panel members participating. The greatest decrease by sector belonged to the industry representatives, with only three of the nine members attending. We believe this is due to increased end-of-year activity in the energy industry. PANEL ATTENDANCE: 14 Service 4 28.57% Government 1 7.14% Industry 3 21.43% Vendor 4 28.57% Research 2 14.29% Session 4 (Nov 14/16): Objectives:    Vignette Elaboration Goal categorization Primary goal review    Goal Elaboration Goal / Vignette Categorization Categorize Job Roles into Functional roles Session four shows a slight uptick in the numbers attending with additional industry representation participating, along with new panel representation in both the government and vendor sectors, for an increased attendance rate of 64% of panel membership. This week’s participation by industry reps was still down due to end-of-year activity and was further reduced due to conflicting with NERC’s Grid Ex event. PANEL ATTENDANCE: 18 Service 4 22.22% Government 2 11.11% Industry 5 27.78% Vendor 5 27.78% Research 2 11.11% APPENDIX C: COMMENTS FROM JAQ PILOT General Comments: Modifications to be made to general system components: PNNL #1: Saving the website stores clear text passwords in email and the URL SLE: Smart Grid is spelled multiple ways (e.g., Smartgrid, Smart Grid, smart grid)--need to determine which is correct and do a global search and replace. LRO: Survey needs a general grammar, spelling and acronym check. Some questions have a period at the end and some do not Modifications to be made to landing page or survey instructions: SLE: In the instructions, change "how important is it" to "how important it is" Maria Hayden: “In the Smartgrid Cybersecurity environment: For each statement below please indicate how WOULD frequently each task be performed… “  “… please indicate how frequently each task WOULD be performed.” Craig Rosen: 1. The question of importance is hard to discern. Some people will read this as asking for importance of the task itself and not relative to it being completed by the person at a given skill level. The next point is that is ambiguous is that one person's judgement of why performing a specific task at a specific skill level is based off of what they value as important: I may rate "importance" as extremely because my goal is to have that person perform that task multiple times to train them and turn them into an expert (which would be the GOAL I conjure up in my thinking about this). However, if we're talking about relative importance of a given task to meet a specific GOAL - (which is what I think is being asked) - like reducing risk exposure to the Smart Grid, then that makes more sense - but it isn't clear. (hope that makes sense). [Related comments suggest a need to clarify what is meant by importance.] Maco Stewart: First page of survey: This is a three-part survey that seeks to determine the critical job tasks for Indident Response in the Smart Grid environment: --should be “Incident.” Maco Stewart: “For each task listed below indicate how important it is to be skilled at accomplishing the task and how frequent each task would be performed by a person with that level of expertise.”—should be “frequently.” Maco Stewart: Not specified how often you have to save; lost my first pass through and had to begin again. Bora Akyol: I completed one survey and then it immediately pushed me to a different survey which I clicked out of. [Need to clarify that this is normal behavior LRO: I wondering if all R* questions are really required to have an answer? If so, perhaps there should be an “N/A” or “No opinion” answer. I realize that an answer is highly desirable, but sometimes it may not really be an option. I do like that the survey verifies that questions have been answered. Nic Ziccardi: I completed the second part of the incident response survey. I don't know if this is by design, but very few of the tasks contained in that part applied to the role of incident response analyst. [Need to explain that if a task is not applicable for this job role it should be rated of low frequency and low importance. This will also address the lack of an "N/A" option above which is on purpose to avoid someone simply accepting that answer as a default. Anthony David Scott: Recommend inserting instructions that define the different radio button fields. Although somewhat intuitive, it would be helpful Maria Hayden: Does “expert” mean boss? Unclear. I assumed yes. Some tasks are far more administrative than analytical, and should therefore be expert/boss tasks instead of novice tasks. [Need to clarify what is a novice, intermediate, expert -- use the demographic definitions provided by Dr. Greitzer PNNL Reviewer (AR): Change the instruction text: "In the Smartgrid Cybersecurity enviornment" to "In the ideal Smartgrid Cybersecurity Environment." Add text that states "In other words, how important is it that you employ a person at the listed level of expertise to do this task?" PNNL Reviewer (AR): "answered questions that were incomprehensible with all "Never" and all "Unimportant" as a flag that they can be left blank. ACTION: Suggest this as a strategy for survey taker in the instructions, along with indicating further information in a comment at the end of the survey. Modifications to be considered if system permits the change: SLE: Recommend putting a vertical line between the FREQUENCY bubbles and the IMPORTANCE bubbles. Also, in the instructions, bold or emphasize in some way the words "frequency" and "importance." Jason Christopher: Can enter "---" into "number only fields. [Verify if this is modifiable on Lime platform?] PNNL Reviewer (AR): "saving of survey session in secon/Path 2 complains about uncompleted questions (afraid to hit that button without first moving to a fresh page). Sections 1 and 3 seem to work fine with saving in mid-stream. ACTION: Change "full survey" to be conducted as multiple individual surveys. Is there a way to indicate how many they have left to complete? Question for Adam. Modifications that will not be made because they represent planned or expected behavior Jason Christopher: [redundancy discussed below enables verification of consistent responses and improves factor analysis -Many of the "communicate to stakeholders" requirements can become just one requirement -There are also many "find false positive" requirements that can be condensed into one requirement. -Escalate findings to... requirements are also redundant. Maria Hayden: I think having “importance” separated for all three levels of experience is redundant. Either the activity is important or it isn’t. Otherwise we’re just going to have people clicking the same dots on both frequency and importance! [The responses across the levels of expertise are useful in abstracting the differentiation of task performance and a primary determinant of the theoretical model. Pre-Survey Demographic Questions Demographics 001 What is your gender? Please choose only one of the following: Female Male SLE: Recommend removing this question Action: Move to end, data is important for demographic reporting of the results Demographics 002 What is your age? Please choose only one of the following: Under 20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 LRO: Change to What is your age range? SLE: Recommend removing this question. If you do not remove questions 1 & 2, move to the end and add an age range for folks over 60. Action: Move to end, data is important for demographic reporting of the results Demographics 003 What is your present job position? LRO: Change to What is your present job title Please write your answer here: Action: Edit Demographics 004 How long have you held this position? (Years): Please write your answer here: Demographics 005 How would you classify your level of expertise in your current position? Please choose only one of the following: Novice Advanced Beginner Competent Proficient Expert Dreyfus’ (1986) original model of skill acquisition: Novice: minimal knowledge, no connection to practice Beginner: working knowledge of key aspects of practice Competent: good working and background knowledge of the area Proficient: depth of understanding of discipline and area of practice Expert: authoritative knowledge of discipline and deep tacit understanding across area of practice SLE: Change "Advanced Beginner" to "Beginner" or "Some Experience" Action: Edit Demographics 006 How many people report directly to you? Please write your answer here: Demographics 007 What was your position before you took this job? Please write your answer here: Demographics 008 How long did you hold the prior position? Please write your answer here: Demographics 009 How many years of experience do you have in the cyber security field? Please write your answer here: Demographics 010 How would you classify your level of expertise in the cyber security field? Please choose only one of the following: Novice Advanced Beginner Competent Proficient Expert SLE: Replace "Advanced Beginner" with one of the suggestions above. Action: Edit Demographics 011 What is the size of your organization? LRO: I would focus on the size of the organization in employee count rather than dollar amount. Fewer than 100 employees 100 - 1000 1000 - 5000 Greater than 5000 Please choose only one of the following: Less than $100 million $100 million - $999.99 million $1 billion - $4.99 billion Greater than $5 billion Action: Retain, organization size based on employees tends to favor low capital intensive organizations Group 1 Group 1 -9638 Collect all data necessary to support incident analysis and response (Task ID: R1-9638) * Group 1 -9818 Map activities observed in the network to systems to help establish the baseline. (Task ID: R1-9818) * Maria Hayden: “to help establish the baseline.”  to help map a healthy system or known/authorized connections SLE: Edit: "Map observed network activities to systems..." Action: Edit, combining the above Group 1 -9824 Convert collected behavioral data and flow information to a usable baseline. (Task ID: R1-9824) * LRO: Convert collected behavioral data and flow information to a usable baseline. I was confused by this question. I assumed the first time it was referring to network flow and behavioral data, but on closer inspection I thought this may be referring to something else Action: Delete Group 1 -9186 Review event correlation; e.g. looking in baseline data to determine the type and frequency of the event during normal operations. (Task ID: R1-9186) * SLE: Edit: "Review event correlation (for example, look at baseline data to determine type and frequency of events during normal operations). Action: Edit Group 1 -9640 Analyze the intrusion looking for the initial activity and all follow-on actions of the attacker (Task ID: R1-9640) * SLE: Insert "by" between "intrusion" and "looking" Action: Edit Group 1 -9637 Assign an incident response manager for all incidents (Task ID: R1-9637) * Group 1 -9641 Collect images of impacted system for further analysis before returning the system to a known good and operational state (Task ID: R1-9641) * Maria Hayden: “known good and operational state” should be reworded SLE: replace "impacted" with "affected" Action: Edit, per SLE and "to an acceptable operational state" Group 1 -9639 Communicate incident information and updates to impacted users, administrators, and security staff and request additional information that may support analysis and response actions (Task ID: R1-9639) * SLE: Replace "impacted" with "affected" Action: Edit Group 1 -9642 Establish a repository for all incident related information that is indexed and cataloged with assigned incident numbers for easy retrevial (Task ID: R1-9642) * LRO: Change to Establish/Update a repository for all incident related information that is indexed and cataloged with assigned incident numbers for easy retrieval SLE: Edits of LRO's suggestion: "Establish or update a repository for all incident-related information and index and catalog this information with assigned incident numbers for easy retrieval. Action: Edit Group 1 -9643 Test incident storage repository to make sure it functioning properly and can only be accessed by authorized personnel (Task ID: R1-9643) * LRO: Change to Test incident storage repository to make sure it is functioning properly and can only be accessed by authorized personnel Maco Stewart: Test incident storage repository to make sure it functioning properly and can only be accessed by authorized personnel—should be “it is.” Action: Edit, per LRO Group 1 -9644 Verify incident or case files are complete and manage properly by the assigned incident manager (Task ID: R1-9644) * PNNL #1: Verify incident or case files are complete and manage(d) properly by the assigned incident manager LRO: Change to Verify incident or case files are complete and managed properly by the assigned incident manager Action: Edit per LRO Group 1 -9137 Analyze individual threat activity by correlating with other sources to identify trends (Task ID: R1-9137) * Group 1 -9819 Analyze the security incident and identify defining attriubtes (Task ID: R1-9819) * PNNL #1: Analyze the security incident and identify defining attributes Maco Stewart: Analyze the security incident and identify defining attriubtes—should be “attributes.” Maco Stewart: R2-9819 *Analyze the security incident and identify defining attriubtes (sic) and R2-9821 *Decide the best category for the security incident based on its attributes—could be combined into “Analyze and categorize the security incident based on its attributes.” Action: Edit per Stewart, deleting 9821 Group 1 -9821 Decide the best category for the security incident based on its attributes (Task ID: R1-9821) * Action: Delete Group 2 Group 2 -9709 Protect classified or proprietary information related to the event, but release general incident information to stakeholders (Task ID: R1-9709) * Group 2 -9825 Report security incident classification (category selected) to management and record in incident management system (Task ID: R1-9825) * Group 2 -9770 Communicate incident response plan and team members among stakeholders to ensure they understand commitment and responsibilities when team is stood up (Task ID: R1-9770) * Maco Stewart: Communicate incident response plan and team members among stakeholders to ensure they understand commitment and responsibilities when team is stood up—might be “Communicate incident response plan and team member roles to stakeholders and team members to ensure that they . . . .” Action: Edit Group 2 -9364 Communicate with other analysts to team work larger incidents (Task ID: R1-9364) * PNNL #1: Does this mean coordinates teams of analysts? Maco Stewart: Communicate with other analysts to team work larger incidents—might be “Communicate with other analysts to work as a team on larger incidents.” Action: Edit Group 2 -9579 Coordinate notification strategies with other units, such as Compliance (Task ID: R1-9579) * Group 2 -9180 Coordinate reactive and proactive repsonses (Task ID: R1-9180) * Maco Stewart: Coordinate reactive and proactive repsonses –should be responses. Action: Edit Group 2 -9613 Coordinate with compliance to make all regulator required security incident reports in compliance with the standard (Task ID: R1-9613) * LRO: Change to Coordinate with Compliance Group to make all regulator required security incident reports compliant with the standard; Probably want to define the standard above Action: Edit, change "the standard" to "standards" Group 2 -9772 Develop an incident response program / plan. (Task ID: R1-9772) * Maco Stewart: Develop an incident response program plan.—Either put a period after every statement or delete any periods after any of such statements for consistency. SLE: You need to retain and add periods because some of the statements contain more than one sentence. Action: Edit remove period (search and replace and reduce all statements to a single sentence) Group 2 -9768 Develop incident response plan and team (Task ID: R1-9768) * Maco Stewart: R2-9768 *Develop incident response plan and team—to avoid redundancy with the preceding “R2-9772 *Develop an incident response program plan.” you might want to have this read “Develop a detailed incident response action plan and team roles” or something like that. Action: Edit, using first suggestion Group 2 -9697 Document call trees and reporting and coordinating procedures to all parties (Task ID: R1-9697) * Group 2 -9779 Document stakeholders that must be contacted for each affected system in an incident (Task ID: R1-9779) * Group 2 -9109 Identify known information and event details prior to the analytical effort. Make sure all analyst have the information and that a sequence of events has been created and will be added to during the analytical process. (Task ID: R1-9109) * LRO: Change to Identify known information and event details prior to the analytical effort. Ensure analysts have the necessary information and that a sequence of events has been established and maintained throughout the analytical process Maco Stewart: Identify known information and event details prior to the analytical effort. Make sure all analyst have the information and that a sequence of events has been created and will be added to during the analytical process.—should be “analysts.” Action: Edit, combine suggestions Group 2 -9771 Identify people resources by skills, expertise, and authorized roles to support future analytical efforts (Task ID: R1-9771) * LRO: Do we care when the analytical efforts occur? Suggest changing to Identify people resources by skills, expertise, and roles to support analytical efforts Action: Edit Group 2 -9780 Maintain a knowledge of professional resoures within the organization (Task ID: R1-9780) * SLE: Edit: "Maintain knowledge of professional resources within the organization." Action: Edit Group 3 Group 3 -9773 Maintain analytical resource POC information (Task ID: R1-9773) * LRO: Not sure that this is different from R1-2-9771. Also, I suggest never using acronyms unless necessary. Spell out POC. Action: Delete Group 3 -9777 Maintain professional credentials and networking relationships with professional organizations. (Task ID: R1-9777) * Group 3 -9122 Prioritize alerting after analysis into pre-defined buckets. (Task ID: R1-9122) * LRO: Not sure I understand this question. I think it means to prioritize security alerts into predefined categories. Perhaps change to Prioritize alert into pre-defined priorities. Jason Christopher: Needs revision Maria Hayden: isn’t clearly written Action: Edit, "Prioritize alerts into predefined categories" Group 3 -9778 Recognize dissenting analytical opinions (Task ID: R1-9778) * Jason Christopher: Needs revision Action: Edit, "Recognize dissenting opinions among analysts" Group 3 -9769 Select a team of internal experts that should be consulted (Task ID: R1-9769) * LRO: I assume this is in reference to an incident response team. Perhaps change to Establish a team of internal intrusion detection experts for second-tier incident response Jason Christopher: Needs revision Action: Edit, per LRO Group 3 -9775 Test the incident response program / plan. (Task ID: R1-9775) * Group 3 -9774 Train staff on the incident response program / plan. (Task ID: R1-9774) * Group 3 -9776 Update the incident response program / plan based on feedback from testing. (Task ID: R1-9776) * SLE: Suggested revision: "Update the incident response program/plan based on testing results." Action: Edit Group 3 -9706 Identify source of all infections or successful attacks (Task ID: R1-9706) * LRO: Change to Identify the source of all infections or successful attacks Jason Christopher: the use of the word "all" is statistically a scary thought! Action: Edit, per LRO removing "all" Group 3 -9701 Monitor all systems that were suspect or confirmed during an intrusion/incident (Task ID: R1-9701) * LRO: Change to Monitor all systems that were suspected or confirmed compromised during an intrusion/incident Action: Edit, adding "as being" between "confirmed" and "compromised" Group 3 -9704 Report eradication status and success to include confidence to management (Task ID: R1-9704) * LRO: Seems like this one is still on the incident response train of thought. If so, suggest changing to Report incident response status to management Maco Stewart: Report eradication status and success to include confidence to management—one wonders what this means. My best guess: “Include confidence levels of eradication and status in reports to management.” Jason Christopher: not sure of the use of "confidence" in this sentence Action: Edit, "Report incident response status to management, including confidence levels for eradication actions" Group 3 -9703 Review running processes to determine if clean up efforts removed suspect software/code (Task ID: R1-9703) * LRO: Change to *Review running processes to determine if incident response sucessfully removed malware Action: Edit, correcting spelling Group 3 -9707 Train users if they were an unwitting party in a successful attack (Task ID: R1-9707) * LRO: Change to Train users in phishing identification and malware distribution methods Jason Christopher: Why wait until after a user was unwittingly part of an attack? Training should happen before. Action: Edit per LRO Group 3 -9686 Analyze response actions and performance of response team members against the plan (Task ID: R1-9686) * LRO: Change to Analyze incident response team actions and performance of team members against the incident response plan Maco Stewart: R2-9686 *Analyze response actions and performance of response team members against the plan should include the later-appearing R2-9685 *Monitor response actions and performance and compare to the plan. If you want to keep both, move monitor before analyze. Action: Edit Group 4 Group 4 -9684 Decide a response plan for the incident and assign expected actions and time to implement (Task ID: R1-9684) * LRO: Change to Determine a response plan for the incident and assign actions and deadlines SLE: Change to "Develop a response plan for the incident and assign actions and deadlines." Action: Edit Group 4 -9688 Identify impacts occurring from response actions and consider timeliness of response efforts (Task ID: R1-9688) * Group 4 -9685 Monitor response actions and performance and compare to the plan (Task ID: R1-9685) * LRO: Change to Monitor incident response actions and performance to compare to the plan SLE: Rewrite "Monitor incident response performance and actions and compare them to the incident response plan." Action: Edit 4 Group 4 - 9687 Understand deviations from the plan or unanticipated actions that were necessary (Task ID: R1-9687) * PNNL: As written, this was not a clear task description LRO: Change to Understand necessary deviations or unanticipated actions from the incident response plan Action: Edit per LRO 5 Group 4 - 9830 Analyze reoccurring activity that is not flagged as a security event and troubleshoot likely cause (Task ID: R1-9830) * 6 Group 4 - 9832 Coordinate watch rotation turn over so that no active event analysis is dropped between team changes (Task ID: R1-9832) * SLE: Change "turn over" to "turnover" Action: Edit 7 Group 4 - 9829 Review event logs and alerts to ensure they have all been processed and categorized (Task ID: R1-9829) * Maco Stewart: Review event logs and alerts to ensure they have all been processed and categorized—should probably be “Review event logs and alerts to ensure as much as possible that they have been processed and categorized.” Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9361 Review log files for signs of intrusions and security events. (Task ID: R1-9361) * 9 Group 4 - 9259 Verify results are real or false positive (Task ID: R1-9259) * LRO: Change to Verify network scan results are real or false positives SLE: Change to "Assess whether network scan results are real or false positives." Action: Edit 10 Group 4 - 9206 Communicate with external agencies such as law enforcement, ICS-CERT, and DOE regarding incident reports (Task ID: R1-9206) * 11 Group 4 - 9849 Report the time of discovery for all reportable events and incidents and the time of notification (Task ID: R1-9849) * 12 Group 4 - 9851 Understand why a failure to report properly occurred (Task ID: R1-9851) * Jason Christopher: Needs clarification ACTION: Delete 13 Group 4 - 9621 Develop escalation process and procedures for systems that have not yet been determined to be authorized. (Task ID: R1-9621) * Maco Stewart: Develop escalation process and procedures for systems that have not yet been determined to be authorized.—unclear, “systems that have not yet been determined to be authorized”; do you mean “network activity that has not been shown to be authorized”? Jason Christopher: Needs clarification Action: Edit per Stewart ending 14 Group 4 - 9430 Verify all devices are being submitted to SIEM for full network visibility (Task ID: R1-9430) * LRO: Spell out acronyms: Verify all devices are being submitted to Security Information and Event Management for full network visibility. Action: Edit Group 5 1 Group 5 - 9696 Collect necessary information for inclusion in the communications plan (Task ID: R1-9696) * 2 Group 5 - 9694 Communicate with business management to identify additional parties that should be included in communication and response plans (Task ID: R1-9694) * 3 Group 5 - 9698 Maintain an accurate list of POCs (Task ID: R1-9698) * Maco Stewart: R2-9698 *Maintain an accurate list of POCs is a repetition of previous content Action: Delete 4 Group 5 - 9700 The communication plan and make changes as appropriate (Task ID: R1-9700) * LRO: Change to Establish the communication plan and make changes as appropriate Maco Stewart: The communication plan and make changes as appropriate—do you mean Review the communication plan and make changes as appropriate? Nic Ziccardi: R2-9700 is vague. Should probably state ""review"" and make changes. Jason Christopher: lacks a verb.. create the communications plan, perhaps? Maria Hayden: not a complete thought Action: Edit, using Stewart's language 5 Group 5 - 9695 Understand changes to organizations and the business to identify stakeholders to be included in the communications plan (Task ID: R1-9695) * 6 Group 5 - 9699 Verify communication plan parties and contact information with all parties at an appropriate frequency (Task ID: R1-9699) * LRO: Change to Verify communication plan and contact information with all parties at an appropriate frequency Action: Edit 7 Group 5 - 9169 Test implementation with a testing regime to include events that should trigger alerts based on how the monitor has been configured. (Task ID: R1-9169) * PNNL #1: Regime => Government rule; Regimen => Systematic process LRO: Change to Test the SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) implementation with a alert triggers based on how the monitor has been configured Jason Christopher: Needs clarification Action: Edit 8 Group 5 - 9591 Test incident response system and planning remains effective against the latest attacker methodologies and tools (Task ID: R1-9591) * 9 Group 5 - 9412 Test IR specialists to verify they maintain a current understanding of threats and how to analyze (Task ID: R1-9412) * LRO: Change to Test IR (Information Response) specialists to verify they maintain a current understanding of threats and how to analyze Jason Christopher: is about training, not testing, per se. Action: Edit, per LRO 10 Group 5 - 9676 Test remediated systems and the effectiveness of containment measures (Task ID: R1-9676) * 11 Group 5 - 9592 Test to verify that there is a correct flow of intrusion events to incident cases and that there is a coordinated response between IRS, IA, and SOS stakeholders (Task ID: R1-9592) * PNNL: More likely to be performed by other organizations such as quality assurance LRO: Define acronyms Action: Edit per LRO 12 Group 5 - 9208 Analyze actions for known malicous events and activity from spreading or providing opportunities for an attacker to move, close down command and control channels, recommend blocking outside IPs,etc. to contain the incident. (Task ID: R1-9208) * LRO: Change to Analyze signatures of known malicious events and determine if they have been eliminated since contain the incident. (i.e. eliminate opportunities for an attacker to move, close down command and control channels, block access to outside IPs, etc.) Maco Stewart: Analyze actions for known malicous events and activity from spreading or providing opportunities for an attacker to move, close down command and control channels, recommend blocking outside IPs,etc. to contain the incident.—too many elements in this one, unclearly presented. Nic Zaccardi: R2-9208 is poorly worded and overly broad. It appears to be a focused on executing containment strategies, but the detective steps mentioned are unclear. Action: Edit, create multiple tasks: Analyze actions indicating malicious events may be spreading or providing opportunities for an attacker to move. [from 9208] Analyze actions indicating malicious events that provide opportunities for an attacker to close down command and control channels. [from 9208] Analyze actions indicating malicious events to determine strategy for blocking outside IPs to contain an incident. [from 9208] 13 Group 5 - 9666 Analyze logs and system information to determine systems impacted by an attacker and actions taken by the attacker (Task ID: R1-9666) * SLE: Edit: "...to determine which systems have been affected by an attacker and what actions were taken by the attacker." Action: Edit 14 Group 5 - 9677 Analyze technical and business impacts as a result of the incident (Task ID: R1-9677) * SLE: Edit: "Analyze the incident's technical and business impacts." Action: Edit Group 6 1 Group 6 - 9670 Assign response team members to touch systems within the containment boundary and collect data for analysis (Task ID: R1-9670) * SLE: Reword: "Assign response team members to collect data for analysis from systems within the containment boundary." Action: Edit 2 Group 6 - 9668 Communicate the boundary around impacted systems being contained (Task ID: R1-9668) * SLE: Change "impacted" to "affected" Action: Edit 3 Group 6 - 9187 Coordinate help desk to identify user complaints that may be related to the investigated event (Task ID: R1-9187) * LRO: Change to Coordinate with the Help Desk to identify user complaints that may be related to the investigated event Action: Edit 4 Group 6 - 9680 Coordinate with outside parties to determine if containment efforts are successful (for example, call FBI confirm the C&C channel has been closed) (Task ID: R1-9680) * LRO: Spell out acronyms: Command and Control rather than C&C Maco Stewart: should be “to confirm” or “and confirm.” Action: Edit to include both changes 5 Group 6 - 9673 Coordinate with system owners when contained systems and determine impact of proposed actions (Task ID: R1-9673) * LRO: Change to Coordinate containment with system owners and determine impact of proposed actions Maco Stewart: do you mean “after identifying affected systems”? Action: Edit to include both changes 6 Group 6 - 9675 Decide if the incident needs to be re-rated and revaluate the response plan based on containment efforts (Task ID: R1-9675) * Jason Christopher: Needs clarification SLE: Replace "Decide" with "Determine" and replace "revaluate" (or "revaluation") with "re-evaluate" (or "re-evaluation") Action: Edit 7 Group 6 - 9667 Define the boundary around suspect systems to minimize the spread and impact of an identified security incident (Task ID: R1-9667) * 8 Group 6 - 9674 Document all actions taken to contain systems (Task ID: R1-9674) * 9 Group 6 - 9683 Document all external communications (Task ID: R1-9683) * 10 Group 6 - 9669 Ensure contained systems are being monitor or cannot communicate to systems outside of the boundary to minimize spread of the incident (Task ID: R1-9669) * PNNL #1: Ensure contained systems are being monitor(ed) or cannot communicate to systems outside of the boundary to minimize spread of the incident LRO: Change to Minimize spread of the incident by ensuring contaminated(?) systems are monitored or cannot communicate to systems outside of the network boundary Maco Stewart: should be “being monitored.” Maria Hayden: “monitor” = monitored. Generally confusing Action: Edit by creating two tasks using LRO language and splitting the "or" statement: Minimize spread of the incident by ensuring contaminated systems are monitored Minimize spread of the incident by ensuring contaminated systems cannot communicate to systems outside of the network boundary 11 Group 6 - 9671 Establish boundaries or shut down infected systems (Task ID: R1-9671) * 12 Group 6 - 9679 Identify appropriate parties to participate in the response to include legal, communications, and others (Task ID: R1-9679) * LRO: Change to *Identify appropriate parties to participate in the incident response including legal, communications, and others Action: Edit 13 Group 6 - 9682 Maintain asset management information during containment process (Task ID: R1-9682) * 14 Group 6 - 9681 Monitor performance of incident response staff (Task ID: R1-9681) * Group 7 1 Group 7 - 9678 Report business and technical impacts of the incident and response activities (Task ID: R1-9678) * 2 Group 7 - 9672 Report to security management and system owners when systems have been successfully contained (Task ID: R1-9672) * 3 Group 7 - 9856 Conduct security drills that incorporate the latest threats and vulnerabilities in the scenarios (Task ID: R1-9856) * 4 Group 7 - 9128 Alert operators to events occurring so that they may increase system logging or retain logs where normally such logs may be simply lost due to system storage constraints. (Task ID: R1-9128) * SLE: Change "where" to "when" Action: Edit 5 Group 7 - 9401 Analyze test results to ensure systems functioning nominally (Task ID: R1-9401) * SLE: Insert "are" between "systems" and "functioning" Action: Edit 6 Group 7 - 9495 Attend incident response scenarios. (Task ID: R1-9495) * PNNL #1: Does this mean attend as in a presentation?; Does this mean “attend to” as in give attention to generate? LRO: Change to Attend incident response scenarios planning meetings Maria Hayden: You can’t “attend” a scenario. Reword. Action: Delete, not a task that someone can be skilled at performing. Consider deleting all "attend" tasks. 7 Group 7 - 9397 Develop a schedule for testing elements of the incident response plan and organizations involved in the process (Task ID: R1-9397) * 8 Group 7 - 9407 Develop incident report template to be used when reporting the final status of an incident response. (Task ID: R1-9407) * 9 Group 7 - 9214 Develop incident response scenarios. (Task ID: R1-9214) * 10 Group 7 - 9622 Develop schedule, test plans, evaluation criteria, and sign-off for evaluating test success and/or failure. (Task ID: R1-9622) * 11 Group 7 - 9398 Document all incident response exercises and test (Task ID: R1-9398) * Maco Stewart: should be “and tests.” Action: Edit 12 Group 7 - 9409 Document gaps and outcomes to multiple parties to improve process and procedures. (Task ID: R1-9409) * 13 Group 7 - 9400 Document shortcomings and lessons learned from IR exercises and formulate action plans to ensure they're corrected as rapidly as possible. (Task ID: R1-9400) * LRO: Spell out acronyms Action: Edit 14 Group 7 - 9126 Escalate analysis findings in accordance with defined plan. (Task ID: R1-9126) * Jason Christopher: Needs clarification Action: Retain Group 8 1 Group 8 - 9405 Maintain a set of packaged scenarios with injects and data to exercise the response process (Task ID: R1-9405) * 2 Group 8 - 9139 Maintain documented procedures for analyzing logs and handling log archive (Task ID: R1-9139) * 3 Group 8 - 9343 Maintain technical competence using industry tools for attacks (i.e. backtrack) (Task ID: R1-9343) * SLE: Insert comma after "i.e." Action: Edit 4 Group 8 - 9408 Report internal and external incident stakeholders involved during and after incident response. (Task ID: R1-9408) * LRO: Change to Report to internal and external incident stakeholders involved during and after incident response Maco Stewart: should be “Report to . . . .” Action: Edit per LRO 5 Group 8 - 9403 Report status to maagement at defined stages of response per procedure. (Task ID: R1-9403) * PNNL #1: Report status to maagement at defined stages of response per procedure Action: Edit, correct spelling 6 Group 8 - 9116 Understand incident response process and initiate incident according to policies and procedures. (Task ID: R1-9116) * LRO: Change to Understand incident response process and initiate incident handling according to documented policies and procedures Action: Edit 7 Group 8 - 9191 Understand incident response, notification and log handling requirements of business (Task ID: R1-9191) * SLE: Insert comma after "notification" 8 Group 8 - 9239 Develop attack scenarios that might be used to intrude upon systems and networks and use table top excercises to guage how personnel might respond in these situations. (Task ID: R1-9239) * Maco Stewart: should be “exercises to gauge.” SLE: Also make "table top" one word Action: Edit 9 Group 8 - 9106 Analyze logs by correlating all suspect systems (Task ID: R1-9106) * 10 Group 8 - 9354 Analyze system configuration (for systems under attack') by correlating with the alerts generated to determine if the alert is real or if the IDS box is gone fishing. (Task ID: R1-9354) * PNNL #1: Analyze system configuration (for systems under attack') by correlating with the alerts generated to determine if the alert is real or if the IDS box is gone fishing LRO: Change to Analyze compromised system’s configuration by determining if the Intrusion Detection System alert is real Maco Stewart: remove apostrophe Nic Zaccardi: R2-9354 contains lazy language. Action: Edit per LRO 11 Group 8 - 9134 Report what was analyzed and the list of flagged events, key findings, issues, actions taken (Task ID: R1-9134) * 12 Group 8 - 9351 Review logs, network captures, and traces. (Task ID: R1-9351) * 13 Group 8 - 9240 Update security tools (SEIM, IDS/IPS, Firewalls) with information pertinent to net tools or attacks. (Task ID: R1-9240) * LRO: Spell out acronyms; Change to Update security tools (SEIM, IDS/IPS, Firewalls) regularly with information pertinent to network tools or attacks Action: Edit 14 Group 8 - 9565 Configure alerts to monitor for old signatures and failed updates (Task ID: R1-9565) * Group 9 1 Group 4 - 9248 Collect data from proxies and email systems to profile events involving malicous links or attachments and try to correlate to business process and assets (Task ID: R1-9248) * Maco Stewart: should be “malicious.” Action: Edit 2 Group 4 - 9204 Decide on a subjective and/or objective measure to determine the likelihood that an event is an incident. (i.e. a confidence factor.) (Task ID: R1-9204) * SLE: Insert comma after "i.e." and delete colon after "factor" Action: Edit 3 Group 4 - 9284 Develop correlation methods, so that you can associated identified vulnerabilties with events identified by your security monitoring solution (IDS, SIEM, etc). (Task ID: R1-9284) * LRO: Change to Develop correlation methods to associate identified vulnerabilities with events identified by security monitoring solutions (IDS, SIEM, etc) Maco Stewart: should be “so that you can associate identified vulnerabilities . . . .” SLE: I prefer Lori's edits Action: Edit 4 Group 4 - 9135 Develop procedures for anomalies in the logs that can not be immediately identified as known threats, etc. (Task ID: R1-9135) * LRO: Change to Develop procedures for addressing anomalous events in the logs that cannot be immediately identified as known threats, etc. Action: Edit 5 Group 4 - 9121 Prioritize suspect log entries and preserve on master sequence of events list (Task ID: R1-9121) * 6 Group 4 - 9124 Identify systems not logging or components that are blind spots. (Task ID: R1-9124) 7 Group 4 - 9184 Collect a sequence of events and continue to added information based in the investigation process (Task ID: R1-9184) * PNNL #1: Collect a sequence of events and continue to added information based in the investigation process LRO: Change to Collect a sequence of events and continue to add information based in the investigation process Maco Stewart: should be “continue to add information based on the . . . .” Action: Edit, using LRO language 8 Group 4 - 9607 Verify alert thresholds and incident response procedures result in capturing enough data to support incident analysis and response efforts (Task ID: R1-9607) * SLE: Insert "that" between "Verify" and "alert" 9 Group 4 - 9661 Analyze all events and correlate to incidents if applicable (Task ID: R1-9661) * Jason Christopher: Needs clarification Action: Delete 10 Group 4 - 9658 Assign the incident to a category or type (Task ID: R1-9658) * Maco Stewart: would be better as “R2-9658 *Assign the incident to a category or type if possible” Action: Edit 11 Group 4 - 9659 Decide an incident rating is also calculated based on the potential severity and impact of the incident (Task ID: R1-9659) * PNNL #1: Decide an incident rating is also calculated based on the potential severity and impact of the incident LRO: Change to Determine an incident rating calculated on the potential severity and impact of the incident Jason Christopher: this may be a grammar issue Maco Stewart: might be “Determine an incident rating based upon the potential . . . .” Action: Edit, using LRO language 12 Group 4 - 9657 Decide if an event meets the criteria to be investigated and opened as an incident (Task ID: R1-9657) * SLE: Replace "Decide" with "Determine" 13 Group 4 - 9655 Decide that the event is applicable to your organization (Task ID: R1-9655) * Jason Christoper: if it's an event that impacts my organization, doesn't that make it applicable? Action: Retain, may be a differentiating task SLE: Edit: "Determine if the event..." 14 Group 4 - 9194 Define incident (Task ID: R1-9194) * Jason Christopher: Needs clarification Action: Delete SLE: I would retain as the definition varies from organization to organization. Group 10 . 1 Group 4 - 9660 Document closure of all incidents (Task ID: R1-9660) * 2 Group 4 - 9656 Document events that do not meet the criteria will be logged and no further action will be taken with the event (Task ID: R1-9656) * LRO: Change to Document that no action will be taken for events that have been logged but do not meet incident response criteria Action: Edit 3 Group 4 - 9662 Document the activity being evaluated as an event (Task ID: R1-9662) * 4 Group 4 - 9665 Report all events being investigated to security management (Task ID: R1-9665) * 5 Group 4 - 9663 Review incident criteria (Task ID: R1-9663) * Jason Christopher: Needs clarification Action: Retain, might differentiate skill levels 6 Group 4 - 9654 Verify that the event has occurred (Task ID: R1-9654) * 7 Group 4 - 9664 Verify the event meets the criteria for further investigation (Task ID: R1-9664) * SLE: Insert "that" between "Verify" and "the" Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9356 Collect all necessary expertise in one physical or virtual room (Task ID: R1-9356) * Jason Christopher: seems to be more of a management role SLE: Shouldn't this indicate the purpose of collecting the expertise--e.g., "to evaluate the event" or whatever the purpose is? Action: Retain and edit, may differentiate skill levels 9 Group 4 - 9189 Develop an incident tracking mechanism to classify and track all security incidents (Task ID: R1-9189) * 10 Group 4 - 9190 Open an event ticket to track the potential incident. (Task ID: R1-9190) * 11 Group 4 - 9113 Open event tickets and notify interested parties when a probable event occurs and track the event as it unfolds. (Task ID: R1-9113) * 12 Group 4 - 9136 Identify and properly respond to situations where log management applications may be attacked or compromised. (Task ID: R1-9136) * SLE: replace "where" with "in which" Action: Edit 13 Group 4 - 9588 Test the incident response procedure/plan periodically to ensure correct workflow and functionality (Task ID: R1-9588) * 14 Group 4 - 9192 Understand the basic components of an incident response process (Prepare, Identify, Contain, Eradicate, Recover, Lessons Learned) (Task ID: R1-9192) * Group 11 1 Group 4 - 9203 establish clear metrics that distinguish types of incidents. Users can then correctly categorize incidents (Task ID: R1-9203) * PNNL #1: establish clear metrics that distinguish types of incidents. Users can then correctly categorize incidents Maco Stewart: need initial captial E SLE: I recommend that you ADD periods rather than omitting them. Action: Edit, and add only if it can be automated, otherwise might require too much time 2 Group 4 - 9589 Document updates to incident response procedure/plan (Task ID: R1-9589) * 3 Group 4 - 9808 Communicate warning signs of security events to internal stakeholders (Task ID: R1-9808) * 4 Group 4 - 9802 Define security events and incidents with evaluation criteria (Task ID: R1-9802) * 5 Group 4 - 9804 Define what constitutes a security event for a system (Task ID: R1-9804) * SLE: Is this needed? It is more specific than #4 but very similar. Perhaps they can be combined? Action: Delete 6 Group 4 - 9803 Develop escalation procedures to take an event to an incident (Task ID: R1-9803) * SLE: Isn't this backwards? I think of an "incident" as being smaller than an "event." Edits: "Develop procedures to escalate an incident to an event." (or the other way around if I'm wrong.) Action: Retain, events do not require action, but incidents do. 7 Group 4 - 9785 Maintain a current list of stakeholders contact information and cross listing with respect to notification requirements (Task ID: R1-9785) * SLE: "stakeholders" should be possessive (stakeholders'). I don't understand the sentence from "and cross listing" on. Should it say something like "and link this information to notification requirements"? Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9806 Test security staff with drills to determine if events and incidents are being properly characterized (Task ID: R1-9806) * 9 Group 4 - 9708 Develop and publicize ways to distinguish between routine system errors and malicious activities (Task ID: R1-9708) * 10 Group 4 - 9826 Document logic behind why event was determined to be false. (Task ID: R1-9826) * SLE: Insert "an" between "why" and "event" 11 Group 4 - 9831 Escalate findings to appropriate personnel to review event and ensure accuracy of false positive findings. (Task ID: R1-9831) * SLE: Edit: "false-positive" Action: Edit 12 Group 4 - 9117 Identify and filter out false positive; if vetted to be an incident assign to incident handler (Task ID: R1-9117) * SLE: Edit "...false positives; if determined to be an incident, assign to incident handler." Action: Edit 13 Group 4 - 9719 Monitor all logs associated with third party accessing your systems, this may require a manual review against historic use profiles (Task ID: R1-9719) * SLE: Change comma after "systems" to a semicolon. Action: Edit 14 Group 4 - 9327 Implement penetration testing and vulnerability assessments to improve incident identification. (Task ID: R1-9327) * Group 12 1 Group 4 - 9318]Understand environment (culture, personnel) to create a better relationship for transmitting delicate and sometimes poorly understood information. (Task ID: R1-9318) * SLE: Change "personnel" to "staff" Action: Edit 2 Group 4 - 9814]Escalate breaches of contract by vendor to management and legal team (Task ID: R1-9814) * SLE: Edit: "Escalate vendor breach of contract to..." Action: Edit 3 Group 4 - 9786]Develop role based access control matrix (Task ID: R1-9786) * SLE: Change to "role-based" Action: Edit 4 Group 4 - 9784]Ensure accurate information is collected and included in reports (Task ID: R1-9784) * 5 Group 4 - 9783]Maintain knowledge of reporting requirements associated with systems. (Task ID: R1-9783) * 6 Group 4 - 9200]Identify repeat incidents either involving the same person(s), systems, or adversaries. (Task ID: R1-9200) * SLE: Reword: "Identify repeat incidents involving the same person or persons, systems, or adversaries." Action: Edit 7 Group 4 - 9604]Maintain incident data repository and analyze data and metrics regarding types of incidents, frequency, systems impacted (Task ID: R1-9604) * SLE: Insert "and" after the final comma. Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9605]Review incidents over time to determine lessons learned or how to better align security tools (Task ID: R1-9605) * 9 Group 4 - 9857]Develop a standardized process to ensure appropriate steps are taken during and/or after an event occurs. (Task ID: R1-9857) * SLE: Doesn't seem like an and/or thing to me. I'd say "during and after an event..." Action: Edit 10 Group 4 - 9711]Monitor systems that had been impacted and entire sub-network for activity associated with the attack (Task ID: R1-9711) * SLE: reword: "systems that were affected and the entire..." Action: Edit 11 Group 4 - 9712]Report closing of the incident and all incident response processes were followed (Task ID: R1-9712) * SLE: edit: "processes that were followed." Action: Edit 12 Group 4 - 9710]Review incident response actions to ensure actions were taken properly (Task ID: R1-9710) * SLE: Edit: "to ensure proper actions were taken." Action: Edit 13 Group 4 - 9855]Review incident response process and validate each action item is being handled appropriately. (Task ID: R1-9855) * LRO: 9855 seems to be identical to question above Action: Delete 14 Group 4 - 9791]Monitor for unauthorized access to tools and data. (Task ID: R1-9791) * Group 13 1 Group 4 - 9610]Report the attack TTPs used in the last 6mo against the organization (Task ID: R1-9610) * LRO: Spell out acronyms and change to Report the attack TTPs (used in the last 6months against the organization) Nic Ziccardi: define acronym Action: Edit 2 Group 4 - 9181]Develop working theories of the attack and look for correlated evidence to support or reject the working theories. (Task ID: R1-9181) * Nic Ziccardi: define acronym Action: Edit 3 Group 4 - 9202]Document the incident response activities to determine positive and negative results from actions and security controls. These should be the starting point for Lessons Learned discussions and follow-on preparation activities. (Task ID: R1-9202) * 4 Group 4 - 9129]Review known intrustion TTPs and observables to assist in profiling log events and capture event information that may relate to known signatures. (Task ID: R1-9129) * Maco Stewart: should be “intrusion.” Nic Ziccardi: define acronym Action: Edit, combining recommendations 5 Group 4 - 9304]Understand how phishing attacks can adversely impact web-based management applications. (Task ID: R1-9304) * 6 Group 4 - 9119]Verify log analysis findings through alternate means such as local log storage or affected system state/configuration (Task ID: R1-9119) * 7 Group 4 - 9130]Document process and analysis improvements. (Task ID: R1-9130) * Jason Christopher: Needs clarification Action: Delete 8 Group 4 - 9634]Define how systems were initially compromised and how the attack progressed and what observables were available for detection and response (Task ID: R1-9634) * 9 Group 4 - 9633]Develop mitigations based on incidents analyzed and recommend improvements in security capabilities or tools as appropriate (Task ID: R1-9633) * 10 Group 4 - 9632]Identify security incidents that require training or awareness for users and security staff (Task ID: R1-9632) * 11 Group 4 - 9635]Implement lessons learned from the analysis of material incidents (Task ID: R1-9635) * 12 Group 4 - 9636]Test the security staff and deployed solutions against scenarios developed from incidents with significant lessons learned (Task ID: R1-9636) * 13 Group 4 - 9114]maintain chain of custody and integrity of log files if to be used by law enforcement at a later date (Task ID: R1-9114) * PNNL #1: maintain chain of custody and integrity of log files if to be used by law enforcement at a later date Maco Stewart: capital “M” at the beginning SLE: Additional edit: "integrity of log files if they are to be..." Action: Edit, combine edits 14 Group 4 - 9197]Develop a chain of custody and consider forensic images if needed as the investigation progresses (Task ID: R1-9197) * LRO: Change to Develop a chain of custody process and consider forensic images if needed as the investigation progresses SLE: Additional edit: "chain-of-custody process" Action: Edit Group 14 1 Group 4 - 9232]Identify 3rd party vendors who specialize in remediation of security penetrations and forensics. You should identify 2 or 3 external resources who you may place on retainer and who can be brought in, during quickly if something were to occur. (Task ID: R1-9232) * SLE: Edits: "Identify third-party vendors.... You should identify 2 or 3 external resources that can be placed on retainer and brought in quickly if an incident occurs." Action: Edit, and delete second sentence which modifies but does not change the action required. 2 Group 4 - 9112]Maintain access control permissions to log files (Task ID: R1-9112) * 3 Group 4 - 9797]Collect proper approvals before individuals are granted access to tools and data. (Task ID: R1-9797) * 4 Group 4 - 9796]Define authorized staff for specific security tools and data sources (Task ID: R1-9796) * 5 Group 4 - 9800]Develop roles and responsibilities that can be implemented through RBAC and authorization group memberships (Task ID: R1-9800) * SLE: Spell out RBAC Action: Edit 6 Group 4 - 9789]Establish process to provide authorization for tool use and credentials to access tools (Task ID: R1-9789) * 7 Group 4 - 9790]Maintain centralized RBAC Lists for all security tools (Task ID: R1-9790) * SLE: Spell out RBAC; change "Lists" to "lists" Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9299]Access an up to date Smart Grid inventory and asset list. (Task ID: R1-9299) * PNNL #1: Access and up to date Smart Grid inventory and asset list SLE: PNNL #1's edit does not make sense. It should either be "Access an up-to-date..." or "Access and update..." Action: Edit, to "Access "a current" 9 Group 4 - 9529]Attend change management meetings and represent security in the change management process. (Task ID: R1-9529) * 10 Group 4 - 9548]Attend change management to identify systems that have not been authorized. (Task ID: R1-9548) * SLE: Insert "meetings" after "management" Action: Delete, attendance is not a skill 11 Group 4 - 9822]Collect change management information to automatically update baseline. (Task ID: R1-9822) * 12 Group 4 - 9526]Collect existing device configurations. (Task ID: R1-9526) * 13 Group 4 - 9110]Develop base scenario and publish results to show what the log files would/should look like without attack or compromise (Task ID: R1-9110) * SLE: What is a "base scenario"? Action: Retain, vernacular may be needed to distinguish those of relevant knowledge 14 Group 4 - 9702]Test all security controls or changes that were implemented during a response (Task ID: R1-9702) * Group 15 1 Group 4 - 9827]Verify security monitoring systems and management systems are working and providing expected coverage (Task ID: R1-9827) * SLE: Insert "that" between "Verify" and "security" Action: Edit 2 Group 4 - 9178]Analyze security device and application configurations for technical impacts (e.g. network congestion) (Task ID: R1-9178) * SLE: Insert comma after "e.g." Action: Edit 3 Group 4 - 9151]Configure system against the baseline configuration manual. (Task ID: R1-9151) * SLE: "Configure system in compliance with the baseline configuration manual"? Action: Edit 4 Group 4 - 9152]Coordinate with network operations and system adminstrators to plan for the implementation and schedule required outages or notifications during the deployment. (Task ID: R1-9152) * SLE: administrators Suggested Rewording: "implementation and scheduling of" (not sure if this is write, but the statement goes awry here Action: Edit 5 Group 4 - 9159]Coordinate with other departments to properly prepare for additional resources required by the security monitoring solution (i.e. network, database, access management, etc). (Task ID: R1-9159) * SLE: Insert comma after "i.e." "etc" needs a period at the end. Action: Edit 6 Group 4 - 9550]Coordinate with project managers to understand current and future projects that will install systems. (Task ID: R1-9550) * 7 Group 4 - 9166]Coordinate with system administrators to reboot hosts or restart necessary processes after the software or device has been installed to ensure the monitoring solution is online and functioning (Task ID: R1-9166) * 8 Group 4 - 9620]Develop an approval workflow for accountability, traceability, and reporting. (Task ID: R1-9620) * 9 Group 4 - 9434]Develop configuration manuals on all custom solutions. (Task ID: R1-9434) * 10 Group 4 - 9551]Document certification and accreditation (baseline configuration, vulnerability assessment, authorization to operation) (Task ID: R1-9551) * 11 Group 4 - 9175]Document deployment information in company asset management systems (Task ID: R1-9175) * 12 Group 4 - 9332]Identify deployment risks including technological, geographic, and privacy related. (Task ID: R1-9332) * 13 Group 4 - 9553]Review As Left configurations prior to Go Live (Task ID: R1-9553) * LRO: Make terms “as left” and “Go Live” more generic Action: Delete, unclear 14 Group 4 - 9543]Review checklist for implementing a device or system for necessary sign-offs (Task ID: R1-9543) * LRO: Make term “sign-offs” more generic. Perhaps “approvals” Action: Edit Group 16 1 Group 4 - 9552]Review deployment plans and as planned configurations (Task ID: R1-9552) * PNNL #1: Review deployment plans and as planned configurations Action: Edit 2 Group 4 - 9545]Schedule implementation with impacted business owners and IT support staff (Task ID: R1-9545) * SLE: Replace "impacted" with "affected" Action: Edit 3 Group 4 - 9546]Test implementation with planned configurations to determine any deployment issues (Task ID: R1-9546) * 4 Group 4 - 9176]Test the installation against the functional and performance requirements. (Task ID: R1-9176) * 5 Group 4 - 9541]Verify health status of host security tools (Task ID: R1-9541) * 6 Group 4 - 9441]Verify operating systems, services and applications are hardened in conjunction with regulatory guidance. (Task ID: R1-9441) * SLE: Reword: "Verify that operating systems, services, and applications are hardened in compliance with regulatory guidance." Action: Edit 7 Group 4 - 9549]Verify operator and implementer procedures require acknowledgement of authorization prior to implementing (Task ID: R1-9549) * SLE: Insert "that" between "Verify" and "operator"; correct spelling is "acknowledgment" Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9630]Update all asset management systems with deployed mitigations, configuration changes, or patches and versions (Task ID: R1-9630) * 9 Group 4 - 9296]Decide on retirement of solutions that cannot handle abnormal network traffic. (Task ID: R1-9296) * SLE: What exactly is being decided on? Maybe this would be better stated as either "Determine if solutions that cannot handle abnormal network traffic should be retired" or "Retire solutions that cannot..." Action: Edit using "determine" 10 Group 4 - 9612]Review closed tickets for false positives for unacceptable results (Task ID: R1-9612) * 11 Group 4 - 9844]Review network topologies, composition, and activity to determine security tool needs (Task ID: R1-9844) * 12 Group 4 - 9645]Test security operations staff in the planning and execution of security operations and tools (Task ID: R1-9645) * 13 Group 4 - 9845]Test tools against existing operational environments to determine ability to handle stress, loads, and operate as advertized (Task ID: R1-9845) * SLE: Reword (and correct spelling): "...ability to handle stress and loads and to operate as advertised." Action: Edit 14 Group 4 - 9795]Test using latest attack methodologies that security tool systems and data cannot be accessed by unauthorized internal or external entities (Task ID: R1-9795) * SLE: Rewrite: Using the latest attack methodologies, test to ensure that security tool..." Action: Edit, but place the "using the" at the end to maintain parallel form of leading verb Group 17 1 Group 4 - 9341]Maintain a security configuration/coverage map of tools used across the enterprise (Task ID: R1-9341) * 2 Group 4 - 9173]Analyze monitoring solution to determine if newer technology better accomplishes the mission (Task ID: R1-9173) * 3 Group 4 - 9278]Analyze which systems are being regularly scanned and which systems are being missed (Task ID: R1-9278) * 4 Group 4 - 9433]Assign significance to custom SIEM rules for unknown event types (Task ID: R1-9433) * SLE: Spell out acronym. Note that I sometimes see this as SIEM and other times as SEIM. Just spell it out everywhere and you avoid the problem. Action: Edit 5 Group 4 - 9352]Configure alert rules for SIEM solution to automate alerts. (Task ID: R1-9352) * SLE: Spell out acronym. Action: Edit 6 Group 4 - 9255]Configure assets IP address and pertinent meta-data (Task ID: R1-9255) * SLE: change "meta-data" to "metadata" Action: Edit 7 Group 4 - 9105]Configure rules for SIEM tools to capture and flag events known to be intrusion indicators. (Task ID: R1-9105) * SLE: spell out SIEM Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9131]Configure SIEM rules and alerts for unsupported devices such as those used in the Smart Grid and AMI. (Task ID: R1-9131) * SLE: spell out SIEM and AMI Action: Edit 9 Group 4 - 9156]Configure system technical policies that set thresholds and parameters for monitoring. (Task ID: R1-9156) * 10 Group 4 - 9432]Develop custom SIEM parsers for unknown event types (Task ID: R1-9432) * SLE: spell out SIEM Action: Edit 11 Group 4 - 9345]Establish a test lab where tools can be practiced and learned. (Task ID: R1-9345) * 12 Group 4 - 9593]Maintain an asset inventory of both hardware and software. Link this inventory to other security tools. (Task ID: R1-9593) * 13 Group 4 - 9431]Review healthy log collection metrics to understand baseline from which to measure normal performance. (Task ID: R1-9431) * 14 Group 4 - 9429]Review SLAs/OLAs to understand expected thresholds. (Task ID: R1-9429) * LRO: Spell out acronyms Action: Edit Group 18 1 Group 4 - 9348]Understand how to run wireshark and tcpdump (Task ID: R1-9348) * Nic Ziccardi: Too specific; speak about possessing knowledge of specific tools. Action: Retain, may differentiate skill levels 2 Group 4 - 9150]Understand the selected SEIM tool. (Task ID: R1-9150) * Nic Ziccardi: Too specific; speak about possessing knowledge of specific tools. Action: Retain, may differentiate skill levels SLE: Spell out SEIM Action: Edit 3 Group 4 - 9293]Understand the work effort required to plug the solution in to custom or specific software and hardware. (Task ID: R1-9293) * SLE: Delete "work" and change "in to" to "into" Action: Edit 4 Group 4 - 9111]Verify that all systems are logging to a central location. (Task ID: R1-9111) * 5 Group 4 - 9103]Analyze available logs and note gaps and time periods (Task ID: R1-9103) * 6 Group 4 - 9420]Analyze system logs for NTP synchronization anomaly messages (Task ID: R1-9420) * SLE: Spell out NTP Action: Edit 7 Group 4 - 9594]Attend staff and planning meetings to stay on top of policy and procedure developments (Task ID: R1-9594) * 8 Group 4 - 9104]Configure your security log management tool to sort and filter data in a manner that us best suited for the event being analyzed. (Task ID: R1-9104) * SLE: Change "us" to "is" Action: Edit 9 Group 4 - 9428]Implement a DS/NTP capability for environments where a secure connection to a root time stamp authority is required (Task ID: R1-9428) * SLE: spell out DS/NTP Action: Edit 10 Group 4 - 9531]Maintain change management records for systems that are are operated. (Task ID: R1-9531) * PNNL #1: Maintain change management records for systems that are are operated SLE: Change "operated" to "operational"? Action: Edit 11 Group 4 - 9108]Maintain log file storage and archive older events. (Task ID: R1-9108) * 12 Group 4 - 9527]Update database of device configurations upon changes to configurations. (Task ID: R1-9527) * 13 Group 4 - 9421]Verify NTP server is utilizing UTC format to avoid time zone issues (Task ID: R1-9421) * SLE: Spell out acronyms and change "utilizing" to "using" Action: Edit 14 Group 4 - 9359]Decide where to install security monitoring solutions such that the overall expense is minimized and the coverage is maximized (Task ID: R1-9359) * Group 19 1 Group 4 - 9566]Develop procedure to perform manual updates (Task ID: R1-9566) * 2 Group 4 - 9568]Develop procedure to respond to failed alerts (Task ID: R1-9568) * 3 Group 4 - 9569]Document procedures for configuring monitoring solutions to correctly to obtain vendor software and signature updates. (Task ID: R1-9569) * PNNL (AR): Mixed up question Action: Edit - remove "to" after "correctly" 4 Group 4 - 9562]Monitor the monitoring solution regularly to ensure vendor software and signature updates are being downloaded correctly. (Task ID: R1-9562) * 5 Group 4 - 9567]Monitor vendor notifications for updates to software and signatures and compare against deployed versions. (Task ID: R1-9567) * 6 Group 4 - 9563]Review daily, weekly and monthly reports for systems that are not updating / are out of baseline with the rest of the system population. (Task ID: R1-9563) * 7 Group 4 - 9325]Review system security architecture and governance for new system extensions. (Task ID: R1-9325) * 8 Group 4 - 9558]Review updates and version and confirm with vendor (Task ID: R1-9558) * 9 Group 4 - 9559]Schedule update timelines for existing and new solutions (Task ID: R1-9559) * 10 Group 4 - 9557]Subscribe to vendor publishings relevant to the product line at hand. (Task ID: R1-9557) * SLE: Replace "publishings" with "publications" Action: Edit 11 Group 4 - 9560]Test functionality after update to ensure system is operating (Task ID: R1-9560) * 12 Group 4 - 9571]Test to ensure that automatic updates occur securely. (Task ID: R1-9571) * 13 Group 4 - 9570]Train procedures for configuring monitoring solutions to correctly to obtain vendor software and signature updates. (Task ID: R1-9570) * SLE: Rewrite: "Train staff on the procedures for configuring monitoring solutions to correctly obtain vendor software and signature updates. Action: Edit 14 Group 4 - 9564]Update monitoring solution with vendor software and signature updates manually. (Task ID: R1-9564) * SLE: Edit: "Manually update..signature updates." Action: Edit Group 20 1 Group 4 - 9561]Verify configuration against procedures (Task ID: R1-9561) * 2 Group 4 - 9618]Convert (and parse) unknown asset log formats to compatible log format for given monitoring solution. (Task ID: R1-9618) * 3 Group 4 - 9574]Define which devices require logging and what level of detail logs need to be configured for. (Task ID: R1-9574) * 4 Group 4 - 9142]Develop a centralized logging system (Task ID: R1-9142) * 5 Group 4 - 9619]Develop a periodic verification process to ensure that the assets are logging in alignment with the operational intended architecture. (Task ID: R1-9619)* SLE: Change "operational intended" to "intended operational" Action: Edit 6 Group 4 - 9363]Develop and/or procure a data logging and storage architecture that scales and is fast enough to be useful for analysis (Task ID: R1-9363) * 7 Group 4 - 9573]Develop procedure to categorize systems for monitoring (Task ID: R1-9573) * SLE: Change "Develop procedure" to either "Develop a procedure" or "Develop procedures" Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9422]Identify holes in NTP structure system-wide (Task ID: R1-9422) * SLE: Spell out NTP Action: Edit 9 Group 4 - 9342]Identify sources of targets to scan. (Task ID: R1-9342) * PNNL (AR): Don't know what is being asked here Action: Retain... it appears that perhaps those familiar with vulnerability scanning may be more familiar with this statement. 10 Group 4 - 9572]Implement solution to identify new devices connecting to the network(s) (Task ID: R1-9572) * 11 Group 4 - 9145]Maintain a list of components that can direct logs to a central logging system, and components that cannot. Configure a method of collecting forensic data from systems that cannot. (Task ID: R1-9145) * 12 Group 4 - 9263]Test all vulnerability scanners for modes or configurations that would be disruptive to the communication paths and networks beinq tested and host communication processing looking for possible conlicts that may result in negative operational impacts (Task ID: R1-9263) * PNNL #1: Test all vulnerability scanners for modes or configurations that would be disruptive to the communication paths and networks being tested and host communication processing looking for possible con(f)licts that may result in negative operational impacts Action: Edit, create two tasks, splitting the "and" 13 Group 4 - 9418]Test server periodically to make sure NTP service is operating (Task ID: R1-9418) * SLE: Spell out NTP Action: Edit 14 Group 4 - 9581]Coordinate with administrators from other departments (i.e. networking, operating systems, servers) to identify strengths and weaknesses in the organization's logging implementations. (Task ID: R1-9581) * SLE: Insert comma after "i.e." Action: Edit Group 22 1 Group 4 - 9143]Implement Web content filtering (Task ID: R1-9143) * SLE: Change "Web" to "web" Action: Edit 2 Group 4 - 9606]Review past incidents to determine if host security solutions and logs are providing data that can identify an event (Task ID: R1-9606) * 3 Group 4 - 9270]Develop a scannning plan and make sure all network operations and key stakeholders to inlude operations has input and understands when testing activity is underway and who can be contacted if issues are noticed (Task ID: R1-9270) * PNNL #1: Develop a scanning plan and make sure all network operations and key stakeholders to include operations has input and understands when testing activity is underway and who can be contacted if issues are noticed SLE: This one is very difficult to understand, but here's an editing attempt: "Develop a scanning plan and make sure all network operations staff and key stakeholders have a say in and understand when testing is underway. Staff and stakeholders also must know whom can be contacted if issues arise." Action: Edit to correct spelling and simplify: "Develop a scanning plan and make sure all network operations staff and key stakeholders are consulted and notified about the timing of test initiation." 4 Group 4 - 9295]Communicate timing and schedule of scans. (Task ID: R1-9295) * 5 Group 4 - 9807]Develop SEIM rule sets to detect documented event classes for each monitored system (Task ID: R1-9807) * SLE: Spell out SEIM Action: Edit 6 Group 4 - 9801]Ensure Events are well defined (Task ID: R1-9801) * SLE: lowercase "Events" Action: Edit 7 Group 4 - 9538]Communicate changes to user security tools and information regarding identified events and incidents (Task ID: R1-9538) * 8 Group 4 - 9828]Change existing system logic to prevent the same false positive from occurring again in the future. (Task ID: R1-9828) * SLE: Change "from occurring again in the future" to "from reoccurring." Action: Edit 9 Group 4 - 9611]Review tool configurations and target configurations to reduce false positives based on historic information (Task ID: R1-9611) * 10 Group 4 - 9725]Access company policies to verify that the software being downloaded is allowed. (Task ID: R1-9725) * 11 Group 4 - 9730]Ensure third-party software is tested prior to installation (Task ID: R1-9730) * 12 Group 4 - 9734]Establish a sandbox in which experimental software may be installed and analyzed for malevolent behavior. (Task ID: R1-9734) * 13 Group 4 - 9736]Implement technology that will create inventories/database of the software installed for offline analysis (Task ID: R1-9736) * 14 Group 4 - 9729]Scan systems regularly in an attempt to detect the use of unacceptable software. (Task ID: R1-9729) * SLE: Change to "regularly to try to detect..." Action: Edit, delete "regularly" to avoid biasing judgments of frequency (search for this word in remainder of tasks) Group 23 1 Group 4 - 9723]Search existing list of acceptable software prior to installing. (Task ID: R1-9723) * 2 Group 4 - 9722]Understand company policies and procedures for downloading and installing third-party software (Task ID: R1-9722) * 3 Group 4 - 9715]Search asset management system to collect a list of all system vendors for prioritized technology (Task ID: R1-9715) * 4 Group 4 - 9720]Decide what mitigations should be implemented on remote connections (Task ID: R1-9720) * 5 Group 4 - 9268]Coordinate assessment of any target systems w/System Owners ahead of time (Task ID: R1-9268) * SLE: Change "w/System Owners" to "with system owners" Action: Edit 6 Group 4 - 9273]Develop a deconfliction profile for company planned and executed scans with log analysis (Task ID: R1-9273) * 7 Group 4 - 9597]Maintain or be able to access a list of assigned system owners (Task ID: R1-9597) * 8 Group 4 - 9254]Configure vulnerability scanners to operate in the targeted environment in a safe and effective manner (Task ID: R1-9254) * SLE: Edit: "Configure vulnerability scanners to operate safely and effectively in the targeted environment." Action: Edit 9 Group 4 - 9858]Review best practices and standards documentation to determine appropriate configuration settings. (Task ID: R1-9858) * 10 Group 4 - 9860]Test the vulnerability assessment solution against a dev environment to see if desired results are achieved. (Task ID: R1-9860) * SLE: Change "against a dev" to "in a development" Action: Edit 11 Group 4 - 9859]Understand desired outcome as well as purpose for assessment so that the solution can be configured appropriately. (Task ID: R1-9859) * SLE: Change "purpose for" to "purpose of" Action: Edit 12 Group 4 - 9748]Configure security tools to automatically apply patches and apply updates. (Task ID: R1-9748) * 13 Group 4 - 9754]Configure signatures for host and network based IPS to ensure optimal configuration and reduce likelihood of business disruption (Task ID: R1-9754)* 14 Group 4 - 9746]Create policy/procedures for how to patch tools (Task ID: R1-9746) * Group 24 1 Group 4 - 9744]Define criticality levels for all tool types and identify security tools as some of the most critical security tools that need to be patched and updated properly. (Task ID: R1-9744) * SLE: Change to "identify security tools as among the most critical tools that..." Action: Edit 2 Group 4 - 9750]Define repots on the current patch and update status of all security tools and identify any variances against vendor releases. (Task ID: R1-9750) * PNNL #1: Define repots on the current patch and update status of all security tools and identify any variances against vendor releases SLE: repots? Really? Action: Retain, industry vernacular 3 Group 4 - 9755]Document current patch levels and updates before use in critical situations (Task ID: R1-9755) * 4 Group 4 - 9743]Ensure the Configuration Management Database (CMDB) is up to date with tool versions (Task ID: R1-9743) * 5 Group 4 - 9753]Ensure updates and patches are tested prior to implementation (Task ID: R1-9753) * 6 Group 4 - 9751]Establish a systems and tools patching program and schedule. (Task ID: R1-9751) * 7 Group 4 - 9739]Identify current patch level of security tools (Task ID: R1-9739) * 8 Group 4 - 9740]Identify primary support resources for each of the production tools to ensure team members understand their responsibilities (Task ID: R1-9740) * 9 Group 4 - 9757]Implement replica production (i.e. LAB) environment for testing of patches prior to production release. (Task ID: R1-9757) * SLE: Insert comma after "i.e." Action: Edit 10 Group 4 - 9749]Maintain a list of approved security tools and their approved patch levels (Task ID: R1-9749) * 11 Group 4 - 9649]Monitor security tool providers for updates and patches for tools that are in use (Task ID: R1-9649) * 12 Group 4 - 9738]Monitor security tool vendors for updates and patches (Task ID: R1-9738) * 13 Group 4 - 9745]Monitor vendor feeds for published patches (Task ID: R1-9745) * 14 Group 4 - 9213]Review latest penetration test tools. (Task ID: R1-9213) * Group 25 1 Group 4 - 9752]Review signatures (for the tools that use them) to determine applicability once implemented (Task ID: R1-9752) * 2 Group 4 - 9756]Schedule periodic reviews to determine when patches and updates are required (Task ID: R1-9756) * 3 Group 4 - 9781]Sign up for vendor notifications and alerts (Task ID: R1-9781) * 4 Group 4 - 9782]Test toolset upgrades against old version to ensure new patches doesn't adversely affect results or impair performance (Task ID: R1-9782) * PNNL #1: Test toolset upgrades against old version to ensure new patches doesn't(don’t) adversely affect results or impair performance Action: Edit 5 Group 4 - 9742]Understand the process by which security tools are updated before use. (Task ID: R1-9742) * 6 Group 4 - 9747]Verify versions of security tools periodically against vendors latest release version or review exception for not updating the software (Task ID: R1-9747)* SLE: Edits: Periodically verify versions of security tools against vendors'... Action: Edit, delete periodically so as not to bias frequency judgment (search for periodically in every statement and remove) 7 Group 4 - 9690]Decide what configuration settings results in capturing the required information for monitoring (Task ID: R1-9690) * SLE: Replace "Decide" with "Determine" and change "results" to "result" Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9689]Identify logging and monitoring capability of deployed devices (Task ID: R1-9689) * 9 Group 4 - 9426]Implement a reference time source to remove external dependencies for NTP (Task ID: R1-9426) * SLE: spell out NTP Action: Edit 10 Group 4 - 9861]Implement monitoring system that meets design criteria (Task ID: R1-9861) * 11 Group 4 - 9691]Implement necessary communications and repository to receive data (Task ID: R1-9691) * 12 Group 4 - 9834]Implement procedural and technical controls to ensure logs are maintained for expected period of time per policy. (Task ID: R1-9834) * 13 Group 4 - 9523]Prioritize critical systems for monitoring (Task ID: R1-9523) * 14 Group 4 - 9693]Test the data repository to ensure it remains online and able to receive data (Task ID: R1-9693) * SLE: change to "...remains online and is able" Action: Edit Group 26 1 Group 4 - 9692]Verify system is reporting the expected information based on the configurations (Task ID: R1-9692) * SLE: Change to "Verify that the system..." Action: Edit 2 Group 4 - 9599]Coordinate with system owners to modify schedule based on work or operational evolutions that impact security scanning (Task ID: R1-9599) * SLE: Change to "...or operational changes that affect security scanning." Action: Edit 3 Group 4 - 9260]Define scope of systems and system exclusions for vulnerability testing. (Task ID: R1-9260) * 4 Group 4 - 9598]Review scanning schedule results for anomalies (Task ID: R1-9598) * 5 Group 4 - 9609]Coordinate with smart grid suppliers to confirm settings and scans for their equipment (Task ID: R1-9609) * 6 Group 4 - 9279]Coordinate with vendors running scanners aganist their equipment to get a technical practice or relevant information to develop your scanning program (Task ID: R1-9279) * SLE: Should it be "on" instead of "against"? I would delete "a technical practice or relevant" Action: Edit 7 Group 4 - 9144]Understand the resources and processes used by the security monitoring tool, identify constraints, impacts to host or network systems, required configurations to develop an implementation plan (Task ID: R1-9144) * SLE: Rewrite: "Understand the resources and processes used by the security monitoring tool; and identify constraints, impacts to host or network systems, and required configurations to develop an implementation plan." Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9601]Verify system processes or state that are authorized for smart grid components with the vendor to identify unauthorized processes (Task ID: R1-9601)* SLE: Rewrite: "To identify unauthorized processes, verify with the vendor the system process or states that are authorized for smart grid components." Action: Edit, to maintain parallel form put the "to phrase" at the end of the sentence 9 Group 4 - 9436]Subscribe to security benchmark libraries (CIS, etc.). (Task ID: R1-9436) * SLE: Spell out CIS Action: Edit or Delete CIS, etc as unnecessary 10 Group 4 - 9765]Configure the security monitoring solution so that it provides a list of hosts that are being monitored and cross reference that with the asset inventory in place. (Task ID: R1-9765) * SLE: should be "cross-reference" Action: Edit 11 Group 4 - 9763]Coordinate an assessment of the current monitoring solutions coverage with a third part. (Task ID: R1-9763) * Maco Stewart: should be party. Action: Edit 12 Group 4 - 9760]Coordinate an assessment to test the effectiveness and coverage of security monitoring tools. (Task ID: R1-9760) * 13 Group 4 - 9140]Coordinate with administrators from other departments (i.e. networking, operating systems, servers) to identify strengths and weaknesses in the organization's logging implementations. (Task ID: R1-9140) * SLE: Insert a comma after "i.e." Action: Edit 14 Group 4 - 9160]Identify metrics that will be used to show performance of monitoring solution (Task ID: R1-9160) * Group 27 1 Group 4 - 9766]Implement a process and technology to re-test effectiveness after each system update (Task ID: R1-9766) * 2 Group 4 - 9837]Configure log management systems and other log repositories to maintain logs for documented period of time per policy and then older files. (Task ID: R1-9837) * SLE: I don't understand how "and then older files" connects to the rest of the statement. Rewrite. Action: Edit, remove "and then..." 3 Group 4 - 9833]Document in policy appropriate timeframes for document storage. (Task ID: R1-9833) * SLE: Rewrite: "Document in policy the appropriate length of time to store documents." Action: Edit 4 Group 4 - 9835]Review security operating procedures and policy for data storage requirements (Task ID: R1-9835) * SLE: Suggested edit: "Periodically review..." Action: Retain, maintain parallel form of leading verb and used of periodically could bias response regarding frequency 5 Group 4 - 9839]Schedule log management system and other log repositories to purge data that is older than the documented retention period. (Task ID: R1-9839) * 6 Group 4 - 9228]Test in a sandbox new and potentially malicious tools appropriately. (Task ID: R1-9228) * 7 Group 4 - 9838]Test storage periods by calling up events and incidents logged by the security operations team (Task ID: R1-9838) * 8 Group 4 - 9836]Verify event/incident categorization to make sure associated data is being stored for the appropriate period (Task ID: R1-9836) * 9 Group 4 - 9146]Implement application (layer 7) firewalls (Task ID: R1-9146) * 10 Group 4 - 9798]Implement DLP system for security tool systems and data (Task ID: R1-9798) * SLE: Spell out DLP Action: Edit 11 Group 4 - 9302]Implement penetration tests on deployed components (Task ID: R1-9302) * 12 Group 4 - 9439]Implement the multiple (layered) solution control options for mitigation. (Task ID: R1-9439) * 13 Group 4 - 9256]Implement vulnerability scan (Task ID: R1-9256) * 14 Group 4 - 9437]document any changes made to the OS, etc. for look-back opportunities should something malfunction (Task ID: R1-9437) * SLE: Rewrite: "To trace possible causes of a system malfunction, document any changes made to the operating system, etc." Replace "etc." with the things they should document. Action: Edit, to maintain parallel form: "Document... operating system or other system components.. to trace possible causes of a system malfunction" Group 28 1 Group 4 - 9792]Document system configuration and access control (Task ID: R1-9792) * 2 Group 4 - 9794]Implement controls to prevent unauthorized access tools and data. (Task ID: R1-9794) * 3 Group 4 - 9182]Communicate with user and system owners as part of due dilligence (Task ID: R1-9182) * SLE: Communicate WHAT? Action: Delete 4 Group 4 - 9321]Develop an asset inventory of both hardware and software. Link this inventory to other security tools. (Task ID: R1-9321) * 5 Group 4 - 9315]Develop technical libraries for all protocols inuse and noted security issues (Task ID: R1-9315) * SLE: "in use" (need a space). I think "noted" should be "note"? Action: Edit 6 Group 4 - 9172]Establish Operational Level Agreements and/or Service Level Agreements where appropriate. (Task ID: R1-9172) * 7 Group 4 - 9148]Identify business, contractual, SLA and legal requirements that can be met by monitoring solution (Task ID: R1-9148) * SLE: spell out SLA Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9344]Understand how specific tools accomplish their results (i.e. nmap, nessus, metasploit, etc.) - what methods and protocols are used. (Task ID: R1-9344)* SLE: Rewrite: Understand how specific tools (e.g., nmap, nessus, metasploit) accomplish their results (i.e., what methods and protocols are used). Action: Edit 9 Group 4 - 9320]Understand the ANSI C12 Standards (i.e. C12.18, C12.19, C12.21, C12.22) (Task ID: R1-9320) * PNNL (AR): Means nothing to me, hard to determine levels of importance SLE: Insert comma after "i.e." Action: Retain 10 Group 4 - 9292]Update network deployments to segragate systems that cannot handle vulnerability scans. (Task ID: R1-9292) * PNNL #1: Update network deployments to segregate systems that cannot handle vulnerability scans Action: Edit 11 Group 4 - 9335]Identify the interdependencies between the data network and the power system including fault isolation and protection (Task ID: R1-9335) * SLE: Change to "inter-dependencies" and insert a comma between "system" and "including" Action: Edit 12 Group 4 - 9155]Identify stakeholders which would be users of monitoring solution and their unique requirements (Task ID: R1-9155) * SLE: Change "which" to "who" Action: Edit 13 Group 4 - 9648]Document procedures for the successful and proper use of all security tools with a special attention to constraints (Task ID: R1-9648) * 14 Group 4 - 9650]Review security operations procedures for tool use and current versions (Task ID: R1-9650) * Group 29 1 Group 4 - 9847]Maintain a list of all required reporting requirements to include what is reported, how it is to be reported and in what time frame (Task ID: R1-9847) * SLE: Need a comma before "and" Also, "in what time frame" is ambiguous. Suggested change "how it is to be reported, and when it is to be reported (e.g., within 24 hours)" Action: Edit 2 Group 4 - 9850]Verify all reported events and incidents were handled in compliance with the reporting requirements (Task ID: R1-9850) * SLE: Change to "Verify that all..." Action: Edit 3 Group 4 - 9823]Ensure appropriate groups and personnel provide details on current security posture for their respective areas. (Task ID: R1-9823) * SLE: Change "personnel" to "staff" Action: Delete, "ensure" is a responsibility verb not a skill verb. 4 Group 4 - 9339]Communicate risks to internal stakeholders (Task ID: R1-9339) * 5 Group 4 - 9313]Document risk and impact analysis of SG components for management - ensure business impact has been included (Task ID: R1-9313) * SLE: Reword: "Document risk and impact analysis, including business impact, of Smart Grid components for management." Action: Edit 6 Group 4 - 9338]Understand NERC CIP and audit requirements (Task ID: R1-9338) * 7 Group 4 - 9525]Implement policy enforcement tool (Task ID: R1-9525) * 8 Group 4 - 9530]Report exceptions to company configuration management policy and standards (Task ID: R1-9530) * 9 Group 4 - 9805]Review a sampling of events to determine if they were properly characterized (Task ID: R1-9805) * 10 Group 4 - 9731]Monitor software installed on end-points for compliance the company policy (Task ID: R1-9731) * SLE: Insert "with" between "compliance" and "the" Action: Edit 11 Group 4 - 9726]Monitor software utilized in the infrastructure and correlate it to a list of acceptable software. (Task ID: R1-9726) * SLE: Change "utilized" to "used" Action: Edit 12 Group 4 - 9716]Verify contracts require vendors to provide proper notice of a security breech or incident that may impact the security of your organization's systems (Task ID: R1-9716) * SLE: Change to "Verify that contracts" and replace "impact" with "affect" Action: Edit 13 Group 4 - 9493]Report risk in accordance with defined risk categorization model (Task ID: R1-9493) * 14 Group 4 - 9310]Communicate with suppliers and inventory the component supply chain pipeline process. (Task ID: R1-9310) * SLE: This is unclear. Possible edit: "Inventory the component supply chain pipeline process and document it for suppliers." Action: Edit Group 30 1 Group 4 - 9813]Establish appropriate language within contracts such that a vendor is required to notify you if they are breached, their system or solutions are compromised, and/or they have a significant security issue which could directly affect you. (Task ID: R1-9813) * SLE: Reword: "Ensure that contracts require vendors to notify you if they are breached, their system or solutions are compromised, and/or they have a significant security issue that could directly affect you." Action: Edit, change to a verb connoting skill: "Review contracts to ensure vendors will notify..." 2 Group 4 - 9812]Establish metrics for vendors to assess compliance with the contract with respect to notifications (Task ID: R1-9812) * SLE: Reword: Establish metrics for vendors to assess compliance with notification requirements in the contract. Action: Edit 3 Group 4 - 9767]Communicate results of independent security review (Task ID: R1-9767) * SLE: Communicate to whom? Action: Edit, adding "to system stakeholders" 4 Group 4 - 9762]Report findings of the independent review to management (Task ID: R1-9762) * 5 Group 4 - 9764]Schedule an independant review and verification after the security monitoring solution has been implemented. (Task ID: R1-9764) * PNNL #1: Schedule an independant review and verification after the security monitoring solution has been implemented Action: Edit 6 Group 4 - 9209]Communicate with external stakeholders (LEO, PR, Legal, IT, Marketing) when necessary to understand regulatory requirement and breach notifications (Task ID: R1-9209) * SLE: Spell out acronyms. Action: Edit 7 Group 4 - 9793]Coordinate with internal audits to audit security tool use (Task ID: R1-9793) * 8 Group 4 - 9788]Review rights to tools and data on a defined frequency to ensure access is appropriate. (Task ID: R1-9788) * SLE: Should "rights" be "permissions"? Action: Retain 9 Group 4 - 9799]Verify access control priv are working as designed (Task ID: R1-9799) * PNNL #1: Verify access control priv are working as designed Action: Edit, spell out privileges 10 Group 4 - 9787]Verify tool access and logs for authorized use (Task ID: R1-9787) * 11 Group 4 - 9842]Test security staff on how to access and what is covered by company policies and technical standards (Task ID: R1-9842) * SLE: Unclear. Suggested rewording: "Test security staff on access procedures, company policies, and technical standards for accessing systems." Action: Edit 12 Group 4 - 9714]Verify you have read and understand how to access policies and standards for refresher (Task ID: R1-9714) * SLE: "Verify that staff have read..."? Action: Edit 13 Group 4 - 9578]Develop policy to determine which critical systems are to be monitored and to what level (Task ID: R1-9578) * SLE: Change to "and at what level" Action: Edit 14 Group 4 - 9576]Develop policy to ensure critical systems are to be monitored (Task ID: R1-9576) * SLE: Change to "critical systems are monitored" Action: Edit Group 31 1 Group 4 - 9577]Understand data classification levels and how to identify such levels with assets. (Task ID: R1-9577) * 2 Group 4 - 9575]Understand data classification strategies in place. (Task ID: R1-9575) * SLE: Reword: "Understand the data classification strategies that are in place." Action: Edit 3 Group 4 - 9728]Communicate company policy for download and installing third-party software. (Task ID: R1-9728) * SLE: Change "download" to "downloading" Action: Edit 4 Group 4 - 9721]Develop a policy which requires system administrators to follow company procedures related to download and install third-party software. (Task ID: R1-9721) * SLE: Reword: "Develop a policy that requires system administrators to follow company procedures for downloading and installing third-party software." Action: Edit 5 Group 4 - 9732]Establish a basis or requirement for third party software before use. (What business purpose does it satisfy or why is it needed) (Task ID: R1-9732) * SLE: Reword: "Establish a basis or requirement for third-party software before use (e.g., what business purpose does it satisfy, why is it needed, etc.). Action: Edit 6 Group 4 - 9735]Require personnel to sign acceptable use document agreeing that they will follow company policies for downloading and installing third-party software (Task ID: R1-9735) * SLE: Change "personnel" to "staff" Action: Edit 7 Group 4 - 9733]Require personnel to submit the use of proposed third party software to a governance body for review and approval. (Task ID: R1-9733) * SLE: Change to "Require staff to submit a justification for use of third-party software to..." Action: Delete.. "require" is not a verb that connotes skill. Search for other "require" verbs. 8 Group 4 - 9841]Access company policies and technical standards (Task ID: R1-9841) * SLE: This is unclear. Should it be "Provide staff access to ..." Or do you mean something like "Periodically assess company..."? Action: Delete.. "access" is not a verb that connotes skill. Search for other "require" verbs. 9 Group 4 - 9843]Communicate whenever an action is covered by a policy or technical standard (Task ID: R1-9843) * SLE: I have no idea what this means. Please reword. Action: Delete 10 Group 4 - 9848]Develop a process by which staff must acknowledge they have read and understand all applicable policies and procedures. (Task ID: R1-9848) * 11 Group 4 - 9846]Ensure policies, procedures, etc are in a well known and easy to access location. (Task ID: R1-9846) * SLE: Edit: "Ensure policies, procedures, etc. are in a well-known and easy-to-access location." Action: Delete - "ensure" is a responsibility not a task that connotes skill (search and delete other ensure actions) 12 Group 4 - 9713]Review policies and standards that apply to work area (Task ID: R1-9713) * SLE: Recommend you change to "Periodically review policies and standards that apply to specific work areas." Action: Retain, periodically does not add needed information to determine the frequency and importance of this skill, in fact might bias the frequency response since it is periodic. The periodicity is an empirical not normative question. 13 Group 4 - 9522]Analyze cost of monitoring solution vs. features of of each solution to ensure maximum ROI. (Task ID: R1-9522) * SLE: Delete extra "of." Spell out "ROI." Action: Edit 14 Group 4 - 9226]Establish a budget to handle the scope of an incident that might have the worst possible impact on your infrastructure and ensure that it is available in the case that something occurs. (Task ID: R1-9226) * SLE: Change end of sentence to "available in case an incident occurs." Action: Edit Group 32 1 Group 4 - 9141]Analyze market options for SIEM tools. (Task ID: R1-9141) * Action: Edit, spell out acronym 2 Group 4 - 9761]Develop relationships with vendor partners who specialize in this testing. (Task ID: R1-9761) * 3 Group 4 - 9758]Define scope of an independent review and budget necessary resources (Task ID: R1-9758) * 4 Group 4 - 9647]Collect information about the security tools employed by the organization (Task ID: R1-9647) * 5 Group 4 - 9646]Review security operations staff performance in the execution of their duties (Task ID: R1-9646) * 6 Group 4 - 9817]Scan systems to establish baseline (Task ID: R1-9817) * 7 Group 4 - 9410]Identify training material and information sources regarding cyber attacks and techniques (Task ID: R1-9410) * SLE: Change "material" to "materials" Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9220]Identify training opporunities that teach methodologies associated with current attack tools such as CEH training and select personnel involved in incident response to take such training. (Task ID: R1-9220) * SLE: "opportunities" is misspelled. Spell out "CEH." Change "personnel" to "staff." Action: Edit 9 Group 4 - 9705]Ensure all attack vectors have been analyzed, closed, and cleaned appropriately (Task ID: R1-9705) * 10 Group 4 - 9810]Analyze attacker Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) and deconstruct in order to evaluate the effectiveness of your protective measures, detection capability, and inform staff through awareness and exercises (Task ID: R1-9810) * SLE: Reword: "To evaluate the effectiveness of your protective measures and detection capability, analyze attacker Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures and subsequently inform staff and provide exercises. Action: Retain to maintain parallel form of leading verb, but remove text after "protective measures" 11 Group 4 - 9809]Collect observed attacker tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) from available sources to include ISACs, peer utilities, government sources (Task ID: R1-9809) * SLE: "tactics, techniques, and procedures" is initial capped everywhere else. No need to put the acronym in. Spell out ISACs. Action: Edit 12 Group 4 - 9306]Collect the most recent (or predicted future) threats into comprehensive list to disseminate to all employees (Task ID: R1-9306) * SLE: insert "a" between "into" and "comprehensive." Change "employees" to "staff." Action: Edit 13 Group 4 - 9305]Collect vendor KBs and DOE and DHS generated testing reports of known vulnerabilities to specific smart grid components. Supplement that information with open source reporting and internal red teaming or table top assessments. (Task ID: R1-9305) * SLE: "table top" should be one word. Action: Edit, spell out knowledge bases 14 Group 4 - 9820]Develop a heat map to illustrate current security posture at a high-level for executive consumption. (Task ID: R1-9820) * SLE: Reword: Develop a heat map to illustrate current high-level security posture for executive consumption. Action: Edit Group 33 1 Group 4 - 9811]Identify observables that flow from particular attacker Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) to optimize your security monitoring capabilities (Task ID: R1-9811) * 2 Group 4 - 9275]Identify external scanning needs than an internal scanner may not adequately be able to assess (Task ID: R1-9275) * PNNL #1: Duplicate Action: Delete 3 Group 4 - 9547]Identify external scanning needs that an internal scanner may not adequately be able to assess (Task ID: R1-9547) * SLE: Reword: "... that an internal scanner may not be able to adquately assess" Action: Edit 4 Group 4 - 9544]Monitor for new systems installed on the network. (Task ID: R1-9544) * 5 Group 4 - 9402]Report test completion providing a summary of what was tested with results to management (Task ID: R1-9402) * SLE: Reword: "At test completion, provide to management a summary of what was tested and what the results were." Action: Edit, but to remain consistent with leading verb: "Report summary of test results to management" 6 Group 4 - 9425]Scan against configuration anomalies. (Task ID: R1-9425) * SLE: Reword?: "Scan for configuration anomalies." Action: Edit 7 Group 4 - 9444]Scan for gaps in system configuration against a benchmark configuration manual. (Task ID: R1-9444) * 8 Group 4 - 9554]Scan internal and external networks for new and unauthorized systems. (Task ID: R1-9554) * PNNL #1: Duplicate Action: Delete 9 Group 4 - 9555]Scan internal and external networks for new and unauthorized systems. (Task ID: R1-9555) * 10 Group 4 - 9624]Assign a technical POC for vulnerability remediation and assistance (Task ID: R1-9624) * SLE: spell out POC Action: Edit 11 Group 4 - 9625]Decide the risk ratings of the vulnerability based on the technical information and how the technology is deployed/importance of the systems (Task ID: R1-9625) * SLE: Change "Decide" to "Determine" Change "deployed/importance" to "deployed and the" Action: Edit 12 Group 4 - 9626]Develop appropriate mitigations after consulting with the vendor/integrators and internal system owners (Task ID: R1-9626) * SLE: Reword: "After consulting with the vendor or integrators and internal system owners, develop appropriate mitigations." Action: Retain to maintain parallel form with leading verb. 13 Group 4 - 9623]Document all vulnerability information alerts or disclosures that apply to deployed technology and note the time and responsible party to develop the risk picture and initiate workflow (Task ID: R1-9623) * 14 Group 4 - 9627]Implement vulnerability mitigations in accordance with the plan to include patches or additional security controls (Task ID: R1-9627) * Group 34 1 Group 4 - 9628]Scan all impacted systems to ensure the patch or mitigations are present and the risk associated with the vulnerability has been reduced as expected (Task ID: R1-9628) * SLE: Change "impacted" to "affected" Action: Edit 2 Group 4 - 9629]Test all identified mitigations or patches to make sure they remove or mitigate the vulnerability as expected with no negative impacts (Task ID: R1-9629)* 3 Group 4 - 9326]Analyze vulnerabilities for business impact (Task ID: R1-9326) * 4 Group 4 - 9603]Develop a method to characterize vulnerabilities and score them to determine risk (Task ID: R1-9603) * SLE: Reword: To determine risk, develop a method to characterize and score vulnerabilities Action: Retain in order to keep parallel form of initial verb 5 Group 4 - 9294]Develop a process for scoring the risk associated with identified vulnerabilities that takes into account how exploitable they are to develop priotization recommendations for mitigation (Task ID: R1-9294) * SLE: Reword: To prioritize mitigation recommendations, develop a process for scoring the risk associated with identified vulnerabilities. This process should include assessment of how exploitable the vulnerabilities are. Action: Retain in order to keep parallel form of initial verb, but remove "that takes into account how exploitable they are" which is a modifying phrase that does not add significantly to definition of what sill is required. 6 Group 4 - 9229]Develop a process to prioritize and create job tickets for analysis and distribution of information to specific receipents (Task ID: R1-9229) * SLE: Change to "Develop a process to create and prioritize..." Correct spelling of "recipients." Action: Edit 7 Group 4 - 9314]Alert END users of potential risks and vulnerabilities that they may be able to mitigate (Task ID: R1-9314) * SLE: "Alert end users..." Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9399]Coordinate with other departments to ensure that routine business operations are not impacted during testing (Task ID: R1-9399) * SLE: Change "impacted" to "affected" Action: Edit 9 Group 4 - 9404]Develop a RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) matrix to ensure all roles clearly understand their responsibilities in the testing process. (Task ID: R1-9404) * 10 Group 4 - 9406]Identify all systems that may be affected by testing (Task ID: R1-9406) * 11 Group 4 - 9331]Identify threat actors (Task ID: R1-9331) * 12 Group 4 - 9244]Report vulnerabilities to fellow staff and stakeholders (Task ID: R1-9244) * SLE: Delete "fellow" Action: Edit 13 Group 4 - 9298]Coordinate efforts with the vendor to develop an understanding of the component and security implications. (Task ID: R1-9298) * 14 Group 4 - 9596]Coordinate with external governments on threat intelligence (Task ID: R1-9596) * Group 35 1 Group 4 - 9853]Communicate new threats or newly discovered vulnerabilities to the entire security operations staff (Task ID: R1-9853) * 2 Group 4 - 9614]Develop threat awareness content that can be included in security awareness and outreach efforts (Task ID: R1-9614) * 3 Group 4 - 9319]Monitor industry groups and forums so that you are able to hear the latest on security vulnerabiltieis related to smart grid security components. (Task ID: R1-9319) * PNNL #1: Monitor industry groups and forums so that you are able to hear the latest on security vulnerabiltieis related to smart grid security components SLE: Reword as "Monitor industry groups and forums to stay up to date on the latest security vulnerabilities related to smart grid components." Action: Edit 4 Group 4 - 9815]Monitor intelligence sources for information that may show that a vendor you are working with may have been compromised. (Task ID: R1-9815) * SLE: Replace "may show" with "indicates" Action: Edit 5 Group 4 - 9852]Test security staff against current understanding of threats and disclosed vulnerabilities (Task ID: R1-9852) * SLE: Reword this question--I'm not sure what it means. I suggest something like "Test security to staff to assess understanding of current threats and vulnerabilities" Action: Edit 6 Group 4 - 9854]Train security operations staff when significant changes in threat or vulnerability have occured (Task ID: R1-9854) * SLE: misspelling, should be "occurred" 7 Group 4 - 9416]Alert external government entities with new intelligence (Task ID: R1-9416) * 8 Group 4 - 9212]Attend community knowledge sharing events, such as one or two choice conferences. (Task ID: R1-9212) * SLE: Hyphenate "knowledge sharing" (knowledge-sharing); delete "choice" 9 Group 4 - 9252]Develop a threat analaysis testing environment and sandbox where TTPs can be analyzed and considered (Task ID: R1-9252) * PNNL #1: Develop a threat analaysis testing environment and sandbox where TTPs can be analyzed and considered SLE: Spell out "TTPs" Action: Edit correct spelling and spell out acronym 10 Group 4 - 9333]Develop attack trees of attack vectors against vulnerable systems (Task ID: R1-9333) * 11 Group 4 - 9225]Develop possible attack techniques against specific technologies and implementations in your smart grid deployments (Task ID: R1-9225) * 12 Group 4 - 9413]Identify sources of intelligence to use for threat analysis (Task ID: R1-9413) * 13 Group 4 - 9615]Review threat tables and conduct analysis of existing incident response data (Task ID: R1-9615) * 14 Group 4 - 9267]!9373 Develop a prioritized list of critical resources. (Task ID: R1-9267) * Group 36 1 Group 4 - 9205]Analyze events against industry sharing initiatives to identify anomalies/possible events (Task ID: R1-9205) * 2 Group 4 - 9489]Analyze vendor KBs and DOE and DHS generated testing reports of known vulnerabilities to specific smart grid components (Task ID: R1-9489) * SLE: Spell out KBs Action: Edit 3 Group 4 - 9265]Analyze vulnerability reports (Task ID: R1-9265) * 4 Group 4 - 9491]Monitor vulnerability reports (Task ID: R1-9491) * 5 Group 4 - 9262]Review vulnerability scan results. (Task ID: R1-9262) * 6 Group 4 - 9595]Maintain a prioritized list of critical resources (Task ID: R1-9595) * 7 Group 4 - 9307]Collect issues to identify trends with particular vendors or manufactures (Task ID: R1-9307) * PNNL #1: Collect issues to identify trends with particular vendors or manufacturers Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9556]Communicate with the vendor to ensure you are registered to receive updates (Task ID: R1-9556) * 9 Group 4 - 9201]Prioritize systems within your network to determine which ones are of the highest, Mod, Low impactvalue. (Task ID: R1-9201) * PNNL #1: Prioritize systems within your network to determine which ones are of the High, Moderate, or Low impact value Action: Edit 10 Group 4 - 9276]Review assessment results in accordance with defined risk categorization model. (Task ID: R1-9276) * 11 Group 4 - 9718]Communicate with vendor regarding a vulnerability, incident announcement, incident to collect information to understand risk, enhance your monitoring efforts, and devise a mitigation strategy (Task ID: R1-9718) * SLE: Reword: "To understand risk, enhance monitoring efforts, and devise a mitigation strategy, communicate with vendors about a vulnerability, incident announcement, incident to collect information." Action: Edit, but to remain consistent with starting verb, change to "Communicate with vendors.... ... in order to understand risk..." 12 Group 4 - 9717]Monitor security news and intelligence sources to include vendor webpages for vulnerability disclosures, incident announcements, and knowledge briefs (Task ID: R1-9717) * 13 Group 4 - 9230]Communicate with research firms to keep abreast of new changes and methodologies. (Task ID: R1-9230) * 14 Group 4 - 9301]Identify methods to detect vulnerabiltiies in smart grid components with help from industry groups and thought leaders (Task ID: R1-9301) * SLE: "vulnerabilities" is misspelled Action: Edit Group 37 1 Group 4 - 9215]Identify sources for information regarding attacks, exploit capability and tools, and newly discovered vulnerabilities. (Task ID: R1-9215) * 2 Group 4 - 9346]Review ICS-Cert, NERC and other source reports of attacks and develop understanding of how the threats actually work against specific vulnerabilities (Task ID: R1-9346) * SLE: Insert comma after "NERC" Action: Edit 3 Group 4 - 9211]Subscribe to appropriate industry security mailing lists (Task ID: R1-9211) * 4 Group 4 - 9219]Subscribe to intelligence services and open source information subscriptions to be awRe of events (Task ID: R1-9219) * SLE: "awRe" should be "aware" Action: Edit 5 Group 4 - 9222]Subscribe to various information sharing portals relevant to the content. (Task ID: R1-9222) * SLE: Hyphenate "information sharing" (information-sharing) Action: Edit 6 Group 4 - 9316]Subscribe to vulnerability feeds and maintain information sharing subscriptions. (Task ID: R1-9316) * SLE: Should be "information-sharing" Action: Edit 7 Group 4 - 9608]Verify assessment tool outputs contain all necessary data elements for vulnerability analysis and risk determination (Task ID: R1-9608) * SLE: Insert "that" between "Verify" and "assessment" Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9492]Prioritize vulnerability scan results. (Task ID: R1-9492) * 9 Group 4 - 9600]Analyze vulnerabilities to determine risk based on how you have deployed the technology and the likelihood for exploitation (Task ID: R1-9600) * 10 Group 4 - 9243]Develop contract language that requires your technology vendors and service providers to provide information about vulnerabilities and threats to the technology you purchase (Task ID: R1-9243) * 11 Group 4 - 9816]Map newly discovered vulnerabilities to equipment and vendors to track compliance. (Task ID: R1-9816) * 12 Group 4 - 9759]Hire independent third-party auditor to assess/audit toolset coverage and effectiveness (Task ID: R1-9759) * 13 Group 4 - 9602]Maintain a table of attack techniques that align with your deployed technology and business processes (Task ID: R1-9602) * 14 Group 4 - 9253]Implement a honeypot and research the attacks it collects. (Task ID: R1-9253) * Group 38 1 Group 4 - 9631]Analyze all intrusions to determine lessons learned and identify requires changes to security procedures, technology, or training (Task ID: R1-9631) * 2 Group 4 - 9616]Develop an attack technique table. (Task ID: R1-9616) * 3 Group 4 - 9231]Attend applicable training and/or sit the associated certification (Task ID: R1-9231) * SLE: what does "sit" mean? Action: Delete (attendance is not a task one can perform with skill) - search and delete all Attends 4 Group 4 - 9233]Attend industry conferences and events such as Black Hat, etc. (Task ID: R1-9233) * Action: Delete (attendance is not a task one can perform with skill) 5 Group 4 - 9415]Coordinate presentations on latest threats to management and senior management. (Task ID: R1-9415) * 6 Group 4 - 9411]Develop schedule to have all IR specialists complete training to refresh and keep knowledge current (Task ID: R1-9411) * SLE: Spell out IR Action: Edit 7 Group 4 - 9414]Review all internal incidents for the purposes of staying current in threats and how to best analyze (Task ID: R1-9414) * SLE: Suggested rewording: "to stay up to date on current threats and determine the best way to analyze them, review all internal incidents." Action: Edit 8 Group 4 - 9235]Train information collection, analysis, and dissemination (Task ID: R1-9235) * PNNL (AR): What does that mean? SLE: Suggested rewording: "Train staff on requirements and procedures for..." Action: Edit 9 Group 4 - 9286]Train personnel on how to utilize the vulnerability scanning solution. (Task ID: R1-9286) * SLE: Reword: "Train staff on using vulnerability scanning." Action: Edit 10 Group 4 - 9217]Train various security/attack/monitoring courses for all employees. Mandate annual attendance to ensure widespread understanding and baseline requirements (Task ID: R1-9217) * SLE: Reword: "Develop various security/attack monitoring courses and require all employs to attend training to ensure widespread understanding of baseline requirements." Action: Edit 11 Group 4 - 9224]Attend or listen to presentation at security conferences such as Black Hat, DEFCON, Shoocon, and Toorcon (Task ID: R1-9224) * SLE: "presentation" should be "presentations" Action: Edit 12 Group 4 - 9586]Implement training for how to correlate alerts from normal communication to abnormal communicate (Task ID: R1-9586) * SLE: I have no idea what this asking. Please reword. Action: Delete 13 Group 4 - 9590]Train non-security team members (CXO, Legal, etc.) on how to follow incident response procedure/plans (Task ID: R1-9590) * 14 Group 4 - 9183]Understand the company's incident response process and procedures . (Task ID: R1-9183) * Group 39 1 Group 4 - 9536]Analyze user behavior in stopping security services or use of the tools and services (Task ID: R1-9536) * 2 Group 4 - 9617]Train Incident Response Team on the usage of the attack technique table. (Task ID: R1-9617) * 3 Group 4 - 9652]Train new security staff and provide refresher training at required intervals (Task ID: R1-9652) * 4 Group 4 - 9653]Verify all security staff have the necessary training and required certifications or qualifications to operate tools (Task ID: R1-9653) * 5 Group 4 - 9241]Communicate with new staff or external stakeholders (Task ID: R1-9241) * 6 Group 4 - 9727]Review and familiarize one with company policies and procedures for downloading and installing third-party software (Task ID: R1-9727) * SLE: Replace "one" with "new staff" Action: Edit 7 Group 4 - 9497]Develop training sessions about attack techniques (Task ID: R1-9497) * 8 Group 4 - 9245]Develop training sessions about attack tools (Task ID: R1-9245) * 9 Group 4 - 9496]Train other department s on attack tools (Task ID: R1-9496) * SLE: Delete extra space in the word "departments" Action: Edit 10 Group 4 - 9498]Train other departments on attack techniques (Task ID: R1-9498) * 11 Group 4 - 9350]Develop training materials for others on the team detailing specifics behind current attack tools, technologies, and techniques to compromise systems and intrude upon systems and networks (Task ID: R1-9350) * SLE: Reword: "Develop training materials for other team members about current..." Action: Edit 12 Group 4 - 9237]Review past events and lessons learned within your organization and share that insight with an established plan. (Task ID: R1-9237) * SLE: It's unclear what is meant here. Suggested rewording: "Review past events and lessons learned within your organization and develop a plan based on those insights." Action: Edit 13 Group 4 - 9651]Develop training for new operators and refresher training (Task ID: R1-9651) * SLE: Add some words (indicated in bold) "and refresher training for previously trained staff." Action: Edit 14 Group 4 - 9840]Train security staff on accessing policies and standards and topics addressed (Task ID: R1-9840) * APPENDIX D: REVISED JAQ TASK LIST BASED ON PILOT TEST TASK ID 9638 9818 TASK DESCRIPTION Collect all data necessary to support incident analysis and response. Map activities observed in the network to systems to help establish the baseline. 9186 9640 9637 Review event correlation (for example look at baseline data to determine the type and frequency of events during normal operations). Analyze the intrusion by looking for the initial activity and all follow‐on actions of the attacker. Assign an incident response manager for all incidents. 9641 Collect images of affected system for further analysis before returning the system to an acceptable operational state. 9639 Communicate incident information and updates to affected users, administrators, and security staff and request additional information that may support analysis and response actions. 9642 Establish or update a repository for all incident‐related information and index and catalog this information with assigned incident numbers for easy retrieval. 9643 9644 9137 9819 Test incident storage repository to make sure it is functioning properly and can only be accessed by authorized personnel. Verify incident or case files are complete and managed properly by the assigned incident manager. Analyze individual threat activity by correlating with other sources to identify trends. Analyze the security incident and identify defining attriubutes. 9709 Protect classified or proprietary information related to the event, but release general incident information to stakeholders. 9825 Report security incident classification (category selected) to management and record in incident management system. 9770 9364 9579 9180 Communicate incident response plan and team member roles to stakeholders and team members to ensure that they understand commitment and responsibilities when team is stood up. Communicate with other analysts to work as a team on larger incidents. Coordinate notification strategies with other units, such as Compliance. Coordinate reactive and proactive responses. 9613 9772 9768 9697 9779 9109 9876 9771 9780 9777 9122 Coordinate with compliance to make all regulator required security incident reports in compliance with the standards. Develop an incident response program / plan. Develop a detailed incident response action plan and team roles. Document call trees and reporting and coordinating procedures to all parties. Document stakeholders that must be contacted for each affected system in an incident. Identify known information to include event details and an accurate sequence of events. Maintain a single sequence of events with change control throughout the incident investigation. Identify people resources by skills, expertise, and roles to support analytical efforts. Maintain knowledge of professional resources within the organization. Maintain professional credentials and networking relationships with professional organizations. Prioritize alerts into predefined categories. 9778 9769 9775 9774 9776 9706 Recognize dissenting opinions among analysts. Establish a team of internal intrusion detection experts for second‐tier incident response. Test the incident response program / plan. Train staff on the incident response program / plan. Update the incident response program/plan based on testing results. Identify the source of infections or successful attacks. 9701 Monitor all systems that were suspected or confirmed as being compromised during an intrusion/incident. 9704 9703 9707 Report incident response status to management, including confidence levels for eradication actions. Review running processes to determine if incident response successfully removed malware. Train users in phishing identification and malware distribution methods. 9686 9684 9688 Analyze incident response team actions and performance of team members against the incident response plan. Develop a response plan for the incident and assign actions and deadlines. Identify impacts occurring from response actions and consider timeliness of response efforts. 9685 9687 9830 Monitor incident response performance and actions and compare them to the incident response plan. Understand necessary deviations or unanticipated actions from the incident response plan. Analyze reoccurring activity that is not flagged as a security event and troubleshoot likely cause. 9832 Coordinate watch rotation turnover so that no active event analysis is dropped between team changes. 9829 9361 9259 Review event logs and alerts to ensure as much as possible that they have been processed and categorized. Review log files for signs of intrusions and security events. Assess whether network scan results are real or false positives. 9206 9849 Communicate with external agencies such as law enforcement, ICS‐CERT, and DOE regarding incident reports. Report the time of discovery for all reportable events and incidents and the time of notification. 9621 Develop escalation process and procedures for network activity that has not been shown to be authorized. 9430 9696 Verify all devices are being submitted to Security Information and Event Management for full network visibility. Collect necessary information for inclusion in the communications plan. 9694 9700 Communicate with business management to identify additional parties that should be included in communication and response plans. Review the communication plan and make changes as appropriate. 9695 9699 Understand changes to organizations and the business to identify stakeholders to be included in the communications plan. Verify communication plan and contact information with all parties at an appropriate frequency. 9169 Test the SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) implementation with a alert triggers based on how the monitor has been configured. 9591 Test incident response system and planning remains effective against the latest attacker methodologies and tools. 9412 9676 Test IR (Information Response) specialists to verify they maintain a current understanding of threats and how to analyze. Test remediated systems and the effectiveness of containment measures. 9592 Test to verify that there is a correct flow of intrusion events to incident cases and that there is a coordinated response between Incident Response Specialist, Intrusion Analyst, and System Operations Specialist stakeholders. 9873 Analyze actions indicating malicious events may be spreading or providing opportunities for an attacker to move. 9874 Analyze actions indicating malicious events that provide opportunities for an attacker to close down command and control channels. 9875 Analyze actions indicating malicious events to determine strategy for blocking outside IPs to contain an incident. 9666 9677 Analyze logs and system information to determine which systems have been affected by an attacker and what actions were taken by the attacker. Analyze the incident's technical and business impacts. 9670 9668 Assign response team members to collect data for analysis from systems within the containment boundary. Communicate the boundary around affected systems being contained. 9187 Coordinate with the Help Desk to identify user complaints that may be related to the investigated event. 9680 Coordinate with outside parties to determine if containment efforts are successful (for example, call FBI and confirm the Command and Control channel has been closed). 9673 Coordinate containment with system owners and determine impact of proposed actions after identifying affected system. 9675 Assess if the incident needs to be re‐rated and re‐evaluate the response plan based on containment efforts. 9667 9674 9683 9877 Define the boundary around suspect systems to minimize the spread and impact of an identified security incident. Document all actions taken to contain systems. Document all external communications. Minimize spread of the incident by ensuring contaminated systems are monitored. 9878 9671 Minimize spread of the incident by ensuring contaminated systems cannot communicate to systems outside of the network boundary. Establish boundaries or shut down infected systems. 9679 9682 9681 9678 Identify appropriate parties to participate in the incident response including legal, communications, and others. Maintain asset management information during containment process. Monitor performance of incident response staff. Report business and technical impacts of the incident and response activities. 9672 9856 Report to security management and system owners when systems have been successfully contained. Conduct security drills that incorporate the latest threats and vulnerabilities in the scenarios. 9128 9401 Alert operators to events occurring so that they may increase system logging or retain logs where normally such logs may be simply lost due to system storage constraints. Analyze test results to ensure systems are functioning nominally. 9397 Develop a schedule for testing elements of the incident response plan and organizations involved in the process. 9407 9214 Develop incident report template to be used when reporting the final status of an incident response. Develop incident response scenarios. 9622 9398 9409 Develop schedule, test plans, evaluation criteria, and sign‐off for evaluating test success and/or failure. Document all incident response exercises and tests. Document gaps and outcomes to multiple parties to improve process and procedures. 9400 9126 9405 9139 9343 9408 9403 Document shortcomings and lessons learned from Incident Response exercises and formulate action plans to ensure they're corrected as rapidly as possible. Escalate analysis findings in accordance with defined plan. Maintain a set of packaged scenarios with injects and data to exercise the response process. Maintain documented procedures for analyzing logs and handling log archive. Maintain technical competence using industry tools for attacks (i.e., backtrack). Report to internal and external incident stakeholders involved during and after incident response. Report status to management at defined stages of response per procedure. 9116 9191 Understand incident response process and initiate incident handling according to documented policies and procedures. Understand incident response, notification, and log handling requirements of business. 9239 9106 Develop attack scenarios that might be used to intrude upon systems and networks and use tabletop exercises to gauge how personnel might respond in these situations. Analyze logs by correlating all suspect systems. 9354 9134 9351 Analyze compromised system’s configuration by determining if the Intrusion Detection System alert is real. Report what was analyzed and the list of flagged events, key findings, issues, actions taken. Review logs, network captures, and traces. 9240 9565 Update security tools (Security Event and Information Management, Intrusion Detection/Prevention System, Firewalls) with information pertinent to network tools or attacks. Configure alerts to monitor for old signatures and failed updates. 9248 Collect data from proxies and email systems to profile events involving malicous links or attachments and try to correlate to business process and assets. 9204 Decide on a subjective and/or objective measure to determine the likelihood that an event is an incident. (i.e., a confidence factor). 9284 Develop correlation methods to associate identified vulnerabilities with events identified by security monitoring solutions (Intrusion Detection System, Security Event and Information Management, etc). 9135 9121 9124 9184 Develop procedures for addressing anomalous events in the logs that cannot be immediately identified as known threats, etc. Prioritize suspect log entries and preserve on master sequence of events list. Identify systems not logging or components that are blind spots. Collect a sequence of events and continue to add information based in the investigation process. 9607 9658 9659 9657 9655 9660 Verify that alert thresholds and incident response procedures result in capturing enough data to support incident analysis and response efforts. Assign the incident to a category or type if possible. Assess an incident rating calculated on the potential severity and impact of the incident. Assess if an event meets the criteria to be investigated and opened as an incident. Assess if the event is applicable to your organization. Document closure of all incidents. 9656 9662 9665 9663 9654 9664 Document that no action will be taken for events that have been logged but do not meet incident response criteria. Document the activity being evaluated as an event. Report all events being investigated to security management. Review incident criteria. Verify that the event has occurred. Verify that the event meets the criteria for further investigation. 9356 9189 9190 Assess whether all necessary expertise is available to address the problem (in one physical or virtual room). Develop an incident tracking mechanism to classify and track all security incidents. Open an event ticket to track the potential incident. 9113 Open event tickets and notify interested parties when a probable event occurs and track the event as it unfolds. 9136 9588 Identify and properly respond to situations in which log management applications may be attacked or compromised. Test the incident response procedure/plan to ensure correct workflow and functionality. 9192 Understand the basic components of an incident response process (Prepare, Identify, Contain, Eradicate, Recover, Lessons Learned). 9203 9589 9808 9802 9803 Establish clear metrics that distinguish types of incidents. Users can then correctly categorize incidents. Document updates to incident response procedure/plan. Communicate warning signs of security events to internal stakeholders. Define security events and incidents with evaluation criteria. Develop procedures to escalate an event to an incident. 9785 9806 Maintain a current list of stakeholders' contact information and link this information to notification requirements. Test security staff with drills to determine if events and incidents are being properly characterized. 9708 9826 Develop and publicize ways to distinguish between routine system errors and malicious activities. Document logic behind why an event was determined to be false. 9831 9117 Escalate findings to appropriate personnel to review event and ensure accuracy of false‐positive findings. Identify and filter outfalse positives; if determined to be an incident, assign to incident handler. 9719 9327 Monitor all logs associated with third party accessing your systems; this may require a manual review against historic use profiles. Implement penetration testing and vulnerability assessments to improve incident identification. 9318 9814 9786 9783 9200 Understand environment (culture, staff) to create a better relationship for transmitting delicate and sometimes poorly understood information. Escalate vendor breach of contract to management and legal team. Develop role‐based access control matrix. Maintain knowledge of reporting requirements associated with systems. Identify repeat incidents involving the same person or persons, systems, or adversaries. 9604 9605 Maintain incident data repository and analyze data and metrics regarding types of incidents, frequency, and systems impacted. Review incidents over time to determine lessons learned or how to better align security tools. 9857 Develop a standardized process to ensure appropriate steps are taken during and after an event occurs. 9711 9712 9710 9791 Monitor systems that were affected and the entire sub‐network for activity associated with the attack. Report closing of the incident and all incident response processes that were followed. Review incident response actions to ensure actions were taken properly. Monitor for unauthorized access to tools and data. 9610 Report the attack Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (used in the last 6months against the organization). 9181 Develop working theories of the attack and look for correlated evidence to support or reject the working theories. 9202 Document the incident response activities to determine positive and negative results from actions and security controls. These should be the starting point for Lessons Learned discussions and follow‐on preparation activities. 9129 9304 Review known intrusion Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures and observables to assist in profiling log events and capture event information that may relate to known signatures. Understand how phishing attacks can adversely impact web‐based management applications. 9119 Verify log analysis findings through alternate means such as local log storage or affected system state/configuration. 9634 Define how systems were initially compromised and how the attack progressed and what observables were available for detection and response. 9633 9632 9635 Develop mitigations based on incidents analyzed and recommend improvements in security capabilities or tools as appropriate. Identify security incidents that require training or awareness for users and security staff. Implement lessons learned from the analysis of material incidents. 9636 Test the security staff and deployed solutions against scenarios developed from incidents with significant lessons learned. 9114 Maintain chain of custody and integrity of log files if they are to be used by law enforcement at a later date. 9197 9232 9112 9797 9796 Develop a chain‐of‐custody process and consider forensic images if needed as the investigation progresses. Identify third‐party vendors who specialize in remediation of security penetrations and forensics. Maintain access control permissions to log files. Collect proper approvals before individuals are granted access to tools and data. Define authorized staff for specific security tools and data sources. 9800 9789 9790 9299 9822 9526 Develop roles and responsibilities that can be implemented through Roles Based Access Controls and authorization group memberships. Establish process to provide authorization for tool use and credentials to access tools. Maintain centralized Roles Based Access Controls lists for all security tools. Access a current smart grid inventory and asset list. Collect change management information to automatically update baseline. Collect existing device configurations. 9110 9702 Develop base scenario and publish results to show what the log files would/should look like without attack or compromise. Test all security controls or changes that were implemented during a response. 9827 Verify that security monitoring systems and management systems are working and providing expected coverage. 9178 9151 Analyze security device and application configurations for technical impacts (e.g., network congestion). Configure system in compliance with the baseline configuration manual. 9152 Coordinate with network operations and system adminstrators to plan for the implementation and scheduling of required outages or notifications during the deployment. 9159 Coordinate with other departments to properly prepare for additional resources required by the security monitoring solution (i.e., network, database, access management, etc). 9550 Coordinate with project managers to understand current and future projects that will install systems. 9166 9620 9434 Coordinate with system administrators to reboot hosts or restart necessary processes after the software or device has been installed to ensure the monitoring solution is online and functioning. Develop an approval workflow for accountability, traceability, and reporting. Develop configuration manuals on all custom solutions. 9551 9175 9332 9543 9552 9545 Document certification and accreditation (baseline configuration, vulnerability assessment, authorization to operation). Document deployment information in company asset management systems. Identify deployment risks including technological, geographic, and privacy related. Review checklist for implementing a device or system for necessary approvals. Review deployment plans and as planned configurations. Schedule implementation with affected business owners and IT support staff. 9546 9176 9541 Test implementation with planned configurations to determine any deployment issues. Test the installation against the functional and performance requirements. Verify health status of host security tools. 9441 Verify that operating systems, services, and applications are hardened in compliance with regulatory guidance. 9549 Verify that operator and implementer procedures require acknowledgment of authorization prior to implementing. 9630 9296 9612 9844 9645 Update all asset management systems with deployed mitigations, configuration changes, or patches and versions. Assess if solutions that cannot handle abnormal network traffic should be retired. Review closed tickets for false positives for unacceptable results. Review network topologies, composition, and activity to determine security tool needs. Test security operations staff in the planning and execution of security operations and tools. 9845 Test tools against existing operational environments to determine ability to handle stress and loads, and operate as advertised. 9795 9341 9173 9278 Test that security tool systems and data cannot be accessed by unauthorized internal or external entities. Maintain a security configuration/coverage map of tools used across the enterprise. Analyze monitoring solution to determine if newer technology better accomplishes the mission. Analyze which systems are being scanned and which systems are being missed. 9433 9352 9255 Assign significance to custom Security Event and Information Management rules for unknown event types. Configure alert rules for Security Event and Information Management solution to automate alerts. Configure assets IP address and pertinent metadata. 9105 Configure rules for Security Event and Information Management tools to capture and flag events known to be intrusion indicators. 9131 9156 9432 9345 Configure Security Event and Information Management rules and alerts for unsupported devices such as those used in the smart grid and Advanced Metering Infrastructure. Configure system technical policies that set thresholds and parameters for monitoring. Develop custom Security Event and Information Management parsers for unknown event types. Establish a test lab where tools can be practiced and learned. 9593 Maintain an asset inventory of both hardware and software. Link this inventory to other security tools. 9431 Review healthy log collection metrics to understand baseline from which to measure normal performance. 9429 9348 9150 9293 9111 9103 Review Service Level Agreements/Operating Level Agreements to understand expected thresholds. Understand how to run wireshark and tcpdump. Understand the selected Security Event and Information Management tool. Understand the effort required to plug the solution into custom or specific software and hardware. Verify that all systems are logging to a central location. Analyze available logs and note gaps and time periods. 9420 Analyze system logs for Network Time Protocol synchronization anomaly messages. 9104 Configure your security log management tool to sort and filter data in a manner that is best suited for the event being analyzed. 9428 9531 9108 9527 9421 Implement a Datum Secure/Network Time Protocol capability for environments where a secure connection to a root time stamp authority is required. Maintain change management records for systems that are operational. Maintain log file storage and archive older events. Update database of device configurations upon changes to configurations. Verify Network Time Protocol server is using Universal Time Code format to avoid time zone issues. 9359 9566 9568 Decide where to install security monitoring solutions such that the overall expense is minimized and the coverage is maximized. Develop procedure to perform manual updates. Develop procedure to respond to failed alerts. 9569 Document procedures for configuring monitoring solutions to correctly obtain vendor software and signature updates. 9562 Monitor the monitoring solution to ensure vendor software and signature updates are being downloaded correctly. 9567 Monitor vendor notifications for updates to software and signatures and compare against deployed versions. 9563 9325 9558 9559 9557 9560 9571 Review daily, weekly and monthly reports for systems that are not updating or out of baseline with the rest of the system population. Review system security architecture and governance for new system extensions. Review updates and version and confirm with vendor. Schedule update timelines for existing and new solutions. Subscribe to vendor publications relevant to the product line at hand. Test functionality after update to ensure system is operating. Test to ensure that automatic updates occur securely. 9570 9564 9561 Train staff on the procedures for configuring monitoring solutions to correctly obtain vendor software and signature updates. Manually update monitoring solution with vendor software and signature updates. Verify configuration against procedures. 9618 9574 9142 Convert (and parse) unknown asset log formats to compatible log format for given monitoring solution. Define which devices require logging and what level of detail logs need to be configured for. Develop a centralized logging system. 9619 Develop a periodic verification process to ensure that the assets are logging in alignment with the intended operational architecture. 9363 9573 9422 9342 Develop and/or procure a data logging and storage architecture that scales and is fast enough to be useful for analysis. Develop a procedure to categorize systems for monitoring. Identify holes in Network Time Protocol structure system‐wide. Identify sources of targets to scan. 9572 Implement solution to identify new devices connecting to the network(s). 9145 Maintain a list of components that can direct logs to a central logging system, and components that cannot. Configure a method of collecting forensic data from systems that cannot. 9263 9418 Test all vulnerability scanners for modes or configurations that would be disruptive to the communication paths and networks being tested and host communication processing looking for possible con(f)licts that may result in negative operational impacts. Test server to make sure Network Time Protocol service is operating. 9581 Coordinate with administrators from other departments (i.e., networking, operating systems, servers) to identify strengths and weaknesses in the organization's logging implementations. 9157 9580 Develop reporting logic and work with security operations staff to configure how often, what information, and what priorities are sent from monitoring tool alerts. Develop standard communication procedure to use when writing rules. 9587 9582 9583 Establish baselines for setting incident alert levels in Security Event and Information Management systems and periodically review and adjust the levels to ensure optimal monitoring. Test system for performing according to desired functionality and configured policies. Verify that configuration alert types and alerts are working. 9585 9280 Coordinate periodic testing of alerting mechanisms to ensure the methodology is functioning as expected. Develop baseline scanning as a part of Configuration Management policies and procedures. 9161 9288 Develop custom internal network monitoring tools (non‐vendor solution) to detect anomalies that vendor tools would not be able to identify. Develop custom scan rules to provide deeper scans or avoid problematic checks. 9163 Develop management interface view to maintain situational awareness of the monitoring tools' or agents' health and operating conditions. 9258 9149 9289 9143 Identify metrics by which tools will be measured against to ensure they are still meeting requirements and goals. Implement intrusion prevention/detection solution. Implement secondary scanner should the initial scanner experience usage issues. Implement web content filtering. 9606 Review past incidents to determine if host security solutions and logs are providing data that can identify an event. 9270 9295 Develop a scanning plan and make sure all network operations staff and key stakeholders are consulted and notified about the timing of test initiation. Communicate timing and schedule of scans. 9807 Develop Security Event and Information Management rule sets to detect documented event classes for each monitored system. 9538 9828 Communicate changes to user security tools and information regarding identified events and incidents. Change existing system logic to prevent the same false positive from occurring. 9611 9725 Review tool configurations and target configurations to reduce false positives based on historic information. Access company policies to verify that the software being downloaded is allowed. 9734 Establish a sandbox in which experimental software may be installed and analyzed for malevolent behavior. 9736 9729 9723 9722 9715 9720 9268 9273 9597 9254 Implement technology that will create inventories/database of the software installed for offline analysis. Scan systems in an attempt to detect the use of unacceptable software. Search existing list of acceptable software prior to installing. Understand company policies and procedures for downloading and installing third‐party software. Search asset management system to collect a list of all system vendors for prioritized technology. Decide what mitigations should be implemented on remote connections. Coordinate assessment of any target systems with System Owners ahead of time. Develop a deconfliction profile for company planned and executed scans with log analysis. Maintain or be able to access a list of assigned system owners. Configure vulnerability scanners to operate safely and effectively in the targeted environment. 9858 Review best practices and standards documentation to determine appropriate configuration settings. 9860 Test the vulnerability assessment solution in a development environment to see if desired results are achieved. 9859 9748 Understand desired outcome as well as purpose of assessment so that the solution can be configured appropriately. Configure security tools to automatically apply patches and apply updates. 9754 9746 Configure signatures for host and network based IPS to ensure optimal configuration and reduce likelihood of business disruption. Create policy/procedures for how to patch tools. 9744 Define criticality levels for all tool types and identify security tools as among the most critical security tools that need to be patched and updated properly. 9750 9755 9751 9739 Define reports on the current patch and update status of all security tools and identify any variances against vendor releases. Document current patch levels and updates before use in critical situations. Establish a systems and tools patching program and schedule. Identify current patch level of security tools. 9740 Identify primary support resources for each of the production tools to ensure team members understand their responsibilities. 9757 9749 9649 9738 9745 9213 9752 9756 9781 Implement replica production (i.e., LAB) environment for testing of patches prior to production release. Maintain a list of approved security tools and their approved patch levels. Monitor security tool providers for updates and patches for tools that are in use. Monitor security tool vendors for updates and patches. Monitor vendor feeds for published patches. Review latest penetration test tools. Review signatures (for the tools that use them) to determine applicability once implemented. Schedule periodic reviews to determine when patches and updates are required. Sign up for vendor notifications and alerts 9782 9742 Test toolset upgrades against old version to ensure new patches don’t adversely affect results or impair performance. Understand the process by which security tools are updated before use. 9747 9690 9689 9426 9861 9691 Verify versions of security tools against vendors latest release version or review exception for not updating the software. Assess what configuration settings result in capturing the required information for monitoring. Identify logging and monitoring capability of deployed devices. Implement a reference time source to remove external dependencies for Network Time Protocol. Implement monitoring system that meets design criteria. Implement necessary communications and repository to receive data. 9834 9523 9693 9692 Implement procedural and technical controls to ensure logs are maintained for expected period of time per policy. Prioritize critical systems for monitoring. Test the data repository to ensure it remains online and is available to receive data. Verify that the system is reporting the expected information based on the configurations. 9599 9260 9598 9609 9279 Coordinate with system owners to modify schedule based on work or operational changes that affect security scanning. Define scope of systems and system exclusions for vulnerability testing. Review scanning schedule results for anomalies. Coordinate with smart grid suppliers to confirm settings and scans for their equipment. Coordinate with vendors running scanners on their equipment to develop your scanning program. 9144 Understand the resources and processes used by the security monitoring tool; and identify constraints, impacts to host or network systems, and required configurations to develop an implementation plan. 9601 Verify with the vendor the system processes or states that are authorized for smart grid components. 9765 9763 9760 Configure the security monitoring solution so that it provides a list of hosts that are being monitored and cross‐reference that with the asset inventory in place. Coordinate an assessment of the current monitoring solutions coverage with a third party. Coordinate an assessment to test the effectiveness and coverage of security monitoring tools. 9140 9160 9766 Coordinate with administrators from other departments (i.e., networking, operating systems, servers) to identify strengths and weaknesses in the organization's logging implementations. Identify metrics that will be used to show performance of monitoring solution. Implement a process and technology to re‐test effectiveness after each system update. 9837 9833 9835 Configure log management systems and other log repositories to maintain logs for documented period of time per policy. Document in policy the appropriate length of time to store documents. Review security operating procedures and policy for data storage requirements. 9839 9228 9838 Schedule log management system and other log repositories to purge data that is older than the documented retention period. Test in a sandbox new and potentially malicious tools appropriately. Test storage periods by calling up events and incidents logged by the security operations team. 9836 9146 9798 9302 9439 9256 Verify event/incident categorization to make sure associated data is being stored for the appropriate period. Implement application (layer 7) firewalls. Implement Data Leakage Prevention system for security tool systems and data. Implement penetration tests on deployed components. Implement the multiple (layered) solution control options for mitigation. Implement vulnerability scan. 9437 9792 9794 Document any changes made to the operating system or other components to trace possible causes of a system malfunction. Document system configuration and access control. Implement controls to prevent unauthorized access tools and data. 9321 9315 9172 Develop an asset inventory of both hardware and software. Link this inventory to other security tools. Develop technical libraries for all protocols in use and note security issues. Establish Operational Level Agreements and/or Service Level Agreements where appropriate. 9148 Identify business, contractual, Service Level Agreements and legal requirements that can be met by monitoring solution. 9344 9320 9292 Understand how specific tools (e.g., nmap, nessus, metasploit) accomplish their results (i.e., what methods and protocols are used). Understand the ANSI C12 Standards (i.e., C12.18, C12.19, C12.21, C12.22). Update network deployments to segregate systems that cannot handle vulnerability scans. 9335 9155 Identify the inter‐dependencies between the data network and the power system, including fault isolation and protection. Identify stakeholders who would be users of monitoring solution and their unique requirements. 9648 9650 Document procedures for the successful and proper use of all security tools with a special attention to constraints. Review security operations procedures for tool use and current versions. 9847 Maintain a list of all required reporting requirements to include what is reported, how it is to be reported, and when it is to be reported (e.g., within 24 hours). 9850 9339 Verify that all reported events and incidents were handled in compliance with the reporting requirements. Communicate risks to internal stakeholders. 9313 9338 9525 9530 9805 9731 9726 Document risk and impact analysis, including business impact, of smart grid components for management. Understand NERC CIP and audit requirements. Implement policy enforcement tool. Report exceptions to company configuration management policy and standards. Review a sampling of events to determine if they were properly characterized. Monitor software installed on end‐points for compliance with the company policy. Monitor software used in the infrastructure and correlate it to a list of acceptable software. 9716 Verify that contracts require vendors to provide proper notice of a security breech or incident that may affect the security of your organization's systems. 9493 9310 Report risk in accordance with defined risk categorization model. Inventory the component supply chain pipeline process and document it for suppliers. 9813 9812 9767 9762 Review contracts to ensure vendors will notify you if they are breached, their system or solutions are compromised, and/or they have a significant security issue that could directly affect you. Establish metrics for vendors to assess compliance with notification requirements in the contract. Communicate results of independent security review to system stakeholders. Report findings of the independent review to management. 9764 Schedule an independant review and verification after the security monitoring solution has been implemented. 9209 9793 9788 9799 9787 Communicate with external stakeholders (Law Enforcement Organizations, Public Relations, Legal, IT, Marketing) when necessary to understand regulatory requirement and breach notifications. Coordinate with internal audits to audit security tool use. Review access rights to tools and data on a defined frequency to ensure access is appropriate. Verify access control privileges are working as designed. Verify tool access and logs for authorized use. 9842 9714 9578 9576 9577 9575 9728 Test security staff on access procedures, company policies, and technical standards for accessing systems. Verify that staff have read and understand how to access policies and standards for refresher. Develop policy to determine which critical systems are to be monitored and at what level. Develop policy to ensure critical systems are monitored. Understand data classification levels and how to identify such levels with assets. Understand the data classification strategies that are in place. Communicate company policy for downloading and installing third‐party software. 9721 Develop a policy that requires system administrators to follow company procedures for downloading and installing third‐party software. 9732 Establish a basis or requirement for third‐party software before use (e.g., what business purpose does it satisfy, why is it needed, etc.). 9848 9713 Develop a process by which staff must acknowledge they have read and understand all applicable policies and procedures. Review policies and standards that apply to work area. 9522 Analyze cost of monitoring solution vs. features of each solution to ensure maximum Return on Investment. 9226 9141 9761 9758 9647 9646 9817 9410 9220 Establish a budget to handle the scope of an incident that might have the worst possible impact on your infrastructure and ensure that it is available in case an incident occurs. Analyze market options for Security Event and Information Management tools. Develop relationships with vendor partners who specialize in this testing. Define scope of an independent review and budget necessary resources. Collect information about the security tools employed by the organization. Review security operations staff performance in the execution of their duties. Scan systems to establish baseline. Identify training materials and information sources regarding cyber attacks and techniques. Identify training opportunities that teach methodologies associated with current attack tools. 9810 Analyze attacker Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures and deconstruct in order to evaluate the effectiveness of protective measures. 9809 Collect observed attacker Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures from available sources to include Information Sharing and Awareness Councils, peer utilities, government sources. 9306 Collect the most recent (or predicted future) threats into a comprehensive list to disseminate to all employees. 9305 9820 Collect vendor knowledge‐bases and DOE / DHS generated testing reports of known vulnerabilities to specific smart grid components. Supplement that information with open source reporting and internal red teaming or tabletop assessments. Develop a heat map to illustrate current high‐level security posture for executive consumption. 9811 9547 9544 9402 9425 9444 9555 9624 Identify observables that flow from particular attacker Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures to optimize your security monitoring capabilities. Identify external scanning needs that an internal scanner may not be able to adequately assess. Monitor for new systems installed on the network. Report summary of test results to management. Scan for configuration anomalies. Scan for gaps in system configuration against a benchmark configuration manual. Scan internal and external networks for new and unauthorized systems. Assign a technical point of contact for vulnerability remediation and assistance. 9625 9626 Assess the risk ratings of the vulnerability based on the technical information and how the technology is deployed and the importance of the systems. Consult with vendor or integrators and internal system owners to develop appropriate mitigations. 9623 Document all vulnerability information alerts or disclosures that apply to deployed technology and note the time and responsible party to develop the risk picture and initiate workflow. 9627 Implement vulnerability mitigations in accordance with the plan to include patches or additional security controls. 9628 Scan all affected systems to ensure the patch or mitigations are present and the risk associated with the vulnerability has been reduced as expected. 9629 9326 9603 Test all identified mitigations or patches to make sure they remove or mitigate the vulnerability as expected with no negative impacts. Analyze vulnerabilities for business impact. Develop a method to characterize vulnerabilities that includes risk scores. 9294 Develop a process for scoring the risk associated with identified vulnerabilities to support prioritization of mitigation recommendations. 9229 9314 Develop a process to create and prioritize job tickets for analysis and distribution of information to specific recipients. Alert end users of potential risks and vulnerabilities that they may be able to mitigate. 9399 Coordinate with other departments to ensure that routine business operations are not affected during testing. 9404 9406 Develop a RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) matrix to ensure all roles clearly understand their responsibilities in the testing process. Identify all systems that may be affected by testing. 9331 9244 Identify threat actors. Report vulnerabilities to staff and stakeholders. 9298 9596 Coordinate efforts with the vendor to develop an understanding of the component and security implications. Coordinate with external governments on threat intelligence. 9853 9614 Communicate new threats or newly discovered vulnerabilities to the entire security operations staff. Develop threat awareness content that can be included in security awareness and outreach efforts. 9319 Monitor industry groups and forums to stay up to date on the latest security vulnerabilities related to smart grid components. 9815 9852 9854 9416 Monitor intelligence sources for information that indicates that a vendor you are working with may have been compromised. Test security to staff to assess understanding of current threats and vulnerabilities. Train security operations staff when significant changes in threat or vulnerability have occurred. Alert external government entities with new intelligence. 9252 9333 Develop a threat analysis testing environment and sandbox where Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures can be analyzed and considered. Develop attack trees of attack vectors against vulnerable systems. 9225 9413 9615 9267 9205 Develop possible attack techniques against specific technologies and implementations in your smart grid deployments. Identify sources of intelligence to use for threat analysis. Review threat tables and conduct analysis of existing incident response data. Develop a prioritized list of critical resources. Analyze events against industry sharing initiatives to identify anomalies/possible events. 9489 9265 9491 9262 9595 9307 9556 Analyze vendor Knowledge Bases and DOE and DHS generated testing reports of known vulnerabilities to specific smart grid components. Analyze vulnerability reports. Monitor vulnerability reports. Review vulnerability scan results. Maintain a prioritized list of critical resources. Collect issues to identify trends with particular vendors or manufacturers. Communicate with the vendor to ensure you are registered to receive updates. 9201 9276 Prioritize systems within your network to determine which ones are of the High, Moderate, or Low impact value. Review assessment results in accordance with defined risk categorization model. 9718 Communicate with vendors about a vulnerability or incident in order to understand risk and devise a mitigation strategy. 9717 9230 Monitor security news and intelligence sources to include vendor webpages for vulnerability disclosures, incident announcements, and knowledge briefs. Communicate with research firms to keep abreast of new changes and methodologies. 9301 Identify methods to detect vulnerabilities in smart grid components with help from industry groups and thought leaders. 9215 Identify sources for information regarding attacks, exploit capability and tools, and newly discovered vulnerabilities. 9346 9211 9219 9222 9316 Review ICS‐Cert, NERC, and other source reports of attacks and develop understanding of how the threats actually work against specific vulnerabilities. Subscribe to appropriate industry security mailing lists. Subscribe to intelligence services and open source information subscriptions to be aware of events. Subscribe to various information‐sharing portals relevant to the content. Subscribe to vulnerability feeds and maintain information‐sharing subscriptions. 9608 9492 Verify that assessment tool outputs contain all necessary data elements for vulnerability analysis and risk determination. Prioritize vulnerability scan results. 9600 Analyze vulnerabilities to determine risk based on how you have deployed the technology and the likelihood for exploitation. 9243 9816 9759 Develop contract language that requires your technology vendors and service providers to provide information about vulnerabilities and threats to the technology you purchase. Map newly discovered vulnerabilities to equipment and vendors to track compliance. Hire independent third‐party auditor to assess/audit toolset coverage and effectiveness. 9602 9253 Maintain a table of attack techniques that align with your deployed technology and business processes. Implement a honeypot and research the attacks it collects. 9631 9616 9415 Analyze all intrusions to determine lessons learned and identify requires changes to security procedures, technology, or training. Develop an attack technique table. Coordinate presentations on latest threats to management and senior management. 9411 Develop schedule to have all Incident Response specialists complete training to refresh and keep knowledge current. 9414 9235 9286 Review all internal incidents for the purposes of staying current in threats and how to to stay up to date on current threats and determine the best way to analyze them, review all internal incidents. Train information collection, analysis, and dissemination. Train staff on Train staff on requirements and procedures for using vulnerability scanning. 9217 Develop various security/attack monitoring courses and require all employs to attend training to ensure widespread understanding of baseline requirements. 9590 9183 9536 9617 9652 Train non‐security team members (CXO, Legal, etc.) on how to follow incident response procedure/plans. Understand the company's incident response process and procedures . Analyze user behavior in stopping security services or use of the tools and services. Train Incident Response Team on the usage of the attack technique table. Train new security staff and provide refresher training at required intervals. 9653 9241 Verify all security staff have the necessary training and required certifications or qualifications to operate tools. Communicate with new staff or external stakeholders. 9727 9497 9245 9496 9498 Review and familiarize new staff with company policies and procedures for downloading and installing third‐party software. Develop training sessions about attack techniques. Develop training sessions about attack tools. Train other departments on attack tools. Train other departments on attack techniques. 9350 Develop training materials for other team members about current attack tools, technologies, and techniques to compromise systems and intrude upon systems and networks. 9237 9651 9840 Review past events and lessons learned within your organization and develop a plan based on those insights. Develop training for new operators and refresher training for previously trained staff. Train security staff on accessing policies and standards and topics addressed. APPENDIX E: JAQ DEMOGRAPHIC QUESTIONS 1 [R0-001] How many employees work at your facility? Please choose only one of the following: Less than 10 10-99 100-999 1,000-4,999 5,000-9,999 10,000 or more 2 [R0-002] What job title best describes you? Please choose all that apply: Control systems engineer Control systems operator Control systems manager Training specialist IT Executive IT manager IT professional IT systems administrator Network engineer Intrusion analysis staff Intrusion analysis manager Incident handling staff Incident handling manager Cyber security analyst Cyber security operations staff Cyber security operations manager Cyber security manager Cyber security executive Other: 3 [R0-003] How long have you held this position? (Years): Please write your answer here: 4 [R0-004] How many people report directly to you? Please choose all that apply: No direct reports 1-5 6-30 More than 30 5 [R0-005] What job title best describes the position you had prior to your current job? Please choose all that apply: Control systems engineer Control systems operator Control systems manager Training specialist IT executive IT manager IT professional IT systems administrator Network engineer Intrusion analysis staff Intrusion analysis manager Incident handling staff Incident handling manager Cyber security analyst Cyber security operations staff Cyber security operations manager Cyber security manager Cyber security executive Other: 6 [R0-006] How would you classify your level of expertise in the cyber security field? Please choose only one of the following: Novice: minimal knowledge, no connection to practice Beginner, working knowledge of key aspects of practice Competent: good working and background knowledge of the area Proficient: depth of understanding of discipline and area of practice Expert: authoritative knowledge of discipline and deep tacit understanding across area of practice 7 [R0-007] What level of familiarity do you have with smart grid operations? Please choose only one of the following: Novice: minimal knowledge, no connection to practice Beginner, working knowledge of key aspects of practice Competent: good working and background knowledge of the area Proficient: depth of understanding of discipline and area of practice Expert: authoritative knowledge of discipline and deep tacit understanding across area of practice 8 [R0-008] What level of familiarity do you have with smart grid cyber security? Please choose only one of the following: Novice: minimal knowledge, no connection to practice Beginner, working knowledge of key aspects of practice Competent: good working and background knowledge of the area Proficient: depth of understanding of discipline and area of practice Expert: authoritative knowledge of discipline and deep tacit understanding across area of practice 9 [R0-009] What is your gender? Please choose only one of the following: Female Male 10 [R0-010] What is your age? Please choose only one of the following: Under 20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 Over 60 APPENDIX F: JAQ START PAGE APPENDIX G: SAMPLE JAQ SURVEY STATEMENTS May 30, 2012 Status Report Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Analysis Questionnaire We continue to receive JAQ responses from Wave 2 and 3 panel members. There have been no changes in Wave 1 activity. The following is a detailed break down of the response activity since our last report, concentrating on the activity of Wave 2 and 3. 2 new demographic pages were completed from May 23 – 29. (Table 1) 129 new completed JAQ task statements were rated from May 23 - 29. (Table 2) Summary of responses through May 29th ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 301 demographic pages were accessed with 131 being completed (44% response rate from those clicking on the demographic page) (Table 3) 8,299 completed JAQ task evaluations have been rated with 4,902 (59%) task evaluations classified under the Security Operations job role. (Table 4) Tables 3 & 5: 131 completed demographic pages have been submitted for Waves 2 & 3. Wave 3 utility organizations account for 79 pages or 60% of the completed pages. Tables 4 & 6: 8,299 completed JAQ task evaluations have been rated for Waves 2 & 3. Wave 3 utility organizations account for 5,289 completed task evaluations of 64% of the total. 123 total JAQ task evaluations have been submitted for Wave 3 by utility organizations. By job role: 40 Incident Response, 11 Intrusion Analysis, and 72 Security Operations (Table 6) 8,299 task evaluations or 16 complete surveys have been rated, as of May 29, 2012. Task statements increased by 129 task evaluations since May 23, 2012. Our goal is to rate 51,600 task statements or 100 complete surveys. (516 task evaluations = 1 complete survey). Table 1 Total Respondents & Task Ratings 1 Submitted by Week Count of Survey ID Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Grand Total Total 42 42 10 9 2 4 14 4 2 2 131 Task Ratings 2,795 2,408 645 731 129 215 903 301 43 129 8,299 Table 2 Total Survey Pages & Task Ratings Submitted by Week Count of Survey ID Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Grand Total Total 65 56 15 17 3 5 21 7 1 3 193 Task Ratings 2,795 2,408 645 731 129 215 903 301 43 129 8,299 INTERPRETATIVE ANALYSIS AND ACTION PLANS 2 The number of submissions increased slightly. Speaking directly to the panel members appears to result in survey submissions. However, this approach takes time. Phase 1 report nearing completion. Data is being analyzed. Text in final stage of editing. ● Email sent to SGC panel members on May 29th to confirm interest in participating in Phase 2 panel. Of the replies received so far, all are committing to Phase 2. ● Reviewing strategy for panel recruitment. Will begin recruiting as soon as possible. ● Emails were sent to the SGC channels to verify distribution numbers. All outstanding numbers have been confirmed. ● Spoke to SGC panel chair to discuss strategy for completing the remaining questionnaires. The main reason given for not finishing the questionnaire continues to be finding time to set aside for working on the questionnaire. ● Sent email to the panel members requesting them to complete their questionnaires by May 30th. ● Action Plans: ● ● ● ● Finish Phase 1 report. Confirm remaining Phase1 panelists for Phase 2. Begin active recruiting. Continue reaching out to the SGC panelists for information and ideas Table 3 3 Demographic Pages Submitted Waves 2 & 3 Count of Survey ID Org Code 2: SCE 3: NIST 5: IEIA 6: NATF 7: ES-ISAC 8: UNITE 10: NV Energy 11: EnergySec 13: EEI 14: Encari 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 34: Pacificorp 52: Ameren 59: LinkedIn 999: NBISE Website Unknown Grand Total Completed No 1 1 4 8 33 2 1 5 2 2 10 8 3 1 1 8 16 64 170 Yes 2 Grand Total 3 1 1 5 29 37 19 52 1 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 5 2 4 3 5 31 41 7 15 3 6 1 5 6 10 18 2 18 11 75 131 301 4 Table 4 JAQS Submitted by Job Roles Complete (All) Count of Survey ID Column Labels Incident Response Org Code 2: SCE 5: NIST 6: IEIA 7: NATF 8: UNITE 10: NV Energy 11: EnergySec 13: EEI 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 52: Ameren 59: LinkedIn 999: NBISE Website Unknown Grand Total 1 9 6 1 12 Intrusion Analysis Security Operations 3 2 9 30 9 2 1 15 1 2 3 3 3 57 3 1 1 4 22 1 2 1 1 3 27 8 1 9 11 8 114 Grand Total 3 1 41 24 1 13 2 1 3 4 45 9 3 9 15 4 15 193 5 Table 5 Wave 3: Utilities Demographic Survey Pages Count of Org Code Column Labels No Org. Code 10: NV Energy 11: EnergySec 13: EEI 14: Encari 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 34: Pacificorp 52: Ameren 59: LinkedIn 999: NBISE Website Unknown Grand Total 1 5 2 2 10 8 3 1 1 8 16 64 121 Ye s 2 2 1 Grand Total 3 2 1 5 4 5 41 15 6 1 6 18 18 75 200 2 3 31 7 3 5 10 2 11 79 Table 6 Wave 3: Utilities JAQs Submitted by Job Role Complete Count of Survey ID Org Codes 10: NV Energy 11: EnergySec 13: EEI 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 52: Ameren 59: LinkedIn 999: NBISE Website (All) Job Role Incident Response 12 Intrusion Analysis 2 1 15 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 Security Operations 1 2 1 1 3 27 8 1 9 11 Grand Total 13 2 1 3 4 45 9 3 9 15 4 6 Unknown Grand Total 3 40 4 11 8 72 15 123 7 May 23, 2012 Status Report Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Analysis Questionnaire SUMMARY OF RESPONSES Activity continues to drop off. Tables 1 and 2 summarize activity to date. Notice the similar pattern of responses. We can expect responses to drop off within two weeks after a push to get panel member to complete their surveys. Total Respondents & Task Ratings Submitted by Week Count of Survey ID Week Total Task Ratings 1 42 2,795 2 42 2,408 3 10 645 4 9 731 5 2 129 6 4 215 7 14 903 8 4 301 9 2 43 Grand Total 129 8,170 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2 new demographic pages were submitted from May 16 – 22. (Table1) 1 new survey page was completed from May 16 – 22. (Table 2) 296 demographic pages have been accessed with 129 pages being completed. (Table 3) 190 JAQ pages have been rated. (Table 4) 198 demographic pages were accessed by utility organizations, 78 pages were completed. (Table 5) 121 task statements pages have been submitted by Wave 3 utilities. No change since the May 16th report. (Table 6) 8,170 task statements, which are equivalent to 15.83 complete surveys, have been rated, as of May 22, 2012. Our goal is to rate 51,600 task statements or 100 complete surveys. (516 task statements = 1 complete survey) Table 1 1 Table 2 Total Survey Pages & Task Ratings Submitted by Week Count of Survey ID Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Grand Total Total 65 56 15 17 3 5 21 7 1 190 Task Ratings 2,795 2,408 645 731 129 215 903 301 43 8,170 INTERPRETATIVE ANALYSIS AND ACTION PLANS The number of submissions is clearly coming to a halt. It appears that submissions increase right after a personal call to action to the panel. As mentioned in the last update, it is very important to take an active roll in reminding and engaging the panel. New call to action strategy has been initiated: 2 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Michael A. continues to reach out to his contact list to find new potential panel recruits and opportunities for piloting a future assessment tools. Elizabeth P. has reached out to the 3 panel chairs. Calls are being scheduled. David T. continues working on the Phase 1 reporting. Elizabeth will assist in the final edit process. Phase II project plans have been approved. Phase II kick off meeting is tentatively scheduled for June 7th Table 3 Demographic Pages Submitted Waves 2 & 3 Count of Survey ID Org Code 2: SCE 3: NIST 5: IEIA 6: NATF 7: ES-ISAC 8: UNITE 10: NV Energy 11: EnergySec 13: EEI 14: Encari 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 34: Pacificorp 52: Ameren 59: LinkedIn Completed No 1 1 4 8 31 2 1 5 2 2 10 8 3 1 1 8 Yes 2 1 29 18 1 2 1 1 2 3 31 7 3 5 10 Grand Total 3 1 5 37 49 3 3 1 1 5 4 5 41 15 6 1 6 18 3 999: NBISE Website Unknown Grand Total 15 64 167 2 11 129 17 75 296 Table 4 JAQS Submitted by Job Roles Complete Count of Survey ID Org Code 2: SCE 5: NIST 6: IEIA 7: NATF 8: UNITE 10: NV Energy 11: EnergySec 13: EEI 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA (All) Column Labels Incident Response 1 9 5 1 12 1 15 Intrusion Analysis Security Operations 3 2 9 30 9 2 1 1 1 1 3 27 8 3 Grand Total 3 1 41 23 1 13 1 1 3 4 45 8 4 32: ERCOT 52: Ameren 59: LinkedIn 999: NBISE Website Unknown Grand Total 2 3 1 3 1 3 55 4 22 1 9 11 3 9 15 4 8 113 15 190 Table 5 Wave 3: Utilities Demographic Survey Pages Count of Org Code Org. Code 10: NV Energy 11: EnergySec 13: EEI 14: Encari 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 34: Pacificorp 52: Ameren 59: LinkedIn 999: NBISE Website Column Labels No 1 5 2 2 10 8 3 1 1 8 15 Yes 2 1 1 2 3 31 7 3 5 10 2 Grand Total 3 1 1 5 4 5 41 15 6 1 6 18 17 5 Unknown Grand Total 64 120 11 78 75 198 Table 6 Wave 3: Utilities JAQs Submitted by Job Role Complete Count of Survey ID Org Codes 10: NV Energy 11: EnergySec 13: EEI 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 52: Ameren 59: LinkedIn 999: NBISE Website Unknown Grand Total (All) Job Role Incident Response 12 Intrusion Analysis 2 1 15 3 2 3 3 3 39 1 1 4 11 Security Operations 1 1 1 1 3 27 8 1 9 11 8 71 Grand Total 13 1 1 3 4 45 8 3 9 15 4 15 121 6 May 16, 2012 Status Report Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Analysis Questionnaire SUMMARY OF RESPONSES We continue to receive JAQ responses from Wave 2 and 3 panel members. There has been no changes in Wave 1 activity. The following is a detailed break down of the response activity since our last report, concentrating on the activity of Wave 2 and 3. 4 new demographic pages were completed between May 8 -15. (Table 1) 7 new task survey pages were submitted from May 8 - 15. (Table 2) 278 demographic pages were accessed with 127 being completed. (Table 3) 189 JAQ pages have been submitted, 113 were classified under the Security Operation job role. (Table 4) ● Table 5 breaks out Wave 3 demographic submissions by utility. Out of 183 demographic pages accessed, 77 were completed. ● 121 total task statement pages have been submitted for Wave 3 by utility. By job role: 39 Incident Response, 11 Intrusion Analysis, and 71 Security Operations (Table 6) ● 8,127 task statements or 15.75 complete surveys have been rated, as of May 14, 2012. Our goal is to rate 51,600 task statements or 100 complete surveys. (516 task statements = 1 complete survey) ● ● ● ● Table 1 1 Table 2 INTERPRETIVE ANALYSIS & ACTION PLANS The number of submitted demographic and JAQ survey pages decreased from May 8 15. We know from preliminary telephone conversations with panel members that the main reason for not completing the task statements revolves around the ability to find a chunk of uninterrupted time to complete the survey. Implementing and maintaining an active out reach strategy with the panel members will help to increase and maintain the level of panel participation. A more hands on approach with the panel members will help to keep panel members engaged and get us closer to reaching the goal of 51,600 JAQ task statements rated. ● Michael continues to reach out to his contacts. ● Liz is actively calling SGC panel members encouraging them to complete their version of the JAQ. During those calls, she also using the calls as opportunities to request updates on contact information, bios, general JAQ feedback, and interest in participating in Phase II. ● Liz will follow up with Michael’s LinkedIn contacts. ● The distribution channels will be revisited. ● Project plan for recruiting new panel members for Phase II is just getting underway. ● Reviewing the NBISE website for ways to attract and recruit new panel members. ● JAQ webinar is in the design phase. It should be ready by next week. At which time, it will presented for review. ● Phase II project plan and budget have been submitted for PNNL review and approval. Follow up questions have been answered. We are awaiting the final contract documents from Kim Massie. 2 Table 3 Table 4 3 Table 5 Table 6 4 5 May 9, 2012 Status Report Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Analysis Questionnaire SUMMARY OF RESPONSES We continue to receive JAQ responses from Wave 2 and 3 participants. There was been no changes in Wave 1 activity. The following graph shows an uptick in submissions. The increased activity is due to reaching out to participants on an individual basis. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Table 1 shows 14 new demographic pages were completed from May 2-8 Table 2 shows 21 new survey pages were submitted from May 2-8 Table 3 shows there have been 266 demographic pages accessed with 123 being completed. Table 4 shows that of the 182 JAQ pages submitted, 109 were classified under Security Operations. Tables 5 & 6 show the detail for the Utility companies. PG&E has the highest submission rate of the utilities. Table 5 breaks out Wave 3 demographic submissions by utility. Out of 123 demographic pages submitted, 83 were from utilities, which is 67% of the total number received to date from Waves 2 & 3. Table 6 breaks out Wave 3 task statement submissions by utility. Out of 182 task survey pages, 115 survey pages were from utilities, which is 60.4% of the total number of survey pages received for Wave 2 &3. Total number of task statements rated is 7,826. The goal for submission is 51,600. Table 1 1 Table 2 INTERPRETIVE ANALYSIS & ACTION PLANS The final response rates will be determined in two ways. Response Rate 1 will be the total number of landing page click-thrus divided by total number of invite emails distributed. This response rate is expected to be 2 to 5 %. Response Rate 2 will be determined by the total number of “Yes” demographic divided by the number of landing page click-thrus. This response rate is expected to be 30%. Table 2 shows that 7,826 task statements have been rated by the end of week 7. ● Michael has reviewed and identified potential participants through his personal LinkedIn account. These contacts will be called. ● Elizabeth is in the process of reaching out to the JAQ SGC panel members to ensure that they have completed their version of the JAQ and to gauge their interest in participating in Phase II panels. ● Project planning is underway for recruiting new panel participants. ● David, Elizabeth, and Steve are putting together a webinar to support completion of the JAQ by PG&E staff. We are in the process of confirming a date for this webinar. ● Phase 2 plan and budget has been submitted for review and approval. Waiting on additional questions. 2 Table 3 3 Table 4 Table 5 4 Table 6 5 May 2, 2012 Status Report Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Analysis Questionnaire SUMMARY OF RESPONSES The chart below shows the benefit of introducing the iPad Giveaway and creating a larger JAQ slice for Waves 2 and 3. The chart combines all responses received after the iPad announcement. Notice that the pattern of responses is similar. We can expect roughly a one-week half-life to responses, meaning that within two weeks of an invite responses drop to near zero. INTERPRETATIVE ANALYSIS AND ACTION PLANS ● The response rate to the JAQ to date appears to be exceptional for surveys of this population, however still falls below our objective of reaching 100+ fully completed JAQs. Wave 2/3 has, as planned, produced a substantial increase in survey pages completed warranting extension of this approach to obtain a larger sample. Accordingly we have initiated several actions to improve the response rate over time: ○ Michael has spoken with project sponsors about the response pattern. They agreed with our assessment that it is far above comparable studies, and want to provide assistance to increase responses. They agreed that this should not stop progress on Phase II, but could become a continuing task under this next phase of the project. ○ Elizabeth Pyle (NBISE’s new Panel Coordinator) has interviewed respondents 1 from PG&E who committed to take the entire JAQ, but have completed only the demographic page. Changes needed to the instructions to clarify what is required to complete the JAQ have been made. David and Elizabeth spoke with Jamey Sample (CISO of PG&E) who remains very supportive, indicating that he wants to incorporate the findings into his personnel planning, evaluation, and compensation system. We are scheduling two webinars to support completion of the entire JAQ by his staff of 60 over the next few weeks. ○ Michael is contacting more utility companies to obtain commitments similar to PG&E for complete submission of the JAQ. ○ David is working with PNNL scientific staff to devise a rigorous approach to determining the sample size needed to infer discrimination of tasks as foundational or differentiating in predicting job performance. ● The use of JAQ item response counts rather than survey pages, in the above chart shows the importance of distinguishing between Wave 1 with 14 task statements and Waves 2 and 3 with 43 statements per survey page, respectively. Accordingly, we recommend from here forward that we report results in terms of JAQ item response counts. ● The response pattern analysis (shown in the JAQ submission tables below) indicated the greatest response is coming through direct appeals to utilities. These results support the strategy of extending Wave 3 (targeting specific utility leaders) as a promising approach to increase the sample. ○ In the next report we will separately analyze these responses ○ Such a targeted (or purposive) sample raises statistical analysis concerns that have been discussed with the PNNL research team. We are currently exploring methods for determining if the use of a purposive sample would bias the results. 2 RESPONSE RESULTS ● 56 Unique Organizations (Channels) asked to participate in distribution ● Wave 1 - Began February 22 14 task statements per page Demographic Pages Submitted: Total: 304 ● Incomplete: 165 Complete: 139 Wave 2 & 3 - Began March 21 43 task statements per page Demographic Pages Submitted: Total: 225 Incomplete: 120 Complete: 105 Table 1: Comparison of Wave 2 & 3 to Wave 1: Demographic pages Submitted by Week Wave 2 & 3 Demographic pages submitted Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Current Week (7) Grand Total Total Completed (43 items/ page) 42 42 10 8 1 5 0 108 Wave 1 (14 items/ page) 90 22 4 21 2 0 0 139 Table 2: Wave 2 & 3: Survey pages Submitted by Week Goal: 100 Full JAQs Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Current Week (7) Grand Total Total Completed 39 35 5 7 1 1 0 88 Equivalent JAQs 3.25 2.92 0.42 0.58 0.08 0.08 0 7.33 3 Table 3: Total Complete JAQ Survey Pages Submitted by Job Role: Wave 2/3: 51 34 3 88 Total submitted for Sec Ops: Total submitted for Incident Response: Total submitted for Intrusion Analysis: Total Submitted: JAQ Pages submitted per completed Demographic page: 0.81 Wave 1 104 19 17 140 Table 4: Wave 1 Demographics Demographic Pages Submitted by Channel Wave 1 Demographics Pages Channel NIST ES-ISAC EnergySec ARRA N/A SEMPRA PGE TVA IEIA Forum EEI NATF Encari SCE Gridwise APPA NV Energy Grand Total Incomplete 45 30 9 17 25 12 2 4 3 3 2 5 2 4 1 1 Complete 40 7 28 11 1 11 11 5 6 5 5 1 3 1 2 2 Grand Total 85 37 37 28 26 23 13 9 9 8 7 6 5 5 3 3 165 139 304 4 Table 5: Wave 1 JAQ Submissions Questionnaire Pages Submitted by Job Role per Channel JAQ Survey Pages Job Role Channel NIST NV Energy SEMPRA EEI PGE EnergySec NATF ES-ISAC IEIA Forum ARRA TVA Grand Total Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Security Operations 27 8 10 6 7 20 Incident Response 2 Intrusion Analysis 8 3 11 3 8 12 5 1 104 3 19 4 2 17 Grand Total 37 8 10 6 10 31 3 8 12 9 6 140 5 Table 6: Wave 2 & 3 Demographics Demographic Pages Submitted by Channel Wave 2/3 Demographics Pages Channel 2: SCE 3: NIST 5: IEIA 6: NATF 7: ES-ISAC 8: UNITE 10: NV Energy 13: EEI 14: Encari 34: Pacificorp 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 52: Ameren Unknown Grand Total Representation from Wave 3 Incomplete 1 1 4 5 22 2 1 Complete 2 5 1 2 2 13 8 3 1 49 123 2 3 48 5 3 5 11 108 Grand Total 3 1 5 17 32 3 3 1 5 1 4 5 61 13 6 6 60 231 22 18% 63 58% 85 36% 1 12 10 1 2 1 6 Table 7: Questionnaire Pages Submitted by Job Role per Channel JAQ Survey Pages Channel 2: SCE 5: IEIA 6: NATF 7: ES-ISAC 8: UNITE 10: NV Energy 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 52: Ameren Unknown Grand Total Job Role Incident Response Intrusion Analysis Security Operations Grand Total 2 1 3 2 1 12 9 1 1 13 1 1 1 34 2 1 12 3 1 12 2 1 40 2 2 5 5 88 1 3 1 1 26 2 1 5 3 51 7 April 25, 2012 Status Report Status of Wave 1 Distribution (14 task statements per page) Questionnaire Pages Submitted by Job Role Job Role Org Code NIST NV Energy SEMPRA EEI PGE EnergySec NATF ES-ISAC IEIA Forum ARRA TVA Grand Total Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Security Operations 27 8 10 6 7 20 Incident Response 2 Intrusion Analysis 8 8 Grand Total 37 8 10 6 10 31 3 8 12 5 1 3 4 2 12 9 6 104 19 17 140 3 11 3 Questionnaire pages completed per person 0.93 0.91 0.91 0.60 2.00 1.20 1 Demographics Demographic Pages Submitted Org Code NIST ES-ISAC EnergySec ARRA N/A SEMPRA PGE TVA IEIA Forum EEI NATF Encari SCE Gridwise APPA NV Energy Grand Total Complete No 45 30 9 17 25 12 2 4 3 3 2 5 2 4 1 1 165 Yes 40 7 28 11 1 11 11 5 6 5 5 1 3 1 2 2 139 Grand Total 85 37 37 28 26 23 13 9 9 8 7 6 5 5 3 3 304 Questionnaire Pages RESPONSES PER WEEK Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Demographics 90 22 4 21 2 1 0 Survey Sections 91 28 0 18 3 0 0 2 Status of Wave 2 & 3 Distribution (43 task statements per page) Count of Questionnaire Pages Demographic Survey Count of Questionnaire Pages Org Code 2: SCE 3: NIST 5: IEIA 6: NATF 7: ES-ISAC 8: UNITE 10: NV Energy 14: Encari 34: Pacificorp 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 52: Ameren Unknown Grand Total Wave 3 Percent of column Complete No Yes 1 1 4 5 22 2 1 5 1 2 2 13 8 3 1 49 120 22 18% Grand Total 2 3 1 5 17 32 3 3 5 1 4 5 61 13 6 6 60 225 1 12 10 1 2 2 3 48 5 3 5 11 105 63 60% 85 38% 3 Questionnaire Pages Submitted by Job Role JAQ Survey Pages Job Role Org Code 2: SCE 5: IEIA 6: NATF 7: ES-ISAC 8: UNITE 10: NV Energy 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 52: Ameren Unknown Grand Total Int rus ion Ana lysi s Incident Response 1 3 1 1 Grand Security Operations Total 2 2 1 9 12 1 2 1 12 1 13 1 1 1 33 1 3 JAQ Pages submitted per completed Demographi c page 1 1 26 2 1 5 3 51 12 2 1 40 2 2 5 5 87 0.84 Equivalent Complete JAQs 7.25 4 (see next page for weekly totals) Demographic pages Submitted by Week Complete Yes Total 42 42 10 8 1 2 105 Week 1 2 3 4 5 Current Week Grand Total Survey pages Submitted by Week Complete Yes Week 1 2 3 4 5 Current Week Grand Total Comparison from Wave 1 90 22 4 21 2 0 139 Total 39 35 5 7 1 0 87 Equivalent JAQs 3.25 2.92 0.42 0.58 0.08 0 7.25 5 April 18, 2012 Status Report Status of Wave 1 Distribution (14 task statements per page) Questionnaire Pages Submitted by Job Role Job Role Org Code NIST NV Energy SEMPRA EEI PGE EnergySec NATF ES-ISAC IEIA Forum ARRA TVA Grand Total Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Security Operations 27 8 10 6 7 20 Incident Response 2 Intrusion Analysis 8 8 Grand Total 37 8 10 6 10 31 3 8 12 5 1 3 4 2 12 9 6 104 19 17 140 3 11 3 Questionnaire pages completed per person 0.93 0.91 0.91 0.60 2.00 1.20 1 Demographics Demographic Pages Submitted Org Code NIST ES-ISAC EnergySec ARRA N/A SEMPRA PGE TVA IEIA Forum EEI NATF Encari SCE Gridwise APPA NV Energy Grand Total Complete No 45 30 9 17 25 12 2 4 3 3 2 5 2 4 1 1 165 Yes 40 7 28 11 1 11 11 5 6 5 5 1 3 1 2 2 139 Grand Total 85 37 37 28 26 23 13 9 9 8 7 6 5 5 3 3 304 Questionnaire Pages RESPONSES PER WEEK Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Demographics 90 22 4 21 2 1 0 Survey Sections 91 28 0 18 3 0 0 2 Status of Wave 2 & 3 Distribution (43 task statements per page) Count of Questionnaire Pages Demographic Survey Count of Questionnaire Pages Org Code 2: SCE 3: NIST 5: IEIA 6: NATF 7: ES-ISAC 8: UNITE 10: NV Energy 14: Encari 34: Pacificorp 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 52: Ameren Unknown Grand Total Wave 3 Percent of column Complete No Yes 1 1 4 5 19 2 1 3 1 2 2 13 8 3 1 46 112 22 20% Grand Total 2 3 1 5 17 29 3 3 3 1 4 5 61 12 6 6 56 215 1 12 10 1 2 2 3 48 4 3 5 10 103 63 61% 85 40% 3 Questionnaire Pages Submitted by Job Role JAQ Survey Pages Job Role Org Code 2: SCE 5: IEIA 6: NATF 7: ES-ISAC 8: UNITE 10: NV Energy 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 52: Ameren Unknown Grand Total Incident Response Int rus ion Ana lysi s 1 3 1 1 Security Operations 2 9 1 12 1 13 1 1 1 33 1 3 JAQ Pages submitted per completed Demographi c page 1 1 26 2 1 5 3 51 Grand Total 2 1 12 2 1 12 2 1 40 2 2 5 5 87 0.84 Equivalent Complete JAQs 7.25 4 (see next page for weekly totals) Demographic pages Submitted by Week Complete Yes Total 42 42 10 8 1 103 Week 1 2 3 4 Current Week Grand Total Survey pages Submitted by Week Complete Yes Week 1 2 3 4 Current Week Grand Total Total 39 35 5 7 1 87 Equivalent JAQs 3.25 2.92 0.42 0.58 0.08 7.25 5 April 12, 2012 Status Report Status of Wave 1 Distribution (14 task statements per page) Questionnaire Pages Submitted by Job Role Job Role Org Code NIST NV Energy SEMPRA EEI PGE EnergySec NATF ES-ISAC IEIA Forum ARRA TVA Grand Total Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Security Operations 27 8 10 6 7 20 Incident Response 2 Intrusion Analysis 8 8 Grand Total 37 8 10 6 10 31 3 8 12 5 1 3 4 2 12 9 6 104 19 17 140 3 11 3 Questionnaire pages completed per person 0.93 0.91 0.91 0.60 2.00 1.20 1 Demographics Demographic Pages Submitted Org Code NIST ES-ISAC EnergySec ARRA N/A SEMPRA PGE TVA IEIA Forum EEI NATF Encari SCE Gridwise APPA NV Energy Grand Total Complete No 45 30 9 17 25 12 2 4 3 3 2 5 2 4 1 1 165 Yes 40 7 28 11 1 11 11 5 6 5 5 1 3 1 2 2 139 Grand Total 85 37 37 28 26 23 13 9 9 8 7 6 5 5 3 3 304 Questionnaire Pages RESPONSES PER WEEK Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Demographics 90 22 4 21 2 1 Survey Sections 91 28 0 18 3 0 2 Status of Wave 2 & 3 Distribution (43 task statements per page) Count of Questionnaire Pages Demographic Survey Count of Questionnaire Pages Org Code 2: SCE 5: IEIA 6: NATF 7: ES-ISAC 8: UNITE 10: NV Energy 14: Encari 18: APPA 23: TVA 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 34: Pacificorp 24: PG&E 52: Ameren Grand Total Complete No 1 4 8 16 2 1 3 2 2 8 3 1 10 1 62 Yes 2 1 24 10 1 2 2 3 3 3 31 5 87 Grand Total 3 5 32 26 3 3 3 4 5 11 6 1 41 6 149 3 Questionnaire Pages Submitted by Job Role Job Role Org Code 2: SCE 05: IEIA 06: NATF 07: ES-ISAC 08: UNITE 10: NV Energy 18: APPA 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 52: Ameren Grand Total Incident Response Intrusion Analysis 1 4 1 1 12 1 14 1 1 1 1 19 2 1 5 46 10 1 30 Security Operations 2 2 Grand Total 2 1 19 2 1 12 2 1 29 2 2 5 78 4 April 4, 2012 Status Report Status of Wave 1 Distribution (14 task statements per page) Questionnaire Pages Submitted by Job Role Job Role Org Code NIST NV Energy SEMPRA EEI PG&E EnergySec NATF ES-ISAC IEIA Forum ARRA TVA Grand Total Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Security Operations 27 8 10 6 7 20 Incident Response 2 Intrusion Analysis 8 3 11 3 8 12 5 1 104 3 19 4 2 17 Grand Total 37 8 10 6 10 31 3 8 12 9 6 140 Questionnaire pages completed per person 0.93 0.91 0.91 0.60 2.00 1.20 1 Demographics Demographic Pages Submitted Complete Org Code NIST EnergySec ES-ISAC ARRA N/A SEMPRA PG&E TVA IEIA Forum EEI NATF Encari SCE Gridwise APPA NV Energy Grand Total No 45 9 29 17 23 12 2 4 3 3 2 4 2 4 1 1 161 Yes 40 28 7 10 1 11 11 5 6 5 5 1 3 1 2 2 138 Grand Total 85 37 36 27 24 23 13 9 9 8 7 5 5 5 3 3 299 Questionnaire Pages RESPONSES PER WEEK Week 1 2 3 4 5 Demographics 90 22 4 21 2 Survey Sections 91 28 0 18 3 2 Status of Wave 2 & 3 Distribution (43 task statements per page) Count of Questionnaire Pages Demographic Survey Count of Questionnaire Pages Org Code 5: IEIA 6: NATF 7: ES-ISAC 8: UNITE 10: NV Energy 18: APPA 23: TVA 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 24: PG&E 52: Ameren Grand Total Complete No 4 8 13 2 1 2 2 8 3 10 1 54 Yes 1 24 7 1 2 2 3 3 3 30 3 79 Grand Total 5 32 20 3 3 4 5 11 6 40 4 133 Questionnaire Pages Submitted by Job Role Count of Questionnaire Pages Org Code 05: IEIA 06: NATF 07: ES-ISAC 08: UNITE 10: NV Energy 18: APPA Job Role In ci de nt R es p o ns e 1 3 1 1 12 Intrusion Analysis Security Operations 1 1 Grand Total 1 14 18 1 1 12 1 2 3 23: TVA 24: PG&E 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 52: Ameren Grand Total 10 1 29 2 1 19 2 1 1 39 1 29 2 2 1 70 4 March 30, 2012 Status Report Status of Wave 1 Distribution (14 task statements per page) Questionnaire Pages Submitted by Job Role Job Role Org Code NIST NV Energy SEMPRA EEI PG&E EnergySec NATF ES-ISAC IEIA Forum ARRA TVA Grand Total Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Security Operations 27 8 10 6 7 20 Incident Response 2 Intrusion Analysis 8 3 11 3 8 12 5 1 104 3 19 4 2 17 Grand Total 37 8 10 6 10 31 3 8 12 9 6 140 Questionnaire pages completed per person 0.93 0.91 0.91 0.60 2.00 1.20 1 Demographics Demographic Pages Submitted Complete Org Code NIST EnergySec ES-ISAC ARRA N/A SEMPRA PG&E TVA IEIA Forum EEI NATF Encari SCE Gridwise APPA NV Energy Grand Total No 45 9 29 17 23 12 2 4 3 3 2 4 2 4 1 1 161 Yes 40 28 7 10 1 11 11 5 6 5 5 1 3 1 2 2 138 Grand Total 85 37 36 27 24 23 13 9 9 8 7 5 5 5 3 3 299 Questionnaire Pages RESPONSES PER WEEK Week 1 2 3 4 5 Demographics 90 22 4 21 2 Survey Sections 91 28 0 18 3 2 Status of Wave 2 & 3 Distribution (43 task statements per page) Count of Questionnaire Pages Demographic Survey Count of Questionnaire Pages Complete Org Code 5: IEIA 6: NATF 7: ES-ISAC 8: UNITE 10: NV Energy 18: APPA 23: TVA 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 24: PG&E 52: Ameren Grand Total No 2 5 9 2 1 2 2 8 3 10 1 45 Yes Grand Total 2 12 14 3 3 4 5 10 5 44 4 106 7 5 1 2 2 3 2 2 34 3 61 Percentage of Grand Total 1.89% 11.32% 13.21% 2.83% 2.83% 3.77% 4.72% 9.43% 4.72% 41.51% 3.77% Questionnaire Pages Submitted by Job Role Count of Questionnaire Pages Org Code 6: NATF 7: ES-ISAC 8: UNITE 10: NV Energy 18: APPA 23: TVA 30: ARRA 32: ERCOT 24: PG&E 52: Ameren Grand Total Job Role Inci dent Respo nse 1 1 1 12 Intrusion Analysis 1 3 1 18 2 Security Operations 7 1 1 2 1 19 1 32 Grand Total 8 1 1 12 2 1 2 1 23 1 52 Percentage of Grand Total 15.38% 1.92% 1.92% 23.08% 3.85% 1.92% 3.85% 1.92% 44.23% 1.92% 3 Status of Distribution Wave 1 and 2 Distribution Channel Organization NESCO (EnergySec members) UNITE NRECA APPA EEI ESISAC (NERC) AEIC NATF Security Practices Group NAESB NASPI EPRI NIST CSWG ISA99 committee mailing (NIST) OpenSG Security Smart Grid Security Blog IEIA Forum Southern Cal. Edison NV Energy Encari (LinkedIn group) GWAC List Individual Individual TVA PG&E Individuals (by Lori Ross O’Neil) 23 Channels Original Estimates 500 400 800 800 500 50 500 12 100 30 500 30 100 46 1 5 650 1 1 150 5176 Confirmed # Sent 610 39 unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals 600 unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals 1000 unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals 750 500 unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals 52 1 5 650 unconfirmed totals 1 1 unconfirmed totals 150 unconfirmed totals Point of Contact Stacy Bresler Mark Engles, member Barry Lawson, Director Nathan Mitchell David Batz, Manager Ben Miller Len Holland, Director Karl Perman Rae McQuade, President Alison Silverstein Annabelle Lee Marianne Swanson James Gilsinn Darren Highfill Andy Bochman John Allen Gary Bell Eric Ohlson Steve Hamburg Ron Melton Joe Pereira Robert B. Burke Michael Tallent Lori Ross O'Neil 4359 4 Wave 3 Distribution Channel Organization PG&E SEMPRA AEP DTE Energy Consumers Energy ARRA SGIG NetSectech ERCOT Texas CIWG Oncor Pacificorp Hydro One First Energy National Grid NPCC Anfield Group Exelon Hydro QB TXU IESO NiSource - NIPSCO Southern Entergy ConEd Opwer NRG KCPL Progress Ameren FPL Alliant ATC Capital Power PEPCO 33 Channels Original Estimates 400 400 Confirmed # Sent 60 20 unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals 400 unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals 10 unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals unconfirmed totals 490 Point of Contact Jamey Sample Scott King Jerry Freese Lanse E LaVoy Jim Beechey Debbie Haught Adam Lispon Jim Brenton Bill Muston Bobby Timmons Rene Bourassa Brandon Bolon Brian Betterton Brian Hogue Chris Humphries Dan Hill Dan Popwhich Dave Andrews David Dunn Tim Conway Don Roberts Doug Mader Jon lim Lee Aber Marty Sidor Stephen Diebold Ed Goff Chuck Abel/Chris Sawall Anne Pramod Michael Churchill Steve Robert Johnson Frank Dorrin 5 March 23, 2012 Status Report JAQ Updates 1. Completed Wave 2 of JAQ distribution on Wednesday, March 21 (List of Entities sent to attached as attachment A) 2. Began Wave 3 of JAQ distribution to Utilities and Others for full survey responses on Wednesday, March 21 (to be completed by March 30) (List of Entities sent to attached as attachment B) Status of Wave 1 Distribution (prior to start of Wave 2) Surveys Completed by Job Role Org Code NIST NV Energy SEMPRA EEI PG&E EnergySec NATF ES-ISAC IEIA Forum ARRA TVA Grand Total Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Job Role Security Operations 27 8 10 6 7 20 Incident Response 2 Intrusion Analysis 8 3 11 3 8 12 5 1 104 3 19 4 2 17 Grand Total 37 8 10 6 10 31 3 8 12 9 6 140 Surveys completed per person 0.93 0.91 0.91 0.60 2.00 1.20 1 Demographics Survey ID Counts Org Code NIST EnergySec ES-ISAC ARRA N/A SEMPRA PG&E TVA IEIA Forum EEI NATF Encari SCE Gridwise APPA NV Energy Grand Total Complete No 45 9 29 16 23 12 2 4 3 3 2 4 2 4 1 1 160 Yes 40 28 7 10 1 11 11 5 6 5 5 1 3 1 2 2 138 Grand Total 85 37 36 26 24 23 13 9 9 8 7 5 5 5 3 3 298 Ranking of Difficulty of Survey by Respondents Difficulty of Survey Easy Not very difficult Moderately difficult Very difficult Total Responses 5 13 10 2 2 Attachment A Wave2 JAQ Channel Organizations SCE NIST NIST SCSBlog IEIA Forum IEIA Forum NATF ESISAC UNITE SG Security WG NV Energy EnergySec (Members) EEI GridWise(r) Architecture Council List + 2 Individuals from of ISO New England from initial GWAC mailing NRECA APPA AEIC NAESB NASPI EPRI Encari 3 Attachment B Wave3 JAQ Utilities / Organizations TVA PG&E SEMPRA AEP DTE Energy Consumers Energy ARRA SGIG NetSectech ERCOT Oncor Pacificorp Hydro One First Energy National Grid NPCC Anfield Group Exelon Hydro QB TXU IESO NiSource - NIPSCO Southern Entergy ConEd Opwer NRG KCPL Progress Ameren FPL Alliant ATC Capital Power PEPCO 4 March 14, 2012 Status Report SGC Panel Updates 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A focus session of the SGC Panel was held on March 13 to determine and update status of members’ progress in pilot of JAQ a. Of the 35 who started the survey, 11 have completed it in its entirety SGC Chair Justin Searle to follow up with the panel on status of those unable to attend the March 13 meeting and those still working to complete the survey Pilot of JAQ among panel to be complete by April 6 Recruitment of Phase 2 of SGC Panel is planned: Needs discussion NBISE suggests posting abstracts from interim reports to PNNL on its website. Needs approval JAQ Updates Wave 2 of JAQ distribution is planned for this week: Needs discussion 2. SGC Vice Chair Scott King suggested the utility representatives on panel forward an invite to their utility staff 1. Survey Trends RESPONSES PER WEEK Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Demographics 171 43 20 Surveys 168 44 3 1 Surveys Completed by Job Role Surveys Job Role Org Code Complete NIST NV Energy SEMPRA EEI PGE EnergySec NATF ES-ISAC IEIA Forum Grand Total Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Security Operations 27 8 10 6 7 20 Incident Response 2 Intrusion Analysis 8 3 11 3 5 9 92 16 Grand Total 37 8 10 6 10 31 3 5 9 Surveys completed per person 0.93 4.00 0.91 1.20 0.91 1.11 0.75 1.00 3.00 119 1.04 11 Demographics Survey ID Counts Org Code NIST EnergySec ES-ISAC SEMPRA PGE EEI IEIA Forum NATF SCE Encari Gridwise NV Energy Grand Total Complete No Yes 44 9 24 12 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 1 110 40 28 5 11 11 5 3 4 3 1 1 2 114 Grand Total 84 37 29 23 13 8 6 6 5 5 5 3 224 Potential Respondents Response Rate 500 500 100 60 60 500 46 12 60 500 100 5 2443 16.8% 7.4% 29.0% 38.3% 21.7% 1.6% 13.0% 50.0% 8.3% 1.0% 5.0% 60.0% 9.2% 2 SGC JAQ SURVEY Results as of March 7, 2012 Surveys Completed by Job Role Roles Surveys Org Code Job Role Complete NIST NV Energy SEMPRA EEI PGE EnergySec NATF ES-ISAC IEIA Forum Grand Total Security Operations Incident Response Intrusion Analysis Grand Total 27 8 10 6 7 20 2 8 37 8 10 6 10 31 3 5 9 Surveys completed per person 0.93 4.00 0.91 1.20 1.00 1.15 0.75 1.25 3.00 119 1.07 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 11 3 5 9 92 16 11 Demographics Survey ID Counts Org Code NIST EnergySec SEMPRA ES-ISAC PGE EEI NATF SCE Encari Gridwise IEIA Forum NV Energy Grand Total 1 COMPLETE No 44 8 12 15 2 3 2 2 4 4 1 1 98 Yes 40 27 11 4 10 5 4 3 1 1 3 2 111 Grand Total 84 35 23 19 12 8 6 5 5 5 4 3 209 Potential Respondents 500 500 60 100 60 500 12 60 500 100 0 800 3192 Response Rate 16.8% 7.0% 38.3% 19.0% 20.0% 1.6% 50.0% 8.3% 1.0% 5.0% 0.4% 6.5% Smart Grid Cybersecurity Panel Update SGC Panel Job Analysis Survey Status & Update SGC JAQ Surveys SGC JAQ Demographic 54% of respondents complete: • Landing page • Selecting a job role • Demographic page Survey ID Counts February 24, 2012 Status Report The next meeting of the SGC Panel is scheduled for March 13 2. IEIA Forum, Auckland, New Zealand Trip (report attached) 3. Phase 2: all necessary information submitted – waiting for final questions or comments. Please let us know if you require additional information. 4. Deliverables: 1. 14.b. Pilot of JAQ - Submitted ● Pre-Survey Demographic Questions ● Additions to Demographics and Definitions ● Changes to Survey Page Top Text to match Importance Language ● Miscellaneous issues per PNNL addressed ● Changes to Survey items based on Panel and PNNL comments (PDF) 5. Public JAQ - To be submitted this week Distributed JAQ through 26 Channels as of February 22. Investigating: LinkedIn groups, direct elicitation of JAQ taking by utilities ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Changes to statements containing “Determine” to the use of “Assess” Further revision of demographics Grid Titles Personalized URLs Final Landing page Final Survey Page Instructions Template with links created Exit Page Miscellaneous Bugs and Fixes: ○ LANDING PAGE ● Change the job descriptions to be listed down the page alphabetically ○ GROUPS ● Fix group numbering for single digit group numbers, adding a leading zero so that they sort correctly. ● Add pause survey and send email to continue ○ EXIT PAGE TEXT: ● Thank you for your smart grid Job Analysis Questionnaire submission. ● The additional survey should require only approximately 5 minutes of your time. Comments not working yet! ● The "Click here when finished commenting" submit returns back to the same page. 1 ○ FINAL IMPORTANCE TEXT: Importance in this context means: How important is this task for determining if an individual has a reached the target level of expertise (novice to expert)? 2 Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Analysis (Phase I) Task Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Analysis (Phase I)) (Create Panel Charter) (Conduct literature review) (Establish panel of SMEs) Form advisory group Identify prospective panel members Select panel leaders Select panel members (Interview SMEs in focus group sessions) Administrative Prepare focus group sessions Coordinate panel sessions Respond to panel survey Design standard panel meeting agenda Conduct panel kickoff meeting Panel Activities SME Panel develops list of goals and objectives SME Panel develops list of responsibilities SME Panel sorts responsibilities into goals (Prepare Job Definition Report) Supervise collection of Job Definition information Provide technology support for Job Definition sessions Collect and organize job definition information from panel sessions Revise alignment with IA Framework Draft Job Definition Report Review and finalize Job Definition Report (Develop and pilot Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ)) SME Panel develops lists of tasks SME Panel sorts tasks,methods and tools into goals Expected Finish Comments 2/9/2012 Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete 12/12/2011 10/17/2011 Complete 12/15/2011 12/22/2011 12/27/2011 12/12/2011 Complete 11/26/2011 11/18/2011 11/22/2011 11/27/2011 12/2/2011 12/12/2011 1/24/2011 1/3/2012 1/10/2012 Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Analysis (Phase I) Task Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Analysis (Phase I)) (Create Panel Charter) (Conduct literature review) (Establish panel of SMEs) (Interview SMEs in focus group sessions) Administrative Panel Activities (Prepare Job Definition Report) Supervise collection of Job Definition information Provide technology support for Job Definition sessions Collect and organize job definition information from panel sessions Revise alignment with IA Framework Draft Job Definition Report Review and finalize Job Definition Report (Develop and pilot Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ)) SME Panel develops lists of tasks SME Panel sorts tasks,methods and tools into goals Expected FinishComments 2/9/12 Complete Complete Complete 12/12/11 10/17/11 Complete 12/6/11 12/12/11 11/26/11 11/18/11 11/22/11 11/27/11 12/2/11 12/12/11 1/3/12 12/13/11 12/20/11 Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Analysis (Phase I) Task Owner Expected Finish Comments (Conduct literature review) David Tobey Research published sources of job classification and description informationResearch assistant Determine JAQ sampling plan with sources David Tobey Interview advisory board members to document literature sources David Tobey (Develop Job Classification Report) David Tobey Supervise research of published material Roni Reiter-Palmon Collect and digest job classification and description literature David Tobey Align functional roles with IA Framework David Tobey Draft Job Classification Report Roni Reiter-Palmon Review and finalize Job Classification Report David Tobey (Outreach) Conducted outreach briefing at Smart Grid West Michael Assante Conducted outreach briefing at NERC's Grid Security Conference Michael Assante 10/30/2011 10/27/2011 Complete 10/27/2011 10/25/2011 Complete 10/21/2011 10/28/2011 10/27/2011 10/27/2011 10/29/2011 10/30/2011 Complete Complete Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Analysis (Phase I) Task Owner Expected Finish Comments (Conduct literature review) David Tobey Research published sources of job classification and description informationResearch assistant Determine JAQ sampling plan with sources David Tobey Interview advisory board members to document literature sources David Tobey (Develop Job Classification Report) David Tobey Supervise research of published material Roni Reiter-Palmon Collect and digest job classification and description literature David Tobey Align functional roles with IA Framework David Tobey Draft Job Classification Report Roni Reiter-Palmon Review and finalize Job Classification Report David Tobey (Select panel members) Michael Prepare Panel SiteSpace Michael Finalize panel candidate roster and resumes Docs collection Michael Review panelist candidate information and select 30 nominees and 10 alternates Michael Launch panel leadership into SGC Panel SiteSpace Michael Conduct panel kickoff meeting(s) Lori Determine schedule for weekly panel sessions David Tobey (Outreach) Conducted outreach briefing at Smart Grid West Michael Assante Conducted outreach briefing at NERC's Grid Security Conference Michael Assante 10/21/2011 10/24/2011 10/25/2011 10/25/2011 10/21/2011 10/27/2011 10/26/2011 10/26/2011 10/29/2011 10/30/2011 11/18/2011 10/19/2011 Complete Complete Alternate recruiting in progress Complete Complete Complete Complete Smart Grid Smart Cybersecurity Grid Cybersec Job Smart Grid Cybersecurity Job Analysis (Phase I) Task Owner Expected Finish Comments (Conduct literature review) David Tobey Research published sources of job classification and description information Research assistant Identify events and other outreach opportunities Lori Determine JAQ sampling plan with sources David Tobey Interview advisory board members to document literature sources David Tobey Interview advisory board members to document literature sources Roni Reiter-Palmon (Develop Job Classification Report) David Tobey Supervise research of published material Roni Reiter-Palmon Collect and digest job classification and description literature David Tobey Align functional roles with IA Framework David Tobey Draft Job Classification Report Roni Reiter-Palmon Review and finalize Job Classification Report David Tobey (Select panel members) Michael Prepare Panel SiteSpace Michael Finalize panel candidate roster and resumes Docs collection Michael Review panelist candidate information and select 30 nominees and 10 alternates Michael Launch panel leadership into SGC Panel SiteSpace Michael Conduct panel kickoff meeting(s) Lori 10/21/2011 10/17/2011 10/12/2011 Complete 10/17/2011 10/17/2011 10/20/2011 10/21/2011 10/20/2011 10/18/2011 10/18/2011 10/21/2011 10/21/2011 11/18/2011 Complete Complete Alternate recruiting in progress 11/18/2011 Complete 10/12/2011 Scheduled for October 14 and 17 September 29, 2011 Status Report Activities completed: (Format will change) Advisory Board: Jamey Sample John Allen Bill Hunteman Joel Garmon Dr. Emannuel Hooper PG&E IEIA Forum DOE (Retired) Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center (CISO) Global Info Intel, and Harvard Officers: ● ● Chair and Vice Chair have been fully provisioned, to select panel membership by Friday, September 30. Letter to go out to panel candidates notifying them of selection process and chair and vice chair selection Chair Vice Chair Justin Searle Scott King InGuardians Sempra Members: ● Additional interest has been expressed in nominating candidates for inclusion on panel Candidates for Panel: Sandeep Bora Ron Balusamy (Balu) Andy Ryan Jeff Shawn Ray Art Steve Ido Michael Agrawal Akyol Ambrosio Arumugam Bochman Breed Bryner Chandler Cline Conklin Dougherty Dubrawsky Echols Neilsoft Limited PNNL IBM Research Infosys IBM, Smart Grid Security Blog, DOD Energy Blog ERCOT PGE Portland General Electric Univ Houston Univ Houston IBM Global Technology Services Itron Salt River Project 1 Barbara Bjorn Ed Steven Maria Jesse Lisa Cliff James Craig Brennan Terry James Mark Charles Craig Endicott Popovsky Frogner Goff Hanburg Hayden Hurley Kaiser Maraschino Mater Miller O’Brien Oliver Pittman Reed Reilly Rosen P. Sauer William Scott Chris Blake Anthony David Jason Gale Marty Clay Kevin Mark Don Mike Sanders Saunders Sawall Scherer Scott Sonon Sphantzer Stoddard Storey Tydings Ward Weber Wenstrom University of Washington Frogner Associates, Inc. Progress Energy Encari Pentagon NAESB Board DHS Southern California Edison PG&E NRECA BPA BPA Idaho Power Idaho Falls Power SCADA Security & Compliance, So. Cal. Edison PG&E Univ. Illinois / Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIPG) Center Univ. Illinois / Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIPG) Center SMUD Ameren Benton PUD Accenture Net Privateer Independent Consultant CVO Electrical Systems Avista SAIC PG&E InGuardians Mike Wenstrom Development Partners Upcoming Activities: Week of September 26: ● Panel Membership Decided ● Roster Finalized and Published ● Phase 1 Closed ● Operational Kickoff Meeting Scheduled Week of October 3: ● Identify Source for JAQ ● Begin Documenting Literature Sources ● Prepare Job Classification Report Upcoming Events/Opps for Outreach: 2 NERC GridSecCon October 19 3 September 22, 2011 Status Report Activities completed: (Format will change) Advisory Board: ● Advisory Board has been formed, is fully provisioned, and is in the process of selecting Chair and Vice Chair. Chair and Vice Chair to be finalized and notified by Monday, September 26. Advisors: Jamey Sample John Allen Bill Hunteman Joel Garmon Dr. Emannuel Hooper PG&E IEIA Forum DOE (Retired) Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center (CISO) Global Info Intel, and Harvard Candidates being considered for Officer positions: Scott King Justin Searle Michael Echols Erich Gunther Sempra InGuardians Salt River Project Enerex Members: ● ● Additional interest has been expressed in nominating candidates for inclusion on panel Chair and Vice Chair to select panel membership by Friday, September 30. Candidates for Panel: Sandeep Bora Ron Balusamy (Balu) Andy Ryan Jeff Shawn Ray Agrawal Akyol Ambrosio Arumugam Bochman Breed Bryner Chandler Cline Neilsoft Limited PNNL IBM Research Infosys IBM, Smart Grid Security Blog, DOD Energy Blog ERCOT PGE Portland General Electric Univ Houston 1 Art Steve Ido Barbara Bjorn Ed Steven Maria Jesse Lisa Cliff James Craig Brennan Terry James Mark Charles Craig Conklin Dougherty Dubrowsky Endicott Popovsky Frogner Goff Hanburg Hayden Hurley Kaiser Maraschino Mater Miller O’Brien Oliver Pittman Reed Reilly Rosen P. Sauer William Scott Chris Blake Anthony David Jason Gale Marty Clay Kevin Mark Don Mike Sanders Saunders Sawall Scherer Scott Sonon Sphantzer Stoddard Storey Tydings Ward Weber Wenstrom Univ Houston IBM Global Technology Services Itron University of Washington Frogner Associates, Inc. Progress Energy Encari Pentagon NAESB Board DHS Southern California Edison PG&E NRECA BPA BPA Idaho Power Idaho Falls Power SCADA Security & Compliance, So. Cal. Edison PG&E Univ. Illinois / Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIPG) Center Univ. Illinois / Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIPG) Center SMUD Ameren Benton PUD Accenture Net Privateer Independent Consultant CVO Electrical Systems Avista SAIC PG&E InGuardians Mike Wenstrom Development Partners Upcoming Activities: Week of September 26: ● Panel Membership Decided ● Roster Finalized and Published ● Phase 1 Closed ● Operational Kickoff Meeting Scheduled Week of October 3: ● Identify Source for JAQ ● Begin Documenting Literature Sources ● Prepare Job Classification Report 2 September 14, 2011 Status Report Activities completed: (Format will change) ● Continuing Focused Outreach and Invitations ● Outreach Efforts ● Current Roster of Candidates: Advisory Board: Jamey Sample John Allen Bill Hunteman Joel Garmon Dr. Emannuel Hooper PG&E IEIA Forum DOE (Retired) Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center (CISO) Global Info Intel, and Harvard Officers: Scott King Justin Searle Michael Echols Erich Gunther Neil Greenfield Members: Sempra InGuardians Salt River Project Enerex AEP Sandeep Bora Ron Balusamy (Balu) Agrawal Akyol Ambrosio Arumugam Andy Ryan Jeff Shawn Ray Art Steve Ido Barbara Bjorn Ed Bochman Breed Bryner Chandler Cline Conklin Dougherty Dubrowsky Endicott Popovsky Frogner Goff Neilsoft Limited PNNL IBM Research Infosys IBM, Smart Grid Security Blog, DOD Energy Blog ERCOT (phone (512) 248 PGE Portland General Electric Univ of Houston Univ of Houston IBM Global Technology Services Itron University of Washington Frogner Associates, Inc. Progress Energy 1 Steven Maria Jesse Lisa Cliff James Craig Brennan Terry James Mark Hanburg Hayden Hurley Kaiser Maraschino Mater Miller O’Brien Oliver Pittman Reed Charles Craig Scott Chris Blake Anthony David Jason Gale Marty Clay Kevin Mark Don Reilly Rosen Saunders Sawall Scherer Scott Sonon Sphantzer Stoddard Storey Tydings Ward Weber Encari Pentagon NAESB Board DHS Southern California Edison PG&E NRECA BPA BPA Idaho Power Idaho Falls Power SCADA Security & Compliance, So. Cal. Edison PG&E SMUD Ameren Benton PUD Accenture Net Privateer Independent Consultant CVO Electrical Systems Avista SAIC PG&E InGuardians ● Fully Provisioned Online System for Project Support ● Upcoming Activities: Week of September 12: ● Status Call on Program Management (Wednesday, September 14 | 12:00 pm Eastern) ● Advisory Board Meeting Week of September 19: Chair and Vice Chair selections will be made and candidates informed this week Chair and Vice Chair with NBISE staff to review and select candidates for panel membership ● Panel Membership Decided ● Operational Kickoff Meeting Week of September 26: ● Identify Source for JAQ ● Begin Documenting Literature Sources 2 ● Prepare Job Classification Report 3 September 7, 2011 Status Report Activities completed: (Format will change) ● Continuing Focused Outreach and Invitations ● Outreach Efforts NESCO Staff Briefing UNITE Security Directors Webinar Briefing NAESB Discussion DOE OE sent outreach note to all electricity sector industry associations ● ● NBISE is awaiting status on PNNL outreach efforts and standing by to support as necessary Current Roster of Candidates: Officers: Scott King – Sempra Justin Searle - InGuardians Terry Oliver - BPA Gal Sphantzer - Independent Consultant Mike Mertz - PNM Resource Ron Ambrosio - IBM Research Members: Craig Rosen - PG&E Tony Suarez - TVA Chris Sawall - Ameren Andy Bochman - IBM, Smart Grid Security Blog, DOD Energy Blog Sandeep Agrawal - Neilsoft Limited Steve Dougherty - IBM Global Technology Services Michael Echols - Salt River Project Phil Slack - FPL James Mater - QualityLogic Mark Ward - PG&E Jeff Bryner - PGE Shawn Chandler - PGE Erich Gunther - Enerex Scott Saunders - SMUD Ed Goff - Progress Energy Ryan Breed - ERCOT 1 Neil Greenfield - AEP Don Weber - InGuardians Lisa Kaiser - DHS Dr. Emmanuel Hooper - Global Info Intel and Harvard Cliff Maraschino Southern California Edison Charles Reilly - SCADA Security & Compliance, So. Cal. Edison Bjorn Frogner - Frogner Associates, Inc. Balusamy Arumugam (Balu) - Infosys Steven Hanburg - Encari Jesse Hurley - NAESB Board James Pittman – Idaho Power Advisory Board: Jamey Sample - PG&E John Allen - IEIA Forum Bill Hunteman Jason Sonon - Net Privateer Joel Garmon - Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center (CISO) ● Fully Provisioned Online System for Project Support ● Upcoming Activities: Week of September 5: ● Status Call on Program Management (Wednesday, September 7 | 12:00 pm Eastern) ● Establish Advisory Board Advisory panel selections will be made and candidates informed early in the week of Sept. 5 Will hold Welcome Call and engage new Advisory Board members in discussion of selecting Chair and Vice Chair ● Selection of Chair and Vice Chair Week of September 12: ● Operational Kick-off Week of September 23: ● Panel Membership Decided ● Identify Source for JAQ ● First Panel Session: Vignettes 2 September 1, 2011 Status Report Activities completed: (Format will change) ● Continuing Focused Outreach and Invitations ● Outreach Efforts NESCO Staff Briefing UNITE Security Directors Webinar Briefing NAESB Discussion DOE OE sent outreach note to all electricity sector industry associations ● ● NBISE is awaiting status on PNNL outreach efforts and standing by to support as necessary Current Roster of Candidates: Officers: Scott King – Sempra Justin Searle - InGuardians Terry Oliver - BPA Gal Sphantzer - Independent Consultant Mike Mertz - PNM Resource Ron Ambrosio - IBM Research Members: Craig Rosen - PG&E Tony Suarez - TVA Chris Sawall - Ameren Andy Bochman - IBM, Smart Grid Security Blog, DOD Energy Blog Sandeep Agrawal - Neilsoft Limited Steve Dougherty - IBM Global Technology Services Michael Echols - Salt River Project Phil Slack - FPL James Mater - QualityLogic Mark Ward - PG&E Jeff Bryner - PGE Shawn Chandler - PGE Erich Gunther - Enerex Scott Saunders - SMUD Ed Goff - Progress Energy Ryan Breed - ERCOT 1 Neil Greenfield - AEP Don Weber - InGuardians Lisa Kaiser - DHS Dr. Emmanuel Hooper - Global Info Intel and Harvard Cliff Maraschino Southern California Edison Charles Reilly - SCADA Security & Compliance, So. Cal. Edison Bjorn Frogner - Frogner Associates, Inc. Balusamy Arumugam (Balu) - Infosys Steven Hanburg - Encari Jesse Hurley - NAESB Board Advisory Board: Jamey Sample - PG&E John Allen - IEIA Forum Bill Hunteman Jason Sonon - Net Privateer Joel Garmon - Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center (CISO) ● Fully Provisioned Online System for Project Support ● Upcoming Activities: Week of September 5: ● Status Call on Program Management (Wednesday, September 7 | 12:00 pm Eastern) ● Establish Advisory Board Advisory panel selections will be made and candidates informed early in the week of Sept. 5 Will hold Welcome Call and engage new Advisory Board members in discussion of selecting Chair and Vice Chair ● Selection of Chair and Vice Chair Week of September 12: ● Operational Kick-off Week of September 23: ● Panel Membership Decided ● Identify Source for JAQ ● First Panel Session: Vignettes 2